#musicals giving me ideas and fueling the ship
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anerdliveshere · 2 months ago
I have an idea for a Gelato edit. Need to gather some screencaps
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mischievousmary · 1 year ago
Solangelo:Will Is More Clingy towards Nico during the summer because Nico has a naturally cold temperature. And Will has a high body temperature, so Will Enjoys Holding Nico and Touching his bare skin because it cools him down. Nico is not a fan of Will when he initiates cuddles while being all sweaty from the heat.(i think i got this idea from @yonemurishiroku. I'd feel guilty if I didn't give credit honestly)
Valdangelo: Many people assume Leo is the Overly Affectionate boyfriend, and Nico hated when anyone touched him. But Leo knew that Nico Initiated Cuddles just as much as Leo did. The difference was that Leo didn't mind doing it in public, while Nico preferred to keep it private.
Valdangelo again: Leo had spent Weeks Trying to Convince Nico to Come up with a super cool handshake they could do whenever they greeted each other. Nico eventually did learn the handshake, but unfortunately For Leo, Nico had never promised that he would use it.
Jasico: Jason can't help but stare at Nico when he's deep in thought or reading a book. He finds Nico's intense focus and furrowed brow incredibly endearing. Sometimes, Jason can't resist the urge to Take a Picture of Him and Make an album full of Pictures of him.
Jasico: Jason loves to watch Nico sleep. He finds peace in seeing Nico so peaceful and vulnerable, and it reminds him of just how lucky he is to have Nico in his life. Sometimes, Jason will gently brush a strand of hair away from Nico's face, savoring the intimate moment.
Nicobaster: Nico playing the piano and Alabaster playing the violin. Their music is hauntingly beautiful and has a way of touching people's souls.♥️
Nicobaster: Alabaster loves to tease Nico about his serious and brooding demeanor. Whenever Nico gets caught up in his thoughts or has his normal Grumpy expression, Alabaster will jokingly ask if Nico hasn't yet had his morning fuel (coffee). Nico will usually roll his eyes or give Alabaster a playful shove, but there's always a hint of a smile or blush on his face. But there's sometimes he just Simply Whacks Him upside the head.
I need people to request any ship or character content so I can let my people pleasing come out and force me to post something actually enjoyable.😕
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ekletia · 13 days ago
Thought Summary 02
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Every survivor is in a boat rowing. Maxwell gave everyone a ticket to this ship. Everyone is in trouble together.
Boat = The camp
Yes, the title itself does not refer only to the ship itself. It has a deeper meaning.
Yesterday I wrote the first four chapters about what it will be about. The first chapter will be very long compared to the other chapters.
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Shadow Wilson name is Wilton. I know originally wilton would be a skeleton, but I really wanted to name the shadow wilson. I wanted to give you a name that looked like Wilson. Wilson - Wilton similar.
If anyone has an idea for a name, feel free to write.
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This was my first draft of it. The time of day determines its strength. Yes, The weapon is the axe.
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Based on the operation of a music box, I made a new machine. I don t know how physically correct or feasible it is. You’ll see it in the comic soon. The way the machine works Music box + Printer. (Works with Green gems.)
Because this device can remove the shadow fuel from the beard hair. I mean, I'm imagining.
This video helped me with the drawing.
Previous Thought Summary
Comic first page
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ssruis · 9 months ago
cpdb rui + nene cards and emu5 tsukasa + emu cards for the alien alien/niccori survey team/opera space opera “alien race w the goal to spread love and cheer because positive emotions are their society’s fuel (like monsters inc. laughter as a fuel) invasion for Benevolent Reasons” ruikasa/emunene au where emu+tsukasa crash land on earth and are found by rui+nene who have to hide them from authorities/fix their ship… maybe len as the alien ship AI rin as the AI rui made/found/whatever… do u see my vision… the dish I’m cooking up…
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Assorted vague ideas that may or may not end up making the cut:
> CPDB cyberpunk dystopia being a result of emu’s grandpa giving earth (his favorite little planet) some technology because he was like surely the humans will use this to usher in a new era of peace and love 😊 (he was wrong)
> emu’s grandpa gave them souped up hyper competent chat gpt/ai to solve their more boring meaningless issues so they could focus on creating art and then capitalism ruined it 😔
> no I don’t have an agenda against ai generation what would make you think that (graphic design major being told to use generative AI because “that’s the future” when it Looks Like Shit)
> emu crash lands them on earth when they’re meant to be going elsewhere because she wanted to take “a quick teeny weeny detour” to look at her grandpa’s favorite planet (she knew something was wrong w it. Energy outputs were bad? Maybe the alien society wrote off earth as a lost cause) and tsukasa’s like no absolutely not (they wrestle with the controls -> crash land -> emu’s like oopsie daisy 😊 while tsukasa has a hysterical fit)
> if I want to be really evil emu’s grandpa could have died on earth and she wanted to see if he was alive? But I don’t want to hurt emu like that… I’d rather just go the path of her Really Really wanting to save earth. Au version of Wonderstage.
> or maybe tsukasa and emu are just sent to see why it’s failing. But I think the crash landing thing is really funny.
> ohh maybe instead of emotions it’s music based (harnessing the true emotions behind music) and the reason earth has begun to fail is the increasing drive to create empty pop songs that go viral. That would be a better explanation than the general positive emotion harvesting if you’re assuming everyone in the CPDB dystopia is “happy” (complacent with the status quo of capitalism driven entertainment)
> “it’s a tragedy to view it from this small fry of a planet, but it’s a comedy if you view it from space” “I fell in love with you from far far away” “when this song reached over there and resonated, it was you who gave it meaning! Sure enough this universe is wonderhoy!”
> “I don’t read the lyrics anyway, so give me something catchy” “is it about the numbers than the artistry/awful price to pay for vitality/then what do we do? Was that how it’s supposed to go?/the mind going in circles and slowly dying away” “don’t disguise yourself, fantasies and ideals are fine”
> “The trembling streetlights, the pelting rain/My wavering feelings, an emotional telepath/The lost two make contact/And my heart learned of love “A fluorescent light repeatedly switching off and on/The paranormal confusion quietly ate into you/The parallel signals intersected due to singular point/Created-reality-blind acceptance-itus, sensitivity instinct”
> “we will set out to study the world’s smiles” “Between us, we have something that will turn the impossible into a possibility”
> ^ I can probably do something with those lyrics. General vibes to work with. Etc.
> (rui kamishiro voice) sometimes the cure for complete apathy/hopelessness and disillusionment with the current state of the world can be two goofy aliens (nene kusanagi voice) what the fuck are you talking about
> obligatory rui making joke threats about dissecting emukasa (as he did w wxs sekai plushies/aliens in 2024 April fools) & tsukasa going “y. You’re not serious right” “hehe” “RIGHT??”
> tsukasa initially is very “we need to fix this ship and Leave we have a job to be doing” (realizes the state of the earth) “nnnrgg FINE we have to fix this”
> (sees one bug) “nvm emu can we explode this planet into a million pieces and leave- emu. Emu why are you letting it crawl on you dONT GET NEAR ME WITH THAT” (emu chasing him around w a centipede in her hands)
> emu is immediately infatuated with nene “your voice is the prettiest thing I’ve heard in the whole universe” -> “you make me happy just by existing and I want to make you smile every day”… nene goes from “I want nothing to do with this” to “ok I’m involved now. Not just because emu asked. Rui stop laughing at me. (Would be crying and throwing up on the inside if emu was even a little upset)”
> as with all my aus the ruikasa dynamic is “oh he’s pretty and very talented” vs “what an interesting guy (I want to put him in a maze and watch him solve it for rewards)” -> “this guy is fucking insane and is going to kill me one day (said with begrudging fondness and irritation at his own shit taste)” vs “what an interesting guy (I want to put him in a maze and watch him solve it for rewards) (also I am madly in love with him)”
> they destroy the ai thing or something yay happy ending. Idk. I’m not a polisci major you can’t expect me to have a good neat solution for a huge societal issue.
> ending is hard because I don’t want to separate them but emu + tsukasa have way too much left on the home planet to ever consider leaving it permanently… hmm ending where emu + tsukasa are like we gotta go back for a bit but we’ll return to check on the progress -> more permanent way for visits to happen is set up with the eventual intention for rui and emu to join tsukasa and emu on their adventures?
> saki as a researcher on the alien planet w the rest of L/N… tsukasa prioritizing getting communication set back up first and foremost and rui’s like “is he gonna contact his home planet and ask to be rescued even after he promised to help” & then tsukasa calls home just to tell saki (+ she updates toya) he’s ok (she was understandably distraught thinking her brother fucking crash landed somewhere and died) tsukasa tenma voice I’ve upset my sister. I’m going to go run directly into traffic.
> rui and nene live together (making money thru mechanics and programming). Nene has a shit load of arcade games that she and rui fixed up. Neither of them like how society is but they’re both kind of like “wtf can we even do” although rui does his guerrilla shows on the side (how he finds emu+tsukasa maybe?). Rui dragging himself home at 4 am wounded from nearly getting caught by security and nene’s like are u fucking kidding me.
> actually I think nene playing video games and making money by being a top player is a funnier idea than her helping rui with mechanics. She has some tech knowledge by virtue of living with him but she’s also rank #1 in several competitive games. Nene is the real bread winner in this household.
> I think nene should play video games with emu… emunene arcade date while ruikasa are in the workshop downstairs fixing up the ship (tsukasa is kinda useless he’s just micromanaging/doesn’t want to third wheel emunene because nene kept giving him death glares last time)
Nene: (long winded gaming explanation) so that’s why you want to keep the higher ground during the game
Emu: woaw! you’re so smart nenechan!!
(Loud explosion heard from downstairs) (tsukasa screaming) (rui laughing)
Nene: um. Is tsukasa ok.
Emu: yep he just does that sometimes 💕!! Ooo what’s this game called??
Nene: (whatever it’s not my problem and I’m having fun with emu) this one is called DDR do you want to play 🥰
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crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf · 6 months ago
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Disgrace Chapter 3 : Crosshair x F!OC
After crash-landing on a desert world, the main objective is getting off of it again. A backwater pirate operation is nothing for the Elite Imperial Sniper, even alone... What's not accounted for is Tah'nyem's draw for bad luck and mischief. They'll have to try to navigate the hostile environment without getting too distracted.
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Chapter Specific Warnings: Minor Injuries, Drug use, Flirty Banter, Gun Fight, Threats made against MC, Crosshair still being (mostly) professional. Bad decisions, Explosions.
Word Count: 6k+
Dynamic: Princess x Guard, Speed running Co-dependancy, A Mangy Cat and his Aggressive little Chihuahua.
<-Previous Chapter - Read On Ao3 - Next Chapter >
Music Inspo- Not A Crime - Gogol Bordello
[oh how I knew I'd write an action sequence to this the moment I heard it]
Listen on Spotify - Listen on Youtube
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Chapter 3
Not a Crime 
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The surface we landed on was powdered with a fine, rust colored sand. Our pod had dug a wide gouge through a forested landscape of thick, tube-like trees that twisted and wove into each other like vines. 
“Careful now, don't touch the trunks.”
Crosshair steadied me by grabbing my arm, keeping me from falling into one of the odd plants. 
On closer inspection I could see that the vegetation was ridged. Sharp needles stood in clumps along the deep channels. 
