#most vivid nightmares
harleysplayground · 12 days
just gonna put this out there.
bands that suck ever since talent left.
blood on the dance floor becoming most vivid nightmares losing garret ecstasy, jayy von monroe and fallon vendetta only one track that is new is decent. older stuff with past members is still gold and some sinners are winners tracks are still tanzinite as well but with thr most vivid nightmares it blows chunks. bring back botdf gold and tanzinite if new love is to be made on new trax.
black veil brides losing alva and purdy made me lose interest. it isn't just the fact that scremo and post hardcore trigger me. the real talent left with a slight exception of jinx and andy in there still I loathe the new bleeders track. if the new album doesn't have tracks that are all like bleeders I'll withdraw my statement but they just don't sound the same anymore.
Eminem used to get booed off stage just like MGK and had Ice T save his ass only for him to go and forget he used to walk in MGK's shoes. also it's common sense if you can't handle someone saying shit about your music especially another celebrity you don't belong in the industry. artists or fans who fire back at comments about your music you aren't supposed to take it as an attack and fire back. if they try to screw your career for clout then fine but don't be petty and do a diss track because someone don't like your music bro. that's playground shit..and not the kinda shit I want on my Harley's Playground either. take a note from the person who made this video because it's FACT! drop the ego because you walked in your rivals shoes once and Ice T saving you from the bullies called your now fans used to loathe you like like your rival, except I don't see MGK having anyone to help his ass out making him more REAL.
long live the RAP DEVIL who made you nail your own coffin with your own diss track KILL SHOT. don't say you don't a fuck either because your diss tracks prove that everyone who fired at you isn't wrong. you care, you care enough to fire back with a diss track. let sleeping dogs lie and just clean your closet to jump in it in shame bro.
also haters prove your doing something right, everyone loves your old stuff but who always gets hated? MGK..so if we go off that bro it's one hater on you vs many on him..I think MGK is doing just fine.
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thehecklingmouse · 11 months
au where mehrak is a eldritch horror that took a liking to kaveh and kaveh just rolls with it
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asurrogateblog · 2 months
okay NO more substances I keep having nightmares about john lennon trying to get inside my house
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dionysus2xborn · 11 months
me trying to trigger myself back into having nightmares just to write more authentically as my Nigel by reading the Homer/Virgil before bed every night?... more likely than you think.
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semiotomatics · 3 months
tw gore/cannibalism, i guess???? talking abt the last dream i had
i wld say my most common anxiety dream (if not just my most common dream in general) is that im being chased by someone who wants to kill me. its not always the same person (if i ever even see them at all—sometimes i dont, i just know theyre there), its not always the same place, but the goal is always the same: dont get caught.
so last night i had one of those dreams (i ran out of one of my meds and havent gone to get it refilled, which i think is why ive started having bad dreams again) where i was being chased by some Faceless Murderer. and i was doing a pretty good job of evading them, tho ofc the fear/anxiety was still there since, yknow, anxiety dream.
but then, they do catch up to me, which is usually when i force myself to wake up (since i dont actually want to be murdered in my dreams). except!! i dont wake up!! yknow what i do instead?
fucking skin them alive holy shit
i think my brain skipped over most of the flaying bc tbh i dont think it even knows how to do that sort of thing, cause the next thing i know im just looking at this dudes disembodied, completely degloved hand (if you dont know what degloving is, DONT look it up w safe search off).
and ofc bc im a nerd my very first thought upon seeing it was "wow, what a clean job, you can still see all his veins and arteries". i was even pointing them out to whoever was with me, like i was giving an anatomy presentation SLFHSJF. i came across his ribcage too, and literally opened it up so i cld see his heart and lungs and stuff 😭 what the fuck yall
anyway, more dreamplot stuff happened and then the "final scene" was me in some kind of diner with nameless companion, like, celebrating the fact that we killed this guy? which was kinda weird but honestly fine, its not like this was a real guy and he very much WAS going to kill me if he caught me, so.
and then we get served our meal and i cant remember who tells me or how i find out but basically the soup i got was made out of the dude 😭 and in the moment i wasnt, yknow, absolutely horrified, i was just like "ah yes, poetic justice" like what???? was the dude gonna eat me if he caught me??? (honestly not implausible, a lot of my animal-based nightmares end in getting eaten alive)
anyway the soup just tasted like a hearty tomato soup (NO PUN INTENDED I FUCKING HOPE)
but anyway, believe it or not the weirdest part of the dream (to me anyway) was the very last "scene", where we're sitting there eating this Man Soup and celebrating killing a dude, and then the door to the diner opens and in walks the dude we killed. and in the dream im not confused or horrified or anything, im just like "ah yes, he must have regenerated himself", which????? sure, okay, the dude regenerated himself somehow. but he spots me and as we look at each other i dont feel any fear, im like? at peace? like i feel forgiveness somehow. and meanwhile he has an expression of, i stg, gratitude. and the very last thing i do is stand up and open up my arms in a "cmere, lets hug it out" gesture. and then i wake up.
so like. kinda fucked up right?
