ravencalws · 7 years
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Hogwarts book covers + classical paintings
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lilyevane · 7 years
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It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
happy 37th birthday to neville longbottom! ♥
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remadoras · 7 years
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get to know me meme: [2/5] favorite relationships = Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter) Remus, so often melancholy and lonely, was first amused, then impressed, then seriously smitten by the young witch. He had never fallen in love before.
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milkovichys · 7 years
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@beauxbatonsnet creation event: beauxbatons
La vie dans le château
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roxanncweasley · 7 years
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boys who deserved better; 
↳ harry james potter
‘i’ve had enough, i’ve seen enough, i want out, i want it to end’
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dracolucivs · 7 years
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Ron Weasley Moodboard
“Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first.”
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hanguangji · 7 years
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@hogwartsgirlgang » professors » minerva mcgonagall
“Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, “It unscrews the other way.” ”
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larryshorcrux · 7 years
I say more dumb things before 9 a.m. than most people say all day.
James Potter to Lily Evans
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thoughtfulseason · 7 years
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‘’-you think I want to be a - a freak?’’
Lily’s eyes filled with tears as Petunia succeeded in tugging her hand away.
                                              -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, page 546
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ginys · 7 years
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BRAZILIAN GIRLS AS HP CHARACTERS: Luisa Clasen - Nymphadora Tonks
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nacrissablack · 7 years
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make me choose: @txmriddlx asked: merope gaunt or ariana dumbledore
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ravencalws · 7 years
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@hpeditsnet creation event: Get to know our members week
☞ Day 5: Favourite Book - Prisoner of Azkaban
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rogerdvies · 7 years
Story time! Your five favorite blogs and how you met them! What is your favorite thing about them? Pass along the love ⚡️
only five blogs ?? alright, okay, i don’t want to narrow it down to five people because there are so many people i love on here but… uh… for the sake of the ask, here are five people/blogs that i love:
@hermioneganger. haha, look, ava, it’s you. i actually don’t remember how we met but i probably sent you some kind of ask and then got sucked into the black hole that is ava’s friendship and now i’m never getting out of it. my favorite thing about ava’s blog would have to be how interactive she is with her followers. she doesn’t just feel like another blog to reblog stuff from, but you really get to know the person who runs the blog.
@nviles. julia julia, oh julia - i mostly starting talking to you in the percy protection net and then asked for advice on an edit and you said you’d be happy to take a look at it and… yeah. we have been talking about everything and anything ever since. my favorite thing about julia’s blog would have to be… her edits. they are gorgeous and they look so sophisticated and ?? she has so much talent even if she won’t admit it.
@delacouvr. how did we even start talking again ?? i honestly cannot remember but i do not regret it because it evolved into headcanons and pain and yeah. headcanons and pain. my favorite part of claire’s blog is claire. she’s phenomenal you should all talk to you about the characters you love and watch the ranting that ensues it’s fantastic and just makes you love everything even more.  
@auroremus. bruna is sassy and fantastic and wow i am total trash with remembering how i met people how did we meet bruna ?? probably a message. OH WAIT. NO I KNOW. I think you were sad and i wanted to cheer you up… and i tried making things to make you smile. yeah. anyways, my favorite things about bruna’s blog are her posts. they are absolutely stunning and sometimes i go stalk her blog and i just want to reblog everything.
@unspeaxables. alexis… how did we meet ?? it is important to note that i have had difficulty remembering how i met every person on this list because i am just terrible with memory. anyways, my favorite thing about alexis’ blog is the serious aesthetic going on. it’s beautiful and also calming to visit and seeing her appear on my blog always just chills me right out. 
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pxnsq · 7 years
antiquebabe >>> pxnsq
antiquebabe >>> pxnsq
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milkovichys · 7 years
semi hiatus
hey my loved ones, your girl here has got a pretty severe case of conjunctivitis, so, for obvious reasons being on my PC/mobile hurts as heck. I’ll be back by next week, luckily. My queue is still running tho, and you can message me/send asks and i’ll answer them when i’m feeling a bit better. I love you all so much and I’ll miss you! Sorry for any spelling mistakes (i’m almost blind lmao). Mutuals pls pls spread the word!
