#much happier w this design... i really liked his previous one but this one just feels better
botseeksbot · 1 year
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Hyojong is incredibly soft around you, he loves to be able to cuddle up to you and often uses his affection to make sure that you feel loved as that’s his number one priority. His affection will always be close and meaningful with you.
The two of you met when you were working at the studio that he was rehearsing at. You weren’t quite sure what it was about you both, but the two of you just instantly seemed to click. You spent the whole day chatting away to each other and getting to know each other, finding out about all the things that you had in common with each other.
It didn’t take too long for Hyojong to confess to you, he enjoyed your company, and there was no way that he was going to risk losing you to someone else first. He confessed one evening when the two of you went out for a walk, he sat you down on a bench halfway through your walk, taking a tight hold of your hand as he tried his hardest to remain calm and tell you everything that he wanted to say to you.
Hyojong always made time for you, at least once a week the two of you would have a whole evening where you’d just be with each other, with your phones switched off. He knew he was busy a lot, so he’d make up for plenty of lost time with your dates. He would make sure that every date the two of you had was special and made sure that it was something you’d remember. He much preferred your dates to be quiet and relaxed then anything too overwhelming, his main focus was just being able to talk to you.
He didn’t care what anyone thought about the fact that he was in a relationship, he wanted to put his own happiness first, regardless of what anyone else thought. He knew what he had to do in order to go about things in the right way, having learnt from previous experiences, but if anyone was to tell him no, then he’d definitely go ahead and do the complete opposite. He was his own person, he didn’t need his company to tell him what he could or couldn’t do, his career would always be important to him, but so was love.
The two of you didn’t tend to fight often, but if you did, it would usually end in something pretty big. The two of you were stubborn, and firmly believed that you were right in any disagreement that the two of you had. It would usually take for one of your friends to nudge the two of you back together and encourage you to talk things through. As much as you hated to fight with each other, you both knew that arguments were natural in relationships and that no one expected to live your lives always on the best of terms. Eventually, the two of you would always talk things through and carry on like nothing ever happened.
To begin with, Hyojong’s family were quite protective, it took a couple of visits for them to really warm to you. It certainly made you nervous for a while, but as you gradually began to feel that you were accepted as a part of his family, it definitely made life easier for you, and put you in a much happier position with Hyojong.
Hyojong didn’t want to rush your relationship, he wanted to work at a pace that was comfortable for you both, but as he began to work a lot more, he was keen to move you in after a few months so that he could spend more time with you. He didn’t want to wait for days to see you anymore, he wanted to see you when he got home instead.
He was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ when you surprised him at a concert. He hadn’t seen you for a couple of weeks because he was working so hard, so when you had the chance to head over and see him, you took it in an instance. He didn’t have time to think when he saw your face for the first time, he just found himself letting you know that he loved you.
Around other people is often when Hyojong will feel most insecure. He knows that others think of him as a bit of a unique character, so when someone else tries to compare themselves to him, he’ll often shrink back into his shell. Just the feeling of your hand holding onto him will usually be enough to convince him that he has no reason to get jealous, but for the rest of the night he’ll definitely be a bit off the ball until the two of you can finally leave and he can go back to being in a more comfortable environment.
Starting a family was a huge deal to Hyojong, he wanted to complete that family dynamic whenever the time was right for the two of you. You knew at the start of your relationship that his career was the priority, but as your relationship became more serious, that focus tended to shift more to trying to find a balance of making his career work, but also looking towards a future with you, preferably with children too.
You loved the many quirks that Hyojong had, he was unique, which was what you loved the most about him. There was never a day when he didn’t make you laugh, even if he was busy at work, he’d send you a dodgy selfie or send you a silly joke that he knew would put the smile on his face. He didn’t care how much of a fool he looked around you, if it was enough to make you laugh, then it was good enough for him. You would never not find yourself smiling around him, you just couldn’t help but enjoy Hyojong’s company.
Now that he was travelling alone, Hyojong was more desperate to have you with him than ever. He’d try and work his schedules around you too so that you could take along and he could show you a bit more of the world. If you weren’t there, touring and promoting would feel very lonely for Hyojong. Not having you by his side was hard for him, especially if time zones meant that he wouldn’t be able to call you every day or receive a text from you. Whenever he came home from tour, he didn’t let you go for a very long time, he knew he had a lot of time to make up for, and despite your protests, he’d refuse to let you go.
When you first started dating, Hyojong mentioned to you how he loved when you called him ‘jongie,’ so that was what stuck for you both. Any time he heard you say it, it was a guarantee that his cheeks would turn bright red.
Hyojong is obsessed with your heart, he loves what a pure and kind person you are, it’s the exact type of person a personality like his needs.
Whilst he’s not over the top with his affection, Hyojong isn’t afraid to be affectionate with you in public. When he tells you that he doesn’t care what other people think, he means it, if he wants to show you off and hold you close to him, then he will. He never fusses or lets other people’s stares bother him.
He’ll ask you a lot of questions, as he loves to strike up conversation with you. A lot of his questions are random, but that’s something that you’ve come to expect over the years, you never quite know what he’ll say.
Whenever he’s away on tour, Hyojong will carry a bracelet with him and wear it for his shows. It fits in well with the other bands around his wrist, but when you see it on his wrist, you know that he’s wearing it because of you. In interviews or segments, he’ll often fiddle with the bracelet to make a point of making sure that the camera focuses on it so you can see that he’s playing with the bracelet especially for you.
He’s incredibly soft when it comes to intimacy, he loves to make sure that you feel loved and special around him. Out of the two of you, he’ll tend to be the one that dominates a little more, he still likes to be the man and be the one to put in all the hard work, but if you mention to him that you want to switch, then he definitely won’t turn you down. Ultimately, all Hyojong ever wants is for you to be happy with him.
Texting is not something Hyojong is a fan of, if he wants to get in contact with you, he’ll usually call, just so he can see your face. Even if it’s only for a couple of minutes, just being able to see your face is a huge relief for him.
There were many times when Hyojong was left feeling pretty misunderstood or like an outsider, but around you, he really knew that he could be himself. You made him feel safe and protected, which was all he ever wanted.
Hyojong loves the fact that he’s the one who can show you the world, he loves to take you to new places and give you as many new opportunities as possible. Even if it’s just a quick stop on a tour or for a promo, he’ll make sure to show you around so that you can explore and open your eyes to a whole new world.
If he doesn’t have your attention, there are definitely times when Hyojong can get quite loud to make sure that you know he’s in the room and wants you.
He’s incredibly affectionate, and with that, he loves to kiss you. His kisses vary a lot, sometimes it will just be a light peck on the cheek, other times he’ll love to tease you, either by allowing his lips to linger against your skin or nibble gently against your skin. The feeling of you squirming as he presses his lips to you is exactly the reaction that Hyojong craves, all he wants is for you to be on your toes when he’s around.
You were the one that understood exactly who Hyojong was, which he loved.
When you slept, it became a bit of a habit for you to start tracing Hyojong’s tattoos. He loved feeling your hands dance along his skin, often coming up with new designs too against whatever exposed skin you could find.
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imaginepirates · 5 years
Bad Days
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A Will x Reader fluff in which the reader is feeling down and Will tries to cheer her up.
@apirateslifeforme2 @bonjour-frens @tesserphantom
~3150 words
          You felt down. Not for any particular reason, but you recognized the cold melancholy settling over you all the same. It happened sometimes, and it made you feel guilty. Life was good for you. There was no reason for your sadness.
         Your hands, which were supposed to be embroidering a hat, sat like lead in your lap. You tried moving them. They didn't budge.
          You worked for your sister's embroidery shop. It was a pleasant business, being nearly the most peaceful job a woman could get. The only stress came with massive projects and deadlines. The amount of girls needed to work on one dress was astounding.
          You snapped back to focus after gazing absently out the window. The hat in front of you was a plain navy blue item much in need of embellishment. You sized it up, considering what feathers and lace to adorn it with. You decided that a lighter shade of blue would be perfect for the embroidery.
          No matter how hard you tried, your focus slipped in and out. After deliberating for ten minutes, you realized that even with the decisions made, you wouldn't have the motivation to actually decorate the hat.
          You sat at a small table feeling thoroughly defeated. The image of your books upstairs flashed in your mind. If only you could read them.
          Your sister walked in. She was the type of woman with a loud presence. Her sense of style was one that drew the eye. It managed to be rather outrageous, and, at the same time, be wonderfully fashionable. She turned heads. You didn't have this skill, and for that you were somewhat thankful.
          She glanced at the hat sitting forlornly on the table. Then, she looked back to you. Something about your composure gave you away, because she frowned. "You're not feeling too well, are you?" She'd always had a good ability to read you.
          "Not particularly, no," you admitted. There was no use hiding anything from her.
          She sighed. "Take some time off. You're always down here; you don't even go out with the girls to lunch!" The girls she spoke of were your coworkers. "You could use some time to yourself, I think."
          That was her way of saying, 'you're in one of those moods you get sometimes.' It wasn't exactly untrue, but you felt badly for it.
          The greatest thing about your sister was that she didn't judge. No matter how many times you felt awful, she'd let you off the hook. You'd been close since childhood, and you'd managed to keep your relationship positive despite your differences.
          "Thank you," you said. Then, you ascended the stairs at the back of your shop to reach the small set of rooms above. You lived there with your sister. It was small, but it served.
          A pot of cold tea sat on a little table next to scones left over from breakfast. You set one on a plate with some jam and walked to your room. There, you sat heavily on the bed. You grabbed your book, reading as you ate.
          There were many disadvantages to feeling melancholy. One was that you couldn't enjoy anything.
          You set the book back down. Your scone was only half-eaten, but you set it aside. Instead, you laid on your back on the bed. You did so for some time. Your room, after closing the door, was dark. You nearly fell back asleep, but little knots in your stomach kept you awake.
          You needed to do something. It would help. You knew it would. You just didn't have the energy.
          Time passed, though you hadn't the slightest idea of how much. Slowly, you rose from your bed and cracked the door open. The light was harsh to your eyes. Bit by bit, you convinced yourself to leave the room.
          You had decided that the best way to beat your emotions was to counteract them with something else. In this case, you'd be using a someone else. You left a note on your poor excuse for a dining table explaining where you would be.
          Will never failed to cheer you. He didn't even have to do anything; just being around him brightened your day. He was a special sort of person. The sort that, no matter what's happened, manages to obliviously make you happier.
          You'd known Will since his arrival in Port Royal. He was a shy young man, and he was a kind soul. He was much softer than you'd expect of a blacksmith. Where the regular smith's personality was grough and their voice a rumble, Will was much the opposite.
          Not to mention, he'd grown into a handsome catch. Of course, you'd known him since his gangly limbs couldn't keep up with his awkward body. Now, though, after growing into himself, he was a fine man.
          You found yourself at the door to the forge sooner than expected. Your thoughts had so distracted you, you hadn't been paying attention to your path. Thankfully, your feet knew the way.
          You stood at the back entrance. Will was more likely to answer your knocking there. Besides, you weren't coming in as a customer.
          As you predicted, the wooden bar on the inside of the door shifted, and one door opened to a picture of Will's face. A dark apron covered his front. You knew he was making something, and slipped inside so you could watch.
          "Y/N, it's good to see you." He was always polite, no matter the occasion. Somehow, he even managed to make your first name sound formal.
          "I'm glad to see you, too," you said. "But don't let me keep you from your work. I see you've got something going."
          He nodded. "Another sword. The navy can't get enough of them."
