#my bb is not just a himbo
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oursoulsareodinsown · 5 months ago
Gifs by @whitedarkmoonflower
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"If I say there is no Christian God, does that make it so?" Sihtric getting philosophical. My superstitios baby 😅// The Last Kingdom S3E1
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yoibat-art · 9 months ago
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Concepts that I made to make an armor for my role-playing character from the campaign of Curse of Strahd!
Is a Eco Fighter, Dhampir and his name is Blade (The real one is Fyodor, Blade is a name he invented)
The full name is Fyodor Von Zarovich because yes, our rol table wants drama, me the creator of this bi*** the firts <3 (We gave Strahd one more wife, mother of my character and npc that I designed)
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justyourtypicalwriter · 15 days ago
Wondering if you have any headcanons for what jobs the kids pursued when they got older
So l actually haven't put much thought into this (I probably should) as I don't currently have a "post cannon" middle ground between the show and PC (pre-teen/teen/young adult) so I'll just give you their most used occupations in my "incredibly scuffed clashing with cannon" aus :)
Stan - Anything revolving around animals or child education. Veterinary, wildlife rescue/rehab, music teacher, world history teacher. I highkey pulled the world history one out of my ass. I just remembered all the epics and legends I learned in that course and I feel like Stan would be all over that
Kyle - Law, child psychology, music, art. Law for obvious reasons, yes follow in your fathers footsteps not because you want to be like him but because you want to be BETTER than him (sorry gang, I hate Gerald as much of some of yall hate Randy). Child Psychology is pretty widely accepted by everyone it sense for Kyle to want to help kids (add in watching his friends go through childhood trauma and not being able to do anything about it as a motivator and the story is chefs kiss) some of my Kyle's would KILL to have this job but I fuck them over a little to much and they can't (sorry bb, I love you I swear). Hear me out: slutty indie singer Kyle and his shitty band of childhood trauma repressors to challenge Crimson Dawn, PEAK rivals to lovers. I have no clue why but I’ve been chipping away at a starving artists au since May and bpd artist icon Kyle has lived rent free in my head ever since
Kenny - Paramedic, doctor, firefighter, scientist. I LIVE for Kenny getting high stakes jobs that match his high stakes life style so I feel he’d excel at jobs where he’d have to get creative on spot. I also adore the smart Kenny who still acts like a himbo thing. PC, he’s a smart little freak and I love that
Cartman - CEO or entrepreneur. I will always be a sucker for self made business man Cartman wether he’s an antagonist or protagonist. I think it adds so much to his character. Either he’s the antagonist and does some fucked up shit to the protagonist (typically Kyle or Butters let’s be so fr) and an issue for the plot is no one believes them since he’s held in such a good light by the community. OR the antagonist is a higher power and by helping the protagonist, his playing all his cards and risking loosing EVERYTHING
Butters - Baker. I’m sorry, he deserves all good things and the Vic Chaos plot doesn’t really do it for me. I want to give him a cute little bakery to just relax and decompress from that traumatic ass childhood
Craig - Astronomer, racing, detective, forensic pathologist. I feel like the first two are pretty self explanatory lmfaoo. And Kivea and acreekinthenight turned me on the other two. Craig having a high risk, stress heavy job really allows more character development and lore opportunities
Tweek - I’m guilty of criminally negligent my little meth addict and I think the only job I’ve given him is keyboardist for Crimson Dawn. Kinda wanna give him a gun and see what happens
Clyde & Tolkien - Film/screen play writing, club owners. Now these aren’t the only jobs I write for them. I’ve got plenty of separate ones but ever since I started the SDAU, I live for them working together in the film industry. And they’re literally THE club owners. Chaotic as fuck but the
Jimmy - Comedian. Let the king keep his crown bro. I could never cut the comedy aspect out
Wendy - Something in politics or child education. Wendy for president man, she’d have my vote. Also I could picture her and Kyle working at the same school. They’d gossip so much smh
Bebe - SALON OWNER BEBE MY LOVE!!! Let her be an independent business woman and still kind of a bimbo
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seabeck · 18 hours ago
well, to flip the script on that anon a bit, I followed you recently specifically for the chicken content. and I would dearly like to know if there exists an "about my chickens" primer!! I would love to learn more about them! are they house chickens? how many do you have? etc
please send ur birds my love 💕
I really should make an about section for them, it's hard because of how many I have and how many I've lost (never getting hatchery chickens again)
I have 55 right now including inside ones and my brother's roosters.
