#mr. xiao
fragmentedblade · 1 year
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I'm actually going insane
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pinkrose05 · 9 months
Old man spotted! Again!
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
ty for spreading the message of trans!scara it brings me joy
he just has such a good mix mommy issues, unforgivable outfit choices, and vaguely homicidal tendencies. i just know he'd listen to mcr and wear those stupid rubber bracelets. it's the least i could do to write him as he should be written.
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popping-greenbean · 4 months
(regular comm info here)
donate only $5+ to any of the sites below or purchase an eSim and you can get a nice little drawing from me! DM me proof of payment and your request (with ref pictures + description) and i'll draw your favourite characters, OCs, ships, etc
here ↓↓↓
Gaza Funds
Operation Olive Branch
Doctors Without Borders
eSims for Gaza
any donated amount of $5+ will essentially get you a rough sketch of 1-3 full body characters + flat background, unless otherwise requested
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more details + examples below
as your donated amount increases, you'll get a nicer drawing basically, number of characters allowed is unaffected (you can donate any amount and i will still draw you max 3 characters in a piece)
$5 - $15 -> colourless sketch or a single flat tone for the character's silhouette, see venti post below
$15 - $30 -> sketch with flat local colours, see second image
$30 - $45 -> full colours + simple shading , see third image below or image above the cut
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with donations of $45+, i'll also take requests for character art with simple background elements, a more painty style, or you can request a similar look to one of my previous posts (here or here for transformers specific stuff)
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open to drawing humans, mechs, furries, creatures, just ask me if you're unsure! just make sure you are able to provide clear photo references or at least very close picrews, i will not design characters for these commissions.
if a request is something i'm not comfortable with drawing, i'll kindly ask you to switch it for something else, no big deal :) i won't take requests with explicit gore/NSFW content, but i will take suggestive/pinup type for $50+ donations if anyone so desires
wink wink nudge nudge if you like what you see above, i encourage you to take this chance to get art of your fav little guys while also helping people :) winwin
thanks for reading!! if you don't want art from me then please still donate if possible and share this post! or like.you can still show me your proof of payment and i'll just say nice things to you for free how's that
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blujaymi · 1 year
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2x10 | 9x06
YANG + ADMIRING BLAKE throughout the years <3
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sylvia-forest · 1 month
[CN] Shaw's Dual Cultivation Pact Date - Part 2
⚡Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a Date which hasn’t been released in EN yet!⚡
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Proceed at your own risk, I guess? 😂 Although it's not that spicy but still, a warning is a warning 🤭
[Section 3]
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A month had passed since I had "swept Shaw out the door," and he had not come back since.
He might also feel a bit embarrassed and angry.
MC: But you can't blame me for this; anyone who heard such words would… Villager: What did you say?
I realized that I had gotten distracted thinking about Shaw again, so I quickly cleared my throat and refocused my attention.
MC: It's nothing. You just said that there was evil energy surging under the mountain? Villager: That’s right! I don’t know what happened this time, but the formation barriers you set up don’t seem to have any effect!! Villager: Although Taoist Master Shaw doesn’t permit us to come to find you, we saw his condition and it was truly… MC: Shaw? What happened to him?
Startled, I interrupted him. The villagers were surprised to see me speaking so urgently and were taken aback, but they still answered honestly.
Villager: Wasn't it you who sent Master Shaw down the mountain to help us exorcize demons and spirits? There have been too many demons recently, and he has been busy running around everywhere. Villager: Perhaps it's because he's been working too hard. In the past month, Master Shaw's temper has become increasingly bad, and his methods for exorcizing demons have become more and more…
The villager hesitated, stammering as they began to speak.
Villager: It feels like... Master Shaw is showing signs of being possessed by demons. MC: ...possessed?!
Seeing me gasp, the villager began to sweat profusely, and their speech quickened.
Villager: We know that Master Shaw is a good person! But we're just afraid that if he starts treating people like this in the future… Villager: Ahem, what I mean is that we are worried about Taoist Master Shaw, so, that’s why we want to ask you to come out and help your disciple! Villager: If he really does something irreversible, it would tarnish the good name of Fairy MC! MC: ...I understand. MC: I'll handle the matter with Shaw. After you go down the mountain, instruct everyone not to go out today. Villager: Yes, I'll go right away!
The villager breathed a sigh of relief, thanked me profusely, and left.
I lowered my eyes and counted with my fingers.
MC: On the seventh day of the seventh month, when the yin energy is at its peak... It turns out it's already come to this.
I gathered my loose hair, secured it with a blue lotus Taoist crown, picked up my horsetail whisk, and headed out the door.
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Demons' aura. A sky-high demonic presence.
The setting sun was like blood, with white bones hanging from withered branches, and ghostly flames mingling with cooking smoke.
The mortals had long since shut their doors tightly, afraid to speak carelessly. In the distant mountains, unknown creatures were making sharp, piercing cries.
After hiding away on the mountain for so long, I've almost forgotten that the outside world is actually like this purgatory.
MC: I really miss the old Qixi festivals... That was the true human scene.
I murmured in contemplation as I began to search for Shaw's presence.
The flower scent was wrapped in a heavy stench of blood, making it appear both gaudy and acrid.
MC: Shaw?
Soon, I caught the faint scent of familiar Tumi flowers near the abandoned cemetery in the southeast.
