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rosie-dear-rosie · 2 years ago
Hobie Brown is a ska lover, change my mind (you can’t)
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 5 months ago
Inktober 3: Boots
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Been a bit bereft of ideas for Traintober in recent days; have a WIP of some Sudrian blokes in boots doing the Skinhead Moonstomp at Arlesburgh Station.
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punk-chicken-radio · 10 months ago
symarip - skinhead moonstomp
-ax and TOS
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xerox-music · 7 months ago
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Currently in Japan visiting friends and family, but of course had to pick up some records while over here! I will probably buy some more within the next few days, so will keep this page updated.
Unfortunately I don't have access to a CD or Record player as of right now, but I will when I return to England - I'll post each record individually with their respective details and ratings, as per usual. For now, I'll put some basic details below. (If you see any errors, please let me know!)
Vinyls -
Symarip - Skinhead Moonstomp (1970? Not sure) (1980 reissue) (Classic Ska/Skinhead Reggae)
Redman - Time 4 Sum Aksion (1994) (1994 Single Release) (Boombap/East Coast Hip Hop)
Bernard Herrmann, Robert De Niro - Taxi Driver (1976) (1978 Japan Reissue) (Jazz/Soundtrack)
CDs -
Antidote - Thou Shalt Not Kill (1983) (Classic NYHC)
SS Decontrol - Power (Live Recordings 1981-85) (Classic NYHC/Straight Edge)
Warzone - Don't Forget The Struggle, Don't Forget The Streets (1987) (NYHC/Skinhead Hardcore)
Project X - Straight Edge Revenge (1988) (NYHC/Straight Edge/Youth Crew)
Murphy's Law - S/T, Back With A Bong! (1986, 1989) (NYHC)
Erykah Badu - Mama's Gun (2000) (Neo-Soul/RnB)
United Future Organization - No Sound Is Too Taboo (1994) (Jazz-Funk/Funk/Afrobeat)
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imichelle-l-rigby · 1 year ago
Reflections: Cillian Murphy’s Limited Edition
Season 3, episode 7
✨ya girl is just trying to sorta keep up✨
*I am a music prof (predominantly classical vocalist), and I LOVE listening to Cillian’s music choices! That being said, sometimes I won’t like a song simply because of a vocalist (it’s a professional hazard - sorry!) 👩‍🏫
** The following are my own observations/opinions. We may not agree, and that’s ok! That’s what makes music fun! 😊
*** I wouldn’t say I’m well-versed in Cillian’s music preferences, but I do enjoy them (for the most part). I always wind up adding to my own playlists after listening to Cillian’s recommendations.
🎵“Play that funky music, white boy!” 🎵
🎵Set 1 (Manhattan - Shut the Door)
Manhattan: vocal harmonies are unique! Interesting how the piano chord progression never changes - you’d expect it to change for the chorus or something, but nah 😂
Pictures of You: ok but the way this would be perfect for a road trip! And it’s got a long intro for a pop song!
Everyday, I Don’t: I am looooving the guitar here!!! 😍😍😍😍 the bass line also has some fun contrapuntal/contrary motion with the guitar, and I like it a lot!!!
Shut the Door: at first I thought this sounded like the beginning of COPS (iykyk), but then things took a dramatic turn! 😂😅
🎤Talking Break:
“Tiresome, banal, humdrum, brilliantly tedious factoids”
“Thank you for putting me in the same sentence as Jimi Hendrix”
🎵Set 2 (No Name #3 - This Strange Effect)
No Name: this is quite chill. No thoughts, just floating. 👍
Run of the Mill: the way I love George demos! I am convinced he left his best stuff on the cutting room floor! His voice and acoustic guitar just work together. ❤️
This Strange Effect: 😍 dude I just love music from this era! And the awkward leap in the melody on the word “strange” - great word painting!
🎤Talking Break:
“Thought I’d play it for ye”
Covers! Yay!
🎵Set 3 (Sister Big Stuff - Skinhead Moonstomp)
Sister Big Stuff: ok but how fun is this??? and the cover twist is really cool! This works! 💃
Can I Change My Mind: I like this track a lot, I just have questions regarding production - why does the vocal line almost hide behind the instruments? 🤔
Skinhead Moonstomp: this is totally a “crank up the party” song! And the storyline is so cute! 😂
🎤Talking Break:
It took me a minute to understand the “pyramids” discussion
“Kinda ambient”
🎵Set 4 (Castlefields - Die Bunge)
Castlefields: the “sirens” on the strings remind me of a piece called “Threnody for Hiroshima,” although with a completely different intention! And against that, you have some slow, cool jazz. I really like this. ✨possibly my favorite of the episode✨
Die Bunge: the electronica… solid. 👍
🎤Talking Break:
Ask a reasonable question - ok but this was SO REASONABLE!!! Loved this question!
