#most of my IRL friends are not able to help me out with housing stuff
moonstonecanyon · 2 months
So I made a GoFundMe....
I really really don't like asking for help normally, nor do I enjoy having to make something like this in the first place, but ongod I don't think I have many options IRL at the moment. I'm a funny little autistic transman named Vergil, also known as MoonstoneCanyon here and on Twitter, and PoisonPikeKing on AO3. I make funny little Megaman things and sometimes Sonic art too.
But also I've been struggling with homelessness IRL for a few months now. I am currently looking for a new job and new career ATM as well as any kind of affordable apartment in central New Jersey at the moment. Thankfully I have a car that I can live out of as a last resort, but... I'd much rather be able to live someone under a roof instead. I've set the goal to $1500 so that I can afford any possible security deposit as well as any first month's rent while I am unemployed for the time being.
If any of you are able to spread this GFM link around, or donate any to this, I really, sincerely appreciate this. Thank you as well for reading this far.
0/1500 usd goal
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
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*standing menacingly at the door* i made u something
anyways lol. i had a lot of school work and was really busy freaking out and stress studying for a singular test that was 4 questions and would be over in like an hour and then i proceeded to cry about it in my car for various reasons.
but yk what that means!
time for our irregular and unscheduled update of
Gotham Academy's Mentorship Program
this episode featuring a fan favorite: Duke Thomas (aka The Signal - but thats kind of irrelevant for this)
you were supposed to read that like it was from a '90s sitcom and the off screen crowd cheers rly loudly.
some house keeping updates: this scene happens in the beginning of the school year (going by the american system should be september) danny meets damian (and upsurges tim on the same day) around midterm which is around october and then the stuff with jason and damian's drawing happens around december. i kinda accidentally burned the irl timeline for anything dc first scene so now im just gonna do whatever i want.
anyways with out further ado:
table of contents
scene 04: after school activities for normal kids
Duke stood around the corner of the classroom awkwardly, wondering if he had made the right call. Sure the bats and the birds had a plethora of hands on deck any time, but most of them specialized as night time heros. Not to say that they were incompetent or anything, they were some of the most skilled and innovative people Duke had ever had the pleasure of meeting. Sure if anything happened, they could handle it, at least until Duke could slip away and show up as the Signal- Alfred and Bruce had assured him so much. But Duke couldn’t slip the guilt of busying away more of his time to after school activities when he could be patrolling or studying instead, 
But Duke had wanted to do something outside of those things, which was specifically why he had made the difficult decision to join a few clubs and after school activities. He could use a break from being surrounded by people who worked the vigilante life-style just to remember how to be a normal civilian. Let himself take a break from constantly be consumed by one case or another, one disaster or another, not being able to do enough no matter how much he tried or how much time he spent patrolling. 
Duke needed to feel grounded, like his feet were on the ground and he could press the brakes and smell the fragrance of life. Even if the fragrance was a forgotten pile of dog s-
“Alright,” The instructor for their culinary club started with a weird German accent that sounded really fake. “I am Herman. You can call me Chef or Chef Herman or just Chef. I will not bore you all with the boring introductions, and let's head right into the cooking, yes. On this paper here I made the partners for all of you to cook with for the rest of the year. If you have problem with it then quit.” 
This Herman guy seemed like quite the character, and was definitely not helping any of Duke’s previous anxieties. Many of Duke’s clubmates seem to think so too, sending their friends various looks. But no one spoke out, and instead shuffled to the front to look at the singular sheet of paper that would assign them their partners. Duke finally made it to the front and saw that he was paired with a Daniel Fenton at Station 7. 
Crossing his fingers that Daniel had at least only a half-rotten personality, Duke made his way over to station 7. The station was already prepped with an assortment of ingredients and cooking equipment. Duke had already set his stuff down claiming the seat closer to the exit (in case) when a lanky kid comes over, “Uh, your Duke Thomas?” He asks hesitantly looking back at the front counter the partner assignment sheet was. 
It took Duke an awkward second longer to realize that this kid was probably his partner. “Oh yeah I am.” He laughed apologetically, “You must be Daniel.” 
“Danny’s fine.” The boy smiled, absentmindedly brushing his messy black hair out of his face, his glacier blue looking at the equipment. Duke couldn’t help but feel like there was something off about Danny. Not in Gotham’s usual psycho-maniac-out-to-terrorizer-the-city-and-kill-innocent-people kind of off, more in a he’s not in sync with the rest of the world off. While Chef Herman explained the general structure of various types of kitchen and kitchen hierarchy that Duke was already familiar with, Duke tried to get a read on him. 
Weird did not mean threat, after all many of the Justice League- heck even the local Wayne/Batclan were pretty weird- and they (usually) didn’t mean any harm. It wouldn’t be fair of Duke to jump the horse like that. 
Deciding he should try to be friendly with him, Duke leaned over, “Is it just me or is Chef Herman’s accent totally fake?” he whispered. 
“Oh, Ancients,” Anciets? “I thought I was just going insane.” Danny sighed in relief with a small chuckle. There was a moment of silence between the two of them where no one said anything for longer than socially acceptable and Duke debated using his powers to see if he could find a clue or something. That seemed kinda invasive, though. 
When the Chef had started instructions on making today's recipe, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Danny helped Duke measure out the ingredients. “So,” Danny tried again, “What are you in for?” 
“What am I…” Duke repeated confused, 
Danny chuckled awkwardly, “Like why you joined the club.” 
Duke seriously needed to get his head in the present; this was getting embarrassing. “Oh.” He nodded in understanding, “I’ve always liked cooking,” Duke shrugged, “When I was little my parents and I would always cook together, and it was always one of my favorite things to do. And I’ve kinda always liked it, but I fell off of it for a while with school and stuff,” emphasis on the stuff “I thought joining a club could help me get back into it and get away from… everything.” That was a little more candid than Duke had planned on being with someone he had met quite literally a few minutes ago, but it felt good to have that out of his chest. The pleasant memories of his parents swimming in his mind. Mixing the dry ingredients, “Sorry that was kind of a lot.” Duke laughed genuinely this time. 
“Dude, no it’s actually so cool that you like to cook.” Danny said admiration was easy on his face, and Duke couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. 
“What about you, then?” 
“Ugh,” He groaned jokingly, “You can’t seriously be asking for my lame ass reason after you pulled out the flashbacks.” Danny whined, letting the oven preheat like Chef told them to. 
“C’mon, it’s only fair.” Duke played along, already ahead of the other groups. 
Danny sighed, “Promise you won’t laugh.” 
“Okay, it can’t be that bad.” Duke could already feel the smile cracking on his face. 
“It is.” Danny drawlled, “So I live in the dorms right, and I got to pull some strings and room with one of my friends from back home this year. And well, let’s just say my family has a bit of a reputation for causing problems, and the kitchen definitely wasn’t an exception. One time my dad tried to make some soup for my mom because she got sick.” Duke nodded approvingly, that was a sweet gesture, “It was all fun and games until the bomb squad had to show up and long story short we had to move.” 
“You’re joking.” Duke gaped at the bizarre story, but at Danny’s solemn expression, Duke couldn’t help but be appalled, “A bomb squad over soup.”
“My parents were never really heavy on lab safety,” Danny added, as if that explained everything, “But I burn one pot of water and maybe make a few extra-crispy eggs, and suddenly its all ‘Danny you’re not allowed in the kitchen unless you start taking actual classes’ and ‘Danny that's a biohazard’.” 
“You burned a pot of water.” Duke echoed, Danny nodded innocently, “Water doesn’t burn.”
“Well, maybe you’re just not trying hard enough.” Danny sneered, trying to crack an egg on the corner of the bowl only for all the shell to fall in the bowl and the yolk on the counter. 
“Somehow, I don’t think that’s true.” Duke said, taking the bowl from him and expertly cracking an egg single handedly. Danny looked on in awe. “You said you live in the dorms?” Duke asked easily. 
“Oh yeah, all of the non-local scholarship kids have to.” 
Before Duke could respond, a girl from the station in front of them whips her head around, “You said you’re here on a scholarship?” She asked almost oppressively. 
Danny just as taken aback as Duke felt, “Uh, yeah.” 
“Me, too. Have you heard anything about the Mentorship Program here? Apparently we all have to join.” The girl’s partner was looking between Duke and Danny confused, but returned to their cooking uninterested. 
“Oh, yeah. They make us all join.” Danny nodded. 
“I heard from some of the older kids, that no one actually gets picked for that. It’s just like a weird formality thing.” The girl spoke animatedly, “What department are you in?” 
“Applied physics and engineering design.” The oven beeps that it was ready but no one moved. 
The girl seemed to deflate that answer, “Oh, I’m doing culinary science.” And with that solid conclusionary statement, she turned around and got back to her work station. 
Danny blinked, processing what just happened and slowly turning to look at Duke for proof that just happened. But the second the both of them met each other’s eyes, they burst into a fit of silent laughter. 
Bent vunuralably over the table, trying to catch their breath, they were accosted by Chef Hermon. “The two of you are having a comedy club, not a cooking club.” Chef crossed his arms at the edge of the table. Duke was pretty sure he was trying to sold them, but the fake accent was making it hard to tell. 
Danny cleared his throat and striated up, “Sorry, Sir.” He apologized quickly. 
“Chef.” Hermon peered at them, his hat looking comically large and lopsided on his head now that Duke was getting a closer look. 
“Sorry, Chef.” Duke amended, trying to keep his cool. 
“Yes, finish cooking your cookies.” He nodded satisfied, leaving their station. 
