#sxd writes
ludiclov · 1 year
Well, I wasn't expecting so much attention with my previous post~ hahahaha °^°u
But now that I see that my idea catches their attention I think I'll put it into practice. So give me some time to organize my thoughts and advance a bit of the plot.
But above all to learn how to tag and make links on tumblr xD
Ah! Thank you very much for your interest in my random idea~ I hope to return quickly with it already up and running^^
0 notes
dracolucivs · 7 years
Expecto Patronum
Sooo I’m rereading OotP right now, and idk I just kinda thought of this, so I took the idea and ran with it. Not sure if it’s good or not lmao
As Harry walked into the Room of Requirement, he smiled and happily began setting up for that week’s DA meeting. He was really looking forward to this one, as was everyone else, because he was finally going to begin teaching them the Patronus Charm. Just as he had finished getting everything ready, there was a knock on the door, and Ron and Hermione quickly entered. It wasn’t long until everyone had arrived, and they could finally begin.
The meeting started out as they usually did. Everyone simply greeted each other, and once they had all settled down, Harry explained what they would be doing. At the mention of conjuring a patronus, there were murmurs of excitement going around the room. Just as Harry was about to begin giving instructions on how to do this difficult charm, there was another knock on the door.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged looks of apprehension. Everyone seemed to have the same thought in mind as the three of them: What if it’s Umbridge?
“If it were her, I don’t think she would be so polite as to simply knock,” Hermione muttered, attempting to quell everyone’s worry despite her own being very evident on her face.
Harry gave everyone a look that told them all to remain quiet as he cautiously approached the door. He put his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, opening the door a crack, through which his eyes immediately spotted a shock of white-blond hair.
Harry slammed the door and turned to the group with wide eyes. Ron and Hermione rushed over to him.
“It’s Malfoy,” he said anxiously.
They all knew Malfoy was keen on getting anyone who wasn’t in Slytherin into trouble, especially those in Gryffindor, and would certainly stoop as low as working with Umbridge to do so.
“Did he see you?” Ron asked.
“I think so, but-” Harry was cut off by yet another knock.
Just like the first knock, it was not one of brute force that demanded entrance, but a polite knock, as if asking permission to come in.
“Maybe you should just...see what he wants?” Hermione suggested.
“Right, and land myself in detention, carving words into my hand for the rest of the year. No thanks, Hermione, I’ll pass.”
“Well you said that you think he saw you, so if what he wants is to rat you out to Umbridge, he would have done it already, but he’s still here.”
Harry looked around and saw that everyone’s eyes were on him.
“Fine. I’ll see what he wants. While I do that, you guys can all just pair up, and practice some of the stuff we worked on previously.”
They all hesitantly did as Harry asked, and Harry then turned back to the door. With a large sigh, he tugged it open and quickly stepped outside so Malfoy couldn’t see who else was in the room.
“What do you want?” Harry snapped, giving Malfoy a sharp glare.
Draco was slightly taken aback at Harry’s hostility, though it wasn’t entirely unexpected.
“I wanted to join in on your meeting...”
Harry attempted to feign innocence.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Draco rolled his eyes and snorted.
“Come off it, Potter. You act like you all do a good job of keeping it a secret, running around school muttering about meetings and spells together. It’s a wonder how Umbridge doesn’t know exactly what you’re all up to yet. I mean I knew she was quite dense, but come on.”
Harry just stared at Draco for a few moments. Maybe he was just waiting for Harry to confess so he could run and tell her.
Draco could clearly see what Harry was thinking.
“Look, I want to pass my OWLs just as much as you all do. My parents would have a right fit if I received anything less than an E on any of them. And speaking of my parents, well, as you know, my father isn’t exactly...morally correct. I know as well as you that Voldemort is on the rise again, and I’m not going to lie...I’m scared. I put on a show for my father of acting like I agree with Voldemort’s intentions, but I don’t. I want to learn how to defend myself, too, because when it comes down to it, Voldemort doesn’t care about blood status; if he doesn’t like you, it doesn’t matter if you’re pureblood or a mud- er...muggle born. He’ll kill you without a second thought.”
Harry couldn’t believe what he was hearing. For whatever reason, maybe because Draco was giving him a look that made him feel something funny in his stomach, he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Fine, you can come in. But you’ll have to sign something.”
Harry figured that if Malfoy was just going to run and tell on them all afterwards, at least they would all have the small consolation of him having horrendous acne all over his face.
When the two of them stepped back into the Room of Requirement, everyone turned to stare at Malfoy, and then Harry with disbelief.
“Uhm...we have a new member,” he said awkwardly before grabbing the parchment with all of their signatures and having Malfoy sign.
Everyone eyed Draco skeptically, but said nothing.
“Right, now that that’s all settled, I guess we can get started on patronuses.”
Harry explained the incantation to them all: how to do it, what it’s used for, and how each is unique to the person casting it.
Harry then easily casted his patronus, a great stag erupting from the end of his wand, to demonstrate.
Everyone, especially Draco, Harry noticed, was staring at him in awe.
“So that’s really it. Just think of something really happy, and say the words. It seems quite easy, but don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. It’s really advanced magic.”
They all had forgotten about Draco’s presence and quickly got into groups or pairs, excited to try the charm themselves.
Unsurprisingly, Draco was left without a partner, so Harry begrudgingly offered to work with him. 
“Expecto Patronum,” Draco muttered for what seemed like the thousandth time, still without any effect. Harry was beginning to take pity on him. He knew how frustrating it was.
“You’re not thinking of a happy enough memory. Just take a break and try to think of something else while I go around and check on how everyone else is doing.”
