#most of our fictives look similar to their source
zero-ghosts · 2 years
sometimes being a fictive is wild. esp when i don’t really look like my source that much. like i’ll see fanart and i’m like “hey that’s me but that’s what i looked like until like. four months ago and now i look totally different”.
like i’m a dabi fictive and it’s kinda funny bc i don’t look that much like my source?? i don’t have all the burns anymore (i used to but i don’t now fsr) and i have more piercings. my hair used to switch between being black and white (totally at random. mostly depended on the day but most of the time it was black). also the fact that i only go by touya now. like a year ago i didn’t let anyone call me touya and now i’d rather people call me that than call me dabi.
kinda funky tho ngl
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x-rds · 1 year
[Lio] the way I’m like this 👌 close at all times to coming out as plural online
#liolog#=testing the waters by posting ‘personal OCs’ who all have the gimmick of ‘wowww they aren’t part of any specific story#so they can do anything! wow!’#=hanging out with my fursona for some reason? sure!#=some of them randomly resembling characters I like? it’s called inspiration obviously!#=listen there’s a furry artist we follow who is significantly popular#=and they have like#=at minimum three OCs very clearly based on one ffxiv character to the point that their names are all similar too#=and people don’t give a single shit#=is that person plural? idk. but like. you know? just. literally whatever#=any emotional baggage with our ex(es) aside they did the same thing#=fictives in their system had art posted online as ‘OCs’ who looked incredibly similar to extant characters with similar names#=and it’s like. ok. at worst sometimes someone goes ‘lol they look like (source)’ to which the most logical reply is#=‘yeah I like that character I’m glad you recognize the influence’#=obviously sometimes you have to stretch a bit if you’re a fictive with a very canon compliant appearance but like.#=it doesn’t even need to be that different.#=also if someone comments the above you can just be like#=‘yeah I was RPing that character but now they’re so developed they feel different and I am turning my interpretation into an OC’#=a myriad of options for not exposing yourself lol#=anyways I just. I got tired of not being able to post system shit. so I’m going to make it everyone’s problem now
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interstellarsystem · 9 months
Experiences With Being Out as a System
So, our parents know we're a system. It's all good, they understand that when we suddenly speak like someone from London that it's just another guy taking the body for a spin real quick and that they don't need to question it too much.
The thing is... They don't know our names, or anything about us as individuals. We don't have enough open communication with them to actually discuss the inner-workings of the hundreds of little guys in our brain and who they are or what they like, but even if we did, it's not actually important to them. It almost seems like it's swept under the rug.
Our mother said that she doesn't get why she should have to know anyone else when we're all "us". We're all just a collective to her still, a bunch of bits that make up her child, even though she knows we're separate. Her child, the original, isn't here anymore. But the thing is.. some of us want to get to know her and the family individually. Even beyond just being seen as who we actually are, we want to be a part of it aside from being treated as someone who is gone. But it's not a thing they understand despite our explanations of what it means to us, even despite the fact they know the original is dormant and has been for years.
The most anyone in our family knows about us is our mother, and she only knows anyone with a voice similar to Sark as "the american one". She doesn't know that there's even multiple who sound similar to him.
Technically, we're out as a system. Effectively, though... We're still closeted. Though not really because we're staying in it, moreso that we left but it follows us around like a shield within our own household, but it's not shielding us. It's shielding them from us.
Our experience with talking to medical professionals has been hard because of this--sharing bits about ourselves has been scary. It's scarier to show them pictures of our nonhuman headmates and say "that one is me", but it's never actually been bad when we've mustered up the strength to do it. One of them looked at Mal and saw his horns and said he looks like a faun from Greek mythology. Even though he's not, a positive response like that was empowering. That same one said Filigree's hair was cool. Little acknowledgements about who you are when you've tried to be seen before is great.
With our IRL friends, we expected the situation to be similar to our parents. Swept under the rug like a taboo and given weird, uncomfortable looks when spoken about. But it's been completely different.
We get asked who is fronting, we get acknowledged as separate people, hell, we even felt comfortable telling them about our actual fictive identities and letting the ones who wanted to follow this blog (hey guys if you're reading this <3) get access to it. They acknowledge our nonhumanity and nonhuman parts, share things about our sources with us because it reminded them of us, etc. Sometimes, now, because we've been open about it, we get people actually ask "is x fronting" and we say yes and they say "I knew it".
