#jamie campbell bower fanfic
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oskea93 · 7 months ago
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← Take Me Away (Intro) →
OC x Jamie Campbell Bower (AU 1970s)  Warnings: TW—> This story will contain the following: (domestic violence, physical/verbal assault, cursing, sexual content, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, self harm). Please do not read if you are triggered by any of these warnings. This is a work of fiction only. I do not own Jamie or any other famous people mentioned. 
A/N: Hello again! So I decided to restart this story again because i'm currently in my JCB era and there just needs to be more stories out there featuring this man! With that being said, Jamie will not be the Jamie we know and love today. His name and image is being used, but there will be moments where he is not a very nice guy. Kind of like Caleb from Horizon. But there will also be moments where he is the lovable guy he typically is. I just want to thank those that either stuck with this fic or just recently found it!
“So, tell me about Jamie.”
“What do you wanna know?”
The interviewer looked down at her notes, “What was life with him like – in private.”
I chewed on my bottom lip, somewhat afraid to answer. “Chaotic- “I started. “Wonderful in many ways but a total shitstorm all at the same time. He knew what to say and when to say it, but his words and actions weren’t always pleasing.”
I paused, searching for the right words to convey the whirlwind that was our life together. “Jamie was incredibly charismatic. He could light up any room he walked into, and people were naturally drawn to him. His charm was almost intoxicating; it made you feel special just being around him. But that charm had a flip side. In private, it wasn’t always so magical. There were days when his mood would swing dramatically, and you never knew what to expect.”
“How so?” The interviewer questioned.
I shrugged my shoulders, slouching a bit in my seat as I reflected on the complicated nature of the person in question. "He was his own villain," I began, my voice tinged with a mix of sympathy and disappointment. "He tried so hard to make a name for himself in the industry. After years of working closely with all these high-profile artists, indulging in the debauchery they played with, he lost sight of who he truly was."
I paused, choosing my words carefully as I continued, "Your sins catch up to you eventually, and the way you treat people changes. It's like a slow erosion of your values and morals until one day, you look in the mirror and realize you're not the person you thought you were."
My companion listened intently, absorbing my words before posing a poignant question, "Was he the love of your life?" The inquiry hung in the air, laden with layers of emotion and history, hinting at a deeper connection that transcended professional ties and delved into matters of the heart.
As I delved into the depths of my memories, recounting the chapters of my life that intertwined with the complexities of rising to fame at the tender age of 17, I knew that the tale of Jamie and me would be a pivotal thread in the fabric of my story. It was a narrative rooted in scandal and secrecy, a forbidden love that blossomed amidst the chaotic backdrop of rock 'n' roll excess and the stark contrast of a preacher's daughter entwined with a man hired to shield her from the very temptations she found herself succumbing to.
We wove a web of deception, attempting to shield our burgeoning relationship from prying eyes and wagging tongues, but the silent exchanges, the subtle gestures, and the lingering gazes between us belied the truth we sought to conceal. Jamie was a force of nature, a whirlwind of contradictions that both thrilled and terrified me in equal measure. His charm was a siren song that beckoned me into uncharted waters, his humor a balm to soothe the turbulence within my soul, his love a flame that flickered dangerously close to consuming us both.
In Jamie, I found a kindred spirit, a partner in crime who mirrored my own reckless abandon and insatiable thirst for life. He was the grenade to my pin, the catalyst that ignited a chain reaction of emotions and experiences that would forever alter the course of my existence. He was the bomb to my clock, ticking away the moments until our inevitable collision, our destinies irrevocably intertwined in a dance of passion and peril.
I had always been taught that God sends people into our lives for a reason, be it for our growth or our downfall. Jamie was no exception—a temporary fix that morphed into a permanent fixture, a fixture that brought both the brightest joys and the darkest sorrows of my young life. His presence was a paradox, a riddle wrapped in an enigma, a conundrum that I struggled to unravel even as I found myself ensnared in the web of our shared destiny.
I shifted in the plastic seat, my denim-clad legs crossing tightly. “Well—” I spoke, my voice wavering slightly. “That’s quite a title to give someone who could love you one minute and then treat you worse than a dog the next.” I smiled sadly, the memories flooding back with a mix of warmth and pain.
As I penned the words that would immortalize our tumultuous love affair on the pages of my memoir, I couldn't help but marvel at the intricate tapestry of fate that had woven our paths together. The story of Jamie and me was a testament to the volatile alchemy of passion and pain, of love and loss, of growth and destruction—a story that would echo through the annals of time as a cautionary tale of the perils and pleasures of forbidden love. And as I laid bare the raw truths of our tumultuous romance, I knew that Jamie would forever hold a piece of my heart, a shard of my soul, a chapter in my life that would never truly be closed.
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jcbbby · 2 years ago
Vanity Fair Lie Detector Interview w/ Jamie Campbell Bower and You
hello! I've had this idea for like almost a year now lol. this is very dialogue heavy, there's not much description, but I felt like it kind of had to be, since it's just back and forth questions? idk, it's not my best work, but the idea is sickeningly cute and I needed to get it out. anyway, hope you enjoy it! <3 warnings: none! just fluff, ST4 costar!reader, gender neutral reader (pls let me know if I missed any gendered terms!)
As part of your Stranger Things press tour following the release of Vol. 2, you and your co-star Jamie were appearing on the lie detector interview. Entering the set, it was dark, with just a single overhead light hanging above a metal table. You and Jamie sat in chairs in front of the table as you filmed the intro for the video.
"Which one of you would like to go first?" The producer asked off camera.
You both turned to look at each other, nervously smiling. You shuffled your feet against the floor.
"Uh...I guess I'll go." You shrugged. "I'll just rip the band aid off."
The camera cut and the polygraph examiner set up as you and Jamie took your places on either side of the metal table.
"I feel like I'm looking at 25 to life or something right now." You chuckled as the polygraph examiner finished hooking you up to the machine.
"Are you nervous?" Jamie smiled at you from across the table.
"I'm sweating!"
Jamie cleared his throat, adjusting his posture to sit up straight, smirking as he tried to look intimidating. Your lips scrunched into a thin line as your eyes widened, showing your anxious anticipation.
"Okay...first question: is today June 8th, 2022?" He read from the cards in his hands.
"Yes." You stated.
"Were you in season 4 of Stranger Things?"
"I was." You smiled.
"Did you always want to be an actor growing up?"
"Uh...y-yeah. I would say yes." You nodded. "One of the things I wanted to be, anyway."
"What else would you have wanted to be?"
"Uh, well I still do music, but I wanted to be a famous musician. For a hot second I wanted to be a museum curator." You smiled.
"Have you ever googled yourself to see what people think of your work?"
You laughed and then hung your head. "I have! I need the validation..."
"I'm British, and you're American. Do you think I do a good American accent?" He chuckled.
You paused, sucking in a breath jokingly before smiling. "No, I'm kidding. You do have a decently good one, actually. Yeah."
Jamie gave you a side eye and looked at the polygraph examiner, who sat still staring at the paper and moving dowels. He looked back at you and nodded judgingly.
"Do you remember your first celebrity crush?" Jamie smiled.
"Who was it?"
You let out a breath, a slight smile flashing across your lips. "Um, I think it was like, Orlando Bloom?" You laughed. "Man, him as a blonde elf, y'know?"
Jamie chuckled at your answer before glancing down to his cards and looking back up. He smirked. "Do you have a current celebrity crush?"
"Uh...yes." You pursed your lips, taken aback by the question slightly.
Jamie cocked an eyebrow, leaning closer over the table. "And who is your current celebrity crush?" He smirked.
Your eyes went wide and you felt your cheeks immediately blush. You glanced over to the polygraph examiner, laughing nervously. It was him. Ever since the day he walked into the table read, you were enamored with his beauty, inside and out. You were secretly so excited to be paired with him for these press events, despite not having much screen time with him. You hoped your feelings wouldn't be obvious, but now, being hooked up to a lie detector, you felt like you weren't able to hide it at all.
"Oh god...haha...uhh..." You looked back at Jamie, eyebrows high, biting your lips slightly. "Well...uh, all I'll say is... they're in the room currently..." You smiled shyly, averting your eyes.
You could feel the warmth of Jamie's smile that grew across his face. "I didn't know you felt that away about the polygraph man." He chuckled.
You looked up, seeing his cheeks lightly blushed. You giggled, looking over at the smiling polygraph examiner. "I'm glad I could finally let him know." You looked back to Jamie.
"Well...I'm sure he's absolutely flattered." He held your gaze for a moment before taking in a deep breath and looking back down at his cards. "Okay, last question... Would you say you're cooler than your character in Stranger Things?"
You laughed. "Oh god... Absolutely. They're much cooler than me, yes."
"Did you lie at any point during this interview that we didn't catch?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and leaning forward.
You grimaced, looking over to the polygraph examiner. "I don't think so, no. I didn't lie."
He gave a thumbs up and you jokingly exhaled a sigh of relief. The camera cut, and the crew came around you, setting up the next shot for Jamie to be in the hot seat. There wasn't much time for conversation as they worked around you, which you were slightly thankful for, given your admission. Though, you both did exchange a few soft glances and warm smiles, which made you feel less embarrassed. The two of you switched seats and the camera started rolling as the polygraph examiner hooked Jamie up to the machine.
"You're right, this is very surreal." Jamie laughed, looking at the equipment put on him.
"Are you nervous?"
"Maybe...I don't know yet." He smiled, settling into the seat with the wires now on him.
"You should be." You winked and brought the cards up in front of you. "Alright, is your name Jamie Campbell Bower?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"Were you born in London, England?"
"You played Vecna in the new season of Stranger Things, as well as a member of the Volturi in Twilight. Would you consider yourself a good villain?"
Jamie's face twisted into a thought. "Oh wow. I mean...I don't think me, personally, as a villain. I try not to be! But I suppose the villain is fun to play, definitely. I guess I play the villain well, yes."
