#my bg3 character
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zeepz-art · 2 months ago
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My bg3 character, the green Dragonborn Druid (whose name was TOTALLY not inspired by the city of Zaun from Arcane....)
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imagineitdearies · 1 year ago
Ask and ye shall receive!! Here's Tyrus Aman'del, the necromancy wizard drow Dark Urge that I'm playing on my second bg3 runthrough--and more importantly, the inspiration behind Tyrus in Perfect Slaughter! (Astarion x male OC, basically putting a Tav into Astarion's backstory)
Post Astarion's haircut, his vibes here I think match young/innocent Tyrus for the first 10 or so chapters of my fic:
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But here's more, because I can't not spam-post pictures of my son (and his boyfriend) the moment someone asks 😂
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travatul · 6 months ago
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scripturient-artificer · 6 months ago
Leaving The Cave
Originally Written for @bg3zine
Lae’zel watched Kith'rak Voss leave upon Qudenos. She was not thinking of the tadpole or the Mind Flayers. She was thinking of her hunger to be in the sky, how the wind would feel on her face. Her blood smeared skin would match perfectly with its scales that shone a deep crimson. With each flap of the dragon’s enormous wingspan, Voss ascended. It seemed to propel an unparalleled sense of autonomy. 
“Autonomy?”  The word rolled around in her brain, it was quite the word to pick at this moment. Born and raised to comply and carry out the will of Vlaakith, the mere thought of life with only her at the helm sent shivers down her spine. Before she could decide if it was a good or bad feeling, she noticed the looming shadow of her closest companion.
They were dragonborn, and at first meeting she was immediately enamored. Their scales were not the usual red she was accustomed to but a shocking teal that faded into a shimmering deep pink. If that was not enough, they proved themselves a worthy soldier.
There was a bit of embarrassment hidden deep within herself from her failed attempt to court the dragonborn. She expressed it simply by allowing them to be far more vocal than any of her other companions, and giving them literal space. Wyll’s monster hunting tales helped make the transition easier. 
Maybe that was where she’d gripped this growing idea of autonomy, the brief intimacy she felt she’d held with the dragonborn may have not left her empty handed. 
“He was lying.” Their eyes did not disguise their concern and a dash of fear. “He is not going to see your queen.”
“I’m glad it wasn’t just me that noticed that weird change in the conversation.” Wyll sideled over, eager to discuss. “It’s one thing to lie to us, but another thing to lie to fellow githyanki.” 
While she was quick to brush off most opinions, she was not so naive as to reject Wyll’s assertion. He was very accustomed to those more powerful than him being deceptive. 
“What are you thinking, Lae’zel?” She looked solemnly up to this dragonborn she admired, how could she tell them that she was feeling fear? She was no coward, her whole life has prepared her to be putting her life on the line. As long as it meant the destruction of ghaik. 
“It is to be expected, if I too am dishonest.” She gestured to their drow paladin, who was carrying the curious artefact that somehow was aiding them. Githyanki in origin, yet she could not fathom handing it over. Not that she could pry it from the paladin's firm grip.
“That’s not the same . . . he’s got more of a responsibility, doesn’t he?” Wyll shifted his weight, attempting to give something intangible to her.
“You assert far too much authority on me, I would be so blessed to be in his presence.”
Authority, was that what she’d meant to think earlier? It did not carry the same warmth that autonomy had.
“Lae’zel, you haven’t given me any reason to think otherwise.” The dragonborn knew how to compliment her in a way she craved, but not enough to make her overstep yet again.
“Istik.” she chided. “You’d do better to respect the hierarchy of my people. The people that will save you and all others’ from the excruciating transformation of ghaik.” 
For the first time in a while, she felt her words go soft without the level of sternness the others had come to attribute to her. 
“We are wasting time! The crèche is close. We can be free of these parasites, finally.” Maybe if she said the words out loud, they would become reality. This was the protocol but she had never met anyone who had experienced removal. Most were slain as a mercy on the field, or shortly after succumbing to the transformation.
“I agree. I think we should take a short rest, then make our way through.” The paladin would surprise her often with support and logic. 
She followed the others with the posture of one who would maybe be so lucky to earn a silver sword to carry. 
While she knew that rest was ideal for the perfect soldier, she would not be afraid to admit that her time amongst Faerun was isolating. She loathed these moments, they’d simply bonded better with each other over her. The closest bond she’d felt otherwise was on ice, left to cool down lest she cause them to flee out of discomfort. 
