#mp liam de lioncourt
snoopyplushies · 2 years
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Monster Prom 3: Monster Road Trip (2022)
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agentcricket-art · 2 years
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happy monster prom roadtrip day!! had to draw my own roadtrip crew based on the promo art. if i can’t have a fun roadtrip with friends at least my mp oc can
featuring camilla, @cillysketches oc, and then perci the purple gal belongs to @somedayillfindthecourage
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
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can you tell who's my favorite character yet
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ask-scotthowl · 6 years
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notalos3rjusts4d · 2 years
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Some icons of my headcanons for Damien, Milo, and Liam!
Please like and/or reblog!
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put my money on dork who plays dnd
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cr1ng3cor3 · 3 years
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koguri3108 · 3 years
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Transcription: Oz: *gasp* Oz: You’re so soft! Liam: U- Unhand me THIS INSTANT!
Second part of the Bat-Liam stuff that I made.
I just love how this turned out, it’s so cuuute X)))))))
Made May 5th to 7th 2021
Original Sketchbook sketches under the cut:
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Sketch made on April 25th 2021
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midoriyasbones · 4 years
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i'm not wrong don't @ me
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Liam de Lioncourt from Monster Prom is nonbinary!!
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grymmeoir · 4 years
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Liam showing off his superior taste
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theeepymagi · 4 years
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Disclaimer: Never said Dahlia had to be a GOOD parent. Just one that’s cool with being a parent.
I can see her being the type of mom that cheers during her kid’s piano recital, like “THAT’S MY GIRL, GO GET THOSE NOTES! WOOO! YOU’RE DOING GREAT HUN!” while every other parent just awkwardly sits there slowly sinking further into their seat.
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
Favorite thing about them: My favorite thing is how fucking pathetic he is <3 okay but in all seriousness, I like how soft and caring he is. His façade is also something that can be very enjoyable and funny (I mean he does come from a comedy-centered game so there's that), but it's also so obvious that it is a front. He very much cares for his friends, even if he tends to butt heads with them because of how pessimistic he is. But even if he disagrees with them almost all the time, it is still very obvious he cares about all of them.
Least favorite thing about them: Oh, this one's a hard one...I guess him being so obviously contrary just for the sake of disagreeing with someone. While it can be comedic, I can definitely find him so annoying in real life. He says the opposite or does things just to piss people off and make himself unlikable, and while that obviously is just a front he puts up, it would be so annoying to deal with irl.
favorite line: "Well, Scott, God is dead. But so am I. So essentially, yes [I am God]." couldn't think of a better quote damn I need to play it again lol
BrOTP: Oh, I have so many. Him with Brian is very good, but I also love him and Damien being best friends (I could rant about those two for days tbh). But I think just being close to the others (the rest of Color Crew as well as the other romance-ables) is something I absolutely adore. OTP: Ehh...none? I hc him as aro, so I don't have any :/ NOTP: Kinda...all of them? lmao like I said I hc as aro and heavily repulsed by romance so I can't see him in any romantic relationship (of course if you have any ships with him that's cool this isn't to bash any ships just my personal hcs) Random headcanon: Oooo I have so many...I already mentioned the aro one, so I'll go with another one of my favorites--after the Caganer Ending, Liam spends holidays (usually Christmas, but any holiday that is a bit more family-ordinated) with the LaVeys! He used to just spend most holidays alone, in his apartment, either painting or binging movies, but after that...weird...Caganer thing, Damien started inviting him to any sort of holiday or any celebration. Liam at first hated it, he was so used to being alone, he didn't care for or want a "new family" or whatever the hell Damien was trying to pull. He was fine. But, after a while, he started to appreciate the company. He started to appreciate not being alone anymore, and even started to look forward to future gatherings with the LaVeys. Not that Liam would ever say so aloud, of course (he is an image to keep, afterall). Unpopular opinion: I don't know, actually. I guess an unpopular opinion of him would have to be that he really isn't that much of a bad guy? Idk the fandom is pretty small, Liam fans even smaller, so it feels anything about him is unpopular. I just get the feeling that not a lot of people like him and I can get why, but he is skrungly and I love him to death <3 Song I associate with them: OH YEAH OKAY OKAY I have quite a few songs, but I'll just give two three of them (for now)! Songs I associate with him will have to be Honey I'm Home by GHOST, and Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost (honorable mention being Toa's Patchwork Staccato). Idk if these songs fit canon-Liam as much as they do my version of Liam, but oh well I don't care :) <3 These are associated with him because I say so Favorite picture of them:
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Okay, in all honesty, all of the funeral pics hit really hard. It was hard to pick a favorite image of him, and idk if this even is my favorite, but I definitely think about it quite often. It just...gAH I think about it so so much. How obviously distressed and upset he is. How he's still a bit stoic, as he always is, but is showing at least a bit of emotion. How much he cared for her, even if, most likely, he wouldn't voice it--or at least, voice very little. They were close, they all were, so obviously this death hit him hard. He cared so much, and it's just one of the only few times we get to see a bit without his wall and without his façade. Shame it had to be at a funeral, though.
