#my brother was sick at the time and mum was staying with him in hospital so i was living with my dad
humanveil · 2 years
it’s funny the way certain interests can throw me back into being a teenager like just remembering the existence of xmdofp sends me back to 2014. i have such vivid memories of watching it at the movies like i can still feel the nerves ??? i had sitting in that crusty chair
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beah388love · 5 months
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The beginning
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist TUA Masterlist
Pairing: Five hargreeves x Fem!reader
Summary: The beginning, your story.
Warnings: mentions of blood,Murder,reader has powers,angst,brother dies,readers family dies,fighting,death!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
It all started about 50 Years ago, well 50 years and 2 months ago to be exact. I'll never forget that day, because the day started perfectly normal.
Nobody tells you just how loud the sound of silence is. at that moment, I felt like I could hear everything and nothing at the same time.
Aged Eight.
It was around 2-4 in the morning judging by the colour of the dark blue sky outside and she was woken by her dad sprinting out of his room, petrified. She'd never seen him so panicked.
Her first thought was, maybe they were being robbed? maybe someone broke in?
That was until her mum sprinted out after her dad with her brother in her arms. He was limp and blue.
She felt her body stop, she ran over to her parents and reached out to her brother and she'll never forget the feeling of touching his face.
She stood there as her parents panicked and rushed calling the ambulance and once they got there she still stood watching them leave with her brother.
She still had hope though. I mean this stuff only happens in grown up movies? It definitely won't happen to us. Right?
No. Of course not.
She was taken to her grandparents house and stayed there for a couple hours with her two other brothers.
She sat there on the sofa, watching her grandad pace up and down the kitchen.
But after awhile she sat watching out the window of the front garden. Waiting. Waiting to see her parents again with her brother.
Maybe he was sick? And needed some medicine?
Maybe he needs some cheering up?
We'll make him better. He'll be fine. This is just a really vivid dream.
Not long later she saw her parents arrive without her brother.
Maybe he had to stay at the hospital cause he still needs medicine?
No. All the optimistic thoughts are gone because
she just knew.
She could feel it through the window and across to them.
She just knew.
He's not going to be okay. She felt it.
Her parents came in crying, "he's- he's" they didn't even get the word out and we all knew.
It's not going to be okay.
He's gone.
Because that's the thing with time, nothing can buy it or get it back not even the richest or happiest.
But things didn't get much better after that.
Aged eight:
Around five months after her brother passed away, all her family were still mourning.
But today her parents both went out to grab some food for her and her brothers.
And once they collected all the things they needed. They left, hopped in the car and drove back home.
But on the way, a drunk driver swerved into the side of their car, killing them both.
She was devastated and it still didn't get better after that.
It actually got worse.
None of her distant relatives wanted to take care over them so her and her two younger brothers all had to go separate ways.
She never saw her brothers again.
She gave them both massive hugs, sobbing as they went different ways.
And your probably wondering 'how does this relate to five Hargreaves?'
The little girl in this story didn't go to an orphanage or a foster home or a happy place at all.
A certain man flew over to England and somehow got the social services woman to give him custody of you.
A man you had never met.
Reginald Hargreeves.
"Come with me, come on now don't hover around." He said sternly not even batting an eye to you.
You followed him still in your nightgown, trying to hide your sobs.
"Y/n? Are you listening to me?" Five cut you out of your thoughts as he waved a hand in front of your face.
"I was saying...If my calculations are correct we can get back all we have to do is get a briefcase." Five said grinning at you near the end of his sentence.
"Oh god, what now?"  You asked tiredly
"Well..i was hoping-"
"hoping I could use my powers?" You cut him off and he nodded with a somewhat pleading grin.
"Alright..but if this time doesn't work I'm gonna kill you myself." You sighed and he nodded behind you grinning as you walked off.
After Reginald took you in, he helped you understand your power to great lengths.
"Reality warping".
You can change reality and quite literally defeat the laws of science. However it does come with some cons.
You can only change things you know or can imagine.
You have to be in 'the zone' is what you call it.
And one of the biggest cons is, when you use your power it drains you.
And I mean drains you.
Your energy levels - actually no, all your levels go down.
"Go down the left corridor and into the wooden door. And I'll meet you" five whispered and you nodded.
You did as he said and sneakily went into the wooden door, it was a meeting room and If im five was right, it would be filled with people in around two minutes.
You hid behind the door in the corner of the room and waited.
When they began walking in, you sat there and held your feet to your head.
Once you calmed down and focused, all the men began dropping dead.
Once they were all on the floor, five blinked next to you and grabbed a briefcase.
He grabbed your hand and blinked you both back to the middle of nowhere.
"Y/n?  you okay?" He asked you and you nodded tiredly.
"Do ya think it's gonna work?" You asked him breathlessly and he didn't respond.
Your guess was he probably didn't wanna get your hopes up to much.
This is my first series so i know It’s probably not the best!!! 🧡💛
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albertasunrise · 2 years
Stuck in the Middle of it - Part 4
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Summary: Years after breaking up, you bump into Benny Miller again one evening at a bar. He was one man you could confidently say you had loved once but you’d both agreed you were better off as friends. When he introduces you to Frankie Morales, you instantly feel connected to the man but unbeknownst to you… You get thrown into a love triangle. The two men crazy about you. Only thing is… you have no idea.
Relationships: Reader x Ben Miller, Reader x Frankie Morales
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to give any warnings. This will be an 18+ fic
Series Masterlist, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Will glanced up when a flicker of movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. They landed on his brother who was staring at Frankie, brows pulled together as he took in the state of his best friend. Will was about to say something when you appeared from behind him, clutching his hand as you too looked at Frankie with a worried expression. 
Will’s own turned to one of confusion as he took the scene in. Why were you with him? 
“What are the doctors saying?” Ben asked, pulling Will from his thoughts. 
“He’s declining rapidly,” Will replied simply “He’s not responding to the medication. Keeps seizing, got sepsis. It’s uh… well it’s been shit watching him just give up.” Will choked out the last part as he fought to keep his tears at bay. 
"Okay." Ben replied numbly "Where's Isla?" 
"She's with mum." Will replied simply "She offered to have her so we could be with him." 
"Always the saint." Ben replied, giving his brother a weak smile before they both returned their attention to the dying man across from them. 
He wanted to blame someone. Anyone. But in truth, there was no one to blame for this. Fish got sick, and he wasn’t getting better. Ben however let his emotions flow freely. He turned to you and buried his face in your neck, sobbing loudly as you stroked his hair. Will watched the scene unfold, his brow furrowed as he tried to work out what was going on but when Ben pulled back and pressed his lips to yours, Will saw red. He kept his anger at bay though. He knew that Frankie needed them all to be calm... Well, as calm as one could be when their best friend was dying. So Will knew he had to pick his moment to confront his brother about what he'd just witnessed. 
In the three days that followed, Fish continued to cling on but the doctors kept telling you all the same thing. It was only a matter of time. You never left Ben's side. He came with you and left with you and Will suspected that his brother knew he was due a lashing when they were next alone together. For someone who fought for a living, he was king at avoiding conflict. 
He finally got his moment when Monday came around and you had to go to work. Ben had said he wasn't going to go to the hospital so Will decided to go to him. This couldn't wait any longer. He parked on his brother's drive, pulled out his spare key and let himself in, scaring Ben in the process as he walked out of his kitchen. 
"Whats happened?" Ben asked as soon as his initial shock wore off "Is it Fish?... Is he?" 
"Fish is the same." Will replied steadily and Ben nodded "What the hell are you doing?" He asked and Benny pretended to look confused. 
"I don't-" 
"Frank left her because of you... Didn't he?" Will pushed "He loved her, told me as much but then suddenly they're broken up and you're spending almost all your time at hers." 
"She's my friend." He protested and Will scoffed.
"She's your ex Ben... And now she's Frank's too." Will growled "You slept with her yet?" 
"Just answer the damn question." 
"Yes." Ben expelled "We're sleeping together." He confessed and Will nodded. 
"How long?" Will asked and Ben sighed "How long?" 
"Only a few days." He snapped "I went to hers after I found out he was sick and she held me. Let me stay and then in the morning we sorta got carried away and well..." 
"You're an asshole." Will snarled. Never before had he been so disappointed in his brother. 
"Fuck you." Ben snapped and Will flipped.
"Fuck me?" He yelled "Fuck you, Ben! Frankie had been happy... finally he had been happy and he'd had a good thing going with her. Then you get jealous and make him give up the one good thing he had going other than his baby girl." 
"I love her." Ben protested and Will scoffed. 
"You love her? You said that before and then you left her." He replied, "You wanted what you couldn't have Ben... that's the truth of it." 
"That's not-" 
"You know, if by some miracle he gets better..." Will trailed off, scraping a large hand over his face he looked at his brother with piercing blue eyes "He'll never forgive you for this." 
"Will..." Ben pleaded as his brother turned to leave "Will come on-" He was stopped by a hand. 
"I will never forgive you for this." 
Then he was in his truck and he was gone and Ben had never felt worse in his life. 
You'd barely made it through Ben's door before he was on you. Kissing you with a firey passion that had you melting into him. It had been a hard day at the clinic and you were happy to be back with him but as you pulled away to look at him, you could see conflict in his gaze. 
"What is it?" You asked and he sighed. 
"Will came by today." 
"Is everything okay? Frankie, is he?" 
"Fish is the same." Ben replied, "According to the nurse I spoke to earlier, he's actually doing a little better." 
"That's great news." You replied sweetly "So what is it?" 
"He's pissed at me about us." He replied and you frowned. 
"Us? Why?" 
"I dunno." He lied "He thinks it's too soon after you broke up with Fish I guess." 
"He broke up with me." You screeched and Ben sighed "Well it's none of his business." You huffed and Ben smiled.
"No, I suppose not." 
"I care about Frankie getting better but the man broke me... I don't feel like I owe him anything and neither do you." You replied sternly and he smiled at your little pout. 
"Here here." He chuckled, pulling you into a soft kiss that had you swooning. 
His hands started to map out your dips and curves as the kiss got more heated. You moaned as he gripped your ass and squeezed it and he grinned against your lips before one of his hands travelled over your hips and to your belly. You froze, your whole body going rigid and he pulled away to give you a concerned look.
"You okay?" He asked and you nodded. 
"Yeah, it's silly." You replied shaking your head. 
"No, come on, what's up?" 
"Ben it's nothing." You protested and he sighed. 
"Well, it's obviously not nothing." He said sweetly "Come on, you can tell me." 
"It's just... Well, I've put a little weight on and I'm a bit self-conscious about it." You confessed, eyes looking up at him through thick lashes. 
"Baby." He cooed "You're Beautiful no matter what." He said as he kissed you sweetly "Here." He continued, holding out his hand "Let me show you." 
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Will sat with a fussy Isla on his lap whilst he read the toddler her book. She was screeching and giggling with glee as the man changed his voice to suit each character. Both were so engrossed that neither saw movement coming from the bed. 
By some miracle, Frankie had kept on fighting despite the odds. When he started to trigger the vent, they slowly but surely started to ween him off it and then two days ago he had come off it completely. Ben only came to visit with you and Will knew it was because he was afraid of what he might say. Despite their conversation, you and the younger Miller had remained together. 
It was barely audible but Will heard it... His name. 
He looked up to see Frankie looking at him through hooded eyes and he was on his feet in a second, holding Isla close as he checked over his friend. 
"You with me Catfish?" He asked and the other man nodded "I'm going to get a doctor okay?" He said and Fish nodded, his eyes now on his daughter. 
Will was back in a flash, the doctor hot on his heels and then he was pushed to one side so that they could do their thing. A short while later, Frankie was propped up in bed, weakly holding his baby girl as she smiled up at him. 
"FISH?" Ben practically fell through the door, his eyes wild as he made it to his friend's bedside "Sh-iiii-ingles you scared me." He said, upon noticing Isla in Frankie's lap. 
"Sorry." He weakly rasped and Ben shook his head.
"Nothing to be sorry for brother." Ben protested "Just glad you're awake!" 
Frankie gave his friend a weak smile and a slight nod before his eyes drifted to his daughter again. Will called his name and the younger Miller turned his head, noting how Will was motioning for him to follow. 
"I'll be back in a sec Fishcakes." He said before jogging after his sibling "What?" He asked once they were out of earshot. 
"The doctors say he's still got a long road ahead of him." Will started "Can't afford to be stressed." 
"Okay?" Ben replied, unsure of what his brother was trying to say. 
"I think for now... You and Moonshine need to keep your relationship secret." He stated and Ben's face morphed into something else "He was asking for her when he woke up. Guy's clearly still in love with her so if he was to learn that you and she got together whilst he was in a coma for almost three weeks... Well, I'm pretty sure that'd do him in." 
"Okay." Ben replied, nodding his head slightly. 
"Ben... If I'm being completely honest. I think you should break things off but I know you aren't going to do that." Will stated and his younger brother sighed "The truth's going to come out... perhaps you should be the one to tell her." 
"She'll leave me." Ben choked and Will sighed. 
"Should have thought of that before you did what you did." He replied with a shrug before returning to Frankie's room. Leaving a broken brother in his wake. 
You were busy serving up dinner when Ben got home. He'd text you to tell you he needed to tell you something and you'd been in a mad panic ever since. These past few weeks had helped you heal and you couldn't help but worry that Ben was coming to end things with you. When he walked through the door with an expression that could break anyone's heart, your stomach dropped. 
"Dinners ready." You called out, desperately trying to distract yourself. 
"Thank you." He said as he sat down at the table, nodding his thanks as you placed a plate down in front of him. 
You then started to eat in tense silence, the weight of his impending confession hanging over your heads before you finally couldn't take it anymore and you asked. 
"What did you need to tell me?" 
"Oh... Yeah..." Ben trailed off, putting down his cutlery and slumping back in his chair "Well um... it's just..." He was struggling to find the words. 
He hated that he couldn't just be honest with you. 
"Frank's awake." He said and your brows shot up "Woke up today. Doc’s happy with his progress but he'd still gonna be sick for a little while." 
"That's good news." You said, breathing a sigh of relief. 
"Yeah... Yeah, it is." Ben agreed, sitting forward again so he could finish his dinner. 
You wanted to ask him if there was more. You felt like there was but you were too scared to ask so instead you kept quiet. After dinner, you cleared up, laughed as Ben mucked about with the bubbles as you did the washing up together and then stumbled to bed where he fucked you slow and deep. Pouring all his feelings into the act and you allowed yourself to finally feel something for him that you had long since buried. 
It was another two weeks before they let Frankie go home. He'd been itching to leave and Will had been relieved when they gave him the all-clear. They gave the blonde a list of exercises for him, his meds and advice on any complications to look out for. Then sent them on their way. Will had decided that Frank would probably be more comfortable in his own home. So he'd set up in the spare room, which happened to be Isla's room also. He pulled faces at the infant as she watched him from her crib with great interest as she sucked on her mussy. Spending time with her was never a chore.
You on the other hand were having a crisis. Three days after Frankie had woken up, you'd taken a turn at work. You had woken up, laying on the staff couch in the break room before you were forced to go pee in a cup. 
It was another two days before you'd been handed a slip of paper that gave you your diagnosis and later that afternoon you got to see what was causing your stomach to roll at every smell you came into contact with. 
You were pregnant. 
Almost four months pregnant. 
Which meant that it couldn't be Benny's baby. It was Frankies...
Fast forward a week or so and you still hadn't plucked up the courage to tell Ben. How were you supposed to tell your boyfriend that you were pregnant with his best friend's baby? You were in hell. 
Then Ben had told you that Will was throwing a BBQ that weekend to celebrate Frankie's being home you and were suddenly looking for any reason to get out of it. But Ben, ever the arm twister, managed to pick holes in every one of your reasons and so that's how you found yourself sitting in your ex's garden, nursing a lemonade and praying for the evening to be over.
Frankie hadn't been able to stop glancing at you all evening. His heart ached to see you but he knew you were here to support Benny. Will had told him how you'd been a good friend to the youngest Miller whilst he was sick and Frankie was glad that Ben had had someone. He’d always been the more sensitive one. 
When you got up to get another drink from the kitchen, you didn't notice how Frankie's eyes followed you. He longed to just speak to you. To try and clear the air, even a little. Perhaps you could be friends? 
He hoped that you could. 
"You okay?" Ben asked as he emerged from the lounge to find you pouring yourself a drink. "Been really quiet." 
"Just tired." You replied, giving him a weak smile as you looked up at him. 
"Tired?" He said, feigning shock "But I haven't given you a reason to be tired yet." He purred and you giggled. 
