#ms2 knight
aria0fgold · 3 months
I just read Chapter 4 of ms2 and AAUAAUUAGHHGHGHG
Also I was half-joking when I put in that caiowe ship chart post bout Owen bringing Cain up every chance he gets and... he... he really does... doesn't he???
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He can't even deny it... He can't even say no... He KNOWS it's true cuz my guy is so attached to Cain it's ridiculous.
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AAAUUGGHHGHHG???? It's Sir Knight, yes, okay, thank you Owen, always gotta make sure he's referred to accordingly, yep, Owen hates him yeah, Owen hates (LYING LIAR WHO LIES) Cain sooo much, yep. That's the truth. Owen even siding with Cain during the betting LIKE OUOUUGHHGHG
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Funny time over... man 😔 Owen yearns for a community so badly huh... He's so sick and tired of being alone he just wants to have others around him MAAAAAN. Owen taking Arthur's side too... Oh he's so fond of Central Wizards FOR REAL. Akira, I love you so much, they continue to hope for a better world for the wizards uueueueueeuueeuue
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collectorcookie · 5 months
@rebelscythe123 this is for u <3
Loooots and lots of spoilers for everything caiowe for anyone reading this btw
Ok so a lot of cain's roles in the narrative focuses on him sacrificing himself. He's a knight so he should put his life in danger to protect others. He's a sage's wizard so he should, again, put himself in life-threatening danger to save the world. He is arthur's personal knight so, you guessed it, he should protect arthur at all costs, including himself. He's so kind and sweet and he made being a shield to others his meaning of life <3. This isn't a good thing, duh. He has no sense for self preservation and is very suicidal, maybe not in the depressed way, but in the extremely willing to throw his life away way. Like, in central ballad, he immediately puts himself between akira and oz throwing a rampage KNOWING ozzy can instant kill him, accidentally or not. And in central prelude, he also just throws himself at a beast with no consideration for his own safety.
Now, owen. Owen is the complete opposite of cain. If cain is generally puppy sunshine who's willing to die for anyone, then owen is depressed and thorny and puts his own survival above anyone and anything else.
Owen is the first person in cain's life that DOESN'T require cain to sacrifice anything for him. If anything, owen is the first person to offer cain something. Freedom. Cain, up until that point, had to keep himself hidden away. Now of course, owen defeating cain and stealing his eyeball was very traumatizing for cain, but it ends up in a net positive development for him because he doesn't have to hide anymore. I think cain even thanks him for it eventually. And another thing owen offers cain is a goal to strive towards. Now that owen has defeated him, cain has to work hard and train himself to become a better wizard. Wait i have two screenshots from anni2 that kinda
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Just. Them. Ugh.
Now back onto owen, obviously everyone knows that owen latched himself onto cain because baby owen was locked up in a basement with nothing but a picture book with a knight. And cain is number one picture perfect knight. But another thing to consider about owen's character is that....kizu owen isn't owen himself, he isn't the real owen, he is just a trauma holder for owen's past memories. Wait holup i have more screenshots somewhere surely.
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Yeah like in north ballad, owen wants to cure his injury because he wants to stay as himself. He's no longer the helpless small child calling out for anyone to save him, he crawled outta that hell himself, he saved himself, he's strong now. I don't like the way people treat kizu owen as the "real owen" or whatever because that kid just straight up isn't, i like the idea of the real self of a traumatized character is the self that overcame the trauma, not the one haunted by it.
And for kizu owen, anyone could have been kizu owen's knight in shining armor, as we see in ms2, where he sticks to oz like glue instead of cain. This fucks up cain severely. Because the reason why cain stuck to owen is because of his kizu self. Because his kizu self straight up says things like "save me" and "don't leave me alone" and what could a knight like cain do but respond? Yeah sure there's this other real owen that's a brutal murderer but let's ignore that for now because see! There's this other him calling out for help! And all of cain's identity is helping others despite the risks so trying to help kizu owen in spite of real owen potentially hurting him is such a cain thing to do.
But kizu owen will stick to anyone willing to respond. He's not a person. He's doesn't form bonds. He doesn't learn. He's just a trauma holder. In ms1, even when cain shows him over and over again that the door is open and it isn't locked and you can literally open the door, you aren't trapped, i wouldn't do that to you, kizu owen still ends up scratching and hitting at the door because he👏doesn't👏learn👏or👏move👏on. That's his thing. It doesn't matter to him if it's cain who is protecting him or if it's oz, he wants anyone.
And now cain is feeling like shit because arthur doesn't need him, owen doesn't need him, his knights don't need him, nobody needs or chooses specifically cain for anything, he has no space to exist. This is why he changes himself 180 degrees in ms2 because in his mind it's "well manipulating people is something only i can do so i will sacrifice myself and all of my morals for it." Are you. Are you seeing it yet?
