#montez the wall
Solar Opposites, Assemble!
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mondodisco · 9 months
I can’t believe no one talks about that ABSOLUTE DADDY of Montez in Solar Opposites. Like??? Have you seen him????? Why are there no fanart? Why are there no angsty fanfictions about him?? I need more of him please give me more of him
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starsforhours · 19 days
ruben's favourite disney/pixar movie is ratatouille
angel's favourite is inside out 1/2+
zach's favourite is wall-e
jon's favourite is the monsters uni/inc series
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marshallow555 · 1 year
in the middle of binging the new season of solar opposites and i’m only watching the wall people part of the show for that ABSOLUTE DADDY OF A MAN, MONTEZ, BEGGING FOR SOME FANFICS OF HIM BCUZ AAAAAGAGGGGGHHHHHHHH
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yumyulak · 1 year
oh were still saying the wall is the best part ok (spoilers in tags)
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id-element0 · 2 months
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Adele's Super Chouette for TS3
As promised, Adele's Super Chouette is ready for TS3. Everything is tested by Graf Sisters. The only problem that I can think of is that I had to clone an ITF table because I couldn't find another object with 4 mesh groups. So if you don't have ITF, the coffee tables may not appear in your game.
And If you're aware of any base game object with 4 mesh groups, please inform me so I can try to make a more BG-friendly coffee table.
As usual, a few things to know before download:
The Loveseat is the master of textures for the armchair and sofa. I tried to lower the polys in low detail lods but they're higher than what's preferable.
Loveseat, Armchair, Sofa -> 4 Channels - 4 presets
Loveseat Polycount -> HLOD: 2276 MLOD: 1483
Armchair Polycount -> HLOD: 1324 MLOD: 886
Sofa Polycount -> HLOD: 3348 MLOD: 2029
Coffee tables use the same textures, but they're not dependent on each other in case you want one and not the other. The one with the brick is the original; I'm not a fan. So I made another one with metal legs. If you'll have both and merge your files, texture resources will be merged perfectly - having the same instance numbers.
Coffee Table -> 2 Channels - 1 Preset
Polycount -> HLOD: 190 MLOD: 166
Coffee Table Leg Edit -> 1 Channel - 1 Preset
Polycount -> HLOD: 218 MLOD: 192
Huge Wall Poster: I decided not to use Adele's art for the poster. Instead, I used art by Pixabay user 1tamara2 licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Note that these images are ai generated. If you have a problem with that, say, it reminds eerily of a work of an artist you know, please inform me.
1 Channel - 5 Presets
Polycount -> HLOD: 80 MLOD: 62
Floor Lamp
2 Channels - 3 Presets
Polycount -> HLOD: 522 MLOD: 372
I’ve also included the collection file which comes with its own icon for easy recognition. As always, I might have missed something; if you find anything weird don’t hesitate to tell me so I can try and fix it. I hope you’ll enjoy this beautiful set by talented Adele. Happy simming.
- Credits -
Adele for the meshes and textures.
1tamara2 from Pixabay for the art.
Google Fonts Montez, Kurale
Made with: SimPE, GIMP, s3oc, s3pe, Blender, Texture Tweaker 3, and TSRW
@pis3update @kpccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds
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raya-hunter01 · 7 months
Cruising Love Pt. 1
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the request and for trusting me once again @royalkay23
Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
His plans are in danger of going up in smoke as his toxic ex is also on the cruise and is desperate to rekindle their toxic burning flame.
Will Jey give in, or will he stand strong in his love and devotion to Kayla and leave the past in the past?
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Jacksonville, FL
Regen Seven Seas Cruises
Jey's POV
Damn it’s crowded and I wish we had got here earlier, but we were running behind schedule, but we made it. It really is a lot that goes into this cruising thing, but I’ll do anything for my lady.
“Will you stop looking at Kayla like she’s going to disappear,” Jimmy said as I looked at my girlfriend talking to Trin, Carmen, and Bianca.
“I’m waiting on Bianca to answer my text,” I said as I saw her looking at her phone, typing away with a smile on her face. “
“Stop worrying, you know Bianca got you. We all got you,” Sefa said looking at his girlfriend who game us a thumbs up.
“See Carmen is on it,” Jimmy said as I let out the breath I was holding.
