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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year ago
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David Tennant shares his favourite line from the Good Omens S2 :) ❤ (video)
Michael: Do you have a favourite episode from the new season or moment / scene, if it's not too much of a spoiler to share?
David: Well, I have a favourite line from Season Two.
Michael: Do you?
David: Yeah, it's in Episode Two. And the line is, 'I am Jemimah, I made this pot'. That's my favourite line from Season Two.
Michael [laughing]: Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Yeah.
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smoosie · 1 year ago
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The Holiest Name
note : to read with the US pronunciation /zi:/ (zee)
if you didn't grow up watching Psych (2006-2014), then take a look at the original ref under the cut and go watch the 8 seasons asap bc you're missing out on one of the best duo in tv history !
Link to the gifs : HERE
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rainbowpopeworld · 4 months ago
A conversation about the ox rib scene inspired me to go look at the tags I’ve used on previous posts about it. I hope you enjoy them almost as much as Aziraphale and Crowley enjoyed the ox ribs 😈😇😘
Edited to add context: NG was asked about the scene and he said “sometimes an ox rib is just an ox rib”😓
(I’ve divided them with a rainbow line because they looked very confusing otherwise, on my phone when I was creating the post)
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Hot dog picture
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The fic this ^^ refers to is here
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And some Jemimah, because I can ☺️
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goodwomenszine · 2 months ago
Let's show some love to the female presenting characters of Good Omens!!
Welcome to the Good wOmens zine! Before we get started, we want to hear from the future creators and readers of the zine.
Do you want to focus on the human characters, or to write also about angels and demons?
"Woman" will be defined as cis, trans and feminine-presenting characters (See our FAQ for more information). *Edited to fix an incorrect phrase. Please accept our apologies. This edit does not change the contents of the poll itself.
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mametupa · 1 year ago
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edosianorchids901 · 1 year ago
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Learning to Live
Ace Omens Hugfest 2024 prompt - "group hug"
Aziraphale tried very hard not to let out any audible noises as the tears fell. He didn’t feel entirely self conscious about the tears. It had been an awfully difficult day, after all, and he’d learned long ago that sometimes it was necessary just to cry for a few seconds before getting back to work.
But while he felt a bit like sobbing for a longer length of time, he refused to allow himself that much loss of control. It would make Crawley feel as if he needed to extend comfort, for one thing, and that would hardly be fair. His silent companionship was kindness enough.
And quite remarkable, at that. Aziraphale marveled at it, which proved a very nice distraction from his guilt. Crawley had come out here to sit with him, to ensure he was okay. And he’d stayed.
He’d broken Aziraphale’s fall, really. Softened the landing. And now, the world didn’t feel nearly as overwhelming, the consequences as dire. It was almost too good to be true.
“Did you mean it?” Aziraphale asked.
Crawley didn’t look at him, still just gazing steadily over the water. “Hmm?”
“That I wouldn’t like Hell. I-I mean, it’s Hell. I don’t suppose anyone is supposed to like it.” Was that rude? Aziraphale was a bit too rattled to be sure. “What I mean is… does it really matter to you, what I like?”
“Nh.” Crawley gave a tiny shrug. “Wouldn’t have encouraged you to eat if I didn’t think you’d enjoy it.”
“I did enjoy it.” So much more than he would have ever expected. Oh, he’d been curious about food, but he never thought he’d get the chance to sample some. “But do you really expect me to believe that the only reason you tempted—er, that you encouraged—me to try the food is that you thought I’d enjoy it? No nefarious motives?”
Crawley gave another tiny shrug. “‘Course I had nefarious motives. Everything I do is nefarious.”
Aziraphale pursed his lips, unconvinced by that. Crawley was quite excellent at playing the evil demon—but he wasn’t evil, not at all. “Was your nefarious motive, perhaps, related to wanting someone to share a ‘meal’ with?”
That got a reaction, albeit a subtle one. Crawley’s eyes darted to him for just a second. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Aha! I knew it.” Aziraphale found himself smiling, and feeling much less alone than he had a mere handful of minutes ago. And suddenly quite daring. “Would, um… would you by any chance be interested in doing it again? I was thinking, I never did try the wine…”
That got a full reaction. Crawley twisted to look at him, eyes wide behind the dark glasses. “Are you sure you’re ready for that, angel? Source of drunkenness and all that.”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s only troublesome when consumed in excess.” Aziraphale tilted his head, trying his best to appear as if conflicted. Important to keep up the pretense, rather than to admit he’d quite happily do anything if it meant spending more time with Crawley. “It’s not strictly forbidden for angels to drink…”
“There you are, then.” Crawley gave a tempting little side to side sway. Aziraphale strongly suspected that the tempting was as much an act as his own reticence. They might have rather more in common than he’d initially assumed. “Let’s go. I know a little tavern that serves terrific cocktails, has good wine, and loads of different things to nibble.”
“Well, I suppose I can hardly resist an offer like that.” Aziraphale rose, and found that he was suddenly rather tired. Crawley too, moved slowly. Perhaps they were both a bit worn down by all that had happened. It would be nice to get away from here.
“Are you leaving, Bildad?”
