#house of furfur
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house-of-furfur · 8 months ago
Summer vacation
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for Crowley, Aziraphale and Furfur
Artist: とよ @toyo_chang_ on Xwitter
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house-of-furfur · 10 months ago
Yes, he took a picture of Crowley's butt. Well, well, well, what have we here ....?
That's why he's called @furfurs-fotos ...
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I feel like we often forget that Crowley's clothes are technically not real
aka, how this scene shouldve went
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house-of-furfur · 8 months ago
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🦌 Crowley doesn't remember me at all…
🦅 l think your impression is weak.
🐟 Why don't you change your makeup?
Artist: @toyo_chang_ on Xwitter
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house-of-furfur · 3 months ago
No Connection
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Artist: @toyo_chang_
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house-of-furfur · 8 months ago
Furfur having fun with everyone
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Artist: とよ @toyo_chang_ Posted on Twitter
Full size on pixiv
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house-of-furfur · 8 months ago
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Artist: @owlgams on Xwitter
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house-of-furfur · 8 months ago
Furfur: The kind of (de)man* I am
Musical Source: "The kind of man I am", song sung by Reece Shearsmith in the stage musical comedy Betty Blue Eyes
* Spelling according to the witch and demon hunter Mr Warren
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nogoodninny · 2 years ago
I think Furfur and Izzy would get along like a house on fire.
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spyroid101 · 1 year ago
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Hortus Infernal: The Jester (Mascot Mode)
Jestdeer time!
When the summoners called in an Angel to use as a blood donor, the last thing they expected was for a Furfur to suddenly get dragged in as well.
The Angel, the future Bouncelia, vaguely informed them that she and the Furfur were quite firmly connected via an already long established pact, and that if they want to deal with her, they'd have to deal with them as well.
The concept of dealing with an Angel that was so cooperative with their goals was far too good an opportunity to let slip by, so they quickly drew up a contract with the Furfur, dubbed them "The Jester", and made a clause that they couldn't do harm unto sinners... Unless they laugh at their terrible jokes. ("If someone actually legitimately finds THAT funny, they deserve to die." quote the bound, to which they got harshly reprimanded for... but also at the same time no one exactly disagreed...)
However, it was ultimately moot, as the second their backs were turned, Bouncelia used her powers to break the bind and the contract, ordering The Jester to just lay low and play along, so they all thought they were still under contract...
That ruse all ended for the humans, after they stole and hid away Bouncelia's staff, as Bouncelia then ordered the Jester to MAKE them tell her where they had hidden it.
But despite showing them that they were fully willing and capable of throwing the humans into the giant, seemingly bottomless abyss, into the open maw of the incomprehensible creature that dewelled within it, they all refused to talk.
And the few that had managed to escape to the upper floors, quickly scrawled a warning onto the nearby whiteboard, right under their ill fated To-Do list for that day:
Do not let the Jester find you.
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firelikestars · 27 days ago
Two Amnesiac Archangels
Thoughts on Crowley’s memory of his fall and how it could relate to the finale.
Many of us have noticed that Crowley seems to have a hard time remembering why he fell:
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or anyone he knew during his time as an angel. For example, Furfur:
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and Saraquel:
Saraquel: “Hello Crowley. I didn’t expect to ever see you again.”
Crowley: “Do we know each other?”
Saraquel: “When you were an angel. We worked together on the horse head nebula.”
We have on screen evidence from before the beginning of what likely got him into trouble (asking questions) as well as a few lines from the Metatron that likely solidify that evidence as true:
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The Metatron, who probably has the most accurate information about Crowley’s fall, regardless of if he’s sharing it truthfully.
I noticed two lines in the companion to owls minisode where Crowley seems to emotionally impacted by someone being punished by god without knowing why and it got me thinking:
Crowley, to Job’s goats: “You should know why you’re about to die. God has abandoned you. The God who claims to love you, who demands your praise, has given you up to die. Bad luck.”
and then later on:
Job: “How sunk in sin must I be not only to deserve all this, but not even to know why.”
Crowley’s reaction:
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As we know, Jim’s memory was incredibly spotty. Sometimes the name Gabriel would be familiar to him, sometimes it wouldn’t. He remembered full lines from “Everyday” in one moment and then in the next, couldn’t remember if it was even a song that exists. Other times he remembered long quotes from God.