"I suppose not." You replied, closing your eyes and his lips slanted over yours. 
You allowed yourself to lose yourself in this kiss and everything else fell away for a moment but it wasn't to last. 
"You've got to be kidding me." Growled a familiar voice and the two of you jumped back as if caught by a parent "You two?" He snapped and Ben started to panic. 
"Fish, please... Let me explain." 
"Fuck you." Frankie snapped, turning around and storming outside. 
You stood there in confusion as Ben sprinted out after him. Then your brain caught up with your feet and you were stumbling outside. Ben was holding his hands out in an attempt to placate Frankie whilst the man paced, his face pale. 
"Please let me explain." Ben pleaded but Frankie was having none of it, his eyes drifted to you and you saw something in them you'd never seen before. It made you shiver. 
"Got over me quickly." He spat and you saw red. 
"Got over you?" You shrieked "Francisco, you broke me." You yelled, "I loved you and you just left me." You choked on the last word. Unable to keep the tears at bay any longer. 
"Ben got me through it." You sobbed. 
"Course he did." Fish scoffed and you felt your anger boil over. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"He never told you the truth huh?" Frankie pushed "Fucking coward." He spat as his eyes flitted to the younger Miller. 
"What the fuck are you talking about?" 
"Ben told me to break up with you." Frankie expelled and you gasped. 
"What?" You breathed, eyes then drifting to Ben. 
"He told me that he was in love with you and that I had to leave you or lose my friendship with him." Frankie clarified and you sobbed.
"Is this true Ben?" You asked, your tears flowing freely as you watched him closely. 
He couldn't say it. He could only nod and you clutched your stomach as your knees gave out. 
"I had to give up the woman I loved because I didn't want to lose my brother too." He sobbed "And now he's got you… Got what he wanted…" He trailed off.
Your head shot up at that. Frankie had slumped into the chair behind him, panting like he'd run a marathon and Will was quick to sprint to his side and check him over. You then looked at Ben who was crying silently from where he stood. He looked at you, eyes filled with conflicting emotions and you wanted to scream at him. But you didn't. 
Suddenly, what you had to tell him wasn't so hard anymore. 
So you stood, looked and Frankie and then at Ben. Your face had morphed into an expression that neither man could read and Ben's blood ran cold as he waited for you to say something... Anything. 
"I'm pregnant." 
That hadn't been what he'd expected. 
His face lit up, heart filled with something he’d never felt before as he took a ginger step towards you.
"Baby that's-"
"I'm four months pregnant." You interrupted and stopping him in his tracks. His expression dropping as his eyes filled with fresh tears "It's not yours, Ben." 
Frankie looked up at you in shock, his eyes then drifting to where you were cradling your small but visible bump. 
"It's yours, Frankie." You said finally as you looked at him and he choked. 
You studied each other a while as the information you'd just fed them all sunk in... And then a smile crossed his face and pushing himself to his feet, he weakly walked over to you. 
You watched as he brought his hands up to cradle your face, studying you a moment before he went to speak. You saw his eyes soften as he formed the words on his tongue. 
"That's wonderful news." He said, his smile growing wider and you grinned back at him "We're going to have a baby." 
"We're going to have a baby." You confirmed, not noticing Ben turn to leave. 
To say Ben was surprised to see you walk through his front door later that evening would be an understatement. He stood gingerly from the couch, placing his beer down on the coffee table before he turned to face you. The two of you stared at each other silently for a moment before finally, how broke it. 
"I fucked up." He rushed out and you snorted "You have every right to hate me but I love you and I don't want this to end." 
"You're right Ben." You started, eyes staring off at something out of his line of sight "You did fuck up. You broke me and Frankie up... All because you wanted me for yourself." 
"Baby, please, I-"
"I'm not done." You stopped him "You made a shitty call. You hurt me and I should hate you for it but I don't." You paused a moment, finally looking at him "I don't want this to end either because for some deranged reason I love you!" 
Ben couldn't hold back his sob any longer "I'll be better I swear." 
You nodded and you let out a sign as one hand scraped over your face as the other went to cradle your baby bump. 
“I’m not saying that I’m not still mad… I am and we have work to do but I’m willing to do it. If you are.”
Ben was nodding eagerly. Relief washing over him at the knowledge you weren’t leaving him.
"We also need to talk about the fact I'm pregnant with Frank's baby." You piped up and he nodded "I'm keeping it, Ben. No question about that... So if you don't want to do this with me then I am giving you an out." 
"You can leave right now and I won't hold it against you." You stated, "But if you stay with me then you're agreeing to help raise this baby with me." You continued "We're gonna be a family Ben. You, me and this little surprise." You looked down at your swollen stomach and smiled "And Frankie's going to be involved too so if we do this, you can't get jealous of him spending time with me and her..." 
Your eyes widened as you realised what you'd just said. 
"Her?" He squeaked "It's a girl?" 
"Yeah." You replied with a shy smile "Doctors pretty sure but they said they can confirm when I have my next scan in a couple of weeks." 
"Shit." Ben breathed as he scaled the room to kiss you, grinning when you pulled him tight "I'm in baby..." He trailed off, pulling back to look you in the eye "I'm all in." 
You smiled sweetly at him, grinning as you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. 
Little did you know that Frankie was sitting at home, grinning like a loon at the sonogram picture you'd given him. He looked at the little life you'd created together and felt something start to stir within him. 
Now he had a reason to fight for you. To try and get you back.
He loved you... This time, he chose you. 
Ben be damned. 
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l30n-m00ns70n3 · 4 months
Solarchanged || Book 1
A Solarballs AU || Chapter 3 || A Hospital So White and Clean
When Earth woke up, he woke up with a sharp pang of pain. His vision was blurry and he could feel everything and yet nothing all at the same time; All he could hear was this ringing in his ears. It was possibly the most disorienting thing they've ever experienced. He tried to regain his bearings and sit up but doing so proved to be very difficult, what with the wires and tubes connected to him - not to mention the vaguely human weight on his numb legs. As he was trying to regain his bearings, a nurse entered the room, catching his attention. The weight on his legs also seemed to notice the new presence in the room. It sat up and turned to the nurse. Earth blinked a few times, clearing his vision. Now he could see it was his brother, Luna, that had been laying on him - and what a relief that was, he feared he'd never see her again when he was brought to the hospital.
As Earth laid there, limbs still refusing to move, the ringing stopped and slowly his hearing started to return - the nurse's and his brother's voices were muffled still, but a muffled sound is better than none at all. Slowly the planet-turned-human shifted his still-heavy head to look at his moon. This of course caught the moon's attention, "Terra," the moon shouted as the nurse left the room - most likely to get a doctor, "You're awake!"
The planet tried to speak but his throat was sore and dry - just how long had he been out of commission?
"Oh! Do you need water?" Luna asked. When Terra nodded she ran to the sink and filled up a plastic cup with tap water, quickly - yet carefully - returning to the bed where Earth had tenderly propped himself up onto his elbows. She carefully assisted her brother in taking a drink, "Is that better?" she asked.
Earth laid back down with a sigh, "Yes," he replied, "Thank you. How long was I out?"
"Well -" Luna stated before getting cut off by the doctor entering the room.
"Hello, Terra, was it?" the doctor asked.
"Y - yes sir."
"Good. Good." he said walking over to the IV, "What do you remember?"
"Well," Terra started, "I remember waiting for Dante to come to the park, like he does everyday after daycare. I'd been sick for a while and it got especially bad the past couple of days. I remember getting very dizzy and hot and then I was out of it..."
The doctor nodded, backing away from the IV, "Go on."
"After a while I remember waking up to see Luna, Dante, and Dante's Mum," Terra continued hesitantly, "I don't remember much after that... I just remember getting told that I was going to the hospital and being worried that I'd be separated from Luna... The next thing I know I wake up here."
"I see," the doctor said, going over to the patient chart, "Can you tell me how bad it hurts on a scale of one to ten, one being no pain and ten being extremely painful."
"Ah - well, I'd say the pain level is a two, maybe a three." he said, sitting up carefully.
"Alright," the doctor jots something down on the chart, "and where exactly does it hurt?"
"My throat, mainly - the rest of my body is numb at the moment." Earth paused for a moment before adding, "It's a bit hard to breathe."
The doctor hummed, "Good news - you should be able to leave soon. It was a viral infection of the lungs. We had to perform a surgery, but you healed remarkably quickly."
"Wait! What's going to happen to us when I'm released?" The once planet worriedly questioned the doctor. Were they going to be separated? Would anybody want them? What would happen to Luna? To him?
"Well, your foster parent will come pick you guys up. She'll have to sign you out, and you'll need regular doctors appointments - both you and your brother." At the mention of doctors appointments Earth made a face, which the doctor must've seen for he continued, "From what we've been told you are a very sickly child and during your stay we've noticed that Luna bruises very easily."
"A foster parent..?" Earth questioned, furrowing his brows.
Noticing his worry, Luna crawled up onto the hospital bed and exclaimed, "It's okay, Terra! At least we'll be together, right?" whilst shifting himself to sit near his injured sibling.
"Right!" the planet nods, pulling his moon closer into his side. He gives the back of her head a kiss. With a smile and a sense of melancholy he mumbles, "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Nothing, Luna. Don't worry about it."
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canirove · 2 years
Ten years | Chapter 8
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“How is he?”
“Very weak and dehydrated, but good. Judging by what I’ve seen on other patients, he’s already gone through the worst.”
“There have been other cases?” I ask.
“Yes. I’m afraid there is a virus going around, I’ve treated other people with the same symptoms. So if you start feeling anything…”
“I haven’t been sleeping at home for the past few days, so unless I got it at the pub…”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were seeing someone. If I had known I wouldn’t have tried to flirt with you the last time I saw you” the doctor says, blushing a bit.
“Don’t need to apologize. We are still getting to know each other, nothing serious” I shrug.
“Then I guess he isn’t that football player… The one with the Irish name. I prefer cricket and I know about Messi and that’s it” he chuckles.
“It isn’t Declan, no.”
“So those things I heard about you two… they aren’t true? Sorry if I’m being too noisy, you can’t stop me any time.”
“It’s ok, don’t worry. But some things are true, and some aren’t. Most aren’t, to be honest. Like the ones they are saying lately.”
“It must suck when people gossip about you like that. Especially on such a small town.”
“It does, yes” I sigh. “But I’ve got used to it. Or try to get used to it.”
“Good, good… And I better leave and let you take care of your brother. Make sure he stays hydrated and that he starts eating. And if he doesn’t improve, take him to the hospital.”
“I will. Thank you very much for coming.”
“Anything for you. For you two I mean” the doctor says, blushing again.
“I’m dying, sis.”
“You are not dying, Dom. Stop complaining and drink.”
“But I don’t like how it tastes!”
“It has lemon, it tastes good.”
“I don’t like lemons.”
“You don’t say the same when you take tequila shots.”
“Because the tequila makes it taste good.”
“Well, if you want to be able to drink tequila again, you must drink this first.”
“Ugh” he says, lifting his head a bit from the pillow and drinking from the glass I’m holding.
“A bit more, Dominic.”
“You are enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Oh, yes, being your nurse is such a joy” I say, rolling my eyes.
“If I drink it all, you’ll have to do something for me.”
“Drink it and we’ll talk.”
“Ok, listen” Dom says when he is finished. “As you can imagine, I can’t go anywhere on this state, which means that I won’t be able to go with the camp kids to the trip we planned. But, you will be taking my place.”
“I will not.”
“Yes, you will. You are my last hope, Obi-Wan.”
“Obi… Whatever. You have many friends. Can’t you ask any of them?”
“They are either busy, working, out on holidays, or hate kids. I thought about asking Benjamin, but you said he went down to Brighton to see his family, right?”
“He did, yes.”
“Then that leaves you as the only one I trust enough to go with the kids.”
“But Dom, I can’t leave you alone when you are like this. You still need help getting up from the bed, and the doctor said to keep an eye on you because you could relapse.”
“Don’t worry about that, mum is coming.”
“You called mum already?”
“What about the pub? We can’t leave Lily alone, and if mum is taking care of you, she can’t help her.”
“That’s why dad is also coming.”
“So you are having a family reunion while I’m away?” I chuckle.
“That’s the plan, yes.”
“Do it for the kids, sis. And who knows, maybe being out in the nature, seeing the stars at night, will help you figure out that something between you and Dec.”
“You got sick on purpose so I would have to spend the weekend with him, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t do it consciously, I swear. But are you doing this sick and dying man this little favor or not?” he says, looking at me with puppy eyes.
“I guess I am, yes. But stop saying you are dying.”
“Thank you, sis. Love you” he says with a big smile.
“So… Dom convinced you, uh?”
“I didn’t have another choice” I shrug.
“Let’s make a deal” Declan says, turning to look at me.
“A deal?” I ask, also looking at him.
“Yes. Or more like a truce. During this weekend, it’ll be like we don’t know each other from before, as if we just met today. So no reproaches, bickering or anything of what we’ve been doing lately. We are new people. The kids deserve to have a nice experience, to enjoy this weekend. So let’s do it for them.”
“Ok, then. For the kids.”
“Good. I’m Declan, by the way” he says, stretching his hand and giving me his most charming smile, making my stomach do a flip.
“Nice to meet you, Declan” I say, shaking it and already regretting saying yes to this.
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arachpool · 2 years
Sirius hated Christmas. Before attending Hogwarts, Christmas wasn’t truly celebrated at the Grimmauld Place. The Blacks found it stupid to celebrate what they considered a Muggle holiday, despite so so so many purebloods doing it as well. He hated receiving gifts, because it never felt real. Gifts were always the butt of some sick way of getting Sirius to mess up; his parents often did that to validate a reason to punish him. Sirius wasn’t stupid. The few times that Regulus would get him something, he wouldn’t hide it well enough, and his parents found him out, and he was promptly punished; any gift that Regulus managed to get Sirius was always Muggle related: albums from his favorite Muggle bands, merchandise from said bands, things of that matter.
During their first year at Hogwarts, all of the Mauraders went home. Sirius solely because he wanted to check on Reg. He had been sending letters, which began receiving less and less replies over the months.
That Christmas was the first time Regulus and him fought. They never really had the ability to before hand; their parents hated when they got loud. But over those months, his parents had somehow convinced Regulus that Sirius was the epitome of a disgrace, and that Regulus should be ashamed of and hate him. That hurt more than anything Sirius could have ever predicted. Sirius would’ve taken disownment over his own little brother regarding him like that, it would’ve hurt less.
He cried himself to sleep after that fight, and simply refused to leave his bedroom the rest of that Christmas; not a single Black cared for it.
The following year, Sirius stayed at Hogwarts. His mates were shocked.
“I thought you said you missed your parents?” Peter said questioningly, furrowing his brows. Sirius shrugged, knocking his head back. James, who was currently redoing the mandrake leaf step of the animagus process, and who had to restart said step because it fell out while he was talking, scribbled down on a paper, ‘we can stay with you if you want’.
Sirius glanced at his friends and then at his hands, which rested in his lap.
“You wouldn’t have to. I’m just going to fuck around. Give Filch a run for his money.” James snorted and Sirius gave a grin.
“I can ask my Mum and Dad,” Peter suggested and James nodded as if to say he would to. Peter and James glanced at Remus, and Sirius didn’t. Sirius knew Remus preferred being home for his transformations, where his mother was there to nurse him back to health and he could be somewhere he knew and trusted while he transformed. They tended to have deep conversations when neither of them could sleep, just sitting next to each other in the window, gazing lazily at the grass below and the constellations above. Sirius sincerely doubted Remus’ compliance to staying, and would never blame him.
“I’ll write Mum, I’ll stay.” Sirius’ head shot up, locking with Remus, who gave a smile.
“You don’t have to, Moony,” Sirius said breathlessly, an odd, unfamiliar feeling swirling through his stomach. “I know-”
“And if I don’t stay you shits are going to do something stupid that I didn’t help plan and probably get yourselves expelled,” Remus retaliated, almost defensively. Sirius blinked a moment before smiling.
“Thank you..”
“Of course.”
Four days before Christmas was the full moon, and Sirius didn’t have the energy to give Madam Pomfrey the pleasantry of him showing up after Remus did. He was anxious; his brother had went home for Christmas. Despite him and Regulus not getting on, he still worried heavily for his little brother, as he was the one who protected him, took the blame for everything wrong Regulus would do, and the one who helped Regulus stay out of it, putting so much attention onto himself that Regulus’ fuck ups were merely ignored. Sirius couldn’t do that thousands of miles away in a total different country.
