#solarballs astrodude
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maddzgt · 2 months ago
How is my favourite astronaut doing?
Eyyy new episode was fire, I'm so happy Astrodude is back!! Here's a lil art for the newest episode I made to cheer his return, lmaoo
Also, since it's my first art post this year, happy New Year's y'all :)
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nightsunecilpse · 2 months ago
Luna angst
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yennswishes1 · 10 months ago
liked the new episode!! I CSNT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEKS EPISODE
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mavrogatphobia · 1 month ago
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shinewerst · 7 months ago
Has Astrodude suddenly returned to Earth? Idk. I could draw any other earthling. Even myself.
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cryinganabell · 4 months ago
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Astrodude + saturnx
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sash2liva · 27 days ago
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Wish they interacted more
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draidachiart · 4 months ago
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Sometimes, Astrodude doubt about his existence with these humans
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doplanetstalk · 4 months ago
...Talking planets, huh? I wouldn't mind talking to one of them. You close to Earth right now? How're they doing? Is the Moon alive, too?
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ASTRODUDE: Everyone’s alive and well! Um, as alive as they’re ever going to be at least.
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ASTRODUDE: To tell you guys the truth, what you see is what you get for the most part? I never really see them doing much else outside of talking and playing cards…And asking me questions…but that’s besides the point.
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ASTRODUDE: Funny enough, Jupiter tends to be pretty knowledgeable when it comes to information and facts. I guess that makes sense. In regards to how the planets formed he would be the one who has been around the longe-
[camera abruptly turns]
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VENUS: HEY! Who are you talking to, Astrodude? Your crazy little ramblings to that thing are throwing me off my game.
((Art drawn by Kat!))
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monkinz · 4 months ago
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I'm going 2 make more
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6wnk0s4 · 5 months ago
Hum!SAR and Robot! Astrodude
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I have this concept abandoned but it is something like
Astrodude is a robot sended to Mars, but after an accident, he is replaced by Sar(who is human now wow). Sar’s mission is like either to destroy all robots in space to prove that humans are superior for space exploration or to control every robot in space to dominate the solar system. Meanwhile, Astrodude is more a friendly robot, tries to stop Sar but can't do much . due to his programming, Astrodude is limited in his actions and is unable to leave Mars freely to confront Sar
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Misc art ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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h-------heh-ggg · 5 months ago
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Basically the Big Bang - part 1
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nightsunecilpse · 24 days ago
Luna Might Be Foreshadowing The Future Of The Show.
I've already officially lost it or I'm onto something here. It's been observed before Luna reading a book titled 'The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress'. The book is apparently about a moon colony that goes against the people of Earth because they are being taken advantage of by them. We can collectively agree that the book Luna was reading was intentional foreshadowing by the creators. It parallels the Moon Revolution in its main themes from the piece of literature. So it's not improbable to think that other references could be intentional hints.
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The parody Venus thumbnail can be studied just like its original painting counterpart. The original painting of "The Birth Of Venus" has the god of the West wind, Zephyrus, embracing the former nymph Chloris, on the left side of the painting. Zephyrus is shown to be blowing the goddess Venus to shore while she is on a sea shell, with Chloris blowing softly along with him. But in this version, Earth, representing Zephyrus, is the only one blowing Venus. Luna would represent Chloris in this. He is almost overhead of Earth and his expression is neutral. There should be someone on the right ready to embrace Venus on shore, but there is no character in place for them. While Venus looks visibly pissed to be there.
The Myth of Zephyrus and Chloris, in short, is about a god abducting a nymph. Later, Zephyrus marries the nymph Chloris and, as a gift, makes her the goddess of blossom. Both gods are associated with the welcoming of spring, the season of New beginnings. As for Venus' story, after the castration of Caelus and his member falls to the sea, foam begins to form. From the Foam Venus rose from the sea and was blown onto shore.
