#muse ; roxas
booksofadventures · 3 months
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@whenmirrorimagestalk asked: Gwen tilted her head noticing a young man wearing a similar black coat like she was as if he was part of Organisation 13. She walks hesitantly closer to him as she pulls down her hood. "E-Excuse me are y-you a local here?" She asked the stranger, this world looked different to the ones she had been to before.
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Roxas had been a little absent minded in the moment. He sighed as he pulled his hood slightly back off his face now as he looked around. He hadn't sense anything yet in the way of the heartless yet but there was still a little time before he had to be back to go and meet his friends for their after mission ice cream.
A voice stirred the blonde from his thoughts though now as he turned to glance over in the direction the voice had come from. He blinked and stared puzzled for a moment, before he fully turned to her, looking her over.
They hadn't told him they were sending someone else with him, they didn't usually do that unless there was something big around here, this possibly just got more complicated.
"Um...?" He pointed to her coat and then his own. "Not fully but I've been here for a few missions before, so I should be able to help you Miss...?"
Actually now he thought about it, he didn't think he had seen her before around the Organisation. Did they get a new member recently? But then again his head had begun to get fuzzy recently.
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So like, mini disclaimer before the post. I was not and am not a believer in the "Sonic is going to be forced to choose between his original friends and the shatterspace variants" theory, nor the companion to it "all the variants are just gonna essentially live with their memories inside the og friends' hearts"
However, I do have brainrot over the idea of Nine meeting Tails in his dreams, and some of these ideas require a prerequisite of "in which Nine exists within Tails' heart but does not currently have a body.
Imagine, if you will, a setting post canon in which the variants exist within the hearts of the original and (kingdom hearts style) they would just need a body/vessel of their own to exist again. Tails is sleeping, and after dreams upon dreams of meeting the variants, experiencing their fleeting memories and their hurt (their feelings about everything), he comes across Nine.
Nine... Tails has had a hard time remembering much of his dreams while awake, but when he's dreaming, he remembers that Nine has been perhaps the angriest and most conflicted of all the variants. All of them want to be alive, of course. Tails wouldn't be surprised if *all* of them have been parsing through his own memories in exchange for sharing theirs.
But none have been so volatile as Nine, harder to reason with. The others at least face him more often than not, but Nine has directly done so few times.
But...Tails can't blame him for that, especially not after what he knows. He understands how Nine likely feels (abandoned, lonely, forgotten). Perhaps he wouldn't be so agreeable either if he fought tooth and nail for a better future, and the universe denied him that (nay, punished him to watch but to never have).
But tonight...
Nine is standing under a palm tree, facing the vast ocean past the beaches of Green Hill. Tails takes a few steps down the hill he's on, and soon enough he's standing off to the side (dream logic, he understands)—where he can see Nine from the front, but isn't standing directly in front of him or obstructing his view.
It's at this moment that Tails realizes he's never seen Nine so clearly before. The tips of his ears, to his permafrown, to his 7 mechanical tails, and down to his shoes. He's fought the fox before in his dreams, seen glimpses of him, but this is the first time he's had a chance to really see him.
Nine turns his head away from the sea, and suddenly Tails is beside him, mere feet away.
Tails opens his mouth, a dozen questions and sentence starters flying through his head. What eventually comes out is just a simple, "Nine?"
Nine smiles at that, and yet...Tails can tell almost instantly that it's not because he's happy or excited to see him. No, the smile is almost...accepting, if not a little bit sad.
Then, Nine sighs. "This could have been the other way around, but...it has to be you."
Tails hesitates for a moment before pointing at himself. "...Me? Why?"
"There are so many people connected to you—all of you, if my hypothesis is correct. It often is. You're me, so...you can feel what I felt. You could...feel how I feel."
And maybe it's true that Tails can feel what Mangey, Sails, and Nine are feeling, but all that proves is that one is affected by the presence of others residing within their own consciousness.
Tails shakes his head. "No. You're you, not me."
There's a moment of silence before Nine chuckles, and Tails continues, "I want you to know that you deserve to live as your own person, just as much as I do."
