#my bulletproof adorable children
More in-depth descriptions of the kids for my kidswap below the cut!
At the start of the story, JOHN has recently been abandoned by his brother, who has given up on training him to save the world. He now resides in a foster care facility. In the first act, he has a rather violent breakdown as a result, and decides to express any and every emotion he pleases. This results in a unique typing style where he often forgets to add punctuation and emoticons to his texts and adds them on later.
Contrary to Rose’s passive-agressive battles with her mother, JADE is frequntly and plainly aggressive. She lives in the woods outside her house and refuses to go inside unless pre-planned and mutually agreed upon- as she puts it, she and her mother have their own territories, and their relationship relies on them staying out of each other’s way. This mindset means that she is exceptionally frustrated when her mother is sober and tries to convince her to come back, saying that “children aren’t supposed to live out in the woods” and “it’s dangerous”. Can’t she see Jade is being the bigger person here?
On the subject of ROSE, she is both more secure and far more paranoid. Actually interacting with other children, the majority of whom found her pretentious and strange, has made her overly defensive, and she has taken refuge in what she views as her areas of superiority. Given her father’s more balanced approach to parenting, she doesn’t believe everything he does is an attack, but when she encounters something odd enough that it seems like one, she spirals.
DAVE deals with his enviroment perhaps the worst out of any of the children. He doesn’t cope well with what he phrases as “living on this bumfuck island with my grandpa until he shot himself because taking care of me was just that bad i guess”. On top of that, he’s constantly hounded (ha!) by a dog-like creature that he used to think was the one that killed his grandfather. Now, he isn’t sure if it’s even real or some sort of grief-induced hallucination. This has made him exceptionally anxious, and although he tries to hide it, his very limited social skills aren’t up to the task.
The Alpha session is a bit more complicated. JANE was raised on a series of recordings from her brother, all intended for a boy named Dirk. Given that she was entirely alone, she had no reason to think that that wasn’t her. Rose gets a vision of the changes to the timeline just in time to send out one final message explaining the truth. A key component of Jane’s worldview is that she deeply resents Dave for that and not being there, and is completely aware that it’s irrational. Conciously or not, she rebels against his post-ironic movie star lifestyle by leaning into suburbia. She sews dapper suits out of t-shirts and practices comedy. Once she discovers that she is not, in fact, Dirk, her idea of mild-mannered perfection shifts slightly. It’s undeniable that this house wasn’t made for her, but some aspect of being a “cool dude” still calls to her more than her new matronly ways… (it’s the transgender)
JAKE CROCKER is the heir to the Crocker corporation, and he’s also a media darling. Despite his father’s attempts to keep him out of the public eye (mainly due to the assassination attempts), the PR department has taken their chance, and his celebrity status is sure to make the population of Earth unwilling to resist their new Empress. Besides, Jake’s got his crackshot aim, a dashing smile, and two-inch-thick bulletproof windows, through which he can wave to his adoring populace before going about his business. What could go wrong?
ROXY spends her days chatting online and experimenting in her grandmother’s laboratory. She may be the only human left on her island, but she’s far from the only creature! Her beloved Gcat is always by her side, at least when he’s hungry. The rest of the island’s animals are wild, but the ones she makes love her. They barely try to eat her even a quarter of the time. But mostly, she wants to figure out a way to get off the island- just for a quick vacay!- and explore the world, meeting all the people and seeing all the sights.
Roxy-DIRK-Lalonde-Strider- whatever his name is now, it doesn’t matter- is wrong. There was some great cosmic error, and he came to this city of carapacians instead of a single apartment in the middle of the sea. He’s always known he didn’t belong here, but he assumed it was just some innate, destructive quality of his. Ever since the day he killed his own pet cat (in an unfortunate robotics accident), he’s known he was a monster. He’s done his best to counteract that, helping the carapacians in any way he could, but it isn’t enough. Everything in this home reminds him of his mistakes, and he makes no effort to change that.
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olaertes · 1 year
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⌕   . ˚   ⅋.  「   DAVID CASTAÑEDA.  34.  cis man.  he/him.  」 ENRIQUE  CASTILLO,  otherwise  known  as  LAERTES,  joined  the  libertalia  nine years  ago  as  a  NAVIGATOR.  around  libertalia,  the  CANCER  has  a  reputation  for  being  GENUINE  &  OVERPROTECTIVE perhaps  because  they're  best  known  for  pulling a successful car chase during the mectozuma ii’s feather headdress heist  of   which   they  are  most  proud.  while  preparing  for  a  heist,  they  listen  to  BULLETPROOF HEART  by  MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. makes  sense  considering  they  remind  me  of:  the roar of a car engine that goes with accelerating speed, an old pair of jeans stained with oil and grease, a family picture tucked safely in his pocket.
( cw: mentions of fire & parental death )
truth be told, enrique had been an accident. javier castillo & isabella espinoza were a pair of high school sweethearts who had every intention of marrying each others and building a family together. what they hadn’t planned, however, was isabella getting pregnant so soon after turning 20. needless to say, this was a huge surprise to the couple — a joyous one by their books, but also one that had changed the plans they had for themselves, especially when their parents had no interest in supporting their decision to keep the baby.
when enrique was born, both Isabella and javier had graduated from community college. yet, instead of going to university like they had intended, javier decided to start working full time at the mechanic shop he had been working at through college. meanwhile, isabella had gotten herself a receptionist job at a local pediatric clinic. it was rough to build a family when you had come from close to nothing, but they still tried their best to give their son what he needed.
if enrique had to describe his childhood, he’d say it was quite a happy one. he had parents who showered with affection constantly — his father, who always made time to play catch and later taught him how to work on cars when he said he wanted to learn; and a mother, who would get little treats after school when he got a nice score in a test and cheered the loudest when he hit a home run during his little leagues games. he was, for the longest time, an only child who received all his parents love. so when the family had find stability in all sense and his parents decided to have another child, they were concerned with how enrique would react especially with the significant age gap. yet when ariella was finally born, he had adored his sister from the moment he peered into her crib at the nursery. and so, a married couple lived with their two children in their small apartment in the bronx. like any other families, they had their fair share of rough patches & teenaged rebellious antics to go through — but for the most part, they had been happy.
the family went on a trip to celebrate enrique’s 18th birthday, and it had ended with a hotel fire that turned his life upside down. though he and his sister has sustained some degrees of treatable injury, his parents had succumbed to theirs and died, leaving the siblings with each other. while he had previously babysat for ariella, acting as her guardian had been an entirely different thing — one that essentially shifted him to act more as her parents than her siblings.
in another life, enrique would have been a freshmen at university that fall, eagerly starting his study in aerospace engineering. but in this one, he was working at the same auto shop his dad had worked at. it had seemed like the only thing that made any sense, considering he was good at tinkering and modding your own car. the job certainly helped to bring food to the table and kept a roof over their head. still, enrique knew he had to earn more for the sake of his sister’s future, especially when she her teachers were raving about how she has such a brilliant mind.
as much as he loved his sister, he would be lying if he said that the stress of being a breadwinner didn’t get to him at all. and when he was stressed, he fell back to the bad habit he had kept secret since his teen years — he’d sneak out at night in his car and drive, fast. you’d even go to meet up with your friends sometimes and race them, often enough that they’d try to drag you to the local street races happening around town. you had always said no then, but it wasn’t until this expectation to earn money did you start going. he had his fair share of losses, the cash he got when he won were enough to keep enrique coming back.
as he began building up his rep as a driver in the scene, enrique would sometimes get approached for offers that were even less legal than his racing. a driver, that was the only gig he’d ever willingly take, and that was the only capacity he’d be willing to serve during these time. none of the people who approached him had any issues with it, since it meant he’d get a smaller cut from the job. not that enrique minded much either, because he still got a decent enough pay.
to this day, enrique still had no idea how his existence had made it into the professor’s radar. but he supposed some of the small time robberies and heists he managed to pull off was enough to earn him an invitation to join libertalia. but enrique did decide to accept it, even if it was solely for the share he would be getting. his involvement in the libertalia was something he had kept secret from ariella, and he had promised himself he’s quit once she was through with her education. yet, as he got more involved in the heists, he couldn’t deny how much he enjoyed the fact that he could travel to all the different places and the adrenaline rush that came with each jobs. now that time was almost up… well, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to hold himself accountable of that promise anymore.
char psd credit: MAGIC AND NIGHTFALL by notoriousgraphics.
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teenmomcentral · 1 year
Jenelle Evans and David Eason spent the weekend trying out new guns and weapons.
The fired Teen Mom 2 couple— who are currently under investigation by CPS and other agencies— have made it clear in recent days they’re not worried about the possibility of one or both of them being charged for a variety of alleged crimes. In fact, according to photos posted by TMZ on Sunday, the swamp-dwelling duo were seen frolicking through a local gun show, looking for more weapons. 
Jenelle, David and Jenelle’s son Kaiser were photographed at a gun show, but according to TMZ, Ensley was there as well.
(It was likely the Wilmington Gun & Knife Show, which was held this weekend in Wilmington, North Carolina, which is just a short distance from the couple’s home on The Land.) 
The photos— which were taken by an unknown spectator— must have been taken either Saturday or Sunday, proving that, as The Ashley has previously stated, the kids (other than Jenelle’s son Jace) are still in the couple’s custody. 
“As far as what they actually picked up — we’re told David appear to purchase a bulletproof vest for himself, and a wooden battle ax for Kaiser,” the site reported.
In the photos, David is seen trying on some sort of tactical vest, browsing a sword booth and handling a gun. Jenelle is pictured looking bored while David shopped.
As The Ashley previously reported, earlier this month, Jenelle filed a request for a restraining order against her mom Barbara Evans, requesting that authorities bar Babs from buying or owning guns or ammunition. Jenelle also asked that Barbara be required to surrender any guns she might have and be required to attend an “abuser treatment program,” in addition to having no contact with Jenelle and her family. (The restraining order request was voluntarily dropped days later.)
David and Jenelle currently have no restrictions on buying or owning guns or weapons, as neither has been convicted of a felony. 
After TMZ broke the news that “it appears that charges will be filed for both [child] neglect and assault” against one or both of the swamp-dwellers, Jenelle and David made it clear (via social media) that they are not concerned. In a video posted to social media on Saturday, Jenelle stated that her and David are good parents and have nothing to fear. She also made it clear that she’s standing my her man, telling her followers that she feels bad for David.
“I feel really bad for him because my kids adore that man. My kids love that man so much,” Jenelle said. “And no matter what you guys say, it’s not going to change how my children are treated at home, which are treated [no, that’s not a typo] with the most love and passionate care that they could ever get. So don’t come at me for my parenting, because, let me tell you, my kids are fine.”
David, meanwhile, has continued to rant on Facebook in the comment section of his various posts.
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clairelions · 7 years
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teamwork makes the dream work ~ 2013 ♡ 2017
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lemonandpeachess · 3 years
Small Moments
Pairing: Wrecker x Female Reader
Rating: G
Word Count:2,220
Summary: You and the squad have a little bit of downtime before completing a job from Cid. This time allow you to think ahead for the future of the squad, and of Omega. 
AN: I hope you all enjoy! This is my first bit of writing in a long time so we’re keeping it pretty simple. xx
Gif credits to the owner <3 
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The noise was no stranger to you, the deep and seemingly endless drumming above your head. An icy coolness slips into your skin underneath your clothes, your eyes slipping shut at the sensation. While for the most part you enjoy your time on the ship with your crew and it feels just as much of a home as you could ask for, it did have its drawbacks. The closest thing to a simple rainfall you got to experience while cruising through space were meteor showers, and landing in the middle of one of those was not the most relaxing experience. You feel a small, hand wrap itself into your own, giving it a small squeeze. Your eyes cast down and you smile at the sweet brown eyes peering up at you from beneath wet, blonde curls. Omega has her hood over her head, holding down the side with her opposite hand against the wind.
“I sort of missed the rain (y/n).” She says, looking up at the sky and smiling, the raindrops sprinkling down on the two of you. You lift your head back up, sticking out your tongue. Omega looks at you, her brow furrowed. “What are you doing?”
“Catching raindrops. You can do it with snowflakes too. We used to do it on my home planet when I was small.” The tiny clone follows your actions, laughing as she lets go of your hand and makes a show of running around you, catching the water droplets from above.
You were thankful that for both the sake of you and the squad, and for Omega herself, that she had taken the business of being a part of the team so seriously. The young one dove into everything that was ever handed to her, from Hunter’s hand to hand combat routines, to Tech and Echo’s near constant technological learning. She was a fighter, and a determined one at that.
Your heart was heavy at times however, thinking about how she was still a child. She should be able to enjoy the things children enjoy. The sweet, small things that with adulthood and the burdens of growing up, we all tended to forget and appreciate. You took it upon yourself to make your training for Omega to be how enjoy things she could not before, to make her feel like she wasn’t restricted, or stripped of her curiosity. You encouraged it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, my data shows that the atmosphere on this planet coupled with the local vegetation means excessive consumption of precipitation could lead to harmful side effects.” Tech says as he walks past, guiding his scanner around you as he too gets off the ship. You purse your lips and look down at your small companion once more, chuckling.
“Bit of rain won’t hurt you.” Hunter says as he comes up behind the two of you, handing Omega her small backpack you had found for her at a market during your last job for Cid. You wanted her to have something of her own and found some amenities to put in it as well. Some new fresh clothes, and a small toolkit among other things, including her beloved clone trooper doll. “We should get inside though. Cid said we can stay at her camp here before we continue to the other side of the planet for the exchange tomorrow. We can’t proceed until late morning at least. Best to get some rest while we can.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice Sarge.” Wrecker yells from the belly of the ship. You hear his footsteps as he barrels down the gangway and feel him join you both. He grabs your own pack from your shoulder and puts it over his own, its size shrinking against his broad form. “You and the kid take your time, beautiful. I can take our stuff inside.”
“Wreck I can take that, it’s just a few things.” You laugh, grabbing for your pack. He dodges your efforts and keeps walking forward, turning to wink at you as he follows his brothers. You huff out another laugh and lead Omega towards the cleared path in the forest. “Well, I guess I’ll just escort you then my lady. I’ll get you settled in in Hunter’s room before I join them so we can go over the mission details for tomorrow.”
“Can’t I be there? I want to know what’s going on tomorrow too!” Omega asks, her shoulders slumping down a moment under her cloak. You squeeze her hand and nod.
“Alright Omega, you can come with me. We’ll drop your pack off and then find our way. Just be weary. I’m not sure what kind of mission this will be or what Hunter’s plans for you are. This may be one you need to sit out, for all I know the both of us might be sticking behind. You’re a part of the squad so I see no issue of you being there. Just be ready to play the part Hunter and the others have planned.” You tell her. Thankfully, Hunter had begun to allow her a little more freedom with her involvement in missions. There were still runs Cid sent you on however that weren’t worth the risk.
“I promise I will!” She says, saluting you. You look ahead as a clearing broke out of the path and you see a glassed-in observatory style station come into view. It looked like a two-story home, perfectly rectangular in shape. The walls were made completely of glass, save for the metal framing around the edges and planforms, holding the building above the ground. You imagined the views of the forest were breathtaking from inside. You had to give it to her, Cid had taste. 
“(y/n)? Can I ask just one question before we go in?”
“Go on Omega, I’m listening.” You answer, still looking towards your quarters for the night.