?.?: For every person you've harmed, I'll cut off one of your claws. It's actually a favor to you. ?.?: ...Regardless of whether you've done evil during this time, I find you displeasing now, so I want to eliminate you. Is that not allowed? ?.?: Want to beg for mercy now? It’s no use.
I couldn't make out what the demon was shouting, but Shaw's voice came through clearly from the graveyard, each sentence ending with a distinct note of pleasure.
In the next moment, a scream pierced the air, and the stench of blood grew even stronger.
My heart sank and I hurried over.
Boom— —
Thunder rumbled ominously, and flashes of lightning crisscrossed the sky. In the intermittent light, a tall, slender figure stood firmly in the center.
Around him are the remains of monsters and demons, and the young man stands amidst a sea of blood. At this moment, he does not seem like a righteous defender of justice, but more like…
Bloodthirsty demon.
...Shaw's cultivation has already reached its peak.
I watched the scene before me with my heart racing, almost stirring up some repressed impulse.
Shaw's God-striking Whip was swinging continuously in his hand, while a demon beast dodged left and right. In the end, it was struck by a bolt of lightning and was obliterated with a scream.
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Shaw: I said it was useless, so why bother running?
Shaw's brows and eyes were full of exuberance, with a smile of extreme pleasure at the corner of his mouth, as he reveled in the brutal scene.
Shaw: I'm in a very bad mood this month. I can only say that you are unlucky and happened to meet me.
As he spoke, he took out the talisman and chanted the incantation.
[He recites an incantation here which is kinda hard to translate]
——He wants to summon the Five Gods of Thunder?! Just to annihilate these monsters?!
Without a moment's hesitation, I waved my whisk and immediately sealed the talisman he was about to ignite.
It was only then that he noticed my presence. In an instant, Shaw's gaze was more dazzling than lightning, nearly blinding me.
Shaw: .......You are finally willing to come. MC: ….Shaw!
I stretched out my hand towards him and spoke hastily.
MC: You can't kill anymore now, otherwise you will become a demon! MC: Come with me, I'll help you stabilize your Taoist mind!
Shaw stared at me intently, and after a while, he finally broke into a smile.
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Shaw: Good.
Before he finished speaking, he fell forward.
I quickly teleported over to support him. Even through the layer of clothing, I could feel how intensely hot his body was.
MC: ….It can’t be delayed any longer.
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I no longer hesitated and took Shaw to a broken house near the mass grave and began to set up formations for him.
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Shaw [in pain]: Mm—
In the instant the light flared, a look of pain immediately appeared on Shaw's face.
MC: Is it difficult? Just bear with it a little longer…
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Shaw [breathing heavily]: Not uncomfortable.
Shaw interrupted my words, breathing heavily.
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Shaw [hesitantly]: I thought...I thought you didn't want to see me anymore
My breath caught, and I instinctively wanted to respond to the unspoken feelings before me.
However, Shaw's vibrant, living form and the red cinnabar symbols that had fallen around him reminded me of my true purpose for coming here.
MC: How could this be?
Another yellow talisman fell, and the dense array of runes bound Shaw, leaving him unable to move.
My fingers gently caressed his heaving chest and came to rest on his heart.
MC: You are my most precious furnace, why don’t I come to see you?
The light from the talisman illuminated the dim old house and also lit up my path.
A black crane perches on the hem of my skirt, its wings poised to fly.
[Section 4]
After Shaw heard what I said, a smile appeared on his lips.
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Shaw [In a light voice + breathing heavily x1]: Fairy Xuanhe, you finally don’t want to pretend anymore? MC: The goal has already been achieved; why pretend?
I casually replied to him while drawing symbols, as if we were in my courtyard rather than this run-down house.
MC: I was surprised. When did you know about it? Shaw [x2]: Known it from the beginning.
My fingers paused. He raised his eyebrows at me triumphantly.
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Shaw [x3]: Back then, Fairy Xuanhe, burdened with too much bloodshed, was hunted down by ten righteous paths and fell into these mountains. Shaw [x4]: After just three to five years, a Taoist priestess named MC suddenly appeared in the mountains. Shaw [x5]: With profound skills and a kind heart, they set up great formations to protect the safety and security of the people around them. Shaw [x6]: It's really... admirable.
Shaw’s breathing was rapid. Although he was clearly talking about me, his tone was so mocking, as if he were recounting someone else’s story. I felt a surge of irritation rise from the bottom of my heart and couldn't help but retort.
MC: So, you were sent by those idiots to test me?
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Shaw [coldly]: Do they even deserve it?
Shaw sneered and raised his chin.
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Shaw [whispers]: I just wanted to see you myself.
His gaze slowly moved from my brows, down to my nose, to my lips, to my throat... Finally, as if discovering something, it settled on my heart.
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Shaw: .....No wonder you have been staying in that yard and refused to come out. MC: I didn’t refuse to come out. Shaw: In fact, you sealed yourself in that courtyard. MC: I didn't… Shaw: The demonic aura has long invaded your heart and mind; you are the one who has fallen into darkness. MC: I'm just about to become a demon!
I blurted out, my anger surging suddenly. I reached out forcefully, intending to strangle the man in front of me who was spouting nonsense.
However, as soon as my fingertips touched the blood vessels on his neck, they were immediately burned and recoiled.
The burning pain brought me back to clarity. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm my emotions.
MC: Shaw, I’m just... about to fall into darkness. MC: And with you as the furnace here, I can definitely dispel all the demonic aura.
