#most of this is my art but some are by my mutuals!
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shiny-jr · 18 hours ago
Heya sorry to disturb ya but talking about AI, how to notice if the writing are ai or not? Imma reader so yeah :P
Sure! I'm really glad that the whole AI discussion seems to actually be making a sort of change here. I sorta expected for my words to fall on deaf ears, but that is not the case. So that makes me really happy!
Anyways, just to make this extra thorough, I consulted with the council (my writing mutuals) to ask their opinions on the best way to tell between AI writing and real writing. To some it may come across as an easy difference to spot, but to others it may not be so obvious. So I hope this does help you and others pick apart the AI from the real work!
AI Art
Red flag number one. To me, this is the most obvious sign. As AI art is a bit more obvious to see. There's usually inconsistencies in lighting, awkward lines, too shiny, oversaturated, etc. If you see someone use AI art as a cover for their story or within the chapters, the user is likely using AI in other ways too. If they're okay with using AI in art, they're probably okay with using AI in writing. Which isn't okay.
2. Pacing
This is also a big one. Writers are busy, we got lives and things to do, believe it or not. So if you see a story or account that's just pumping out heaps of content in a small amount of time, that is highly suspicious.
Of course there's people who can write a lot in a short amount of time or who have the time to write frequently, but I can tell you, if you see a story less than a year old that has HUNDREDS of pages of content, something about that is off. Usually, not all the time, it's AI. Because it's very quick for people to just type prompts and get the AI to make tons of content in a small amount of time when real work actually takes a lot of time.
Just check out the frequency of updates and the amount that is being given with each update, and you can probably make logical conclusions from there.
3. Author Notes/Comments
This is a hit or miss, but I've noticed a pattern here. From the AI fics that I've seen, I assume that most of them are written by users who did not have English as their first language. How can I tell? Their words.
These users might leave a note or a comment, and sometimes it's hardly readable, other times it is readable but there's a lot of mistakes in basic words, and on occasion their English is good but there's still flaws. Yet somehow, they can write pages and pages of a story with perfect English? Yeah, that don't make sense.
4. Writing Style
This is a lengthy one, as there's a lot of telltale signs in the writing itself that can reveal whether or not it's written by AI. I'll be breaking this down into more parts, just because there's a lot here.
Definitions - For this one, I'll give an example, without going into specifics of titles or anything. However, I saw a story recently, where something happened. And the line essentially went "And the crowd gasped– a collective intake of breath." See what's wrong with this line? Why are we, the readers, being told the definition of a gasp? People should know what that is. There's no reason for that to be there. So if a written portion includes a word, then defines what that word is, something is wrong.
Emotion - AI work is very stiff, robotic. It does not portray emotion well, if at all. As I mentioned once before, there's no passion in it. Any emotional scenes AI does write, feels very stale and lifeless. It doesn't invoke emotion as it should.
Characterization - This one is iffy. AI work tends to get characters wrong, like they'll make dialogue for a character but that character would never say that. Or they'll make a character do something but the character would never do that. Things like that. It's because AI doesn't truly grasp characters. The most it'll do is if given a set of character traits, it'll try to emulate that character solely based off the given traits, but often come up with multiple flaws and just totally get the character wrong. However, I say that is iffy because people do write characters differently. Sometimes, people totally write a character wrong and it's not AI.
Vocabulary - Another iffy one, but in all the AI works I've seen, they tend to try to use a high level vocabulary. Iffy because some real writers do write very eloquently with high vocabulary, but usually with AI, it sounds like an essay. You can also include excessive descriptions on this, especially descriptions that don't matter and have no real importance to the story. AI does that a lot.
Tone Shifts - AI doesn't have good memory, for the most part, so they can change tones of the story very quickly that it might seem jarring and out of place. If you look closely, this'll reveal if it's AI or not, especially is the tone shift is accidental and caused by the AI messing up. This can included repeated phrases, which also might seem out of place. It can especially be seen in chapter stories, as one chapter might read or feel a certain way and the next chapter reads completely different. There's no consistency.
Focus - AI tends to focus on tell. Tell and not show, when most writers try to focus on show don't tell. Here's an example, since this one might be hard to conceptualize. AI might write something like "He looked around suspiciously" versus a person who might write "He avoided eye contact, glancing around at anything else but you." See the difference? The first example is tell, the second example is show don't tell.
Long sentences - I have yet to have seen an AI fic with short sentences. All AI fics I've seen thus far have the tendency to write in long sentences.