Draco simply nodded and watched as Harry walked off to a different group, smiling at Luna Lovegood as she showed him her patronus that took the form of a hare.
Draco sighed and started to feel worse as he watched every other person in the room have a go at the charm. Even if they were unable to cast a clear, full patronus, they all at least had silver mist coming from their wands. Draco attempted the charm once more on his own, but nothing happened. No glorious animal and no silver mist; just utter disappointment. He couldn’t understand why this was so difficult for him, as he had never had trouble with the charms they performed in Defense Against the Dark Arts before.
After Harry had made his rounds, he returned to Draco.
“Ready to try again?” Harry asked cheerily, though he was unsure why. This was Malfoy he was talking to, after all.
“I guess so,” Draco grumbled before raising his wand and saying the words. To no surprise, nothing happened, and Draco rolled his eyes, annoyed with his own incompetence.
Harry quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Are you sure you’re thinking of something happy?”
Draco shot him a glare but said nothing. He tried and failed a few more times before finally just giving up. Harry looked at him sympathetically, and was about to say something to him, but then he realized the time, and quickly rushed everyone out, assuring them that he’d let them know when their next meeting would be.
Harry hadn’t realized that there was still one person remaining in the room with him. When he turned and saw Draco still standing there, he jumped slightly.
“I just wanted to apologize...for wasting your time.”
Harry shook his head.
“You didn’t waste my time, Malfoy. The whole point of this is to help people learn proper defense. Today’s lesson was really difficult magic that some grown wizards cannot even perform.”
“Well, no one else seemed to have trouble with it.”
“They all knew what we would be doing at today’s meeting and probably read up on it a bit. It’s nothing to beat yourself up about.”
“I couldn’t even get that stupid silver mist to come out of my wand, Potter,” Draco spat.
“It’s okay, we’re going to keep working on it.”
“There’s no point in me even coming again. I’m obviously helpless.”
Harry rolled his eyes at how overdramatic Draco was being, but at the same time, he could see how much this was bothering him, and really wanted to help.
“Maybe it’s your wand movement. Here, watch me.” Harry quickly pulled out his wand and aimed it at nothing in particular. “Expecto Patronum.”
Draco watched, as the silver stag once again appeared. Harry let it trot around for a bit before pulling his wand away.
“Now you try.”
Harry watched as Draco prepared to try again.
“Stop,” he said as Draco began moving his arm. “You’re not starting the motion correctly.”
Harry moved behind Draco and put his hand around his wrist to reposition his arm. Draco blushed at the contact. Harry then helped Draco do the full motion.
After doing this a few times, Harry released Draco’s wrist and told him to try again. This time, a bit of silver mist shot from the end of Draco’s wand, and he quickly turned around excitedly to look at Harry, who was beaming at him.
“Did you see that?”
Harry chuckled.
“I did. See, you’re already making progress. You just have to be a bit more positive.”
Harry then took in Draco’s expression. He was sure this was the first time he had ever seen him smiling in a way that wasn’t sinister or sarcastic. The way his lips so easily curved up into that grin was lovely. Harry’s eyes focused on Draco’s lips for several moments, and he soon realized how close the two of them were to each other. Harry thought back to that funny feeling Draco had given him before, but this time, it was amplified. If before he had butterflies in his stomach, they were hippogriffs now. 
Harry smiled back and took a small step closer, nearly closing the distance between him and Draco, who was giving Harry a questioning look, but not moving away.
From the way Draco was gazing at him, Harry had a feeling Draco felt the same way he did. Without a second thought, Harry closed his eyes and leaned in, softly pressing his lips to Draco’s.
It was a short kiss, but they both pulled away smiling, and before either of them could say or do anything else, Draco lifted his wand and, with confidence, shouted, “Expecto Patronum!”
Harry watched as something huge appeared. A magnificent, silver dragon flew about the room, and Harry couldn’t help but grin. He had never seen anything like it. He hadn’t even known it was possible to cast a dragon patronus.
After a while, Draco allowed the dragon to disappear, and he smiled at Harry.
“I guess I just needed something happier to think about.”
Harry blushed slightly but laughed.
“I guess so.”
Draco smiled slyly and leaned in to give Harry another quick kiss.
“I’ll remember that one for next time,” he said with a wink before turning and walking out of the Room of Requirement, looking forward to next week’s meeting.
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pottermoregays · 8 years
24 wolfstar sfw
// This was written by @dracolucivsthank you sm for writing this for me kate, youre amazing and ilysm
“Where the fuck are you taking me? And how the hell did you get your motorcycle to Hogwarts?!” Remus shouted from his spot behind Sirius on his motorcycle.
Sirius rolled his eyes despite the fact that Remus could not see him.
“Would you just calm down?”
“Well you practically kidnapped me!”
Sirius couldn’t argue with that. The two of them had gotten into a big fight the week before, and Remus still wasn’t talking to him. Sirius felt awful and had to make it up to him, but knew he would never get Remus to agree to come with him when he was still so angry.
Remus continued to complain, so Sirius stopped the motorcycle abruptly, in the middle of nowhere.
Remus climbed off and looked around.
“This? This is where you had to take me, Sirius?! You know, you’re a pretty shitty boyfriend. You told Snape that I’m a werewolf, you woke me up in the middle of the night, you dragged me out here for no reason, and now what? What more could you possibly want to do to piss me off?!”
Sirius ran a hand down his face.
“Merlin, will you just shut up for two minutes? I’m trying to apologize.“
“Don’t you dare tell me to shut up! You deserve this! You-”
Remus was cut off, however, when Sirius grabbed his chin to tilt it up and gently pressed their lips together.
When he pulled away, Sirius gave Remus a moment to compose himself before he began speaking again.
