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mind_writing on Wattpad • Rose 🥰 •15 • she/they • bi/pan? • I like writing those good sanders sides bois Masterlist
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
What happens when @thejoanglebook, @tallykat3, and I have any free time on our hands. This is so frickin silly, but the audio was funny, we were having fun, and I had the boys, so here lol (Audio: Bo Burnham; Makeup: @tallykat3)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
✏️+ lamp?
• big bed!! In the Mind or not they find a way to fit all the bois uwu
• group dates usually involve one choice from everyone (Roman chooses a play to see, Patton chooses where to eat, Logan picks out proper attire, and Virgil chooses dessert/what to do when they get home)
• the group chat is filled with Roman spouting literally everything, Patton sends pictures of every animal he sees throughout the day (including pigeons), Virgil sends self-deprecating memes, and Logan asks them to stop
• sometimes one of them will have a rough day and the others will be there for them with food, cuddles, etc
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
✏️ Analogical?
• Star-gazing, obvi.
• They both don’t like people so they just stay home/stick together.
• They’re kinda really touch-starved so when no one’s around they cuddle and hug a lot. It took them a while to come to that conclusion and adjust bc they’re both shy.
• Virgil sits on Logan’s lap or even on his computer like a cat when he’s been working too much.
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
Ask away! Same for drabble requests 💕
SEND ME “✏️ + a ship“ or “headcanon + a ship” for three ( or more ) random headcanons I have for that ship!
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
I'm not sure if you're still taking requests, but could you write a Prinxiety drabble with prompt 19 ("You're Satan.") please.
(This could have been a meme but y’all know me, I’m taking it literally. Please request more! The prompts I have atm are all angst-ish and that’s ok but I wanna see what more I have to work with. So please do come up with a sentence and a ship and send it my way uwu)
Warning: Roman is a flirt and he makes a subtle sexual reference
Virgil hadn’t meant to do it, obviously. Why would he? He’d just found the dusty brown book in the library where he was trying to find a stupid public speech book. He’d reached behind the books on the second-to-last shelf, and...there it was.
Virgil wasn’t one to believe in superstition. He loved his fair share of novels and movies, but no creature or magic could ever be real. That was why he used the book in the first place, he figured he had nothing better to do, and if he died then he wouldn’t have to worry about his student loan debt.
Virgil had prepped everything, putting some extra candles in his shopping cart, which earned him more than one reproachful glance.
Now was the time. He finished the incantation and began feeling warmth across his body. This was stupid, of course he didn’t. Virgil Kingston was not summoning a demon.
Then, with a sudden burst of roaring flame that knocked Virgil onto the couch, he was standing there. This man had appeared, almost human in appearance, though he had red horns and a long pointed tail. He turned towards Virgil and smiled, his crimson eyes hungry, his abnormally sharp canines visible.
Virgil’s heart thudded in his chest, a quiet whimper leaving his lips. “Y-you’re Satan...”
The demon-man smirked more, tugging on the sleeves of his scarlet suit. “Far from it, I would say. I’m a demon, the name’s Roman, and it appears you’ve just summoned me. Care to explain why?”
“It—I did it as a joke!” Virgil said quickly. “Please don’t hurt me!”
Roman rolled his eyes, his every movement smooth. “I’m not going to hurt you, hun. I’d prefer if we made a deal, though.”
“A—a deal?” Virgil asked shakily.
“Yes, a deal. I could give you anything you want in the world—money, fame, power—and in return you give me your soul. That’s the general gist, anyway.” Roman shrugged.
Virgil thought about it. Anything in the world...he’d never have to stress about money, he could wish for some friends, maybe even find love. “And my soul...would you...be kind to it?”
Roman scoffed. “I suppose. Demons get souls as soon as a human dies, and it’s treated like currency. I suppose I don’t torture the humans in my possession, I do show them decency. So, yes, I would promise to be kind. Now, what is it you want?”
“There’s a lot...but not really riches and fame, you know? I guess it’s personal things.” Virgil frowned.
“Hm,” Roman hummed in thought, his red eyes calculating. “Well, you’re a virgin, so I could assume that’s one of the first things I could fix.”
Virgil gasped, somehow feeling exposed in his hoodie and jeans. “How would you even know that?”