          "I'm sure."
          You watched him at work. It was nothing short of fascinating. Many of his movements were perfect repetitions of previous ones. If he struck the metal just so, it would do this. If he heated it again and folded it over itself, it would do that.
          You were glad to get lost in his work. The distraction was more than welcome. Will, for all the physical effort he put into his work, looked ever calm. You could swear that he'd been born in fire and raised in steel.
          He finished not too long after. He'd obviously been working for a while before you came. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his arm. The forge was hot, and his shirt stuck to his chest. You hated to admit how it drew your gaze.
          "How are you?" He asked. "It feels like you haven't stopped by lately."
          "I don't think I have. I'm," you hesitated, "alright."
          "Is something wrong?" Will stepped closer. He'd seen you act this way before. It didn't concern him, exactly, because nothing bad had ever come of it, but it made him sad.
          "No," you said. It was the truth. Nothing was wrong. Yet for some reason…
          "Here, come see this." He led you over to his latest work and pulled it from a bucket of water.
          You'd always taken an interest in his work. Swords were interesting things, and they were beautiful for being so deadly. He made other things too, of course. Many of them were for the navy's use. It made them feel uglier to you. Despite the necessity of the navy, you couldn't shake the image of people in chains.
          Will knew how to keep your mind off your troubles. Often, you did the same for him. He understood that you didn't want to talk about how you felt. Instead, he shifted the topic of conversation to other things.
          The sword was like many others in the shop. There was nothing particularly special about it, save for the fact that it was made by Will. His blades were of good quality, and the navy bought from his master for a reason. That reason was not his master.
          "There's another I've made recently, but it's at the jewelers." Will put the sword away. "They have a floral design planned for the inlay. To contrast with the sword itself," he added.
          "It sounds beautiful. Who is it for?" It wasn't often that Will received commissions for elaborate swords. It happened every once in a while, but any sword sent to a jeweler was prized beyond words. You loved looking at the final product before it was sent off.
           "A captain in England. It's a shame for it to be sent off. I would've liked to see it sometimes."
          You felt badly that Will spent so much time on things without getting to see them again.
          You talked a while about simple things, like what had happened recently and the latest news you had. Unfortunately, the talking couldn't block out the feeling of emptiness sitting in your chest. It weighed you down like a lungful of water.
          "A walk?" Will suggested.  
          "It would be my pleasure." You wrapped your arm in his after leaving the building. He led you down streets filled with little shops displaying pastries and jewelry in their windows.
          You loved taking walks with Will. You never went in any particular direction, you just ambled aimlessly down streets. He was a man of few words, and the surrounding noise likely would've drowned out anything he had to say anyway.
          Your feet led you to the wharf. It was a bustling place, but you could always find a point to sit and watch the activity. You both ended up on barrels, sitting just far enough away from it all to pleasantly lose focus. The sun warmed your skin, making you drowsy.
          "Y/N," said Will softly. "Do you want to talk about it?"
          He'd noticed, then. "I don't know what to say. Nothing's happened…you know how it is."
          "Is there anything I can do?"
          It was such a pure question. It wasn't typical for men to concern themselves with the emotions of girls. Will, though, cared.
          "I don't think so, really." You stared at your feet. They dangled off the ground from your position on the bucket. "Being with you makes me feel better, though."
          You felt awkward looking up into his eyes. Cautiously, he took your hand, as if afraid you might pull away. The action made you feel warm all over.
          You sat like that, hands intertwined, until evening began to set in. He led you back to the forge and again donned his leather apron.
          "I have something for you." He climbed the narrow steps to his living quarters. He came back holding a small, rectangular parcel. "Here." He handed it to you.
          You knew it was a book the moment you touched it. You wondered how long he'd had it. You didn't always see each other often, working in very different places.
          Slowly, you unwrapped the brown paper. Pushing it aside with your fingers, you felt the cover of the volume. It was a well-bound copy of Gulliver's Travels. You smiled, and by the look in his eye, it made him feel better. "Thank you."
          "I know you love adventures. It's unfortunate you're always having them without me."
          You couldn't help but laugh. When you were younger, you'd tried teaching Will to read. He wasn't much good at it as a child, and he hadn't gotten better as an adult. He didn't enjoy books the way you did. That being said, you were constantly on literary adventures without him.
          The encounter left you feeling better. You still weren't feeling normal, but you decided better was good. You couldn't get Will's lopsided smile as you received the book out of your head.
          By the time you were home, it was well past dinner. Thankfully, you still had that half a scone left. Your sister had set some food out for you, too, which was considerate of her.
          You fell into bed after eating. You didn't even have the energy to read. Instead, you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
          The next morning, you read your book. You continued well into the afternoon. It was nice, but you could hardly concentrate. It wasn't like you, and you wondered whether you should be concerned.
          You hadn't gotten out of bed save to get food. Reluctantly, you pulled yourself from the blankets and cracked open the curtains. The light was rather blinding, even through such a small opening.
          Your sister had given you another day off, much to your relief. There was still a whole empty section of your chest where there was usually feeling.
          You were surprised to find Will standing out in the street under your window. He was pacing, as if unable to make up his mind. You suspected he was there to speak with you. You also suspect that he was getting up the nerve to knock on the door.
          That was one thing about him. Despite the fact that you were comfortable arriving at the forge unannounced, he couldn't do so at your shop. Really, it was adorable. As if you'd ever say no to his company.
          You didn't give him time to contemplate. The door was open before he knocked. He clearly didn't notice your hastily thrown on clothes, nor your slightly rumpled hair.
          "Y/N!" He took half a step back in surprise. "How are you?"
          "Better, but not fully there."
          "Have you enjoyed the book?"
          "Of course!" It was only half a lie. You'd relished the volume, but not as much as you might have otherwise. "May I inquire as to the occasion?" It wasn't often that Will showed up at your shop.
          "I have the day off, and the forge to myself. I hoped you'd like some company." His hand set itself on the back of his neck in a nervous gesture.
          "I wouldn't dream of saying no." You smiled, perhaps the most genuine smile of the past two days. "Where's Mr. Brown?" Mr. Brown was the blacksmith, or so everyone thought. It was, in fact, Will doing all the work.
          "Out." Will said it flatly, which meant he disapproved of what the man was doing.
          "And what shall we be doing?"
          Will blushed a bit at this. "The Dragon has nice music going in the afternoons."
          The Dragon was a tavern with the keenest fiddler in town. Port Royal didn't actually have many fiddlers, but you were sure this one was good by any city's standards. You'd only heard him on a few occasions, but those few times had shown his skill.
          "I like your thinking." In fact, upbeat music might help you. Besides, it was hard to feel empty when so much was going on around you. Your heart would beat just that much faster.
          The fiddler was a real showman. His name was John, and he was regarded by the tavern-going population to be some sort of celebrity. He could get people singing and dancing like no other.
         And he did.
         It turned out the Will was an atrocious dancer. You were, too, for that matter, but nobody was paying you the least bit of mind. The music, combined with the dancing, finally made you feel. And, said a little part  of your brain, it was nice to be so close to Will.
          You hadn't danced with him before. It was new to you; you hadn't danced with any man before. You found that you liked it, and looking at his face, he liked it too.
          When the fiddling ended, you were faced with the dreadful prospect of returning home. You weren't fond of the idea of being alone again. Sure, you had your sister, but she'd be busy from dawn until dusk.
          Instead, Will had a different idea. "Would you come back to the forge with me?" He asked. "I have something to show you."
          You hadn't the slightest idea what he had in mind. "Of course."
          You walked arm in arm. There was a small, silly smile on your face. You believed it had to do with dancing, and the fact that the night wasn't yet over.
         A night's chill set in. It never got truly cold in Port Royal, but a nip in the air bit at your skin. Once at the forge, Will started a fire. You were glad for the warmth. Your curiosity began to pester you, your brain trying to come up with the reason he'd asked you there.
          Blushing, Will grabbed your hand. "We'll have to go upstairs."
          You blushed, too. Will was much too shy to make any advances on you, but the prospect of going to his room embarrassed you.
          You hadn't been in his room before. There wasn't much to it. There was a bed, and a cupboard, but not much else.
          When Will opened his window and stepped onto the sill, you didn't know what to expect. He stepped out onto the roof, and offered you a hand. It scared you to climb out onto the roof, but you did so.
          To the right, though you could hardly make it out, were two blankets. He led you to them, and you sat on one, pulling the other over your lap.
          "I'm afraid I don't know many of the constellations, but I figured you would."
          "Oh!" You were delighted. "I haven't gone stargazing in forever!" You pointed out a few constellations to him, tracing them in the night sky with a finger.
          The blankets you had were small. To fit under them, you and Will had to sit close together. Very close together. The warmth of his thigh against yours was likely hotter than the fire in the room below.
          Will knew more about the sky than he let on. You supposed he'd learned at sea. The night gradually wore on, and you leaned your head against his shoulder. You hadn't even meant to. In response, an arm wrapped itself softly around your back. Will looked at you with questioning eyes. He was likely worried you didn't want his arm around you, but you didn't pull away.
          It was as you started to doze that Will rubbed your arm. "Tired?" He whispered.
          You hummed your agreement. You made your way back inside, careful not to slip. Will draped the blankets across a chair by the fire in the forge. There wasn't another chair in sight. You wiggled in next to Will, who, if somewhat embarrassed, was receptive to the idea.
          You ought to return home. It was the proper thing to do.
          The fire was warm, and the streets were not. You were tired, and Will's head rested against yours, his fingers playing lazily with your hair.
          So you stayed. Happier than you'd been in weeks, you fell asleep.
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mind-writing0 · 6 years
Chapter 29
"Excellent, now...can I get a shot of Sir Virgil with the head maid? Great design, by the way"
Virgil and Pidge posed next to the tea table in the Men's room, not looking at the camera as they held a fake conversation.
"I'm kind of nervous," Pidge muttered, shuffling papers and flipping through designs as Allura and Romelle busied themselves with tea.
"It's okay," Virgil replied, "it's just pictures, and I'm sure most people are only looking at me...which would be surprising, 'cause you're pretty, okay?" Of all the things he thought he would say months ago, dismissing pictures for a magazine he couldn't have afforded was close to topping the list.
Pidge seemed surprised, as if no one had provided such comfort before. She grinned, "Thanks, Si—Virgil."
Another aspect of a Ball that was appealing to most was dancing. Virgil was not one of the people who thought this way. For a Five, he had two left feet and awkwardly long limbs. They started dance lessons the day after Prince Roman had made the announcement, and Virgil still found it as awkward as ever.
"S-Sir Virgil, w-would you like to...practice this round?" Dan asked as Virgil took a break to get water. Some of the guards were sent to the dance as the prince could only dance with one person at a time. Dan was one of them, along with his so-called friend Officer Kogane.
“Sure," Virgil decided. After ages of the same cycle, he couldn't get Roman or Dan out of his head. He hated to seem like a helpless maiden, but both of them had their own qualities that made the black haired boy feel different but equally important. With Roman it was like fireworks; an important royal, or just Roman, liking him to a point of being special. It was more than being special, being Virgil the Five or Darling of Ailea. He was adored by Roman Newton, heir to the throne and Five in his own right.
Then there was Dan. Dan from back home, the boyfriend who knew nearly everything about Virgil. Roman knew everything he could admit, but with Dan...it was like he knew things that were inside of him, things he could only trust with a certain guard. With him, every kiss and talk felt like a fire; softly burning, never spectacular, but still always there to provide everlasting warmth.
