#most of the images are from pinterest
coffeeandstudys · 5 months
Fellow studyblrs I need help.
I haven't been able to gather any primary research or feedback on the first draft of my intro from anyone I know because no one will give any, please if you get a moment would you watch this and give some feedback? I have replaced everyone's real names with the first things that came to my mind.
No pressure at all!
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gmaybe666 · 1 year
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will making ....a comic for mike
I propose that will draws all the time because losing himself in drawing is when he feels the happiest and most free, I also propose that he's obsessed with collecting images of knights and soldiers and medieval fairytales and sticking them on his wall because he is Very Gay And A Nerd
link to read will's comic
message me to buy will's comic !
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hulloitsdani · 6 months
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Nothing like motiving myself to practice drawing kisses from reference by making the final results feature my FEH girlies.
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ph7soy · 14 days
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── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ──
“when will you learn that it isn’t about you and your problems? this is about my name. the prescott name.”
“nathan is everybody’s favorite voodoo doll–kill the rich kid!”
“yes, he takes serious meds–but that’s not his fault, his family treats him like a total freak!”
“i prefer the term ‘manipulated’–i became a sort of father figure to nathan.”
“i think about him chilling out on the grass in the other timeline–i hate what he did, but i can’t hate him.”
“…my life is hell.”
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wundrousarts · 2 months
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I discovered these paintings by James McNeill Whistler recently, Nocturne in Black and Gold: Falling Rocket (top) and Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Firewheel (bottom). I’m sharing them because they make me think of Nevermoor, as so many things do.
With paintings, a nocturne refers to the depiction of night. This is derived from the musical term, where a nocturne refers to a musical piece that is “inspired by, or evocative of, the night.” These both just come from the fact that “nocturne” essentially means “of the night”.
On a basic level, this just reminds me of Nevermoor by the aesthetics. The dreamy nighttime setting strikes me the most, but also the sparks of yellow fire that make me think of Wunder. Think of how many important scenes happen at night- Morrigan on Eventide, the Museum of Stolen Moments, and the Hollowpox in Courage Square. But the concept has me thinking, obviously, about the Wundrous Art of Nocturne. The only songs we know are Morrigan and Squall’s, who both chose nursery rhymes as their Nocture. Their choices make me think of lullabies, sung at night… and there’s lots to think about with that.
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little-pup-pip · 8 months
Hey! I just wanted to let you know, while I think the moodboards you make are super cute and I do love them a lot, they're super disheartening to see.
All of them, are pretty much just stolen content? You don't bother crediting or sourcing anything on them, so they're basically all just photos/art that doesn't belong to you :(
The small artists who create the deco pacis, the plushies, the photography, deserve to be credited and not have their stuff stolen. Especially when they are products the artist is selling (deco pacis, crochet, handmade collars, etc.) they deserve that attention and credit.
/nm but I've just seen SO many people not caring to source their posts. I really encourage you to credit the posts you create.
Hello hello!! First off, I want to tell you that, for the most part, you're right! This is actually something I think about a lot, and I get where you're coming from. Most of the things I post are uncredited pictures, and I'm going to explain why in the best way I can. But ultimately, it's up to you whether this explanation satisfies you or not (if you have suggestions on how to fix it after reading this whole thing, let me know)!
For context, most of the stuff I post are pictures directly from Pinterest, a site that is notorious for being awful at crediting creators and making it difficult to find the original creators of things. I wish Pinterest was better at allowing people to trace the origins of images, and I would love it if I could find the original creators of every picture I use. Unfortunately, it is genuinely impossible to find the people who take most of the pictures on Pinterest a lot of the time (because Pinterest will show you the most recent saver of a picture rather than the poster, and if you do manage to find the poster, you never know if someone reposted a picture, so the person who you think is the creator actually is not). It's really not a matter of "I don't bother to"; it's that often I can't (this is why I try to avoid using art not made by companies because I'd drive myself crazy trying to find the artist)!
I also want to point out that none of the stuff I use is "stolen"! If you look at Pinterest's terms of service, every picture posted there is entirely free to use, sort of like a stock image, and I have to assume that the posters know that. (Legal talk and a simpler version pictured below)
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Additionally, I do show products, but often not by small stores or creators. Most of them are literally product advertisements from large companies that will not take any financial hit from this at all. If you go onto Pinterest and look up something like "blanket," you'll find that it's almost completely large corporations! And that is almost entirely the selection of product pictures I use, especially for my petre boards, as I don't think I have any handmade collars in any of my boards, just commercially made ones!
