#mutual aid monday
lesbianpterosaurs · 1 year
hey please share this mu2ual a1d request. Kennedy is a Black community organizer who is being harassed by r-c-st stalk-r and need all the community help they can get to relocate!
c*sh*pp: $kduhe11
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[Alt ID]
a pink flyer reads: “Kennedy is in need of $786.24 to temporarily locate back home to New Orleans, Louisiana to escape a stalker until they can find somewhere else to live message to secure their placement of living in New Orleans while they are down there for a while. Kennedy has until August 8th (tomorrow) to meet this goal, if they do not have this amount they won't he able to relocate.
cashapp: $kduhe11
[End ID]
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mercilessartist · 1 year
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I'm also taking commissions for artwork!
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copperbadge · 1 year
As someone who's very conscious of individual fundraising, between my job and my work with Radio Free Monday, I'm seeing an uptick lately in something that I want to talk about. But it's sensitive, so I'm asking you all to read this in the spirit of help, and understand that any negative tone you take away from this is not my intention.
We live in communities: neighborhood, friends groups, workplaces, fandoms. Part of the point of community is that we help others in that community. But there's an aversion to the idea of non-reciprocal aid, of accepting financial help that won't be repaid. And on the one hand I understand; nobody wants to be perceived as a freeloader. But I don't think we can move past the idea of transactive relationships, an ultimately capitalist idea of how we relate to others, until we stop stigmatizing it, even when we're the beneficiaries of it.
I see a lot of "normally I would never ask for help" and "I hate to ask for money" and "I'd rather die than accept charity but" and I'm sure that's true. But...you don't need to say it.
If someone is inclined to give, it doesn't matter. If someone isn't inclined to give, it doesn't help. Charitable giving on the individual level is not a sales situation. There is no magic combination of words that will induce someone to give if they weren't going to. And the more we protest that normally we wouldn't accept, the more we loudly imply that there is shame in asking, the longer it will take us to achieve a compassionate and supportive society.
And also, frankly, you're making other people feel like shit for asking too. Which I know is not something anyone wants.
If you need to ask for money that sucks and I'm sorry. I've been there and it's a real bind to be in. But I also know that in those situations energy is short, and this is one less thing to expend energy on -- instead of protesting your aversion to asking, put that energy into doing one thing to make it easier for folks to give -- make your payment app username a hyperlink or a QR code, or make a carrd with your giving options and link that.
Instead of "I would never ask for money normally" say "I know there are many kind people out there who will see this." Instead of "I hate to make this post" say "You all understand how difficult life can get." The nonprofit world has done a lot of studying of what makes people give, and positivity is a huge aspect of it. Opening with a negative, particularly a negative that people see constantly in other solicitations, is more likely to hurt your chances than to help.
Don't follow a script that continues to debase and abuse you. Mainly because it's not actually helping; there's no upside to prostrating yourself before an imaginary combative donor. Talk to the people who are actually likely to give, who recognize themselves in your words when you talk about kindness and compassion and who don't need you to shame yourself in order to be worthy of support. This is not to scold or shame anyone further, but to offer an alternative that is kinder to you and more helpful to the people who want to help.
Do yourselves and your fellow sufferers the kindness of dignity; lord knows you've had enough unkindness already.
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staticespace · 3 months
Aid Request/Commissions Open
Heyo, so, I have a sudden bill that's gonna put me in the negatives by about $80 (specifically $59.53 + the $20 overdraft fee), so if you'd like some art or something, I have a Ko-fi.
I mainly do writing, but I do digital art as well.
Ah, if you like a series or AU I'm writing on my art blog @scribblestatic, you don't have to commission that. I'm doing that already, no cash needed for it haha.
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nivchara-yahel · 8 months
Please Help Two Queer, Disabled Siblings Stay Housed!!
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Hey, y'all! We could really use help ... Our local synagogue was supposed to help us pay our January rent last week, but we found out five days later (Sunday night) that the board staged a coup against the treasurer instead, and they weren't going to help us after all. This was after our landlord had already waited past the date they normally start eviction proceedings, and we've been trying to raise what we need all week since then. We've raised some, but not enough.
Our landlord still hasn't filed, but our luck could run out at any time here. We still need $450 to get caught up and avoid eviction this month. If they file with the court, we'll have court costs and a much shorter time limit to get it done. Edit: My sibling had to go to the ER Friday because they were passing a kidney stone, and we had to spend money on cab fare, meds, and supplies. We now need to raise $530 to pay our rent.