Okay, I think I covered the basics of everything that was mentioned. At least, that's all that was brought up and could be thought of. I sincerely hope this helps, y'all. Remember, support real writers, not AI users ✨
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shadowinthefire · 1 hour ago
What the origin of your blog title?
I like to pretend my cats are in Star Trek for my own amusement. It's pretty self explanatory.
OTP(s) + Shipname(s):
Shran + Archer- Shrancher
Spock + Kirk - Spirk
McCoy + Spock + Kirk - McSpirk
Garak + Bashir - Garashir
My cat Ferret and my former cat Obie (Obie was rehomed as my college only let's me have one pet and my mom couldn't keep him) - no ship name
Favorite Color:
Black or midnight blue (ik so *emo* or *not like other girls*)
Song Stuck in Your Head:
This is a rotating door but Any Hadestown or Epic song is free game tbh.
Weirdest habit or trait:
It's hard to pick one or to know which is the weirdest but eh I guess the fact I used to have pica due to an iron deficiency is probably up there.
Reading fanfic
If you work, what your profession?
Ummm.... not on the internet but I'll give a hint... BONES!
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
I would love to be a successful writer, but eh I'm middling at best and can't seem to finish anything.
Something your good at:
I don't know. Wish it was writing but problem more like another art I do maybe? Crochet or sculpture? Does not having friends irl count?
Something you hate:
Lots of things- peas are definitely on the list along with racism, sexism, that kind of thing.
Something you collect:
Flower Fairy Figurines, Dolls, Rocks, anything Star Trek
Something you forget:
Anything and everything... most of the time dates of things or assignment the day the are due.
What your love language?
Hmmm... I crave physical touch and quality time for myself but I love to gift give, so stuff for people, and feed people. Real provider streak here for some reason.
Favorite movie/show:
Favorite movie is easy -
Star Trek: The Voyage Home
The Barbie Movie
Favorite TV Show is harder -
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Really any other Star Trek Series except Picard (My problems with Picard I am happy to discuss. Not that I dislike it, just not my favorite :/)
Doctor Who (WHO could have guessed? ....I'll show myself out)
Criminal Minds
Cold Case from 2003. I love Lily Rush.
Favorite food:
This one is much harder.... so much harder. Well, here we go.
Red velvet anything
Dark chocolate
Chicken and dumblings
Brussel sprouts
Steak and gravey
Mashed potatoes
Milk -chocolate or regular (yes I am one of those people. Leave me alone if you think it's weird. We're on tumblr for goodness' sake)
Tea or coffee depending on my mood.
Favorite animal:
Cats cats cats
Moths and butterflies
And most other animals that aren't insects/spiders (yes I know butterflies and moths are insects, I mean all the other insects). I wish I liked them but sadly I do not.
What were you like as a child?
Outgoing and oblivious. Self confident and in your face until middle school. Thanks *this school name has been removed for privacy reasons*.
Your favorite school subject?
Probably History or English
Your least favorite:
What's your best character trait?
Idk.... I've got my friends backs and like to take care of them.
Whats your worst character trait?
Self depreciation or my tendency to drift away from people because I get depressed and become very apathetic during that time.
If you could change any aspect of your life right now, what would it be?
That my grandparents weren't so homophobic. They raised me and I am gay as duck :/
If you could travel back in time, who would you like to meet?
Leonard Nimoy
Stan Lee
See my dad one more time to yell at him
My cat Black Bart to make sure he knew he was loved
Tagging @emeraldkitty123, @pillowprincessherbertwest, or anyone else that wants to play!
Thank you so much for tagging me @starrybouquet! ❤️
what's the origin of your blog title?
I don’t really have a blog title. 🙈 I should probably give that some thought.
otp(s) + shipname(s):
If we mean “OTP: they can only be happy with each other, no one else could ever possibly fulfill either of them,” then I don’t believe in that. But if we mean “OTP: interesting shippy dynamic but other people could also or alternatively make them happy, no gatekeeping here,” then:
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris, J/P
Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike, Pikeone or Pikeuna
Seven of Nine/Anyone I Find Interesting
favorite color:
Green and purple.
song stuck in your head:
Trustfall, P!nk
weirdest habit/trait:
I go to bed super-duper early.
Writing. Exercise. Socializing.
if you work, what's your profession?
My goodness, I do not want to talk about my job on Tumblr dot com.
