#moon oppose chiron
bitesize-astrology · 14 days
Forgiving THEIR Past
Friday - September 6, 2024
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You hear a lot of new-agers talking about forgiving your past. And I agree; at some point you have to wrestle with and ultimately forgive your past.
But what about other people's past? If indeed "what is good for the goose is good for the gander," then shouldn't we forgive their past as well?
Ouch. Sorry that I had to point out that possible inconsistency in your world.
Today the Moon in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries at the breakdown to breakthrough 22° mark. This is an opportunity to breakdown old feelings about the past in order to keep them out of your future.
When the Sun is in Virgo everything seems bigger; problems, pet peeves, irritations. And if a past with an individual that you haven't forgiven is in your field, then it seems bigger than it really is.
But it's also the opportunity to forgive, meaning detach yourself from them and the situation. Forgive doesn't mean forget, but that the situation doesn't factor into your decisions anymore.
And that's when an almost certain future is rewritten to something more harmonious than you once thought possible.
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Astrology Observations on Myself pt.4
🌙 Lilith in the 5th house: When I was little I had a lot of sexual encounters with friends. Boy, girl, didn't matter and I had NO awareness of sexual orientation back then-- they just were attracted to me and wanted to explore "taboo" things
♉ Taurus ruling over the 5th house: Whenever I make plans with my friends, the to-do list is literally to eat and spend time in nature playing with flowers LOL
♈ 4th House Ruled by Aries: No one can tell me how to decorate my house, where to live, or what to do in general LOL it's all MY decisions and I go after what I want when I want BUT with Libra MC there's hellah people pleasing tendencies so it's a challenge.
♋ Mars in Cancer: Crying is as easy as breathing. Honestly, I've come to terms with this placement and see it as a gift now, especially as a woman. I don't make a move until my intuition and emotions have guided me to do so ~ it works out a lot better than forcing myself to do something.
♂️ Mars in 7th house: Aggressive sex and slapping, biting, and wrestling is definitely a thing with lovers. Also being first to initiate sex or romantic connections is a theme even as a feminine woman.
Sun conjunct Chiron: pray for us 🫠
Sun and Chiron opposing Saturn: pray harder 😭
♌ Leo ruling the 8th house: something about the magnetism here really triggers people's insecurities. Seeing people's darkness easily with solar leo energy lighting up the house of darkness. NOTHING IS HIDDEN FROM US-- including our own insecurities to shine and be seen* 👀
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myun-saidthoughts · 8 months
🥀 Astrology Observations 🥀
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🦋 Water house synastry increases or creates co-dependent behaviors
🦋 When dealing with 12th house synastry and unrequited love/dismissive behavior from one person (as the planet person or the person who has more Pisces/12H/Neptune influence) often times, they may struggle with over emphasizing "synchronicities."
Example: Their name randomly pops up on your FYP/Twitter or what not and even though they haven't spoken to you in weeks or months even, falling into a dilemma where you tell yourself this is a "sign" to text them or that they are thinking of you may occur.
Example: If you find yourself constantly checking their social media, you might start interpreting their story posts as covert expressions of their feelings for you. In turn, you might even resort to dropping subtle hints on your own social media, hoping they'll notice and reciprocate the attention.
Example: You may accept the fact that this person no longer thinks of you but they could post one (1) vague story, comment, picture, tweet and if that said post could have *any* relation to you, then a part of you (or all of you) may believe that it's confirmation that they like you again or that they are thinking of you again, regardless of outside or external factors that have happened.
Falling into a delusional hole is likely and unless there are consistent clear and prominent signs or words that they are not thinking of you or that they are interested in someone else, a part of you will fixate and wonder if what they are posting is for you, about you or to you.
🦋 Virgo Moon criticize's themself harder than they criticize others
🦋 Sagittarius Sun + Taurus rising creates a very optimistic, grounding, and stable individual regardless of trauma or hurt. (Needless to say everyone has their breaking point)
🦋 Capricorn Moon men with a water rising + have polarized emotional feelings. They become extremely uncomfortable with feelings yet emotions run high and they could have outburts
🦋 Capricorn Moon individuals have a very harsh relationship with their mother, either she was cold, dismissive, strict or uncommunicative. A part of their soul felt un-nurtured or cared for in a way that they needed.
🦋 Moon square Neptune in a birth chart indicates a mother who struggled(s) with addiction, reality, or with mental health. The tighter the orb the more severe or prominent the mother's behavior was towards the child.
🦋 People with natal 4th/8th/12th or have prominent Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces placements that have harsh aspects towards Neptune/Pluto/Chiron/Lilith may prefer intense water house synastry
🦋 Sagittarius, Virgo + Aquarius in a birth chart can indicate a highly intellectual and intelligent soul. They may have a gift of photographic memory.
🦋 Heavy Libra/Leo/5H placements all give off the same aesthetic in my opinion, very feminine, they attract more than they chase
🦋 Mars oppose/conjunct (sometimes square) Moon + Venus synastry creates intense and obvious attraction between one another, you may experience a heightened desire for intimacy with them, possibly leading to an increase in your usual level of sexual expression; especially if you are objectively very attracted to them.
🦋 Mars conjunct/oppose ascendant synastry can create jealousy or dislike towards the ascendant person if both parties are the same sex. (Especially if there has been one awkward encounter where Mars's confidence was affected because of Mars's own personal core wounds)
🦋 Leo Moon/Venus need their partner to show them off. Their partner has to openly and loudly claim them, not in an annoying or suffocating way but in a way where they feel instantly validated or wanted; to the point where everyone naturally notices
🦋 Scorpio/Pisces + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC) rising's have similar facial features
I've noticed that Scorpio + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC can creates that emo aesthetic (also heavy Pisces individuals as well can fall into that aesthetic too)
🦋 Jupiter in the 8H indicates your family (or others around you, people/partners) has or have had wealth, whether that be from your/their parents, grandparents, and so forth.
🦋 Malefic planets like Pluto's or benefic planets like Jupiter placed in the 2H/8H house showcases dealing with an extreme theme when it comes to money; in some point of life
Pluto in the 2H/8H showcases extremities of having money then losing it all, becoming obsessed with money, or receiving high sums of money and becoming careless with it; power trips could occur where you can't be given your money because of higher authorities or officials (2H) or because of family issues with tax documents and trusts (8H) etc. Truly the themes here that can manifest are endless and as always aspects/full natal charts paint the better picture.
🦋 11H Moon individual's give so much to their friendships, it's as if no matter how many times they get burned by someone, their soul still asks and searches for a the kind of friend they are.
(Bonus if they have 12H placements too then the search for authentic, considerate and kind souls feel like a never ending battle that they keep losing too and no matter how many times they feel burned they still keep searching)
🦋 Moon conjunct Pluto in a composite chart creates the same intensity as 8th House/Pluto synastry; the relationship can't be light.