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jankwritten · 2 months
Just had the strangest series of nightmares where each one was like, a flash game. The scariest one was called “where are you, Alec” where I was trapped in this time loop, doomed to die until the loop deemed me worthy of the cure for the disease that was infecting the world. Except, the man causing the disease was hunting me down.
Some of the scenarios in the loop: I was in a compound of uninfected people but we were curious about what was beyond the fences. We started tossing things over to see what would happen. Then, a man hopped the fence. I immediately tried to escape because I knew deep down he was a bad bad person. I left the compound running full tilt but he was easily keeping pace right beside me, grinning with huge eyes. I can’t remember how that loop ended.
Another one was me running from someone and trying to make it to my home base. I made it, but I ran into the wrong room (a tiny, cramped space) and the person chasing me ran into the room I was trying to get into. I was stuck in that tiny room, holding the flimsy, non-latching door shut. For eight years.
The first one was me as an exchange student into a Japanese class. It was fairly normal at first, but there was this baby that kept appearing, and I had to take care of it even though it was getting sicker and sicker. This wasn’t my baby, I didn’t know whose baby it was. The last thing I remember from that loop is the baby puking up green mush all over the cafeteria floor.
Eventually I was “deemed worthy” to gain access to the cure. There was a car that held the last remaining cure, which appeared speeding past me going the other direction. I then had to chase the car until I caught up to it, through all these obstacles (people, off road, lookalikes, etc.) until I finally caught it.
The cure was in this half empty water bottle, a powder. I shook it to mix it all up and drank half of it - it was NASTY. It tasted like carbonated water and salt and bittering agent. I remember thinking it could be a trap and that this was the disease, that I was going to become infected.
And then the man showed up right in front of my car. He was grinning, enveloped in this static purple cloud. The type of grin that you just know means this person wants to hurt you, was looking for you just to torture you. I clenched my eyes shut and the whole world turned into that purple static, the man laughing as everything turned to chaos-
And then it stopped! And it was peaceful, a silent world with this gorgeous nature view and everything. I didn’t feel relieved (I had just spent like DECADES going through this time loop) but I knew it was over.
And then it all snapped to black and I heard the man cackling. He said “Where are you, Alec?” And then I woke up.
There were another couple, this one where I had to enter a hotel room and wait until the chairs in the room stopped moving before I moved in to put them back. If I moved too early, this tall (7’ or taller) lady with long black hair and grey skin, unblinking eyes and a straight face, would come out from the darkness moving just a little too fast to be human and grab me. If I looked away from her face I would lose. I couldn’t stop myself, though, because she was so fucking scary. That nightmare only ended when I finally slapped her, and my phone alarm went off.
There was one where I was trying to convince this group of villains that I belonged with them, that I was one of them. There was all this weird shit going on where we had to blow people up, steal shit, all that kind of stuff, to avoid being sent to hell - which was an actual place, where you would be like, air fried or some shit over and over and over again. Brutal and bad. I remember the person who’d been there explaining that it was like your outside became brittle and dry while your insides turned to soup and you just kept shrinking in this agonizing, unending heat, until you ceased to exist. And then they brought you back to do it all over again. We were trying to steal stuff from the store to replace other shit so we could trick the other villains into sending someone else to hell in our places, because we were the ones who’d killed their leader.
There was another flash game type thing but I was frantic during it because the last dream of the lady in the hotel room so I don’t remember the objective, only that I had to stack things in a toilet and I was locked in a handicap bathroom stall. I was so scared to leave the stall that even after I “won” the game, I just started sobbing and wouldn’t leave. That was the last one before I woke up.
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starttraction · 3 months
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" this? eh, this is nothing. pfft, you should see my nightmares, i keep getting hunted by those animatronics my father made and need to keep them out of my room. sometimes they even kill me. they're vivid as hell, but... i mean, i'm fine. "
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" ......... girl what. huh. "
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froody · 2 years
Did u find out who the murderer was?
Yes. It was the father of the family I was living with in squalor. He lied about the neighbor being sick and taking her for treatment when he had really been taking her on dates. He claimed she succumbed to the illness she had been suffering from when it actuality, he murdered her and discarded her body. When her body was found some 40 years later, she was wearing a particular pair of bikini bottoms. I found the top to the set in the basement of the family home.
