#must be the Alabama girl in me
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littlebittywildflower · 8 months ago
lol why is this the 5 am painting mood? Who knows?
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cherrycherryves · 2 months ago
Madness in Mansion Chapter I
A Long Trek, a Great Journey
“Dear Miss Bethany,
By the time you are reading this, I will (hopefully) be long gone. I would tell you where I am going specifically, but I know you or someone else would have to come find me. I have left to find my father. My biological father! So please, please, please don’t worry! (And don’t chase me!)
I know me leaving might make things hard. I won’t be around to help with the other kids or the cleaning or the cooking. I’m sorry for putting more on your plate. But this is something I must do! Something calls for me! And if all goes well, you and the agency won’t have to worry about me anymore! I’ll be with my father safe and sound! If I can, I’ll send you a text message when I get to him and all settled in!
Lazari Swann!
P.S. There’s still some left over lasagna in the fridge if you were worried about dinner tonight! I put it on the bottom shelf! :-D”
Lazari taped her folded letter to the fridge. Really, it was the only place she was confident her foster mother would see it. The home was always chaotic, so many other kids, ones much younger than Lazari, demanded attention and care and nurturing. So much so that it was often Lazari herself offering such things to the toddlers and babies. She’d help make them breakfast, help them with homework, help them get dressed. Really, she was a bonafide second caregiver to her foster siblings. And while she wished she could’ve stayed after school for clubs or maybe been in her middle school’s play, she didn’t complain. There were much worse things in the world. Much worse situations.
Every morning her foster mother would rush out to the kitchen and begin making breakfast. She’d call for Lazari desperately, as well as some of the older kids to help. And every morning Lazari would jump into action, fully dressed and prepared for the day, and make the most delicious pancakes a 13 year old could make. So the brunette was certain that this was the spot for the letter to be. Brown eyes scanned her dark surroundings, the house still and chilly as she stepped back from the refrigerator. The young girl took a deep breath.
“Goodbye, home four.” She whispered out softly, jostling her stuffed backpack around to be better situated on her shoulders. She had already left letters for her siblings to find (the ones old enough to read at least) so all that was left to do was to leave and get to the bus station. All her money from allowance and chores was saved up for this moment. All her research at the library and on school computers when she should’ve been paying attention to algebra lessons, it was all for this purpose and this purpose alone. Lazari Swann would find her father.
Her mother had died after giving birth to her, that’s what she knew. Her father was nowhere to be found. All she had of her parents was her mother’s necklace and some old photos her mother had kept in an album. The album was mostly of her mother and her family, Polaroids from adventures long buried in the wake of a premature death. Her grandparents refused to take her in, refused contact, and Lazari was left to the devices of the foster care system. She was allowed to keep that album though, the one with many stories never to be heard from her mother’s own mouth. And there was one photo in particular that always caught little Lazari’s attention.
— 🍝 —
Lazari stared at the photo long and hard as she felt the shifts of the bus, as it turned and slowed and sped up. Her fingers rubbed over the ink that had stained the film, her only clue to finding her remaining family, a location she had never heard of yet oozed familiarity.
Loblolly, Alabama
Cascada’s “Everytime We Touch” bumped in her earbuds, bright red iPod held firmly in her opposite hand. She had studied this picture for so much of her childhood, she felt like she could draw it from memory. Lucky for her, a bus from Louisiana to Loblolly, Alabama existed, and 8 hours later that bus was slowing to a hefty stop. Lazari braced herself as the vehicle jolted, it wasn’t exactly a graceful finish to the ride. She popped her head up and tucked the photo away into her jeans’ pocket, pressing pause on her little device and wrapping her earbuds around it to place back in her bag. There weren’t many other passengers on this ride, and certainly none as bright eyed as Lazari. They all seemed lost, the girl had briefly thought, but then again, perhaps she was as well. She shyly thanked the bus driver for getting them to their destination safely and was on her way.
Loblolly, Alabama… the fresh air was welcomed into Lazari’s lungs as she stepped off the bus’ steps and looked around herself. She was closer than ever before to answers, to family, she just wasn’t sure exactly where to start her search. The photo she had been studying all this time was hard to decipher; it was a red monolith erected in what seemed to be a forest of black trees. She always assumed the photo was just taken at night, that’s why it was so dark and ominous looking. But where should she start searching if the whole town seemed to be surrounded by trees? A grumble in her stomach brought her thoughts back to the present moment. It was around lunch time now, no wonder she’d be hungry. So, her search would have to be put on pause while she found something to eat.
The young girl walked by many fascinating things, old stores that somehow seemed to be up and running still, the town square and a library, posts and walls with countless missing persons papers stapled on them. Lazari found herself watching her reflection as she walked by store and restaurant display windows, pleased with herself since her plan was going so smoothly. She disappeared into a small diner to grab a quick bite to eat, setting her overly-packed bag next to herself in the booth. An older woman waltzed over to her, makeup intense and perfume even more so. She peered over her cat-eye glasses to the young lady in front of her, face uninviting but words warm.
“What can I get ya to drink, honey?” Her voice was raspy, but gentle. Lazari decided it was pleasant.
“Oh! Um… do you have iced tea?” The brunette asked meekly, smiling politely like always. The woman didn’t have to write anything on her small notepad yet. She just nodded and stated:
“I’ll be right back with that, hon.”
Lazari watched as she walked away before turning her attention back to the menu. She thought about getting a sandwich, something easy to finish so she wouldn’t have leftovers and waste food, it was just a matter of figuring out what kind. As her eyes scanned over the options, she couldn’t help but pick up on the low conversations surrounding her.
“Did you hear he was spotted again?”
“Yeah, by the high school right? I wonder what he was doing there…”
“There weren’t any reports last night… no new victims or anything. Do you think he’s planning something bigger?”
The sound of a glass clinking against the table made Lazari jump. She looked up to see her waitress, face flushing as she found her own spacing out silly. She thanked the woman who nodded and brought out her notepad.
“Now, what can I get ya to eat?” Lazari had decided to get something simple after all. She ordered a grilled cheese with tomato soup, perfect since the days were getting a bit colder. Once the waitress was gone again, Lazari slumped back against the booth and let herself rest for a short moment.
It was when the waitress was coming to take her dirty plate when she got the confidence to ask. Holding the picture with sweaty fingertips, Lazari looked up to the older woman and squeaked out her question.
“I-I hate to be a bother, ma’am, but I was wondering if-if you know where this is?” The girl presented the image to the waitress and her eyebrows raised. Lazari wasn’t sure if they raised out of recognition or curiosity, or perhaps maybe for a more negative reason like annoyance. Either way, the woman took the picture in her aged hands and tilted her head. After what felt like an eternity, she spoke.
“Sorry, hon, I haven’t got a clue.” Lazari felt her hope falter a bit. “Maybe it could be the park down the road from the high school? You know, there’s a lot of trails there and what not? I think that’s your best bet at finding something like this.” The woman handed the picture back to Lazari with care. She picked up the plate before pausing and turning her head to say something else. “If you’re gonna be going there anytime soon, just be careful. There’s been nasty things going on around us lately…” The waitress turned her head away and left slowly after that, leaving her words to linger in Lazari’s mind. Ultimately, she decided that whatever it was had nothing to do with her or her goals. The young girl gathered her belongings, left an overly-generous tip, and was once again off on her merry journey.
It took a good while to find the high school. Lazari had to ask around for directions and received odd looks in response. It was like the townspeople couldn’t believe someone new had shown up there willingly. They would briefly answer her questions and then brush her off, all guarded and cautious. However, Lazari eventually found her way. And here she was on a hill, gazing upon the small school with a tilt to her head. She felt like she had seen this school before, maybe on the news or in an online article. But that wasn't the point of finding it. Now that she was here, she was certain she’d be able to find that park the waitress had mentioned to her.
“From the high school, go left.” She muttered to herself, reminding herself of the directions a more friendly townsperson had given her. She made her trek down the long road and before she knew it, she was entering the park.
It seemed like any other wildlife park. There were hiking trails, picnic areas, but everything seemed deathly still. An odd melancholy permeated the air. Lazari couldn’t tell if her sudden apprehension was because it would be getting dark soon or if she was just freaking herself out. It was just a park after all, a nature preserve! But the words her waitress shared with her suddenly rang in her head. Still, she had come all this way, she wouldn’t give up on finding her dad now.
Lazari stopped by a map of the trails and inhaled sharply as she realized just how many there were. There was no mention of a red tower, just trail names and things of more importance. She wouldn’t make progress just standing around, she had to keep moving. The young girl picked the longest trail to go down, thinking that this way she’d cover more land. If she didn’t find the tower on this trail, she’d just come back and pick a different one. Sure, it might be tedious, but she felt so close to uncovering something. Her heart raced, and she wanted to believe it was from the adrenaline of finally meeting her father, not from unease.
— 🍝 —
The sun was just disappearing behind the trees when she saw it. The red tower. Her heartbeat quickened, thumping hard against her rib cage. She felt the prick of tears, being in an area where her father and mother must’ve stood at one point. Sure, the tower was rusted and unsturdy, and the trees were a muted green instead of inky black, but this had to be it. She was at the exact angle the photo was taken from! She placed the Polaroid back into her pocket and kneeled down to retrieve her flashlight. Finally, she was finally getting somewhere. Lazari stood back up and switched her flashlight on. She gazed upon the tower once more, and as the sun faded, slowly… so did her optimism.
It suddenly dawned on her just exactly what she was doing here. She had left her foster home behind, traveled 8 hours to a location she’s never been to before, trekked through the woods alone, all just to see some tower that might have something to do with her father? What was she expecting to find here? Was she expecting him to be there? Waiting for her? Was she expecting some miracle to happen, or for something to make sense? She was here and now what was there left to do? That prick of tears turned sour as they trailed down her rounded cheeks. She choked on a hurried breath as her actions, and their possible consequences, started catching up to her. What was the point of this? What was the point of anything?
The sound of a twig sharply snapping made Lazari stiffen. The sound stung her ears, she must’ve grown accustomed to the eerie silence that hung heavy in the branches. With haste, she turned and shakily pointed her flashlight towards the direction of the noise. What she saw before her was almost indescribable.
At first, she thought it was a person, emaciated and bare, but the more her gaze lingered on it, the more she realized that was no human being. Its crouched position gave it an animalistic quality, its face unnaturally contorted in a snarl, and its eyes seemed to reflect her flashlight’s brightness. She shrieked, crying so loudly in hopes the whole world could hear her and someone would be there to rescue her. But she’d have no such luck.
It all happened so quickly. The thing bounded towards her and she ran off the trail. She jumped and stumbled over overgrown roots, feeling thorns and sticks brush by her legs. At a certain point it caught up with her, grabbing her ankle and yanking her back. Her flashlight left her hand and she yelped as her chin met the forest ground. The thing, now on top of her, slashed at her face. She was quicker though and lifted her arms in defense, earning a tear to her favorite sweater (and her arm) instead.
Lazari had always heard your life flashes before your eyes before you die. She saw glimpses here and there, memories of birthdays or going to a new house or meeting a new sibling. She even faintly recalled a barn, and having no time to be confused by that thought, she let the memory comfort her as she tried to make peace with the fact that she was about to be killed. At least she’d get to meet one of her parents tonight. But before this creature could finish her off, she watched it get pounced on by something with much more weight to it.
