#mun thoughts meme
thatslayer · 2 years

[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on:
Elijah Mikaelson as portrayed by @enduringlystoic and submitted by @viikingwitch
character in general: Elijah. He's a trip, isn't he? Such a deep, complex character. Odd contradiction of savage and gentle. J'adore but probably not as much as Faith does.
the mun: Rhi is such a good bean. I think we followed each other for ages before we finally started writing things ---- ridiculous amount of talent for all those amazing muses!
do i;
follow them: Always and forever.
rp with them: We have, like. FIfty thousand threads lol. Maybe someday we'll finish one of them?
want to rp with them: Always! Throw any muse at me, any time!
ship their character with mine: Seems to have gone that way, doesn't it? Faith is entirely, ridiculously smitten.
what is my;
overall opinion: So much Rhi love. Just a really fun and kind person who happens to also be a really great writer. <3
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rpmemes-galore · 3 months
send me " outside perspective " + a situation, and i'll write a short drabble from an npc's perspective seeing my muse in that situation
ie. a civilian seeing a superpowered muse use their powers, or a passerby seeing a crime centered muse committing a heist, etc.
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carpememes · 2 months
Based on the way they talk/write, where do you think the mun of the blog is from?
Or where did you think they were from prior to finding out?
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lncarnon · 5 months
hello world and all who inhabit it i present spicy
just going through my list of muses;
nadia is very touch adverse and subsequently hasn't been laid in a long time, only interested in men
nekros is exempt from spicy hc's
teshin has a non-existent sex drive
stalker very, very rarely is horny and the moments where he is are typically reserved for his acolytes, so good luck
julie has definitely used her charm and looks to seduce people to their death but the only time she would actually let it get anywhere, is with frank, or frank's permission
joey is definitely still a virgin, not for lack of trying, but he is wholly unsure what to do with himself in that regard
were-elk huntress would be quite a terrifying ordeal and since she has no interest in men, might be seduced by a woman but also.. good luck with that one
krampus trapper fucks, he's a scary demon goat-man, but no one has been brave enough to even try
b-312 has no interest in seeking out sex, though there is a chance someone could try and convince her, good luck. she definitely would not be interested in casual encounters.
the warden is a giant robot, no
the servant of the flame definitely still has a sex drive and they use the same magic that made them, to manifest a dick, but sex is far from the first thing on their mind
mia is open to a very loose lifestyle and flings, but her job keeps a lot from developing
finka has a very specific type of man she is interested in and if you don't fit that category, the answer is likely no, but she will be nice about it
yellowleg also doesn't think about sex, if ever
rosebud is the opposite and likes to use sex as a means to conquer cocky guys, if you get her in bed better prepare for her being on top
thatcher likes a good fuck as much as the next guy, but his age is starting to get to him, and if you asked out of the blue or at a bar he would probably just chuckle and decline
maximilien fucks but he never initiates, though he won't go to bed with strangers
the monitor before becoming the monitor had a normal sex drive, but ever since his training, sees no purpose in it (with one exception and they know who they are)
june likes sex, how it makes her feel, and she engages in it whenever convenient
amon would definitely use sex as a means to control someone, full stop, he isn't interested in attachment
revenant has bodies with modifications both for mouth and other means, he doesn't get horny, but would absolutely capitalize on making someone feel ashamed because they wanted to fuck a murder robot
slade hasn't really thought about sex since everything that happened in star city, it isn't something he goes looking for, and will satiate himself if it comes up
jeri knows what sex is but would be unlikely to do anything with that information, that being said, if you really wanted to go to town with a xenomorph and not be killed go ahead and try i GUESS
for walter there seems to be some suggestion that trolls have private parts but they don't use them to reproduce so i have NO IDEA if they could fuck. walter is far more human adjacent so he might?? try, if someone wanted.
zachariah definitely gets horny, but is fairly picky on whether or not he is going to be asking for help from anyone
aria will frequent a few bars around the local area if she is really feeling like she needs some release, but don't expect her to stick around
theoretically you could have sex with the ahamkara but also why would you want to do that
saint-14 is very much a monogamous man and that's the end of that
rasputin is another one of those 'you could but he wouldn't understand what's going on' characters, so probably don't try, his son might also hunt you down-
araskes is in a state of being that she doesn't have physical needs to any degree, for food, or sex. i guess it would not be impossible to seduce her but you would have better luck seducing a brick wall
delilah is bisexual but lesbian leaning, so women will definitely have better chances at engaging with her
the outsider hasn't been human in centuries, but if you approach him in my au where he was freed from being a god, he would be pretty lost as to what he is feeling and what to do about it haha. oldest virgin.
daud is asexual, he'd let you think you are getting somewhere and then he would probably stab you for being so gullible
caska is a giant cat, she would only be interested in other giant cats and even then she isn't interested in starting a family yet
rindul is a vampire that knows how to have a good time, but most people are scared of him, so he often has quite a bit of alone time
elam, as an assassin, has definitely used sex to get to a target. at least he lets them finish before gutting them. not much interest outside of work
lord warden dusk is a very large, dragon-like demon, who definitely could fuck but doesn't inherently have much of a sex drive if ever and would use it against a mortal readily. but hey, if you are into size difference-
the ascendant lord is just a guy, with a high position in society on both sides of his person. he gets offers all the time so you really would have to make an impression to get that kind of attention from him
maxwell only had eyes for one girl, and she hates him, so don't bother
shay fucks when the need arises, but it's usually limited to someone he already knows
aiden would be a task and a half to seduce, he usually sticks to himself
teylan is exempt from the spicy hc's
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antvnger · 1 year
She’s everything. He’s just Ken.
