#my classical music hyperfix is out of control
nyle-style · 7 months
Can the Doctor meet Gustav Holst pretty please RTD I’ll do anything
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am-i-interrupting · 6 months
How Autism Effects Them
For Me. Hi, I’m autistic and I write these specific characters with autism in mind. Here’s how it effects my writing of them.
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Alastor is a sensory avoidant autistic with the PDA profile.
He avoids touch unless specifically initiated by him or someone he trusts.
He cannot stand any type of soft touch and is much more receptive to strong grips.
Part of the reason he employed Niffty is because of her obsessive cleaning and his need for things to be orderly but lack of willpower or energy to clean.
He has a specific way of organizing things and Niffty quickly caught on and adopted those same values.
He avoids going certain places due to sounds which may occur. Specifically retaining to music.
He enjoys Jazz, swing, classical, and blues. That is it.
Being sensory avoidant, does not mean, however, that he never seeks sensory stimulation. It is just something he does not do often.
One of the biggest ways he seeks some sort of new experience, sensory or emotion wise, is actually through his planned chaos like with the Hotel. A situation he has some control over and sway in how it goes.
The main stimulation he will look for is the feeling of blood between his teeth and fingers or the best of his favorite songs. Though, he also enjoys the smells and tastes of various spices.
(Personally, I am of the belief that dancing is a stim that he participates in because it’s socially acceptable.)
He is very in touch with his needs and what his body communicates to him even if he doesn’t always have words to describe them.
The PDA profile of autism is known as Pathological Demand Avoidance or, preferred by many PDA-era, Persistent Drive for Autonomy. This often shows up as feeling like anything perceived as a demand is a threat and reacting accordingly.
This results in despite him knowing what his body needs, he refuses to give in to it.
How dare his body tell him to sleep, he is in the middle of very important things that he does not want to stop doing and will stay up even longer to spite his body.
How dare Charlie and Vaggie insist he use video when his radio station is perfectly available, he will mess it up out of spite.
His special interests are actually radio and body anatomy. This fueled both his career choices.
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Lucifer is a depressed, anxiety ridden AuDHD king.
He hyperfixates on his projects and forgets to eat, drink, even go to the bathroom.
He struggles with keeping relationships.
You send him a message, he forgets to reply, remembers to reply two weeks later, spends another week debating whether or not it’s too late to reply before finally replying or just starting a new conversation.
He is easily overwhelmed in social situations and cannot maintain multiple conversations at once.
He will fixate on one person and only reply to them.
Just barges in on conversations and chimes in when initiated at inappropriate times.
He bounces between needing complete silence, a specific noise, or an amount of noise that would overwhelm others constantly.
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Vaggie is an autistic who has alexthymia.
She’s very monotoned and doesn’t know how to express her emotions because frankly, she doesn’t always know what they are.
It’s like there’s some disconnect between her thoughts and her body.
She’s not very good at articulating what she feels or connecting what her body is experiencing to her emotions.
She actually has a journal filled with bodily descriptions and how they connect to what she thinks she should be feeling. It helps her describe them to you better.
She doesn’t just have a disconnect with her feelings but her body as a whole.
She does not process things that should be painful as painful.
Her brain doesn’t always compute what signals her body is giving her so she can often forget to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, sleep.
She has certain rituals she does in order to try to connect better with her body and understand what it needs.
Every morning while she’s getting ready, she needs complete silence so she can connect.
She goes through the motions of brushing her hair and takes note of how it feels before and after. She does the same with brushing her teeth.
A couple times every day, she just has to stop everything, find a quiet place, and try to understand what her body is telling her.
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Vox has the PDA profile of autism, is sensory seeking, and has OCD-like tendencies.
See Alastor, point 13 for definition of PDA.
His PDA comes up in a much more controlling way than Alastor’s. Or at least obviously controlling.
He needs everything to go a specific way and gets very disregulated when it doesn’t.
I feel like this also makes his RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) worse.
Not only does he have the disappointment and feeling of failure when he is rejected or dismissed but he also has the emotional disregulation of his PDA which makes him feel like he’s been threatened and in danger to deal with on top of this.
His PDA often results in his use of manipulation and hypnosis over the general populace to ensure a favorable outcome for him.
If he is told to do something and there’s no way out of doing it, he will coerce the situation into something that at least feels like he has control over it.
However, if he does have a way out of it. He simply won’t do it or will purposefully do it wrong.
If you ask him to do something that he was already doing, he will walk away and come back to do it later when you’re gone.
His sensory seeking behavior is often like how we were introduced to him, plugging himself into his systems and being bombarded with the sounds of people.
He does this to regulate.
It’s cathartic to him in the same way blasting loud music when you’re upset is.
His main source of stimulation is through noise and sight.
He finds things like bright lights a calming thing as well.
He is a bit sensory avoidant though but it shows up very differently to Alastor’s.
It shows up in the form of constant cleanliness, yes, but Alastor finds cleanliness soft, unstained rugs and polished wooden desks whereas Vox finds it in a much more modern style.
Counters that don’t have a single finger print on them. Floors that are tile and shining, always looking freshly waxed.
Alastor’s version of clean is warm and homely. Vox’s version of clean is cold and slick.
This also plays into his OCD-like tendencies.
For Alastor it’s an annoyance when these things get out of place. For Vox it’ll ruin his entire day and he has to rearrange his schedule in order to fix it.
Another sensory experience he avoids would be strong smells. He cannot cope with them as they overwhelm him, along with taste.
His part of the tower is very pristine and actually very cold temperature wise not only because he enjoys colder temperatures but they also prevent him from overheating when he’s upset or just feeling strong emotions.
Going to the other parts of the tower are not something he enjoys.
Velvette’s normally smells of strong perfumes and Valentino’s smells of a combination of perfume and sex.