The creature was tackled off her and she didn’t waste time crawling away. The sounds were that of a struggle. There was growling, tearing, the crunch of bones being crushed by powerful jaws. She snatched up her flashlight to at least give her surroundings more visibility, pointing it towards the sounds just in time to see that whatever had attacked her was dashing away into the darkness with a hiss. She trembled as she looked upon the other beast that remained. Would this one attack her too? Was it just fighting off a competitor to win the prize of a meal?
The dog looked back to her, head tilted and curious. Lazari felt her stomach start to settle. This was no beast! This was a dog! A very large dog, but a dog nonetheless! The animal trotted up to her, keeping its gaze submissive as if to show it was no threat. Lazari swallowed thickly, but didn’t stop it from coming to her. After everything that had just happened, the potential to pet a fluffy dog was the most comforting thing in the world. She reached out a hand and the thing ducked to fit its blocky head under it. With shaking hands still, Lazari stroked its fur, sniffling and trying to quiet her sobs. She did this for minutes, trying to will herself to stop shivering.
“Go-Good boy…” She finally whispered, fingers brushing against a collar. Carefully, she found the bone-shaped tag on it and shone her flashlight over its engraving. “Smile…? Is that your name?” The dog’s tail started to wag and it barked in response, earning a cringe from the young teen. She hushed him nervously, looking around herself and forcing herself to be vigilant. Lazari recounted her belongings, making sure she still had her backpack on her back, her flashlight in her hand, her picture in her pocket. After what felt like hours, she stood up, only mild tremors still affecting her body. Smile watched her and dutifully took on a protective stance once he realized she was ready to move again.
“I don’t suppose you know a way out of here?” She half joked, now realizing she didn’t recognize her surroundings at all. She had gotten so far off the trail. Smile nudged her leg, raising his neck to connect with her fingers. Curiously, Lazari grabbed onto his collar and he began to guide her in a seemingly random direction.
— 🍝 —
To her utter surprise, the dog named Smile had taken her to a cabin. The cabin was rickety, small and she would’ve thought it was abandoned had it not been for the warm lights seeping through the cracks of the boarded up windows. Smile finally left her side, trotting up to the cabin door with a wagging tail. She figured his owners must live here, maybe that’s why he was in the forest in the first place. Cautiously, Lazari stepped up to the cabin door and knocked on it, bony knuckles making a pleasant sound against the wood. There was a long pause and no movement, so desperately, Lazari knocked again. There was another long pause, but this time, some noise could be heard from within the rundown cabin and the door was opened with a great force. Lazari flinched, jumping back as the door swung away from her.
“What!?” A gruff voice sounded out, and Lazari’s vision focused on a man. The man before her stared at her dumbly as soon as he saw her, Smile at her side, happy and playful still. His brows were furrowed, but something in him seemed to immediately soften. Lazari and the man stared at each other for a long moment before a third person entered the equation.
“Tim? Who is it?” This man’s voice was more relaxed, curious as he also entered Lazari’s view and peered over the dark-haired man’s shoulder. He, upon seeing Lazari, immediately held a similarly dumbfounded expression. There was another long bout of staring. Lazari found the courage to try and explain her situation.
“I-I’m sorry! If I um… am disturbing you both! But um! I was on the trail in the park. And-And something attacked me! I don’t know what it was, but… I think your dog saved me? I ran off the trail and got lost when it came after me and I…” Lazari’s voice trailed off as words got jumbled in her head. After the running and the attack, she realized she had run out of steam very rapidly. This fatigue also made her completely forget about the term ‘stranger danger.’ And honestly, these men looked more scared of her than she should be of them. The one named Tim finally spoke.
“Come in.” He stated lowly, opening the door more for Lazari to enter. The other man also moved out of her way. She didn’t have to be told twice. The brunette hurried into the warmth of the cabin and felt herself completely unravel.
The tears started again, her sobbing and biting her lip to try and keep herself quiet. The taller man knelt down a bit by her, attempting to take her backpack off her and she let him.
“Hey now, you’re okay.” He cooed, setting her backpack down with care and taking her hand to guide her to the only bed in the cabin. “You can sit here. Now, what’d you say your name was?” The man squatted in front of her as she slumped down on the thin mattress.
“I’m Lazari.” She sputtered out pathetically, whimpering and shivering all over again.
“It’s nice to meet you Lazari. I’m Brian. That grumpy looking guy is Tim.” Brian nodded his head to the dark-haired man who was on the opposite side of the cabin grabbing something from a shelf. “We’re gonna help you out, okay?” Brian offered his hand to shake and Lazari shyly shook it, manners were ingrained in her. The lanky man patted her hand with his free one when they were done shaking as Tim met up with them, first aid kit in hand.
“Did you get hurt anywhere?” Tim asked softly, squatting down similarly next to Brain. It was at that moment Lazari realized she had gotten scratched. She felt the cold stinging in her arm and looked down to see her sleeve torn and stained red. Tim and Brian watched as she took off her sweater to get a better look at her arm. She was relieved that the t-shirt underneath didn’t get damaged at least. She had worn her favorite outfit for the journey, after all.
“It doesn’t seem to be too bad, just a surface scratch.” Brian noted, suddenly serious. Tim grunted in agreement, switching sides with Brian so he could disinfect the wound and bandage it up.
“This might sting.” Tim noted as he rubbed a disinfectant-drenched cotton ball on her skin. Lazari inhaled a bit suddenly, but that was the extent of her reaction. There was silence as the shorter man bandaged her wound. He was extra careful to not make it too tight on her skinny arm. He was finished swiftly though, and he packed the first aid kit back up to be put back on the shelf.
“Now, can you try to tell us what attacked you?” Brian prodded gently, offering a lopsided smile of reassurance. Lazari hesitated, and he seemed to catch it immediately. “I need you to be as honest as you can. I promise whatever you’re about to say, me and Tim will believe you.” Lazari gulped, but she gave in. She was too tired not to.
“At first I thought it was a person… A really skinny and naked person. But it wasn’t. It was… unnatural… I don’t know how else to describe it, I’m sorry…”
“Hey, you don’t gotta apologize.” Brian hummed. Tim had rejoined them by this time, arms crossed over his broad chest. “We’ve encountered that guy plenty of times. We know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m just glad Smile was there to save you.” Lazari looked to Smile, who had been sitting next to her this whole time. He was as tall as her now that she was sitting. She nodded, also glad that she didn’t have to be met with such a terrible fate.
“What were you doing in these woods at sundown?” Tim suddenly asked, sounding a bit like he was scolding her. Lazari bowed her head, now realizing how stupid this whole plan of hers really was.
“I was looking for my father.” She stated, voice small. The cabin stilled, both Brian and Tim suddenly confused. Lazari continued. “S-See, my mom died giving birth to me and my dad was nowhere to be found. I’ve been going from foster home to foster home and I just wanted to at least try and find my dad. I just wanna go home…” A home that she had never known, Lazari realized as she spoke. “My only clue was this stupid picture!” The young girl presented them with the Polaroid picture from her pocket. Tim took a hold of it and looked down, Brian standing to get a peek as well. Lazari’s eyes were downcast, she couldn’t see their faces turn pale as they gazed upon the image. There was a bout of silence before Tim spoke again.
“I see…” These simple words were filled with trepidation. Brian had grown quieter than ever. The two men exchanged a look, as if reading each other’s minds, exchanging sentences with no words spoken. “We know a guy who might have answers.” The shorter man finally said. Lazari’s eyes widened and she looked back up at them.
“Really!?” She nearly shouted. Tim nodded, but his face looked grim.
“Now listen, kid…” He handed the picture back to her. “You’ve already witnessed first hand that things in this forest are not… right. And now that you’re here, frankly, things might get complicated. The answers you get might not be ones you want to hear. I’m not expecting you to understand anything I’m saying right now. But I’m telling you that you’re gonna have to be a lot stronger from here on out. Things are… well… it’s just…”
Brian placed a hand on Tim’s shoulder, patting it with comforting pressure. He smiled simply, Tim exhaling and taking a moment to recollect his thoughts.
“We’ll bring you to him in the morning. You’ll stay here for the night, where you’re safe.” Brian informed as Tim walked off to go to the sink. He filled up a glass of water and placed it by the bed Lazari was sitting on. “Try to get some rest, okay, Lazari?”
Lazari nodded slowly, allowing their words to sink into her brain. It seemed things were more complicated than she could’ve ever known, but she was in no state to inquire about what they meant or who she was about to meet. The young teen kicked off her shoes and curled up on the mattress. She felt Brian pull the flannel covers up and over her, effectively tucking her in. Smile climbed the short distance from the floor to the bed and huddled up against her legs. Lazari couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, but she felt that this must be close to what home feels like, and the warmth of this lonely cabin lulled her to sleep.
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pinazee · 3 months ago
Murder?…Anyone? …Anyone?…Bueller?
First of all, solid title.
Secondly, im back (sort of). Lets get into it!
I LOVE this episode. I love the insight into who gus and shawn were as teenagers, i love how gus and shawn are both stuck in the past in different ways, and i love Abigail Lytar!
From the first moment we meet her, we know that she gets Shawn. She not only clocks his judd nelson pic, she also plays along with the joke and makes another obscure reference.
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Abigail is the best love triangle addition in the history of television and i will die on that hill! They made her a genuine “competitor” to juliet by writing her as someone almost catered to shawns personality.
Normally with love triangles, they write the “competition” as less compelling of a choice to really emphasize how the mains are end goal OR they’ll make the decision split the center characters personalities, so like one choice will be the girl next door and represents the past version of them and the other is more career focused and represents the future (think sweet home alabama, uh, 13 going on 30, romcoms in general, you get it) And to a degree, thats sort of what this is with abigail and juliet, except it doesn’t split them in a way that is determined by shawn. Like, who shawn chooses doesn’t impact who he’ll be. The choice isnt a lesson or a determination of his character, if that makes sense. Plus, theres no caveat to Abigail. Like, she’d be perfect for him if it wasn’t for ___. None of that. Abigail and Shawn could have worked (ill go into it more in season 4 when they finally do get together).
Sidenote: i think her dynamic with both shawn and gus was really cute (which is another win in the abigail is a great love triangle addition column)
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So apparently Shawns recall is so good he can do an instant replay. Idk if i should add that to his list of skills or just lump that into his existing memory power. I also love though, that its a blurry image because thats how Shawn saw it and they didn’t try to make him super human and see it in high definition.
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Ravi shinkar is a heck of a reference to make and an even crazier one for lassie to have seen and shawn to understand haha
There was a joke made by Gus that Shawn didn’t know anything about their senior class or what happened senior year or the school, but I’d like to point out that his parents were on the brink of a divorce and then did divorce his senior year so im guessing he was pretty distracted. This is kind of random, but im wondering when Shawn decided he wasn’t going to be a cop like his dad. Like what was his tipping point. I always thought it was after his mom left because she said when she left she thought he would be okay, which to me meant that he had his path set. Now, because of how he didnt seem to care for school at all and was already off doing his own adventures (becoming part of the janitors society to get keys presumably for some reason) he was already aimless. Maddie was either delusional or Shawn lied to her? Idk im over thinking this silly cop show.