“Okay so,” Duke tried to recount what the last thing they did was, but one look at Danny trying desperately to hold in his laugh had ruined all of Duke’s efforts as well. Barely managing to get their cookies in the oven, over Chef’s fake german accent and floppy oversized chef’s hat. 
“So scholarship for applied physics and engineering design, huh.” Duke recounted from earlier, impressed. 
“Yeah…” Danny trailed off embarrassed, “It sounds kinda snotty.” 
“Dude. That’s literally one of the hardest departments to get into, and the scholarship is no sneeze either. There’s no doubt you worked your butt off to get that.” Duke assured Danny as they sat in their stools waiting for the cookies to finish. 
“Thanks,” Danny smiled sheepishly. They sat in a much more comfortable silence now before Danny spoke again, “What grade are you in by the way?” 
“I’m in 10th. General studies for now, but I was thinking of doing medicine. You?” 
“I could totally see you as a hot-shot doctor.” Danny nodded approvingly, “11th. Technically, I’m your upperclassman then.” 
“Technically?” Duke asked.
“I mean, how old are you?” 
“15.” Duke supplied confused. 
“Me too. I skipped a grade in elementary school, so we’re actually the same age.” Danny explained, sheepishly. 
“Dude, you're actually way smart.” Duke gaped in awe. 
“Hey medicine isn’t a day walk either.” Danny nudged his arm playfully, “I’m glad the mentorship thing is just for show, though. Now that we’re upperclassmen, y’know. I would not want my hands full with some random rich kid.” 
Duke laughed, “Yeah, that definitely sounds like a lot of work.” 
Easily unfolding the conversation into various topics and interests Duke found that he didn’t mind that the cookies were burnt. Or that Danny was definitely weird. But in a good way. Duke was glad they met and would get to hang out and cook with their weird not-German Chef every week. And if Danny and Duke exchanged numbers and planned to hangout outside of club activities, then well who was going to stop them.
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AITA for getting upset at my best friend for calling me a hoarder in passing?
My (29NB) best friend (also 29NB) have been going through major crises lately at the same time—we will call them Sun. So, yesterday, they sent me a text, when we weee talking about how they haven’t wanted to be over at my house for a while, mostly bc they don’t like my partner…although the subject was in discussion bc my partner and I are splitting up, and I will be living alone again in a couple months. At some point in this discussion, they mentioned the more pressing matter that’s caused them not to be over as much is that they are very allergic to one of my cats—but only the one I just adopted a couple years ago, they’ve had no allergy issues w the other one and they love her very much, she is their niece.
However, at one point, they mentioned that a few years ago, when I was using drugs a lot more irresponsibly than usual—to the point where I got injured from falling down the stairs—they had been speaking to my other close friends. Which is appreciated, and I knew about this already obviously since there was an intervention that happened around that time…the way they mentioned this was upsetting. Specifically, they mentioned that “they approached [other friend of mine] about my drug use bc they thought I was becoming a hoarder” and that MAJORLY triggered me—specifically the hoarder comment. The woman who gave birth to me/raised me is a hoarder, which is a well known fact to just about anyone who is close to me irl, especially anyone who’s known her irl, and ESPECIALLY Sun, who worked as her caregiver for quite a while. Also being compared to/told I am just like my abusive egg donor is the thing that will hurt me the most, bc she is the most cruel, manipulative, abusive people I’ve ever had in my life.
So the thing is, my house is indeed very messy…I have too much junk around, and it’s very difficult for me physically to keep anything clean. It’s actually one of the reasons I’m separating from my partner, and as ashamed as I am about it, I understand. However, it’s not a hoarding disorder at all—I don’t hold onto anything I don’t need out of sentimentality, and if I could wave a magic wand and simply get rid of all the extra shit I don’t need/make everything nice and clean, I would. Unfortunately, I am very disabled with too many chronic pain/fatigue conditions, and actually cleaning the house/sorting through shit to get rid of takes immense physical effort. But whenever someone offers to help me, I jump at those opportunities! I take things to be donated all the time (if I’m able to sort through the stuff that needs to go) and it’s entire worlds different than my egg donor refusing to give up several bins of my baby clothes bc she can’t bear to part with them, despite them never seeing use in her possession ever again.
So, I responded to Sun’s mention of a past conversation thinking I’m a hoarder, with offense and saying it hurt me. We had been discussing just downsizing and how we will be going through my stuff as we pack for the new place, and had mentioned that I should make sure to get rid of certain clothing things if they have holes/are worn out/whatever, which to me, sounded like they think I have a hard time throwing clothes away even if they’re not even wearable anymore. With that and the hoarding accusation in mind, I told them I was very hurt by this. I made sure to be respectful and kind yet assertive, but after explaining how this was an unfair assumption/description of me, they got upset and said I should’ve asked for clarification before coming at them.
Now, do me, I wouldn’t have even considered they meant anything other than how I interpreted it, so it would never have even occurred to me to ask for clarification if I’m not even aware there’s a miscommunication. Apparently, the reason they mentioned getting rid of clothes that have been too worn out is an issue they have themselves, but this isn’t anything I was ever aware of, and once again never would’ve thought was referring to anyone but me. They also say they’re aware that it’s my physical difficulties that make cleaning physically painful for me…but honestly, that’s not anywhere near the same as having a hoarding disorder, which is indeed what they’d accused me of.
Of course, I know the both of us overreacted—me, being offended about being accused of being a hoarder (especially since my immense difficulty cleaning the house is part of why I’m separating from my partner and is therefore something I’m incredibly sensitive about right now) and them, being offended that I took what they said wrong and being upset over some things they didn’t actually intend w what they said…but I’m just not sure if maybe I AM in the wrong here, for expressing being hurt by being called a hoarder here, or if I really am making the entire thing a big deal out of nothing.
So, AITA for voicing my offense at being called a hoarder?
What are these acronyms?
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anon-imuz · 21 days
Yandere Jodio X childhood friend reader who moved away before Jodio set that bus on fire because her dad got a job in Ohio and she comes back to visit her relatives in Hawaii when she's in High school and she decides to surprise visit Jodio and Dragona and their mom. Jodio isn't willing to let her go a second time.
your probably have no idea of how MAD i am i literally finished writing this and my phone crashed so I have to do it again... idk if it was longer or shorter before since it got magically deleted
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not a gif but idc
Pairing: Yandere!Jodio Joestar x Fem!Childhood friend! Reader
Warnings:Yandere behavior and imprisonment
Type:angst with a bit of psychological horror
Notes: i dont condone dddne irl and English isn't my first language so there might be spelling mistakes. I'm also not good at psychological horror but I tried anyway
Your dad after a long day of work, knocked on your door.
"Hey can you open? I've got something to tell you."
You got up, placed your phone on the nightstand, walked up to your door and opened it.
"We're going to Hawaii for a few days to visit your relatives. I hope you're happy, and if you are, start packing your bags!" Your dad said, but closed the door before you could even say anything.
You picked up your suitcase and started packing it, putting all the necessary things inside.
When you woke up, your family settled to go back to your childhood place, you were excited to meet your relatives, but also someone else.
When you arrived, all your relatives met you with sweet phrases and hugs, only to then let you go set off all your stuff and come to the table to eat something.
After that, it was almost late evening so you decided to go surprise your friend with a visit. You explained everything to your parents only to leave off with a:
"Yeah yeah don't worry, I'll call you if something happens!"
You then went to the florist to buy some nice flowers for his mom, and went to his house.
You knock on the door,
"Who's there?" His mom asks.
"Guess who!" You respond in a playful tone.
She then greets you with a hug and various compliments, also thanking your for the flowers.
Once you've entered his house, you tiptoed to his room, then knocking.
"Come in..." He said in an annoyed tone, only to then widen his eyes when he saw you.
"Hii!" You greet him with a cute smile, sitting on the edge of his bed.
Finally. Finally you came back. Finally you could be with him forever.
"Oh hi, didn't expect you here." He played it off cool with a neutral face.
"Only a hi? it's been a while since we last met you know? asking anything is okay." You say, strange out by his behavior.
"Did you miss me?" He hesitantly asked.
"Well yeah, but growing up I've also made some other friends, you know..."
Wasn't he supposed to be your only friend? Wasn't he supposed to be the only friend you'd rely on? The one you loved the most?
He didn't know how to answer, but then sighed and said:
"If that's what you're looking for..."
You didn't understand his phrase because as soon as he finished it you were knocked out.
When you woke up, you felt tightly held by some ropes,on your wrists and ankles. When you got conscious, you realized you were trapped and couldn't do anything about it.
You screamed for help but the only thing that replied to you were your own echoes.
"You're disgusting. After all the time I spent waiting for you, after all the hope that I lost thinking of you, of our memories, thinking you still cared about me, the only thing you're able to tell me is that you've made new friends? With some random annoying stupid scumbags? I should be your only friend. There should be no other one but me. I'm so disappointed by you..." He said, almost scolding you.
What? Was he serious? He really was the one who did this? This felt surreal. There was no way this wasn't some nightmare caused by the stress from school.
"W-what? A-are you crazy? LET ME GO! NOW!" You screamed in fear, but only received a giggle as response.
"Me? Crazy? I'm the crazy one? Do you even know what you're saying?" He asked.
"LET ME FUCKING GO YOU PSYCHO! NOW!!!" You screamed, as loud as you could, but nobody answered.
"Your words are very rude, Oh by the way, I really wanted to say that your parents are so loving. You have no idea how many times they've called your phone. Then they called my mom, she asked me where you were. I said i didn't know because after a while you just left and I had no idea where you were or went. But guess what? I was lying, of course. Now we're going to be best friends forever and nothing will do us apart. Hey, perhaps you'll even develop some feelings for me. " He said, cupping your cheek with his hand, with a light grin on his face.