My sibling and I are both disabled and chronically ill, we have no car, and our community doesn't have live-in shelters of any kind, so we'd literally be out on the streets if we get evicted. My sibling also had to go to the ED on Friday (1/19) with a kidney stone. We are too sick to be homeless.
If we could get 45 53 people to give $10, we'd be set. If you can only give $1, that still helps us get closer to our goal, and we'd really appreciate it. If you can give more, of course, that is also great. If you can't give anything, a repost on Tumblr or any of your other social media would also be so helpful.
Our pay apps are:
Paypal: nivcharayahel
Venmo: heathmarie31
CashApp: $heathmarie31
Thank you so much for your attention and help!
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chronicloaf · 26 days
S1E1 of #SausagePartyFoodtopia is about to start in the #ChronicLoaf #AnimeMonday stream
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valiantkoalaturtle · 5 months
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Mutual aid Mondays!
Please donate if you can to help 🩷
Put MAM in the transaction description if you donate.
Note, this money is not going to me, I’m just trying to help
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tvismybestie · 2 years
We're watching Aggretsuko in the #ChronicLoaf stream
Hop in and watch with us @ Hyperbeam.com/v/ChronicLoaf
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lesbianpterosaurs · 8 months
Urgent! Zinh is a Palestinian woman who needs support for her and her family’s safe passage. Please support them by sharing and donating. GoFundMe here.
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mercilessartist · 2 years
Ngl I'm so exhausted from this chronic illness and brain fog and ADHD and autism combined make being able to monetize on any work from home job by myself literally impossible. I have a urgent electric bill notice in my inbox I don't even wanna open so im like ok, just waiting for the lights to go out. My cats Rx is due to refill on the 17. If I can even make 30 dollars in mutual aid for her I'd cry because she needs it... It isnt her fault that I'm a fucking nobody and suck at capitalism:/
Pls help, and also help other bipoc artists like me, you can donate on
www.mercilessindian.com or
Or to me directly using the tips button, or at
And also I sell artwork, whatever you see or similar, I can do prints, you can buy originals, and I take commissions for hand drawn and digital, also I can sell you NFTs, already minted and I can make you a profile avatar that rivals AI, particularly since I ain't about those 8 extra fingers and that 3rd nostril.
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day10machine · 2 years
A walk of snails!
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these five evac/survival fundraisers are really close to their goals! all have been vetted either by gracious individuals on here or mutual aid projects
Amal Abu Shammala and family (€55,180/€53,000 €60,000) #24 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet Mosab Abu Subaih, his pregant wife Nashwa, and their baby daughter ($50,214/$50,000 $55,000) #136 on the operation olive branch perinatal project listing Sisters Shahd and Majd and their family of seven (€26,309/€30,000) #537 on the operation olive branch master list Jameela, her four siblings, and their chronically ill mother (€7,219/€12,000) #31 on @/saifquadri's sudan fundraiser list Family of five, including a sick child ($5,490 CAD/$7,500 CAD) #39 on @/saifquadri's sudan fundraiser list ***All donations are currently being matched externally, so anything you give will automatically be doubled! ***BONUS - ~€10k to goal, can we make it to €5k or under instead??*** Ahmed Alanqar, his wife Dina, and their four young children, one a newborn (€25,472/€35,000) #174 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet
every donation and share counts! it's monday in my time zone - my hope is that at least one of these campaigns will have met its goal by the end of the week. i was astounded by your response to the first version of this list and i firmly believe that together we can get more campaigns to their targets
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Guest in the Relationship part 2
Damian Wayne x reader
Words: 1789
Summary: Damian keeps forgetting about your dates and this night is the final straw
Warnings: unedited, angst?
Part 1
I hope you guys enjoy the second and final part - I tried my best. Any criticism is welcomed as are any ideas for further stories :)
Worried was an understatement. I hadn't heard from Damian in a week. Jon hadn't heard from Damian in a week. None of your mutual friends had heard from Damian in a week.
Monday morning I walked into Gotham Academy expecting to see Damian in his normal seat next to mine. It would be awkward, I still wasn't sure what I wanted to say to him or what I wanted to do about the situation. He'd been lying to me for years both as Damian and as Robin and I had every right to be angry about it. Eventually we would talk - how the conversation would end depended on if I was hurt by his lying or angry. What I hadn't expected was for him to not show up at all.
I was too stubborn to text him. He'd been active on his social media, so I knew he wasn't dead, he just didn't want to see me. I could understand why, I hadn't been the most reasonable when he revealed his secret identity to me. However, my apprehension over his disappearance was growing. I was walking around with a knife in gut every time I entered a classroom and he wasn't also in it.