“I’m sorry, Remus. I’m sorry for telling Snape about you, I’m sorry for waking you up, and I’m sorry for dragging you out here. But I needed to talk to you. This wasn’t where I planned to take you, but you just wouldn’t stop complaining…”
Remus gave Sirius a small smile at that, but it quickly disappeared.
“I-I thought I could trust you, Sirius,” he whispered.
“You can, Moony. I just…I messed up. It won’t happen again. I love you so much and would never want to hurt you. You know that.”
Remus nodded.
“I love you too.”
Sirius smiled and gave Remus another quick kiss.
“Good. Now how about we head back to school, climb into bed, and cuddle up together. It’s kind of late,” Sirius teased, checking his watch to see that it was three in the morning.
Remus laughed and got back onto the bike.
“That sounds perfect.”
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wnq-writers · 7 years
november the skies are grey the weather is perfect it’s too much to think about what makes november so “great” we sit at this big table not thinking of people who were once here but now are not november not the greatest i can’t stop thinking how much i ate so many bad thoughts you can’t take in the comfort november is supposed to give you i remember each november as if they are plastered in my brain each bad memory never fades despite how amazing it seems november will never reign for october right before you can truly have fun spooky ghosts and skeletons each november will all remain the same hopefully even after this november i will still be sane.
e.m.,  writing prompt #66: Write about November
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moeruhoshi · 2 years
WIP Challenge! Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!💖💖💖
...I have a lot and then I have 40 more in my Tumblr drafts that don't have titles so these are all the ones in my Google Docs 🙃
Black Swan
PAMeo 4 - Final
The Obsessive Type
Hot Meal Epilogue
Sleeping Beauty
Forbidden Love
Greedy Dragon 39
Continued Puppy Love Thing
Moon Fever
Girl on the Moon
Tutor 2
Fallen Star AU
DB 2
Mafia - Sting's Sister AU
Forest Beauty Re-Write
Random SxD
Angel x Demon M
Goddess AU
Secret Mafia
Vampire x Werewolf thing
Baker x Lucy
Angel x Demon (bruh why do I have 2 of these)
Gruvia - Back Alley Cat
Tumblr princess of stars
Secret Life
PxK Affair
Idk what this is (literally the title)
Haunted House rewrite
Mafia Lucy related to Sting (I think I forgot I made this and made the other 💀)
Queen AU
Dragon x Princess Boi is Sick
Sad but cute
My Spirit
Guardian Angel
E.N.D Pan
Fist Love AU
Just wanna
Not So Innocent 2
His Crush 2
Mafia Bar thing
Dragon AU
Nalu week day 4 💀
Nalu weeks 💀💀💀💀
Tw it hurts
Accidental Mate
Witch 2
Run Away
U 3
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missbostonbarmaid · 2 years
very happy i found your blog because hoo boy has it been hard to watch Cheers knowing that S and D don't end up together while having the opinion that the writers aren't doing the best at writing a coherent relationship between the two... like I wish they would just give those two the time and patience to just TALK about their feelings without it ending up in an argument or s*xual advances (looking at you Sam)... there are SO many moments that get swept under the rug that it's just infuriating and I'm making my own hcs to placate myself... awaiting your Cheers overanalysis and more SxD posts :)
Thanks for sharing your feelings here with me.
I always appreciate reading people’s thought on this odd couple.
I went through the same struggle when I first watched this, knowing all too well Diane would leave at some point. I was quite young back then and had no clue about the surrounding matters concerning her upcoming absence. Finding out, I found it troublesome too. I found it unfair to everyone: Shelley as a person, Diane as a developed, beloved character and us as viewers and fans.
I believe their relationship (Sam and Diane’s) in season 5 very much represents the uncertainty of the staff. Not knowing whether Shelley would stay made the writing seem incoherent and at times immature. I think it was their ‘golden middle’ going either way with these two depending on Shelley’s decision - even though they probably knew, she would choose to leave. They gave Shelley a taste of the frustration with all the turmoil in the relationship between Sam and Diane in this season as well a taste of what a happy life for Sam and Diane together could be (the positive moments). As we know, she wished Sam and Diane together, so this must have been tougher than tough.
I can’t speak facts about this, but I do believe Cheers was a revolutionary comedy in many ways back then, handling deeper conflicts than expected. But in the end, it was a comedy - and only a handful of the moments can be emotional and deep. Not that I disagree with you, that a lot of of SxD moments were swept under the rug, but regarding this season, it would only have done the show harm and the eventual break with Diane harder. And even though they did Diane dirty in this season at times, pushing her over the edge as a character, they did still acknowledge her importance to Sam. We saw that in the finale episode of s5, but analyzing that will only make me cry sooo….enough for now :’)
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strangergrove · 5 years
Got tagged by @pretty-bratty. I've never been tagged in anything, so this is pretty cool. Thanks, dear!
July 27
Astrological sign
Last song I listened to
Blue and the Grey - Parkway Drive
Writing, drawing, reading, video games, soccer, sculpting, sewing, jewelry making
Fav colour
Black, though if we're being technical and saying black isn't really a colour, then turquoise/aqua
Last movie I saw
The One I Love
Fav book
Strange the Dreamer - Laini Taylor
Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman
The Likeness - Tana French
Dream job
Author or video game concept artist
Meaning behind url
Just a mashup of Stranger Things and Hargrove, because I adore Billy. I'm also a strange dude, so there's that
I also have no idea who all has been tagged already, so apologies in advance.
