#and I think im going to take advantage of that
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littelovelunette · 20 hours ago
Omg im so super done with fragile helpless reader!!! Pls do sevika and reader freshly dating or even just seeing each other, they’re still still getting to know each other and sevika being herself she LOVES to tease and annoy reader and show off her strength and stuff expecting reader to be to be helplessly weaker than her, however when reader get fed up enough they start fighting back ^playfully^ and sevika making a mental note to not take readers warning for granted🙏🏼 basically reader unexpectedly humbling sevika
Challenge Accepted
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"Look me in the eye and say that again." You said in a more gravely voice that usual as you shifted into a better sitting position, glaring daggers into Sevika's gaze.
This wasn't the first time Sevika underestimated your strength or wit. She had the habit of doing that because of the sheer fact she was so darn old and had seen a lot.
You admitted it, yeah she'd seen some shit in life but that didn't automatically mean she was untouchable.
"I dont think you'd be able to take me in a fight." Sevika repeated and put out the cigarette she was smoking in the ashtray on the bedside table.
"Oh, yeah?" You repositioned yourself so you were now over her thighs, straddling them. "Are you challenging me?"
"Why yes, sweetheart." Sevika stared at you with amusement, one eyebrow raising.
"Challenge accepted." You whispered and got off her.
Sevika blinked in mild shock before slowly getting off the bed too, to stand in front of you.
Sevika easily towered over you. But that didn't faze you really, you'd come to terms with the fact you were short as fuck compared to her.
"You really wanna do this?" Sevika asked as she crossed her arms, both flesh and mechanical arms flexing as she did so.
"You scared?" You taunted as Sevika flexed her flesh bicep purely to annoy you non-verbally.
And it worked.
It ticked you off.
You charged at her, but Sevika being taller than you took advantage of her height.
She scooped you up with ease, pinning you to the wall. "Angel, just accept it. You're weaker than me." There was no heat behind her words as she said it though. It was more playful than anything.
You simply gave her an amused look before locking your legs around her waist and grabbing her flesh hand, pressing down on the shoulder nerve making her wince and pull her arm back.
Because she did so, she let go of your frame giving you the opportunity to push her on the bed with all your strength and pinning her hands down with both your legs.
You grinned victoriously at her.
"Gremlin." Sevika whispered under her breath. You let up and let her get out of your grasp, Sevika flexed her mechanical arm and it's fingers before letting out a soft sigh.
"Fine, you win."
You smiled and laid back down in the bed, the soft mattress dipping under your weight.
"Wipe that look off your face." You pulled Sevika close.
She was clearly sulking. What a sore loser. But that's fine. She was yours after all.
As you laid down beside her, Sevika wrapped her flesh arm around you. You grinned a little and wrapped both arms around her, squeezing her making her chuckle.
"Even though I am prideful, I correct my errors if I notice them." Sevika kissed your forehead, it was a silent promise of always respecting your strength. That's all you needed.
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cuteandhughesy · 2 days ago
3. “we really shouldn’t” “so?” with anthony stolarz
he def seems like the type of guy who’d be ur brothers teammate and you’d sleep with him behind ur brothers back 😶
prompt no.3: “we really shouldn’t.” “so?”
your brother mitch has always been protective. you’re his younger sister, two years younger than him, and have always been super kind and naive. from a young age, he saw the way people took advantage of you and felt that it was his responsibility to keep you safe.
when you got a bit older and started dating, mitch’s protectiveness got worse. no boy was good enough, even when they were. mitch would drive boys away with menacing looks and what he called ‘stern talkings’ which are also known as threats.
eventually when you convinced your brother to chill the fuck out a little bit and let you work things out on your own, he surprisingly agreed.
under one circumstance.
you can’t date his friends, and you certainly can’t date his teammates. ever.
and you could live with that. most of mitch’s friends where your friends, and you didn’t see them that way. and when mitch started getting more serious about hockey, he barley went out or had his teammates come over, so you never even met them. steph would ask all the time if you wanted to come to games, but you weren’t really interested.