… I’m putting my money on Yoko for the 1971 “King Kong” debacle. 😬
And I’m totally with Cillian on the covers 👍
🎵Set 5 (Cab It Up - Mestre)
Cab It Up: instrumentally this is quite fun! The spoken vocal part reminds me of b 52.
Mestre Candeia’s Denim Hat: some fun electronica! The rhythms are unexpected and you know I love polyrhythms.
🎤Talking Break:
Irish music! Yay!
Cool explanation!
🎵Set 6 (They Recognized Him)
They Recognized Him: whoaaaa. I’m glad Cillian said this was partly inspired by ‘90s hip hop, because you can hear it once you’re in the know!
🎤Talking Break
An exclusive!
Ooooh a reading! And quite memorable - I would describe it as grotesque in its imagery.
🎵Set 7 (Seem Am I - Why Can’t I Come to You)
Seem Am I: like I’ve said before - I do have a complicated relationship with her voice, but I fully recognize that her timbre is completely intentional. Her lyrics are pretty sophisticated, which I appreciate.
Why Can’t I Come to You: oh how beautiful! Ok I need to listen to more Patty Waters. ❤️ ✨is this a tie for favorite???🤔✨
🎤Talking Break
New music! Woohoo!
🎵Set 8 (Free of the Stolen Boy - Bending Hectic)
Free of the Stolen Boy: I like this, but every time he says “I want to be free,” all I can think of is Queen 😅 his voice reminds me of Johnny Cash.
Bending Hectic: I LOVE THIS! What a great concept - the “bending” is heard with all the bent notes/microtones. And then it’s “hectic” because the style continuously changes, but the bent motif continues throughout - well done! ✨another favorite✨
🎤Talking Break
Yorkshire Man - Scottish music. Ok. This guy sure is interesting!
🎵Set 9 (Life in a Scottish Sittingroom 2 ep 11 - Mam Yinne Wa)
Life in a Scottish Sittingroom: well, at least he’s easy to understand! I was worried I wouldn’t know what he was saying! This is an interesting pick, especially since it’s hard to call this music. There’s music in the background, but I definitely call this a reading. Anyway, it’s quite pastoral.
Riot in Cell Block No 9: wow! That’s a transition, now isn’t it?! 😂 nice early rock
I Asked for Water: and now some blues!! I’m getting the sense that this set is all about “obviously from a specific country” vibes/sounds.
Mam Yinne Wa: well… it’s definitely from somewhere. I just don’t know where - I’ll have to do some research. That being said, this is COOL!! 💃 ✨ANOTHER song tying for favorite??? How many am I up to???✨
🎤Talking Break
I loved this “wedge” of music 😍
🎵Set 10 (The Lonely Sea - You Are Mine)
The Lonely Sea: 😍 I love this, and frankly, I need to listen to more of The Beach Boys! These boys bop, but can also bring some fantastic harmonies!
You Are Mine: 💃💃💃 I love this one, too!!! These vocals are 🔥, but so are the instruments! 💯
🎤Talking Break
That is a shame that we don’t know much about Jay Robinson!!!! 🙀🙀🙀
Beatles moment!!!! 😍😍😍
🎵Set 11 (Julia - This Town)
Julia: the way this song makes me CRY 😭❤️😭❤️ OMG HE LOVED HIS MOM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 John may have been wacky, but my goodness could he write something heartbreakingly tender (*ahem Now and Then ahem*)
This Town: a solid song. What a groove! 😎
🎤Talking Break
Early 2000s - wow! Nice to know what songs he played on repeat!
“Mind yourselves, now”
🎵Set 12 (Tilth Dawn Rustles - Swell Does The Skull)
Tilth Dawn Rustles: oooh this is good! Atmospheric but also synth and electronic sounds. Although the bubble sounds in the background are a little distracting 😂
Swell Does The Skull: transition was cool, but I am digging this guitar line! A solid, melancholy ending.
Phew! One more done!
Tag list:
@iammrsrogers @deliciousnutcomputer @mariamoonie @brownskinsugarplum76 @look-at-the-soul @kj-davis @neverroad @teapothollow @thepurplearmyposts @possessedmarshmallow
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dothedogmusic · 1 year ago
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Halloween is here & my Skalloween Spooktacular Spotify playlist is undead with 100 of the most terrifying & dance inducing ska tunes you could wish for! Tune in here…
Start skanking & screaming to the ghostly moonstomps!