Tagging: @gideongrace @sxd-boy-hours @blubobbi @harrinqgrove @melatonin-groove @billy-dacre-montgrove @byler-n-harringrove @christinakratt
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from FireEye Author: Michael Bailey
In the wake of recent hacking tool dumps, the FLARE team saw a spike in malware samples detonating kernel shellcode. Although most samples can be analyzed statically, the FLARE team sometimes debugs these samples to confirm specific functionality. Debugging can be an efficient way to get around packing or obfuscation and quickly identify the structures, system routines, and processes that a kernel shellcode sample is accessing.
This post begins a series centered on kernel software analysis, and introduces a tool that uses a custom Windows kernel driver to load and execute Windows kernel shellcode. I’ll walk through a brief case study of some kernel shellcode, how to load shellcode with FLARE’s kernel shellcode loader, how to build your own copy, and how it works.
As always, only analyze malware in a safe environment such as a VM; never use tools such as a kernel shellcode loader on any system that you rely on to get your work done.
A Tale of Square Pegs and Round Holes
Depending upon how a shellcode sample is encountered, the analyst may not know whether it is meant to target user space or kernel space. A common triage step is to load the sample in a shellcode loader and debug it in user space. With kernel shellcode, this can have unexpected results such as the access violation in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Access violation from shellcode dereferencing null pointer
The kernel environment is a world apart from user mode: various registers take on different meanings and point to totally different structures. For instance, while the gs segment register in 64-bit Windows user mode points to the Thread Information Block (TIB) whose size is only 0x38 bytes, in kernel mode it points to the Processor Control Region (KPCR) which is much larger. In Figure 1 at address 0x2e07d9, the shellcode is attempting to access the IdtBase member of the KPCR, but because it is running in user mode, the value at offset 0x38 from the gs segment is null. This causes the next instruction to attempt to access invalid memory in the NULL page. What the code is trying to do doesn’t make sense in the user mode environment, and it has crashed as a result.
In contrast, kernel mode is a perfect fit. Figure 2 shows WinDbg’s dt command being used to display the _KPCR type defined within ntoskrnl.pdb, highlighting the field at offset 0x38 named IdtBase.
Figure 2: KPCR structure
Given the rest of the code in this sample, accessing the IdtBase field of the KPCR made perfect sense. Determining that this was kernel shellcode allowed me to quickly resolve the rest of my questions, but to confirm my findings, I wrote a kernel shellcode loader. Here’s what it looks like to use this tool to load a small, do-nothing piece of shellcode.
Using FLARE’s Kernel Shellcode Loader
I booted a target system with a kernel debugger and opened an administrative command prompt in the directory where I copied the shellcode loader (kscldr.exe). The shellcode loader expects to receive the name of the file on disk where the shellcode is located as its only argument. Figure 3 shows an example where I’ve used a hex editor to write the opcodes for the NOP (0x90) and RET (0xC3) instructions into a binary file and invoked kscldr.exe to pass that code to the kernel shellcode loader driver. I created my file using the Windows port of xxd that comes with Vim for Windows.
Figure 3: Using kscldr.exe to load kernel shellcode
The shellcode loader prompts with a security warning. After clicking yes, kscldr.exe installs its driver and uses it to execute the shellcode. The system is frozen at this point because the kernel driver has already issued its breakpoint and the kernel debugger is awaiting commands. Figure 4 shows WinDbg hitting the breakpoint and displaying the corresponding source code for kscldr.sys.
Figure 4: Breaking in kscldr.sys
From the breakpoint, I use WinDbg with source-level debugging to step and trace into the shellcode buffer. Figure 5 shows WinDbg’s disassembly of the buffer after doing this.
Figure 5: Tracing into and disassembling the shellcode
The disassembly shows the 0x90 and 0xc3 opcodes from before, demonstrating that the shellcode buffer is indeed being executed. From here, the powerful facilities of WinDbg are available to debug and analyze the code’s behavior.
Building It Yourself
To try out FLARE’s kernel shellcode loader for yourself, you’ll need to download the source code.
To get started building it, download and install the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). I’m using Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0, which is command line driven, whereas more modern versions of the WDK integrate with Visual Studio. If you feel comfortable using a newer kit, you’re welcomed to do so, but beware, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands regarding build commands and dependencies. Since WDK 7.1.0 is adequate for purposes of this tool, that is the version I will describe in this post.
Once you have downloaded and installed the WDK, browse to the Windows Driver Kits directory in the start menu on your development system and select the appropriate environment. Figure 6 shows the WDK program group on a Windows 7 system. The term “checked build” indicates that debugging checks will be included. I plan to load 64-bit kernel shellcode, and I like having Windows catch my mistakes early, so I’m using the x64 Checked Build Environment.
Figure 6: Windows Driver Kits program group
In the WDK command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the FLARE kernel shellcode loader and type ez.cmd. The script will cause prompts to appear asking you to supply and use a password for a test signing certificate. Once the build completes, visit the bin directory and copy kscldr.exe to your debug target. Before you can commence using your custom copy of this tool, you’ll need to follow just a few more steps to prepare the target system to allow it.
Preparing the Debug Target
To debug kernel shellcode, I wrote a Windows software-only driver that loads and runs shellcode at privilege level 0. Normally, Windows only loads drivers that are signed with a special cross-certificate, but Windows allows you to enable testsigning to load drivers signed with a test certificate. We can create this test certificate for free, and it won’t allow the driver to be loaded on production systems, which is ideal.
In addition to enabling testsigning mode, it is necessary to enable kernel debugging to be able to really follow what is happening after the kernel shellcode gains execution. Starting with Windows Vista, we can enable both testsigning and kernel debugging by issuing the following two commands in an administrative command prompt followed by a reboot:
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning on
bcdedit.exe /set debug on
For debugging in a VM, I install VirtualKD, but you can also follow your virtualization vendor’s directions for connecting a serial port to a named pipe or other mechanism that WinDbg understands. Once that is set up and tested, we’re ready to go!