🦋 5H synastry increases the chances of partying with one another. You may see them out often or make plans that involve the night life/parties. Childlike fun behaviors can also occur and with one another energies are lifted and there is no negativity.
🦋 With past life connections: when you are with them, 1 hour feels like 10 minutes; before you know it 6 hours pass and you don't even realize it.
🦋 Heavy Aries placements (especially Sun or rising + chart ruler) tend to prioritize the gym and their body. Working out comes so natural to them.
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mellowellez · 9 months
Astro notes💌
Venus-uranus people can have the majority of their relationships online and lots of online friends but they are pretty fast on the internet when it comes to finding a companion or lover
underdeveloped Pisces moons can be very manipulative , aloof , co-dependent and flaky
Sagittarius 10H/MC-Jupiter people can travel alot and make lots of money from traveling
Mercury-Chiron especially if (opposed, squared) can be very vulnerable and think everything is their fault , they also may be afraid to speak out or share their opinions because of either being misunderstood or judged
Libra moons are always the ones too start a relationship with anyone no matter who , what , when , where
Mercury-Neptune people daydream alot and often in their own lil bubble
12H mercury people don’t talk much or get personal unless they actually know you or can trust you
Virgo/Cap 1H/Saturn-asc people can be very obsessed or anxious over how they look or come off they feel like something is always with how they look maybe
Virgo Venus are all about routine and having a plan
Sun-Pluto people can very easily annoyed or bothered by other peoples presence
Air and water in big 3 can make someone very emotionally attached and vulnerable with people in some cases
12H stellium people could get easily drained from doing anything
You know those people who can’t make up their mind when driving and they go super slow but then speed but then slow down yea that person definitely has a air or water 3H
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cupidlovesastro · 10 months
𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 #𝟏𝟎
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✠ pisces sun, moon, mercury, mars, and venus tend to avoid confrontational situations or topics. they’d rather take keep their thoughts and feelings to theirself
✠ gemini mars could laugh when they’re angry or try to not take things so seriously. they also could bring up some good arguments and points
✠ taurus moons can find comfort through their favorite smells, foods, textures, etc
✠ sun in 12th house people could try to keep their personality hidden due to trauma. it’s something you could need to heal within yourself
✠ chiron in 10th house can mean you need to heal your father wound or that you heal others father wounds
✠ mars in 6th house can mean that if you sacrificed for someone, and they were unappreciative, it makes you very angry
✠ moon conjunct neptune can mean you try to escape your emotions when they get too much. this can also mean your emotions sway you a lot, like they start to dictate your thoughts, behavior, and actions
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✠ mercury square or opposing jupiter can mean that it’s hard for you to expand your vocabulary or learn new things
✠ aquarius sun or rising could have unpredictable changes in their personality
✠ sagittarius risings could dress according to their culture or pull inspiration from a particular culture (doesn’t have to be racial)
✠ people their sun signs the same as your mercury could have a satisfying voice to you or you could listen to them talk all day
ex: if your a libra mercury, you could like listening to libra suns
✠ saturn aspecting pluto can mean that your transformations are long, difficult, and destructive
✠ virgo mercuries can sound really smart and intellectual about what they are saying, even if it’s an unserious topic
✠ rising opposing moon can mean that you have more sharp, boney, and structural features than soft feminine ones
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caturnmoon · 2 months
Astrology Observations #4️⃣
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🍄Virgo Venus 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾 love language being acts of service.
🍄The Mercury conjunct your midheaven aspect gives me huge “networking for a living” vibes. You could thrive in sales, or a job that requires a lot of communication in some way; either orally or written. Like a columnist or someone in marketing!
🍄Whereas squares add tension to an aspect and planet, oppositions work against each other like same sided magnets; no matter how hard you try, planets won’t mesh unless there’s a balance between the two. It’s tension, but opposing tension. Like a blockage to the energies of that planet that needs working through.
🍄Venus square Pluto aspects could attract obsessive people and have issues with stalkers. Also, power struggles in relationships if you’re not careful!
🍄Aquarius mars and being the avoidant types when it comes to conflict. The nature of the water bearer is to work with the collective at its most evolved, so they’ll usually rise above petty conflict to get to a logical solution. Similar to Libra but not as passively. Or, they are known to rebel to make a shocking statement. They are the rebels of the zodiac after all thanks to Uranus! They get fired up for a cause that’s for sure.
🍄Having your sun conjunct your moon is a pretty awesome aspect in my opinion! If everything else supports this, there could be a nice balance between your ego and emotional self/inner world. They both act as a checks and balances for each other, which is oh so healthy. Could also signify a beautiful relationship between both parents! It’s harmonious and there wasn’t much fighting or toxicity.
🍄As someone who is on the autistic spectrum I love looking to my whole sign Aquarius Saturn in the 3rd house. It explains a lot.
🍄The 8th house not only resembles intimate relationships, shared assets, debts and of course death, but also inheritance too!
🍄Having a highly aspected Chiron indicates the potential for you to become a healer in this lifetime! Chiron is the wounded healer, and so its house sign and aspects can hint towards what needs healing within yourself in order to help others!
🍄A lot of physical therapist and medical professionals have a lot of Virgo in their charts, as well as Scorpio too I’ve noticed. Especially MC.
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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ms-taurusvenus · 2 years
Astro Notes
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The naives have a RBF and features of a Scorpio rising would by having Ascendent-Pluto aspects. 
9H placements frequently create and attempt to locate the deeper meaning of even the most basic things.
Scorpio placements and those with aspects to Pluto tend to be accused of envy.
7H Venuses typically wed in private and detest the thought of a lavish ceremony. Their weddings also tend to be more understated, with the bride and groom dressing in more casual or straightforward apparel as opposed to how many other couples make a big deal out of what they wear. Examples include: Cardi B, Adrianna Lima, Bruno Mars, Kurt Cobian, Ryan Golsing, etc. When you search for these celebrities' weddings, you frequently find that they either have few to no photos from their ceremony or that it was a modest affair.
Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini men look fantastic with dyed or bleached hair.
Cancer, Taurus, Libra, and Virgo placements typically hug the best.Cancer placements frequently hold on until you release them from the hug.
Tips for arguing with a Virgo Mars 101: Prove. Them. Wrong. Even if you're in the wrong, attempt to pull something out of your ass and hope it works if you still want to win the debate.
9H Chiron may have religious trauma.
Sun in Capricorn x Fire Moon motivates the naive to work tirelessly and ambitiously toward their goals.
Aquarius and Leo placements (particularly Moon & Ascendent) are always significant and important in some way, whether they're famous or not.
People with Taurus and Cancer placements frequently find it quite easy to fall asleep.