"You've been in a number of cancelled projects. Do you think you make bad career choices?" You tried to hold back your laughter.
He laughed out loud. "Thanks for bringing it up, love. Uh...no. I think they were all projects I really believed in and felt a connection to. I chose them because I enjoyed them. So no, I don't think that."
"You have made music with bands The Darling Buds, Counterfeit, and as a solo act. Would you want to be a full-time musician if you weren't an actor?"
He thought for a moment. "I suppose, yes. But I really couldn't imagine one without the other. They're both so deeply part of me. So...yes and no?"
"Do you secretly hate the Duffer brothers for making you go through 8 hours of prosthetics to play Vecna instead of just making it CGI?"
Jamie laughed again. "No! I don't!" He looked over to the polygraph examiner.
"He's telling the truth." He said flatly.
"Phew...I still have a job, good." He jokingly wiped his brow. "No, I think the choice to have it be almost entirely practical effects really made all the difference for you know, my scene partners, as well as for my own ability to get into character."
"Did you take anything from set that no one gave you permission to take?"
"Uh....n-no...no, I don't think I took anything without permission... I hope not?"
You looked down to the cards in your hand, scanning the questions listed. But you had an idea.
Well, payback time for me. Who's your current celebrity crush, then?" You smirked, narrowing your eyes.
He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair with a smile. "Oh god. Yeah, yeah...I guess fair is fair." He leaned forward. "Well, um...I'm looking it at them." He smiled shyly.
Your mouth hung open, lilting up at the ends in euphoric shock. You bit your lip, letting the full smile overtake your face, stinging your cheeks. "Oh...is that so?" You giggled.
"We can defer to the polygraph man." He gestured over as you both looked to the man sat in front of the machine.
He smiled, looking back over to you, nodding. "He's telling the truth."
"Oh...well, I guess that's-that's convenient isn't it?" You giggled, feeling your cheeks flush.
"Did we just become a couple in this interview?" Jamie laughed.
"I think we did." You shook your head in disbelief, joining him in his laughter.
"Wow, this was much more affective than Tinder, this is what everyone should be doing." He gestured to the lie detector equipment.
"And on camera, too." You gave finger guns to the camera, giving a wink. "Um...but okay. Wow... Well, final question: Did you lie at any point during this interview and we didn't catch it?"
Jamie shook his head. "No, I don't believe I told any lies."
The polygraph examiner nodded, backing up that Jamie had not told lies. You smiled, setting the cards down, laying your hands on the table. Jamie smiled and reached across, taking your hands in his. The camera cut and the crew swelled around, taking the lie detector equipment away and setting up for you two to film the outro to the video.
The crew set the chairs back to the front of the table and had you two sit their once again. The producer called to roll the camera and let you know to start.
"Well, this has been Lie Detector Interview, or Lie Detector Matchmaker I guess." Jamie chimed. You burst out laughing, nudging Jamie's shoulder. "I thought this would be terrifying, but it actually went quite well I'd say." He looked to you.
You nodded. "Better than I would have expected." You smiled up at him. "Thanks so much for having us, Vanity Fair! This has been lovely!"
You both held your hands up, intertwined with the other, before leaning against one another with smiles on both of your faces.
"This is video is going to break the internet." Jamie whispered, leaning into your ear, drawing a delighted laugh from you just as they cut the camera.
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jennay · 2 years ago
Play Pretend
A/N: I don’t know what I’m doing with this. Let me know if you’d like a part two it’s kinda left on a hanger but, I have some ideas if you guys want more.
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Master List
“You fucking suck, Jamie.” You push yourself into the corner of the couch, grabbing a throw pillow and holding it close to your chest. You gently rest your head against the fluffy plush pillow.
Jamie sits next to you, hands folded in his lap.
“Darling, you knew this wasn’t real.” He tries to find the best way to let you down but knows there is never a good way to break someone’s heart. “It was pretend. We needed the publicity. We weren’t supposed to be more than that.”
You lift your face from the pillow just enough for him to see your teary eyes. He instantly feels guilty. Maybe he led you on more than he would have liked, but he never expected you to feel this strongly about him.
“If it was pretending, why did it continue through close doors?” You set the pillow beside you; unfolding your legs and standing up, you look out the large windows of your apartment, gazing across the city. You wipe your teary eyes. Jamie didn’t deserve your tears.
He stands beside you, and through the reflection of the glass, you can see him staring at you.
“I thought you were playing along.” He admits.
Rolling your eyes, you let out a huff. Jamie acted like you didn’t know him well enough to know when he was lying.
“There was something there, and you can lie all you want. That’s fine, but I need you to leave if you can’t be honest with me, and hopefully, at some point, you can look in the mirror and convince yourself that after four months of us being together, there weren’t any real feelings.” You walk to your front door and hold it open, and wait for Jamie to exit. He somberly starts toward you, knowing after he left you, this was it. You weren’t going to take him back as a friend; it stung knowing that he was throwing his friendship away, and more than likely, your mutual friend Joseph would give him the lecture of his life.
“(Y/n), I-“
“No.” You cut him off before he can speak. “There’s the door.” You pause to regain your composer. “I wish Joseph never introduced me to you.”
Jamie’s lips part like he can’t believe what you said. You weren’t just dismissing the “relationship” you two carried for four months but the friendship you held for the last three years.
You feel salty tears pricking at your eyes. You tap your foot to focus on something other than your emotions. How could you be this blind?
“I’m sorry.” He walks away from your apartment with his shoulders slumped, and head hung low.
You don’t hesitate to slam the door shut. Nobody teaches you how to break up with a friend. It shouldn’t have hurt this much, but it hurt worse than breaking up with your ex-boyfriend. You couldn’t ever lay eyes on Jamie without feeling some sort of pain again.
You text Joseph and explain what happened, knowing he would likely take Jamie’s side. This was pretending, after all. When he receives the text, he instantly calls. You two weren’t supposed to break up for another few months the promotions for your and Jamie’s latest movie had barely begun.
“You weren’t supposed to catch actual feelings, princess.” He lightly chuckles, which makes you even madder.
“We had sex… and it changed the chemistry in my brain, Joseph.” You sit on your bed and curl under the blankets. “We shouldn’t have. I know, but I thought maybe he was starting to have feelings for me, and boom. My clothes are on the ground.” The other line remains silent, you have to pull your cell phone away to check if he’s still there. “Joseph?”
“You both are such idiots. I knew this would happen. I’ve never been able to have two best friends get along.” He pauses, and his eyes drift to the knocking on the front door. He casually walks to the door listening to you continue to rant about how dumb you are. He looks through the peephole and his eyes land on a distraught Jamie. “(Y/N.) I need to call you back.”
“I’ll call you back!” Joseph turns his phone off and opens his door. His brows raise and he stares at Jamie in disbelief. “You had sex with her!?”
Number 2
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bebx · 1 year ago
AO3 writers every 10 minutes on a daily basis
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plot twist: they continue scrolling aimlessly through tumblr instead of writing
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madelynraemunson · 1 year ago
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club series)
𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐍 𝐀𝐔 18+ plz
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer! main character
Chapter 012: Vecna’s Curse
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Eddie is scared to commit to you? That’s fine. You have a lap dance to treat Henry to anyway — in the infamous red set that EDDIE bought for you.
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013** , 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
somewhat smutty = * , smutty = **
word count: 4k words
NSFW — blindfold kink (*cough* henry), lap dance, grinding, moaning, henry is the whimpering type, shy girl using henry to get off, eddie’s RAGING jealousy
I Put A Spell on You (Jamie’s Version)
“The hooded cultists chant…” Eddie narrates. “Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna. They turn to you, remove their hoods… you recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize…”
— excerpt from Stranger Things 4: Chapter One: The Hellfire Club.
Eddie is too busy playing D&D with the boys to have any idea what you're up to. It’s just what you wanted, though. Means everything is going according to plan.
“I put a spell on you, because you’re mine.”
Excitement brews within you as you slip on the red DEVIL WOMAN set from Nocturna. When you're done, Max helps to straighten your hair, maintaining it with a generous amount of hairspray, while Chrissy helps you set the final touches of your makeup into place.
"What's up with the blindfold?" Max inquires, nodding towards the piece of cloth tied around your wrist.
"Part of my act," you explain ominously. "I plan on using it on Henry for the first part of my set. He's a...sensitive guy, to say the least."
"You are way too good at this," your sister shakes her head in disbelief, brushing through your hair one last time.
"Intense emotions spark creativity," you shrug, admiring the vixen that is you in the vanity. "No man is leaving unscathed tonight."
It all rings true. Tonight, you have the power. And all of Hellfire is going to know it.
"Well you look absolutely soul-snatching," Chrissy hoots as she takes a good look at you. “You’re gonna have him on his knees.”
You bite your lip in anticipation. " Who? Eddie or Henry?"
"Both," she shrugs. "But since we're on that topic, I just know Eddie is going to come crawling back."
The three of you share a malicious giggle with one another, thinking about all the ways Eddie is going to crumble, seeing another man enjoy you in the set that he bought. He had his chance to commit to you, but now he has to face the consequences of what happens when he doesn't man up on time.
The dressing room door opens. By instinct, you turn to see who it is. In struts Nina, counting the dollar bills in her hands as she just emerged from doing her set at the tip rail.
"Oooh look at you go!" you whistle. "They're loving you out there, mama."
"I'm literally so shook," Nina raves, tucking her bills away into her bag. "This is my best night thus far."
When she's all squared away, Nina makes her way over to you and envelopes you in a warm hug. "You look so fucking sexy! Go kill it out there, girl."
You smile at the compliment, heart fluttering in a room full of girls' girls.
"Thank you, sweetheart," you respond to her, rubbing her back with the utmost adoration. "You too."
Chrissy helps you don your cloak, shielding you from giving away the trick you have up your sleeve. After one final check in the mirror, you're ready to put on a show.
