#oc: kalliope
kaeoticneutral · 2 months
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@shinyredgloss and I play another multiplayer game, except this time it's honour mode and tieflings 🥰 meet Kalliope and Bellona! Your honor, I love them
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kodiak-crow · 9 months
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Making a bunch of different outfits for Kalliope based off the outer planes we'll likely be visiting! here's Arcadia's outfit :3
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ivilrat · 1 year
me, trying to make the gavin parents in the sims: hey google what does a 60 year old look like
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saint-nevermore · 3 months
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a bit late with this but come get an ass kickin'
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baku-usagi · 8 months
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Me and my sister, @a-mir-mortal found this nifty app called draw pile that let's you draw together on the same canvas at the same time. I'm really good at quick sketches and she's a lot better at line work and color so together we made our characters for the @shepherds-of-haven series!
This is Kalliope wildegarde, (half) sister of Katerina wildegarde (art coming soon!)
Kalliope comes from hunter heritage, she's dulcetis and has a journeyman education!
She's 5'1 and fights with a dagger.
She's romancing blade, because she likes that he finds her corny jokes funny, and how reliable and steadfast he is. (and I like small fiesty rogue and big ol sword man combo)
I'm so excited to post more fanart of the actual characters like blade, and to get to be a bigger part of this Fandom and the wonderful world created in shepherds of haven!!
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loreleywrites · 7 months
Loreley's TTRPG Characters: Kalliope Vex
I had y'all vote in a poll to see which of my TTRPG characters y'all would like to hear about first, and it was a clear win for the most problematic one. Good job, Tumblr! (Genuinely, good job; I love playing Kalliope.)
Kalliope Vex is my character in Armour Astir: Advent by Briar Sovereign, a PBTA game featuring magitech mechs called astirs, big-scope faction turns that change the course of your revolution, and narrative-first rules that embrace all the Cool Robots and War Is Bads a fantasy-bent Gundam-vibed game can offer. You can find it here.
Let's start with my favorite picrew I've made of Kalliope:
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Kalliope (xe/xer) is 37yo, 6' tall, and weighs just under 200lbs. Xe's got lean muscle, a goth bob, dykey combat boots, and xer left eye has a glowing green iris and black sclera to reflect the power of xer patron. I'm playing the Witch playbook, which means in order to pilot xer astir, Kalliope struck a deal with a mysterious entity known as The Deep to access the powerful magic needed to construct and control such a large machine.
Xe's of the opinion that xe shackled this being in order to use its power, but The Deep has its own plans and helps and hinders Kalliope according to its own whims. Classic D&D warlock vibes.
Kalliope's whole deal at the beginning of our campaign is that xe wants to destroy the fascist empire, the Spellbound Republic, by any means necessary. Xe spent about a decade operating as a rogue astir pilot ambushing Republic squads whenever xe could hunt them down. Now, xe's part of the crew of The Adamant, a carrier operating with Fate's Inflection, the largest anti-fascist resistance force.
Xer astir is named Clatterhulk, and it's largely constructed from leviathan bones and obsidian. The cockpit is accessed by ribs opening up and granting entry. It boasts massive obsidian claws, a mounted cannon of focused bioluminescent light on top of its skull, and carries a sniper rifle that shoots bullets imbued with the crushing pressure of deep ocean trenches. Most notably, the upper arms, upper legs, sternum, and spine of Clatterhulk are etched with a series of arcane glyphs.
Kalliope has the exact same glyphs carved into xer upper arms, upper legs, sternum, and spine. These are glyphs associated with The Deep, and they link Kalliope's magical power to the astir and allow xer to do simple things like control the astir and complicated things like sense the heartbeats of every person in Clatterhulk's range while xe's piloting it.
