#muse: kaede akamatsu
blubberymuses · 1 month
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Walks by Kaede as she's furriously trying to tug her sweater over her gut and skirt over her ass.
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Yep, despite her best efforts Kaede is still plainly wearing her emotions on her sleeve, ogling at and admiring how each crevice and curve adds to Maki-Rolls unintentional cuteness factor!..
The pianist just knows that her short classmate will spout out her routine yet ultimately empty 'Do you want to die?' threat in between huffs any second now after realizing that COWaede has been stunlocked looking down upon her white undersized undergarments being engulfed and distorted by those two chubby cushions..~
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nevermindtheweights · 6 months
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Her belly has pooled onto the piano keys!
Okay, maybe it is time for diet... She has put it off for long enough now. Christmas indulgences certainly were... plentiful for Kaede.
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gluttonemporium · 11 days
Are Kaede's butt and hips big enough that she can smother the whole of Shuichi's pants straining package when sitting on his lap?
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That and then some. Don't underestimate a pianists almighty behind-
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Continued from here:
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"Smooth, Saihara. Very subtle." Kaede giggled, she knew that probably wasn't really what Shuichi meant by "taking it to the bedroom", but that wasn't going to stop her from teasing him a little. Though now that she thought about it... why shouldn't they take things there? They both loved eachother, right?
The pianist leaned up and kissed the detective's cheek before softly whispering. "...your bedroom or mine?"
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gainprincess · 2 years
Has Kaede ever accidentally pressed the wrong notes on her piano because of her gut? Or belched during a concert?
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"Well, I mean, I haven't...NOT done that. I just...you know. It's not that often anymore! Now I only belch once every concert! And I only play the wrong note SOMETIMES!"
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 4 months
No one talks about the Chapter 1 FTE's with protag Kaede and thats a real shame, some highlights from each person
Shuichi talks about climbing mountains and swimming upstream to find a missing pet alligator
Kirumi gets warned if she doesnt stop spoiling people will call her mom, truly a prophecy ignored to Kirumi's detriment
Kaito offers to get her forged paperwork like he did if she wants to be an astronaut and also wants to learn piano to communicate with aliens
Angie has a horrible nightmare after Kaede's music puts her to sleep where she cries out in terror for something to stop and about how theres not enough blood and then completely plays it off when she wakes back up
Himiko accuses Kaede of being a lesbian
Ryoma got to talk about cats for a whole free time event good for him
Maki just straight up makes a pedo joke at Kaede when she mentions how a caregiver has to love children
Rantaro calls Miu a top
Tenko cannot take a compliment in the slightest
Gonta reveals how he sleeps nude
Tsumugi wont stop saying things like fiction
Kokichi reveals he can speak multiple languages
Korekiyo gets mad when Kaede asks if he has a sister complex
Miu wont shut up about tits
Kiibo has a fucking shut down button and Kaede just has no goddamn impulse control and shut him off for like a solid minute?? Kiibo gets her back though by calling her mom
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
I think what I don't like about the Makoto cameo is that he incidentally and accidentally saves Kyoko's life through his luck.
He trips her and they both fall and Kyoko subsequently does not get her head smashed in by a shot put that Sakura has thrown like a baseball.
Because I know Makoto is being set up as the person who takes over Yui's spot in Kyoko's life. Who gets her to trust people again and emotions and etc.
So we have Makoto immediately saving Kyoko just like Yui literally just died saving Kyoko.
Except that Makoto. doesn't have a choice here. He does in THH, and he canonically makes that choice, and that parallel is important, that Makoto unintentionally sacrifices himself for Kyoko.
But that's the thing - both of these are unintentional.
In his cameo, Makoto saves Kyoko by accident.
In THH, Makoto intentionally saves Kyoko, but he's not aware that will put his own head on the executioner's block.
Yui walked directly into putting her life on the line for Kyoko full-stop, constantly, not looking back, until she died doing it.
That's not the same.
And the closest parallel we get to it isn't Makoto for Kyoko, it's Kyoko in DR3 saying that if she has to choose between herself and Makoto, she will choose keeping Makoto alive. Full-stop. And then sacrifices herself in that pursuit.