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pjsk-headcanons · 18 days
omg i have so many hcs for the characters and video games. warning this is probably the longest ask ill ever write
ichika - big classic sonic fan, also likes rhythm games (like rhythm heaven n stuff)
saki - played a lot of pokemon in the hospital bcs tsukasa would bring her his gameboy and pokemon ruby (or smtg) bcs once he showed her a surskit and she begged him to let her play bcs it was cute. she is now a die hard pokemon fan
honami - doesnt really play video games but she has lets go eevee and a bunch of eeveelution and pikaclone plushies
shiho - plays like everything, but she especially likes fighting games and ace attorney. also plays every mario game when it comes out but only bcs "of how popular he is"
minori - LOVES needy streamer overload and cute rhythm games like melatonin. she also deff plays like harvest moon & stardew valley & stuff
haruka - before she became an idol she would play like silly mobile games but she never really got into games
airi - she is obsessed with the legend of zelda and completes every game on release (unless she has a show) (thats the only exception) shes tried other games simular to tloz but none have really stuck
shizuku - she knows like the basic controls of super smash bros brawl but she sucks like hell
kohane - still cries over abandoning her nintendogs sometimes. she plays a lot of raising animal games and tycoons on roblox sometimes
an - name one rhythm game she hasnt played i dare you. any game that can slightly require musical tallent or a sense of rhythm has been played by her (not in full but like). also she likes warioware
akito - sonic nerd. tails is his fav character with shadow in close second bcs of a middle school phase he went through but shadow stuck as a fav. ena has also played a lot of sonic bcs of this man
toya - wasnt allowed to play video games but vbs and the tenmas are slowly introducing him to those like combining games like tetris and suika game. hes surprisingly good
tsukasa - hyperfixates on pokemon like every other month. he makes a persona for every character he plays and gets emotionally attached and stuff (totally not projecting)
emu - kirby lover!!! also plays splatoon at least every splatfest and cooking games. she deff plays a lot of vr and has liked that job sim vr game with the tv robots
nene - we all know she likes shooting games (but idk that many so bare w me). she deff is the one who introduced emu to splatoon & they always chiose the same splatfest team. she also plays just any arcade shooting games and used to play fortnite but shes more into cos & apex now
rui - rui makes his own video games (rom hacks the shit outa every game he plays) (also has homebrewed his wii and wii u)
kanade - likes low stress games like melatonin and animal crossing. she also plays like stupid sims like bee simulator and placid plastic duck sim (one of her favs). she doesnt like multiplayer games that much though
mafuyu - she had a gameboy advanced that her dad got her when she was younger and she played like any game on clearance bcs her mom would get pissed if a game cost too much. that gamebot is now smashed and sold for parts, so are all the games
ena - HATES sonic with a passion. i wonder whos fault that is. she would always play those dress up games but woukd mess with photoshop and stuff more
mizuki - she wasnt allowed to play like rhythm games or fasion games when she was younger. she was told to play mario, or the legend of zelda, or starfox. she managed to convince her parents to let her play kirby and shes been obsessed ever since
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My chaotic grad school academia
Writes only with cheap clear bic/biro or fountain pen, no inbetween (wooden pencils)
Beta reads fanfics and friends’ grad thesis
CD > Vinyl (still collects tho)
Obsessed with music
Grades papers listening to an iPod classic
Phobia of read books, still goes to the book section with wife despite running out of bookshelves a year ago
Wanders the bookstore but only ever gets books from the library (it’s that plastic wrapped cover. They make me feel safe)
Wine in mason jars
Analog watch that always an hour behind
Carries my Stanley everywhere (it’s only filled with ice; Xmas gift) and actually uses it as my only reusable cup
90s Toyota is my entire personality
Leggings and blazers
Crocs and business casual to teach class
Absolutely no impulse control
Too many trips to Target to check out the music section
Hyperfixates on new thing/fictional character/album every 2 months
Absolutely no sleep schedule (IM DOOMED)
Wishes I could be a moody chain smoking alcoholic academic but I just doomscroll and avoid my responsibilities instead (IM STILL JUST AS DOOMED) (we’re all also too lazy/busy to drink)
Drinks too much iced coffee; hates coffee (I’ll like it by the time I graduate at the rate I’m going)
Random spurts of creative inspiration; absolute manic burn out
Gets to be intellectual on main at all times it’s fun
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lalalussuria · 4 months
the playlist
“hey, why don’t you put some music on?” he asked; a completely innocuous question, but i have plenty of playlists with various energies, most to all of them being passionate. i scroll past many of my playlists “angry for the upteenth time”, “i will not shut up”, “laundry list”, “the sad side of bpd”, none of them quite fit what i was looking for. “sex with the dead”. now that was what i wanted.
in my room
we continued solving our respective rubix cubes. it was a mutual hyperfixation. “oh, i love this one”, he said, turning to me. my legs laid across his lap; a mild form of physical contact, perfectly explained as completely platonic. “it’s the certain kind of obsession that i absolutely love.” i turned, looking into his eyes. he had the most beautiful eyes, his dark hair framing them perfectly. my eyes flitted from his eyes to his lips for only a moment. it was a classic move, he returned the gesture. i looked away, feigning bashfulness, letting out a small laugh. “bryn, what are we doing?” he grasped my chin gently and turned my face to his. he brushed my hair from my face, cupping it in his hand for a moment. he gently kissed me. pulling away slowly, i scanned his eyes for any sort of emotion, any intention; he could see the doe-eyed look on my face though, in that moment, he knew exactly what we were going to do.
tear you apart
grabbing my throat, he pushed me to lay on the couch. as he applied gentle pressure on the sides, i couldn’t help but pull him closer. his lips met mine and we were deep in the throws of passion. grasping, groping, holding his hips, running my fingers through his hair, “more”, i gasped. he choked me harder and my mind went blank. in that moment, i was his for the taking. he pulled up my shirt and undid my bra; with his free hand, he pulled and twisted my nipple. he had once commented on the desperation that this song made him feel; i agreed in the moment but didn’t understand the magnitude of this feeling until now. the gasps that were escaping my mouth soon turned to moans. he removed his hand from my nipple and clasped it over my mouth. “be quiet, or i will be forced to shut you up.” i nodded, expectedly, obedience was only my forté when it came to what he asked of me. removing his hand from my mouth, he planted his lips atop one nipple, using his now free hand to twist, pinch, and pull the other.
in my mouth
although i tried to keep quiet, my efforts were in vain. he removed his once occupied hand from my nipple and shoved his fingers down my throat; “mm, your gag reflex is still nonexistent, i see.” i sucked his fingers for a moment, reminding him of my capabilities. he gently bit down on my nipple, prompting a short yelp. i returned his bite, harder than his. he grunted and withdrew his hand. “on your knees. now.” i sat on the floor, looking up at him hungrily. he undid his belt and dropped his pants. he had hardly done so before i had taken the whole thing in my mouth. it was much bigger than i had remembered, but this was no problem for me. i began working my way up and down his length and soon it was him who could not control his volume. removing his dick from my mouth, i looked up at him mischievously. he looked down to see my expression and commanded “open. wide.” i shook my head at him, a small smile forming on my face. he grabbed a fistful of my hair with one hand and forced my mouth open with the other. he forced himself between my lips, moving then to hold both sides of my head. he thrusted in time with the music, each time hitting the back of my throat; i was loving every minute.
not my type: dead as fuck 2
the moment the song started, he removed himself from my mouth. “beanbag” i immediately complied with his command and laid down. retrieving his belt, he tied my hands above my head. kissing him one last time before he began, i bit his lip; tasting his blood made my head spin. “oh, so we’re biting again?” he put his fingers into my mouth once again and then swiftly pushed them inside of me. he latched onto my throat, his teeth sinking into my flesh. my gasps returned as i struggled for air. i felt as though i would soon lose consciousness. he bit harder for only a moment longer, withdrawing with my blood in his teeth. i sat up to kiss him and he pushed me back down, moving his head to between my legs. i thought he would soon get to work, but he instead bit deeply into my thigh. my moans returned and he shoved my panties into my mouth. once again, the pain made my head spin; when i felt i could not take any more, he moved his lips to the ones between my thighs. as he got to work, my head began spinning again. i was moving closer and closer to the end and my moans matched the sentiment. my back arched as i finished, losing consciousness.
i awoke to find myself bent over the side of the couch, hands tied behind my back now. “oh good, you’re awake, i was worried i would have to start before you woke up.” he whispered in my ear. i could feel his hard, throbbing cock pressed against me. “are you ready?” “mmhmm” i answered through my panties, still in my mouth. he pulled me closer and entered me from behind, slowly. he knew that i had a hard time due to his sheer size, i whimpered as he entered further. “i know, i know it hurts, be a good girl and take it for me.” i was beginning to see stars, but i knew there was still more to take. i felt impossibly full. he was moving slowly at first but he soon began to lose control. he thrust harder and faster, the line between pain and pleasure blurring in my mind. i could feel myself gripping around him, but it was hard to tell given the sheer girth he possessed. i could feel it again, i was losing consciousness; i spit the gag from my mouth and whimpered “please”. “hmm?” he asked between grunts. “please i can’t-“ and i lost consciousness again.
when i woke up, i noted that he had changed the playlist. as he ran his fingers up and down my chest, a shiver ran through my body. i found myself covered in a blanket, my hands free, with his cum dripping from my lips. “here we go” he said, turning me on my side to look towards him. i could barely keep my eyes open, but the look on his face told me everything i needed to know. “did i-“ i said in a voice, barely above a whisper. “you did great, love. are you okay?” he asked, brushing my hair from my face. “mmhmm” “good, here, drink this” he handed me a glass of water and i drank the whole thing. he held me tightly for a while, then stood up and got some fruit snacks. i fell back asleep before he could return.