The girls helped me plan this cruise for Kayla’s birthday and I want everything to go according to plan. WWE gave us thanksgiving week off this year and that made planning this trip much easier.
“Jey, everything is going to be beautiful, and Kayla will love everything you have planned, because she loves you. Then on top of that you know she’s going to say yes to your proposal so stop trippin’,” Robin reassured me as Joe kissed her on the temple.
“Keep him in line mama, we’re here to have fun and enjoy this break,” Joe whispered as I rolled my eyes.
“We are going to have fun-” I started but closed my mouth as I saw Kayla heading back over.
“What are ya’ll talking about?” Kayla asked coming to stand beside me checking her phone.
“Nothing baby, we just ready to get on the ship,” I said as she smiled brightly at me.
“I’m ready to get my birthday week started myself. Trin wants us to hit one of the clubs on the ship tonight,” she said I looked at Trin strangely as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Hey, ya’ll can do a boys night out too, ain’t nobody stoppin’ ya’ll,” she said as Kayla laughed at Jimmy shaking his head.
“A guys night out could be fun, maybe we could play pool,” Sefa added seeing how antsy I was.
“Uh, yea that’s cool I’m on board with it,” I said as the line finally began moving and thankfully, they were on a roll now. It took us about thirty minutes to finally get on and another twenty to find our rooms.
Kayla’s POV
“Oh, shit! Babe this is too much,” I gasped looking around our suite before going out onto the balcony.
“It’s your birthday week, nothing is too much baby,” he whispered gently kissing my neck as I blushed profusely.  “Thank you it’s really beautiful, everything is,” I whispered as I felt his smile against my neck.
“Not as beautiful as you, but just know before this week is over, I’m making love to you out here on this balcony in that shower,” he said pointing to the overhead shower against the wall.
“Oh, my now what will the neighbors have to say about that?” I asked turning around in his arms as we shared a brief kiss. 
“Don’t know and don’t care, but I know one thing they definitely gon’ know my fuckin’ name before this trip is over. Every night yo fine ass gon’ be screamin’ it,” Jey whispered before tasting my lips again.
“Oh, is that right?” I asked truly turned on as his eyes sparkled with mischief.
 “Damn right now go put on that pretty sundress for me that you bought. We gotta meet everyone on the deck in a few minutes, the dance party you girls wanted to check out starts soon,” he said as I felt even more giddy inside, my man was on it.
“Thanks again for all of this,” I whispered before heading inside to freshen up and change. This trip was definitely starting off right and hope it continues.
Deck Dance Party
Jey’s POV
I have to say, so far, the trip is going off without a hitch as we watched the girls on the middle deck dancing with fellow passengers without a care in the world. I still had one thing on my mind though.
“How bout Danielle texted me the other day talking about we needed closure,” I said to myself as I Joe raised his eyebrows at me.
“Damn, it’s like she has ESPN when your happy and tries to sneak in and fuck it up with that toxic shit,” he said as Jimmy scoffed, taking a sip of his beer.
“Uce, you and Kayla been rockin’ for three years. She’s loyal and held you down through a lot of shit. Don’t let nobody come in and fuck that up. The closure was done when you put her ass out and broke up with her,” Jimmy said as Joe nodded in agreement.
“I should have ended it better, I was so cold to her,” I said as Montez looked at me like I had grown three heads.
"Well if thirty thousand disappeared from my savings I'd be cold as fuck too. You went through that toxic shit for so long you feel undeserving of love and normalcy, but you are deserving. Let Kayla love you, just be happy man," Montez said as i nodded trying to truly digest his words.
“Kayla loves you and has held you down. Being a wrestler’s girlfriend or wife ain’t for the weak. Hell, she helped you build your brand,” Joe said as I smiled taking a swig of my beer.
“You should have seen her in the studio while I was remixing our old song. Do it again babe and yell louder, Iet’em know you feelin’ ucey,” I said mocking her as the guys laughed.
Danielle never understood my passion for wrestling but, when I met Kayla, I was thrown off by how supportive she was. I thought she was too good to be true and tried to close off my feelings.
Through it all Kayla never stopped being herself and each time I was in her presence another barrier would crumble and the deeper I fell in love with her.
The countless nights she sat up late letting me cut promos on her and giving advice. Like she actually cares and loves to come on the road to visit me and enjoy the shows.
“What’s got you over there in deep thought, Uce?” Joe asked as I smiled.