“What are snowflakes?” ***** You sigh as you enter the code to your keypad Wrecker directly behind you as you all retired to your rooms after the mission briefing. Omega left in happy spirits with Hunter as he had a part for her to play in this mission, the situation being a simple drop-off of supplies with payment, nothing too messy. Since Omega had paid off all your debt with Cid, you were able to stick to more low-profile jobs while you figured out a new plan regarding Omega’s safety and the unsettling end of the war.
“The kid seemed happy that she has a job to do with us. I like when she’s able to come out in the field with us.” Wrecker says, starting to take off his uniform. You cross your arms over your chest, still a little chilled from the rain as you look out. You were right before, as the whole building, including your room, was surrounded by windows. Thick, one-way, bulletproof windows, as Tech made sure to point out, given who owned it. It really was a beautiful sight.
The view made it easy to look out into the forest, the leaves on the branches, bright from the rain and crisp air. The foliage swayed back and forth with the wind, creating the most soothing hushing sound, mother natures lullaby. Accompanied of course by what had to be some type of owls, their deep calls coming from their nests in the surrounding trees. Open space had a soothing effect to most. It’s infinite darkness with specks of light, but to you, it was far too quiet. No outside noises penetrated the thick hull of the Havoc Marauder, only the synthetic beeps and whirs of the engines going off in the night could soothe you in the deafening moments.
“I know that ain’t true, you smacked me in the face with your pillow the other night cause you said I was snorin’ too loudly.” Wrecker points out, lifting his chest piece over his head, his upper body now free of the extra weight. You hadn’t realized that you were thinking out loud, though you often did it around Wrecker. He was your partner, for a couple years now. Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Echo you trusted with your life. With Wrecker, you trusted him with your life and your heart. You take his chest piece from his hand and set it in the trunk he had carried in along with your bag. “
That is different!” You laugh, coming back to take the final pieces of his suit, leaving him just in his black thermal set. You lay the final piece into the trunk and sit on a chair that faces the windows. “This place reminds me of things I love. The birds, the trees, the smell of the rain. You can’t find that in space big guy. I’m glad we’re able to take Omega with us to these different planets and worlds. It’s important she knows about the world and everything in it. Good and bad. I just try my bests to let her see the good to remember during those bad times. She’s going to have to fight for a lot in her life, an unfair amount…”
“Hey, listen-“You feel Wrecker stand behind you, putting one hand on your shoulder and gesturing for your other one. You put your hand in his and bring the warm top side of his to your lips, kissing it gently. His hands dwarfed your own, as he did most parts of you. You were always safe when you were with him, and you knew if he wasn’t near, it wouldn’t take much to have him barreling towards you at any moment when you needed him. “We’re gonna look after Omega. We made it this far, I’ll stand in front of anyone that tries to hurt her… Or take her away.”
“I know you would Wreck, we all would. She just adores and admires you all.” You say, his fingers grazing your cheek as you speak. You were honest too. If your run in with the bounty hunters wasn’t enough, you knew in your heart that child was probably the most protected thing in the galaxy.
“She likes you a lot too ya know. She tells me all the time.”
“Does she?” You smile to yourself. The word ‘love’ was seldom used around the ship, usually only regarding Mantell mix by a select few. The feeling was always present of course, the brothers all loved each other, and as the time went on, it extended to both yourself and Omega as well. Wrecker had told you after he told you he loved you for the first time in your relationship, that it was the first time he had said it to someone in such a way.
“She does. She thinks your beautiful, and smart and kind. I like her, she’s a smart kid.” Wrecker lets go of your hand and comes around to the front of your chair. You barely have a moment to look up before he picks you up into his arms like you were nothing, carrying you to the plush bed that was made up in the middle of the room. He sets you down gently and crawls into bed with you. 
“Cause I think you’re beautiful, kind, and smart too.”
You laugh and prop yourself up a little more as Wrecker settles beside you, who is also sitting up to look at you. You extend your hand and cradle his face in your hand, your thumb brushing along his cheekbone. Before you can reply you feel a yawn manifest in your throat before it escapes, your hand covering your mouth as you try and keep your gaze on your favourite trooper.
“Am I that boring?” He chuckles. You swing your legs back over the edge of the bed, starting to unhook your boots. Wrecker gets up from the bed again and walks to your pack, grabbing your sleep pants from it.
“No Wreck of course not. I’m sorry, I just feel really tired suddenly.” You reply, pulling off your boots and setting them beside the bed, keeping them close just in case. You feel his hands slip under your shirt and you let him lift the fabric from your body, leaving you in just a worn sports bra. As you wiggle out of your tactical pants, he hands you the black sweatpants and you slip them on, relishing in the feel of the soft fabric. You never seem to realize how tired your body is until you properly stop for a moment.
“It’s okay baby, it’s been a while since we had a break. Even when we do, you’re always doing something for us, or for Omega.” He says, joining you in bed again. You lay back on his chest, relaxing into him as you look out the array of windows and out into the wilderness around you. You wished you had time to explore more, and to enjoy your time there, but you could already feel sleep tugging you down, not being helped by Wrecker’s fingers grazing up and down you arm.
“I know- but I still wish we had some extra time. We haven’t had a lot of time together either, just the two of us. I’m sorry I’m wasting it.” You sigh, fingers dancing over his chest.
“Don’t worry (y/n).”  Wrecker takes his arm around you and rolls you onto his chest, almost laying you almost on top of him, kissing that spot on your neck that makes your heart thrum. “There’s always the morning. You know how much I like breakfast.”
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The BatCape
(or: another BatDad moment I dreamed vaguely about because I seem to come up with my best material when I’m unconscious. I imagine this being a blog post made by a Gothamite to a forum or something talking about superheroes.)
Batman’s cape has become local legend amongst the children of Gotham — well, everyone really — but especially children or people who have interacted with Batman as kids over the years and have since grown up.
I mean, how can it not be? It’s bulletproof, it’s waterproof, it acts as a makeshift glider, it’s warm and cozy and heavy. Batman regularly uses it as a substitute shock blanket to give to victims in shock after a crime, or to act as a weighted blanket to calm someone down from a panic attack, or to shield someone from an explosion or a stray bullet, (myself included!). The cape is safe.
Even to the other Bats.
It’s a common sight to see Black Bat, Red Robin/Drake, The Signal or even Nightwing chilling under Batman’s cape at any given time. Sometimes he removes the thing outright to give to them, as he would to a victim of a crime or a medical patient in need of assistance.
Robin always seems hesitant or irritated, but he never refuses the cape. He has been seen clinging to one of Batman’s legs and doing his best to assimilate into the darkness. Witnesses claim that, after making a noise of annoyance, Batman closed his cape further around himself. I guess those Bats really are nocturnal.
Red Robin will just approach and make “grabby hands” at him until he complies. This is usually met with a sigh, but not one of annoyance, more like exasperation. The boy is just perpetually exhausted. Pray for this tired jellybean.
Black Bat has refused it on occasion, simply stating, “dad get cold” (which, side note, is just just adorable)
On the occasions Nightwing accepts the cape, it is either after much prodding (the man’s suit is very skin-tight, which I imagine isn’t very insulative) or he’ll tackle Batman and cling to him like a koala to a eucalyptus tree.
Even Batwoman doesn’t seem immune to the (surely magical) allure of the cape — she has once been sighted taking the thing from Batman outright and then marching off somewhere without so much of an acknowledgement by either party.
(Side note — I see now why so many people are thirsting over our local Cryptid. Have you seen his legs?? His butt?? Legendary.)
Sources have alerted me to one evening when both Spoiler and Red Robin had fallen asleep on someone’s fire escape, so after sending an anonymous tip to BatWatch, eventually Batman swoops in to grab the both of them (individually) and cart them down to the road where he was seen placing them in his car and wrapping them in his cape. A truly wholesome moment on an otherwise bleak night for the witnesses.
Even more surprising was an occurrence close to midday, when Bluebird was seen exiting a McDonald’s only to stop as she was drenched in rain. She must have called for assistance, because soon enough, Batman pops out of a nearby manhole, strides over to where she’s standing and huddles her under his cape before taking off towards the manhole. The entire exchange took less than two minutes, but it’s an event that will surely remain fresh in the memory of witnesses for quite some time.
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brynnmck · 4 years
It’s @agirlnamedkeith‘s birthday today! And since I could not get my shit together enough to write anything for her, I thought that--at the risk of making her feel weird--I would talk a little bit about her writing instead.
“I’ll talk about three fics I love of hers,” I thought, and then went to her AO3 profile and realized it would be impossible to narrow it down to three. So. Five fics of Hannah’s that I love, in no particular order, and obviously not a remotely comprehensive list, also I am skipping We Make the Rules because everyone knows it’s amazing but let me be clear that it is fucking amazing and I think about it like once a week, and anyway:
with a hint of sin (Jaime/Addam/Brienne, rated E, 5851 words) - LOVE ME SOME J/A/B, Y’ALL. Back when I first discovered Hannah’s fic and I was looking through her back catalog, I saw her J/A/B fics and went “...huh” and then I read them and went “yessssssss.” This canonverse-ish fic involves several extremely sexy scenarios and also the warmth and connection between the three of them is so palpable and swoony. Addam’s description of Brienne that’s used in the summary makes me a little teary (and, okay, also thirsty) every time, and I love how Brienne is inexperienced in this but still enthusiastic, and the hot and affectionate history between Jaime and Addam, and just generally the thought of the three of them having this little sexy sweet cocoon in the middle of everything that’s raging around them. I just adore it.
i’ll unfold before you (WIP, J/B, rated E, 9258 words so far) - PAINTER!JAIME. QUASI-REGENCY PAINTER JAIME. This one holds a special place in my heart because, well, painter!Jaime and a fiercely stubborn pugilistic Brienne, but also because I answered Hannah’s open request for a backup beta one night in an attempt to aggressively make her my friend and it totally worked. MUAHAHA. Anyway, the premise of this is genius--Brienne’s unwanted betrothed Connington has commissioned starving-artist-because-of-reasons Jaime Hill to paint a portrait of her, and she asks Jaime to make her look as unappealing as possible in it, and that works out pretty much as well as you would expect. Jaime and Brienne truly seeing each other is something I never get tired of, and the way Jaime, with his artistic eye, sees Brienne in this fic is just devastating on every level. Brienne also finds it very inspirational, and the results are extremely hot and extremely romantic. This is a WIP but I also have it on good authority that we have divan shenanigans and possibly some under-Brienne’s-dress action in our future, so best to get caught up now and then attempt to prepare yourself for what’s coming next (j/k you can’t).
because i know no other way (J/B, rated T, 1454 words) - A short and sweet high school AU Valentine’s Day fic where Jaime works adorably hard to express his affection for his girlfriend Brienne in the ways he thinks she’d most like it expressed. Characters making the effort to speak each other’s love languages is one of my bulletproof kinks, and this is just so fucking delightful and hilarious and also includes Jaime informing her that he’s “almost problematically hard ninety percent of the time,” which is an amazing line. SO ADORABLE, just a quick little shot of endorphins, like a really good piece of chocolate.
my heart is holding on to you (WIP, J/B, rated T, 21830 words so far) - This is also a WIP and I love it so much. A post-canon setup where Brienne and Jaime have gone their separate ways and then he comes back to visit her on Tarth after she’s been married, had children, and been widowed. I absolutely adore the delicate way this is handled, the way we get both the echo of their former intimacy and the awareness that they’re not the same people now that they were then. They have to reckon with their old hurts and mistakes and get to know each other again, and re-learn how to be friends (and, of course, hopefully lovers too) while still discovering new things about themselves, too. It’s all very achy and sweet and deft and romantic as fuck, and their sloooooow (perfectly, thoughtfully slow) progression back toward each other is just a;lskdjfa;lsgjka;slgja PUT YOUR MOUTHS ON EACH OTHER’S MOUTHS BUT ALSO I’M LOVING THIS JOURNEY FOR BOTH OF YOU. I also really love how they’re both such individuals in this; they’re perfectly capable of going on without each other, they’re just slowly realizing that they really don’t want to, which is another one of my bulletproof kinks, and re-reading this to write up this rec has me all in my feelings again. JUST READ IT IT’S VERY GOOD.
a helping hand (J/B, rated M, 2011 words) and make me wanna drop (J/A/B, rated E, 1804 words) - BROJOBS. I LOVE THIS ‘VERSE SO MUCH. Jaime is such a hot bisexual disaster in this, and I love a Brienne who knows what she likes even if she’s still a little uncertain about doing it with a friend, and the juxtaposition of casual(-yet-also-not) and scorching hot here is just... WHEW. The first fic involves Jaime and Brienne watching each other jerk off (ALWAYS GOOD) and then the second one involves Jaime and Addam competing to see which of them is better at eating Brienne out (ALSO EXTREMELY GOOD). It also includes this immortal observation: If Jaime is a human golden retriever (over the top, enthusiastic and eager to please), then Addam is a cat (cool, calm, and exceedingly disinterested in anyone’s approval). I CANNOT GET OVER HOW MUCH I LOVE THAT DESCRIPTION, and it’s in my mind every time I read a J/A/B fic. Sooooooo fucking good. There’s also a J/A/B tender spitroast that may or may not be in the same ‘verse, I don’t know for sure, but either way it’s lovely and hot as fuck and you should read it. 
So those are my Hannah’s Birthday Recs! As I said, not remotely a comprehensive list; what a gift to have her talents in this fandom. I could also say things about how she is hilarious and charming and kind and smart and sharp and excellently bitey in the service of good causes, but I don’t want to embarrass her, so I will just say: happy birthday, Hannah! I love you, you asshole, and I’m so glad we’re friends, and I sincerely hope this year treats you infinitely better than the last one did. (And if at any point you want a fic from me, consider this an IOU.) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: Anakin Skywalker was the former enforcer of the Sidious, a ruthless crime lord. Now in witness protection, he maneuvers garage sales, kindergarten, and the local amateur gangs. And sometimes, when Luke and Leia are busy baking mud cakes in the garden, he even has time to flirt with his rather attractive neighbor Obi-Wan. AN: Wrote this for @anakinskywalkher. Fluff and crack treated seriously.
Four years ago, Anakin Lars hadn’t thought he’d ever end up living in some white-picket-fence suburban neighborhood. Hell, two months ago he hadn’t even entertained the thought that he might actually get to experience what the average Coruscant citizen might view as normal. But he also hadn’t been Anakin Lars then, only Anakin Skywalker at best and Darth Vader at worst. He wasn’t on the run anymore or praying that the government decided his information wasn’t good enough to let him keep his children.
He was just a single father with two adorable children, driving them home from kindergarten in a freaking SUV. Granted, it was an already tuned SUV because he wouldn’t be caught dead in such a car – the windows weren’t even bulletproof – but it was still such a weirdly middle-class car. Anakin had never been stuck in something like that, only ever the fastest cars Palpatine’s money had been able to buy.
But that was years ago.
Now Anakin would make noodles for lunch and then he’d think of ways to entertain two four-year-olds until their bedtime. He parked the car in their garage and waited for Luke and Leia to get out as well while he took the groceries out of the trunk. When he had bought the child seats, the seller had assured him that the twins wouldn’t be able to get out of it on their own. It had taken Leia three days to prove him wrong and Luke another two.
“And we played catch with Ezra,” Leia said as they walked over to the front door. “Ezra is fun.”
“So you like kindergarten now?” Anakin asked.
Leia’s face scrunched up and she immediately grabbed his hand. “No, I want to stay with Daddy.”