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marzipanwings9099 · 2 months
☎️ - Hello! Marzipan wrote to you!
Yes, yes! I have a hyperfix on the boys from Craig's Creek 😭💔....
I had an idea that on one of Secret and George's dates this situation could happen:
"... The romantic moment collapsed in a second when a ringing sound came from George's bag.
- Oh, I'm so sorry... - He reached into his bag and took out his phone.
- Nothing. By the way, isn't it common courtesy to keep your phone on silent? Doesn't that probably interrupt you from listening to classical music and your tea schedule?
- Do you think we
listening classical music?
- Do you listening anything else?
- Well, for example, Russian rap! Immortal classics. - George looked up from the incoming message and, smiling, looked at Secret, who burst out laughing at the stupidity of this joke. Secret, unable to control his uncontrollable laughter, suddenly let out a loud laughing sound. A loud "Hrq" flew over the field of fireflies at the moment when he shamefully covered his mouth with his hands and slowly turned his gaze to George, whose face expressed bewilderment and at the same time affection, shining in the corners of an awkward smile. Secret was sure that according to the rules of etiquette this was considered the greatest disrespect, but ... It seemed that George did not think so.
- You did not hear anything. - Secret punished, frowning.
- This secret will die with me, Kepp. - George answered, running his hand over his mouth and snapping his fingers, pretending to throw away a key. - What do I need to do to make you laugh again?
- Nothing! I am very serious, you know. I do not laugh over trifles!
- Yes, yes, I understand.
- Stop teasing me, teapot!
George wanted to respond to this exquisite insult, but the ringing distracted him again.
- My parents are already looking for me... I think it's time for me to go.
- Yeah, me too, don't worry.
- Sooooo... Should I walk you home? You know... What if the tea set attacks?!
- You're the worst comedian I've ever seen, Georgie, and believe me, I can stand up for myself better than you can. - Secret clenched his fingers, imitating cat claws, and smiled.
- Oh, yeah, sorry, I completely forgot. - George grinned and, like any gentleman, let Secret go first.
- You know I'm not a girl, right?
- The rules of decency have not been abolished!
Unfortunately, Secret's and George's houses were in different directions, but George still volunteered to walk Secret at least to the end of the street, as expected... And by the way, you already know this little devil, there is no need to explain that a gentleman always takes care of his lady, even if this lady is not a lady, but a guy.
- End of the street. It's time for you to go, otherwise they will put you under house arrest and no one will listen to you about the annoying chemistry teacher.
- Hey! Is this the only thing you remember from my secrets?
- No, of course not, Georgie, I remember aaaaaaall your secrets. - Secret drawled and smiled awkwardly, again. A minute or two of loving glances followed, when George turned to show the direction and suddenly felt a hand between his styled hair, and the hand was followed by a quick, gentle kiss on the forehead.
- By the way, it's time for me to go! - Secret shouted at the end and disappeared around the corner.
- ... Saint Xavier, may tea be poured on me... Am I in love?"
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leadendeath · 7 months
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it was only after i learned that 1. i am not alone in experiencing this feeling and 2. this can be an adhd thing, that i felt so validated in the feeling of “juggling hyperfixations”. it feels like this meme image ^ like that’s such a perfect visual to go along with what i’m about to say.
in the past i felt sooo bad when a new interest barged its way in to my brain’s Interest Room (i see my brain as a room ok, different people who are my selves and different interests come in and out!). i felt bad for classic rock of 60s-70s when homestuck decided to sit right in front of me like a pet who’s being annoying circa 2013. i feel a special hard-to-describe almost kind of STRESS? (but a very minor stress mind you) when i find myself present day, with not just two but THREE things i’m so freakin into. very strong interests. hyperfixations. i love having words now that my past self couldn’t use because we didn’t know the words existed. we didn’t know there was something “wrong”(i prefer to say there was something “different” instead 2 b less negative !)
so yeah the things i’m trying to juggle are:
doom the game and various genres of metal music (they go hand in hand, and sometimes they even collide! i have a whole youtube playlist of metal midis that would fit right in in doom wads, u can ask me for it if you like the same niche as i do!) (i listened to so much metal today it’s so great and diverse i love it so much great background music but also great Anything music <333 listen to it in a good mood or in a bad mood it’s there for you any time)
spenge bab. to relate this back to the previous point i just made above this one; i already said i’m one of those people who listens to horrible abrasive music but then is also simultaneously like “yayyy happy sea creature cartoon :D :3” like it’s so funny. u already know to the extent which i like this thing. it’s helped me get back into art (…which i don’t post to this blog; i have other spaces for this niche tbh) and when i first got into it it was there for me during a terrible time (i was having the extra big depression last year around july/august)
jerm. dear rat boy. like the point before this one, i started watching him a lot during the same extremely bad july/august 2023 time. i knew him a little before but he was another thing which i’ve (about to make up a new phrase here) special interest-bonded with, during a difficult time. sometimes when i’m actively in the bad episode, i think to myself “gee when i’m better i sure hope i can enjoy this media and not automatically associate it with a bad time D:” and YEAH! THAT DIDNT HAPPEN I CAN STILL ENJOY WATCHING HIM EVEN THO IM OUTTA THE DEPRESSION PIT FOR NOW!!! i worried this same thing about death grips when i was coping with them when i was in the pit and they happened to be my #1 fav band years ago . i still love them and can enjoy them without thinking of all the times i was in the pit !!!
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weirdtrashpanda · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Songs Analysis
Aka Rei has a new hyperfixation and has to talk about it or he will explode
Since I basically grew up on Musicals (it's in my blood) and I do appreciate a hell centered cartoon/animation, of course my new fav is Hazbin Hotel.
Since the first episode I can't stop listening to the songs and well... my theorist brain is doing overtime. So here's a layman analysis of the music.
I will get to my theories about the story and such at some later point.
Let's go! Spoilers ahead, duh.
First of all: Sam Haft is a genius. Alex Brightman is amazing. And every character has a genre or at least signature instrument. And obviously a lot of my own opinions.
Happy Day in Hell
We basically get hit in the face with a classical Musical Number and get to know Charlie's dream and her musical style. Plus some small hints at Vaggie's background.
The music and the style is very reminiscent of Overtures from modern Musicals, which is very fitting.
Hell Is Forever
Already a callback to previous songs, but fast. Once Adam starts the genre switch to rock, which is Adam's signature style.
Before his guitar solo is a pretty nice reference.
The message is basically "Fuck you, I do what I want bitch"
Stayed Gone
Ah yes, the sexual tension /hj
The beginning is very rhythmical, controlled and straight (ha). Once Vox gets going it gets more swingy with repeated patterns. The quick parts show what a talker he is.
Alastor slides in and slowly takes the song over like in Hells Greatest Dad. Also the piano gets a bit more present once Alastor joins.
In the end Alastor completely took over.
It Starts With Sorry
At first this song seemed so random, but well. Now it makes sense.
When Sir Pentious starts singing, in the background there's a guitar mimicking snake Rattles.
Again a very Broadway song. I cannot get over that this again is Alex Brightman!
I love it.
Carmilla's theme is obviously Latin with a Spanish guitar. And Velvet's Hip Hop or at least something similar, not sure because not my type of music.
Zestials small part shows how adaptable he is.
Whatever It takes
Hopefully we get more songs with Zestial.
Again it starts with guitar, and turns into a amazing power ballad. It shows Carmillas passion and devotion to her family.
Veggies part on the other hand is so "weak". Which totally makes sense, since she is still so scared. We also get some hints again. In the background you can hear a kind of glockenspiel.
The duet makes now more sense. Daphne Rubin-Vega is crushing it, amazing voice.
Ah yes, the controversial song. Tbh stop, listen again and start thinking. Chill.