“maybe you’ll find a guy,” she used to tease, winking at you discreetly in the dim light of the living room.
you always responded the same way, “im not into hockey players.”
when mitch made it to the nhl, you started going to games more often. you got to drink beers that mitch was paying for, and chat with steph about school and boys without the prying ears of your brother and your family.
as the years passed, mitch never strayed from his dating rule or protectiveness over you.
you never planned on rebuking mitch’s dating rule until anthony stolarz waltzed into toronto with a summer tan and a perfect smile. he’s older than you, mature but doesn’t take himself too seriously. anthony introduced himself to you with a playful and intriguing gleam, and it instantly has you feeling things.
and your sister-in-law knows it too, because anytime mitch brings up anthony or the net minder is in the same room as you, she’s wiggling her brows at you and grinning. you hate her.
and it’s fine, you think. it’s just a stupid crush on a new, older man. you’ll get over it. it’s not reciprocated.
expect it’s totally reciprocated, and after too many glasses of wine and a private bathroom at some bar after a win, you and anthony begin hook up. and it doesn’t just end there. you have sex often, and kiss and go on dates even more frequently.
you find yourself in a secret relationship, and at the same time, betraying your older brother. slowly it becomes harder to keep a secret, and the people in your life start noticing.
it starts with steph who just knows you too well. she straight up just asks you, and you blurt it out like you physically can’t hold it in any longer. steph smirked and said, ‘I fucking knew it.’
next came auston matthews, one of mitch’s closest friends and teammates, walks in on your and anthony making out like teenagers in a guest bathroom. to be fair, you didn’t look the door. and it was also auston’s house. you rushed out after the goal scorer, lips glistening and eyes frantic, begging him not to say anything.
auston just laughed and said, ‘don’t worry kid, your secret is safe with me.’
your parents knew, and your closest friends knew (mostly leaf wags who you sworn to secrecy). it started to feel more real, and you certainly got more comfortable.
so yeah you may of had four too many beers at the game. and yeah, when you see your boyfriend walking out of the leafs dressing room, looking divine after a win, you just want to normal and go up to your boyfriend.
it wasn’t uncommon for you to wait in the tunnels with steph for mitch after games, especially when you’ve all driven to the rink together. anthony would always smile at you, a little too sexy for trying to be discrete, but you never pushed those boundaries. not when mitch could walk out.
but once again, you’re well passed tipsy and you just want to live up on your man like all the other wags get to. before you can think about it, you’re walking up to anthony, heels clicking on the floor as you make your way through the crowd.
anthony’s talking to morgan, completely unaware of the way your striding towards him until you’re right in front of him. you wrap your hand around his bicep, blinking up at him with a glossed over expression.
“hi,” you beam, glossy lips tempting.
anthony swallows, eyes squinting in amusement. he shoots a glance at morgan, who is just stifling laughter like he knows—god damn it tessa. “hi,” he parrots.
“missed you,” you whine, pushing up onto the toe of your heeled boots and pucker your lips, “can I have a kiss?”
anthony laughs, rubbing the back of his neck and subtly scanning the room—checking if anyone was watching. morgan has slipped away now, and there’s only a few lingering people left in the tunnel. he sees steph, eyeing you both sneakily. which means mitch is still here.
“we really shouldn’t.” he mumbles. despite his words, anthony lets his hand wrap around your waist, keeping you against his chest to steady your drink sway. he licks along his bottom lip, “your brother could catch us.”
“so?” you huff, pushing even further up his body. “just a quick kiss.” you say. you’re too happy on wine and in love to think about your brothers stupid rule right now. you couldn’t care less about anything besides your gigantic boyfriend—who is grinning down at you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
and you are. more than the nhl. more than the stanley cup. more than breathing.
quickly, anthony leans down, free hand enclosing on the side of your face as he tilts your head up, connecting your lips together.
the kiss doesn’t last nearly as long as you need it to, and you whine when anthony pulls off of you. you’re not caught, thankfully, and that only makes you want to kiss him over and over again.
“i’ll see you later, kay?” anthony whispers softly, talking his hand off your hips.
you nod, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and dropping back down to your heels. “love you.”
“love you too.”
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lostinlovingrevery · 10 hours ago
a friend and i have been going FERAL over cowboy!logan lately… literally every version of him has me losing my goddamn mind
The WAY i have a cowboy logan series buried in my wip rn. 😫😫😫
honestly youre so real for it. Cowboy Logan, Pirate Logan (aka Mares and Mirandas series!), Patch, Apocalypse Logan, Weapon X, 97', ANY LOGAN. ANY UNIVERSE.
I LOVE cowboy Logan deadass. I have trouble deciding the kind of cowboy hed be but honestly i think he could be a very arthur morgan-ish cowboy (red dead. No i havent played it lol 😅) He causes trouble, gets into trouble, but really does have a good heart. Hes just a cowboy.
Heres a few general ideas I thought of cowboy logan:
rough and gruff hardcore yet quiet. Don't fuck with him, he wont fuck with you
likes his whiskey. A lot.
a big ole loner. Maybe in his younger years had friends. Now though he travels alone.