Now, the box of cop cars is not unexpected. We know who henry is. But this little bit actually tells us that Maddie never bought him other cars?? If I’m Maddie, and my husband is training my kid to become something i must have noticed he didn’t want to be because I’m a psychologist, I’m going to say something! Idk, maybe part of the reason they divorced was because of how henry was with Shawn, but then why would she leave him behind and think he was okay? So, i guess, i don’t understand why Maddie wouldn’t have pushed back. Why wouldn’t she buy shawn other toy cars for him to play with to provide choices for him. There is the possibility that shawn never told her that henrys training made him miserable because they were already fighting and didn’t want to give them another reason. Again, over thinking.
Some smaller notes:
-low blow for Gus to straight up tell Shawn no one had any expectations for him. Like i get he’s having a quarter life crisis or whatever, but, all the same, rude.
-that prom queen was Serinda Swan who was in a show called breakout kings with our own Mary Lightly aka Jimmi Simpson :)
-my favorite thing about carlton is that he’s a good head detective and yet has absolutely the worst instincts around. Like true south all the time.
“What does every great john hughes movie have? A love triangle!” Omg i just now saw what they did there and now i feel like an idiot lol
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jq37 · 1 year ago
How do you rank the Rat Grinders in terms of "most want to be friends" vs "die"
Honorable Mention #1 spot goes to Lucy Frostblade who seems like an absolute sweetheart. Anyone who's doing the Cinderella thing w/ the local rodent population is worth befriending in my book. Hope you're resting in peace now girl. You would have loved Zayne Darkshadow and Edgar.
(1) Oisin: OK listen, I am aware that all Rat Grinders must be regarded with some level of suspicion but come ON. I want so so badly for him to be exactly what he's been portrayed to be--a hot buff nerd who is easily flustered by Adaine. Fig got a wizard girlfriend so Adaine should get a wizard boyfriend. That's just equity. Don't you believe in equity Brennan? Joking aside, I think it would be really nice for Adaine to have another someone in her life who thinks she's great and tells her that since she spent so long deprived of that and is just recently starting to get that from people. Anyway, would love another wizard paramour in the Bad Kid rotation.
(2) Buddy: Hear me out. This dude absolutely needs to be deprogrammed a bit but so did Kristen when we met her. And his heart seems to be in the right place. I think he could be a good friend if they approach this from the right angle/are interested in flipping him. Also I went to college in Alabama, alright? His southern charm got me.
(3) Mary Ann: I haven't really gotten a solid read on Mary Ann yet. Is she suspicious or worn down or just Like That? No way to tell yet. But she hasn't actually done anything wrong yet so she gets this spot.
(4) Ruben: I'm more suspicious of Ruben this week than last week after his performance turned about to be a secret ritual, and he's also consistently been shitty to Fig which I don't like. But I'm suspicious abut how much of that is his natural energy and how much of that is related to the rage god. He wasn't emo when he started, remember? He was all smiles and braces and acoustic guitar. People can just genuinely change for the worse but I dunno. Might be something there and the Bad Kids ally list includes SEVERAL people who should be in jail right now so you know. Open mind.
(5) Kipperlilly: Kipperlilly is frankly just more fun as an antagonist than as an ally lol. Like even outside of the point that they hate her to the point of refusing to properly say her name so friendship was never an option, it's just not the most fun route.
(6) Ivy: Choke on grapes, bitch. I hope she ends up in hell with Penelope. This is Fantasy High. You can be a murderer but you can't be RACIST.
Interested to hear anyone else's takes if their list is different!
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love-and-hisses · 2 years ago
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Just in case you were on the fence about possibly adopting Daisy, let me sweeten the deal: not only does she come with extra toes, I'll also throw in this awesome box, for free. Where else you gonna get a deal like that?
Daisy (DOB 1/31/2020) is a black and white polydactyl (extra toes on all 4 paws!) tuxie who was living as part of a colony in Huntsville for at least two years before her feeders brought her to Forgotten Felines of Huntsville. She was scheduled for her spay surgery, but it was determined that she was pregnant, so she went into foster. She had four kittens on March 18th, and has since been a wonderful mother to them. She's ready to find her own home now, where she can be the baby.⁠ (She's fine with other cats, and would likely be fine with nice dogs as well.) Daisy is a super sweet, friendly girl who will always greet you at the door. She loves to be petted, and really loves to snooze while pressed up against you. (She has not proven to be a lap cat yet, but once her mothering duties are over, she very well might turn out to be one.) Now that her kittens are older, she has finally started to show her playful side. She is VERY fond of catnip toys, likes to bunny-kick stuffed toys, and really likes lightweight toys (like ping pong balls and toy mice) that she can bat around. When she's not playing, she likes to curl up in a patch of sunlight near a window, and watch the birds flit around. She has been spayed, microchipped, and is up to date on her vaccinations.⁠
We are located in Huntsville, Alabama. Out of area adoptions are allowed, but adopters MUST come here to complete the adoption. ⁠ Email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at [email protected] to inquire.
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ladykailitha · 9 months ago
Permanent Tagging List Final Call
Hey, guys it's that lovely time again when I go through my permanent tag list and remove people that haven't interacted with my stories in awhile to clear the way for new people.
So here's the deal, you'll have 24 HOURS to respond to this post. I have posted this two other times, trying to get the word out. Once two weeks ago and again one week ago.
NO JUDGMENT! I swear it. I just want to know if you're still interested so that if you're not, people who are can take your spot.
I love all the requests I'm getting to be added to it. But I am at 44 on my permanent list and if it hits 50 then there is no way to add people to a story's tag list. Something I really don't want to do.
You can tell me if you want to be:
Removed from my permanent tag and all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but keep you on all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but only some of the stories (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from all my WIPs
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from some of my WIPs (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list and all my WIPs.
My current WIPs so that you know what I'm currently working on:
Well Met By Moonlight: Steve is a werewolf, Eddie is a vampire and there are strange and horrible things going on in Hawkins. No Upside Down supernatural creatures AU.
Never Hold Back Your Step...: Boy With a Bat book 2. Sequel to Can Anybody See Me? Season 2 Au where Eddie picks up Steve as one of his lost sheep and him and Steve get together. Set immediately after book one, Steve has to get through high school and his new summer job. Only this is Hawkins and danger is always lurking around the corner. Featuring season 3 AU.
Icarus: Eddie makes it big with Corroded Coffin as Steve and Robin seemingly struggle with menial jobs. Only there is more than meets the eye with the up and coming metal band The Fallen as Eddie learns that the lead singer and Steve is one and the same. Now they have to manage three private lives with super stardom. The path to love never was smooth.
Sweet Home Indiana: Sweet Home Alabama fusion. Eddie and Steve get married when the first state makes gay marriage legal. But soon a rift forms between them and Eddie leaves. Now almost a decade later, Eddie's back in Hawkins looking for a divorce so he can marry his fiancee, Chrissy. But when he arrives, Hawkins starts feeling like home in a way he thought he lost long ago. Now he has to chose between his new life in Seattle and his old life in Hawkins. But not everything is as it seems and that makes things harder. For everyone.
Paper Hearts: Post Season 2 Valentine's day AU. Hawkins is doing a fund raiser for senior ball, people can buy paper hearts to give to their friends and lovers. Pink for friends and red for lovers. Steve doesn't have a girlfriend this year so he decides to get twenty pink hearts to give to girls that wouldn't normally get any. Cue Eddie finding that adorable and to do the same for Steve so he doesn't feel so lonely on Valentine's. They fall in love.
So here is the list of people that haven't liked, commented, or reblogged my stuff in about two months.
@danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @genderless-spoon @emly03 @scheodingers-muppet @i-must-potato
Some additional info!
I remove people who haven't interacted with any of my posts in more than 60 days. This is anything I post: chaptered fics, one-shots, and rants, whether or not they've been tagged.
What does interact mean? Comment, like, OR reblog. It doesn't have to be all three. Hell it doesn't even have go beyond a like. Though, really reblogs are the best because it means more people beyond the tag list can see it.
If you've done any of those things in less than sixty days, or have said that you're going through a rough patch and interaction will be down for awhile, you are still on the list.
I put up the option to be removed from certain stories because @maya-custodios-dionach said that they didn't like a couple of the stories (omegaverse and metal band Steve) and I thought oh, why don't ask people what they want to be tagged IN?
And in the last couple of days I've had about half of my tag list chiming in and tell me what they want. It's fantastic! Open communication for the win!!! It makes me giggle that no one has asked be from Boy With a Bat book 2, though. Literally everything else has.
Most of my regular permanent listers have made themselves known on what they want to be tagged on, but if you just like the post without commenting, I will take that as option 6 and move on. These people don't HAVE to comment or like, you'll stay on the list regardless.
But if you have stories you would much rather not be tagged in, I'd like to know, you know. ;)
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my-castles-crumbling · 27 days ago
Anon Advice Asks - February 5th
midnights anon, infinite anon (new), chickfila anon (new), outlet anon, Alabama anon (new), ⭐️ anon
Midnights Anon
Okay so I know I've gotten a couple messages from you in the past few days. I'm gonna try to answer all of them
For your oldest message- I'm so sorry your parents aren't very supportive. As far as your gender, remember that even if you choose to do nothing about it, it doesn't negate who you are. And it also doesn't change that you have time to figure yourself out. there's no rush.
For the message you wrote on Sunday - Honestly listening to your body and not listening to diet culture is SO hard. I still struggle with it every day. I'm proud of you for trying your best! And as far as your dad...he just sounds so picky! Did he ever work in the military? But yeah you're not stupid, that's....a lot.
And for the message you wrote on monday - you are NOT going crazy. But you do need help. Forgive me for needing a reminder, but is there any adult besides your parents you can talk to? A teacher, coach, therapist, anyone? I just want you to have a support system, you know? Also remember there a hotlines you can text and call, there's a list of them on my pinned post! And it's absolutely okay to vent to me, please don't worry about it.
Infinite anon
Hi cas,
I really don’t know how to start writing this (it’s the first time I right an anon, idk why I’m so nervous, but either way).
So, imma give first some context cuz I feel it’s needed.
So let’s just say that I’m not the most affectionate person to exist. And well, we were having lunch, me and my family, and my father brings out that I’m not affectionate. I’ve listened to this just way too many times, normally I can control myself, but today I’ve just not been able to and I just get up and go to room and start crying. Then my mother comes and tries to console me and she doesn’t stop touching me. I’ve told her infinite times -emphasis on infinite- that I don’t like touch, I don’t know why but it just repulses me. And she doesn’t stop touching me, so instead of getting better, I’m worse. And through this, she keeps saying that I should be more affectionate, warm, loving and everything. But I think she should understand that she’s asking for me to be someone that I’m not. And I don’t how to communicate this more clearer as I’ve already done so and it has no effect.
Some time passes and suddenly she says. “Are you like this cuz you’d think that I wouldn’t accept you if I knew that you like girls?”
