abybweisse · 7 years
Re: ask about Soma's role change
@yumi-star-michaelis I promise I'll get to replying. I just need to get my thoughts and evidence all situated.
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gdragonconfessions · 7 years
Say hi to our new admin!
Hey guys!
It’s been a while and some things have changed: mainly WE HAVE A NEW ADMIN!!!
GDC is very happy to bring Admin Paik (yumi-star-michaelis) on board! She’ll be running the blog with me, posting your confessions and answering your asks so please give her a warm welcome. :)
Admin Paik, we’re super excited to have you here!
-Admin Zette
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Hello~ can I request 11 for Zico? Please & thank you^^
Of course, sorry for taking long ;; hope you’ll like this (I honeslty did, lol)
Drabble #8: Zico + “Something that’s been suppressed is about to explode”
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You groanedunder your pillow and waited until your cellphone stopped ringing but it just wouldn’tcease, so you picked up the phone without even checking who was calling you at3 am, “What do you want?” Your hoarse voice grumbled. A quivering voice callingyour name answered you. You slowly opened your eyes at the realization of who thecaller was… “Jiho?”
“I need totell you something… Something that’s been suppressed is about to explode” therewas loud music at the background and he was gibbering his words, he was clearlydrunk in a bar.
“What doyou mean? Jiho, are you ok?” Even though you weren’t related to him in any wayanymore, you still care about him.
“I missyou. I miss you so much, there isn’t a single day were I don’t think about you,I try to erase you from my memories but you keep coming back, it’s like I’mincomplete and nothing seems to be right. Even now when my head is spinning theonly thought on it… Is you” you covered your mouth with your hand not beingable to believe what was happening, you never expected him to be this weak noteven when you were still dating. You remained silent. “I need to get throughthis baby… There’s only a way for me to move on: either you tell me now youstill want me as much as I want you, or you hang up on me and I’ll understandyou don’t want to see me anymore and I’ll disappear from your life, forever…It’s your decision” even though he slurred, his words made so much sense.
You weren’tsure what to do; you missed him, you always did since the day you broke up, butwhat if it was a mistake to get a back at him? You didn’t want to be hurt anymorealthough it was hurting you more being apart from him, should you just followyour heart or avoid another bad ending? Your heart felt heavier and a lump inyour throat was forming. Just when you were about to answer, you found uttersilence on the other side of the line “Jiho? Hello?” You took off the phonefrom your ear and stared at the screen… Your battery was dead.
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