 “Just thinking bout Kay, and how much I love that woman. You know she’s already got her schedule mapped out to come on the road with me next month for a week to help out with my meetings with the WWEShop executives and Paul. She did me a couple of sketches of some new merchandise ideas I had.”
 “See that’s what I’m talkin’ bout, you deserve somebody like that on your team. Ya’ll grindin’ together, Uce.  Not somebody that has nothing to offer but sex, manipulation and don’t even get me started on the money she stole from you,” Jimmy said as Sefa watched me intently.
“Go ahead Uce, add your two cents in I can take it,” I said, his stoic expression even more judging than it normally is on TV.
 “Jey, you deserve happiness, and you need to stop thinking that you don’t. Danielle is the past, don’t let her spoil your future with Kayla,” he said as I smiled at him stealing a glance at Kayla out on the dance floor.
“Man, you better get yo’ shit together, all this stuff Bianca and I had to order and get shipped to Puerto Rico. If you fuck this up, she will kill you,” Montez said as we all laughed.
“I got it together man, I’m just thankful ya’ll agreed to help me get everything set up,” I said as he smiled.
“You know she loves to decorate and drags me along to help, but I love it too. I think that is going to be the business move for us when we decide to retire,” Montez said as I almost felt envious of him. He’s thinking about life after wrestling and is coming up with a plan.
“I’m going to order me another drink, anybody want anything?” I asked, getting up as Joe held up his beer.
“Get me a refill this gon’ be a long day,” he said looking back down at the girls dancing on the deck.
“Shit, you know it, I’ll go wit you,” Jimmy said getting up following me to the bar as I stopped in my tracks spotting a familiar figure from afar.
“I know this isn’t happening to me,” I whispered as Jimmy collided with my back. “Damn, why did you stop?” he asked as I tried to play it off as I saw my ex-girlfriend with her sister leaving the bar and heading towards the deck.
“Uh, I tripped over these damn slides,” I said as he laughed. “Man, come one let’s get these drinks and get back to the deck, we missing the show,” he said as I smiled but underneath my smile I was shook.
This was all I needed was Danielle lurking around and I knew if she saw any of us it would be a disaster.
“Aye, snap outta it Uce, we need to order,” Jimmy said going around me and heading to the bar.
“Just, avoid her ass at all costs and enjoy your trip,” I muttered to myself in denial. Deep down I knew at some point in time we were going to run into each other.
Yea, this definitely was going to be a long five days on this fuckin’ ship.
Four years earlier
“I do support you!” Danielle cried as the anger in me continued to boil.
“I begged yo ass to come on the road with me, you never have time even though you have no job. You just want to shop, max out my damn credit cards and flex on Instagram.”
“You told me I could get what I needed! Don’t make it seem like I just did it without your knowledge!” Danielle yelled as I growled.
How does me telling her that she can use my credit card when she needs something turn into you spending three grand a week.
 “That ain’t what I meant, and you know it. I’mma let you have that shit and move on. I want you to explain the newest most deceitful shit you’ve done to me,” I said as her eyes widened in shock.  “Yea, the jig us up, I can’t believe you didn’t think I would find out,” I hissed as she cried.
“Jey, I’m not feeling well,” she whimpered as I scoffed in anger.  “Cut the bullshit, explain to me how thirty thousand is missing from my savings,” I said pulling out my bank statement showing her the evidence in black and white as she continued to cry.
Yea, poor Joshua finally got some damn sense.
“Uh, I—I-Joshua,” Danielle stuttered as I slammed the paper down on the counter.
“Don’t call me that! Only my family can call me that and you ain’t my family, you never were!
“Yes, I am your family I-“she started as I bitterly cutting her off.
“You been stealing from me! Stealing from the person you say you love! Shit, who needs enemies when snakes like you are surrounding me!” I hissed as her crocodile tears made me even more pissed off.
“I’m sorry Jey, I didn’t want to hurt you, I can give it back,” she whispered as I shook my head in disgust.
“Danielle, all I want is for you to get out and stay out. You got an hour to pack what you can and get the fuck out.”
“Jey, we can work this out! I know I fucked up,” Danielle cried as I tried to keep my cool, but it wasn’t working.
“Yea, you fucked up big time and I’m done! When I get back you better be gone. Also, all my accounts have been switched so your cards won’t work anymore.”