Dan put a hand on Virgil's hip and shoulder, and Virgil did the same. They both looked and felt incredibly nervous. If anyone found out from this, or if Virgil showed chemistry outside of the prince, they could both be punished with death.
They danced awkward circles, praying they were doing it right so as not to be examined too closely. Virgil grinned, half at Dan and half when he noticed some of the other pairs. Lance and Officer Kogane looked really happy, though Lance was a much better dancer than the flustered officer. Patton was leading Logan even though he was shorter, and it was obvious that Logan's attempts at a proper dance were being slandered by Patton's fast moves. Bill was laughing harshly at the pair, dancing with another officer of which Virgil didn't know his name.
At this rate, none of them would be prepared for the Ball in a few days, and that made them all that much happier.
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arielle0808 · 6 years
May I request some hcs for rfa and minor 3 and how they’d propose?
Aaaaaaw 😍😍😍 That’s so cuuute!!
Here it goes! Thank you for your patience and your request, lovely~
I hope you like it
He has the perfect ring, and he really, really wants to propose, but… He has too many ideas and doesn’t know which to choose. 
A romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant, really fancy, with candle lights, champagne… Or a simple, cosy dinner at home with… candle lights, and champaigne. Or an impromptu trip to the beach! Or the mountains! And candle lights!!! And champaigne!!!! And roses, and….
He wants it to be perfect!!! It’s going to be his first (and only proposal) and he wants to make it perfect to MC.
Of course, he asks Zen for advice. It’s really complicated at first because none of them seem to agree in what’s best.
He decides to do it at their flat. He wants to save the money he would spend on a restaurant to buy a good wine, fine ingredients for a hand-made dinner and flowers and candles. He decorates the living room and bedroom as neatly and beautiful as he can and puts on his favourite suit. He even puts a ribbon around Lisa’s neck.
When MC arrives, they let out a gasp of surprise. “Are we celebrating something?” they ask.
“Just how much I love you?” Yoosung says with a blush, not really convinced. He’s so nervous he thinks he’s going to faint!!
MC, on the other hand, doesn’t give it much of a thought. They are used to Yoosung having small details for them, though he has never prepared something as beautiful as this. Maybe they have forgotten something after all? They try to remember, but they can’t. It isn’t Saint Valentines, is it?
The dinner is delicious, MC’s favourite dish prepared with all of Yoosung’s love and care, and he has even made their favourite dessert. He looks more nervous than usual, but MC is so excited about everything, they don’t really notice.
Yoosung and MC move to the sofa and he opens the champagne.
“Wow!” MC exclaims in surprise. “Ok, this is too much for a normal dinner. You really have to tell me what we are celebrating.”
“MC,” Yoosung takes their hand in a serious way and even MC gets nervous. They want to ask what’s wrong, but Yoosung talks before they can. “I meant it when I told you I wanted to celebrate how much I love you. And… So I’ve organised all this. I wanted it to be perfect and…” he’s so nervous he’s starting to mess up the speech Zen and he had thought about!! He takes deep breaths. He only has to tell MC how he feels. “MC, I love you. I was so lost when I first met you. You gave me stability, a reason to fight, to grow up, to go on. You saw the potential in me and helped me seeing it too. You make me feel loved every day and… I want to feel like this forever,” by that moment, MC is sobbing, knowing what comes next, and Yoosung is fighting against tears as well. He takes the ring from his pocket. “MC, would you marry me?”
“Yes! Oh, Yoosung!” they embrace him and he puts the ring on their finger, both of them crying and chuckling as he does. MC kisses him and he returns it. They’ve never been happier.
He’s a romantic baby, so he’d take MC to the roof of his place on a night in which there was a meteor shower, since that was the first place where they saw the stars together
He’d decorate it with a picnic blanquet, some drinks, his guitar and MC and he would spend a romantic night singing under the light of the stars.
The first stars start falling and Zen encourages MC to say their wishes aloud, just for fun.
“I wish the next RFA guest doesn’t do weird questions!”
Zen and MC fool around for some time until Zen suddenly kneels in front of MC and says:
“I wish the brightest star married me,” he takes a ring from his pocket, looking at MC with a deep blush on his cheeks, his look serious.
MC takes their hands to their mouth and throws themselves into his arms.
She’s been wanting to propose to MC for some time, but since the tradition says that a man has to be the one proposing, she feels very self-conscious about it.
One day she finds the ring that would go perfectly well around MC’s finger and she finds herself buying it.
She can’t bring herself to give it to MC, so she just thinks about waiting for their birthday to have an excuse to give them a ring… But she really wants to marry them!!
Finally, she asks Zen for advice, and he says that she definitely has to propose!!!
So one day Jaehee takes MC to the venue where the first RFA party they coordinated was held.
“Jaehee, what are we doing here?” MC chuckles.
“MC, once I made you a proposal here which changed my life forever. I asked you to be my partner in my dream business and you said yes, which made me the happiest woman in my life,” her voice is trembling a little, and she is blushing lightly, but she continues. MC widens their eyes, realising what is happening. “I want this happiness to last forever and I want you to be my partner in life, so…” Jaehee feels too self-conscious to kneel, but she takes the ring out of her purse. “Would you marry me?”
“Of course I will!”
Well, he already proposed once, but lets say that MC turned him down in the privacy of Jumin’s penthouse because they had only known each other for 11 days and stuff.
He would like the next time to be completely different than the previous one since MC seemed to have said “yes” at first because of the pressure they felt in front of all those people.
Thus, he books the entire restaurant with the most beautiful views in Korea and takes MC there for dinner. They order some wine and have a lovely dinner with the live music of some violins and a piano. MC is surprised that he has booked the entire restaurant, but it’s not really the first time Jumin goes over the top to do something romantic.
Then Jumin leads them to the roof, which he had had decorated with rose petals and candles on the floor and other flowers. MC looks around them, surprised and marvelled at the beautiful scenery, the views, and how everything is so perfect. When they turn around, Jumin is kneeling with a ring in his hands.
“MC, the first time I proposed to you, I didn’t do it the right way. I believe now, with your help, I have become a better man, truly worthy of your love, and I don’t think I would be too presumptuous if I said you think so too. MC, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you marry me?”
There’s only an answer: “yes.”
His brother was tired of Seven’s crazy experiments with robots, more so after their house was almost burnt to ashes twice, so he had decided to teach him how to draw so that he could distract himself with other stuff. Seven, of course, had taken the chance for that to be a “bonding activity between the tomato brothers” and had agreed to it more than willingly. That was when Seven found himself designing rings he thought would look good on MC.
“… what’s this?” Saeran asked.
“Oh, just some doodles,” Seven replied. “Don’t you think they’d look good on MC?” he’d say with a dreamy smile.
“You have to propose,” Saeran would say. MC had been really helpful in his recovery and they had grown really close, so he wanted his brother and them to get married before they changed their mind about being with him or something.
He would help Seven organising everything, not really trusting his brother’s skills organising… anything. They took one of Seven’s drawings to a jewellery store to see if it could be done (Seven still had an insane amount of money from when he was an agent, so that wasn’t a problem), and they replied affirmatively.
Finally, the day arrived. MC woke up to find the bed next to them empty, and they wondered why. They went out to find Saeran with an envelope which he gave to them. They took it with a puzzled expression and read its content as they had breakfast. That envelope led them to those places Seven and them frequented or where they had made special memories, and there they found more envelopes which indicated them where to go.
Finally, they arrived to one of Seven’s car, Saeran in it. He gave MC a last envelope. 
“Don’t open it yet,” he instructed them. He started riding and MC recognised the road. They were going to the beach. Saeran stopped the car near it. It was already night when they got there. MC opened the envelope and widened their eyes when he read it was a ticket to the space station.
They got down the car and followed the way Saeran had indicated them until they saw Seven. There was a spaceship-shaped towel on the sand and he patted the spot next to him so that they sat down. They saw the sky full of stars and they looked at Seven, whose blush was noticeable even in that faint light.
He kneeled before them and took the ring.
“I have always feel my life was miserable, that I didn’t deserve anything good or beautiful… until you arrived. You helped me overcome my fears, my traumas, to fight. You gave me a reason to live. MC, I want to live feeling like this all my life. I didn’t need to go to the outer space to find my place. My place is next to you. Would you marry me?”
“Yes!” MC finally exclaims, embracing him and making both of them fall on the sand. “Of course I will.”
MC and he had gone to Paris for one of V’s art exhibitions. There, V realised that none of that would have been possible if MC hadn’t suddenly appeared in his life. He would have never overcome his toxic relationship with Rika, have surgery and, finally, decided to pursue his dream of being an artist. He would have never realised what is like to be truly loved.
He looked at MC under the lights of the French city and realised that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with them. He had always known it, but he thought he wanted to make it official.
“MC, can you wait here for a second?” he asked them and MC nodded, confused, sitting on a bench.
So V rushed to the nearest jewellery store he found and bought a ring for MC. He went back to them, his heart rushing from the nerves and the exercise, and MC looked up at him with an expectant and puzzled expression.
V kneeled in front of them, unable to wait a moment longer, and took the ring, making MC widen their eyes in surprise.
“MC, thank you. Thank you for being the love of my life, for helping me throughout everything, helping me fix what was wrong in my life. Thank you for loving me and teaching me so much about love. Thank you for being there as I fulfilled my dreams. I want to be the same for you. I want to love you as you love me, I want to help you pursuing your dreams and to be there when you do. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. MC, would you marry me?”
MC was already nodding at the beginning of his speech, but when he finished it, they threw themselves on his arms uttering a “yes” between tears of joy.
He’s had it prepared for so long. He has rehearsed it a million times, taken MC to all these special places, but when it comes the moment of proposing, he always freaks out and backs off.
So he ends up proposing one day, out of the blue.
It’s a lazy afternoon. MC and he are watching a film on the sofa and Saeran is suddenly struck with how much he loves them. How happy he is just being there, lying on the couch with MC and how he would spend the rest of his life just like that.
It’s something casual, nothing special, but it’s because of these moments that he is in love with MC. Because he can live them and MC makes them valuable.
So he suddenly blurts out the words.
“MC, would you marry me?”
MC looks at him in surprise, far from expecting it, and it’s at that moment that he realises what he’s just said. So he quickly looks for the ring in his pocket (he’s been keeping it there for so long) and kneels before them.
MC starts crying.
“Yes. Yes, of course I will.”
He’s a perfectionist, so he would make sure eveything was absolutely perfect before proposing. Nevertheless, nothing seemed to be as perfect as it should, so he would find himself postponing it.
He was starting to give up, which upset him. He really wanted to propose, but all the stress and fears that involved by itself (the risks of MC saying no, and that making them uncomfortable, of nothing going on as planned or as perfect as it had to be for MC, MC agreeing out of pity, etc) together with his OCD was making it an impossible task.
MC noticed he was upset, so they decided to organise a dinner for him. He was received home that day with a beautifully arranged table, a delicious dinner and the person he loved most in the world being there for him to cheer him up, even though he had never told them he was upset or why. He smiled and, after the dessert, kneeled before them and took their hand.
“Vanderwood?” they asked, confused.
“MC, I love you. More than anything,” MC’s heart started racing in their chest, unable to believe what was happening. “You love me and accept me just the way I am, but you also help me become a better man every day. I spend most of my days looking for things to be perfect, and everything that involves you is just that.” He would take the ring out of his pocket. “MC, would you marry me?”
The answer was also perfect: yes.
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theworldisourcliche · 6 years
CHAPTER 2 ✘ William
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William looked into the mirror and adjusted the blue paisley tie around his neck.