Still in my thin sleep gown, I didn't fancy getting too close. The warm sand however was pleasant on my bare feet as I was half dragged through the dangerous, gigantic brambles. 
“I need to change,”
I complained again. I had managed to hold onto my pack during the evacuation but we hadn't stopped walking since leaving the escape pod. 
“You need to keep moving, That wasn't a subtle landing and we have no idea who might… investigate,”
I swear there's enough distance for me to put some Kriffing pants on…
But the clone was in full soldier mode and I had yet to really reach him under all that protocol.
Maybe he likes how thin the gown is…
I self consciously looked down at the light colored shift now stained with hazey, rusty streaks. It clung to my thighs and the soft peaks of my breasts, occasionally catching in the tuck point of my buttock. Not exactly covert travel garb. 
Thank Be’llahl it's warm…
“What exactly is the plan here,”
“Find a new ship, get you to a safehouse till we're summoned, keep you off the radar,”
“That's it? That's the whole plan b?”
He didn't answer. 
“What if this planet’s deserted?”
“It's not.”
He pointed ahead at the sky where pillars of smoke stood in sharp contrast against the bright, blue-green atmosphere. 
“Could be a natural phenomenon…”
I grumbled, but it was an impotent theory. Listening closely there was a thumping, mechanical clanking on the breeze. It was most likely some sort of refinery or mining plant… the galaxy was full of them. 
I had tried to check my datapad for any brochures to the place but it was apparently unlisted to the civilian holonet. 
“C’mon, princess. The faster we find a way off this planet the faster you can change.”
He started to pull me along quicker than before and I'm sure I caught a hint of amusement in his voice. At my expense no less… I glowered up at him but if he noticed he didn't react. 
The spiked tubes began thinning out signaling we were near the edge of the natural outcropping, which when reached, dropped off steeply to overlook a massive valley. 
I could barely make out the opposite cliff face, the depression in between vast and filled with a thicket of twisted metal, steam and smoke. 
“What do you think it is?”
“Doesn't matter.”
He swung the rifle from his shoulder and focused the scope to the ground outside the … factory? Scanning a little left, a little right and then out, over the expansive structure. He lowered the gun. 
“There’s ships, A lot of them, But they look rough, we'll have to find one that works and possibly fuel it up ourselves.”
“You think they'll give us one?” 
He paused, turning to me with what I could guess would be a look of controlled confusion… hard to tell through the helmet. 
“I wasn't really planning on asking…”
“Why can't we just buy a ride? I have plenty of cre-”
Ah, the warning growl.
I shut up. 
“Someone blew up an entire military transport with the intention of you blowing up with it, We stay off record,”
“You don't know they were aiming for me,”
“Don't be dense,”
I was yanked forward again and sighed. 
“You know you should really save the rough stuff for later,”
I had decided to drop the kitschy act around him but damn it, he was pissing me off a little, being so right all the time.
He was skilled at ignoring me by now though and pressed on, checking his scopes from another angle. 
I was about to snag a pair of trousers from my pack but was pulled into motion again. 
“Found our ship, Stay close, Do everything I tell you exactly,”
My pulse quickened at that, though I wasn't sure if it was nerves for what was to come or the image the command conjured. 
Time and place. 
He positioned himself behind me, swinging his scope back up to be level with my eyes. 
“See it? Small, green stripes on the hull. Its engine is intact and the fuel lines aren't dripping,”
“How… how can you see all that?”
I squinted into the scope, the engine panel on the specified vehicle was open but I couldn't make anything out even with the magnification. 
Giving up I looked around the ship we planned on stealing. The alcove was bright with sunlight, causing me to squint as the occasional stray mirror from scattered speeder parts flashed it into the scope. It was far from unattended, the ground a buzz with droids and insectoids bustling to and fro, about eight maybe?
“Uh… how good a gunman are you? Exactly.”
I could feel his chest puff in pride against my back, his voice coming as almost a purr. 
“The best,”
Okay, tough guy. 
“Show me.”
The demand caught him off guard, skipping a beat in hesitation. 
He moved purposefully, repositioning his rifle to rest against the well worn plate on his chest and pulled me to him, tucking me under the steadied muzzle.  
It only took a second, but I knew when he found his mark; a wave of rigidity flooding over his muscles as if locking it into place before relaxing into a calm confidence. 
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“Cover your ear,”
His voice was close, and if it weren't for the helmet his breath would've been dancing across the back of my neck. I obeyed, cupping my hand over my right ear. 
With a squeeze of the trigger a single blaster bolt shot forth and darted into the alcove the ship was parked in. 
It ricocheted, flashing a wild pattern as distant cries of alarm went up and just as quickly died. 
He gave me back the scope to check his work. 
The alcove was completely cleared. Everything taken down in a single shot. 
“Holy shyte!” 
“That was nothing,”
“No kidding,”
Pleased with himself, he slung the rifle back across his shoulders and pushed me forward again. 
More cries were heard on the breeze as an alarm was raised from the metallic jungle below us. 
“That wasn't really the best move was it?”
It was so matter of fact I giggled a little. 
“How hard is this gonna be now?”
“Not any harder than before,”
“How hard were you before?”
He walked into that one. 
His armor jerked slightly, a sharp exhale through his speaker giving away a silent laugh as he helped me carefully pick our way down a steep incline and I relaxed a little. 
At least there's some kind of reaction, I must've caught him off guard again. 
The stoic business-like demeanor he'd been projecting since the pod had been vaguely off putting and I wasn't sure if it was the disruption to the dynamic that had been built till then or the fact that I just hurtled from the sky in a can that had me on edge.  
And it's hard to feel scared when we're charging forward giggling like idiots, right? 
“Don't you ever stop?”
Feigned annoyance. 
“Not when I'm nervous,”
The levity was short lived as we descended the cliff side. He finally reached even ground and turned to lift me at the hip, picking me up off the last ledge and setting me next to him.
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“Don’t be nervous,”
Easy for you to say, tough guy.
Luckily, the denizens of the metal monster hadn't really guessed where the lone shot had come from and they appeared to be scrambling trying to figure out what was going on. 
“New plan,”
We skirted around and away from the commotion, making our way towards the further side of the factory. 
“There's another junk yard this way,”
The place seemed to be a processing plant for salvaging scrap from ships, the outer walls consisting of mismatched metal streaked in bloody rust and corrosion. A shrieking, thumping, ringing din rose from within. My hopes of us finding a nice, usable getaway craft were dwindling. 
We made our way around, stopping at a gap in the protective collage of scrap where the rust had completely eaten through and ducked inside. 
There were towering walls of partially crushed and destroyed ships stacked to form tight aisles in what had to be a labyrinth of twists and turns. It reached to either direction from where we came through and Crosshair motioned for me to be silent. 
I could tell he was listening and I focused as well. There were definitely people here, drifting about, none too many. From the snippets of common I could make out these stragglers didn't think there was much cause for the alarm. Good.
My arm was taken and I was pulled to the right and away from the congregation of gossiping workers. The path between the metal columns grew tighter, and I slowed, once again made aware of the delicate shift and bare feet I was dressed in. 
I whispered hurriedly and started to quietly reach into my bag. 
“No. Not now,”
“C’mon, just some slippers, It's a death trap in here!”
He was annoyed but his visor dipped to look down at my ankles and he acquiesced.
Did you seriously miss that I was barefoot? Tunnel vision I swear… 
Finally, I reached in and found the silk flats I was looking for, triumphantly slipping them on my feet. 
A gurgling whine went up behind us and we turned and looked up. 
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A winged insectoid perched on top of the column screeching a warning to his crew. 
Ah varp.  
Without even an, “I told you so,” Crosshair swung me forward and out in front of him as he aimed a blaster back the way we came at the pursuers already pouring into the narrow corridor. 
I ran.
There was only one way to go and I bolted down the path as fast as I could, uttering a prayer to the void that we'd end up somewhere useful. I could hear an exchange of blaster bolts and was pushed up against the wall with an arm hastily thrown over me, the ground scorched where I had been. 
I darted on again, more determined to find a way out and trusting Crosshair to keep us safe from behind. He was tapping the walls periodically as we went, he had to be coming up with something. 
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The straight path ended and split into three. There were already pursuants down the leftmost path, and little time to deliberate, so I pivoted us down the right towards sunlight. 
I scuffed the wall of hastily assembled debris, and almost fell as I took the turn wrong. I could feel fire alight on my side where abrasions no doubt were blooming from the ungraceful scrape. No time, I kept moving forward trying to fix my stumbling gate when suddenly the ground ended and I was sliding in sand between the stacked pillars. 
Crosshair fell against my back and wrapped an arm around me to steady us, turning behind us and squeezing off a final shot as we reached the end of the ramshackle shoot and rolled onto a belt. It darted, bouncing off of little mirrored pucks that now strategicly dotted the makeshift corridor in a dizzying light show. Our pursuers fell every few meters, the rest tripping over the fallen. 
The conveyor beneath us shuddered rhythmically, moving at a slow, ungainly pace, shaking the sand. Bits of jagged metal and plastics emerged from the sediment quickly falling away from our ankles. The line shifted under my feet carrying us upwards before evening out again, showing me what was shaking the belt. 
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A giant column of metal was bearing down on the automated line. The pedal end, the size of a ship itself, swung and rolled across the conveyor, crushing the sifted debris flat before dumping them into a grinder with a sickening crash. 
Oh good. 
Crosshair quickly hoisted me up and over the side with him and we plunged down to the next layer of moving belts. He landed hard, losing some wind as he “caught” me with a thud.
Then we were up. He had taken my hand now, pulling me to stand, then running as best as we could. There was flattened scrap piled at our feet as we made our way down the narrow incline, slowing our progress with sliding unpredictability. The air was starting to grow hotter, and I could only assume the column ahead of us was some type of furnace. 
A buzzing clatter filled the air as Insectoids dropped onto the conveyor to either side of our position, training their weapons towards us. 
“What are karken Genoans doing out here…”
Is that what they're called?
I was dipped as Crosshair dropped to a knee, pulling me down for cover as he shot the two to the left. Next, I'm up and spun against his back. He opens on the ones to the rear. The group scatters as the middle man falls, his body slumping onto the belt, but not before he spit some kind of fluid at us, slapping across the snipper’s visor. The fallen bug-man disappeared as the channel ended, dropping him into the incinerator with a delayed flash of sparks. 
Up and over again, I was lifted as my guard calculated another jump over the edge. Atop a rusted casing for some whining machine, smoke, and then darkness as we dropped into a hollow shaft. For the moment we were safe. Sort of. Pistons periodically pressed into the space to either side of us, the loud mechanical groans as they shifted in quickly and then pushed back against a hydraulic regulator were raising the hairs on the back of my neck. 
Eerie and too, too close.
We stayed there, still and listening. There were a few low, buzzing voices talking under the belt we had jumped from. I could barely hear it over the thrusting piston, but it sounded like they might be giving up and scattering. 
Please believe we fell in… please just go away. 
Other thoughts were spinning through me in the sudden stillness. 
Why such a fuss for scrap?
Irritation flared up as it occurred to me how shady and complicated my life had suddenly become, the questions I suddenly had to account for… 
I was supposed to be shopping with Kahtzi on Coruscant right now. 
I looked up at the helmet above me. The front of it was covered in a thick sticky gunk. I was surprised he could still see through it at all.   There was no telling what he was thinking through that thing, but the tension in him seemed to signal that he was listening too, barely breathing. 
“What do you think they're really doing here?”