That specific feeling of being recognised even when your outward appearance doesn't change is absolutely amazing. Little manerisms, little ways our voice sounds even when masking accents out in public, even the words we choose to use are tells toward who is actually controlling the body and they pick up on it--even things we might not recognise we even do. Sure, there's hundreds of people in here and people won't know every single one off by heart, but the ones who are out here often are being recognised and that, to me, is amazing and validating to all of us.
I guess the point here is me sharing our experiences, but also.... You will be able to find people who see you for you. You as a system, you as a nonhuman, you as a disabled person, you as a queer person--you'll be able to find your people. And you know, I hope you do soon--because the feeling of being known is great.
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hiiragi7 · 1 year
I want to talk about the assumption of sources and introjects in plural spaces, and new alter help channels. I've been meaning to write on this for a while but a recent post in the syscourse tag talking about a similar topic reminded me to just do it.
So, for my background, I am part of a traumagenic DID system. I've been in plural spaces for years now, and am a moderator for a large pro-endo server.
A lot of systems in the servers I have both been in and moderated have a lot of introjects, especially fictives - This is normal.
However, due to this, many, many people assume everyone else is like them - A fictive.
"Do you have a source?" is the single most common question I see in both casual conversation and in new alter help channels.
People also tend to get very, very excited over source - After all, having an introject must be a sign you really enjoy that source, right?
You're expected to want to talk about source as a fan and not as someone who just so happens to have been sourced from somewhere.
You're expected to talk about your exomemories and feelings fondly as if they're nothing more than part of a show you like.
You're expected to know and be friendly with other introjects who share your source.
There also is no real understanding within the wider community of how introjects work, I find - I was surprised to see just how many people in the server I moderate do not know much about abuser introjects.
For example, it was a surprise for many of them to find out how a system member reflecting/repeating behavior from an abuser may be an abuser introject, or how an abuser introject may look like "The abuser if they were a good person/actually cared about me" (Such as a "replacement parental figure"), in a similar vein to how you may have "non-source-compliant" introjects from media (As in, they do not have to look like source or be named after source or behave exactly like source in order to be an introject).
And yet, despite this, everyone is assumed to be an introject unless proven otherwise.
If you share a name with a fictional character, it's assumed you're an introject.
If you have colored hair, it's assumed you're an introject.
If you have a non-"stereotypical english" name, it's assumed you're an introject.
If you have pseudomemories or exomemories, it's assumed you're an introject.
I find this issue most glaring in channels where people are most vulnerable - New alter help channels.
Often, it's assumed that if you are there, you must be an introject.
The questions start off not as trying to ground you but as pinning down a source - What do you remember? Do you remember your friends' names? Do you remember what school you went to?
Not only is this often not helpful for the newly formed introjects who are less concerned about "figuring out who they are" and more distressed over not knowing where they are or why they are so confused or cannot remember anything - This also quickly becomes dangerous for the non-introject.
A personal example that really harshly outlined this issue for me was when we formed a new part - A very confused, very high-amnesia part.
I cannot remember if they saw the notes we leave around our room to plan for this situation or if they were told to go there by someone outside the system or if something else happened, but they made their way to a new alter help channel regardless.
They were not, however, an introject.
They were asked what they needed help with, and they told others they were, to quote them, "Having a lot of trouble adjusting. Nothing really feels real and I get scared when I think about a lot of things because they're so different and unfamiliar. I miss my friends and just want to go back to having fun with them again."
The next question? "Do you remember what your friends look like?"
For many people in plural spaces, this may seem like a reasonable follow-up question.
For us, however, it put us at risk of accidentally doxxing ourselves when already in a highly confused and vulnerable state.
They were not an introject.
They were a trauma part, who formed only with memories of highschool. They remembered those, but nothing after, and was very confused on how much had changed and found themselves in a very unfamiliar place with things that held no memory to them. They were scared, and lost.
Their friends' names, as well as the name of their school (Which was later asked in this same conversation), would not have been that of a fictional character - It would have been our old real-life friends and school.
In cases like these, the assumption of being an introject is not only unhelpful, it can be actively dangerous for new system members.
This new system member of ours, also, explicitly said, over and over, that they were not as stressed about the identity confusion as they were about not knowing where they were or why things are so different now, yet others continued pushing to try to guess a source from them that did not exist.
New alter help channels, ideally, should be used for helping new system members get grounded - However, instead they are used as "Guess the character" games, at the expense of the newly formed system member.