Current inside chickens are:
Baby Yellow: She was a "rescue" who was teeny and had an eye infection. I convinced an employee at TSC to let me get just her and now 3 additional chicks (they have chick minimums, the only others they had were barred rocks, I had a broody hen w/ chicks at home and didn't want that many). She met my heart chicken Dandelion but sadly has turned evil and bites me. She secretly likes me though and her evilness is amusing.
Maple: Old lady of the flock, got her from a horrible muddy backyard in scAberdeen. She was meant to be a companion chicken to a sickly chicken I was also getting from there. Other chicken sadly passed (high production breeds just don't live long). She had mites when I got her because there was nowhere to dustbathe in that yard. She's now a healthy hen with an attitude and in henopause
Gwendolyn: Failure to thrive runty chick. I thought they sent me a quail when I got her she was so tiny. She had a lot of shakiness and it was clear she wasn't going to be able to join the flock ever. She also suffered from some sort of reproductive infection and has only laid a few robin sized eggs since then. She has a massive comb that blocks one eye and goes for the toes when fighting other chickens. Luckily she met
Willow: someone found her in their yard and gave her to my neighbor because they thought he owned the egg stand...? She was about 4-6 weeks old when I got her. I didn't have any other chicks that age so I raised her solo. She would follow me around the house and do all kinds of silly poses. She met Gwendolyn who was older but about the same size as her and now they're thick as theives and lesibihens together (they co-parented several chicks)
Peeper: He's been infatuated with Willow forever, before he was an inside chicken he'd wait on the front porch for her to come out. He damaged his eye in a fight with a rooster I've since rehomed and just completely lost his mojo and spot on the pecking order so now he lives with his nuggie.
Brother's roosters: he kept 3 roosters meant for dinner because they were cute. Mumble (buff silkie, has been biting me a lot lately, very tiny), Ronnie Radke (frizzle silkie, no discerning personality, his name is an inside joke), and Breadstick (baby yellow is weirdly into him, when he screams it hurts my ears, d'uccle)
Notable outside chickens:
Cleo: The embodiment of evil. Ok not really but she wouldn't take food from my hand for the first year and a half I owned her. Now she can be hand fed (ready to jump away at the first hint I might grab her) but she also has a Bok Obama cross daughter who is even flightier.
Bok Obama: Jersey giant rooster, huge, kind of a himbo. He also got beaten up by the rooster who beat Peeper but he's still accepted in the flock.
Toad: the son of my heart chicken. He's a good boy, sometimes he bites me if I wear a new sweater but he also hops on my lap for pets
Baby Reeno/Reno: Daughter of another chicken I was very fond of and named after that chicken's sister (my other heart hen). She is friendly and squats down before she runs, for the speed boost
Popcorn: dumped prior to that horrible heat dome event back in 2021, someone left him water and eventually made a post about him in a local group. Something about his face made me have to get him (plus I rescue animals, it's how I am). He's a very good rooster but doesn't like anyone but me.
Paella: Got super lucky with her, she was sold as a BBS Andalusian meaning she wasn't guaranteed to be blue (chicken genetics, check out a punnet square). She's also very friendly especially for her breed. House lore for her includes: she is head of the chicken committee and makes all the rules, she has a cell phone, she texts and drives
Pickle: I originally thought she had scissor beak, a condition where their beaks are malformed and it can be difficult for them to eat, but as she aged it became clear she has wry face instead. People on Reddit love her.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
My birthday was a couple days ago, and I got to see my bio dad for the first time in a while. He surprised me with the fact that I have a little half-sister, whom I've never met and who was adopted about two years back. So, I wondered if any situations in BB mimic this or have a theme of "secret siblings" or "secret family"? Sorry if this is a weird ask; this blog is honestly just such a cool little place and I love the way you approach the subject matter and take the flawed misogynistic foundation of the WC books and make them so much better (JUSTICE FOR BUMBLE!!!). I've also learned a lot about healthy and unhealthy relationships here and am really glad for your deep dives on Squilf and Bramble. Thanks, Bones!
Not weird at all! I really like exploring all the little nooks and crannies of complicated familial dynamics. I think one of the untapped strengths of WC (that the writers seem to be unaware of) is how their MASSIVE cast allows them to present all sorts of unique dynamics. So I like to pick up on it, since they don't.
For secret siblings...
I'm pretty heavily leaning towards Ambermoon being adopted by Wildfur, as a surrogacy. Something feels correct about it. Especially since Icecloud is getting retooled into a post-Battle of the True Eclipse birth, and a major supporting character in AVoS-era stories as a friend of Alderheart.
Thinking about it, I should zoom in and expand this. Maybe have Icecloud, somehow, acquire forbidden knowledge that would invalidate the Queen’s Rights and he (transman) struggles with if he's going to use it to expose his parents as an excuse to help Ambermoon.