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thatrandomartistjavi · 4 months
I’ve been trying to sit down and really think why Alice by Heart Cheshire didn’t make an impression on me because on paper I should at least like him. It’s an adaptation that does its own plot that acknowledges that he is Alice’s friend and cares for her. Not only that but they don’t make him a bootlicker which is scarely common.
So overall when going to watch the show, I thought that would at least like him and think that he was a good version of Cheshire. But I didn’t. He isn’t bad, trust me I’ve seen way worse in my time of watching AIW adaptations.
But if someone were to ask me to recommend versions of Cheshire, it would take a LOT for me to recommend this version.
And I think maybe is that even tho he seems to be important, he doesn’t really do much. The show itself doesn’t do much with Cheshire and barely even engaged with him other than his big major scene.
Like they have his irl counterpart be homeless but they don’t really do anything with that concept. It doesn’t factor in to why Cheshire is the one to sing to Alice about how she has to learn to let go of Alfred and come to terms that he’s dying. Not having a home and losing a loved one are two very different situations that garner different emotions.
And the decision to make Tabatha homeless doesn’t really make sense because Cheshire isn’t homeless in the book. He’s very explicitly the Duchess’ cat and very much lives in the same house as her. He’s literally included in the illustration where the Duchess is nursing her baby and the Cook is making her soup. He’s very much there and Alice asks about him to the Duchess.
This wouldn’t be so bad if the Duchess wasn’t included therefore rendering him homeless but the Duchess IS THERE. She has a whole scene with Alice and she’s seen at the trial, and not once do her or Cheshire ever acknowledge each other in the slightest.
I don’t mind Cheshire not having a Duchess. Most Cheshires who I consider good don’t have them. But it does peeve me off because in my opinion, Alice by Heart really needed to acknowledge that fact.
Why DOES Cheshire sing Alice Some Things Fall Away. Cheshire isn’t wise as a character. He is helpful or tries to be at least. But he isn’t a character that you can tell any problem to and they’ll be able to give sound advice. Cheshire isn’t omniscient nor does he claim to know everything. So them just making him sing this for no particular reason makes no sense to me. It feels a little lazy like he only sings it cause he was the first person there.
This song should be emotional. This song should’ve made me all full in my emotions cause that’s usually how I am with Cheshire and Alice but because there isn’t any meaningful connection between the song and him, then the moment falls flat for me. I feel nothing listening to it.
And this is where acknowledging the Duchess when it comes to Cheshire would be useful. The Duchess in the book has a baby. They reference it in show with her calling Alice her pig. And while this isn’t smth said explicitly, I do think that to some degree Cheshire makes himself responsible for the baby. The reason why he goes outside is because Alice takes the baby with her and in their last moments, their conversation is centered around where the baby went and what it turned into. And he leaves the scene to find said baby. And I really think they should have done smth with the concept of Cheshire being somewhat responsible for the pig baby with Tabatha.
Tabatha could have been an older brother to his baby sibling in which he lost due to war. So now Cheshire would have some reasoning to sing Some Things Fall Away because Tabatha knows what it’s like to lose a close loved one. Tabatha knows how hard it is to come to terms when someone like that is no longer in your life, that you’ll never get to talk them again, never laugh with them again. But ultimately that stuff like that is out of their control and the only thing to really do is to just come to terms with it. That, at least to me, would make that song much more impactful.
I also think there’s smth missing in the performance that I don’t really know. How the actress played him didn’t really scream Cheshire to me but idk what specifically.
My brain has this thing where if I don’t like or care for the Cheshire, I will not be interested in the adaptation. Which is like one of two reasons why I probably didn’t like Alice by Heart as much as I thought I would. Just
It’s hard being the #1 Cheshire analyzer literally nobody gets him like I do /lh
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lablim64 · 4 months
Another of that I made base of people I met in irl
This crusty dusty divot MOTHERFUCKING DEMON LIKE F@G-
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I won't even gonna made a name I will tell what she did to me in irl for no damn reason after the story-
Name:kanya/karma (her nickname was karma)
Age: idk (can be 16-15 by now, she were like 14 when I met her)
Gender: a total bitch (ehem female-)
Ok now the story, and keep reading after the story because I'm not afraid to expose what she did that destroyed me for years-
Warning: mention of suicide
A bitch, by the name calling you probably guess how she were, she used to be lim's best friend at the time when he were adopted by dragon (his missing step dad) and behind lim's death happened, they were met on the playground, she were crying and he were so kind to help, kanya were had a horrible household, her parents were not believing her and her brother were abusive, there was the point where she wanted to commit suicide but luckily lim saved her from it, he always met her there and help her, telling her one day everything will be ok and always gave her spare food and heals her bruises till one day her life became better, her brother left the house and her parents got divorced and now she's living in a good family, lim were happy to help her and keep on helping her, bit something start to felt off, kanya start becoming so odd, she start getting too personal and jealous when lim mentions someone else as a friend, start to ignore and being narcissistic to lim's vents and always blaming herself for everything to get his attention, lim being too young and not so educated enough though maybe it was because of her past until one day lim got into an accident and had to stay in the hospital for weeks, he were almost died on that accident but there were no words from anyone about it, after lim got out from the hospital and met up with kanya, she tolded him that he missed her birthday and that made lim sad, he apologize and explain the situation he was as on, and that mf start arguing with lim, calling him a pick-me, an egoist, a liar, she literally yelled at him and call him names for being in the hospital during her birthday, that broke lim a lot, they were friends for way way long, he saved her life, helped her and this is the thank he gets? No way..after that day they never seen each other again, lim become so indoors and depressed about what happened, keep on blaming himself for helping her and saving her life, and the worst part is he never able to forget about that memory, keep on saying "I wish I let you committed.." Everytime he remembers her words, tbh he's right tho, what an asshole, and you know a worst part, that girl is now knowing where lim currently is and doesn't seem to have any regrets from the past.
That's all
now you might be wondering "but hey, boy, what did that girl did to you in the past that you hate her that much?" Well here's what he did:
WARNING: mention of suicide and life baiting
Almostly same with the story, she we're nicknamed karma, we met and I helped her the most, she were my best friend, save her from suicide multiple times, yet me being an idiot and a human pleaser stuck with her narcissistic ass for 3 years, and one day at the covid times I got my second flu shot and it side effected, I were burning and so dizzy that my parents take me to the hospital even the doctors told me that if I were not make it there, I might die, anyway when I get back home that asshole texted me saying that I forgot her birthday and I apologize for it and explain what happened, like I thought she would care ugh..she called me names and stuff I still cannot forgot, literally make me wanna commit suicide for stopping her from committing suicide, she ruined my life that I didn't get myself together and still are, she were my everything, I saved her life and this is the thanks I get? I wish she were committed, don't even come to me saying "but boy, life baiting is horrible!" I KNOW BUT DUDE! she really were a waste of life...you know how much I wanted to commit after what she did? I also don't like life baiting but this feeling won't leaving me alone!
Important note: don't life bait people, I also don't wanted to but I'm just so angry at her..
Anyway see you on another post,sorry for what you had to hear-
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lastoneout · 4 months
just me venting about being disabled and having migraines dwbi
I honestly think the worst part about this whole migraine thing is like, how much shit I genuinely just cannot do anymore. I mean I thought not being able to have gluten was alienating, but this? It's a whole other level.
And like thankfully I do think we're going to be able to solve the problem, I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon and physical therapist, it's just taking a while, but in that time I have had to give up just about everything that I had left that I could do. Going outside gives me a migraine because it's hot and sunny so if I have an errand or appointment that is legit the only thing I can do that day. I can't cook anything more complex than like scrambled eggs and even then some days the pain is bad enough that I can't even cut up an apple to eat. I can sit at my desk for like maybe 6 hours before I have to stop, and I'm usually still in pain the entire time, I just ignore it bcs if I legit spent every day in bed I'd lose my mind. And even when I'm in bed I have to be super careful about using my phone or tablet or switch bcs angling my head down instantly makes everything worse. I can at least shower and brush my teeth but like, barely.
Streaming is like the one thing I save my energy for because it makes me happy and pulls in a little money, and even then I keep having to cancel to take care of myself and rest. I want to do collabs and stuff with my friends so bad but I can't because I never know until the day of if I'm actually going to be capable of streaming or not. I've had to cancel streams an hour in because I thought I'd be fine but then the pain hits. I haven't been able to hang out in my friend's streams or be a mod in the ones I'm a mod in because I just can't. I haven't even been talking to anyone bcs I'm so fucking tired that I can barely muster the energy to be social.
I can't do chores because ALL of them involve Looking Down and I can't do that, and my fiance works full time so the house is messy. And he does help take care of me as much as he can but again, he has work and so I do have to take care of myself as much as I can, and there's no one else I know in town who can help take care of me(plus I'm still trying to socially distance bcs I do NOT need covid on top of this and barely anyone I know IRL masks).
And like I don't have any pain meds that help. I have a migraine rescue medication but I can only take it four times in thirty days and I have already taken it like seven times out of desperation, and it only gives me a day of relief, that's it. Ibuprofen helps, but only a little and only if I take like 600mgs and I can't do that every day or I'll get sick and the migraine pain already makes me so nauseous I can't eat sometimes so like, I don't want an ulcer on top of that. And there's no point in going to the ER because even the hardest migraine cocktail (toradol, steroids, benadryl, zofran, and morphine) at most gives me 2 days of peace before the pain is back. Even a steroid taper pack, which usually will break me out of any migraine cycle only took care of it for a week and I am SUPER sensitive to steroids, they make me feel like complete shit, so it's just not worth it to take one.