"Every time we've fought—here—I've asked you the same question. Do you remember it?"
Well, of course, Tails finds multiple questions as he tries to think back, but by keeping the terms of Nine's question in mind and employing process of elimination–
Nine turns back to the sea, squeezing both gloved hands into fists at his sides. "I was angry—among other things. I just couldn't understand why I was here. After everything I'd fought for, everything we'd been through together, I couldn't understand why he chose you. And every time I asked, you never gave me an answer."
Nine's right. Tails has never given him an answer to that question.
But to Tails...that question was never his to answer, at least in his opinion. Unless Sonic told him, Tails would never know why he put in for him, Amy, Knuckles, and Rouge over worlds of new friends. All he does know (straight from Sonic's own testimony) is that Sonic would have never made the choice he did had he known it would lead to all this. Sonic had wanted home, Tails, and all his friends back, but he never meant to erase the other worlds. Even as he tries to pretend otherwise, Tails knows Sonic has been beating himself up for the choice he made ever since.
Shouldn't Nine know that—that Sonic didn't mean to hurt him, that Sonic feels regret, that Sonic wasn't intending to choose between one or the other?
"Save it," Nine says, cutting him off. "It doesn't matter anymore. Sonic made his choice, but you still have that chance."
Nine turns back to Tails and holds out a hand.
Tails looks down, then back up at Nine. He hesitates for a second, but ultimately takes Nine's hand.
Tails is an observer, a spectator without form, as memories begin to play out before him in quick succession. Despite the lack of form, somehow his head begins to ache in pain that only grows over the moments.
And then, he begins to notice a pattern in the memories shown to him. Despite the pain, he recognizes the clear shift since a certain blue hedgehog—Sonic, of course—saves Nine from being hit by a train.
Each and every memory, if Sonic wasn't centered or mentioned in it, then his palpable absense was the focal point. Nine fought him, he worked with him, he almost lost him, he thought he lost him, and then he fought him again.
Nine had spent most of his life lonely, though he hadn't realized that until his life was almost over.
A waterfall of emotions hit him then, just before the highlight reel crackles into black.
And then, Tails is standing beside Nine again, head pulsing and heart pounding. He can hardly remember what he's just seen, and that waterfall of emotions seeps through his fingers as he tries to catch them, to study them.
All he knows is that he understands. Somehow, he understands why Nine feels the way he does. Now, more than before, he understands why Nine is hung up on Sonic the way he is.
Perhaps, Tails thinks, he understands how it feels for Nine to be with Sonic (and without him) far more than anyone else.
Tails musters up a look of determination as he stares into Nine's eyes, and he squeezes his hand. "I'll figure it out. No matter how long it takes, I'll make sure you—you, and Sails, and Mangey, and the rest—can walk along the beach. You don't deserve to sit here and watch like this. None of you deserved to have your lives taken."
And Nine... Nine smiles, like he just can't help it. "Don't you see? That's why it has to be you."
There's a feeling, an almost indescribable feeling, that strikes Tails' heart at that.
"I promise," Tails says.
And then, he’s sitting up in his bed, breathing deeply.
As he makes himself get up, get ready, and rush into his lab, there's little he remembers from his dream as always.
But he knows what he has to do.
I'll make sure of it, Nine.
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abyssin · 5 months
alright fine. if i came back here, childe will be
(1) on super low activity
(2) massive clear out of my drafts / inbox, may opt for plotting & crossovers?
(3) follower+blog clean up
(4) canon,,, divergence??? or at least his portrayal is going to lean more onto hcs
above points not gonna be happening any time soon just bc ive got some irl things to take care of but. yeah! thats a start
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playingwithstarsabove · 9 months
I checked out this book, Not Your Idol vol 2, once because the person on the cover looked like Roxas.
This guy here:
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Looks like Roxas doesn't he?!
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Long story short, the plot of Not your Idol is nothing at all like Kingdom Hearts. Lesson is to check out what you're reading before you get the book because of a cover character kids!