EDM seems to be Angel's genre which is so fitting.
The lyrics are heartbreaking. No, he is not glorifying his abuse, he doesn't know another way. Angel has given up, he is trapped. So the least he can do is have fun. He's already in Hell, so fuck it.
The last chorus. Ah! This is not Angel Dust, this is Anthony breaking down.
Loser, Baby
No one was prepared for this. Keith David could fuck me just with his voice, respectfully.
Husk's style is kinda idk, brass ig. But don't quote me on that.
The lyrics are perfect and so relatable.
Fun Fact someone on TikTok pointed out: Husk offers Angel his hand and only pulls him along when Angel takes his hand. We stan a gentleman.
Hell's Greatest Dad
Electro Swing! The title alone shows Lucifers Pride. And how much he cares about Charlie.
Again Alastor butting in to take control. God, he loves being that guy.
The violin solo, such a nice reference.
Headcanon: Mimzy waited for the perfect time to bust in.
More Than Anything
Ah yes, the midpoint dramatic ballad duet.
It's so boring but sweet. They harmonize so nicely. Who doesn't love a good healthy bonding song.
Also harmonies in this song a peak.
Welcome To Heaven
I know this voice! Blaine from Glee went to Heaven!
The style is so clean and fake, perfect. Also organ.
The lyrics are low-key petty. Also Molly?!
You Didn't know
Such a dramatic song, very musical end of act 1.
Love the switch when Lute starts singing, again with rock but much more controlled than with Adam.
Emily's theme is also very mousy in the beginning.
The callback to Hell Is Forever is so nice, the harmonies though...
Big reveal at the end. Adam is a Dick. (Hehe)
Out For Love
Heck yea! Carmilla centered song.
Very Latin and passionate, love it, still with a modern flair.
Tbh Carmilla is underrated.
Ready For This
You go girl! Again very Broadway.
Once the cannibals join in it gets more old-timey, which fits the period the Town is in. Really sounds like a cheery war song.
Rosie and Alastors dynamic is amazing, just two queer besties being their true self.
This song also gets us excited for the final battle and stills shows Charlie's anxiety.
More Than Anything (Reprise)
This was torture. Normally a Reprise is very telling, example Hamilton.
I was so scared for Vaggie. Still amazing song, good representation.
What an ending! I was in tears.
The little callbacks amazing, Lucifer being there for his daughter. Everyone supporting her now. It's really a perfect Finale song.
Vox and Valentino being gay and their usual self.
Alastor's part reaks of foreshadowing. No, Alturist is probably not his surname. And no, he doesn't really care about Charlie and Co, he is there for power.
Amazing music and storytelling. Perfect for the mental ill 18+ theater nerds.
The Living Tombstone are amazing! Listen to their music.
Looking forward to the next season.
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zoobiefish · 2 years
Yooo, why was I not informed about what Auctober is??? We’re about halfway through the month and I’ve only just recently heard of it! I got some catching up to do, so without further ado, here we go!
Day 01: Stims
I am a biiiiig time stimmer! I mostly use my fidget toys to stim, but another common stim I have is shaking my feet. I tend to shake my feet when I’m idle and have a bit too much energy or I’m excited. I kind of think of it like a dog wagging its tail when it’s excited lol I do a lot of vocal stims too like humming, repeating dialogue from media, singing or just saying words I like out loud.
Day 02: Infodumping
Omg, I am horrible with infodumping 😅 I will infodump at any given opportunity unless someone clearly tells me to shut up haha. I sometimes annoy people with how much I infodump and people have repeatedly told me “no offense Zoob, but I really don’t care,” and like I get it but also wow, rude. I often infodump about space, biology, history (especially art history), The Legend of Zelda, languages, pschology and cosmic horror. I have a pretty wide range of special interests and hyperfixations and it means a lot when someone actually allows me to infodump about them. Infodumping about my own interests may come across as selfish, but it’s not my intention. Infodumping is actually what helps me connect with people and is how I show that I do want to connect!
Day 03: Collections
The biggest collection I have is my fidget toy collection! I have an entire big bin full of them and I may or may not impulse buy them sometimes 😅 I also collect Legend of Zelda games and merchandise. I’m thinking when I eventually have a place of my own, my bedroom will be completely Zelda themed 😝
Day 04: Animal Friends
My favourite animal is cats! I particularly like maine coons because of how big and fluffy they are and they have such a sweet temperament 🥰 I have a maine coon with a tabby coat pattern named Curry. He is such a sweetie and he comforts me when I’m overwhelmed or I’m having a meltdown. When he notices I’m upset, he’ll climb up on my lap or my stomach depending on whether I’m sitting or lying down and he’ll start purring and nuzzling me until I calm down. He always wants to be around me and follows me from room to room throughout the day. He even sleeps on top of my head on my pillow at night, or sometimes he’ll sleep at the foot of my bed. According to the research I’ve done online, cats will typically sleep by your feet because it’s easier to look out for you and alert you when there’s danger. They can be quite protective of their beloved humans! One time I remember waking up in the early hours of the morning with a horrible headache on the left side of my head above my eye. As if he knew, Curry came into my bedroom, laid down in his usual spot above my head and gently placed his paw on the spot where my head hurt. He is such a sweetheart and I have no idea what I’d do without him 💖
Day 05: Music
Music is one of my favourite ways to stim! I listen to music to either get pumped, relax or help me focus. I have comorbid ADHD along with my autism, and so whenever I’m studying or reading a book I have to put on instrumental music in order to focus. I do the same when I’m writing my own book! Typically when I play instrumental music, it’s usually lo-fi, classical, videogame OSTs or ancient Celtic music. When I play music just for funsies or so I can stim-dance to it, I play a wide range of stuff! I like some pop music (my guilty pleasure), jazz, electroswing, rock and again, videogame OSTs. Music is honestly my therapy haha
Day 06: Stim Toys
Like I mentioned before, I have a huuuuge stim toy collection! My favourites are my fidget cube, my fidget pads (they look like mini Super Nintendo controllers!), my click track and this mini keyboard thingy I bought off Etsy. I take fidget toys everywhere I go! They help a lot with my focus and I often use them when I’m trying to talk or pay attention in a conversation. I know some people might see it as rude, so I explain ahead of time that these are not just toys, but tools I use to aid in my disability.
Day 07: Hyperfocus
I tend to hyperfocus a lot when I’m doing crafts, artwork, when I’m writing or playing videogames. I don’t think I hyperfocus quite as much as other autistic people do but it can sometimes get out of hand. Sometimes it feels almost as though I’m in a trance and even if I can hear someone talking to me or my phone going off it won’t register for me to answer while I’m in that trance. I often lose track of time easily when I’m hyperfocused as well. It’s like the rest of the world sort of doesn’t exist anymore—it’s just me and whatever task I’m focused on that makes up the universe. Whenever I snap out of my hyperfocus, it almost feels like waking up from an intense dream. I almost feel like a character in a sci-fi that wakes up from being cryogenically frozen for several hundred years: “where am I?? What year is it???”
Day 08: Diverse
I have a wide range of friends of different genders and backgrounds that are autistic or at least neurodivergent in some way! Most of us are also queer in some way as well. Myself, I’m nonbinary, biromantic and asexual. I think I may or may not be arospec in some way too but I’m not sure 🤔 My partner is agender, demiromantic (he isn’t sure about which genders he’s attracted to, he essentially says he’s “Zoobromantic” because he’s attracted to me haha!) and also asexual! And both of us are autistic!