A longing lingered in her stomach, an emotion with no purpose, yet it persisted. She watched the paladin astride Karlach and Shadowheart, the three nearly inseparable. The dragonborn shifted between a polite conversation with the bard and Astarion. Although she could tell from their tail’s movement, it was not as polite as they desired. 
“Lae’zel, take a moment. It was quite a hike up here.” Wyll had snuck up behind. 
“Do you think me that weak? A trek of that length would exhaust me?” She was irritated by how he maintained his smile, still gesturing to the space beside him. “If you insist.” She joined him, reluctantly. 
“The others are caught up in each other. I cannot blame them considering the circumstances, it's hard to be alone with our little worms.” He pointed to his head, earning himself an eye roll from her. “But I’m not so selfish to forget we’re all carrying our own weight.”
“I don’t need anyone to carry me.”
“Not like that! I meant like, symbolically in relation to our duties, beliefs, even fears.” 
“I do not carry something so unnecessary as a fear.” She lied to herself.
“I’m carrying my own weight, including fears. I don’t think that impacts my skills.”
“I’ll take note of that the next time you fall in battle.” He chuckled despite her seriousness.
“When I was younger, my father meant the world. He was everything I aspired to be, until one day he wasn’t. My failure to meet his expectations . . . it destroyed everything between us. Even if I thought what I was doing was right.”
“If it was right and what your people needed, why would it do such a thing?”
“Because the way that I thought I could be of use, be the best version of myself. It came at a cost, and he did not see the value. Maybe one day he might.”
“You truly believe you know better than him? Blade of Frontiers?”
“Is that a bit of humor I detect?” He teases. “When you see this face of scars and my horns. But inside I’m still following what I consider to be true. If giving some of myself would help me save Baldur’s Gate and the people I care for, I would always pick them. Even if they could not see the value of it. Even if no one cheered for me. Even if my father hated me.”
She felt a churning in her stomach as she processed.
“Do you think Voss is lying . . . for us . . . for his people?”
“Are you not lying to protect us?” She sucked her teeth thinking of the artefact. “He may be lying for your people. I do not think you should let down your guard but maybe there’s more yet to learn.”
“But, to assert he would know better than Vlaakith herself?”
“Even if they hated you, would you not do what you thought was the best for them?”
“Protection of my people and Vlaakith are what I was born for. It will be what I die for. But thinking I could know better than her would be almost certain death.”
“Those in power tend to overlook cracks from above. They miss things we can see, things we know would be better for our people. I made that choice to get the power to do that. Against their will, but it was a choice I stand by. My choice.  ” 
“A choice. Your choice. I could dare think I know better?”
“You could.” 
Lae’zel watched quietly as Wyll smugly grinned. He has had this conversation before, although this might be the first time someone actually listened.
“Is it lonely?”
“To make a choice others might not understand, as you said.” She sees the realization spread across his face. She was questioning the sadness he hid behind the Blade of Frontiers.  
“I suppose it has been . . . but clearly it won’t always be.” He gestured to their makeshift band of tadpole’d survivors. “Maybe it just looks different than what we expected.” He sighed longingly – she suspected he was thinking of his life before Mizora. His future drastically had been altered as much as he was physically, and yet he still became a defender of Baldur’s Gate and more.   
Maybe, much like Wyll, her desires would have to be achieved differently. Something far less simple than following the standard githyanki training manual. She looked back towards the warlock feeling his jolly presence seeping. 
“Perhaps, without the horns.” She blurted out loud.
“Excuse me?” He didn’t wait for an explanation and broke out in a hysterical laughter. It didn’t take long to gather the others' attention, inquiring to see what had caused it. She watched their gazes warmly observe her and Wyll, feeling anything but alone.   