Roman waved a dismissive hand, then pointed to an imaginary watch.
“I—um—“ Virgil became really flustered, his face reddening. “I want to never need to worry about finances, and I want to never be lonely, Roman!”
Roman paused, almost looking surprised, then he laughed. “I suppose that’s not too much to ask. Then, when you die, I’ll have your soul with the promise of kindness and fairness, etc. Do we have a deal, Virgil Kingston?”
Virgil stuck out his hand, not wanting to know how he knew his name. “Deal!” He shook Roman’s hand, and a spark of blue fired burst from it. “So, Roman, are you...sticking around?” He kind of hoped he would, he was pretty cute.
“If you want me to,” Roman said. “I live to serve, how ever you want me.” He winked, and Virgil felt a blush crawl across everywhere on his skin.
“We have to find a way to cover...all that.” Virgil looked from his horns to his tail.
“Would you like to see my human form?” Roman asked, changing to a form much like himself, only the horns and tail weren’t present, his teeth weren’t as sharp and his once-crimson eyes were a light brown.
“Wow,” Virgil blinked out, reaching out and touching Roman’s arm. “You’re stunning...”
“Why, thank you, sweetheart.” Roman purred. “If you’re in the mood to comment me all the time, we could just say we’re boyfriends.”
Virgil thought of that, genuinely thought, for a moment. It’d certainly get some nagging friends and family off his back, not to mention Roman was kind of hot. “Like a fake thing? Sure...first, we need to change your clothes, that tux isn’t exactly Virgil’s-boyfriend-material. Then, well...I’m sure you have a lot to learn on being human...”
(It’s so late I’m phasing in and out. Request in my ask box thingy, send asks, send messages, like, reblog, comment. Or whatever. I’m so tired. I love you all, gn 💕)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
I think your writing is fantastic!!
Thank you!! You get all my uwus 💕 and a Yeehaw 🤠
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
I wanna hear the tea ☕️
Anonymously tell me something you think about me 💭
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
Oooo i been doing good, I haven't made art in like a week(?) and I'm really tempted to draw but like now motivation there but anyway how are you?
Yeah same I actually draw a lot but I never post bc insecurity lol
I’m good! I’m glad people are enjoying my drabbles and I’m almost finished with a thing on Wattpad and someone (who will remain unnamed ;) ) is making a Selection trailer for me! Sjsksk I just love receiving art. In my real life, I’m going into junior year soon and my birthday is coming up so (hopefully) I’ll get my license uwu
wow I blabber, apologies 💕
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
I just wanna say I love your writing
I just wanna say I love you, how have you been, what kind of new art are you making? I love asks so much for some reason lol, like people think I’m cool or something 😅💕
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
for ur latest post, i have a suggestion (if u want) (sorry if i sent this to the wrong place i dont know how to Tumblr): patton - whilst half asleep and not really thinking - snuggles up to roman (because of his warmth) and while romans just sputtering like ‘uh hey but what are you doing’ patton just interrupts and cuts of roman by quietly muttering ‘you’re just really warm’ and roman just melts like ‘aaahhh okay i’m warm’
(Royality is underrated and I love these soft kings! 💕)
Virgil and Logan were out doing who knows what—perhaps stargazing or some other gay extravaganza that the world may never know.
That was why, when Patton had asked so sweetly for the prince to vanquish the loneliness from Morality’s heart, Roman had gladly agreed.
They were halfway through The Princess and The Frog when Patton’s eyes became droopy and he began to slump against Roman’s warmth.
“Wh-What are you doing there, Pat?” Roman asked, his tone a little nervous as his face flushed.
“Shh,” Patton muttered, his voice a quiet whine. He’d recently recovered from a bout of sickness, and, while he was all better now, he still had the child-like quality of being whiny. “You’re warm, Ro.” He yawned, wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling into his chest. “So warm...and I’m...so sleepy...”
The prince gave a little laugh and ran his hand through Patton’s hair lovingly, wrapping an arm around him as well. “Of course! I am the prince who brings warmth throughout the kingdom, and I shall fight off any cold that may bother you, my dearest Patton.”
Patton nodded, laying across Roman’s lap and stretching out sleepily. He smiled sweetly at Roman, his eyes half-lidded as he hugged himself in his cat onesie. “Could you hold me, my Prince Charming? Please...”