Surprisingly, Luke had thrown less of a fuss about going to kindergarten then Leia. He was the clingier child usually, always needed Anakin or Leia in his sights and hated sleeping alone. Every night he’d move into Leia’s bed or drag his sister with him into Anakin’s. He’d read in some parenting forums that he should discourage such behavior, but Anakin only had half as many nightmares when he wasn’t alone, so he really didn’t feel like stopping the two of them. Leia was more independent, curious, tested her limits every day and asked “Why?” until he had to start googling for answers, yet getting her ready in the morning was still an ordeal every other day. Where Luke had quickly integrated with the other kids, Leia had not. It was nothing unusual apparently, Anakin had not yet failed entirely as a parent, but hearing that she liked at least one kid that was not Luke still calmed him.
“Daddy, daddy, look!” Luke pulled excitedly at Anakin’s other arm and pointed towards his left. “Mr. Obi-Wan is back! Hello, Mr. Obi-Wan!”
True to his son’s words, their neighbor was apparently also returning home right now, parking his bike right next to his meticulously cared for hydrangea bushes. Anakin wasn’t exactly sure what Obi-Wan’s job was, but the man kept some odd hours and was home quite often during lunch time when Anakin was cooking for the twins.
Obi-Wan looked up and smiled one of his stupidly handsome smiles Anakin kind of wished he could just forget about.
“Hello, Luke,” Obi-Wan greeted. “How are you going today?”
Luke glanced up at Anakin and when he nodded, the four-year-old rushed over to the fence separating the two properties, trampling through the not yet planted vegetable plots.
“I’m good! Daddy’s gonna make his special chocolate cookies today. Do you want one?”
Anakin had not in fact planned on making cookies today and was just about to remind Luke that they had been planning on eating healthy for the remainder of the week, when Obi-Wan already agreed that he’d been honored to try one.
“But we don’t have any chocolate!” Leia shouted and then promptly decided to involve herself and Anakin the conversation by pulling her father over to Luke.
She would know, given that she had raided their entire stash yesterday, earning herself a stomach ache.
“Oh, no!” Obi-Wan said, faking shock. “No chocolate at all?”
“No chocolate,” Leia replied seriously while Luke nodded.
Obi-Wan crossed his arms in front of his chest and pretended to consider the situation very deeply. It made Anakin smile to see someone go along so easily with the twins’ antics. To be fair, most of the people he’d met in the neighborhood so far seemed kind and helpful. Plo Koon, who lived across the street together with his daughter Ahsoka, had shown up multiple times with home-cooked meals already, offering to help Anakin out with the twins should he ever need a break. But still, Obi-Wan was not someone who knew how difficult dealing with kids on your own was, he was just that nice.
“I believe I still have some chocolate in my kitchen,” Obi-Wan finally said. “If you want to, you can have it.”
“Really?” The twins exclaimed in unison. “Daddy, please, can we?”
“So now you ask me, huh?” Anakin grinned. “Well, I don’t know. What are you going to give Obi-Wan in turn.”
“Two cookies,” Leia said immediately.
“Only two?”
“Maybe three?” Luke offered. “And Mr. Obi-Wan can decorate the cookies.”
“I take it that decorating is a very important part of the baking process?”
The twins both shook their head. “The importantest.”
“Most important,” Anakin corrected lightly. “We’ll eat lunch now and then get started in an hour, if that’s alright with you?”
“Sure, I don’t have another shift today, unless there’s an emergency,” Obi-Wan replied. “I’ll bring the chocolate over then.”
“Until later then.”
The twins waved Obi-Wan goodbye and proceeded to tell Anakin how many cookies they were going to make today, claiming impossibly high numbers. It wasn’t until he was putting the groceries in the fridge that Anakin realized he’d just invited Obi-Wan over to his house to bake together with his children.
Was that strange? Anakin had no idea, the closest he’d come to have another adult in his space spending time with him and his children in the past years was showing Agent Vos that he could, in fact, cook for the twins and had been taught how to do more than kill another human person.
He had no idea what to do.
He needed to call Quinlan.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years
Con Amore: Part 15
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 05/28/2020
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,035 words
A/N: One more part after this, then we’re done. Promise.
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They were an odd group, but they worked together brilliantly. Sometimes, they reminded you of your boys.
Yeonjun cracked some corny jokes now and then that reminded you of Seokjin, but could also be as serious as Hoseok.
Huening-Kai had a tendency to pull the maknae card like Jungkook, and the enthusiasm that Taehyung got when excited.
Soobin would get embarrassed and melt a little like Jimin, or sometimes like Namjoon.
Beomgyu was absolutely as snarky as Jimin.
Taehyun’s attention to fashion which reminded you of Namjoon mostly, but also Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok.
“Do you think they would train us if we asked?” Beomgyu asked quietly, a change from his usual talkative self.
You paused, then kept stringing the dried peels, berries, and popcorn. “Yes. I do think they would. As long as you showed that you were willing to learn.”
“They’re the coolest,” Yeonjun said, awe in his voice. “Whenever we heard about them at the temple, Taehyun, Huening, and I would then go and look for every video and article on it we could find on the library computer. They’re so well trained and they work so well together.”
You smiled a little. “I don’t know that they would be able to help you all train your powers. There are similarities with some of your powers and theirs, but there are also differences.”
“But they’ve worked this long in working together despite differences in their powers,” Taehyun countered. “We have a lot to learn about working together.”
You nodded slowly. “That’s true. They are exceptional when it comes to teamwork. They’re a family, but they also have a heirarchy. They know who is calling the shots. They have a specific purpose that they are devoted to.”
“You?” Beomgyu guessed, grinning and ducking when you threw popcorn at him.
“No, you imp. They want a world that’s better than the one they were born into. They were best suited to fighting those who would tear the world down to make it their own. Trying to make life better for supers like you boys,” You said softly, reaching over to push Huening’s hair from his eyes so he could actually see what he was doing.
Soobin nodded. “And what do you focus on?”
“The little things,” You answered, pulling a clip from one of your non-archive storage spaces and pulling Huening Kai’s hair away from his face. “Small robberies, hostage situations now and then, children, children’s homes. As Nightingale, anyway. But as an archivist…the scope of my job varies greatly from day to day. The overlap is very present though, which makes what I do a little more fulfilling than just…collecting things that will collect dust while staying a safe distance from the world.”
Beomgyu set a snack beside you just as you were thinking you should get one. “But…you’re known for being a fighter. I mean, you practically died to save the town. They built a monument to you.”
You shrugged. “The memories of the populace are short-lived. So distracted by every new thing, attention spans shortened by the speed with which needs are satisfied. It was the first big fight I’d ever participated in. And I…wasn’t exactly alive when they got me to the hospital. I had to leave for a while after that, I stopped by the temple for a little bit to be healed completely, then I went and just did my job as an archivist. Laying low.”
“Because it was your family,” Taehyun said, then his eyes widened. “Sorry, I—”
“Relax, Taehyun, it’s okay. I know you don’t purposely pry into my life.” You rested a hand on your stomach where the baby was pushing their little foot out, quickly reaching over and grabbing Yeonjun’s hand to guide it there since he was the only one who hadn’t been able to feel the baby so far. It usually pulled away just before he got to feel it, and lately it had been a little less active. Still moving, but not trying to push it’s foot into your lungs or kick your ribs.
His eyes were huge. “She’s really sticking it out there.”
“He,” Huening Kai countered playfully, not willing to let his hyung have the satisfaction.
“It’s a girl,” Yeonjun scoffed.
“Boy,” Taehyun immediately argued, tossing a piece of popcorn at the eldest.
You rolled your eyes. “Boys, at this rate, we’ll never have the tree decorated and I’ll have to cancel Christmas.”
Beomgyu and Soobin’s eyes got huge and they quickly shushed the other three who weren’t completely ready to give up—especially Huening Kai.
Until Soobin pointed at him and directly sent a wave of peace into him, then did the same with the other two. “String the popcorn.”
“Yeah, I’m not missing my first Christmas just because you guys were fighting,” Beomgyu added sternly. He set more supplies in front of them, then continued cutting the dried orange peels into stars.
The other boys quickly set back to work.
You laughed softly. “I wouldn’t actually cancel Christmas, you know that, right?”
“Not worth the risk,” Soobin said, waving a hand to dismiss it.
You shook your head, still smiling. They were adorable, and you doted on them more than you expected to. Part of you blamed the hormones, but you also knew it was because they were so young, and because they had all been through a lot in their lives. You’d doted on Soobin before all of this, but now you were seeing him grow with these other boys.
Made you feel old, and you really weren’t that old.
Huening Kai was just a baby, too. A cutie-pie who needed to be protected at all costs.
They all were, really.
Beomgyu looked at you strangely. “Are you okay? I’m sensing something…weird.”
“I’m fine?” You answered, shrugging. You picked at the snack, looking over the garland before tying it off. “Soobin, go put this on the tree.”
He got up and took it, pausing.
“Start from the top, wrap it around in a way the looks pretty, working toward the bottom and keeping in mind that there will be a few more strands.” You scrunched your nose as a sort of tightness   pressed on your stomach.
Huening Kai was trying to remember the words to a Christmas song, debating with Yeonjun playfully until you went to get your songbook to settle the matter since they were just making it worse.
You got up slowly, wincing a little. Your ankles were swollen and your feet hurt. So did your back. You’d been doing easy exercises to strengthen your body as the pregnancy progressed, but it still didn’t do much to help since the doctor you were seeing in the town nearby had told you to take it easy. You weren’t strictly on bed-rest, but she wanted you to act as much like you were as possible, and the boys had been making sure you obeyed.
You found the book, but instead of going out, you stared at the book, looking at the doodle Jimin had drawn on the front.
He had been teasing you, mostly because he knew what you had gotten Tae for Christmas, while he had been hand-drawing cards for the other boys and his marker had slipped onto the book he was using as a hard surface—your Christmas music. So, to make it up to you, he had turned the mark into a cute little snowman.
That was the year that you had gotten Yeontan for Taehyung.
You missed the domesticity of your life with the boys. You wanted them here.
You wanted them freaking out when they felt the baby kick for the first time, or staring at the ultrasound and asking you what was what again and again. Freaking out if you so much as got out of bed when they weren’t sure if you were supposed to or not. Reading the books with you, freaking out when you made them find out exactly what happens during birth. Fighting over who would get to be with you during the birth of the baby. How they would handle the hospital.
But that wasn’t possible.
“Y/n!” Soobin called, sounding alarmed.
Then Beomgyu hurried in. “There’s a group approaching, Hueningkai says they’re armed.”
“Okay, remember the plan. Stick to the plan.” You tossed aside the book, running through your repertoire of songs that wouldn’t accidentally harm the boys while you were trying to help keep them safe. Your powers were somewhat unpredictable lately, so you had to play it as safely as possible.
“Y/n, I don’t think you should,” Beomgyu said, grabbing your arm. “You’re health is different than even earlier this morning. Please just let us take care of you. I know it’s not in your nature, but it’s necessary. This is why we’re here, isn’t it?”
You slowly nodded, then stepped back. “Alright. But I’m establishing the communication network.”
Beomgyu nodded.
You hummed the song you’d come up with a couple weeks ago, which melded the various powers of you and the boys to form a sort of mental communication to each other. It was the safest song you had right now. “Update.”
“Four men to the south, three to the west, two to the east,” Hueningkai said.
“I’ll get the ones on the south,” Yeonjun said. “Blind the ones to the west.”
“I’ve got the ones to the east,” Soobin told them. “Hold until we know their intentions.”
You nodded, silently agreeing with Soobin’s assessment.
Beomgyu sat beside you, listening to the boys call out their positions. “We’ll be okay, y/n. Try to relax.”
You glanced at him, but mostly were focusing on sensing out there. The foreign melodies. The inclination toward major or minor melodies and the dissonant or harmonic chords, how it all fit together. “Be ready. They sound more hostile.”
“We’re ready,” Taehyun said. “I’ve got eyes on all of you. Yeonjun, Huening, try to increase the snow-fall to inhibit them more.”
“Got it.”
“Good idea.”
You froze as a foreign feeling washed over you.
Beomgyu looked at you in alarm.
“Boys, maybe put a rush on that,” You told them, getting up and grabbing the go-bag.
“What? Why?” Yeonjun asked.
“My water just broke. We’re going to the hospital.”
“So…loud and messy is okay as long as it’s quick?” Yeonjun asked, sounding a little freaked out.
“Anything to make sure the house is safe and no one follows us to the hospital,” You replied, voice a little sing-song in alarm.
Beomgyu grabbed the other bag and led the way to the garage. “Just do it. She’s a month early and I was right about the contractions.”
Your eyes widened when you heard a crash outside, followed by some screams of terror.
“Okay, just need to bury these guys and then the way is clear.”
Beomgyu shared a scared look with you.
Soobin darted in and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Clear the snow and ice from the roads?”
“Got it, rest of us our outside.”
You held onto the door handle as another contraction came through. “Hurry.” Your eyes filled with tears, and right then, all you wanted was one of your loves. Holding your hand.
But you didn’t get to have that. Not yet.
Beomgyu took your other hand as the other boys hopped into the vehicle. “It’s okay. Just breathe and try to stay calm. Do you want us to contact them?”
“No. It’s too dangerous,” You whispered. “Just keep my baby safe.”
He nodded. “Nothing will happen to the baby. I’m going to be with you and nothing will happen to either of you.”
You rested your other hand on your stomach.
“Got it,” He answered, then an overwhelming sense of peace washed over you. Almost like when Namjoon would use his confession inducement-type power. This was, admittedly, more agreeable.
“Taehyun, Hueningkai and I will set ourselves up around the perimeter and keep an eye out for trouble. Beomgyu will be with you, and Soobin will guard the waiting room. It’s the best we can do at the hospital.”
“I know. Thank you.”
Part 14.   Part 16/Final.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
Tagging: @ephemeral-mindset​, @alex–awesome–22​, @bryvada​, @missmoxxiesworld​, @knjhe, @i-dont-even-know-fck
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 21
Chapter title: A Winters Ball
A/n:  Merry Christmas Eve! Happy Hannukah! Happy Holidays to all! I hope this chapter is a nice something should you need it, it's a little longer so I hope that's ok! It's also bad but when are they not lol. Anyway, enjoy! Make sure to leave me some comments and Happy Holidays!
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words: 6082
summary: Patton throws a holiday party, with gifts for all!
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Alcohol, murder mention, drunk, implied abuse, gun, kissing, crying
Ao3 Link  
It started out so calm. Virgil arrived a little after seven looking happier than he had that entire week. He carried with him a small box, clutching to it as if it was his last hope. The kids pounced instantly, jumping forward as they drag Damian and Virgil further into the house only solidifying their stay.
“Ok” Patton laughs “Give Uncle Virge room to breathe '' He requests, the twins pout but let go moving away. Damian scurries back to his position, hiding safely with his father, clutching to the detective's legs. “Hey” Patton greets, a side hug is given.
“Papa! Can we play now?” Valerie asks, tugging loosely on her father's jeans. He chuckles shaking his head, he nods. Valerie races towards the living room where she has previously set toys and begins her game under the Christmas tree again. Remus sways in his spot, he watches Damian carefully.
“Uncle Virgil?” He speaks so softly, the adults almost miss his spoken words. “Would Dee like to play?” He wonders, Damian furrows his brows but pokes his head out ever so slightly “Dada let me buy a new game, it has snakes” he offers with a toothy grin. Virgil nods almost impressed by Remus’s calm manner, clearly quite taken to Damian. He turns to his son, lifting him carefully.