The pictures that are from smaller creators, such as products, as you stated, can easily be traced back to the creators by downloading the picture and using the Pinterest or even google image search; sometimes, there's even a watermark to make things easier. And, if you ask me, I'll find the creator for you if it's possible!
As a small side note, I never take credit for pictures that aren't my own, and I don't make any money from this. I'm not receiving anything that the creators aren't, except maybe views. And, if people asked me to remove pictures they didn't want on other people's accounts shown on one of my moodboards, I would. I have never had that happen, however, and when people do recognize pictures that they made in one of my moodboards, they have only ever been happy to see them. Here are two examples (check the reblogs)!! Example 1 Example 2
Ultimately, this is a grey area for content, and Pinterest has no better alternative. This debate is also nothing new! People have been making moodboards long before my time and will continue to do so after I stop. And I'm not saying I'm perfect or that other moodboard creators take the same precautions as me, but I am doing my best to make moodboards in a conscionable manner! If you can't get behind it, that's okay!! I would also be happy to discuss this more with you if you want!
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
I was tagged by the wonderful @alypink to do this mood board and snippet of writing tag game! So here goes!
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Unknown Soldier
Before her stood the man that had been with her since she was a child. Eyes that had once regarded her warmly, fatherly, now did so with cold synergy. She did not know what went on behind those eyes, she could never read his thoughts, nor could she even begin to understand the complexity that was him, Perseus, and so had given up trying years since. That had been until she had come across a wayward file, written words never intended for her own eyes to see and it had been the first glimpse into the kind of man that he was, the kind of man that shaped a child into a soldier and promised her everything, but gave her nothing. 
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Call of Booty
Admiral Adler was unable to hide his agitation when regarding his temporary position grounded at the base, worsened by his daily routine being confined to his office which overlooked the growing wharf and storehouse. He was always saddled with new documents, new charters, new paperwork, workers and soldiers coming to ask him question after question. It was his duty, for the time being, but he couldn’t deny that there was a desperate itch that wracked his body every time his gaze wandered from the task at hand, drawn back to the glistening sea. He swore that it beckoned him, whispered encouragement to go back to his ship and sail out to the horizon.
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Smooth Operator
“Sure,” he said, his elbow now resting on the table and his knuckles just resting at his temple as he leaned, his eyes steadily watching how she moved. She was beautiful, in a way that seemed effortless for her, from her reddened lips, the long lashes, the slight creases of dimples at the corners of her mouth when she spoke. Even as she stood, hip cocked out to one side as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, all he could think about was how attractive she was.  What caught him the most, though, were her eyes. They were a dark brown, with small flecks of honey, and when they were on him he felt a warmth rush over him. They were soft, kind, with a slight sense of tiredness clinging to the hue. He didn’t want her to look away. 
Ok, so first and foremost, I would like to say that none of these images were made/taken by me and were also not edited by me in any way - I did find them on Pinterest/Google Images which had a huge lack of sources for them or sent me to Pinterest as a source. If these images are yours and you don't wish for them to be used then please dm me and I will take them down immediately. Likewise, if you are happy for me to use them, dm me so I know they're yours and I can put you down as credit!
I always panic when I have to put pictures/photos on a post and I can't find any credit- so please please... talk to me if they're yours.
With that said, I would like to thank @/alypink again for the tag! I really enjoyed showing you snippets of the upcoming writings that I have, which I'm hoping to put out soon!
I'm actually not sure who to tag- UH!
You know what, I'll tag you, the reader. If you've got some works that are currently in progress and you wanna show em off, then take this as a sign!
Please tag me so I can see what ya got!
~ Goose
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bismuthburnsblue · 4 months
Help me design a dress!