"Ready," you announce with a mischievous grin.
“Go get him, tiger,” Chrissy pats your back.
“You better stop the things you do, I ain’t lyin’. No, I ain’t lyin’”
Your heels click with intention across the cool floor of the club as you strut towards your victim. He's smiling and laughing with all his friends, unsuspecting of the stake you're about to, figuratively, drive through his heart.
"Good game, gentlemen," Eddie concludes as he and the boys wrap up their campaign. "I’ll see you all next week for Rise of Kas. Try not to die in that one, yeah?"
You watch as the younger guys scatter to prep for the rush. Steve and Eddie stay behind to clean up the area. When Steve sees you, he offers you a tender side hug before issuing a kiss hello to your forehead.
"Hey you," Steve smiles.
"Hey," your eyes gleam up at him. "Didn't know you play D&D."
Eddie's eyes travel up to you the moment he hears your voice. He freezes in place the moment you meet his gaze. If he reacted this way to just you with your cloak on — exalting and apologetic — you can't even begin to imagine the look on his face when he sees what you have under it.
But until time brings you to that point, you settle for feigning dissastisfaction while he attempts to strike up a casual conversation.
"He doesn’t, I was just showing him the ropes,” Eddie chuckles, nervously resting his hands at his sides. “He’s doing great though.”
You nod absentmindedly, diverting your attention to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington instead.
"You look beautiful, Hargrove," your boss attempts. "More than usual, I mean. Absolutely stunning.”
You can tell he’s already regretful about how he worded things a couple nights ago. The guilt on his face is like no other. But with the guilt comes those eyes. Those charming eyes that will get you to fold every time. Tonight is the exception.
"Thanks," you utter emptily to him.
"You got main stage tonight?"
"No, I've got a semi-private dance," you respond as-a-matter-of-factly.
"Semi-priv..." Eddie tries to figure it out. "What do you mean by that?"
"Hello, hello," a familiar voice greets you guys.
Right on schedule.
Henry makes his way over to you all with the biggest grin on his face. It's weird seeing him in outside clothes. He's dressed in a white t-shirt and black leather jacket, tight black jeans, and black combat boots. The blonde deity flashes you a seductive look.
"Days bleeding into one another again, Creel?" Eddie questions. "You're not on today, remember?"
"Oh yeah, I know," Henry shrugs. "I have a dance today with one of our special friends."
"Oh shit!" Eddie exclaims, going over to give him a celebratory fist bump. "Chrissy agreed to give you one?"
"No, not Chrissy," you chime in. "Me!"
Eddie's eyes widen. Steve's eyes widen.
"Holy shit!" Steve says. "Creel is actually getting a lap dance! That's so out of his comfort zone."
Steve's arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you in front of him. You feel his hardened cock sneak up against your ass.
"And from Shy Girl too?" Steve's voice deepens, rasp factor at an all time high. "You're in for a treat."
"Wouldn't expect any less," Henry blushes.
Henry’s voice is soft, but there’s a hunger in his gaze. Eddie tries to conceal how bothered he is. You see him frantically scanning the club for a sort of scapegoat, a way in delaying the nightmare that is about to ensue.
“Actually…” Eddie clears his throat. “Now that I think about it, we might get busy within the hour. You mind clocking in for a bit to help Jim out front?”
Henry cocks a puzzled brow. “Jim was playing Candy Crush when I dapped him up at the door. Mans is fine.”
“Yeah, the man is fine, Eddie,” you jeer. “And Henry’s been working sooo hard, it’s the least I can do for him.”
Your boss’s jaw clenches when he realizes his plan has fallen through. He’s got no scapegoat, you're dressed like revenge overdue, and his friends are insistent on watching this dance…
He’s screwed.
"If you insist," Eddie mutters sharply. “Tip her well, Creel.”
“Of course, man.”
Eddie excuses himself but remains in the area like a fly on the wall. He scrambles around, greeting regulars with a handshake and dusting off tables, anything to look busy and unbothered by the idea that his presence doesn't affect you the slightest.
But he is seething. Troubled. He can’t read you or your next move and it’s driving him mad.
While you coordinate your routine with the DJ, Argyle escapes from the kitchen. You hear him eagerly yelp when he discovers that Henry is getting a dance, followed by a determined, "I've gotta watch this".
And now that everything is going to plan, you take a moment to gather yourself backstage.
Before you head out, Nancy meets you by the curtains with extra bobby pins that you requested. You assume Chrissy spilled all the beans, judging by the words Nancy whispers in your ears before you head out,
“Give that man hell.”
(he sounds so much like jamie)
HELLFIRE: hell·fire
/ˈhelˌfī(ə)r/(noun): The torment and punishment of hell, envisaged as eternal fire.
"Alright, Shy Girl!" you hear Argyle shout from the pit of VECNA'S LAIR. "Henry is ready when you are."
You give the DJ a nod to start the song. Let the show begin.
“YOU put a spell on ME, I’m losing my mind”
You start your set at the pole, walking a slow circle around it before beginning your dance. Though a dance for Henry only, a crowd outside your immediate circle starts to gather around. Henry is sitting on Vecna's throne, watching inquisitively while you do your introduction. And Eddie follows suit, floating around like a lost puppy.
“You better stop these things. It’s a matter of TIME🕰️”
*DING* a grandfather clock chimes, a sound mixed in by the DJ as he makes the set his own.
The crowd cheers as you strut your sexy self down the stage, smirking to yourself as Henry timidly grips the armrests of Vecna's throne.
Your gaze pans to Eddie. You watch as guests attempt to have a conversation with him in the lair, but he is just not tuned into what they're saying.
Eddie is hypnotized by you, spellbound by a curse that he got himself tangled up in. Oh, how pitiful. To dig his own grave...
“Before I hunt you down..."
Poor Eddie. He has already lost.
"...grab your chin...and kiss your lips…”
You stroke Henry's face as you walk past him, stopping behind him close enough to see the goosebumps and baby hairs rising at the nape of his neck.
You tug on the corner of the blindfold and the knot undoes itself. Henry beams up at you with his eager ocean eyes as you hold the blindfold in your hands. You bend down behind him, exploring his chest with your delicate hands, before tying the blindfold snugly around his eyes.
You check in with your friend. “Are you doing okay?”
“I’m doing just fine,” Henry answers. “Thank you, Shy Girl.”
“Of course.”
“And you bring me back, I lay you down and grab your hips”
Eddie’s claimed a seat now, somewhere towards the back. Though it's harder to see him now, you just know he’s eyeing your technique intently, watching as you slither back to the front of Henry, stroking the bouncer’s face before lowering yourself onto his lap.
Henry’s breath trembles upon realization. He leans back and spreads himself across the chair so you can take up all the space that you needed to make him feel good.
He sucks in a breath.
“Breathe out, Henry…” you encourage him. “Steady breaths… there you go. Relax those shoulders now.”
Henry exhales, sinking his shoulders into flaccidity as he allows you to navigate his lap.
Eddie’s tapping his feet profusely, likely as an attempt to self-regulate. His folded palms rest below his chin as he studies you, attempting to construe whether or not this is something you are genuinely enjoying.
“And we lose all control. And before you know…”
And Eddie should know, that indeed, you are enjoying yourself… and Henry very much.
Henry's hands explore your ass now, and you use this position as leverage to grind yourself against him, your hips rotating to the shape of your stage name spelled out in cursive.
Shy Girl
A soft whimper escapes Henry’s lips as you grind, your ego inflating as he tosses his head back in pleasure.
“What’s the matter, baby boy?” you ask him. “Too much for you already?”
“No,” Henry smiles, seemingly up for a challenge. “I just wanna see your pretty face so bad.”
“Do you now?” you quip.
“Yes I do,” he nods. “Pretty please.”
“Well since you’re being so polite…”
“I put a spell on you, now you’re mine. I’ve got a hold on you, at least for the night.”
Your fingers return to the back of Henry’s neck to rid him of the blindfold you menacingly decided to tease him with. When it collapses, you meet Henry’s starstruck eyes, making sure they process you grinding your hips, exploring his chest, his shoulders, the sensitive parts of his earlobes.
“Fuuuck,” Henry whines. “How are you so good at this?”
“How are you such a good client?” you counter. “So well-behaved for me, Henry.”
Steve and Argyle make their way to either sides of him, showering you with dollar bills because Henry’s hands were occupied. They were exploring your thighs, hovering over your ass, rubbing your back while his mouth praises your every action, your every attribute, your everything.
“Goddd DAMN!” Argyle roars, incentivizing you further.
“What’d I tell you, Creel?” Steve smirks. “Ain’t she something?”
“Fuck yeah, she is,” Henry’s voice is but a barely audible gasp now. “And to think we’ve just scratched the surface.”
He tugs at your cloak pleadingly. You giggle at him, admiring his pretty puppy dog eyes that he’s put on for you.
“You know I can’t help myself when you ask tenderly if I’d dim the lights as your hand brushes me.”
Eddie glares sharply as he watches Henry continue to tug at the strings of your cloak, practically begging you to start stripping for him.
His misery is waiting behind that very garment.
“Wanna show me what’s underneath?” Henry incites.
The lights of VECNA’S LAIR begin to flicker and the classic yellow spotlight quickly changes to red. That’s your cue.
“Thought you’d never ask,” you giggle.
“And the floor swallows your clothes”
You undo the knot of your cloak that tied everything together. Slowly, to the beat of the song, the cloak slips off of you, revealing the beautiful red set.
“Oooh”s, “ahhh”s, and “wooo”s fill the air as the cloak sinks to the floor.
“And your silhouette puts on a show”
From the corner of your eye, you notice Eddie sit right up.
