#mrs. sandwich
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ducks-love-peas · 1 year ago
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Good Omens 2 | ⭑favorite moments⭑ 1/?
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solomonara · 2 years ago
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Mrs. Sandwich, a seamstress (Good Omens Season 2)
The Seamstresses' Guild (Discworld)
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(Men at Arms)
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(Men at Arms)
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(The Fifth Elephant)
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goodwomenszine · 2 months ago
Let's show some love to the female presenting characters of Good Omens!!
Welcome to the Good wOmens zine! Before we get started, we want to hear from the future creators and readers of the zine.
Do you want to focus on the human characters, or to write also about angels and demons?
"Woman" will be defined as cis, trans and feminine-presenting characters (See our FAQ for more information). *Edited to fix an incorrect phrase. Please accept our apologies. This edit does not change the contents of the poll itself.
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sassy1121 · 2 years ago
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Map of Soho Good Omens Season 2 - Part 3 (the intersecting street)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 Update: Map and pictures further down now have Lucky Snake, and the description of both the Lucky Snake and The Chinese Buffet Restaurant have been updated too.
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We don't know the name of the street that crosses Whickber Street. It starts between the market and the furniture store, and after a crooked crossing of Whickber St., it continues between the bookshop and the Dirty Donkey Pub until it ends on Wardour Street. On that upper block we have: -A. Z. Fell & Co. The bookshop has a backdoor that leads to this street. -Bilton Scaggs Hats and Caps This shop has been here for centuries. Originally Bilton and Scaggs was a publishing firm that printed among other things "The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, witch." Neil believes they went out of business in the late 19th century and the hat makers took over. Their shop was called Bilton and Scaggs Milliner & Haberdasher for a while and eventually they changed to Bilton Scaggs Hats and Caps. But honestly, only Aziraphale knows the whole story.
On the other side of the street we have: -The Dirty Donkey We don't know how long this pub has been in business, but we know that it was already there in the 40's when the zombies used it to hide and spy on the heroes. And then in 1967 Crowley used a private room to set up the caper to steal holy water from a church. The set was also used to set up two of the pubs where Gabriel and Beelzebub met. Both scenes were filmed on the same day! After the tour, the first episode of Season 2 was screened inside the pub for those lucky enough to win spots. The Dirty Donkey Pub has also appeared in Neil's "We Can Get Them for You Wholesale" and "Sandman: Overture." In the show, one of the elevators to Heaven and Hell opens inside the Dirty Donkey, maybe this supernatural ability allows it to show up in many different Neilverses ;) -"Model" This is Mrs. Sandwich mysterious establishment. Nobody really knows what happens there. We know the upper floor has lovely pink curtains, presumably for her girls who also love coffee. -Will Goldstone's Magic Shop Named after Will Goldston (not sure why an extra "e"), a stage magician who wrote many books on magic. The store existed in 1941 when it was run by Pat (who met a gruesome end at the hands of zombie nazis). Will Goldston himself died in 1948. So, was he the owner of the store and Pat just an employee? Did someone use his name? Or is that the reason behind the additional "e", to claim it wasn't him? We don't know. In current times it is operated by Mutt.
This street ends on Waldour Street and because we don't see much of it, I included those shops in this post: -Chinese Buffet Restaurant (updated) The English sign just says "Chinese Restaurant", Google translate gave me "Chinese Buffet Restaurant" for the sign on either side (if you look closely both sides say the same thing). There is no other writing that I could see so I would say that we don't know if it has another name or where is it written (inside maybe?). @embracing-the-ineffable raised the question of how do we know Mr. and Ms. Cheng own the restaurant. The truth is that we don't know for sure. We have assumed it probably because Aziraphale and Ms. Cheng are in front of the restaurant when he invites her to the meeting, but for all we know she was just walking on the street when they met. The Chengs could easily own the Herbal Pharmacy or the Grocery Store. We just don't know for sure -Lucky Snake (updated) To the right of the restaurant (our left) there is another store with yellow walls and red lanterns. It was brought to my attention (thank you!) that this is the infamous Lucky Snake we see in Aziraphale's typed list of shops. In Season 1 it was called "Oriental Delights" but this season it is a grocery store. -Herbal Medicine and Pharmacy - Traditional Chinese medicine appointments To the left of the restaurant (our right) we have the herbalist/pharmacy. This is written in English while "traditional medicine appointments" is written in Chinese. There is no other name outside either.
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Turning around and looking towards Whickber Street, we can get a peek all the way to Great Windmill Street, between the news agency and the market. -Windmill Theatre Today it is called Windmill Soho but the name Windmill Theatre is equally recognizable. In 1941 it was owned by Mrs. Laura Henderson. The theatre was famous for 1)not closing at all, even during the heaviest of bombings and 2)its motionless nude girls (tableaux vivants) called the "Windmill Girls". Because of this, it used the motto "We Never Closed" (although people modified to "We Never Clothed"). In the set, the doors are not props, they are the real doors to the internal docks of the studio, which honestly it is very clever.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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meetonalphacentauri · 8 months ago
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No incorrect quotes or silly commentary. I just really love this little exchange.
The Demon is not nice or kind of course but he rescues humans and is so polite.
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whickber-shopkeepers · 9 months ago
Notice: We are aware that there was an earlier incident that has affected business recently on Whickber Street.
We must assure you that sudden strikes of lighting are a highly uncommon event, and that the chances of being electrocuted or stuck in one of our many shops on the street is highly unlikely. The man circulating online (yes, the one dressed in sunglasses and all black) is completely FINE. He is actually a regular around Whickber street, and has been seen around since the incident. A shockingly nice lad, and is completely unaffected by the incident. Please continue to shop at Whickber without worry, we hope to see you soon!