Robin had also been missing. The Gazette's headlines questioning why he'd gone into hiding. I think I might just be the only person who knew the real reason the bird hero wasn't aiding Batman the past few nights.
I'd finally given in to my anxiety. After pacing outside the front steps for far too long, so long that Alfred definitely knew I was there and was just being polite by waiting for me to announce my arrival - I pressed the doorbell to Wayne Manor. I needed to find out for myself if Damian was okay and I needed to talk to him about our situation. As much as I preferred to wrap myself in his clothes and cuddle my wolf, pretending everything was okay with the world. I couldn't do that anymore. Mostly because his hoodie had stopped smelling like him.
Alfred opened the door practically immediately and said my name, he'd definitely been waiting since I arrived 20 minutes ago. "How may I help you?" His voice was as always, polite and soft, I hoped this meant Damian didn't hate me as much as I feared. "I'm here to see Damian." Alfred opened the door wider for me to enter, still not sign of hostility upon his face. "Master Damian is in the music room." I thanked Alfred and headed towards the music room. I knew exactly where it was. It was my second favourite room in Wayne Manor, the first obviously being the library with its mass amount of books. The music room was on the same corridor as Damian's room, it had dark wood floors like the rest of the house with matching wood panelling covering the wall half way and green Victorian style wallpaper covering the rest. In front of the window lived a grand piano, which I had never seen played and throughout the room is an abundance of instruments, ranging from a drum kit to a harp. I found Damian in the corner of the room playing Clair de Lune on his violin, facing away from the sofa that had been placed in here just for me to watch Damian practice. Keeping my steps as quiet as possible I settled down in my usual spot, wrapping my blanket around myself. The Manor was always fairly cold due to its size so Damian had started to keep blankets around the house in rooms we frequented to avoid me catching a chill.
Damian was beautiful when he played violin. If I had any artistic abilities, drawing Damian playing his violin would probably take up the majority of my sketches. The way he played his violin was a dance, it was so practiced and so precise, but he looked so free while doing it. Playing the violin was when Damian was at his calmest. Especially when I curled up on the sofa and watched him play for hours, Damian once said that was when he was happiest.
Part of me was glad Damian had been so focused on his music that he hadn't heard me come in, but the other part knew I couldn't just sit here in silence, I had to make my presence known and get this conversation over with. I waited till he played the last note before I called his name. He spun around so quickly it was almost comical, my name a whisper on his lips. "Hi." I said, an awkward smile on my face. The plan of everything I was supposed to say to the boy in front of me now vanished from my head. "Hi." He replied while scratching the back of his neck, he always does that when he's unsure of something. I take a deep breath before saying "you haven't been at school and neither Jon nor I had heard from you, I just wanted to see if you were okay." Damien looked away from me before responding "I'm okay." I rolled my eyes, did this boy ever tell me the truth? "Damien" I said more angrily than I intended "I need you to tell me the truth for once." He opened his lips to defend himself, but I cut him off. "Sit down so we can talk properly."
My body ached at the distance he placed between us by sitting on the opposite side of the sofa. Damian looked at me terrified, like he was scared I would hurt him. I really hoped this conversation wouldn’t go there. I cleared my throat “I’m not sure where to start” my hands begin to look more interesting than Damian’s face for the first time since I’ve known him. “I guess I just want to know why you lied.” A long sigh escaped him “I couldn’t tell you my identity because I need to protect you, knowing that I’m Robin puts both of us at risk, but especially you.” I looked at my boyfriend, or I assumed still was, in disbelief. He thought I was mad about him not telling me he was Robin? Sure, it stung a little that he hadn’t told me sooner, but I understood why. “I don’t care that you didn’t tell me you were Robin, I want to know why you came to me as Robin, pretended like you didn’t know who I was and have kept that act up for years.” Damian isn’t one for showing his emotions, not to other people at least, but how stunned he was painted his face. He stumbled over the beginning of his sentence, so I butted in again. “Me knowing you’re Robin also doesn’t make up for all the missed dates and unanswered texts, even if you’re a superhero I deserve the bare minimum.” This just causes Damian to act even more panicked, the back of his neck being scratched raw. He takes a deep breath and then another before he spoke. “I’m sorry.” I finally look up at his face. “I never intended to hurt you in this way, or any way at all. When I was on patrol I can’t help but spend extra time in your area, I need to ensure you’re safe. Your safety is my priority, the idea of anything happening to you-” Damian’s hands form fists while his jaw clenches as he glances at the healing cut on my neck from my attacker. I can’t help but place a reassuring hand atop his. “Whenever I see you when I’m Robin” he continues “I can’t hold myself back from talking to you. I just want to spend all of my time in your presence, even if it is as Robin. I know it was wrong to pretend I was someone else, but I just couldn’t help myself from you.” I nod my head “okay.”