I whispered but a hand was clasped over my mouth anyways. 
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We stayed silent and still, the voices drifted away and we waited another second, two? before squeezing out of the piston housing. 
Looking around the tight aisle between twisted pipes and gauges I spotted an armored door to the left of us and pointed it out. 
“Can we get in there?”
He turned to see what I was looking at and grabbed my hand again, ushering me inbetween the varied obstacles of metal and rust. 
Pull forward, spin to avoid a jet of steam, held to him as we step through a small gap, spun back out front. 
I giggled. 
“What's so funny?”
“Oh, nothing … was just thinking you dance better than some Dukes.”
The motions were so fluid, it was hard not to make the comparison. 
“We're not dancing.”
He pulled me to face him again as he moved me through the next gap, and dipped me under an obtrusive pipe.
“Says you, I’ll definitely need you to escort me to the gala after all this,”
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I laughed lightly and we reached the door, it had a good old fashioned magnetic lock. 
Crosshair, ignoring me again, located the power supply line and severed it with a calculated blaster bolt, quickly pushing me back against the forest of metal limbs. 
The lock went dark, and we waited. It didn't seem like any additional alarms were sounded. 
Safe so far. 
To the door and inside, I closed it behind us. 
Quiet … so far. 
I turned to get my bearings, it seemed like we had found our way into a storage warehouse of sorts. Crates stacked high to the ceiling along every wall, and grouped onto the floor through the middle. I couldn't make out anything left or right, being too dark, but the roof was open here in the middle and it filled the room with warm light. 
The clone had removed the ruined helmet and began rubbing dirt into the goo, wiping it clean. Sensing I had a moment, I reached a hand in my bag again. 
This should help!
The cloak draped over me and I slipped my arms into the sleeves. The gray, floor length fabric was light weight but should help protect my skin.
I looked over at Crosshair, hoping to regroup now that we were in the belly of the beast and still no closer to finding a ship of our own. He was still preoccupied trying to get a clear line of sight through the eyepiece. 
Checking both ways down the stacks of crates… there didn't seem to be anyone in here. 
I strode over to a grouping of containers near the middle of the room and pressed the mechanism to pop the lid. 
I grinned, sifting my fingers through the powder within. I pinched some bringing it close and took a small whiff of the dust. 
After a moment, the sting of the scrapes I sustained in our spirited jaunt through the factory started to subside. Feel good even. 
Spice. Carsunum to be exact. 
I was familiar with the common varieties of Spice, was part of the job. Father made sure I had a decent tolerance at a young age. For protection, of course. Can't be overwhelmed by a small spike slipped by an unscrupulous client. 
Carsunum specifically was rather important to our business, being engineered for a reverse tolerance to battle the addictive nature of the drug. Better for the employees who needed to imbibe frequently with clients. The only reason I could feel it now was due to my familiarity, the feeling was unmistakable. 
I turned to Crosshair, checking the perimeter, and wondered if he ever really partied before. 
Can't be all work, no play, right? Guy’s so tense. 
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He finished his sweep and finally turned back to me, standing over an open crate of contraband. 
“What the kriff are you doing?”
I close the lid with a snap. 
“Looking around.”
The tiny dose I inhaled wouldn't do much, but I wasn't feeling aches, pains or that healthy apprehension anymore. 
Ignoring my sudden lack of caution, I turned to investigate the crates shadowed by the overhang. They were behind fencing, with some additional locks.
What do we have here?
I skirted the laced wire, finding a gap that aligned with a lid. It was simple enough to just… reach in and press the latch, allowing the lid to pop open. 
My heart sank a little, as I observed the rows of palm sized, carefully packaged black bricks inside. A hundred? Two? A rough calculation in my head and I felt a little ill. 
I reached in, shimmying one out with my fingertips and carefully extracted it through the fence. 
Crosshair had been trailing me apprehensively, and I turned to show him the small brick. 
“We have to go. Now.”
I turned and eyed the warehouse.
There's got to be a loading dock. Close. 
“What's that?”
I held it up.
“This means that whoever owns this smuggling operation isn't someone to kark around with.”
“Then why did you take one?”
I smiled at that. I had only served this variant of spice to a guest once, it was the type of thing only royals can get their hands on. 
“Cause you keep calling me princess,”
It was mostly a museing, I wasn't really sure myself, but a shyte ton of rare drugs and I wasn't supposed to sneak one?
He stopped me, grabbing the hand with the package and holding it aloft. 
“Put. It. Back.”
I tried to free myself. 
“No, We're wasting time enough let's just go,”
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The package in my hand burst in a cloud of sparkles and I was being dragged down and behind the stack of crates. 
I watched as the shining dust glimmered for a moment, and then fell into a dark black ash as the sunlight rendered it inert. 
Oh well. 
What was that she had…
I froze. 
We had dove away, the sunlight… I didn't think we had gotten any, but that was fast. 
I turned to Crosshair, who blinked a few times in a dazed kind of way before moving to slip his helmet back on.
Oh I am about to be sooo detrimental…
He was looking at me, stiffening when he realized I wasn't speaking aloud. 
There's wasn't much time to address this little predicament, as we both turned at the cluster of thoughts tingling to our left flank. 
We stood and lifted our gun, we saw… everything. There was a strong, leeward wind. 
There you are old friend. 
We pulled the trigger. We hit our mark. 
I tried to hold onto myself, struggling to quiet my thoughts. It was kind of working, and I sunk into him, becoming small mentally, letting him work as I observed the mechanisms in this ultimate act of voyeurism. 
Another target, another mark made. The wind was our guide. Angles and beautiful shadows, a canvas trapping our enemies in focus.  
His calculations, my metaphors. 
New thoughts, congregating on our right flank. 
We draw our pistol and fire. We stare them down as they round a corner of crates. Squeeze the trigger, one, two, three down. 
I was staring down my arm and a small moment of shock rippled through us. 
I had drawn his side arm and he had used me, my line of sight, to fire behind us. 
This could work
This could work
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I let go again. Giving him control and feeling his consciousness burn my cortex as he slipped into my mind purposefully this time. I retreated to the quieter parts of him, nestling into his subconscious, feeling everything that was him around me. The feeling was… exquisite?
No, erotic…
The dark, shadowy silk of his inner workings wrapped in an ever moving spiral around the thought of what I was, holding it together, caressing against the raw concept of me.
It dawned on me why our client may have wanted this stuff and a tremble went through the man against my back as the thought raced from me to him, causing a shot to go wide. 
I purred and sank back into the role of observer, I could feel new calculations forming as he took information from my eyes.
Point, shoot, point, shoot. 
He was hitting the mark but I could feel a mounting frustration at how much slower my body was, the difficulty of controlling two minds, and well, the overall psychedelic effect that was linking us wasn't easy to focus through. 
Despite all that, It didn't cost us much. A bit of effort and we managed to clear the wave of workers that had been closing in. Escape was still the main goal here, we just needed to make it. Perfection comes later. 
We looked around, the extended range of view making us slightly dizzy. There were distant footsteps that grew louder by the moment, signaling more security to fight through. Gotta move before then. 
We picked our way carefully to the far end of the warehouse sliding through another door into a dark, loud chamber. Chains swung threateningly from the ceiling and the floor hung high above a pit I couldn't see the bottom of. The air was hot, heavy with the smell of burning mineral. 
I glanced at my escort, walking in tandem stride. He was superimposed over the image of the walkway, I could see as he did, but the spectacle was the hallucinations. His inner world projecting around us, all storm and thunder and crashing waves. One moment the walkways, the next a tempest. I could almost see raindrops gathering on his armor.
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The metal walkway tinked with the sound of non-existent rainfall as we made our way around the drop and through a new set of doors. 
A raucous noise met us as we passed into the next chamber, drowning out the disembodied thunder. Moving machinery again, hot steam, and a hazy dust making it hard to see. I put my hand on the armored back in front of me, trying to stay in step and not think too much. 
The path narrowed between spinning belts and pistons, but it looked like the room beyond opened up. I stuck close as we started the squeeze between the machines. 
We took it slow, shuffling along the tight channel with hot metal just inches to either side of us. 
I jolted backwards, a sudden force dragging me away. I tightened my hold on the plate I was touching, but the force was too fast and I barely gripped his side before being snapped too far to reach. 
The robe was tightening around my armpits, and I turned to see the hem sucked into one of the belted obstacles, it was disappearing quickly and I could feel Crosshair's mind fighting the panic that now poured from me, trying to find a course of action through the frenzy. 
A swift kick with his boot heel and the belt came loose, giving him time to pull me from the twisted fabric before it slowly wound itself into the gear with a loud whine. 
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I was gasping against him, the skin around my shoulders an angry red where the tight fabric had cut into me. There was no doubt some friction burns but I was grateful I couldn't feel it for the moment. 
I get it, universe. No more putting clothes on. 
Regret seemed to shift between us as we emerged from the tiny passage into a wider area.
We had spotted the long, port doors that should lead to a dock. Taking steps in unison, we swept the area and made our way across.  
My mind was being flooded with mental schematics. Scenarios. My skills being assessed against them and then rejected. Frustration again. A wish that someone was here. Many someone's. Heartache…
He was drifting into thoughts I wasn't supposed to see. I tried to untangle myself from his synapsis, suddenly conscious of how naked we were to each other, but the glitterstim was still coursing through us. What was he seeing of me? 
I wasn't too sure if these were the normal effects, but I could easily chalk it up to a synchronized will to live and the dosage. I quit trying to close the connection for now, there wasn't any use. 
Stroking the shadows of his subconscious where I was still mostly tethered, I looked at my reflection in the pain that was sinking back into the stormclouds. Feeling the way our lungs and hearts had started to move in unison.
Just a will to not die at the hands and/or pincers of  insectoid drug runners, that's all this is about…
There was a disappointment to that conclusion that wasn't mine. Or was it? It was becoming hard to tell.
I opened the door, we slipped through and into the bright sunlight. It made it easier to parse out which thoughts were all me. We were alone still, a little time before we would be located. 
We had been right about the loading bay. A few commercial ships milled about, with more modest, personal craft lined up behind another fence. 
We clung to the wall, keeping an eye on the few silhouettes moving around the larger vehicles, and made our way to the smaller ships. 
Crosshair took a knee by the fence, and I stepped up, letting him take my foot and lift me over. 
I caught a glimmer of a thought about how small my slipper was, the shape of my legs then I was on the other side of the fence. 
In a moment he was with me, and we moved with purpose scoping out the surrounding cruisers. 
He selected a small craft in black, and tapped the keypad, making sure it was unlocked. 
Of course he goes for the black one.
I heard that. 
I poked him in the rib, and he chuckled, surprising me a little. 
Didn't think you were ticklish. 
I'm not. 
The feeling that talking like this was strange washed through us, and I tried to keep my head clear while we boarded the ship. 
He darted into the cockpit and started checking the fuel and core levels. Can't have another ship explode on us. 
Not great, we'd have to refuel to get to the coordinates. 
Should we pick another? 
He quickly walked out the port and ducked into the ship next to us. It didn’t take long until he was back again. 
They're all stored without fuel. Have to do it ourselves. 
I hopped out with him this time. And we looked back at the loading docks. The bright lights and line up of cargo vehicles made the fueling station obvious. The dock behind it should have separate pumps. 
How do you figure, princess?
I manage a business. One where retrieving shipments, this means hanging out on shipping docks, is one of the many facets of my work.  