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this is our fabric! (left is the product image, right is my actual piece of fabric- ruler on the left is cm, on the right is inches, to give you an idea of print scale) its the black version of the break up robe print, in a lightweight & crisp cotton. i have 4.5m (5y) so it should be enough to make most designs, though some will require consideration in the cutting- we will get to that later though. (the fabric is also narrow, i think its only 110cm wide. (its still folded in the picture))
my goal here is to make a comfy wearable dress, something pretty casual & everyday in silhouette, but i would also like if it was possible to style up for a more formal look. most of my inspiration for this project has come from 1950s dresses, because thats a style i lean towards for myself, though im not aiming for anything "true vintage" or anything. im also fond of lolita dresses, so im more than down to draw inspiration from those also!
also, the print is pretty bold compared to my usual style, so ive considered doing some kind of translucent (chiffon, tulle, mesh) overlay to tone it down so its more wearable in my wardrobe. this will entirely depend on it working with out final design, and even then, ill offer you the decision at the end! ultimately, i still want to be able to appreciate the fabric. (for sewing people: id intend to do it as a flat lining, so it sits right up against the fabric underneath, not as a complete separate layer. i find this makes it block out the design slightly less) doing this could also help with adding structure to the dress, which i already think some designs might need, considering how thin the fabric is.
ok now the brief is out of the way, onto the first decision for the dress: the shape of the skirt. if you want to vote based entirely on vibes, feel free to click away, but i have included some more writing about each option & its ups and downs in this particular project under the cut (also pictures of each style if youre not so familar with what they are!)
& the propaganda for the options:
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Circle skirt: you can never go wrong with a circle skirt- theyre probably my favourite to wear overall & i especially like the low bulk join to the waist as i sometimes find things with gathers dont sit as nicely on me. the way circle skirts are cut also gives them a movement that the other two methods simply cannot compete with in my eyes.
The main downside is working a circle skirt with this particular fabric. the fabric is not wide enough to cut the entire front as one, so i would either need a centre front seam or to make it a 3/4 circle skirt- something im 100% ok with, i honestly find at midi length a full circle to be too much sometimes. (there is technically the option to have full circle but rotate it so the seams are at side, but that might then mean i have to do some shenanigans with where the fastenings go). also, because the design is directional, each quarter will need to be cut so the seams end up on the bias, which makes for an Incredibly inefficient cutting layout. (again, if theres a CF seam, thatll be on the diagonal of the design, which really defeats the point of putting in the effort in the first place, to me.) i think i would be able to get all the panels i need out of the piece of fabric i have, but i think i would be a bit more limited with top options as i try to make sure to use as many of the small pieces left over as possible.
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Gathered skirt: these are by far the easiest to do in terms of sewing. in my research into casual 50's dresses about 90% of all pictures i saw featured a dress with a gathered skirt (or actually, a lot seemed to have tiny pleats that give the effect of gathers, like the coral one. if we vote this way, i would be tempted to go try them as i think it might solve my bothers with gathered skirts in general)
i generally find gathered skirts less flattering on me- they add bulk at the waist and then hang straight down off the hips (when not puffed up with a petticoat) and thats generally not something i like on myself. i could improve that though by bringing more fabric in to increase the hem, and adding horsehair braid to the hem to help it swoop without additional support (again, my goal for this project is causal day dress)
this pattern uses the least fabric i think, depending on how much you put in the skirt- i think i should get a perfectly satisfactorily full skirt from this with less than 2m of fabric used. (honestly might end up too efficient- id like to use up all the fabric i have in this, and i really dont need that much for a bodice. i can see myself adding 4, even 5 widths into the skirt to use up yardage. i dont particularly see that as a problem though)
despite my reservations because of gathered skirts ive made before, for this project it does have one massive point in its favour: the fact that its still a full piece of fabric. all other styles here all cut quite significantly into the design to create their shape, while this be one panel of the fabric from edge to edge. preserving the design of this fabric is pretty high on my priority list, after all, i bought this fabric specifically because it was the OFMD break up robe print. i want whatever design i make to work with that.
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Tiered skirt: for me, tiered skirts are the best of both worlds in terms of the effect they give. the fact each layer doubles means they keep some of the swish a circle skirt gives (and, i find, they tend to have more of the A-Line shape of a circle skirt too) while not being quite so consuming of fabric as you cut. i couldnt find many examples of 50's dresses with them (though i did find some) so i do feel like this style pulls more towards the style of lolita dresses & that might be reflected in the options i offer in subsequent rounds.
if you know anything about petticoats, then youll notice that this style of skirt is essentially the same construction as them (though petticoats often introduce extra layers and ruffles and.....) when ive made this style of skirt in the past i have found that it holds volume much like a petticoat does, without the need for an extra undergarment- something thats great for a casual dress!