You try to figure out if he recognizes your set or not. But judging by his flustered face, and envious gaze, he sure does. There’s a pain in his eyes as his brows form a sullen arch. You watch as Eddie’s nostrils flare as he jams his fingers into his thighs, digging the balls of his feet into the floor in rout. He can hardly keep himself contained, he’s so angry.
And like a bull at a rodeo, Eddie sees red.
Meanwhile, Henry falls deeper into his state of arousal.
“Wow…” your patron beams. “That’s such a beautiful set, Shy Girl.”
You blush. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Henry insists. “It fits you perfectly. You did a good job.”
“Yeah,” you chime. Then your gaze travels to Eddie who is trying his hardest to conceal his jealousy. “I did do great, didn’t I?”
You allow Henry’s hands to explore all the set’s finest little details, from the little gems to the intricate seams. Henry traces your figure by following the pattern of the set, humming in pleasure to himself at the sight of you.
"That set is gorgeous, baby," Steve coos as he admires you from head to toe. "Did you pick that out yourself?"
“I can’t remember,” you turn to Steve as he rubs your shoulders. “It’s been collecting dust in my closet for a while so I figured I’d wear it today.”
“That was a good choice,” Steve’s voice deepens. “This is my favorite set on you so far.”
"Mm!" an unexpected moan escapes your mouth.
A crinkle in Henry’s pants from his thigh region rides up a nerve ending along your clit. Your mind short circuits from the sheer pleasure of it all.
Soon you forget about the lap dance and start subtly immersing yourself with friction, rubbing harder and harder against Henry’s tense quads as he lets you.
Aside from you, only Henry seems to know what’s going on.
He smirks, the most sinister grin you’ve never seen come from him before. “Find what you’re looking for?”
You nod rapidly, encouraging him to stay in place while you continue to pleasure yourself. He laughs to himself, watching you chase your high on top of him, knowing he's the one who has the reigns now.
“That’s right,” he fawns. “Take what you need from me, baby.”
"Yes Master," you say to him, knowing it's a kink of his. You feel him harden underneath you when he hears those words come out of your mouth.
Curious on whether or not he's still watching, you can’t help but get a glimpse of Eddie. And past the layers of all the strobe lights of VECNA’S LAIR, you meet his eyes.
“You put a spell on me. I’m LOSING my mind”
They’re twinkling. But not in the way you’d want. Soon Eddie's hand aggressively swoops across his eye, as he quickly wipes — what looks like — a teardrop away.
You continue to watch him as he excuses himself from the crowd, pulling his entire weight with him as he drags his feet towards his office.
It's enough to make your cold heart melt. When you see the way his shoulders sulk and how slow he seems to be walking in the busy atmosphere of Hellfire Gentlemen's Club, it dawns on you that you may have taken it too far.
Henry sees your eyes wandering, dwelling on Eddie as they become rather glazed themselves. He directs your focus back to him with his fingers at your chin.
“Why do you cry for him, Shy Girl?” Henry observes. It’s like he can read your mind. “After everything he’s done to you?"
You swallow hard as you struggle to find the words.
"...You give me fever, and drive me insane"
Fuck Eddie. Fuck Eddie. Fuck Eddie.
You've been hurt countless times but you still love with your heart on your sleeve. Why couldn't Eddie do the same?
Sure, his father was abusive and absent. Yours was too. Sure he found his mom dead at the hands of his father and drugs. That was also your childhood experience. Sure he had to grow up rather early just like you did, putting all his needs last while taking care of other family members because no one else would step up. And sure, the only woman he loved enough to marry framed him for a crime he didn't commit, with the idea of inheriting his assets on her mind. You've felt that used before too.
So what if all the people he's ever cared about stabbed him not only in the back, but in the front as well?
...just like you're doing right now.
It really dawns on you this time. You're not any better.
Fuck, you're an asshole. The answer is so clear to you now, you don't understand how you could have been so selfish before. You're both different sides of the same coin, it seems.
"Hm?” Henry tuts when you don't respond. "You think you need Eddie, but you don't. No, no... you don't."
Henry then starts to buck his own hips upwards, grinding along with you.
You feel guilty that Henry feels so good, taunting your clit mercilessly with just the fabric of his dark jeans alone. To distract yourself from all guilt crashing down on you, you start to envision that it's not Henry, but Eddie whose underneath you.
You miss Eddie. You really, really do. You miss his laugh, his random outbursts of energy. You miss how he instantly drew in a crowd no matter where he went. His presence was electricity, sending shockwaves down your body with the slightest skin-to-skin touch. You missed how his fingers felt pulsing in and out of you, curving themselves as he looks you dead in the eye because your pleasure was his utmost concern. You miss his periodic check-ins, how he wouldn't relax until you made it clear that you were okay. You miss how dirty and magical he made you feel, but ultimately how sexy and loved were and felt in his presence, even on the rocky days.
Fuck, Eddie.
"You keep me going in circles with potions and bottles... And I can't escape... I can't escape..."
Fuck, you fantasize. Eddie. Fuck, Eddie.
"I'm lost in your ways... I can't escape, baby."
There's a part in the song that gives you an 'out' from your routine. You wrap up your dance there, completing it with a tender kiss to Henry's cheek as he smiles up at you. The crowd goes wild, and Steve and Argyle continue to spoil you with ones, fives, and tens, enticed by how sultry you made everything look and feel with such little effort.
"Thank you, darling," Henry coos as he rubs your back one final time.
"Any time," you say to him. "I hope I helped alleviate some of your stress."
The boys help you collect your bills while people from all around swarm you with compliments. Eventually, Maxine and Chrissy make their way over to you, ambushing you with hugs and fangirling over your entire performance.
"You did amazing, sis!" Max squeals as she jumps up and down. "You should've seen the look on Eddie's face. Oh you so won!"
"Yeah..." you mumble absentmindedly as you search the club for Eddie. "Yay me..."
It's the last call now before closing and you're helping everyone shut down their stations. You'd typically be back in the dressing room counting your bills by now, but the inner server in you can't help but stay behind.
"Hey!" Argyle speaks up. "Since all of us are off tonight, anyone wanna go barhopping?"
"I'm down!" Steve agrees. "Night's still young and that was the plan last time we were all together, yeah?"
"Shy Girl, you wanna come with?" Jonathan asks.
"Uh, I gotta count my tips and then get to bed," you say, turning the offer down. "I can close the register if you want, Jon so you can catch up with everybody."
"Oh really? Thanks!"
The group invites Max too, promising they would take good care of your little sister. Chrissy offers to be her DD, since she knows that Max drinks. All of you did, when you were her age.
"Please, sis?" Max begs. "All my discussion posts are done and I wanna turn up before midterms."
"Fine," you mutter, rolling your eyes. "But remember, if it smells weird or stinky..."
"Do not drinky..." Max rolls her eyes as she reaches to grab Chrissy by the hand. "Done deal. Thanks again!"
And soon the group vacates the area, leaving only you behind to shut the place down for the night.
When you're done closing out the register, you gather all your things to start packing up. Suddenly, you hear the locks to a distant door jingle and the doorknob turn slightly to doublecheck.
Eddie's still here.
You hear him start to make his way towards POTIONS, his worn out converse making quiet taps against the stone floor.
The natural light from the windows near the ceiling illuminates into the dark space, revealing Eddie's face and the pained expression that still rests upon it. His eyes are puffy, his demeanor hard to read.
You clear his throat at him.
"I thought you left."
"Nah," he shakes his head. "I like to stay behind for a bit sometimes. Make sure I got everything I need."
"I see..." is all you say.
"Told you that set would bring in a lot of tips."
"There you go again, being right about things," you say in a forfeiting tone.
"I'm not always right."
You can't look at him right now. Not when you've caused him so much distress and he's still choosing to speak to you. You gather your belongings and hold your head down in shame, excusing yourself from the narrative and Eddie's presence indefinitely.
"Whatever you say, Eds," you try to smile. "Goodnight."
Nervous now, you put your cloak back on and make your way out of the bar. You nod to Eddie goodnight and start towards your dressing room to prepare for your drive home.
However, it stuns you again as Eddie turns his heels and follows suit...trailing ever so closely behind you... to the dressing room as well.
🏷️ tag list: @battymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerr , @jxps i , @munson-magic , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck
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ransprang · 1 year ago
thank you @qlassicc for supporting our kofi <3 here is the last boi!! we hope you liked all the hcs!! we love your taste in men it's so wild, you go girl
if anyone else wants personalised hcs this is our ko-fi
Stranger things - Henry creel - SFW HCs
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Whenever you try to be affectionate with Henry or try to spoil him he’d be confused. He’s not used to being attended to. It feels foreign to him, but it will take him some time to get used to.
He hates all of humanity, so you don’t need to worry about him cheating or being disloyal. It’s just you and him in the Upside Down <3
Your emotional side is not a challenge for him at all. With his telepathic powers he reads your mind whenever he wants to and is easily able to tell what is wrong. 
If someone hits on him or checks him out and you tell him, he will instantly use his telekinesis to torture them.
He’s totally ok with you getting heads for him, even if you just do it for fun. If you choose to be a serial killer with him you guys would be such a power couple :3
To mess with Mike and the gang you would use your cosplay skills to make yourself and Henry look like Vecna and the mindflayer for Halloween. 
He is very thankful for your devotion and likes to ask you for cuddles, maybe even your sweaters. As he hates being cold, he gets so happy when you are clingy with him allowing him to simply roll up with you and forget his woes.
Growing up Henry was a sensitive boy, and was very attuned to other people’s emotions. He would notice your little mood swings and telekinesis little snacks or presents for you, if he thought you were feeling down.
Henry gets super careful when you're hugging him and fall asleep on his shoulder. He will make sure to stay extra still, he wouldn't want to wake you up knowing how much of yourself you give to him.