I wasn’t able to completely hold back my annoyance, the “princess” thing  was actually rather patronizing. I tolerated it cause… well…
He had winced from the initial irritation rolling off me but settled into a somewhat swaggerish stride by the time my train of thought had petered out and I cursed him a little. Rolling my eyes.
Give a guy a meter.
The thought was cut off abruptly, and I smirked at him, amused.
“You’ll”… What, tough guy?
We need to get to those pumps… and hope a usable ship is close by.
Fine, don't play.
We linked step to the side of the fence and kept low as we picked our way over to where the fueling station was glowing even in the bright sun.
The growing cacophony of thoughts coming from the many cargo ships lined up at the station was reaching the brink of painful as we approached, but the fact that my brain wasn’t frying meant that the glitterstim was starting to wear off a little.
Thank Be’llahl… that could've killed us. 
That would have been your fault. 
Who was waving it around?
Who stole it?
Uhg, What are you twelve? 
He put a hand up for me to be quiet, which was stupid, on account of us not actually talking. He got a raised eyebrow in return, but motioned that we had come as even with the pump as we could from here and knelt to help me back over the fence. 
Backtracking… love it. 
Over as swift as the first time except a twisted rod snagged my hem, ripping the already considerable slit a little higher up my hip and I sighed. 
At this rate I might as well just seduce the guards…
I eyed the damage as Crosshair hoisted himself over with lothcat-like grace, contrasting my clumsy performance. 
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All of them?
Don't think I could? 
I think they'd kriff you to pieces. 
… Charming visual. 
Staying low now, we made our way through sharp piles of junk and trash, slowly approaching the chugging line of old, beat up, cargo barges. 
Once even with the nearest ship another calculation rippled over him and I was scooped up and held tight as we went up over the embankment and slid down the other side to the packed dirt that made the makeshift ship lane. 
He bolted between two barges as they shifted forward and dived, tucking my head as we rolled and were through, pressed against the opposite ditch of trash. 
I looked up from where I was still held to his shoulder, and scoped a path up and around to a dark hanger behind the main pump site. 
Three separate smaller pumps sat in the shadows, waiting. 
I tried sending him the visual as I saw it but it took a moment. The connection was starting to fade and it was hard to share more than a surface thought. It… ached a little. 
He seemed to get enough of the picture though, and made towards the path I had picked out, putting me down once we had reached decently even ground again. 
A few droids stumbled into our path and were dispatched, but otherwise no hiccups. 
I was starting to grow uneasy. It was taking them too long to find us actually, we shouldn't have had this much time. 
A glance at Crosshair's hurried movements as we entered the hangar was all I needed to confirm he was thinking something similar. We were getting very lucky. Luck doesn't usually last. 
The hangar was empty besides a scattered team of droids loitering around the pumps. Some rapid fire and they were down, and we paused, listening, waiting, finally moving again. Usual looking racks lined the walls holding various tools. Pallets hung from the ceiling stacked with canisters and dark husks of droids.
The pumps we were looking for were at the far back standing by a large, sliding door that had been stuck ajar.  I glanced through it, hoping luck would hold just a bit longer. 
The sun was held back by the long shadow of the roof, and in that shadow…
I had to stifle the sudden mirth, but it was just so droll. 
Crosshair appeared at my shoulder and I could sense question on him but that was all. 
I whispered instead, pointing through the gap to the ship parked just outside, ready to be filled and launched. 
Small. Green stripes on the hull. 
“Kriff me,”
He chuckled too and leaned against the framed opening. 
“Let's get the kark out of here, Start up one of those pumps, I'm going to clear any stragglers,”
He slipped out silently and I ran to the nearest pump, hoping the long tube would be able to reach the ship’s fuel port and started hitting the energy connections requesting fuel to the line. 
Next, pushing the tube off its hook, I tried hoisting the heavy bundle over my shoulder but stumbled under the weight, clanking loudly against itself. 
No good. 
I stopped, making sure no one was summoned by the clanging and lowered the coiled bundle, taking the pump end and dragging it instead. The soft zip of it uncoiling in the sand put me on edge, it was too soft to carry, but sounded loud to me and I was getting jumpy. 
I left the nozzle by the open door, not thinking it was wise to leave the relative safety of the hanger before Crosshair said it was clear. Instead I checked the status of the pump.
All set. 
A door slammed open towards the middle of the hanger, spilling light suddenly into the shadowed building. I dropped behind the pump but there wasn't anything more solid to duck under. I tried not to breath.
“If I catch that little nerf who cost me a block, a whole Kriffing block, of glitterstim I'm gonna skin her alive. Right in front of that partner of hers. Where'd they go? Were we able to track them on the holocams?”
Shyte, shyte, shyte.
I recognized that voice, rich, velvety and dangerous. 
The steps grew closer, seeming to make straight for the gapped door. 
“Ah hah” 
I felt a hand yank me up by the hair. 
I swung in the woman's grip as she scanned my face, recognition blossoming as she dragged me back to the middle of the building. 
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“Tah’nyem Ra? What the absolute varp are you doing in my chop shop, aye?”
“Ha-heh… Ah’Jso. Long time!”
The dark skinned woman didn't let go of my hair as she eyed my torn and dirty nightgown and tattered slippers. 
“Seriously, are you the chewy center to that popped pod we found out there?”
She was looking good, no way of seeing grays in her white dreaded hair, pulled back into a ponytail that reached her calves. 
The last I saw her I had just come of age and was sitting in with my fathers meetings for the first time. During his hostile takeover of Ah’Jso’s district on Coruscant.
Not the best person to bump into. Not the worst though…
“Girl, you owe me quite a lot of credits suddenly, You're a smart one, what do you think that brick cost?”
“Oh, a small million or so?”
“A sma-... Ha, how about 10? You got 10 million credits on you girly?” 
She shook me, sending hot little jolts through my scalp. 
“Not… exactly”
Her grip was tightening in my hair and she was lifting, making me stand on tiptoe. I didn't realize how strong she was but it wasn't surprising. Woman was like, two meters tall. 
I swayed a little, trying to keep balanced. 
“I should send your daddy a slice of that fine ass. The trouble your family causes me.”
She used her free hand to give my rump squeeze and sharp slap. The threat though, was very real and I struggled more ernestly. 
“No need for that, Ah’Jso, hah… we can just call him… and he'll get you the credits.”
Fat chance of that actually…
“This isn't about the credits… do you know how long I've wanted to get back at your father? This is too good to pass up.”
She tossed me at the droids that had accompanied her in and turned away, plotting to make a holocall. I glanced at a shadow that darted into the hanger and back out again, catching a glint off of Crosshair's visor as he found an angle on Ah’Jso.
I tried to catch his eye and shook my head subtly. 
Can't shoot her, Bad for business. I'm probably already causing a lot of disruption as is…
By the amount of spice in the warehouse, and it's proximity to Ga’haiian space, we probably got our spice from her too, and I had just racked up a debt. Not exorbitant, but better not insult her further.
Seriously karked this one up…
“Something else”
I mouthed once I was sure I wasn't being watched. 
Ah’Jso was giddy with preoccupation, wondering what to do with me to make the most impact on my father; it seemed she had forgotten I had backup for now. 
Crosshair's shoulders dropped in what was probably exasperation but he lifted his muzzle, looking for a different way to get me out. 
She turned back to me, grinning,
“Maybe I get my biggest, ugliest bugman in here and have him rip your arms out their sockets on call!”
“Sounds… delightful?”
A bolt briefly lit the hanger, and Ah’Jso glanced around in confusion.
Seconds later, a pallet of canisters fell from the ceiling, one or two igniting on impact with the sandy ground. 
The small explosion threw me and the security droids to the side in a cloud of dust. More blaster bolts and I was being grabbed and dragged, through and out. 
He had already plugged the fuel line into the shuttle ship and hit the button to release it as we passed, spilling fuel onto the ground. 
“And I couldn't shoot her because?”
“Business partner.”
I left it at that as we boarded and slammed the door shut. Lowering myself shakily into a seat in the cockpit I flicked a few prep switches as I went wanting to be moving quickly. 
Another loud boom rang out behind us, the fire had reached a fuel line and the door next to the ship bowed out at the new inferno inside. 
Cross slung into the seat next to me, strapped in and finished the launching procedures. We were moving, directly up in a stuttering motion as we fought a narrow launch path and another explosion threatening to throw the craft into one of the giant scrap piles. 
Just as we cleared the height of the factory walls the fire reached the tanks just below us and the resulting flash threw us the rest of the way clear. He punched the throttle, sending us bolting up through the atmosphere. 
I winced as I observed the fires blooming below us. 
“Shyte… I think she might be dead anyway.”
“They were pirates weren't they?”
“Yeah, guess that's what you'd call ‘em.”
Ah well. Tried to be nice. 
He shrugged, almost too casually,
“Not a crime.”
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nejishadow · 6 months ago
Kenjikoto / Makokenji half-drabbles and ideas I have no energy to do anything with, because I haven't written fanfic in years, that I don't want to sit in the queue for weeks so it's getting posted now
Feel free (please do!) to expand / finish / take inspo from these for this ship, and please tag me / message me / something if you do because I crave content and exploration between these two. Unhinged tags and comments about how I inspired something/anything give me the biggest amount of fuel to keep creating art!!
Do you wanna see me ramble in real time about these weirdos / pos?? Join @bakafurai 's Kenji Enjoyer Club Discord (in their pinned)!
Some get real long so it's all going below a cut!
Every idea here now has a finished fic!
((These are all ideas and things written as stream of consciousness to just get my ideas out in a discord channel, so don't expect the best dialogue, formatting, or anything else, I haven't finished a full piece of writing and/or fanfic in years, ha))
Seeing these screenshots my first thought - and a tag I immediately added - was 'you heard the man, Yuki, give him a piggyback ride!'
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But I kept thinking like. Makoto's strong. He could? He should??
Makoto kneeling down, telling Kenji to get on then, he'll take him home
Kenji chuckle or laugh, assumes he's joking or being silly like usual, sure Yuki, you can totally do that
Makoto getting serious, if you don't pick in the next couple seconds I'm leaving you behind. Kenji panicks at that and gets on without thinking and is surprised when Makoto stands up and carries him no problem (insert "I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me")
too shocked that Makoto can even do this to be embarrassed, maybe asks Makoto why he's doing this, Kenji could've just sucked it up. Answer something like "because I wanted to", Yuki doesn't elaborate much on those things.
Gives Kenji some time to do stuff he usually wouldn't, like study Makoto's hair, hear the music spilling out the headphones etc. I like the idea he just gets so relaxed on the way home he falls asleep but Makoto keeps carrying him
It's totally just a Best Bros privilege thing, could mean nothing more!! Simply don't think about how it made you feel ever again
Bonus of
Kenji talking to Makoto in the classroom, Junpei coming up making some joke about how people saw them, asking if Makoto can do that for him too (laugh, joke, being friend.)
And Makoto boils it down to: no
That makes Kenji real happy, that he's special like that. But he does stuff only for Yuki too so it's normal!!
"So we've all thought about how pretty Yuki is, right, like the guy catches everyone's eye when he walks in, how couldn't we? Even with his bad fashion sense he just grabs your attention"
Kaz makes the most sense to respond, they are friends just "… I have never thought that. Are you sure you're not goin' through something?"
slaps a pic of Yosuke and Kenji These bad boys can fit so much comphet and denial in 'em!