Day 09: Comfort Food
My comfort food is very odd. So, I’m Canadian, and for those who don’t know about it, we have a popular restaurant chain called “Tim Horton’s.” It’s a coffee and donut shop. I dunno, I think the US counterpart is like Dunkin’ Donuts or something…? 🤔 Anyway, they make these things called “iced cappucinos,” or “iced capps” as they’re affectionately called. They’re kinda like iced coffee but sweeter I guess and they have more of a Slushy consistency. I think it’s a combo of the taste and texture that I like about iced capps…and also the caffeine 😂😂😂 They just give me so much dopamine and make my little autistic-ADHD brain happy. Other comfort foods include coffee and tea because ~ w a r m t h ~
Day 10: Self-Care
Self-care is something I take part in every day, whether I need it or not. My favourite things to do as self-care particularly when I’m sad or overwhelmed or overstimulated etc. is to make myself a hot cup of tea, curl up in my favourite moon chair in my studio, dim or shut off the lights, wrap my heavy blanket around myself, put on my headphones on with my iPad and watch my comfort shows. (Currently my comfort show is Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 🐢). Other self-care activities include playing my favourite videogames to unwind from stress, take warm baths with bubble bath and/or bath bombs, working out and taking naps.
Day 11: Neurodivergent Community
As I previously said, I have several friends that are autistic and/or neurodivergent in some way! In fact, I’m uncertain whether I have any that *aren’t* ND! 🤷 They’re the ones that make up most of my ND community and then I also got all you folks on Tumblr! I’m hoping to find an in person support group though. I think it would really help me out to talk with other people about my struggles as an autistic/ADHD person in a more therapeutic setting.
Day 12: Sensory Euphoria
One of the weirdest sensory euphoria moments for me is having my feet submerged in water. Not my whole body, but just my feet. I don’t know what it is!! But it feels so soothing! Especially in the water is running or it’s in a river or something. But my absolute favourite sensory euphoria moment is sitting in a sensory swing!! I really wish I had one!! 😭😭😭 I’ve tried them at stores and my cousin’s house and they’re sensory *heaven!!* When I move out I’m hoping I can afford to get my own. Swings in general are just *chef kiss* 👌
And finally, Day 13: Alternative Communication
I don’t really use alternative communication tbh as I am quite verbal. I did have Selective Mutism for over a year when I was a child and almost had to learn ASL but I started speaking again. (Now I just teach myself ASL for fun!) I guess the closest thing I do to alternative communication is that I will text or PM people instead of talking to them in person if I am too overwhelmed with emotion to physicallt speak. Huh, maybe I’m not completely verbal after all…? I’m still figuring that out tbh 🧐
And with that, I am caught up and now I am tired! I am going to do my best to keep up with the prompts now that I’m aware what Auctober is 😂😂😂😂 I might even do some drawings with some of the prompts, who knows! We’ll see 😜
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fishstikart-blog · 2 months
**What the thing I like is:**
Sonic adventure 1 for the Dreamcast
Not any of the ports, they all make the game worse
I like all the games that came before it, but sa1 is what I’ve really connected with
**Why I like it:**
-so first of all, I’ve been playing every sonic game in release date order. So I have the context of the entire series to this point. Where the creators were at, the state of the industry at the time, and the evolution of the gameplay. It added a lot to my experience of this game
- It came out in 1999 and was a technical breakthrough! At the time 3D games were new tech so everyone was working in a brand new medium and just seeing what worked. And for Sonic, 3D had never looked this good or played so well.
-becuase of this, the game feels kinda like a showcase of what sega can do with 3D. They tried a bunch of stuff and did amazing with all of it! Back in the 90’s sega was always pushing the industry forward and this game was their biggest leap yet
-so yeah like I said this game is just really fun and diverse. You can play as 6 different characters that are all really interesting and fun. The sonic levels are the best, they’re all cool, fast, fun, and cinematic. And then you can play a bunch of the same levels as the other characters but they control so different it might as well be totally new!
-the game also has a really good story. Each character is doing their own thing and we get to see the parts where they overlap. So many of them, when you play the first time as sonic, make no sense but then you finally unlock the new character and everything gets way cooler.
Again, they were showing everything they can do with the new medium. Sonic’s story is cool and fun and cinematic. And E-102”y”’s story is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. And again tail’s story is such a sweet coming of age story! They’re all so incredible
-the atmosphere is amazing. The Dreamcast can do such specific things with lighting and they use it so well. There are gorgeous sunsets, quiet nights, cloudy days, it never ends. There are so many areas that are nice to just sit back and soak in. Especially since the music goes harder than anything I’ve ever heard. The game will do anything for the vibes.
-one of the most impressive things to me is that it still feels like a classic sonic game just in 3D. Like Sonic has always been trying to tell stories and be cinematic they just were able to go hard with this game. And Sonic has always had multiple playable characters they just went crazy with it in this game. Same with atmosphere, and gameplay and music. It’s all still what makes sonic sonic just in 3D and with the most love they could put into it.
-you can also tell how much the people working on Sonic love this world. Not only becuase of the love put into the entire game. But there’s a lot of funny and cute pictures of the team having so much fun behind the seens
-I really like the message of this game too. Or at least the one I got from it. When other things tell me to “be myself” I kinda roll my eyes, but in this game they dont shove it in your face they just show it to you. Each of the characters is cool and awesome because of the things that make them different. Playing the game I could literally feel how their differences are their strengths. 3 of the characters have stories about learning to be more independent cool people! “You are cool and powerful! Be yourself at any cost!”
-this game just never stops giving. I keep finding out new things about it. There’s so many clever details and hidden treats to find.
I could keep talking but this is the best I can put it into words rn.
**How much I like it:**
This hyperfixation isn’t just about The little blue man, it’s about everything he respresents!
This is literally the perfect game. Unification of every element to make an experience like no other.
I’ve always wanted the things I make to feel like this game.
I want to make beautiful things, but even if I never do it’s okay becuase Sonic Adventure exists. ^-^
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msawesomegeek · 3 years
Things that should have been obvious ADHD
1. My tendency to get so god damn hyper as a kid that I thought I had ADHD, but my mom was like: you don't have can't sit still syndrome!
2. picking my nails, twirling a necklace, picking at bracelets, twirling a hair elastic around my fingers in a constant motion.
3. The inability to watch a show to the end. Like will have to be able to binge it in two to three days, and then I won't be able to watch it for a year. Getting one idea or reading a sentence and moving on to the next show. In a loop.
4. Hyperfixations I have had: Singing, dancing, writing music, poems, drawing, painting, analysing movies, animation, physics, playing guitar, playing piano, or ukulele, ADHD research, constantly starting fanfics but never finish them, writing a novel (I have been trying to do that for a year), writing a tv show, writing a movie, researching and being excited to share it with people in what my mother described as: "Me having too much free time.". (Also I probs forgot a lot, but just what I remember you know?)
5. Seriously nothing has to happen and then I screw up my sleep schedule.
6. I have NO impulse control.
7. The fact that I stayed up till two AM last night to paint posters for a party, but I haven't been able to do my dishes or fold my clean laundry for a week.
8. Sitting in the weirdest positions.
9. The fact that when I have to study or something for an exam, I would constantly move location, like once every 45 minutes. Because now it feels wrong and I cant concentrate here anymore!
10. The fact that I can only do things last minute, and will literally have to make myself a schedule with timed everything or else I will do nothing.
11. Rejection sensitivity, uuuuhm yeah, that is how I got myself into a depression. From just, what if everyone hates me?
12. I will buy food and make dinner based on impulse, but then be stuck with stuff that I cannot use because it no longer brings me serotonin, and even though I hate wasting food, I cannot physically get myself to eat it.
13. either binge eating or eating nothing at all.
14. The fact that I saw someone do this on tiktok and wanted to do it, but I should actually be working right now.
15. Relating to all the neurodivegent posts, but like, always just chalked it up to my dyslexia, which is like, they literally ask you if you might be ADHD when you get tested for that, because having both is so common!
16. The ability to listen to the same song on repeat for 8 hours straight, and now it is literally the only thing I can listen to when I work. Do I even like it anymore? I dont know!