“What am I supposed to do?” she whispered as Trin came into the kitchen where we were.
“Use that thirty grand you stole to start over,” I said as she cringed at my words.
“Hey, your door was open, is everything ok?” Trin asked taking in the tense scene. I can’t even imagine how we looked to her right now.
"Yea, thanks for coming sis. I just needed you and Cameron to look after the house while she packs her shit,” I said as Trin looked at Danielle shaking her head.
“Cameron is in the car talking to Sefa on the phone, his flight is delayed but she’ll be in shortly,” Trin said as I gave her a hug.
“Thanks, I just need to get outta here,” I whispered as she nodded tightening her arms around me.
“Go, we’ll call you when she’s gone,” she said as I felt a heavy load lifted off of my shoulders.
“Jey, you can’t just discard me!” Danielle screamed as Trin ushered me towards the door as Cameron walked inside.
“Jey you can’t do this!” Danielle cried as Cameron stopped me from turning around and answering.
“Ignore her, Jimmy is waiting at the house,” Cameron said grabbing my hand, giving a comforting squeeze as I felt my eyes burning. Yea, I needed to leave now.
“We’ll call you when it’s done,” Trin said as Carmen rolled her eyes looking at Danielle moving in slow motion around the living room.
“Girl, hurry up and get started packin’ your shit. We ain’t got all day and run them keys too because we don’t need you snooping around when Jey isn’t here.”
“A locksmith is on the way to change the locks; I don’t want to chance her having copies. I will get ya’ll a copy before I leave tomorrow night,” I said walking away, not really wanting to talk anymore to anybody.
Six years down the drain and right up under my nose. I’ll never let anybody close to me ever again.
Sefa and Cameron’s Suite
“I don’t think you saw Danielle; it can’t be,” Sefa said as I rolled my eyes. “I know what I saw and what I saw was that barracuda. Last thing we need is her trying to run up on Jey trying to reconnect, painting a perfect picture as to how she has changed,” I said as he groaned in frustration.
“Damn, why shit can’t be simple for once,” he said as I sighed.
“Because your brother can’t stay mad at nobody and that’s the problem.”
“Jey loves Kayla, and he wouldn’t jeopardize that, I just know it,” he said as I sat beside him on the bed.
“I know he loves her, but I also remember the hold Danielle used to have on him and it scares me,” I said as Sefa laced our fingers together.
“Jey knows what he has in Kayla and he ain’t messing that up for nobody, you’re worrying for nothing,” Sefa whispered as I tried to see his positive outlook but I knew that bitch.
If she ever saw Jey, she definitely would try to seduce him. Yea, this trip just went to shit.
Jey & Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Mmhm right there,” I moaned as Jey’s smiled against my neck gently biting as I rocked my hips against his fingers.
“Yea, you like dat shit don’t you?” he moaned as I whimpered in pleasure as he curved his fingers against my G spot. His thumb gently and urgently caressing my clit.
“Answer me princess,” Jey moaned using his other hand to grasp my chin bringing my mouth to his.
“Yes! I love it,” I whimpered grinding on his lap as he growled. “Fuck, you trying to make daddy cum too ain’t you?” Jey asked as I smirked. “Mmhm, I want you to come wit me,” I whispered as our moans and gasps of pleasure filled the room. “How long has it been since I made you cum?” Jey gasped as I continued to grind against him as his fingers and mouth sent shivers down my spine.
“This morning!” I yelped against his lips as he smiled. “Too long, cum wit me beautiful,” he groaned. “Mmm, I love you,” I whispered as Jey smiled. “I love you too princess,” he whispered as our lips met again in a passionate kiss as we fell over the edge together.
 Something so innocent got us both so hot. It’s purely ridiculous what this man does to me should be against the damn law.
“Damn, all I said was help me put on my necklace,” I gasped trying to catch my breath as Jey laughed. “Shit, you looked amazing in the dress, I couldn’t help it,” he said letting me go as I stood up.
“Yea, now I gotta change because you messed up my dress,” I said looking at the back in the mirror. “Aye, that was all you grinding up on this dick, dry humping like we teenagers,” he said with a sexy smirk as I blushed.
“There wasn’t nothin’ dry bout that humpin’ sir, and I didn’t hear you complaining a minute ago,” I said as he shrugged his shoulders.