(Especially since Ambermoon and Icecloud are basically nothing alike. Amber is independent, bold, and vain. Ice is jessie pinkman big-hearted, disorganized, and deceptively meek if you look past his "chill" demeanor)
But that's wip-- there's also Breezepelt and the Three, who are going to have an actual friendship. In particular I can't unsee Breeze and Lion having a deep one. I know I commit the Cardinal Sin of borderline himbo-ifying Lionblaze in BB, but I can't help it.
Hollyleaf ended up nabbing a bunch of his most violent roles to make her villainous descent smoother narratively, so BB!Lionblaze's story ends up being more focused on Ashfur's abuse, comic relief with cats in other Clans (something that the very serious Jay and Holly have a hard time providing), and the emotional fallout of the big reveal and Bramblestar's turn on them. Breezepelt slots neatly into that.
They were friends. Lionblaze's whole life came down around the reveal, everyone looking at him and his siblings differently, like they're suddenly something terrible. Why can't we find a silver lining, Breezepelt? Why can't we call ourselves brothers if the whole world is going to do it anyway? So much is changing, but THIS doesn't have to, we will take their weapon and turn it to armor, my ally, my friend, my brother.
(and when Breezepelt is lashing out at the three because of the Dark Forest's influence, Lionblaze is there, taking the blows and trying not to give in to the impulse to send him flying with a single paw)
There's also Harespring and Kestrelflight of WindClan and Owlclaw of ShadowClan. All of them are from a single litter between Whitewater and Mudclaw. She was going to raise the three of them alone as ShadowClan cats, but when the sire was smote, Whitewater felt they were cursed.
She was able to give the oldest two to their bio-uncle, Torear, but the weather was so bad that day and the runt was so sickly and small that it surely would have killed him. I don't think Owlclaw ever finds out why his mother always treated him with suspicion, but it did mess him up horribly.
Over in BB!DOTC, Thunder Storm is getting more half-siblings earlier. Clear Sky and Falling Feather had two daughters-- Pale Sky and Tiger Sky.
I want to explore the way that the various stages of Clear Sky's life acted on his kids. How any little curiosity Thunder Storm had about the life he might have had if he wasn't abandoned is crushed by seeing kittens who weren't. How Clear's favoritism of his oldest child set the trio against each other from the start. How this idea of "love" is toxic yet intoxicating.
It feels good to be the golden child. The power it gives you over his sycophants is satisfying. To know you, and you alone, have what someone else craves. Problem is, that's conditional, and it's cruel.
What Thunder Storm learns from his time with his biodad is that Clear Sky is not his father at all. He's taught him exactly what he DOESN'T want to be. There may be similarities-- in temperament, in physical prowess (though BB!Thunder is three-legged, he's still ripped), in taste and senses. But Thunder Storm's father is Shaded Flower.
(BB!Gray Wing died in the first book, rescuing Shaded Flower from being trampled by a horse. Xey're a patron of wisdom, Shaded Moss is taking the role of fatherhood to Thunder)
His sister is Rainswept Flower. His mom is Bright Storm. If there was a bond he could have had with Tiger Sky and Pale Sky, it dies simply and cruelly on the knife they used to cut each other out.
Pale might have wanted to mend it, she was the gentler one. But she dies in the First Battle along with her mother. Tiger Sky is too stubborn to accept any help, should Thunderstar offer it, and Thunderstar isn't in the business of begging for others to like him.
Naturally I'm lowkey obsessed with them lmao. I need to make a BB!DOTC overviewww
#I have a perspective on half siblings colored by a dynamic in my family#The generation above me has two siblings who had an awful biodad and an amazing stepdad (who did officially adopt them)#And there was nothing ''natural'' or good about how one of them was obsessed with their biodad.#It was influenced by his surroundings and did nothing but drag an incredibly toxic man back into his sister's life#Over and over#But anyway the son used to tell me ''theres no half in siblings''#The daughter adored her halfbrother through the mother who raised them-- but was adamant that her biodad's newer kids were nothing to her#I guess I agree with the son. But not in the way he believes it#There's no half in siblings because you either Are. Or you are Not.#You have a shared experience with having that person as a parent or you don't. And that's what's unchanging.#It's not the blood; it's the sweat and tears. But anyhoo#Personal details of my life aside#Tiger Sky and Pale Sky are Clear's Dead Angel Fetus Children in-canon. I think that was Weird.#So instead I made them. Not. Dead angel fetus children....#They're characters now lmaoo#Better bones au#I think Tiger Sky (i call her Tigs in my head a lot) is one of my favorite kit saves ever though#She's not going to be from the last litter either. I haven't picked who the mom is yet but he does have even more#At least one of those is going to make a grab at power but um. Sparrow Heart will not react Well.#BASICALLY lads I'm cooking. My revamps of the DOTC characters basically write themselves because I am very fond of them.#Clear's youngest: ''OH I JUST CANT WAIT TO BE KI-"#Sparrowstar: ''-lled.''