Another idea I remembered, less fleshed but a strong visual I wanted to draw
Kenji waiting at track practice for Makoto to be done. Kenji had never seen him run so decided to wait outside for once
Of course he's impressed. Makoto seems to take his time walking everywhere, at least when they go places, but man, he can run!
Makoto flopping next to him when he's done, after everyone else disperses, small talk about how hes surprised Kenji waited out here, doesn't seem interested in sports. Kenji some speech about how he wanted to see how badly Yuki beat everyone else
it's pretty hot, and Makoto's tired, flops over into Kenji's lap. 'Let me nap here a few minutes and we can go, you're cooler than the bench'
Kenji tenses a bit, but breathes, Yuki just wants to rest, chill!… but he can't help but eventually card his hand through Makoto's bangs, pushing them up and outta the way.
Makoto opens his eyes and just looks at him, not judgemental or questioning, just observing. But oh no - Kenji had never stared at both his eyes so close oh this is a problem
quickly he removes his hand, apologizes, some comment about how Yuki just looked sweaty and he was trying to move the hair off
Makoto closes his eyes again… 'I don't mind. I am in your space, I guess…'
after a bit, Kenji relaxes and starts running his hands through the hair again, silky and feathery. He can think about how this makes him feel LATER (never), for now he just wants to enjoy this thing he likely won't get again
Tho Makoto better hope Yuko doesn't see this or she's gonna tease him about his boyfriend / biggest fan until the end of time
Pics I drew made me think of kenjikoto train ride(s):
Makoto tired, either tucks into Kenji's shoulder or leans on his head for a quick nap
Kenji doesn't mind, knows Makoto doesn't sleep the best, even if he doesn't know why
Anytime the train jostles or moves he instinctually holds Makoto's head so it doesn't shake or fall, wants him to be comfortable
it's not until they reach the destination and Makoto separates from him that Kenji thinks… oh, that was actually nice. I wish the ride could've been just a little bit longer
a bonus if Makoto senses his change in mood and gives him a shoulder bump, trying to cheer him up. Maybe offering to hang out awhile longer at the dorm or something
Aka there is no way Kenji isn't touch starved, as are all the protags and a third of the cast pft
About Makoto being a frequent napper: Asks Kenji to eat on the roof with him almost exclusively so he can take a nap, because he's just a lil bit silly like that. Gives Kenji time to just talk to him, ramble, hard to do that when you're out eating food.
Girl Advice made me think of a rough conversation
"Everyone assumes you're cold, man. No wonder you dont have a girlfriend! Even if they talked to you, a few words outta your mouth and they'd turn tail and leave."
"Why's it so important to have a girlfriend, anyway?" Eats some of his lunch bread
"You're such a good guy, you deserve one, man!" A shoulder tap. "If they knew the real you, they'd be falling over themselves to get your attention, I know it."
Makoto a head tilt or a look, confused by the use of 'deserve'. Kenji deciphers it
"… well a girlfriend makes guys happy, right? I want to see you happy all the time!" Putting both his hands on Makoto's shoulders and shaking him a smidge. "Doesnt it sound fun? Double dates, man, we can hang out all the time!"
Makoto blinks in a thoughtful way, meeting Kenji's eyes. "But I'm already happy, hanging out with you like this. Isn't that enough? We do things together all the time… why do we need anyone else?"
Kenji blinks a bit in surprise. Yeah, he'd never thought of that. He's also really happy around Yuki… is that… ok? For two guys to always hang out alone? Yuki never seems to think it's odd…
Makoto slowly grabs Kenji's hands off of his shoulder, Kenji swears he feels Yuki squeeze them for just a second before a wrapped sandwich is pushed into them.
"Eat, almost time for class. You can't live off ramen forever."
Kenji just nods, unwrapping it and adjusting himself before taking a bite. If Makoto feels just a bit more of their sides touching, he doesn't comment on it
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months ago
HELLOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! its idiavil anon again i m just. gonna yap abt idiavil if u dont mind. my current ideas for different idiavil fics is up to 32 and i have 10 idiavil playlists on spotify as of right now. i shocked my twst friend w that last fact. I HAVE TWO SETS OF IDIAVIL KEYCHAINS I GOT OFF OF ETSY ASW i love them os much . my friend has been working on idiavil art 4 my birthday and im super excited.... ive actuallybeen able to focus on writing recently SO I HAVE SOME DRAFTS IN FHE WORKS!!!!!!, the brainrot only grows with each passing day. i have moss in my brain. like a chia pet. ALSOO THE TWISTED TSUMDERLAND EVENT LITERALLY HAD ME IN AGONY ROLLING AROUND AND SCREAMING IM NOT EXAGGERATING. LIKE HELLO GUYS WAKE UP NEW IDIAVIL CANON INTERACTIOSN JUST DROPPED. MY FRIEND LET ME INFODUMP TO HER SOMEXLAST NIGHT AND EVERY TIME I MENTIONED THEM I WOULD START TEARING UP 😭😭 also also ive been getting back into drawing and i have idia and idiavil doodles literally everywhere. the grind DOES NOT STOP. ok thats it ive just been in agony since my creativity stats are like maxxed tf out rn.......... AS ALWAYS I LOVE UR BLOG AND MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS ASW!!!!!!
ANON IT IS ALWAYS OKAY TO YAP ABOUT IDIAVIL TO ME!! i still don't post about them enough but trust me i think about them a lot... i wish i had the creativity and drive to write fics haha, i've had ideas about all my favorite twst ships bouncing around in my brain for a long time but i'm not good at putting things into words and i'm always working on other projects! i don't know if wicked is something you're familiar with or interested in but i saw the stage musical live back in april (for the first time ever lol!! i've had an over a decade-long obsession fueled only by collecting bootleg recordings of it until this year!), and then just saw the movie earlier, and lately every time i think about wicked i think about vil and idia. if i could, i would love to write a wicked AU for them that follows the general plot/themes of the musical but ultimately still gives them a happy ending and i'm constantly torn between two different ideas for who to cast as fiyero and how exactly to do it since i'd be casting vil as glinda and idia as elphaba and making them end up together in my AU. i could go on about it BUT since you literally did not ask, i won't!! i would also just love to put them in a hercules AU if that hasn't already been done because i need people to understand my vision here. like they literally canonically recreated the scene where hercules saved meg from the underworld in the movie. genuinely how many other twst ships have something like that?? vil RISKED HIS LIFE and GAVE UP HIS YOUTH so that he could JUMP INTO THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD and BRING IDIA BACK. LISTEN--
OKAY ANYWAY! i did take a look at the fic ideas you shared when you came off anon before, i don't know if you saw the silly rambling tags i left on your post but i loved all of your ideas and omg i love that you have 10 playlists for them?! i won't ask you to share the playlists but i think it's so cool that you've put that many together and i'm curious about what kinds of songs you think fit them best! i'd also love to see the keychains but i don't think tumblr lets you send images on anon so you don't have to haha! i have these enamel pins of the dorm leaders (all except leona and malleus, but i might get those two someday as well) and i specifically keep vil and idia next to each other on my corkboard, like this:
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(those are almost all pins of different JRPGs above them. idia would love my pin/keychain/button corkboard ASKJGHDF)
ALSO YESSSS I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE IDIA AND VIL INTERACTING AGAIN IN THE TSUM EVENT. THEIR BANTER IS SO FUNNY EVERY TIME. and omg is your birthday coming up?! if so then happy early birthday, and merry early christmas to you too!! 💖
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year ago
Hello fellow bmc blog. I would like to request for you to rant about your fav song!! >:)
Oh gods there are a FEW that rotate in my brain at any given time,, like the ones that always have an animatic that I'll never make playing in my head when I listen to them. See the thing is I think less of the song itself and more of like, the cinematography song brings up in my head
ACK I might have to do a few!!! (In no preference order) ((fuck it i might have to do most of them))
More Than Survive
So when we've got a big song focusing on a lot of different characters and ideas I am chasing EVERYTHING around in my enclosure trying to chew on something. Jeremy's monologuing on his way to and on the bus, learning everyone's personality in the hallway, Michael bopping along to music, all of it!! I had food for WEEKS when Claudia's MTS animation dropped like MMMM THATS THE SHIT
Two-Player Game
Shipping fuel aside I love how we get to see Michael and Jeremy's (and Jeremy and Mr. Heere's) dynamic!! Specifically how we get to watch them bounce off each other when Jeremy sings his own verse and their lil back n forth in the second chorus. Plus imagining these two trying to have a conversation while getting swarmed by zombies in-game is just SO FUCKING fun for me!!!
Be More Chill Pt. 1 and 2
SQUIP being a manipulative bastard my beloved,,, the (presumably squip-produced) image of everyone in the mall first berating Jeremy and then later praising him, or rather what he could be if he continues listening to the squip OUGH mans just wants to be liked </3
SQUIP being a manipulative bastard my beloved!!! Like I imagine it also put Jeremy in the right time and place to see Jake and Christine being all cute together to try n fuel Jer's jealousy into listening to it. Like!!! And ok, I get that Loser Geek Whatever was added to give more context into Jer's life to kinda,, Justify why he would want to listen to the squip and that's all well and good! It's not a bad song by any stretch! But to me personally when we get to "should I take the upgrade" and we hear the ensemble just repeating "upgrade upgrade upgrade now now now now now" like,, that in my head is the squip FURTHER pressuring Jeremy and OVERWHELMING him into taking the upgrade to get the voices in his head to stop. (See also Claudia's Upgrade animation ough,,) Is there a part of him that kinda wants to take it anyway? Sure! But the idea of squip doing EVERYTHING it can to ENSURE Jeremy says yes is just!!! Raaagh!!! Evil scheming!!!
Similar to MTS I love the chaos!! Of switching between several characters and seeing how everyone else is partying it up!! And this is just me and my Brain Animatic talking but I just love the idea of Jeremy and Jake's dance battle in the og script?? Like ok we all know that the squip would be manipulating Jeremy's body to get him to win but like?? I really would've wanted to see that friendly competition between Jeremy and Jake?? I wanna see them be friends!!! Even if the shit hits the fan literally a few minutes later. SPEAKING OF WHICH
Do You Wanna Hang?
Look I've already done deep analysis on this song in two other posts. And this is more on the scene As A Whole and not just the song itself (it's DYWR in another font, musically there's not a ton else happening) but it's the character interactions, it's squip being a rotten little shit and being MUCH more overt in forcing Jeremy into something he doesn't want. Like the manipulation was always there but this is like, our first look into EVIL evil, like no the squip is NOT a good thing for you. And then the frenzy of Jake showing up and OH SHIT BROOKE'S HERE TOO and jer can only get the briefest apology out before he just DIPS completely and everything is FALLING APART and!!!! Like!!! Yes it's an uncomfy song and an uncomfy scene but that's the POINT and it's SO VITAL to emphasizing that the squip only cares about RESULTS and not the healthiest way for Jeremy to GET them.