Crawley jumped at the sudden call, and Aziraphale touched his arm lightly in reassurance before turning towards the girl. “Ah, Jemimah! Lovely to see you, my dear. Yes, Bildad and I are both off to… to…”
“Turn more people into animals?” Jemimah asked eagerly, looking at Crawley with wide eyes. “Can you do me again?”
A little smile tugged at Crawley’s lips. “Sorry, all out of time for changing people into animals today. My friend and I are on our way to cause chaos elsewhere.”
“You’re causing chaos,” Aziraphale corrected. “I’m merely… um…”
Friend. My friend and I.
Crawley considered him a friend? The thought of having a friend was so shocking that it left Aziraphale utterly speechless.
Crawley lifted an eyebrow. When Aziraphale just kept gaping at him, he turned back to Jemimah. “Right, so. See you around, kid. Keep making cool pots.”
He tried to step around her, and she blocked him. “You have to hug me,” she declared with a bright smile. “Both of you. Hugs are really important to keep everyone happy.”
“Oh, are they?” Aziraphale asked faintly. Perhaps that was what was wrong with him so often. He’d never been hugged before.
“Yep! Group hug!” She held her arms out.
Crawley took a step back. “No. Nonono. Demons don’t do hugs.”
“They’re important for happiness,” Aziraphale said, giving a little pout. An almost tempting pout, really. ���And you wouldn’t want to disappoint the child, would you? Or me?”
Irritation tugged at the lines of Crawley’s face, and he hissed. But nevertheless, he stepped closer again. “Okay. Fine. Just make it quick.”
“Yay!” Jemimah threw her arms around both of them, hugging them close. Aziraphale instinctively curled an arm around her, then gave Crawley an inquisitive look.
Crawley still looked as if about to flee. But he gulped and reached out, briefly touching both Aziraphale and the child. Aziraphale put an arm around him too, and beamed.
“Right.” Letting go after a mere few seconds, Crawley wriggled out of the hug. “Let’s go. Come on, angel.”
“That was lovely, dear. Thank you.” Aziraphale smiled at Jemimah, and she giggled. “Bye, now.”
“Bye!” She waved to them both, and took off.
Aziraphale gave Crawley a sly look, enjoying the consternation on his face. “So. It seems demons do hug.”
“Oh, shut up.” Crawley set off, and Aziraphale fell in step beside him. “Just for that, I really am gonna get you drunk tonight.”
“You’ll have to do much better than that to tempt me, you old serpent.”
But not much more, really. Being tempted was really quite fun, and Aziraphale thought he might be able to get rather used to it. And perhaps, he could even get used to having a friend.
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applecidersstuff · 2 years ago
I love Jemimah in Good Omens2 so much because while both her siblings are terrified by the fire she’s laughing and enjoying the show
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glitterypin · 1 year ago
Good Omens 30 Day Challenge! (x)
Day 28: Character you are more like
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Well, I'm actually a very balanced mixture of Aziraphale and Crowley. I am soft, cheerful, eternally kind, a creature of comforts, love good food and cocoa, unironically wear bowties and I am also a cynic, constantly complaining, swear like a sailor and use sarcasm so much that it doesn't even register anymore.
But since "a balanced mixture of Aziraphale and Crowley" is quite a complicated and rather vague answer, we will go with our second best option: Jemimah "I Made This Pot" Daughter of Job.
As I said on Day 16 (favourite side or background character), if you know you're bound to be turned into a lizard, you might as well pick a colour and enjoy yourself.
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abczine · 9 months ago
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Sometimes you never forget the gifts from a demon. Read more of Jemimah's story in @seedsofwinter 's "But Can I Be."
Jemimah knew the truth and remembered even now. She had loved being an itty-bitty creature in a great big world! She had been a blue gecko, the very colour of her mother’s beautiful dress that she had loved for so long. While a storm blew overhead into that night, she had played in and around one of her earliest triumphs in pottery, then the perfect size for a girl-turned-gecko.
Download the Above, Below, and the Common Ground Zine for free or with a donation! We're fundraising for the National Network to End Domestic Violence
🌍 https://abczine.gumroad.com/l/zine 🌏
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sobbingeternally · 1 year ago
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Ineffable Inktober Day 13 - "lizard"
Bless you, little Jemimah
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dimity-lawn · 1 year ago
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Uh, hi. I've been asked to help @fishyfiles get out of here and was hoping I could just take them. Some of y’all are humans, right? Can I, like, pay their bail? That's a thing humans do, I think.
Oh, and you don't have to worry about @the-demon-team getting them. There's 100 of us here to keep Dagon safe.
What exactly do you mean by keeping Dagon safe? They have never been safer than in our custody.
Errrrm ...
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paperclipbean · 1 year ago
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My first attempt at a fanfic short story is about Crowley visiting Jemimah over the years. It’s a fun, sweet story with a bittersweet ending because I needed a little break from the angst.   
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stromuprisahat · 2 years ago
No one made gifs of the whole sequence with Jemimah, her pot and begging to be turned into a blue salamander yet?
Honestly, fandom, I’m disappointed.
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mametupa · 1 year ago
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bioluminescentcatastrophe · 2 years ago
Can I be a blue one!
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it’s…. gecko gsaturday
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