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lovablethings · 4 months
Welcome to lovablethings!
inbox: OPEN! Check what's next here: link
This is a blog created by @raygunwestern and his system to reach out to and support the kin community.
How do we intend to achieve this?
Promoting Discords, projects, and other blogs similar to this one!
Offering advice and ideas where I can. (I am NOT a medical professional and cannot and will not provide medical advice or therapy.)
Helping folks get kin calls out there.
And, what you're probably here for- fulfilling requests!
Requests? What requests do you do?
A few kinds. While Raygun is the only mod, the following will be offered:
Name + pronoun ideas
Recipe ideas (PLEASE let me know if you have allergies or specific foods to avoid!)
Shopping / selfcare kits (6 items relating to your kin)
Icons (including pride edits and matching icons)
Sketches or emotes
Read for more info beneath the cut!
What rules do you have?
While not a RULE per se, it should be noted that this blog has a specific focus. The following types of kintypes are welcome to be requested for:
Real animal species, domesticated or wild.
Fantasy animal species in general, such as dragons, unicorns, etc.
Fictional species of animal/monster from media (such as night stalkers from Fallout).
General non-human identities (such as spirits, demons, angels, etc.) including concepts and objects.
Basically, because I admittedly live under a rock and am LARGELY unfamiliar with most sources, I'll be mostly focusing on therians, otherkin, adjacent fictionkin, and the like rather than specific characters. I have nothing against fictionkin! I have many fictionkin types myself, and our system has a couple fictives. I just don't want to disappoint anybody.
If you have a fictionkintype that is an otherwise normal animal (such as Rex from Fallout), if you're willing to give some extra details about what you're looking for, I might be able to help.
On that note, you are very welcome to make requests for your nonhuman alters! Those who don't align themselves with any of these terms but still see themselves as nonhuman in some way are welcome to send in requests, as well, so long as you generally follow the above guidelines.
Furthermore, the actual rules are as follows:
Please have a specific request, at the very least what kind of post you'd like me to make for you! Details relevant to what you're asking for are great, too!
Please be patient. Raygun is the only mod right now and has a brain that beats the hell out of him sometimes.
While I can't control every interaction, it should be noted that trans people are VERY welcome, that BLM and Palestine are supported by the mod, and that I am distinctly not pr0ship.
Please no requests regarding 18+ material of any kind. While the mod is an adult, this blog is intended to be safe for all ages.
All messages regarding any kind of discourse will be promptly deleted.
lomebly :( and wanted to be helpful,,,
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dametussy · 2 months
On Being an Unloved Character from an Unpopular Source
My name is Dametas, and I regret to report that I’ve been forgotten.
My source material, a Shakespearean/jukebox fusion musical called Head Over Heels, lived and died on Broadway some years ago. With it, so did I, as I know myself. Other versions of me survive in whatever regional theatre companies have the good taste to adapt HOH, but none of them are me. We have two other fictives from this musical: the selfless shepherd Musidorus, and my most beloved, dearly sacred Pythio.
Musidorus sees some glimmers of herself in other adaptations, but she was sourced from a regional production to begin with, so there’s already a level of unrelatability to her self-conception, when I compare it against my own. Pythio, being the complex angel that They are, sees the complete reflection of Themself in the face of every actor or actress who has ever borne Their name on a playbill. This includes everyone from Their Broadway actress, Peppermint, to our very own body— on a technicality— and I can’t say I don’t envy Them for it.
Where I think the three of us differ is in essence. Musidorus relates solidly to her Broadway version, not in the least because of their similar voices and physiques. Most of their differences are in subtler things like hair color, facial structure, or alignment on the bigender presentation spectrum. In the end, she can recognize any portrayal with a similar essence to her own as a Musidorus unto himself.
As I partly described, Pythio can perceive anyone who claims to be Their character as a new aspect of Their being, with no regard to appearance, acting ability, species/gender presentation, or otherwise. This could theoretically be detrimental; if one were to name a cooked spaghetti noodle “Pythio” and toss it onto a stage, our Pythio would sincerely resonate with that interpretation. I adore every one of the infinite multitudes Pythio contains, but I am much more attracted to people than to pasta.