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w1nkie · 9 months ago
can i request a holland march board, please? I love my himbo babygirl🎀 (i love your icons and boards 💪🏻💕)
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If anyone else would like a customized mood board just use my “Hey Girl” ask box (both anonymously or not) and I’ll make one for you! Also I’m adding something else! You can request other characters in Ryan Gosling films! Examples; Jody Moreno, Jackson Healy, Barbie, Mia Dolan etc!
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months ago
First of all: Long Live the Queen! Hope you're doing great, your stories are a real delicacy... I first discovered your Tsunami fic when I was in my jjk era, but your Arsenic Blues woke up my inner pjo fan. So eager to see how this all unfold.
But for now, time for the Rankings!
My personnal RoR favorites based on the manga only:
1) Shiva--> Not in the harem, but I had to place him somehow. Was searching for a Shiva fic in the first place. Love the himbo energy. At least it's good to see he's one of the "sane" one in your story.
2) Anubis--> Same, feral himbo doggo energy, can we ask for more?
3) Beelzebub--> Noo don't unalive yourself Bb love u so pretty haha🥺
4) Hadès--> All Hail to the King, here for the BigBro energy
5) Poseidon--> Mytho/Pjo fan here, of course he's one of my favorite gods, but I'm not a fan of his RoR portrayal. He's pretty tho.
6) Apollon--> Too effeminate for my taste, I was rooting for Leonidas anyway.
7) Loki--> U ugly ass, stinky ass, nasty ass bi***
Now, the interesting part, the Ranking based on [Arsenic Blues], as for now, until chapter 31:
1) Beelie Bestie 🤗! It seems you will soon give us reasons to hate him, but for now he's my personal favorite. Hope he will overcome his current difficulties. Fun fact: I tried to translate "Beelie" in my language, tried to find an equivalent nickname, I found "Bébou" (pronounced beeboo, another way to say "baby"). That’s so cute!
2) Loki--> I know it's unlikely but... is this bad that I really want him to take Percy's virginity 😳? Your writing is soooo good, it made me root for him of all people. Everyone loves a good outsider, and since he doesn't want to kill Percy anymore, he climbs up the ranking.
3) Anubis--> Favorite from the manga, I was sooo happy to see that u included the doggo. Didn't appear yet, but I have really high hopes for him. Beware the Allmighty Knot!
4) Poseidon--> This is a dark fic, I understand the appeal, the taboo of the incestual relationship, but since he's already her father, her family, the one who has authority over her, I think he has an unfair advantage compared to the others. This is the reason he's kinda low ranked, but I really loved the relationship he built with our best girl. Embrace Fatherhood (but not too much😰)
5) Hadès--> Same here, too much authority over her, doesn't have the appeal of the gradually evolving relationship. Creepy old  uncle, hope your non-existent liver bursts. For now, he's the one who had the most "action" with Percy, so it seems unlikely that he will have her virginity as well.
6) Apollon--> Well, at least he's funny 😅. I'm sorry, but based on his pathetic simpy behavior, I have to give him the stamp of the "Whiny Little Bitch" of this story. Don't worry tho, there always have to be one in a fic, and he's not as bad as his Tsunami counterpart (Yuuta you nasty motherfucker I had faith in you-).
7) The Seventh--> Seeing the results of the poll, it seems I'm one of the only weirdos who voted for Ahura Mazda. Raa would be awesome too, but I have to say I was disturbed when I first saw that angry buff dude in the spin-off. For me, Raa was still that muscle mommy from the webtoon/manhwa Ennead (read Ennead. Ennead is good for your health). I just want the 7th to not be Cu Chulainn. I know I would still love it if you include him (cause ur writing is golden) but that's just a preference of mine.
I hope I'm understood. That's a big ass message, my thoughts are all over the place and my home country is known for having a shit level in english.
If you're interested I could do the same kind of ranking for Tsunami/Bloodflood. Have a great day, Peace!
the anime did him sooooo good, he's so hot there, i'm glad they didn't fuck him up like LOOK AT HIM
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also, YES PLEASE you're free to give me your own bloodflood/tsunami rankings too!!!