Pomfrey had attempted to engage him in conversation about four times. He just continued pacing the Hospital Wing, all of his nails already bitten down to the bed. He began to gnaw on the skin around his nails, the taste of iron filling his mouth. He didn’t care. The idle pain was a good distraction.
“Mr. Black!” Sirius flinched and looked to Madam Pomfrey. “Please go back to your dormitory?”
“Mr. Lupin will be okay-”
“I need to be here,” Sirius choked out, gesturing to nothing as if it helped. “I need- I-” He took a huge drawl of breath, biting down on his nail again. “You don’t get it,” he grumbled defensively, continuing to pace.
“At least sleep here? We both know he won’t be returning until early morning.” Sirius stared at Pomfrey. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep. No way. He swallowed, looking back at the white tile under him.
“I won’t be able to.” Madam Pomfrey took a long inhale, placing a gentle hand on Sirius’ shoulder.
“Would you like some Sleeping Draught? Just enough to put you to sleep until Mr. Lupin returns?” Sirius considered it for a moment, before deducing he probably would get a nightmare, and did not want to be with Remus while overtly jittery.
“No. No thank you, ma’am.” Pomfrey sighed.
“I will be in the room over. Please don’t touch anything.” Madam Pomfrey insisted. The boys would never prank Pomfrey, as she has done so much for the lot of them, considering James apparently fancied falling off his broom nearly twice a week, at practice or not.
“Okay.” Pomfrey left, and Sirius returned to pacing. He paced for hours, the nail of his left pinkie was almost gone, and he had accidentally gnawed so much of his left ring finger that it wouldn’t stop bleeding. Pomfrey tiredly entered to find Sirius haphazardly trying to stop the bleeding while trying to not make a mess. He was failing in both respects.
“Mr. Black,” Pomfrey said breathlessly, instantly taking his hand and waving her wand. The bleeding stopped and she cleaned it enough to examine what Sirius had done to himself. He wiped the blood off his chin with the back of his palm, watching as Pomfrey sighed and mumbled some spells. He watched as the skin on his fingers repaired themselves, and his nails returned to a natural height. She then cleaned up the several droplets of blood covering the floor.
Sirius jolted when none other than Hagrid ducked inside, a half conscious Remus Lupin in his arms.
“How bad was it?” Pomfrey asked As Hagrid gently laid Remus on the bed. Sirius went to approach, but Pomfrey waved a hand, forcing him back. Sirius chewed on his lip, tugging at the front of his sleep shirt.
“Seems rough. Not the worst.” They both were comparing it to the first transformation at Hogwarts, when Remus was bed ridden for two weeks afterward. Sirius rarely slept in the dorm those two weeks, bringing Remus assignments and working on them with him the whole of those weeks. Sirius barely ate.
Sirius forced his way to see Remus, a frown digging into his lips as he observed huge lash marks across Remus’ arms and chest, clearly self inflicted.
He reached and wound his hand with the werewolf, who weakly smiled, peeling his eyes open to look at Sirius.
“Did you sleep?” Remus asked, voice raw as he tilted his head to observe Sirius better.
“I couldn’t.” Remus drug his thumb across Sirius’ knuckles.
“I figured,” he whispered, eyes falling closed again. “Did you do the Yknow already?”
“Of course I did. At this rate, I’ll be the next one done.” Peter, ever the overachiever, had already reached his Animagus form, not having to redo anything more than once based off a technicality.
Remus gave Sirius a weak smile before Pomfrey insisted he give Remus space. Remus didn’t release his hand, and Sirius smiled, that weird feeling returning.
Sirius stayed with Remus for the entirety of his three day recovery, refusing any food that Pomfrey would send up, and refusing to eat any chocolate that Peter and James brought, giving it to Remus.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” James announced the obvious as the four sat in the common room, it being empty because nearly all of the Gryffindors returning home for Christmas.
“Wow, I didn’t know you we’re that observant James,” Remus said with a cocked brow, and Sirius giggled, raising his brows.
“Oh shut it. I got you guys gifts.” Sirius stomach felt upset.
“Oh,” Sirius said, unable to hide his tone. He quickly recovered. “I didn’t get you guys-”
“That’s alright mate,” James said, shrugging. “I didn’t think you would.”
The next morning, gifts were at each of the boys’ feet, save for Sirius. There was no pile of neatly wrapped gifts for him, and no letters with a gentle mother’s hand writing.
The others noticed it instantly.
“Your Mum and Dad didn’t get you anything?” James asked. Sirius shrugged.
“We don’t celebrate. Reggie gets me stuff sometimes, but he hates me, so.” Sirius stood, tryin to avoid his friends as he hurried to the restroom. Hopefully, they all would have opened their gifts, and he wouldn’t have to watch and be reminded of how neglectful his parents were.
He took his time, surprised when they all sat in a circle in the middle of the dorm; each boy with his own pile. Sirius realized quickly he had a spot between James and Remus, and his spot had five gifts. He blinked, stomach upset.
“Cmon sit. We’re gonna open ‘em.” Sirius begrudgingly sat. They took turns opening them, and Sirius watched as James received a broom care kit, Peter received a stack of books, and as Remus received a leather bound journal. “You’re go, mate.”
Sirius’ face twitched.
Two of his gifts were neatly wrapped, two were in bags that clearly indicated a Hogsmeade purchase, and one was wrapped neatly with cardboard paper and twine. He went for that one first, gently undoing the twine.
It was a sweater. A dark brown and grey sweater, much like the kind Remus wears often. He blinked at it for a long time, glancing to Remus, who indicated that the gift was from him prior to opening. Remus gave a knowing smile. Sirius had no clue how to react. Of course, he was grateful. But he felt severely on edge.
James opened his second present, seemingly understanding. They went around the circle again before Sirius grabbed at a nicely wrapped present which indicated it was from Mrs. Potter. He glanced at James and he grinned, nodding Sirius on. Sirius opened the gift, finding three things in the box. Another sweater, yet this one was tightly knit and felt a little scratchier than Remus’, a book, and a small Polaroid picture that moved. The picture was from the pick up day their first year, and all of four of them were on top of each other, hugging and grinning for the photo. Mini-Mauraders all seemed to tease each other every once in awhile.
“Mum helped me get them, yknow, proper. All of us have one,” James said, seemingly embarrassed that the one who doesn’t know how to receive gifts received the gift he was most anxious about giving.
“Thank you, James,” Sirius whispered, unable to smile. James nodded and continued the circle. It returned to Sirius, and he opened the other neatly wrapped gift, it being a Exploding Snap deck from Peter. Then, after the next round, he opened a Hogsmeade bag, finding a note indicating it was from Remus, and then a small watch was inside. He glanced at Remus, and Remus smiled. He couldn’t help but return it, that weird feeling returning.
On the next round, he opened the other Hogsmeade bag from James, finding a mirror.
“Mate, I know I’m handsome but this is-”
“No, you dunce, I have the other mirror, see.” He picked it out of his trunk and shook it. “It’s so we can talk! Yknow, when we aren’t with each other. Especially in those shit detentions Filch always dishes out where he has us in like total different parts of the castle.” Sirius felt a grin tug at his lips.
“Yeah. Thats- wow. Thanks.” James grinned and nodded.
“How’s that for a good Christmas,” Peter said, nudging Sirius. Sirius smiled stupidly as he watched his friends open their other presents.
Maybe Christmas wasn’t so terrible.
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pers-books · 2 years
Update about my mum under the cut:
Went to visit my mum in hospital today. Got a lift there and back thanks to the kind offices of a friend - which was better than spending 3+ hours wrangling with buses and trains!
I managed to spend about 50 minutes with mum. Had a panic attack while I was there (despite the sedative I’d taken earlier), cried a lot and said “I love you” multiple times. She couldn't really speak to me because of the tumour pressing on her brain, but we shared an awkward one-armed hug and she kissed my cheek, ear, and hairline several times.
I confess that I’m wondering if she's been hanging on until I visited her and if she now won't last much longer. She's incredibly thin and frail (I now understand that "bird-like" description of people that I've seen in fiction) and had a lot of bruises and dry skin. She can't eat as far as I can tell - not that she's been eating a normal amount for years thanks to the effects of the Parkinson’s Disease.
Even though it was probably the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had, I am glad that I was able to go and see her - possibly for the last time. 
(There was talk of her being moved to a hospice but they rejected the application the hospital made for her because - apparently - she’s not sick enough! Which made me go “Wait, what?” So the doctor who spoke to my brother said they could find her a place in a care/nursing home, or she could go back home, but she’d pretty much need round-the-clock care and specialist equipment, like a hospital bed, and carers visiting several times a day. My brother apparently said to the doctor that he thought my mum would prefer that and that he and my sister (who’s going to stay with him for, I suppose, the duration) would also prefer it. I pointed out that it’d be a hell of a lot more work than he’s been putting in to care for my mum thus far, but he claimed it wasn’t a big deal. I beg to differ, but didn’t say so as I just don’t have the energy for arguing with him.)
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rhiannonvs · 1 year
My Miscarriage
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Starting a family has always been something that has weighed heavy on my mind. My mum lost two children; my sister who was born before me died during labour, and my brother who was younger than me had a rare genetic condition causing him to pass away at three months old. I remember visiting my brother in Yorkhill Hospital and I can remember not having a wee brother any more but I was too young to understand, and I didn't truly get the weight of what had happened until I was much older. I have always known my mum is an incredible woman. She is my best friend, but as I get older I am constantly overwhelmed with how much strength, resilience and stability she gave me at some of the hardest moments in her own life.
As a new researcher in television I looked into female fertility for a show I was working on. I became aware that while the white middle class feminism I was consuming at the time was teaching me I could do and have it all, it wasn’t being honest about the timeframe I had to do it in, and because of my family history, having children before I was thirty became personally important to me.
When Rhys and I started trying I very quickly fell pregnant. I was extremely excited but also nervous. Close family members had experienced a miscariage and I was well aware of the risks involved in early pregnancy. 
Rhys and I made the decision to tell people as soon as we found out at 5 weeks. This is  actually only around 3 weeks into the pregnancy as it is officially calculated from the first day of your last period, and your fertile window follows about two weeks later when you can conceive. Most of our friends knew we were trying and we were so happy that keeping it a secret just seemed silly, the white lies about why I wasn’t drinking or feeling sick were pointless. Everyone was overjoyed for us, but some were also uncomfortable at us telling people so early.
At eight weeks pregnant I went to SNP Conference, I was standing for Equalities Officer and spent a full day talking to folk, handing out my leaflets and participating in a hustings for the role at night. I was exhausted and felt lousy so I had an early night but I soon woke up incredibly ill. We had guests staying with us who’s baby boy had been hospitalised the night before with sickness and diarrhea and I had caught it. I spent the night at the hospital and asked everyone I could about the pregnancy, but two separate doctors assured me that it would be fine. I was meant to go on holiday a few days later so for peace of mind we went for a private scan to check that everything was ok. Unfortunately it was not. The ultrasound couldn’t find a heartbeat, and the scan suggested that the pregnancy had failed. This then had to be confirmed by the NHS via an internal scan which can pick up any heartbeat much easier, but sadly there was no heartbeat.
The midwives were incredible, they spoke kindly but frankly about my options while giving us time to process and talk through what Rhys and I were feeling. I could take pills that would bring on the miscarriage, they could remove the failed pregnancy surgically, or I could go home and wait for it to happen naturally. The thought of something or someone working inside my vagina while I was unconscious was completely out of the question for me, and having spent the last two years of my adult life closely following my natural menstrual cycles in preparation to conceive I decided to go home and wait for it to pass naturally. The midwives followed up with regular phone calls and I had frequent internal scans to ensure that there was no risk of infection. I carried the failed pregnancy for almost four weeks before it actually happened.
That night was traumatic. I wasn’t prepared for the pain, the amount of time it would take or what would actually happen. I thought it would be like a very heavy period but it was nothing like that. The pain itself wasn’t unbearable but after enduring it for eight hours I couldn't cope any more. I couldn't lie down or sit anywhere other than the toilet because of the amount of blood and womb lining I was passing. It came out in the biggest clots I have ever seen, about the size of my hand. 
The midwives had prepared us that we may see the fetus and told us that we could do what we wanted with it once it had passed. We decided we were going to bury it in our garden at the family home on the Isle of Bute and had a little tupperware box ready to put it in to transport it home. We had been prepared to see something that resembles a small white jelly baby but also told that because of the length of time I had carried the failed pregnancy it may have started to disintegrate already.
This was the scariest part for me, that I would come face to face with what could have been. We had been to see the Circ du Soleil show Ovo the day we found out I was pregnant. When we found out Ovo was Portugese for ‘egg’ it stuck and we called our wee fetus Ovo from day one. Ovo was not a child, it was not a baby, but it did represent the start of our wee growing family.
When it started we would diligently scoop out what was in the toilet and sift through it all to search for our wee Ovo. As the pain became more intense, my entire abdominal area was involved, I got intense diarrhea and started vomiting. What a sight. After hours of sifting through the toilet I had resigned myself to the fact Ovo may have gone already and we searched less and less. Eight hours in, I became quite delirious and panicked. I have a strong personal yoga practice and I spend a lot of time rooted in my own body, I lost all of that. Rhys called NHS 24 to ask for advice, the cocodamol wasn’t cutting it, I had lost my breath and I was at the very end of my tether, I wasn’t coping mentally or physically with what my body was doing.
Rhys drove me into the New Victoria Hospital where I had, what I call now, a minor meltdown. The doctor we saw gave me an injection to help my muscles relax which I felt the benefit of as soon as I got home. When I got in I went straight to bed with big Tenna Lady pants on and I finally slept. The midwives had warned me that when I felt like giving up it was probably coming to an end and this was definitely true, nothing else really passed after the hospital and the bleeding reduced to a very heavy period, although I did wear Tenna Ladies to work for the rest of the week. 
When I woke up much later in the day I was determined that life had to go on and we met friends in the Chip on Ashton Lane for a large glass of malbec, where there were tears and lots of soulful conversations about life. Speaking with friends was the one thing that got us through that time, realising we were not alone, that the emotions we were feeling were normal and our grief was shared. 
I am eternally grateful for the many women that reached out to me at the time to tell me I was going to be ok, for the couples who shared their experience with us and for our friends that stayed with us and listened. I have walked away from that time with a deep understanding of the healing power of sharing the female experience. There is far too much that society makes it taboo to talk about, and miscarriage is just one part of that. In sharing my story here in my own words and on my own terms I want to add my voice to the conversation about miscarriage, to try to normalise talking about early pregnancy, and to smash the stigma that causes many women and couples to go through it alone.
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hi, looks like your requests are open again! You don’t mine if I had one?
Kid Levi was found by the reader's mom after the death of his mother. Mom introduces you and Levi stays with your family because poor child needs to be taken care of. Over the years, Levi falls in love with reader, he is grateful to you and your mother for kindness and caring but he is too shy to confess his feelings to you, in the end he does it and he is happy that his feelings are mutual and your mom bless your both because she Levi like son to her
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We're destined to be.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, cute, falling in love, growing up together, modern AU.
Concept: Your mother took in Levi after his mother passed away in the hospital from a sickness. She had promised her dear friend Kuchel she'd look after Levi. Levi becomes part of your family, but you don't really see him as your brother but as a best friend living with you. As the years go by, you both get closer and your feelings begin to blossom and change.
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You sat on the doorstep of your home with a bag full of goodies. You looked up as your mother's car pulled up. You jumped up and down as she got out. "Did they say yes?"
She smiled and opened the back door. "You tell me."
You gasped at Levi climbing out with a present in his arms. "Levi!" You squealed and ran over to your best friend who was seven like you. You hugged him tightly. "Hi! Welcome!"
Levi blushed and hugged you back. "Hi."
You pulled back with a grin. "I have presents!"
He took the bag from you. "Thank you."
You pointed inside. "I picked it all myself!"
Your mother nudged Levi. "Go on."
Levi held out a present. "F-For you."
You took the present from him. "Thank you." You held Levi's hand and pulled him along. "Come on!"
Levi looked at your mother and blushed at her wink. He followed you to his new bedroom. He watched you walk around the room as you talked about where his things were, all the fun things you could do together, how you could play all the time. He welled up a little at how nice you were being and how he missed his mummy.
You turned to him and saw his tears. You gasped and ran over. "It's okay." You hugged him tightly. "You're safe here. We might not be your family, but we'll try our best!"
He clung to you as he sobbed. "Thank you."
You petted his head and held him until he stopped crying. "You should open your presents."