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
That’s complicated.
something you're good at:
something you hate:
Violence and people who glorify violence.
something you collect:
something you forget:
I often forget what I’ve bought through online shopping. Then the box arrives and I’m curious as to what’s in it.
what's your love language:
favorite movie/show:
Saving Mr. Banks
favorite food:
I don’t know.
favorite animal:
I don’t know.
what were you like as a child:
Bookish. Social.
favorite subject at school:
English or civics.
least favorite subject:
Math or science.
what's your best character trait?
When I love, I love with my whole heart.
what's your worst character trait?
Hesitancy to reach out or open up.
if you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
The answer is too complicated to type out.
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
Relatives who passed away before I was born and were deeply meaningful to people I love.
No-pressure tagging: @deadheaddaisy, @grissomesque, @regionalpancake, @procrastinatorproject, @emilie786, @pc-corner, @coffee-in-that-nebula, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade, @cnroth, @fiadorable, @lorcaswhisky, @the-lady-general, @cicaklah, @caladeniablue, @enterprise-come-in, @theredheadedcaptain, and anyone else I forgot to tag. 💞
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kissmel0ser · 2 months ago
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ping-ski · 6 months ago
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yk what i WILL share my old dragonfruit ship art from like 2 years ago lol. starting with these!! <3 (will share more later)
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oorangesoda · 6 months ago
i hope u feel better soon boo !!!!!! i also wanna gush a little bc i love ur shane so much .. i love seeing him big and hairy like THATS HIMMMM !!!!!!! and i LOVE how much beard u give him like UGH .. so shane so delish .. i believe in u pookie 💕 i love seeing him and callum pop up on my dash they r so hot
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genuinely SUCH a sweet compliment… I’m weak in da knees… please… Kendall and Shane warm my heart SO MUCH 🥹🥹
Big hairy Shane lovers unite 💪!!!
And thank u sm I’m gonna try and recover as QUICK as possible :’)
Please have this little Shane and Callum bit for ur sweetness 🙇‍♂️
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Think of it like a little follow up to the post shower beer from earlier!! Cal has very strong feelings about Shane shaving his beard/stubble…
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galactic-rhea · 4 months ago
Thoughts on Padmé x Anakin x Rex?
Padmé and Anakin are so mutually obssesed they would first have to check into that before trying to bring another person to their carefully-balanced-kind-of-damage or something it's going to explode.
Honestly it's a fun ship! But I don't have too many thoughts about them because when I consider them is usually in very low-stakes-fun-AU-scenarios.
And I'm actually a bit of a fan of Rexwalker myself! Athough I tend to like them more as very good buddies, the covering-for-you-dynamic it's so funny for them, lol It's also angsty and complicated because, y'know, the power-imbalance and unchecked trauma? Is funny that the clone that's actually a slave for the republic is the most normal if you bring him into the anidala romance circus.
Also shout out to @phoenixyfriend , she has a lot of rexanidala fics and recs for anyone interested reading this!
#I have rexwalker wips somewhere in my endless wips folder although im generally very lazy to draw or care about ships unless i REALLY dig it#which is why you see me mostly drawing anidala despite the fact I do actually have lots of ships i like/consider#anakin is such a strange character he's hard to ship around bc look at him his social circle consists of 4 ppl#and padme's impressive social circle are her coworkers and her decoys#which is impressive bc SW has SO MANY characters lol#also sorry i ramble a lot just to answer 'it's a fun one'#thanks for the ask!#rexanidala#anakin is also such an anxious and intense guy he would need a LOT of talking and reassurance and stuff#bc otherwise he would feel guilty as hell like the three of them could have agreed to it and he probably would feel like he's cheating LOL#the thing with rexanidala which is the most interesting to me to wonder about is how padmé got into rex#she's actually a very closed person and part of the reason she fell for anakin that hard was over mutual trauma bonding#so i wonder i wonderrrr#but also generally the thing with me is that i tend to lean more into non-romantic dynamics and platonic stuff believe it or not#so if you see me doing lots of art for a ship (like anidala) it must be bc i really love them both otherwise i'm more into family or#complicated relationships stuff probably because i'm aroace and a ship must have some incredible complex thing going on for me to care#with rexanidala the biggest brownie points it gets to me is all the AU possibilities the ANGSTY AU possibilities bc it would change A LOT
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mllenugget · 1 year ago
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Hey remember when Baghera adopted Dapper like 8 months ago or did I make that up ? ────────────────────────────────────────── Support all the admins that spoke out (& do your daily click) ──────────────────────────────────────────
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luca---paguro · 2 years ago
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moeblob · 1 year ago
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A darling OC gift again because I love my buddies characters and I love giving things to people and I love OCs and I love giving art to my buddies. Thank you Reichel for letting me complete the trio ;w; She's adorable and I love her.