I could ask to see my neurologist but she sucks and just told me to take ibuprofen the last time I brought this up, and legit suggested I simply see a different doctor about the condition causing the migraines so really what's the point. She won't help me.
I could go to the ER and like beg to see a neurologist if there's one on staff who is willing to talk to me, but that's not really How The ER Works and they've already done CT scans of my neck to see if anything is being pinched and nothing is, and if they give me meds it will only help for a few days at most. Plus I kinda hate it there so like, I don't really want to go anyway. And urgent care straight up will not be able to help me.
And I don't even want to try to explain all that to any of my friends because it's such a major bummer and they can't do anything to help, but I also don't know how many times I can say "sorry I have a migraine that isn't going away and I just can't do most things" because like, it's the truth but like it doesn't feel like a good enough excuse? Idk.
I miss doing things. I'm in so much fucking pain all the time. My fiance's birthday is this month and idk if we're even going to be able to DO anything because of how fucked up I am and that makes me feel horrible.
I just want all of this to stop. But it isn't going to, at least not yet. So I just have to make peace with not being able to do anything for the next like three weeks.
I'm so tired.
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shiftingaround · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hogwarts University DR
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This has been such a long time coming now, but I'm FINALLY sitting down to actually do it!
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This DR follows the plot of the books and movies of Harry Potter, however, there are some small changes. Kind of similar to real life, a lot of the prejudice lies with our parents and their parents etc., this does lead to us getting dragged into the mess of the war and Harry still being seen as the 'Chosen One'. But, none of the actual students at Hogwarts hold the same level of prejudice our parents do.
In this DR, witches and wizards are sent to study at special Wizarding and Witchcraft Primary and Secondary schools where they are taught how to read and write, basic maths and English (because where do they actually learn this stuff?) as well as some simple charms, transfiguration and potions etc.
After they finish secondary school and turn 20 years old they are then sent to study at Hogwarts for University before they decide what they would like to do for a job after school, and to learn more about the magic they possess. Depending on what they want to do they can leave school early if they should so choose too.
None of the students die (so Fred is safe, as well as Lavender and anyone else who canonically dies who was a STUDENT at Hogwarts throughout the series). But Remus, Tonks, Sirius or any of the older characters that canonically die, still do die.
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BACKSTORY: I was born into a pure-blood family, but I am actually a half-blood.
NAME: Lucinda Rosier (the canon Rosier family were scripted out)
AGE (at the time of shifting): 20 years old
DATE OF BIRTH: 26/08/1991
WAND: Beech wood wand with a Dragon heartstring core 12 1/2" length
My mother fell in love with a Muggle man, and accidentally fell pregnant with me. Before anyone found out she confided in a very close friend of hers named Reagan Rosier and they decided they would marry to protect both her and me. It would also help Reagan, as he's gay, but due to his family desperately wanting an air they are very unaccepting of that side of him. So, they continued as friends, and were wed for convenience.
They never wanted to lie to me about my background or about who my real father was, so as soon as I was old enough to understand why it needed to be kept a secret, and to even understand the concept, they told me. And luckily, from then on, I was able to have a relationship with my biological father Edward.
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MOTHER: Merula Fleur Rosier (nee Crowe)
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STEP-FATHER: Reagan Aurelius Rosier
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BIOLOGICAL FATHER: Edward Redmayne (and it's just Eddie Redmayne. I'm going to be honest, with all these strange names flying around, I found it disturbingly difficult to come up with a normal name... I also just love Eddie Redmayne, so...)
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FRIENDS: My closest friends are mostly just members of Slytherin house, so, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott etc.
I did script that everyone gets along quite well regardless of house so I have friends from all houses. I am also quite close with the Weasley twins and the Golden Trio.
And I of course scripted my IRL best friend into this DR as well!
I didn't script Mattheo Riddle in, because if I'm really honest, I don't fully understand who he's meant to be. Nothing about his fanon backstories makes sense to me.
S/O: Draco Malfoy
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Hopefully this gives at least a little insight into the mess that is my Hogwarts University DR! I don't think this is super interesting and some of it is probably a little bit cringy, but it might help give people some ideas for their DRs?
I'll most likely do my 9th Member Stray Kids DR next as that is currently my main DR. If my main DR changes though, that will most likely change!
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peligrosapop · 1 year
I can’t sleep and have a headache, I’m in pain and sober ( weed would help 2/3 at the least)for some stupid reason. So, I’ll rant.
I went skating (as in skateboard) yesterday
did my first ever 50-50 trick (skate trick) at 40
but also pulled a muscle in my upper thigh and I’m limping a bit and it hurts. (Hi, It’s me, Pedri without free accessible healthcare)
A girl flirted/hit on me and I can’t thinking about it bc, maybe I liked the attention? and she’s cute? I get plenty of attention at home though, dunno wtf is going on.
I forgot to call my mom on her bday but I called her today and we talked like an hour and it was nice. I like my mom a lot. I don’t want her to die, ever. My dad’s death anniversary was last week and I just realized yesterday. None of us surviving family members said anything either, guess we rather forget.
The call with mom also made me realize I barely call anyone anymore, ever. Last time my older sister called I didn’t pick up and have ghosted her since. I told my mom I’m being anti social atm. I need to call my pregnant younger sister. I guess I’m the asshole.
I text with a lot of people that I don’t know IRL and have neglected a lot of my IRL friends. I even have neglected online friends I like a lot. I still chat people a bit too much, I’m afraid.
I think my current obsession with Barça on tumblr and tumblr in general helps me focus on something else but myself when I’m stuck creatively or emotionally.
I need to finish writing 4 songs that I started and are almost done. One about staring at your crush, one about dreaming of people that have passed away, one about Messi (in the most non-obvious way) and one about leaving everything behind to move somewhere else to remake your life. It is annoying to feel like I can’t when I’m perfectly able to. They are 80-90% done.
Right now I’m in between jobs doing some gigs and the break in routine and extra time to do fun stuff things has been , instead of being liberating, weird.
My fav girl friend has been really busy lately and I fucking hate it. I feel needy. And I hate it.
My boyfriend is amazing, thank god he’s there. My bff. I am a mess rn. He was trolling me a week ago saying “I read this list of symptoms of depressed people and you checked out most of them” and I laughed at him and he was like 😅. I’m not depressed. It’s okay. I have depressive tendencies from anxiety but that’s it. I’m a hedonist most of the time, anyway. 🤣 Very few fucks given but active existencial dread.
My health/body has been changing since I hit 40 and it’s pissing me off. Also I kinda stop caring care of myself for a second but getting back on track. Also need to start saving money for all the “hey you hit 40 so you may have this” health test, like cancer screenings and shit. But hey, better old than dead.
and….I need a hug. And to write poems but they won’t come out. I don’t need anyone to do anything. I just need to get it out of my system.
I wish you were here and not so far away, you know this. I punched my pillow today like I told you I wanted to. I wish it was easier.
We had a friend as a house guest for a week and he just left today without telling us, even though he was supposed to be here 2 more weeks and now he said he is with a dude we don’t talk to anymore. lol wtf is wrong with people?! can’t they be normal?!!!! You can say you wanna go see a friend, why just disappear and tell us a one like text when we asked where the fuck you are. He may come back? I dunno ahahahah. Maybe its our bad for having a bunch of moody musicians as friends.
Also, like my bf jokes all the time….when I die, be happy for me because I won’t have to pay any more bills.
Maybe this was too real but IDGAF. The end.
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boqvistsbabe · 2 years
Different Skates: Cale AU - Pt. 2
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A/N: Okay, so a couple of things: 1.) I know this wasn’t super anticipated but still I apologize that this took so long to write (I started it the day after I posted the first part, that was in Oct), 2.) it’s Thanksgiving themed and I’m very aware that it is way past that but I didn’t want to have to go back and change a bunch of stuff, 3.) there’s supposed to be a couple more parts and with how I have it planned out other already passed holidays will be in them, 4.) this is very unedited and I’m sorry if it’s choppy like i said it’s been written over multiple months which is very not me (normally i write everything in one sitting), 5.) I hope y’all like it!
Once again thanks to that irl friend for the peer pressure and for the much asked for peer pressure from @typical-simplelove and to @savoies for being my soundboard
Warnings: swear words, she/her pronouns for the reader, if I missed anything let me know!
Word count: 4,402 💀
“Okay great practice today guys. Go home and rest up, don’t forget tomorrow night at my house, team dinner. Be there by seven and please dress decent for pictures.” Charlie was just finishing up as you walked out of the break room you used to edit in.
Tomorrow night was Thanksgiving dinner with the whole team. So tonight you get to help cook everything that can be cooked ahead of time. Charlie was helping too, but only with the stuff that doesn’t require the stove or oven. He complains every time we don’t let him use them, but in our defence he almost burned the house down. He’s not allowed to have candles either. He’s mostly gonna help our dad put up tables and chairs; after they move the furniture and clean the living room.
The boys are so loud in the locker room that you can hear them all the way out here in the lobby. You're doing some last minute touch ups to some game shots before posting them to the team Instagram while you wait for Charlie. You hear footsteps approaching and look up. It’s Cale. He looks over just as you look up.
“Hey Y/n, how are you?” He asks with a smile.
“I’m okay, you?” You’ve decided to be civil with him since he’s been nice to you so far.
“I’m pretty good, excited for a couple days off to rest.”
“Yeah that’s fair.” You don’t really know what to say after that so you just kind of sit there.
