#mostly on twitter now
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chitsangenthusiast · 1 year ago
red is to spider-man as pink is to miles, in that pink is the color of: self-expression, confidence, compassion. if you side with miles, if you want to support his growth, you're going to be in pink
that being said...a pink robe can be removed, and pink hairdye can be washed out
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years ago
My friend made a super cool language guessing game that is now fully functional!
The database has a lot of minority languages (especially in level 3) and if you don’t guess correctly, you get a hint based on linguistic relatedness.
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tomaturtles · 9 months ago
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Got inspired by this and had to
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anthonycrowley · 1 year ago
i think this will get me tarred and feathered if i don’t word this properly but i do genuinely think that fandoms with canon relationships - gay or straight - as the most popular pairing kind of suck a little. like as a rule. not the media itself, that usually is very good. and especially in the case of actual lgbt rep i would rather that over well written fanfic every day of the week. but. man. something really is lost when you no longer have to have a downward spiral of madness with your friends for 2-4 weeks before you go ‘fuck it they’re in love i’ll do it myself’ and instead you’re all shaking hands going good game good game. a kinder world, truly. but none of you are going to write a 150k word fanfic set in an alternate apocalypse universe that showed up in a single episode out of 200 just to prove your blorbos truly Are in love.
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groovygrub · 8 months ago
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porcubus · 9 months ago
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Carmen and roses
i made this to be compared with canto 6's epilogue
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krystaldeath · 9 months ago
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Cotl Textposts… 2!!!
(Last two are suggestive)
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trashwarden · 1 month ago
everything feels bad and I'm trying to find it in me to delete my twitter and insta accounts. So far I only deleted the apps and I guess I'll try to be more active in here and on bsky but I'll see
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greasydumbfuck · 5 months ago
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i very much like. small franks
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vaporevon · 4 months ago
harv at pride from june 2021 as mentioned in the tags of my last rebloge. classic image
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cringeyvanillamilk · 1 year ago
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My first fanart of Alien Stage! 💞✨
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bakedlilbae · 9 months ago
What if I start uploading weed content to Tumblr again... Has this platform completely died, or is the community still active here?
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petrichormore · 1 year ago
one of the only times I’ll reference twitter but spiderbit shippers on twt need to hop the fuck off spiderhalo rn. know your history. respect your elders.
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al-mayriti · 3 months ago
idk if it's because my mum worked in a tv magazine or what but all the media wars and backstabbing and stuff happening behind the cameras is so so interesting to me
#just saw what happened yesterday in la revuelta ojalá se muera el enano pelirrojo#so for non-spaniards here's a crash course on the situation (i could do a post about media groups in spain cause it's a lot)#there's this one late night show that's been on air for about 15 years called el hormiguero#it started fine (i used to watch it with my family when it started)#but soon there were some issues that people were seeing#especially concerning the presenter (who's also the head ofthe show) pablo motos#and his attitude with female guests he'd interview#basically being very weird and gross around them#apart from that in the last year he started to get very political in the show#he invited right and far right leaders while refusing to do so with the left wing#started making monologues at the beginning of each show critizising stuff the left had done or said#and finally included a debate segment in the show in which he invited liked-minded people to discuss politics#this has directly affected his audience. my dad is a fan of el hormoguero and i've seen him turn more right wing every year#so. last summer RTVE (national broadcast company) announced they were gonna do a late night show presented by david broncano#it's hard to describe everything here but basically broncano already had a late show called la resistencia in a streaming platform#it has always been very popular with young people and it is quite left wing#the new program made by RTVE was called la revuelta. it is exactly the same as la resistencia#before it started airing people were sceptic that broncano would be able to defeat motos' hegemony#BUT. ever since it started aiting in september it has consistently been getting more audience than el hormiguero#who would've known people were tired of the redhead bastard#anyways. apart from this. different celebrities on ppdcasts have been saying that in order to promote their product they are forced to go#to el hormiguero even of they didn't want to#there's also rumours of pablo motos blackmailing people (mostly comedians) who make fun of him#and now to what happened last night. i don't watch tv so i just saw it on twitter#broncano opened the show saying that they were sorty but they had no guest tonight#they had this one person but 30 minutes before shooting the people from el hormiguero had called him#he was originally going to go both to la revuelta and el hormiguero#but the guys from el hormiguero called him to tell him that if he went to la revuelta he couldn't go to el hormiguero#el hormiguero is bigger than la revuelta so. he had to cancel#broncano went on to say this had happened before and that's why he was talking about it