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roxanncweasley · 7 years
drop the teabags
so i made another one bc these are hella fun to write
Remus Lupin to it is perfectly normal to cry in wonder woman: can we establish the ground rules for tonight
Sirius Black: rules schmules
Remus Lupin: do you want your arse to be front page news again?
Sirius Black: those readers were blessed
James Potter: I have it framed
Sirius Black: aww babe
Peter Pettigrew to can you die from too much Nutella?: where are you guys???
James Potter: sry SOMEONE was being dramatic
Sirius Black: it’s not my fault the hairdryer broke
Sirius Black: I couldn’t leave with DAMP hair
Peter Pettigrew: hurry the fuck up
James Potter: pete its fine
Peter Pettigrew: its raining and ive been waiting twenty mins
Peter Pettigrew: it is noT FINE
Rita Skeeter (@ritaskeeter) tweeted: ‘The Maruaders’ frontman James Potter flirts up a storm with old friend Marlene McKinnon at Oscars, are they dating?
Sirius Black (@siriuslyblack) tweeted: @jampots how could you do this to me?
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @siriuslyblack you weren’t supposed to find out this way
Marlene McKinnon (@marlsmckinnon) tweeted: @jamspotter you can’t afford me
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @marlmckinnon rude tbh
James Potter to Remus Lupin: are ppl acc believing this crap
Remus Lupin: you didn’t exactly help the situation
James Potter: what if evans sees it?
Remus Lupin: I thought you were over it
James Potter: ….
James Potter: i am
James Potter: one hundred percent
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: he’s not over it
Sirius Black: well obviously
Sirius Black: he’s been playing her album on repeat for the last three weeks
Remus Lupin: are you still stealing his spotify?
Sirius Black: im not made of money
Remus Lupin: you have a Porsche….
Sirius Black: details details
James Potter to SUIT UP: who’s doing the speech if we win the grammy?
Peter Pettigrew: I thought you were
Remus Lupin: you said you’d written it
James Potter: where’s the evidence
Remus Lupin sent a screenshot
James Potter: well shit
Rita Skeeter (@ritaskeeter) tweeted: Lily Evans throws drink over James Potter at Grammy’s, is it over his relationship with Marlene McKinnon?
Marlene McKinnon (@marlsmckinnon) tweeted: for gods sake I am NOT dating james
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @marlsmckinnon I’m hurt
Marlene McKinnon (@marlsmckinnon) tweeted: you know I love you rlly @jampots
Remus Lupin (@rjlupin) tweeted: @marlsmckinnon @jampots this is exactly what I was talking about
Peter Pettigrew to Sirius Black: why did she throw her drink at him?
Sirius Black: he apologised for being rude to snivilus
Peter Pettigrew: how does that make sense??
Sirius Black: but then he said it wasn’t his fault she was friends with a racist twat
Peter Pettigrew: oh
James Potter to Marlene McKinnon: did you talk to her?
Marlene McKinnon: mate you need to drop it
James Potter: I’m an idiot
Marlene Mackinnon: yes, yes you are
James Potter to Lily Evans: I’m an idiot
James Potter: and I’m sorry
Lily Evans: you can’t keep apologising and then not changing
James Potter: what do you want me to do evans?
Lily Evans: move on potter
James Potter changed the chat name to lets get drunk pls
Peter Pettigrew: u okay?
James Potter: not rly
Sirius Black: we’re on our way
The Daily Prophet (@TheDailyProphet) tweeted: James Potter photographed kissing mystery girl in back of club
Lily Evans sent a photo to Marlene McKinnon
Lily Evans: is that who I think it is
Marlene McKinnon: you’re not seriously jealous
Lily Evans: ofc not
Lily Evans: its just a bit of a surprise
Marlene McKinnon: you told him to move on lil
Lily Evans: I didn’t mean with dorcas
Rita Skeeter (@ritaskeeter) tweeted: James Potter’s mystery girl is Dorcas Meadowes, close friend of Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon, all 3 attended school with The Maruaders.
Sirius Black to no the next album will not be called sirius and the others: someone buy teabags
James Potter: there are spares under my bed
Sirius Black: about that
James Potter: you fucker
Peter Pettigrew: did you try moonys stash in his wardrobe
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: you stay away from those teabags
Sirius Black: too late
Remus Lupin: I’m telling mrs potter
Sirius Black: you wouldn’t
Remus Lupin: too late
Dorcas Meadowes to Lily Evans: u know me and james were just messing right
Lily Evans: why does everyone think I’m bothered
Dorcas Meadowes: bc u r
Lily Evans: I’m not
Dorcas Meadowes: so our snap streak ending was an accident then?