Shaw's throat moved slightly as if he had finally realized something.
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Shaw [surprised]: You want to practice dual cultivation with me...? MC: What else?
I chuckled and slowly stretched out my arms to hug Shaw from behind.
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The intense yang energy filled Shaw’s robust body, like a flame that would never extinguish.
The robe was exceptionally loose after the battle, but with a casual flick, it fell into place.
My fingers measured every inch of his hot skin, and the wonderful touch made me addicted.
MC: Life is so joyful in the mortal world; I have no intention of falling into darkness. MC: Over the years, I have devoted myself to research and finally invented a method of harmonizing yin and yang.
Shaw clearly remembered the books he had borrowed. He raised an eyebrow and made an effort to turn his head to look at me.
Shaw: Because demonic energy is extremely yin, you're planning to find an extremely yang 'container' to balance it out. MC: That's right.
I turned my fingers and lifted Shaw's chin with a whisk.
This is the first time I've seen my... cauldron up close.
From this angle, I noticed his eyelashes were so long, his nose bridge so straight, and there was a thin layer of sweat at the corners of his brows, fine and dense.
MC: Shaw, you came to me of your own accord. MC: It is you who want to practice my techniques.
I silently executed the spell and infused the final incantation into Shaw’s dantian.
The fragrance of tea flowers instantly filled every corner of the room.
I know it's ripe.
Shaw, with no strength to resist, was pressed to the ground by me.
On the Qixi festival, the day of extreme yin, with the body of extreme yang, everything was perfect.
My breathing was even faster than Shaw's. The demonic energy that had been suppressed for a long time was no longer in shackles of the seal. It was jolting left and right in my body and was in desperate need of an outlet.
MC: I…
I was like a moth endlessly circling, instinctively drawn to an untouchable blaze, yet fleeing in panic just a second before being consumed by the flames.
For a moment, I even felt that the decision to practice dual cultivation was extremely stupid.
Because it was too hot and painful.
I bit my lower lip and gripped Shaw's shoulders almost with hatred, my nails drawing faint blood marks on his skin.
——Why? Why should I go through this?
As the Xuanhe Fairy, I have always wanted to live according to my true nature and have never harmed a mortal.
Before the demonic energy entered my body, I was said to be weird, rebellious, and unreasonable; after the demonic energy entered my body, I was said to be cruel and suspected of evil intentions.
These fools have also pinned some baseless charges on me and summoned ten righteous factions to kill me...
Why should I endure this!
Unconsciously, blood began to seep into my vision, and the smell of blood rising in my throat gradually overpowered the floral scent, filling my nostrils.
Shaw: MC, MC….! MC: What?
Shaw called my name several times before I woke up from my daze and looked at him blankly.
He was sweating all over, gritting his teeth, and obviously felt uncomfortable, but his golden eyes were still bright, reflecting only my figure.
Even though I was in a mess and my blue lotus Taoist crown was crooked.
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Shaw [HIS HOARSE VOICE SOUNDED SO ASKFSGH x1]: MC, give me your breath. MC: ....Transfer Qi?
My mind was so dizzy that I didn't even understand what these two words meant. Shaw suppressed his breath and sneered.
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Shaw [x2]: If you want to practice dual cultivation, of course you have to transfer your Qi.
Oh, indeed, the breath could also settle into the lower abdomen. I thought groggily as I leaned closer to Shaw's lips.
In the instant our breaths intertwined, I was pulled into a vortex named Shaw. 
His tongue entwined with mine, then released, only to forcefully invade again, exploring every corner of my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. 
This wasn't me giving him air at all; it was clearly... him taking it from me.
The sound of the rubbing of clothes mixed with my heartbeat, infinitely amplified in my ears, and the burning sensation that was originally painful to me gradually became less unbearable.
At this moment, it seems that the vigorous yang energy and the deep yin energy have finally found a point of resonance, beginning to tentatively merge.
My vision kept wavering, and the scene before me became a kaleidoscope of colors. The painful memories of the past gradually receded like a retreating tide.
By accident, my mind suddenly recalled a small incident when the evil energy had not poured into China and everything was still too peaceful.
That day seemed to be the Qixi festival. I was wandering in the market and met a young man.
The young man said he had someone he loved and asked me if I had any spells that could help him.
What happened next? Did I help him…?
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Shaw [annoyed]: You're distracted. MC: I didn't…
All my words were swallowed up by him, and Shaw didn't want to listen to me at all.
He inexplicably began to refuse to cooperate, causing the yin and yang energy that had already been harmonized to change suddenly. I couldn't help but want to hide, but my waist was firmly held by him.
MC: This… This is not right…
I clutched the nearly shapeless talisman papers tightly and spoke intermittently.
MC [blushing]: It should be me… MC [blushing]: It should be me taking your original yang energy; this is the only solution. Otherwise, I...!
I whimpered briefly, the stimulation was too strong and I had nowhere to escape, I could only scream like a rogue.
MC [blushing]: You are my furnace, you must be willing to help me achieve success!
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Shaw [breathing heavily + that low seductive voice of his x1]: Who says I'm not willing?
Hot sweat and Shaw's voice both fell into my ears, as he chuckled softly.
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Shaw [x2]: I realized... that although you are a talented demon practitioner, you’re also quite foolish. Shaw [x3]: Why do you think I've been practicing your techniques all along?