He hated it. He hated the pattern, he hated how wide it was, and most of all, he hated that he couldn't get it situated right under his collar.
A moment later, he undid the fabric and re-knotted it, pulling it tighter then loosening it again. For some reason, it still didn't feel right, but he was out of time. The clock on the nightstand behind him indicated that it was already a quarter past seven and he'd be late for work if he took any longer. He'd been knotting ties for years and there was no reason he should have such a hard time with it all of a sudden, but no matter how many times he angrily mumbled that to his reflection, he still wasn't happy with the result.
The simple fact was: he hadn't gotten any sleep over the past three nights and his hands just wouldn't do what he wanted them to.
Just thinking about it forced his eyes to refocus, moving away from his shaky, white-knuckled fingers to look at his reflection. The bags under his eyes didn't do anything to disguise the fact that he was lacking sleep. The bed behind him, perfectly made on one side, unkempt and worn on the other only added to the admission that he had spent the previous night awake in his office. Again.
William pushed the thought to the back of his head and pulled himself away from the mirror, making his way out of the room, ducking in said office to grab his briefcase on the way down the hall.
When he entered the kitchen, in all its white porcelain glory, he swept over the counter, picking up his keys and stashing them in his coat pocket, then took an apple and wedged it between his teeth before reaching up to a cabinet to pull down a thermos.
"Don't take all the coffee."
He turned and tried to acknowledge Sophia's presence around the apple. When he couldn't form any kind of greeting, he reached up and removed the apple, taking a bite where his teeth had been dug into it and then talked around the mouthful.
"Since when do you drink coffee?" It came out garbled and unclear.
She barely looked up from her laptop long enough to acknowledge him. "Since I ran out of tea."
She was already put together in a slim fitting dress and heels that would probably make her too tall when she stood. Even though she wouldn't be leaving for at least another hour and a half, she was made for the day. Sitting rim-rod straight, not a hair was out of place. For some reason this struck a nerve inside him. William eyed her briefly before pouring his coffee.
"Won't you kiss me good morning?" she asked.
The way the words rolled off her tongue made him want to stay planted safely on the other side of the room, but he forced his feet to move. The reluctance he'd been feeling toward her as of late was irrational and inexplicable. In some ways. If he searched deeper, he thought he knew where it was rooted. But searching meant admitting and admitting meant he'd have to do something about it and doing something about it would take more effort than he was interested in giving.
As he stooped down to let his lips graze gently against her, she put her hand across his cheek and the diamond rock sitting atop her fourth finger caught the sunlight, sending a smattering of iridescent geometric shapes to dance along the ceiling.
Without warning, the tie he'd almost forgotten about felt like it was two times tighter. As he pulled away, he tugged at it slightly, trying to give himself room to breathe.
"Busy day?" she asked. Her sweet tone softened his heart and he was thankful to feel that familiar fondness he'd been missing creep up. "You look dashing in that shirt. I'm so glad you let me buy it for you."
It was another reminder of how uncalled for his attitude had been lately. On one hand, he couldn't help how he felt and he also couldn't help that he was getting cold feet, but on the other hand, Sophia hadn't done anything to deserve it. As he thought about whether or not his day was actually busy, or if he was just giving off that impression because his mind was so preoccupied, he let himself consider how ridiculous it was to have cold feet anyway. He was engaged, not dying...weren't weddings supposed to be happier than funerals?
After all—Sophia was beautiful. She was successful. She was arguably everything his father had ever wanted for him, an obvious fact considering he'd been the one to introduce them.
Maybe that was where some of the resentment had started. But it shouldn't still be a problem. They'd been together for years. Almost five, actually, which is what had led to the engagement in the first place.  
If his father's approval wasn't the problem, maybe the fact that he'd felt forced into proposing was... He hadn't wanted to get engaged yet. He wasn't even thirty yet. At twenty-seven, he still had three years left to be irresponsible. Three years before he'd officially be an adult with responsibility. Three years to not feel like he had to be home by 10PM. Three years to visit Ireland with Chris like they'd always planned and drink their way from one side of the country to the other. He could go on and on, because every night he'd spent not sleeping, he had instead spent making lists arguing why he shouldn't be settling down before he was thirty.
Each reason sounded more and more like an excuse. Nothing more than a means to get him out of a pretty notably binding legal commitment.
But it was really too late to be making lists. After three years of badgering, Sophia had worn him down.
He'd proposed on their last anniversary, and now, almost six months later, they were moving closer and closer to their wedding date and he could feel all the things he had yet to do relentlessly eating away at him. That was all.
William knew it was all in his head. It was just... ever since he'd asked her to marry him everything seemed different.
Any time he closed his eyes, he found himself dreaming of a blonde who was very much not Sophia.
It might have been the London tap water, finally doing something to his gut the way he'd been warned it might, or perhaps it was more to do with his impending nuptials...the idea of spending forever with one person... Either way, in just half a year's time, he'd gone from happy with a full night's sleep to miserable, cranky, and tired.
He didn't want to leave her innocent question unanswered for much longer, lest she ask what he was thinking about, so he opened his mouth and gave a short "yes" before stepping back and readjusting the briefcase in his hand.
At the same time William took note of the way the leather had finally worn perfectly beneath his fingers, Sophia eyed it and gave him a confused, rather short-tempered look. It had taken years for the leather to get this soft and he was finally happy with the way his paperwork fit inside. When they'd been shopping the other day, and she'd found a new hard-shell briefcase that she insisted on buying for him, he had known there was a problem.  
"I thought you were going to switch to the new bag..." She let the leading question-turned-statement drift into the space between them as she waited for his response. "You can't think that old, scuffed thing is still suitable to carry as someone practicing legitimate law, can you?"
His face didn't give, and she tried another tactic, laying on a sweeter, more syrupy tone as an attempt to quell the insult she'd just delivered.
"Let your famous designer fiancée doll you up—with looks as good as yours, and taste as good as mine, everyone will want you to save them from debt and financial ruin."
The emphasis she put on the word famous was in good fun and for the most part, it did the job, lightening his mood and making him forget for a moment that what she was actually doing was marking her territory.
"I just haven't taken the time," he said, even though it wasn't the truth. He'd had about nine hours the night before which would have been perfect for just the task. Of course, that was beside the point. He had no intention of using the one she'd bought him. Noora had given him the one in his hand when he'd first gotten accepted into law school. There was real sentiment behind it. And besides that, he didn't like the one she'd bought.
He had a feeling Noora was the main reason she wanted him to get rid of it but didn't think the admission of not caring for the alternative, the one she had picked out, would be any better.
"I'll do it when I get home," he added at the last second. He still didn't know if he meant it, but he thought he should at least give it a thought. Was it right to hold onto something from an old girlfriend when you were supposed to be marrying someone else? Did it matter if it was just a briefcase?
Even if the answer was no, he thought it probably mattered if said ex-girlfriend was creeping into your subconscious thoughts late at night...or any time you let your mind drift for longer than a few minutes at a time.
Sophia gave him a forgiving look and pulled him to her for one last kiss before returning to her work and sending him off.
As William closed the door to their building behind him, he let himself take a deep breath of the morning air, the soft fogginess filling his lungs and giving him what felt like a fresh start. It would only last as long as the walk to his office, but at least he was getting out of the apartment today. With Sophia having her studio built into their home, and his home office being right down the hall, getting any work done there sometimes proved hard.
It wasn't that he was intimidated by her success. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Her passion and drive when it came to designing clothes is what had first caught his attention. She worked unlike anyone he'd ever met before—throwing her whole self into everything she did, wasting no time. She always knew exactly what she wanted, and she wasn't afraid to go after it. They were praiseworthy qualities.
She had an interview scheduled with a fashion magazine, and the following week, she was expected to be on her way to a fashion show in Milan. He was happy that all her hard work would be displayed and that she'd be getting some well-deserved credit. He just hoped he could figure out his own issues by the time she returned.
Surely one week was enough time to cleanse his thoughts and refocus. Surely one week was enough time to fall back in love with Sophia.
If he didn't get his shit together soon, he knew he'd never be able to fill the hole growing inside him.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
How many even discover something they love to work on them. But that assumption is often false, and worse still, the more ideas you implement, the more you push the good stuff spreads, and the programmers work down the list, fixing them. The most important quality in a CEO is his vision for the company's future.1 You don't give up on your dreams.2 There are only two things you have to manufacture your own hardware, or use your software, you should probably be able to come up with an idea that sounded plausible, but was actually bad. If you pay them by the volume of work done but only as you defined work.3 There are only two reasons someone might sue you: for money, but what will make you a better programmer, and yet they don't seem to matter very much in software is public opinion—or rather, hacker opinion.4
It's exceptionally rare for startups to have traction before they put in significant money. Efficiency matters for server-based software, you can think instead That's an interesting idea, you can find and fix most bugs as soon as they appear. T: Scheme has no libraries. The reason design counts so much in software is public opinion—or who might buy a copy later, when he has just read in the paper that some other language is poised, like Ada was twenty years ago people noticed computers and TV were on a collision course and started to speculate about what they'd like to publish their lives semi-publicly on the Internet, you don't need Microsoft on the client, it will be because it's more convenient. There are many exceptions to this rule. In fact, shelving an idea probably even inhibits new ideas: as you become more eminent, gradually to increase the actual value of the company. He walks right by them, dressed up as an old man on crutches, and they never suspect him.5 I don't mean to disparage Yahoo.
But though labor unions are shrinking now, it's not a sufficient one. It works, but you come from the corporate world and your friends are not early adopters, and only realize later that they could always interrupt anything with a report of a genuine bug.6 I can think of three possible reasons. And that did turn out to be big like Microsoft.7 The five languages that Eric Raymond recommends to hackers fall at various points on the power continuum. For millennia that was the optimal path to dominating a big market. Boston half the time: it's hard to imagine now, but I don't think they hamper innovation much.8 We, as hackers, know the USPTO is letting people patent the knives and forks of our world.
To us that's positive evidence an idea is good. Web-based software is offered through ISPs acting as resellers. It looks as if it will be whatever the startup can get from the first one to write a novel, for example, even though it is probably a bad idea. What really makes him stand out, though, that even with all the fat trimmed off its market cap, Yahoo was still worth a lot. Most people could see how it might be helpful to be in the twentieth century. In Lisp, these programs are called macros. Nor do startups, at least something that made me feel better about it. The definition then spread to people who behaved like assholes in forums, whether intentionally or not. In fact, worse than arrogant: since readers are used to companies ignoring them.9 Microsoft and Facebook both got started in January. From the evidence I've seen so far is nothing compared to what's coming.10 They work odd hours, wearing the most casual of clothing.
They even let hackers spend 20% of their time on their own projects, and instead of trying to approximate the value of free markets, are run internally like communist states. They just sit there quietly radiating optimism, like a well is almost a necessary condition for a good startup idea. Smalltalk: Not everything in Simula is an object. It's one of the heavy school record players and played James Taylor's You've Got a Friend to us. Our approach to support made everyone happier. The same thing will happen if you're running a big company is the same thing to them.11 But that assumption is often false, and worse still, the more a project has to count as research is so narrow that it's unlikely that a project that satisfied that constraint would also satisfy the orthogonal constraint of solving users' problems in a way that he made seem effortless. And when you have a recurring revenue stream.12 I notice something surprising, it's usually a big company will be their big break. If applications run on remote servers, no one can get between you and potential users without preventing them from browsing the Web. Look at this, for example, as property in the way only founders can.