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theebubblegumbitch · 2 years ago
Dating Chad Meeks Martin Head-canons <3
Is very protective over you, especially when you go to parties
Always has to be close to you, and has absolutely so problem with PDA
Loves listening to you explain things to him (we Stan our himbo jock bb <33)
Smells really good so you’re always taking his hoodies (which he doesn’t mind, he thinks you look cute in them)
Never talks over you, always lets you have your moment
Constantly building you up and telling you how beautiful/amazing/smart/attractive you are
Makes sure other guys know that you’re his, in any means necessary (*cough* hickies *cough*)
Love languages are definitely physical touch and words of affirmation
Is very respectful of you and your friends (unless you don’t want him to be-)
Sucks at remembering big things, but will take note of lots of little things throughout your relationship
A/N: These are just some little fluffy headcanons I whipped up to feed the Chad girlies while I work on the second part to my last fic <3 (thank you to the one anon that asked for it for giving me motivation, you’re an angel and always welcome to send me more asks, as is everyone <33)
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faejilly · 4 months ago
@foodsies4me replied to your post:
I have no context for this fandom and yet I love because YOUR WORDS ARE ALWAYS SO PRETTY
on the one hand! Thank you! I am verklempt & blushing & I adore you!
on the other hand, the way in which this pairing smacking me upside the head is so Incredibly Predictable is kind of embarrassing
it's just
so incredibly (hilariously) me
for example
One of my favorite things, a frequently recommended old movie on which I imprinted as a bb!jilly, is Bringing Up Baby.
Upon watching it with the husband for the first time, he looked at the movie, looked at me, and went: they're kind of an extra goofy Lois & Clark aren't they?
And I went oh and shush you and we both laughed at my poor bared psyche 🤣
And then I watched Dimension 20's The Unsleeping City and went oh fuck
Ricky Matsui is literally described as Japanese Clark Kent in show! He is a gods-damned D&D Paladin! (He is a bit of a troll when people don't expect it of him because he is so sincerely nice! That he does by being completely honest about superhero shit when people don't expect it! That's a Clark Kent bit that most people miss!) He is a himbo which Clark Kent isn't but it's still such a good fit.
And then Esther Sinclair is brilliant and ruthless and cares so much and yells at people so they don't notice and she has no fucking clue what to do with the beautiful man making heart eyes at her and is the only person who overtly notices that Ricky is completely incapable of taking care of himself because he's too busy taking care of everyone else!
also I am a disaster about them thank you for giving me an excuse to !!! at my own obvious preferences and weaknesses.
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charthanry · 1 year ago
OS2xBBS: My Overall Thoughts
This is severely overdue, but I wanted to distance myself from these episodes to make sure that 1) regency bias didn’t seep through and 2) my thoughts don’t get clouded by the cute, swoony moments (all the kissing!) in an attempt to mask deeper plot and characterization issues, and 3) with some difficulty, I try to set aside how desperately I wanted OhmNanon’s reunion with PatPran to live up to the OG series.
So, to address the last item, for the most part OhmNanon’s chemistry was still alive and well, save for a few hiccups. This is a testament to two very experienced professionals. That said, my biggest gripe with these special episodes was the treatment of the Pat and Pran characters that has nothing to do with the actors.
It didn’t feel like a true crossover of two beloved series but instead felt like Pat and Pran’s presence were more like afterthoughts thrown into an ATOTS script. Pat and Pran were merely there to serve Phupha and Tian’s story and that is were I take great issue. In this case, Ohm and Nanon should not have been billed as main leads but rather supporting characters that have extended guest arcs in an ATOTS sequel.
Maybe setting plays a larger role here. I’ve asked myself if I would feel this way if Phupha and Tian got thrown into Pat and Pran’s university life instead. But I can’t imagine a storyline where the inverse of what we got makes sense since PatPran are the more established couple and PhuTian have no reason to leave PPD.
My wish was that instead of a crossover, P’Aof would have let BBS stand on its own even if it meant we got two fewer episodes out of it. While we did get glimpses of Pat and Pran’s life three-years into their relationship, it felt watered down because they weren’t in their own environment but a borrowed one. So, really, more like seeing them while on vacation than anything truly concrete. A lot of ‘what have Pat and Pran been up to and where are they in their relationship’ was left to viewer interpretation, which is all fine and well if what P’Aof had to say about the state of their relationship made any sense.
Fake fighting and cute hijinks aside (Ohm and Nanon can sell these type of scenes in their sleep); what I’m after is the meatier stuff like the end of EP4, the entirety of EP5, EP10, EP11 and EP12. Where is the Pran that got choked up when Pat revealed he ran after him with his guitar; who gripped his hand when Pat volunteered to fake break up to win back Pran’s friends and wordlessly said I’m here to stay. Where is the “but I care about you more” Pran? 