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shinyredgloss · 11 months ago
All is Ash and Meat
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💚😻@mouldering-casket gave my Durge, Ash, a chance to cuddle her familiar, Meat! THANK YOU! I love seeing these two together like this! (what good is being a ranger if you can't cuddle your baby?) I especially love the artistic choice to make Meat stretch her little legs! Thank you for adding this detail! 😻💚
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kaeoticneutral · 23 days ago
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Guess who's back, back again
Kalliope and Bellona are back in business! (art by @hettikovacs)
Yes, @shinyredgloss and I are back to our honour mode run! These cuties are gonna save Baldur's Gate or die trying. Screenshots under the cut:
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Kalli: I know you know something about this boar, Astarion
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Midnight snack gone wrong
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Don't piss off the paladin
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Urge so dark the whole party comes along for the ride
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Kalli accidentally got Astarion killed by the paladins of Tyr so she offered him her blood to make up for it, teehee
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Astarion we know you haven't had a bath since the nautiloid, but now is not the best time
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edenza · 3 months ago
How my BG3 saves are going (spoilers abound):
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Anne (Lathander cleric) and Gale got married and moved to Waterdeep
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She then served as the Dream Visitor for my Astarion origin run (many more ahead...)
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Ehloria (Oath of the Ancients paladin of Ilmater) finished her save as an Oathbreaker, romanced with Halsin, although she and Gale had a lot of chemistry at the party. She's decided to go to Waterdeep and see if she made a mistake in rejecting Gale.
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Ehloria's battle look
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Faedror (swords bard) also finished his run, romanced to Shadowheart. They're off living in a cottage with her parents and a bunch of animals and they intend to have a bunch of beautiful raven-haired goth babies. Also, Halsin swings by...
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Rory's final battle look
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Hawthorne (sharpshooter urban ranger and former vampire hunter) hasn't finished yet because I'm dragging it out. This might be my favorite character I've ever played. We have had this scene and, tbh, I keep replaying it, which might be why I'm not progressing.
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Of course we have an alt save...
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Rose (tempest cleric of Mystra) is at the end of Act 2, about to enter Act 3. She offered to be Astarion's friend, which works so beautifully for both of their characters, which finally opened the door for this cleric of Mystra to be Gale's. I also finally found a hair I like for her!
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Rose in battle
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Calliope (Durge Fighter) had accidentally killed Isobel, not realizing she was just inside a sweeping attack. I replayed and have run both saves and decided to continue the "Isobel Lost" path. So she has the Slayer form available and continues to struggle against her Dark Urge. We nearly lost the Astarion romance trying to help Yurgir, but he's on his own; Pookie comes first! Calliope is freshly in Act 3 and has met Orin.
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Calliope's Act 3 look
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Eve (Circle of the Moon druid) is newly in Act 2 and is, I hope, romanced with Lae'zel. It's hard to tell in early stages of the game, but she always has the "I'm ending our fling" dialogue option, which she's never gonna pick
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Druids and owlbears...
Now some single pics:
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Astarion origin run isn't too far along but I do have a plan... (made this save on completing Anne)
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This is Mhorwyn. I did not follow Drow naming conventions because I didn't want to spend hours on it. He's a wild magic sorcerer; no romance yet. I highly recommend playing a Drow. (made this save on completing Ehloria)
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Garrick is an elf warlock who's really salty with everyone, especially Shart. He'll get shorter hair as we go, so I gave him long hair to start (made this save on completing Faedror)
The following are my MP characters:
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Ysabel, (half?) elf twilight cleric of Selune, who looks good in a hat
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Kazmyr, my TTRPG character that I made quickly for a shared game with my daughter. He's a half elf lore bard (will be a bardlock)
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I believe her name is Poppy or maybe Ginger, but we only played once and it's my daughter's save file. IIRC she is a barbarian because I've always wanted to play a halfling barbarian. Isn't she gorgeous?
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This is my daughter's half orc bard from the same save; he is glorious
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Have a bonus pic of Faedror in his civvies
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bakarspace · 1 year ago
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I thought I would show you all my Tav's
I love them like my own kids (if I had any) 🥹 Who do you like the most?
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 1 year ago
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my winter eladrin elf warlock tav and their seldarin drow guardian *smushes their faces together to kiss like two barbie dolls*
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edeacross · 1 year ago
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My BG3 Durge - Tali. Working on a little comic I wish I could share soon!
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seahagart · 1 year ago
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Drífa went from no friends to more than 1, so she is pretty happy
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quibbs · 2 months ago
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FINALLY got to know minthara... no notes. life of the party
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saveskum · 1 year ago
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The lovely shapes and colors of our companion's eyes.
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lazylittledragon · 1 month ago
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new tav to add to the family :3
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araneapeixes · 10 months ago
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i made a chart to explain my views and beliefs
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feyflorist · 2 years ago
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average Astarion interaction
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