If you try the shellcode loader and get a blue screen indicating stop code 0x3B (SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION), then you likely did not successfully connect the kernel debugger beforehand. Remember that the driver issues a software interrupt to give control to the debugger immediately before executing the shellcode; if the debugger is not successfully attached, Windows will blue screen. If this was the case, reboot and try again, this time first confirming that the debugger is in control by clicking Debug -> Break in WinDbg. Once you know you have control, you can issue the g command to let execution continue (you may need to disable driver load notifications to get it to finish the boot process without further intervention: sxd ld).
How It Works
The user-space application (kscldr.exe) copies the driver from a PE-COFF resource to the disk and registers it as a Windows kernel service. The driver implements device write and I/O control routines to allow interaction from the user application. Its driver entry point first registers dispatch routines to handle CreateFile, WriteFile, DeviceIoControl, and CloseHandle. It then creates a device named Devicekscldr and a symbolic link making the device name accessible from user-space. When the user application opens the device file and invokes WriteFile, the driver calls ExAllocatePoolWithTag specifying a PoolType of NonPagedPool (which is executable), and writes the buffer to the newly allocated memory. After the write operation, the user application can call DeviceIoControl to call into the shellcode. In response, the driver sets the appropriate flags on the device object, issues a breakpoint to pass control to the kernel debugger, and finally calls the shellcode as if it were a function.
While You’re Here
Driver development opens the door to unique instrumentation opportunities. For example, Figure 7 shows a few kernel callback routines described in the WDK help files that can track system-wide process, thread, and DLL activity.
Figure 7: WDK kernel-mode driver architecture reference
Kernel development is a deep subject that entails a great deal of study, but the WDK also comes with dozens upon dozens of sample drivers that illustrate correct Windows kernel programming techniques. This is a treasure trove of Windows internals information, security research topics, and instrumentation possibilities. If you have time, take a look around before you get back to work.
We’ve shared FLARE’s tool for loading privileged shellcode in test environments so that we can dynamically analyze kernel shellcode. We hope this provides a straightforward way to quickly triage kernel shellcode if it ever appears in your environment. Download the source code now.
Do you want to learn more about these tools and techniques from FLARE? Then you should take one of our Black Hat classes in Las Vegas this summer! Our offerings include Malware Analysis Crash Course, macOS Malware for Reverse Engineers, and Malware Analysis Master Class.
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Go to Source Author: Michael Bailey Loading Kernel Shellcode Original Post from FireEye Author: Michael Bailey In the wake of recent hacking tool dumps, the FLARE team saw a spike…
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bluethxghts · 8 years
“I see both sides like Chanel”
Giving shape to something that is shapeless is a difficult task
Each movement seems off, every amount of pressure is uncertain.
Still, effort is often a great place to begin.
Imagining oneself as more “fly”, as closer to whatever captures your particular person’s eye, is a sequence many can relate to.
Have you ever noticed how selfish your particular person is? They will cycle through your head all day like a song on replay.
Just kidding.
For if life were as simple as people understanding we think about them, everyone would be with their special person.
That is where our creativity comes in, have you ever noticed that you create some really good ideas under the stars?
Each scenario pulled from brainstorming seems like the one.
“Maybe I’ll listen to his favorite album, we can talk about that”
“Oh, I can watch her favorite show. Yeah, then I won’t freeze up”
Every flash of genius seems like the perfect way to win affection.
So does life know you are a genuis?
If it did, maybe it would follow along with your plans. Still, even the moments when we do not get picked can be fun.
Eventually you will find that same energy in a different person, one who is more open to you.
After all, love is not do or die.
Of all of the dimensions you possess, try not to make the one that was turned down your entirety.
Remember that one thing you do really well?
Yeah, focus on that. There is so much more to do than to stuff shapless things into boxes
Explore yourself through your interests, how well do you know you?
If you are the dramatic type after being left on seen, you could use something to do.
Inside all of the new, is still some of the old. If you are not careful, your experiences will make you cold.
Try not to let winter’s frigid air linger in your being. If you find yourself unable to conquer it at first, that is alright. Jackets were made just for that
There many different brands to keep warm, so search for the one that suits you best.
Writing happens to be mine.
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dracolucivs · 8 years
can i prompt you a lil hurt/comfort for drarry via #2 ?
My Writing
“I really don’t see why what I did was so bad,” Draco muttered as Harry practically dragged him out of Ron and Hermione’s house.
“Really, Draco? You don’t? Let me remind you then that Ron invited you into his home, served you a meal, tried to be friendly, and you responded my insulting him, his house, and his family.”
Draco rolled his eyes and shrugged Harry’s hand off of his arm.
“I was just stating facts.”
“No, you weren’t! You were being a bloody prat!” Harry shouted, fists clenched at his side. “I don’t understand why it is so hard for you to treat people with respect!”
Draco snorted.
“Because they don’t deserve my respect.”
Harry shook his head in disgust.
“Whatever, Draco. I’m sick of your attitude. I’m going home.”
Harry then turned and apparated on the spot, leaving Draco standing in the middle of the street alone.
Draco sighed and ran his hand down his face. He knew he messed up. He knew he shouldn’t have said those things to Ron. He hated when Harry was upset with him, and he didn’t think he’d ever seen him that angry.
Draco walked back up to the door of Ron and Hermione’s house, swallowed his pride, and knocked.
Ron quickly opened the door and glared when he saw who it was. Before he could say anything, Draco began talking.
“I-I’m sorry for the things I said. It was really rude and disrespectful of me.”
Ron stared at him skeptically for a moment.
“Is Harry making you apologize?”