It's too hot. My mind can no longer understand his words; I just shake my head, trying to escape, but Shaw won't let me.
His lips repeatedly kissed my earlobe, whispering in the closest proximity.
Shaw [x4]: As I said, I will do my best and risk everything I have for the person I like.
Every time Shaw said a word, I felt the violent demonic energy in my body fade a little—
He didn’t have his original yang energy taken by me; instead, he used his yang energy to completely eliminate the demonic energy.
MC: You... you changed my technique? Were you deceiving me?!
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Shaw [x6]: Is that not acceptable? Shaw [x7]: Who told you to lie to me back then?
Shaw lifted me up forcefully as if to punish me, and I fell into his tender kisses.
Shaw [x8]: On that Qixi Festival, I told you I liked you and asked if there was a spell to make you like me too. How did you respond? MC: What?
Was that boy Shaw?
My memory doesn’t quite match up with this. Could it be that the years of demonic energy have damaged my mind?
I was speechless and couldn't explain anything. Shaw’s chest rumbled with laughter as he smiled.
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Shaw [x9]: Forget it if you don’t remember. Anyway, I already got what I wanted.
After all, I was pulled into the whirlpool by him again.
In the midst of the chaos, I almost had the illusion that Shaw had risked even more than I had imagined.
No, it's not an illusion.
MC: Shaw. 
I reached out my hand and brushed away Shaw's messy hair, wanting to look into his eyes again.
📿 Call 1
📿 Call 2
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toaarcan · 1 year
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laxmiree · 5 months
[My Art] that love meme
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daily-linkclick · 1 year
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daily link click: 9/2/23
arc 3: chen xiao (+ liu meng, lu hongbin, and mrs chen)
earthquake arc
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arabella-77 · 1 month
MLQC CN - Shaw - 2024 Qixi Karma Live 2D
This rascal is really something 🤣🤣🤣.
This amazing Live 2D edit by 境容_live2d.
You can read the translation of the complete 🔥 Shaw's Qixi date at https://www.tumblr.com/sylvia-forest/758078757942755328/cn-shaws-dual-cultivation-pact-date-part-1?source=share
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fragmentedblade · 1 year
The weight it has the fact that Mr. Xiao gifts the Trailblazer the discarded part with the fragment about Yingxing's trial, knowing Yingxing was his master.
"Remnants of the aurumaton culture linger at the Aurum Alley's Artistry hardware".
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moeblob · 1 year
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Part 2 of "I Love You" this time with Xiao! Who.... doesn't understand either. Adam is a little uneasy about the misunderstanding as a greeting part (praying that Xiao never uses it as a greeting).
Part 1
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gildotexe · 11 months
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I'd like to think my current on field DPS characters wouldn't be too happy about this acquisition. Mainly because Wriothesley will be stealing borrowing their supports.
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clockworkcasini · 13 days
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Oh god please no
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sinful-liesel · 6 months
Mr Love Queen's Choice x TapTap x Girlcult Blush Box Sets & Merch Group Order
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Hello~ I’m hosting a group order for Mr Love Queen’s Choice official merchandise!
I’m based in the USA & ship worldwide! Please see the order form below for more details.
Shares are appreciated! ❤ #lieselGOs
Form: bit.ly/49W45Nw
Purchase Bonus ✅
Deadline: April 05, 2024 (11PM CST)
Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Ko-fi
MLQC x TapTap x Girlcult
Blush Box Set
MLQC x TapTap
Acrylic Stand
Shikishi / Art Board
Quicksand Acrylic Ticket
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sylvia-forest · 2 months
[CN] Shaw's Monkey King Date
⚡Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a Date which hasn’t been released in EN yet!⚡
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[Released Date: 17 June 2024]
You can read the Prologue from here!
[Section 1]
The late nights in the small town are much denser than in the city.
Even though it's nearly midnight, Shaw and I are still sitting at opposite ends of the sofa playing with our phones, indicating that neither of us intends to sleep.
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Shaw: Music cut. MC: You've already cut three pieces. Shaw: That may mean that this playlist is no longer good and it’s time to change the playlist. MC [angrily]: Don't question my musical taste!
I glared at him, warning Shaw not to secretly change my playlist. Seeing my firmness, he shrugged and backed down.
Shaw: Okay, this part is okay now, I feel like I can continue listening to it.
He adjusted his headphones and lazily slouched a bit further down, his gaze returning to his own phone screen.
Seizing the opportunity, I glanced at the progress bar of the player. Good, good, once this song finishes, it'll be perfectly timed.
I subtly adjusted my sitting position and quietly retrieved the confetti cannon that I had hidden under the pillow.
I no longer paid any attention to what the singer was singing about in the headphones; my heartbeat and the pounding bass drum were the only things I could feel, growing faster and more restless.
58, 59, 60......!
I pulled out the confetti cannon and pulled the string—Bang!
MC: Happy Birthday!!
The sharp sound of the confetti cannon and the song "Happy Birthday" from the playlist rang out simultaneously, interrupting the chirping of cicadas outside.
Amid the falling streamers, I beamed a wide smile at Shaw. He set down his phone and nodded back at me.
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Shaw: Thanks. MC [confused]: ??
This guy, his reaction to my perfectly timed birthday surprise is so calm! I pouted in dissatisfaction.
MC: Shouldn't you be more surprised, more amazed? Shaw: It's a bit difficult.
Shaw brushed off the streamers from his face and smiled.