-Mrs. Sandwich
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mametupa · 1 year ago
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ineffablebookgirl · 10 months ago
There is an unusual number of different types of feathers in Good Omens season 2.
Angels wings have feathers, of course.
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But feathers feature prominently on Earth as well. From Jimbriel's bright yellow feather duster (which he uses naked) ...
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...to Jimbriel's magnificent hand-dyed ostrich-feather ombre getup (which he puts on to present himself as the True Self he does not yet really Know he is, but then sloughs off again when he comes back into the safe space of the bookshop)
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From the feathers all over the Ladies of Camelot (really, just, feathers EvErYWhErE on the stage, on the ladies, in the dressing room)...
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...to Aziraphale's feather boa of victory (which he puts on out of gleeful celebration, but takes off as soon as Furfur and his occult threats enter the room).
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From Mrs. Sandwich's jaunty little feathered hat ...
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... to the mysterious blue feather from the poster, which never really got explained?
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Do feathers represent Heaven? The imposition of a Self that is not true? (Mrs. Sandwich wears the frathered hat when she is being manipulated by Aziraphale's Manic Pixie Dream Ball. Gabriel wears feathers when he is cosplaying as the angel he really is.) Do they represent frivolity or excess? (Aziraphale and his frivolous miracles, Aziraphale and his frivolous and bafflingly risky magician scenario.) Do they represent angelic influence? What am I missing here?
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abbybubbls · 1 year ago
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Two ships in one (ish) piece, babyyyy
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greenthena · 1 year ago
No sleep. Only Good Omens
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Today in 3am theories I don't really believe: All the shopkeepers on Whickber street are angels or demons who've had their memories erased.
My evidence: I have none, your honor. They're just all weird, and I like that.
My reasoning: Whenever an ethereal or occult being gets to be too much to handle, their memory gets erased by Heaven or Hell. Some angels and demons are just too much of a liability, so they get their memories SUPER-erased and sent to live as humans. BUT. They are different and have behaviors that can't be easily explained. They believe they're human, so they act human-ish. But it's sketchy.
So one day, oh say maybe one hundred years ago, The Metatron looks down at A.Z. Fell & Co. in the middle of the neighborhood that was growing up into the Soho we know today, and thinks. "Aziraphale, odd little angel that he is, has managed to blend into this bizarre neighborhood. Maybe I can dump the other reject angels here, as well." Hell catches on and starts doing the same thing. Before you know it, Whickber Street is chock-full of angels and demons who were generally too much trouble for Heaven or Hell to bother with them anymore. These sweet babies have all had their memories erased and, like Muriel who thinks humans often live two hundred years, or so, just accept that they are people with long life spans and go about their lives making coffee, selling records, and "hemming" men's "clothes."
And Aziraphale and Crowley, being the most wonderful and absolute dumbasses that they are, haven't noticed a thing.
Flaws in the theory: Maggie says she inherited the record shop, which was originally owned by her great grandmother. Solution? Ummmm....Heaven just gave her another memory wipe. Problem solved. Deus ex machina memoria.
Is this a hill I am willing to die on?: Abso-fucking-lutely not. I just want to read the fanfic, please and thank you.
For the record, Nina does NOT approve of this theory, at all.
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Aziraphale: What's my sexuality?! I don't know! I'm not straight, and that's all that matters. Well, maybe that's unfair to the straights. Some of my best friends are straight! Well, one of them. Well, I know them, and Mrs. Sandwich is a perfectly tolerable person in small doses!
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light-miracles · 2 years ago
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Despair being in Good Omens is fitting. Everyone were running around like headless chickens for 6 episodes
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denaphoenix · 1 year ago
Mrs. Sandwich's work- and playlist
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My favorite pillar of the community has not yet gotten an official playlist. Which, seriously, just feels like an oversight. So now she has one.
(And, as a side note: this took me waaay longer than expected. I have a complete newfound respect for whoever did the official ones. Because you wouldn't believe the amount of beautiful, well-fitting songs that I had to dismiss because they just simply started with the wrong letter.)
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embracing-the-ineffable · 1 year ago
"Are Crowley and Mrs Sandwich buds???" gets even wilder when you wonder whether Mrs Sandwich is actually God...
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Local Soho lurker, known associate of Mr. Fell, inspiring so much lust around him people flock to the brothel to see if they can spend some quality time with him. And it happens so frequently Mrs. Sandwich had to put a sign up.
Alternatively, as @cassieoh (thank you for brightening the image!!) suggested: ‘DON’T [PAY] THE GUY WITH THE BLACK GLASSES HE DOESN’T WORK HERE!’
Poor Mrs. Sandwich. ‘Yes I know he looks like he works as a seamstress, but he does NOT, so if you could kindly pay me, thank you very much.’
I can’t decide which is funnier, Crowley accepting money from Mrs. Sandwich’s patrons (does he cackle as he does this? Is he confused? Does he walk the money over to her afterwards or do something else with it?) or Mrs. Sandwich having to march over to him and sternly asking him to stop letting patrons pay him instead (does she cock her hip and stick out her hand? Does she laugh along with him? Do they bond over it?? Are Crowley and Mrs. Sandwich buds???)
‘You’re a good lad.’
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Updated map of Soho - GO2
A few days ago I did a series of posts about the map of Soho in GO2.
Some more information came up since, so I updated the posts. Part 2 got another update with some details on Arnold's music shop, not really a big deal
Part 1 - Location and general map
Part 2 - Whickber Street [left]
Part 3 - The intersecting street
Part 4 - Whickber Street [right]
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