“Dee? Wanna go play with Remus?” He questions, Damian, shies away not wanting to meet his father's eyes “Damian” Virgil drags his name, he places his fingers on his son's lips, flubbing them gently. He giggles finally giving in.
“I'll play” He resigns, Virgil smiles letting him down. Remus, trying his hardest not to explode, bounces away with a frightened Damian. Yet Virgil sees something new in his son, a curious spark in his eyes.
“Happy birthday Virge '' Patton says finally once the kids are distracted. Virgil gives a coy smile following his friend into the kitchen. “Ok, we have got all your favorites.” Patton huffs triumphant, a proud aura around him. Virgil cheers silently, the sweet smell of each delectable treat making its way through his nose. “Alright what's with the smiles” Patton notes, Virgil's blush furthers
“Roman and I, may or may n-” Virgil stops as the door bursts open. The pair make their way to the main hall, Virgil quickly moves to his holster. Patton goes towards the now alert kids, their eyes fall on the figure that stumbles in. “Who are you!” Virgil demands, his gun pulled now. The kids squeal hiding behind Patton. Three pairs of hands clutch to him as he tries his hardest to breathe.
“I'm your worst nightmare” Is the simple, groan-inducing, response they receive. Soon enough the figure stands pointing his own weapon. Patton stifles a gasp, his hands placed protectively on the children.
“Pat, take the kids and go” He commands, Patton nods instantly picking up the three of them struggling as he races to the bedroom.
“I'm scared dada” Remus cries, not letting go of his father as they settle onto the bed. Patton nods through his own careful tears. Valerie and Damian follow Remus’s lead and grasp desperately to Patton. He cradles them, stroking their heads protectively hoping they can't hear the conversation arising outside. He takes a deep breath reaching for his phone, sending a quick text to Logan. He knows it's vague but he doesn't have space in his mind to worry about anything else right now.
“Is my Papi going to be ok?” Damian barely whispers, Patton takes staggered breaths before turning to Damian. “Uncle Pat?” He goes again
“Dee, I promise, he is going to be ok” Patton hopes, he knows Virgil never leaves the house without his gun and his bulletproof vest. Even then, the image of Virgil and that monster facing off rattles Patton.
“What do you want?” Virgil questions, hearing the door shut in the room.
“Not you, so I would get the hell out of my way” The figure speaks “You and your kids could get out of this safe. Just give me the lawyer” It requests, Virgil bites his lower lip. Fat chance, he re-asserts his gun. “Awe come on detective Tormine, you don't want this to escalate do you?” It mocks.
“No he doesn't” A new voice enters the ring, the absolute sigh of relief that emerges from Virgil cannot be described. “And neither do you, hands on your head, drop the weapon” Remy commands, the figure snarls but hesitantly obeys. Once Remy has control Logan and Roman appear, feared determination upon the judge's face. A quick look at the figure before Roman moves to Virgil.
“Are you ok?” He rushes, Virgil's eyes widen but he remains. Small nods increasing before he resets. “Virge?” Roman tries again, taking the detective's shoulders.
“Damian” Virgil utters, soon enough two small feet run towards him, Virgil turns scooping up his son immediately. “Oh my god,” He whispers, clutching tight wishing to never let him go. Roman rubs his back supportively, strokes through Damian's hair. A small family, safe.
“He was a very brave little boy” Patton compliments emerging with his twins in hand. Roman gasps, pulling the trio into a hug, Patton melts absolutely comfortable in his hold. “Thank you, for coming” He nods at them, Logan nods before giggling.
“You're ok!” Logan exclaims, he throws his arms around Patton, for the first time with Logan the lawyer flinches. Roman and Virgil freeze. “I was so worried” Logan pouts, Patton takes a sharp breath.
“A-are you...drunk?” He practically gags as the odor wafts from him. Logan cocks his head before grinning.
“I am l-lightly...tipsy” His teeth shine through the smile. Patton backs away, only securing his hold on the twins.
“I am lightly tips- tip..” Liam stops “What's the word again?”
“Patton?” Roman checks, Virgil gives him a grim nod. “Lo, why don't I...why don't we get home?” Roman suggests, Logan watches the lawyer, his naive smile draining away as he grounds himself. “Bud?” Roman tries again.
“Hey! Stop fidgeting” Remy fights against the intruder, the group turns and watches him. Virgil goes forward, handing his son to Roman, assisting Remy.
“A b c d E f g” the figure seethes, a disgustingly mischievous smile on his face “guess it’s time for a killing spree” Remy and Virgil share a look, a nervous swallow is shared.
“Yeah whatever, let's go” Remy directs, disappearing soon into his car. Roman helps Logan back into his vehicle, after much resistance and whiny behavior of course.
“Pat, I'm gonna head home ok?” Virgil checks, popping his head into the twin's room. Patton sits by Remus’s bed, stroking his hair delicately, he turns his eyes tired. Damian yawns, shuffling in his father's arm as he sleeps away. “You ok?”
“Mmhm” Patton hums “Night Virge...happy birthday” He celebrates weakly. Virgil gives half the effort for a smile before leaving, fearing what might come should the house fall empty and quiet.
“Merry Christmas Eve Lo!” Patton cheers advancing on Logan's position, the lawyer turns, his breath stolen as the bright figure walks towards him. A shining smile as he unwraps himself from his coat, revealing a neat yet festive outfit.
“Patton, I want to apologize once again, profusely” Logan begins, Patton hangs his coat cocking his head. “My behavior was unacceptable, it crossed a line and I am so eternally sorry for what happened” He laments, Patton's eyes soften as they take Logan's hand. He gives a quick squeeze.
“Logan, listen to me ok?” He asks, knowing its a big one. Logan nods eagerly to do anything he can. “It's ok, you are ok and...this shouldn't mean anything at all, but...I forgive you” He says, Logan can't help but fiddle with Patton's fingers. Clearly aching for this sense of normalcy.
“I'm not Liam” He asserts, needing to make that clear. Patton laughs softly, placing a cupped hand on Logan's cheek. Logan restrains every wants to buckle his knees and fall into the pool of love that fills Patton's eyes. His gentle touch caused a flutter they both dearly missed.
“I know, Lo...you are not” Patton smiles at even the thought “I was just scared, it happens. Virgil's done the same thing and I had the same reaction, it's really not your fault...just um…” He takes a breath, his lips pursed as he thinks. Logan exhales sharply, knowing exactly what he deems the occurrence as.
“Habit?” Logan hates how easily that clicks for Patton, it shouldn't be.
“Right” He agrees, he shakes himself out before a smile returns. “So listen, are you still coming over tonight?” Patton inquires, the pair begin their walk through the courtyard. The unspoken tradition needed no affirmation, every morning, a chilly walk with the promising reward of coffee.
“Tonight?” Logan panics only slightly, knowing his calendars are meticulous
“Yeah are you still-”
“-Coming over?” Patton wonders, struggling with an ornament. Logan tilts his head, his adorable eyes sparkle in confusion. “Christmas eve Lo, are you coming over?” Patton chuckles, the lawyer looks simply beautiful under the newly hung lights. A dim array of colors brighten the room.
“Oh! Um...yes. Absolutely, should you want me there” He replies, affirming his position. Patton stops, walking over to where the lawyer himself places stockings, each handcrafted.
“Of course I do” He smiles as his own blush overtakes, Logan was much better at hiding his light dust of infatuation. “Plus! Everyones going to be here” He adds, continuing the decoration of the tree. He hums quietly to the holiday music that plays in the background. It's funny almost, Patton can't remember the last time he got to do this with someone. Last year the twins spent Christmas with his sister due to an emergency, the three years before that they were much too little to help out and Patton was on his own.
“My star!” As if on cue, Valerie races by Patton's legs hiding quickly behind Logan, holding a shining ornament. “Nyeh!” She sticks out her tongue, Remus emerges pouting as he crosses his arms. “Lo! Up!” Valerie begs, fear yet determination crosses her eyes. Logan obliges lifting the young girl in protection.
“I wanna do the star!” Remus argues, he stomps his feet on the ground. Patton swoons at the sight of Logan and Valerie, engaging in a small game of their own. He picks up his son, trilling his lips, Remus lips against his own wishes. “No fair!” He cries
“You can do the star together” He compromises, they share a quick furled glance before agreeing. “Yay” Patton celebrates weakly, Logan takes this as his time. He moves forward, the pair stand side by side, children in hand. “Ready kiddos?” Patton questions, they nod. The lawyers move at the same time, lifting them, they take the star with their small fists. Carefully they place it atop the tree, giggling in excitement as Patton uses his foot to turn on the lights.
“Well done you two” Logan compliments, they set the twins down watching as they bounce around before retreating to their room. No doubt to continue their shrieks and bouts of fun. “That was...extraordinary” Logan realizes, Patton turns to him, a coy smile. “I...I don't know...why- Thank you, for allowing me to be a part of that '' Logan finishes, the memory burned deep into him.
“Hey, that was my first time seeing them do the star” Patton nudges, Logan adjusts his glasses, a soft ‘ah’ released. “Barb and I used to do it, now them” Patton smiles, kicking the ground below. Logan takes his hands, squeezing them. “Thank you for your help” Logan stifles a delicate chuckle, Patton's arms make there around his neck, relaxing as Logan secures Patton's waist. “Mistletoe” He reminds, his eyes flickering up
“What a shame” Logan teases, leaning in for a kiss. Their lips melting together, safe as the lights dance around them. Low yet ecstatic music playing, they trap themselves in the warmth of their...Patton's home. Should it start snowing right there, with fireworks going on Patton would see it fit. Fit for a perfect evening
“Right! Yes...I will be there” Logan shakes the distant memory away, unaware Patton's mind had wandered there as well.
“Yay! Oh, I'm so excited” Patton expresses, retrieving his phone as it buzzes. “Patton Hart” He listens, Logan stands idle observing his surroundings. He enjoys the simple pleasure, feeling a more relaxed Sherlock Holmes of his time. Watching jurors go by, frantic lawyers, guilty men dragged away. Everything is a routine, part of a well oiled yet destructive machine. “Em! That's amazing!” Logan blinks, returning his focus to Patton. The lawyer takes Logan's arm, the biggest grin upon his face. “We will be there” He nods some “Ok, bye, I love you too!” He hands up, practically vibrating gazing back to Logan
“Is everything...alright?” Logan fears the response
“Better than ok” Patton swoons “Oh! It's a Christmas miracle” The lawyer bounces, Logan sighs, keeping his temper.
“Patton!” He pushes
“Remy and Emile!” He delights “They're getting a son today”
“You're kidding!” James laughs walking alongside Roman, the judge shakes his head containing his own laughter.
“Nope, I swear” He continues “On multiple occasions, Joan has fallen asleep during a case, they just have” Roman affirms, James stops them placing a hand on Roman's shoulder. The judge freezes up, a shocking smile, a little flutter as a spark is transferred between them.
“That's amazing, my bailiff was never that interesting” James remembers, Roman nods listening to his delicate voice, he's sure the stories are interesting but the way James speaks just makes him want to fall asleep.
“Oh...you must be James'' Virgil approaches, extending a friendly hand towards the judge. Roman gives him a quick smile of greetings, trying to ignore the awkwardness his stomach plunges into him. They are just friends...friends. “Detective Virgil Tormine” He introduces, James returns the gesture.
“I've heard about you...Jame McCoy” He smiles, Roman watches the two, light ease. “Whatcha...uh, whatcha doing here detective?” James wonders, it seems stiff but alas the man is shy himself.
“I practically work here” Virgil jokes “I'm always here or the precinct”
“Papi! RoRo!” Virgil grows a giant smile turning, enveloping his child quickly. Damian hugs his dad, still having his arms around his neck as he looks to James. “Hello” He waves
“Heya” James greets, Roman doesn't mind them before allowing Virgil to hand him, Damian.``Is he uh...your son?” James inquires to Roman, the judge playing with Damian's hand chuckles.
“Oh! No...uh Dee…” He spins Damian “This is James McCoy, he's a judge, like me” Roman introduces them, James shakes the polite boy's hand, receiving a giggle. Virgil's is not sure why he feels the sudden urge to jerk his son away, he's never ever not trusted, Roman. And yet here he stood, on the outside watching his son.
“Is he your boyfriend RoRo?” Damian pokes, playing around with Roman's face. Virgil coughs, he takes Damian back. “No! RoRo!” Damian cries, making grabby hands towards the judge. Roman stifles a confused glance before waving a small goodbye.
“Sorry, uh...got to drop him off” Virgil laughs shakily, Roman nods. “Say bye Dee”
“Bye-bye Ro!” Damian grins, a gleeful giggle escapes. “Bye-bye Ro’s boyfriend!” Damian laughs into his father's neck, Virgil shakes his head a small smirk.
“Bye niño” Roman turns on his heel, much calmer. “Gosh I love that kid” Roman flatters, James chuckles. “Thank you for this uh…” He searches for a word to describe it.
“Our date?” James proposes, Roman nods slowly trying hard to squeeze back a smile. James takes Romans hand, squeezing it gently. “I enjoyed it, merry Christmas Roman” James lets go, lingering for a moment before disappearing leaving Roman with simple remnants.
“Merry...Christmas?” Roman finds himself confused, not sure how things could escalate and reach this moment so fast. Not that he has any time to process his thoughts as Patton taps him excitedly. “Hmm?” Receiving a simple bob in return.
“This is our son, Thomas Sanders” Emile whispers, cradling a small child as he displays him carefully around the room. Patton awes, not meaning to grasp to Logan, the excitement just builds.
“Thomas Picani-Nyx Sanders” Remy recites, his mind trying to make sure that it's all there. The group laughs, each making their own introduction to the baby. “Thomas these are some weird people who are gonna be around your entire life” Remy jokes, Patton sniffles laughing through his tears. Thomas reaches out wrapping what small fist he has around Patton's finger.
“That's Patton” Emile barely makes it through, not sure whether he's going to wake up in a moment. “He's your uncle” Emile informs, Thomas giggles through his motions, smiling widely in Patton's hold. Remy bounces on the bed, keeping a careful eye on his son. Virgil stands idle, not sure how to express how his heart feels at the moment.
“Thomas, this is Virgil…” Remy smiles, a coy one as he looks to his partner in solving crime. “He's your godfather” They announce, Roman and Patton, share small gasps, tapping excitedly on their friend. Virgil staggers his breath, pointing to himself. “If he figures out how to accept” Remy teases
“Hi, Thomas...I’m your...godfather” Virgile simply states, Emile, places Thomas into his arms carefully. Thomas feels a sense of comfort, as the warmth of Virgil wraps him.
“You want me to be his godfather?” Patton questions, Virgil nods. “Damian, hi” He introduces himself, kissing the baby's forehead softly. Virgil yawns leaning his head on Patton's shoulder, watching his son giggle at the lawyer's antics.
“I still can't believe you made me Remus’s godfather, and Ro is Vals” Virgil sighs, Patton chuckles. “I mean...what about Logan?” Patton hums lightly to Damian.
“He's...he's more than that...hopefully”  Patton continues humming as Virgil simply soaks in his delight.
“My turn!” Roman shouts in a whisper, Emile chuckles but transfers his child over to Roman now. “Oh, you're absolutely perfect” Roman marvels, the soft features alight with imagination as they fall into Roman's arms. He plays with his little feet, small mocks of gasps as they play.