To return to myself, I rarely ever see more than glimpses of my own essence in portrayals beyond the familiar Broadway territory. If he doesn’t look like me, chubbiness and sock-sandal-combo and all, the connection is DOA. If he’s taller than Pythio, or if he seems to regard Them as anything less than the very possessor of his soul, then he’s like me in name alone. I haven’t yet run across a second portrayal of my character that resonates, and because of this, I sometimes feel like I’m dead to the outside world.
Not only was my essence scattered to the wind after the Broadway HOH’s closing night, but even before then, I doubt I was particularly well-known. In the days when it was open, Pythio was Pythio, and as such was inherently unforgettable. Musidorus was a main protagonist, with all the charm and drama needed to win audiences over. But… me? I was the set piece in a world full of star power. They fought duels and issued prophecies while I pushed around props and “coincidentally” found myself in the back row of every dance number. If an audience member fell asleep during the right twenty minutes, I could have easily been mistaken as part of the ensemble, if not a fashionable stagehand.
That’s not something I would change about myself, but it is something that brings up emotions too complicated for names. I’m naturally helpful and obedient— I was King Basilius’s advisor and servant, so of course I’d be doing the menial work that was too good for him! That was my entire job! Pythio has helped me feel prouder of my station and personality, but I feel no less neglected by the general public for it. I got a minute-long solo :) which didn’t even make it into the show :( It’s a miracle it ended up on the soundtrack!
My heart goes out to fictives who identify with their sources and suffer as I do. To the side characters, to the background characters, to the OCs, to all of you who never make it onto merch or the tops of tierlists… I see you. Trust me when I say that you are worth remembering, and it is only the fault of a tasteless audience that your source languishes in obscurity. If you want it, I hope you find fanwork that makes you feel understood. I hope your sources and their fandoms make you feel as seen as you want, and that they characterize you in ways that do you justice. If you wish to be, may you be a blorbo to somebody who gets you.
It’s late, and I think I’ve made the points I needed to, with the exception of one: while I heavily identify with my source— clearly— I respect and acknowledge that many in the plural community do not. I understand that the way I talk about my source will not resonate with all of you. That being said, I hope my long-repressed rant finds the folks who feel like me. I hope they know they’re not alone in this.
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ask-plurals · 3 months
hi. recently discovered by a therapist / still heavily self doubting OSDD (median?) sys . have questions about fictives.
1) how can you tell someone is a fictive
2) what makes a fictive form (specifically asking in relation to CDD systems since thats what i am)
3) how soon can a fictive form after discovering the source media
4) is it possible for an alter who was previously not a fictive of a specific media to become one
…or are we just kinning? (which we also dont know anything about or understand)
context for our situation:
there are five known members two of whom may be fictives or kinnies. both have slightly different experiences from one another. one might be madoka kaname from PMMM and another might be rei ayanami from NGE. they have their own names but ill just call them rei and madoka for clarity here.
neither have source memories, but when watching NGE rei does feel its analogous to actual memories from our life. they both have personalities nearly identical to their respective characters.
madoka does not feel like their appearance is that of fictional madoka, and identifies more with a version of our bodys appearance. rei feels like they look like fictional rei. neither are the same gender as their characters.
most of our alters struggle to understand what it means to be an alter that is a different age from the body, but madoka might be slightly younger than the body (which is still older than fictional madoka) and rei is an exception and feels strongly that they are the same age as rei (14).
madoka has existed for a long time as far as we are aware, but no recollection of if they existed b4 we watched PMMM which was also a long time ago. we only watched NGE for the first time like two weeks ago, cant figure out if rei existed before that. we know we had someone with a similar personality that appeared briefly months ago, but we ended up attributing that to a different alter who frequently fronts.
no idea what to make of this. i really cannot understand at all what the difference is between being a fictive and being a kinnie when ur a system. help 😭
this maybe all over the place but bare with me!
1) fictivehood can be complicated. theres obvious ones like Looking like the character, Identifying as the character, having source memories, etc. especially all of these in one.
2) fictives can form for things like relating to them (maybe they went through simialr trauma as you/the body), maybe they are simailr to an abuser, maybe your brain feels they fit in a role (we tend to get a lot of fictives who are "big angry men" and are typically protectors of some kind). comfort is also a big one. if a media comforts you and brings you joy, sometimes that can be a reason to form fictives.
3) we've gotten fictives from media we've never even seen. so, no time frame!
4) yes! theres a term for it called pre-fictive actually (link)
i ofc cant say weather or not they are kinning the characters or fictives, i also do not have Much experience with kins vs alters, as they just feel very different for us. kins feel more like a layer and Fictives just Are that character.
but hopefully this helps!