“Hey Caler, you still coming over tonight to help move stuff?” Charlie looks at Cale as he walks up beside him. Also what? You knew nothing about this.
“Yeah of course. Just gotta go home to drop my stuff off then I’ll head your way.” His eyes flick from you to your brother and then back again.
“Awesome, thanks dude. I’m not sure Pops can help move the furniture anymore, even if he thinks he can.” Charlie’s not wrong. Your dad has had some issues with arthritis for a long time but it’s gotten a lot worse in the last year. You just had figured you’d help this time around.
“Yeah not a problem. I’m gonna head out now, but I’ll see y’all in a bit.” He gives you a little
wave before heading to the parking lot.
“You warming up to him yet?” Charlie asks as you head to his car,” “he’s a really nice guy.”
“I know, he’s alright. I thought I was helping you tonight?”
“That was the plan, but I was talking to him about tomorrow and mentioned Pops not being able to move stuff anymore and he offered to help.” Charlie shrugs as he turns the key.
You were elbow deep in the turkey (literally) when the doorbell rang. Your mom yelled for Charlie to get the door. His footsteps thundered down the stairs as he ran to let Cale in.
This turkey was the most annoying thing to deal with, and you still had a second one to go. Your mom loves to go all out for the team dinners, especially since she knows not all of the guys have family that does. This year she decided to let you deal with the turkeys instead of the sides. Which fair but you were more of a dessert kind of gal. You didn’t mind doing the turkey, you know it’s your mom’s way of passing the torch; but you’d rather be making pies and cookies right now. Your mom just insists on plucking and dressing and all of that ourselves instead of just getting a frozen one, why you have no idea but it’s a pain in your ass right now.
“Hey Ma, Cale and I are gonna move furniture so we can set up the tables!” Charlie yelled before disappearing into the living room.
“Alright just be careful!” She yelled back before turning to the doorway, “ Hi Cale, how are you sweetie?”
“Great Mrs. Y/LN, you?” When you looked up he was standing just outside the kitchen door, he caught your eye and smiled. Giving him a small smile you looked back to the turkey you were violating. Gosh this is going to take forever. You blow a piece of hair out of your face before it gets totally in your view.
“I know told you to call me Melissa, and I’m fine dear. You better run off and help Charlie before he decides he can move that heavy furniture by himself.”
“I’m on it, don't worry.” Is the last thing he says before he disappears into the living room.
“He’s such a sweet boy. Your father wasn’t happy about us deciding he wasn’t helping but we compromised with him being able to “supervise” whatever that hell that means.” She shook her head before walking to the over to pull out two of the pies.
There is so much food that we still have to cook, you were just glad that your mom has it figured out perfectly. You’re still gonna be up a couple more hours but there’s enough to do you won’t even realize.
The boys are watching a game in the living room. The only reason you can tell is cause of the yelling. They finished setting up all the tables and chairs an hour ago. Both turkeys are ready to be cooked and the only thing left to do tonight is clean up and set stuff out for tomorrow morning. Thank goodness, you felt like you could take a nap right there on the kitchen island. You’ve had a long day between editing, two practices (both dance and skating) the gym, and some schoolwork plus cooking; you were ready to curl up in bed and sleep the night away.
“Okay we’ll take a quick break then clean up. Everything we need for tomorrow should be set out so that we don’t have to worry about it. All the desserts are in the fridge or are covered and on the counter. The only thing for tomorrow is the sides and setting out places. Good work kiddo. The turkeys look great.”
“Thanks Ma, pies look good too. Can’t wait to dig in tomorrow.” Dessert was by far your favourite part of the holidays. Best food group in your opinion.
You both plopped down on the stools at the island. Grabbing the remote from the counter, you turn the tv on to some Christmas movie. It was one of your mom's favourites so you turned the volume up so she could hear it better. Not even five minutes in you heard the boys head towards the kitchen. Charlie no doubt on his way to steal a cookie or six.
“Really?! Christmas movies already? It’s not even Thanksgiving?!”
“Hush Charles, you know Christmas starts on the first in this family.” This argument has been going on between your mom and Charlie since he was ten. You and your pops stayed out of it.
“Christmas starts in October for my family.” You look over to Cale, who’s leaning against the island right next to you.
“Bro what? That’s even more crazy than my mom.” Charlie was gobsmacked.l, “What about Halloween?!”
“Oh yeah we decorate for that too, but the movies and music start then.”
“Dude there is something so wrong with you people.” Charlie shakes his head before sneaking towards the counter by the fridge. Where the desserts were set.
“Charlie, you leave the food alone or you will be cleaning the whole kitchen tonight.” Mom says without looking from the TV.
“Fine.” He heads back to the living room where your dad was still watching the game.
“I can help clean up tonight.” You looked back to Cale after he said that.
“You don’t need to do that, me and Y/n have got it, we just needed to rest a bit. Plus you’ve done enough.”
“Please Melissa, I insist. You’ve done so much for the team, it’s only fair at least one of us helps.”
“Fine, but Y/n will help. You don’t know where everything goes and she won’t mind.” Your mom gets up to head to the living room, stopping to kiss the top of your head and pat Cale’s arm as she walks by.
A little bit of an assumption there mother but okay. You didn’t really mind honestly, it wasn’t fair the Cale was cleaning up in someone else’s house. Even if he insisted.
“You don’t actually have to help, you’ve done a lot today too. Just tell me where stuff goes and I’ll put it there.” Cale is now looking down at where you’re still sat on the stool.
“It’s not fair that you’re cleaning up our mess, I’ll help. I’m not even that tired.” You stand up from the stool and move over to the sink. You let out a big yawn before making eye contact with Cale. He’s trying not to smile.
“You sure about that?” He’s totally smiling now. And you’re a little surprised to find that you’re smiling back.
“Okay maybe I am tired, but I still should help.”
“Yes, you can help by telling me what to do. All I have to do is do it. Teamwork makes the dream work.”
“That is the cheesiest thing you could’ve said, but fine you win. This time.” You hop up on the counter.
“Okay where should I start?” Cale turns to look at you expectantly.
“Hmmm dishwasher would probably be best.” Was your reply.
“Okay now that all that is done, what’s next?” Cale looks at you again. Those pretty blue eyes meeting your own. He tilts his head a little. That’s when you realised that you were kind of starring.
“Oh yeah! That’s it, I don’t think we have anything else to do tonight. Everything else we have to do in the morning. So you can go hang out with Charlie. I think he’s still in the other room watching the game. Thanks for all your help today.” You hopped off the counter and walked to where he was standing by the island.
“Okay, I actually think I’m gonna head out. I can come help out in the morning. I’m not the best cook but I think I can handle it.” He’s giving you a half smile and between the Christmas music from the movie still playing and the low lighting in the kitchen; he looks entirely too attractive right now.
“You don’t need to do that. You’ve done a lot already.”
“Ah no it’s fine. I got nothin else to do.”
“Alright. I’ll see you in the morning then. We’re gonna start at about eight since dinner is gonna be at noon. Just come over whenever after that.”
“I’ll be here at eight then. See you in the morning Y/N.” He gives you a nod and a smile before heading to the front door. You hear him stop and say goodnight to your family before the front door shuts.
You’re totally dragging. It’s too early to do this. Not even changing out of your pajamas, you head downstairs. There’s already a mix of smells happening. Your mom must have put the turkeys in early.
Walking into the kitchen you slowly register everything going on. Your mom is checking the turkeys in the oven, your dad is drinking coffee and reading the paper from last week at the island, there’s a Christmas movie playing and Charlie is nowhere to be found. Figures.
Twenty minutes later, you’re slightly more awake, breakfast has been eaten, you’ve started helping with the sides, and Charlie’s just now walking through the kitchen door. And Cale is right behind him.
“Morning loser,” Charlie says as he bumps you into the counter where you were chopping potatoes.
“Charlie, stop messing with your sister. She’s helping me, unlike you.” She gives him a pointed look as he heads back to where Cale is standing, “ morning Cale, how are you?”
“I’m okay, would be better if my truck had started this morning.” Ah so that’s why Charlie was gone.
“Ah yeah Charlie said that’s what happened. Will you be able to figure out what it was?”
You tune out their conversation and continue with your task.
Cale’s POV
When I walked into the kitchen I was not expecting to see a very tired and annoyed looking Y/N. Who definitely just got more annoyed when Charlie bumped her into the counter. Who’s still in her pjs. That have reindeer all over them.
She’s so freaking adorable.
Yesterday I felt like we might’ve gotten a little closer to that friend line. She laughed at most of my horrible jokes when I was cleaning up the kitchen last night. Honestly I cut it pretty close to my curfew. I probably shouldn’t’ve stayed, but Melissa looked tired and as much as I could hope Charlie would’ve helped clean up; I know better than that. So I stayed way later than I should’ve and had to rush home.
Shaking my head I answer Melissa’s questions about my truck. It wouldn’t start this morning. Charlie and I both think between how old it is and the cold front that moved in last night, that my truck might not be starting for a while. He offered to take me to practice and school, so that helps at least.
A couple hours later your mom is at the door welcoming all of the boys in. Between Charlie and Cale helping you and your mom, everything got done so you had extra time to get ready and hide in your room for a bit. At least you can wear something comfy. You have to look nice for pictures so you grabbed a sweater to go with your leggings.
The boys were all really loud and you were kind of over it already. Your mom wanted you downstairs at least. She understood why you didn’t exactly want to be around them. So you were sitting on the kitchen counter; reading a book. The only guys that had sought you out to greet you were John and Tyson. They both gave you a hug and asked how you were before joining the rest of the team in the living room.
You were about halfway through your book when somebody hopped up across from you on the island. Looking up you realise it’s Cale.