People who have placements in the 7H, 8H, and 12H frequently generate envy in others.
A lot of well-known, successful football players have a weak Mars; this only goes to show that just because someone has a weak Mars doesn't mean they aren't driven, determined, or as strong as someone with a strong Mars. Examples include Diego Maradona (Cancer Mars), Lionel Messi (Cancer Mars), Pele (Libra Mars), and Kylian Mbappe (Libra Mars).
Ask a Gemini or someone with perdominate Gemini placements if you want recommendations for fantastic movies or TV shows.
Until you meet a Virgo Lilith, you don't understand what a perfectionist is. They put a lot of effort into making sure everything is done carefully and to the best of their ability.
Pisces placements nails are frequently quite attractive, long, and strong.
People with the Libra and Leo placements are sweethearts and are frequently regarded as loving and kind by others.
Many Aries Venuses wait until later in life to get married. They also tend to not want to get married until later in life as well.
Despite having better options, a toxic or unsuitable spouse, or being dissatisfied in a relationship, Pisces placements tend to only date those with whom they feel comfortable.
Uranus-Jupiter transits may indicate pregnancy.
Taurus Venuses are incredibly devoted to their lovers, but that doesn't mean they can't let go of their ex-partners and move on. In fact, many Taurus Venuses are able to and do do.
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trapastrology · 2 months
Regulating emotions w/ Astro
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For majority of ppl, it may be hard to regulate ur emotions, but I know this runs really deep for 8H Moon, Scorpio Moon & Moon-Pluto individuals.
Look to your Moon Placement to see what you should do when ur emotions are out of wack! *This rings true for your North Node as well*
Look Towards the positive aspects for more information and other things you should do.
Avoid doing things that square or oppose ur Moon.
Check Degrees for further details as well.
I have a 5H Aries Moon at 2°
When my emotions are out of control (moon) I should work on a creative project (5H) alone (aries).
I usually paint, draw or watch a fav childhood cartoon (5H themes)
2°-shows Venusian things that comfort me should be incorporated. Such as soothing scents, music, etc.
I usually drown myself in things that comfort me. I light my fav candle, put on my comfort jacket and play music.
Sextile to my 3H Chiron
Writing or speaking (3H) about what's wrong (chiron) also helps.
I write poetry or on a rare occasion talk to someone about how I feel
Square to 2H Pluto
avoiding self-destructive (pluto) thoughts about myself worth (2H)
Hope you enjoyed this post! Check pinned post for info about my upcoming Patreon. Message me to book a reading, all readings are only $25 until July 31st! Message me to purchase my book on 12H synastry!
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theastrologylady · 2 years
Astrology Observations #2:
Libra moons are some of the kindest people you will ever meet. They have an innate sense of justice and a desire for everyone to be equally happy. They also have this way of existing at peace with who they are and let others be who they are.
Venus in the 11th women are charming and fun - usually sweethearts that love the world. A lot of their friends tend to crush on them though, and the native with this placement can be disappointed to find out some friendships were only based on interest.
I don't like to give "absolute" statements, but I will say, I have never seen an Aquarius Mars with someone that isn't impressively smart/deep. Without mental stimulus, you could look like Brad Pitt that they will have zero interest.
Jupiter in the 8th men = grower not show-er
I'll go more into synastry below, but I have noticed that when two people have almost exactly, or exactly opposing charts in tight orbs (ex: Sun Cancer 23 degrees, Sun in Cap 24 degrees, Mercury 2 degrees Cap, Mercury 0 degrees Cancer), you actually get along so well with that person. They're totally the opposite in many ways, but also exactly the same. 2 sides of the same coin, so different there is no need for a power struggle but somehow still same energy. Love seeing and experiencing these. But it has to be the majority of the chart.
Synastry ~
Placements that cause sexual tension you can cut with a knife:
Mars conjunct/opposite Venus
Eros(433) aspects to Moon or Mars
Pluto aspecting mars
Mars conjunct, opposite Moon
Mars square Neptune
Lilith aspecting Sun, Venus, Neptune
5th house overlays
Mars in the 7th house overlay
Placements of pure love and appreciation:
Saturn conjunct or trine Sun or Moon
Amor(1221) aspecting Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Asc
Moon or Venus trine, sextile pluto
Moon conjunct or trine Venus
Venus aspecting Neptune
Juno aspecting Sun, Venus, Neptune
Moon in the 7th house overlay
The "I feel like I've known you my whole life" placements:
Mercury mutually aspecting Sun
Asc trine, conjunct sextile Asc
Moon sextile, trine conjunct moon
4th house overlays
12th house Moon overlays
Mercury trine, sextile Jupiter
Venus opposite Venus
Asc conjunct Moon
Chiron trine, sextile, conjunct moon
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sokosmic · 1 year
Synastry Observations #2
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💙 Their Mars in your 3rd House makes them want to talk to you all the time. Conversation tends to flow freely. You inspire each other's thoughts and ideas. They tell you things about their siblings or neighbors. You enjoy running errands together. Frequent talks about sex and sexting isn't unusual for this overlay.
🤍 Moon overlaying the 9th House can indicate that there is significant distance between the two of you. Long distance relationship. Person from a different culture or ethnic background. This overlay also indicates that you may share similar religious beliefs or philosophies on life.
💙 Venus opposing Uranus can also indicate a relationship between two very different people. This aspect in synastry brings excitement, especially in the beginning. The Uranus person sends electrifying signals to the Venus person, who is drawn to the Uranus person. There needs to be some grounding and enduring aspects in the rest of this synastry for a relationship to last with this one. This aspect can also manifest as an on/off relationship because the two are activated towards each other through transits.
🤍 Having Mercury square Mercury in synastry can be tough. Here the people involved struggle with communication and understanding each other during critical and even non-critical moments. When Mercury squares in synastry, even small misunderstandings can quickly escalate to bigger disagreements. Because squares are typically created by signs of the same modality, but different elements, the minds of these people clash because the approach is different. For instance, a Cancer Mercury and Libra Mercury both are Cardinal and the mind works fast for these signs. But Cancer's mode of communication is filtered through the emotions (Water), while Libra filters through the mind (Air).
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💙 When their Venus is in your 7th House, you find them very attractive. They embody what is beautiful to you. As the House person, you have the attributes and qualities of what Venus values in love and partnerships. The Venus person values you. This overlay can also indicate the Venus person coming into the House person's life to increase value or make money together.
🤍 When a person's Mars conjuncts another's Chiron, the Mars person has come to help facilitate healing for the Chiron person. As long as the rest of the synastry supports it, Mars isn't afflicted, and the Chiron person has already done some shadow work to address wounds, this is a very positive aspect in synastry.