Henry knows he speaks in an unusual tone most of the time, but he knows for sure that one of your 100 personalities will hear him, understand him. He trusts you.
your strange girlies,
admins sar, san & sav
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gellert-1899 · 1 year ago
Grindeldore Headcanon #8
After Gellert and Albus broke up, Gellert knew he had to move on, because Albus was the only person he had, and after losing him, all he had left was the greater good, so he knew he had to focus on that.
But Gellert also knew that he was never gonna be able to forget Albus, forget that summer, he knew it was impossible for him to stop loving Albus.
He also knew that he had to. He had to if he wanted to focus on the greater good. So he had to bury his feelings, deep down to his heart.
But he never actually moved on, he never left Albus behind, he knew that he needed Albus. So when he created a symbol. He wanted it to have Albus in it too.
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And he wanted it to be something that Albus would understand. Since Albus used the deathly hallows symbol as his names initial, Gellert decided to use it that way, so he added the symbol right in the middle of his name.
Gellert never moved on, he never stopped loving Albus. And he never stopped hoping that one day, Albus will return to his side.
So he buried Albus' name into his symbol just like he buried his feelings deep down into his heart
Albus was always a part of Gellert's plans. He was always right in the middle of it.
And Gellert always carried Albus in the middle of his symbol, in the middle of his plans,
And right in the middle of his heart...
Credits: Thank you @grindeldore3 for this amazing idea. I really loved it and really enjoyed while writing it. Also thanks for your nice words, it really made me happy, I hope you will enjoy reading this one too. And sorry for posting this too late, i just had so many things i had to deal with mostly about school. So hope you'll enjoy this 💙💙
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jamiecb66 · 6 months ago
Guys someone just bullied me for using tumblr 24/7. How do I explain that it’s in the “im feral,” “i obsess over men that are way to old for me” “i love 80’s rockstars” “i read fanfics and look at fanart 24/7” “2014 Jamie bower” “Eddie Munson smut is my most searched tag” “i cant survive without my tumblr friends” “i say whatever i want on tumblr no matter how out of pocket it is, i let out my most feral thoughts” “2010 tumblr artic monkeys girl” way and not in a “i only look at sad quotes with sunset backgrounds” “Starbucks secret menu” “I love Facebook mom memes” “I love posting selfies for attention” “try not to laugh compilation” “Covid lockdown🤪” way
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comfort-person · 2 years ago
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Eyes on me
Synopsis: reader has a panic attack and Henry helps calm her down
A/N: I had a panic attack earlier and realised that Jamie/ Henry are both very comforting and so as sad as it sounds I came up with this idea whilst listening to a Henry creel playlist. If you suffer with anxiety/ or just love Henry like I do… then I hope this brings some sort of comfort to you. x
Trigger warnings: description of panic attack
Honestly crying. This man is so comforting😩🥹🫶🏻
Tick… tock… tick… tock… tick… tock…
The clock ticked menacingly invading your ears loudly making you that more anxious, usually you were fine but everything that happened today had just ticked your anxiety up to the next level. You were overwhelmed with anxiety to say the least but you tried to hide it as best as you could…. You could hide it from lots of people but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t hide it from Henry. He always seemed to know when you were anxious or upset… you got special treatment from him because he cared for you. You tried to avoid him at all costs but knew that was just preventing the inevitable from happening. You stared at the building blocks in your hands, usually you would’ve built them up into some sort of tower for the kids to have fun with but you just sat there, numb, “Hey…” a sudden voice grasped your attention making you flinch but you quickly composed yourself, his voice was soft but distant as you returned to staring into nothingness your mind whirring with anxiousness “y/n” henry spoke again and for a moment you looked at him before looking away. He could tell something was wrong with you… it didn’t take a genius to figure that out.
His hand soon rested upon your back, his fingertips beginning to stroke soothing circles into your back. The tacky hospital gown you wore was uncomfortable on you but the way his fingers immediately melted into your tense skin soothed you your eyes fluttering shut. He knew exactly how to make you crack. “People are ahead of me… I can’t do the simplest of things… it’s frustrating.” You soon whisper out and he listened concern visible in his eyes as he frowned “you can’t think of other people y/n, even I couldn’t do some things. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He spoke softly but honestly “but I… I… I feel so stupid. I’m disappointing everyone.” You continue your breathing growing that slight bit faster, your hands beginning to tremble and Henry was quick to rest his hands on the sides of your chair as he swiftly pulled it so you were facing him “hey… eyes on me… hey…” his fingers lightly clicked just in front of his face making you look up and into his eyes, the calm ocean waves consuming his beautiful eyes immediately soothed you. “Good job… keep looking in my eyes.” He ordered gently before he lightly reached his hand out his slender fingers grasping onto your hand gently as he held onto your hand which was alarmingly smaller than his “you’re not disappointing anyone. I promise you that.” His words eased you, luring you in, calming you down as you gazed into his eyes “promise?” You asked and he smiled giving your hand a squeeze as he nodded “I promise.”
His eyes soon lifted up to meet with the cameras on the wall, making sure the red dot wasn’t on- the red dot meant someone was watching… but it wasn’t on… and so he looked back to you his eyes unable to stay still as he searched your expression “c’mere,” he whispered out and without even hesitating his arms wrapped around your small fragile frame, his hand beginning to rub up and down your back his other hand resting on the back of your hand pressing your ear to his chest so you could listen to the calming beat of his heart “tell me what’s the matter,” he urged more coaxing you as his fingertips lightly stroked little circles against your back a shaky breath leaving your lips, Henry’s eyes remaining on the cameras making sure they remained unattended and blank but he also paid attention to you, giving you his utmost attention. “We’ve lost people… I’ve lost people… it’s a constant fear that I’ll be next…” you whispered gently,
“I wouldn’t ever let that happen to you. As long as I’m here no one and nothing can hurt you. I promise.” He spoke directly into your ear his words soft and soothing “but Im scared of losing you too. I don’t want to lose you next.” You spoke making the man pull back slightly just so he could rest his fingertip under your chin his fingertips soon smoothing against your cheek as he cupped your cheek in the palm of his hand “you’ll never lose me.” He assured picking up on the way your breathing quickened once again, your body trembling, tears sparking in your eyes “y/n.” He spoke calmly trying to get your attention but you were starting to fall down that horrible hole of complete hysterics and Henry could see that, the way you were caving from fear but also the feeling of his touch- the lab had created a mass casualty in touch-starvation, everyone was touch starved and so when his touch brought goosebumps to your skin he knew that was the reason why… you hadn’t been held in so long. He wanted to protect you. Care for you. Comfort you.
“Eyes on me…”
“look me in the eyes, darling” he urged trying to snap you out of it but with every negative thought consuming you it became that bit more impossible to control the panic, your breathing growing heavy your eyes flicking around in total panic as muffled whines that wanted to come out as words began to vibrate against your lips. You didn’t know what to do yourself, your legs quickly working before your mind as you shot up out of your seat Henry slowly standing up after you his tall frame towering over you “I… I hate it in here… I’m going insane!” You found yourself shouting and he knew if you shouted any louder you’d alert the guards and so he used one of his hands to cover your mouth, his other arm wrapping around your shaking frame as he pulled you close into his embrace, your muffled cries and words being slightly quieter as he simply held you. “I want to go home” you begged out to him as your body began to weaken against his own and with that he removed his hand from your mouth his other arm wrapping around you as he held you up in his embrace “I know… I know.” He whispered to you his chin resting atop of your head as you cried meekly his hands fisting against his shirt as both you and him grasped onto each other for what seemed like dear life.
“Breathe for me… breathe in for four…” he breathed in with you, exaggerating the breaths to get you to follow “hold….” He spoke softly “out for four.” He continued going over those few steps until your legs began to weaken. He seemed to put you in a trance like state, your breathing becoming calmer and he not wanting you to fall tightened his grip on you, using his free hand to cup underneath your knees as he lifted you up into his embrace, using one of his large hands to help get you comfortable as your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms tight around his neck- your body instantly snuggled into his arms as he held you “I’ve got you.” He eased your eyesight blurring as you rested your head against his shoulder “I’m gonna keep you safe. I promise you that.” He soothed softly holding you close to him before he started walking to the door, keeping you close to his body one hand rubbing up and down your back slowly and gently the familiar hue of his blue eyes remaining as a constant memory in your head, your breathing calming to the point you were completely relaxed in his embrace “good girl.. good job… that’s it. Relax. I’ve got you…” he soothed into your ear holding you close making sure you could feel the warmth of his body against your slightly cooler one… he wanted to make sure you felt safe and sound with him. Safety was very scarce nowadays… he wanted to make sure you knew that you could trust him and he wouldn’t ever break your trust…. He would be there to support you through thick and thin. Through everything. He would do anything and everything to protect you. Even die.
“I’ve got you… you’re safe…” he soothed calmly into your ear as he walked to the door removing one hand from you just so he could open the door before he walked out into the hallway silently pulling the door shut before he carried you down the hallway, his eyes locking onto a camera that glowed red… shit… his heart sank but in those few moments he didn’t care. Even if he did get in trouble for looking after you he wouldn’t give a single fuck… as long as you were okay he was okay. You mattered to him more than anything, no way was he going to let you suffer in silence… and if not letting you suffer in silence was such a bad thing then he would happily suffer the consequences.
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maladaptive-jcb · 2 years ago
Chapter 1: Icebreaker
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Jamie x female!reader fanfic
(fluff, safe for under 18)
Summary: Reader is an independent artist who lives on her own in a small town and meets Jamie, a musician, in an art studio where their budding relationship formed through shared interests of different forms of art.
Warning: There will be talks about trauma and PTSD from domestic abuse and dissociative episodes throughout the story.
A quiet groan. I can hear it from two seats away from where I’m sitting. It’s almost been a month since I started this painting class where I saw it opened two blocks away from my apartment a month ago. I thought it was a perfect way to ignite my old artistic passion again. Lucky for me, it's a budget studio class, which means I don't have to break my savings just to fill up some of my free time. I work at a local bookstore and currently renting a small apartment. I'm doing good, but not amazing while living as an independent girl in this town.