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proxycollective · 5 months
Welcome to our page! As posted above... We're a plural system meaning we are multiple people sharing one body. We are fictive-heavy meaning we have many headmates that resemble or are named after fictional characters found in our world. We all identify as individual people and prefer to be treated as such. The same goes for the fictives. They prefer to be treated like a person first and their source (the character they look like) second.
We identify with being called "headmates", "sysmates", "system members", "people", and similar. We also identify with terms like "you&" when referring to us collectively.
In theory any of us will post around here depending on how we feel or if we have anything to say but familiar faces may include...
And others! Headmates will most likely sign their names when posting so you'll know who posted
And one more quick note BYI/BYF... I will repeat: We are pro-endo and DO NOT participate in debates or syscourse. Do not bring syscourse to our blog. You will be blocked. This is our little corner of Tumblr to post about life and funny in-system conversations. It is not a place for heated debates.
And while we're at it... We don't do queer discourse either. The vast majority of our headmates are queer in some way and will not stand for homophobia or transphobia on our page. WE RESPECT ALL GOOD-FAITH IDENTITIES HERE. THIS INCLUDES THINGS LIKE XENOGENDERS AND NEOPRONOUNS.
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
I had brown eyes. A clear, light honey brown color. They were NOT blue. Sorry to disappoint all of you ocean eyes truthers (which is the vast majority of my source's fandom, unfortunately). Neither of my parents had blue eyes either. My father's were brown too and my mother's were hazel.
I know it's a pretty insignificant detail in the grand scheme of things, but it gets pretty tiring when most images of you that exist depict you with an entirely different eye color and most people perceive you that way. Even finding a profile picture to use is so difficult because all of them give me these striking bright blue eyes I never had. Thank you to the handful of artists who draw them correctly.
It's actually one of the details that helped me reunite with several of the people who were most important to me, since all of them remember my brown eyes and that's one of the first things we bonded over in this life. Among a whole collection of other memories and a very deep spiritual connection that is too intense to explain in words, that's how I know they're mine.
Also, just looking at my source from a media perspective and disregarding my memories entirely, there are far too many others with blond hair and blue eyes. Please let me have my big brown eyes instead. They suit my personality so much better, anyway. People are just obsessed with the blue because of the parallels with the ocean.
Oh, and some people are obsessed with the visual parallels between me and a certain other person. But we didn't even look similar. We were both blond but very different shades. My hairstyle resembled his somewhat when I got older, but it was never identical. And our facial features were vastly different - his angular and sharp, mine much softer and rounder.
Sincerely, a fictive who rambles too much about things that don't matter to anyone else. - 🐚🌊⛅
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skyedancer-system · 7 months
Some people on another post said they were interested in hearing our system experiences (with being a gateway system and other stuff), so here we go!
It got pretty long so we’ll use a cut ^^
We’re a gateway system, which means that our headspace is, in a way, a real place somewhere. For us, we see it as a kind of in-between space between worlds, and that we’re connected to it, an others are as well (more on that later). We call our headspace STAR SPACE bc of how it looks (a bunch of floating islands in outer space; the art in our pinned is mostly accurate to what it looks like) and it just sounds nice ^^
Since STAR SPACE is an in-between, we get new people showing up a lot, most commonly because 1.) Something happened to their world/happened to them in their world, or 2.) They already had an aptitude for world-hopping and ended up in STAR SPACE. The “something happened to them” explanation is the more common of the two in our experience.
We do have one person in particular who world-hops a lot: 🔮Sunny. Crow goes between here and crow’s home world (where he is also part of a system) a lot. He actually spends more time there than here, but comes over every so often to check in, sometimes bringing friends along (first time that happened is documented here (link)). 🐝Bee travels too, but she can’t go back to buzz’s home world for some reason; we aren’t completely sure why. She does tag along with 🔮Sunny sometimes though. Them traveling between STAR SPACE and crow’s system is how we fully realized that it’s an in-between space.
We have had a few people permanently leave, or at least it seems permanent considering how long they’ve been gone and the circumstances around it. It’s different than someone going dormant; when they’re dormant we can still mostly feel that they’re here in the system (down in the void beneath STAR SPACE we’re pretty sure). When someone leaves completely, their presence is 100% gone until they come back (if they come back).