Michael in the Bathroom
I feel like a lot of animatics (and the bway version) just water this song down to "Michael sad" instead of really showing his like, Progression of Emotions. Like he's gotta be in sort of despondent shock at first!! He really went through all his research just for Jeremy to walk out on him?? The fuck?? Like yeah he's alone at this party and he doesn't know what to do without a friend there, (i could stay right here or disappear,) but he's petty and resentful about it (and nobody'd even notice at all [...] cuz my buddy kind of left me alone, but I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly) and THEN he starts getting sad (everything felt fine when I was half of a pair, but through no fault of mine there's no other half there)
I should probably make this song its own entire post with all the switching between emotions Michael does between lines (he does it A Lot if you ask me) but he's so much more than just sad and mopey!! He's pissed off!! He's frantic!! He's ten thousand different things!! HES MORE THAN JUST SAD!!!! And I feel like that entire SHITSTORM of emotions isn't shown enough!!!
Smartphone Hour
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS!!! YOU KNOW THE DRILL BY NOW!!! I don't have much else other than like, the latter half of the song where the rumor mill REALLY blows up and everyone's just saying Whatever the fuck about Rich and it's like!!!! OUGH there really aren't enough Smartphone Hour animatics out there!! And even then idk how many of them really capture the true CHAOS of "Hey, one of our classmates burned Jake's fucking house down," and then social media just has a goddamn RIOT!! I was going to put lyric examples here but, it REALLY is just everything after "always be aware of autocorrect" all the way to the end of the song
The Pitiful Children
I don't have the brain to give it more than that it just makes me Insane
The Pants Song
Listen maybe I'm just a filthy Jeremy kinnie (I am) but to see his dad kickstart his life back up because he's worried about his son who just Called Him The Fuck Out is just!! 🤌🤌🤌 and the way he gets Michael in on it because he KNOWS that if anyone's gonna get through to Jeremy, it's gonna be the one that knows him better than anyone else!!! And like, we actually see a pretty good chunk of Michael's character here too??? Arguably more than mitb??? They both care about Jeremy so much!!!
The Play
It's a big ensemble piece again you know I'm totally feral for it!!! This one might just also need its own post too bc goddamn it's like a 12 minute scene with all the dialogue!!! Like with the squip finally showing its cards and revealing its true intentions!!! Seeing the squipped versions of all the other kids while Jeremy and Michael finally team up again!!! Oh god and the fight,, the squip blocking Jeremy from saying sorry,, making him fight Michael, GODS there's so much to unpack in that twenty second conversation alone!!!! And like can we talk about the terror of the "I just feel so connected to you guys right now" when they swarm Michael!!! And him having to WATCH Jeremy be tempted by squipped Christine?? Facing that he might have to go through the grief of losing his best friend AGAIN???? FUCK I LOVE THIS SHOW
Voices in my Head
Ensemble joins again babeyyyyy!! Like seriously I just love seeing everyone's distinct ways of hyping Jeremy up!!! Mr. Heere's cheesy old school approach! Michael pointing out something that's not superficial! Rich's innuendo! Jenna and Brooke being total sweethearts!! Chloe's backhanded advice (she's so fucking funny holy shit)!! AN ACTUAL LOOK INTO JAKE BEING A TOTAL BRO!!!
Not only all that, but the way that Jeremy kinda,, foregoes everyone's advice and does his own thing!! He ignores the voices telling him what to do and says "what's on his mind," AND THE ELUDING TO THE SQUIP STILL BEING THERE BUT!! The conscious decision to shut that voice down!! And this spawns like, my favorite line from the entire show
"So many voices in my head, and they can yell and hurt like hell but I know I'll be fine [...] of the voices in my head the loudest one is mine"
MY EXCLUSION OF ILPR, SQUIP SONG, DYWR, MTS REPRISE (both of them), AND AGTIKBI DOESN'T MEAN I DONT LIKE ANY OF THESE SONGS!!! I'm sure I could find a lot to chew on if I went after dywr, even though it's more or less The Joke Song of the entire show but YEAH THOSE ONES DEFINITELY HAVE MERIT and I might even rb this later with additions but THIS POST IS ALREADY SUPER LONG AND I KINDA BLEW THIS ASK OUT OF THE WATER BUT XNDJSKSNDH
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askreistar · 8 months ago
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This blog don’t run itself x:
Sadly I need interactions to fuel my ideas for anything that I’m not always focused on cx
I love making art and responding to questions or asks with an oc 🫶🏻
This blog is a for Fim and various fandoms I think I like.
Or if you just like the ship art.
Check the tags for any story or plot. It’s a mess here tho 🤫🤫
-About mod-
Male/💖💛🩵/non materialist = no bodly identities.
Feel free to give me any nickname you can think of XD or just call me Adonai.
On the autism spectrum pretty deep but i was also hit with the thoughtfulness stuck to, so I’m great conversation.
I’m obsessed with my ships, and i struggle with a set art style because i just vibe with the stylus.
I’m kinda shy but I’m open to all kinds of topics except politics and media circus..
I love the occult and mentalism. 🫶🏻📚📚
I’m open to trades and gift art
(just know if you make anything for me, I’ll probably end up returning the favor.)
I love music and art at my core, but I’m a cook by trade for he last 7 years. I’ve been a professional chef for about 5 of thoes.
Currently the head cook & kitchen leads at my job🥢🍣🍜
Thank you for reading ^w^
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months ago
Shipping Game!
TP Link and....
1. Midna
2. Ilia
3. Zelda
4. Hena
Ok. Fun fact about me: any ship that involved Midna and Link that isn’t midlink I don’t like 💀 I am a wee bit childish but I just love them too much to ship them with others lol
ANYWAYS. Midlink. Yes. Absolutely my favorite ship of all time. So like… funny story, I HATED them in the beginning. I thought it was weird I was like “oh this makes no sense. This is dumb. Peopl are just shipping them together ONLY cuz they interact 🙄” but then I saw really good fanart of midlink and saw their dynamic and I saw many gifs from the game that I hadn’t seen before and I realized how much chemistry there was between the two of them and I just fell in love. I was also digging tall girlfriend and short boyfriend a lot and they fueled me. Just… their canon interactions is so tender and so sweet and they clearly care about each other so much?? And you can see it as platonic or romantic which is great cuz that means that their relationship is built on friendship first and foremost! And that is so much more special to me than two characters just falling in love out of nowhere. You see Link basically kill her with kindness and AUGH SHABSSJSBAKBAKABAKAAKAK THEIR INTERACTIONS HAAHVSWHWHKSSBKSJSKSK. I love them sm. You can see the way they work together and interact that there’s just so much LOVE. And then the end. Oh my goodness. Link holding her after she used the fused shadows, link running to her when she was yeeted away during puppet Zelda’s fight, their freaking grins at each other before beast Ganon battle, Link reaching for her before she teleports him away so she can fight Ganondorf herself, Link’s face when he believed she was killed by Ganondorf, Link running to her when he saw her alive with the light spirits, his FACE when he saw her true form and he was like “holy nuts you’re so hot”, and Midna’s flirting with him in the end and the romantic music AAHHAHAJABSKSSJKFBFJDJEKDBD TEJEBSLSJSJSOSJSN IM GOING FERAL JUST THINKINF ABOUT IT GUYS I LOVE MIDLINK MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF AAAAAAAGH
Ok. Phew… anyways… illink. I hate it. So so much. And that’s cuz I do not like Illia as a character. She’s too cliche and boring to me, while simultaneously being annoying. There’s nothing to her for me; I feel like I’ve seen her character ten thousand times before. I know people love her and I saw a hostile post about her haters once but it doesn’t matter. I don’t like her. And so I don’t ship her with Link… cuz any character I don’t like, I don’t ship with characters I do like. And I don’t feel any chemistry with them? I like the idea that Link felt pressured to be with her cuz he just really didn’t love her romantically you know? Just cuz you interact with the gender you like doesn’t really mean you’ll fall for them immediately. It’s just not how it works. Small tangent but I’ll leave it alone. I hate it.
Tp zelink is def one of my least favorite zelinks lol. They have NO chemistry. Sure people can like… try to justify it, but overall there’s nothing there. I overall am growing out of love for zelink in general? I hate the idea of soulmates and them HAVING to be together only cuz they’re link and Zelda. Just not a fan. I get how people love it but I don’t like it. They never even converse with each other honestly, and they give each other a very awkward look cuz it was the first time they’ve been alone with Link as a Hylian lmao. I also didn’t really like tp Zelda that much cuz…. I didn’t find her very interesting? And cuz I didn’t like the zelink ship I just didn’t like her? But after exploring her character more in love at twilight I’ve grown to greatly appreciate her. Just wish she was explored more in game (tho they probably would’ve given her an extremely generic personality so it’s probably for the best).
I had to look up Hena cuz I forgor who she was (I assumed she was that cute fisherwoman and she is :)) again, I’m more of a midlink loser so any other ship I don’t vibe with. But I don’t HATE it. I’ve actually never seen this ship before, but it’s definitely charming in its own way! I just really love Hena. She’s a very fun character very different from her other siblings and she’s super cute and pretty so like… yeah I’m not fully against it unlike illink and zelink lol.
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cheesy-poofs · 2 years ago
what about stanman?
Lots of rambles ahead, whoops.
I don't post about it a lot but I have bias for Stanman because Cartman and Stan are my two favorite characters. If anything I see it more as one-sided? because Cartman has consistently had a soft spot for Stan but Stan doesn't share that sentiment. I'm just going to put the screenshot from Stan's TV Tropes page here, and this isn't even everything.
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Like damn thanks for the shipping fuel TV Tropes LMAO. And a new addition, well if you even want to consider it, is him trying to get Stan and Kyle back together in "Cupid Ye". By usual Cartman means but nonetheless. And obviously I'm not saying Cartman loves Stan or that he's a sweetheart to him or anything (cue one of my favorite quotes, "Stan, me and Kenny don't give two shits about stupid-ass whaaales!")
I'm not against it romantically, I just don't exactly see it that way; so I guess this would be another ship I see in a more platonic light...if even that. I don't think Stan likes Cartman much. Idk sometimes its hard to tell in a show where Cartman is meant to be the "hated friend".
One one hand, Stan doesn't mind hanging out with Cartman (sometimes one-on-one, like in "Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow" and "Sexual Healing"). On the other hand, just based on recent memory, in Streaming Wars he didn't want Cartman apart of the boat-making because he'd fuck it all up, and in "Cupid Ye" he just told Cartman to stop talking to him after he made a Jesus-related remark (not that I blame Stan in either instance). Stan seems fine with/apathetic about Cartman's company for the most part though 🤔 this isn't meant to be an analysis and my memory isn't great so correct me if I'm wrong or if you have something to add.
A couple of times I've thought about (if they manged to get on the same page) them doing something related to music together. And a bit ago I think @/victimized-martyr made a post where she mentioned the idea of them going to Broadway musicals together and I concur on that.
TL;DR both of them are dear to me and I think how Cartman is with Stan sometimes is oddly cute, but I don't really ship it that hard. I still love seeing fanart and fics of it though.
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lordbhreanna · 1 year ago
hey! it’s been…years. my mind has been going back to this ship lately and your work continues to devastate in the best ways.
wanted to share something I quickly wrote before bed.
it’s in the same universe with the other drabbles I’ve sent before. this is just after her rescue from Wesker.
OST: https://on.soundcloud.com/zdBbyXCTHRGkKKeB8
Nicholai can hear her heart rate beeping on the monitor, even from outside the room. It’s slow, steady. Familiar.
He flips through the pages on her medical file. More tests pending. More surgeries.
He sees them getting closer. Jill and the Mother Hen. Oliveira. They slip into an easy, wordless conversation that makes Nicholai feel small. Feel…wrong.
