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Female 22 🏳️‍🌈 || Resus and Cardiophile Espectator Only (No dms)
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itssuuee · 1 year ago
🖤YouTube Link🤍
kakashitosuzume Dark
ナオユキ エグチ 心臓
Autoluminous 2
Ellipse.fx XRay.fx
DropShadow Monochrome
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
Reblog if you are resus and heart horny at the moment!
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
All heartbeat scenes | Fortune Arterial
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
This story is dedicated to @resus-girl with her consent
You are lying on a large wooden table, while I take your little wrists and open your arms to stretch them toward the corners of the table, to tie your wrists to some anchors so that you can’t move much when I start to play with your heart.
Then I take your ankles and tie them to the other two corners of the table …. you are defenseless in my hands now, vulnerable and under my control. Suddenly I bring more machines next to the table. Your mouth is dry with excitement and arousal starts to grow inside your belly … what will I do to you..?
I take out the ultrasound machine. I take a sharp knife and your heart races … in one slow motion, I let the razor sharp blade slides from the bottom up and cut your shirt in the middle, exposing the smooth skin of your sternum … then I put the ultrasound machine there …
…. your bare chest rises and falls rapidly to the rhythm of your difficult breathing … you try to move … but you can’t. You feel fragile right now, vulnerable, and that gives you a strange sense of fear and pleasure.
- We are going to monitor your heart ….
I cover your chest with cold gel and with a black leather strap I keep the echocardiogram equipment in position. Immediately you see on the screen your heart pumping your blood madly through its 4 chambers. I put on the electrodes and the beep is heard immediately.
You feel how your excitement begins to speed up your pulse …
My words in your ear make you start suddenly
- Today I will strangle you, and I will decide if I want to stop your heart … or not …
I slowly move your hair from each side to expose your fragile throat. I can see your collar bones under your skin … so beautiful
I wrap my hands around your throat … pressing gently … you see how your heart twists on the screen … accelerating while a feeling of fear seems to dig a hole in your stomach …
You are mesmerized by the accelerated beep and the image of your heart pumping blood under your eyes …
- Tell me now that you want to be strangled until your heart stops..
The words that come from your trembling lips fill me with the desire to control your heart.
Hearing you ask me to torture your heart is just so exciting. You feel that same heat being born in your body while you ask to be strangled. At this point you know that your life is in my hands.
You are fascinated by the sound of your heartbeat that fills the entire room and your heart beating on the ultrasound screen. Suddenly I release one of my hands from your neck and place it open on your breastbone just above the ultrasound machine. I can feel the bones of your rib cage just under your warm, soft skin.
It takes you totally by surprise when I thrust my hand down hard, sinking your sternum against your heart. This time, my hands are there to take your life. You open your mouth letting out a small moan of pain and surprise as you feel your ribs sink, pressing your heart against your spine. You can see from the eco how your heart is crushed and try to keep beating.
It fascinates me to feel your chest sink several inches down. The other hand around your neck closes … and I can feel your carotids pulsing under my fingers
Your eyes widen, silently asking me to let you live … or maybe rather, they are asking me to take your life to an end. I see terror and pleasure in them. And I like it, very much.
I push over one inch deeper, and at this time you can’t breathe anymore. I wonder how much force it takes to break your ribs, for a moment I imagine the sharp point of one of your broken ribs penetrating your ventricles, causing a bleeding that would kill you in less than a minute. I must calculate well, because I want to have you much more time, to experiment more with your body and your heart.
My other hand feels like iron around your neck, and you haven’t breathed for more than half a minute already. Your body twists violently; you try to close your thighs but the ties do not let you move
Your eyes fill with tears of pain and pleasure. The lack of air burns your lungs more every second.
Your heart twists wildly on the screen … the beeps become more irregular and suddenly slower. I look at your defenseless body, your arched back makes me want to push your sternum even more.
I can feel the more i crush your heart the less blood reaches your carotids, and the pulse is now slow and weak … suddenly I feel the desire not to feel your pulse at all, and I push one last time to the bottom…
Immediately your sight is filled with black dots until you can t see anymore … the blood stops reaching your arteries … air cant reach your lungs anymore, the ECG marks 50 … 40 … 25 …. the beep beep suddenly seems so far away until you can’t hear at all …. the machine marks 20 … 14 … I look at how the eco shows your heart now deformed by the pressure. , unable to beat … and the next second, the moment I always wanted happens … it comes to a complete stop …
I release the pressure from my both hands. Your rib cage returns to its natural shape and curve. I quickly remove the echo machine, which turns off the uninterrupted beep that confirms that you are lifeless.