Ok, so this happens and I’m like, what? Like, ok, she accepts it, but how does she know? I mean, around the internet I’m really open so maybe she’s read a comment on a TikTok or something like that. Maybe she’s seen my Pinterest. But she doesn’t know what my TikTok or Pinterest accounts are. Does that mean that she somehow controls everything that I do? I more or less suspected it but I prefer to not think much about it. And also, anywhere that may say that I like girls it says that I’m pansexual. So she must know that. And I feel that she made the comment before with reluctance as if she didn’t want to admit that I’m pansexual. As if if she just said girls and didn’t say the word pansexual it wasn’t real. And I’ve spent a lot of time fighting with myself to come to terms with it. My family’s really conservative and I’ll never forget a New Year’s Eve that we watched first dates -idk if it airs anywhere else, but in Spain it is, as the title indicates, about first dates- and there was someone who was bisexual. So, point is, all of my family was making comments such as “all-terrain”, “2x1”,… And this now lives rent-free in my mind cuz if they thought that bisexuals were that, what will they think I am?
And I also just couldn’t feel more outed. I thought that one day I’d be able to say it and be brave, now I’ve lost the opportunity. I must admit that I thought that if people just discovered it it would be easier, it isn’t. Though I’m still not out to anyone else, so maybe I can do so to them. But that’s also a problem as my brother and my father make too many homophobic comments and then sometimes my friends, although they like to look like allies, they say things like “they’ve appropriated of many things that now I can’t use”, “why do they act like that?” and shit like that.
So now I’m just a pansexual-outed(I wouldn’t consider it outed but the fact that my mother knows and not because I told her makes me feel outed)-mess who also doesn’t feel completely aligned with being a girl, demigirl maybe, but I’ve never told anyone, except the internet. And I feel that if anyone knew, then I wouldn’t be supported in any way and I would lose everyone.
And I don’t know what to do cuz I already censored myself way too much around my family and now I’m doing it even more. Also, I feel that in the upcoming elections from my country my father'll vote to the equivalent of Trump here and I don’t know how to face that -i really hope he changes his mind-. And also, I’ve really started to doubt myself if I’m allowed to want to have boundaries regarding touch. Am I entitled to have sensory issues? I mean, I definitely don’t like having them, but there are parts of my body where I just can’t even fathom a light touch. I feel like my culture is too warm, and I just don’t enjoy it at all, sometimes I feel it too overwhelming.
So, all in all, I don’t know what to do with all of this and I just don’t know how to feel.
Just noticed how much I wrote. Well, if you just read it I’ll be forever grateful, I just had to write it somewhere and i feel that clicking the button ‘ask’ will make me feel much better.
So, thank you for reading.
Hi! First of all, you are ABSOLUTELY entitled to decide when and how you are touched, even if you didn't have sensory issues. You have a right to have absolute control over your body!!
But as far as what your mom said, that wasn't cool. Your sexuality is a separate issue. If you feel comfortable, I think you should tell her that upset you and you wish she brought it up at a different time. But if you don't, just know that that was not okay.
But YES please know your boundaries are ABSOLUTEY okay. Don't doubt that for a second!
ChickFilA Anon
am i a bad person for wanting to live (a little bit) ignorantly so i won’t feel guilty about giving money to not good people?
(ex. I watch Disney still and eat chick fil a and listen to Taylor swift)
My brother is like a super activist and always gets mad when I mention liking those things. I do what I can like buying book secondhand but sometimes it’s just so much work and I would rather order it on Amazon.
I feel guilty when my brother points it out to me, but other times I just don’t care.
Am I a bad person for that?
Here's the thing. I love the people who are able to have the time, dedication, and resources to be super activists all the time. But honestly...and this might be a hot take...activism is only a PART of my life. I try to make informed choices wherever possible, and I think other people should too, but I also have to do my job, take care of myself, be in a relationship, etc. I am a thousand percent supportive of people who can put activism first always, but I can't always do this and I don't just people who don't, either.
Also I think there's a difference between some of these things...like yeah Taylor Swift has a private jet but she also donates millions to food banks. Chick Fil A donates to charities that are anti-lgbtqia. So to me, I feel fine listening to Taylor so I do, but less great about giving money to Chick Fil A, so I actively avoid it. It's relative, ig.
Outlet Anon
Hey cas, outlet anon here. Man have I had an eventful day. So I ride horses, and today I was working a diffiult horse who's been on stall rest (bed rest) for a while due to some back and hoof problems. He did really well all things considered, and I'm really proud of him! I was able to give his owner a few pointers on riding him in the future and I might get to do it again next week. Anyway, I was riding in a western saddle, which is basically just the ones with saddle horns (the things cowboys hang ropes on), and I hit my thumb on the horn at just the right angle that a small piece got wedged under my nail (not at all the horse's fault) and fell apart when I tried to take it out. I put a bandaid on it anf finished my ride since it hurt a little bit but didn't constitute getting off early. My mother was with me (she likes to watch me ride) and she took one look at it and drove me straight to an urgent care. We waited for an hour (honestly, 'urgent' care? Please. The day those people are 'urgent' is the day I turn straight) before I got called back. Long story short, the doc couldn't get it out (he dug as far uder my nail as he was willing to) so he numbed up my thumb and cut a portion of my nail off (about a centimeter or so). I now have a bunch of shit wrapped around most of my thumb and have to replace the bandages every morning for a week. I get home and my service dog is like "wtf did you do? See, this is what happens when you leave me" so I let him sniff my thumb and the fucking maniac tries to EAT IT. Like... my dog is crazy, I've known that. That's why I bought him. But trying to eat my damn thumb, which is covered in some antibacterial shit that doesn't even smell like anything, is a new level. He chose my thumb over food. That dog loves food more than literally anything. I had to put his shock collar on so the gremlin would stop trying to devour me. So yeah, fun day :):
Honestly the fact that you managed to do that is impressive. I hope your thumb feels better soon! Also it sounds like your dog was rightfully concerned lol
Alabama Anon
you know that feeling when you’ve got something you really need to tell people? Like you’ve known something for so long and you just want to tell the people you love and get it out into the world. But you don’t. Because you don’t know what they’ll think when you tell them. How could you possibly know what they’d say? Or if they’d still stick around? You know how that feels?
I feel like this currently. The thing I need to tell my people is that I’m bisexual. I live in a sort of rural area in Alabama, so a lot of the people in my town are quite conservative. I don’t even know if there are other queer people at my school. There probably are, but no one has said anything and I don’t want to be the first. I really want to tell somebody though, so I’m telling you. 
I feel like I’ve got a pretty good group of people, but you just never know what people will think. If I came out to the wrong person they could tell the whole school. 
Some of the people at my school already make comments about me. And some of the things they say about the other girls are absolutely disgusting. I honestly want to punch them. 
I apologize for the length of this. It sort of turned into a rant. But anyways, I love your work. I really do like the stuff you write. It always makes me feel happy inside, if you know what I mean. Thank you for reading this whole thing, if you did. I really appreciate it. 
Ugh yes I definitely know this feeling and I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way. Could you kind of 'test out' your friends first by talking about queer celebrities or something and seeing how they react? Just so you can make sure you're safe.
I hope you have a support system in your family or in other people around you. It's absolutely awful having to go figure out these things alone, so I am sending you so much love <3
⭐️ anon
so i came out to my dad. it was kinda weird because he came into my room and basically told me that my mom knew that i thought i was bi and wanted to talk about it, basically he told me he would love me no matter what but he just wanted to know (which i was really stressed out about because he’s a pastor) so i told him that i was a girl and i think i like girls too and it went so much better than i thought he just hugged me and we watched a tv show together. i just wanted to thank you for giving me the confidence to actually come out and now i don’t feel like im hiding this huge thing from my family. i probably won’t be publicly coming out soon just because of our current leadership in America but i just wanted to thank you so so so much for helping me.
-⭐️ anon
AHHHH I'm so glad it went so well and your family supports you! I really wish we could say the same about the government, but it makes me so happy to at least know your parents have your back <3 I'm sending you so much love!
6 anon
Also, I agreed to meet my dad for lunch.
AHHHH congratulations!!! That's amazing!! Keep me updated (if you want) on your dad!
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bellaireland1981 · 10 months ago
1k Celebration! Summer Pool Party Playlist
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I just hit 1000 followers!!! THANK YOU!!!! This is truly mind blowing and humbling and I am eternally grateful to all of you who follow, read my stories, interact and just like to geek out over these Top Gun hotties with me! I cannot even thank you enough for all of your support and encouragement. I have met so many incredible people on Tumblr and in this fandom. I know we recently hit some dark days but even in the not so great times, it’s important to remember that there are still awesome people here and it’s not all dark days. SO…. to celebrate this milestone and to hopefully bring back some fun, happy, bright, and sunny days…. I am hosting a Summer Pool Party Writing Challenge! Let’s kick off summer with our favorite aviators! 
You can sign up for as many Songs as you’d like! 
Message me with your song choice and who you’re writing for!- I will update the list so everyone knows what’s still available! 
18+ Only! Minors DNI
You can submit for a series, one shots, mood boards, drabbles, etc… The point is to HAVE FUN!
Must be appropriately labeled (Smut, Angst, warnings, Fluff….etc)
HAS to include SONG in some shape or form (i.e. in the title, included in the story, lyrics in the story, etc.) 
Your creations are due by July 31, 2024! Tag me @bellaireland1981 and #1kPoolPartyPlaylist  in your work so that I add your link to the Challenge Page! 
Playlist: (Note: If you have another summer/pool party themed song in mind that isn’t on the list– message me! We can add it)
Walking on Sunshine- Katrina & The Waves
Margaritaville- Jimmy Buffet
Dance the Night- Dua Lipa
I Don’t Want This Night to End- Luke Bryan
Summer- Calvin Harris
Party in the USA- Miley Cyrus
I Wanna Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston
One Margarita- Luke Bryan
Southbound- Carrie Underwood
I Ain’t Worried- OneRepublic
The Sound of Sunshine Going Down- Michael Frani and Spearhead
Made You Look- Meghan Trainer
Summer Days- Martin Garrix - ( @bellaireland1981 - Bradley x Reader)
Shut up and Dance- Walk the Moon
Summer Love- Justin Timberlake
I Was Made for Loving You- Oliver Heldens
Can’t Stop This Feeling- Justin Timberlake
Let’s Get Loud- Jennifer Lopez
Addicted to You- Shakira
1999- Prince
House Party- Sam Hunt
Hot Stuff- Donna Summer
Good Vibrations- Beach Boys
Love Shack- B52’s
Cake by the Ocean- DNCE
Sweet Home Alabama- Lynyrd Skynyrd
Dancing Queen- ABBA
Heat Waves- Glass Animals
Toes- Zac Brown Band
Summer Girls- LFO
Under the Boardwalk- The Drifters
California Gurls- Katy Perry - ( @startrekfangirl2233 Phoenix x Reader)
Kokomo- The Beach Boys
Watermelon Sugar- Harry Styles
Cruel Summer- Taylor Swift
Hot Fun in the Summertime- Sly and the Family Stone
Summertime Blues- Alan Jackson
(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay- Otis Redding
Summer in the City- The Lovin’ Spoonful
Hot in Here- Nelly
When the Sun Goes Down- Kenny Chesney and Uncle Cracker
I Don't Know About You- Chris Lane
Let's Have a Pool Party!!!!!!