I hear another sigh coming from him. Jamie first came into class around the second week I started here. I remember it was a slow day in class. I was wondering if I should even be here in the first place until I heard footsteps coming in. The way he walked in with his tussled blonde hair and iridescent eyes captured my attention immediately. Ever since then, he never missed a class. I decided to stick around after all.
“Jamie…Jamie… What did I say?” Mr. Hayes, our art teacher stops behind him as Jamie is struggling with his work. “Always check the proportions. Sorry,” he says in a low tone voice. Subtle English accent. Disgruntled look is forming on his face as he tries fixing his painting with more acrylic. Mr. Hayes pats on his back with approval and goes along to check his other students.
He's not really the worst in class. I’ve seen his work, he did a lot of good paintings except that he hates small details and proportional work.
Should I help him more? I mean, we barely talk in class aside from the occasional “Hey,” from time to time. In fact, he barely talks to anyone in here.
He shoots up a look to me.
I didn’t realize that I’ve been staring at him for a while.
“Y/n, you’re doing great just don’t forget to clean up your finishing touches this time,” Mr. Hayes distracted my train of thoughts. “I will. Thank you, Mr. Hayes,” I give him a quick nod. I've had such a great experience so far with Mr. Hayes. He'll find a way to make one-on-one teaching lessons feel so personal to you. He's also very patient with all of us considering most of his students came in with zero prior art knowledge. I think that’s why Jamie has improved so much in just a short period of time.
The morning is still early when the class ended and I'm now on a hunt for some caffeine to keep my day going. The café is just a five minutes walk down the road. It's called the Aroma Mocha. Since it's an hour away until my shift starts at the bookstore, I decide to have a brisk walk under the cool weather, taking it all in.
As I walk in, there are already five people in line ahead of me at the counter. I wait in line as I soak in the café’s inviting atmosphere. I see a few people inside with their quiet talks to each other. Another middle aged woman reading her book while sipping on a hot coffee. A dark haired teenage girl in the slightly hidden corner with headphones on while sipping on her cold drink in hand. I can't tell what it is but it makes me crave for an iced latte. In another corner, there's a tired college student staring straight into his laptop screen with the fast click-clacking sound of his hands on the keyboard. Just the right amount of calm and busy here, topped off with the aroma of freshly grinded up coffee beans filling up the air. It’s just such a nice morning to start. I've been observing everyone that I haven't noticed anyone getting in line behind me until…
“Y/n, right?”
I turn around and met with a tall lanky figure, silver rings on his fingers, blonde hair framing his cheekbones perfectly in the dim lights of the café.
“Oh yes. And you’re Jamie!”
He smiles. “Yep. Fancy meeting you outside the class.”
“I hope that’s not a bad thing.”
“Not at all. Pleased, really,” his eyes twinkles.
I don’t see the disgruntled, contorted face he always makes when painting in frustrations. He seems… sweet.
“Next!” The barista calls out to me.
“One iced latte, please…” I turn to Jamie. “…and whatever he’s having.”
“Coffee. Black,” he leans forward to respond. His subtle breath warm on my neck. “Thank you."
“You’re welcome,” I return his smile.
I’ve wanted to approach him so many times in class and chickened out. Crazy to think that this is the longest conversation we’ve ever had.
Our drinks were done at the counter after a few minutes. I grab both and hands his coffee. He takes it, fingers brush against mine.
“I’ll see you again, soon?”
“Yeah. See you again, y/n.”
He smiles and raises the cup of coffee thanking me again. I nod and quickly turns my face towards the floor hiding the warmth that's rising to my cheeks. With one last wave, I walk towards the door to leave.
A surge of relief going through my body. Somehow I was hoping it wouldn't just end there.
“Do you have time to sit with me?” he asks.
I hold my wrist up and check the time on my watch. My shift is not starting until 40 minutes anyways. How long can it be to sit and talk with Jamie?
“If that’s okay,” a little hint of pleading in his voice.
“Yes, of course."
We sit across each other at a table near the big window. His long legs brush against mine from time to time. Now that I'm actually closer to him than before, I can see his blue eyes sparkling even brighter under the sunlight streaming through the window pane. He's a little quiet at first. His fingers knotted with each other around his warm cup of coffee. It's almost as if he's wondering what to talk about. Eventually, he tries to ask me more about myself. Trying to set aside the sudden surprise of actually sitting with a new person on my day, I let myself cool down and let the conversations flow on their own. His eyes wide, yet soft as he looks at me attentively every time I tell him little things about myself. I just thought it was just out of politeness but I notice that he's actually listening to me when he chuckles and nods along to my stories. It's like every word that came out of my mouth hung around the air and he's just absorbing them all in.
"You know it's very interesting to finally hear all about the teacher's favourite in class," a teasing tone in his voice.
“Oh, stop. But you know, I've wanted to talk to you in class for a while as well."
“Is that why you’ve been staring at me?” he smirks and takes a sip of his coffee.
My heart does a somersault. He noticed that?
“Oh… I uh,” my cheeks starting to feel a little warm.
He winks.
“So what brings you to the class anyway,” my attempt at changing the subject.
“Oh, umm…” Jamie purses his lips as if he's thinking about the question itself.
"I wanted to try something new in this town. I just moved here and happened to walk by the studio and… well here I am."
“I see. I’m guessing you came all the way here from…”
“London. Yes. The accent, I know,” he laughs. Hand brushing through his beautiful locks.
“I just needed a change. What about you?”
“Oh I’ve lived here for a while. Two years now. Trying to prove to my parents that I can be independent, you know?” I tell him, quickly brushing the question off.
He nods. “You’re working?”
“Yeah. Do you know Bookworm Shack? It’s a block away from here. In fact, I should be getting into my shift in like 15 minutes now.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve seen it. Come on, I’ll drive you,” drinking the last bit of his coffee before he gets up.
I didn’t have time to process it. I haven’t sat in a car alone with a man for so long. Not since-
“You’re coming?” his head tilts towards me and scanning my eyes, hoping for a hint of agreement to his plan.
“I guess, there's no harm in that. Thank you."
“The least I could do for that coffee,” he gives a friendly punch to my upper arm and grinning ear to ear. Every bit of his face lights up when he does it. It feels nice to see him in a more cheerful mood than usual.
I'm not one to know much about cars. Truthfully, all cars look the same to me. If anyone would name a model of a car, no image would pop in my head at all. However, I am able to tell when a car is luxurious and expensive. Jamie's car is exactly that. At least better than the one I drove back in my hometown. It was an old car that my dad gave me after he finally saved up enough for a new one for his own. It was a little beat up but I loved it just the same. It didn't have the leg rooms as I have right now sitting in Jamie's car though. I know it wasn't the best car but it took me where I needed to and it was comfortable enough for me. Looking up at Jamie from the passenger's seat makes me feel a little shy. What do you do when someone told you to make yourself comfortable? Do they actually mean it or do they just want to be polite? Maybe I'll just play it safe and tuck my feet together and not mess with anything in here.
"Relax. The leather seat is not gonna bite you," he snickers after noticing me shifting carefully in my seat.
"Yeah, but you might," quickly giving him the same retort energy.
"Wow. Hurtful. Although, you'll never know. Hope you already got your rabid shot."
His face stays on the road but his eyes peering sideways towards me while smirking at his own joke. A giggle start escaping from my mouth and he finally lets out a big heartful laugh I've ever heard from him.
I feel myself being a lot more relaxed in my seat after that. We continue our conversations along the ride but it was cut short when Jamie pulls over in front of the bookstore. A little disappointment in my heart when I realized that I have to say goodbye to him now.
As I’m getting out of the car, he asks, “What time your shift ends?”
“6 pm. Why?” I respond back through the passenger’s seat window.
“Sounds like a good time for dinner. I’ll pick you up,” he winks again and drives away.
“Wait, I-“ Oh there’s no use. He’s gone.
Chapter 2
Note: Hi! I'm new on here and I'm sharing my writing for the first time on the internet and thought that it'd be nice to start on here. I don't know if this will take off or not but I'm excited for everyone to read it. Do let me know your thoughts and reblog if you like it. If it starts picking up then I will continue posting the next chapter :)
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oskea93 · 8 months ago
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Tis the Way the Wind Blows, Hummingbird (One)
Caleb Sykes x OC Horizon universe
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Story will contain moments of physical, sexual, emotional, and verbal abuse, cursing, murder, suicidal ideations, childbirth, scalping, death, etc. Please do not read if you are triggered by any of these warnings. If you've seen the film or just read about it online, you already know that Caleb is a bad guy. He will remain a bad guy throughout this story as well. He will not be liked and will be vile in every way. Just a heads up if you were looking for a happy Jamie story.
A/N: Oh my goodness guys, thank you so much for the love for this story! I am so glad you all are enjoying it so far! It's only gonna get more extreme and downright dirty from here. Also, if you have any questions about the story, just wanna talk, or whatever, just drop me a message!
● If you would like to be tagged, please comment below ●
Taglist: @austinswhitewolf, @carriewritesblog, @isla-bell-blog, @jcbbby, @eve18ahs
His touch would burn like a batch of fire ants each time he laid hands on me.
The searing pain as his grip would tighten – his cold blue eyes staring into mine as I would beg and plead not to hurt me in front of our children. I would like to say it hadn’t always been this way with Caleb but that would be a lie straight from the devil’s mouth. I would love to tell you that he was once a gentleman who was corrupt by the bottle – that his hands were once full of love and joy but for some ungodly reason I actually held feelings for the man.
I remember the first time I saw Caleb, standing in the dimly lit corner of the saloon, a shadow of a man with haunted eyes that seemed to mirror my own loneliness. His smile was a twisted reflection of charm, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. Despite the warnings that whispered in the back of my mind, I found myself captivated by his words, his presence filling a void I hadn't even known existed. In his arms, I felt a fleeting sense of belonging, as if for a moment, the world made sense and all the broken pieces of my heart were whole again. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the cracks in his facade began to show, revealing a darkness that chilled me to the core.