Silence fills the room. Your motionless body rests on the table, feet and wrists tied. I quickly put my ear on your left breast, the skin is warm and soft, but inside, there is no sound. Just silence. I let my hand rest on your belly. Motionless, totally motionless. I want to feel that moment for a
few seconds, the moment when your lifeless body lays in my hands. There is so much silence in your chest. Nothing moves. I feel like I have complete control of your life, I took it, took it out of your body and now I have the power to return it, if I want to. If I wanted, I could also leave it that way.
It’s just 30 seconds that seem like an eternity … a silent and beautiful eternity. But now, I want you back … and I have little time, very little.
The seconds seem eternal as your bound and lifeless body lies totally still on the table.
I leave my ear on your chest, and my hand on your belly, enjoying that strange silence inside your body and the absence of breath, while I count to 30.
At the count of 30, I must run to take a decision. The pulseless blood in your arteries no longer brings oxygen to your heart and brain. If I wait any longer, your lifeless body will not be able to recover.
But I want you alive, still.
I get up immediately, and bring the resuscitation kit. As soon as the two devices are on your rib cage, I release a shock to your heart. Your whole chest is thrown up, your arched back for a second does not touch the table, until you fall back. I launch a second jolt that twists your body even more. A third. I put my ear on your left chest, and just silence.
Have I gone too far? I fire a new burst. Your arched back reveals the beautiful curve of your ribs under your skin.
I let go of the devices to exhale into your mouth. I am surprised by your still soft and warm lips. Your lifeless chest inflates several times with my breath. I return to listen. There is no heartbeat.
I start strong CPR right over your sternum, pushing down and releasing at an accelerated cadence with the hope to bring you back to life. I can see your ribcage sinks and returns to its position with every push. After 60 compressions, I look for a pulse. There is none.
I start again, pushing harder this time. Seconds seem hours while I fight to put back into your body the life I took out. Everything seems lost until….
You suddenly open your mouth and a shaky moan of pain escapes …I release the pressure immediately and I can see your chest expanding with a long, desperate gasp of fresh air…. I put my ear on your left breast and my head is filled with an irregular and rapid heartbeat….sooooo beautiful…!
Your heart is beating again! Your glassy eyes suddenly widen, confused and full of tears.
You try to speak without success.
- Easy quiet … I’m here, you’re alive.
I put my hand and the steth on your heart. I can hear it, very very irregular, almost wanting to stop again.
- Breathe, breathe please
You do it with difficulty but it is so beautiful to see your stomach and chest going up and down again.
- I’m going to take care of you … breathe …
You obey … without understanding what has happened yet.
I put my hand on your chest. My hand stays there with the steth on … more than 20 min. Little by little your heart picks up its rhythm. Your ribs hurt.
- What … what happened?
Your shaky lips return to their pink color.
- I took your life, I had it in my hands, and I returned it to your body.
You suddenly realize that you liked it, very much.
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
I don't know why I like this so damn much.
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
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Resuscitation in progress
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Hooked up and shocked
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Private message me if you want to see more
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
Heyy ❤ we tried cpr! We also tried to record G's heartbeat while doing it but we failed hah, that was new to us and I have to say that we enjoyed it quite a bit, maybe we will do it again sometime 😏
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
Girl’s heart never lie
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
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As a token of gratitude for @onouwu for supporting me TAT
These beautiful OCs belongs to them !
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
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Some previous works compilations.
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
Hatsune Miku’s virtual pounding heart beats just for you.
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
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A classic - Assassins Run: White Swan (2013)
Actress: Sofia Skya.
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itssuuee · 3 years ago
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Inahime CPR and defib
Thanks for the sponsor :)
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itssuuee · 4 years ago
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itssuuee · 4 years ago
Just an attempt to stop my heart for a moment.
“Сердце подвластно разуму. Чувства подвластны сердцу. Разум подвластен чувствам. Круг замкнулся. С разума начали, разумом кончили. Вот и выходит, что всё мироздание — это суть игра моего ума. А если вы со мной согласитесь, то и вашего тоже.” (”Формула любви”)
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itssuuee · 4 years ago
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True 🤣
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