#mutt's spouse
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mimisempai · 10 months ago
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They're… doing things…
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 1 : here
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 2 : here
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months ago
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turquoisedata · 2 months ago
NB: I wrote this 2 days before the Vulture article came out and wasn't sure if I was being oversensitive but fuck it. I'm posting it.
I'm really mad with myself that I never stopped to be upset (or even curious!) that the most prominent (correct me if I'm wrong) human enby character in S2 doesn't have a fucking name.
"Mutt's spouse" is not a name.
Dehumanising much?
And yeah maybe I'm just mad at myself that it didn't occur to me before. And maybe it's just me looking for further evidence of N "trans ally" G being a shit human after the fact. (Editor's note: didn't need to look for further evidence; it was gonna find me only two days later 😭😠)
But. What the fuck was that about. Did I just miss it? Did he "explain"?
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gingerbreedhouse · 1 year ago
Girls just wanna have fun
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Andrew O'Neill as Mutt's Spouse
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Donna Preston as Mrs. Sandwich
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mametupa · 1 year ago
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zeldahime · 1 year ago
Highway to Pail Day 20
[Day 1] [Prev] [Next] @do-it-with-style-events
February 20: A good magician's assistant is hard to find. They're highly sawed-after.
There were a number of very clever tricks Aziraphale had observed stage magicians do that he rather admired but could not add to his repertoire. Many of the most impressive contraptions and tricks were actually performed by assistants, slender and flexible people who contorted themselves within cabinets and boxes while the magician demonstrated the illusion.
Except one memorable night, Aziraphale's act had always been a solo one, and Crowley had made it quite clear he didn't intend to join him on stage ever again.
Then one week, Mutt had contracted the flu, and he and his spouse Calico were scheduled to perform at a charity event, and Aziraphale was just thrilled to be asked to be, as it were, something of an understudy to poor old Mutt and perform in his stead.
"I'll do the hard parts," Calico had said on the phone, "but I think we should go through the way the cabinets work before we go up."
"Oh, yes, that's a very good plan," Aziraphale agreed. "I wouldn't want to accidentally poke you or stick you through!" As this was a telephone conversation, Aziraphale could not see Calico's grimace, nor their clear expression of "what have I gotten myself into?"
They made arrangements to meet at the local church where the performance was to be held in the afternoon before the event. Before leaving, Aziraphale left a note just in case Crowley decided to come by, letting him know that he was performing and when to expect him back. Otherwise, however, he shoved thoughts of Crowley and the last two times he'd performed magic on stage down, determined that this time would be a success worthy of the Marvelous Mr Fell!
Aziraphale wasn't close to Calico, but had known them from their teenage years, long before they had chosen that name; they were exactly the bookish kind of young person who would wander into Soho looking for a community and then retreat, overwhelmed, into the nearest stack of shelves, and so had been into the bookshop a few times, quickly scared off by Aziraphale's glower before it became clear they were more of a shy child than a potential customer. Aziraphale had been at one of their first drag shows and had blessed their wedding, though he had sat on the groom's side. They weren't close and they had never performed together, but neither were they strangers.
Aziraphale's costume and Mutt's both tended to a slightly Edwardian sensibility, though from very different directions, so his and Calico's costumes did not clash as badly as they might have if Mutt and Calico's act had been more modern. They wore a dress inspired by Victorian circus performers, with a tight bodice and a knee-length ruffled skirt, in a light lavender to both compliment and contrast with Mutt's usual navy-dark attire. When Aziraphale arrived to the church, however, Calico had not yet changed, still in brightly-patterned leggings and a shirt that would not have looked out of place on the cover of one of Crowley's bebop albums, still positioning the cabinets and making sure everything was up to their standards.
"Mr Fell, wonderful," they said when they saw him, suddenly smiles but nevertheless all business. "Here, stand over... yes. I've just finished putting together the crushing illusion—let me show you how it works."
The pair of them talked and demonstrated and practiced for a few hours, going over several tricks that Calico had ready, arranging a set that would show them both to their advantage. Aziraphale's sleight-of-hand and misdirection tricks would lead naturally into the tricks where Calico vanished, and thence into more complicated illusions. All ones where Calico was in control, of course; Aziraphale knew very well they had no way of knowing he would change the laws of physics to keep them safe on that little church stage.