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borom1r · 1 year
I need more people to watch fucked up movies unironically I need more people to watch something utterly fucking bizarre and be fundamentally changed please I’m begging it’s healthy for the soul I cannot take any more of this cardboard cutout cinema puppeting the corpses of slashers I’m going to start projectile vomiting for real
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Yesterday I was musing about how I haven’t really had a bad nightmare since I went on SSRIs and then I proceeded to have a full blown night terror
#it was so so bad on so many levels#in the first part of my dream i had ordered edibles and shroom powder to be sent to my house (not surprising; i would do this)#and they got delivered by a man who looked completely judgemental of me#but i didn’t care because there was a hot woman there who made me shroom tea#it tasted terrible but i drank it all anyway. and had a weed gummie. and she had a ‘weed patch’ as well that she was trying to get me to put#on my stomach. but i was worried it’d be too potent#since my actual body was sober; i didn’t feel any of the effects of this drug within the dream (obviously) but i was operating under the#assumption they were going to kick in so i was really anxious#then this woman was going through my stuff and she found dead bodies?? like dessicated bodies of multiple people#and i was like ‘i don’t know who the hell that is. i guess they belong to whoever lived here before’#we weren’t in my actual house; we were in like a massive old four-storey house with an attic which i think was where the bodies were#in the dream this was MY house#then for whatever reason i went on a trip with this person i used to be friends with to her childhood home#which was suddenly in a really creepy neighbourhood#she suddenly had a sister who was maybe 11 years old and catatonic due to being demonically possessed. and this kid seemed to be the head#of a cult basically. she had something called the ‘angel guard’ under her thrall. and when i asked what the angel guard were#my friend was just casually like ‘oh they bury you alive’ WHAT?????#then someone unpeeled the weed patch and smacked it on me and i woke up just as i was about to be buried alive#i think there was more to it than this. there was also a creepy woman but i can’t remember the significance of her#it was just such an unnecessarily scary dream. i woke up at like 6am TERRIFIED#i haven’t had a nightmare in so long lol i’m unequipped to cope. especially since my dreams have gotten so much more vivid#now that i’m medicated. i feel like i’m fine with the vivid dreams most of the time but when they’re this bad.. no#personal
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b-blushes · 1 year
just remembered i woke up at 3am from one of last night's nightmares SO rattled but also extremely determined to make macaroni cheese tonight, fortunately i'm just about to make dinner so i will be caring for 3am b :P
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littlepetbee · 8 months
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arkhampsych · 1 year
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One of the first iterations of crane’s compound was synthesized to have an amnesia - like quality so that volunteers participating in his experiments were protected from the emotional and psychological consequences of re - visiting traumatic experiences, as well as to conceal the equivocal ethics of his experiments.
He used this water - soluable, powdered, drug to help treat participants that have been diagnosed with phobias and anxiety disorders. Claiming that by observing an individual’s behavior as they recounted or re - lived a traumatizing past experience, the root of their insecurity or fear could be identified and they could be counseled to confront it.
Unfortunately, because participants had no memory of the events that transpired after they were drugged, no progress was made at the close of each trial — except for a few participants who were unlucky enough to experience “ flashbacks ” ( night terrors ) during their sleep.
This prompted Crane to discontinue the use of his drug prompting memory loss and to focus his attention on accessing the subconscious through chemical means so that, rather than asking participants to describe their dreams, he could record their response to terrifying visions firsthand.
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halogen2 · 1 year
yesterday morning i woke up from a nightmare shaking but bc i am visiting my boyf rn he was there and could hold me until i fell asleep again which was v nice and helpful and sweet. but then i was thinking abt it and i was like hm. let me doing research on this topic. and then i found out that apparently it is NOT normal to have bad dreams or nightmares every other night as an adult
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orcelito · 10 months
I am so #LoserCore with how little I can handle horror (I don't think I've ever even seen an actual horror movie in full, even clips are Enough For Me)
Honestly tho I don't care if it makes me a "loser" for refusing to watch any kind of horror movie at all. I'm just trying to take care of myself :p
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Had a dream that my SO was Batman and we were in a polycule with Lois and Clark but even though SO and Clark were fine with me and Lois being with both of them and each other neither of them believed the other could ever be interested in them. Eventually Lois and I conspired with the other members of the huge weird sharehouse we lived in to lock them in a room together until they made out and when they came out they were married. Somehow. Nobody questioned it. Then Hagrid came round to congratulate us all. Meanwhile me and Lois were trying to figure out why the Chinese food we ordered never arrived. And in conclusion fandom has ruined my entire brain, but it was the closest thing to a good dream I've had in months.
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