And where is the Pat who communicated so openly with his man? Who served as a walking advertisement of what it means to be a soaring green flag to all those who came before and after him? Why was he reduced to an amalgamation of Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber? Make it make sense, P’Aof. Pat never, ever, not once, came off as a dumb himbo in the OG series, so why was he reduced to that here?
The script could have been so much better, tighter, just more substantial. And we can't even say that P'Aof didn't have the space to include a meaningful story for them; I call bullshit on this notion. There's so much story that you can tell in a single hour. We've seen him do it with the BBS pilot.
It felt like so very little thought went into the BBS side of the story. Does P’Aof not know how to write established relationships in a compelling way? I know this can't be true because he gave us EP12, but why did it feel like he phoned it in with these bonus episodes? It’s like P’Aof knew he had both boys for a limited time and just threw the entire kitchen sink at them and anything that stuck made it into the final cut. Like, he relied heavily on the actors to bring it home for him. And that really wasn't fair to Ohm or Nanon who really did the best they could with what they were given.
I mean, even if he wanted to show the (realistic) cracks in their relationship, there were so many better ways to show this than have Pran essentially running away, avoiding Pat (basically regressing to who he was pre-relationship) and then treating Pat like a bumbling Barney Fife for following him? There was no fire in either of them to fight for or with one another. They were shown to have grown complacent (and dare I say taking each other for granted?) which is so at odds with what we got in the OG series that I was confused at what I was watching onscreen. It did not feel like a continuation of EP11 leading to EP12, in fact it felt very disconnected from their origin story.
Pat Jindapat. What they did to my guy was a travesty. They took away all his depth and cast him in the role of a bumbling idiot. Don't get me wrong, OG Pat had his comedic moments but I felt like OS2 veered so far into the extreme of 'lets bring the funny' that it fell completely flat. It was NOT funny. It was disappointing and sad to see one of my favorite characters reduced to this cartoon version.
More than senselessly reducing Pat to cannon fodder to merely serve as comic relief, I'm upset that Pran's growth from the series was essentially negated to where he became, in some ways, unrecognizable. More than once, it felt like Pran was just tolerating Pat's presence rather than basking or gravitating towards it. Again, so inconsistent for a guy who longed for his man for literal YEARS.
Gone are the days of "I'm done adapting" or adoringly staring at the space Pat used to occupy with heart eyes. I just don't get how we went from that Pran to this Pran to the Pran who readily committed his life to Pat in EP12. This in-between Pran is a stranger to me.
Final words: I'm both grateful that we got extra scenes with our boys but at the same time wish P'Aof had left them untainted.
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sandglass-oc-sides · 1 month ago
for saori :
which game does she have the most growth during?
if you could create a spin off title for her, what would it be like? i know we have had our giggles about girls game BUT I'M SO SERIOUS I'D LOVE TO SEE WOMAN FRIENDSHIP THE VIDEO GAME/lh
how do you think she and sora would get together? though they're doomed cause isn't he dead rn, huh? /lh
if you could pick any non-represented disney world for her to enter and have theme parallels to, what would it be? by non-represented, i mean isn't in game already!
if she gets a keyblade, what do you think it'd look like? i know you've considered the idea but haven't committed to it!
if she had an interaction with a bbs cast member during bbs, who do you think it'd be? bonus, would it be one of your own OCs?
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which game does she have the most growth during? This is a tricky one, but I'd say KH2 is the biggest place of growth, though KH4 might take that over depending on how things go in it. KH2 is kinda her peak for a bit until she starts crashing down after YX kicks shit out of her in 3D, anfrhgt. She definitely grows the most combat-wise in KH2 and emotionally it's when she starts to exit just the plucky himbo childhood friend mold and starts thinking deeper about everything (starting with romance thanks to all the couples, ahdebgr).
if you could create a spin off title for her, what would it be like? i know we have had our giggles about girls game BUT I'M SO SERIOUS I'D LOVE TO SEE WOMAN FRIENDSHIP THE VIDEO GAME/lh I think if Saori had her own spin-off title, it'd be set after KH3! Specifically, I HC she disappears for a bit between the end of KH3 and Melody of Memory, but she reappears by the time Donald and Goofy are going looking for Sora and Hades jumpscares them, ahfrbgt. So that spin-off would probably depict her attempt to search and her attempting to try and dig herself out of the emotional pit because by then she's at rock bottom, RIP.
how do you think she and sora would get together? though they're doomed cause isn't he dead rn, huh? /lh O o f- KH3 is probably the point I'd see for them! Really that game is the place where Saori's interactions with him would be coded the most romantically, both cause she's protective and because of little stuff, like in the Tangled world she's one of the people dancing and you get more points if you partner up with her for example...! I'm torn on who'd admit it first, as Sora doesn't really think about it that way for a while - but given Saori's self-doubt, it's probably more likely that he would. It's probably a bit spur of the moment in a heart-to-heart moment then followed by sharing the Paopu Fruit potentially!