💙 I've noticed when Saturn conjuncts the North Node in synastry, it can indicate a lifelong friendship. Of course, this can develop into a romantic partnership, or even start off romantic and end up as friends. But essentially, the people involved become bound together with this aspect. It is often the Saturn person who gets stuck on the NN person. Saturn initially introduces structure and discipline to the NN person. The NN person shows Saturn how to lighten up and allow lessons to evolve naturally. This aspect in synastry can also indicate creating 'good' Karma in this lifetime. Often there is an age difference involved.
🤍 Neptune conjunct Vertex in synastry can be a beautifully fated connection or an extreme nightmare. When Neptune is positively placed within the natal and in synastry, this aspect brings a brand new, positive perspective to the Vertex person about compassion and unconditional love. But because of the nature of Neptune and the potential for illusions and deceit, if Neptune is ill placed or badly afflicted, Neptune will teach the Vertex person about seeing clearly, setting proper boundaries, and using their intuition.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Thanks for reading!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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saturns7moon · 10 months
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i find familial synastry so interesting tbh. for example, i have such a karmic relationship with practically everyone in my family.
— my younger sister is an aquarius stellium with a leo moon whilst 4/6 of my big 6 is taurus and scorpio. we square each other and have heavy 12H and 4H synastry and we argue all the time, sometimes to the point we have to be pulled apart. my mother is literally earth dominant, not sure of her rising but she’s a taurus sun, capricorn moon and virgo stellium, and i’m water dominant and while that would be good, the absolute lack of water in my mothers chart makes her so emotionally disconnected and unavailable, which is shown in my chart as neptune in aquarius sits in my 4H, making me grow up not having an emotional connection with my mother, and with her moon conjunct my chiron, it is very apparent in our relationship.
— house placement is so important because my best friends brother is a sagittarius stellium but he’s a virgo rising, his stellium mainly in his 3H and 4H, so whilst he’s quite quiet at first he’s really talkative and intellectual the better you know him. he also loves his family a lot, and can be sentimental quite unexpectedly.
— i love looking at synastry so much, not just because it tells you about you and your person’s relationship, it tells you so so much about yourself, what your like and what themes in a person that attracts you. for example, i adore capricorn and gemini placements, like omg if i have a crush on someone, that placement is somewhere. i have a 9° capricorn venus in the 3H, the house with themes of communication, mental stimulation and learning. and i also have a 22° gemini juno in the 8H. juno is the asteroid that represents marriage, the type of person you'd want to spend the rest of your life with, and who you are in your partnership. with my juno being gemini (one of the signs ruled by mercury, planet of communication – mental stimulation) in the 8H (e.g. intimate agreements, possessions, things hidden from the light) anyone that reside in my 8H somehow in some way we share a deep connection, whether good or bad that has changed my life in some way. also since one of the themes of the 8H is possessions, i have shared either physical or emotional pieces of myself with these people, shining on the darkest most intimate parts of myself with them, whether by choice or not. for example, my best friend is both a gemini sun and mercury, my mother a gemini venus, my little sister a gemini moon, and recently i found out my crush is a capricorn moon and she’s a pisces rising, and my moon is in her 3H and my sun and rising are in her 8H (i use placidius).
— something i’ve noticed is that people with mutable mixed with cardinal placements within their big 6 love heavy feeling music, like rock for example. my best friend is a gemini sun and mercury and has an aries venus and cancer mars, and she told me she finds listening to rock music comforting when she’s about to go to bed. another friend of mine loves rihanna and she’s an aries moon and capricorn venus (whilst rihanna is an aries stellium lol).
— this is just a question from me, but to the people who have moon aspecting mercury (significantly or not), how do you feel about asmr? my moon inconjuncts my mercury and i listen to asmr almost all the time, even during moments i don’t even need to sleep. i’m very sensitive to noise i realise, so asmr is very calming for me.
— i resonate so fucking heavily with my moon persona chart. my natal moon and mars are exactly conjunct, and so both my moon and mars persona charts are identical. i’m a cap rising opposed to my (conjunct) cancer moon and mars, and when i tell you the way my eyes well up when i start to get mad? no cus it’s actually a set up. it seems like as if i’m blubbering on my words, when really i’m imagining the most violent life-changing way to end your life for pissing me off, especially cus i don’t get angry often (natal 7H taurus moon and mars), and it makes my body shake. lmao it was such a cool thing to realise.
— currently as i’m writing this, mercury is in sagittarius aka my mercury return, and i’ve been getting so many likes and attention for speaking on any type of social media platform i post on and it gives me so much anxiety 😭. i have a 1H scorpio sun square my 10H leo mc (saturn and lilith are there) and i hate hate hate being in the spotlight for too long. i’d genuinely rather be appreciated privately by people i love or just be acknowledged in public for a short amount of time. i hate hate hate being perceived lol. which is ironic cus i have this astrology blog, but at least i don’t have my face on here and i usually don’t post often haha.
— my venus persona chart is a capricorn stellium with a few aquarius placements as well, i’m genuinely not surprised that i have commitment issues 😭. plus i have natal venus-saturn and my moon squares my saturn, so 🧍🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️.
— i saw someone say a while back that you resonate very deeply with artists who have placements in your 12H and personally i agree with that a lot. a lot of artists i absolutely adore have strong libra placements within their chart, like ariana grande and alina baraz for example, and i love their music so much. it hits me so deeply.
— i genuinely adore foreign languages and music. like so much? i have a 3H capricorn venus opposed to my cancer 9H, and i’ve noticed i genuinely love music from foreign places, like k-pop for example. i’ve been a fan since 2016(-ish?).
— my 2022 solar return asc was a scorpio asc, same as my natal. and last year the nodes were in my 1H-7H axis and the way i’ve learnt so so much about myself this year is crazy. very painful yet beautiful journey i’ve been on.
— also i just need validation from other fixed signs, specifically scorpios and taurus’s, did you find this year easygoing for you? i feel like it’s been quite stressful and all over the place. i’m grateful for the lessons i’ve learned this year, but i feel like whatever astrologer that said 2023 would be great for fixed signs were lying outta their asses 😭.
anyways, that’s it from me loves, thank u for reading my rambling c:
love, lola xo.
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myun-saidthoughts · 9 months
Understanding 12th House Synastry
(*updated* and more accurate post about about 12th house synastry overlays along with Neptune synastry that makes harsh aspects to another's inner planets such as the Sun, Moon, rising, Venus or Mars)
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This post focuses exclusively on a 12th house relationship between two kind and evolved individuals. While there are other darker themes associated with 12th house synastry — such as deception, substance abuse, hidden affairs (like being the other woman or mistress), lies about one partner’s true nature, or fear that one partner is withholding information or their true self — I won’t be discussing those here. I might explore those themes in a future post, as they are important to note, but for now, my main focus will not include those themes.