Gateways between STAR SPACE and other worlds tend to form when we get latched onto a certain world that exists in fiction here; it’s why we have so many people in here that we call fictives (though they technically aren’t introjects), and a lot of people from one place or closely connected places tend to come through in a short time (for example, the most recent was Pokémon, and we had 11 people show up in around 2 months, mostly from the same version of the Pokémon world).
We’ve had a couple people end up in the system long before their home worlds were even conceptualized in this world. 🌑Mare and 🔪Omori have been around for well over a decade at this point (though none of us knew we were separate people back then), yet their sources have only existed here for around 7-8 and 3 years respectively. They did not realize who they were until we interacted with their sources, but they were always themselves.
There are only 2 people in here that don’t originate in an outside world; 🐉Night (who was the first to ever split we’re pretty sure), and 🌈Aster (an OCtive who formed as we were making a design). 🌈Aster stands out since he formed within the past year, while 🐉Night has been here since elementary school or earlier.
Like in other systems, STAR SPACE does tend to pull more people through when we’re stressed or going through a hard time. People can show up at any time though.
There’s a lot we still don’t understand, and that we never will, but that’s part of what we enjoy about this! We are always discovering more about ourself, and other worlds in the process! We just wish there were more gateway systems out there talking about their experiences; we want to see how they differ and how they’re similar!
If anyone has questions about anything we’d love to answer them! Talking about our system is something we really enjoy, and sometimes it helps us realize new things too!
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the-witness-sys · 11 months
Alter Intro: Alex
[PT: Alter Intro: Alex]
Tumblr media
[Picrew Link: Here! Image Description in Alt Text]
[PT: Basics]
Name: Alex
Pronouns: he/they/it/void
Gender & Sexuality: Demiboy, bisexual (male lean?)
Age: 20-23 (I'm an age-slider, but usually I'm 22)
Role(s): Co-host & Caretaker
Additional information, images & links below the cut.
Additional Information/Fun Facts
[PT: Additional Information/Fun Facts]
-> I'm technically a fictive (fuzztive?). However, I have a complicated relationship with my source. I'd appreciate if you don't treat me like an introject (especially if you know what my source is.)
-> I'm half-human and half-machine.
-> If I look familiar, you may have seen this art (undescribed) of Genesis, my sister. We look pretty similar.
-> My sister is (likely) dormant so if you see me being emo that's probably why. /neu
-> I somehow became the unofficial adoptive father of a lot of our syskids
-> We're pretty sure I was the main host at some point. Either way, I've been here for a while (at least since 2019.)
-> Out of the hosts, I have the most access to the innerworld (that being said, it's still quite limited 🥲)
[PT: Links]
-> Pronouns.cc
-> Pinterest [Can be pretty emo. May have potentially disturbing imagery, eyestrain and repeated text. Warning for unreality, derealization, trauma, paranoia, and death. Nothing graphic but may still be triggering.]
[PT: Extra]
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[I don't have the energy to do alt text and find the links right now, sorry.]
hello i did the alt texts :D hope they're good -rain
picrew 1 | picrew 2
picrew 3
picrew 4 | picrew 5
Thanks for reading. Asks/messages are always open if you want to say hi or something. :]
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I'm really sorry if this isn't the best place to ask this, but do you all have any experience/tips on being a fictive of a playable character in a video game. And you want to interact with your source because you really miss living the the world the game is in, but you are really uncomfortable with seeing yourself being represented as a game character? Like in the sense of both, feeling weird with seeing alternate versions of you I guess, but also it makes me feel weird that all of my experiences were sorta fake? Sorry again this is a really weird and specific question.
Hm... maybe you can frame it to yourself as if it's just a lot of coincidences. Like, "this character just happens to look like me and share my name. It's not me me. Just like everyone in the world apparently has seven body doubles out there, sometimes characters can look exactly like me, too." That helps some of us. Or you could go broader, and think of it as a video game that just happens to feature someone with a lot of the same or similar life experiences as you. What a strange coincidence!
I guess this advice is to sort of... flip that discomfort on its head by reframing the video game as just a video game and not strictly your source (or at least, to create a divide between your past/exomemories and your source). I mean, the way a lot of our fictives are most comfortable thinking about it (or the way they describe their origins) is that they came from another world that is understood as merely a video game (or whatever else) in this world, but is its own real thing somewhere else. But we've always believed in the multiverse theory, so that may or may not work for you.