Eventually, it was time to change, then to put on a show. The Marvelous Mr Fell and his daring assistant Calico Jones wowed and amazed the audience with their prestidigitation and jiggery-pokery, their conjuring and illusions! The prestidigitation less than the illusions, it has to be said, but Aziraphale thought the turning of a turnip into an inkwell did set them in the mood for the crushing trick, at least, which was quite the crowd-pleaser. He rather thought their act must have inspired a number of contributions to charity.
When he tried to help Calico pack up, however, they were unusually reticent to accept. "Go out and talk to your partner first," they said, "I think he might be mad at you. He's doing that sexy lean against his car, the one where you can feel him glaring a hole through you even though you can't see his eyes."
Crowley!, Aziraphale thought, then partner?, then oh dear.
"Ah, thank you my dear," Aziraphale said with a perfectly cherubic smile to Calico, "and my best to Mutt, if I don't see you again before you leave." He knew he wouldn't; he was going to be sneered at sarcastically for having done magic in a church, because he was an angel and Crowley was a demon and they must have some standards, then taken out in the Bentley for a pleasure cruise where he would complain about the speed, and ultimately end the night quite drunk on some very nice wine.
And Crowley was going to hear all about his show.
Author's note:
The last three days have been a black hole, productivity-wise, and I had to sink all my energy into my job (ugh) and grad school (double ugh) but I did finally finish this!!!
The crushing trick is this one, which is really neat. I loved how the assistant is in control of the trick the entire time. Warning for some seriously objectifying language in the video though; pretty much the entire video up until they reveal the trick talks about the assistant like she's a sex doll.
Calico is Mutt's unnamed spouse, in case it's not clear enough. They're played by British comedian Andrew O'Neill, who also uses they/them pronouns. I wish we had even one line from them when they're not under the Jane Austen Ball Spell, to get a better idea of their voice, but I think I like where I got with them.
I love how Aziraphale just ditches them to go out on a date with Crowley at the end. I wasn't planning on that! He's just a bit of a dick!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
Wahoo for Andrew! :) ❤
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I really enjoyed the LGBTQ+ representation in this season of Good Omens! It was lovely to see queer characters that weren't skinny young waifs that appear for a second to be oggled and then disappear. Seeing Andrew O'Neill be unquestioningly referred to as Mutt's spouse (without any funny looks or jabs about their gender or appearance from any of the characters) made my heart sing
Thank you so much. Andrew rocked the ball-gown and the gold Doc Martens.
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nothankyoudear · 2 years ago
I think it genuinely cannot be overstated how important that kiss in season 2 of Good Omens was.
From a plot standpoint, that kiss showed Crowley's desperate attempts to keep Aziraphale, to reel him in and back to the Us that they had built upon.
But from just a show standpoint, they. fucking. kissed.
Obviously their love transcends physicality, and Neil has said that Good Omens is a love story even before season 2, but the outright confirmation of a widely popular queer ship ON SCREEN is just so... Unheard of.
Every fandom or show has their trademark gay couple that aren't-really-gay-but-also-kind-of-are-gay: Merlin and Arthur, Sherlock and John (very heavy offender), Dean and Castiel (okay this one was canon, but we all know what happened IMMEDIATELY afterwards), and I suppose at some point Ineffable Husbands had just been included in the same category as the rest of them.
And to have it be moved from mostly fandom and fan work fuelled to outright canon - like 'they fucking kissed on screen' canon - is just so fucking fantastic.
It's not vague, it's not lines that are blurred for the sake of being on the fence of appealing to two audiences at once, and it's not only canon because the creator just said it's canon without rhyme or reason purely for the sake of appealing to a queer audience (looking at you, Ms J. K. Rowling) - it's undeniable, blatant evidence that Crowley and Aziraphale are in love.
And yes, at the moment it's devastating, but it's also devastatingly real. And that's so important.