This scene to me reads as Crowley empathizing with Jim about his frustration with his memory:
Jim: “I feel like an empty house.”
Crowley: “A house?”
Jim: “Yes, a house where someone lived for a very long time but now they’re gone and the house can sort of tell where the things used to be. Like when I remembered how it all began.”
*Crowley tries to get Jim to remember more*
Jim: “I don’t know, I just…”
Crowley: “I know. Looking at where the furniture isn’t.”
The parallels just seem too strong to be coincidental. It seems like whatever heaven did to Gabriel’s memory they did to Crowley’s as well.
My guess is that on a good day, Crowley remembers that he was involved in creating the universe:
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that he was punished for asking questions,
that he used to be a high ranking angel:
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and nothing else. Some days he might not even remember that much.
Now, back to Gabriel for a second. If heaven did something to Gabriel’s memory that allowed it to manifest in a form physical enough to place inside of container (the fly), is it possible that every angel’s memory that was wiped in that way is still physically in heaven somewhere?
It’s unclear if Aziraphale remembers who Crowley was as an angel.
We have lines from a companion to owls that indicate yes:
Aziraphale: “I know the angel you were.”
Crowley: “The angel you knew is not me.”
and the fact that they don’t recognize each other in Eden that would indicate no.
If Aziraphale truly assumes the supreme archangel role upon returning to heaven, he would have significantly more access to heaven’s files. Probably more access than Crowley had when he infiltrated the hive. Assuming he doesn’t already know, do we think Aziraphale might happen upon information about Crowley’s past in the finale? How much would it change how he feels about heaven? How he feels about Crowley? And how long can I truly wait to find out before I just write a fic about it?
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house-of-furfur · 2 months ago
Happy New Year 2025!!
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Artist: @toyo_chang_
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Posted on X/Twitter
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house-of-furfur · 4 months ago
Oh, we like it.
This gorgeous piece I commissioned from @beelzeebub reached me today 😍❤️💚 It's perfect.
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luxthestrange · 1 year ago
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#46 LEAVE!?
Furfur*Talking about You at 3am*-She could kill me and I’d thank her for it~
Furfur watched at Allocer whom he "borrowed" from his house and brought to Jazz's bedroom to ...once again fester his pupils about how hot you were and to help him out to get you to like him-
Allocer & Jazz*Both now Trying to sleep, like Jazz would mind his partner in crime sleep with him on his bed, he bunking with him* We'd thank her for it too
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vidavalor · 1 month ago
Here's an image for ya:
Aziraphale immediately post-Fall, but instead of being fuzzy-headed, disoriented and afraid, he's (at least outwardly) lucid, present and absolutely fucking furious because, memory-wipe or no, he knows that a colossal injustice has happened and he will not stand for it.
The more folks around him try to explain about the impending Armageddon (batting back their own increasing doubts all the while), the angrier Az gets, until he brings forth his crystalline array thingy in a fit of rage, possibly without consciously noticing (thus giving all observers a 'hang on a sec, he shouldn't be able to do that... Unless...' moment of realisation).
Bonus points if some wiggle of his subconscious leads him to quote Crowley's 'great pustulent mangled bollocks' rant word-for-word :D Possibly as the crystal-summoning moment!
(Also: cullen skink, a Scottish smoked haddock soup -- bet you anything it's the Ineffable Husbands' favourite!)
Oh, I'm with you-- Aziraphale is going to burn it all down. His fall is the motivation for the others to come together against Heaven but you can't tell me that Aziraphale couldn't emerge the leader of a rebellion in Hell about five minutes after arriving there. 😂 The biggest mistake The Metatron and Satan are making is underestimating Aziraphale.
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Did you see how fast he had Furfur, Dagon, and even Shax a bit following him in 2.06? The hint of him sending that halo-like magic ring through the bottom of the house of cards in the magic shop in 1941... Crowley and Gabriel could be taking on The Metatron in Heaven for Aziraphale's status but Aziraphale's going to be Down there assuming command of The Army of The Damned. 😂
You think I'm exaggerating but one of the parallels to The Final 15 is Crowley tricking OppositeAziraphale!Hastur into thinking that The Dark Council is promoting him to The Commander of The Legions of The Damned, right?