if you could pick any non-represented disney world for her to enter and have theme parallels to, what would it be? by non-represented, i mean isn't in game already! Ohhh that's a really good question actually...! So many choices...and my little Scottish ass is gonna say The Black Cauldron, specifically because Saori is unintentionally a bit of a Taran kinnie. Both want to be heroes and fight evil, they want to be more than they are but have that doubt about it, and the cauldron can seemingly revive the dead (albeit in a twisted fashion). Obviously there's tons of different ones that I'd love to see in KH, but The Black Cauldron I think would be a fun one for Saori specifically!
if she gets a keyblade, what do you think it'd look like? i know you've considered the idea but haven't committed to it! I definitely think a theme of something being transparent and then becoming solid could work? Perhaps the handle is kinda see-through with a watery look, and then becomes solid metal the further down the blade it goes? That might be a bit too on the nose tho, afhrbgtb.
if she had an interaction with a bbs cast member during bbs, who do you think it'd be? bonus, would it be one of your own OCs? I have in my notes that Saori would have met Ventus! Specifically, after Vanitas comes and taunts him and basically makes it clear he'll have to go the Keyblade Graveyard, a teeny Saori pops up and asks him why he looks so sad. Then I think she gives him a bunch of little shells for luck in hopes it'll cheer him up.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months ago
@ckerouac - Okay, episode 2 of Dr Odyssey consumed!
Singles Week!
I think this show might actually be cheesier than Glee. I was expecting a Ryan production to have more bite to it, and this... does not. Which is fine - I hope it continues that way. I'm just slightly surprised by it.
Chord Overstreet popping in to be a himbo was absolutely hilarious. It just - feels so on brand.
The lady they found floating in the water alone I was like -- oh, they're really hitting the theme of this episode hard. And then they actually said it out loud. Like, no room for subtly, lol.
I am sooooo over the love triangle thing. We need better material for all the main characters. Let's do something interesting!
I noticed they slipped in a nip/tuck reference! is next episode really plastic surgery week? I guess we'll find out
This is kind of random, but my smart TV turns on to the Dawson's Creek channel, so it was kind of funny seeing bb!Josh before turning the episode on.
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a-thirst-for-dunmer · 2 years ago
My favorite things about all my Skyrim followers:
-wicked ass armor and weapon with fucking tigers on it
-realistic cursing in life or death situations
-literally the most realistic male dialogue ever with his corny ass innuendos. ‘This monument, does it remind you of me, love? Just kidding.’
-so goated in battle. Mans can kill a dragon so easy and i don’t need to do anything but look pretty
-his hair is so fluffy. I bet it smells like roses and vanilla bean, what’s your secret bb
-such a sweetheart all the time. No wonder he can’t be Thalmor, he has too much heart for it
-fucking backstory. It’s very Zuko without villain redemption arc, and the fact that he still worries about the LDB thinking worse of him for being Thalmor royalty is just *chef’s kiss*
-ACE REP. I really fucking love how he can dress like a hoe, flirt like a hoe, and look so hot but have no interest in sex. Mmm that’s my jam that’s what I like.
-boob window
-Kaidan interactions! Proving that Altmer can be kind and sweet and not lighting-shooting British assholes
-the backstories for everyone are so damn tearjerking but this guy?? Don’t even get me started on this mans scars I will cry
-literally autism. Says everything on his mind. Sir you are me
-blue. And a cat. What else??
-Lucien and him have a bromance that hits so good
-suplexes Nazeem with only his vibes
-sings original songs, where’s his soundcloud
-okay first off i was writing a character just like her for the daughter of my LDB and Revyn. Never knew about her but this is Leeta come to life and i crave it
-Kaidan Big Bro protection dialogue
-so happy when she kills things
-literally exactly what I expected a baby Argonian to sound like. So cute. So grumpy
-her outfit is just on point. If i hadn’t transitioned i would be cottagecore peasant dress woman with cats
-like Cary, he is just sweet himbo no brain
-kid in a candy shop vibes. He is amazed by the wonders of this world
-the nerdiest mans you know, would probably never shut up about shit with Auryen but i haven’t gotten that far yet
-bottom energy
-AUTISM once again
-also sings!! Can sing ‘Toss a Coin to Your Witcher’ parody!!