Roman melted at the sight, moving to spoon Patton, his head in the crook of his neck so he could still watch the movie. “Is this alright, Patton?” He asked softly. He so badly wanted to show physical affection with Patton, but he didn’t want to make him uncomfortable and end up embarrassing himself.
“More than alright,” Patton replied with yawn as quiet as a kitten. “I love snuggling, especially with you, ‘cause you’re warm.”
Roman grinned, blushing as he brushed a lock of hair out of Patton’s already closed eyes. “Did you know you’re adorable, darling?” He asked quietly, as he thought he was asleep, the prince having full right to his list of pet-names.
“I know what you are but what am I?” Patton whispered, a playful grin on his lips.
(Bro not to be gay but let’s cuddle and call each other pet names it’s not gay I’m wearing socks—we love making a whole Drabble from a relatively sweet and innocent prompt all about my ex-relationship problems. Ignore this, oop. Ily guys, keep sending in that good kush (prompts) through my asks 💕)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
Hey I’m sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to let you know that we don’t use the acronym SS in the fandom because it has negative connotations. I don’t remember exactly what it means but I do remember it has relations to Nazis. Some big blogs have posted about it, so you can probably find a full explanation in one of them. Oh and your writing is wonderful and I absolutely love it!!!
Oh yeah I heard about that! Yeah on my more recent posts I’ve been using “ts sides” as the post advised but I don’t know about my earlier posts, my Selection posts. I definitely don’t want to upset anyone so I’ll check and fix any posts where I may have used this when I get the chance. No, you didn’t bother me at all, this is something that needs to be addressed with all sanders sides blogs. And thank you, I’m glad you love my writing, feel free to request a drabble if you haven’t already! 💕 (John Mulaney: and now there’s new Nazis! 🤨)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
Rebloging bc of the amazing commentary! If you’re usually on tumblr and wanna see more of my writing, I’m mind_writing on Wattpad. I have a cool royalty Prinxiety story called the Selection which isn’t fully reposted on here 💕
“here, take my blanket” with analogical? or prinxiety? (your writing is marvelously amazing by the way úwù
(Thank you! I’m totally not writing this one first bc of the compliment! Also it’s the only one I feel like doing lol. So I sent a thing to Thomas talking about being an SS author and being inspired by him and all that jazz, I’m pretty nervous even if he might not get to it! 😅)
“It’s not my fault!” Virgil sobbed as the boat sped far away from the dock, an inexperienced Virgil at the wheel, a panicked Roman trying to grab the wheel unnoticed. “It’s—It’s not my fault that they l-love me! I’m a pathetic liar, Roman! I can’t do it anymore!”
“There my family!” Roman argued in return, angrily taking the wheel and guiding the boat back on its tracks. “I get to decide what they can handle!”
Virgil was an immigrant from the UK, and he was about to be deported if he wasn’t married by next week. That being the way of it, Virgil had roped Roman in by threatening to post blackmail pictures of him singing Disney songs while drunk at a local bar. Virgil liked to think, in some small, messed up way, Roman wanted to marry him to keep him in America.
“I just,” Virgil cried quietly, “I’m not sure if I can keep lying to them. My—my parents died when I was 16, I never had the chance to get heirlooms or invites for the holidays. And when we tell them—“ Virgil choked up, holding the side of the boat. “It’ll be like losing them all over again.”
“Virgil,” Roman sighed softly, glancing over at him. Just then a buoy came floating in the distance, and Roman had to turn violently to leave the boat in one piece. “Sorry about that, Virgil. I was saying—Virgil?”
That was when Roman realized Virgil had been tossed off into the water. He began to panic until Virgil came splashing back into view, looking increasingly pained by the ice-cold water.
“Virgil! Oh, I’m so sorry! Here, grab on,” Roman held out a hand, and Virgil held it tightly as he scrambled back into the boat.
“Here, take my blanket.” Roman insisted, wrapping a white fleece blanket that had been left in the boat last night around Virgil. Virgil bundled himself in it, letting out pitiful whimpers as he shivered. He’d started crying once again. “Hey, it’ll be okay.” Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil. “I know it’s tough now, but you’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. How about I get us home and I’ll run you a nice hot bath, okay?”