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noah-taemine · 4 years
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My friends have been slowly draggin me into Monster Prom hell, and so ,,,, I drew Liam.
with his hair down
because i'm a simp for men with long hair
that is all
( my art, please don't steal. )
( edit ) yes, i take constructive criticism. i'm still new to digital art and still struggle with proportion and stuff. feel free to give tips and feedback.
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
may i request,,, yandere liam de lioncourt?? please, i need my crops watered,, (nsfw is also good 👀)
Vampire mannnn,, i love youuu
💜 Liam is no stranger to coveting for something - though, admittedly, this is much more out of the ordinary for him than… Liking something that doesn't fit his image (Not that he's mainstream or anything!) This feeling… This yearning ache inside of him that cried out for… You. Liam had never felt this way for anyone before. In spite of his many centuries on this Earth, the vampire had never been one for romance. As much as he longed to indulge in such a feeling, in the warmth and soft perfection that was romance. Love. But, his cynicism eventually won out - convincing himself that it was nothing more than fickle, dull, and cliché. As much as he found himself longing for your company, more of it, as warm and light you made him feel, as perfect and absolutely perfect you were… He decided that this was all a silly mistake. It was stupid, and mainstream, and… Something that would only end in pain.
🦇 You find that there's a lack of Liam's presence in your life - which is understandable, considering he had told you that he needed some time to himself. You, of course, had understood. Liam remembered how his heart fluttered (damn thing was SUPPOSED to be cold and dead!) at your kindness and warmth. So, so warm… But, regardless of how you may have felt, Liam was driving himself slowly mad avoiding you. You. You. YOU. All he could think of was YOU! That was the opposite intention of the separation, and now Liam had just made things worse... 
💜 His mind was filled with you. Only you. And he had to stop it. To distract himself, he began indulging in his favorite activities. He put on a few of his favorite arthouse films, but they were all the ones that he had watched with you. He tried listening to music, but they reminded him of how you'd eagerly listen to them when he offered. He tried taking pictures to post for his followers, but everything he wanted to focus on reminded him of you - your likes, your hobbies, things that made you smile, something that he related to you. It was driving him mad! It was like you had crawled into his mind and were whispering constantly to him. But… At the same time, it wasn't exactly an unpleasant feeling. His body shook and he felt warm, somehow. And if Liam's heart had still beated, it'd be rabitting against his chest. Maybe… Maybe this wasn't so bad… Was this what love feels like? Like you, his beloved, was the epicenter of his entire world, entire existence, was you, and that everything else was lesser and simply a connection to you…?
🦇 Liam made a lot of posts to his account, which perplexed you. You remember how he had told you that he posted only once in a blue moon to keep a constant air of aloofness and obscurity. So watching as he made post after post was very concerning. What confused you even more was the subjects of the photos… Liam cackled softly to himself as he stared at the brightness of his screen, unblinkingly waiting for a sign that you had seen, liked it, understood the signs he was sending you… Pictures of your favorite things, items that matched your favorite color, edit them with your favorite filters. Liam knew that you HAD to understand the signs he was sending you. Of course, you did. You were you - so kind, so understanding, so smart. Oh, and he was so clever! Courting a partner like this? Far from cliché!
💜 You shoot him a message, asking him if he was doing okay, that you knew he preferred being alone, but that you were here for him if he needed. Liam's response surprised you, saying that he… Needed you, to come over to his place. The wording threw you off a bit, but your friend was in need, and that was far more important. When you arrive, the door was already unlocked, allowing you to step into the darkness of the living room. Light from the T.V. washed over the couch, illuminating the room somewhat. You were about to call out the vampire's name when two purple arms wrapped around you from behind, as though Liam had appeared out of thin air. You squirmed and attempted to scream in surprise, but one of his hands reach up to clamp over your mouth. Liam held you tight with his vampiric strength, dragging you over to the couch. You're pushed down on to it, with Liam climbing on top you to have you pinned. His eyes took in the perfection of your form, whispering sweet nothings, before diving into the crook of your neck to smell thr blood under your skin. Liam whined and his mouth watered. God, you smelled amazing. He could just eat you up…
🦇 You and Liam's friends hardly see either of you, anymore. But who could you blame you? Liam made sure you never left him. The outside world was too dangerous, not good enough for you. And Liam didn't want to leave your side, ever. Why should he part from you when you were everything? The most important thing in his life? Everything else was secondary. All he needed was you…!
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