a-name-or-three · 2 years
When they get married, Jon takes Martin's K. Jon K Sims. Martin K Sims. I'm right.
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meloartist · 2 years
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iksoikotbd · 2 years
হৃদয়ের গভীরে যার বসবাস, তাকে সবকিছু বলতে হয় না। অল্প বললেই সে বুঝে নেয়।
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rogerrcoyle · 2 years
every morning
Every morning between my neighbor’s trees I am greeted by my morning star! Even when the clouds encase the sky, I know it’s there.
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juni-ravenhall · 2 months
How about 4, 5, and 6 for your ask game :3c?
Which Horse was your first purchase? Do you still own that horse, and what did you name it?
so when i started playing sso (2017?) i occasionally saw people ride this horse, i still remember being in moorland as a n00b and stopping in my tracks to look at it bc i was blown away:
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im weak for "lighter mane colour than coat colour" horses and this one has a unique colour so it really stood out to me. plus, im a friesian enjoyer as far as irl horses go, even if sso friesians have never been quite right to me (including this one).
so i googled where to get this horse, okay, new hillcrest. i told myself: thats the horse i want, i dont need to buy any other horse until i can get it bc i dont care that much about any other horse ive seen so far anyway. (i obvs didnt have much sc, since id just started) i had no idea how long it would take to get to NH at this point lol.
then i play for some time and i get to firgrove (i think that was where it was at least). and im met by......
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.... this guy who i just love. hes so cute. i stare at him and question if i have to stick to my decision to save up sc for the friesian. eventually i decide that it seems like its a long time until i unlock NH anyway, so its okay if i get him in the meantime.
so he was my first bought horse, and it was a great decision bc then he was my main (very beloved) horse for a long time. his name is Snowspell but i also call him Pelle (swedish name). this was also before the starter horse got gen3'd, so Pelle just looked better than Winterborn dsfgkjdfs... but i rode him all the time and loved him so much.
eventually when i got to NH, i think id bought at least one other horse (the blue old magic horse), and also, when i actually was face to face with the friesian i wanted, i realised i didnt like it that much. i felt like the face wasnt that pretty, and overall it looks a bit plasticky like a toy. i did buy one (shes called MorningDream, i think maybe shes called Morning Sun in my brain tho) and then just didnt ride her at all basically..... until 2-3 years ago when i suddenly realised that i love her with red tack on, she looks like a beautiful christmas toy horse, so we got a happy ending too.
Which Horse is your favorite? Do you own said horse, or are you simply dreaming of buying it?
basically Winterborn my starter is my emotional favourite like, he doesnt have the best model, but i cant imagine not having him (or a replacement for him if they released another horse that has the same colour and vibes, to take over the title of heart horse vessel).
at the moment my non-starter favourite is my ardennes Meatball (registered name Walnut) and im really frustrated that hes not good for champs bc i want to ride him all the time. i have a lot of beloved horses though so i will just leave it at current obsession and heart horse for now.
Which Breed is your favorite? Which Generation is it from, and why do you love it so much?
it might be the ardennes. the appaloosa is also up there. in general i seem to like Nomi's horses bc they have the most personality, both in the model and animation, and also in the small details in the coats, all together it makes them feel more alive. i dont like the ones that lack interesting mouth / tongue / eye / nose animations, and i dont like ones that have too undetailed coats (which looks plasticky to me). also i love hairy horses so ardennes hits a lot of points for me.