Born in the slums of Glass Harbor, a coastal city built inside the rim of a massive caldera that embraces Crater Bay, Kalliope endured a childhood under rule of Amaurosia, the Goddess of Fear. Ever defiant, xe didn't understand why even adults let fear rule their lives. Young Kalliope reveled in scaring other children, and as a teenager began to truly understand the power one could gain through fear. Xe watched the Spellbound Republic leverage Amaurosia's power to control the populace, so xe joined an insurgent group called the Shatter Fists. When Kalliope was about 18, the Republic managed to capture and publically execute most of the Shatter Fists, leaving xer functionally alone in the world. This is when xer quest for power brought xer in contact with The Deep, xe constructed Clatterhulk, and xe began a bloodthirsty campaign of vengeance and violence against the Republic.
To Kalliope, all that matters is power. Xe's surly, rude, and arrogant (all to a fault), shielding xerself from having to genuinely connect to another person ever again. Xe doesn't do romance; sadistic hookups are all xe thinks xe needs (Kalliope carries a ritual knife carved from whale bone on a thigh strap, and xe does not practice safe kink with it.) Kalliope doesn't just want to kill fascists, xe wants to hunt and humiliate them. Xe wants to sow fear in their ranks the same way they used fear to rule a city.
Besides breaking pathetic women, Kalliope does enjoy live music and frequents dive bars for the music as much as the women and alcohol (Xe is a heavy drinker.) Despite Kalliope's rough edges, xe is a brilliant engineer and a talented scrimshaw artist (Xer ritual knife depicts a whale locked in combat with a kraken.) Xe also loves lollipops. I don't know why. I think I just loved the idea of xer flirting with someone by taking a lollipop out of xer mouth and shoving it into the other person's. Or crunching it in one bite. Mean ladies can like candy too.
Since we've been playing (a few months now), nobody in the crew really likes Kalliope any more than they did at the beginning except Captain Archer Mulligan, the captain of the carrier. He understands that Kalliope has turned xerself into a weapon, and so long as he can aim xer, xe'll be an asset to the war effort.
Xe literally broke xer against the wall trying to punch a squadmate who was laying into xer after xe had to retreat from a sortie xe recklessly launched xerself into.
Kalliope is starting to understand that working with other people, trusting them, can be an asset for xer goals too. The more people xe can leverage in combat, the bigger fights xe can win.
Xe's also started thinking about what happens when there's no more blood to shed. It's not a thought that ever crept into xer mind before (I think xe has internalized that xe's going to die fighting in this war, despite how much xe blusters about killing every last fascist in the world.)
The big development happened only last session, as I have declared a rival for xer! There's this sniper working for the council of fascist demigods whose gun can literally take down astirs, Ririka. Ririka has escaped from multiple sorties, so during the last downtime, Kalliope hunted her down to a dive bar and confronted her with the intent to intimidate her before xe inevitably kills xer. This is the most genuine way Kalliope has ever flirted with anyone, but I don't think xe knows it yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how badly Kalliope and Ririka fuck up each other's lives. Maybe they kiss! Maybe they don't. Gotta play to find out what happens.
Well, I think that about covers what I was planning on sharing. I hope y'all enjoyed hearing about this mess of a character I'm currently playing. Happy to answer questions about xer if folks are curious.
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tempo-tales · 1 year
"Tales: Past, Present and Future in WonderWorld🎭⌛️🎞️"
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I recently remembered that this month marks two years since I made this AU with my Oc Tempo and it ended up being an extensive story and I created more Ocs, more humans because I still feel that I lack the talent to draw the Costumes and NegaBoss.
Also, as an honorable mention, I asked the BWW fandom to add their OCs as a cameo (very beautiful all of them!) and, sorry to those who didn't make it, I really wanted to add them but it wasn't possible.
And, I want to thank you for following my works! Let's see where your Oc appears! I recommend that you see the image in high resolution
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clockworkbanana · 6 months
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(2019) Rage. (My phoenix, Kalliope)
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moonchemistry · 1 year
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joined a dnd campaign (theoretically)
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
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after 5+ years of playing FGO, I finally started making the Mastersonas that plague my brain so here’s the first one~
Gelasia Kalliope
Also called “Gelly” by those close to her, Gelasia Kalliope was one of the original 48 Masters chosen by Chaldea with an affinity towards Earth and Water elements of Magecraft.