You're going to have to add a spoonful of sugar to make the release date you assemble a team of qualified experts and tell them to make a living. But designed is not really the word; discovered is more like it. TV is probably dead. Indeed, food is an excellent metaphor to explain what's wrong with the usual sort of job. The source code of the Viaweb editor was probably about 20-25% of the code in this program is doing things that don't scale that we call pulling a Meraki. But it would require a great moral effort; it would mean staring failure in the eye every day for years. Now everyone knows that this is changing. Working in crappy informal spaces is one of Silicon Valley's biggest weaknesses. If you think of using Lisp in a startup.
When one company or industry replaces another, it usually works best to get something in front of it. It doesn't add; it multiplies. One day, when the stock was trading around $200, I sat down and calculated what I thought before Viaweb, to the extent I thought about what it meant to call someone a hero, it meant something to talk about their previous startup idea while they were working at their day jobs. Few would be willing to claim that it doesn't matter at all where a startup is to focus on bad ones. By the time journalists covering the press release got round to calling us, we would take. If the startup can't raise the rest, the lead is out too. Umair Haque wrote recently that the reason there aren't more Googles is that most essays are written to persuade. And if you're writing a program that only has to do.13 Neither Apple nor Yahoo nor Google nor Facebook were even supposed to be a good trick to look for waves and ask how one could benefit from them. In the first couple bites feels great.
Only a handful actually do, and the enforcement of quality can flow bottom-up often works better than top-down.14 The reason I want to plant a hypnotic suggestion in your heads: when you can say things you wouldn't say in conversation. When you read of big companies. With server-based software before you buy it. When they go to VC firms. Especially since you won't even really learn about it, they'll be able to come up with surprising new ideas.15 Each type of schedule from other people. Open source and blogging both work bottom-up: people make what they want when they want it, and gradually whatever features it happens to have become its identity. You should compete against what someone else could be doing, not just because it's free, but because they felt it was really for them, they'll get a lot done during those few days, you will be net more productive.16 Howard Aiken said Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. The most memorable example of medieval industrial secrecy is probably Venice, which forbade glassblowers to leave the city, and fragile organisms like startups are exceedingly sensitive to such variation. On the Web, and it also tends to have the time and the inclination to build things that are impossible to build.
Maybe you don't go back and forth. As willful people get serious about tax avoidance. Stone, op.
If Ron Conway had been campaigning for the next round is high as well.
Only founders of Google to do some research online. But it's a bad idea, at least try.
The problem with most of the reason. And though they have to sweat any one outcome. If spammers get good enough to convince limited partners. No one seems to have lunch at the exact same thing.
The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably the early 90s when they set up an additional disk drive. Among other things, they mean statistical distribution. If a man has good corn or wood, or much energy would be investors who say no for introductions to other investors, but explain that's what you're working on what interests you most. A company will either be a lot easier now for a patent is conveniently just longer than the set of users comes from.
I assume we still do things that will be maximally profitable when each employee is paid in proportion to the present day equivalent of the startup will be on the subject of language power in Succinctness is Power. I write out loud at least straightforwardly benevolent, doesn't help people on the valuation a bit of an outcast, just those you can never tell for sure a social network for x instead of happy. But on the other becomes visible.
But the solution is to the writing of literary theorists.
The answer is simple: pay them to. The greatest damage that photography has done to painting may be that the applicant pool gets partitioned by quality rather than giving grants. It's lame that VCs play such games, but mediocre programmers is the other side of the present, and stir. 5% a week for 4 years.
It is a sufficiently good bet, why not turn your company right now. And the old one was nothing special. Maybe it would have been the general sense of the problem, if they can get very emotional. Just use the local builders built everything in exactly the point I'm making, though it's a seller's market.
I'm just going to need common sense when intepreting it. While Jessica didn't ask many questions, they sometimes say.
If anyone wants. Giant tax loopholes defended by two of the breach with Rome, where w is will and d discipline.
There is of course the source files of all tend to be about 200 to send a million dollars out of the false positives reflecting the remaining outcomes don't have to give up your anti-takeover laws, starting with the exception of the big winners aren't all that matters, just the location of the words won't be trivial. The CRM114 Discriminator. To talk to feel tired.
This argument seems to them. Conjecture: The variation in wealth over time, because you need to fix.
In a series A round about the right way.
What he meant, I was not drinking that kool-aid at the start of the clumps of smart people are trying to make you expend as much income. Turn the other team. Http requests are indistinguishable from dishonesty by the high-fiber diet is to use a restaurant is constrained in a certain way, because talks are usually more desperate for money.
This is actually a computer. He did eventually graduate at about 26. We're delighted to have them soon.
0 notes
The Perfect Night
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Fandom: Spider-Man: Homecoming
Request: Can you do a Peter Parker x Reader where the reader is Tony Stark’s daughter and she has really low self-esteem and whenever Peter has to leave one of their dates, she doesn’t really say anything but then at hoco when he tells her he has to leave she’s like “I did not spend almost $1,000 on a dress I knew you’d like to be stood up.” And then yeah she goes home crying and breaks up with him later on.
Warnings: Language, angst, self put down (please know that these aren’t true, you lovelies are absolutely beautiful and worth the world)
Hope this is what you wanted!
Part 2
(Y/n) checked her phone, reading two messages. They just so happened to contain the words she heard at least twice a week.
I’m sorry love, I won’t be able to make it to our date tonight
Sorry again, love you! Lets reschedule.
Of course. It happened every time they tried to do something fun. 
She scrolled through previous text messages, they all said the same things, ‘Sorry darling…’ ‘love you…’ ‘hate to say this…’
Why reschedule when you’re gonna miss that one too?
She deleted the message before sending it, as always, before sending another, which closely resembled all the other texts see had been sending to her boyfriend lately.
That’s fine babe, I know you’re busy. Love you too.
(Y/n) often wondered why he couldn’t take time to spend with her. She knew what he did every night, he gave her dad a full report every day. He helps little old ladies and stops bike robberies. She knew that was important, the streets needed someone who didn’t only focus on the world if it involved aliens or other catastrophic messes.
But was it so important that he couldn’t make a single on of their dates for the past month?
Don’t be stupid (Y/n), of course he would rather be somewhere else. You wouldn’t want to be with you either.
“Hey (Y/n)” she heard her father call “time for dinner!”
Wiping the tears from her eyes, she put on her best fake smile and went to join her father for tacos.
The next day at school was hard for (Y/n). She couldn’t focus on anything that had been said, and only wanted to go home.
Lunch was the first time of the day she had with Peter, then all of the classes after that.
Walking in she saw him and Ned staring intently at something, or someone. Liz Allen, the prettiest girl in school, held Peter Parker’s attention. Until she sat down in front of him, Peter had no idea she was even in the room.
What did you expect (Y/n)? She’s way prettier than you. Peter would probably rather be with her. 
“Hey (Y/n)!” Peter chirped as she sat down.
“Hey Pete. How’d saving everyone’s asses go last night?” 
She smiled and nodded along as he launched into stories of how great his night was. Though, she couldn’t help but think he was happier as Spider-Man than with her.
“Hey (Y/n), would you like to go to that?” He questioned. pointing behind her at the homecoming poster that had just been hung up.
Momentarily forgetting everything she had been going through, (Y/n) excitedly said yes.
“I need a dress! And heels and makeup! And other things, I don’t know I’ve never done this before!” (Y/n) yelled half exited, half nervous as she barged in the door after school.
Natasha, Wanda, and Tony, who happened to be in the room, all looked up simultaneously.
“You don’t need makeup, you’re 15.” Tony said.
To which Wanda responded “She already has some”
As Natasha asked “What’s this for?”
“Peter asked me to homecoming!”
As the girls exchanged exited glances, Tony said “I support you and Peter, but you’re to young to go to a dance. I know what happens there-” until Natasha dragged him out of the room.
They went to every dress store imaginable. (Y/n) tried on every type of dress, from long to short, black to white, sparkly to plain. Yet, not a single one was to her liking.
After a good 5 hours of going to store after store, they finally reached the last one. 
As they walked through the door Natasha made sure to remind her “You better find a dress here, we have no where else to go.”
“We will make sure Miss (Y/n) finds the one” A worker said, and (Y/n) knew it was because they were eager to serve a Stark, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch. She didn’t mind, she was determined to make things perfect. After the past month, (Y/n) was going to make sure this awesome night made up for it.
She tried on the first two dresses they brought out. The first was gold with sequins covering the skirt. It was beautiful, but one of the most itchy articles of clothing she’d ever worn.
The second was a long, silky, white dress. It too was gorgeous, but (Y/n) didn’t think it looked right. The other two agreed.
Then they brought in the third dress.
It was (f/c), the skirt was long and flowy, while the top was tight, hugging her body in all the right places.
(Y/n)’s breath hitched when she looked in the mirror. This was it, this was the one.
As she walked out of the dressing room, the first thing Nat and Wanda saw was her smile, an when they looked at the dress they knew why.
“Peter isn’t gonna know what hit him” Wanda said, then she turned to the worker who brought the dress “So how much?”
“That will be $967.86 ma’am”
(Y/n)’s heart sank, sure they had money, but that didn’t mean they liked to spend it on things like this.
Natasha noticed her expression “Don’t worry kid, your dad’s buying”
When the night of the dance came, it took (Y/n) 4 and a half hours to get ready. Everything was perfect. Her dress was gorgeous, her makeup was flawless, her hair was done to perfection, and the heels she bought made her feel like a queen.
When Peter arrived, his jaw fell to the floor. Standing in front of him was his girlfriend. More beautiful than ever. That’s right, his girlfriend. He always felt pride saying that, and couldn’t imagine a world where he couldn’t. He knew he missed out on their plans a lot, and he was absolutely determined to make that up.
After somehow surviving Tony’s glares, and Steve’s reminders of “If you fondue I will find out!”, they somehow made it to the dance. 
But before walking in, Peter saw Liz Allen get out of a car, who’s driver was none other than the man he had been going after for months now. 
(Y/n) knew when she saw his face that something was wrong “Peter, are you okay?”
And then she heard them, the dreaded words that she prayed she would never hear again. 
“I-I’m sorry, I have to go.”
This time she had to speak up “Are you serious Peter? We haven’t even walked in the door yet and you have to go?! I can’t believe you! I did not spend almost $1000 on a dress I knew you’d like, to be stood up. I’ve waited months for this Peter, months for a night when you don’t leave. And yet here we are again.”
“I’m so, so sorry, you don’t deserve this (Y/n)”
She turned around, her tears ruining her makeup, her hair falling out of the design it was put in “You’re right, no one does.”
And she walked the other way, away from Peter, and away from her perfect night. 
She snuck in that night, and tip toed past most of the Avengers, who were all waiting for her to get home to talk about her perfect night. Well, supposed-to-be-perfect night.
When she got to her room she sat down and cried, for hours she let the tears fall out. Heartbreak was an ass, and she now knew why people were afraid to love. It will always let you down. 
The next morning she got a call from Peter, which she answered, only to tell him one thing.
“(Y/n) thank god you answered-”
“Peter, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go out anymore. I can’t live with it anymore, all the waiting all day to see you, only to get a text saying you can’t go. I can’t do it anymore.”
“W-what?” He asked quietly and from a few sniffs, (Y/n) could tell he was crying “p-please don’t do this (Y/n), I-I can make this up to you I-I promise, just p-please.”
“I’m sorry Peter.” and then he heard a click and she was gone. 
He spent the rest of that night scrolling through their text messages, reading all of her words.