Very intimidating. Very handsome.
He actually can be a huge gentleman but hes known through towns as being a troublemaker and DANGEROUS. So people avoid him for the most part. He prefers it that way
younger him likes the trouble. Older him just wants to relax
his horse is named Cinnamon, but only uses it in private. Calls her Heifer around others. (Hes Americas most dangerous outlaw he cant have people knowing he calls his horse cinnamon)
He knows he's intimidating and will take advantage of it
low patience
probably got some depression kicking around in there. my baby
As for some smut stuff???
The other day i had this image of him lassoing me while i run away and pulling me back to him. Take a wild guess my friend at what happens next 😘
the bathtub scene with Clint Eastwood and Sister Sarahs mules (i don't actually remember the movie name lol).
undoing his holsters and belts while he sits there drinking his whiskey and watches you over the glass
seriously obsessed with getting lassoed by him. Might write about it
this isn't smutty actually but the idea of him pulling me up onto his horse/lap with ease is soooooo...oof
I really want him to just bend me over and hike up my dress and take me right there
Remember the intimidating thing? he'll def take advantage of that and be a TOTAL DOM
The cowboy thing where he puts his hat on you. You have no idea what it means. (he wants to fuck you!! yay! yippee!!)
The series i had was him being kind a hired merc and bounty hunter type of cowboy. He goes to claim a bounty on reader. Early 1900s type era (think red dead once again lol), and reader is female and a doctor! I like to think of it a lil romcom ish where reader is an absolute piss-ant with him (he kidnapped her so yknow) and he's the tired bounty hunter who literally just wants to get the job done....
I have these wips i wrote out about Cowboy Logan from the series!!
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And this was a scene I typed out when I first thought of the series!
Huge difference in the mood in these scenes lmao
And yknow you got Drover from Australia (I still haven't watched it) so there's some serious cowboy Logan there... God.
The lil shrug and wiggles. Oh god
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mllenugget · 11 months ago
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Hey remember when Baghera adopted Dapper like 8 months ago or did I make that up ? ────────────────────────────────────────── Support all the admins that spoke out (& do your daily click) ──────────────────────────────────────────
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alumirp · 7 months ago
luffy gets a girlfriend
He is blissfully unaware of this fact, however. He meets Torao at work, he's a firefighter and she's a doctor. She stitched up a cut on his arm and he gets hungry, spontaneously invites her to eat and she accepts, probably hungry too (or totally thinking that the cute guy with the stupid smile is asking her out).
They go out several times after that, usually with Luffy showing up at the hospital randomly, either injured or bringing in a patient, or simply to bother Torao because he was bored.
Luffy gets a new (girl) friend.
They're weird friends, though, because one day Torao just leaned in and kissed him. On the lips! And he liked it for some reason, so they kissed countless more times.
And sometimes things get too hot when they kiss and one thing leads to another and- well, they had sex. Several times. Which is weird, because Luffy definitely has no desire to kiss, much less have sex, with his other friends. But it works, so he just classifies them as weird friends.
He's pretty sure they're NOT lovers, because neither he nor Torao made fancy proposals, with roses, candles, fancy dinner and fancy rings, like Sanji and most TV shows tell, so, definitely weird friends.
And its okay, he likes being weird friends with Torao :D
(They're totally dating and no one believes Luffy when he says they're just friends. Because he shares his meat with Law, he actually, like, listens to her opinion instead of just doing what he wants, he takes her side in arguments no matter how obviously wrong she is, he fights with Ace, physically, when his brother says Law should get out of Luffy's life.They are totally dating, Luffy has a girlfriend, it doesn't matter that he doesn't know it.)
((law is just happy to be here, even if her boyfriend is a little slow))
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always-a-joyful-note · 2 months ago
"Your kindness is not the problem. The problem is people who take advantage of that kindness." And isn't that the premise of this show? The way Qiao Ling's kindness wanted to bring back that stranger her life's work and the way it brought a guy who was going to involve them in his scam. The way Lu Guang couldn't resist his own kindness and helped his friends and befriended them despite the tragedy it would bring. The way Cheng Xiaoshi was kind to Vivian and wanted to help her despite the way he'd been taken advantage of. Something something goodness is worth it even if tragedies befall in the middle of it.