Draco shook his head.
“No he…he went home.”
Ron nodded, and his hand then shot out for Draco to shake.
“Apology accepted, mate.”
Draco stared at him in shock and slowly shook his hand. He hadn’t expected Ron to be so forgiving.
“Right, well, I’m gonna go. Sorry again, and thanks for having us over.”
Draco then turned and walked away before apparating to his and Harry’s house.
Harry was sitting on the couch, watching tv, when Draco walked through the door. Harry wouldn’t even look at him.
“Harry, I-”
“I don’t want to hear it, Draco. Just leave me alone.”
Draco had a very hurt expression on his face, but slowly nodded his head and walked off to their bedroom. He changed into his pajamas and crawled into bed. He wanted to just fall asleep and forget about everything that happened, but it wasn’t working. He was scared that he had really messed up this time and that Harry was never going to forgive him.
Draco hadn’t even realized that he was crying until he heard the door open and felt the bed dip beside him.
“Draco,” Harry said softly and put his hand on Draco’s side. “I’m sorry for how I acted when you got home. Ron sent an owl telling me not to be too hard on you because you already apologized to him.”
Draco just sniffled in response before turning to face Harry.
“I’m sorry,” Draco whispered.
Harry nodded his head in understanding, not needing to say the words for Draco to know he was forgiven.
“Why are you crying, love?” Harry wrapped his arms around Draco’s waist and pulled him close, kissing his forehead.
“I thought you might not forgive me…that you might break up with me.”
Draco buried his face into the crook of Harry’s neck and let a few more tears fall.
“Shh, no. I’m not breaking up with you, Draco. I love you very much. I just don’t love your attitude sometimes.”
Draco let out a small laugh and pulled his head away so he could give Harry a kiss.
“I love you too.”
Harry smiled at him.
“Good, now come back out into the living room with me. I put your favorite movie in.”
Draco grinned and threw the covers off of himself. He followed Harry to the couch where they watched movies and cuddled for the rest of the night.
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dracolucivs · 8 years
could you write about wolfstar raising harry please? ☺️ (btw i think you writing is super rad)
thank you so much!
My Writing
Sirius was sound asleep next to his husband when a small, six year old boy padded into their room.
He began coughing, which caused Sirius to wake up and see his godson standing beside the bed.
“Harry? Is everything okay?”
“I feel sick,” Harry whispered, not wanting to wake Remus.
Sirius sighed and sat up before lifting Harry onto the bed and into his lap.
“What’s wrong?” Sirius asked quietly while gently petting Harry’s hair.
“My nose is stuffy, and my throat hurts, and my tummy doesn’t feel good,” Harry whined.
Harry was a little louder than he intended to be, which caused Remus to stir.
“What’s going on?” He asked groggily.
“Sorry Remus! I didn’t mean to wake you up!” Harry said with a small pout, he really hated to upset either of them.
Remus chuckled.
“It’s okay, Harry. Are you alright?”
“No, I don’t feel good.”
“Oh no,” Remus muttered.
Sirius flicked his wand to turn the lights on.
“Does he have a fever?” Remus asked Sirius.
“I haven’t checked yet.”
They quickly took his temperature and found out that Harry did, in fact, have a fever.
Sirius moved to get out of the bed, but Harry grabbed his hand, stopping him.
“Where are you going?”
Sirius smiled at him.
“Just to get you some medicine. You can stay here with Remus. I’ll be right back.”
Harry nodded and looked at Remus with tired eyes.
“I don’t like being sick.”
Remus hummed in response and let Harry crawl into his lap and rest his head against his chest.
Harry suddenly gasped, startling Remus slightly.
“We were supposed to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow! Are we still going to go?”
“Not if you’re still not feeling good.”
Harry quickly turned around to face him.
“But you promised! You guys said we could go!”
Remus saw the the tears form in Harry’s eyes and sighed. He knew how much Harry had been looking forward to going. 
At that moment, Sirius walked back into the room with the medicine.
“Sirius!” Harry nearly shrieked, his tears now falling. “Remus said we can’t go to Diagon Alley anymore!”
“I didn’t say-”
“But you said if I’m not feeling better we aren’t going to go!”
Remus just looked at Sirius for help.
“Harry, Remus just wants you to feel better. That’s what’s most important right now. We can always go next weekend.”
Harry sniffled.
“But…but you said we could look at owls and cats.”
“They’ll still be there in a week, I promise. Besides, you might feel better in the morning, and then we can still go. Why don’t you just take some medicine now, yeah?”
Harry sighed but nodded his head.
Sirius poured the medicine and handed it to Harry, who quickly swallowed it down.
“Do you want to sleep in here tonight?” Remus asked.
Harry nodded and quickly got comfortable, laying his head down on Remus’s pillow.
“Nox,” Sirius muttered, making the room go dark once again.
Harry was asleep within a few minutes, and both Remus and Sirius let out sighs of relief, and quickly fell asleep themselves.
The next morning, Harry was feeling much better and woke the two of them up early to head to Diagon Alley.
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dracolucivs · 8 years
4. “What the hell is going on?!” Ron found Drarry
Warnings: mildly nsfw? i dont really think so but i’ll say it just to make sure
My Writing
“Shh,” Harry shushed as he pulled a giggling Draco into his bed, closing the curtains around them.
“I can’t help it!” Draco attempted, but failed, to whisper. “It tickled when you put your hand on my side!”
Harry raised an eyebrow at him.
“Draco Malfoy, ticklish? That certainly isn’t something I would have expected.”
“Yes, well, you learn something new everyday,” Draco said, grinning, before pouncing on Harry to place loud, sloppy kisses all along his neck.