“Please don't break my son” Remy only slightly jokes, Logan watches from behind Patton, his eyes following the child. “Hey! Four-eyes! Wanna meet my awesome son?” Remy throws a tissue at Logan.
“Yes, I would like to...however please don't throw things at me” Logan looks to Patton who helps him secure Thomas in his arms. And somehow, once again they fall into their own trance. And how selfish in the moment but Patton wishes he could have shared this moment with his twins with Logan. Not alone, struggling with no one to talk to. “Like this?” Logan checks softly, Patton smiles
“Yeah, you're doing great” Patton assures. Thomas’s smile turns to confusion, a bright curiosity lights them, as he watches Logan. “He likes you” Patton identifies. Me? Logan breathes, stroking a careful hand over the baby’s head.
“I like him too”  Logan returns the child, everyone's heart happy for the well-deserving pair.
“Kiddos” Patton tries watching as the twins circle around him, shrieking in laughter. “Hey” He smiles, scooping up Remus. “Everyones gonna be here soon, are you ready for the holiday party?” He questions, Valerie stops, just as Molly runs by taking the beagle in her arms.
“Molly's ready!” She announces, the puppy looks to her licking her face gently. Patton chuckles releasing Remus as he pushes against his father The boy antsy to play, he rushes helping Valerie pet Molly.
“Yay” Patton cheers weakly, the twins giggle before disappearing into their rooms once again. Playfully he rolls his eyes moving to the kitchen, double-checking everything once more as the candles and the lights wrap him tight, securing his safety. A quick trance before the door rings and it whisks away. “Barb!” He greets, taking his sister in his arms.
“Heya Patton” Barbara hugs back, moving away so Patton may greet Marcy. “Under the tree?” She asks, holding up what seems maybe too many gifts. Patton chuckles but nods.
“I told her not to go overboard” Marcy quips watching her wife place the presents delicately. “She does not listen” Marcy folds her arms, Patton nudges her softly
“Eh, you love her anyway” Patton jokes,  a small smile spreads across Marcy's face. Warmth to the house circling them.
“I really do” Marcy bites her lower lips, Barbara finishes preparing to stand quickly being attacked. The twins pounce instantly, an excited Molly yelping around them. The absolute joy that radiates from Barbara as she embraces her niece and nephew can not be matched. “I want to give her that” Marcy whispers, mostly to her own comfort.
“No update?” Patton laments, watching the scene unfold himself. His heart pounds in his ears, knowing how badly Barbara wishes for exactly what he holds. A family, but alas a cruel worlds fate deemed her unfit. How dare they? Patton thinks to himself.
“She just can't carry one to term” Marcy informs, the same thing they've heard for years. Barbara laughs as the twins poke and prod, excited as they interact.
“You can always adopt” Patton assures, he can't help but grin at the best thing he had ever done. The twins sing as they skip around the room. Marcy nods a deep sigh.
“We applied a few months ago” Marcy admits, Patton turns a quiet gasp and a smile. “Don't get too excited, we haven't heard anything” She looks back to her wife, a sudden somber dim upon the once joyful room. “I'm sorry, it's a celebration” Marcy looks to Patton, she plants a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Happy holidays Pat” She joins the group on the floor, greeting the twins.
“There's the door!” Patton chimes, opening it once more. “Hey you two- three” Patton corrects, his eyes falling on a snoring Thomas, safe in Remy's arms. “I set up Valerie's crib in the guest room if you need it” He greets both happily. They sigh relieved almost immediately traveling to the back room. Returning with a free glance after a moment. “Light the menorah?” Patton asks Emile as they venture through the house
“Mhmm, Thomas loved it” Emile can't help but gleam, Remy makes his way to greet the twins. They pounce on him the same, including him in their never-ending cycle of energy. “Remy's parents were awfully excited in their own right” Emile laughs, Patton squeezes his arms as the doorbell rings once more.
“Hey you two!” Patton greets, hugging Roman and Virgil as they enter his residence. “Gifts under the tree” He smiles as Roman holds up maybe too many gifts. “You okay?” He asks as Roman passes by, leaving an antsy Virgil with a calm Damian in his arms.
“Pat…” He looks behind “I'm sorry” Patton's heart sink as two figures make their way up the driveway. Gloria and Arlo tread carefully through the simply beautifully decorated front yard, judging everything that comes in their path. “I'm here if you need me” Virgil pats his shoulder before joining the group.
“Mom...dad” Patton greets, Gloria and Arlo barely glance towards him before squeezing through. “Yeah hi to…” He trails off his eyes falling onto something much more pleasant. Logan steps out of his car, his feet crunching the soft snow below him. He stops as he sees Patton. “Hi” Patton smiles, his aura glowing with a feathery blush.
“Hi Patton” Logan greets, he meets him face to face. Patton smiles from his corners, he gestures for Logan to join him in their safe bubble. Logan does just that, and they stand freely under the lights as they dance around the room.
“Dada! Is it present time yet?” Remus begs, tugging at his father. Logan chuckles picking up the small boy, much to both Patton and Remus’s joy. “LoLo!” Remus cries, his small arms wrapping safely around the lawyer.
“I fear you're going to have to exercise patience dear Remus” Logan advises, Patton watches him carry the boy to the couch. Patton takes a cautious breath as the party continues without him, he finishes up the treats in the kitchen watching everyone from afar. Marcy tries her hardest to amuse Gloria and Arlo, Barbara watches the twins as they marvel at the presents, Damian speaks calmly to his father and Roman expressing his own bouts, Remy and Emile continue to appear and disappear before making light conversation. Everything a well-oiled machine, Patton fears to break that.
“Dinner time!” He announces, Valerie scurries his way jumping delighted into his arms. Remus remains in Logan's arms, a quick smile as they pass each other. “Ok Remus, Val, and Dee are over here” He instructs, the proper arrangements are made accordingly. Soon everyone else fills in a chair. Patton sits next to the twins, Virgil in front of him next to Damian. Logan seats himself next to Patton, as Roman does with Virgil.
“Oh Pat, this looks delicious” Barbara compliments, already diving in as she helps Marcy. Patton smiles and quickly pairs are created. Logan and Patton discuss with one another while serving the twins. Marcy flirts shamelessly with Barbara, Patton watches giggling. “Oh I'm so sure” Barbara retorts, the table laughs at their antics. She leans in kissing her wife on the cheek.
“Barbara, would you care to refrain from...so much public display” Gloria punishes, Patton, sighs feeling Logan takes his hand carefully. A grateful glance is registered. “It's just...we’re at dinner dear”
“Mom, nobody else is bothered” Patton comments, Remus and Valerie pause, their eyes alight with curiosity. “Just admit you're h-” He bites his lower lip, Remus and Valerie. “Just, no one else is bothered mother”
“Pat it's fine, sorry mom” Barbara laments, turning quietly to her food and continuing. Her energy dampened. Patton turns to his children, assuring them everything's ok, Logan keeps a steady hand on Pattons. The doorbell rings and Glorias face improves, she stands with Patton.
“Oh! That must be Liam” She taps excited, Patton inhales sharply. “I'll get it!” She cheers, dancing her way to the door. Patton stands, kissing the twins gently on the forehead, begging his friends to watch them.
“Ill be right back” Patton excuses himself, a gentle squeeze to Logan's hand as he leaves to his room. Closing the door, he slides against it, a shuddered breath. “Take a deep breath Patton, you're okay, he can't hurt you, he can't hurt them” He recites, his eyes move to the windowsill, bunched clothes lay. “Something to do” he sighs relieved, he moves slowly folding the clothes neatly.
“Patton?” Logan creaks, the door squeezing open. The lawyer turns, a sweater in his arms. “Are you-”
“Anything else” he interjects, his soft eyes practically shattering behind the reflective light of his glasses. “Talk about literally anything else” He pleads, Logan nods instantly closing the door behind him.
“You say we’re moving too fast but I think we aren't moving fast enough” Logan decides, he has had one glass of eggnog, and yet his mind feels as sane as it has. Patton stops, a small opening to his mouth, not what he was expecting. “I have known you for ten years, Patton. I know you're scared and I know that you have every right to be-”
“The twins” Patton argues, a minuscule shatter to his voice. Logan moves forward, he takes the sweater leaning it on a chair, his hands interlace with Pattons.
“If I thought, even for a moment, that any of this” He looks between them “Would even dare hurt them, Id walk away. If there was even a chance that any of you would suffer, I would walk away” He assures, Patton watches with a fearful look. His lips pursed, his baby blue eyes shine with droplets of tears. “Patton, I love your kids, and I would be happy to just continue being in their life as I am now but…” He examines the lawyers face, taking his thumb to rub a delicate tear away. “I want to be with you, I want to hold your hand, I want to get lost in your eyes and have my mind consumed by you every waking moment” Logan admits, Patton scoffs through his sadness, knowing that broken desire well enough. Knowing the feeling, and knowing the absolute pain it causes.
“That's the stuff of fairytales”
“Then god dammit Patton, I want a fairytale” Logan laughs “That...monster might be your villain but beat him, Patton, fight for your happily ever after” Logan seethes, refusing to let Liam and his smug face, his undeserved boldness, ruin this.
“I'm so tired of fighting Lo” Patton shuts his eyes, a tickle as the liquid seeps out. They meet each other foreheads, the connection forcing through the barricades, joining them together once more.
“Then let me fight alongside you” Logan replies “You don't have to face every day alone, you don't have to force every smile” Pattons not sure what hit him, but in a seconds flash he felt Logans lips against his own. His hands move to Logans chest, the pulsating heartbeat he feels grounding him. The world could go on without them, they couldn't care less, they were fine-
They were happy
Is this what it feels like? A shared thought, a united question from an emotion they matched.
“I've just never met someone as forward as me” Roman quips, Virgil laughs. “I'm serious, I mean...I'm not complaining it's just...I'm not used to it” He thinks of James, the sizzling reminder of their brief hold.
“Oh I like him” Virgil teases, Roman nudges him, the pair turning back to the party.
“My turn!” Valerie cries, Patton nods sweetly from the couch, Remus sprawled across him and Logan, sleepily. “Papa! Is it this one?” She questions, hefting a big box up, Patton chuckles in affirmation. She tears it open, wrapping flies every which way. A gasp as her eyes fall onto the gift. A small groan is heard from behind Patton, where he knows his parents stand with Liam. “What is it?” She asks, a silly smile across her face, the group laughs.
“That, Val, is one part of your new kingdom set” He explains, she balls the wrapping paper in her fists bouncing excitedly. “The rest is waiting to be built, we’re going to put in the backyard and you-”
“And Remus!” She giggles, Patton stifles a sob, he was much too lucky. Valerie pushes past her other gifts, including; new art supplies from Logan, a beginner's clothes making kit from Roman and her own detective kit from Virgil (as requested).
“And Remus can play and live out all your fairytale adventures” He finishes, his daughter wasting no time jumping into his arms, hugging him with all she had. “You like it?” He jokes
“Thank you, papa! Thank you!” She celebrates. Once they part she moves to her brother, shaking him. “Your turn dummy” Remus mumbles awake, switching positions with Valerie. She sits in the middle of the lawyers, clapping her hands in anticipation. The night continues, Remus receives a slime lab from Virgil and Damian (almost an instant regret), a plethora of books of new words from Logan, a whole new assortment of costumes from Roman and the promise of a fish tank and fishes from his father.
More gifts are exchanged throughout the fast evening. Barbara and Marcy deemed the stuffed animal queens, each child receiving one. An octopus for Remus, a valiant lion for Valerie, a two-headed snake for Damian and a mixing bowl of teddy bears for Thomas. Remy and Emile find themselves gifted with many new items, mostly for Thomas but they couldn't be happier. Even Gloria and Arlo gain a few new things, Barbara and Patton don't skimp. Damian ends the night quite pleased with his new valuables and trinkets. Especially the new compass from his father.
“I have a gift for the Hart family” Logan announces, Remus and Valerie shoot awake, now fully present. Patton tears his gaze away from a suspicious Liam, eyes meeting Logans. “A family full of royalty and fairytales and it shocked me to find, you've never been to Disney world” He plays, Patton releases a soft laugh. The twins look to one another, giant grins plastered across their tired faces. “Four tickets for you two, your father and a special guest of your choosing” He looks to Patton, handing him the envelope, a careful shock as they meet across the promise of joy.
“I want LoLo to come with us!” Remus begs, he bounces on his father's leg, Patton scoops him up tickling him. “Aa!” He shrieks laughing, Valerie giggles falling onto her backside. “No Dada!” Even Damian finds the scene amusing as he rests his head on Virgil's shoulder, safe in his father's arms.
“That's up to Logan” Patton finally decides, releasing the red-faced boy. “And we can talk about it later, but it's getting late and you don't want Santa to think you're still awake right?” All three children gasp, Damian pokes his father alerted.
“Hold on” And there it is, Liam makes his way to the tree, his eyes piercing through Patton. “Before you go, I have a gift” He reveals, Gloria swoons clapping. Patton's shoulders recoil, his arms around the twins only stabilize. “I thought that you two should know where you came from” he smirks, evil oozing. Virgil feels Roman take hold of his arm, pushing him back as he growls. Patton sits forward, an immense frown, hinting annoyance as Liam talks.
“We know!” Valerie smiles, Remus nods. Liam steps back, tilting his head. “Papa told us when we were little a nice lady gave us to Papa. Papa wanted kids and he couldn't have any, but then she gave us to him. And he's been our papa since we were babies!” Valerie concludes, Patton shuts his eyes pulling them close. The others clap at Valerie's excellent storytelling skills. “What was the word again?”
“Adopted” Patton reminds, Valerie nods satisfied. “And I love you very much,” He tells them, knowing he would tell them even after words didn't make sense to him when his mind was old and grey, that would stay. “Now off to bed with you heathens!” He jokes, they race to their room after quick goodbyes to everyone. A special hug for Logan and an explicit farewell from Remus to Damian. Soon the house clears, a determined Damian dragging his father home, new parents Remy and Emile sludge home exhausted. Roman leaving soon after, followed by Barbara and Marcy. Then there were five. After a firm reprimand from Patton, his parents leave shortly after. “Now you” He points to Liam.
“Patton don't, he's not worth it” Logan speaks out, paying no mind to Liam's existence. “Your phone Pat” Logan identifies, a sweet tune snapping them back. Patton takes it, still watching Liam wary. “If I could kill one person, with no consequences, I hope you know, it would be you,” Logan says casually once Patton is not within earshot.
“Excuse me?” Liam furrows his brows, a tight face. Logan shrugs, folding his arms.
“You are, in the most eloquent way, an absolute monster” Logan names, his fingers snap “Or as I believe Virgil would say ‘A dick’” Logan settles, nodding, clearly liking this option. Sure he had had a few eggnogs, but it's not like he wasn't justified “Its really quite humorous, you came here expecting to derail a loving home and yet…” He looks around, the perfect room shaping the absolute care and happiness it contained wonderfully. “You failed because you don't know Patton or his kids-”
“Our kids”
“His kids, let's not even go there” Logan smirks, Patton returns a solemn look on his face quickly shaken away. “Patton are you alright?” Logan checks, his demeanor softens.
“Hmm? Yeah fine” he hums “Liam I think you should go” And so he does, clearly defeated. After a sloppy cleanup session, a hesitant Logan takes his leave as well, fidgeting all the way as he remembers the last few moments he spent with Patton. Something had changed after the phone call, something happened.
“Patton Hart!” Patton greets, putting out as cheerful as he could.