“Though I barely know you, it feels as if I do. Your eyes and body language seem to speak your thoughts, even the ones I can’t fully grasp. There’s no visible thread connecting us, yet this feeling remains.” — Planet Person
There are two sides of 12th house synastry that I commonly see. The spectrum is different compared to the 8th house because with the 8th house, there are highs and lows, obvious extremes, there's oftentimes constant lessons, cycles and loops, but with the 12th house, there's a different undertone.
The 12th house is a very unforeseen house, when it comes with synastry, the spectrum of love that can be received and given is unfathomable. I am going to first discuss what this energy is like when someone deals with this type of synastry while having Neptune (especially harshly) aspecting your inner planets/12th house placements/Pisces placements; then I will go in-depth for how they would feel without those placements.
(that being said my main discussion deals with the foundation of both individuals having attraction or interest on both ends, as well as other intense synastry overlays such as harsh or soft attraction synastry aspects, + eros, lilith, chiron, pluto, or 8th house synastry)
As a 12th house native or with heavy Pisces influence (e.g., a Pisces Venus, Sun, Moon, rising, or with a natal Neptune squaring, opposing or conjunct the Sun, Moon, rising, Venus) this type of synastry is confusing, it's blurry and parts of you can second guess almost everything about them, what you are to them, what they are to you etc. There are no tangible boundaries when it comes to the emotional depth you are willing to feel for them. On some days you can find yourself wondering where you stand with them, you fixate on their energy, and you'll wonder if they're thinking of you. You look into their eyes and just feel their mental health struggles, their fears, their hidden thoughts, what they need to hear to feel seen past the 3D. You're like a walking and breathing affirmation audio tape of everything their subconscious always wished to of heard throughout life. That one broken image or belief they have within their subconscious self is the one thing you can't help but compliment them on, the feelings they ignore, suppress or hide away are the feelings you want to naturally reassure them about. It's like you become this real life 3D fixer upper for this individual, and you just can't help but be drawn with saving, helping, or fixing them. (undoubtedly so if you also fall in their 2nd house, especially your inner planets, if there is no 2nd house influence then the compliments/praising will be less intense or frequent)
The beginning of this synastry embodies confusion. Since there's no real tangible statement or understanding you can hold onto. You'll just know how they operate before ever really knowing them.
You'll just want to make sure that they are okay, and that can come in many different ways, you yourself will just know. You can turn into this savior that they never knew they needed, you'll just want to give and love everything out of them; and in some cases receiving or having that mutual give and take may be something you think you don't need, especially when it comes to them, and especially if you have a natal 12th House Venus or a Pisces Venus/a Natal Venus that squares, conjuncts or opposes Neptune (this can apply to the Moon as well).
If the above scenario resonates with you, then this individual is provoking a wound within yourself that deals with the acceptance of receiving authentic love. This innate need to only give highlights your own fear of receiving real reciprocal, stable, tangible love.
Therefore if you want to save, fix, heal or give, this desire only highlights that fearful nature within you where you allow to stay in shallow waters. You subconsciously know that you have such passionate love to give, but that thought of giving to someone who in turn might be willing to give back evokes fear and uncertainty within you.
This subconscious block holds more comfortability within you since it allows you to never accept a love where your soul will fully be fulfilled. It's self sabotaging and self written, you naturally already know how the story will end between you two, and so you subconsciously will find a character who perfectly embodies the story you yourself say you try to run from.
To reiterate; if you share the above placements you instantly can become drawn towards the house person. You will look at them and see every facet of their being, their hidden pain, their sorrows, why they feel the way they do, why they struggle the way they struggle, their mental health dilemmas, their soul; especially so if you as well have a water Moon that harshly aspects Neptune as well as the above listed placements. But these feelings don't persist automatically or openly, the desires the planet person or the one person who has the placements I listed/spiritual enlightenment + attraction towards the house person (or the other person) stays at bay and stays being unsaid, especially in the beginning. The planet person with these placements etc etc, can hold onto constant dilemmas and wonder if what they are feeling is real, if what they desire is one sided, especially if there is little to no communication between the dynamic.
On the other side of the spectrum, this bond (when wanted on both ends) can create a soul binding connection where the house person would feel like no one else can ever understand them the way the planet person can. No one else would be able to read them like the book they secretly are, no one else can look into their eyes and bring solace into their bones, which in-turn can cause the dynamic between them to consistently become something that is impossible to let go of.
With attraction + desire the house person may feel like a hug from the planet person* (or vice versa) is equivalent to receiving a sense of understanding and safety that they weren't aware they ever needed. The house person may just find themselves fully being able to lay and hold onto the planet person* and there's this unsaid desire just be next to them. The planet person* may instinctively feel this pull or knowing that there is a softer more serene side of the house person that not everyone see's and even though there's no tangible words to hold onto, that feeling within them doesn't dissipate. Just with one hug from the house person and the planet person* will know that there's a soft and quiet side inside them that they hide or suppress away.
* = placements I listed + spiritually understanding/enlighted
The house person will ask themselves: How do I let go of the one soul who speaks to the parts of myself that I don't even know? The intensity of the bond can vary based on each others natal placements, but I do believe the connection can become deep and unworldly even without the placements I've listed since attraction and desire are two KEY factors that would override any natal placement. Instant psychic understanding about one another on both ends (regardless of natal placements) can occur, you both will know what the other person is thinking, feeling, and needing. If there is genuine desire for one another then the depth of care can become very ethereal and unspoken, especially if the Moon or Venus are involved; if attraction is present and you have the placements I mentioned, a part of you will just want to hold onto the house person. You'll just want to comfort and be present in the moment with them. All that matters to you is that they are doing and feeling okay, with them this part of you unlocks where you just want to caress their soul. But like I said natal placements do have an immense influence, one individual could feel this pull and understanding (w/o the placements I mentioned) but the depth and length for caring may not run as deep as someone else who has the natal placements I listed. They will still care in some shape or form in ways they never knew was possible; but the turnover of moving on or of minimizing selfless acts can become more shallow and less frequent throughout time.
When wanted on both ends with genuine care and desire the song Run To You by Lea Michele perfectly depicts this type of deep care.
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Now this type of synastry can also begin the influence of delusion or false presumptions. Genuineness and self awareness is key, not everyone will desire such depth of the unknown especially if they themselves have no set understanding of their own subconscious beliefs.
To reiterate, if this is one sided therefore if they don't share attraction or desire for you; then this type of behavior will feel invasive and they may become confused or unsure with what to do with that type of depth that your eyes can bring them, if they are unaware of their own shadow self, along with not wanting to change or be spiritually awoken, this type of connection can be daunting and misleading in some way for them.