He was the youngest child of the vile woman who birthed him all those years ago – his father a philanderer who only arrived home when necessary. Rumor had it he had spawn all over the territory – the short woman he married long ago idly standing by as she knew there was nothing that could be done. The Sykes family were notorious among the Montana Territory – the fear they placed upon those wanting to settle was enough to make settlers treck along elsewhere. Some would say even the Indians feared the Sykes men – I would argue that on a heavy bible.
 Caleb’s anger more than likely rising from the hits of his mother and brother – always on the receiving end of a hand, foot, or even the butt of a gun at one point. I remember watching in the shadows as Junior almost beat him senseless for some measly reason – no reason good enough to knock your kin unconscious for hours on end. I was the one that had to drag him out of the snow that night – into the little shack that his mother had “gifted” us to make house in. The winter’s wind whistling through the loose logs, the fire barely staying lit as the snow floated through the home. When he awoke, he knew that there was no use in going after Junior, his hatred and fury landing upon my skin throughout the night.
I guess you may be asking how I even came to be with the blue-eyed devil – having enough dimwits about me to stay with a man like that. Well for one, it was an act of rebellion. I thought I could change him, hell, maybe even overpower him. I took the blows that he gave me each night, going to bed with tear-stained cheeks as he stepped out to go drinkin with his brothers. The other reason I stayed was because it was a sense of security. I had a leaking roof over my head, but it was covered none the less. I wasn’t wondering the land like the others out there, subjected to the harshness that the land was giving forth. The Sykes fortress was clear of any Indians – the dangers of being ambushed by them pushed at the wayside – unlike those that were travelling to their new homes.
I had married Caleb on the 24th day of January in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two. The justice of the peace in the town below reading from the holy book as he weaved back and forth from the whiskey coursing through his blood. No kiss was shared – no joyous voices from our closest relatives. Just an empty room. I had run off from Grady’s house – my only bag packed – his best horse trotting underneath me. I had only known Caleb for a number of days before his hands slipped under my dress – the piece of me that I was savin for future husband taken away in a matter of seconds. I guess all’s forgiven in the eyes of God since I ended up marrying the bastard…
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I watched as the snow swirled around the open air like paper scraps sent from the heavens above. The fire had long gone out several hours ago – my breath seen clearly as I exhaled in exhaustion. I hadn’t seen sight or sound of him in nearly four days – nothing uncommon nowadays. The wood burning smoke from the big house filtered through the cracks in the wood, the scent causing me to long for a warm room just for a moment of two.
Soft coos broke me out of my thoughts as I turned my attention to the little bundle in the center of the room. I had every blanket and article of clothing I could scrounge up piled atop her, trying to keep the cold off her small body.
“What’s wrong my sweet?” My feet carrying my body towards her.
She had her daddy’s eyes – bright blue and able to look right into your soul. Sprouts of red hair could be seen beneath the bonnet she wore, her little cheeks red with the touch of the cold. Emily was the daughter I longed for – a true gift from the Lord above. She was the second child – one that no one but me cared to have. She was the light of my life – the reason that I never gave up on myself against her father or his family.
I had given birth to Rory – our son – the first-born Sykes grandson seven years ago. Mama Sykes was at the head of the bed as he was born, quickly whisking him off before I could hold him. Caleb was celebrated for once in his life – having the workings to produce a strong male offspring – a male that would carry on the Sykes name and lineage. The Sykes women kept Rory at an arm’s reach from me during his infancy – only pushing him in my arms when it came time for him to eat. They would bring me into the big house as he fed and pushed me right back into the small shake once he was through. This was Mama Sykes dream to have another son she could mold and make her own. It was obvious that she wanted another son like Junior – Caleb being the lowest branch that she so badly wanted cut.
I watched as the years passed as my son shaped into a typical Sykes male. James and Junior would make sure to take him out, teaching him how to trap and hunt, something that a little boy at his age didn’t need to worry about yet. Caleb would just sit back and watch, the fatherly instinct never truly kicking in. He was seen more as Rory’s uncle rather than the his father. I’m almost positive that’s what Mama Sykes even taught Rory to call Caleb.
I would try my best to push my way into his life, only to get shoved back by the Sykes women. They didn’t trust me to be his mother – I was simply the woman that gave birth – not his mother. Hannah, Junior’s wife claimed that spot. Her evil glares cutting right through each time I would look at my son. Mama Sykes and Hannah would mutter awful words about me to Rory, finally breaking through to him. I watched as the baby boy I carried for nine months, suffering 10 hours in agony as I labored, just kicked me away like a speck of dirt on the floorboard.
I slowly picked my daughter up, bouncing her around in the quilt my mother had made before she passed.  “Flee as a bird to your mountain – thou who art weary of sin – go to the clear flowing fountain – where you may wash and be clean.”
The sudden sound of a shotgun going off cutting off the lyrics as my grip tightened on the baby. Stepping towards the window, the site in front of me causing my heart to thump against my chest. Gently placing Emily back into her bassinette, I tore open the wooden door, racing over to where my son laid.
“What the hell is happening?” My knees digging into the hardened dirt as I brought his limp body into my arms. His face bloodied and bruised as Robert and Junior stood above – Mama Sykes and Hannah watching from the porch steps.
Junior let out an annoyed sigh, “This doesn’t concern you, Elizabeth.”
“Like hell it doesn’t, Junior.” My tone biting back, fire raging through my eyes as I looked down at my little boy. My hand softly trailing down his cheek, his chest slowly rising and falling.
“He started the whole thing.” Robert, Junior and Hannah’s youngest son scoffed. “Ain’t my fault that he don’t got no fightin skills.”
My eyes cutting up to the younger Sykes, “That’s enough, Robert.” Junior sounded. “Go get cleaned up for supper.”
The boy followed his father’s direction, Hannah smiling at him once he reached the steps. Her last glance finding mine as she walked into the home. Mama Sykes stood stoic on the porch, her eyes dull and full of spite. “Junior, get Rory and bring him in the house.”
“No!” My arms wrapping tighter around my son’s unconscious body. “You will not touch another hair on this child’s head –“ My eyes piercing towards Mrs. Sykes. “None of you are touching my child again.”
“Ain’t your child, Elizabeth.” Mama spoke clearly. “Hasn’t been your child since the day he was born.”
I could feel tears of anger spiking in my eyes, “Oh yeah –“ A sarcastic chuckle slipping, “And who’s idea was that, huh?” Junior stepped closer. “You bunch of monsters took him away from me – turned him against his own mother for what? You see how well his father turned out – think I could’ve done a hell of a lot better than you, Mama Sykes.”
Junior’s large hands pried my arms apart, Rory slipping back onto the ground as he dragged me feet away. His grip like that of Caleb’s but only stronger. My words of pain going by the wayside as his foot kicked into my ribs, a guttural cry releasing deep from my body.
“Get that boy in the house before he catches a death of cold.” Mama’s raspy voice sounded.
Junior looked up to the matriarch, “What about her?” My body still curled into the cold ground. “Whatcha want me to do with her?”
The only sound could be heard was that of the winter birds around as the wind blew – Mrs. Sykes body staying silent for a moment. “She can find her way back.” Her eyes connecting with mine briefly as she turned to enter the home.
I stayed silent, face still pressed against the snowy ground as Junior lifted Rory into his arms, stomping his way up the stairs to the main house. The door slamming behind him once he crossed the threshold.
I waited a few moments before moving – the sharp pain of where his foot had landed making it hard to breathe as I slowly walked back to the building. The echo of Emily's cry reverberated in my ears, piercing through the chaos that had engulfed us. Each step felt heavy, burdened not just by the weight of my own injuries but by the fear and uncertainty that loomed ahead.
With a shaky hand, I pushed the door open, the hinges creaking in protest. Emily's tear-streaked face turned towards me, her eyes wide with a mix of confusion and fear. My heart ached at the sight of her, so small and innocent in the midst of such turmoil.
"Shh, it's okay," I whispered hoarsely, my voice barely above a broken murmur. I knelt beside her, wrapping my arms around her trembling form. The warmth of her tiny body pressed against mine offered a brief respite from the cold reality that threatened to consume us both.
"It's okay, baby," I repeated, the words a mantra to soothe not just her but myself as well. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the world around me. In that moment, I felt the weight of responsibility crushing down on my shoulders, the knowledge that I must be strong for her, no matter how broken I felt inside.
I thanked God silently that Emily was so young, her innocence a shield against the harshness of the truth…
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“How dare you disrespect my mother and brother like you did, Elizabeth!”
I sat in the corner of the room, the metallic taste of blood lingering on my tongue as I dabbed away the fresh crimson droplets that fell from my split lip. The throbbing ache in my jaw served as a painful reminder of the altercation that had just taken place, but my focus remained unwavering on the man standing before me.
"I was protecting my child – our child," I asserted, my voice steady despite the underlying currents of anger and frustration that simmered beneath the surface.
He rolled his eyes in exasperation, his movements agitated as he paced the confines of the cramped room. "That boy was two steps away from killing Rory, he wa-"
"Robert was teaching him how to act like a man – not some pansy whipped little girl," Caleb interjected, his voice tinged with defiance. The words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the deep-seated differences in our beliefs and values. "Junior and I did the same thing growing up – plus it’s not your word that matters anymore, Lizabeth."
I shook my head, a bitter taste of resentment flooding my senses. "Yeah," I muttered, my voice tinged with sorrow and anger. "You and your goddamn family took that right away." His eyes darkened as he advanced towards me, each step a menacing echo of the power dynamics that had long defined our relationship.
"I was just used as a cow to make sure he was fed and then put back in the pen like some kind of barnyard anim-" My words were cut short by the sharp crack that resonated through the home, the impact of the blow sending a searing wave of pain from my jaw to my temple.