He sat on the floor and opened his bag to see you'd gotten him a notebook for feelings, pens of different colours, a cuddly toy of a cat and some sweets. "Thank you."
You grinned. "I'm glad you liked them." You opened yours and gasped at the soft cuddly toy. "I love it. Thank you so much!"
He smiled softly. "I'm glad."
You shuffled over to his side and kissed his cheek. "It'll be okay."
Levi blushed a little. "I know."
You got up and walked over to his bedside table. You grabbed the photo there and handed it over to Levi. "Here."
He looked at it to see it was a picture of Levi and his mother. "Thank you."
"She'll watch over you as you sleep."
He nodded and hummed. "Yeah."
You crouched and hugged your legs. "Mummy and I will look after you."
He smiled at you. "Thank you."
You stood up and ran to his door with your new toy. "Are you okay here? You can come with me to play."
Levi looked up at you. "Wait." He got up and ran after you with his cuddly cat. "I want to come with you." He held your hand with a little blush. "I want to stay with you."
You smiled at him. "Okay." You pulled him along to the kitchen where your mum was. "Mummy?"
She looked over at you and Levi. "Yes, my little doves?"
"Could we have something to eat?"
"Of course! I'm making dinner right now. Why don't you both get a drink and play in the front room while I cook."
You made Levi and you a drink before you led him into the living room. You sat down and huffed. "Is there anything you want to play?"
He shook his head. "I'm okay."
You turned the tv on. "What about cartoons?"
He blushed. "If you hold my hand."
You grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "Sure!"
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You knocked on Levi's door, but he didn't answer. You pouted and knocked louder. "LEVIIII!" You shoved his door open. You stared wide-eyed at Levi as he hand his hand under his bed cover where his crotch was. You laughed as he shouted your name and fumbled about as he sat up with a blush. "Oh wow, sixteen-year-old boys are weird."
He huffed. "What the hell brat?"
"I did knock."
"I didn't say come in."
You leaned in the doorway. "My mum's gonna freak knowing you were touching yourself." You gasped. "Who were you thinking about!? Oh! Was it Hange? No! Erwin? No! Petra!"
He looked away from you as you ran over to him. "N-No one."
You sat on the side of his bed. "Lies. Well, whoever she is you should ask her out instead of jacking off to the thought of her." You smiled at him. "You're a good-looking guy. She'll say yes to a date." You jumped to your feet. "Anyway, school. So, hurry up with whatever you're doing and come join us for breakfast."
"Tch, yeah."
You walked to the door. "Maybe next time lock your door."
"Get out!"
You closed the door and laughed. "See you in a bit!"
He groaned and put his head in his hands. He was embarrassed that the person he was thinking about had walked in on him. You both never saw each other as brother and sister, your mother never called him son. He was just a friend living with you and his feelings for you were growing stronger the older he got.
He got ready for the day and joined you and your mother. "Tch, oi brat? Don't you have something on today at school?"
You sipped your tea. "Nah, I don't think so."
He stared at you. "Think about it."
You pulled a face as you thought about it for a bit. "Oh! Oh! I have a council meeting at the end of school! It's about the school festival."
Your mother smiled. "Oh, alright. You want me to pick you up, or are you going to walk?"
Levi blushed a little. "I'll wait for her and walk her back. If I don't, she'll get lost and do something stupid."
You pouted. "Hey! I'm not that bad."
He ruffled your hair. "Hurry up, we need to go."
You grabbed your bag and lunch things. You kissed your mother's cheek. "Bye mum! Love you!"
She frowned. "Hey! Isn't it valentine's day today as well? You not got any chocolate?"
You ran out the door. "No!"
She looked over at Levi. "Sorry lad, maybe next year."
Levi blushed. "Tch, yeah." He slipped out of the house and shouted your name. "Slow down!"
You skidded to a stop and turned to him. "Sorry, sorry!" You grinned at him. "You got anything on? Sporting event?"
He shook his head. "No, nothing." He caught up with you. "Still training."
You walked with him. "So, what are you going to do while I'm in my meeting?"
He shrugged. "Probably study."
"You don't need to study. You're super smart."
He smiled a little. "That a good thing?"
You nodded. "It's really good. I like how smart you are."
He blushed a bit. "Good."
You hummed as you got closer to school. "You're being eyed up by ladies. You're always so popular on Valentine's day. How come you don't accept the chocolate?"
"It gives them hope. I want to be honest. I don't like any of them." He blushed more as he looked at you. "I will only accept chocolate from a girl I like."
You smiled. "I can't wait to see who it is."
He let out a long sigh knowing that his hints would not get through to you. "Hmm." He stopped at school. "I'll see you in classes."
He walked around the school and went about his day as he kept an eye on you. He rejected all the gifts offered to him because he only wanted something from you. He sat around at the end of the day while you were in your meeting. He let out a long sigh as more girls offered him chocolate, but he said no.
He perked up when you left the building, but he saw you laughing with the president of the council. Levi didn't like the guy at all because he liked you and he was a smartass snob. "Tch, oi brat?"
You waved to the president and ran over to Levi. "Hey! Good to see you. You didn't have to wait for me."
"I wanted to." He looked over to the president hanging around. "What's his deal? He's been eyeing you up for ages."
You looked over at the president. "Huh, I dunno. He did ask me if I had chocolate for him and I told him he could shove it. I don't like him like that."
You walked along with him and hummed in thought. "So, what are your plans after high school? You going further?"
"Yeah, you?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
"Good. You're smart and you deserve happiness."
You stopped a little where you had a view of the town. "Thanks, so do you." You opened your bag and turned to Levi. "Hey, Levi?"
He looked over at you. "Hmm?"
You handed him a box as you felt nerves inside you. "Happy Valentine's day."
Levi stared at the box you were offering him. "You...you made this for me?"
You nodded. "I only made you something."
He walked closer and took the box from you. He opened it up to see handmade chocolates. "Wow."
"Do you accept?"
He nodded. "I do. I need to get you something for white day."
"Oh, you don’t need to."
"I want to." He walked up to you. "I really want to." He leaned closer and kissed you. "I told you, I'd only accept chocolates from the girl I like."
You hugged him and pressed your face against him. "I like you too."
"We need to talk to your mum."
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You looked around your dorm room at college and admired the place. You had it all set up to fit your needs. You looked over at your door when you heard a comotion about a hot guy. You ran over and opened your door to see a blushing Levi with flowers and surrounded by women.
You giggled and waved at him. "Levi?"
Levi shifted past the ladies and hurried down to you. "Hey, sorry I umm..." He blushed a bit. "Have you settled in? I've moved all my stuff in. I hate how we're not in the same dorm."
"It's okay. You can visit and I'll visit you."
You stepped aside. "Come on in."
He slipped into your room and looked around the place. "Wow, you've really made this like home."
You locked your door before sitting on your bed. "Yup. I even have a nice picture too by my bed."
Levi sat next to you to see your picture was of him and you. "Cute."
You put the flowers he had on the side. "Would you like to makeout?"
He locked eyes with you as he blushed a little. "I would." He shifted closer and pulled you into his arms. "I really would."
He tangled his fingers in your hair as he pressed his lips against yours. He nipped your lip allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. He lay you down against your bed and rolled onto his side with you. He hummed a little laugh with him at how cute and fun it was to be with you like this. He slipped his hand under your shirt and onto your back with his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your skin.
Levi pulled back and sighed. "You should get some rest, unless you're going to some party?"
You shook your head. "I'm not going. I want to stay here with you."
"Okay, we'll stay like this together."
You closed your eyes and shifted closer. "Good. I'm happy."
He played with your hair as he kissed your forehead. "We should call your mother."
"After a nap."
He hummed a laugh. "Alright, after a nap."
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Overprotective Worrier • chris evans
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Requested by: @nickie-amore
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This is another lovely request made by @nickie-amore and I hope I’ve done the request justice! I might not have followed the request exactly so I do apologise for that. I also just wanted to say that I like to give you the opportunity as the reader to choose your own names for the children or any additional characters that I make up and include. I understand that the constant back and forth between (Y/S/N/1) and (Y/S/N/2) can get very confusing throughout this, especially if there is more than one added like in this one shot but I hope it isn’t too much trouble deciphering which is which as you read this. Also I would just like to include, all of my knowledge on c-sections has come from the internet and I’ve used my research to help me with some of those parts in this one shot. Please let me know what you think of it if you would like by commenting, it’s entirely up to you (you don’t have to) but please enjoy reading.
(Y/S/N/1)- Your Son’s Name 1
(Y/S/N/2)- Your Son’s Name 2
Gif is not mine, belongs to the owner.
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Warnings: mention of c-section throughout, not a lot of dialogue in this one
Chris Evans x fem!reader
Word count: 2.9k
For the entirety of my pregnancy with (Y/S/N/1) it was perfect, I didn’t have the throwing up or the swollen ankles I’d heard about, even the delivery was smooth sailing.
So when I was pregnant with (Y/S/N/2) I noticed how different it all was. The constant sickness stayed with me all the way throughout the pregnancy and my ankles were so swollen and my back in so much pain from the added weight.
When I was told that I was going to have an emergency caesarean my emotions just got the best of me and I broke down in my hospital bed with Chris beside me, the worry plain to see in his eyes as the doctor delivered the unexpected news. He wasn’t due until another two months,I couldn’t stop thinking about what if something happened to the baby or what if I didn’t make it. I knew it could be a possibility, a very unlikely one but a possibility all the same in my panic stricken mind. I knew my pregnancy was rough and nothing like my first one but I couldn’t imagine that having to be the case as the outcome. The emergency C-section threw me completely, I worried about the health of my baby and myself. The anxiety messed with my mind leading me down a path of bad unwanted thoughts. It was tough but Chris held my hand the entire time I was in theatre and when (Y/S/N/2) was placed on my chest, his little lungs wailing with cries, a little knitted green hat placed upon his head, I felt so relieved that everything was okay. They had made it abundantly clear that it would be risky for me to ever try for another baby and I just felt lucky enough to have my two boys, they completed our family.
(Y/S/N/2) had to stay in an incubator because he was premature for a couple of weeks. We were so thankful when the day finally arrived for us to be able to take him home after they discharged him. (Y/S/N/1) was so excited to meet him when we had brought him home from the hospital finally, my mum and Chris’s both taking turns in babysitting (Y/S/N/1) during our entire stay at the hospital when we would go and visit him, seeing him but not being able to touch him at the start.
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Right now though I was getting ready to go to Lisa’s house with Chris and the boys. Because the scar was still tender and sore at times even after three months postpartum, I opted to go for a loose fitting pastel pink sundress that reached just below the knees. I matched it with a cute pair of brown faux leather sandals after I came downstairs from the bedroom and looked to see our three year old, (Y/S/N/1), was talking to his brother on the play mat in the centre of the living room. I couldn’t make out what he was saying but I saw him pointing out all the animals in his new book Chris’s mum had brought him, laying beside (Y/S/N/2) who was kicking his little legs and seemed so interested in what his big brother was telling him even if he didn’t understand him fully just yet, his eyes wide with curiosity.
Chris comes down the spiralling staircase, a look of worry on his handsome face. “Are you sure you’re okay to do this? Do you think it’s too early for people to be seeing (Y/S/N/2)? Do you think (Y/S/N/2) will be okay in such a big crowd?” Questions hit me before his feet had even land on the carpet of the lounge floor.
“Chris, honey, it’ll be fine. You know what your mum said.” I remind him. I had called his mum, by request of Chris himself, to ask her if it could only be close immediate family coming to this gathering.
He sighs but concedes. “Alright sweetheart, but if you or (Y/S/N/2) get tired then we’ll leave right away.”
I nod my agreement knowing that is the best response I’ll get from him.
Of course we wanted everyone to be able to see our practically new born baby but wanted to ease into it, especially with what a worrier Chris had become.
I knew he was frightened, I think he was just as scared as me when he found out I was having a C-section if not more so. His face had dropped and the colour had completely left his face, I had thought he was going to faint right then and there after the news. Thankfully that didn’t happen and Chris was excellent all the way through, reassuring me and saying everything I needed to hear, but it’s like it changed him. He’s become a whole different person, he questions everything and I know he has a heart of gold but the constant coddling of (Y/S/N/2) and myself gets too much at times.
Both mine and Chris’s family have seen the baby but all separately and at our house during the three months since we’ve been home from the hospital because of the instructions my husband decided to make. Even though he knows everyone has seen (Y/S/N/2), there’s no dissuading his mind now that it’s set on the worst case scenarios, it was a stretch to get him to agree for us all to go to his mum’s house for a get together today.
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I take the boys out to the car while Chris sorts himself out in the house. I place (Y/S/N/2) into the back seat in his car carrier locking him in place with the seatbelt securing him in properly as he sleeps peacefully. (Y/S/N/1) holds his favourite toy, a tiger named Tommy gifted by Scott, as he climbs up into his car seat all by himself now that he’s a big boy and doesn’t need mummy’s help (his words not mine), but I do stand behind him so he doesn’t fall to reassure myself he doesn’t hurt himself more than anything. I sit myself in the passenger seat and watch as Chris walks out and locks the door, Dodger beside him, with a massive baby bag of essentials that will be for (Y/S/N/2), that would last us an entire week instead of one afternoon, carried on his shoulder making me roll my eyes at his antics but can’t help but smile at him.
Chris opens the boot/trunk and allows Dodger to jump in and places the bag beside him before closing it again. Dodger leans over the back seats and stares at the boys, excitement for an adventure clear in his eyes. When Chris gets in the drivers seat, we begin our journey to his mum’s house.
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We pull up outside Chris’s mum’s house and park on her driveway with other cars surrounding us indicating we’re one of the last to arrive. I place my hand on the door handle but before I’m able to open it Chris calls out. “Stay where you are, I’m coming round and opening your door.” He shoots out before I can say anything to let him know he doesn’t need to do that but close my open mouth not voicing the protest as I watch him walk to my door and opens it for me like he said he would.
He holds his hands out and I place mine into his as he very gently pulls me out of the vehicle and doesn’t let go of me until both of my feet make contact with the ground. He then does the same with (Y/S/N/1) lifting him up and out with some argument from him about being able to do it himself. Chris makes his way to (Y/S/N/2) as he tells (Y/S/N/1) to help me up the steps to the front door. My sweet boy holds my hand listening and taking his role that Chris gave him very seriously as he keeps his steps slow not that he needs to but I allow him because the words Chris has spoken are like gospel to him.
Chris meets us with (Y/S/N/2) in his carrier seat locked in his hand and his necessity bag on his shoulder with Dodger making his way to us not too far behind. I ring the door bell and it opens soon after revealing Lisa with a wide smile on her face.
“Come in, come in.” She ushers us in and sanitises her hands with the tube Chris holds out to her after he clears his throat to remind her. The only way either of us could get him to agree to allow us out was if everyone would sanitise their hands before they even thought about holding (Y/S/N/2) today, it was a superstition Chris had about (Y/S/N/2) contracting anything, especially as he was more prone to infection. Lisa said everyone would oblige giving the go ahead for us to actually see people today.
We walk down the hallway and into the living room where two black sofas are positioned. The mantelpiece has many frames with photographs of her children and grandchildren on it. I notice the photo of (Y/S/N/1) and (Y/S/N/2) when we had first taken him home after Lisa kindly babysat (Y/S/N/1) for us. I took the photo of (Y/S/N/1) holding (Y/S/N/2) for the first time, the moment too cute of an opportunity to miss.
“Oh he’s gotten so big since the last time I saw him.” Lisa exclaims as she holds her hands out for (Y/S/N/2) who gurgles and smiles as I pass him over after taking him out of the carrier Chris is still holding.
“He has, he’s like his dad, I can put anything in front of him and he’ll eat it. He’s the least fussiest baby I know, much better than how (Y/S/N/1) was at this age.”
She chuckles, nodding her head, aware just how picky my older son used to be when it came to his food. (Y/S/N/1) makes a noise in denial before quickly running out and into the garden where I assume everyone else is already.
I leave her alone with (Y/S/N/2) letting her spend some much needed grandma time with him, making my way to the garden as well with Chris and Dodger on my heels.
I look around the garden from the French doors observing everyone who is here. I walk over to Chris’s siblings, Scott, Shanna and Carly all standing and talking amongst themselves. I hug them in greeting and join in with their conversation. I feel warm hands encase my waist being careful when getting close to my belly. Even though my scar is fully healed and has been for a while, though it still pains easily, Chris is still conscious of touching it afraid of hurting me. I lean back in his arms, loving the feel of his body holding me and smell the woody tones of his cologne he’s always worn since as long as I’ve known him which is a long time overall throughout our entire dating history and marriage. The smell gives me comfort and makes me feel safe. I feel a tender kiss be planted on my neck just below my ear lobe. I try to focus on what Chris’s sister, Shanna, is saying but it becomes difficult as Chris places delicate pecks along my neck and shoulder.