 “And never will, I was just trying to give you a lil quick nut before your night out and you turn it into a two for one special,” he said as I laughed going over to the closet to find something else to wear.
“Now I gotta clean up and try this again, you stay your ass right there,” I said going into the bathroom as his laughter filled the room.
Yea, I really loved that man.
Club Tide
Trin’s Pov
The club was jumping but i was too focused on the information Cameron shared earlier about seeing Danielle.
“Ladies, the gentleman at the bar ordered you all another round,” the waiter said as we all looked to see a tall handsome guy at the bar smiling raising his glass.
“Aww that was sweet,” Kayla said raising her glass before throwing back her shot.
“Kay, you need to pace yourself,” Carmeron said as Kayla smiled. “Girl, it’s my birthday week. We turnin’ up all damn week,” she said as we danced in our VIP section.
“Yea, Kayla can handle her liquor, don’t worry Cam,” I said as I spotted Danielle by the bar looking over at us.
“Is that who I think it is?” Bianca asked as I nodded not wanting to draw attention. We both watched her smirk at us before she disappeared into the crowd.
“That bitch itchin’ for a beat down, I swear,” I whispered as Bianca sucked on her teeth. “I can already see, somebody gon’ beat that bitch ass before we dock back in Florida,” she said as I laughed.
“Let’s not give her that type of energy, this is Kayla’s week. Aye, let’s dance Kay,” I said grabbing her arm leading her to the floor as she smiled brightly at me.
“Girl, we gotta leave soon to meet guys,” she said as we began dancing.
“Come on, we’ll leave soon, let’s just have some fun and unwind,” Cameron said joining us on the floor as I saw Robin and Binaca scanning the room.
No doubt they were trying to watch for Danielle, but that bitch ain’t stupid enough to approach any of us.
Ocean Bar
Jey’s POV
This was supposed to be a fun guy’s night out, but all I’ve heard is how I need to avoid Danielle. Damn Cameron for blabbing. They talking’ to me like I’m a damn child, almost like they don’t trust me.
“Aye, I’ma head out if ya’ll keep nagging,” I said as Jimmy smirked. “You the only motherfucker I know that can ends up in situations like these. Your current and ex-girlfriend on the same fuckin’ ship,” Jimmy said as I frowned.
“Stop aggravating him Jimmy, he’s got enough on his plate,” Sefa said as Joe checked phone.
“The girls should be back over here soon, Robin just text me,” he said as I nodded trying to tune out Jimmy with his drunk ass.
“Man, don’t you fuck this up, Kayla deserves more than being second fiddle to somebody like Danielle. You don’t deserve her if you gon’ do that,” Jimmy said as Joe reached over and punched him in the shoulder.
“Shut yo’ drunk ass up-” Joe started as I interrupted him. “What you trying to say I don’t deserve her?” I asked, the alcohol clouding my judgement.
“Aye, go chill for a minute, you know he’s drunk and didn’t mean it Jey,” Joe said as I downed my shot and left the table.
“You talk too fuckin’ much,” I heard Sefa hissed to Jimmy.
“Uce, I’m sorry man, come back!” Jimmy yelled as I ignored heading out of the bar and heading up to the deck.
“Drunk ass just doesn’t know when to shut up,” I muttered not paying attention as to where I was going and collided with someone.
“You’re still clumsy as ever I see,” Danielle said as I jumped back in shock as she smiled brightly at me.
I didn’t know what to say standing before me was my past and internally I’m trippin’.
“Hey, Jey,” she whispered giving me a hug as I hesitated before returning the gesture.
“Hey Danielle,” I said as she rubbed my back before pulling away.
“It’s really good to see you, “she said as I nodded. “You want a drink, you look like you could use one,” she said as I looked at her like she was crazy.
 “I don’t think that’s a good idea, I’m here with my lady,” I said as she smiled. “Look, we made peace with the past, I mean you texted me back and told me we were cool,” Danielle said as I sighed at my words coming back to bite me in the ass.
“I did tell her it was cool and water under the bridge but is this really a good idea.
“Come on, I won’t bite. I know you have a lady and I have a boyfriend. Just have a seat and I’ll go grab us a bottle of Tequilla, I owe you,” she said as I contemplated her offer.
“Uh, I guess taking a shot for old times sake can’t hurt,” I said taking a seat as she went back into the bar.