“Enjoy your last few moments of happiness mister Hart” And the line goes dead
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clairelions · 7 years
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jimin our precious angel
happy birthday jiminie
2K notes · View notes
zombiesbecrazy · 5 years
down in the cornfield
Summary: “No,” said Clark quietly. “I’m going to retire from being Clark.”
It wasn’t the first time that Lois had found herself randomly standing in a cornfield in the middle of Kansas.
Well, she assumed that it was Kansas but that was just based on past experience; she could be in Iowa for all she knew. She took in a deep breathe and spun around to get a better look at the view and then smiled at the familiar farmhouse roof in the distance beyond the rows of stalks, confirming that it was absolutely Kansas. It made sense. She had been having her lunch in the park, listening to a podcast and generally just minding her own business on her mandated lunch break that Perry had kicked her out of the office for when Kon had appeared in front of her said something along the lines of “he won’t listen to me or Ma so you have to come and deal with him” , scooped her up and leapt into the sky.
Kryptonian air taxi services were all well and good, but she definitely wasn’t going to tip this one because he hadn’t even given her the chance to grab her coffee off the bench or bothered to tell her what was going on before he took off again.
Three star rating at best.
Abrupt as it was there would only be one reason that Kon would have brought her here. “Smallville?”
Several seconds passed and Lois was wondering if this wasn’t some sort of elaborate Kent joke that she wasn’t privy to and was trying to figure out if she should wander around in the corn or head to the house when she finally heard a tired voice say “yeah ” a little further into the field.
She found him sitting in the dirt, bending some of the corn around him, leaning back on his hands and looking up at the sky with the sun beaming down on his face, giving him an unnaturally human glow. He was in that odd in between of not quite Clark Kent and not quite Superman, with his jeans and flannel shirt but no glasses and hair curl in place. It was the version of him that she loved the best, a complete version of who he really was. This is the Clark who she lived with behind closed doors, the one that only the chosen few got to experience. She sank down onto the ground beside him and waited for something, anything, but Clark seemed to be determined to sit in silence forever. “Dime for your thoughts?” she finally asked. That got his attention because he had an adorably confused look on his face and Lois shrugged. “I don’t have any pennies and it looks like you might be having some rather big thoughts.”
It wasn’t something that he did often, but it happened enough to recognize it when it did; the inevitable weight of the world becoming overbearing and Clark just needed to stop and hide and just get away from it all.
“I’m retiring.”
“You’re a little young for that. You can’t collect social security until you are at least 62. You are barely halfway there. And who will proofread my brilliance if you retire?” Clark didn’t say anything, just staring off into the dirt now. “Fine. I assume you were referring to the cape, but we both know how that would turn out. You’d ‘retire’ but then about two weeks would pass and something would happen and you’d say ‘just this once, Lois, they need me’ and then you’d be back to wearing the blue spandex under your work clothes again, thinking that I wouldn’t notice.” He had tried it before and it had never stuck for one reason or another, not for long anyway. It was something that was annoyingly amazing about him. His heart was just too big.
“No,” said Clark quietly. “I’m going to retire from being Clark.”
A light breeze blew through the field, and Lois was glad that she was wearing long sleeves to avoid the corn cutting up her arms. “You are making negative amounts of sense. You can’t just not be Clark. You are Clark.”
Clark reached around her and pulled her tight into his arms and rested his chin on her head and they sat there together, rocking gently in tandem. “This morning. I was at the bank ordering new cheques.”
“Who orders cheques in person? Hell, who even uses cheques anymore?” She could feel Clark clench his jaw, unbreakable teeth grinding together. She turned her head to get a better look at him, and she could suddenly see how tired he was, fatigue pulling at all of his features, maybe not in a way that anyone else could see it, but it was clear to her. “Sorry. Not the point.”
“There was a robbery. A bunch of men with guns held up with place.” Clark swallowed deeply, and pulled her in a little tighter. “There were little kids there, Lo. Scared and crying. One of them was whispering that Superman would come and save them. But I was there so he couldn’t come. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t help because I was Clark, not Superman, and I couldn’t do anything to make them not scared.” He was rambling and cyclical in the way he did when it was just the two of them, hiding from the world after a bad day. “One of the tellers got shot because I was busy being Clark instead of him. They’re in critical condition and those kids are traumatized and all because of me insisting on playing pretend with a regular life.”
“Oh, honey.” As far as bad days went, this one wasn’t terrible for Superman. No one had died, the world hadn’t ended and there was no international disaster, but it seemed to be the tipping point of a large issue that he had been secretly struggling with. She twisted around so that she could be the one to wrap her arms around him and he sank into her touch. “I hate to break it to you but you wouldn’t be able to save everyone regardless.”
“I’d be able to do so much more though. I’m here so that I can help people. That’s the whole point”
“No it’s not. You are here so that you would be able to grow up safe and happy. Your parents sent you here so that you had a chance to be Clark, even if they didn’t know that name. Superman is just a side effect of random space science. In the bank. What did you do?”
“Nothing, I couldn’t do…”
“What did you do?” She thought about it a little more and then clarified her words to avoid any confusion about what she was asking. “What did Clark Kent do?”
“I sat on the floor with the other hostages.”
“How were you sitting?” She prodded. Lois knew the answer, but wanted to hear him say the words out loud. “Were you sitting against the wall, out of the way?”
“I was… I was between the gunmen and the rest of them. I made sure that the kids were behind me. Between me and their parents.”
“Was that because you are Superman?”
“I’ll fill you in. It wasn’t. It was because you’re Clark and you are a good man regardless of the cape or being bulletproof.”  Clark didn’t give any indication that he was going to say anything so Lois barrelled on in the way that she did when he needed her own personal brand of pep talk. “If you want to quit your job and be Superman full time, that’s fine. I can support that if that is what you really want to do. But under no circumstances will you ever be able to quit being Clark Kent. It’s who you are.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight between hers, as hard as she could, trying to force the idea through his impervious skin. “And even if it wasn’t, I won’t allow it because I think he’s pretty cool.”
“Liar. You have never thought that I was cool.” Clark chuckled softly and buried his head in her neck, giving her a light kiss on her collarbone. “ I need to think about it more,” he mumbled before stretching back up to look at her shyly. “Can we stay here for the weekend?” It was his way of saying that he needed to step away from it all, just for a little while, just to recharge in the quiet that was Smallville.
“Sure. Ma and I can whip your butt at gin.”
“I hate those lead cards Bruce made her.”
“Because you are a card cheat.”
“I’ll never admit to that.” Clark tilted his head towards the sky, and was listening to something that only he could hear. “Actually, if you’d like to join me, there is something that I’d like to do first if you don’t mind a quick trip back to the city.”
“Would love to. Kon didn’t give me a chance to pack before he kidnapped me here.”
Lois sat on a different bench in a different park and watched the children playing on the playground when a familiar figure in blue and red floated down nearby. A hush came over the park until a child let out a laugh and it broke the stillness and all the kids ran over to Superman, excitedly crowding around him, with the parents following suit with a more muted but obvious enthusiasm. She watched as Clark smiled and laughed with the children, answering all of their silly but earnest questions before he turned to a young boy, probably about 5 years old, on the edge of the crowd. Clark took a few steps towards him and knelt down so he was at eye level with him.
“Hi Ethan.”
A silence spread over the crowd, with a few excited whispers wondering how Superman knew Ethan. Ethan looked up at Superman with big surprised eyes, but said nothing. Superman gave him a shy smile. “I heard you had a scary trip to the bank earlier. A friend of mine was there and he told me how brave you were.” Ethan nodded his little head.  “I’m very glad that you are safe but I wanted to tell you that I’m very sorry that I wasn’t there to help.”
Ethan stood in shock, staring at Superman, and then suddenly threw himself at the hero, wrapping his arms around his neck and sobbing into his chest. Clark looked startled for a second but then wrapped his arms around the little boy and rubbed his back gently until the hiccuping tears subsided. Lois saw the look of anguish on Clark’s face as he held the younger boy.
“It’s okay,” Ethan sniffed as he pulled back and rubbed his eyes. “Mommy said that you were probably busy helping someone else in trouble. That you can’t be in two places at once.” She watched as Clark hesitated, never very good at lying, especially to kids, but he nodded. “It was so scary, but there was a man there and he told me to hide behind him. He was very brave. And tall. Almost as tall as you.” He narrowed his eyes and looked Clark up and down with careful scrutiny. “Was that your friend?”
It sounded like a loaded question, like the child knew more than he was letting on, but that was crazy. He couldn’t have figured it out. “You know what? It might have been.”
“Can you thank him for me?”
Clark looked surprised at that. “I can do that.” Superman held out his arms again, and Ethan gave him another hug, this time giggling. Clark was laughing too when they broke apart and he stood. He waved to everyone around him, and took off into the sky, with everyone waving back.
Lois stood from her bench and walked two blocks to where she found Clark, leaning against a streetlamp, waiting for her patiently. He bent down and greeted her with a kiss.
“Hi yourself.” Lois took his hand and squeezed it before they started walking down the street, Clark with a bounce in his step that had been missing since the cornfield. “Still think that you are going to retire?”
“I think I might keep at it a little while longer.” He grinned and tilted his chin upwards towards the sky. “Smallville?”
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imbellarosa · 4 years
1989 things that keep me up at night
Or, that one Taylor Swift album that I ADORE while it confuses the fuck out of me. I’m doing the thing that I listen to the album as I write this, because I have so much to say and want to get it all right. This isn’t a cold read, I’ve heard it before, and I love it, but I did want to do a deeper analysis. If you want to read the last one that I did, it’s here. It’s about an accidental love song and it was tons of fun to do. The rest of this analysis is under the cut, because it might be the longest one yet. I’m a big fan of hers. 
As always, I’m going to go back to posting more political content in the morning, but I am very happy that all four officers in the murder of George Floyd have been charged with murder, and that Derek Chauvin in particular is being charged with second degree murder. If you’re looking for next steps: consider participating in activism on Breonna Taylor’s birthday (June 5th) or donating to Tony McDade’s memorial fund. 
So, on to the album! There are a few stand out songs, for me, in the album, including “I Wish You Would”, “Clean”, “This Love”, “Out of the Woods”, and “You Are In Love”. I don’t know if any of these were singles - the album is older at this point and I could go check but, eh. I don’t really think it matters anymore? I think if I stretch my memory to 2014, it was “Bad Blood”, “Blank Space”, “Style”, “Out of the Woods”, and “Shake it Off” that were singles. I don’t know if there were more, but I do remember those. Something that I find interesting is that the only crossover between the singles (that I remember) and my favorites is “Out of the Woods”, but that’s a phenomenal song. 
I think the first question I have to address is why this album confuses me. And the more I think of it, the more I realize that this album more sounds like two albums, telling two stories. The first story is that of a whirlwind romance in the public eye, filled with late night hook ups, seeing other people (publicly), and a superficial connection that will invariably go down in flames. This story features dramatic fall outs with contemporary artists, wild parties, and whispering voices. The second story is about a harder love, and a deeper one: it’s a story of fighting and fixing things, and letting go and coming together. It’s sweet, and beautiful, and tragic, and worth it. And these stories are fundamentally incompatible, at first glance. Your relationship is not simultaneously ephemeral and ethereal, and if you think it is, it’s time to reevaluate how honest you are being with yourself and what you want in your partner. (Spoiler alert: the song “Style” isn’t it. And neither is “Wildest Dreams”. No offense to either song or the people they were written about.)
The more I thought about it, the more this bugged me - until I dug deeper into her discography, and I noticed something interesting: Taylor Swift is a storyteller. She primarily tells her own stories, especially in Lover and Reputation, but that wasn’t always the case: “Mary’s Song” is sung in first person, and is about her neighbors’ love story. “Starlight” was written about someone in the Kennedy family's relationship with her husband Bobby (Bobby’s name is in the song). It is also sung in first person. “Ronan” is a song she wrote for charity, about a little boy who lost his battle to cancer, from the perspective of his mother. I always cry when I hear it, but it is, also, written in first person. I think those are enough for now, but I definitely can keep going.
Anyways, my point is this - I realized very quickly there were two ways I could read the album. The first is completely autobiographically: she is publicly one person and privately another. Her public persona is (at the time of 1989′s release) someone who parties, dates many people on and off, and fights with artists loudly. The private story she is offering is of someone who is deeply in love with one person, who wants to be successful, who wants to be themselves and safe with themselves and their partner, and is afraid of showing this side of themselves to the industry and the world. “Out of the Woods” highlights that anxiety well, as does “I Know Places”, and so does the line “you two are in a snow globe spinning round and round” (in “You Are In Love”), but that’s because I always imagine a snow globe like a sort of transparent show that is being obscured by the flurries, you know? Like everyone is watching, but if you move, the truth gets harder to see. 
The second way to read this - and I think the way I’m leaning - is that these are two different stories. The first one is still about that media image, and she’s playing off of her media image - one that has been proven to be demonstrably false at this point, and that she has admitted was almost forced on her at a really young age (and we’re gonna have a whole ass conversation about how the media treats children one of these days, you just watch). And the second story is still a love story: it’s just not hers. To me, this makes the most sense because of her switch between first and second person pronouns in these softer, gentler songs, as she gently steps in and out of the role of narrator. The other thing is that I don’t know a whole lot of her dating history? I never really cared. But I don’t remember her being in a really serious long term relationship at this point. I remember a lot of stories of short relationships with famous people, but nothing concrete or long lasting, in the way the song “I Wish You Would” or “This Love” or “You’re In Love” suggests. 
This perspective is fortified by “I Know Places”, in which she is literally talking about a secret relationship. She’s describing something that is hiding in plain sight, but can’t be honest, because “something happens when everybody finds out/ love’s a fragile little flame/it can burn out...”. So they (the people involved) go hide in these secret places (look, let’s be real. every celebrity has a secret place). What I think is interesting is that this isn’t the first time in the album that she talks about sneaking around and hiding. The first time this comes up is in “Style”, where she mentions that the dude comes searching for her with “no headlights”. She is clearly referencing herself in that song, as she describes her “red lips” and her “good girl thing/in a tight little skirt”. But the context is super different. She describes “Style” as a song that calls out trends - how people never get tired of listening about this kind of relationship. It’s always in style, so to speak. When she talks about “I Know Places”, she says its “about...everybody’s like trying to get in to it and ruin a love or whatever and it’s like...whatever. You know....” and then she goes on to keep talking about what she wants it to sound like. I got this from her voice memo in the preliminary conversation with her producer. 
She also describes I know places as “dark”, and she wanted that to carry over into the bridge, and it definitely does. However, I can definitively tell you that this story (and relationship) is different than the one in “Style”, because of the end. By the end of the song, she says: “They take their shots, but we're bulletproof (I know places)/And you know for me, it's always you (I know places)/In the dead of night, your eyes so green (I know places)/And I know for you, it's always me (I know places)”.  (Look I usually remove the hyperlinks for the lyrics but I really need y’all to click that because it freaked me out when I saw it. Very uncomfy). In Style, her bridge says “Take me home”, or some variation of that, and she doesn’t have an outro for the song, she repeats her chorus again, which reads: “Oh, you got that James Dean daydream look in your eye/And I got that red lip classic thing that you like/And when we go crashing down (And when we go)/We come back every time/'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style”. So rather than being something private, this is something that everyone will be talking about for a while. 