Damian smiles at me, hesitantly. “Okay?” He manoeuvres our hands so he’s now holding mine. His green eyes carry so much hope “does this mean we’re going to be okay?” I have to remove my hands from his, the smile vanishes as does the hope in his eyes. “Not just yet.” I say “just because you’ve apologised for lying to me doesn’t expunge your lying nor does it remove how you’ve made me feel so alone and unwanted throughout this relationship.” Damian looked like a kicked puppy. “I don’t know how to make you feel that I love you. Knowing you don’t feel how much I care for you and want you in my life physically pains me.” He cups my cheeks and makes me look at him in the eyes. “I love you Habibti. I love you so much and I don’t know how to make any of this up to you, but I will figure it out. I do not want to lose you.” I can feel the burn behind my eyes as they become glossy. “I don’t want to lose you either, but I also don’t know how we can get past this if I continue to feel like you don’t want me around.” Damian nods his head as he deliberates his next words, his thumb starts drawing circles on my cheek. “How about you tell me what you need from me, how do you want me to show you that I love you?”
So we do, we sit on the sofa in the music room, nothing but our voices creating a melody discussing what we need from each other. For Damian to tell me the truth about why he’s late to one of our dates and visit me when he’s on patrol. For me to tell Damian whenever I feel slightly unsure of his feelings so he can reassure me and not hide if I’m feeling upset from him. Before visiting the manor today I was unsure how this conversation would go. I didn’t know if this would be the last time we would speak or if the argument would spiral out of control. It was going to tough, I was dating a superhero after all, but at least now we had a plan, a plan which made me hopeful for our future together.
During our conversation I’d ended up in Damian’s lap, head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. The mix of rosin from his violin and the jasmine of his shampoo was so calming to me, it was sending me to sleep. An I love you left my lips, a promise being made with Damian as he repeated it to me, kissing my temple, sealing our promise.
We were going to be okay.
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nivchara-yahel · 1 month
Survival Fundraising for Disabled, Queer Siblings - Please Read (and Help)!
My sibling (Hem - a.k.a. rivalconga on Twitter) and I are disabled. Hem has a broken hip in need of a replacement they cannot yet get, POTS, HS, and an essential tremor. These conditions make it impossible for them to work outside of the home, and they have been applying for online WFH for many months. If you have WFH leads on transcription, data entry, or research work, please get in touch with them via the link to their Twitter, or hit me up here on Tumblr.
I just observed (in July) my 10th anniversary of a chronic congestive heart failure diagnosis, and I also am a fairly recently diagnosed T2D working on getting a good treatment regimen, and regularly require infusions of IV iron for lifelong iron-deficiency anemia that doesn't respond to oral iron supplements or dietary iron. I am also in the midst of trying to get an ADHD diagnosis.
I am unable to work, and I applied for SSDI in April, and was given my first denial in July, which happens in about 80% of SSDI cases. I am getting an attorney to appeal, but the process is slow. In the meantime, I'm not able to bring in income.
We do not have family to provide us with assistance, and we have extremely limited resources for help where we live. There are no homeless shelters here, and our state (Missouri) is openly hostile to LGBT+ and unhoused people. Also, most assistance here is tied to evangelical Christian organizations, and I am Jewish.
You can help us by spreading the word on your social media for us. If you can help us financially, even if only $1, please send aid to our payment apps:
Paypal - nivcharayahel
Venmo - heathmarie31 (This is Hem's account.)
CashApp - $heathmarie31
You can find direct links to these and my other social media at my Linktree:
Hem is also a budding artist, and is offering art for $10+ donations. Here's their Twiter thread for more details:
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Here are samples of their art (which are, IMO, way better than okay!):
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If you're interested and you can't contact them on Twitter, get in touch with me here!
Until Hem gets work and/or I get my SSDI approved, we need about $1200 monthly to cover rent, groceries/household supplies, and Rx/over-the-counter medical expenses.
We also have an Amazon Wishlist if you'd prefer to help in that way. (Link coming soon--it is badly in need of an overhaul.)
Thank you so much for helping us survive!
Read my intro/bio post for more information about me.
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