Imagine as you please.
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Warning. May cause screaming. And other things… Listen at your own risk.
(With headphones)
BTS Moans
B.A.P Moans
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Imagine videocalling Zico and him smiling when he finally sees you…
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Imagine surprising Simon D with your daughter after a concert and him being excited to hold his baby…
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I just wanted to say that I love your account!! I follow several accounts similar to yours, but yours is the best!
Ahhhh, thank you so much ;;; you just made me so happy! I don’t deserve this much love, I’m really thankful♡
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gray on the beats, freak in the sheets
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clingy boyfriend loco
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I'm glad I came across your blog~ I'm currently enjoying your Zico fics :)
This is so sweet ;u; thank you for reading them
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You’re not stupid, it was the ugly phone’s fault ;; haha. I’m glad you enjoyed it
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Zico As Your Boyfriend
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 Endless compliments towards you and himself
“I must be unbelievably sexy to have gotten a girl like you.” 
Lots of him grabbing your ass, breasts, hips, really anything he could get a hand full of
Neck kisses
Being treated like royalty
Always showing you off to his hyungs
“Look at my jagi, isn’t she hot?”
Then getting extremely protective and keeping a tight arm around you once his hyungs get a little to friendly with you
“What do you mean I am jealous, I don‘t get jealous. You all are the ones drooling over my Y/N.”
Cuddling with him while he writes lyrics
Always tries to make everything sexual
Never misses a chance trying to get you in bed
Constantly glaring at every male that even glances your way
Doesn’t hide his emotions for you in public
Doing ridiculous aegyo for food which would only get an eye roll from you
Dealing with a flustered Zico coming back from a long day of work
Aka him taking all of his frustration out on you
Rough sex when he is frustrated
Gets off on you calling him oppa
When he not frustrated he would treat you like a princess
Loves eating you out
Like you da boi’s favorite dessert
Really sweet and soft sex
Lots of him grabbing your thighs
Cuddling for hours afterwords
“I love you Y/N.”
Never ending butterfly kisses
Falling asleep in his arms tangled with his body
“Good morning angel.”
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Hi!! Can I request #12 for B-Bomb? I love your writing♡♡♡ Thank you;)
Ah thank you so much for liking my writing, you just made my day ;u; thank /YOU/
Drabble #9: B-bomb + “We are not stopping, who cares about tomorrow”
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Sittingnext to Minhyuk with his hand on your tight, the club and a couple of drinks,your friends and the music; there wasn’t a better way to spend a Friday night,except for the fact that the thought of all the work you have to do tomorrowwas not leaving your head stopping you from truly having fun. You whispered onhis ear “Maybe we should go home early, remember tomorrow?”
“Don’t tellme you’re thinking about that baby, we’re not stopping, who cares abouttomorrow. We deserve this, we’ve been working hard” he turned to you and sawthe dubious look on your eyes, he handled you your drink as he drank his ownand when you were done, he took your hand and dragged you to the dance floor.
“Where arewe going?”
“To makeyou forget about it all for a moment” Losing yourselves in between the people,once you were at the center, he started dancing as good as he always does,grabbing your hands and moving your body to make yourself loose. It only tookhim some minutes to make it. You were dancing with your bodies pressed, likehow the polar magnets are attracted to each other, as if there wasn’t atomorrow. He stared at you with an inciting look, you felt intimidated, thekind of intimidation he always makes you feel before making you feel really good,and then he finally kissed you, his lips desperate for yours, his kiss wasintoxicating, tasting of strong alcohol. He was everything you needed and more,he was everything you weren’t, you’d be lost without him, you loved him thatmuch. He kept his promise, you finally let yourself go, and until the morningsun rose you just went with it.
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YOUR BATTERY WAS DEAD?????!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK I WOULD DIE 😂😭😭 why you do that ;-; omg
Hahaha, I’m so sorry ;; you should’ve charged your phone! 
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Hello~ can I request 11 for Zico? Please & thank you^^
Of course, sorry for taking long ;; hope you’ll like this (I honeslty did, lol)
Drabble #8: Zico + “Something that’s been suppressed is about to explode”
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You groanedunder your pillow and waited until your cellphone stopped ringing but it just wouldn’tcease, so you picked up the phone without even checking who was calling you at3 am, “What do you want?” Your hoarse voice grumbled. A quivering voice callingyour name answered you. You slowly opened your eyes at the realization of who thecaller was… “Jiho?”
“I need totell you something… Something that’s been suppressed is about to explode” therewas loud music at the background and he was gibbering his words, he was clearlydrunk in a bar.
“What doyou mean? Jiho, are you ok?” Even though you weren’t related to him in any wayanymore, you still care about him.
“I missyou. I miss you so much, there isn’t a single day were I don’t think about you,I try to erase you from my memories but you keep coming back, it’s like I’mincomplete and nothing seems to be right. Even now when my head is spinning theonly thought on it… Is you” you covered your mouth with your hand not beingable to believe what was happening, you never expected him to be this weak noteven when you were still dating. You remained silent. “I need to get throughthis baby… There’s only a way for me to move on: either you tell me now youstill want me as much as I want you, or you hang up on me and I’ll understandyou don’t want to see me anymore and I’ll disappear from your life, forever…It’s your decision” even though he slurred, his words made so much sense.