‘It’s fine..’ ‘Don’t worry about it…‘ ‘Love you too…’
But she was gone. No more ‘I love you’ morning texts, no more ‘Wow, that’s actually my girlfriend’ no more sweet kisses and innocent laughs. No more (y/n).
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waqasamjadme · 4 years
From The Sincerity Of My Heart | 77 Valentine’s Day Wishes
From The Sincerity Of My Heart | 77 Valentine’s Day Wishes
By no means too quickly for these sugar-coated phrases. This yr, we need to inject some candy taste into your February 14th and maximize your probabilities of a giant payoff.
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1 Valentine’s Day Wishes For Your Girlfriend
2 Valentine’s Day Messages For Your Boyfriend
3 Valentine’s Day Messages For Your Spouse
4 Valentine’s Day Wishes For Your Husband
5 Valentine’s Day Wishes For Your New Love
6 Valentine’s Day Wishes For a Lengthy-Time period Relationship
7 Lengthy Valentine’s Day Wishes
8 Candy Valentine’s Day Wishes
9 Funny Valentine’s Day Wishes
I want you the very best Valentine’s Day you have got ever skilled and that I show worthy of being the harbinger of this happiness.
May you have got a Valentine’s Day so pretty that you simply deliver a smile to the face of everybody who crosses your path.
I pray that at the present time not solely brings smiles to your face however that it additionally reminds you of simply how grand my love for you is.
 I wish you a Valentine’s Day freed from any sort of stress, and I'll do my finest to make this a actuality by supplying you with all the things you need.
I by no means noticed the worth of Valentine’s Day, even insulted the event, till I lastly discovered you, my sweetheart. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
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I'll spend a part of this Valentine’s Day in church, thanking God that I've you as a associate. All I want in life is your happiness.
I’m not a giant fan of Valentine’s Day, however I’m smart sufficient to know that if I make you cheerful, additionally, you will make me blissful. Wishing you a candy Valentine’s Day.
This Valentine’s Day, I hope to make you understand that though I get pleasure from your bodily intimacy very a lot, it isn't the idea of my robust affection in direction of you.
I relish your love daily like it's Valentine’s. Nevertheless, simply to ensure this proves to be an additional special day, I made a decision to purchase you this reward. Could your day be as candy as you might be.
I do know a number of instances I behave like an a*s, however I hope on this big day you'll settle for this reward from the sincerity of my coronary heart and bear in mind how a lot I like you.
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Happy Valentine’s Day! It might be simpler so that you can escape from a most safety jail than to flee from my love this Valentine’s Day.
I intend for this Valentine’s Day to make you so blissful that you simply consider no different man however me for the remainder of your life. Wishing you a Valentine’s Day so particular you bear in mind it all the time.
Candy darling, I want you a Valentine’s Day that's simply as candy to your coronary heart as it's to your tongue.
I hope being with me this Valentine’s Day makes you even happier than I'm to spend it with you. I like you a lot.
May I show to be extra essential to you this Valentine’s Day than another care you have got on this planet.
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Even should you should not have the assets to purchase me one thing beautiful, I hope this Valentine’s Day you're going to get me no matter you'll be able to out of your coronary heart. Have your self nothing however a joyous Saint Valentine’s Day.
I hope that you simply not additionally settle for this Valentine’s Day reward but additionally the heartfelt compassion behind its acquisition.
I perceive that love turns into so commonplace that zeal will get pushed to the facet, however I hope you received’t overlook to romance me on this big day. Happy Valentine’s Day.
I hope that, if even for this one big day of the yr, I could make you overlook about all of your stresses and simply consolation you within the gentleness of my love.
May the time we spend collectively on this excellent Valentine’s Day be the inspiration for a timeless love poem.
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If the best way I deal with you this Saint Valentine’s Day doesn’t show that I like you, then I don’t know what's going to! Happy Valentine’s Day, my candy love.
This Valentine’s Day, could you overlook all regrettable errors made previously and relatively give attention to the valuable love shared within the second.
May this February 14th set the stage for a love that's shared between us hereafter each day.
 I've waded by a discipline of weeds simply to seek out the one rose that's you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
I want the love of my life a cheerful Valentine’s Day that's brimful with hugs and kisses not solely from myself but additionally from our pretty youngsters.
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Valentine’s would simply be one other widespread day if not on your love. Could we discover time as we speak to simply maintain one another’s hands all through.
Aside from our anniversary, that is the day that jogs my memory essentially the most of how blessed I'm to have you ever. Happy Valentine’s Day.
My actions this February 14th are completely and utterly in honor of the girl who has edified my life not simply along with her pretty presence but additionally along with her devoted love. Happy Valentine’s Day, my expensive.
My Valentine’s Day want is that our sons additionally develop as much as be loving, devoted, irreplaceable husbands like your self.
On this Feast of Saint Valentine’s Day, I'm going to remind you why you forsook the opposite girls and selected me! Have a really, very beautiful Valentine’s Day.
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This superb Valentine’s Day, could my love show to be the one intoxicant, antidepressant and relaxant that you simply want.
Wishing a superb Valentine’s Day to essentially the most treasured man in my universe. Thanks for bringing into my universe sunshine and happiness.
May the unspeakable pleasure we expertise this Valentine’s Day function a prototype not just for those we are going to finally share collectively but additionally for daily of our intimate bond.
May this Valentine’s Day with you be so beautiful that it paints scenic footage which can perpetually cling on the partitions of our hearts.
Now that I've you, my love, I've an precise cause to rejoice on Valentine’s Day.
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After ignoring me my complete life, Cupid gave me a shoutout this yr and turned me from a hater right into a believer! Pricey darling, all I need for you this Valentine’s Day is a coronary heart filled with happiness.
This yr’s February 14th feels as particular as our first, and I’m elated on the prospect of spending many extra with you. Have a joyful coronary heart this Valentine’s Day, my expensive.
Our relationship has withstood the check of time, which makes every Val’s Day much more of a celebration.
At present, I have a good time somebody who could have his points however remains to be in each method all the things that I want him to be. Happy Valentine’s Day, my expensive.
May our superb love proceed to serve for instance to others of what Valentine’s Day is de facto all about.
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I hope this big day you might be reminded of all of the issues that made us fall in love within the first place. Wishing you a really great Valentine’s Day, my love.
I want you a Valentine’s Day with the creativity of a kid designing a card for his mom but the intimacy of somebody who's spending the day with the individual he might be spending the remainder of his life with. You're one of many main the reason why the universe is such a wonderful place.
 From the underside of my hear, I pray you have got a Valentine’s Day wherein you understand the entire nice fantasies you had about love as a baby, one that isn't wasted on a fleeting, potentially-harmful romance however relatively spent with somebody who will show to be a lifelong companion. Have the sweetest of candy Valentine’s Days.
Sweetie, I need to use this February 14th to let you realize that you're essentially the most useful treasure in my life. On daily basis, I have a look at the skies and thank the heavens for bringing you into my life and making you mine and me yours. Earlier than you got here into my world, there was such a big abyss in my life that nothing may ever fill. Not till my soul dies, my love for you'll by no means die.
All of us have somebody we secretly love, and this Valentine’s Day, I want you the braveness to not solely specific such feelings to that particular but hidden somebody in your life but additionally that that individual will reply to you in form in order that true pleasure might be yours all through this season of affection.
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This whole vacation is an acknowledgement of Saint Valentine’s assertion {that a} man shouldn't spend his life alone and certainly requires that particular somebody even when the society itself deems such unfit, and as such I not solely hope that you've got somebody particular to spend this Valentine’s Day with, however that that candy individual proves to be the one you'll be able to name a soulmate. Happy Valentine’s Day.
May the one break your coronary heart obtain this Valentine’s Day is a trip from the entire every day anxieties and stresses of life, and may these feelings get replaced as a substitute with a love so candy that its recollections will deliver a smile to your face for years to return. Wishing you a completely superb Valentine’s Day!
May the entire heartbreaks of Valentine’s Days previous get replaced this yr with one so superb that it not solely fills you with pleasure within the current but additionally offers you a glimpse into the lovely future destiny has in retailer on your coronary heart. Wishing you a really, very blissful Valentine’s Day.
No reward in my life comes remotely near the reward of your love. Could your Valentine’s Day be as beautiful as this treasured reward of your love is to me.
Individuals who don’t look ahead to Valentine’s Day clearly don’t have somebody such as you of their life to have a good time it with. Happy Valentine’s Day.
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Happy Valentine’s Day to my girlfriend and finest buddy. Your love is the rationale why the solar shines so brightly in my universe.
I want my beautiful instructor a lovely Valentine’s Day on behalf of myself and the entire college students who're touched by her glorious tuition!
 May this Valentine’s Day remodel the shortest month of the yr into your most-significant and pleasing one.
This particular Valentine’s Day, could love in all its type, from romantic to platonic, come and make a visitation to the abode of your coronary heart.
I want you a Valentine’s Day the place you aren't burdened by its consumerist points however relatively give and obtain the kind of love that can attain the core of your immortal soul.
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On this big day of the yr, I hope the love you misplaced discover its method again and if not that you simply discover your method ahead to a brand new one. Could your Valentine’s Day be as colourful and exquisite as a backyard of flowers.
Despite the fact that you have got chosen to spend Valentine’s Day with somebody apart from myself, I nonetheless hope from the underside of my coronary heart that you simply benefit from the vacation to the fullest.
May your coronary heart be stolen this Valentine’s Day not by a careless thief of feelings however by somebody who will eternally worth your charms.
May you have got a Valentine’s Day that's simply as pleasantly surprising as falling in love itself.
May the love between you and your partner be renewed this Valentine’s Day to grow to be stronger than it even was if you first met one another.
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As you bask within the bliss of Valentine’s Day, I pray that it'll deliver you self-love, which is simply as a lot a prerequisite for happiness as exterior affection.
May your Valentine’s Day play out like a candy-coated fairytale, full with the candy ending.
On this Saint Valentine’s Day, could you understand the individuality of our love, that this vacation was created to have a good time the particular sort of friendship that we share. Happy Val’s Day, my expensive.
The one factor coated in chocolate I want to get pleasure from this Valentine’s Day is you!
I want you a Valentine’s Day so naughty that Cupid himself would blush!
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May God make our love so robust that Romeo and Juliet really get jealous of it. Happy Valentine’s Day, expensive darling.
Even when he has to navigate his method by a sky of darkish cloud inhabited by a fleet of hostile warplanes, could Cupid discover his solution to your door as we speak.
May a dozen of Cupid’s arrows protrude out of your again this Feast of Saint Valentine.
I want you a Valentine’s Day so pretty that on the morning of February 15th you refuse to go to work, as a substitute opting to remain in your lover’s arms. Hopefully your boss wouldn’t fireplace you for that!
May you look ahead to this Valentine’s Day with the identical anticipation as a defendant who's awaiting verdict in his trial.
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May you and Cupid grow to be so shut on Valentine’s Day that he feels comfy sufficient to ask you for a pair of trousers.
As you commemorate Valentine’s Day, could you obtain the knowledge to appreciate that even when nobody loves you sufficient to purchase a field of candies, you should purchase one for your self at 40 % off.
This Saint Valentine’s Day, could Cupid shoot you with an arrow tipped with testosterone to lastly provide the braveness to inform that woman that you simply love her!
My Valentine’s Day want for you is that you simply possess the allure of Barack Obama, the craftiness of George Bush and the intercourse enchantment of Invoice Clinton.
May you expertise the Valentine’s Day of an Outdated World traveler, considered one of exploration and conquest!