BUT who does end up choosing cain specifically, over and over again? Owen. The real owen. He goes and fetches arthur aaaaall the way from central country to check up on cain. And ms2 isn't the only instance for this. He teaches cain magic and then later also prays his name in anni1. Owen ends up helping cain even when oz gave up on him in the knights event. Hell, even in central prelude, the only reason cain is alive is because owen's eyeball protected him. I don't remember where but i think there was once a convo between owen and mithra where mithra was like "that guy will take a 1000 years before he gets on your level" and owen was like "i'll wait". Owen WANTS to see cain grow, he wants to see him succeed.
Owen is the only character in the narrative that pushes cain to grow, cain is the only character in the narrative that pushes owen to see the world for what it is instead of the traumatized version he is holding onto.
All in all, caiowe is an EXTREMELY HEALTHY relationship, they literally make each other better, they just need a lot of communication, and they deserve each other, and i love them <3
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tareloin · 2 years
im glad tagging culture didn't die with dA
tagged by aeronprotobator, ty man!
Three Ships
oh god where do i begin. i'll just do a mix of ships
Frey x Allon (MS2) – people from like 2019 remember me being INSUFFERABLE with these two. and i will continue to be insufferable bc i love me a good childhood friends that became rivals trope!!! i just want them to be happy.... theyre so stressed and tired...
Adele x Jerome (MS) – PRINCE X KNIGHT MY BELOVED TROPE. adele is like lowkey emotionless and she's a hot knight lady so like i think i have rights. also jerome is trying his best and i love how they warmed up to each other throughout their storyline :,) i simp for adele, i'll just say it rn
Velderoth x Kyle (MS) – i had other ships in mind but honestly this one had me by the balls when i was little, so i feel like it'd be a crime not to include them. i loved the idea of a rivalry that turned sour through time and jealousy, but also i really really wanted them to make up again. and make out, apparently
i say i ship these couples but honestly i love the pairs as friends too. i value close friendship a lot. i want kyle and velderoth to be friends again :(( nexon blease
First Ever Ship
OH BOY. my earliest memory is probably Word Girl x Toby from... well, Word Girl lol. even back then i loved rivalries AHAHAHA
do i approve of it now? eh, i don't see anything too horrible with it. i think it's better off as a onesided thing, though
Last Song
TOP's Chlorine. i do not listen to them very often, they're just on my playlist
Last Movie
Don't Blink - Robert Frank for my photography class, but Into the Spiderverse as a casual watch. love that movie to death
Currently Reading
i don't read :( but the last thing i read im pretty sure was The Weight of All Things by Sandra Benitez. it's a book about a young boy who experiences the civil war in El Salvador right after the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero it's pretty sad.
i recommend that, as well as Hiroshima by John Hersey; it's a nonfiction book written like fiction, following people who survived the atomic bomb and the aftereffects they felt
Currently Watching
haven't picked up any shows/animes, unfortunately. i really should but do i even have time LMAO
Currently Consuming
just finished box mac n cheese :) white cheddar with some extra ingredients to not make it totally plain
Currently Craving
honestly could go for some gum rn. mint is good. i love chewing bubblegum, but man the sticks suck ass for blowing bubbles
Three Ships: First Ever Ship: Last Song: Last Movie: Currently Reading: Currently Watching: Currently Consuming: Currently Craving:
tagging whoever really wants to do this tbh. but @wishybun esp because yeehaw let's go dA days
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laziarteest · 6 years
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I might have a few Maplestory 2 characters...
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senotsuri · 3 years
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Day 9 - Favourite Design
As much as I love his jacket in NV and want one myself, I wish he’d kept the scarf. It just suits him being a ninja, his aesthetic overall, and just... fits him. Also a nice call back to the scarf he wears in Showdown In Wardington (even if that one is ripped to shreds.)
Ignore any bad anatomy on this one - also on another note I could’ve drawn a bakugan, but there’s so many I couldn’t really choose one as a favourite.
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fitnki · 5 years
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Twitter ms2 log + some other stuff
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cardinnal · 5 years
hey... so if Chromile was the previous knight of light, that implies that there were other previous knights of _______, right? 
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risingautumn · 6 years
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Instagram: tareloin
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electricblogodile · 6 years
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Made a big sword. It’s called “Icebreaker” on the NA East meret market if anyone wants it!