(She gets better because she found an antidote for poison, but she had no certainty that would work or that anyone would even notice she wasn't really dead. Bless Mikan, actually, because none of the others noticed. Kyoko out here literally teaching Makoto how to investigate, and boy has learned NOTHING.)
And this is not, like, anti-Naegiri or anything like that. Clearly, canon sees the appeal here.
But Makoto is not the Yui parallel that canon wants him to be as entirely as it wants him to be.
Kyoko is.
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mikanlardyclinic · 5 months
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If the button wasn't involved miu definitely still ends as a lardass ~
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jcurneysend · 8 months
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My theory is, Kaede can't ride a bicycle for shit. Just struggles to do so each and every time--
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goshdangronpa · 7 months
So, you know how for some time now, I've been threatening to publish an irumatsu fanfic?
First two chapters up now, baby! Updates weekly.
And, uh ... it's rated Mature.
At the moment.
Um. It won't be Mature by the end.
Not recommended for under-18s.
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blubberymuses · 1 month
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Kaede might be, how do we say, titillated by the flourishing midriffs, rumps, everything that her classmates are packing nowadays...
If only she herself had the guts to ask some of them out to doughy dates~
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nevermindtheweights · 6 months
Maki heard the noise and has come fo comfort her crush. Hugging the pianist and wrapping her fingers around the pudge like a birdcage and pul it off the keys. "Better?"
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Despite the surprise of the embrace, Kaede nestled herself into it without much of a thought. While the hands moved to her plump gut that poked just a little out of her shirt and sweater combo, it did made her blush. She was clearly... bloated, right?
"Nngghh.... Not really. Be better to, you know, not have the gut. I've really let myself go...." She whined, annoyed at herself for getting this fat. The belly had sort of crept up on her, her large chest having prevented her from seeing it balloon until it had seemingly, suddenly, appeared!
Denial and struggled vision can only be blamed so much.
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gluttonemporium · 1 month
Instant Loss: After Kaede finishes her concert, she takes a wrong turn and ends up in the belly of the blonde brat Hiyoko!
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Thunderous applause rained down on the Ultimate Pianist after another perfect show! No matter how many times she heard it, it always tickled Kaede's heart to hear such kindess. Beaming with joy, she waved as she exited the stage... on the wrong side.
The noise from the audience drowned out what followed.
"O-oh! Hey...ook, I said I was sor... GLLMP! ...ait! Yo- SLRRP! -STOP! MM- ULLP! MMMRF!!"
Kaede's eager fans awaited backstage for their star to arrive, just to get a glimpse of the musical genius. Imagine their shock then, when instead came...
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"Hrrm! Who did that bimbo think she is? Bumping into me like that!" A stuck-up voice rang out and a wide, bright orange figure stepped out into the corridor. Everyone immediately knew it wasn't Kaede, because... well... Kaede didn't have a tummy like that!
Hiyoko's lardy gut was straining harder than usual at her kimono seams. And it didn't take long to figure out why, because she undid the thing in front of everyone - and to their horror, it was wobbling violently!
"Don't think some clapping makes you better than me, bitch." Hiyoko spat, slapping the side of the dough ball roughly. It didn't take much for the crestfallen fans to realise who was in there, as a handprint revealed all. But there was absolutely nothing they could do other than let the hoggish dancer pass...
Next time, she should exit the right way... not that there will ever be a next time...
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Continued from here:
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"Just resting my eyes for a few minutes..." Kaede let out a small, adorable yawn, her cheeks flushing bright red as she felt Shuichi's hand on her head. She wasn't normally one to try to sleep in such a public place, but something about this, with her head in Shuichi's lap... it just felt right. She felt safe with him.
Sure enough, just a few minutes later, the pianist had begun to quietly snore.
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gainprincess · 2 years
I can hear Kaede being fat all the way over here. Like super fat and gassy. She should sound proof her dorm room.
To be fair to her, Shuichi did try to soundproof her room for her.
She just belched too loud and everything fell apart anyway.
So we're back to square one, but Kirumi's working on something, so maybe you'll have peace soon, Anon.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 3 months
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I feel like I'm having a fucking stroke
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