I’m not usually a big fan of PDA, especially seeing others do it or being involved in the display very publicly but I found out a long time ago that Chris is very affectionate, not necessarily out in public or when he’s taken me to a premiere as his plus one but mainly in the comfort of our friends and family where there isn’t any prying eyes on us and I don’t hate it. Maybe it’s Chris in general that I just can’t deny because the feeling of his hands and lips on my body aren’t like any others, they make me feel protected and loved and cherished and comforted.
I try to distance myself from Chris as I feel my knees weaken from the light caresses his lips create on my suddenly very warm skin. I hear him chuckle deeply, catching on to the reasoning behind me stepping away from him.
I sigh and excuse myself making my way towards the table that has a pitcher of freshly made lemonade. I pour some in a glass and take a generous sip feeling the cool liquid pass my parched lips. The heat is becoming more pronounced and making itself known on my skin. I look around me at all of the beautiful plants and shrubbery in the garden trying to spot my eldest son amongst the children and friends and family that fill up the space nicely. I finally catch a glimpse of his toy tiger, Tommy, being thrown in the air and caught by (Y/S/N1) repeating the process, his cousins close by taking it in turns. I head inside the house quickly and find the bottle of sunscreen specifically for children almost instantly in (Y/S/N/2) bag before making my way back outside.
I walk over to (Y/S/N/1) where he is still where I last saw him, playing with his siblings and call him over to me. Begrudgingly he walks over to me, complaining as I apply some on his arms. “I don’t like the feel of it mummy, it’s sticky.”
“I know, honey, but it will protect your skin from the sun.” I inform him, moving onto his legs that aren’t protected by his blue shorts.
He groans as I spray some on the palm of my hand and dab some all over his face and the tips of his ears. I apply some to his neck, back and front, too.
After I’m finished, he can’t get away fast enough running back to join all of his cousins.
I catch Lisa with (Y/S/N/2) and Chris as he pulls out the sanitiser from his shorts pocket and puts some on his siblings hands. Scott takes over from Lisa, holding (Y/S/N/2) close to his chest as Carly stands next to him, stroking his chubby cheek with her now sanitised hand.
I walk over, pulling my phone out and take a photo of them, capturing the moment. It goes on like this, Chris sanitising peoples hands and then them holding (Y/S/N/2) who is more than willing with all of the attention.
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After an hour or so I can tell that (Y/S/N/2) is getting cranky and needs to be put down for a nap soon. Even I have to admit that I’m starting to feel slightly tired, this being the first big outing for me since giving birth to (Y/S/N/2) means that I’m not used to al the excitement. (Y/S/N/1) looks like he could do with a rest as well, all that running around with his cousins has definitely worn him out.
Chris must always seem to sense these things because not soon after my own thoughts, he declares to his mum and everyone present that we will be leaving now.
I thank Lisa and everyone else for the lovely get together, promising to planning something again soon before we make our way back to the car and begin our journey home again.
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When we finally arrive home, me and the boys cuddle up exhausted from the long day spent with our family. I sit on the end of the sofa by the armrest with (Y/S/N/1) curled up beside me stroking his chubby cheek and (Y/S/N/2) resting on my bosom soft little sighs leaving his mouth as he coos in his sleep.
I open my eyes to see Chris standing against the doorframe, his bulky arms folded across his chest and a smile lighting up his face. I see the love filling up his blue eyes from where I’m sat as he watches the three of us together and the worry lines from earlier appear nonexistent now. I hold my hand out, the one not supporting (Y/S/N/2)’s small body and Chris walks over to us slowly trying to not make too much noise. He lifts my hand and kisses my knuckles before settling himself down in between me and (Y/S/N/1) somehow managing not to disturb him and rests (Y/S/N/1) back against his side, holding his small frame close as he sleeps.
I lay my head on Chris’s shoulder being careful myself to not disturb (Y/S/N/2) and now being able to hold him with both of my hands, he lets out a noise of discontentment but doesn’t wake from his slumber. I sigh before allowing myself to close my eyes with all of my boys around me and letting us be able to relax all together.
Today was wonderful but this is the highlight of it all just being here right now in each others company.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
i think its law now for every darkest timeline au tangent you give, you have to give one fluff moment from teachers pr take my hand 👉🏼👈🏼 (im selfish im sorry)
So as I've already done a lil Take My Hand fluff today, I'm give you some Teachers AU insights.
They had been together for over a year when Sophie fell ill with a stomach bug and despite how sick she felt, Benedict had to force her into bed and take some time off to recover. "Soph, you're a Food Tech teacher for god's sake! Surely you must know you're better off staying home than bringing this into school and spreading it further." "But I was going to make pizzas with my year 8s!" she whined sulkily, terribly aggrieved to be missing out on such a monumentous event with her students (in her eyes, at least). "The sooner you rest and take it easy, the quicker you can get back to work, okay?" "Okay." she grumbled and reluctantly allowed herself to be tucked in by her boyfriend. He checked his phone throughout the day to see how she was faring, though after a few more days, Sophie was still not doing too good. "It's not fair!" Sophie complained. "How come you haven't caught this yet?" "I'm probably just more immune after spending most of my life in school." Benedict figured. "But I thought I was immune too!" she harrumphed. "Hey, even Wonder Woman needs a break every now and then." he assured her. Before he left their flat his father had arrived to look after Sophie as he had done so for the past few days. When Edmund had learnt that Sophie was off sick he immediately went into full-on dad mode, insisting he stay with her while Benedict was at work, bringing her soup and sitting with her so she wasn't alone. "How's the patient today?" Edmund asked. "She's still feeling the same. I tried to get her to eat her breakfast but she insisted she didn't have the appetite for it. I really hope by the time I get back tonight that she'll be over the worst of it." "I'll keep you updated, son." his father assured him, giving him a pat on the back before sending him off. The day went by without much happening until Benedict's fourth class packed up ahead of the last and final lesson, but before he could begin setting up for his Year 7s, Mrs Danbury entered the room along with Kate. "Bridgerton, I'm covering your lesson." Mrs Danbury informed him. "You are? Why?" Benedict frowned. "Kate will fill you in." she replied before ushering him out and welcoming his class in. "Kate, what's going on?" Benedict asked, growing steadily worried with her serious demeanour. "I'll tell you, let's just get to your office." When they got to the English office, he was surprised to find Anthony already waiting, an empathetic look on his face as soon as he saw his brother. "What's going on?" Benedict asked tightly, becoming increasingly alarmed the longer time went on without anyone telling him anything. "Ben, we need you stay calm alright? Everything's okay. Just don't freak out." Anthony told him gently, holding his hands out to him and approaching him like he was a wild animal he was trying to coax to approach. "You acting like this isn't doing much to stop that!" Benedict spluttered. "Please, for the love of god, just tell me what's going on! Has something happened with mum? Dad?" "Ben," Kate sighed and she placed a hand on his shoulder simultaneously with Anthony, "Sophie's in hospital." Benedict felt his heart drop right into his stomach. "She's what?!" "Ben, calm down," "Calm down?! My fiancee is in hospital! I'd like to see you try to be calm in my shoes!" he snapped at Anthony. "Ben, she's alright," Kate tried to tell him. "Well she can't be that alright if she's in the fucking hospital, now can she? What the hell happened?" "She hasn't had a stomach bug - it turned out to be appendicitis." Kate informed him in spite of his lashing out. "Your father's with her, he rushed her in this morning and she's already had the surgery. She's doing well, Ben." Benedict's panic subsided, knowing that not only had Sophie been treated and was already recovering but that his dad was by her side making sure she was okay. "We'll drive you over, okay?" Anthony said and Benedict nodded before he ended up in a hug with his brother and Kate.
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Hello! I hope your having a wonderful day, and may I ask for hanzo, kuai, fujin, and raiden react to their s/o disappearing out of the blue only to come back home and tell them they just had a quick family emergency? Again please have a good day!
These are alot of fun making and I am having a good day. I hope everyone is ok and having a good day.
This took such a long time to make becuase I kept lossing focus and in the end I just wanted to get it finished but I hope you all enjoy.
Hasashi Hanzo
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Hanzo had come home late, he had been helping Kuai laing with a mission and it had taken longer then they both anticipated. It had been a long mission and the one t hign he was truly looking forward to was curling up in bed beside his lover.
As he walks into the house it's dead silent, something that he hasn't experienced here in a long time. A knot forms in his brows as he looks around for his Ume.
Hanzo calls out their name as he walks thought the house. He finds himself in the kitchen, food is left on the table. Everything is cold and he sees their phone on a bench.
Hanzo moves thought the house even quicker looking for some sign of his partner only to come up empty handed as he searches.
He calls out their name multiple times looking despreatly for his lover. It's to late for them to be out and there isn't anywhere they could really go without having to call for Raiden...
As if hearing his name a crack of thunder and lightning echoes and illuminates the fire garden, Hanzo is our the door as quickly as he can make it. He is met with a sight of his lover and raiden walking towards the him.
"Thank you Raiden, don't know how I would have gotten to the hospital without your help, so thank you again." They thank him, their eyes flick to Hanzo who quickly makes his way to them.
They smile to Hanzo as he reach them his hands go to their face looking for any sign of injury. "Hi hun, I'm ok. Sorry for disappearing out of the blue. Family emergency" they say eyes closing gentle.
"Forgive us Grandmaster Hasashi, they needed to go to the hospital, I was the quickest method of transportation." Raiden apologise giving a small bow, he nods to them both before disappearing in another bolt of lightning.
"Are you alright?" He ask lightly, his lover nods before resting their head against his chest. "It's been a hell of a day, my Dad ended up in hospital and I got a call. Scared the hell out of me, I'm just glad he's ok and that I'm home now." They whisper.
"Let's go inside, you look tired" he replys earning a smile from his partner. "Cuddles on the couch?" They ask earning a small laugh for Hanzo. "Yes, cuddles on the couch then bed. We both need sleep"
Ume- (Japanese) Apricot
Kuai Laing
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Kuai tries not to pace around yet all the Lin Kuei members can tell he is on edge. No one had brought it up but they all know something is not quite right.
The grandmaster for two days now has been in a tissy, his lover missing and he has no information on where they are, if they are alright or anything. So to say everyone is on edge would be an understatement.
Kuai had been thought every inch of the compound looking for his lover after he found their phone left in their room. But other then that it was like they just disappeared into thin air. He was desperate for anwsers.
He had to get one of the younger members to help him navigate his partners phone, it was something he didn't really have a use for until now. The phone had five miss calls on it.
After being showed the basics he decided to call the number. It's quite for a moment and Kuai almost thinks it isn't going to work. A voice of the end of the line nearly makes him jump, It's not someone he knows but he can hear his lover in the background.
"Hello is this Kuai?" It's a older man's voice gentle as he answers the phone. " Yes..?" He anwsers almost shyly. He can hear commotion in the background.
"Dad let me have the phone, he's probably worried sick!" He can hear his lover say only to hear a laugh from the man.
"Ok, ok. I'll let you talk to your man, heaven forbid I try and meet the boy" and wirh that the phone is passed over. He can hear his lover this time.
"Hey Kuai,sorry I disappeared. I was hoping you found my phone earlier and called" they laugh lightly. He can feel relief settle in his bones finally.
"Where are you Wǒ de ài?" He ask. "At hospital with my mother and father. Ahh my mum got rushed hear two days ago and I got a panicked call from my dad. So I left in a hurry, I'm really sorry I didn't let you know" they say over the phone. Both ends go quite.
"Is your mother alright?" He ask back finally sitting down. "She will be, she just gave us a massive scare. I should be back home in a few days, I miss you" that makes him smile lightly.
"I miss you too, Wǒ de ài. Please stay safe. Don't scare me liek that again, please" he pleads. A smile rest on his face.
"How much pacing did you do?" They ask as a joke. "Far to much Sweetheart". They share a small laugh. "Sorry Kuai, I have to go again but if I can I'll call you back later" they reply let ting him know.
"That's fine Wǒ de ài, just please stay safe and come back to me" he says before they both say good bye and hang up.
The next day Kuai isn't pacing and seems to be in a lot better mood, the rest of his clan seem to be alot more at ease now that he isn't freezing everything, everywhere he goes.
Wǒ de ài- my love (chinese)
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Being a god meant Fujin had duties all over, and it meant he didn't get to spend as much time with his lover ad he wished he could.
But they always made time for each other. Fujin finally getting out if the sky temple and having a day free, it be by your side. And today happened to be one of those days.
So it didn't supise him when he arrived at his lover home to find them not there. After all they also have thing they must do. So in turn he made himself comftable.
And enjoyed the silence, it wasn't often now that he could just indulge in such thing like taking a nap, So that what he did.
He hasn't expected to sleep until late. But when he woke up it was to a gentle kiss on the lips. "Hi Fujin, how long have you been here?"
His glowing eyes flick open gentle meeting his lovers gaze. " It was still morning, I must have had a longer sleep then I expected." He smiles to them.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here, I had to go to the hospital." They sigh lightly moving to lay against the God. Fujin wraps his arms around his lover, pulling them to rest against his chest as he rest his cheek against their head.
"Why did you have to go to hospital Himawari?" He ask lightly. Eyes closing lightly as he cuddles closer to his partner.
"Family emergency, my sibling ended up there and well, I was the one they wanted called. So... I had to go make sure they were ok so my parents don't kill them." His lover huff who a light laugh.
"Your family is lucky to have you Himawari. And I am also very lucky to have you." He hums lightly kissing their forehead.
"And I thought I was the lucky one to have a literal God as my boyfriend" they chuckle. Fujin continues to leave small kisses agaisnt their skin.
"I'm glad your alright, I'm sorry I haven't been around much, alot have been happening at the temple" Fujin says, his lover rolls over to rest their chest agaisnt his.
"Well I'm just happy to see you again, I missed you and right now I just want to stay here. I enjoy cuddling with you." They hum running their hands up his chest and then runs a hand thought his white locks.
"I love you" he says with a smile, his lover presses a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you too Fujin"
Himawari- sunflower (Japanese)
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Raiden knows just about everything that happens in the sky temple. And then one day it was like he knew nothing that was happening there.
Is lover had been missing all morning, they had missed today's meditation and training with Raiden, something they never did. He had wandered the temple, he looked everywhere and still no sign of his lover.
Normally he wouldn't be to worried about his partner but it has now been five hours of him looking for them. He has asked Liu Kang, kung lao and many of the monks if they had seen his partner. The only other person he could not find was his brother.
Raiden had nearly given up, on the verge of going to the elder gods, hoping that they could shed some light on his situation. But then his eyes land on his brother as he walks towards him with a smile and his lover follows behind.
"Fujin?, where have you two been?" The worry in his voice shows, Fujin just smiles and disappears. His eyebrows knot as he looks to his lover.
"Sorry we disappeared Raiden. A family emergency happened, Fujin was the first I could find so I asked him to take me to the hospital." They reply wrapping their arms around Raiden.
The thunder God sighs as he pulls his lover closer. His head rested against their shoulder.
"Are you well?, why were you at a hospital" he ask look ikng his partner over for any injuries only to find nothing.
"My sibling did themselves in good. Had to be rushed in to the EMR so well, I had to go make sure they were alright, I'm just happy to be home now" they sigh. He can feel The tension in their body fade away.
"Can we go and lay down, to days been alot" they say again, Raiden doesn't reply just picks his lover up and begins to make his way back to there room.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 14
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
Going to Florida on vacation also seemed to be the perfect time to find out where the other boys came from and their pasts. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): The boys share their pasts, which can be rough. Mentions of suicide, past abuse, PTSD. There’s also quite some drinking in this chapter.
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“He’s fine. Just a little bit too much sun.” You chuckled in a whisper, tucking Jin under the blanket. With that, you exited the room with the 6 others. The oldest had felt a little faint after playing in the sun, which led to his current state.
“We should-”
“Ugh, one minute.” Jimin took his phone out of his pocket, walking away to answer his call. You and Jungkook looked at each other, shrugging. You headed to the living room, with you draping your legs over Hoseok to watch television, not that Hoseok minded.
“Jin hyung is asleep... That means his snacks are unguarded!” Jungkook shot up from the couch, running to the pantry.