SIDE NOTE: If you like “Style”, I think you’d really like the song “Sun Queen” by Gerry Cinnamon . It’s also about the expectation of the industry and how the art affects the artist. The difference in this song is that the relationship is the real part of his life, and his art is what he feels is fake. 
ANYWAYS. I think she did a really clever thing by playing on her image. She kind of “became” the person they wanted her to be, while making it very clear that there was something else she wanted: the kind of love - the kind of life - she’s singing about. My favorite song on the album is “I Wish You Would”, which is about “remembering what we’re fighting for” in a relationship, and it’s also a song which she mentions is written about “two people”, and not herself (voice memo, delux album). I think that’s probably true. I think it is probably the case that she was not in the middle of a Great Love Story at this point in her life, and so she was borrowing material. The same thing happens in “You are in Love” - there, she can’t be any clearer - that it’s about someone that is not her. (It’s actually about her co-producer and writer Jack Antonoff’s relationship. Btw, he is a brilliant lyricist in his own right and his music is *chef’s kiss*).
The song that I think happens to be the crossover song between the real story and the carefully presented narrative is “Out Of The Woods”. She’s said that this song was about a relationship she had where the primary feeling was anxiety, and it makes sense (at least with the lyrics)! But at the end of the song, the relationship is stronger than ever: “...I walked out, I said, ‘I’m setting you free’/ But the monsters turned out to be just trees/ And when the sun came up/ You were looking at me”. And then she repeats her chorus again, where she seems to be relieved to finally be “out of the woods”. 
So here’s where I get stuck: I stand by my theory that her gentle love songs on this album aren’t about her own romances. But I don’t think she’s lying. I think this song is about something that was anxiety inducing to her. However, I don’t think that this means that she is the narrator of the song. And I know that the question then is: what is her role in the situation? I don’t know. A close friendship with someone who’s going through it, maybe? That can be really rough, and I know that I’ve gotten sucked into people’s drama. But I think that it’s someone else’s perspective, especially because this fits into the “hard, worth fighting for, intense and long term” category, rather than something like “Blank Space”, in which she literally does not know who she is talking about ( “I’ve got a blank space/ And I’ll write your name”). 
And there is SO MUCH MORE I can say, but that was really my main point: I think she’s telling two different stories, and that it creates an environment that you don’t really know what’s going on or where to turn to understand the story. I listened to the full album a bunch of times before I came up with this read of it. Do I know who the other people I think she’s talking about are? Nope. And I don’t super think it matters. The songs and words are hers, and they’re gorgeous. Do I know what people think this album is about? Yup. Does it change my read of it? Not at all. I think my analysis stands, even - and especially - in context. 
So I still love this album. And I’m beyond thrilled that she has the kind of love she’s always been singing about. And I really hope that the other people she was hanging out with/dating/writing about are all doing amazing as well, particularly the human(s) in “I Know Places” and “I Wish You Would”.  I hope that they are still fighting for each other, and that they still feel like it’s “Always You” (/Always me but that sounds more narcissistic haha). If they are different relationships (like, if rather than her just focusing on one couple, she’s talking about many), I hope that they are all happy, successful, and in love. I hope that they don’t hang out in “Wonderland” anymore (although I think that song’s about a fake relationship, I’m just saying). I hope that they have long nights with fairy lights and soft songs. I hope she does, too. 
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Rewatching Stargate Atlantis, Season 1 Episode 6: Childhood's End
I didn't realize that puddle jumpers could get turbulence
Well, I also don't know what causes turbulence so maybe it's an inescapable thing, and no ship (even one built by the Ancients) is unaffected
Yes! Ford! He's adorable, as is his giant crush on Sheppard
Next Up: man who started blaming people points out that "the blame game" is useless once he himself is being blamed
Thigh holsters! I never noticed that they had thigh holsters before
Ford, babe, what are you doing, McKay just said that none of the equipment is working, why do you think you'll be the exception?
McKay, stop being mean to Ford
Oh my God does this fourteen year old have a beard painted on his face
Look, I know that this is supposed to be a society of people 24 and under, but they would probably choose the older people (17 and up maybe) who can hold their weapons without trembling if this were real, and not 12 year olds
You're going to steal from kids? You're going to take what's probably the only thing that's keeping these kids from being killed by the wraith? Please, think before you speak.
Ok. Look, I know the Stargate looks like it's filled with water when it's in use but what the fuck do you mean these kids call it a well?
Sheppard, you're always lost
Ford's twenty five. I don't know why this is important but it is
McKay, you were mildly redeemed by defending Teyla last episode, don't undo that please
McKay does have a point
Oh my God why did they choose five year olds to keep an eye on the group???????? Like if you're going to be distrustful of them do it right!
McKay just made a five year old sad
Ok, that's smart, that they send their children to another village to keep the family lines apart
The look on Sheppard's face when he realizes that he's talking to a man who's going to kill himself in less than 12 hours, and that there's almost certainly nothing he can do to stop it, my heart
Fellas, a "forced sacrifice" is called murder
McKay just made one of the five year olds cry
And now he's about to start physically fighting the other one
If Ford hadn't stopped them, he probably would have defended himself by saying "he started it"
Look man, you're forty-ish years old and just because a five year old starts hitting you with his fists on your abdomen - which is protected by a bulletproof vest - does not mean that he's instigated a fight
Honestly, I try to give TV shows some leeway, but no one in their right mind would actually let McKay go on offworld missions - he's an egotistical asshole who believes that just because he's smarter than everyone he can be an asshole
Ok, Ford is giving the children chocolate for the first time
And McKay (now on his own) just found a glowy thing
And it's a ZPM
Please please please please don't suggest taking it from this planet, you all know damn well that it's the only thing keeping these kids alive
Oh my God you fucking dumbasses "what are the odds that [the wraith] are going to show up in the few hours it takes McKay to run those tests" bitch you already know that they use a shit ton of tracking devices everywhere, when those things suddenly start working again the fuck do you think is going to happen?
Oh really Sheppard, you can't tell these people that they're all committing suicide the second they turn twenty five for no reason until you run those tests on the ZPM? You mean you can't tell them until you find out if it's useful to you, because if it is, you'll take it, no matter what that means for them.
I'm constantly flitting between liking Elizabeth Weir and not, and I was very heavily disliking her after last episode, but she seems to be the only one other than Teyla who cares about what happens to these kids, so I guess I like her again?
What. The. Fuck.
Weir: Rodney, we can't just visit planets, take away their defenses, uproot their cultures, and bring them all back here to Atlantis.
McKay: If they have a ZPM, yes we can.
Fuck you McKay. Just fuck you.
Ok, so I was wrong before, the suicide pact is necessary. The ZPM and energy field is only strong enough to power an area big enough for the 12 villages on this planet, so if their population got much bigger, then they would be at danger
Okay, so it's not useful to you, so you're putting it back. Asshole.
The fuck you mean you may have broken it, McKay??
Ok, and more kids that can't hold weapons properly
Aww, the kids are back and McKay isn't making them cry this time
And he just bribed them with chocolate to go away
Surprise surprise, the wraith are here
Ok it's only a drone
Whoo, McKay saved the day, yay, time to go back
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Kellic Fics
Positive by kellicmpreg
*Finished* 28 chapters
Kellin and Vic have been happily married for two years. Kellin wants to further their family, and relationship, by having a baby, but tgere’s only one problem - Vic is the leader of a notorious gang.
Painting Flowers by BrokeGoth
*Finished* 10 chapters
Kellin Quinn Bostwick. Everyone at school knew the name, the face, the hands that drew the most beautiful artwork. The pale, scrawny boy constantly questioned why he draws on his arms in class. When Kellin draws on his arms, it shows up on his soul-mate’s arms as well. Vic has been noticing scribbles and drawings of flowers and stars and planets and the moon for as long as he can remember. He never believed in that theory though.
Southern Constillations by thewritingtaco
*Finished* 8 chapters
In which Kellin is a kind prince from a small kingdom and gets captured by the Great Dragon.
Cemetary Weather by AlternatePanda
*Finished* One Shot
Vic is an immortalized human who gets a little girl stuck to his leg, reintroducing him to Satan’s son.
Baby Fuentes? by LoserKellin
*Finished* One Shot
Vic has been on tour for a few months. What happens when he comes back and discovers Kellin’s “tummy problems”?
Mirrors by paleserendipity
*Finished* 17 chapters
Vic was born in a world behind a mirror. This life is a living hell and all he wants is to escape. All he can do is bang on the glass until someone realises he’s there as he watches the young boy, Kellin Quinn lives his life on the other side of the mirror.
Deadly Affairs by kellsvickellic
*Finished* 20 chapters
Vic, a serial killer who likes to look at it as a hobby stumbles upon a loner, Kellin. He plans on killing him but soon finds himself in a compromising situation when Kellin wants to kill himself but Vic ends up saving him and they fall for each other.
Bite Me by HellaHotKellic
*Finished* 29 chapters
The story of a teenage boy who fell in love with a vampire. Finding your soulmate can be hard and it doesn’t always help when you’re a vampire and your soulmate is this innocent human teenager. And even if things sometimes don’t work out the way we plan, they work out one way or another in the end.
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home by thisbabymermaid
*Finished* 24 chapters
Vic is a beloved volunteer at LGBT+ Homeless Youth Center. He loves to help all the teens there and gives them the support that they need to get back on their feet. And they all adore him for that, except for Kellin who finds it difficult to let his gaurd down, and accept help.
Stalker by FloralandKellic
*Finished* 20 chapters
Single, living alone, well, not so much since Lynn and Matty practically live there with him, and starting a new job. That’s Kellin Quinn. He has the looks, he has the personality. He just can’t find the right one. Until he meets his boss, that is. Hottest bachelor in New York City, smart, dashingly good looking. That’s Vic Fuentes. There isn’t anything wrong with him. Kellin couldn’t help but be a bit clumsy and spill his cold coffee all over Vic though. “I’m sorry sir.” It took only three words. Three words to know that Vic wanted this boy in the palm of his hand. Three words to want to feel his skin. Three words to want him.
Possession by DistractedByLife
*Finished* 26 chapters
Kellin was a poor boy who was abandoned by his family for coming out as gay, forced to eat very little and sleep on the streets. Vic, the leader of the most dangerous gang in Mexico, found himself in Michigan to settle a little “business”. When he found Kellin sleeping on a bench he decided the boy would be his.
Dog Days by bri_marie3_2
*Finished* 17 chapters
Vic was born into a rich family. He doesn’t hate his family, he hates the lifestyle. He has yet find someone special or even a friend. Kellin is considered a low life. He isn’t poor but he most definitely isn’t rich. He needs to have small, after school jobs to help his family. He dislikes the rich because he feels they have everything handed to them.
Do It Now and Do It Loud by 3-Cheers-For-Kellic
*Finished* 13 chapters
Vic and Kellin are boyfriends in a society where non-reproductive sex is a heinous crime, and being gay is even worse. When Cic’s brother confides in Vic about how great gay sex was with his own boyfriend, Vic’s curiosity is piqued and quickly becones insatiable. Eventually, Kellin and Vic commit the absolute worst crimein their world in the backseat of Vic’s car. It was meant to be just a one-time teenage experiment, but what will happen when the two boys become full blown sex addicts.
Nerd by pineapplevic
*Finished* 28 chapters
Who said geeks couldn’t be cute too?
Misfit Angels by thisbabymermaid
*Finished* 31 chapters
In Carlisle, everyone is born with a birthmark on their skin, right where their heart is. The birthmark is only revealed when you share your first kiss with your soulmate - whom shares the same mark.
Bulletproof Love by Cashby_Kellic
*Finished* 30 chapters
Victor Vincent Fuentes is the leader of Pierce The Veil, a huge, feared gang in Mexico. He’s known to be brutal, cold, and heartless. The only people that he loves are his family and his two close friends, Jaime and Tony. His gang is the most known in Mexico, but yet, no one can seem to catch them, or find their hideout. His parents were the leaders before him. He’s also known to kill trespassers. Kellin Quinn ran away from home due to reasons. He ran away scared, alone. He went from Michigan all the way to Mexico. He apparently stepped into gang’s land and was captured. That’s where he meets the leader Victor. And he’s afraid at first glance. He does his best to avoid Victor, but that’s kind of hardwhen he’s forced you to sleep with him in his bed. Even if it’s just sleep. And everything was fine, until Kellin’s past caught up to him.
Babysitter by 420junhui
*Finished* 19 chapters
Kellin Quinn is a sophmore in high school. One night, when hisparents go out for dinner leaving him alone with his little sister, he accidentally starts a fire in the kitchen. After deciding Kellin is too irresponsible, his parents hire the two siblings a babysitter. Kellin soon finds that his “babysitter” just so happens to be one of the most popular seniors in school, Vic Fuentes.
All You Got Is These Four Walls by 3-Cheers-For-Kellic
*Finished* 13 chapters
Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes are total strangers, going about their lives with their pwn respective troubles and secrets. No big deal. The two of them have been subtly checking each other out while on vacation with their groups of friends, as attractive gay men might do. When Kellin and Vic get trapped in an elevator together, they form a close bond that neither of them expected. What will happen between the two strangers confined in the 7x5 foot space, and what will happen when they get out?
Bleachless by thevicandthekellin
*Finished* 10 chapters
You’re the blood in my veins. 
Red Lace by _inrainbows_
*Finished* 44 chapters
Kellin Quinn isn’t your ordinary 21 year old college student. By day he studies and by night he dances. The pole is his best friend. Victor Fuentes, 28 years old and Vice President of Fuentes Food Inc. He’s a hard working man that has almost no one by his side. What happens when these two collide?
Why Can’t We Just Be Friends by Funkyduckdawg
*Finished* 27 chapters
Kellin Quinn is happy being alone at school, but he dreads what ‘s waiting for him at home: his father. He is struggling in a society strongly divided by religion, when a certain mexican turns his life upside down. Can they be together? Or will their religions keep them apart?
Comfortably Numb by permanently-yours
*Finished* 22 chapters
Nothing kills a man faster than his own head. When you’re falling apart at the seems, who’s going to be there to sew you back together?
Feel by brickbridges
*Finished* 30 chapters
After the death of Kellin’s best friend Hayley, Kellin quickly falls into a depression. As he moves through the motions of answering the questions of his psychologist and the teachers at his boarding school, Pine Hills, he starts to believe that he’s going crazy. He thinks he’s seeing the ghost of the boy who commited suicide years ago in the halls of that very boarding school. And he might even be becoming very close friends with this so called ghost.
Cheerleader by 420junhui
*Finished* 23 chapters
Summary unavailable
Daddy by Kellicmpreg
*Finished* 41 chapters
Kellin is a kindergarten teacher at Sunny Lakes Children’s Academy. He adores every one of his students - specifically a little girl by the name of Copeland, who loves to be as close to Kellin as possible. Copeland’s adoptive father, Vic, always thought teachers were the stereotypical long skirt, thick rimmed glasses kind of people, but he is in for a surprise when he goes in for a meeting with his daughter’s teacher.
Hidden Behind a Smile by TheUnknownandUnaware
(Last updated March 11, 2019) 16 chapters
Kellin has led a miserable life, his Mother disappeared when he was little, his dad uses him as a punching bag, his self esteem is so low his most constant thoughts are of suicide and self harm. Vic has led an amazing life, his parents are rich and doting, his whole school fears and worships him, his girlfriend is the hottest girl in school. When their lives collide in a San Diego high school everything gets turned around. Read along to the drama and friendships and heartbreak found in Claremont high they figure out their lives as the year goes on. Watch as they all keep Hidden Behind a Smile.