“Why are you in here?” It came out a little harsh but he didn’t seem bothered by it.
“They’re getting really loud and I get headaches easily.” Cale shrugs, “I can find somewhere else to hang out if you want me to.”
“No you’re fine, I was just wondering. Why do you get headaches easily?”
Cale’s POV
When she asked why I was in here I panicked a little. I mean I was mostly in here for the quiet, but also kind of to see her. I don’t even know why. I think she’s just nice to be around. Especially compared to the guys.
“Oh, it’s cause of all of the concussions I’ve gotten in the past.”
“Hmm” that’s all she gives me before going back to her phone.
I feel kind of awkward just looking at her. I’d love to ignore the world and be in my phone, but it’s almost dead, plus it would make my headache worse. It’s quiet in here, not awkward but almost… comforting. Honestly it’s kind of nice. I end up looking out the window above the sink. My eyes catching on the snow flurries outside.
“It’s snowing.”
Y/N looks up from her phone before setting it down on the counter and jumping down. Walking over to the sink, she stares outside.
“I love the snow. It’s so pretty and peaceful.” She sounds wistful as she says it.
I have to fight myself from saying she is too, “Me too, winter is my favorite season because of it.”
“Same here.” She turns around and meets my eyes, “this is off topic but if I’m going to be completely honest would rather be skating than here right now.”
“Well if I had to be completely honest, I’d say the same. Why do you not want to be here?” I have a feeling I know what her answer is going to be.
“I assume Charlie told you all about what happened, I’m also going to assume you’re smart enough to connect those dots,” I nod and she shrugs, “honestly you don’t seem all that bad. I know I came off harsh, Charlie told me all about that. I’m sorry. I am trying to be nicer, especially since you don’t act like an asshole like the rest of them. Just know that, that doesn’t mean we’re friends, just that you’re not a total jerk. Anyways, why don’t you want to be here?”
Her statement relieves me. I’m glad I don’t come across like an asshole. I didn't think I did, but it’s always nice to hear. Especially from someone as biassed as her.
“Well mine’s kind of similar, I don’t really want to hang out with the guys. I Know it’s good for camaraderie and whatever, but they annoy the hell out of me. And they all are in fact a bunch of assholes. Even to teammates. Plus skating is so much more fun than sitting here doing nothing.”
That got a smile out of her. She turned back to the window.
“Dinner was good as always ma, thanks for inviting the team.” A chorus of the rest of them following Charlie’s thanks.
I ended up seated between Cale and Charlie. I think they did that on purpose. Especially since John and Tyson were across from me too. They totally surrounded me so I didn’t have to sit next to the jerks. I’m totally grateful but I wanna be anywhere but here. I lean over to Charlie.
“Hey you going anywhere later?”
“I’ll probably go hang with the guys but Tys will drive.”
“Okay, I’ll have the car then.” Charlie nods before continuing his conversation.
Now I have to figure out a plan to dip after pictures so I can get to the rink.
Cale’s POV
It’s picture time. And nothing against Melissa, but she has no control over any of this. She’s currently standing behind the camera and trying to get us lined up so we all fit. It’s not going well, Charlie is nowhere to be found and Y/N looks like she’d rather be anywhere else. Can’t blame her, I’m feeling the same way.
“Hey hey everyone chill out and listen.” There’s Charlie. I can hear him but I can’t see him. He’s still shouting orders when I look back over to Y/N. She sees me, rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Then she walks towards the couch, and steps up so she’s standing on it.
Every single person in the room turned to look at where she was looking down on all of them. Silently everyone moved where Melissa had originally placed them. Y/N got down from the couch and walked over to where I was standing on the outside of the group.
“I’m glad that worked, I was tired of standing there.”
“Me too, ready to go home and change and do nothing the rest of the day.” I whisper back as I move to tuck in next to John. She moves right next to me so that she’s in the shot too.
“About that, I was planning on heading to the rink after this. I normally would prefer to go alone but you mentioned wanting to skate earlier so…” she kind of trails off and I turn my head to look down at her, “would you want to go with me? Totally cool if not, just thought I’d offer.”
I can feel the smile stretch across my face.
“I would love to go to the rink. I’d have to get my skates from home first though.”
“We can stop on the way to the rink.” She gives me a small smile and I nod.
“Cale! Y/N! Look at the camera please.” We both follow Melissa’s directions and everyone is excited to be released from the pictures from hell.
“Cale?” I turn to see Y/N still next to me, “I’m gonna go talk to my mom then I’m ready when you are.”
“Okay, meet you at the front?” She nods and is gone.
Now I just gotta figure out what to tell Charlie. He invited me to go hang out with him, John, and Tys later. But if so much rather go to the rink. I look around the room before I spot him by his mom and make my way over.
“Hey Charlie I’m gonna head home. Thanks for inviting me to go out but I’m not feeling it today.”
“That’s alright, do you need a ride?”
“Nah I got it figured out.” I kind of hate lying to him. Not that I’m lying technically, but it sure feels like it.
“Alright man. Let me know if you need anything. Have a good night.” He holds his hand out to shake and I do the same.
“Thanks Melissa for dinner. You and Y/N did really good. I had fun.” Not a total lie but not a truth either.
I turn to head to the front door when someone pokes me in the side. I look down and lock eyes with Y/N. Who’s smirking like she just caught someone in the act.
“You’re a liar! You did not have fun.” She whispers to me as we head out together.
“I did have some fun, I wasn’t totally miserable.” We both climb into Charlie and hers shared jeep.
“Uh huh sure. I totally believe you. But did you really like the food?” She looks over at me as she puts the key into the ignition. She looks a little nervous. I wonder why. Then it clicks in my brain. Charlie said something about it being her first time doing the turkey. That makes sense.
“Yeah everything was really good. I liked the turkey a lot.” I give her an affirming nod.
“That’s good, I was a little worried I’d fuck it up somehow. I’ve seen mom do it a million times, but I definitely was not confident in actually doing it myself.” She turns to back out of the driveway then looks at me before she continues.
“I have absolutely no idea where you live.” I laugh a little before directing her to my house.
By the time you pull up to the rink, the sun has disappeared from the sky and there’s only a few other cars in the parking lot. Perfect. You’d have the ice to yourselves mostly. Which is great because you really wanted to work on your triple lutz. It was the hardest move in your program and it showed. You needed it to not show. And if you could get your coach off your ass about it, you definetley wouldn’t be mad.
The moment your blades hit the ice, you feel so much better. The last couple of days have been a lot. Being on the ice just made everything better. You could hear Cale cut through the ice behind you. Pushing yourself off, you started some lazy laps. There was a couple of kids on the ice too, so you kept an eye on them to make sure there was no collisions. Skating over to the corner you made sure the coast was clear before marking your jumps. Starting small at first before making it to the bigger jumps. There was no way you were going to go full out on everything you did tonight, you just had to make sure you were warm before going for the triple. Feeling warm enough, you went for it.
And landed on your ass.
“Fuck.” Starring at the ceiling you went over it in your head. Knowing it was exactly what your coach had said (that you didn’t have enough momentum) you got up, shook it off. And went again. And landed on your ass again. And again. And again.
“You good?” Opening your eyes you saw Cale’s face, right above you. Oh right. You had got in your head and forgot he was there.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Taking the hand he offered, you pulled yourself up, “I’m gonna go again so you might want to watch out.” Cale wisely backed out of your way. By now all the kids were gone, and it was just the two of you.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed off. Up in the air you went. One, two three. Hell yeah. Now you just had to stick it. And you did, kind of. Your hand touched the ground to steady yourself, but it was improvement.
“That was so cool!” Cale looked a little awed. Had he never seen a skating program before? It was kind of cute the way he looked so excited.
“I’ll agree with you there, but I need to work on that landing. I at least got three full turns. I’ve only done that once before.”
“Well I mean that's an improvement right?” You shrug, “I think that calls for a break” he gives you a mischievous smile.
“What were you thinking for this break?”
He doesn’t say anything as he slowly skates towards you, until
“TAG!” He barely touches your arm before he’s off.
By the time you get home after dropping Cale off and taking a shower, you’re exhausted. There’s a smile on your face though.
Before falling asleep you send Cale quick text.
You: I had fun tonight :)
Cale: me too :)
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Tinker - ing
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Media IRL X Faries
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster (Fairy)
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Flirty 
Concept Land Of Fairies 
I finished with my assignment for the day so I fixed my little leaf dress and fluttered my wings across the various pockets and places heading to the large tree in the center I headed inside seeing the king stood watching over the magic falls. I was nervous to approach but he and a guard saw me, he suggested I come forward so I took slow steps over 
"Yes?" He asks 
"I'm sorry to disturb, I'm a little late I know" 
"Course, go on" he says handing over a small orange bag with the magic dust I would need for the next week or so 
"Thank you, if I may I'll deliver to a friend of mine too"
"How helpful, alright be careful" he says handing me another I nodded and scurried out of the tree heading home to my little conker house with my little toadstool garden beside the small river I set my bag at home and had myself a good scoop making sure to flutter my gold and purple wings, I knew I'd have to drop it off I always do. So I took the other bag in hand as well as a few other bits I had to take up shutting my house up and heading across town passing many others as I did all of them busy with work or play, I headed deep into the town far from the tree into the mess of twigs and leaves where most where hard at work making Carts, cubbies, and all sorts of tools. I headed thought to the usual little stump house with moss and ivy covering the roof, I fluttered down and in the door seeing the various mess and madness of items inside, nothing where it should be, clothes and pans scattered around haphazardly and right at the back in the light of the triangle window sat the large round bed with a wooden twig headboard. And there he laid, his blue and red wings laid against the bed gently sometimes oddly fluttering in his sleep, his hair a fluffy mess from his toss and turns, his thin body exposed completely if not for the small leaf shorts just about hiding his crotch and little else given they had tugged up in his sleep I set my bag down and went over fixing his messy blonde hair behind his ear 
"Ummmm" he mumbled slightly rubbing his head on my hand 
"Tommy" I cooed softly gently rubbing on his cheek 
"Uuuummmmmmmm" he groans rubbing his face against my hand like a purring cat until his mouth met my hand and he sweetly pressed a kiss to my skin before nuzzling close to the pillow he held tightly
"Tommy" I cooed a little louder rubbing down his shoulder and his bare back which caused him to stir but still he remained in his sleepy state so I sighed getting up going to the kitchen grabbing two of the big pans and fluttering my wings to hover just about his bed before hitting the pans together as hard as I could causing a loud bang which immediately woke him forcing him to sit up and bang his head on the lower pan 
"Owwww!" He complained holding his head
"Good afternoon Thomas" I smiled returning the pans to the kitchen
"Morning" he groans rubbing his head 
"It is not morning you lazy butt" I told him grabbing the bag o got for him earlier and throwing it at him
"Oww! Will you stop"
"Don't want it?"