Shaw: After all, I am the one who brought you here to celebrate my birthday. You have been procrastinating and refusing to go to bed. I have already predicted what will happen at 12 o'clock. Shaw: Furthermore, if you have more "surprises" waiting for me until daylight, and you surprised me now, what's next?
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Shaw [in a low playful tone]: Or are you saying that you want...
Shaw cleared his throat, and I suddenly felt uneasy.
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Shaw [DAMN HIS SARCASTIC VOICE SOUNDS SO HILARIOUS]: Oh my, you actually sent me such a loud birthday wish right at midnight on June twenty-first. I'm so pleasantly surprised, moved, and touched that it brings tears to my eyes. MC: Stop! Stop! STOP!
I was grossed out by Shaw's cheesiness, covered in goosebumps, and quickly tried to cover his mouth, but he easily caught my wrist with one hand.
Shaw raised an eyebrow at me, his tone teasing.
Shaw [teasingly]: Do I need to continue praising you? MC: Hmph, never mind then.
I wrinkled my nose and tried to take my wrist out of his hand.
He tightened his grip unexpectedly, even pulling me forward a bit, causing me to lose my balance and fall onto him.
Shaw: Do you want to ignore me? Don’t you want to hear me finish what I have to say?
Feeling frustrated, I lightly bumped my chin against his chest twice to prompt him to continue.
Shaw: Even though it wasn't a surprise, you're the first one today to wish me a happy birthday, and I appreciate that. MC: Just satisfied? Shaw: I'm very happy too, that's why I wanted to tease you. MC: ... Such a perverse taste. Shaw: How can you call it perverse taste? It's the privilege of the birthday star, I'm the boss today.
Thinking back to the past few years when I teased him on his birthday saying "Birthday star is the boss," I feel like I'm lifting a rock only to drop it on my own foot
As I was speaking, Shaw's phone kept buzzing intermittently. Just as I was about to glance curiously at it, Shaw had already responded.
Shaw: Just some birthday wishes.
I took his phone and unlocked the screen. I scrolled up and down a couple of times, and sure enough, I saw familiar faces.
There were colleagues from Isolate, the owner of the Live House, Professor Shen who had already sent his greetings earlier in the day, and the old neighbors...
MC [excitedly]: Wow, without realizing it, you've become so popular.
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Shaw [displeased]: Why do your words sound so strange? Could it be that I was not popular before? MC: It definitely wasn't as good as it is now.
Shaw's mouth curled into a subtle smile, and he responded with a prolonged "hmm."
Shaw: Now that you mention it, it’s true that ever since I met you, you've been organizing all sorts of surprise events with this group, making them more enthusiastic than ever.
I laughed and scrolled up again, and suddenly a text message sent during the day fell into my eyes.
Magician Zhang: Don't forget about tomorrow's show. You need to be there by 1 PM.
I read out the text in the text message and was a little confused.
MC: What program? Shaw: Hasn't Magician Zhang been learning ancient magic tricks here for several months? He has a performance tomorrow and asked me to do an opening act to warm up the crowd. MC: That's it...wait a minute! MC: Isn't the "tomorrow" he mentioned actually today? Why are you still taking on a warm-up performance on your birthday?
Shaw was a little confused, obviously not following my logic.
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Shaw [confused]: What do you mean? MC: What I mean is...
My lips trembled a bit. Although I felt confident when I thought about it, I felt a bit unsure when I actually said it out loud.
MC [resigned look]: I feel like something always comes up on your birthday to disturb the celebration. MC: There's never a time when the whole 24 hours are completely mine. MC: It's just a little... upsetting.
Shaw [surprised]: ……
Shaw was obviously a little surprised, and then he seemed to have thought of something and raised the corners of his mouth again.
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Shaw [teases her]: Completely yours? Oh, you want us to be like conjoined twins? MC: Is that not allowed? Shaw [in a good mood]: Of course it is. Then for tomorrow's little performance, you can join me on stage. MC [dumbfounded]: Huh??
[Section 2]
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Even though it was just a small warm-up performance, we still arrived early at the town theater.
There was already a banner at the entrance of the courtyard promoting today's ancient magic performance. I looked up and tried to recognize it for a while.
MC: ... "Journey to the West"? How are they going to perform "Journey to the West" with ancient magic tricks?
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Shaw: It's like regular magic tricks, but with some storyline elements added to make it more interesting for the audience. MC: Storyline elements... We're not going to have to perform too, are we? Shaw: Who knows.
Shaw spread his hands with a smile, clearly teasing me again.
Shaw: Anyway, you go over there and change, and I'll see you in the yard later.
After he finished speaking, he took a few steps forward, then, as if sensing my gaze, he turned back, the corners of his mouth curving into a slight, enigmatic smile.
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Shaw: You even want my time when I'm changing clothes? MC [shouts]: ...I didn't mean to be conjoined to that extent!
My face heated up, and I quickly turned around and slipped into the dressing room.
There was already a stylist waiting in the dressing room. After I sat down, I couldn't help but ask her.
MC: How long will this show take?
The stylist picked up the makeup brush and smiled at me.
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Stylist: It should only take three to five minutes. Stylist: Shaw specifically told us not to take up too much of his time because his girlfriend is waiting for him.
These words sounded a bit strange, and I couldn't help but pout a little.