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sylviettes · 6 years
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lately i havent been to keen on drawing anything. here’s some doodles of my maplestory chars i forced myself to do
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marukrawler · 2 years
Sorry if this sounds random, but MS2 having all the Bakugans move to Earth sounds idyllic, but raises a couple questions. Vestroia was inhabited by Bakugans since forever, think their complete departure caused potential natural ramifications? That's an entire planet's civilization gone like the wind. Unless like, the other OG Bakugans (like Preyas, Tigrerra but also the ones we haven't seen in MS) that belonged to the Brawlers just remained around to keep it in order.
Plus given Bakugans clearly have some types of civilization outside of just "sapient wild animal" (like knights, ninjas, robots and the like), there's no way the ecosystem wasn't a slight bit screwed up once said inhabitants just left their home behind.
No need to apologize, it's alright lol
I haven't seen much of MS2 but I don't think that all the Bakugan migrated to Earth. Based off the Japanese dub, it sounds like Bakugan City is an experiment of sorts to see if Bakugan and humans can coexist, and Bakugan City is the only place on Earth where the Bakugan live currently.
I took a look at the Eng dub introduction to S4EP27 and Dan definitely says that all the Bakugan have immigrated to Earth lmao.
Dan: Things have been so great that all the Bakugan have emigrated from New Vestroia, and now live here on Earth amongst us humans.
But the Japanese dub says something a bit different.
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The Japanese version seems to make it clear that while Bakugan have returned to Earth, they only live with the humans in this one city and it's far from all the Bakugan who made the journey.
I can gather as much based off Julie's dialogue with Damdos in S4EP43 and Marucho's dialogue in S4EP32.
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The same goes for episode 30. In the English dub, Jaakor tells Skytruss and Orbeum that "he hasn't seen either of them since the great exodus from New Vestroia, when the Bakugan came to live on Earth," and his students talk as if they, as well as others, want to return to New Vestroia because of the Wiseman situation.
In the Japanese dub, Jaakor says he hasn't seen Skytruss and Orbeum since he left New Vestroia to train on Earth and asks how everyone's been doing, meaning that his students (and a bunch of other Bakugan) are still living on NV. Skytruss and Orbeum then say that they're here on behalf of their village to ask Jaakor to come back.
Orbeum: When you left the village, you told us that you would return one day after completing this journey of training. But no matter how long we waited, you never returned.
Skytruss: Everyone in the village awaits the Boss' return with eager anticipation.
There's also this part which was cut from the Eng dub, of Jaakor thinking of the people waiting for his return.
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(God, why do these Bakugan look like they were taken straight from the Land before Time??)
If ALL the Bakugan had emigrated, we would have seen Tigress with Runo and Golem with Julie, wouldn't we? And yet, that's not the case. Plus, Aerogan returns to New Vestroia after his brief visit to Earth.
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So basically, a bunch of the Bakugan have chosen to live with humans in this one city, which is being used to gauge whether Bakugan can peacefully coexist with humans. The Brawlers hope that one day it'll mean that Bakugan can live with humans all over the world, but it's not something that has happened yet.
So uhh to answer your question, I think NV is good for now but if all of its inhabitants just up and leave, someone would probably invade again and claim NV as free real estate LMAO I personally think all the Bakugan emigrating from NV is wishful thinking but wouldn't actually be practical. Plus, it seems like there are a lot of Bakugan who don't want to leave.
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lacependragon · 4 years
Cauterize Your Heart, a Bakugan Mechtanium Surge (Part 1) Rewrite/Alternate Take
It’s been over a year since the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and the Castle Knights brought peace to Gundalia and Neathia. The war is over, everyone has gone home, and the newly built up mega Bakugan Interspace has begun its biggest Grand Prix yet.
So, why can’t Dan focus on battling instead of on his nightmares?
He doesn’t remember exactly when they started, but he knows they’re getting worse. Waking up sweaty, shaky, and panicked isn’t easy to hide, especially as they move from once to week to almost every night.
Genocidal war lords, evil kings, and corrupted Bakugan are one thing to fight, but his own head? That’s not something he can just punch his way through. He can’t fight back and the fear is threatening to drown him. He can’t do this alone anymore. He needs his friends, his parents, and he needs Shun, even if he’s scared of how fast his heart beats around him these days.
How’s a hero supposed to ask for help? He’s supposed to be invincible. He’s supposed to always get back up.
So, what happens when he can’t?
An alternate timeline for the first half of Mechtanium Surge, wherein the villain isn’t a man behind a mask or a monster in the shadows, but instead the trauma that Dan never processed.
Main Ship will be Dan/Shun, other ships that are possible but not yet finalized include Julie/Jake (She deserves a cute himbo to love her), Runo/Alice (I know Alice is gonna be here, dunno about Runo), maybe a little Marucho/Ren, maybe. We’ll see. Keith/Gus will be a thing, but the prevalence will depend on other factors as I go.