Virgil nodded, letting out another quiet whine and leaning into Roman’s touch.
“We’ll be okay…”
(Can I get an uwu?)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
“here, take my blanket” with analogical? or prinxiety? (your writing is marvelously amazing by the way úwù
(Thank you! I’m totally not writing this one first bc of the compliment! Also it’s the only one I feel like doing lol. So I sent a thing to Thomas talking about being an SS author and being inspired by him and all that jazz, I’m pretty nervous even if he might not get to it! 😅)
“It’s not my fault!” Virgil sobbed as the boat sped far away from the dock, an inexperienced Virgil at the wheel, a panicked Roman trying to grab the wheel unnoticed. “It’s—It’s not my fault that they l-love me! I’m a pathetic liar, Roman! I can’t do it anymore!”
“There my family!” Roman argued in return, angrily taking the wheel and guiding the boat back on its tracks. “I get to decide what they can handle!”
Virgil was an immigrant from the UK, and he was about to be deported if he wasn’t married by next week. That being the way of it, Virgil had roped Roman in by threatening to post blackmail pictures of him singing Disney songs while drunk at a local bar. Virgil liked to think, in some small, messed up way, Roman wanted to marry him to keep him in America.
“I just,” Virgil cried quietly, “I’m not sure if I can keep lying to them. My—my parents died when I was 16, I never had the chance to get heirlooms or invites for the holidays. And when we tell them—“ Virgil choked up, holding the side of the boat. “It’ll be like losing them all over again.”
“Virgil,” Roman sighed softly, glancing over at him. Just then a buoy came floating in the distance, and Roman had to turn violently to leave the boat in one piece. “Sorry about that, Virgil. I was saying—Virgil?”
That was when Roman realized Virgil had been tossed off into the water. He began to panic until Virgil came splashing back into view, looking increasingly pained by the ice-cold water.
“Virgil! Oh, I’m so sorry! Here, grab on,” Roman held out a hand, and Virgil held it tightly as he scrambled back into the boat.
“Here, take my blanket.” Roman insisted, wrapping a white fleece blanket that had been left in the boat last night around Virgil. Virgil bundled himself in it, letting out pitiful whimpers as he shivered. He’d started crying once again. “Hey, it’ll be okay.” Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil. “I know it’s tough now, but you’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. How about I get us home and I’ll run you a nice hot bath, okay?”
Virgil nodded, letting out another quiet whine and leaning into Roman’s touch.
“We’ll be okay...”
(Can I get an uwu?)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
For Drabble requests if you don’t have a sentence already in mind! 💕
Drabble Challenge!
Repost this. Followers/Readers send numbers to your Ask. You write a fic/drabble using that line in your piece. Have fun! Expect a ton of requests!! 
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You can’t just sit there all day.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“Well, that’s tragic.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“Dear Diary, …”
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“I lost our baby.”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“You’re Satan.”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies.”
“I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”
“Did you just hiss at me?”
“Do you really need all that candy?”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“No. Regrets.”
“How drunk was I?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“You work for me. You are my slave.”
“Take your medicine.”
“They’re monsters.”
“Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
“The kids, they ambushed me.”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
“Stop being so cute.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
“I was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic…”
“Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”
“This is girl talk, so leave.”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
“There’s a herd of them!”
“Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“You’re a nerd.”
“I’m late.”
“Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
“You smell like a wet dog.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?”
“Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
“Here, take my blanket.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
“How could I ever forget about you?”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“Run for it!”
“We need to talk.”
“Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.”
“I want a pet.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Quit beating me up!”
“Please put your penis away.”
“It’s a Texas thing.”
“Don’t argue. Just do it.”
“I hope I’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Hold still.”
“I just ironed these pants!”
“Enough with the sass!”
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
“Stay awake.”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
“I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me.”
“You’re not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving.”
“The store ran out of Easter eggs.”
“How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich.”
Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!!
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
hi there! i saw you were taking requests and i have a quote for you! “you make me want things i can’t have” maybe with logicality? i hope you feel better too! úwù
(This is actually my third time writing this, my phones glitching up and if it don’t stop I stg—)
Logan wasn’t necessarily having a bad day, at least not on the outside, anyway. Inside his mind, he was battling with himself to no avail, only making him feel worse. His all-knowing expression had turned to one of confusion, his intelligent eyes to sadness.