Harry let out a quiet groan and then grabbed Draco by the hips to flip them over.
He started on Draco’s lips before moving down to his neck, and then, after pulling his shirt off, his chest and stomach.
“Fuck that feels good,” Draco moaned, urging Harry to go lower.
Harry stopped to smile up and him, and Draco whimpered at the loss of the warm lips on his skin.
“You have to be quiet, love,” Harry murmured before lowering his mouth to nip at Draco’s hip.
“I can’t when you’re doing that!”
Harry chuckled and licked along the waistline of his pants, and just as Draco let out another long moan, the curtains around Harry’s bed were ripped open, and Draco was staring up at a very annoyed looking Ron Weasley.
Ron’s jaw dropped as he took in the scene.
“What the hell is going on?!”
Harry quickly pulled away from Draco and threw the covers over the blond so he could cover up his bare and love-bitten upper body.
“I, uh…it’s not what it looks like?” Harry knew there was no way out of this one.
Draco covered his face with his hands and groaned in embarrassment.
“Next time, try to remember to use a silencing charm,” Ron grumbled, giving them one last look and shaking his head before he closed the curtains again and went back to bed.
Harry chuckled and flicked his wand, immediately doing as Ron asked.
“Draco, he’s gone,” Harry teased, pulling Draco’s hands away from his face and lightly kissing his lips.
“There’s no way I’m gonna be able to get it up now after being interrupted by Weasley.”
Harry smirked at him.
“We’ll see about that,” he muttered before throwing the blankets off of Draco to pick up where they left off.
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dracolucivs · 8 years
7 from the prompt list for drarry please I love you and you're writing :) I'm so happy you're doing it again
thank you so much!!
My Writing
Draco loved being around Harry. His favorite part of the day was when the two of them could go up to Harry’s room in the eighth year dorms and just cuddle in his bed. Basically, he just liked it when Harry was touching him. If his hands were on him, Draco was happy.
They only ever acted like that privately, though. In front of others, the most touching they did was holding hands, which Draco still loved.
So one day, when Harry suddenly wrapped his arms around Draco from behind and kissed the back of his neck while everyone was hanging out in the common room, it was safe to say that Draco was a little surprised.
Draco gasped and began to squirm in Harry’s arms, trying to free himself.
“Please let go of me,” Draco murmured quietly, loud enough only for Harry to hear, while tugging at Harry’s arms.
Harry gave him a confused look.
“Why are you being like this?” He asked, only tightening his arms around Draco. “I thought you liked this.”
Draco’s cheeks turned bright red and he tried to turn so he was facing Harry, who loosened his arms enough to allow Draco to do so.
“I do…b-but everyone can see us.”
Harry chuckled. He didn’t think he had ever seen Draco so flustered and genuinely concerned.
“They all know that we’re dating, Draco.”
“I know, but-”
“Are you embarrassed of me?” Harry asked in a teasing tone, raising an eyebrow at Draco.
“No!” Draco quickly assured even though Harry already knew that wasn’t the case. “I’m just not used to it, is all.”
Harry smiled at him.
“Well then we just have to get you used to it, don’t we? Let’s start with this.” Harry then leaned in the few inches that were necessary to close the distance between his and Draco’s lips.
Draco smiled and kissed Harry back eagerly, completely forgetting everyone else in the room. 
When they pulled away, Draco looked around to see that no one was even paying attention to the two of them. Like Harry said, everyone already knew that they were together.
“Would you like to go upstairs and cuddle in the privacy of my room?”
Draco nodded eagerly, suspecting that Harry meant more than just cuddling, and grabbed Harry’s hand to pull him there because Harry’s bed was Draco’s favorite place to be when Harry touched him.
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dracolucivs · 8 years
Can you do prompt 35 for flintwood
My Writing
Prompt List
When Marcus fell off his broom during a quidditch match on a windy, rainy day, Oliver thought he might faint. The professors wouldn’t allow him to run out onto the pitch, so he immediately went up to the hospital wing to wait.
They quickly discovered that Marcus had only broken his leg, but Oliver still insisted on fussing over him.
“Ollie, really I’m fine. You can go.”
“No,” Oliver argued, shaking his head. “Absolutely not. I’m not leaving you, Marcus.
Marcus rolled his eyes, but had a small smile on his face.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
Oliver stared at Marcus incredulously while still running around, trying to make sure Marcus was as comfortable as possible.
“A big deal out of nothing?!” He exclaimed, looking at Marcus with wide eyes. “My sweet little snake is hurt! That’s not nothing!”
Marcus let out a loud laugh at Oliver’s nickname for him.
“You’re sweet little snake, huh? That’s cute.”
Oliver blushed and was about to say something, but Marcus stopped him, no longer able to take his boyfriend fussing about. 
“Will you pease just sit down? You’re making me nervous.”
Oliver smiled and walked over to the chair next to Marcus’s bed. Before he sat down, however, Marcus gave him a pointed look.
“What?” Oliver asked.
“I didn’t mean sit there.” He then patted the empty spot on his bed, indicating where he wanted Oliver to sit.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt-”
Marcus let out an exasperated sigh, cutting Oliver off.
“Yes, I’m sure. I want nothing more than to lay here and cuddle with you.”
Oliver nodded and gingerly crawled into bed with Marcus, who immediately wrapped his arms around Oliver.
Oliver chuckled. 
“I feel like I should be the one holding you. You’re the injured one, after all.”
Marcus just laughed and kissed Oliver’s forehead.
“No, this is absolutely perfect.”
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dracolucivs · 8 years
10 + Flintwood please! Also, I'm so HAPPY you got back to writing, it's a blessing 💕
omg thank you so much!!