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lucasbeingrandom · 2 years
its 3am and im daydreaming (morningdreaming?) of eddie munson
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toropiski · 1 year
300. poetic pearl - aamu-unena tänään olin luistelemassa järven laajalla jääkannella... Lämmin kosteus vissiin kypsyttää 😁☔🌧️💙🐾
300. poetic pearl - morning dream today: I was skating on the wide ice cover of a lake... Warm humidity probably ripening... 😁☔🌧️💙🐾
#300poeticpearl #morningdream #aamuuni #skating #luistelu #sadepäivä #rainyday☔
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samyjo6542 · 5 years
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Runaway With Me #summerdreams #beach #vacation #bluewater #island #mostbeautifulbeaches #vacay #getaway #runawaywithme #palmtrees #summer #snorkling #whereiwannabe #beautiful #scenery #suntan #perfect #tuesday #morningdreams #summertime #tuesdaymorning #bucketlist #sandcastles #waterskiing #sailing #surfing https://www.instagram.com/p/BzavUZoJxdC/?igshid=1rmoyols0g5rb
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geezerwench · 4 years
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Check out this weather map. It's a dragon! The center patch of blue lake (just above but touching the green) is its head, long snout facing to the right / east. It's rising, sweeping up into the air, wings unfurling. Long tail trailing behind. Somebody's about to get their ass kicked. . . . #MorningVisions #MorningDreams #pareidolia #SeeingThingsInOtherThings #SundaySeeingThings #15november2020 #SeeItAsAGoodSign https://www.instagram.com/p/CHnNb2ggAbx/?igshid=1ftajmm3257k6
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debbidimaggioblog · 7 years
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Unless you are willing to walk into the unknown, the chances of making a profound difference in your life are pretty slim. #TomPeters . . #itsuptoyou #morningdreams #morningmeditation #morningmotivation #inspiration #motivation #wordstoliveby #gratitude #believe #trust #makeadifference (at Debbi DiMaggio Realtor Author Philanthropist)
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Dream Of Success
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meloartist · 4 years
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i just think theyre cute :D
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bigogles · 5 years
check dis out c: 
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fashionistaru · 7 years
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May I have my breakfast today in the atmosphere of Friday night? Just before going home to relax and finish my week? Sleeping? Yes, I know, it's Tuesday morning... yes, yes... oh... Good morning)) with #emilyblunt source: @javi13_sanz. No other credits... if you have some information I appreciate it💕 #goodmorningpost #haveagoodday #artofphotography #contemporaryphotography #beautyofwomen #womeninart #womanportrait #morningmood #morningdreams (at Moscow, Russia)
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juni-ravenhall · 3 years
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i need u to know that MorningDream was my dream horse when i started playing sso but ive never actually loved them until this month.
when i started playing sso i would occasionally see this horse around and everytime i would be like !!!! HOLY SHIT !!!!!. i decided to not buy *any* horse until i could get that horse, it was the only one i really wanted from all i’d seen at the time. (when i started playing i think it was kinda right before gen3 horses started coming out? idk)
i looked it up online, hm, new hillcrest, i hadnt unlocked that yet, but not surprising since i hadnt unlocked anything much. i thought id get to it relatively soon if i just kept playing. i set my mind on not buying anything else bc nothing could compare.
bit by bit i found out it was going to take very forever to get to nh actually, but at least i liked playing the game so whatever, i would get there. but after a while i saw the morgan horses and fell for one of those, so i ended up buying it, then i got a blue magic horse bc i thought it was funny, then i got an old pony for reasons i dont remember... 
when i eventually got to new hillcrest, i was really excited bc it had taken me so long to finally reach this personal goal, and there i was, and there the beautiful, gorgeous friesian sport horse was. i suffered about naming it bc it was important to me - i thought about naming it “evening star” which is one of my imaginary horse ocs that isnt in sso, a friesian but the coat isnt the same - i decided to go for “morning dream” which felt like a similar vibe name - i bought it.
i went back home to my stable.
i DIDNT like this horse’s face. i really, really didn’t like it. i stared at it, got up and went for a ride, and i tried really hard for a few days. we weren’t clicking. i couldnt handle that face. and doesnt the whole horse look kind of plastic? (by this time the first gen3 horses were out)
i put morningdream back in their stall and gave up. very disappointed after all that work, but at least i was now a proper sso player and enjoyed other stuff so the legendary new hillcrest friesian wasnt my whole reason for playing anymore.
cut to years later, the past few weeks. since gf started playing ive actually ended up levelling up almost all my horses to 15 due to playing a lot together and competing against each other to do stuff in game. one of the last few horses to finish levelling is morningdream, left at level 4.
i sigh and get up on the horse, go to the closet and pick out some cute tack. .... wait, but this is really cute actually. i work on it some more. wow. morningdream looks super pretty when i just cover up the face a bit with a pretty bridle!!! and sure they look kinda plastic, but now thats a vibe!!! they look like a perfect christmas toy horse that i wouldve loved when i was 10!!!
i go meet gf to do our dailies and ride around, gf loves the look too. i feel excited riding morningdream and we look great. 
it took like 3-4 years or something but i finally got to experience the actual love i thought i would feel for this horse back when i started playing.
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tiffanypooh · 7 years
♪Lyrics 8 這一夜 我享受著雨聲 我等不及閱讀 關於我和你的故事 剛才真心的 替你許了願 唱著Falling Slowly走出電影院 我睡不著果然是懲罰 我騎著車 風順著吹著 右邊是田 想像的你在左邊 等待似乎 變成催促著睡眠 我會不會又睡到下午了 我會不會又睡到下午了 Sleep til afternoon — DSPS ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆#LyricsSeries #MorningDreams #ifiwannabe #我會不會又睡到下午了 #sleep_til_afternoon #DSPS #afternoon
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