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Country Roads, Take Me Home
Chapter Three of Sweet Home Alabama
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC (Linley Mitchell/Floyd), Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x OC (Linley Mitchell/Floyd)
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Description: Linley's finally back home in Pigeon Creek, not that she's pleased to be there. But she's not back home to take in the sights or engage in a nostalgia trip. Linley's in Pigeon Creek for one reason and one reason only. There's no way she's leaving town without getting what she wants - even if she has to go through the man she married to get what she wants. Things are rarely ever as easy as just getting the papers signed, are they?
Themes: angst, love, smut, attraction
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2177
A/N: Chapter 3 is on deck! Linley's finally home in Alabama and the fur is going to fly! So this is where the drama in this story begins!
AO3: Cross-posted here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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The sun is just rising when the plane lands in Alabama. You rent a car and settle in for the four hour drive to Pigeon Creek. It's as you're driving through Greenville that your phone rings.
"Hello?" You hope this isn't your dad.
"You bitch!" It's Tasha. "I was your first friend in New York and I have to find out you're engaged like everyone else did? By reading the papers?"
"I know, Tash. But she didn't really give me a choice. She turned the ring around on my hand and blurted the whole thing out. If I had my way I would've been telling you all about it over mimosas this morning."
"Well you still can, y'know, babes? I'm at that little spot around the corner from your place with a few of the girls. Why don't you come by? We'll each treat you to a celebratory mimosa."
"I wish I could, Tash. But I'm not in New York right now. I'm in Alabama." You wince at the explosion of sound that comes through your earpiece. It sounds like all of your friends are loudly screaming advice down the phone to you, and if you weren’t driving and wearing a headset you’d have pulled the speaker away from your ear. Once the noise dies down, it takes you twenty minutes to placate her before you can hang up the phone, which is exactly how long it always takes to drive to Pigeon Creek from Greenville.
Everything in Pigeon Creek looks exactly like you remember it. Dusty and hot, with the same people doing the same things, just a little more worn than you remember. But you’re a woman with a mission. You’re not back in town to take in the sights and reminisce. On the contrary, you’re here for one thing and one thing only. If only you can drum up the courage to speak to Jake again. You drive through town twice in your discomfiture before finally taking the long drive home. It feels like it takes hours and minutes all at once. God, you hope Jake still lives in the same house. You don't know what you'll do if he isn't there. You’re not exactly equipped for a manhunt here.
You must be in luck for the first time in the past few days, because when you pull into the driveway of the house you used to call home, the same old truck is in the driveway. More than the truck though, the entire house seems to be just like it was the day you left. There's a little more ivy covering the sunny yellow siding, but it all looks exactly the same. The birds are making a riot as you sit in your soft-top rental convertible and take stock of the situation. How does coming back to the same place automatically make you feel like the same person you were before you left?
You carefully pull the engagement ring off of your finger and stick it in your purse before double and triple checking that all three copies of the divorce agreement are in your purse where you left them. With a fortifying breath, you step out of your rental and walk towards the front porch. The first change you see is the seaplane waiting down by the dock. When did Jake buy that old plane? Then there’s the sweet dog sitting on the porch. Bear looks just like he did when he was a puppy. But he doesn't seem to remember you, instead he barks at the sight of you. Either Bear doesn't remember you, or far more likely, his daddy brainwashed him into believing you're the enemy. But you can't go back, not now, so you walk carefully towards the porch.
As you reach the bottom of the stairs, the old screen door bangs open. It's Jake, wearing a pair of old wranglers sitting low on his hips and a worn sage green t-shirt so tight and worn that it looks like it's been molded to fit his torso. His golden hair is sticking up in greasy tufts. There's grease all over his face and an engine part in his big hands. He looks good, you note dimly, your mouth dry and mind racing.
"Shut up, puppy." He still sounds damn good, too.
"I'm sorry about him. He's a barky little thing but he's mostly harmless. What can I do for you?" He doesn't recognize you. Not one bit. His green eyes are flirtatious as they scan your form. Who'd guess that an off the shoulder top, a pencil skirt, a pair of heels, and some sunglasses were enough to camouflage you from the man who at one point knew you better than you knew yourself?
"I'd like," you tug the sunglasses off of your face and cross your arms over your chest, "for you to get your smart ass down here and give me a divorce!"
The smirk drops off of his face incredibly quickly, soon joined by the engine part clanking to the deck below. The sound is so startling and loud that it has the dog loping towards you and has you taking a few steps back. 
"I mean it, Jake. I have a flight to catch. It's not going to take long. There are three copies, all equipped with idiot-proof tabs. One for me, one for you, and one for my lawyer." You hold them out to show him.
He just stands there in disbelief. 
'Will you just speak already?" Your voice is a barely suppressed growl. But instead of Jake talking, you get a bark from the dog, and he doesn't seem to want to stop the racket, either.
"Why do you think I'm going to do that? After seven years, you think you can march up here and demand a divorce? No asking me how I am, how my mama is? None of that? I mean, come on, Linley. I at least thought you'd tell me I look good."
See this? This is why you left. "You want me to tell you, you look good?! What, did Pigeon Creek run out of soap or something?" You're starting to see red. Jake has always been so flippant.
"Do they laugh when you say those things wherever you've been?" He looks angry and sad. You are too. You have been for longer than you remember how it feels to be happy - truly, completely incandescently happy. 
"You knew where I was. It was on every envelope that I had my lawyer send you, a lawyer I spend $350 dollars an hour on. You know, the envelopes with our divorce papers that you've sent back unopened three times?" This is why you left. Jake always drives you to distraction.
But you can't even think. The dog's barking is disrupting every thought. Without thinking, you're snapping, "Oh will you just shut up, Bear!"
At the same time, Jake's snapping, "Give it a rest Bryant."
Bryant? What happened to Bear? The sweet puppy you raised with your own two hands? The one you asked to protect his daddy before you left? Did Jake really fall to such lows that he even got rid of the dog you'd once had together?
"Bryant? What happened to Bear?" Your voice must show your sorrow at not seeing him, because Jake's expression softens momentarily.
"He passed away." Then it hardens again in an instant. "You weren't here." That set expression on his face seems to be his newest tactic for dealing with you.
"Have you even been to see your dad since you got back to Pigeon Creek? Does he know you're here? Cause I'm not signing a single thing until you go see your daddy and let him know you're in town. So go on, now. Get in that Yankee excuse for a car and go see your daddy, Linley." His condescending tone is what sets you finally, officially off. You're screaming as Jake stomps up the stairs and shuts the screen door in front of your face. 
You haven’t heard this particular rage in your voice in years as you shriek, "Jake! Jake! You stubborn, dumb, ridiculous, redneck hick!  You won't sign because I asked you to!"
"I'm not signing because you moved away and turned into a hoity toity yankee bitch! And it pisses you off!" The rattle of the front door latching sends rage bursting even further through your veins. You can't go back to New York without these papers signed. Of course, just as you lose sight of Jake through the front windows, you remember the front door key you'd hidden when you and Jake had bought the place. 
It's all too satisfying to see Jake jump, beer sloshing out of the bottle in his hand when you say, "Hey, genius! Next time you lock somebody out, make sure they don't know where the spare key is."
"Well you see, here's the thing about spare keys. It would be nice if your wife told you where it was!" You really can't believe what you're hearing.
"Jake. You and I both know that I'm not really your wife. I'm just the first girl who hopped into the back of your truck."
His face drops when you say those words, in a way that you don't understand.
"Well, allow me to remind you!" You're left watching in shock as Jake unplugs the phone from the wall and rushes into another room. When you hear the lock click, you know something you aren't going to like is going to happen.
Meanwhile, in New York:
Carole Bradshaw knows three things, as a fact. One, Bradshaws are made to be in office. Two, that Linley Floyd girl is bad news. Three, in politics, you can't have any secrets. So the day after she finds out her son asked his girlfriend to marry him, she goes on a digging expedition. Or well, she has her Chief of Staff, one Beau Simpson, commonly known as Cyclone, go on a digging expedition.
"We can't find any record of a Pete Floyd anywhere in Greeneville, Alabama, ma'am." Like a dog after a bone, Carole immediately knows she's on the right track
"What about her high school? They have to have some record of her, right?" God bless Cyclone for picking up exactly what she's putting down.
"I've checked that already, your honor. There is no record of Linley Floyd at Greeneville High School. Before you ask, there are no other records of her for the other schools in the Greeneville area either. I’ve checked every school, public and private within a two mile radius of the city limits."
"He does this kind of thing to make me suffer, doesn't he? I wish I knew what the hell that boy was thinking about when he asked to marry her! Whatever happened with that, that…" Carole snaps her fingers, and Cyclone, as always, fills in.
"Callie Bassett, ma'am?" 
"Yes!" Carole's triumphant. "Her! She would've been perfect for him! She's rich, from a political family and she's from California! Can you imagine what the polling numbers would be like if he married a Bassett? California would be a clincher in an election! All of those electoral votes!"
"Maybe she really loves him, Your Honor?" Carole's laughter when she hears those words is nearly a cackle.
"Not a chance in hell. Now find me any information you can get on Linley Floyd. Yesterday! I'm going to call my son." 
Across town, Bradley Bradshaw's at a ground breaking ceremony for a new children's hospital when his phone rings.
“Something wicked, this way comes,” he mouths, just as he picks up the phone.
"Hey, Mom. You sound like you feel better." He's lying - his mom still sounds annoyed.
"Why yes, Bradley. Of course, I'm alright. It was just a little bit of a shock. And my polling numbers went up by two points! Guess they like the reminder that I’m a mom. Say, have you and Linley decided on a date yet?" Bradley can't hide the grimace on his face at the thought of what would happen if he answers wrong. It'd make his mom really happy, but Linley? She'd murder him for not discussing it with him, first.
"We haven't decided yet, mom." Bradley signs another couple of autographs as his mom prattles on about how his polling numbers would be better if there were no skeletons in Linley's closet and how that would be better for his political career. His hums and haws work for only a little bit before she's changing the subject back to Linley and her family again.
"Alright, well do you happen to have the Floydses number in Greeneville? I thought I should introduce myself." She's up to something. After a lifetime of her and her controlling schemes, Bradley knows that much.
"Mom, I'd kind of like to meet her parents myself, first." His mom's chuckle makes him groan, even as she reminds him yet again, "If there are any skeletons in her closet, we need to know, Bradley!"
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jcbbby · 2 years ago
Preacher's Girl
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OKAY FIRST OF ALL, don't fucking look at me right now (especially if you're Jamie...) I know I will not see the gates of heaven for this. anyway... hello, it has been a minute since I wrote a thing. this is a fic centered on Jamie's Preacher character from the I Am music video. and I'm just gonna leave it at that. also this is not proofread!
warnings: 18+ ONLY I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL BLOCK YOU DNI, preacher!Jamie x oc, p in v, unprotected sex (DON'T do it), religious imagery and themes, breeding kink if you squint sort of, also kind of a slow burn at first?
***** Cicadas droned outside through the open windows, loud enough to cut through the sound of the quiet chatter amongst the crowd mixed with the whipping of the little old ladies fluttering their hand fans. Ivy stared out of the open window of the sweltering church, trying to zone out to forget where she was. On the eager request of her grandparents and the encouragement of her mother, she agreed to spend the summer with them in their rural Alabama town. It was a much different pace of life out here compared to the bustling city life she was used to.