You weren’tsure what to do; you missed him, you always did since the day you broke up, butwhat if it was a mistake to get a back at him? You didn’t want to be hurt anymorealthough it was hurting you more being apart from him, should you just followyour heart or avoid another bad ending? Your heart felt heavier and a lump inyour throat was forming. Just when you were about to answer, you found uttersilence on the other side of the line “Jiho? Hello?” You took off the phonefrom your ear and stared at the screen… Your battery was dead.
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heyy, can I request number 12 + pyo? please 💕
Yes, sorry for taking so long ;; decided to turn this into a fluff, hope you’ll like it.
Drabble #7: P.O + “We are not stopping, who cares about tomorrow”
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You tryingto give Pyo reasonable arguments to tone down his drinking a bit, because healways feels like dying the next day on his hangover, only got you a “We arenot stopping, who cares about tomorrow” in return, gulping down his whole drinkand returning to sing along with Minho on the karaoke. You just let him be, butyou were starting to feel a little dizzy yourself so you decided to stopdrinking to be able to drive the car back home. Though that didn’t stop youfrom having fun, you kept on dancing and singing with the boys like before,having the time of your life. It was quite a night, after so many stressed daysat work you just let yourself loose.
Right nowyou were helping Pyo to get into the car, securing his seatbelt and you gettingin too.
“I can’teven see what time is it” his words were slurred; you turned on the car.
“I don’tknow, like 4 am?” you kept your eyes focused on the road.
“Would youlook at that, it’s drunken confession time!” he smiled at you, sounding reallyexcited.
“What?” youlaughed at his goofiness.
“I’m gonnatell you a little secret but don’t tell my girlfriend okay?” he put his indexfinger in front of his lips, meaning it was a secret.
“Oh okay, Iwon’t tell her, I promise” you stopped laughing and put on a fake serious face.
He remainedsilence for a moment before giggling like a cheerful little kid; whenever helaughs like that it made you feel so happy. He closed his eyes and laid hishead back on the seat and started speaking calmly “I’m honestly so grateful tohave her, I’m so lucky she’s my girl, I don’t what she sees on me but I hope itwon’t change. She’s just so beautiful and good to me, I’ve never felt this waybefore, I feel like I can be who I am with her. I really love her”
His seriouswords touched your heart, you felt so emotional.  On a red light you turned to see his face, hisbreathing was steady and his eyes were closed, he looked so peaceful.
“It’s rideor die, right?” you smiled at yourself, falling in love with him all overagain.
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Is it too late to ask for #7 and Jaehyo for the drabbles? ♡♡
It’s not, thank you so much for requesting Jaehyo *-* hope you’ll like it.
Drabble #6: Jaehyo + “Looking at it now, I had loved”
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To be ableto stand next to you after so many years, to listen to your heavenly voice, tosee your beautiful face and features, to be able to feel your presence again;was something Jaehyo could only yearn before today. Seeing you again made allof the memories comeback; all of those sleepless nights staying up just tocomfort you, all of the anxious moments he went through every time he’d try to protectyou but you only pushed him away, all those empty smiles you gave him… Why didit affect him so much back then? What was it that made you so important and dictatingin his life? You were only friends so, why did he chase you for so long? Everytime he’d see you, what ifs filled his head, his heart feeling troubled for noreason… “Looking at it now, I had loved” he whispered to himself while lost inhis own mind as you kept having an endless conversation with yourself aboutwhich toilet paper was better.
“What?” Youheard him murmuring something you couldn’t figure out, you stared at him andrealized he was deep in thoughts. Typical Jaehyo.
“Oh, it’snothing” you finally got him out of his head, returning the stare.
The cornerof your mouth rose forming a half smile, you laid your free hand on his arm,stroking him lovingly “I’m happy I got to see you today Jaehyo”
Somethingon your hand caught his attention, he averted his gaze to your fingers; youwere wearing a diamond ring. He looked at your eyes again and gave you the mostsincere smile he had… In that exact moment, he accepted not only his fate but alsoyours, he let go of the old strings attached at you, although he didn’t feelmiserable, he was happy you were happy.
“I’ve missed you” you told him with a faintblush on your cheeks. You truly did.
“Me tooprincess” he called you by your old nickname, making you feel nostalgic.
“What doyou say we go grab a cup of coffee after we’re done shopping? We’ll catch up ineach other’s lives” your smile grew wider at the thought of spending more timewith him.
He giggledat your excitement, “Sure, I’d really like that”
You keptwalking down the mall isle, the years between you disappearing.
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I’M NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS FROM THIS AT ALL, thank you so much for helping me out guys<3 (don’t worry I’ll write the ones I got before)
Blooming Period: Drabble game
Send me a number + a Block B member and I’ll write you a drabble based on these lyrics of Block B’s latest album…
In a few years later, after today, after all the time has gone by, would each of us become our own person and be living well?
Lazy me, I haven’t sorted out my feelings
I might look like I’m fine but this is me holding it all in
Use me while you can, I’m all yours
But I hope you will be sad
We can’t be equals, you are my only one and I am one of many
Looking at it now, I had loved
I’ll look for the original me, left behind while chasing you
Please find me, I’m walking in the rain
Even if it gets late, stay where you are
Something that’s been supressed is about to explode
We are not stopping, who cares about tomorrow
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