-she is the Moment
-eats people and only meat. Wanna see someone react to ThatVeganTeacher with her as a vtuber model oml
-bullies Lucien (affectionately)
-cool pod
-looks like she could kill you and could actually kill you
-slams ALL haters and unworthy into the ground with her dialogue. Faendal ily but you don’t deserve her
-a sweetheart himbo
-very Skilled with magic, specifically bound weapons. As someone who uses conjuration as their main line of magic, because dremora and bound bow go brr, I LOVE THAT
-not really good at speaking poorly of anyone tbh
-like lucien, he’s optimistic and fun to be around
-very…earthy. Jank. Grungy. Not what you’d expect from an Altmer, to be living as an adventurer mercenary, and i like that for him
-eats in bed, brain too empty to clean for long periods of time
-polyamorous pansexual King
-says Z like zed, which makes linguistics in Skyrim lore interesting
-literally me
-sarcasm to the max
-name means ‘foreigner’ or ‘scorned’ or something transgender. anyway, king nihilist shit
-only wants the good wines
-also, the Accent, very good very sass
-Shakespearean insults for days
-also regular insults
-mystery and striking fear into the hearts of all
-i thought no one could top Revyn in vibes of what Elder Scrolls character i would kin but then ✨he✨ came along
-no idea why Altmer are Brits but with him, i can vibe with it he sounds so good
-giggles evilly in fights
-s a s s
-pansexual!! We are putting queer in the game! (Even tho all vanilla spouses are, in the most Basic sense, bisexuals)
-the spice he can add with Cary as a protector/snarky best friend. I Need their backstory
-afraid of dogs, cat person
-just an absolute bitch to the Dragonborn but like in a way my gay friends are to me
-eyeliner on fleek
-silly voice go brrr
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bonefall · 2 years ago
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[ID: Pencil sketch of Stumpytail from Warrior Cats, spelled 'Stumptail' instead. He is clapping in one picture, and purring in the second]
Saw someone talking about Stumpytail and my hand slipped
BB!Stumptail is a stupid man and he's my son, idiot with a heart of gold. One of Nightstar's supporters who survives Runny's Plague. A true himbo is very hard to kill, of course.
I don't know how long he lives, but I've been toying with the idea he can have a cute background role as one of the heavy lifters in Blackstar's Po3 Bog Project. I just think it's super cute for him to be one of the best diggers in ShadowClan.
Also I didn't mean for his clappies to look like stims but... looks like stims to me. Yellowfang’s family has autism running through it, I might give it to the big lug too. His mom Rowanberry was autistic so it would be super fitting.
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patpran-bbs · 2 years ago
ok i was nervous about watching ep 3 of our skyy x bad buddy bc of some of the comments on underwhelming patpran scenes with improper communication and mischaracterization.
BUT i watched it and tbh some of it makes sense. i wanna talk about the “i can’t live without you” scene. Pran’s response of “neither can I” is Very in character—for crying out loud the dude writes songs to convey his feelings properly cause he can’t say it as openly and frankly as pat can. Now we know that pran becomes much better at communicating by the end of BBS ep 12 but this is still college pran and he’s still learning to feel “enough” and get comfortable with expressing his feelings to the guy he’s spent literal years repressing them for.
As for nanon’s acting aka pran’s eyes—the forlorn look makes sense. In ep 5 of BBS pat was relieved after their first kiss bc he was glad to have confirmed his own feelings and was overjoyed at the fact that pran liked him back. But pran? He was going through it bc he was thinking of the future. The same thing is happening here!!! While pat is in the moment and feeling warm about them loving each other so much, pran is thinking of how they’re going to navigate their relationship in the future and all the obstacles that come with their overwhelming love for one another.
This is just my perspective but I think it’s important to consider the time frame of the characters’ relationship when discussing this scene.
Although I do have to say the overgeneralization of characters (aka himbo pat) is worthy of all the criticism it’s getting bc pat is literally one of the smartest most intuitive characters in the show.
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scarletmaster143 · 9 months ago
They went OFF with the visuals this season
Still don't like this attack on Titan opening, just because you have piano doesn't make it appropriate for bb
Wait are we going to have zombies??
Sebastian is THRIVING
Or not
Literally is an heir to a full earldom and corporation
What in the gay maid cafe bs is this
Okay so not Ayato
Midford!! Why you being gay
Lol please make him serve your tea
Repressed gay Victorian boy paradise
The voice switch!!!!!!
*uses his contract demon to make deserts*
The way I NEED Elizabeth to show up at some point
Missed their banter so damn much
Not them name-dropping Hegel
why is there a literal confession box in this library
Stop being a priest you literal demon from hell
Not him calling Cole out on the cooking time
Oooohhh I know who's comingggg
Is it my favourite duo? IT ISSSSSS
Ofc they have to be here
The "agony" he is facing
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