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muses-morii · 1 year
@wayfaringnobody asked: 🎲 ( @ sora ) 18. A kiss while laughing
~ Sora ~
“Now, you wanna-” Sora covered his face with his hands and stepped back as flour went everywhere with a quick rip of the blender. When he opened his eyes and lowered his hands, there was a white cloud hovering in the air in front of him, falling to the ground. There was flour on him, on the counter, on the floor, on every single surface within a three foot radius. But especially on Roxas. There was more flour on Roxas, than there was in the mixing bowl and the Nobody, with his hand still on the mixer control, stood there blinking in stunned amazement. Sora, giggled. He'd been surprised that morning when Roxas had come up to him. He had seemed nervous, a blush on his cheek and he was having trouble looking him in eye and when Sora had asked him what was up, Roxas nervously asked if he would make a cake. Sora had said that he could, then asked if Roxas wanted to learn how to do it himself. Roxas had eagerly nodded yes and then gone on to tell him that it was Olette's birthday, and he'd wanted to do something nice for her. Birthdays were usually celebrated with cake, he'd figured that was a good starting point. So, after looking through the recipe book together, Roxas picked a flavour of cake that he thought Olette would like; a simple Vanilla cake, but he'd gone a little too hard with the mixer on the dry ingredients. Just a touch.
Sora grinned, looking at his other half. Reaching up, he ruffled his own hair, getting flour out of it and then stepped closer to Roxas. He brushed some flour off the Nobody's nose and that seemed to snap him out of his shocked silence and he looked down at himself, at Sora and around at the kitchen. Sora just laughed.
And Roxas started laughing too. Placing his hand on Roxas' face, Sora tugged him a little closer and pressed a giggly kiss to his cheek. “Let's try that again!” He laughed. “With less oomph this time!”
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negantesors · 6 months
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@13nth: ❛ sorry, very busy today. no time to help you– ❜ bro just brushed off ignis scientia wtf!
a stagger in his step after being quite literally brushed aside, ignis was rather quick to turn his gaze to see the other run off like he had committed a murder of some kind. a weak apology was given disgruntled sound of annoyance as a reply - not that the other could hear it at least - before a quick dagger was conjured and thrown into the sleeve of the passer-byer.
nothing lethal, of course, it is not ignis' style... but pinning the other to a wall as a response for such a rude run by is valid in his books. plus, it gave him chance to catch up and study just who had the gall to do that.
"i'm sorry, but it seems you got in the way of my training." a blatant lie, but ignis was not going to pry immediately. a gloved hand grips the dagger, but does not quite yet yank out the blade. "then again, perhaps i can help you, if you tell me the truth on what is going on."
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heartwayfinder · 1 year
New worlds, New friends || @stardustaces
Roxas was taking a stroll through town, it felt good. It felt right. After what felt like too long he could live his life with his friends and do homework like any normal kid his age. No organization to work for, no end of the world, just a quiet life for him and his friends. Roxas felt like he deserved it for all he went through, well, being brought into existence as a nobody all of a sudden and then losing all the few memories you had wasn’t exactly his idea of a pleasant time. However, it did make school amusing as if anyone tried to do anything to him or his friends they’d soon learn very quickly to leave them all alone. The advantage when most people you’re close with can fight and are extremely agile and have quick reflexes. 
The boy took a breath as he paused his walk, there were so many people in town. What was once a world that was closed off to people, was now thriving with visitors from other worlds and everyone who would live here normally. It was a huge contrast from the empty town he knew about, it would be interesting to see what the next struggle tournament would be like with all these people. Scrooge would likely want to get involved too seeing how much money he could make from it. As Roxas was thinking of that, and the fact he might consider getting a Sea Salt Ice cream while here, he spotted a man also standing idly. Not one he’d seen before, a visitor from another world perhaps? When there was a town this size, you tended to know all the residents. 
Approaching the still figure he waved as a friendly gesture, “hello. Are you lost? Twilight Town can be a bit confusing at first.” With all the back alleys and roads interconnecting with each other, any new visitor could be lost. He was just thankful he found the man in town and not say by the old mansion.
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valorxdrive · 11 months
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"Heh, gotta admit that Roxas has really been learnin' some wicked moves. No wonder me n' him been flipping through each other's catalogues."