Patton, being his good friend, tried to ask if he wanted to talk. Logan, knowing his friendly intentions, ignored him.
Logan, of course, knew what kind of emotional confrontation was to come from such ignorance. That was why, moments before they were released from band practice, Logan had already packed and was starting to stand.
Logan had rushed out the door, ignoring how Patton’s voice called after him.
It was in that moment that Logan realized his cluttered mind hadn’t thought to bring an umbrella. The rain poured in heavy sheets, but Logan started walking nonetheless, cursing as rain splotched his glasses.
;Logan, wait!” Patton’s sweet, yet insistent voice could be heard, along with the clapping of rain boots on water.
Logan had halted long enough to feel the rain cease suddenly, and he looked up to see a bright yellow umbrella with butterflies on it. He turned to face Patton reluctantly, wiping his face of water and pushing it through his already soaked dark hair.
;Why don’t we go to my car, hm? We can listen to some music and talk about whatever’s bothering you on the way home.” Patton offered kindly.
Logan’s heart ached at seeing all he wanted in front of him. Patton, with his wavy sandy blond hair and cute freckles, wearing the brightest sky-blue skirt and a sweater with dogs on it. He never cared what people thought.
“The walk’s not far,” Logan said absent-mindedly, his voice sounding distant.
“That’s not what I meant, silly. Come on, you’ll get sick.” Patton started to put his hand on Logan’s arm, but Logan stopped him.
“Patton, no...” Logan started, and he was surprised by how much pain was in his voice. “You make me want things I can’t have...and I just don’t think you can understand that. ”
“L-Logan...” Patton said softly, his smile fading immediately. “Logi-bear, what do you mean?
Logan sighed at the hurt in his eyes and racked his brain for something, anything. “I mean that I don’t want you to be hurt simply because of things I want from you. ”
“From me? Like what?” Patton asked curiously, and Logan almost couldn’t take it. He either wanted to kiss him or turn and run.
“A...it’s nothing, Patton. Don’t worry about it.”
“Please don’t dismiss me, Logan.” Patton breathed, and Logan could see his eyes were watering, looking pleadingly into Logan’s. “Please, if it’s about me, I don’t want to do anything to hurt you. ”
“You couldn’t,” Logan said hurriedly, despite the way his heart ached. “I was just...thinking about...relationships. L-love. That’s all.”
“Oh,” Patton looked confused, then lit up slightly. “You want me to set you up with someone?”
Logan frowned, scratching the back of his neck. “No, unless, well...unless that person was you...”
“Oh...” Patton paused, gazing at his rain boots, though he looked up and beamed at Logan. “You like me?
“Please don’t...” Logan started with an exhausted sigh. He wasn’t sure what Patton was about to do, but he was sure it’d make him regret what he said.
;No, no, it’s just...I like you, too, you know?” Patton said, and Logan swore he’d never heard such a sugar-sweet voice deliver warm words.
Logan’s heart nearly stopped, though it definitely skipped a beat. “I see,” he said faintly. “We expressed mutual feelings for each other...now we...?”
Patton looked confused, then he grinned and played with the fabric of his skirt. “This is the part where you ask to kiss me, if you want.”
Logan nearly choked as his face turned red, which Patton gave a gentle giggle at. Logan couldn’t believe Patton would let him even ask. “Patton...could I...could I kiss you?”
“You gotta catch me first,” Patton replied slyly, and he turned and started dashing towards his car, causing splashed to rip through puddles. He called after him, “last one to my car’s a rotten egg!
(I wrote this at midnight lmao end me. Hope y’all enjoyed, please request in my inbox so I can have the prompt above the writing, thank you. Also I’m having trouble with the spacing in between paragraphs on here so if someone could tell me how to fix that that’d be nice 💕)
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
Request A TS Fic?
I’m bored and I kinda wanna do writing commissions in the future so I guess I’ll take requests for little drabbles or one shots. No romrem, No NSFW. I unintentionally ran into the Patton hate tag and it made me really sad and now I wanna write some Royality fluff tbh. That’s pretty much it, feel free to request in my inbox with a prompt or even a line of dialogue 💕
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mind-writing0 · 6 years ago
“How arw you paying for photoshop” im not LMAO
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