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definitelynotshouting · 4 months ago
heyo! i learned a new word today and thought i'd share cause it sounds like a word you'd like
the word is apricity and its an old English word meaning "the warmth of the sun in winter" :]
leaf anon ur spot on the money i have instantly fallen in love with this word right now immediately. If anyone sees this show up in one of the next hunger au chapters you know EXACTLY who to blame /DEEPLY SILLY
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theoldmanhomer · 1 month ago
yap about yi and goumang in the tags. tiandao council enthusiasts this 1 is 4 you
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abirddogmoment · 8 months ago
happy Sunday from the swamp 💚
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minophus · 6 months ago
sorry if this is weird but what do you think sisyphus would smell like. i was thinking pre Hellificafion he wore those arabic perfume oils
Hmm. I think he has a twinge of (literal.) heat, like the kind where you're stepping outside or sitting infront of a vent and heat is just blowing into your face. There's also the stink that would come with ~However many years~ of sweating upon sweating all over that it sort of just becomes a part of his natural scent...For some reason I can't picture it as being super strong, its a balanced kind of thing... Think it'd be nice
You can smell a lil bit of blood too...from menstruation or a wound? you decide. Smells like rock/stone, earthy but not in the Dirt kind of way.
This ones a lil hard to specifically describe but he smells like Hard Work. Given that he's been pushing a boulder and thinking up a plan for the insurrection in his mind for 1million years
To sum it up i think hed smeel good oihhhh hyeah
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thekimspoblog · 4 months ago
Is the video game really subverting its genre? Are you sure it's not just doing clever things within its genre, because otherwise the game would be boring and unchallenging and say nothing interesting? I'm just saying, it's cool and all that the internet allows horror game fandoms to overflow into eachother, but not EVERY 2 hour video essay needs to be spent breathlessly sucking off the devs. Sometimes a game is just REGULAR difficult and REGULAR high-quality.
Besides RPGs made over a decade ago, what is the thing supposedly subverting? Clearly not other contemporary indie horror games, because there is clearly a convergent ethos forming of cosmic horror and beginners' traps; that's just what the genre looks like nowadays.
#pathologic#fear and hunger#inscryption#in general I just hate overly reverent video essays; you guys ruined Airbender for me#this is NOT me hating on Pathologic!#Icepick is a good studio; their story is interesting their characters are well written#introducing needs decay mechanics into a first-person adventure game is a good idea; I just wouldn't call it “subversive”#this IS me hating a little bit on Patho fans just because I think hyperbole about the game's difficulty is tedious#and distracts from an equally valid conversation about what you get if you approach the game like a sandbox#I get it the algorithm incentivizes youtubers to talk about every new game like it's a complete departure from what came before#but if everything is special nothing is#and i swear if one more person tries to read me HP Lovecraft's wikipedia page like i was born yesterday im going to scream#Just saying; if fucking with the player's expectations is all it takes to be “subversive” then Stick of Truth is “subverting its genre”#except... no... Stick of Truth is a bog standard RPG just with a quirky tutorial#and creative integration of its off-beat story and mechanics RIGHT??#my point is Patho and F&H aren't actually much different; they still play like RPGs still handle like RPGs#the fact that you die more than you would in COD or Skyrim or whatever doesn't make it the “anti-RPG”#anymore than Seinfeld was the “anti-sitcom”#“subversiveness” is just a basic bitch way to analyze things; and I think “How does the art take ADVANTAGE of its genre?” is better#media criticism
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gamergirl929 · 5 months ago
SO, I didn't plan on doing this, but my mother asked me, so I'm sharing this here... Unfortunately, we had to put my grandfather in a home recently, he has dementia, or alzheimers to the point where we can take care of him and he needs supervised care... We're looking to get him some clothes and other things he'll need for the time he's there, if you can donate, please feel free to do so, but if you can't, just give this a share, we desperately need help.
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xxswagcorexx · 2 years ago
one thing i've just been noticing abt ivory's videos is just. the idea of proving yourself, despite all of the odds against you. if its fighting a 100 wardens or killing god, there's always something to be proven. it's proving that you are capable of accomplishing anything, and you'll do so in a heartbeat.
and that, of course, builds a reputation, right? everyone knows ivory! and she's built a very intense reputation for herself, and she's pretty much feared on every single smp shes on
but with that reputation...you're pressured to keep it up. you're forced to go onto the next big thing. to prove that you can accomplish anything in a heartbeat.
so you do the same things over and over again, ramping up the stakes without taking a minute to calm down and breathe
but maybe, there's a small part of you that begs you to stop. to slow down, take a moment for yourself, and take a moment to look back at everything. just to rest
you have a reputation to uphold. even as part of you screams at you and forces you to put in the breaks, the only thing on your mind is to keep on going. to prove you can do what you've set your mind to, and what you've worked so hard for.
(but in the end, it barely feels like anything before you turn away and look for the next accomplishment to complete, because you've killed off the part that forces you to step back and question what you're doing.)