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divinityunleashed · 24 days
So I made a meme blog:
Feel free to follow and reblog memes, suggest some memes, if you want to!
I'll be over there every so often either reblogging other memes or making new ones if I have the spark for it!
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mudskip-memes · 10 days
Send me '📝' for the mun to talk about writing; whether it be a style/format they enjoy, something they do with their own writing, pet peeves, advice, favorite authors, etc.
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enypneon · 8 months
searching for words describing someone's physique and finding this:
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lilmcttens · 5 months
🩵 Hmm. The illusions Track color heart. 😉🙂
This is gonna be interesting! 🙂
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
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Well. For obvious reasons the bigger prankster is Emira! Come now, She's been pranking Amity probably since she could walk. Amity shows a lot of restraint. Plotting and waiting for the right time to strike. Does Amity ever get the last laugh in pranks? I would say. No. Not very often. Pranks are not (my) Amity's forte or strong suit it takes a lot to fool two illusionists who have been doing that type of Showmanship magic all her life. That's more Gus's Speciality Amity more than often tends to suffer for it!
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forgottnseccnd · 5 months
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The insane shithead that was Aurelius ripped open a rift into the Warp, through the very fabric of time and space, all to gesture to it like an open door.
" So perhaps I may have quite the ally. My brothers may not like him. But my sister absolutely shall. He is polite. And very much enjoys the Ancient Terran Hymns that often play within his helm. His moniker is the Doom Slayer. "
Nirisch stared at the rift in pure fucking terror.
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gremlinsbooty · 1 year
I distracted myself from nasty headache and made a silly short cover from one of my favourite J-Pop songs with one of my favourite VOCALOID, lol.
P.S. Laugh at me, but Cars 2 invented me Perfume.
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thatslayer · 2 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on:
Mutt Williams aka Henry Jones III as portrayed by @muttwilliams
character in general: Mutt. God, he is such an idiot but I love him so much. There are issues with that fourth Indy flick (mostly that it was made in the 00s, and 99.9% of films made in the 00s are meh at best), but Jr. isn't one of them.
the mun: Josh. I miss you so much. One of my oldest and dearest rp partners, stretching back to when the internet was still cooling, as Wil would say. Back to the original gang. I think Adventureland was the last time we were all together, all us old-timers. And it was the first time you picked up Mutt as a muse?
do i;
follow them: Alllways, darlin'.
rp with them: Not like we used to. We have one thread that's a throwback to Adventureland (sort of a continuation, set years later) but work life sadly makes it hard to stay in contact.
want to rp with them: Yes, always!
ship their character with mine: I didn't at first, but that came with time. They're so much alike that the ship is a little rumbly, there are arguments, but nothing serious and it works, somehow.
what is my;
overall opinion: Epic writer. Seriously, ridiculously talented. For the record, you should really consider bringing Castiel back because you were so good writing for him.
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visionkept · 1 year
What were your muse's last words ?
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monmuses · 1 year
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Post 4 characters that you relate to and let people make assumptions about you!
REPOST. Do not reblog.
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eifnacht · 1 year
⟡   ⬝   ( self. ) ┋ the great detective.
⟡   ⬝   ( aes. ) ┋ dedication to my people.
⟡   ⬝   ( thoughts. ) ┋ a freedom to choose to be better.
⟡   ⬝   ( ooc. ) ┋ sometimes you gotta just say something weird.
⟡   ⬝   ( music. ) ┋ headphones and daydreams.
⟡   ⬝   ( queue. ) ┋ madder than a hatter spinning only faster.
⟡   ⬝   ( about. ) ┋ zeal and dedication; two sides of the same coin.
⟡   ⬝   ( memes. ) ┋ world's end dancehall.
⟡   ⬝   ( asks ) ┋ won't you sit and talk for a while?
⟡   ⬝   ( mun art ) ┋ whisper your love and i'll whisper mine.
⟡   ⬝   ( v01 main ) ┋ forever entangled in a web of misconception.
⟡   ⬝   ( v02 HSR ) ┋ imagined precipice between here and nowhere.
⟡   ⬝   ( v03 fantasy ) ┋ a fine line between ferocity and frenzy.
⟡   ⬝   ( v04 wellspring ) ┋ searching for answers on distant shorelines.
⟡   ⬝   ( v05 pathfinder ) ┋ a world of possibility & probability.
⟡   ⬝   ( self promo ) ┋ love for the writer.
⟡   ⬝   ( promotion ) ┋ love for the audience.
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antvnger · 1 year
((Okay gang, I made a thing for any muse))
Ask me a thing Game
Is there someone in your universe you want to meet you haven’t met yet?
What’s the dumbest thing to happen in your universe so far you’re still dumbfounded over?
What’s something you’re glad happened to you?
If you could have a catchphrase, what would it be?
If you could change your superhero name, what would you pick?
Is there anything about your superhero outfit you want to change?
What song is your theme song? (Like which one speaks to who you are?)
What’s a superpower you’ve witnessed in action that you can’t believe actually exists? Can be silly or serious power
Who is someone you want to avoid like the plague but can’t?
Who is your biggest supporter?
Do you have a nemesis? What do you think about them?
If you were turned into an animal, which one most embodies your personality?
What’s a memory you want to relive?
What’s something the hoi polloi assume about you that you have no idea where that came from?
You’re feeling like doing something nostalgic. What will you do to satisfy that feeling?
You’ve got a craving for a specific food. What popped into your head just now?
What’s something that didn’t happen you wish did?
Give a shoutout to one (or all, if you want) of your friends!
Give a shoutout to yourself.
Bonus! For the mun - favorite canon moment regarding your muse you could watch over and over again
Bonus! For the mun - canon moment that made you go what the heck? Whether for your muse or someone else.
Feel free to reblog and share!
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