Dorcas Meadowes: 308 days !!
Dorcas Meadowes: gone !
Lily Evans: I might be slightly bothered
The Daily Prophet (@TheDailyProphet) tweeted: ‘The Marauders’ raise £2 million for charity with their new single
Lily Evans to James Potter: it’s incredible how much you guys have raised
Lily Evans: you should be really proud james
James Potter to Remus Lupin: she called me james
Remus Lupin: who?
James Potter: evans
Remus Lupin: oh
Remus Lupin: OH
James Potter to Lily Evans: thanks lily, it means a lot
Lily Evans: so… you and Dorcas?
James Potter: we’re just mates, it was a bit of fun
James Potter: we both know there’s only one girl I’m interested in
Peter Pettigrew to graham norton for prime minister: controversial idea
Sirius Black: go
Peter Pettigrew: Portugal shouldn’t have won Eurovision
Sirius Black removed Peter Pettigrew from the group
Lily Evans to James Potter: i have a question
James Potter: oooOOOooo ominous
Lily Evans: are you ever not dramatic
James potter: we literally went to stage school
Lily Evans: im just going to ask my question
Lily Evans: why is your twitter handle jampots??
James Potter: why not
James Potter: it’s iconic
Lily Evans: why do I like such a lame person?
James Potter: so you DO like me
James Potter: !!!
James potter: also who even uses lame anymore???
Lily Evans @lilevans tweeted: quick twitter poll; who thinks the word lame is lame
Sirius Black @siriuslyblack tweeted: @lilevans the REAL question is who uses semicolons in tweets ???
Remus Lupin @rjlupin tweeted: @siriuslyblack it’s like you’re allergic to good grammar.
James Potter @jampots tweeted: you’re not helping your case here evans
Lily Evans @lilevans tweeted: @jampots I’ve seen your match attacks collection sit down
Peter Pettigrew @realpete tweeted: @jampots @lilevans ouch burn
James Potter @jampots tweeted: @realpete traitor
Sirius Black to James Potter: I just read this article
James Potter: oh yeah?
Sirius Black: so we’re dating
Sirius Black: and we have a kitten called Beatrix
James Potter: what??
James Potter: it would obvs be called cassiepoiea
Sirius Black: omds cassie for short
Sirius Black: the blacks hv flaws but our names are fabulous
James Potter sent a photo to I miss Minnie telling us what disappointments we are
James Potter: me and sirius bought a kitten !!
Sirius Black: shes so cute !!!
Remus Lupin: we’re not allowed pets in the building….?
Peter Pettigrew: and I’m allergic to cats
James Potter: honestly you two are so selfish
James Potter: we can’t take her back
James Potter: are you seriously going to break her little kitten heart
Sirius Black: we already made her an instagram and everything
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin: ???? hv u seen my jacket
Remus Lupin: would it kill you to use grammar properly for once
Sirius Black: nvm acc i found it
Sirius Black: also rude
Remus Lupin to bring back remus being a werewolf conspiracy theory 2k17: we going out tonight?
Sirius Black: yassss
James Potter: can’t, going for a drink w evans
Sirius Black: oooooOOOOOO
Peter Pettigrew: is that what the kids call it these days
James Potter: seriously?
James Potter: don’t answer that sirius
Sirius Black (@siriuslyblack) tweeted: this is a psa that james puts sisters before misters
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @siriuslyblack chill
Peter Pettigrew to 3 decent ppl + jim the traitor: james has a hickey pass it on
Sirius Black: whAT
James Potter: wtf bro
James Potter: how do you even know that
Peter Pettigrew: I came in to bring you tea
James Potter: oh yh
James Potter: thanks for that btw
Sirius Black to Euphemia Potter: james got a hickey from lily
Euphemia Potter: Lily Evans?
Sirius Black: that’s the one
Euphemia Potter: I always thought she was lovely
Euphemia Potter:  Now what’s all this I hear about you stealing remus’s teabags?
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