17. Random cravings, whether it be like, I need to learn something! or I need to read something!
18. Having trouble with when to talk in a conversation. Like when is it cool to insert yourself? When am I bothering someone, and when am I participating?
19. And apropo conversations: The constant oversharing, like a friend once told me: I give zero fucks about this topic, but you are clearly so happy about talking about it, so I let you go on. Or just being like: here is an inappropriate amount of information about me.
20. I love hanging out with people who talk a lot and are very good at grabbing the attention for themselves, because that is the only way I am comfortable that I am not talking and/or just taking the attention too much!
In conclusion. I'm clearly fucking ADHD, and my mom should have believed me when I was young and told her I probs had ADHD. But then again, no teacher wanted to test me for dyslexia, which I was also just a classic case of, sooooo. In conclusion the school system sucks and I hope more kids these days are getting diagnosed, because having to wait 3 months to see a psychiatrist really sucks as an adult who is clearly not functioning, knows what is wrong, but not how to fix it!
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myrrheart · 5 years
Hi. I finished The Secret History in October. Here’s the radioactive take I’ve been sitting on for two months.
In keeping and facilitating any discussion of representation (or lackthereof) in The Secret History, it's important to note that Donna intentionally wrote it to closely mimick the upper echelons of elite collegiate academia within the United States: an overtly white, heterosexual, and wealthy pocket of young adults attempting to parade as and/or speak on behalf of those who aren't.
[spoilers under the cut]
That being said, an all-white lead cast is not only appropriate but necessary, as it allows the reader to familiarize themselves with the intimacies of a setting and social crowd made previously foreign, either by circumstance or the deliberate smoke-and-screen thrown up by academic elitists in order to shield their near-archaic world and ensuing social norms from the broader, less-white, less-straight, less- wealthy public. All this is to say: The Secret History is written entirely from the first-person limited perspective of a straight white cis male and therein lies the social commentary. Richard, although to his begrudging credit as having been arguably one of the most moral characters in the entire novel, is still at fault for falling prey to The Mortifying Ordeal of Being A Man. He stays silent in the wake of Bunny's flagrantly homophobic, racist, sexist, and antisemitic tirades -- even when the brunt of this is revealed to Richard on their first evening out together. He regards Judy as simple-minded and coked-out and calls upon her only when it benefits him or furthers the plot arch in which he himself is almost too aware that he stars. He thumbs through the catalogue of women at parties like they're kitchen appliances, and when he's confronted on a notable occasion that he's stolen someone else's, he matter-of-factly evades responsibility, blame, and the kitchen itself. And, most notably, Camilla. For a novel so cleverly crafted from nuance and innuendo, a cliche like love at first sight seems almost insincere. And you'd be right in that assumption. Caustic, anxious, pessimistic, emotionally-detached Richard has no business pining after Camilla the moment he lays eyes on her -- especially not after allocating a measly half-paragraph to her physical appearance upon first glance. And ESPECIALLY not when the prior page was near entirely dedicated to Mr. Abernathy (but we'll get to this). If you really pay attention... All Richard ever comes to appreciate about Camilla is her outward makeup -- specifically the clot of honey-colored hair at her temples that he references several times. The closest he ever comes to introspection and empathy is when he laments over how "difficult" it must be to exist in a "boy's club." (DIRECT quotes.) When Camilla shows up at his bedroom door and reaches out to him about the sexual, emotional, and physical abuse she's endured at the hands of her brother, his gut instinct is to doubt her. When she shows him the evidence, it's anger. When she refuses to move back in with him at his insistence, it's to kick her out back onto the campus where Charles is scouring after her. Richard regards Camilla as little more than something pretty to look at, and the only reason he's attracted to her and values her beyond the likes of the Judy Pooveys of Bennington is because Camilla is in the classics program; Camilla recites ancient Greek in perfect memory; Camilla wears Tweed and comes from money and embodies the peak of the class struggle that Richard has been traumatized by since birth -- and she's neatly packaged into a petite fair-haired girl his age, just to top it all off. There is a reason why Camilla is the main character we know least about. We aren't meant to care. We are Richard, and Richard doesn't care. He wants and lusts and yearns after what she is -- not who she is. To him, she embodies everything he is supposed to want in life: wealth, intellect, status -- all things he's been shown to chase after to near ridiculous lengths. It almost wouldn't matter if she wasn't even a girl ooOH WAIT CUT THE MUSIC [record scratch] [freeze frame] Let's introduce Francis! Out of the Murder Gang, Francis is the one Richard spends the most time devoted to describing, most memorably on that very first day he catalogued them all walking across the lawn. And not only is Richard most preoccupied by him -- of all the things Francis possesses (good style, great taste in fashion, a dry, bland sort of humor that compliments Richards own brand near perfectly) Richard is obsessed with Francis's homosexuality. Richard is so hyperfixated on Francis's homosexuality that he vividly remembers the day , time, and place of when he'd rejected Francis's infinisemal advances, and then mulls over it for months in detail and is able to bring it forth at at the drop of a hat when faced with the HINT of another advancement from Francis. For an unreliable narrator, Richard sure is able to recall gay panic. In staggering detail. Richard is SO hyperfixated on Francis that upon receiving his suicide note, he BOOKS A FLIGHT ACROSS THE COUNTRY IMMEDIATELY. After having held no serious, steady contact with him after they'd committed a murder together. Richard not only drops everything to fly from CA to NY overnight, he also bears witness to Francis's (basically) arranged marriage and immediately following the blatant explanation and display of Francis's family's homophobia, ASKS CAMILLA TO MARRY HIM. In a last-ditch effort to save face, to bury his homosexual urges that have resurfaced after years of self-inflicted suppression, to convince himself that if Francis can stomach it (albeit barely) then so can he -- all of these interpretations are left up to the reader. One thing is for certain, though: his spontaneous proposal to Camilla comes right off the tail end of his visiting Francis in-person for the last time in the novel. Perhaps the reader expects there to be a revelation or a sudden spark of insight into Camilla's character which we have never before gleaned -- but there isn’t. And if that isn't a direct confirmation of Camilla's role not as a character, but as a plot device, then I would politely redirect your attention to how even her denial of Richard is soft-spoken, gentle, and ultimately kind; what woman do you know would save that kind of otherworldly grace for a man who'd repeatedly scorned her, advanced on her without her consent, and asked her to marry him in the middle of a crowded train station? Camilla is the male fantasy and the physical representation of what Richard should want for himself. Francis (along with Literally Every Other Male Character His Age In This Novel) represent a call to something darker, something taboo, something ultimately detrimental; Cloke and his drugs; Charles and his drinking; Henry and his penchant for murder (and sociopathy and control issues and... Yeah);  Bunny and his lying; Francis and his... It's not so much that Francis is the sole symbol of sin and indulgence to Richard: it's that Francis is the only one remotely attainable, because Francis is the only one that would feasibly sleep with him, because Francis is a homosexual and... is that why Richard spends paragraphs upon pages upon chapters mulling over Francis's sex life? Is that why 'homosexual' is one of the first things we learn about Francis? Is that why Richard doesn't even do a good job at convincing himself, let alone the reader, that he doesn't want to hook up with Francis -- a handful of lines before they get as far as second (and arguably third) base? In conclusion: the alternative title of The Secret History should be whatever the ancient Greek equivalent is of the colloquialism "no homo." But the Greeks sure did love their gays, didn't they...? :-)
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game-boy-pocket · 4 years
Got a few MAR10 ?’s for u ^_^ When u think of classic Mario what game do u instantly think of (ours is SM3).
Also, how do you rate SMW? It’s our personal fav 2D b/c the theme-ing, blue yoshi, items, and the redesign enemies if one goes through star world.