While she had been present during the attack on Chaldea, she didn't suffer major injuries and was back on her feet by the time the second singularity rolled around, though this could be more because of her demi-human status, as she seems to be connected to the Hound-like Faeries of Tír na nÓg.
Gelasia is known for being laid back and kind, preferring to talk down someone rather than resort to violence, but not at all passive in a fight. Her reasons for joining up with Chaldea are unknown, stating that she did so on a whim, but she doesn't seem to have joined with the expectations of having an easy time.
The Servant she was supposed to summon upon arriving in Singularity F was the Rider, Saint Georgios, which she successfully did after she was fully healed from her injuries. He, along with the Lancer Li Shuwen and Saber Altera made up her primary team for a majority of the singularities— post Altera and Li Shuwen’s introduction singularities respectively. During the Epic of Remnant, the addition of Hessian-Lobo was added to the team as well and seems to get along fine with them.
Gelaisa Kalliope seems to have a close relationship with her fellow Master Candidate, Adeline von Hel, which many found odd due to their contrasting personalities— though this is something she seems to find odd. She also is known to be a bit frightening to some, as she told Fujimaru that they "would be dealt with if" Mashu died because of them, so it seems as if she likes Mashu a decent amount in that case. She has the bite to back her words.
Kalliope had no real opinion on the Original Team A, though did state that it was a loss when asked about their deaths by the Mages Association.
As a “Fae-Hound” demi-human, Kalliope is able to pick up on both magecraft and magical traces more easily, along with the ability to turn into a large canine if the time calls for it. She states her heterochromia is due to this, though the green and blue eyes can be hard to see behind her sunglasses that she wears pretty much all the time.
Taglist and separate portraits below
Gelasia is also known and Georgios talk photography together a decent amount. Its how they bond and also over food.
Altera mostly caught Gelly’s attention by way of her sword, but they get along well since she took time to understand Altera as well.
Li Shwuen is the Enabled to Gelasia’s Enabler, he can say something like “im going to go fight god’ and she’ll be like “oh sweet get in a few punches for me” and that’s that. They like to just chat about random things too, though
All three of the humanoids definitely get their hair played with and braided though.
Lobo and Gelasia were mostly drawn to one another by way of their canine-origin, as Lobo is literally a wolf and recognized Gelasia as more “Dog” than “human”. Hessian and her exchange sign language phrases, as Gelasia knows a bit of German Sign but a lot of American Sign due to her sister
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Taglist (Lmk if you no longer want to be tagged since this isnt SW art anymore):
@jedifisto @spaceydragons @purgetrooperfox @spacerocksarethebestrocks @insanelytomato @maulpunk @certified-anakinfucker @d3epfriedanger @genifer-first-of-her-name​ @thecodyagenda​ @babygirl-leon-kennedy​ @txtalnyx​ @jawajawas​
Taglist Form or feel free to ask me to get tagged (just DM!)
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demonic-panini · 7 months
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Some oc doodles
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gobspeaks · 1 year
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oc textposts: gavins edition
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It's been a while since I drew something for The Hallowed! I missed all these creatures <3
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ivilrat · 1 year
why do i keep giving my ocs religious trauma. i literally don't have any religion related issues how does this keep happening
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saint-nevermore · 1 year
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my character for a campaign my friends @the-majestic-pterodactyl-senpai and @dragonfelling are running set in Ascendency, Kalliope! she is an Iris gunslinger fagdyke. any pronouns. aerobatically challenged.
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baku-usagi · 6 months
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Actually I do not know how to properly render, and at this point, I'm scared to find out how.
Coloring is hard
Line art is hard.
I'm a scribbles girl.
This took me like two days.
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