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lovelyhan · 1 year ago
hi :] i'm studying for my last exam for the year (which i'll be taking in t-minus 5 hours lmfao) so i thought i'd drop by to wish everyone happy holidays and that lovelyhan is coming back soon 🤍
after finals week in january, and after i see seventeen in their follow tour stop here, i'll get started with two projects: (1) game over part four which is still untitled lol and; (2) starcrossed losers aka prince jeonghan 🤭
it's been a while, and i hope you still remember me LOL but i really did miss you all so much 🥹
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fluffypigeonsandowls · 20 days ago
a little late but here it Goes, (This is gonna be a bit of an analysis of the trailer along with my thoughts)
first off, seeing the trailer I was genuinly hyped for it. To first get the kinda positive things out of the way, I genuinly loved the animation (like, the visuals in Some animated shots where pretty Nice) even though it looked off sometimes (unpopular opinion i know and i have a few unpopular ones for this still) and the Jokes in this trailer… meh. Like, I didn’t laugh or chuckle at the “I think i just smurfed my pants” joke, neither did i with the “I think i swallowed my gum” one or the guacamole one…. (It’s a little funnier in the translated version from the english trailer. Which made me chuckle a a Tiny bit. They don’t mention the guacamole too) dfrbjljofghoj. Some of the voices where decent even. Most of the characters looked really Nice ngl (EXCEPT FOR SERTAIN 2 WHICH MOST OF US IN THE DISCORD CHAT KNOW ABOUT 😭)
And I really hope they also give an IN UNIVERSE explanation on WHY the HELL papa’s brother is called KEN of all things and cmon… I genuinly feel bad for Ken, being like a recoloured clone of papa (with a… Tatoo?) and also, my first ever thought seeing ken of the first time was just… Why does he look like the papa smurf from the Cousin Smurfs from one of the little comics? YES, THIS ONE👇
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There’s a little bit of info about them on the Wiki.
also, gargamel already had a twin brother too. HE WAS ALSO SHOWN IN THE COMICS- (hmmm ye…This really feels like the ‘long lost sibling trope’ that made people remind of trolls. Hkjrdtjhtjkhkj )
another character I feel kinda bad for by just existing, despite the funny memes: Influencer smurf…
YES, YES I know… it’s pretty weird of them to put an influencer smurf in there despite it not making sense AT ALL. They could have put any other smurf in his place and everything would have been alright. (Though I am also kinda… how do i put this… Glad (?) That it’s thanks to influencer that the trailer of this movie is getting a lot of attention.
Also, again about the voices… Even though we didn’t hear all of them… just gonna say, I like moxie’s voice, that of the villians are alright too I guess, Hefty’s voice is also pretty good not gonna lie. But… I’ll have to get used to Some of the voices, like Ken, Papa and smurfette….
speaking of smurfette too. Some of us I think are pretty tired of having her as the lead. At least it’s alongside another smurf though.
Also, I see no one talking about those Fluffy little creature- thingies and the turtle (they’re most likely there for the ‘marketable plushies’ thing. Though the fuzzy creatures do have a relevant plot thing going on it looks like?
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And I do also think by seeing the 2 different trailers (one of em being translated and the other just being the english version) that this guy👇
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Is gonna be like the little sidekick of gargamel, being that i saw this Guy help the villains in a way? Idk hjgdiorhoigrh I’m just analizing a bit-
and then there is the book character schat shows up for a few seconds in one of the trailers nukdrgghkughiu
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and then there’s this smurf-
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I wonder who that is gonna be…
Also: Azrael is gonna have wings at Some point! And Gargamel is gonna…work with the Smurfs maybe ???
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ANOTHER THING: the life-action thing threw me off not gonna lie. It just… doesn’t fit… ;-; AND ON TOP OF THAT it’s like 2011 and 2013 all over again, just with less ‘uncanny’ designs for the blue beans (and despite the shading the animation models just look off in the ‘life action’ scenes…) They AGAIN go to the ‘REAL’ world, they AGAIN go to paris (speaking of paris, WHY AGAIN PARIS?! Please, if you Guys let the blue beans go to our world again, AT LEAST IT COULD HAVE BEEN IN BELGIUM,RIGHT? 👁️👁️ partially to let it not be a deja-vu to the 2011 and 2013 movies entirely… like...PLEASE?! 😞) AND HOW DOES SMURFETTE KNOW THEY’RE IN PARIS? I’m begging at this point for an explanation to be in the movie. This kinda feels like a continuation of the life-action CGI movies khdfgjhoigjoi (more refrence to those movies! :/)
like most might have pointed out already, it feels like a fanfiction that somehow managed to be shown on the big screens.
I had high hopes for this film in the beginning, they lowered a bit thanks to things that where kinda being shown as spoilers in the discord chat, before the trailer was out (I’m looking at you sertain 2 characters) and i now set low expectations for it too… I don’t think I’m gonna see the movie in theaters… but i’ll try to give it a chance despite the bad stuff…
And I’m not gonna see this movie as something that’s canon in the Smurfs universe. I’m sorry but this… it’s sad… and i feel kinda bad that it turned out this way…
most of us collectively agree that Lost Village is still peak till this day. Me included 🥹
now excuse me I’m gonna cry in a corner and appreciate some screenshots of Hefty smurf from Both trailers
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