Watch Me by SolitudeAndPancakes
*Finished* 37 Chapters
Kellin Quinn comes from a broken family. Vic Fuentes comes from a wealthy happy family. Kellin is quiet and likes to be left alone, and enjoys solitude reading books in his room and talks to his imaginary friends. While Vic is a wild, loud, outgoing, and cool guy who goes to party after party. When Vic sees something he shouldn’t have seen, he is determined to help Kellin and save him from his torture even if Kellin doesn’t want his help, but will he fall in love when he least expects it? Will Vic accept the change, or give up on Kellin and drop him to the ground.
I Couldn’t Let You Go by SulfurAndTheSea
*Finished* 23 chapters
Kellin Quinn is a fanfiction writer in love with Vic Fuentes, the lead singer in the band Pierce The Veil. Unknown to him, Vic reads and adores his writing, but to what extent? Things start to get a little creepy when Vic finds Kellin at a resort and kinaps him, locking him in a cabin in the middle of the woods. What’s worse then a crazed singer who kidnaps his crush? A crazed singer who makes the young author write another fanfiction, using both of them as characters. Vic will stop at nothing to make Kellin love him, and Kellin will stop at nothing to get away.
Fake It Till You Make It by KatIsMe123
*Finished* 32 chapters
Vic’s parents are coming in to town and he promised them that they’d get to meet his boyfriend and hoped they’d finally accept his sexuality wasn’t a plea for attention. Then he didn’t have a boyfriend anymore. So he ask’s his best friend Kellin to ‘sub in’ for their visit, but then after they leave the two boys are having trouble readjusting to their lives now that they’re no longer in the fake relationship they found themselves wishing was real.
If I Called You Satan Would You Smile and Wave by vicquinn
*Finished* 22 chapters
Kellin Quinn is a new student in a boarding school ruled by reckless and rebeling Vic Fuentes.
Hell Above by misfitr3j3ct
*Finished* 25 chapters
Kellin is a new kid in the senior class at Vic’s school. He deals with many thing’s, including abuse and self-harm. Vic slowly begins to fall in love eith the new boy in town. Will Kellin accept Vic’s love?
Pray The Gay Away by ReleaseTheBarakat
(Last updated Sep 28, 2016) 4 chapters
Kellin has always hidden the fact that he likes boys from his parents, and for good reason. After accidentally being outed in the worst possible eay, he is sent to a religious, all boys boarding school where they truly believe God, himself is going to scare Kellin straight again. Of course it’s a great idea to be sending him to an ALL BOYS boarding school that is just full of sinners like him; including a troubled, uncooperative, and all around rebellious boy who may just make this “punishment” seem like a reward...
Bookworm by xxpiercethejordynnxx
*Finished* 25 chapters
Kellin Quinn, your average nerd somehow manages to find himself tutoring the co-captain of the soccer team, Vic Fuentes. But niether of them knows; the other is gay. That doesn’t last too long. They start to autumn for each other, but Vic doesn’t want to risk his popularity for just some guy. Can their relationship stand this?
I’d Rather See You Dead by SulfurAndTheSea
(Last updated Aug 15, 2015) 11 chapters
Kellin Quinn was anything but normal. He’s a superhero in training. When his best friend Justin Hills gets taken by an anonymous villian, Kellin has to find a way to get him back. This way comes in the form of Vic Fuentes, the son of two notorious supervillians. Are his intentions pure or will his villianous background get the best of him? Kellin learns to trust and love Vic, but a betrayal changes everything.
Inseperable by RyanRossIsAPrincess (half Frerard fic)
(Last updated Feb 25, 2017) 22 chapters
Summary Unavailable
Night Sky by _inrainbows_
(Last updated June 12, 2015) 33 chapters
{Trying to start over is easy, right? Letting someone in is a piece of cake, right?} Moving to a completely new place can be both thrilling and terrifying. Having a chance to start a new life is one in a million. How does Kellin cope with that change?
Haunted By Love by iuwumilo
(Last updated Feb 7, 2016) 4 chapters
Kellin Quinn and his mom moved to San Diego to leave all their bad memories in Michigan. They tried to find an affordable and decent house. I mean, it’s affordable; but, is it really decent? Decent my ass. The house is fucking haunted. The house was built in 1908. All the house owners has died in that house. Well, there’s this certain ghost; Vic Fuentes. Ever since Kellin stepped in that house, Vic was certainly interested in him.
Mute by poisonhoney
(Last updated Nov 10, 2018) 14 chapters
Kellin Quinn was a name nobody heard. He is a loner, a nobody. No one cared when he moved schools. No one cared about the mysterious bruises and cuts on his body. No one cared when he was hospitalized for something his father did to him. He always thought no one cared for him. It’s just how his life always went. So how does he cope when someone tries to show that they care about him? Will he br able to let them in, or will he push them away?
50 Shades of Kellic by endlessgoodbyes
(Last updated June 3, 2018) 7 chapters
A dom needs to be needed. A sub needs to feel wanted. Without each other thay are nothing. Only together are they complete.
It’s Just Not Me by dropdeadkellin
(Last updated Sep 5, 2016) 46 chapters
“Wow, I thought you were an asshole but you’ve really opened my eyes. You’re a bitch, too.” In which a pretty boy who likes to dress as a girl crosses paths with a punk asshole who learns there is more to just a pretty skirt than people see.
Princess by ohcuriousity
(Last updated Jul 26, 2015) 8 chapters
Kellin is a lighthearted fun guy. Vic is a bad boy. Or an AU where Vic threatens Kellin and Kellin doesn’t listen.
When It’s All You Know by alullabyformydemons
(Last updated April 8, 2015) 15 chapters
Kellin is a runaway. He is living his life on the edge of a knife, recklessly putting himself in harms way and drowning in the lies he has built up around himself. But when Vic forces his way into Kellin’s secluded life will he finally commit to something and tell the truth before he brings trouble to both Vic and himself, or will he take the easy way out and revert back to the only way he knows; running.
Congratulations, You’re The Man by OfTonyAndPerry
(Last updated May 7, 2017) 13 chapters
Two groups who hate each other are going to have to tolerate each other when Vic and Kellin forget something important during something that shouldn’t have happened. What was it they forgot? Will this mistake be enough to bring the two geoups back together?
So Keep In Happiness by You-Say-Im-A-Sinner
(Last updated Dec 12, 2014) 2 chapters
Kellin is bullied and tries to kill himself, sending him to San Diego for a home for suicidal boys, where he meets Vic.
Enemies With Benefits by SulfurAndTheSea
(Last updated June 26, 2016) 47 chapters
Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes have always hated each other with a butning passion. Everyone knew that, it was a simple fact. It was as simple as the sky being blue or the grass being green. Throught both of their soccer careers, they’ve had a feud. Now, when they are both accepted into a prestigious college known for its soccer team, they are forced to get over their differences and playwith each other, on the same team. Not only do they have to share a college, they have to share a room. Could life get any worse?
And Now I’m Nothing by patrickstuhmpz
*Finished* 37 chapters
The one where the popular guy gets dared to ask out the outcast.
The Story of Us by thevicandthekellin
*Finished* 45 chapters
While cleaning out his room to leave for college, Kellin discovers a mysterious book which holds his whole life story. Past, present, and future. So what happens when Kellin discovers Vic Fuentes, fellow student, in his future? Many things. Many good and bad things to be exact.
Another Boy Without a Sharper Knife by piercethelowandmen
*Finished* 31 chapters
Vic has been through a lot in the past few days. He lost his best friend and almost took his own life. That’s why he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Kellin has been in the hospital for 20 days now but that’s okay, he doesn’t want to go home to his abusive family. They dont really care about him anyway. Will these two be able to help each other or watch each other burn?
I’m The Killer Who Burned Your Home by Hold On Till Gray
(Last updated June 13, 2014) 2 chapters
Kellin was a normal dude; worked at a local coffee shop, had friends, and lived a simple life. Vic would know. He’s watched Kellin from afar for a while now. After seeing his brother in a perfect relationship, he became desperate wanting one of his own. After 3 years of looking for what he calls “The One” he finally finds Kellin. Again he repeats these same steps he’s been taking over those 3 years.... Those who know what he does call him a “crazy stalker”. But in reality he’s just looking for a little bit of love in this heart break city.
All For You by piercetheprice
*Finished* 39 chapters
Kellin is the self destructive, quiet boy, witha poisonous home life. He has no one and all he wants is to end it all. Vic is the self assured, new kid who gets seated next to Kellin. He’s determined to try and save him.
Blue Eyes In A Sea Of Brown by Driftwood_Heart
*Finished* 34 chapters
Kellin gets paired with Vic to do a science project. As he prepares to do all the work his self he gets a real surprise when things turn out different than he expected.
Ambivalence by theidleteen
(Last updated May 17, 2016) 14 chapters
When two best friends are separated by rival gangs, they swear that they’d never look back. Vic Fuentes desperately tries to erase any good memory he’d ever had of his ex-bestfriend Kellin Quinn. To Vic, Kellin’s just another case of bad news. To Kellin, Vic will always be the one that got away.
Ghosts in the Walls by LendyISheree
(Last updated May 20, 2015) 18 chapters
What happens when Vic moves into a haunted house?? A house haunted by Kellin:)
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ekkline88 · 5 years
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@taylorswift is my artist of the decade, woman of the decade, writer of the decade, inspiration of the decade because of the following:
‘All that I know is I don’t know how to be something you miss.’
‘You and I walk a fragile line.
I have known it all this time.
Never thought I'd see it break.
Never thought I'd see it...’
‘And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear.’
‘No rules in breakable heaven.’
‘All the king’s horses, all the king’s men couldn’t put me together again. ‘Cause all of my enemies started out friends.’
‘Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh. We could follow the sparks, I’ll drive.’
‘He says "What you've heard is true, but I can't stop thinking about you." and I said "I've been there too a few times." ‘
‘I reach for you, but you were gone. I knew I had to go back home.’
‘The tricky thing is yesterday we were just children. Playing soldiers just pretending. Dreaming dreams with happy endings.
In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords. But now we've stepped into a cruel world, where everybody stands and keeps score.’
‘Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you.’
‘And you open your eyes into mine, and everything feels better.’
‘Two headlights shine through the sleepless night. And I will get you, and get you alone. Your name has echoed through my mind. And I just think you should, think you should know that nothing safe is worth the drive and I would follow you, follow you home. I'll follow you, follow you home.’
‘But I believe in whatever you do. And I’ll do anything to see it through.’
‘My mistake I didn't know to be in love you had to fight to have the upper hand.’
‘You cry; but you don't tell anyone that you might not be the golden one. And you're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undone.’
‘One night he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses, then says, you're my best friend. And you knew what it was, he is in love.’
‘And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you.’
‘So, baby, can we dance through an avalanche?’
‘I was ridin' in a getaway car. I was cryin' in a getaway car. I was dyin' in a getaway car. Said goodbye in a getaway car.’
‘Headlights pass the window pane, I think of you.’
‘ ‘Cause we break down a little. And when you get me alone, it's so simple. ‘Cause baby, I know what you know. We can feel it.’
‘Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting.
Silence, this train runs off its tracks. Kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen?
Hang up, give up, for the life of us we can't get back.’
‘If you live like that, you live with ghosts. If you love like that blood runs cold.’
‘When the sun came up you were looking at me. You were looking at me.’
‘And you were wild and crazy. Just so frustrating. Intoxicating, complicated.
Got away by some mistake.’
‘I can't resist before you go tell me this:
Was it worth it? Was she worth this?’
‘And now I know why all the trees change in the fall. I know you were on my side, even when I was wrong. And I love you for giving me your eyes, for staying back and watching me shine.’
‘I know heaven’s a thing. I go there when you touch me, honey. Hell is when I fight with you. But we can patch it up good. Make confessions and we’re begging for forgiveness. Got the wine for you.’
‘And I can see you years from now in a bar, talking over a football game. With that same big loud opinion, but nobody's listening. Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things.’
‘The way you move is like a full on rainstorm.’
‘Your string of lights is still bright to me. Oh, who you are is not where you've been.’
‘You were all I wanted, but not like this.’
‘These are the hands of fate. You’re my Achilles heel. This is the golden age of something good and right and real.’
‘It was good, never looking down. And right there where we stood was holy ground.’
‘The water filled my lungs, I screamed so loud. But no one heard a thing.’
‘Ooh, ooh, he’s talking crazy. Ooh, ooh, dancing with me. Ooh, ooh, we could get married. Ooh, ooh, have ten kids and teach ‘me how to dream.’
‘I see the high-fives between the bad guys. Leave with my head hung, you are the only one who seems to care.’
‘The stakes are high, the water’s rough, but this love is ours.’
‘Cause darling I’m a nightmare, dressed like a daydream.’
‘Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it, my love. They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run.’
‘Kiss me once ‘cause you know I had a long night. Kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause I waited my whole life.’
‘Your eyes whisper “Have we met?” ‘
‘I hold onto the night you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me.’
‘My heart, my hips, my body, my love. Tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch. Gave up on me like I was a bad drug. Now I'm searching for signs in a haunted club. Our songs, our films, united, we stand. Our country, guess it was a lawless land. Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand. Paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans. My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust. Tryna find a part of me you didn't take up. Gave you so much, but it wasn't enough. But I'll be all right, it's just a thousand cuts.’
‘Braced myself for the goodbye, ‘cause that’s all I’ve ever known. Then you took me by surprise, when you said “I’ll never leave you alone.” ‘
‘And we know it's never simple, never easy. Never a clean break, no one here to save me. You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand.’
‘Remind her how it used to be, be, yeah-yeah. With pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks, cheeks.’
‘Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves. Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there’s no us.’
‘And there in the bathroom, I try not to fall apart and the sinking feeling starts, as I say hopelessly “He said he’d be here.” ‘
‘We can’t make any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink.’
‘Is this the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending with all these nights we’re spending- up on the roof with a school girl crush. Drinking beer out of plastic cups. Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff. Baby, all at once, this is enough.’
‘You hold my hand on the street
Walk me back to that apartment
Years ago, we were just inside
Barefoot in the kitchen
Sacred new beginnings
That became my religion, listen’
‘ When you think happiness, I hope you think "that little black dress" ‘
‘And maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much. But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up. Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well. And you call me up again just to break me like a promise. So casually cruel in the name of being honest. I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here, ‘cause I remember it all, all, all too well.’
‘I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you.’
‘Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song.’
‘I was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car. I grabbed a pen and an old napkin and I wrote down our song.’
‘Holy orange bottles, each night I pray to you. Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too.’
‘You took the time to memorize me. My fears, my hopes and dreams.’
‘Lantern, burning
Flickered in my mind, only you
But you were still gone, gone, gone.’
‘I bet it never, ever occurred to you that I can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye.’
‘Long, long live the walls we crashed through. All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you. I was screaming, long live all the magic we made. And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid.’
‘I take a step back, let you go. I told you I'm not bulletproof. Now you know.’
‘But something happened, I heard him laughing. I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent.’
‘I’m waiting alone now. So come on and come out. And pull me near and shine, shine, shine.’
‘I can see the end as it begins. My one condition is..’
‘And the saddest fear comes creeping in that you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything!’
‘Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.’
‘And when you find everything you looked for, I hope your life will lead you back to my front door. Oh but if it don’t? Will you stay beautiful, beautiful, beautiful?’
‘Why? ‘Cause she’s dead.’
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