mumu blog @ cyberplex rp written by admin anna. she/her. gmt+1 / cst.
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no way is that JENNA DICAMILLO.. they're a 30-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being DEFIANT & CONFRONTATIONAL but there are some people who have seen them being AFFABLE & INTELLECTUAL. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of cramming right before an exam, blowing things up in the name of science, and being the bane of your mother's existence, but that could just be because they're considered the ENGINEER around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
They tell you while you're young "Girls, go out and have your fun" Then they hunt and slay the ones who actually do it Criticize the way you fly when you're soaring through the sky Shoots you down and then they sigh and say "She looks like she's been through it"
Name: Jenna Odette DiCamillo
Nickname(s): Jen
DOB: April 12, 2094
Age: 30
FC: Erin Moriarty
Height: 5'6"
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Weapons Engineer at Vanguard Security
Relationship Status: Single (Open)
[+] warm, affable, intellectual [–] defiant, confrontational, uncooperative
Jenna was a problem child from the date of her conception. Her mere existence brought her mother's ballet career to a screeching halt, and not a day has gone by in her life that she has not been made painfully, acutely aware of that fact.
As a result, her relationship with her mother has always been strained at best and outright hostile at worst. Her mother resented her for being born, and she ended up resenting her mother for resenting her, and for never really denying it.
In contrast, her relationship with her father and with her two younger sisters has always been good. She wouldn't exactly say that she's close to her dad, but she knows that he loves and supports her, and that's all that matters.
As they got older, each DiCamillo daughter developed distinct interests; Jovi was into horses (and ballet, but also not really), Jasmine was into soccer, and Jenna was into making things blow up in the name of science and exploration.
Her interest in science was one that she shared with her best friend Asuka. On the outside, the two could not be more different from each other; where Jenna was outgoing, rambunctious, and prone to rebellion, Asuka was a quiet and shy wallflower. However, Jenna is well aware that her best friend has a wild side.
Jenna's figurative and literal explosive proclivities aside, she was a very bright student with an inquisitive nature and an aptitude for invention, attending a STEM-focused high school before getting a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Afterward, she was accepted into a graduate program at DrakeTech where she worked in their engineering department for a few years.
Eventually, she was headhunted by a recruiter at Vanguard Security and given an offer that she simply could not refuse. As a senior weapons engineer, she is one of many employees at the company working a regular nine-to-five job with little to no idea about what goes on behind the scenes.
She takes her job seriously, and she is invested in her career, but she still enjoys cutting lose and getting a little wild and crazy. She enjoys romantic company as much as the next person but has no plans to settle down any time soon.
Her middle name is taken from the main character in the Swan Lake.
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no way is that GENEVIEVE 'GENIE' COLLINS.. they're a 23-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being ALOOF & SELF-EFFACING but there are some people who have seen them being FAITHFUL & CONSCIENTIOUS. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of expressionless stares, stickers on your bass guitar, and being the youngest in a large family, but that could just be because they're considered the SUGAR-AND-ICE PERSONALITY around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that
Name: Genevieve Cherie Collins
Nickname(s): Genie
DOB: March 1, 2102
Age: 23
FC: Nicole Wallace
Height: 5'5"
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Server at Collins Tavern / Bassist in Thunderbeats
Relationship Status: Single (Open)
[+] faithful, conscientious, detail-oriented [–] aloof, self-effacing, standoffish
Genevieve was made by a couple who ultimately ended up unable to take care of her. She bounced around foster care for a few years, before being adopted by the Collins family when she was five years old, making her their youngest child.
When she was adopted, her two oldest brothers Teddy and Benja were already 20 and 18 years old respectively, and well into a bitter rivalry that even as a child Genie understood to stay the hell out of. If asked, she will still state that she is Switzerland and then kindly ask that you please do not perceive her.
Because of her age, many of Genie's older siblings ended up occasionally acting like secondary parents to her, in particular Teddy. At times, having a small army of adults looking out for her was a lot to handle, but after being given up by her biological parents and spending several years in the foster care system, she would rather have too many parents than none at all.
For a long time, she had a much easier time being herself at home than she did at school. She struggled making friends among her peers, the double whammy of being painfully shy and having Resting Bitch Face successfully keeping most people her age at arms length, whether she intended it to or not.
Luckily, her generally stoney-faced expression and air of being unapproachable did not deter one Damian Clarke from becoming friends with her, and the two of them have been nigh inseparable since. He is the first person she entrusts any of her secrets to and she will take any secrets he confides in her to the grave.
It was in middle school that she picked up an interest in music. She started by taking lessons in guitar and piano, but eventually transitioned into playing the bass guitar; not only is she better at it, but she also appreciates that it lets her choose when to be in the spotlight and when to fade into the background.
It might seem counterintuitive for someone who prefers not to be perceived to be in a band. But the person that Genie is on stage is a wildly different person from the one she is off it. Performing a banging bass solo might be one of the only times in her life that she isn't the least bit self-conscious.
Music is her main passion, and she never really found anything else that she wanted to pursue professionally. She is aware that she might never be able to make a living as a musician, but as long as she still gets to play she's quite happy doing it as a hobby, and she doesn't mind working at the family tavern.
She is mildly obsessed with stickers. Most of them go on her bass, but she also has an entire wall hanging in her apartment dedicated to her collection.
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Roxy watched with a fond smile on her face as Andros grumbled while bringing their food and drinks to the table. She had been about to slide off the counter to join him, only to find him returning to pick her up himself, a soft giggle leaving her lips as she settled on his lap. "This restaurant has excellent service," she teased, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips before turning to pick up her sandwich. "Who says you can't be a dork and a hero? Ozzy is kind of a dork too. You're like his dork senpai."