Especially with the release of Our Flag Means Death, I really do hope we are entering a new era in mainstream media where queer ships finally aren't treated as some sort of mysterious prize that the writers dangle in front of you like a carrot on a stick, and are just simply treated like any other ship out there.
Because if so, then queer kids will be growing up to these shows, see this new era of unabashedly queer media, and won't have to hide away their ships like some dirty little secret. They won't have to wonder if their representation is even representation. They won't have to get excited over being able to see the small chance of themselves represented in a character only to be let down so incredibly badly, because queerness is good only when it's marketable.
So sure, ending season 2 like that is fucking crazy, but you know what's crazier? Whatever the fuck Neil just did with that kiss.
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rainbowpopeworld · 4 months ago
Andrew O’Neill, the nonbinary person who played Mutt’s spouse in Good Omens, is having an online show tomorrow. It’s pay what you can, which could be 0. I recently started following them on social media so idk what to expect exactly, but I bet they will be entertaining
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
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gingerbreedhouse · 1 year ago
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We think so too, also best threeway there never was.
We will pass on this praise to Mx Mutt.
best duo that never was:
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meanwhile-at-the-coffeeshop · 6 months ago
Today, Mutt came by and asked for Nina’s help planning a special surprise for his spouse’s birthday. He joked that he needed Nina to be a magician until tomorrow, because a magician never reveals their secrets…
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gingerbreedhouse · 11 months ago
Do you guys want to come to the wedding? :)
Sure, but we are 4 free-spirited women, sometimes 5 …. Are you sure the wedding organisers can handle us?
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neil-gaiman · 1 year ago
mr neil sir are there any canonically trans good omens characters? thank you :]
Mutt’s spouse.
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deramin2 · 2 years ago
Also there area lot of queer humans in the snow. Including Mutt's Spouse who's nonbinary and played by a nonbinary actor.
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Every time I come across a comment that's on the lines of "I don't like the queer/nonbinary representation in Good Omens because it depicts queer people as inhuman" and I'm always like dude SHUT UP. I don't CARE
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casuallyanidiot · 7 months ago
After reading the yandere prince I kinda want a part 2 of when they actually are wed😅
Thanks for being my First Ask!
Yandere Prince would be soooo annoying about it.
He's so smug that he eventually got you to come around to the idea of being his spouse. Granted, there was a lot of coercing and threatening on his part, but you agreed in the end so it doesn't really matter. He likes to think of it like you finally stopped baring your teeth and snapping at the hand that feeds you.
Bad dogs get put down if they're too feral after all, and you seem to have learned that.
You're still so jumpy and quick to anger, however. As much as he hates to admit it, his precious pet might reluctantly obey him, but you certainly do not obey anyone else. He can't have you going around and lunging at the nearest maid who even slightly upsets you. It's not a good look for the future royal consort.
Yandere Prince who starts to tighten your leash once he marries you. No more leaving to go into town, or hunting, or running around with those other mutts you call friends. You're his now, so you have to act like it. The furthest you can go is the gardens, and even then he has swaths of guards and attendants to watch you.
Yandere prince who loves to show you off to his friends and other nobles. He thinks of it like a dog show in a sense. He dresses you in the finest clothing, trains you to be on your best behavior, and promises you treats of privacy and being let out of the palace (he never intends to make do on these promises, but he can at least allow you to have a bit of hope as a reward) if you perform well.
He likes to show off your thick, collar like necklaces and the bright ring on your finger to others. Even more so, he likes to compare how well he treats you with his colleagues.
"My wife can play the piano splendidly!" "Yes well, I ordered my husband a gossamer suit! He looks so delicate in it!" Yandere prince hums at the nobles bragging about their spouses. He merely smirks, squeezes the back of your well adorned neck, and watches you put on a forced smile to know that he has them all beat.
Yandere prince who starts to treat you less and less like an actual person the longer you spend in the palace. The staff starts ignoring your words when you're by yourself, and you have to be glued by his side for anyone to even talk to you. He slowly restricts where you can go without him, until you're forced to spend practically every second of the day by his side like the loyal dog you're supposed to be.
No one says anything. No one seems to care whether or not you're happy being wed to him. They seem to care even less when he starts forcing you to wear an actual leash.
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