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Aziraphale not commanding The Heavenly Host but The Legions of The Damned is so where I'm hoping the story goes. And I'd love to see his whole avaunt! allay again. Dagon's face, in particular, would be amazing if he angel hulked out in front of her. 😂 Or maybe Shax's!
It won't matter if has his memories or not-- he's still Aziraphale, as you so wisely pointed out. Kindness and a hatred of injustice and just enough bastardy to be worth knowing are in his DNA. Five minutes with the original rebels who are, by nature, down for some revolution, and Aziraphale will be well on the way to stealing Hell out from under Satan. Even if Aziraphale never says those words exactly, the plot of The Finale is totally all the main characters saying great, mangled, pustulant bollocks to The Great Blasted Plan.
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drconstellation · 1 year ago
Brazil and The Dream of Escape
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I was delighted to find in the Xtras that the machine created to be used by Furfur to use to find out how many demons Shax could requisition for storming the bookshop was inspired by the movie Brazil. This is another nod to Monty Python member Terry Gilliam, who directed this film, and who almost directed the failed GO film in the 1990's.
I love this film. Always have. Yes, I was around when it came out in 1985. I'm that old. It's always been in my top 5 favourite films. And its totally relevant to Good Omens.
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Brazil can be described as a dark dystopian story based on the novel 1984. It doesn't have a happy ending, but its funny, horrific, ludicrous, romantic and timelessly beautiful all at the same time. Its so iconic that when ever I see its influence in other productions its been unmistakable.
It stars Jonathan Pryce long before he was a James Bond villain or the head Sparrow in Game of Thrones, a comedic turn from Robert de Niro and a handful of other famous faces that you are bound to recognise, such Bob Hoskins, Ian Holm and Jim Broadbent.
Pryce, as Sam Lowry, lives in a world that is strictly controlled with paperwork that comes in multiple copies, where people are routinely arrested and tortured and a long running unexplained terrorist campaign sees bombs explode in the most random of places. Sam has dreams of a beautiful woman floating in the sky, and he is a sliver-armoured winged hero trying to rescue her. He eventually finds that she is real, and finds out her name through various means via his work and contacts. He tracks her down, but that is where it all starts to unravel as she is mixed up with an unfortunate case of mistaken identity.
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Its easy to see the common themes and elements that run through the film with GO: the desire to run away and escape (that doesn't work,) a totalitarian authority controlling the masses, propaganda, piles of paperwork, an undercurrent of rebellion, torture and abuse, forbidden love between classes, a villain hidden in plain sight.
There is an art deco aesthetic to the film that also carries over to other films and shows it has influenced, and the busy work floor scene that stops on a dime to watch the tv show de jour while the boss isn't looking is one of the highlights of the film.
It was a reference of this that caught my eye in the Cohen Brothers modern fairy tale The Hudsucker Proxy, where they copied the busyness of the work floor for their mail room scenes, but also the art deco aesthetic. That's another film that is always in my top five films, and could go a round of comparisons with GO - its got time stoppage, an angel appearance and a near-godlike manipulator.
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It also appears, surprisingly, in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The casino at Canto Bight is Brazil inspired, in the way its introduced to us, its decor and the music. I know some people hate this film because of what they did to Luke, but I love it, the whole thing is just utterly gorgeous to look at.
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And if you've watched any of Loki recently, since S2 of that show finished not long ago, you would also seen some influence from Brazil in the retro look.
I love the classic art deco style. my grandparents had an art deco house that I spent many of my childhood hours in. The style itself is a clean, unadorned look, and often is meant to give a look of movement, speed or strength. A classic example of this is the Bentley, of course, which comes from the height of the art deco era in the 1930's.
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Hell is the other place we see the Brazil influence in GO, where is looks like it's constantly several decades behind the times, with overhead projectors and manual typewriters and odd looking not-quite steampunk contraptions.
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Brazil is available to stream on Disney at the moment, if you'd like to take a look. I highly recommend it, its one of those influential films that once you know it, you see its long reach in the most unexpected places.
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house-of-furfur · 10 months ago
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do demons dance waltz?
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