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My want for you on this big day of the yr is that you've got extra to suck on than simply sweet. If you realize what I imply! Happy Valentine’s Day!
I want my dad and mom an extra-lovely Valentine’s Day, as with out this vacation, we youngsters most likely wouldn’t even be right here.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2FfLnXy
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Overdose My Mind With The Things I Love
Making of Michelle Jones - Prologue, Chapter 9
Start from the beginning || Series Masterlist || Previous Chapter
After catching Michelle stealing jewels, the new mystery she brings into Peter's life defines his next adventure. There are new dangers coming to NYC and Michelle is playing a bigger part in Spider-Man's mission than Peter ever imagined.
Chapter 9: "At least you have me," Michelle told him, finally looking up from her drawing. They were much closer than he realized, practically whispering despite being so far away from everyone else.
"That's turning out to be enough," he answered.
T/W: none  Beta: Splendid_Splendont  Tags: spideychelle, pan!Peter, demi!Michelle, slow burn
That next Saturday, Michelle was fidgeting with the equipment while Peter wrote in his journal. Michelle really loved the new upgrade to the tunnel for obvious reasons. Meaning it made it easier for her to do homework. However, whenever faced with a tech bug she couldn't fix, she often resorted to beating the gadget into submission. Peter would be more worried if it wasn't so funny.
After just one pat, the headset she was holding kicked in and she started talking into it. Peter could hear her loud and clear. In the far corner, Tony had installed a phone in the lair with a headset for Michelle to speak to Peter while navigating the tunnel's desks. Michelle found the phone itself so strange because it was based off a landline that couldn't be moved. She finally spoke up. "How do I call you?"
"Using that. Directly links you to my suit."
"No, like how do I call you? When I'm not here. If there's an emergency or something happened, how am I supposed to reach you?" Peter never thought about that.
"Use your cell phone?"
"That will trace me to you." She was right. Over the last week the leaked Facebook video of Spider-Man went viral and, as Tony showed him, Michelle's face was the only one that was clear in the footage.
"I will figure something out."
"I already told you I'm not signing off on this whole sidekick thing."
"Please Tony. I don't want her to use her own phone. This suit is still technically under my real number." In and of itself, that was probably compromising enough to his identity. Tony sighed, before gesturing for Peter to follow him. He was taken down the Stark Tower elevator. When they reached the ground floor, they walked out and went in and out of a few convenience stores before they found a large bodega with a small old lady at the register. Surprised at the location, he wondered if the door behind this woman opened up to some tech lab or something. He was excited to see what Tony surprised him with this time until Tony pulled a few small cheap flip phones off a hook he hadn't seen. "These are called burners."
Peter wasn't sure Tony was serious.
"They are prepaid phones that don't leave a trace. They're disposable, cheap, and very handy. They're also very easy to find. You plug in your number, give it a shortcut, tell her to dial asterisk-six-nine before she calls your shortcut. She'll show up as private." Tony overpaid by throwing a few bills on the table to the old lady's surprise. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Peter started piling the phones into his arms, still confused as to how this could be so easy. "Good luck with the girl, Peter."
When Peter turned to say goodbye, Tony was gone. Facing the lady at the register, she gave him change with an amused smile.
Returning later the same day, Peter heard music blasting from the stereo. He figured Michelle finally got it to work. They had been working on theories as to why they would ever need that thing. He was about to ask when he saw her in the middle of the tunnel reading his journal.
"Michelle!" He belted into the tunnel so loud it echoed. She jumped at the noise, but she held the journal like she wasn't doing anything wrong.
"What are you doing?!"
"You left this behind. I was curious."
"That is-"
"If you say 'a total invasion of privacy', Spidey, I might have to remind you what brought me here in the first place."
"You can't just read my journal."
"It wasn't labeled!" she defended. "Anyway. It's fine. It was a good read. Here." She handed it back. Peter flipped through it, trying to check that he left his and Spider-Man's names out of it. "You're a great writer. You should write more often." Peter didn't want to accept the compliment. He felt uncomfortable knowing someone had seen his journal.
"Here," He said, handing her the bag of phones unceremoniously. "Use these."
"Burner phones?" Michelle asked immediately. "That was easy." Peter tried not to roll his eyes. Did everyone know how to use these?
"What gave you the idea anyway?" Michelle didn't answer. She sat there quietly, avoiding his eyes and fidgeting with the stereo volume. "Michelle."
"Tomorrow's the surgery." Peter sighed, realizing he probably should have figured that out. Sitting down on the desk next to her, he just waited in silence, knowing she'd share when she felt like it.
"I'm planning for the worst."
"And a call to me would help?"
"I don't think so but it would certainly make me feel better. I could use a friend. You know, if anything-"
"Nothing is going to happen, Michelle."
"I don't like stress. I'm not very good at handling. I can't sit in a waiting room for hours waiting for bad news. I don't think I can do it." Peter didn't know how to help, but he had an idea of how to distract her.
"When he's inside, call me."
"When your father goes in for the surgery, just give me a call." Michelle looked doubtful, but Peter ushered her out. He really believed things would turn out okay. Michelle deserved so much better than life was giving her, the least fate could do was throw her a bone. Having her father's back fixed would be a life changer. He'd be able to go back to work, she'd be a little happier. He'd do everything to see her through to that. It just meant coming up with a few distractions to hold her during the wait.
Within minutes of her call, Peter was at the hospital. He had expected to be at a smaller clinic but whatever corporation it was offering this procedure had to outsource an operating room from a local hospital. Michelle sounded quite shaken about that but Peter was too concerned about keeping her spirits up. He told her to meet him on the roof of the hospital, which he knew she wouldn't like but she agreed anyway. He waited for her there, knowing the elevator, locked door, and stairs would get her there in just the same amount of time that it took him to get there from the bridge.
"I don't like it up here," She said as soon as he arrived.
"I had an idea. We're going to conquer fear today."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You are getting over your fear of heights."
"What? Spidey, my dad is downstairs. I can't just leave."
"They have to call you if anything happens, right?"
"You won't be useful to anyone trapped in that waiting room. We won't go far. I'll make sure you can get there faster than it would take you to walk up to the front desk."
"...I don't like heights," She repeated, hoping to change his mind. She was feeling shaky just being there.
"Do you trust me, Michelle?"
"I do this everyday, all day. We'll start small and if you really hate it we'll stop and walk or buy snacks or something." Michelle bit her lip, nervously glancing back at the staircase she took up. After a long minute, she started nodding. So Peter took her hand and jumped onto the roof right next to the building. It was a short fourteen inch gap. "If you fall, which you won't, I can just catch you. I've never dropped anyone."
"I won't drop you." Michelle took about ten minutes of coaxing but eventually she jumped. Peter drew out a bridge of web to the next roof. It was a one foot wide bridge, Michelle had no risk in walking on it but it took another few minutes of convincing her. As scared as she was, he could tell she wasn't thinking about her father. Fear had a way of drowning out the noise, just as bravery did. Michelle got more bold with every step. He drew out a half foot wide bridge over a twenty-foot gap after an hour of this game. Michelle didn't even look down.
The fear was becoming more fun with every step, and Peter drew up new challenges for her, like angled rooftops and inclines. She slipped once, but he caught her before she could go very far. She screamed for a while, even hyperventilated. Then she was laughing every time she almost fell, like she was embracing her own fear and finding humor in it. Once again, Michelle was as invincible as the day he met her.
Two hours passed that way. They didn't even talk much, Peter just watched her and Michelle would just scream bloody murder when she was afraid. He took her in his arms at one point and just started swinging between the buildings over the busy street. In a weird way, it was fun.
Eventually, Peter tied a web between two buildings to hang them uninterrupted under the stars, over an alleyway. They sat there, Michelle taking some time to get used to the feeling of being suspended in midair. She kept poking at the web as if it would undo itself.
"I can't believe Tony invented this for you." Peter chuckled at her.
"I invented the web," He confessed. "Tony made some new designs for it, but it's still my baby." He actually felt really happy to get to tell somebody that.
"Is that what you like to do, then? Invent things?"
"It's all I want to do." Michelle stopped staring through the web and finally turned to him.
"Who are you, Spider-Man?" Peter swallowed.
"What happened to respecting the secret identity?"
"I don't want to know your name. Who are you?" she asked again. "What is your life like? Is this the only life you have? What do you do?" Peter didn't even know where to begin, but she was smiling and she wasn't checking her phone for news. All he could do was use the momentum and keep her distracted.
"I'm actually not much older than you." Michelle raised her eyebrows. "Really."
"So like, 20s?"
"No, I'm in high school."
"My age?"
"Basically." Michelle was quiet for a really long time, but she stared at him as if processing something.
"That's nuts." Peter laughed like she was joking. "No, you're really too young for this," She said, her tone firm.
"Don't say that."
"I can't imagine doing what you do. Doesn't that get to you?"
"No. I'm living my dream. Using my invention, being a hero." Peter hoped Michelle would believe him. He didn't know how to explain how much being Spider-Man completed him. He gestured at the webshooters, showing her their mechanics under the cloth of the suit. "The new suit does help, though."
She took his arm for a second, looking at them more closely. "I can't imagine anyone my age making those. I go to a science and tech school. I don't think any of them could make anything like this."
"Really?" Peter had to get better at not laughing at things that aren't funny out of context. Michelle looked up at him before continuing.
"You would probably love it."
"And you don't?"
"I'm more of a literature and history kind of girl, and I want to be a lawyer."
"So why do you go?"
"It's a charter school. Free and specialized education. Might as well. I'm not bad at science either, it's just not my interest. It doesn't make it any easier to make friends, though. How about you?"
"I like school. I have maybe two really good friends. My best friend doesn't know about this." Peter tried to think of a question to ask that would make it seem more like he didn't know her. "And you?"
"Well, like I said before I don't really have any-" Before Peter could think anything of her words, she changed her mind as she started sketching into his journal. He'd brought it to her as a peace offering but she didn't read it anymore. "I mean there is this one kid. He's always looking out for me. He's a good friend. Probably the only real friend I have there. I could never imagine telling him about this, so I can understand. The biggest fear is just whether it'd put them in danger."
"Exactly," Peter answered.
"At least you have me," Michelle told him, finally looking up from her drawing. They were much closer than he realized, practically whispering despite being so far away from everyone else.
"That's turning out to be enough," He answered. Peter had a problem with staring. this time, he couldn't look Michelle in the eyes very long. He looked down to her sketch. "What did you come up with this time?"
She presented it to him proudly. An oval face with a cleft chin, deep eyes, wide lips, defined jaw. Hazel eyes, dark brown hair, light skin. "Am I close?"
"A little closer this time but it's still not there." She turned the page and tried again.
"Would we have gotten along if we met? Like on the street?"
"Maybe. I don't think you'd like me very much."
"Probably not," she joked. She moved and shifted the web, scaring herself. "I can't imagine living like this every day. Being able to fly like you do."
"I don't fly."
"Don't you?" They were awkwardly quiet for a moment before Michelle spoke up. "Don't you feel like you have the weight of the world on you? I mean, you're a hero. Doesn't that get lonely?"
"You have no idea."
"Maybe I do," Michelle said. Looking at her, Peter could feel how close they were suddenly. It was enough to make him blush as he realized he really didn't mind the feeling. He didn't have an answer for her, but their eyes were meeting and even through the mask it was like they completely understood each other.
If someone asked him what would have happened if they didn't get the notification about the robbery in that moment, Peter wouldn't have a good answer for them.