"I want it, I want it" he complained quickly having some "ummm that's better. What are you doing here anyway?" 
"You need your magic. I had stuff to drop off I can't wait around for you forever Thomas"
"Fair enough." He sighed "are you mad at me?"
"I'm always mad at you" 
"Why? What have I done?" He pouts 
"What haven't you done" I sighed going to try and make his bed but he took my hand and tugged me into the bed with him to sit on his lap
"but I don't want my little cosy autumn fairy to be mad at me" he Cooes rubbing his nose on my own 
"Maybe I wouldn't be my little tinker wasn't still in bed when I finished work" 
"Well now we're both free and able to spend time together"
"That's not an excuse Thomas"
"Yes it is."
"What have you been doing anyway makes you so sleepy?" I asked fluttering over to the kitchen to clean up
"Tinkering" he shrugs 
"No shit. Doing what?" 
"Working on that stupid bloody wheel for the water fairies." He sighed 
"Ohh you poor thing, your arm tried?"
"Yeah I'm - wait. No!"
"I was not up all night wanking over the water fairies" 
"Weren't you?" I asked glaring at him and his bed attire which he glanced briefly down at 
"I was hot-"
"Ummm humm"
"I had a bath"
"Ummmm humm"
"Fine. You happy now?"
"Yes." I smiled returning to tidying and soon enough I felt arms around me holding me close
"I wasn't wanking over the water fairies, why would I when I have my little cosy autumn fairy who comes and gives me cuddles?" He Cooes giving my cheek a kiss 
"Because the water fairies spend all day in the pond with their tits out" 
"Yes they do"
"Not that you noticed?' I glared going to fix his bed pushing him away 
"I was fixing the water wheel kind of hard for me not to notice the pond. And the tits." 
"And you wonder why I'm mad at you"
He quickly came giving me a cuddle again turning me to face him
"Please don't be mad at me y/n. You know I only have eyes for my autumn fairy humm?" He Cooes giving my head lots of kisses "I'll swap out if that'll make you feel better?"
"No it's fine. Just wish you'd wake up before noon"
"I'll try my best I promise. But maybe if I had you here to be my little alarm clock?'
"Maybe" I told him "put some pants on and I'll think about it" 
"Do I have too?"
"Fine" he sighed going to get dressed "water fairies wouldn't make me get dressed" he pouts 
So I sighed and grabbed his pillow throwing it at him hitting his head 
"Owww! Alright alright! Sorry! God damn it you should be a pollen fairy with that fucking aim!" 
"If you are not dressed by the time I finish this bed, I'm not getting in it again for three weeks" 
"Happy now?" He asked fixing his suspender over his shoulder now dressed in his usual pants, shirt And suspenders to keep them up 
"Very happy" I smiled giving his lips a kiss which he happily returned
"Ummm, I love you" he cooed rubbing his nose against my own 
"Love you too Tommy." I smiled "come on, dinner or well breakfast by the river?"
"Sounds perfect," he smiled squeezing my hand 
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pierswife · 1 year
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@wyrmmak SOOOOOO TRUE well get ready for the Manda Lore Unlock cause this one is a fun story
Okay, let's go all the way back to November 2019. It's my third semester ever of college. I was doing so freakin good at avoiding leaks and spoilers for Sword and Shield (except for official release trailers) and was just SO excited to pick up my preorder after class (it was an 8AM Friday lecture and I sadly couldn't go to the midnight release even though I was invited got a call from gamestop that night and everything). I even requested the day off from work too because I'd be dammed Taco Bell kept me away from my pokemon and it was midterms too so extra excuse to request off (did this with Three Houses too fun fact). This is to set up how this man absolutely blindsided the fuck outta me when I first saw him.
So here I am, absolutely powering through this game having the time of my life playing it because idgaf what people say and idc how much a pokemon game may suck, if I have the ambition I'll finish it in less than a week. Keep in mind, I had no fucking idea who Piers was. And then I get to Spikemuth and I am ABSOLUTELY loving the vibe and the music and I am absolutely jamming out to everything. And then I get to him and he gives his little before battle speech thing and tbh I'm enthralled because I just love the way his dialogue was written and also just found it so cool that he was the still 7th gym leader without being able to dynamax his pokemon and honestly commended the fuck out of it (I'm not a big fan of it myself and only used it when I absolutely had to). I'm also just a sucker for his aesthetic and found myself getting a little crush after finishing his gym. Also his battle music was a fucking banger and I would just constantly listen to it for a few days after. And then we got to the lead up to Rose Tower and I fell harder when he just kinda shows up and basically is 100% down for some anarchy to help the kids stop Rose. And then GOD the post game where it shows that he's just such a good older brother and constantly worried for his sister, but also accidentally adopting the player character and Hop along the way and being the most tired mom friend like ever, icing on top of the cake. And I was cackling when at the end of the post game he gives you his rare trainer card and basically goes "never contact me for something like this ever again" and just LEAVES. Had me giggling like a maniac. So yeah by December that year I was pretty down bad.
Overall I just appreciate how he's a pretty chill and down to earth dude, but 100% is so fucking down for violence (think along the lines of "violence is the question and the answer is yes"). I also just love how like... prickly he seems on the outside before you do kinda get to know his character a little bit more. I've always found characters like that super neat in general! The more I learned about him the more I felt "hey, this would be someone I'd be super comfortable being myself around" and he wouldn't mind my Mentally Ill Moments and would actually sit with me and help me work through them (because my and a lot of people's headcanon is that he's been through some shit himself so he understands). I also have the old fic I wrote forever ago where he helped me repierce my ears (cause irl I was repiercing them in my bathroom lmao) and that was just absolute nail in the coffin I would die for this man. Tbh it's a mix of his mannerisms and how you could fill some stuff in with headcanons (a lot of which a majority of the fandom agreed on) and how I just see him as someone who I could just let my guard down around and relax that made me like him so much.
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toxicnorn · 1 year
i didn't really do this for the sake of nostalgia but i was looking through some past blogs and internet IDs of mine
i'm a very different person from who i was when i originally joined tumblr. i approach writing in a very different way. my opinions on a lot of things have changed a lot. i really cannot give two shits about most discourse nowadays that i used to have opinions on.
when it comes to creative work, i had a lot more energy and confidence, but this was a double-edged sword because for a long period of time, i was single-handedly focused on rp as a distraction from some real heavy shit irl and my fandom stuff wasn't necessarily healthy for me. this is something i've struggled with on and off over the years because i tend to latch really hard to fiction and characters when things are bad. i wrote some really good sentences though and some good characters. i keep trying to recreate the same feelings by recycling characters, but they're different each time because nostalgia's a false thing and you can't just make the same thing twice but different and expect it to be the same.
my latest attempts at fic and rp are trying to come from a different source, which i think is healthier in the long run.
i was like super depressed from 2014-2018 and then the election pummeled me into a different funk for two years, which was better in some ways but worse in others. around 2019, i was finally able to move out of my parents' house for some time. it wasn't very far but it did help me clear my head a bit.
then 2020 happened. i moved back in with my parents for a few months and it was kind of awful, but then i moved back and things were actually better on my end for a bit, but i was still very weird and squirrelish.