“Nothing stand between him and food.” Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Namjoon shook his head and chuckled, bidding all of you goodbye before leaving with a book tucked under his arm.
“What’s for dinner?” Yoongi asked.
“I think steak and pasta.” Jungkook said, mouth stuffed to the brim with cookies. The staff that worked here had the same schedule as those back in Korea.
“What shall we do tonight?”
“I don’t know. We should stay in on our first night. To just... chill.” Hoseok shrugged and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Even when we put a vacation notice out, work doesn’t seem to stop coming.” Jimin stormed in, complaining. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at his best friend, shifting to let him sit on the couch.
“That’s what you get for opening a new place 2 weeks before the vacation. And a big place, with a lot of manpower needed.” Jungkook scoffed. Jimin sighed, full of regret. He had opened a new male host lounge for ladies 2 weeks ago and safe to say, the business was booming. His phone was ringing non-stop from wanting business partners.
“I’ll just leave it to the others to handle.” Jimin said.
“Yeah, put the phone away. You’re here to relax.” You put your hands behind your head.
“I’m guessing you did the same?” Yoongi faced you.
“My family knows I’m on vacation. There’s an emergency number if they really need to reach me, which I doubt they will. It’s my last vacation before I have to hear my mother start nagging me again.” You rolled your eyes.
“Nag you?” Taehyung tilted his head.
“My brother’s, her star child, is coming into town with my very pregnant sister-in-law for the birth of her second grandchild.” You explained and the boys all nodded, understanding. At the ball where they met your parents, there was a brief mention of your older brother.
“I was an only child. Never had siblings. Omma was worried that if she had another, he or she would come out sick like me.” Jimin forced a smile.
“I’m sorry, Chim.” You reached over to hold his hand.
“It’s okay. Fortunately, Yoongi hyung was there to break me out of the hospital.” He turned to the older, who was sitting on the adjacent couch, sipping from his red wine glass.
“You broke him out of a hospital?” Your eyes widened. Yoongi let out a long sigh, placing his glass on the table.
“Since she couldn’t figure out the reason why Jimin was always sick, Mrs Park thought the only way to provide Jimin the care he needed was to lock him in a hospital.” He explained. Jimin cleared his throat.
“I first met Yoongi hyung at a martial arts convention. Since I used to train in kendo, omma let me go but I couldn’t participate in the demonstration. When he found out that omma checked me into the hospital, he got me out and brought me to join the family. Even when I was sick, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung took care of me.” Jimin gave a small smile.
“I mean, since we’re telling our family stories, my mother abandoned me when I was younger, at an amusement park. I joined an orphanage after.” Hoseok said.
“Yoongi hyung’s father adopted me to be hyung’s playmate but that was it. We could only see each other during playtime. Other than that, I stayed in the small hut in the backyard.” Hoseok continued.
“It was practically a tool shed with a mattress.” Yoongi said bitterly.
“Yoongi, so your father...”
“He was rich, powerful, as was Namjoon’s father. We had been friends for a long time since our fathers were friends. After our fathers died, we dissolved their associations and formed our own.” Yoongi explained.
“I see... I didn’t know both your fathers were also... in the same line of business.” You tried to speak.
“With the way my father treated Hoseok and my mother, we don’t bring him up. Same with Namjoon.” Yoongi said but there was a warning tone in his voice.
“I-Is it, my turn?” Jungkook lifted his head.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You comforted. Jungkook took a deep breath, shaking his head. If anything, he trusted you and wanted you to know his background.
“I was quite a small kid, so I was generally quite quiet in school. I had one older brother. Mum and dad worked a lot so it was mostly my brother and me. At first, hyung was the best brother I could ever ask for. He took care of me, protected me, everything.” Jungkook gulped.
“Then one day, he started treating me like I was invisible, at school and at home. That progressed to him hitting me and bullying me, hurting me.” He said sadly.
“Jungkook...” Jimin said sadly.
“Namjoon hyung was passing by an alley when my brother almost beat me to death. He brought me to the hospital to get treated. Since then, I’ve been living with him.” Jungkook finished.
“Did your parents come find you?” You asked.
“They never believed me when I told them hyung hurt me. He must have told them I ran away or something since he thinks he left me for dead.” 
“But you’re stronger now.” Taehyung patted Jungkook’s head. Considering Taehyung didn’t start his background story, the others assumed that he already told you about him.
“Dinner is served.” The butler informed, breaking the thick tension in the air from all the heavy conversations. 
“I’ll get the others.” You said, going to head upstairs. The first person you checked on was Jin, he was still fast asleep, which you let him be. Namjoon was standing in the hallways, outside of Jin’s bedroom.
“I heard what the boys told you.” He said. You nodded your head in acknowledgement.
“(y/n), I think you know that with such backgrounds, it’s not all black and white for them. On top of always falling ill, Jimin lived with a fear of being a burden, like how his own mother treated him. Yoongi hyung lives with the guilt of how his father treated Hoseok. He feels the need to make it up to him with his life.” Namjoon started.
“Hoseok is afraid of abandonment. Taehyung dealt with meltdowns, panic attacks, so much trauma. You’ve seen it, he’s still not over what happened to him.”
“And Jungkook, I can’t tell you the number of times I had to stop him from taking his own life. He was afraid of being hurt by the one he loved, just like before.” Namjoon sighed.
“I know, Namjoon. It must have been a lot for you and Yoongi to face, along with your own fears. But look at who you saved. Where would they all be now if you and Yoongi didn’t help them?” You placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Everyone comes with their own battle scars. But that’s what makes us human and survivors, right?” You smiled.
“You always know what to say, doc.” Namjoon chuckled.
“Of course. I’m the best, am I not?” You nudged him, making him laugh even more. With that, the two of you headed downstairs to the dining room, where the others were seated around the table. Namjoon sat at the head of the table while you sat between Jungkook and Yoongi.
“Let’s eat.” Namjoon waved for the wait staff to bring in the trays of food and pour the drinks. Even if the dinner was quieter than usual, it wasn’t suffocating. You’ve reached a new level of understanding with the boys. 
“What shall we do tomorrow?” Jimin asked. 
“I wanna go look around the city. If possible. Maybe buy some things for myself.” You shrugged.
“Yes! Shopping! We’ll come too!” Taehyung and Jungkook cheered. You smiled, somehow knowing that it was going to be chaotic with the boys. Hoseok clapped his hands in excitement. 
“What if I wanna go on my own?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“No way! It’s not safe for you to be on your own.” Jungkook shook his head, putting his arms in a cross. 
“Are you saying I am not capable to defending myself?” You asked him with a smirk.
“Ooh, you’ve done it now, Kook.” 
“Yeah, even I don’t go there.” Yoongi decided to join in on the fun of teasing the maknae. Jungkook’s eyes widened when he realised what he did, immediately facing you and rubbing his hands together in an apologetic matter.
“I’m sorry! You are very much capable of defending yourself! Even better than me or anyone else because you’re a strong, independent woman! I would never doubt your strength! Please don’t kill me!” He rambled on. You threw your head back in laughter, reaching over to pat his head. Even the others just looked on in amusement. 
“Alright, let’s stop teasing, Koo.” You said. 
After dinner, everyone was gathered back in the living room, watching some show that was playing on the television. 
“The night is young! We should party!” Hoseok declared. 
"This is not going to end well.” Yoongi clicked his tongue with a shake of his head. It was obvious he had to deal with his drunk brothers multiple times before. 
“I brought drinks and snacks!” Jungkook brought two big trays out, one with different alcoholic drinks and the other filled with snacks, courtesy of Jin’s stash. You took a bottle of beer. Hoseok and Namjoon did the same, clinking bottles with you. Jungkook grabbed some soju.
“Hyung? You want one?” Jungkook offered a filled shot glass to Taehyung. Taehyung, who doesn’t usually drink, shrugged and accepted it. Yoongi stuck to his whiskey like always.
“Honestly didn’t think the drinking was gonna start on our first night here. But I’m not one to complain.” You shrugged. 
“We’re on vacation. It’s always drinking time.” Hoseok said. 
“I agree!” Jungkook grinned. You snorted in response. Jimin decided to have soju with the other two, taking an empty shot glass. Jungkook happily filled it up for him. 
“Hey...” Jin stood at the stairwell. 
“Hey, Jin. How are you feeling?” You asked as you stood up to head to him. Jin gave a small smile and a thumbs up. 
“Are those my snacks?!” His eyes widened as he marched over. 
“Shot?” Jungkook offered as a consolation. Jin glared at the maknae but took the tiny glass, glancing over at you. You shrugged, nodding your head in approval. Hoseok and Taehyung shifted to give Jin space to sit down. Everyone with their drinks, cheered to your first night on vacation, taking a swig. You leaned against Jimin’s side. 
“Do you want dinner, Jin?” 
“Nah, I’m fine with the snacks and drinks.” He waved you off. 
“Alright but if you feel dizzy again, stop and rest. And tomorrow, please remember to hydrate yourself when out.” You lectured. The boys all groaned, even if you were only directing your words at Jin. 
“Now you’re nagging.” Taehyung boxed his ears, whining. You rolled your eyes, reaching to smack him. 
That night, when all the boys retreated to their rooms, passed out drunk, you were in your room spending some alone time. There was a knock on your door and you stood up from your bed, shuffling over to see who it was. 
“Hobi?” You were shocked. 
“C-Can I come in?” He rubbed the back of his neck. You nodded your head, stepping aside for him to enter. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked softly. 
“Just a lot on my mind.” He admitted with a soft sigh. You sat on your bed, legs dangling off the side. You patted the space beside you and Hoseok gladly accepted, sitting beside you as the moon shined in. 
“Bringing up the past isn’t easy. It opens a lot of scars you thought were healed, memories that you thought was locked away, feelings that you thoughts were gone. It’s okay, Hobi.” You whispered with a soft smile, wrapping an arm around him. Hoseok placed his head on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay.” You comforted. 
“She left me there, all alone. For strangers to take me. And I probably will never know the reason why until the day I die.” He said aimlessly.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Hobi.” You squeezed his hand. 
“Yoongi hyung still feels so guilty for what his father did when he adopted me. But I always think that even if he did treat me badly, I still got to leave the orphanage and meet Yoongi hyung.” 
“And then you met the rest of the boys. Look how inseparable you all are now.” You stroked his head. 
“I also got to meet you.” Hoseok added. 
“I’m just there to clean your cuts and take care of you when you’re sick.” You laughed. 
“That’s not true. You mean a lot to me and everyone else, more than you’d think, (y/n).” Now, it was Hoseok holding your hands, looking into your eyes, his full of honesty and sincerity. 
You woke up the next morning, rubbing your temples, feeling the slight effect of the alcohol from the night before. Hoseok was still passed out beside you, sleeping soundly. You got out of bed quietly, washing up before heading downstairs. The house was quiet, signalling that maybe no one else was awake, still sleeping the alcohol off. 
“You’re up?” You nearly jumped when Yoongi appeared, drinking a cup of iced coffee, his hair slightly damp and messy from his shower. 
“Yeah. I need a hangover cure and a coffee.” You went to the kitchen. The maid brought you a cup of water and the small bottle of hangover cure. You downed the bitter liquid following that with water.
“Here.” Yoongi fixed you an iced coffee of your own. 
“Thank you.” You sipped it.
“Hoseok... he’s with you?” Yoongi cleared his throat as he asked. You nodded your head with a hum. 
“Yeah. He came over to talk then we just fell asleep after.” You explained. Yoongi gave a nod, moving to sit out on the deck. You trailed behind him quietly, taking the seat across him. All you heard were the crashing of the waves and the strong wind rustling the trees. 
“I’m part of the reason he’s like that.” Yoongi spoke. 
“Why do you burden yourself with that?” You asked back. Yoongi blinked, seemingly surprised by your words. 
“You know it’s not true, you know that Hobi doesn’t think that, and yet you force yourself to live with the guilt. You know that you’re not like your father, whatever he did to Hobi was out of your control.” You said. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yoongi said with gritted teeth. 
“Exactly, I don’t. But what I see is you feeling sorry for yourself and Hobi being worried about showing his emotions because he doesn’t want you to start feeling guilty again.” 
“He said that?” 
“Not exactly. It’s pretty obvious to a bystander.” You shrugged. 
“Yoongi, I have better things to do than to stand here and taunt you. The only people there were you and Hobi. Will anyone ever understand what each of you went through? I don’t know. You and I both know that Hobi holds whatever happened close to him. But he sees the light, even in a dark situation. If he can do that, I don’t see why you can’t.” You said. 
“I know.” Was all he could reply. 
“I’m going to check on Jin, okay?” You stood up. But you were yanked back by your wrist. Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his face into your middle. 
“I hate that you’re right.” He mumbled. You let out a soft hum, patting the top of his fluffy hair. When Yoongi released you, you looked down at him. 
“You saved so many of them, Yoongs. Give yourself more credit. They all look up to you for a reason.” You laughed. 
“Go check on Jin hyung.” He said, patting your hip. 
“Right on it, sir.” You saluted. That made Yoongi break out into a small smile as he watched you leave. You hummed a random tune as you headed upstairs to see how Jin was doing today. 
“Doc? You’re here.” He slowly opened his eyes, squinting to focus his vision on you. He gave you a sleepy smile. You smiled softly as you nodded, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear as you placed your hand on his forehead. He wasn’t warm to the touch. 
“How are you feeling?” You whispered. 
“Okay. Sleepy... Hungover.” He chuckled, a little embarrassed. 
“I’d bet. You can come down later to get some hangover cure. Luckily I told the butler to stock the house when we arrived yesterday.” You patted his shoulder, making him laugh. 
“(y/n)!” When you exited Jin’s room, you saw a shirtless Jungkook barreling down the hallway, headed straight for you. You jumped back but he caught you.
“Good morning, Koo.” You said in amusement as he hugged you. He mumbled something in his sleepy stupor. 
“What are you saying? I can’t understand you.” 
“I went to your room to look for you but you weren’t there. I thought Hobi hyung was you but it wasn’t. Why is Hobi hyung in your bed? Where were you? Ugh... I have a headache and I’m hungry.” He rambled. 
“Alright, alright. Slow down. I went to get some coffee to help my hangover and was with Yoongi on the deck. Then I went to check on Jin. Hobi just stayed the night after we talked. I have alka seltzer to help your hangover and I think the chefs are cooking hangover soup for all of us. Would you also please put on a shirt?” You answered all his questions, ending with one of yours. 
“I’m sleepy.” 
“I thought you were hungry?”
“I don’t know! My head hurts.” He whined. You sighed, patting his back as you led him back to his room. 
“You stay here. I’ll bring you a hangover cure then you can see how you feel after that.” You instructed. He nodded his head like an obedient child. You went downstairs to get a small bottle and a glass of water.
“Thank you.” He received the two, drinking one after another, cringing slightly at the bitterness. 
“It should help your headache and funny stomach. I’ll go check on the others to see if they need help.” You told him, tucking him back into bed under the blanket. 
“Will you come back?” He held your hand. 
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multific · 4 years
Solve a Murder
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Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: You were desperate. You needed help and so, you turned to the one man in London who would be able to help.
“Mr. Holmes, I’m here to hire you to solve a murder.”
“And who’s murder would that be?”
“Pardon?” asked Dr. Watson.
“It’s my step-sister. I suspect she and her husband want me dead. You see, I inherited my father’s land when she thought she would be the one to get it. And now, just the way she looks at me. She offers me drinks, way too often, I suspect she is trying to poison me. I fear for my life, and lately I haven’t been feeling well. You need to help me. Find evidence that she is plotting my death so I can go to the police.”
The two men looked at each other. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have come.” you said as you stood up, they made you feel like you were a fool, but then the Doctor spoke up making you look back at him.
“How long have you been suspecting that she is trying to poison you?”
“About a month. My dad died five months ago, I lost my mum when I was little, so he married another woman who gave him my step sister. My step mum died two years ago, or rather disappeared. Dad left everything to me in his will. And my sister was fuming, saying that she was the one to deserve it. Back that I was so sad, I didn’t even realize she said that. During the four months I was grieving, but then I started to notice things.”
“Things like?”
“Her servants bringing me food and tea, which is a nice gesture but...it’s usually after I already ate. And then I started to get sick a lot more often. I’m not one to fall sick easily. The doctor said it was just a cold, but...I know she did something. The look on her face said it all. She looked happy when I was in bed for a week. I tried asking for help, but everyone thinks I’m paranoid.”