While their totality are inherently separate and their own. It certainly doesn't mean they can't pluck the goods from each other's repertories.
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madeimpact · 2 years
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Kh inbox call?
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
@zodiac--muses / gwen & roxas. / semi plotted.
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"Oh, the queen? She shares your last name, so I take it she's either your aunt or your mom." he turns slightly to dig around in the satchel at his side, seeming to take a few moments before taking out a seemingly official looking but very worn envelope that looks like it truly holds nothing, holding it out to her with a quiet smile. "Here you go, Miss Gawain. One letter from Queen Selene Gawain."
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riotseas · 25 days
// eyes the kh muse that just followed me >:)) HII
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booksofadventures · 1 month
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@vancreux asked ;; “So, you tried bandaging this up, and you… well, you did your best.” //isa to roxas.
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There's a small groan from Roxas, he is however greatful that he had been found by someone when he had been. He didn't want to cause anyone any trouble or for them to see how hurt he had been. So he thought perhaps he could sort it himself.
He had snuck away before he assumed anyone would realise and hoped to be back before anyone had realised. However, in the action of trying to bandage up his arm he actually got himself into a frustrating and tangled mess of bandages and tape.
"I tried...I just didn't want to cause anyone hassle..."He sighed softly now, wincing when he moved his arm just a little bit though, trying to be free of his bandage mess.
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aeternxm · 2 months
❛  hey, umm ... thank you for being my friend.  ❜ ( @ axel / lea ; whoever you're vibing with! )
@wayfaringnobody | prompt from here
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" hm? "
takes axel a second to even process what roxas is saying. not because he didn't hear him -- no. it just came out of nowhere. blindsided him, yanno?
he glances over to roxas, who looks kinda awkward. well, no - he's not sure if awkward is the right word. embarrassed, maybe? wild - how someone with no heart can be so expressive.
with practiced ease, years of only having the memories of emotions to keep him going, axel smiles big and wide. reaches up and ruffles roxas' hair, much to the younger's dismay.
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" you're a weird kid -- yanno that? "
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sasouken · 2 months
@13nth liked ❀ for a starter !
"hey—" shiro takes a step forward when he spots the other, lips parting in surprise. he hadn't been expecting to see anyone here. "—do you need any help?" he really should head back to his lion, but he isn't going to leave someone behind if they need help.
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productnumberthirteen · 3 months
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Wake up
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muses-morii · 1 year
@wayfaringnobody asked: 💥 ( @ Vanitas ) send  💥  for  an  argumentative  starter
~ Vanitas ~
“No. You are, wrong.” They were lost. Wandering about a stupid forest, full of stupid Heartless, with no stupid map because it was back on the stupid ship. The very ship they were trying to find. Why Yen Sid had seen fit to send them out on a mission together, he'd never fucking know. The Wizard was cracked as far as he was concerned. Roxas protested and once again insisted that East was the way back to the ship, but Vanitas knew. He knew that Roxas had no fucking idea how to get back. And neither did he. They were two lost fools in the middle of a woods infested with goddamn monsters and they were--- Vanitas bit his tongue, hearing Aqua's voice tell him to count to ten. What the hell good would counting do them right now? They'd been walking in fucking circles for hours!
“We went that way already!” He snapped, poking Roxas hard in the chest. “You don't know where you're going! Just admit it!” Gripping at his hair, Vanitas turned around and stomped his foot in anger. He was tired of this stupid mission. He was tired of being surrounded by stupid trees. He was tired of stupid heartless. And he was really fucking tired of stupid Roxas.
Stuck working together with this loser! “Everything looks the same!” He yelled, gripping at his hair. “No! Shut up!” Voidgear appeared in his hand and slashed at the bushes! At the trees! At the grass! At whatever would yield to his blade! “We're fucking lost, Roxas!” Emotions were hard. “You don't know where you're going! I don't know how we got here! It's just fucking, trees for miles! You can't get us out of this! We're stuck!” He covered his face with his hands, feeling completely overwhelmed. All of this sucked. It just really sucked.
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