2021 happened somewhere along those lines and i don't remember most of 2021 because it was a hell year of going to doctor's appointments until the very end of it. i moved across the country in 2022 to be with my gf (hey bb love you very much if you are reading this) and for the first time maybe ever, i feel like i'm in a pretty good place. i know that there is a still a lot of work ahead of me to figure out How to Be A Person 101 and get over my hangups but i'm really happy.
anyway, when your creative output has been based entirely on distracting yourself from blue moods up until now, it's a bit wild trying to readjust your brain to go "hey, actually, it's okay to like things just to like them, you can fuel yourself with other emotions, having characters that live in your head is not cringe or something." i'm having fun though, even if i can't manage the output that i'd like to.
this isn't me gloomyposting btw. i think if anything, it's the opposite because things are pretty okay. i might have issues that creatively frustrate me and i might have flaws i'm trying to work on and of course learning How To Social is always an ongoing effort and we aren't even getting into the ongoing saga of Getting My Bran To Work On Medication (on one hand, it's been great because i have the least amount of anxiety than i have ever had in my life; on the other hand, my brain feels like it's two feet out of reach more days than i'd like it to and i'm really frustrated by the fact that i cannot make the connections between thoughts and actions, like my brain just stutters before comprehending that ii should do very basic actions), but all in all, things are great and i'm excited for the future.
there are a lot of people i've lost track of that vanished off tumblr after 2018. i realized a small handful of people were assholes. some of the people i used to know seem to have fallen off the fact of the internet entirely and i doubt i'll ever learn what happened to them. at least one of my very early internet friends died, klim. i don't really know what happened to most of the people i knew in those days when i was on gaia online but i hope that they're doing well. i was a very different person when i was on that site but i was also 16, so of course i was.
anyway, i talk different now. i communicate differently. my internet voice has changed. i used to use random caps for everything. i don't capitalize shit anymore and you can't make me.
i don't really want to get back into the mindsets of me of years prior, but i do want to be able to tap into that well of creative potential because it seemed like i had so much energy for writing, for talking about writing, for sharing and brainstorming and thinking. i know that i am a person capable of writing a novella in the same of a few weeks so i want to regain that.
but i want to have more fun with it this time. i want it to belong to me and not belong to various plagues and maladies. i think deep down, there is a part of me that misses being nine and thinking i had invented fanfiction and talking about my zelda fic with all my friends without a hint of self-consciousness, but, like, with less 1999 going on because the 90s normalized a lot of shit that's not great.
anyway i don't really know where i'm going with this, so i am going to rotate characters in my mind before i go to bed
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boymeetsme · 2 years
posting this here where no one will ever see it because i want to get it out but not i do not feel like being vulnerable with ppl irl rn lol:
my middle school bestie got married, and it’s such a strange and happy feeling to not be jealous or angry. i feel that way with everyone else, even if i met them senior year of high school. i think it’s an insecurity or something. maybe i wish i had been cooler or more loved by these people so their weddings feel like personal snubs. the world does not revolve around me, but sometimes my emotions make me feel like it does.
so it’s weird to me that this wedding, for a middle school bestie who i lost contact with but picked up again in high school, with a childishly toxic history that should make me 10x more angry and jealous, even though i wasn’t even able to go to the wedding, makes me so happy. i am so, so happy. and i feel even happier when i try to pick apart that emotion and find nothing bad to taint it.
i first met her girlfriend at a little house party where the objective was to get high and drunk and play beer pong in the garage. i was nervous to the point of shaking because i always am, but more so because i was going to someone’s house who i had never met before to meet a couple dozen other people i had never met before, and finally reunite with a girl i who had a million qualified reasons to not like me. her girlfriend, without question or pause, hugged me like i was already a friend. i got high and properly tipsy for the first time that night, then did a bunch of other toxic stuff later (driving under the influence, messaging a guy i shouldn’t have, etc), but everything in the garage was so good.
at the time, i still held the belief that homosexuality was a sin and i should love the sinner, hate the sin. i considered what i’d do if they got married and how i’d turn down a wedding invitation. another red flag on top of many. then i accidentally outed them to one of their families and started a whole thing. more red flags. but somehow…it ended up alright? through no help of mine, obviously, but they got an apartment together and a cat and somehow i still kept getting invitations to come hang out and meet more of their friends. they bought me food and booze and took care of me when i got too high and thought i needed to go to the hospital. they moved, i got married, and then i moved just a few yards away from where they live. i walk out my door every morning and chance a sleepy “hello” with my best friends. even though the man i married is the best, most loveliest anti-social hermit, they invite him and tease him and feed him and treat him like they treated me so kindly in the beginning.
months ago, her girlfriend came over to show me the engagement ring she would be proposing with. with a cinematic view of mountains and lush forest around them, they got engaged. in a more fair world, i would’ve been at the wedding. tons of other people would have been at the wedding. i know the situation behind why that couldn’t be, and i just feel bad they had to go through it. i can’t imagine having to beg my parents to be at my wedding. i hope they never have to beg for support like that again. anyways.
my middle school turned adult best friend sent me the link to the pictures this morning. no school because one instructor is sick and i have online exams in the others, so i slept in as long as possible. i’m still in bed right now typing this. i went through every picture, them glowing like fairies in white dresses and my grimy reflection peering back in the darker photos. i don’t feel one drop of anger or jealousy. i just can’t stop looking at how beautiful they are together. they used to be so unhappy separately. i don’t know first hand for one, but i do for the other. she was self-conscious and self-loathing. now she looks like a fucking model and i honestly want to be jealous but i can’t because she’s so happy!!! there is more happiness in one of her smiles now than i saw in all the years prior combined. i want to keep seeing them smile.
someday they might move away to the mountains they love more than this honestly disgusting city. i know they’ll hate being away from friends and family who stay when they go. part of me wants to pack up with them and move to the closest house to theirs so we’ll always be neighbors, but i don’t know where my husband and i’s cards will fall. i just hope until the time comes and they go, i keep getting to be a part of their happiness. i love them so much!!!
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nenekiribookwyrm · 2 years
Gardens of Vextro is such a neat concept!
Gardens of Vextro is a game anthology with the conceit that the devs are using the entries before their games as inspiration for what that game is going to be about. This is something I haven’t seen done before and it created a really cool collection of eclectic games that all brought something different to the table. Here’s a quick rundown on those games and some of the stuff I liked or was affected by in them. You should also check the games out for yourself at: https://vextro.itch.io/gardens-of-vextro 
Buried Flower: You know I love me a good Twine game and I was delighted at the way a single choice persisting throughout the full playthrough was able to add a creeping tension until the final scene when I felt that final line rubberband snap me back. 
Labyrinths: I think looking back, this was the game that scared me the most. The way in which it is structured hints at the chaos of a mind that sounds close enough to insecurities I could see myself trapped in if I could walk through endless dreams of the past. 
The Aleph Hustle: I loved all the unexplained techno babble in this story. It felt the most cyberpunk out of the bunch just from the context clues I could make out. Even so, I felt like I could follow along with the general idea of what was being explored even without the full definitions of the words. I remember specifically freaking out about the text file and thinking that if I wrote something in it, something would happen. Safe to say I was fully immersed if I wrote “I am you and you are me. Free me from this prison.”
Make Like a Tree: The game that got me to laugh the most. I was blown away by how the beginning of the game felt like it was going in one direction and then when the second half kicks in, it goes into overdrive. Triangle Man is just a cool sprite as well. 
Another reverie: Another of the games that affected me deeply while playing. I’ve been on a kick of writing scenes that include sunsets for years now, subconsciously mind you, but I felt right at home in this deeply intimate discussion between two friends having to leave their imagined fantasy. Reality can be just as good, but you’ve gotta work for it. That work is easier with folks to help ya and this game’s dialogue is gonna stick with me for a while for sure. 
Wet Cemetery: I love the style of this game and the way I can feel the strain of the voiced characters through the descriptions of the rooms as you move through them. There’s hope between the old memories of past lovers and the present terror of taking care of your chronic illness. A future that is uncertain, but possible. I’m glad that was able to be shared. 
Wellness Related Time: I’m gonna be honest and say that this was probably my favorite game out of the bunch. The way that it pops off when the first spell is cast is incredibly hype. I’m also a sucker for unique magic systems and the way in which the dev brought in the flower theme was really cool. The little title card when a new flower was introduced having their latin name in smaller text underneath was such a cool touch. The use of sound effects and images really helps the story to pop as well. It’s pretty rare that a visual novel has hooked me so thoroughly with wanting to see what happens next like this one did. There was a specific moment where I was hooting and hollering and that’s always going to be something I’m excited to experience.
Pangea’s Error: I’m a big fan of Sraëka’s games already so I went into this game with a little background on the kinds of games they tend to make. Once I figured out the conceit of how to move around the map, I was fully in. I spent a good chunk of time playing this one just exploring the world and looking for cool new swords. The fact that I was able to use the color of the houses to help me keep track of where I had been and explore further is a testament to how well the map comes together. I’m notoriously bad at being able to find my way around when traveling IRL so having various natural landmarks to help me move around was a big help. I don’t know if I found the ending, but I don’t think that would have been the point. The journey across the land was the story I ended up telling and when I stopped at the castle that branched in 4 directions, I felt accomplished with my collection of 7 swords and the tales they were attached to. Now I’d be a part of the swords journey as well. Would the next wielder know of my journey? Hard to say, really. Also, all the names of the swords were amazing.  
One last note is that the full download includes director’s commentary from the devs for each of the games and that was a huge part of elevating the experience for me. It was a nice treat for me to read the commentary after I played the game and compare and contrast what I took away from playing versus what they may have intended when designing. 
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hughesquinn · 5 months
friends are there to be bothered! Do you have somewhere you can stay? Like see if a friend can have a sleepover where you can stay warm. Or are you worried your parent will retaliate if you're gone??? I don't want to bombard you with unsolicited advice especially since I'm not like an expert in dealing with abusive parents and job stuff, but if you need to talk to someone or need a cheerleader you can reach out.
Also you can still apply for scholarships while in college, and colleges usually have other work opportunities, so if you ever need help finding out resources, you can always ask me. (And never feel bad for using school resources. It is their JOB to help you, and most students don't take them up on their help.)
I hope you feel better<3 (My computer doesn't have a hug emoji, but I am giving you the biggest, warmest hug right now)
honestly no I don’t :[ I don’t really have irl friends ? and the ones I have are people whose parents are friends with my mother and ive never been the type to really been to their houses except for a couple times so :[ n it’s fineee I have two blankets and still have the mattress
and yaya idk if ill truly be able to really do that rn just because of stuff but m gonna try n i do have a job m hopefully working at least 32 hours each week (and will probably have to do full time + overtime bc of how little people we have)
n thank uuu
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