MC: ... He didn't tell you guys that I'm demanding and bossy, did he? Stylist: No. What he actually said was, "My girlfriend came all the way to spend my birthday with me, so of course, I belong to her. Non-negotiable, five minutes."
I imagined Shaw negotiating the time with them for the performance and couldn't help but laugh.
During our chat, the stylist had swiftly finished my look. I looked at the "fairy" in the mirror and let out a sigh of relief.
MC: Thank goodness... I thought I might have to play some centipede or spider demon. Stylist: How could we make you play a demon? After all, the Monkey King hadn't even started his journey to the West at that point. MC: Monkey King? You mean he wants to act… Child: Wow, Your Majesty, you're so handsome!
The noise of children suddenly came from outside, interrupting my words.
The stylist understood and pointed towards the door. I smiled knowingly, lifted my skirt, and quietly went over to push the door open.
The warm rays of the morning sun filled the courtyard and also fell on the shining figure in the center of the courtyard.
Shaw was dressed in a bright red Sun Wukong costume, surrounded by a group of children.
Even though he is wearing heavy shoulder armor, it does not appear heavy or cumbersome. Instead, it accentuates his heroic and upright appearance.
Child: Your Majesty, I want to see you wield the golden cudgel! Child: I want to see it too! I want to see it too!
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Shaw [irritated]: Tsk, why don’t you watch Old Man Zhang? Isn’t his performance better? Child: He is better, but the king is more handsome! MC [burst into laughter]: Hahahaha!
I burst into laughter hearing the group of "monkey children" praising Shaw excitedly. 
When Shaw heard my laughter, his gaze immediately locked onto me, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.
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Shaw [sigh in relief]: Are you finally ready? Shall we go? MC [playfully]: Um... no, I also want to see Your Majesty perform a bit~
I intentionally pronounced "Your Majesty" in a playful and teasing tone. Shaw visibly tensed, then gritted his teeth and walked towards me with determination.
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Shaw: What do you want to play? Let me play with you first—
Shaw's large hand gripped my waist and began to tickle me.
I couldn't resist, laughing and trying to evade him, but I couldn't escape his embrace.
Shaw: Still want to play? MC: No, hahaha nope!
I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe and quickly raised my hands in surrender.
The group of children looked at the two of us curiously, and one of them suddenly understood.
Child: Your Majesty, you're so powerful, you've already subdued the demoness! MC [angrily]: I'm not the demoness!
How childish. The moment those words slipped out, I felt so childish. Unfortunately, the kids in front of us were even more enthusiastic, pointing at the two of us.
Child: But you're the one tempting the Monkey King! In the cartoons, it's said that the Monkey King must stay away from women! MC: Ah, what a mess... Shaw!
I was both amused and exasperated, so I decided to play along with their "Your Majesty."
Since the children started talking, Shaw's chest kept vibrating from trying not to burst into laughter.
Seeing a hint of embarrassment on my face now, he struggled to hold back his laughter and waved his hand at the kids.
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Shaw: Did you hear? She's Ling Gege's girlfriend, MC.
[T/N]: "Gege" (哥哥) is a Chinese term that means "older brother". It is often used as a term of endearment or respect towards an older male, similar to how "big brother" might be used in English.
Shaw: Right now, I haven't transformed yet, so I'm not the Monkey King, and she's not a demoness. Shaw: Later, even if I do become the Monkey King, she won't be a demoness, she'll be a fairy sister, got it? Child: Oh…. Shaw: Alright, didn't you say you wanted to grab a good spot at the stage? Let's go before it's too late.
The children seemed to understand, but as soon as they heard that they had to occupy a seat, they stopped thinking about it and all went out in a swarm.
I watched their figures disappear at the doorway and lightly tapped Shaw's hand resting on my back.
MC: Shaw, do you know your explanation just now had a bit of a loophole that didn't quite satisfy me?
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Shaw [confused]: ?What loophole.
I tilted my face up, tiptoed slightly closer to him.
The warmth from my lips intentionally brushed past his tense jawline as our breaths mingled.
MC: Are you really planning to "stay away from women" once you transform into the Monkey King?
[Section 3]
Of course he won't be close to women. On the contrary, I'll step up my game even more.
This guy really can't handle any provocation... or teasing at all.
I nervously pressed my lips together, not wanting the others backstage to notice that I had just been "tormented" by Shaw.
[You guys can already guess what might've happened 🤭, the consequences of provoking Shaw]
After chatting with Magician Zhang a few words, Shaw turned and walked towards me.
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Shaw: Just wait for 20 more minutes. When the drumming starts up front, we'll go on stage. MC [anxious]: Wait, wait, go on stage directly? Don’t we need to practice? Shaw: Do you still need to practice something you have played a hundred times?
Shaw raised an eyebrow and suddenly snapped his fingers near my ear. Startled, I turned my head and saw that he had magically produced a paper flower in his hand.
MC [surprised]: …..?!
Although I knew Shaw could perform some tricks and magic, I always found myself gaping in awe whenever I saw it firsthand.
After a few stammering sounds, I remembered I should say something.
MC: What I mean is, you’ve got it all figured out, but I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do on stage. MC: I don’t have much acting experience, what should I do if I mess it up for you? Shaw: Hmm, now that you mention it, we should definitely rehearse a bit.
As Shaw spoke, he took hold of my wrist and led me to the prop room backstage.
Shaw took out a plate from the corner, played with it twice, and handed it to me.