How much did SMG’s camera controls affect u? We love/hate the game cause how many times We die cause the camera lmao.
Have u checked out SM3-D Allstars? We bought it, played each game for a few hours, and just stopped. Probably just us, but the replay ability was kinda eh.
I guess it’s a bit of an oddball choice but I instantly think of Super Mario Bros. 2, I guess because of all the Super Mario Bros. Super Show I watched, having all the SMB2 enemies, music, and sound effects, it’s just burned into my brain to be the go-to when I think “classic Mario”
SMW is fantastic, I’m more of a fan of the NES games admittedly, I don’t find the platforming courses as well constructed as the likes of SMB3, but I still think it’s a blast to play. At the  time it came out I may have said it was my favorite even, it was so exciting to have a 16-bit game, Yoshi was such a great new character, the connected world map gave such a sense of scope the games didn’t have before, even if it’s not my favorite it’s still a high ranking Mario game.
I honestly had no problems with the camera in Galaxy if i’m remembering correctly, but you’re talking to a guy who played all sorts of janky 3D platformers and learned to be careful about leaping when I can’t see.
Yeah I did pick up SM3D All Stars, I completed Mario 64, all 120 stars. And I beat Mario Sunshine. I wanted to get all the shines but those blue coins really are the biggest pain.. Galaxy, I still need to finish. It’s not that I got bored, I love these games, i’d just been playing so much Mario, as I did replay Odyssey in anticipation for this game, and I got distracted by other things... as I often do with hyperfixations
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shy-marker-pliers · 5 years
High school AU thingamabob
17 year old senior
class president and is kinda high and mighty about it tbh
“yes i know student council can’t really make any changes without the input of the superintendent but IM THE PRESIDENT AND YOU’RE NOT SO SUCK MY DI-“
does sound/lights for all the shows the school puts on
dating wilford and no one knows how or why they’re together
had a deep as hell voice and a beard the second he hit puberty
takes every ethics/psychology class he can
wants to be a lawyer
that one kid that everyone fears but is actually kinda chill if not a little surly
wears a collared shirt and tie to school every day and would totally get made fun of for it if he wasn’t terrifying
listens to classical music unironically
“oh my god i’m so going to fail this test” *proceeds to get the highest grade in the class*
protector of the gays™️
person: *says something mean to a student because they’re lgbtq+*
Dark: *teleports in front of said student* omae wa mou shindeiru
19 year old senior
Yes he still has the mustache
doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of him
deadass wore a dress to school after one of his friends got made fun of because she wore a suit to a school dance
b u f f a s h e l l
could bench press a teacher if he really tried
on the cheer team
“no i’m not wearing pants, this miniskirt makes my ass look great!”
everyone’s bodyguard
usually attracts a crowd of nervous underclassmen
has mild dyslexia
gives his friends piggyback rides
president of the drama club
works hard enough in school to pass his classes but that’s pretty much it
sleeps in class
15 year old freshman
vice president of the drama club
wilfords shadow
first freshman to help run the drama club and shoves it in everyone’s face
shouts his gayness from the rooftops
secretly super insecure
loves plants and helps out in the schools greenhouse
named all of the plants but if you tell anyone he’ll stab you
gets mostly B’s and C’s
has mild ocd but not enough to affect him severely
talks like a game show host cause he thinks it makes him sound attractive
it doesn’t
16 year old juniors
identical quadruplets
they have to wear different colors every day or else no one knows which one is which
they’re called the googles because their backpacks match the colors of the chrome logo and they’re super smart
straight A 4.0 GPA students but Oliver has to try a little harder than his brothers
all of them are in the robotics team except for ollie
Blue works on programming and red and green are on the build team
Ollie is the sweetest day of sunshine to ever exist and everyone loves him
he’s basically adopted Eric as his lil bro
tutors people in the library every tuesday and thursday
the other googles disapprove of his relationship with bing but he makes ollie happy so they don’t do anything about it
they all work in a supermarket and they’re saving up for college
ollie wants to be a vet, red and green want to be engineers, and blue wants to be a web developer
17 year old junior
mostly A’s, a few B’s.
his full name is zachary bing but people call him bing because he’s always trying to one up the googles
was pining after ollie for months before chase finally felt sorry for him and told ollie how he felt
they’re dating now and it’s adorable
so soft for his boyf
a really good skater and wins a lot of local competitions
doesn’t study but still gets p good grades
wears sunglasses all the time because he has light sensitivity
s t r o n k
always challenges people to arm wrestle him
can sing really well and plays gitaur
shares a youtube channel with chase where they skate and to challenges and stuff
Dr. ipiler
18 year old senior
Everyone calls him doc because he helps the school nurse and takes every single biology and health class there is
all A’s
really wants to be a surgeon
best friends with Schneep
huge star trek/harry potter nerd (ravenclaw if you’re wondering)
almost always at schneep’s house studying or just chillin’
kind of a control freak
thinks he’s charismatic but he’s actually kinda annoying
but annoying in a funny way
has a pet ferret that he sneaks into school
espresso and sugar flows through his veins
“i actually got a good sleep last night.” “oh really?” “yeah bro i got a whole half hour!”
super dark bags under his eyes
17 year old junior
all A’s except for in gym class
he has eyes in this
his real name is Simon Charles Teller (there are specific meanings to those names btw look them up) but he’s called The Host because he does morning announcements every day.
has gold eyes and a lot of people find it unnerving
“hey i have a podcast you should totally listen to it”
spends all of his free time in the library
always reading in class but the teachers don’t really care bc his grades are good and he does his homework
wants to be an english/poetry teacher
crushing on the cute shy kid from his english class
doesn’t talk much but he’ll still be nice to you
that one kid who’s always correcting the teachers
Runs the D&D club (he’s the dungeon master)
Eric Derekson
16 year old junior
Mostly high B’s, a couple of A’s.
lives with his uncle mark after he ran away from his abusive dad and is living a happy life
the guy that always volunteers to take care of the class pets over the weekend
animals love him
has anxiety, mild paranoia and autism.
animals, harry potter, and pokémon are his hyperfixations.
he also really likes gardening
crushing big time on hostioli
spends his entire english class staring at him and blushing
is seriously considering joining D&D club just to be able to talk to him
he’s in the art club
wants to be a vet and maybe do some freelance art stuff on the side
Ollie keeps yelling at him to just ask host out already but he’s too nervous
my poor bb boi
Wears sweaters all the time
wears headphones to block out noise if it ever gets too loud at he goes into sensory overload
disaster bi
18 year old senior
gets C’s
has a makeup tutorial channel on youtube and has a pretty decent following
That one weeb
dyes their hair a new color every week
also has a new crush every week
everyone knows who their newest victim is because they never stop watching them
draws anime or cute animals for every art class
wants to be a a fashion designer
does MMA
everyone kinda stears clear of them
writes their first initial along with their crush’s on every notebook they own
has gotten suspended for beating kids up on multiple occasions
doesn’t really have that many friends but they don’t mind
spends their lunches watching their crush
in the drama club and the art club
Randall Voorhees
18 year old senior
C’s and D’s
Eric’s cousin/bodyguard
they have a lot of the same classes and walk everywhere together
loves animals and has like 10 pet rats
he doesn’t really care about his grades because he knows that he wants to be a woodworker/construction guy
makes little houses out of scrap wood for his rats and Eric thinks it’s adorable
always sneaks his rats to school and lets them have play dates with dr. iplier’s ferret
used to live in nyc in queens and still has a pretty strong accent
completely incomprehensible when he’s excited or angry bc of the accent
everyone is jealous of his hair
spends like 100 dollars on shampoo and conditioner and stuff but it’s worth it
acts like the straightest guy in existence but could not be more gay
his boots are always muddy
16 year old sophomore
his name is Yancy Bird
g...get it? like jailbird? ahaha...ok i’ll stop
permanent resident of the detention room
but he gets to just chill out and read for an hour so he doesn’t really mind
mostly gets detention for beating up kids that bully others
fuck the system
always wears a leather jacket and blue jeans
“hey, the 50’s called and they want their-“ SMACK. “shut up.”