Her grandparents were old-fashioned, and very religious; something she never seemed to inherit. Her mother had moved out to the east coast to get away from that culture, opting for a more exciting and open-minded life. So, when she seemed to agree that a summer away in the quiet southern state would be good for Ivy, she was shocked.
“It will give you some nice perspective!” She said. “Plus, your grandparents won’t be here forever, you should cherish the time you have left with them.”
Her mother wasn’t wrong, but that did little to ignite any semblance of excitement over the thought. What was there to do in rural Alabama for a young woman from the city? Still, with her sweet old Nana and Pop eager to host their darling granddaughter, she begrudgingly said yes, soon finding herself in the sticky, thick, hazy summer air of the south. Arriving on a Saturday, of course their plan was to get an early night in so they could introduce her to everyone at their church in the morning.
The church must have had been built in the 1800s, still lacking almost all modern features. No air conditioning, no bathrooms, and no modern technology, save for a single microphone at the podium, connected to a small PA speaker. Ivy fanned herself with her hand, glancing around to survey the audience while her grandparents conversed with an older couple in front of them in the first row of pews. As she looked around, a hush fell over, and gazes shifted to the front of the church. She snapped her head in the direction of the crowd, a tall, dark figure emerging from the side of the slightly raised stage.
He stepped up to the podium, placing his hands over either side of the edge, clearing his throat before glancing down and taking a breath. He was surprisingly younger than Ivy was expecting and stood tall and slim. His golden chin-length hair neatly descended from under a large brim black hat. He wore a very fitted three-piece black suit and white button-up dress shirt. As he looked out over the crowd of parishioners, he smiled warmly, letting the skin around his eyes crinkling perfectly into what reminded Ivy of sun rays.
“Good morning, everyone.” He spoke in a deep, warm voice. “Thank you for being here with me today. Let us begin.”
Ivy stared in awe. He was breathtaking. She straightened up in her seat as he began speaking his gospel. His words filled the heavy air of the church and she found herself feeling stuck in his honey smooth voice, hanging on to each word he uttered. Never in her life would she have thought she would find herself paying such close attention to a church sermon.
He moved his gaze in her direction, momentarily locking eyes with her as she felt her cheeks grow hot. Ivy shifted in her seat, darting her eyes down to his shoes. When she dared to glance back up, he was still looking directly at her. He flashed a gentle smirk to her before breaking away. Ivy let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, feeling a shiver run throughout her body. There was something somewhat devious about that smirk. Maybe there would be some excitement this summer in this dirt road town.
Once the service had ended, the church was hosting a start of the summer lunch reception at the community center just down the road. Of course, Ivy’s grandparents were keen to go. This was a town where everyone knew everyone, community events were obligatory at best. She let out a sigh of relief upon walking through the double metal doors of the community center, feeling the breeze of air conditioning hitting her damp face. She followed closely behind her grandparents as they made their way to the table of various foods, mostly homemade.
“I’m going to just go get us a table, I’m not that hungry.” Ivy tapped her grandmother’s shoulder.
“Oh, honey bee, you really oughtta eat something or else you’ll get sick! Here, you’ve got to try Darlene’s biscuits at least!” She handed Ivy a dense golden biscuit.
“Oh…okay, thanks nana.” Ivy forced a smiled before turning to take stock of open seats.
As she sat down, she looked around the large room, hoping to spot the preacher who had her so enamored. She scanned the perimeter, eyes narrowing.
“Well, it seems we have a visitor today.” An oaky voice came from behind her. She turned to see him standing there, the preacher, towering over her. “May I?” He gestured to the seat next to her.
“Of course.” She smiled politely.
He took off his hat, placing it gently on the table in front of him. He smoothed back his hair with one hand, looking to Ivy to reveal his enchanting ice blue eyes.
“Does our visitor have a name?” He smiled.
“I’m Ivy. Uh, I’m Dale and Irene’s granddaughter.” She returned the polite smile, hoping he didn’t notice the quick up and down she gave him or the rosy tint to her cheeks.
“Oh, how nice. Yes, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Jamie, just Jamie, I don’t do the fancy clergy title. Pleasure to meet you.” He winked, extending his hand out to her.
“Nice to meet you too.” She met his hand with hers.
“Oh, good! You’ve met Jamie!” Ivy’s grandmother set her plate down on the table, sinking down into her seat.
“Hello Irene, lovely to see you.” He smiled. “Dale.” He nodded and reached to shake his hand as well. “I was just telling Ivy here that I had heard so much about her from you two, it’s nice to finally meet her.” He looked back to Ivy with a grin.
“Oh, well we’re just so happy to have her here. She’s staying for the summer with us.” Irene beamed.
“Is that so?” Jamie’s voice lilted. “Well, it will be so great to see another pretty face around town for a while.” He winked, facing Ivy so the elder couple wouldn’t notice. Ivy’s heart thumped against her chest. “Well, I’ll let you all be, I’m sure you’ve got things to catch up on. Great to have you with us, Miss Ivy.” Jamie reached for her hand, lifting it to his lips to give a gentle kiss.
“Uh…just Ivy.” She grinned. “Y-yes. It’s great to be here. Thank you.”
Jamie picked up his hat from the table, setting back on his head. He gave Ivy one final look before turning to greet those at the next table over. Ivy bit her lip as she glanced at the hand he had kissed, taking in a breath. His charm was unrelenting, and it knocked the wind clear out of her. She stared, thoughts racing through her mind, as he greeted some other parishioners. Her grandfather’s voice managed to pull her out of her trance, her attention snapping back to the elder.
“Such a nice fella, that one. All the folks around here love him.” Her grandfather said through a mouthful of food. “We were a little wary when he came to replace old Father Wilkins after he died, what with him being so young and all. But I gotta say he’s a real man of faith.”
“How long has he been in town?” Ivy asked.
“Oh I’d say about a year or so now. Said he came from the west, out in the desert, I think. The town’s really taken to him though, you’d think he was a southern boy from the start if it wasn’t for that accent.” He took another bite of his sandwich.
“Yeah, he seems…really friendly.” Ivy turned to look at him conversing with a couple, not much older than she was. She certainly wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but part of her wondered just how friendly he could get.
Over the following few weeks, Ivy found herself looking forward to Sunday services. Each time she attended church, her eyes would seek out Jamie, and he would reciprocate with small glances and smiles. The innocent exchanges gave her butterflies, and she often caught herself daydreaming about him during the weekdays. Perhaps riding around in the old beat-up truck he drove around, windows down, hands intertwined over the center console; relaxing in the shade under the willow tree down by the pond behind the old mill.
But some nights, alone in her room after her grandparents had gone to sleep, she found herself even fantasizing about Jamie. Though she wasn’t religious herself, there was something so guilty about thinking of a man of the church in this way. He was probably pure, saving himself for marriage. Still, Ivy couldn’t help but sense something hidden under his holy exterior. There was something hidden, and the intrigue consumed her.
The two hadn’t shared more than a few cordial words each weekend, between the glances, though. She was beginning to wonder if she had just been completely misreading things through the rose-colored glasses of her own desires.
One Sunday after the service, Jamie stood in the doorway of the church bidding his congregation goodbye as they shuffled out into the bright midday humidity.
“Irene, Dale, Ivy.” He smiled and nodded politely as they passed by him. “Oh, Ivy!” He followed.
“Yes?” She replied, stopping to turn around.
“I’m wondering if you might be interested in volunteering for the end of summer fair that we’re putting on for the kids next weekend. We could really use an extra set of hands, if you’re able.” He smiled.
“Oh, how fun! Ivy would love to help out, wouldn’t you honey bee?!” Irene excitedly grabbed her arm.
Ivy looked between Irene and Jamie. “Uh…yeah, sure. I can help.” She pushed a smile.
Jamie stood up straighter, flashing a toothy grin. “Wonderful. It’s appreciated. We’re having a volunteer meeting with everyone helping on Wednesday night at 7pm, if you can make it.”
“Sure, yeah, I’ll be there.”
He tipped his hat to her. “See you then.”
While Ivy somewhat begrudgingly agreed, she was excited at the opportunity to spend more time with the intriguing preacher during her final week here. She didn’t expect much, but at least she would be able to be around him, drinking in the sight of his tall figure and wonderfully sculpted face.
The Wednesday meeting arrived, going as one would typically expect. The logistics and volunteer duties and assignments were discussed, the timeline, a question-and-answer portion. Jamie dismissed the volunteers, thanking them for their time commitment and willingness to assist.
“Ivy, would you mind hanging back a minute. There’s something I forgot to go over with you.” Jamie called out from his seat as the small group filed down the aisle.
Ivy turned around, letting a few others walk by her on either side. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Come sit.” Jamie gestured to the pew in front of him.
She complied, coming to sit down. As the last person went out the door, it closed behind them with a click that echoed throughout the room. Jamie got up from his chair on the platform, coming down to the pew where Ivy sat and sitting beside her. She felt her breathing pick up slightly, his cologne enveloping the air around her.
Jamie turned to her. “Ivy, I’ve noticed something has been weighing on you.”
Her stomach dropped. He had noticed the way she had been looking at him and the blushing when he glanced back at her after all. She felt his hand rest on her thigh, drawing her out of her own mind and thoughts. She looked down to her lap and then back up to him. His eyes were dark and suggestive.
“Have you had…sinful thoughts?” He asked calmly.
Swallowing hard, Ivy paused, opening her mouth to speak but having no earthly idea of how to respond. She resolved to a shallow nod, darting her eyes anywhere but to his, unsure of how honest she could be with him. Her mind reeled, caught between the boundaries of his position and her own suppressed desires. Jamie nodded back to her, looking forward and letting his gaze wander.
“I have to admit…” He turned his gaze now to her. “I have too.”
Ivy’s heart was in her throat. “Oh?” Was all she could manage to squeak out, the warmth of his hand still radiating through the fabric of her sundress. He leaned in closer to her, his breath brushing against her earlobe.
“Will you hear my confession?” He whispered.
She turned to him, their faces mere centimeters from each other. “Y-yes…”
He met her eyes with his own. “Those thoughts have been about you.” He said in a hushed tone, his thumb beginning to caress where it rested on her thigh.
A mix of shock and excitement washed over Ivy, burning itself all the way down to her core. She hadn't expected him to be so candid and so forward. She found herself still speechless, never having thought her desires would be equally reciprocated. After a beat, she found her voice.
"Is...is that even allowed?" She whispered, concerned about a faith she didn't even fully understand. “I thought that god-“
"Do you even believe in god?" Jamie interrupted, his tone genuine.
Ivy hesitated before admitting, "No, I don’t…"
Jamie smirked. "Then don't worry about it." He said, leaning closer, his other hand coming to grip her chin. "You don't have to pretend to be so innocent then, do you, my little lamb?"
“I…” She started to reply before his hand on her thigh ventured deeper between her legs. Her breath hitched as his fingers brushed against the panties that were already wet with her neediness.
“What, you what?” He cooed, still holding her chin tightly with his other hand, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Tell me what you want.”
“I…” She breathed. “I want you to touch me. Please.”
She felt his lips crash against hers, like a man starved. He released her chin, slinking his hand around her neck and up the back of her head. She quickly adjusted herself, swinging her leg over his to sit on his lap, straddling him.
“Not so timid anymore it seems.” Jamie pulled back, smirking.