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Shaw: The rehearsal is pretty simple. After all, this role suits you perfectly. Just stand there holding the tray and make your favorite expression. MC [dumbfounded]: What expression? Shaw: Just like a pufferfish, all puffed up and glaring at me. MC: Shaw, I don’t—! Shaw [pleased with his provocation]: Yes, that's the expression.
I glared even harder, but my cheeks deflated as I let out a huff.
MC: Then I just hold an empty plate and stare at you? Shaw: Of course, the plate is not empty, serve it well.
Shaw smiled and, once again, pulled out a few glass beads from some hidden pocket. He placed them on the tray and covered them with a red cloth.
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Shaw: You are now delivering elixirs for Lao Jun, but I stop you along the way. Shaw [acting mode on x1]: Fairy, can you let me see what you are holding in your hand?
I blinked and realized that he was guiding me, and I couldn't help but become playful.
MC: Nothing, just an empty plate. Shaw [x2]: Really? But how come I smell the scent of elixirs?
Shaw leaned in and sniffed the plate twice, then suddenly turned his gaze towards me.
Before I could react, his hand swiftly brushed past my temple, plucking one of my hairpins.
He clasped his hands around the hairpin, and when he opened them again, it had turned into one of the glass beads that had just been on the tray.
MC [shocked]: ….Oh?! Shaw [x3]: So, the elixir wasn't hidden in the tray but transformed into the fairy's hairpin flower, making it harder for me to find.
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He spoke slowly and deliberately, leaning in closer with an intense gaze.
Shaw [in a sly voice x4]: Fairies are so cunning.
He should have said these words in the tone of a Monkey King.
But maybe because he wasn't rehearsing seriously, I clearly knew: the voice was Shaw's, the face was Shaw's, and the person teasing me right now... was Shaw.
The lips that had been kissed by him earlier began to warm up, the heat gradually spreading to my cheeks. I struggled under his gaze, unwilling to concede yet unable to resist.
MC [blushing hard]: You, you took away the elixir, how can I give it to Laojun? Shaw [x5]: Of course, I won't just take the fairy's elixir for nothing. I'll make it up to you with something even better. He flicked his cloak and lifted the red cloth on the tray, but didn't fully uncover it. Shaw [x6]: I have several peaches that ripen once every nine thousand years. Eating them will grant us longevity equal to that of heaven and earth, and our ages will match those of the sun and moon.
He suddenly unveiled the red cloth, revealing several bright pink peaches on the plate.
Shaw's eyebrows arched in unabashed delight, his eyes outlined with fiery red eyeshadow that seemed to burn through my very soul.
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Shaw [in a light tone]: Fairy, would you like to... share eternal life with me?
I stared at him blankly, my lips parting and closing before I finally spoke dully.
MC: If we have longevity equal to that of heaven and earth, then I'll have to celebrate thousands of birthdays for you. It would be exhausting!
Shaw burst into laughter. He seemed to say something softly afterward, but the booming drum announcing the start of the performance outside drowned out his voice.
Before we got ready to go on stage, I asked him one last question.
MC: By the way, how do your tricks always manage to fool me? Shaw: Why do you say?
Shaw smirked, looking very pleased with himself.
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Shaw: Magic is all about guiding attention, creating something out of nothing. Shaw [he sounded so happy here]: But with you, there's no need for guidance, because you only see me.
[Section 4]
The little program ended smoothly.
After the appetizer, it was time for the main event: Magic Zhang's portrayal of "Sun Wukong" took the stage.
Magic Zhang had already set up the stage with colorful balls, swords, beans, and rings from his tricks. I was about to watch the master's performance when suddenly, I heard a cold snort beside me.
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Shaw: Caught the work bug? MC: No, I'm just an audience member... Shaw: Audience members can't do that.
Shaw didn't hesitate to cover my sight with his hand and gently turned my chin towards him with his other hand.
Shaw: He's the Six-Eared Macaque, I'm the true Monkey King. It's time for you to come with me.
As we wished, no one disturbed us for the rest of the time, not even the group of followers who seemed to have disappeared somewhere.
He and I walked around the town leisurely, and finally returned to the entrance of the theater.
Magic Zhang's performance had long ended, and the gradually setting sun fell on the empty stage. Shaw looked around.
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Shaw: It's about time. Shall we change clothes and head back to the inn for cake? MC: Who said I left the cake at the inn?
Thinking about the biggest surprise I had prepared to show Shaw today, my voice couldn't help but carry a hint of excitement.
MC: While I've enjoyed watching you perform today, I actually have a magic trick of my own to show you.
I pulled out a chair and asked Shaw to sit down, and pointed to the high stage in front of me.
MC: Guests, please be seated, this fairy is about to take the stage!
Shaw's lips curled with interest as he nodded and took a seat.
I walked towards the stage and brought out a screen I had prepared earlier.
MC: ... Grandpa Zhang said it should be wedged here so people in the audience won't see the hidden passage......
I carefully adjusted the angle of the screen according to the method that Magic Zhang had taught me before. After making sure that nothing went wrong, I waved to Shaw.
MC: Watch closely now, my magic trick is called... Shrinking into Inches, Emerging from the Earth!
With solemnity, I gestured and chanted incantations in front of my sole audience member, slowly moving towards the hidden passage.
At the exact moment when the screen completely blocked my figure, I swiftly jumped into the hidden passage and dashed towards another exit.
The path was dimly lit underfoot, and my dress billowed wildly, so I simply held it all in my hands.