I hope you find something that works for you and lets you enjoy playing that game!
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panicfable · 11 months
3. Describe the funniest thing you’ve seen happen between two alters. / 12. Do you have any introjects (fictives/factives)? How are they similar to their source? How do they differ? / 25. Who works together best to complete daily tasks? Is anyone good at washing up, but really bad at vacuuming? / 33. Describe what switching fronts feels like. / 39. What’s something you’ve managed to create as a team?
Describe the funniest thing you’ve seen happen between two alters.
Honestly we haven’t had very many “funny” interactions recently because everything had been so intense in system lately. So all of the “funny” things that have happened, they are kind of dark and only funny to us. If there is anything, we will keep you posted lol
 Do you have any introjects (fictives/factives)?
We are mostly introjects :) It’s just easier for us to use a template. Plus, many of us formed when we were so young that our only way to interact with reality and understand it was through fiction.
Sebastian, Sephiroth, Sora, Roxas, and Xion are introjects of characters who have a canon that do not belong to us.
Marz has a canon that does belong to us.
Briar is a complicated alter, he identifies as brainmade with strong kins, basically. Most of his life was made up by us but he’s “based on” some existing characters that have a canon that don’t belong to us and a character whose canon does. 
Ivan is brainmade but he has some strong kins.
How are they similar to their source?
In some ways, very similar and in others, not at all. They’re definitely similar to the source that exists in our head and most of our introjects, we look at their source characters and are reminded of the alter. 
Who works together best to complete daily tasks? Is anyone good at washing up, but really bad at vacuuming?
Daily tasks are part of this ongoing Situation we have going on right now. Traditionally, Aleister has been doing all the tasks across the board but that’s not working out anymore. So it’s kind of up in the air right now! We’re just figuring out who likes to do what and how it’ll work out best for us.
Describe what switching fronts feels like. 
Switching is such a vast experience. Usually it feels like when a jukebox switches tracks, like a mechanical process of changing CDs. Sometimes it feels like the barrel of a revolver rolling to the next bullet. Sometimes it feels like a sunset, the day then the blurred state, then the night. The other day it felt like I was a stone being dropped into a cold pond suddenly, including the ripples and the ‘ploink’ noise. Usually we switch in our heads first, then our body, but sometimes we switch in different parts in our body first, like our hands will be one alter then it will spread the rest of the way. 
I think a lot about how our thoughts and mental experiences feel in our body, so this is a nice question.
What’s something you’ve managed to create as a team?
A DRAFT AND A HALF OF A ROMANCE NOVEL <3 <3 <3 So many fiber arts :O
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hi!! we’re a system but we prefer non-med terms, just for the anon on a more endo type pov on “voices” (plus body IS diagnosed high functioning autism so figured it might help any!)
for us most of us it takes a bit for us to gain any of our “own voice” that isn’t the body’s sounding wise and a /lot/ of the time it’s how we word things that shows our differences over our voices being distinct sounds, some prefer the body’s voice for gender purposes since they transed themselves and the body’s voice sounds better and more euphoric than their original.
Like uh, we have Athena, a tommy fictive, she types/talks similar to me in comfy typing (essentially all the shorthands possible excluding numbers filling in letters/words like 4= for, and four, can b joined as 4m 2 make form, she doesn’t do that but I do) Athena includes much more curse words than majority of our hive and is rather improper and boisterous.
compare her to Smilax, another tommy fictive, same overarching source but different in enough ways. He tends to sound more anxious and nervous and type/speaks as proper as possible.
then we can look at more of our tommy fictives and we’d still get the majority of differences picked up between them.
(unsure if this is because we’ve learned to see innerworld and pick up both the visual differences, or because some of us are empathetic and can pick up on overall energies and differences in the vibes,)
- D
Oh cool, thanks for sharing!
💫 Parker
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flags-pianoman · 1 year
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hello! i hope this looks okay, im doing it on mobile, but this is my pinned post!
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my name is peyton, and im a pianomam fictive from bungo stray dogs! im around 24 currently and go by he/she pronouns, please alternate, but id prefer not to be called a woman or a man, just a person!
my interests are games, my source, music and vocaloids!! i also really like dogs, art/drawing, and flowers!!