“I just said I don’t believe in god, I’m going to hell anyway, I might as well enjoy myself along the way.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I can give you something to believe in.” In a swift motion, Jamie slipped his hands under Ivy’s thighs, lifting her up as he stood up.
He walked them both towards the platform, stepping up, and pressing her back against the wall, just under a large wooden cross. Her legs stayed wrapped around his waist, hands rustling through his golden hair. His lips furiously pressed against hers, tongue and teeth coming together in a raw passion. His mouth ventured down to her neck, nipping and suckling just under her ear as Ivy let out a gentle whimper. She felt his length hardening against her inner thigh, making her need for him grow stronger.
“Are you gonna fuck me right here under this cross?” She breathed.
Jamie abruptly stopped, pulling back to look her in the eye. He let her legs fall individually and took half a step back. Ivy furrowed her brow, confused. She wondered if he had suddenly had a change of heart, or if he realized how sacrilegious this all was.
“Hey.” He said sternly. “We’re in a church. You should know you can’t use that language in the house of the lord.”
“Oh, uh-“
“You know you have to be punished.” He smirked wickedly, stepping backward again.
Ivy’s blood pumped furiously through her veins, excitement overtaking her. This was undoubtedly so wrong, but so thrilling. He glanced to the lectern, where a thick bible sat neatly on top. He took it in his hand, turning back to Ivy. He pulled the chair on the platform closer to him, taking a seat and patting his lap.
“Come on.” He gestured. “Bend over, take your punishment.”
Ivy hesitantly made her way over to Jamie, slowly sinking herself lower and folding herself over his lap. Her breath was heavy, anticipating. He cleared his throat and reached for the hem of her dress, sliding it slowly upwards, fully revealing her light pink panties. He neatly folded the fabric at the small of her back, gently smoothing it out with minimal pressure.
“Now…” He sighed.
He drew back the hand holding the bible, and with a swift flick of his wrist, the leather-bound cover made sharp, unforgiving contact with Ivy’s supple backside. She let out a shrill yelp as it came down on her flesh, knowing full well this would leave a mark. Without missing a beat, Jamie pulled back and delivered another hard whack to her. Her shriek echoed off the walls of the empty church, this rap stinging worse than the first one on her already red skin. Tears began to well in the corner of her eyes.
“P-please…I’m sorry.” She whimpered softly.
“What was that, my little lamb?” He reached with his other hand to softly stroke her hair, countered quickly with a third strike of the bible.
Ivy tensed up over his lap, crying out again. “I’m sorry!”
Jamie continued petting her head, now resting his other hand and the book on her back. He leaned down closer to her ear, smiling softly. “Will you be good for me now?”
Ivy took in a shattered breath. “Yes... Yes, I’ve learned my lesson.”
“Good girl.” Jamie whispered. “Now, sit up…”
Ivy did as she was told, peeling her torso off his lap only to swing her leg over and straddle him once again. She sniffled lightly as she looked at him directly again, eyes still slightly glossy from her punishment. His hands slid around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“To answer your question from before…” He began. “Yes, I am going to fuck you right here under this cross. I am going to show god that you’re mine.”
Before Ivy could respond, his lips were already pressing hungrily into hers. He began to trail down her jaw and on to her neck, suckling hard enough to make sure he would leave his mark. She reached between both of their bodies, undoing the button and zipper of his pants just enough to free his hardened length. She took him in her hand and stroked him slowly, a low groan emanating from his throat. His hot breath against her skin made her already desperate core throb, she felt as though she could combust at any moment.
With his lips still exploring her neck and collarbone, he moved to quickly lower the straps of her dress, letting them fall to her elbows. He tugged at the top hem of the dress, letting her chest reveal itself, spilling out over the fabric. His mouth made quick work of enveloping her nipple in its warmth, drawing out a pleasured sigh from Ivy. She began to grind against his thigh, hoping for some sense of relief.
“Come on, then.” She breathed. “Make me yours. Take me.”
Jamie let out a breathy chuckle, removing her hands from his cock, slipping his hands under her dress and under the elastic of her panties. She rested her wrists on his shoulders, staring down as he pushed the fabric aside, gently pushing her upward to angle his tip at her entrance. She gasped as she sunk down slowly, feeling the stretch of him inside. He let out a groan as Ivy now fully enveloped in, her weight fully back on his lap. She leaned forward, resting her forehead against his briefly before closing the gap between their lips. Her hips rocked forward, his hands gripping her hips to help her along. Suddenly, he pulled back.
“Say it, before god, say that you’re mine.” He growled, rocking his hips in rhythm with hers. “I don’t care what you believe in, you’re going to believe in me. Say it.”
“I-I’m yours!” Ivy mewled. “I’m yours.” She fell forward against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Yeah, you’re my good girl. My good girl.” He growled again into her neck.
The two of them clung to each other, the space around them filled with their moans and breathing, the aggressive creaking of the wooden chair they were occupying. If the church hadn’t been the only building on its acre of land, someone would have heard them through the open windows.
A gentle breeze made its way through the large hall, raising goosebumps across their sticky, shiny skin, covered in the humid dew of the south. Their movements were in perfect sync, each one locked into the other’s body, as if they were a symbiotic pair; as if they were to lose contact, their bodies would shrivel up and wither away into the wind.
“Look at me.” Jamie whispered. “I want you to look at me as I finish in you. As I claim you.”
Ivy pulled back to look at him, arching her back as she did. “Yes, Jamie…please…let god know I’m yours.” She sighed, digging her nails into his shoulders.
His thrusts became more haphazard, and his grunts frequent. Ivy rolled her hips along with him, the pressure building throughout her core, sensing the euphoria just over the horizon. As if it were a divine purpose, she slipped over the edge just as Jamie spilled out inside her. Ivy fell forward again, burying her face in his neck as she rode out her high, as Jamie wrapped his arms tightly around her. They slowly came to a still, only the sound of their heavy breathing and birds singing outside the church walls filling their ears along with low ringing.
As their senses came back to them, they relaxed their hold on the other. Ivy pulled back from the crook of Jamie’s neck, smoothing her damp hair out of her face. He smiled softly up at her, taking her chin in his hand again, only this time pulling her tenderly toward him to place a gentle kiss to her lips.
“How are you doing, little lamb?” He asked sweetly, his voice no longer gruff and demanding, but kind and warm.
“I’m…feeling saved.” She smiled.
He chuckled lightly as he caressed her cheek. “Oh, is that all it takes?”
Ivy slid herself off his lap, letting him tuck himself back in to his trousers. “You said you’d make a believer out of me. I definitely believe in a lot more than I did before I came here.” She winked.
“Well…you have a few days left here. I can certainly give you a lot more to believe in, darling.” He smirked at her as he stood up, reaching out his hand, silently asking for hers.
Ivy smiled, glancing between his eyes and his hand.
“I’m all yours.”
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naturesfirstgreenisgold · 1 year ago
Childhood lovers with Jake ‘H_ngm_n’ Seresin
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All the Pretty Girls- Kenny Chesney
American Kids- Kenny Chesney
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not- Thompson Square
Austin- Blake Shelton
Beautiful Crazy- Luke Combs
Buy Dirt- Jordan Davis, Luke Bryan
Carrying Your Love With Me- George Strait
Chicken Fried- Zac Brown Band
Cover Me Up- Morgan Wallen
Cowboy Take Me Away- The Chicks
Crash My Party- Luke Bryan
Craving You- Thomas Rhett, Maren Morris
Diamond In My Pocket-Cody Johnson
Die A Happy Man-Thomas Rhett
Dirt On My Boots-Jon Pardi
Dirt Road Anthem-Jason Aldean
Do l- Luke Bryan
Drunk On You-Luke Bryan
Even Though I'm Leaving-Luke Combs
Fast Car- Luke Combs
Feathered Indians- Tyler Childers
Fire Away- Chris Stapleton
Footloose- Kenny Loggins
Forever & Ever Amen- Randy Travis
Galveston- Glen Campbell
God Gave Me You- Blake Shelton
Greatest Love Story- LANCO
Hard To Love- Lee Brice
Heading South- Zach Bryan
Head Carolina, Tails California- Jo Dee Messina
Heartache On The Dance Floor- Jon Parti
Heart Like A Truck- Lainey Wilson
He Could Be The One- Hannah Montana
Hold My Hand- Lady Gaga
Home- Blake Shelton
Hometown Girl-Josh Turner
Honey Bee- Blake Shelton
Hotel California- The Eagles
I Ain’t Worried- OneRepublic
I Don’t Dance- CHAD, Ryan, Disney
I Don’t Dance- Lee Brice
I Don’t Want This Night To End- Luke Bryan
I Drive Your Truck- Lee Brice
If I Didn’t Love You- Jason Aldean, Carrie Underwood
If I Was Your Man- Blake Shelton
I Like The Sound Of That- Rascal Flatts
I’ll Name the Dogs- Blake Shelton
I’m Comin’ Over- Chris Young
I’m In A Hurry (And I Don’t Know Why)- Alabama
I Wish Grandpas Never Died- Riley Green
The Kind of Love We Make- Luke Combs
Last Night- Morgan Wallen
Life in the Fast Lane-Eagles
Life’s a Dance- John Micheal Montgomery
Like I Love Country Music- Kane Brown
Love Like Crazy-Lee Brice
Lovin' On You Luke Combs
Meet In the Middle-Diamond Rio
Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right-Billy Currington
My Maria-Brooks & Dunn
New Kid In Town - Eagles
Night Shift- Jon Pardi
Nobody But You- Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani
ONE BEER- HARDY, Lauren Alaina, Devin Dawson
One Of Them Girls- Lee Brice
One of These Nights -Eagles
One Thing At A Time- Morgan Wallen
Playing with the Boys -Kenny Loggins
Play It Again- Luke Bryan
Renegade- Styx
Rhinestone Cowboy-Glen Campbell
Rumor- Lee Brice
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)-Big & Rich
She Got the Best of Me- Luke Combs
She Had Me At Heads Carolina-Cole Swindell
She's Country- Jason Aldean
Sixteen-Thomas Rhett
Slow Dance In A Parking Lot-Jordan Davis
Small Town Boy- Dustin Lynch
Sold- John Michael Montgomery
Somebody's Problem-Morgan Wallen
Something in the Orange-Zach Bryan
Song of the South-Alabama
Southern Nights- Glen Campbell
Stay-Florida Georgia Line
Strawberry Wine-Deana Carter
Sure Be Cool If- Blake Shelton
Take It Easy -Eagles
Take My Breath Away -Berlin
There Was This Girl-Riley Green
Things a Man Oughta Know-Lainey Wilson
Thought You Should Know-Morgan Wallen
Til You Can't- Cody Johnson
Two Dozen Roses- Shenandoah
Unforgettable- Thomas Rhett
Wagon Wheel- Darius Rucker
The Way I Talk -Morgan Wallen
What Ifs- Kane Brown, Lauren Alaina
Why Don't We Just Dance-Josh Turner
Write This Down-George Strait
You Should Be Here-Cole Swindell
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bookletreview · 5 days ago
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When it comes to beginning a book review blog, I initially struggled with choosing the first book to speak about. However, it became obvious there was no other choice but Angela Davis’ Women, Race & Class. I first read it when I was fourteen years old, and it combined my love of reading with social justice. 