Andros was humming as he listened to her, an amused huff when she admitted to also enjoying cuddling. He'd gotten use to her mumbling when she enjoyed something, learning when too much affection was getting to her and the need to make jokes came back. He was setting their sandwiches on two plates after cutting them in half. Feeling his cheeks flush, "I don't get why," he grumbled pouring them each a glass of juice, moving to set everything on side of the table. Coming back to pick her up and sitting in one of the chairs with her in his lap. "I'm a dork, feel like he's got better options here to think of as a hero."
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Carlson Young as Brooke Maddox • MTV Scream S1E03: Wanna Play a Game?
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"Then we'll have to buy new stickers to slam onto the wall together," Keaton quipped with a grin, taking a step closer and reaching to bop him on the nose. For a moment, she held her breath as she realised how close she was standing to him, her gaze briefly dropping to his lips before she cleared her throat and stepped back. "So, dinner?"
emmet laughed softly and made his way over to the sticker wall as well. "seeing how as not many stickers have been added since then yeah they're holding up pretty good." he glanced back at her with a smile. "they do, you know eventually they might get buried under more stickers."
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CLAUDIA in Interview with the Vampire || The Thing That Lay Still
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"Homemade like fully fully homemade from flour and all that shit," Brooklyn clarified with a smile, using his exact wording, curse word included and all. It wasn't that she didn't curse, but she tried her best not to on camera, and it was easier to achieve that if she avoided it altogether. "Alright, so it's not something that we can solve by buying a jar of like, marshmallow fluff. How about meringues? Do you like meringues?"
"homemade like fully fully homemade starting from flour and all that shit or homemade cookie box mix that you added an egg or water to?" miles asked. he would've known the answer by watching the live stream but he had to conserve battery on his phone whenever he wasn't at a place to charge it. "huh, that's a good question. i think probably the hard part? like when you don't burn it but you get that perfect toast to it."
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kate's 365 days of female characters:
day 50: flora fate: the winx saga
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"I have never in my life said anything just to appease someone," Ophelia retorted, this time without looking away from the band. It was only the pause in Milo's explanation that caused her to look at him again. "That was a suspiciously long pause. Y'all really just friends, or is there something else going on? He's cute. You could do worse."
"You're just saying that to appease me," Milo gave Ophelia a bemused look. He didn't care if she was or wasn't; he kind of just liked to be difficult. "Yeah; we're-" what exactly were they? Who's to say. "Friends. We hang out all the time so least I can do is go to a show every now and then."
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JAYMEE AQUINO in 4.15 C.R.E.A.M (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)
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MiziryBusiness: you are an adult MiziryBusiness: ok next saturday at 1pm MiziryBusiness: [link here] MiziryBusiness: and no probs MiziryBusiness: good luck at brand practice nerd
CopperBeatz: making me feel like i need an adult for this hangout CopperBeatz: ok send me a link of when and where CopperBeatz: and ill be there CopperBeatz: i gotta head to band practice, thansk again for being cool about the whole stevie stuff
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MiziryBusiness: you call it bullying, i call it banter, it's all in good fun MiziryBusiness: yeah there'll be a merch section MiziryBusiness: i mean i'll be so real i'm certainly not going there for the food
CopperBeatz: depends CopperBeatz: are you gonna keep bullying me? CopperBeatz: also is there a merch section or is just food? CopperBeatz: im already expecting mid food, but merch makes up for it
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Billie let out a soft, slightly resigned sigh, all too familiar with how people normally reacted to such suggestions. "I feel like some people think suggesting anything that is not medication is not worth the price they pay for therapy," she replied with a chuckle. "But then they don't actually go out and get fresh air and sunlight. It's the same with the couples I council. I tell them that communication is key, and they tell me that they already know that; but if they were actually communicating, they wouldn't need me."
"Or maybe, I just like to keep you guessing." Colin let out a soft chuckle. "I read it in an article. I try to keep up with different studies, on the off chance it could help someone who it seems like isn't responding to the tried and true methods. Unfortunately, I think so many people feel like suggesting fresh air and sunlight is you waving off their problems."
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Billie felt herself blushing when he described her as smart, kind, and beautiful. "Oh, stop," she replied, dropping her gaze and shaking her head to herself before looking back up at him. "You've never been a dumb jock, Teddy. You weren't then and you aren't now. You're a sweet, passionate, protective person, and I adore that about you." The revelation that he had almost confessed to her caught her off guard, her eyes widening before she let out an incredulous laugh, dropping her head to rest against his shoulder. "Are you telling me we could have had this conversation before I went to college?" She pulled back to look at him. "Honestly, as infuriating as that feels right now, I don't know if I would have been mature enough for a long distance relationship. As for when I came back... Well, I don't have an excuse for that one. We're both idiots."
Teddy huffed a laugh and shook his head now, "Shit...20 years longest slow burn in history" his hand moved gently on her back "Who wouldn't like you Billie, You're smart and've always been beautiful...." he felt his cheek warm a bit still getting used to the new honesty they were sharing. "I always thought you didn't have a thing for me because I was a dumb jock..." And in high school he was okay with that. He understood that sometimes that wasn't someones thing. He felt a bit of guilt in his chest when she said it was never the right time "I was going to tell you how I felt the day you told me you were moving away from college...but I didn't want to do that to you." He shook his head "I figured if it was going to happen you'd come back....then you did and I panicked again." He chuckled with a sigh.
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