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pitgritted · 7 months ago
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what being offline from main does to a mf ,,, JAHDBRBRBRNFB
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kanakori · 5 months ago
just a heads up, if ur rude and demand me to draw something, i will most likely never draw it JUST to spite you . so keep that in mind if ur commenting on my art
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sea-buns · 2 years ago
i wanna say it was in episode 3 after the boxing match when i was struck with the intense need to savor every second of mentopolis.
the mental image of a conrad driving with so much reckless abandon that the car is like half off the ground as it speeds away, hunch and dan bumping around in the backseat on either side of ivana who in comparison looks bolted down to the seats, money flying out and trailing behind them as justin hangs his head out the window...
all i could think was "oh this is the best." like the best. and while i do agree that 6 episodes is a perfect length for the season, what with them running at the speed of thought and all, i could also fully see them working with a 15-20 ep season just as smoothly.
and i don't just mean that as "this season would have been better with more eps" cuz tbh i don't think it would have been better, so much as it just would have been different. they could never make anything more and i'd still be satisfied. what i'm saying is that i think it'd make a great length as a second season.
which would be a great opportunity for brennan to flesh out the world elias lives in, while also allowing for more in-depth character development from the pcs.
this first season could act as a prologue to the world of mentopolis. and then the second season immediately kicks off with elias dealing with the aftermath in some way. maybe witness protection wasn't enough and now he's on the run from gobstopper industries. or maybe it was but now he has to learn how to adjust to living as a person with needs again after being alone and overworked for so long.
and as he navigates this new relationship, the attention from the press, the looming question of what now what next— we get to see how our prefrontal pis are doing as their lives were also flipped upside-down by this change in elias' life. cuz regardless of how positive and welcome a change may be, there is still a rather difficult adjustment period as you attempt to decipher where your place is in this new-normal.
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hey-heigo · 5 months ago
i should start playing legends arceus again...
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baellielurk · 7 months ago
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attacks i made this 2024 artfight :3 in order of images, the characters belong to: @maripapercat, @adxmanial, ~AHHHHHhhhhhh664, ~M_the_little_mouse, @returnflame, @jules-makes-stuff, @gothoctopus, ~Sarahfox14, @mx-lamour, faun.draws, ~alkanones, @nouveaumoon, DevotedlyStar, ~Faildemon, cute-l0ve
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coffinkissez · 1 year ago
being nice over ships literally isn’t hard I don’t get how ppl r so mean ab two fictional characters kissing guys it’s NOT ever that serious
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karinyosa · 1 year ago
listen i can’t prove that asp bloggers by and large seem to know brinker was based on gore vidal now because of me but brother i will say it was not like that back when there were like 4 asp blogs and all the fanart was anime
#you may be thinking. well there are basically 4 asp blogs now#THINK AGAIN!!!! it used to be so much worse.#it feels like there are more people consistently posting about it now#and a lot more art (MUTUALS!!! <33)#like there was an art DROUGHT#it used to be that every time you looked at the tag the same posts would be up at the top and like#it’s still sorta like that but allllll the posts i could never escape have been buried into obscurity#because there’s so much new stuff#i used to be like haha there are 5 people in this fandom or whatever#BUT THAT NO LONGER FEELS TRUE#i used to tell everyone who would listen about the gore vidal thing kehskwhskwhdjwhs#it was such a novelty to me at the time i read asp that queercoding could be so like. complete or comprehensive and also supported by#like authors and academic institutions and most importantly a tumblr fandom sksjsk#so an openly queer man being associated w my fav book whose gayness i was mentally going to bat for was craaaazzzyyy to my#middle school brain#even though i didn’t really know anything about him except for a few anecdotes at the time. brother. how things have changed#oh my god and the fact that there is/was an asp gimmick blog??? asp-quotes??? my god middle school me would’ve died#im still writing the same fucking fanfic that ms me daydreamed about finishing though. god#anyway hopefully this post isn’t. ANNNOYIINNGGG but it’s crazy to see things change like that from so close a perspective#like the smallness of the asp online community makes it easy to tell for some of these things#i draw a line directly between my younger asp mutuals constantly posting art to the influx of other asp content#in my memory one followed the other#fucking anyway. write a memoir dipshit#me.txt#a separate peace#if it is because of me that’s very funnyynbgncb#OH AND IT’S IN POLLS NOW TOO#crazy
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