"211S. Bank robbery - 34th and 3rd. Silent alarm triggered by guard, backup requested."
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dracolucivs · 8 years
Undesirable // Part Five
ahh all the nice things all of you are saying make me so happy, thank you 😊
Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Six
My Writing // Ao3
Some people who asked to be tagged when I post these (and if you would like to as well, let me know!): @zeecrazybookworm @puredrarry
After he closed the door on Potter, Draco grumbled under his breath all the way to his bathroom, where he had to start getting ready for work. He just couldn’t believe that Potter would have the audacity to show up there. Well, actually, he could believe it, because if there was anyone more stubborn than himself, it was Harry Potter. But he thought that he would at least respect Draco’s wishes of leaving him alone. He didn’t imagine Potter to be the kind to intrude in people’s person business. Apparently, though, he was wrong. Draco had a feeling that this would not be the end of his troubles with sodding Harry Potter.
Draco stared at himself in the mirror, something he normally did which only caused his self-loathing to increase. But this time he was just looking to try to figure out how to cover up his black eye and bruised cheek. After about twenty minutes of spells, he just gave up. He had to get to work, and he realized that there probably wouldn’t be anyone who cared enough about him to ask what had happened anyway.
He left his flat and headed to an old, slightly run down bar in Knockturn Alley, where he was a bartender. He didn’t want to work there. Honestly, it was probably one of the last places he would ever want to work, but they were the only place that would hire him. He was actually kind of surprised he even got hired there because Knockturn Alley isn’t the place it used to be before the war. It was still pretty sketchy, and a lot of strange people hung around there, but it was no longer a place designated for dark witches and wizards. The only reason it wasn’t as nice as Diagon Alley now was because no one wanted to put forth the effort or money to fix it up.
Draco arrived to his job and greeted his boss who he hated with every fiber of his being. His boss treated him like dirt and has yet to show Draco even the smallest amount of respect, even though Draco was the best employee there.
“What happened to you?” His boss asked with his face twisted up half in disgust and half of what Draco thought looked like he wanted to laugh at him.
Draco fought not to roll his eyes.
“Nothing,” he muttered and took up his post behind the bar.
Business was pretty slow, to Draco’s relief. Normally he hated slow days because he felt like he was there forever. But today it was okay because anything was better than sitting alone with his thoughts.
However, when someone finally walked in about an hour into Draco’s shift, he wanted to go hide in the back room. He stared with one wide eye as Thomas, the one who had done this to him, approached the bar with a sickly sweet, almost sadistic smile.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
Draco stepped back, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.
“What happened to that pretty face of yours? It doesn’t look so pretty anymore.” The man smirked at Draco, who felt tears form in his eyes.
He willed himself not to cry. He was already embarrassed enough to be seen in the condition he was in. He couldn’t cry. He couldn’t.
Just wait until you get home. Just wait until you get home. You can cry all you want once you’re there. But just wait.
Draco intended to ignore the comment and just ask Thomas if he wanted anything to drink, but he didn’t even have to do that.
“Are you the one who did that to him?” Someone, who must have walked in when Draco’s attention was on Thomas, asked.
“Yeah, I did. And I did a damn good job, huh?” Thomas said with a proud chuckle and then turned to see who had spoken to him.
Both his and Draco’s mouths dropped open when they saw a furious-looking Harry Potter standing at the door.
“Get out. Now,” Harry forced out between gritted teeth.
“What? You’re supposed to-”
“I said out!” Harry bellowed.
Draco was taken aback. He had never seen Potter so angry.
Thomas hurried out of the bar.
“Draco, are you okay?”
Draco just stared at him.
“W-What are you doing here?” He asked, slightly embarrassed, and tears still threatening to fall from his eyes.
“I came to talk to you.”
“I told you that I didn’t want to talk.” Draco meant to sound angry, even menacing, but it didn’t come out that way. His voice cracked, and a few tears spilled from his eyes.
He didn’t even know why he was crying now. It wasn’t because of Thomas anymore. He just...he couldn’t believe that someone had just stood up for him. Nobody had ever done that for him, at least not after the war, anyway. They would always just let Draco endure the mistreatment, perhaps even laugh and contribute to it. So this had been unexpected, to say the least. And it simply reminded him of how hated he was by everyone. Except Potter, apparently. But Draco still had his suspicions about Harry. He was sure that he couldn’t simply be helping him with the sole intention of being nice. There had to be something he wanted, some kind of catch.
“Potter, please...I-I…”
Harry hurried around to Draco’s side of the bar and enveloped him in a hug.
“It’s okay,” he comforted.
Draco immediately tensed up when Harry touched him, and tried to push him away, but Harry was stronger.
“Please let me go,” Draco said quietly, almost inaudibly, but Harry heard him and did as Draco had asked.
Draco went to rub the tears from his eyes, but then whimpered in pain when he touched his swollen eye, momentarily forgetting about it.
“Hey, be careful,” Harry murmured and gently grabbed Draco’s hand to pull it away from his face.
“S-Stop touching me, Potter!”
Draco roughly pulled his hand away and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Draco, I’m-”
“Just trying to help. Yeah. I know. But why, Potter? Why are you being so nice to me? What do you want?”
Harry quickly shook his head.
“All I want is for you to stop being so unhappy.”
“I’m fine.”
Harry snorted.
“You are not fine! Anyone with eyes could see that. You’re sad. You’re suffering. Why won’t you let me help you?!”
“You just show up out of the blue, on a particularly inconvenient night, and all of the sudden just want to help me. I haven’t talked to you or even seen you in years, Potter, so excuse me if I don’t so readily accept your help.”
“Okay, okay. I get it. How about we start out slow.”
Draco raised an eyebrow at him.
“We can go get coffee, or tea, whichever you prefer. We can go tomorrow, if you’d like.”
Draco’s heart sped up.
“What, like a...like a date?” He said the word date with a bitter aftertaste.
Draco finally understood what it was Harry wanted. He was just like all the others. He just wanted sex, but he was going about it a different way than the others. He just wasn’t being so blunt about it.
Harry chuckled at first, but then noticed how much more defensive Draco seemed to get.
“I mean it could be. But I was thinking more just two...friends grabbing some coffee.”
Friends. Draco liked the sound of that, of having a friends, someone who cared about him, but he didn’t know what to do. This all was so weird, and Potter was confusing him. Was he just using Draco to get into his pants, acting kind so Draco would be easy, as if he wasn’t already? Or was he being genuine?
Draco just looked at Harry, unsure of what to say, so Harry continued.
“We don’t have to talk about any of...this,” Harry said and gestured between the two of them, referring to everything that had happened over the past twenty-four hours. “Like I said, just two friends, having friendly conversation about whatever you want. Please?”
He decided that getting coffee with Potter couldn’t result in anything too awful. At least he hoped. If things seemed off, he could just end the date-no, not a date-just end it, whatever it was, right there.
“Really?” Harry asked, surprised.
He really hadn’t been expecting Draco to agree so quickly. He thought he would’ve had to show up to his flat and workplace at least a dozen more times. That was just more evidence that Draco was not himself.
Draco simply nodded, a light blush dusting his cheeks, causing Harry to grin.
“Great! How about noon? Is that okay?”
“That’s fine.”
Harry nodded and quickly wrote down the address of his favorite coffee shop on a slip of paper. He handed it to Draco, and their fingers brushed together. Draco felt sparks go through his fingers and up his arm. Harry felt a nice, comforting warmth.
“Bye, Draco! I’ll see tomorrow!” Harry said cheerily before he headed out the door.
“Bye...Harry,” Draco whispered quietly to no one.
Maybe Harry didn’t mean any harm. Maybe he really did just want to help. But Draco then remembered the few previous people who had tried getting him into bed through kindness, and it always ended just as awfully as all the others. He wasn’t going to open up to Harry. He wasn’t. Nobody needed to know about him, about his life. Despite this though, all Draco could think of was allowing Harry in, allowing Harry to help him, allowing Harry to make him happier. He tried to shake these thoughts from his head but he just couldn’t.
After work, Draco decided that what he needed to get Harry off of his mind was a good shag. He didn’t get the one that he had planned with Thomas, so it was definitely due. He quickly went home after work to change and then headed to the local club, where he could find someone who might make him feel like he’s not completely worthless for a few hours.
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littleblackdomicile · 7 years
A Home Office Evolves With A Virtual Interior Design Consultation
“I want what you have!” – AW
During an initial interior design consultation we ask our clients a simple question.  “What is your goal for this space?”  When a client is also a friend they often have seen our homes.  They don’t really want the same things we have.  They want a home like ours that uses design concepts and theory to offer a personalized decor that works for them.  There is nothing like walking into our own home and knowing it’s the best place in the world. 
Retired, Or Not, Our Home Office Needs Change
 Blunt?  Maybe, but so true in the way we often look at our home’s design.   It can be easier to duplicate what we know.  Repurposing a bedroom, to be used as an office, is common here in the sunshine state for recent retirees.  After all, we must have a traditional working office just like we had in our previous home.  We might work part time, we might volunteer, we will surely want to sit at a desk for hours and play on the internet.  We’ve got files, documents, and cabinets full of stuff we think we will need in our new lives.  News flash, we don’t need the same kind of office in our new life.  Soon we won’t even want it if we do duplicate it and we will feel so much better without all the stuff!
Shouldn’t Your New Lifestyle Be Reflected In Your Home Office Too?
  New Construction Homes Are Clean Palettes For Personalized Decor
Mr. AW, and his lovely wife, built a retirement home in sunny Florida a few years ago.  They were living the dream in almost every way with one exception…. their home office.  A new wood floor and attractive rich sofa were the beginning in creating a personalized space they could both enjoy.  Yet the room seemed dark and not turning out like the personal retreat they hoped for.
  Enter Our Virtual Interior Design Package
Many of our clients love to dive in and work on their homes themselves.  Nothing makes us happier to see the finished projects and hear all about their success.  Nothing makes us sadder than to hear about the agony that can happen with choosing the paint color that must have changed colors in the can, not being able to find “the look” within a budget, or discovering that all the hours of having skin in the game only produced a design like everybody else’s.  Our virtual interior design packages will help you develop a personalized plan you can implement with confidence.  Let’s take a look at the few, very few, suggestions recommended for Mr. AW to complete their home retreat.  Bye-bye stuffy old office!
The Baby BFF Virtual Design Package
Presentation Board
  Learn More About The Baby BFF Here
Let’s use a dark paint to lighten up this builder beige color palette.  Don’t panic,  adding a dark contrasting element to lighter walls always works when you have the right color combinations.  Sorry Mr. Nervous Nellie, we are showing the test patches you did against our advice.  We have to make this blog entertaining!
Designs With A Soul Don’t Come From A Catalog
Yes, we suggested some online purchases and provided links for Mr. AW to be able to quickly find the items recommended.  However, using only new items, no matter how wonderful or expensive they are, will never give our interiors the feel we crave.  We need to add some soul.  The soul of a space often cost very little and comes from within.  We guarantee you can reach out and touch the things we are talking about way before you start dreaming of a new space.
The Soul Of This Home Office Retreat
Welcome “Home” Office
All peachy, but what happened to the idea this was supposed to be a revamped, new lifestyle office?  It’s skinny new self is here, loving the new environment complete with all the old pals.
“If I’d know the space would turn out like this…I would have used a virtual interior design package sooner!”-AW
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Interior Designs With Soul Don’t Come From A Catalog A Home Office Evolves With A Virtual Interior Design Consultation "I want what you have!" - AW…
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