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bbrabbits · 1 year ago
i dont think enough credit is given to edward elric for being the funniest character to ever exist solely on account of the fact that he MET GOD. MULTIPLE TIMES. AND YET HE'S AN ATHEIST
based honestly no other character can ever compare to how based but also hilarious that is. he literally met god then goes to a church and is like 'yall foolish for believing in god bro he aint real'
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coriander-candlesticks · 7 months ago
I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate religious practice into my life & trying to get over the fear of being...annoying? If that's the right word? It feels a little like tugging on the gods' sleeves when I make more than one offering a day to them even though I know I'm not, like, being rude by *checks notes* giving them things or dedicating time/activities to them. Today I made a dessert in preparation for tomorrow's Pathfinder game and dedicated that time spent baking to Hestia and Aphrodite, and it was really nice! I feel like I'm starting to find my footing despite my worries. I'm also trying to make sure I take time where I'm not thinking about religion at all so that I don't start to ruminate/spiral. It's happened a few times already to varying degrees and it's! Not fun!
It's possible it's hindsight/confirmation bias, but I do think the vibes of my tarot deck changed when I started reaching out to the Greek deities. It makes sense: I was using my deck to reach out to a completely different deity/deities before I started exploring Hellenic polytheism. And it's definitely not in a bad way, just more energetic and...light? When before it was heavier (in a comforting way). I've gotten consistently coherent pulls, too, which is nice.
I've been trying to remember to pour a libation to Hermes at certain street corners when I'm out & about, but I have to make a game plan for when other people are also in the area, even if it's just psyching myself up so I don't look awkward while I do it. I have a pendant that I keep in front of his altar/shrine jar that I try to remember to take with me when I travel, and it's been cool having something in my pocket that's consistently reminding me of him because I check so often to make sure it's still there. There were some...issues with my commute on Monday (a true comedy of errors on the city's part) but the change in routine was a *lot* easier to handle in the morning. Of course, the unusually cool temperature helped, but I do accredit the smooth transition to Hermes because I wasn't stressed at *all* for the vast majority of my commute when I usually would have been wiped from the mental/sensory strain of having to pivot & kinda just hope I guessed right on what to do next. The commute home was a nightmare but I didn't have a whole-ass work day ahead of me after that so the stress didn't matter as much (and I was able to get through the last bus ride & walk from the stop which I wasn't sure I'd have the mental fortitude for).
I'm almost done with the statue of Hermes I've been working on, and I finished a set of alphabet oracle "stones" (squares made from air dry clay...would that technically be closer to potsherds?) tonight. I'll share a picture of them once I finish their bag- I have some leftover green cotton yarn from a recent project that I think will go well with them. We'll see how well they hold up, though I'm not planning on doing the "shake them until one falls out" method so hopefully they'll last a while. I worked on them in the living room this evening, instead of in my room. I'm getting more comfortable showing little elements of what I've been exploring to my housemates; it was nice to be able to sit & paint & listen to the iliad while my friend did his own thing next to me on the couch.
I'm still trying to figure out how to gauge each housemates' potential reactions. It'll probably be fine: friend 1 actively has an altar-esque space and uses tarot cards and a pendulum and friend 2 is friend 1's wife. I'm a bit worried about friend 3 being weird about it, at least at first, but considering he was experimenting with witchcraft-esque things a few years ago (I distinctly remember charms & him discussing which of the wheel of the year days he wanted to observe) I think I'm overthinking things. He's an atheist & his view of witchcraft was, at the very least, *similar* to the psych model, which I think is where the hesitation has been coming from on my end. I have therapy this weekend so I think I'll start bringing things up then. The office my therapist is in openly advertises all sorts of alt/witchcraft things so I think I'll be safe there lol
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kyistell · 10 months ago
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Wowza ain't this a big one eh?
*ahem* Soooo...I did this on my Ipad if it isn't obvious, I actually really like this lol.
There honestly isn't too much to say about this, like Jersey was a slight scene kid in the early 2000s and basically DIY'ed everything he is wearing, did I make it obvious enough that he is a Devils fan?
The red and green is a heavy call back to the original jerseys the Devils used, which I lovingly call the Christmas Jerseys, and clearly I went VERY heavy with that lol
The other side of the hat has a Rutgers patch instead of the Devils one you can see, this would have been when the Rutgers football team was doing pretty good I think soooo ya know, I felt it was important to mention.
ANOTHER POLAROID, this time by Rhode Island, and no you aren't reading that date wrong and I feel as though I don't need to elaborate ;)
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