Now lets go deeper: for someone who doesn't have any 12th house Venus, Pisces Venus, Neptune influence (or if you have little to no attraction or interest towards them), or low spiritual awareness/acknowledgement of your own mental health struggles/hidden fears and if someone comes in to your life where they fall in your 12th house, the feelings that acclimate mainly are confusion, resistance or hesitation. You might have some hidden curiosity about the planet person but generally the curiosity can be the furthest you go with this individual. There might be some hidden tension or eye glances towards another but with it there is also a barrier between the two of you. You may feel like you know their body language or what their eye glances mean but you more than likely brush it off and set aside any spiritual coincidences that you have with them. You may also wither back and forth between being more inclined to getting to know them to being unsure with your interest in them or there's a sense of unpreparedness you may struggle with when it comes to this individual. A part of you may feel like their type of love can sooth parts of you that you ignore or mentally struggle with but that type of care can feel unneeded and can bring in fear; since there is a unspoken knowing of what they are able to truly view and feel for you if they were your partner. You may ask yourself, "Can this person fix, and heal me? " "Do I really need to be saved?" "Is this all in my head?" "Can they be the pacifier for the pain I can't even openly express; or will they bring me more sorrow?"
(this dilemma of curiosity is more apparent if you share other direct intense synastry aspects such as 8th/pluto/intense attraction aspects especially with eros or lilith etc)
Another strong note I wanted to state is how often times with 12th house and Neptune synastry; the reason why this is the house of "hidden enemies" or there's horror stories where one partner hid addiction, lies, another woman or their true agenda towards the other partner is because this type of synastry can genuinely cloud judgment and hinder honest communication. There is often hidden uncertainty or a lack of awareness of what is really going on, primarily because this dynamic makes it easy to fall "victim" to a false persona. This happens when you're unaware of your own wounds, patterns of self-undoing, or fears surrounding with receiving reciprocal love. While I'm not going too in-depth with these themes—since, in my opinion, they deserve their own post—I want to reiterate the importance of staying grounded, aware, and avoiding getting lost in illusions or overthinking about someone who you know won't (or can't) change.
That being said, if there is a connection where one person has these natal placements and desires for the other individual but the other partner doesn't share the same attraction/placements; then that is when unrequited love or unspoken love can occur. To summarize, for 12th house and neptune synastry to be mutual even if the other partner doesn't have those natal placements, there has to be attraction or desire; whether it be physical, or emotional. Someone could have these placements that I've listed but if there is no want, attraction or desire towards the other person; the dynamic can also become one sided on their end even with the placements and tendencies of being drawn towards connections that share 12th/neptune/pisces influence.
12th house synastry is the house of selflessness, this is the house of giving and giving to no end; since in one essence this house holds no end or beginning, therefore the boundaries and understanding that this house can carry is unknown. Each dynamic with 12th house synastry can be complexed, there are many factors that play a role in influencing this type of connection such as your natal placements, their natal placements, your natal aspects, their natal aspects, you desire and attraction and their desire and attraction and so on. Someone could sit in this confused and undesired energy for the other person for months and have all the placements I've listed. Therefore if that said individual is not prepared or have any desires to hold a connection that is deep and unspoken, they themselves (the planet person or the person who has 12th house/neptune/pisces influence) may even still feel fear or invasiveness towards the other individual that their share 12th house synastry with or vice versa; there are so many avenues and routes these connections can take, at least that's from my own astrological understanding and take on these type of connections.
Side Note: To balance the intensity these synastry aspects/overlays bring, taking on the opposite houses themes would bring more ease and create less intensity.
For example, dealing with 12H (Even Neptune) synastry, the opposite house is the 6H, the house of routine, daily life, mundane affairs, healthcare, helping others/giving etc etc. So to ease this type of fixation this synastry can cause, focus and enhance your own skills when it comes to your physical/mental health. Add more day to day to activities that solely focuses on changing your routine; however big or small. That will ease the fixation that 12H and Neptune synastry brings. This synastry can cause you to daydream or obsess over them, and since you may have this innate need to be their savior that wants to try and fix their wounds, the chance of putting yourself in situations where your priority is solely them is very likely. You could also fantasize and have an escapist attitude with them, (or the idea of them) therefore, they can serve as an escape for you; by focusing on their pain and struggles might cause you to forget about your own mental health challenges. You also might repeat scenarios in your head or fantasize about situations happening; especially since you might feel confused/hazy with where you stand with them, therefore keeping yourself busy is key with this synastry, and that will create more control within you.
This is all from my own interpretation of 12th house synastry, I would confidently say I am a very very introspective person at heart, I read between the lines constantly and overly fixate on behavior etc and this synastry still clouded my own judgment and understanding for years; it brought in tendencies for me to doubt my true feelings and curiosity, only until I more so let go of the relationship that I am referencing (the boy where I have 8th house synastry with) was the only time I was able to fully look outside my situation with him when it came to my actions and feelings. The constant back and fourth dilemma I struggled with when it came to knowing him and who he was was constant yet truly instant. My soul knew him before my brain did and because of that knowing I was unsure and unconfident with the type of feelings that persisted in the dynamic I shared with him. I have made so many posts about 12th house synastry but I can confidently say that this current post is now the most accurate representation of what can occur between these relationships.
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Hope this brings some clarity and understanding for others who have dealt with 12th house and Neptune synastry; if not disregard and again this type of synastry is truly nuanced and multifaceted.
If this resonates with you I have an eBook that perfectly depicts and explains if you are in a karmic relationship. It's about 8th/12th/Pluto/Neptune/Saturn/Vertex/Nodal synastry. I give insights, exact transits, exact synastry overlays, natal chart interpretations and more advice on what to do in these situations. More information is pinned on my page.
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Cycle Breaker Placements
Placements I see in charts that indicate someone is here to work through generational trauma and promote healing. These placements can be really tough, but offer a really unique perspective of the world.
They can also reap the most benefits once they work through their lessons.
Biggest indicators are 4th house, 8th house, 12th house, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aries placements. Also big emphasis on harsh aspects related to Pluto/Mars/Moon/Saturn/Sun. But these are one that stick out to me the most.
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✨Pluto in the 12th House. This placement indicates a lot of childhood trauma. When I see someone with this placement, I know they've been through it. I have instant respect for them. Most individuals with this placement don't realize their own inner power. It's hidden in their subconscious underneath years of memories where they were told that they were powerless. They are SO powerful and they don't even realize it. Especially if their Pluto is in Scorpio, but this applies to all 12th House Plutos. Once they recognize their own power, they're literally unstoppable.
✨Chiron in Gemini/3rd House. These individuals have a fear of being seen. They struggle to use their voice and speak their truth. Their path is usually the road less traveled, and it can feel isolating at times. They might have felt like their opinions never mattered in childhood and struggle with a need to be understood. Once they use their voice, they can affect powerful change to those around them.