“I believe you.” said Watson as he looked back at Sherlock who only rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s clearly only the mind of a woman, making up scenarios. Why are you really here? You are wasting my time.” his words were harsh. And they hurt. Just as the nice Doctor turned to scold his friend, you spoke up, tear running down your face.
“I hope Mr. Holmes, that you will visit my grave one day. I just wish to see your face when you realize that you were wrong.” you said as you stormed out of the house.
You felt so silly. And to think that you were extremely nervous when you decided to seek for his help. You didn’t even realize that you left your scarf at the house. 
You were truly helpless, you didn’t have any friends to talk to, your maids were fired by her, leaving only her trusted ones behind. You were trapped in your own house.
And you didn’t have evidence to go to the police either. Although you looked everywhere in the house for signs. But you were unable to find anything, no bottles, no poison, nothing.
The worst however was that you were gradually falling more ill, day after day.
It felt like you were dying from the inside. So, you called the doctor over.
The doctor said that your illness was due to the loss of your father. The doctor blamed depression, but you knew it wasn’t that. Not with the way your sister was smirking and smiling when she thought you weren’t watching.
One day, you felt so terrible, you couldn’t even get out of the bed. 
And from that day on, you didn’t.
You were so ill, the sun hurt your eyes and you felt useless. You just laid in bed, you weren’t even sure for how long.
You had barely any appetite. And you wondered how many days have passed.
“Miss Y/L/N, two gentlemen are here to talk to you. They said they brought your scarf back.” one of the maid’s said before they left, leaving the door open to let the two men in. You tried to sit up, look at least presentable, but you were too weak.
“Miss Y/L/N,” you recognized that voice, that calm and kind voice.
“Dr. Watson,” you said smiling at the man, not noticing that Sherlock was also in the room.
“You left your scarf. Don’t get me wrong, My Lady, but you look very ill.” said the doctor as he placed the cloth by your hand. You grabbed it and thanked him.
“The doctor was just here, yesterday I think. Said it’s only depression.” you said letting out a long sigh. 
“That’s ridiculous. I saw people looking more heathy on their death bed. May I examine you?” you gave him a weak nod, then you turned to Sherlock who was standing on the other side of your bed.
“Will you take my case now, or in a few days when I’m gone?” you asked looking at Sherlock. His eyes met yours.
Dr. Watson determined that you needed immediate care in a hospital. Although your sister argued with him, telling him that you already are in the care of a doctor. 
That day, Sherlock took your case. He clearly noticed something which he didn’t’t share at the time.
You were in the hospital for three days, and you already felt better. Every day Dr Watson would come over to talk about the case or ask questions. Although you were sure Sherlock was already close to finding evidence.
One day, you were finally better, so you could walk around a little. You were sitting outside, reading a book under a tree when you noticed Mr Holmes making his way over to you. 
“It was the food and the water and the tea and the cookies and everything.” said Sherlock as he sat down beside you. “You were poisoned gradually, small portions on everything you ate, and drank. The maid did it, because your sister ordered her to. Both are in custody as we speak for attempted murder.” he said, but even with your suspicions being right, you didn’t feel better.
“Thank you Mr. Holmes. I will pay you as soon as I get out of here.” you said before turning to look up the tree, watching a little bird hop from one branch to the other.
“Hmm.” you didn’t notice the look Sherlock gave you. But he noticed just how much livelier you looked. Your eyes shined, your skin shimmered in the light. You looked a lot better. “So, as I observed, you are not married. Neither am I.” he said.
You had to admit this was the worst possible way someone tried to court you. You looked at him, eyes wide.
“I’m saying that I find you quite beautiful and I would like to know you better.”
“Oh? That’s it?”
“Don’t get me wrong Mr. Holmes, I appreciate the compliment, it’s just... Your timing, Sir. I am still in hospital because my sister tried to poison me, my brother-in-law is still out there, possibly stealing everything that he can move from my home. And you are...handsome.” 
“Then, I will be back with the same proposition in a few weeks. Ms Y/L/N.” he said as he stood up and left.
You laughed a little, thinking that he was joking.
After all, what could a man like him possibly want from you?
It had been almost a month since you left the hospital.
You were half right about your brother-in-law. He did steal a couple of items when he left, but luckily they didn’t mean anything to you, so you were just happy that he was gone. 
You hired new staff and fired everyone. You were not sure who you could trust.
You also made sure that every food and drink was thrown out or went down the sink. You were not taking any chances. 
The fact that you only had 2 members of staff made you do some work you were not used to. You were no brat and you didn’t mind getting your hands dirty, so you helped with the cleaning where you could. 
You were working in the kitchen, cleaning the cupboards when a voice behind you made you startled. You nearly fell off the furniture as you were cleaning the very top shelves.
“Miss, Mr. Holmes is here.” 
“Thank you, Tina! Let him in, please.”
“He is here, Miss.”
This is when you finally turned around and noticed the man smiling up at you. Tina already left to get back to her duties.
“Nice to see you again, Miss Y/L/N. I must admit, every time we meet I can see a different side of yours. I have never seen a lady on the sink, cleaning the shelves.”
“Well, someone has to do it.” you said slowly climbing down. Sherlock helped you, making sure you won’t fall. “I assume you came for your payment. Give me a moment. I put it in an envelope in the library.”
You said washing your hands before heading into the library. You pulled the drawer of your father’s desk out and pulled the envelope out.
“For your speedy resolution, and for Dr. Watson’s help regarding my health, I added a bit extra. Thank you very much.” you said handing him the payment.
“I actually didn’t come for the payment, Ms. Y/L/N.” he said but you watched as he reached out to take the payment from you and slipped in into his pocket. “I’m here to keep my word. What I said in the hospital, I wish to get to know you better. You seem like a very interesting and smart woman. You realized that your sister was bad, even when everyone, including me, thought that you were delusional. I apologize for that.” you honestly didn’t know what to say. You thought he was a man who wouldn’t see you in a romantic matter. But then again, he just mentioned getting to know you.
“Maybe, you can stay over for lunch? I will cook up something nice.”
“Yes, I am yet to hire a new cook, and in the meantime I do the cooking, my old nanny taught me a few recipes.”
“Sounds nice.”
And so, he stayed for lunch, dinner and the next day he came over again and every single day after.
He was charming, and the two of you could speak for hours about everything and anything.
Before you knew it, months, and years passed.
You certainly didn’t think that when you decided to go to Baker Street 221B to ask for help, you would find your future husband.
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Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
Cancer Battle
Tom Holland x Sister (with the whole Holland clan)
Summary: The reader is diagnosed with cancer, but decides to keep it from her brothers. 
Warnings: angst, cancer treatment, cancer diagnosis, brothers being rude, somewhat of a fluff ending
A/N: I did research on this. I hope I did the correct research. So I apologize if I’m wrong.
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This has been the toughest two months of your life. Right when you were due to go over to America with your brothers to visit Tom, you noticed swelling in your neck. So did your mum. She set you up a doctors appointment, and two days later, you found out you had Hodgkin Lymphoma.
After talking with your doctor, you found you were in the early stages. It was still treatable and your chances of beating the cancer were very high. That helped you relax a little, but you were still in shock at hearing the words, “you have cancer.”
You wanted to start treatment right away so you told your brothers to go without you. They weren’t happy with you since you wouldn’t give them the real reason as to why you were staying behind. Every Wednesday morning for the next month, you would go with your mum or dad to the doctors office to do your antibody therapy treatment. You really didn’t want to do chemo or radiation unless it got worse, so you decided this was the next best option.
After four weeks of treatment, all of your brothers came home. Tom was disappointed you didn’t come see him, but he knew you probably had a good reason. He decided to come over to your parents house to hangout with you today. Except today wasn’t a good day. You were sick due to the side effects of the treatment. To those who didn’t know about your treatment, they would just think you had the flu. So when you walked back into your room from the bathroom, you groaned when you saw Tom sitting on the end of your bed.
“Good to see you too, Y/N.” Tom said with an eye roll.
“Hi Tom. Sorry. You might want to leave, I’m sick.” You said trying to keep your distance but you were wanting to lie down so bad.
“Mum told me. Can I get you anything?” He asked sweetly.
“I’m okay for now. Dad went to the store this morning.” You replied and motioned with your finger for him to move. He understood and moved toward your door as you went to lie down. You sighed, content when your body hit the mattress.
“I’m going to go downstairs. Text me if you need anything.” You smiled at him. “Get better soon.”
The next few days, you started feeling better. This is how it was every week. Stuck in bed on Thursday and Friday. Moving around more on Saturday and fully back to your normal self on Sunday. Then you would repeat the process again.
This Wednesday though, you weren’t feeling good. It felt like you couldn’t catch your breath. You had a fever and you could tell you had lost at least twenty pounds since your diagnosis. You got up earlier than normal to talk to your mum. When you walked into the living room, you found all four brothers.
“Hey Y/N. You okay?” Sam asked.
Ignoring his question, you looked around the room. “Where’s mum and dad?”
“Dad has a meeting at ten and mum ran to the store really quick. Said she would be back soon.” Paddy said not looking up from his phone. You nodded and turned to go back to your room to lay down until you had to go to your appointment.
“It’s a good thing you're up though. I have a press tour coming up and we are going to Bali. The three of them are going and I wanted to see if you wanted to come. You didn’t get to go last time so I thought you would enjoy it.” Tom said.
“I would but uh..” You looked around trying to think of an excuse as to why you can’t go. “I’m still getting over this sickness. Wouldn’t be good for me to go.”
“Well good thing it isn’t until next month then.” Harry said with a laugh before he turned serious. “Why are you always bailing on us? You missed the last Bali trip. You skipped last minute to go to America. Now you’re trying to get out of going to Bali again. What’s up with that?”
“I just have a lot going on. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just can’t.” You said.
“Harry has a point though Y/N. It’s like you don’t like us or something. You never go out with us when we are in town either and you won’t let us post photos of you.” Paddy said.
You stood shocked. You didn’t know how to respond, but it didn’t matter since it didn’t seem that your brothers were done.
“Can you tell us if we did something to you so we can fix it?” Tom said trying to be the nice brother like always.
“Come on mate. We didn’t do anything and she knows it. She just hates us.” Harry said with a snarl.
“Must be embarrassed by us. I don’t know why. People love us.” Paddy said. Sam agreed with Paddy and Harry. Tom just didn’t know what to do so he just stayed quiet. He wasn’t trying to make you feel bad, but he did feel rejected by you lately.
“I love you guys and I would never be embarrassed of you. I just have a lot going on.” You said. You were getting worked up and it was making it harder to breathe. You turned and started to leave the room. “Tell mum to come to my room when she gets home.” You started to walk up the stairs and ignored the hateful comments your brothers were whispering about you.
An hour later. Your mum came into the room and saw you laying there asleep. She went to push your hair out of your face and felt how hot you were. She immediately started to panic and tried to wake you up. Thankfully you opened your eyes halfway and saw your mum.
“Mum, somethings not right. I don’t feel good.” You whispered.
“Get up honey. We are going to the doctor.” Nikki said in a rush. She went to help you stand when you fell on the ground. Nikki was worried because you couldn’t hold yourself up. “DOM!” She yelled. “DOM HURRY UP! COME HERE!”
Tom thought he heard his mum call for him and he heard the worry in her voice so he sprinted to where he heard her trying to talk to Y/N. He was shocked when he saw you on the floor.
“Tom I need your help. We have to get her to the hospital now. Help me get her to the car.” Nikki said. Tom stayed staring at your almost lifeless body “TOM!” Nikki snapped to get his attention. Tom immediately went into protective brother mode and ran to you and easily picked you up bridal style and carried you down to Nikki’s car. He laid you in the backseat and then he joined you by putting your head into his lap. Nikki ran to the driver's seat and rushed to the hospital.
“Mum, what’s wrong with her?” He asked.
“I’m not sure.” Nikki answered honestly. If it hadn't been for the swollen glands, Nikki would have thought you were healthy as a horse. Now with the treatments, it always pained her to see her only daughter struggling with the illness. Once they got to the emergency room, Nikki started telling the ER doctor everything. Tom paled when he heard the word cancer. He looked up at his mum to see if what she said was true. When the doctors took you in the back to run test, Nikki finally turned to her oldest and saw him shaking.
“Cancer?” He whispered. If Nikki hadn’t been standing so close, she wouldn’t have heard him. She gently wrapped an arm around Tom and guided him to sit in a chair. Tom stayed latched to his mum as he cried for his little sister. “Wha- how- when? When did she find out?” Tom asked many minutes later once he stopped crying.
“Before the America trip.” Nikki said. “She’s been doing treatments once a week since. The treatments make her sick. That’s why you found her like she was last Thursday.”
“I had no idea.” Tom said more to himself. “That’s why she didn’t want to go to Bali.”
“Yeah. She wants to stay home until the cancer’s gone. She has a high survival rate, Tom. She didn’t want any of you to worry. That’s why she didn’t tell you.”
As Tom went to say something a doctor interrupted. “Mrs. Holland, Y/N is in a room now. You can go sit with her while we wait for the results. Since Dr. Hammon is the one treating her, she will be here to overlook her during her stay.” Nikki nodded and grabbed Tom’s hand. They followed the doctor to Y/n's room where she looked so tiny on her bed. She had an IV in and was sleeping soundly.
“We gave her some medicine to bring her fever down. She should wake up soon.”
“Thank you doctor.” Nikki said as he walked away. She turned to Tom, “I’m going to go call your father. Sit with her please.”
“Of course.” Tom said before grabbing your hand and sitting in the chair next to your bed. Tom grabbed his phone with his other hand. He quickly added Harry, Sam, and Paddy to a group text.
T: Hospital. Room 135. Waiting on the results for Y/N. We need to talk.
H: WTF?! Is she okay? Is that where you went. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.
T: Yeah. Had to help mum. Just hurry. She should have everyone here for her.
S: Called into work and got the day off. Will be there soon.
P: Harry and I are on our way too. Be there shortly.
By the time all the brothers arrived, Dom was walking into the room as well. Nikki had already spoken with Dr. Hammon and got the news of why Y/N reacted that way. Nikki decided now was the time to tell everyone the severity of it.
“Okay guys. Y/N wanted to keep this a secret, but I no longer can. She has Hodgkin Lymphoma. Her and I noticed swelling in her neck before she was going to the states so I took her to the doctor. She was diagnosed a couple days later. That’s why she didn’t go with you boys on the trip. She’s been undergoing treatment every week to help kill the cancer.” Nikki said looking at all of her sons. “I just talked with the doctor. The bad news is she doesn’t think the antibody therapy is working. She thinks it would be best to try chemotherapy next so the cancer doesn’t spread. The good news is, the cancer hasn’t spread.”
Dom visibly relaxed at hearing that news. He was thankful you were as okay as you could be. “Did she say why she reacted this way. Why did she almost pass out?” Dom asked.
“She said her body was working in overdrive to kill the cancer cells.  Her fever got too high. Now that her fever is down, she’ll be back to her old self.”
“Old self?” Tom scoffed. “Mum she’s been sick more times than she’s been feeling okay. There’s no old self in that.”
“This is her new normal for a bit. Until she defeats the cancer, this is her old self.” Nikki responded.
You groaned and tried to open your eyes. Nikki and Dom rushed to one side as Tom rushed to your other. Tom ran his hand over your head. You turned and slowly opened your eyes and met Tom’s brown ones.
“What happened? Where am I?” You asked, confused.
“Your fever got too high. Me and mum rushed you here. You’re okay now.” Tom said. You turned to see your mum next to you with your dad.
“They know sweety.” She said. You closed your eyes for a second and turned to look at Tom again.
“I’m sorry for keeping this from you.” You said.
“Don’t be. I’m just glad you’re okay now. And I’ll be here every step of the way to help you fight.” He kissed your forehead. The rest of your brothers came up to you.
“I’m sorry Y/N/N for saying you hated us.” Harry said.
“I’m sorry too.” Sam said.
“I’m sorry as well.” Paddy said.
“It’s okay you guys. I’m sorry for not telling you. Just didn’t want you to worry. You guys have a lot going on in your life. Didn’t need to add this to the list of things you were stressing over.”
“We will always worry about you, healthy or not. You’re my baby sister. I never want you to think you have to go through something like this alone.” Tom said.
“I’ll sit with you at treatments.” Harry said.
“I’ll hangout with you when you don’t feel well at home.” Paddy said.
“I’ll make all of your favorites and I’ll make you soup.” Sam said.