takes a lot of criminal justice and psychology classes ironically
in the botany club but if you tell anyone they’ll never find your body
everyone is surprised when they find out he’s friends with Eric and ollie
pan but in denial
“i’m not gay guys, that ain’t me, i’m just comfortable with my sexuality. so i can admit when i see a guy with a handsome face and pretty eyes-“
that song is great btw you should listen to it
always makes really dark jokes and everyone is like “are you ok?”
except for his friends they just laugh
“lmao wouldn’t it be funny if everyone like...died”
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mlm-crossing · 4 years
4, 5, 15, 20, 27, 28, 34, 48, 53, & 59 pleas :3
4. what are you looking forward to?
halloween :) going to to my friends house for movies and just general tom foolery LOL and i SWEAR this time they’ll take pics of me as sexy plague doctor 
also my birthday on nov 8 >w> where my sexy scorp biches at
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
my cat <3 also my friends and sister
15. personality description
oh god hmm
(+) friendly intuitive imaginative  (-) control freak DFHDFH hot headed & obnoxious 
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
good thing / liquor store
casually drops my spotify here tee hee
27. things i hate
everyone from high school, working, politics, people who are mean for no reason, fake friends, fake ppl in general
28. i’ll love you if…
you play with my hair, cook for me, prefer to stay in and cuddle, will initiate pda, love (my) cats, we share the same sense of humor, have inside jokes, you can get me out of my shell
34. most embarrassing moment
oh god theres one that happened recently that im legit traumatized but its still too raw and not funny to talk about so </3
but still mortified by the star of india trip in 3rd grade and the “rat stew” they made us eat was so horrible i had serious gas and legit hot-boxed the underground room with my stank ass fart while the chef was mid-story and he yelled at me for interrupting and making the class go crazy with how bad it smelled and then proceeded to clog the toilet 30 mins later
48. turn offs
hmm neediness and depressing hoes. ill block so fast if a bitch starts being like “ohh u probably will change ur mind and ghost me because im so ugly and sad” and im like...yeah now i will DFHDF. 
other than that theres no physical turn offs unless theyre like. sweaty and smelly. not the biggest fan of glasses if theyre like small dad grandma glasses and i will also tease them for being blind. 
53. 5 things that make me happy
1. a classic video game 2. having a good laugh with friends/family 3. driving fast and blasting music 4. my cat ofc <3 five. getting crossed and kicking ass in comp w da homies
59. why i joined tumblr
hmm i think it was intended to be for art? Because I know I found it via deviantart users and made an account but i was confused by the layout so i didnt use it for a couple years.
even then i never posted art i just used it to reblog ninja turtles because it was my hyperfixation at age 13 lol
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jessetheadventurer · 5 years
i’m going through each one individually and explaining why i like them because if i’m gonna hyperfixate on any one aspect of a video game, it’s gonna be the sound design
alright this one is a favorite of mine for admittedly personal reasons, namely that it reminds me a LOT of the game Spore. which is a game i have been playing for twelve years now, and love to absolute bits. (one of the music beats from spore, for reference)
Spore’s soundtrack was actually partly composed by brian eno. if you don’t know who brian eno is, he’s more or less considered the father of all modern ambient music. he’s a BIG deal. and jitter honestly sounded like something he would have composed.
Soren’s Theme
soren is honestly my favorite of the old order of the stone. he’s eccentric, inspired, talented as HELL with building, and is an excellently multilayered character with a lot of depth. even though he’s an oddball, and even though he made mistakes, he cares a LOT for his friends and felt very guilty for what he did (or perhaps what he encouraged them to all do). 
his theme reflects all this perfectly imo. it’s strange, the chords don’t seem to quite play as they should, and there’s a hint of wisdom and experience behind the bass and almost static-y sound of the out of tune instruments. it sounds like someone who’s been around for a long time, who maybe doesn’t have themselves all together, but are still full of life and energy.
How Bright Your Life Could Be / How Dark Your Life Could Be
my theory for how this came about was basically telltale approaching antimo and welles like “alright you guys, we need a character theme for a slightly antagonistic character who is in charge of an excessively organized city but is pretty manipulative” and all antimo and welles heard was “antagonistic,” “organized,” and “manipulative” and proceeded to create the most UNHINGED pseudo-villain theme in the entire goddamn game.
how bright your life could be is excellent for champion city: the whistling sounds like birds straight out of a disney princess movie, WAY too cheerful and fantastical to be realistic. everything is pristine and beautiful on the surface.
and then how dark your life could be begins and the melody devolves into an absolute HORROR SOUNDTRACK. the background strings start a crescendo and go absolutely nuts, making for extreme tension and outright FEAR. stella is fucked up and antimo and welles will make sure you know this.
not to mention in how dark your life could be, the soundtrack gets so distorted it literally sounds like something out of marble hornets (flashing visuals & general creepiness warning on that link).
Ivor’s Theme
man this one should be self-explanatory dfksljfds
the main theme of season 1!! the menu music!! ivor’s leitmotif!! it drew inspiration from C418′s Aria Math, an absolutely gorgeous and classic minecraft song. it helped mcsm feel even closer to traditional minecraft.
i’ll be honest, i was charmed by episode 1 of season 1 when i first started playing it, but it wasn’t until this theme started and we saw ivor for the first time that i actually got really invested. the scene in endercon did an EXCELLENT job establishing real tension and plot. and the fact that the song continued into the freewalk through endercon, one of the best freewalks in season 1?
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Mush Room
season 2 episode 3′s entire soundtrack is phenomenal (the synth instruments that reminisce of stranger things, whose telltale game antimo and welles ALSO worked on, are one of my greatest weaknesses), but this one is by far my favorite.
this is the song that says, “you’re trapped here. and you’re not getting out.”
i believe this is the one song in this episode’s soundtrack that has the beacontown leitmotif (you can hear it at 0:32 and again at 2:32), which. i am nothing if not a sucker for recurring leitmotifs. 
not only that, but the beacontown leitmotif in particular is extremely effective for this freewalk since radar and nurm are there with you. a small piece of beacontown, a reminder what you’re fighting for. you may be trapped, but there’s still hope.
Ellegaard’s Theme
i didn’t think i’d ever hear a harpsichord going into minecraft story mode, but BOY AM I GLAD I DID
the clock ticking like a redstone circuit? the gorgeous string instruments over a subtle background hum? 
it’s refined. it’s calculated. it’s hard at work, as brilliant and beautiful as the glowing redstone circuitry creating complex machines and new solutions to every problem.
and yet, there’s a hint of sadness behind that piano. regret? loneliness? we didn’t get to know ellegaard very well during the time we had with her, and i wish we did.
Harper’s Theme
i’ll be honest, if soren’s theme didn’t press all of my buttons, harper’s theme would be my #1 favorite.
i talked about how much i adore episode 7 of season 1 before, and this song exemplifies ALL of my points.
harper, who had been alone for years, maybe even a decade or longer, finally finding hope in strangers who appeared out of nowhere from the portal network she helped build. 
harper, who battled guilt every day for creating pama and letting it get out of control, to the point where she had to build statues that would give her pep talks and advice, which she named after her friends in crown mesa.
harper, who slept underground, reading to pass the time and trying to come up with a plan that would only have a slim to zero chance of working.
harper, who was proud of her work but horrified at what it had become.
harper, who was a genius and an inventor, intrigued by complex redstone creations and determined to do good in the world.
harper, who never gave up, not on herself, and not on the people of crown mesa.
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