papermacheheartsworld · 10 months
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18 November 2023
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papermacheheartsworld · 10 months
i made a short animated film💕💕💕😁😁
It's called "Love" and it's a short film on what it feels like being trapped in the closet as a queer person, and how it feels when we finally get to be ourselves.
It's my very first animation, so please be nice and show some love🥰
Here's the film on youtube
Here's the film on instagram
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papermacheheartsworld · 10 months
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Stacy Kranitz “From the Study on Post Pubescent Manhood”
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
I love calling out aphobia. Genuinely. We don't call out aphobia enough, passive or explicit.
Examples of passive aphobia and amato/allonormativity, for anyone wondering:
Implying someone needs a partner or that everyone wants a partner.
Saying "something more" and "more than friends" in reference to getting together. Boy oh boy, do I see this all the time in fanfic. (Other things you can say are "something else", "something different", "other than friends", "in addition to". This way, we're not unintentionally enforcing relationship hierarchies.)
Saying/Implying someone hasn't met the right person yet.
Implying all aros are heartless/don't love (this diminishes platonic attraction/relationships).
Implying all aros feel love (this excludes loveless and aplatonic aros).
Saying aroallos are all sluts.
Implying sex is a milestone people reach.
Implying a first kiss is a milestone to reach.
Enforcing relationships hierarchies, intentionally or otherwise. (This looks like the example above, as well as pitting different types of relationships against each other or saying a certain type of relationship is more important than another.) (Yes, this goes for saying platonic relationships are more important than romantic ones. That excludes aplatonics.)
The only aspec rep in media being the villains/non-human characters/etc. (Disclaimer: Us reclaiming those things is different. I personally love seeing aro rep in non-human characters, but that's just me. Non-human characters being the only aspec rep is the problem.)
Implying all aces are aro.
Implying all aros are ace.
Implying all aros experience platonic attraction.
And much more. The aspec community isn't black and white--that's why it's the a-spectrum.
DISCLAIMER: I am only one loveless aplatonic aromantic and do not speak for the entire aspec community.
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
hey y’all, if you’re looking to do something to support palestinians as the current conflict breaks out, and if you can, please donate to any of the orgs linked here:
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
its been rly heartening to see big tumblr accounts with a specific theme (or bit) take a moment to raise awareness for palestine. in many ways being vocally pro-palestine is far, far more important than donations right now. palestinians have said so too. if it weren't it wouldn't be so risky for people to speak out. its a war on human life but it's also a war on the very memory, culture and history of the palestinian people. we can help them fight the second one just by posting. solidarity matters more than anything in this moment.
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
Perisex allies: stop this shit
CW: intersexism
Came across this infographic during some google image searching and I'm still kind of a state of despair about it because it's not just offensively wrong about what intersex is, it was used to teach university students about queer issues:
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Alt text: LGBTQIA+ are defined one by one. Intersex is defined erroneously as "These are people who were born with genital organs of both sexes (male and female). It is a genetic condition."
It's one thing for your rando perisex person to be getting this wrong on social media. It's another thing entirely when it's professionals getting this wrong in an educational setting. 😩 And that this infographic appears in a peer-reviewed publication. 😩
It's even worse to know the students that were taught with this infographic were medical students, who will be the ones traumatizing intersex people for decades to come 😩
It's so wrong in so many different ways:
Intersex is not limited to people with genital differences. Most intersex people have intersex variations that are not apparent at birth, with puberty being the most common time of life for variations to present. Many people find out in adulthood having no outward physical differences.
Of the intersex people with genital differences, they do not have two sets of genitals. Most genital differences are still recognizably female or male (e.g. spadias), and those who have ambiguous genitals have one set.
Intersex is not "male parts + female parts" or even "intermediate male/female parts", it is an umbrella term for anybody whose primary/secondary sex characteristics don't line up with what is expected for male and female bodies. Some intersex variations make women look more feminine, or make men look more masculine.
Defining intersex by genital differences doesn't just exclude most intersex people, it also sets the tone that we are defined by our genitals. To be publicly intersex is to have non-stop DMs about your genitals. This sort of framing sets up openly intersex people for invasive questions and harassment, and it keeps large numbers of intersex people from coming out.
Many intersex variations do not have a known genetic basis. Many intersex variations are caused by exposure to certain hormonal levels in the womb. Certain medications when taken during pregnancy can trigger intersex variations.
While bodily variation is necessary for being intersex, the social experience of stigma, discrimination, isolation, hyper-medicalization, and hyper-sexualization are all just as much a part of being intersex.
📣 Perisex allies: this is shit you can stop. When you see other perisex people parrot this sort of misinformation, correct them. Direct them to look up resources written by actually intersex people.
Here are some starter resources to give:
Intersex explained by Hans Lindahl
Media and style guide by IHRA
FAQ by intersex-support
A recent post I did compiling information for trans people who want to be better intersex allies
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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papermacheheartsworld · 11 months
https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=R9M4RWZV9CY9S&fbclid=PAAaaCdk_t6UOmVxXfIwDGkzC7hCNzeUHI-KK4DJOi2qSOtvOci6IVrb0GKi8_aem_AQrDriG06eqbAaIMX4Nebp77uL9QcoaCYIFn9owxsOD6GhzrroUdhNACFXBWNw13q-A here to support a Palestinian in need
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Ted bundy isn't ugly, you're just a lesbian
Congratulations, this is the worst ask I’ve ever gotten
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the wlw urge to ship wenclair
but the aroace spectrum urge to headcannon wednesday as aroace
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reblog if you think romance neutral aros and romance ambivalent aros and romance indifferent aros and romance unsure aros are important and valued members of the aro community
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