Earth is so far the only planet that can sustain life, and Luna is there as his assistant in the process. So, in parallel to the myth, maybe it's a connection to The Earth-Moon system. Zephyrus was a god, and Chloris was a nymph, a lesser deity that still had influence on the social class of a god. Just as Earth is a planet and Luna is a moon, he still has a great impact on the solar system. Maybe in their beginnings, they established the new age of the solar system when Earth began to show signs of life. So, Earth blowing Venus to shore might connect to Venus' past dream to sustain life. The reason Earth got its start on life was that Luna was there, and Venus was moonless. So how Luna blankly stared at Venus, and nothing else might signify no point in trying to help. Nobody was there to embrace him. The angry expression is Venus not being able to see himself as the goddess he was named after.
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Part two of the "Surviving The Dark Side of the Moon" arc has the thumbnail with a reference to the cover of the Pink Floyd album, The Dark Side Of The Moon. Yes, Astrodude and Cosmo are being shot out in a rainbow as the arc is primarily about them. Even so, it's understandable to think it's a simple reference to a popular album, but maybe it references more.
The year The Dark Side Of The Moon was released was 1973, during the space race between the Soviets and the US. The album is about life and how it can make someone crazy, inspired by the aftermath of WW2 and one of Pink Floyd's band members (Syd Barrett) crashing out and developing schizophrenia.
Cosmo is the last cosmonaut and has been living on the DSotM for 30 years because he has nothing else to go back to. After finding SBO, he found a glimpse of hope to bring his life back, even if it's impossible. The end of the arc has Astrodude chasing after Cosmo to get back the first found outer terrestrial life form. Re-establishing the space race as Cosmo had confirmed them to be enemies. There's also an issue with Earth. He is quickly becoming unstable and he's hearing voices. He even asks the question that has been driving me crazy. "Why do I want life?" He described life as being painful but it's what he worked so hard for. Yet, he can't explain why he wants it.
I think It's also worth noting after the "Surviving The Dark Side of the Moon" arc, Solarballs released the "what if the moon is going to crash into the Earth?" complication before moving into the next one. I've been speculating for a while that Luna and Earth's friendship was going to crash sooner or later. It could be that Luna will be fed up with Earth and leave him in his insanity or Luna will reveal the Dark Side of the Moon to him. As the last song in the album, eclipse says, "There is no dark side of the moon really a matter of fact, it's all dark." The meaning of the song is that in the end, life is pointless, and the rhythm found is nothing more than finding comfort in the chaos. We've wasted efforts following a system that stunts any freedom to truly enjoy life.
Possibly, Luna might show Earth his wants and concerns revealing all sides of himself. Maybe he will give Earth the choice to enjoy the time and life they already have together or pursue under the solar system hierarchy and pressure to live up to an impossible standard to appeal to everyone. This would also fit Astrodude's story, as he left his family for his pursuit to explore space. Struggling to find a balance between doing the right thing and following and keeping his dream job. Both Astrodude and Earth are similar as they do everything to follow their dreams while their biggest supporters are trying to manage the boxes left unchecked.
A Reddit post that analyzes the album.
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Now onto Solarcards and their impact on the story. At first, I wasn't sure if they could even be considered canon at all. Advertisements aren't really important overall but then it was confirmed they're cannon compliance. Confirming it's as canon to the story as the book of spells from SVTFOE when they were used to reveal Theia. The rules of the game are interesting. There are two ways to play: trivia or battle mode. Focusing on battle mode, to win a player must summon a star. To get the star players must sacrifice weaker cards to gain more powerful ones. The Sun claims to like calling the action of replacing cards for next-tier cards a sacrifice because Earthlings used to make sacrifices to the Sun god. There are also the anomaly cards, which is funny because anomaly in astronomy is used to describe irregularities in celestial objects. The solar system is an anomaly in itself. Most observed solar systems are double-star systems and don't have planets that move as slowly as the planets in our solar system. Some of the cards even might give major hints about the identity of Mr. ROTSAR and "Houston."