✨Lilith in Cancer/Lilith 4th House. This placement indicates that the person will be working through generational trauma related to the mother or the maternal side of the family. Emotional needs are likely not met in childhood, which causes the person to have trouble accepting/asking help from others. But they also can't completely help themselves. Nurturing their emotions helps them unlock all the power of Lilith.
✨Saturn Conjunct Moon. Saturn and the Moon have opposing energies. The Moon is nurturing. Saturn is the disciplinarian. Often times, it can also be interpreted to represent the Mother (Moon) and the Father (Saturn). The paternal figure might've been absent or ill. The maternal figure could've been stressed and emotionally reactive. Someone with this aspect basically has to become their own parent. They're forced to learn emotional regulation, self-respect, and self-love. It teaches them that they have value and they likely break a lot of toxic cycles during self-growth.
✨Mars in a fire sign + in the 4th House. Inheriting a parent's reactive nature is likely with this placement. At least this is what I've noticed when I've interpreted charts. Fire signs are quick to act and they are sometimes viewed as impulsive. With a fire Mars in the 4th House, they'll be forced to confront their explosive anger. If not, they can repeat toxic generational cycles. Their parents were likely aggressive and threatened their safety in the home. This is a REALLY tough placement.
✨Chiron in the 5th House. Inner child wounds are prevalent here. The individual's self-expression is limited or repressed, likely due wounds from a parent or caretaker in childhood. They hide the important parts of themselves and have a really hard time being vulnerable with anyone, including themselves. Embracing creativity and accepting themselves is how they heal. In the process, they break negative generational cycles.
✨Capricorn Moon. These individuals had a lot of expectations placed on them in childhood. They might have been forced to step up in their childhood and could've been more of a parent than their actual parents, raising themselves and/or siblings. They're seen as the responsible ones, and might have faded into the background, causing their needs to go unmet. Their caretakers could've put work before play, causing these individuals to adopt the same approach. They must learn how to be vulnerable and experience joy with others.
✨Venus in Scorpio (Bonus points if it's in retrograde). Trauma related to a person's sense of self-worth is common. They might have low self-esteem or struggle to navigate relationships. There's a possibility that your caretakers relationship was volatile, leaving them to be afraid of intimacy (i.e. Divorce). There could be possessiveness or jealousy in romantic relationships as well. Even obsessiveness. Finding a way to balance these energies and re-shape how they define relationships helps. They also undergo the most transformation in romantic relationships.
✨Moon Square Mercury. Emotions were not safe to express in childhood. They might have problems making decisions, constantly warring between their mind and their heart. They could lean onto old belief systems or coping skills, even when they know it doesn't work. After a while, they'll be forced to change their approach on how they deal with their emotions. Thus, breaking toxic cycles learned in childhood.
✨Saturn in the 12th House. Wounds here could be attributed to past life trauma, but it's usually agitated in childhood. These individuals are really hard on themselves and believe they don't deserve anything good in life. There's potential for memory suppression and a tendency to disassociate. Absent paternal figures are common with this placement. When they prioritize their mental health and work towards healing, they break generational curses.
✨Aquarius Placements. These individuals are often tasked with pursuing their own path and deviating from the "norm." Therefore, they struggle with trauma in childhood. They might have been bullied for their unique interests. They could be the family outcast. Whatever it is, they take their own path. They might break familial expectations that had been adhered to for generations. Therefore, breaking the cycle.
✨Pluto in Scorpio. Generationally, this is the one. Being mostly raised by boomer parents, they pulled the rug out from underneath their parents, calling out toxicity. They likely trigger their parents without even trying. They hold up a mirror, highlighting what their parents could've been if they had broken the cycle.
✨Sagittarius Mercury. They can't help it. They word vomit their observations. A lot of the times, it could be done with innocent intention. However, being catalysts for chaos, they open boxes that their families have tried desperately to keep shut. They are brutally honest and care fiercely about discovering the truth. Sometimes, they intentionally cause chaos for change. Letting little bits of information or truth slip, they can have their family in uproar and questioning their entire existence. They're the voice of truth. And their family can't escape it. And they might hate them for it. But they just can't help it. It comes out of their mouth before they have the chance to think about it. (12th House Sag Mercury individuals might have a different presentation/experience of this placement).
✨Pisces Moon/Rising. These individuals can have challenging relationships with their mothers or maternal figures. They typically lack boundaries and experience pretty intense people pleasing behaviors. They're also very different from the rest of their family, usually. They'll be put in situations by the universe to craft their own identity and stand up for themselves. They can be the first to educate themselves on boundaries and actually implement them.
✨8th House Suns. They are often used by the universe for change and upheaval. 8th House Suns don't always have to do something for this to happen. Their very existence can be triggering to others. This is because they are usually showcasing their best qualities by simply being themselves. This causes others to feel insecure, because they begin to recognize the qualities they lack inside of themselves. So, 8th House Suns end up becoming the family scapegoat. If you're an 8th house Sun, just remember that it isn't you. It's someone projecting their own problems onto you. There's power there if you know how to use it.
✨Neptune/Uranus in the 1st House. These individuals often have an air of mystery surrounding them. No one can really figure them out. So they end up having others project their assumptions about their character onto them. This is another placement where their very existence is troubling to others. Because they become a sounding board for others' insecurities.
I'll do more of these later and make this a series!
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dreamypisces888 · 11 months
Indicators in Synastry chart that show Karmic bound or Soulmate or Twin flame!
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Karmic/Past Life Indicators:
Saturn aspects between charts, suggesting lessons and responsibilities carried over from past lifetimes
Moon contacts, reflecting deep emotional ties and empathy bonded through previous incarnations
North Node conjunct Mars - this implies courageous missions undertaken together, with passions energizing your joint work to answer soul contracts.
North Node squares Venus - suggesting vulnerability has been a theme, but through cherishing each other unconditionally, developmental wounds may finally release their grip.
North Node also squares Neptune - shared illusions are being dismantled now so your true purposes can shine through to lift others' dreams as well.
Jupiter's trine indicates generous lessons learned through past committed partnerships that instilled outlook expansion.
Saturn's squares denote relationship stability challenges overcome in past to build trust where before vulnerability caused reactivity.
Uranus' dissonance represents awakening of individual needs that transformed codependency to interdependence through understanding each soul's electricity.
Chiron's opposition attests to healing wounds of abandonment through this bond by giving/receiving unconditional acceptance of one another as beloved healers.
The Part of Fortune contact connotes duties fulfilled through supporting one another's growth despite hardships faced side by side.