You smiled at your brothers and thanked them. You were glad you had such an amazing support group to back you in this fight.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
A New Life ~ KSJ [Request]
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GENRE: family AU, IDOL AU, nasty parents, siblings, ANGST, happy ending but still angsty
PAIRING: Sibling Jin x Sibling!Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Nasty parents with some triggering subjects, thoughts about not being good enough, told you’re not good enough, mentally abusive parents, car accident, mentions of blood, broken  bones and depressing thoughts, death, twist ending?
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If anyone would have told you that you would have been attending your own funeral one day you would have laughed in their face and yet here you were watching yourself being placed into the ground while your family all pretended to mourn your passing. Rain was hammering down above them as your mother turned t cry in your twin-brothers arms, he glanced over at his father who was staring down at the ground as they lowered the coffin into the dirt. You couldn't help but stare at your mother as you watched her faking tears in front of everyone they'd managed to get to attend. You wondered if anyone knew what had really happened that day or if your parents were going along with the same story they had assembled together as you'd laid in your hospital bed. Jin let out a choked sob as he held your mum, the only true family member that you thought could have possibly been upset was him at this moment but there was no way the rest of them would have been. As if they could ever be upset that you were now gone from their lives forever. See, this wasn't some romance story about how you'd managed to overcome a terrible home life and came out stronger at the end of it, no, this was the story of how you died.
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Scoffing at your mum you continued to let her yell at you for things that were out of your control while she told you how Jin would have had them finished seconds within being asked. He was coming home so of course, he was being brought up into every conversation she could think of. All morning she'd had you running around after her like you were some kind of maid instead of her daughter. Cleaning the house from top to bottom, making sure that everything was perfect for Jin's arrival. He'd been on tour for the last four months so you'd managed to avoid speaking with your parents unless you came home one night from work and they were still awake. Other than that you did your damn best to stay out of their way not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of them hurling insults about you. It didn't matter what you were doing they would put you in a side by side comparison with your twin brother Jin. The famous k-pop star that had managed to move out, have a successful job and life while you were still living at home. Working three jobs trying to save up enough to leave but your parents would never see that, they only saw what they wanted to see. In their eyes, you could do nothing right whereas Jin could do nothing wrong, it had been this way for years only you were the only one who wasn't blind to it. Jin could hardly see it since he wasn't around much when it happened, when he was around they played it off as some kind of joke so he wouldn't get upset. The two of you had always been close since you were twins but your parents always put you both head to head with one another. Trying to play it off as harmless and healthy family competition when it was nothing of the sorts, it was more like competition to see who was the better child. 
"You expect your brother to stay out in the garage when his room is perfectly capable of being cleaned and stayed in?" Your mother snapped as she looked at you, it was the night before Jin was due to come home and of course, it was being put down to you at the last second to get the house cleaned and ready for him to come back to. Only now that you had finished the household chores she was expecting you to sleep in the garage while Jin had his old room back, which had been converted into your bedroom when he moved out. 
"I just finished cleaning, I put everything-"
"I don't want to hear any excused, my baby boy deserves his room and his room is what he shall get. Move your stuff out. It's only for a couple of days." There was no use in trying to argue with her when you knew she would only move your things out when you weren't looking, only she'd throw everything into the trash instead of moving it out properly. There was no point in this, Jin was only home for three days, it wasn't as if he was attempting to move back in full and he'd ahead called to say he was fine on the sofa. 
"Fine," You grumbled, walking towards the staircase to go and clean everything out of the bedroom as well as change the sheets over so he wouldn't have to sleep on dirty used sheets. Your mum wouldn't want her precious prince sleeping on something someone else had been sleeping in.
"Make sure you get that smelly cat out of there!" She screeched up the stairs as you rolled your eyes, staring down at your peacefully sleeping kitten as you thought about moving her out of the room. 
"Come on bubs," You whispered, picking her up and carrying her into the bathroom where she curled up in a pile of your washing so you could continue cleaning the bedroom up. 
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"I told you I was fine on the sofa," Jin laughed as you took him up to the bedroom, carrying the bags he'd bought home with him into your room. 
"Mum said you needed a real room to sleep in, I'll be fine on the sofa." You lied knowing that if you even attempted to sleep on the sofa your mother would throw a fit, you'd be out in the garage on a blow-up air mattress.
"You sure? I know how cramped you can get on them-"
"Exactly why my little boy will be in a comfortable bed. I need him to be well-rested so he doesn't get too sick for work," You mother told him as if she'd been waiting for the perfect time to chime in on your conversation, 
"Tell him you're fine on the sofa," She stared at you, the look on her face was one you knew all too well. "Agree or be prepared," so you nodded, faking a smile as you told Jin it was fine. 
"Me, you and your father are going out to dinner tonight. We're going to make sure we celebrate the end of your tour." Jin glanced in your direction wondering why you hadn't been invited along to the family event but your mother pulled him out of the room before he could ask questions. Your father came in next with a look of disgust on his face, 
"You could have dusted, poor boy is going to catch a cold or something in here." That was the way it always was. No matter how hard you worked or how perfect you had something it was never enough.
"I'll do it while you're out to dinner." You mumbled, pushing past him as he grumbled about you not having manners while your brother was blessed with them. The small jabs were the ones that hurt the most, the ones that were seemingly innocent to everyone around you but hurt you a lot on the inside.
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"What are you doing now? Are you still working in that pet store?" Jin looked at you as he seemed generally interested in your life and for the most part he was. Jin had always been the kind and caring, older-than-you-by-five-minutes brother but he didn't notice what went on with the family and if he did he chose to ignore it all.
"Yeah, I work at the pet store on the weekends, then I have the pharmacy on the weekdays and at nights I do some bar work," Jin stared at you confused, he worked more than enough for none of you to work not to mention he'd give his parents access to an account for you to use for funding to move out.
"Jin! You need to shower, the restaurant is quite fancy," Your father told him as he patted your brother on the back, patting your shoulder at the same time only he began to rub harsh circles into your muscle. 
"Why isn't Y/n coming?" Jin asked not noticing the grip your father was giving to you getting tighter the longer you sat there. 
"She's going to work all weekend, she needs her energy. Isn't that right?" Your father stared at you and you knew it was a ploy for you to go along with it so you nodded, 
"Busy, busy bee." You laughed forceable but Jin looked more confused, wanting to ask why you were working three jobs while his parents barely worked one and why you were even still living at home but he was pushed out of the kitchen. 
"We have to catch up later!" He yelled as your father pushed him up the stairs, your mother glaring at you as if daring you to say anything more to him on the job subject. The fact was, you weren't working that weekend. You'd managed to take some time off to get to spend it with your brother, convincing all three of your bosses that you needed the time for family.
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Later that night when you thought Jin would be asleep you began taking your sleeping bag and light out to the garage, he'd come back a few hours ago with an intoxicated mother and father who headed straight to bed. Jin and you had decided to have a catch up on the sofa but you managed to avoid all conversations surrounding jobs, focussing most of the conversations around him and his tour of the world. You were always so proud of your brother for doing something he'd dreamt of doing since you were kids, relieving his childhood fantasies of exploring the world whilst getting paid to do so. 
"Where are you going?" You froze in place as you saw the light in the landing turn on and Jin staring at you, he was standing in some RJ pyjamas while watching you, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"To get something from the garage, go back to bed." You were hoping he was too tired to question it but he stepped down the stairs and walked closer to you. Touching the sleeping bag that was in your hands, 
"With a sleeping bag and a torch? What are you doing?" He chuckled as he thought you might have been sneaking out to go camping for a while but you couldn't think of a single thing to tell him. Not a single rational thing that was. 
"Mum asked me to stay in there, she doesn't want the sofa to get messy or ruined." Jin seemed to wake up more at the mention of your mother and he frowned. 
"Speaking of mum, why are you still living at home? Working three jobs?" He laughed thinking it was your choice to do this but you saw it as him laughing at you, joining in with his parents. 
"Not all of us can be blessed with talents that got us out of the shitty home we live in. I'm working like a dog day and night to get out of this hell-hole." You scoffed at him finally losing your cool with your brother after all these years. It had nothing to do with him but it still hurt to know he was laughing at you. 
"Why? You don't have to work three jobs? I sent you enough money in that account to get you an apartment for a year-paid in advance, with food and everything you would need," You stared at him, mouth hanging open as he told you that you had your own bank account that you'd never even heard about before. 
"What?" Your heart dropped as you realised what your family had been keeping from you, what your mother and father had no doubt spent already while you worked more hours than legally required. 
"I sent mum and dad the details last year, they didn't give it to you?" You dropped the sleeping bag and torch onto the floor, storming up to the bedroom with tears in your eyes. You had no idea if you were going to speak to them or if you were going to confront them, your body was moving faster than your brain could register anything.  
"Y/n! Wait! They're sleeping! You can't just-" You span around and JIn stopped talking, tears were running down your face with anger as you confronted him, 
"I can't just what? Barge in and demand what they've done with my money? I can't just ask them why I'm paying the rent for this entire fucking house while they sit around and do nothing all day?!" You were yelling now, past the point in caring if your parents woke up or if the neighbours heard you but Jin was shushing you, begging you to be quiet. 
"I work like a dog! Day and fucking night and for what?!" You stared at Jin as the door behind you opened, your mother wrapped her body in a dressing gown. 
"What is going on?" She snapped, staring at you waiting for the answer so you turned back to face her. 
"Where's the money that Jin sent for me?" She stared at you confused, shaking her head as she was trying to think of an answer for you, seemingly coming up with nothing as she stumbled over her words. 
"We were saving it for when you were mature enough to handle it," You scoffed at your father's words as he spoke from the bed, not bothering to move out of it to sort the situation out. 
"Mature enough to handle it? In other words, you spent it all and didn't bother to let me see it?" Jin watched in horror as you spoke back to your parents with the attitude you were using, 
"Tell him, tell Jin that I had no idea the account even existed," Your mother turned to look at Jin but he held his hand up, 
"If this is the way you act with them I have no problem seeing why they kept it from you," You stared at him, your mouth hanging open again as he took their side throughout this. 
"Do you hear yourself? Accusing them of spending the money?" He questioned as he looked at your mother, faking tears as your father rushed to her aide,
"Unbelievable. They don't work but I'm expected to work three jobs a week...I'm fucking done, find someone else to use as your scapegoat." You stormed down to your bedroom, pushing the door open as you grabbed random bits of your clothing, food and water you had stored inside of the room. 
"What are you doing?" Jin asked in a panicked voice as he came onto the drive to see you packing up his old car, it was the one he'd learnt to drive in when he was 18 and had been sitting in the garage rusting and breaking for years but it was the only escape you had. 
"Leaving. I want to see if they'll still be able to live in the fancy house without my money," You forced out a fake laugh as you stared up at your b brother, 
"Or is it your turn to bail them out? Have fun," You slammed the boot of the car down and climbed inside, ignoring Jin's pleas for you to wait until the pouring rain stopped but you didn't want to wait. You didn't want to give them a chance to weasel their way out of this squeeze they'd gotten into.
"I am done Jin!" You yelled, tears rolling down your cheeks without them meaning to, he watched you as he saw the pain in your face. All the years of mental abuse you'd taken from your parents finally hitting you in one night, 
"I'm done being the child that went wrong, I am done with them using me for my money. Do you have any idea what it's like to live with them?"
"Of course, I do. I lived here too-"
"No, Jin. You didn't have to put up with constantly being compared to your twin brother, the one that was famous, the one that could do no wrong. The one that everyone adored! But, me? I work three jobs, I study, I do everything around the house including pay the rent and I don't even get a thank you," As you explained it Jin shook his head, not believing for a second that his parents would be the ones doing this to you there had to be some kind of explanation for it all but if he wasn't going to believe you then there was nothing more to be said.
"You're just jealous," You stared at him in silence as the thunder around you clapped loudly, you started the engine and drove off without another word. 
"Y/N! Y/N! The car won't make it!" He screamed running inside to get his own car keys and follow after you, not trusting the car in the slightest. 
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Jin panicked when he couldn't see you around in the roads, he'd only left five minutes after you but there was no sight of you anywhere or the bright green car you'd driven away in. 
"Come on," He groaned looking around the roads, it was calm to say it was pouring it down with rain and as he went to turn on one of the crossroads he saw it. The green car you were driving struggling to move as a grey van came rushing towards you, the once quiet roads were now buzzing with yelling, car horns and screeching sounds, as the van driver who hadn't been paying attention suddenly try to swerve to miss you failing miserably. All of a sudden it was as if time picked up, the car rolled over into a ditch and a large banging could be heard, Jin raced over to you. Ignoring people as they told him not to get too close, the acrid smell burnt his nose as he got closer to the car, you were crying out as you waited for someone to come and get to you. The driver-side door was crushed against the floor of the ditch and Jin could tell from one look you'd broken more than one bone on the impact, 
"I'm coming." He mumbled, sliding into the ditch to see you, your eyes were heavy and you choked out a cough, blood falling down your chin as you struggled to stay awake. 
"Hey, I'm right here. I'll get you out," He told you as he yelled out for someone to call an ambulance, you stared at him through your half-lidded eyes, struggling to breathe from the airbag that had burst and the seatbelt that felt as though it was crushing you. 
"Look at me Y/n, look at me." He begged as your eyes began to close you stared back at him, shaking your head as you mumbled something he could barely hear. 
"We're going to get you out, everything will be fine." He whispered as he heard you mumbling something about dying, he took your hand in his as he reached through the smashed passenger window trying to comfort you in any way that he could. Ignoring the instincts inside of him that told him to run from the car, it was leaking all kind of liquids and he knew it could explode at any point but he wasn't going to leave you there.
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After pulling you out of the wreck, Jin carried you up and away from the car not wanting to be close to it when it exploded and you coughed out more blood onto the floor beside you. 
"What happened?" A paramedic asked as they laid you on the ground, wrapping you in a neck brace as they began to try and take vital signs from you, your hand was gripping onto Jin's as you stared up at him shaking your head. Your body was growing weaker and weaker by the second and it was harder to breathe now than ever, 
"Don't bring me back," You said breathlessly as you stared up at him, the paramedics stared at you waiting for you to repeat it, 
"Don't...Bring me back," You begged with your old brother who looked at you, tears rolling down his face as he began to realise how bad things must have been at home for you to beg for this to happen. The sounds around you began to fade as you laid there, the paramedics still working on your body no matter what you had said to them but you knew your time was coming, you smiled at the thought of getting away from it all and laid there accepting your fate. 
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"This was all her fault, if she hadn't decided to run off in a hissy fit none of this would have happened," Your father grumbled as they spoke to a police officer that had come to the door to inform them of everything, they had no idea Jin was standing just off the side of the porch listening in to everything.
"She'd been drinking, we went out to a meal." Your mother lied as she spoke to the policemen, no tears in their eyes as they listened to what had happened to you that night. 
"Our son, Jin, he went to look for her is he..." Your father trailed off wanting confirmation that Jin was okay but the officer shook his head, 
"I was just told to inform you about your daughter, we'll inform you if anything else comes up." The officer left but the front door was left open as your parents spoke with one another, your mother crying out as she gripped onto your father's shirt. 
"If he's gone too we will lose everything, Jin is our last option for the house." Your mother whimpered as Jin stood there in horror, at a time like this all they could think about was the house? 
He waited for them to shut the door before heading to the hospital to see you laying there, hooked up to different machines and covered in casts. You'd broken your arm and leg as well as your right rib, losing a lot of blood but the doctors told Jin you were going to be fine. He sat down in the chair beside your bed and held your hand that wasn't in a cast, 
"I promise to get you out of here." He whispered, kissing the top of your hand as he got up once again to find someone to speak about moving your room and finding another person to guard your room wanting to protect you from anything he could. 
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Jin walked into a hotel bar after the funereal with tear stains down his face as he looked around, wiping his eyes he walked over to some of the bar stools and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, the funeral was over. The old you had died and this was your chance for a fresh start in life. Your parents thought you were gone and that was the least you could do for them, if you had just run away things would have been worse. They never would have stopped trying to bring you back and Jin knew that he created accounts for you to use for money, setting you up with a new home and identity far away from your parents and him.
"How was it?" He asked as he slid you a drink, you laughed sipping on the wine, 
"It's weird...Attending my own funeral, never thought I would do it," He laughed softly, kissing your cheek as he smiled at you. 
"I promised to keep you safe...I'll visit whenever I can just try not to get in the papers or...You know, go back home." You nodded in agreement with him, changing your identity had been the easy part of all of this, leaving behind your brother was going to be harder but he told you he had a plan. Slowly taking his parents off his money before no longer funding them, he wanted them to pay for everything they had done to you over the years and he was going to do whatever it could to make up for you being treated that way, even if it wasn't his fault.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​ 
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