He sees a calloused hand tuck away stray blonde hairs behind her ear. He sees her half-closed eyes take in their tangled hands on the hospital bed. Her face blank, but she doesn’t move away.
There’s an ease to Carlos’ touch that Jill is more open to.
Nicholai’s not allowed inside the hospital room anymore, on her orders. She doesn’t even acknowledge him at the window.
But looking at this nauseating picture, he sees the truth. This trust…this comfort…would have never been able to come from him.
Nicholai was there alongside Wesker. Alongside Jill. Always with her.
Even if it was all to rescue her, he was a silent witness to her deadly spree. He didn’t care, just as long as she was alive.
Hell he was impressed sometimes. Proud, even.
But she’ll never forgive herself and most of all, she will never forgive him for not doing anything to stop her.
She won’t see him as that comfort anymore. If she ever did.
Nicholai sets the file back down on the counter.
She’s due for another exploratory surgery in the morning. The true extent of Wesker’s influence continues to unravel, to everyone’s quiet horror.
Arms crossed, Nicholai plays with the edges of the large bandage on his arm. He brushes his fingers over the uneven stitches he can feel underneath; his skin pulsing.
This pain he’s familiar with.
Nicholai squeezes tighter.
He’s going to make sure she can’t give up. If that’s all he can be to her, so be it.
She falls asleep clutching Oliveira’s hand, weakly.
He has to make peace with that.
Nicholai’s sinuses and eyes sting for a moment.
She’s alive. She’s alive.
Hearing thunderous booted footfalls, he turns away from the recovery room window, a bored expression slipping over his face. The Redfield Hero rounds the corner.
Ahh time to seek mommy’s attention again. So needy, this one.
Nicholai spares a parting glance to the woman he gave everything for.
He turns and slips away before Oliveira can look up.
I was so so happy to see you again on my inbox!! 🥰 It's funny because they have also been on my mind lately - they weren't really gone ever, but these past weeks I was actually able to sit down and plan some fic stuff.
But!! This drabble is the fuel I need, you managed to capture so many emotions, and you can feel Nicholai's painful pining from afar from each word. Amazing work and thank you for sharing it here with me again, I loved your asks and I'm glad to see them back! 💕(Also I love the nicknames Nicholai gave both Carlos and Chris, they are quite fitting 😆). Beautiful choice for the music as well!
Do you have more ideas planned, now that Jill has decided to distance herself from him after Kijuju? I'd love to read more!
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booksanimeandtea · 2 years ago
ok, lemme talk what happened today and why I think this won't end soon and rather the other part of the ship is perfectly ok with all this. feel free to always comment and engage, I like to hear your thoughts, even if I might not agree...
ok, V comes live, talks about music he will release in possibly ten years, that he does nothing all day and that he basically writes and rewrites lines, and also reads lines of a new one which makes no sense at all...and of course in the span of what 10, 20 minutes? he namedrops jk a lot of times..."lemme pic a candle like jk uwu" "this song has been suggested to me by jk" "jk told me this" jk this and jk that. no mention of jimin, of face, of like crazy...If you still thought vmin are still soulmates, lemme tell you the answer is no. of course I know what you'll say "he might have congratulated in private" and? but he is able to tell us what he does with jk, and not spare two words about jimin? ok. and about jimin? that man knows about tk ship and the hate jm gets, and what does? exactly fuels the ship. again and again. he's predictable and frankly boring, with no ideas whatsoever about what to talk about in an album. JK is the only thing that keeps his crazy fans still interested in what he does. Jm is useless to his purpose, see my point?
I don't think V will really release that song in 10 years (or never) but one thing I'm very very sure about is...that the excuse many used for the short Face promo of "they have to go to the military that's why they are putting album after album" is a fucking LIE. no way jk nor v will release stuff after yg' s tour ends. no way. also, I think they will be left alone while the others go to ms..how romantic. you must be blind if you have not noticed how Hybe has pushed and pushed ships and duos since 2021...sinc the first bb in january 2021 the duos were: 2seoks (and they are leaving now, the firsts to start their solo career), then moniminimini (aka joon, yg, jm and what we got? indigo, face and d-day) and then tk and what are we going to get? possibly? tk releasing albums at a short distance, trust me on this. also yoonmin have been in lots of content together, challenges, suchwita, and now even this show I forgot the name...together when Yg even said to jm "your promo has already ended/cut short" and so shut up, it's my time now...how nice of him "sarcasm" so I can easily see a future where we will get tk doing tiktok challenges (already did with Run BTS), going to shows, maybe even going to US shows, and hyping e/o releases...tell me if I'm wrong...don't think so...then of course enlisting together with a teary video of them saying bye to e/o...
let's go back to what I say at the beginning...jk doesn't care that v namedrops him, he doesn't care about the hate jm gets, he does nothing to stop v because he is ok with it, and he likes v...and don't give me AGAIN, that they are friends bullshit please, I have had enough, yes they are friends bla bla, technically all of bts are, but we don't get the others going out a lot, going to their homes, mentioning e/o and certainly they don't tell us and don't have crazy af delulu idiots as fans...I think it's time that we all accept this, yes he watched jm videos and went to his rehearsal ok and then what? he didn't know when jm would have ended music shows,jm did not answer when jk invited people home and you can believe in what you want, but there is no way jm was sleeping with people there in another room, at 5 am...jm has a home and is there...also why tf you invite people over knowing your bf is sleeping? makes no sense...so basically what I'm trying to say is that we have no idea if they are actually spending time together, well now for sure no jk is in the us...but you understand right? hell, we don't even know if they even talk to e/o...jm has stopped mentioning jk due to all the hate he gets, but another one is completely fine in dropping hints at how much he is the priveleged one in jk's heart...ok...jk does very little to nothing to stop v and their shippers, rather entertains them too...tbh if one of my friends, who I know people think I'm dating, starts a live at my home, unprovoked, I would not even speak to him again...and I'l fight against the company who has sabotaged my supposed bf...but we also can see how that is certainly not happening...ok...
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etxrnaleclipse · 4 months ago
Open: any (25+ if potential ship, but can remain 100% platonic too, give me any kind of dynamic)  Connection: stranger, anything goes Muse: Zara Hudson. 22-27. Single mother, bookkeeper/vet student. Concept: loosely based off the War of the Worlds story/movie/musical because I love it and I’m keen - something has occurred, there’s panic everywhere, Zara is alone with her young daughter and encounters your muse, we can take it wherever we want from there! 
Only two days had passed since they first arrived, a few miles outside of the city was the site. People had been fascinated, drawn in and simply had to see what had landed. Zara had been curious herself, but out of concern for Lily had stayed home. She had no idea what it was and that was no place to take a four year old. As it turned out, that had been the right choice, as reports of death and destruction reached her. People screamed words of friends bursting into flame and people began evacuating their houses, and so with little else to do and no one contactable via phone, she did the same. Packing up the minimum essentials, she bundled her daughter into the car and attempted to leave the city. 
The roads were gridlocked, tens of thousands of people fleeing out of fear, and when she chose to take the remote streets out of town, it had been her potentially fatal mistake. Her SUV shuddered to a halt as the needle on her fuel dial hit the red and everything fell silent, with only the dull, distant sounds of screaming drifting across the fields. With the sun beginning to touch the horizon and light becomes scarce, she had little option but to gather their things and begin to walk in search of shelter. 
It had reached nightfall and she had been walking for what felt like hours, Lily having fallen asleep in her arms as she softly sung to her, hoping to keep her fear at bay for now. But as two glowing lights of an approaching vehicle appeared over the hill up ahead, she picked up the pace, waving frantically with hopes of getting their attention. 
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“Stop! Please!” 
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bionicaitech · 7 months ago
Artificial Intelligence in business: How it can transform your business? - Bionic
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This Blog was Originally Published at:
Artificial Intelligence in business: How it can transform your business? — Bionic
The day I chose to test an AI writing assistant remains fresh in my mind to this very day. One thing that overwhelmed me especially when I was a content writer was the amount of content that I was required to come up with regularly.
There were times I’d sit for hours in front of a computer screen struggling with writing. I could prepare an article for days, but, when it came down to writing, I would be hit with writer’s block. Once, a fellow blogger recommended this AI tool and I was like; “Why not? I don’t have anything to lose. I proceeded to use artificial intelligence in business.
Much to my amazement, the bot was not just a gimmick. It was, however, not about replacing my creativity; it was about enhancing it. It proposed headlines that fascinated me, my chaotic ideas to well-structured paragraphs, and ideas of which I was not aware before.
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That’s when the lightbulb went off: if AI could transform how I generate content, then what about business organizations? The scenarios appeared limitless, the applications of AI seemed too many and I understood that I had to learn more about this AI-driven world.
Transforming Businesses through AI
AI is fundamentally about getting computers to be able to do what human beings do — and often better — learn from experience, understand language, perceive patterns, and make choices.
Think about how the news feeds of most social media platforms employ AI systems to select the information they think will interest you. Or consider voice-enabled personal assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, which recognize your voice and respond accordingly.
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Furthermore, decision-making is being transformed through artificial intelligence for business. Using big data AI can find patterns that the human brain cannot see, and decisions that companies make can be more informed and precise.
However, AI is capable of providing much more than making processes faster and more personalized. It’s also fueling innovation. AI is increasingly being used from drug discovery to the development of new materials in research and development across sectors. However, creativity too is not being spared with machines known to create art and music.
The organizations that adopt this technology will be the ones that will prosper in the following years.
AI and Automation
AI-led automation is on the rise and redefining the future of work at a much faster pace than we realize. It is expected that by 2025, around 85 million jobs will be lost due to automation, on the other hand, 97 million jobs may be created which are more suitable for human and machine collaboration.
This is not only about factories and robots coming to replace workers. The application of automation technology is gradually entering all spheres of human life and activity, including the healthcare system, the financial sector, and the sphere of art. For example:
Logistics: Autonomous trucks are already being piloted, set to disrupt the shipping and delivery industries.
Agriculture: Fruits and vegetables are being harvested by robots, which means that productivity in a given period increases and the cost of labor is cut down.
Customer Service: Most product inquiries, complaints, and comments are now being addressed by artificial intelligence-based chatbots and self-service tools with human intervention limited to more relevant and important calls.
Healthcare: The robots are now performing surgery, giving out prescriptions, and even offering social interaction to the patients who need it.
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The potential of people losing their jobs because of this may sound rather gloomy but automation also brings with it many possibilities. Repetitive activities can be kept for the machines, allowing the people to concentrate on creative, problem-solving, and meaningful tasks. It is going to increase the job demand for positions that involve critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. AI and business are going to complement each other in the near future.
So, the next time you encounter an automated system, whether it’s a self-checkout kiosk at the grocery store or a chatbot answering your questions online, remember: it is not just a question of job substitution. It is about changing the way we do things and making sure that we find ways of being productive in a world that is slowly being overrun by technology.
AI and Decision-Making
Ever feel lost when having to go through heaps of data and not know where to start sorting and analyzing it? Well, AI does not sweat at all! It sifts through vast amounts of data and produces valuable insights that leave even the experienced business analyst pondering how they arrived at it. This superpower is revolutionizing how organizational decision-making processes, whether minor or major, take place.
Just think of being able to guess your clients’ desires before they are aware of them, to see some relatively dangerous opportunities in your financial statements, or to choose the best price level that will bring the maximum profit and remain comfortable for your clients. And that is exactly the sort of magic that AI is delivering to the boardroom.