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vmonteiro23a · 2 months ago
ONCE IN ’80: The Specials - "Too Much Too Young"
ONCE IN ’80: The Specials – “Too Much Too Young” “January 11, 1980 SPECIALS’ live EP “Too Much Too Young” is out today on Two-Tone records. Side one was cut at the London Lyceum and couples “Too Much Too Young” with “The Guns Of Navarone.” The flip was captured live at Tiffany’s in Coventry and includes “Longshot Kick The Bucket,” “Liquidator” and “Skinhead Moonstomp.” This EP would introduce…
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anopero · 9 months ago
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★ライブレポート★ 2024.6.9(日) 東京/高円寺 MOONSTOMP 『ゴキゲン!アタック!ロックンロール!』 共演:モーレツアタック ツアーから戻って間もなくのこの日。 アノアとペロの初ライブの場所で CD「まぐぱ」のジャケット写真の場所でもある MOONSTOMPでお久しぶりのライブ。 共演は、初めましてのモーレツアッタクさん。 今年の頭に偶然出会ったご縁で決めたのですが、 初共演とは思���ないほど馴染んでいて、 特に最後、それぞれの曲をセッションした時に めちゃくちゃしっくりきて気持ちが良かった! お客さんのノリも良くて、 最高にゴキゲンな夜になりました。 表現しているジャンルやスタイルは違っても、 大事にしていることとか心意気とか何か通じる部分がある人とは、 ジャンルを超えて繋がれる。 また、嬉しい出会いができました。 モーレツアタックさん、MOONSTOMPのヤスさん、香月さん、お客さん、ありがとうございました!
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pinkydoodlepoodle · 1 year ago
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来年1/27(土) エレキ編成で戻ります。
ELK Presents : Let's Spend the Night Together
11/18(土) 高円寺 MOON STOMP
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dstrachan · 1 year ago
'VIEWS FROM THE EDGE' - w/c 23rd October 2023
Bad Company ‘Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love’
Bad Company ‘Bad Company’
Ecosse ‘Parcel Of Rogues’
Lowemotor Corporation ‘The Flyin’ G’
Sigue Sigue Sputnik ‘Love Missile F1-11’
Road Demonz ‘Low Rider’
Function ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Pink Martini ‘Brasil’
The French Whisperer ‘Walter Raleigh’
The Human League ‘The Dignity Of Labour (Part 1)’
The Ukrainians ‘Hopak’
Culture Shock ‘Stonehenge’
Rhythm-Ites ‘We Don't Want’
Military Surplus ‘Time Of The Dispossessed’
Hippy Slags ‘Sunlight On The Truncheons’
Pink Floyd ‘Not Now John’
The Specials ‘War Crimes’
Timmy Thomas ‘Why Can’t We Live Together’
Ruby Cross ‘Games’
Gossip ‘Heavy Cross’
Lou Reed ‘Perfect Day’
Transvision Vamp ‘Landslide Of Love’
Splintered Halo ‘You Died’
The Specials ‘Skinhead Symphony Longshot Kick The Bucket Liquidator Skinhead Moonstomp (Live at Tiffany's Coventry 08 12 79)
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rockinenockyclub · 2 years ago
7/28(金) 高円寺@
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◼︎『東京地下室 vol.5』
open 19:00   start 19:30
charge ¥2000(+order)
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2wheelsonedream · 6 years ago
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Some cool Trojan records patches I screen printed. 
Hand made for sale on Etsy.
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tarsiscruz · 6 years ago
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inktober day 03 - Moonstomp
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dothedogmusic · 1 year ago
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Halloween is here & my Skalloween Spooktacular YouTube playlist is undead with 60 of the most terrifying & dance inducing ska videos you could wish for! Tune in here…
Grab your popcorn & start skanking & screaming to the ghostly moonstomps!
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chemaskandal · 3 years ago
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Not only a great #person , #artist , #musician and #composer but I think I can also call him a friend. @reggaemanmonty #MonthNeysmith is one of those legends in a particular music genre but his legacy has overflowed the whole spectrum. Since he started playing in #Jamaica he was already being a professional. Then he took over Europe where everything solidified with many different Banda You might have listened to. Acts like #Zubaba #TheBees #TheSevenLetters #ThePyramids and others ✌️😎 A slightly dfferent style of illustration but really enjoyed this one I did for a coproduction by 2 American record labels. TODO UN HONOR haber hecho esta portada para el disco de #Symarip #Monty #Moonstomp #Reggae #SkinheadReggae #EarlyReggae (at Reggae music) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChILguUL_Gl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atsushinagira · 3 years ago
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超久しぶりに高円寺の兄貴ヤスさんのお店ムーンストンプで、女優のヒルマサトコちゃんとトラゲットの女将しおんちゃんのユニット「まち娘」のご両人にお誘い頂きました!! ------------- 【日付】6/29(水) 【時間】19時オープン / 19時半スタート 【場所】高円寺ムーンストンプ 【チャージ】2000円+別途オーダー 【出演】スーマー、ナギラアツシ、まち娘 https://bighitcompany.com/moonstomp/ スーマーさんとはご挨拶させてもらったくらいでご一緒するのは初めてで、めちゃくちゃ楽しみです!! 沢山のご来��心よりお待ちしております!! #live #ライブ #koenji #高円寺 #moonstomp #ムーンストンプ #弾き語り #guitar #ギター #スーマー #ナギラアツシ #まち娘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfB3VOOJv57/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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