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In the Battle of Planet X part 3, the second trial the Sun makes the moons and X play is Solarcards trivia. What I find interesting is the first question the moons got right was the Inca, answered by Luna. The Inti was the Sun god for the Inca people and was viewed as the most important god. The Incas knew the Sun's warmth and light were important to agriculture, and they would make offerings and sacrifices to him. The show made reference to him before when the Sun was naming all his titles. So knowing in Solarcard battle mode, the action of replacing lower-ranked cards in exchange for higher ones is called a sacrifice isn't a coincidence. It's a reference to the Inti. The fact Luna was the one to answer that correctly is possibly foreshadowing his origin. Furthering, this could be the case; the last card that the Sun pulled out is Theia's. Setting up Earth into a spiral upon hearing her name.
In JRTTSS part 1, Earth hears the voices of two planets. Strangely enough, none of the voices are his own. They whisper Theia's name at first and they gradually get the loader. Till both of the voices are screaming " life. I want life." In unison. So there's a possibility that Theia and Earth sacrificed themselves to have better chances at life. They wanted to bring life to the solar system to appeal to the Sun. Who could've influenced them is probably Jupiter and Venus. Based on the science of the real-life hypothesis.
Jupiter and the Sun would never want to have two planets Collide to increase the chances of having life. They would've never approved of a sacrifice after losing so many planets already. They might've isolated Earth and Luna just for being the result of the incident. They probably thought it was dumb and reckless what they did. But it probably shocked everyone to find out that Earth did eventually obtain life. Truly redefining the solar system and really messing up the Sun.
A reminder that the Sun is on the borderline of overprotective and violent; emotionally and physically. His actions and logic contradict themselves, and he's an insane egotist. We know that he wasn't always like this and it could be speculated he was on the brink of snapping after the grand tack. So in between then and now is where it all went south. He likes the idea of sacrifices made to him and chuckles about how one day he'll consume his planets when he turns into a red giant. Yet we see him saddened when Earth tries to fling himself at him and can't do anything about it. It wouldn't surprise me if the Sun was the one that made the solar system hierarchy to make it harder for Earth and Luna to gain support from the others.
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If Solarcards is being used to predict the show then it has been pointed out that Luna pulls out a Titan and a ringless Saturn card in that order. If anyone is wondering why that's suspicious, there is a hypothesis that Titan is reasonable for Saturn's rings when its gravity affected a moon. Sending it into Saturn's Roche limit and shredding the moon into dust. But it could be likely Titan doesn't remember this because it is estimated Titan is about 1 billion years old. If not, then it's a suppressed memory. It's also likely that the JRTTSS arc will branch off into three different arcs. Jupiter returning, Earth is going insane, and Uranus is becoming Caelus. No doubt a Caelus arc is going to include Saturn. Uranus is pretty proud of his rings but unlike Saturn, he knows how he got them. So there's a good possibility that his story will mention how they both got rings.
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For billions of years, the moons have been living under the planets, and the planets live under the Sun. To the Sun this system made it easier to manage his solar system. It made it easier to ignore Luna, the closest moon to him and one of the celestial bodies that are associated with the Death of Theia. But because nobody in the solar system knows how to communicate how things should work, things just escalated. So the so-called balanced solar system was deteriorating over the course of billions of years. Like a house of cards, it took one gust of wind for everything to fall down. One question from Neptune and an answer from one Astrodude caused a domino effect that might make or break the solar system.
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The planets and moons are supposed to be friends, according to the Sun, but he is the main contributor to their broken family. Jupiter tried to make up for his negligence, but it was also his fault in a way that the Sun even got this way. So in the future, they could talk/fight about their efforts to hold up the solar system. They could even reflect on their mistakes or place the blame on someone else. Maybe the Sun will blame Earth and Luna. Will see.
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thalliumstraww · 6 months ago
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bezumnie-nekuda · 27 days ago
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sstarrfishh · 6 months ago
Solarballs photo dump pt 2
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