A brief bit on Angela Davis: She was born in Alabama in 1944. Davis is an American Marxist and feminist political activist, writer, academic, and philosopher. She is a retired professor who taught at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has an extensive history in revolutionary activism and at one point was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitive List in 1970. Ultimately, she was found not guilty in her trial on suspicion of involvement in the Marin County Civic Center invasion by Jonathan Jackson.
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Women, Race & Class examines the history of feminist movements in the United States that focuses on the struggles and contributions of black women. It is a masterpiece in uncovering the complex field of feminist intersectionality. Published in 1981, it has solidified itself as a cornerstone book that is a must-read when it comes to exploring the fields of feminism and black history. 
The book underlines how classism and racism affected feminist movements in the United States, highlighting the complex interplay between various systemic power structures. Davis emphasizes the point of how feminist movements failed black women, lower-class women, lower-class black women, and other women who did not fit in the category of early-wave feminist leaders; upper-class white women. 
I cannot stress how talented Angela Davis is at weaving narratives with complex and thorough research. The book is divided into thirteen chapters, which each act as separate long essays that are interwoven with one another.
Trigger Warnings: Topics such as sexual assault and abuse are covered in this work -- particularly abuses towards women in slavery.
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The Legacy of Slavery: Standards for a New Womanhood. 
The Anti-Slavery Movement and the Birth of Women’s Rights. 
Class and Race in the Early Women’s Rights Campaign. 
Racism in the Woman Suffrage Movement. 
The Meaning of Emancipation According to Black Women. 
Education and Liberation: Black Women’s Perspective. 
Woman Suffrage at the Turn of the Century: The Rising Influence of Racism. 
Black Women and the Club Movement. 
Working Women, Black Women and the History of the Suffrage Movement. 
Communist Women. 
Rape, Racism and the Myth of the Black Rapist. 
Racism, Birth Control and Reproductive Rights. 
The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-Class Perspective. 
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This book is a must-read when it comes to deconstructing history education given in many Western and white-led curriculums. For me, it was a cornerstone in delving into the realm of books centred around Black history, intersectional feminism, and decolonization efforts. 
Other books of note (of which I will eventually write reviews): 
Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement, Angela Y. Davis, Cornel West & Frank Barat, 2015. 
Are Prisons Obsolete? Angela Y. Davis, 2003. 
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, Ibram X. Kendi, 2016.
The Price for Their Pound of Flesh: The Value of the Enslaved, from Womb to Grave, in the Building of a Nation, Daina Ramey Berry, 2017. 
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, Isabel Wilkerson, 2020. 
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, Richard Rothstein, 2017. 
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Harriet Ann Jacobs, 1861. 
Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality, 1890 – 2000, Adam Fairclough, 2001. 
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docnomore · 2 months ago
At breakfast yesterday, I received official notification of her intention to marry her lesbian lover. I gave it no energy. Not my life. Not my eternity. So, I lightly asked who pays? She didn’t understand the question. Had to have it explained to her. In traditional weddings, the parents of the bride pay for everything. Two women. Who pays? Never got an answer. Showed me a photo of the gown she wants. Typically, it’s designed for women who are of average height, with a waist. She’s short and fighting to stay under 200 pounds (no waist). I looked with interest and nodded approvingly.
I was informed that her lover, arriving tomorrow for the cruise, is extremely anxious about setting foot in Alabama. Apparently, what never makes the national news (or even the local news) is that they lynch gays and lesbians there. Seriously? My daughter - raised here (less than five miles from the state line), believes this. Like my youngest son, she too is a “social justice warrior”. I am not. I tend to believe that societal norms, established centuries ago, exist for a good reason. I truly believe in equality and that it’s not “free”. From where I sit, I have so narrow mindedly concluded that “social justice warriors” are themselves privileged and are struggling to feel relevant. You want relevance? Try not feeding your cat for three or four days. You will quickly discover to whom you truly matter. And back to societal norms: imagine me refusing societal norms like marriage and age. How would she feel, how would my wife feel, if I were to bring a fresh, young 18 year old girl (literally a girl) into our marriage? Sex to me doesn’t mean the same as it does to my wife. And as much as I appreciate “gestures”, alternative “love language” is no substitute for hard core, get your heart pumping and mind racing sex. I’m not dead yet. We all must obey the norms. It’s literally what makes society function.
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no-gorms · 2 years ago
Stony Sweet Home Alabama AU: so like, make it post CW/EG where Steve is 100% been waiting for Tony to serve him papers and is going to acquiesce quietly to whatever Tony wants these days, but especially about their long overdue divorce
so ok, instead of pining and stubbornness like the guy from SHA stopping him from letting the girl can get re-married, maybe there’s something bad about the person Tony is engaged to. And Steve knows, he KNOWS what a bad look it is and that he’s got a reputation for stubbornly holding onto things past the point of it being healthy and he KNOWS he should give Tony this closure and he would ANY OTHER TIME he SWEARS!
but now Steve has to draw this process out or else Tony might be taken advantage of and he needs to do it in a way that doesn’t make it impossible to inevitably convince Tony his fiancé is bad news once Nat and the others get proof
And maybe that means trying to do all the things Steve’s dreamed about doing to win Tony back or at least give them both closure but never did because clearly he never deserved to be forgiven or to even ask for it. But he HAS to try and make this not just seem like it’s about spite to keep Tony at least somewhat onside and not just take him to court while then being out of reach when the time comes
(Who or what’s wrong with the Fiancé I dunno but maybe it’s a Skrull thing or it’s a baddie that Steve ran into or Magic or something. maybe they are stuck in a Wanda world and Steve knows it’s a sit/romcom and Tony doesn’t and the Fiancé is like clearly Thanos lol)
Anon I was humming and nodding along until you hit me with -- THANOS!✨👀
That is MAGIC, it elevates the whole situation entirely to a level of absurdity and danger that only Steve can grasp, and what a torment that must be! He knows how it looks, but the threat is real, and he needs to do this right way because Tony would never believe him otherwise! But he also needs to be sincere because Tony can smell a manipulative agenda a mile away, so Steve almost... has permission... from himself.... to really go all out to win Tony back with every sincere romantic move he's dreamed about for so long, because hey what's the worse than can happen besides humiliating himself and losing Tony to 🔥THANOS🔥
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n1ghtcrwler · 1 year ago
Wait, have you told the story about the cult? I have no recollection.
I find it's more entertaining for myself and easier to handle if I make no effort to track what stories I have or have not told, so I have no idea. But I certainly can, thanks for asking!
It's unclear how it began, but at some point, my maternal great-grandmother decided she was the One True Prophet, the only person on Earth who heard directly from God. This meant she was also perfect in every way, and incapable of physical decay. She also decided men were, on the whole, only good for producing children and providing money, and should be kept in a lesser position to women and replaced whenever they become inconvenient to deal with.
These are the only tenets of her religion that seem to have been settled and maintained throughout her life. Everything else was sorted out on the fly; my dad loves to tell the story of one time when she, frail and in her 80s, dug a ditch on her property and responded to the resulting back pain by deciding that God must have been revealing to her that someone ELSE in the family was having back pain (because her body couldn't be weak enough to experience pain of its own, of course), and started calling her descendants one by one until someone said they were experiencing back pain and she promised to heal it.
Conveniently, she had mostly daughters, who went on to have mostly daughters. She raised these daughters to believe in her absolute authority as the living voice of God, and all interpersonal disputes within the family were arbitrated by her, usually in a manner that resulted in people holding very old grudges over slights that were never properly resolved. Most of the women in that family married men who would submit to great-grandma's authority and the authority of their wife, except my mom.
My mom's cousin, her grandson, was the first boy I know of born into that line, and he was absolutely raised to be submissive to his mother to the degree that he never married because the only girl he ever loved was not accepted by the family. I was the next boy born into the family. We were living with great-grandma in Alabama when I was born, and within two months of that event my dad got so sick of fighting with great-grandma about whether or not his opinions mattered that he declared he was moving back to PA, and I was going with him, with or without my mom. Mom ended up joining us, and once we were out of her immediate control, great-grandma started sending me letters that my mom would read to me, because that was what she was supposed to do. I don't know how long this went on until the day she wasn't available and my dad ended up being the one to open the letter. I don't know the content of that letter, but I know Dad believed it was a clear attempt at brainwashing, and was egregious enough that he threw the letter away and called great-grandma to inform her that she had no authority in his house and any further attempts to turn his family against him would be met with severe repercussions. We were promptly excommunicated.
My cousin Dave was the next boy born into the family. He lived a mile away from me, and his mom was incredibly close with my mom. So while she was out finding new boyfriends at local clubs, he and his younger sister spent at least half their nights at our house. Which means my cousins were being influenced more by my dad than their own mom on many issues. So when my dad got a phone call from my great-aunt telling him she didn't approve of the way he was raising her grandson, he pointed out that it wasn't his job to raise her grandson, but he would gladly adopt my cousins and raise them outside my great-grandma's influence if they wanted him to take that responsibility. My cousins did not stay at our house much after that, but Dave never really fell in line.
The last time I saw my great-grandma was at my aunt's third wedding. I think she's up to six now. I didn't bother to learn any of their names after the second, for the same reason we don't name chickens we plan to eat. Dave and I were hanging out at the reception and ended up by the table where she was sitting, so we said hi. She asked about a rumor she had heard that we were both in college. We confirmed that was true, to which she replied, "You need to get out of school before you end up going to Hell!" We said, "Okay cool, see you later grandma!" and slipped quickly away. When she died, leaving a massive power vacuum in the family and no one to hold everyone together, the family rapidly devolved into bickering factions defined by sixty years of unresolved and previously secret grudges. Dave and I kept our distance and largely missed the fallout. My mom's cousin managed to slip away to another part of the country and start a new life. I'm told there are still, twenty years later, cousins who are not on speaking terms. Since no one had the authority to take over great-grandma's position in the end, the family cult seems to have died out, though I'm sure we'll be seeing the consequences of it for generations. Well. Someone will. My engagement with that side of the family is basically limited to my mom and, on rare occasions, Dave these days.
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love-and-hisses · 1 year ago
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I don't know that I've ever seen an adult in that hammock scratcher, but Uhura is certainly making it her own.
Someone asked recently about Uhura's personality, and while it's kind of hard to tell right now because she's 100% in Mom mode, I can report that she is super sweet, friendly (she meets me at the door more often than not) and loves to be petted. She spends a lot of time talking to and checking on her kittens, but when they're sleeping or busy playing she takes advantage of having time to herself and stretches out for a good long nap.
She hasn't played much, but I've seen her playing a few times, and this girl is a GOOFBALL. I don't think she's particularly a lapcat (I could be wrong about that; I certainly have been before), but she likes to keep me company when I'm puttering around the kitten room doing small tasks.
I have NOT yet gotten her DNA results back, but Basepaws is saying it'll be any day now, so I will surely report when I hear something.
Uhura is going for her spay surgery on Wednesday (and then will come back here afterward.) She isn't officially online as available yet, but if you're interested in adopting her, you could go ahead and email Forgotten Felines at [email protected] to inquire. (We are located in Huntsville, Alabama; out of area adoptions are allowed, but adopters must come here to complete the adoption.) We believe she's about 3 years old; this probably isn't her first litter… but it's certainly her last! 🎉
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