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i am taken! in a relationship with our partner system's chuuya(and ive always had a huge crush on lipp, and im crushing a tiiiny bit on my systems dazai, and our partner system' sigma, so hopefully ill be able to update this and say ive gotten in a relationship with them)
im a comforter within our system, and while im not a very frequent fronter, i do love to make friends! i dont know how similar i am to source(considering there isnt very much of me), but if there are any flags introject that would like to be friends, i would LOVE TO!! albatross, iceman, doc, guys PLEASEE i miss you and the house
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i might post random rants or me being a bit of a simp here lol but yeah stormbringer fictives PLEASEEE interact guys!!
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i may have messed some things up, i dont really know how tumblr works sorry! but yeah, i think thats most info needed foe an intro post!! ^^ i promise im super nice <3
bye nowww
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hydrasquadd · 1 year
Hey I just want to go off about crazy fictive shenanigans for a minute
Paragraph below ⇓
I kinda want to journal my thoughts a little bit here
If you've been following me, you know we just got a new fictive (the first in years). Danny.
And first of all, can I say how different it is to split a fictive then it is to split a regular alter, damn dude. Guy took us all for a loop. We definitely forgot how to deal with it and react appropriately (it's more important than you'd think). And the saddest part is, I'm not even surprised we split again because of all the shit happening in America right now. And also can someone tell me why fictives are way more likely to become hosts. Why. (Actually I might know why) But still- HELLO??? Might just be my system and trauma symptoms like 'b8' (I don't know what the hell it's actually called it has a real name I swear)
That's all beside the point (mostly)
So I'm just gonna say, from the first time we saw DP fanarts I just knew, that guy's gonna become an alter. But the thing is I couldn't for the life of me find the actual show for forever. Until now, bought a whole month of paramount plus for this.
(The immediate way we can tell a new fictive has formed is if the b8 goes off. Essentially, every time a (fictive) character gets hurt (in source or fanarts or something), we literally feel it. It's a whole science thing about childhood trauma and how being in stress as a child made stress/pain later in life feel good. (We've named it b8, it's a very long story.) It's wack as fuck and made this system absolutely unhinged. (See HSS). So when that kid got slammed into a wall for the 6th time in a row and I felt it, we knew it was about to get good. The second way is when everything is unfamiliar and I have no idea where I am. But that's more depressing than I'd like so we'll just go with b8.)
So now, suddenly Danny. He's here (and may or may not be queer). And since our dumbasses didn't have a new fictive in years, we just went off on him (excited). And it went to shit fast.
During this time, we also started looking at fanfic. (Ok first of all, I sorta know the answer to this question but I also don't. What is the deal with batman. Why, when I'm looking for DP fanfics on AO3, I have to filter out BATMAN!??? Ok sorry rant over) So while the fanfics did NOT help the situation, it did something to the homesickness. So that was sorta a positive. But what came out of it, is the most chaotic shit I've ever seen.
So APPARENTLY, when a kid is suddenly dropped into a whole new body and world, it's kinda stressful. And a bunch of chaotic guys are suddenly surrounding you and (for lack of a better term,) harassing you, that doesn't help. So poor kid went into a state of shock. It was homesickness, it was where the fuck am I, it was what is going on, it was everything. At once. It also didn't help that he was still kinda forming. It got to the point where if any of us even said his name, it would be a wave of negative emotion. (See post about entire system breaking down)
Remember when I said Danny was still forming at this point, well, he took after a fic.
Chained (you should read it if you're into DP)
Short version: it's very angsty, and Danny sorta turns evil at the end.
So guess fucking what.
He sucked that evil right up
And now, we have two. Two Dannys. But they're in the same body (Headspace). It's the closest we've gotten to a subsystem. And the best part, after going on an evil rampage through Nogard (headspace world), that's what got him out of his shell. So now it's Danny AND Phantom.
The origins of this fucking gem
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All of that negative emotion from before just- boom. Gone. And honestly.
I think that's just the utter insanity that this system is known for.
So now he's a host. He fronts a lot now, which is good. (I think) Which is also funny because his energy is very similar to the other hosts.
But also it's nice because he's bonding with our mom a lot. I think it's sweet. And it's good because said mom is NOT used to us talking to them that much.
So to wrap this up, we're doing good now. Somehow we've got ourselves a cringe little good/evil child running around. I don't think I could have ever predicted that, but honestly, I wouldn't wish for anything different.
(One last thing! He wants me to say thanks again to Kasa for helping in the 'what the fuck is happening' phase. It was so... /Pos)
Go follow Danny
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