#multi- spec
bisexualpositivity · 2 years
It’s time for a LGBTQ+ demographic survey!
If your orientation wasn’t on this list, please comment on this post! We want to learn more about you and how you identify.
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Okay, if this isn’t good, tell me what to fix and I’ll redo it.
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pansexual-pied-piper · 4 months
M-spec men. You agree. Reblog.
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My take on the m-spec gay flags/m-spec gay flag redesigns
m-spec | bi | pan | poly | omni | abro
free to use by anyone, even those who fit my dni. reblogs appreciated
main flag stripe meanings:
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ivygorgon · 1 year
It is time to Celebrate Bisexuality Day, tumblrinas!
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Text from CBD wiki page:
Celebrate Bisexuality Day (also called Bisexual Pride Day, Bi Visibility Day, CBD, Bisexual Pride and Bi Visibility Day, and Bisexuality+ Day) is observed annually on September 23 to recognize and celebrate bisexual people, the bisexual community, and the history of bisexuality.
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Femarsic Pride Flag
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Femarsic, femmarsic, femmascic, masfemaric, femasric, or mascfemaric: an umbrella term for those attracted to men and women; being both mascic and femaric (either fluidly or simultaneously).
This includes those who are, for example: ambisexual/ambiromantic, abrosexual/abroromantic or otherwise m-spec; womasexual maromantic or masexual womaromantic; centriorientation and multiorientation of gyne- and andro-.
The flag was designed by duwang-flags-inc. The term was coined by me. Not to be confused with femascic or marsic.
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Platoniromantic+ bellusromantic culture is thinking you're biromantic, because you had those feelings for all of your friends, then being told that no, actually most people don't feel "in love" like that.
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Books of 2024: THE WAY SPRING ARRIVES AND OTHER STORIES, edited by Yu Chen and Regina Kanyu Wang (feat. first daffodils!!)
I've been pining after this one since the hardback released, but I'm more of a paperback person so I Waited, and in my Waiting I missed the seasonal alignment to start reading it (come on: I can't be expected to read a collection with this title any time except at the very beginning of spring, right??). But! Guess what!! Spring is once again Arriving, and things are starting to bud and bloom, and I love that!
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fnibble · 28 days
cant believe i got myself addicted to wow again
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ghostlyerlkonig · 5 months
Chappell Roan... ily..... do not regret finding you on bandcamp in 2020..... but if I see one more separatist terfy asshole say lesbians are the only ones to be able to relate to part of a song ABOUT A PAST LOVER EXPERIENCING comphet and NOT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF someone experiencing it, I'm going to kill myself.
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butraura · 4 months
I’m lost, living inside my own illusions
Pairing: Buck and Eddie Chapters: 1/? Words: 3,795 Tags: #angst, #hurt/comfort, #eddie!breakdown, #canon compliant, #buddie fighting, #changing tenses, #eddie diaz is in therapy, etc.
“Christopher,” she smiled, a mask thinly veiling the tears that were welling in her eyes. She stroked the backs of his hands soothingly. “I’m, uh… I’m gonna go, okay? I have to go. I’m sorry. I’ll see you again soon, okay?” He frowned. “I don’t want you to go,” he whispered. “I know,” she nodded, her hand finding his cheek comfortingly. “And I’m sorry. But I have to go. You’re a good kid,” she told him sincerely. “You deserve better than this.” Eddie was fully crying now, the weight of his actions sitting on his chest like an elephant, and as he watched Marisol get into her car in the driveway, he spared her one last look before Christopher was stalking toward him. “That wasn’t Mom, was it?” It was less a question than it was a statement. He knew. If he knew anything at all, it was that the woman that looked like his mother was not his mother. Eddie was hesitant, but conceded. “No, it wasn’t.” Christopher just nodded and brushed past his father briskly. “Mhm.” And there Eddie stood, in his living room after everyone walked out on him.
Eddie goes to therapy for the umpteenth time.
Read now on AO3!
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zzwebkinzz · 1 year
you know what? i like you. *shows you all my wirt icons i made out of sheer spite*
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Multiflux Gay flag redesigns
multiflux | biflux | panflux | polyflux | omniflux | abroflux
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sketchy-galaxy · 1 year
🌈 Horde Prime uwu
🌈 Pansexual/multi spec!
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Multi- Veldian Pride Flags
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Omni Veldian (omnildian, not to be confused with omnigay/omniveldian): someone experiencing attraction to all genders and being gay for men.
Ply Veldian (poly- veldian/polyveldian/plyveldian/polyldian): someone attracted to various genders, not necessarily all, while gay for men.
Pan Veldian (panveldian): attracted to people regardless of gender, while gay for men.
Bi Veldian (biveldian/bildian): encompassing the attraction between two genders and all genders, while gay for men.
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rabbitindisguise · 2 years
Pansexuals are cool. I keep seeing people misinterpreting the history of it, assuming it's cis people being faux progressive and fixing a word problem that isn't actually even there, rather than of trans people being rejected by bisexuals because of transphobia and choosing to take up the word pansexual instead (especially to find people who categorically could not exclude trans people from the dating pool on the basis of their orientation)
I don't believe all bisexuals or bisexuality itself is transphobic, but at the same time "we're not inherently transphobic" feels a sloppy apology for decades of cis people going ew yuck a trans person bi people don't date transsexuals- and while that's not the main reason I'm not bi it's certainly not encouraging when bi cis people still ignore that history to claim to be Super Allies like transphobia being said by cis bi people never was a problem
And like I'm polysexual so the only horse I have is how much it sucks when people get pissy about newer identity terms. But nonetheless it's really annoying as an observer when people are using queer history for some kind of exclusionary agenda to justify saying pan people are transphobic somehow (???). Pansexuals are fundamentally a group just trying to either be kind to their trans partners and trans people, or trying to find potential people who will date them as a trans person without outing themselves first. That's an important safer space like T4T is an important safer space, it just includes trans people not willing to swear off dating cis people entirely.
And for bi and trans people who aren't afraid of some random bi person getting transphobic with them, I have infinite respect for that specifically. I wish more bi cis people understood that the rest of us aren't interested in playing transphobia chicken though. It's not personal. I don't think bi people are transphobic because I'm mspec but not bi. I think pansexuals want to advertise that they're willing to put in the work to date a trans person even if they're cis, and trans pansexuals want to be flagging that they're T4T, and non-binary pansexuals want an option that doesn't even suggest binary language applying to something so personal about themselves. I think as a polysexual I'm not interested in seeing if I'm attracted to men and women, or even if I'm attracted to men or women. To call myself bisexual and potentially just not be interested in binary women or binary men would be super confusing.
We all have good reasons that not be bi, and even if they were bad reasons we'd still not be bi because it's about what we pick to call ourselves. I'm not pansexual and no one has had a problem accepting that so far, so it's disappointing to keep getting heckled by cis people that I'm not bi. It's especially frustrating because basically all bi people I know in real life and even online are totally accepting of all my weird complex labels and totally lovely, so this is an obscure phenomenon like radical feminism is in the grand scheme of feminism as a whole. It's also disrespectful to bi trans people to reduce systematic oppression to pansexuals existing and I hate that they're using tackling biphobia as the mouthpiece of exclusionary rhetoric.
(Of course there's also people who are like "lav this is a lot of thoughts on a topic I wasn't even aware existed before reading this post" and thank goodness for that)
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