“Always running that damn mouth of yours,” Caleb's voice was heavy with frustration as he hastily unclipped the holster from his waist. My body already knew what was about to happen as I scrambled to get off the floor, the urgency pulsing through my veins. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough. Caleb's strong grip closed around my ankles, his fingers digging into my skin as he yanked me across the dirty wood.
His dirt-stained hands pushing up the material of my skirt as his body straddled mine – my arms pinned to my side as my cries mixed with those of Emily’s in the corner of the room…
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jcbbby · 2 years ago
could you write something where the reader is going through it mentally with stress and anxiety and ed related shit to the point where it’s like effecting her physical health and jamie is trying to help her through it sorry if it’s oddly specific i was recently in the ER for a CT scan and it ended up being a stress induced headache and just wish i had someone to just comfort me 😭
oh, my poor friend!!! I'm so sorry you've been going through all that as of late. :( I'm glad the ER visit ended up being nothing serious, but as someone also recently in the ER for a CT scan...still not fun either way. and I've also HELLA been there, having anxiety and an ED affect my physical health. I'm sending you all the love I have in my heart, I'm here for you if you want to talk to anyone, and I hope you find some comfort in this lil fic. <3
warnings: mention of needles, hospital visit, mental illness.
You heard the front door close from across the silent house. Jamie must be back from his meeting this morning with his manager. You weren't sure how long he'd been gone, having been half conscious trying to sleep through this throbbing headache you had for the last...however long it had been. It started last night after a long day of errands and you went to bed without dinner, something you knew was probably bad to do but a sad part of you took a sadistic pride in that. Jamie kissed you goodbye when he left this morning, and low and behold, he came to kiss you hello in the same spot he left you earlier.
"Hi, darling." He spoke softly as he came through the doorway. "How are you feeling?"
You groaned slightly as you stirred, pushing yourself upright with your hands, resting your back against the pillows. You sighed, rubbing an eye.
"I'm just tired..."
You weren't lying exactly. Tired was the only word you could think of to describe how you had been feeling. The past few weeks had been very busy and stressful with Jamie's schedule. You were a person of routine; you needed to eat at specific times, the food you ate was carefully curated, you had a set routine for morning and night. The uncertainty of the day's timeline had wreaked havoc on your mental state. Jamie knew you had struggled with some mental issues, but you never let on the extent of it around him as best as you could. This time, however, it really overwhelmed you.
Jamie frowned as he walked toward you and gently sat on the bed. "Love, you've been in bed for almost 24 hours and you're still tired?"
"Well, and my head still hurts. It's just all at the back of my head...it's just throbbing." You screwed your eyes shut, bringing your hands up to rest at the base of your neck.
"Really? Have you taken any tablets to help?" He reached up to feel your forehead for any temperature. "You don't feel feverish at least."
You nodded your head lightly and then shrugged. "Didn't help."
"Do you think maybe we should get you into the ER? Just to be sure you're okay, since the medicine isn't helping and it's lasted this long?" He reached out taking your hand gingerly.
"No...no, I don't want to bother them if it's nothing." You shuffled yourself deeper down into the bed, as if getting comfier would convince Jamie you were fine.
"Darling, their whole job is to be bothered by people even if it is nothing. They're there to make sure it's nothing. Please, I just want to make sure you're alright, love." He squeezed your hand that he was still holding.
You sighed, squeezing Jamie's hand back. You didn't want to go to the ER. You didn't want to be a burden, not to Jamie or anyone at the hospital. Hospitals always freaked you out, too. The worst news of someone's life could be given in a hospital, and it always made you uneasy to be in one.
"Okay...okay, we can go." You looked up to him, eyes downturned in defeat.
Jamie gave a small smile as he got up and came around to help you out of bed. You felt weak and cold as you left the cocoon of the comforter. Black spots filled your vision as you stood up for the first time in hours, causing you to grab Jamie's shoulder for support.
"Stooduptoofast." You said through a scrunched face.
Without a word, you felt Jamie's arms scoop around your back and behind your knees, lifting you bridal style up into his chest.
"I'll do all the work then." He smiled before planting a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You sat in the ER waiting room for a couple hours, since you didn't appear to be in dire need of attention. Jamie held your hand as you used his shoulder as a pillow. He stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, bringing you a much needed sense of ease.
Jamie wouldn't let go of your hand the entire time you were back in a room to be seen by the doctor. He held it as the doctor and nurses conducted tests and asked you questions. He squeezed it and rubbed your back with his other hand as the nurse inserted an IV port to give you fluids, as per the doctor's orders. You flinched and looked away as you felt the sting of the needle in your wrist.
"You're doing great, darling." He whispered as the nurse walked out.
"What if I have a tumor or something? What if I'm having an aneurism?" You couldn't help but start to feel the slight panic set in while lying in the hospital bed.
Jamie came and sat along side you on the small rickety bed. "Oh, no, no of course you don't have any of those horrible things! We're just here to make you feel better, and you will in no time." He brought a hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear.
You leaned your head against his hand. You were so grateful for Jamie, he always knew how to make you feel better. He smiled and cupped your cheek.
"Hello! Oh, so sorry to interrupt." The doctor said from the doorway as you both looked over to him. "I just wanted to pop in to let you know that your work ups look pretty good. A little low on potassium, blood sugar is also very low, which might be why you're feeling a little weak and tired. But otherwise nothing of major concern. Your head looks okay, CT scan is normal. I would probably say a combination of stress and you're a likely dehydrated, which the fluids should remedy. Once you're finished with that bag there, I think I would be comfortable discharging you." He smiled.
"Sounds great, thank you." You smiled at the doctor.
"Wonderful, thank you so much." Jamie also smiled to him.
"Thank god..." You chuckled.
"See, you're alright and on your way to feeling better. I love you, darling." He kissed your cheek.
"I love you too."
Once the bag of fluids had finished, the nurses removed the needle and supplied you with discharge papers. The doctor was right, with the fluids, your head did start to feel a lot better.
Jamie took you home and you headed straight back to bed without a word. He followed you into the bedroom, leaning against the doorway as you climbed under the covers again.
"Do you want me to get you anything? I can make you something to eat." He looked to you, watching you settle in.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you though." You paused in your settling, looking over to Jamie. You knew he was right and that you should have something, but you didn't want to eat.
He let out a quiet sigh, slowly coming toward you and climbing into bed with you. He took you in his arms, looking to you with eyes, pleading.
"Sweetheart...please, let me make you something to eat. It's been over 24 hours since you last had something. It will help, I promise." He kissed your temple.
You turned to him, about to protest, but the look in his eyes hit you directly in the gut. He looked at you as if you were a fragile heirloom he had discovered in the dusty attic. He just wanted to take care of you, he wanted to see you shine again.
"Okay...you're probably right, babe. Thank you for taking care of me." You smiled meekly up at him.
He pulled you into him even tighter, wrapping you in a hug. He held you for a moment before pulling you back and holding you at arm's length. He caressed your shoulder with his thumb.
"Listen...I know things are tough for you right now...I know. But I also know that you are so strong. And even when you're not, I'm here to hold your hand and help you see it through, alright?" He smiled.
The tears immediately filled your eyes. Almost as if the love you felt for this man before you was spilling out through your eyes. You found your hands coming up to either side of his cheeks, pulling him forward to meet at your lips.
You pulled away, sniffling your tears away. "I do know that. You're always there for me. Thank you."
"You can thank me by eating the pasta I'm about to make you." He brought his hand up to playfully boop your nose. "Then we're even."
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jennay · 2 years ago
Master List:
Requests rules
Noah Sebastian
Jolly Karlsson
Jamie Campbell Bower
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bebx · 1 year ago
AO3 writer (me) finding a typo or a grammatical error in her 2 years old fic that she’d proofread 3 times before hitting that publish button:
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qeliche · 1 year ago
I have posted a ficlet!!
Jamie Bower/Joseph Quinn sickfic ahoy!
Jamie doesn't even realise he's sick at first. All he knows is he feels irritable, miserable and restless.
Maybe a surprise visit from a certain Someone will help him feel better.
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stopitbehaveyourself · 3 months ago
Fics (ao3) Bewitched (Henry Creel x Original Female Character) Enchanted (Henry Creel One-Shots) (Requests Open)
Fanart (my old works are so shitty lmfao) Jamie Moodboard Jamie Pixel Art (Mandals!) Jamie Vector 1.0 , Jamie Vector 2.0 , Jamie Vector 3.0 , Jamie Vector 4.0 , Jamie Vector 5.0 , Jamie Vector 6.0 , Jamie Vector 7.0 THE JOMIE 27 VECTORS COLLAGE Jomie Vector 1.0 , Jomie Vector 2.0 , Jomie Vector 3.0 , Jomie Vector 4.0 , Jomie Vector 5.0 , Jomie Vector 6.0 , Jomie Vector 7.0 , Jomie Vector 8.0 , Jomie Vector 9.0 , Jomie Vector 10.0 , Jomie Vector 11.0 THE JAMIE 21 VECTORS COLLAGE THE JAMIE 21 VECTORS COLLAGE (UPDATED) Henry Creel Wallpaper Henry Vector 1.0 , Henry Vector 2.0 Jamie Vogue Wallpaper Jamie Photoshoot Edits 1.0 , Jamie Photoshoot Edits 2.0
Edits/Memes Vecnussy (Video Edit) Will Meme Meme Compilation The Drake Meme Compilation (Jamie's Version) Idk but its a meme She's Old (Video Edit)
Making Compilations so you don't have to Silly Faces 1.0 , Silly Faces 2.0 , Silly Faces 3.0 , Silly Faces 4.0 (Thirst Tweets Version) , Silly Faces 5.0 (Jomie's Version) ,
Socials Ao3 Wattpad Instagram (Fanpage)
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