It is not limited to branding alone; it is playing a significant part in day-to-day business operations such as marketing, purchasing, and even supply chain management.
AI and Customer Experience
Forget those robotic customer service reps that leave you wanting to pull your hair out. AI is flipping the script on customer experience, making it more human, more personalized, and way more fun.
Nowadays, when you’re browsing for a new pair of shoes online, instead of scrolling through endless pages of irrelevant options, a chatbot pops up. It’s like your own personal stylist, asking questions about your style, budget, and occasion, then suggesting shoes that perfectly match your needs.
AI-powered customer service is becoming smarter and more empathetic. Chatbots can now understand your emotions, adapt their responses accordingly, and even escalate complex issues to human agents seamlessly.
And if you’re worried about privacy, rest assured that AI is also making strides in protecting your data and ensuring secure transactions.
AI and Innovation
In the innovation game, AI is the wild card that’s changing the rules. Forget tedious lab work and endless trial and error. AI is like having a tireless research assistant with a turbocharged brain.
It can sift through mountains of data, spot patterns humans might miss, and even generate creative solutions we wouldn’t have dreamed of.
Take drug discovery, for instance. Instead of spending years synthesizing and testing countless compounds, AI algorithms can analyze existing data and predict which molecules are most likely to be effective against a particular disease. This can shave years off the development timeline and bring life-saving treatments to patients faster.
But AI’s creative spark doesn’t stop at medicine. It’s composing original music, designing cutting-edge fashion, and even crafting marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level. Who knows, the next viral TikTok dance might be choreographed by an algorithm!
The bottom line? The companies that embrace AI as a tool for innovation will be the ones leading the charge in the years to come.
Whatever you are studying right now, if you are not getting up to speed on deep learning, neural networks, etc., you lose. We are going through the process where software will automate software, automation will automate automation. -Mark Cuban
Other Use Cases of AI
Besides being at the forefront of innovation and providing amazing customer experiences in the business realm, AI automation has other use cases too. Some of them are:
1. Recruitment and HR
There are a large number of activities and paperwork in recruitment and HR processes, which allows automation in this sphere. HR activities like employee recruitment and selection, advertising for jobs, clearing pre-screening criteria, and any other compliance issues on new employees, timesheets, exit interviews, and performance appraisals could enhance automation benefits. This not only helps save time, but frees up HR teams to concentrate on business-critical processes such as employee training, cultural change initiatives, and wellness programs.
2. Invoice processing
If too many invoices are managed manually, they can be inaccurate and time-consuming at the same time. Through Business Process Automation, the workflow of invoices can be automatically processed so that payments are made on time to the vendors without misfiling or incorrect entries. It enables the accounts team to focus on key activities like budget choices and estimates which in turn increases organizational efficiency.
3. Sales and marketing
Sales and marketing are areas that are most impacted by AI automation solutions enhancing resource management, sales estimates, and clerical work among others. In sales, automation helps to respond quickly to potential customers with prices and also approval on prices and offers. In marketing, AI automation is useful in email marketing, managing leads, and effectively nurturing the leads to capture them. This makes AI automation cost-effective and achieves business goals.
4. Finance and Accounting
There are advanced expense management systems with AI technology that can handle everything from receipt submission to reimbursement. In many organizations these systems are used in the same way as recognition systems, using past data to predict expenditure patterns and identify possible discrepancies or fraud. This not only shortens the time which is taken to make a reimbursement and to collect the money from the clients but also improves the probability of checking the accounts and minimizing the chances of fraud.
5. IT and cybersecurity
AI systems consistently monitor the load on the network, records of activities, and historical data to find patterns associated with cybersecurity threats. This comprises of identifying real-time threats, intrusions, or any suspicious activity to enable the organization to contain threats as they occur.
6. Legal
AI is highly valuable for legal work because it can quickly analyze legal contracts for specific terms and clauses, as well as any problems that may exist. It can mark concerns, errors, or violations so that legal teams can concentrate on key aspects and make appropriate decisions decreasing the likelihood of omitting something and increasing the likelihood of accurate, thorough contract analysis.
Challenges and Considerations
While the progress towards an AI-driven society seems inevitable, it may be helpful to pause for a moment and think about possible obstacles. The growth of Artificial Intelligence has taken a very big turn in the last decade, and as a result, it has created some serious ethical issues and challenges in society.
Bias in Algorithms: As in humans, bias can be passed down from data set to AI. This often results in prejudice, particularly in aspects such as employment, credit, and even justice systems. It is crucial to prevent AI systems from furthering existing injustices by using a dataset that has a balanced representation of people from all communities.
Data Privacy: AI loves data, and the data it is fed often contains personal data, which is often private. While training the AI systems, we must not forget the privacy laws that govern the rights of individual persons. This is why it is critical that data protection laws are strong and that there are clear and accurate data handling practices in place.
AI Hallucinations: AI is not without its flaws. It can, at times, ‘hallucinate,’ meaning it can produce outputs that are not meaningful or fabricating. This can give rise to serious implications where accuracy is paramount such as in the health, financial, or legal sector. Strict processes, which can help in detecting and preventing AI hallucinations, should be established to increase the safety of relevant AI systems. Learn more about AI hallucination here.
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An unsettling and weird image created by an AI System
Overcoming the Challenges
To overcome the challenges and considerations outlined in the previous section, it is crucial to adopt a balanced approach that grounds AI in real-world data and involves human oversight.
Grounding AI in Real World Data
Grounding AI in real-world data is a crucial strategy for overcoming the challenges and considerations associated with the growth of Artificial Intelligence. By anchoring AI systems in concrete, tangible information, we can mitigate the risks of bias, data privacy breaches, job displacement, and AI hallucinations. Know more about Grounding AI here.
Maintaining a human in the loop approach, where critical decisions made by AI systems are reviewed and validated by human experts is a crucial approach. This ensures that AI outputs are accurate, meaningful, and aligned with human values and ethical principles. Know more about the Human in the Loop approach here.
Look, I’ve seen firsthand how AI has supercharged my content writing career. If AI can do that for a humble content writer like me, imagine what it can do for your business. Whether you’re a mom-and-pop shop or a Fortune 500 company, AI is the secret sauce that will set you apart from the competition.
Start small, and experiment with AI-powered tools that align with your business goals. Maybe it’s a chatbot to handle customer inquiries, an algorithm to optimize your inventory, or a data analytics tool to uncover hidden insights. There are tons of resources out there to help you get started, from online courses to consultants who specialize in AI for business.
And do not forget that AI is not our enemy that wants to take our jobs but it is here to help us. When utilized responsibly and with proper regard to the ethical aspect, AI has the potential to generate a future that is beneficial for companies, employees, and customers. So let us become curious, let us be creative, and let us harness AI for the good of the world, one bit at a time.
Tired of wasting hours on tedious, repetitive tasks that drain your energy and distract you from your important work? Bionic is an easy-to-use automation tool that takes care of your time-consuming, repetitive work. Request a demo now!
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mechazushi · 9 months ago
Story Idea 6#
French Take The Lead but GAY, staring Michael Buble's Higher and Sabrina Carpenter's Looking at Me.
Honestly. What it says on the tin. Had this in the old file cabinet in the back for a year I think, and with the late news of Ice Adolescence being dropped and its Pride Month, here's a story for some one to take and make popular to spite Mappa execs
So I have no names for these people so its going to be Brother, his Sister, and the newcomer Hip because it stars a brother, his sister and a guy that did hip hop. Also, in case this wasn't obvious from the Take the Lead reference, they're all black. Brother is bald, btw (still handsome, just bald). And they live in France, kinda important?
Story goes as this. Brother and sister are an unbeatable ballroom dancing pair and have won several awards. There's no bitter rivalry undertones, they get along very well (with typical sibling shenanigans) but after a while, they decide enough is enough and part ways for a bit, wanting a break from the dancing scene. Few years later, they get back together and they are bored. Yeah, it was nice to get out of the spotlight for a while, but since then they have both been looking for different dance partners and have been failing miserably.
As they are discussing this on a lunch date, they walk through a local park and stumble across a live dance demonstration. It's a group of locals doing a free Hip Hop show and looking like they're just having fun. Both of them stop to watch and Sister gets really into the music. As a joke, the two of them try to make an improvised tango routine on the spot. This gathers both the crowd and the hip hop group's attention. Taking the competition in stride, the break dancers invite the ballroom dancers to a friendly dance off. The siblings agree and sh*t gets real. Halfway through the dance off, the other main character stumbles into Brother's arms and he instinctively plays it off. Hip and Brother look each other in the eyes and decide to floor it and go with the flow of the music. It's a lovely display and left the crowd feeling like the song ended too soon.
After the show, the siblings approach Hip and ask if he'd ever be interested in trying ballroom. He initially says no, but thanks anyway. They give him their number and separate. Something happens and now Hip need money (or some other excuse as to why he needs to try ballroom dancing/ add stakes) He goes back and, for whatever the reason is, explains upfront why he's doing this. (There would be no late stage misunderstanding of motives arc if I was going to make this myself, but I'm leaving this to public domain, I.e. you can if you want...I guess..) either way, he's ballroom dancing now.
How this gets gay, though, is explained by the second episode. Brother and Sister are trying to teach Hip how to dance fancily and its not going well. Hip is paired with Sister initially and he's stepping on toes and missing beats somehow. Once it becomes clear that Hip might need a different way of explaining, Brother steps in and miraculously, Hip is a better dancer now. Couple more rounds of this and It becomes clear that Hip can dance, but only if he's paired with Brother. So now the rest of the show is shipping fuel for Hip and Brother getting together and , you know, the actual plot of the story. Probably winning a competition or some typical bullsh*t. (But we're not here for that-we're here for french flavored yaoi 😁)
There is also a reason why I mentioned Michael's song Higher and its not that its a perfect tango song. I had an idea for a scene where Hip is thinking about quitting and Brother is trying to convince him not too. They're at the Arc de Triomphe and for those of you that may not know this, It's the square arch building in France and there's a massive roundabout surrounding it. And there's no lines separating traffic, its chaos.
Hip unknowingly walks out into traffic and almost gets hit by a car. Brother saves him, but is now stuck in traffic with him. Higher starts to play as the two of them find their rhythm again dancing through traffic, literally. At one point in the song, Brother manages to toss Hip into the air, slinging him one-handed over a car, and its played up as it's in slow-mo, with the two of them looking each other in the eyes in amazement, realizing that this is possible... they are possible. They make it to the other side safely and Hip reconsiders leaving behind his dream/goal.
There's another scene where the three of them walk into a more local, less stakes competition to practice in front of a crowd. The bouncer won't let them onto the floor as they're male-male partners and the rules haven't been changed to reflect the new times (This is a one off time for a joke i'm trying to set up, hold on). Hip gets pissed and has to walk away. Sister comes up with a brilliant idea and drags Hip into the bathroom. Ten minutes later, Hip and Sister changed outfits, with Hip looking deceptively feminine. Brother gives Hip a long hard look, evaluating the outfit while Sister douses herself in praise for the idea. Brother becomes lost in thought, wondering if this is possible (maybe a little questioning of his sexual identity as well). Unfortunately, he's staring right at Hip's chest in the dress.
"Excuse you, my eyes are up here." says Hip. An embarrassed Brother drags Hip to the dance floor and passes the bouncer, while the bouncer doesn't question anything. On another note, they won fourth place in the local competition.
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