I was thinking three tiers is the ideal number for this dress, though i could make it only two. i dont think i would make it more as, if i keep them even (which was my intention, though i am also fond of the styles that increase with each tier like my example images) then each tier will probably be 20cm wide, which is already looking like itll cut into the features of the design. i think that is the single biggest downside for this style- i wont reasonably be able to do much 'fussy cutting' either to work with the print, its simply not practical to do on this scale.
At a rough estimate, i think this is gonna use 3m of fabric in the skirt, which puts it slap bang in the middle in terms of fabric efficiency. i should have plenty enough to do it, maybe even to increase it if i want to, while still being pretty unlimited about what i do with the rest of the design.
one last thing- trim! one unique feature of this design is the opportunity to play with trim on the skirt itself. i do have some bodice ideas that play around with trim, and it would be really nice to introduce it into the skirt too, if we go that way. it could even be a fun nod to the piping on the original break up robe!!!!
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Something else (comment): while doing my research i came across SO MANY design ideas that i could play around with. for this poll i picked the three i thought would probably work the best for this project, but i wanted an opportunity for you to yell at me if you want something different entirely. feel free to suggest anything you like, but ive included a couple images as examples of styles i saw a lot. i especially saw a lot like on the left, with gathering or ruffles off to the side, but the front panel being pretty flat. this might be real fun for some designs like shirtdresses, but im not super confident on how itd look on me. either way, feel free to form a coalition in the replies to tell me how i totally should have offered you this one particular option.
(if you vote for this but dont comment, im discounting it from the overall stats as i have no idea what design you mean! your welcome to send it in on anon if that bothers you, but either way, ill need a description :P )
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chubby-mychem · 9 days
Okay I've gathered a shit ton of tbp Gee images, majorly with dates,
Now time to edit those together so it can be 1 post instead of reblogs
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transgendercastiel · 4 months
idk who you are or what ur deal is but I NEED you to know ur pfp of Misha in that Madoka cosplay is sickest thing I’ve seen all day where on earth did you find it
I’m pretty sure I found it on Pinterest- that’s where I get most of my weird images of actor men lmao
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cloroxenthusiast · 4 months
hey not like my silly little tumblr post is going to do anything about it but everyone seriously needs to start losing it over the pinterest banned content system. just looked thru everything i had been cited for and i kid you not it was mostly art that featured top surgery scars. the violations? SELF INJURY/HARMFUL BEHAVIOR and ADULT CONTENT. they also took down an image that was literally the word “gay” spray painted on a wall and the reason listed was “hateful activities.” the caption on the image itself was “gay pride graffiti.” i feel like im losing my mind. this is so insane. pinterest? fuck you. jesus christ
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betty-bourgeoisie · 1 year
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AmeIce wedding mood board
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ena-113 · 2 years
LU Hyrule Head Cannons
the brain adores fae, especially elves. so might as well yeet some hyrule head cannons into the void. :) it kinda just became an AU along the way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hyrule is open about being a fairy. He doesn't state it explicitly though.
Dem big ‘ol irises. He hides ‘em behind an illusion. It glitches and stutters when he needs to focus on other magic tho.
Magic aura or somethin: amber when calm, pink when mad. (?)
Ayo, what if fairies’ colors represented what emotion they feel the most. :0
Maybe unreliable though, seeing as colors mean different things to different people/cultures.
And if they feel something strong enough, they’ll change color. Then turn back afterwards.
Can make anything edible, can eat anything. Doesn't mean it's appetizing.
Cloak idea: dramatic hood :), and/or high collar?
 goes fully around the body, but can fold back. Like- clasps on the inside and inner edge that when put together, it kinda drapes over his shoulders and folds inwards behind him. Dark leather-brown w/ gold stitching.
belts, pouches, all the storage >:D
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breaddo · 8 months
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whenever i make a delusional post saying that in terms of gender im like [some italian musician fuck] if they worked a min wage job i mean like a combination of whatever this is
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loftec · 2 years
I have not been tagged for this but I gone done it anyway, so here's an open invitation for you to do a silly thing, whoever you are <3
rules: go to pinterest, search your name + core aesthetic and create a mood board from the first nine images
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all polls have now been posted!!
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