Things to Note:
Yes the title is cheesy as hell and I love it to bits
Fic will be Rated T and contain my usual mix of mild innuendo, coarse language, and various traumas.
I am very ride or die for Shun/Dan. I have many feelings about their friendship and romance and everything about their dynamic. I’ve shipped these boys since season 1 when I was a wee baby.
Julie, Jake, Ren, and Alice will all be returning to supporting roles. I haven’t decided on Runo yet.
Rafe and Page will be joining the cast, like they did in this arc.
There is no Mag Mel and no Razenoid.
Yes Mechtogan are still a thing.
Anubias and Sellon are ex-POWs who came to Interspace to battle. They will have full arcs. Anubias will be a gay disaster. He may end up dating Ben. We will see.
Shun’s hair is longer than in canon (think is MS2 arc hair, maybe a little longer than that). Yes it is important to me that you know this.
Everyone is queer to some extent. That is how I roll.
So yeah! There ya go folks. I am in the midst of outlining and rewatching (not that I need to, I’ve seen this arc 50 times, it’s my favourite season) and writing. I am hoping to post the first chapter soon.
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collectorcookie · 5 months
ms2 spoilers
As much as ms2 is shredding me to pieces rn, i do have to admit that it is incredibly sexy of cain to be like "Oh really? Watch this. *sheds away all morals*" after owen challenged him to and said that he wouldn't be able to do it. Owen messed around and found out. Owen you dumb idiot, you cannot truly grasp the innate insanity of a knight. Something something devotion to the point of corruption.
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tareloin · 3 years
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Commission for Yibby_Kibaton on Twitter!
Commission info
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aqvarius · 4 years
what are some routes with a really good “one of the characters gets really injured and the other person grieves/guilts ab it” moment 👉👈 i wanna feel pain sksjsj
naturally hlitf has quite a few, a lot of them are the guys getting injured protecting mc which is like fine but there are also a couple cases of the mc getting injured and the guy grieves which is my REAL favourite. every time i see a scene cut and the fade into the hospital background i get a full body shiver of pure glee 
ishigami sequel i THINK? i’m p sure he gets injured at some point?
i feel like there's also a time where ishigami gets caught up in an explosion and lands up in the ICU and the mc is so guilty about it which may be the one in his sequel? but there's also the time he ends up in the hospital after the other explosion where he didn't plug his ears bc he put his hands over his mc's ears instead
goto sequel i think is just full of him feeling guilty about his colleagues being injured (sadly not his mc)
kaga ms2 a main character (not mc or kaga) gets injured and kaga gets really guilty bc it’s a character close to him
kaga s2 adversaries has the BEST INJURY ANGST SCENE. honestly one of the best ever
kaga s2 graduation also has an amazing injury angst scene
kaga adversaries + graduation pov showcases BOTH INJURY ANGST SCENES IN THE MOST HEARTBREAKING WAY POSSIBLE. best pov in any voltage game ever. 
there’s another kaga route where he gets shot and you get knocked out and even tho kaga is shot, he’s still worrying about you and it’s very dramatic but for some reason i can’t remember where that happens - will update when i remember it
ayumu s2 graduation hits you with the real good stuff when you’re least expecting it
ayumu s3 battlefield - not quite an injury scene but one of the first times where we get to see ayumu really panic over you 
soma sequel - he actually cries it’s amazing 
soma’s route in love enforcement training is surprisingly dramatic...?
soma s3 battlefield contains my FAVOURITE INJURY ANGST MOMENTS in maybe all voltage canon bc the ENTIRE PLOT is driven by this. it happens for both the mc and soma which is incredible like a double dose of angst. so much grief and guilt and anger and heartbreak. even the fallout of the events is great. i love it so much it’s literally so painful i had to take a break to cry 
in other games, the ones that stand out the most that i can remember off the top of my head are:
dreamy days in west tokyo: takeshi yuno the wedding - the first time i recall voltage ever fulfilled my desire for injured mc and some real guilt on take’s behalf
a knight’s devotion: lute main story made me have to take a half hour break to cry 
edit: also i can’t believe voltage released an entire game about the gods of the zodiac and only ever wrote routes for one character (aquarius) out of a potential 12 but there’s some good anguish in a couple of his routes/substories too (if you were a goddess is heartbreaking one) 
i don’t want to talk about leon’s promise of infinity bc he’s not a valid playable character but there’s that too lmao
i’ll come back and add more if i can think of any more 
NB: not counting those light moments where she just gets knocked out by thugs here and there like in msb and akd and probably kbtbb and things. not enough anguish. we need some serious injuries up in here like having the car pushed into a freezing ocean and drowning slowly while she sits there paralyzed from an injection and then has to literally be revived by her devastated love interest (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
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fitnki · 5 years
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some things
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