Soulmate Indicators:
Strong synastry involving personal planets like Venus, Mars and moon, showing intimacy on emotional, physical and intellectual levels
Aspects to Jupiter, bringing out the higher, expansive qualities of the relationship
Grand trine formation, allowing the connection to flow smoothly
Venus-Mars aspects: Trines, sextiles signify attraction, passion, compassion fueling the relationship.
Moon connections: Trines, sextiles seen to mutual Moon signs portray deep empathy, nurturing energies between partners.
Sun-Moon: Classic soulmate aspect with the Sun of one lighting up the inner being of the other.
Mercury patterns: Flowing aspects allow profound communication and intellectual understanding.
Grand water trines: Subtle, supportive emotional exchanges indicating souls long acquainted.
Grand fire trines: These energize and inspire through shared adventures, philosophies.
Grand cross with a focus: Formations symbolizing karmic purpose found together through challenges.
Multiple planets conjoining a point: Depicts strongly mirrored or complementary soul qualities.
Jupiter moon/venus touches: Foster abundance, trust and joy through good and difficult times.
Twin Flame Indicators:
Opposing charts with emphasis on polarity and balance
Planetary mirrors like Venus/Venus reflecting a profound recognition
Intense aspects between outer planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto triggering spiritual awakening
Mirroring of Lilith placements pointing to a mission to heal ancestral wounds
North/South Node conjunction uniting your twin soul purposes
Strong Pluto aspects like conjunctions, squares: Indicates intense soul transformations experienced together.
Moon-Moon connections: Mirroring of each other's inner emotional landscapes.
Grand mutable T-squares: Formations that activate personal evolution through the relationship.
Sun-Uranus aspects: Bond awakens revolutionary qualities in each other's core identities.
Saturn-Saturn ties: Connections hinting at developing a mature spiritual partnership through difficulties.
Jupiter-Neptune: Expanding compassion and ability to creatively actualize shared spiritual visions.
Venus-Chiron: Healing each other's heart wounds through unconditional love expressed physically/creatively.
Mars-Mars: Dynamic actions challenging complacency drive evolution of passions together.
Moon-Node aspects: Deep ties to emotional life purpose resonating with soul's shared past/future.
Moon-Pluto: Intense emotional triggers that purge illusions through soul-baring intimacy.
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations🖤
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Please do not plagiarize anything that I write or repost on any other social media platform🤍
I’ve noticed that couples who have their composite midheaven in Virgo tend to be criticized quite harshly by others. Hailey & Justin Bieber are a celebrity example! It’s interesting because Justin & Selena have their composite midheaven in Cancer, which explains why so many die-hard ‘jelena’ fans were (and still are) so emotionally invested in their relationship although they have both moved on.
If you have your natal Uranus in your 6th house, you may work many different jobs in your lifetime. Alternatively, you might work a job or jobs that other people may think are unusual or eccentric in some way! Working In a science or technological field is a possibility. You are best suited to work in a job that gives you a lot of freedom and one that is not boring/routine or predictable.
A “father wound” tends to be common in the charts of people who have Chiron in the 10th house. I have also seen this happen when a persons Sun opposes their natal Saturn. This wound can occur in the charts of people who have an afflicted Sun! Meaning their sun is in the sign of its fall/detriment or their sun receives mainly hard aspects (squares/oppositions) from the other planets.
If you have your Chiron In the 11th house, you may feel as if you don’t fit in or as if you will never find a sense of community or belonging. These people often feel isolated from the world at large, or it can mean you experienced many painful issues surrounding your friendship. This placement can also manifest not always having a sense of direction, or not knowing what it is you actually want from life outside of your daily routine. On a more positive note, this placement can indicate wanting to transform society as a whole, or wanting to get involved in some sort of a project that heals or benefits large groups of people.
If you have Gemini over your 2nd house cusp, you can make money in ways that are related to communication or writing! Alternatively, you may make money doing many different things that are not always linked to each other since Gemini is a sign that represents duality.
If your Ascendant falls into someone else’s 7th house, you may be exactly what they are looking for in a long-term partner (physically). Your physical appearance, personality & how you present yourself to the world is aligned with how they would want their ideal partner to look/be perceived. However, the 7th house is also the house of open-enemies, so caution is always required when it comes to 7H synastry.
A solar return year with an 11th house emphasis, is likely going to be a year where you will be focused on expanding your social networks, or you may be compelled to go after your worldly ambitions. This is a year where you are likely to reap benefits from your career (especially financial ones) or you may be redefining what it is you want from life. Working with an organization or people who value philanthropy and service is also a possibility. You are also likely going to be using social media quite a lot during this solar return year.
Your moon line in Astrocartography will show a place in the world where you are likely to experience many fluctuations. It is also a place where you may feel a strong emotional attachment, or perhaps you may experience many different emotions in that part of the world . Women are also likely to play an important role in your life in these locations.
It’s very interesting because I know quite a few people (myself included) who experienced an increase in sexual activity/experiences when they had their Solar Return Sun & Venus in their solar return 8th house!
If you have your natal moon in your 5th house, you are likely to be more fertile or actually become pregnant/give birth once transit Jupiter enters your 5th house and makes a conjunction to your natal moon!
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gayou01 · 2 years
Astrology observations I made pt 19
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with mars in a water sign (Pisces especially) tend to love water sports and dislike activities that are too strenuous on the bones
-a Saturn return for someone with Saturn in the 3rd house will involve learning how to express themselves effectively and with intention and speak up when they or others are being wronged. It can also mean reconnecting with siblings, and extended family, and picking up some new hobbies
-libra placements are either the peacemakers/mediators of their friend group or the biggest instigators
-at best, Leo moons may have seen their mother as someone who helped them foster their creativity and was always supportive of their endeavors no matter how out-there they sounded
-at worst, Leo moons see their mother as someone who often made everything about herself and used her children’s accomplishments to brag. Comparison among siblings could have been a huge issue as well
-people with mars conjunct ascendant tend to have a lot of physical strength and often look angry and quick to offend especially if it sits in the 1st house. If it’s sitting in the 12th house, people often feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you and they often can’t put their finger on why that is
-Mars in the 12th house conjunct ascendant can mean that in your immediate past life you may have died in battle, in a fire or during a very turbulent time in general.
-Chiron in the 6th house can sometimes indicate an unhealthy relationship with food. If it’s aspected with Jupiter it can indicate a tendency to binge and overindulge. Aspects with Saturn can indicate following a strict diet and punishing yourself when you eat something that you consider unhealthy
-people with the Sun squaring or opposing their ascendant tend to not relate with the stereotypes associated with their Sun signs and are most likely to be skeptical of astrology because of it
-if the moons are squaring each other in a synastry chart, there will be an emotional disconnect in the relationship and therefore a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings and clashes. If regular check-ins aren’t done, one person will feel like their feelings are always being disregarded by the other person and resentment will build over time
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