My Writing
Prompt List
Gryffindor had played Slytherin for the quidditch cup. It was a long, tough match, but in the end, Gryffindor had won by a small margin, thanks to Harry catching the snitch and Oliver saving the last few goal attempts by Slytherin.
Naturally, Oliver was ecstatic. Marcus, however, not so much. He had obviously wanted to win, especially because it was his last year at Hogwarts. He supposed he was happy for Oliver, though. After much debate with himself, he begrudgingly decided to be a good boyfriend and to go to the party in the Gryffindor common room that Oliver had invited him to.
When he walked in, the party had long since been started. The music was blaring and everyone had a drink in their hand. Marcus felt quite a few pairs of eyes on him when he arrived, people probably wondering what he was doing there, but he just ignored them. He as here for Oliver, not to start a fight with some bloody Gryffindors.
When he finally spotted Oliver, it was when he was drunkenly giving a speech to everyone about how proud he was of his team.
Oliver must have seen Marcus while he was addressing the crowd because he quickly stumbled down from the table he was standing on.
“Excuse me! I have to go talk to my boyfriend!” He slurred while pushing through everyone.
Marcus smirked as Oliver almost tripped on his way over to him.
“Marcus! I’m so happy you’re here!” Oliver beamed at him before wrapping his arms around Marcus in a tight hug.
Marcus chuckled.
“Congrats on your win,” he mumbled before pressing a kiss to the top of Oliver’s head.
“I’m drunk,” Oliver said as if it was some sort of confession, completely ignoring Marcus’s congratulations.
Marcus raised an eyebrow at him.
“I see that.” 
Oliver grinned at him before gasping.
“You need a drink!” He shouted, suddenly sounding very offended that Marcus didn’t have a goblet in his hand and rushing to go get him one.
After he brought him a drink, Oliver stared at Marcus with innocent eyes as he took a swig of his firewhisky.
“What?” Marcus asked.
“I’m just…I’m sorry we both couldn’t win.”
Marcus laughed and set his drink aside before leaning in to kiss Oliver’s cheek.
“It’s okay, Ollie. I’m happy for you. I, of course, would have liked to win, but if it couldn’t be me, I’m glad it’s you.”
Marcus then grabbed Oliver’s hand to pull him over to the couch, where Oliver took a seat on Marcus’s lap. The two of them sat there for the remainder of the party, having drunken conversations and sharing congratulatory kisses.
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dracolucivs · 8 years
28 or 29 for drarry?^^
this takes place during eighth year (also im doing 29)
My Writing
Prompt List
Harry didn’t want to do it. He really didn’t want to do it. But he had exhausted all his efforts in getting his potions grade up. He had even tried having Hermione help him, which did nothing because all she did was yell at him. This was his last resort. He had to ask Draco Malfoy to tutor him in potions.
It’s not like they still hated each other or anything, but it was still awkward when they hd to talk to each other. They certainly weren’t friends. And they certainly didn’t cast longing glances at each other from across the classroom when they thought the other wasn’t looking.
Harry walked into the library and saw Draco sitting in a corner of the room alone, reading. He took a deep breath and swallowed his pride before approaching the blond.
He stood before Draco and, when he didn’t look up from his book, cleared his throat.
Draco slowly looked up at Harry and raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, Potter?”
“I need your help.”
This piqued Draco’s interest, so he quickly shut his book and smirked at Harry.
“Oh really?”
Harry sighed. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy.
“I’m failing potions, and I could really use your help.”
Draco snorted.
“What about Grang-”
“We already tried that. It didn’t work. Please, Draco. Slughorn said you’re the best in the class.”
Draco’s eyes widened slightly at the use of his first name coming out of Harry’s mouth, but he tried to play it off like it didn’t matter to him.
“I don’t know, Potter. What’s in it for me?”
Harry rolled his eyes.
“Anything. Please just help me. I will get on my knees and beg if I have to.”
A picture of Harry on his knees in front of him quickly flooded Draco’s mind, but he shook the thought from his head. Now was neither the time nor place for that.
“I…yeah, fine. I’ll help you,” He agreed.
Harry smiled at him, and Draco was sure that was the first time that the Boy Who Lived had ever looked at him with such genuine kindness. He couldn’t help but give him a small smile back.
“When can we start?” Harry asked eagerly. 
Draco chuckled.
“I’m not doing anything right now, if you’d like to start looking over some things.”
“That sounds fantastic!” Harry exclaimed, a little too loudly for Madam Pince’s liking, before quickly grabbing a chair and pulling it over to where Draco was sitting.
Harry handed Draco his textbook, and Draco opened to the page with the potion that they’ve been working on in class. He explained in depth about how to do everything to absolute precision, but Harry was more focused on the fact that Draco’s voice sounded so soothing to him.
“Does it make more sense now?” Draco asked when he finished. 
Harry was slightly disappointed that he was done talking, but he nodded his head, even though he really hadn’t registered anything Draco had just said. He suddenly got a surge of Gryffindor courage and decided to seize it.
“Draco, would you, um, like to go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?” 
Harry was blushing furiously, but he stared straight into Draco’s steel-colored eyes.
Draco was taken aback at the abrupt question. No one had wanted anything to do with him after the war, so having Harry Potter ask him out on a date was quite the surprise. But it was a good surprise.
“Yeah, I would really like that, actually.”
Harry didn’t really know what to say, having not expected Draco to actually say yes, so he just gave a curt nod before turning to leave, but Draco called his name before he left, causing Harry to whip back around to look at him.
“I can meet with you again after dinner tonight to help you some more. If you want.”
Harry grinned at him.
“That sounds great. See you then.”
Harry then walked out of the library, unable to keep the large smile off of his face.
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