#mr Brown of Brown's world of carpets
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di-42-poems · 2 months ago
A Limerick written for tumblr GOetry Monday. Prompt was a garment. The scene at the pub.
Shattered Dreams
That waistcoat the bookseller wore
Surrounding his tummy galore
I longed to unclasp it
On a bed of carpet
But the redhead returned with a roar.
Also on ao3
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you-know-no-one · 3 months ago
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The save-me-from-this-conversation look.
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ineffablyruined · 1 year ago
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Good Omens + Text Posts
Holiday Edition
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shoemakerobstetrician · 10 months ago
Thought of Michael’s comment about Twister in Staged:
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When I saw this:
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I wonder if Mr. Brown of Brown’s World of Carpets flies that flag - I guess it’s technically a rug, right?
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loveapologist · 1 year ago
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You can't help but love his carpets.
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house-of-furfur · 9 months ago
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Artist: @owlgams on Xwitter
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on-till-morning · 1 year ago
Apparently ‘Crowley gets mistaken for a sex worker’ is a sub genre now and I am here for all of it from the heartbreaking to the hilarious and especially if it involves Mr Brown of Brown’s World of Carpets vying for Aziraphale’s attention. (And this fic where Mr Brown thinks Crowley is in the mafia is great too.) Give me more please internets!
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ineffableigh · 1 year ago
Isn't it interesting that we hear two things:
When Mr. Brown (of Brown's World of Carpets) is taken by the demons, we HEAR him getting crunched and mulched up. To me there's no denying that man's Dead As Hell, even if (as I recall, maybe?) Neil said he was just taken. I don't buy it lol.
When Crowley brings him back, it sounds like flesh being knit back together or something. Crowley resurrected a whole-ass crunched up human AFTER demons snacked on that ass.
INTERESTING! This is kind of a huge thing the show just glosses over, like damn lol.
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di-42 · 7 months ago
Another limerick for this week's GOetry prompt, a garment.
Shattered Dream
That waistcoat the bookseller wore
Surrounding his tummy galore
I longed to unclasp it
On a bed of carpet
But the redhead returned with a roar.
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indigovigilance · 1 year ago
I think the most poignant S3 minor scene for me would be Mr. Brown comforting Crowley.
Because Mr. Brown was in love with Mr. Fell too. In his mind, he and Crowley were rivals for Mr. Fell’s heart: Crowley won and he lost. Part of him hates Crowley for that, because he believes he could have loved Mr. Fell better.
But when Mr. Brown learns that Mr. Fell has gone to Heaven and sees Crowley moping in his cups, he has a choice to make. He can leave his rival to rot in his misery, or he can reach out and offer comfort to someone who loved the same man that he did.
Because even if Mr. Brown wishes that Mr. Fell had chosen him, he loves him enough to respect his choice, and by extension, to love the man that he chose, accepting from this enigmatic goth the love that Mr. Brown wishes he could have given him himself.
Mr. Brown loves Mr. Fell enough to set aside his jealousy and comfort the ones who lost him too.
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I think we had started to turn a corner here. Mr. Fell knows I’m always in the pub just after shop close. But here he comes again. Time for me to leave.
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fuzzygoblin · 1 year ago
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Christmas Lights is on the agenda at the monthly meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association, but it's not the only thing on Mr Brown's, of Brown's World of Carpets, mind. As he pines for the mysterious bookseller, his efforts are thwarted by the tall ginger goth.
Thanks to @vidavalor for the exquisite meta.
Christmas Lights - Chapter 1 - A Meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association
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angeletombee · 1 year ago
Okay, okay, yeah sure, but what about the Whickber St Pride Parade? 🏳️‍🌈
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unidentifiedlyingobject · 10 months ago
Nebraskan Woman Taught Duck to Play Accordian
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🎶 🎵 🎼
🍫 💐 ❤️‍🔥
Music Class Misunderstanding
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on-till-morning · 1 year ago
Mr Brown's Ensemble at the Ball
I think this officially marks the moment I've moved from obsessed to completely unhinged. It was only a matter of time. Welcome one and all! Here I loose my mind over the fact that Mr Brown is seen revived in line for the coffee shop wearing his outfit from the Dirty Donkey, NOT his outfit from the ball. But to back up, let's start here:
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There's already been theories about how Mr Brown's outfit at the Whickber’s Street's Ballroom Meeting resembles Crowley's from when they met at the pub because Mr Brown has a pash on Aziraphale (also infamously blogged about here). Just as a reminder (in case anyone could forget) I'm referring to this outfit...
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And the fact that Mr Brown shows up at the ball in a turtleneck and vest and jacket much like we see above, however with the vest and jacket in tartan that looks suspiciously similar to dear Mr Fell's bowtie.
I had headcanoned that Mr Brown dressed himself like this at the ball on purpose to catch Aziraphale's eye, but upon latest rewatch I caught this:
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The next morning, Crowley brings Mr Brown back wearing the exact same outfit that he was wearing from the other day at the Dirty Donkey:
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Aaaand this is where I completely lose the last shred of my sanity to this show. Does this mean
Crowley noticed Mr Brown dressing like him and did not care for it and deliberately brought him back in the outfit he'd seen him in before??
The outfit was miracled, and when Crowley brought Mr Brown back from the dead (have we confirmed officially that he died? I can't remember) or from whenever he’d been in the demon’s clutches, he brought him back in his pre-miracled outfit, either on purpose or because the miracled outfit had disappeared upon death/whatever happened to him?
Furthermore, if Aziraphale is miracling the outfits, then he miracled Mr Brown's ballroom ensemble to both look like Crowley's usual outfit AND complement his bowtie?!? SCANDAL!!! Jk, we all know Aziraphale only has eyes for Crowley which leads me to speculate that...
The ballroom outfits were not chosen by Aziraphale, but instead his magic allowed each person to create their own outfit of choice from their subconscious/imagination that would make the event feel more special or perhaps more romantic for them. Has anyone else done a meta about this already? I only remember reading one getting into lapels and allegiances from the ball outfits. However…
If his outfit was miracled and he was revived in the pre-miracled outfit, it seems odd that Mr Brown would have been wearing the exact same outfit from a few days ago. I don't think we've seen any of the other Whickbar street characters wearing the same outfit on a different day, although there are a potentially suspicious amount of extras that do. Does this costume repeat have anything to do with the extras wandering around in the same outfits? Otherwise…
This brings me back to the theory that Crowley made a choice to revive Mr Brown in what he had previously seen him wearing regardless of what he had gone to the meeting in. Maybe because his memory of the previous night was faulty? Or, going back to option #1, he simply did not care for Mr Brown stealing his and Aziraphale’s looks.
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For those still reading, let it not be said that I left any stone unturned. Here is Mr Brown entering the bookshop. This is shot in what seems to be the exact same way both Nina's and Mrs Sandwich's entrances are shot, where we see each of them already wearing the changed outfit from the first glimpse we get of them standing outside the door.
One could extrapolate from this that his outfit was changed like Nina's and Mrs Sandwich's, but we don't actually see him walking up to the bookshop beforehand, so I couldn't definitively say from his entrance alone if he came to the meeting dressed this way or if this is his miracled ensemble.
Thanks for joining me on this unhinged adventure!
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