I may not have the ability to shrink into inches or emerge from the earth, but I have a heart that races towards him without hesitation.
MC: Phew... almost there!
On the table at the exit sat the cake that the stylist had set up for me earlier. After calming my breath for a moment, I picked it up and lifted the curtain to reveal it.
MC: Shaw, happy birthday————
The final note of joy lingered on my lips.
Because the moment the curtain was raised, Shaw stood in front of me, staring at me intently.
I had lost count of how many times today my mouth had dropped open in astonishment. My dumbfounded expression inevitably made him burst into laughter.
MC: You, you knew I would show up here?
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Shaw: I know almost all of Magic Zhang's magic tricks and mechanisms. MC: But this... This isn't you trying to steal my thunder, is it? MC: Shaw, can't you give me a sense of accomplishment? MC: You will make me look very stupid…
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Shaw [lowers his voice]: Why are you being silly?
Shaw interrupted my scattered thoughts and pulled me out of the dim passage.
Shaw: It's not that you're not capable of acting. Shaw: Pretending to be surprised intentionally, you find it cheesy and foolish. Shaw: Besides, someone told me they wanted to be conjoined twins with me for 24 hours, so I didn't want to wait, and I couldn't wait. Shaw [whispers lightly, barely hiding his hidden emotions]: MC, you've been running for too long, I can't wait any longer.
Shaw repeated twice that he couldn't wait, turning my slight disappointment into a bittersweet feeling.
But I still had a bit of unwillingness lingering, so I couldn't help but ask him.
MC: So, did I not manage to give you any surprises or unexpected moments today? Shaw [satisfied]: Of course you did, but I'm not telling you.
Shaw returned to his usual cunning self, taking my cake and placing it on the table.
Shaw: By the way, you didn't finish saying "happy birthday" to me just now. You need to say it again.
Do we still need to add some solemn reflections and vows during our blessings? It seems unnecessary now.
Because those things have long been mixed into various half-true and half-joking remarks between us, inadvertently becoming our promises.
I gazed into his bright eyes, where there was a dazzling sparkle.
MC: Happy birthday, Shaw.
I hope his fiery eyes can see through my heart.
I sat with him in the empty theater, sharing cake and chatting away, even the amber twilight tinted with sweetness.
MC: I'm curious though, even though you perform at Live House, it's always this cool style, no interaction with the audience at all. MC: But tricks are meant to amuse the audience. It’s not quite like your character. Why did you agree to this show?
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Shaw: I didn't want to agree to it at first, but I liked the role very much. MC: Do you mean you really like it? Are you referring to the Monkey King? Shaw: uh-huh. MC: Do you like the Monkey King? Shaw: What do you mean, you don't like it?
Shaw's rhetorical question was a bit too natural, so I waved my hand with a smile.
MC: No, no, I mean I didn’t expect you to like the Monkey King enough to be willing to play him.
Shaw raised an eyebrow, his fork gliding through the cream twice.
Shaw: I didn't have the chance when I was young. Growing up, I had to experience it at least once.
I caught the key words instantly.
MC: Your childhood dream was not to become the Monkey King, right? Shaw: Don't you want to?
The tone of this rhetorical question is even more natural this time. I'm both surprised and amused, always feeling...
It was as if I was holding the hand of kid Shaw whom I had never seen before.
Now I seem to have only one last question left for this perfect birthday.
MC: So why have you been in such a good mood lately? Just because you get to play the Monkey King?
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Shaw [ponders over a bit]: Yes and no. Mainly because here, I can satisfy what I wanted to do when I was young—unrestrained, free, and easy. MC: You seem pretty free and easy in Loveland City too. Shaw: It's different. MC: What's the difference?
I asked this question twice, but Shaw didn't answer. He just looked at me with a smile.
After a while, he suddenly spoke.
Shaw [hesitant]: MC, do you think I seem particularly childish and domineering today? MC: Hm?
Upon careful reflection, today's Shaw indeed rigorously exercised the authority of "the birthday star is the greatest," appearing much more assertive and straightforward than usual.
Upon this realization, the question he just avoided answering... I seem to have... a hint of an answer. I chuckled.
MC: Perhaps just a little bit, but it's nice to give yourself a reason to be childish for a day, isn't it? MC: And there is someone to be childish with you.
I pointed to myself. Shaw looked satisfied, leaned over, and took away the last trace of cream from my lips.
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Shaw [pleased with her answer]: That's right, it's great to have you by my side. Shaw: "The Monkey King" has had enough freedom. It's time to return with you to Loveland City, back to the mortal world.
🙉 Epilogue 
🙉 Call
🙉 Texts
🙉 Video call 
"Note from the translator"
Heya! I hope all of you're in good health. It has been a while since I last posted something, life has been quite hectic for me 🫠. Annnyways first of all I apologize if you find my translations sloppy or find any mistakes, plz feel free to tell me. I'm currently so busy right now that I've hardly had time for other stuff, Summer courses + internships are quite overwhelming 😵‍💫for me. So plz don't think that I've given up on Shaw cuz I'll never ever give up on him😤!! I'll translate his content wholeheartedly but do expect late updates from me! I just wanted to clarify this so that you guys don't think that I've abandoned this blog.
That's all from me! Thank you sooooo much for all of your support and please continue supporting me in the future cuz it adds more fuel to my motivation🥰! Have a nice day!
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