The longer I sat, the more guilty I felt. “What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered out loud truly feeling like I was asking for trouble.
Just as I got up Danielle came back over with the bottle of Tequilla.
“Let’s toast,” she said pouring us a shot.
“Um, what we are toasting?” I asked as she smiled. “New beginnings,” she whispered as we shared a toast and drank.
The sly look on her face should have made me run for the hills but I stayed and took another shot.
“Let me find us music,” she said pulling out her phone.
“That ain’t necessary, I’m bout to head back inside,” I said as Get Up On it by Kut Klose began playing.
If you really, really want it
All you gotta do is get up on it If you really, really want it
“Do you remember this?” Danielle asked as I nodded. “Yea, I remember Dani,” I said as she smiled. It was the first song we ever danced to on our first date.
“How bout one more dance for old time sakes?” she asked as I went blank on what to next.
What the fuck had I got myself into.
The time has come for us, ooh, baby
To get real busy, baby
“Danielle this ain’t a good idea,” I said as she began dancing up on me.
“Come on, it’s just a dance,” she whispered wrapping my arms around her waist.
Oh, yes, it has, mm
And you don't have to be afraid of our love, oh, no
'Cause it won't hurt you, sugar
Oh, no, it won't, ooh, yeah, baby
Her hips rubbing against mine as I tried to keep it PG. I get myself in the most shit. Her mouth was dangerously close to my neck as I slightly pulled back.
“Danielle stop playin’” I warned as she smirked. “You know you can’t say no to me,” she whispered moving my hand to her ass as I groaned moving them back to her lower back.
Sefa’s Pov
“I’mma go find Jey, something ain’t right,” I said as Joe stood up to go with me.
“Nah, I got it Uce, keep an eye on Jimmy, Montez still out there dancing,” I said pointing at Jimmy who was nursing his beer.
“Alright, I’ll round him up and we’ll meet you on the deck,” Joe said as I shook my head at Jimmy before heading to find Jey.
“Let me find his ass before the girls get here,” I muttered hoping he ain’t did nothing stupid.
Going out onto the deck and around the corner, my eyes weren’t prepared for the scene before me as I saw Danielle wrapped up in Jey’s arms as they danced.
“What the fuck is he doing?” I hissed, not believing my eyes.
I like it girl, when we
Get real freaky, baby
Ooh, yes, I do, baby
And I'm on my hands and knees
“Hey, Sefa why are you out here?” Trin asked as I bout jumped out of my skin turning around trying to act unfazed and began walking back towards the girls.
“I was waiting for ya’ll, let’s go,” I said wrapping my arm around Kayla and Cameron steering them towards the club.
If you really, really want it (if you really want it, baby)
All you gotta do is get up on it (all you gotta do, girl)
Get up on this love of mine
“You sure everything is, ok? You look pretty spooked right now,” Kayla said as I nodded my head. “Yea, right as rain,where is Bianca?” I asked nervously as Cameron looked at me strangely. "She already went inside," Cameron said as I breathed a sigh of relief.
As I reached for the door, almost home free, I heard Jey laugh as Cameron cut her eyes at me.  I pleaded with my eyes for her not to say anything.
Wait, was that Jey laughing,” Kayla asked stopping in her tracks as I panicked. “Uh, I think it’s just some folks walking the deck,” I said as Kayla scoffed.
“You really think I’m stupid, and don’t know your brothers laugh after being with him for three years,” she asked moving my arm and heading back over to where I had been, with Trin and Robin following her closely.
“Stop her babe, Jey is over there with Danielle,” I said as Cameron’s eyes got wider. “No fuckin’ way,” she whispered as I nodded.
“Kayla, wait please!” Cameron yelled as we ran over to catch up her.
 “No, I wanna see what’s so funny, him and Jimmy must be out here doin’ something crazy,” she said, her smile instantly dropping.
There stood Jey and Danielle, still wrapped up in an embrace, their faces dangerously close.
I know he isn’t going to kiss her; snap out of it you fool.
Jey’s POV
“Jey, come on I won’t tell. Just one kiss,” Danielle begged as I finally came back to reality. “Look, I’m in love with someone, and I can’t do this. This ain’t right.”
 Pushing her away, my heart almost stopped as I saw Kayla staring at me in disbelief a few feet away.
“Shit, baby I can explain, it’s not what it looks like,” I said as she began walking towards us.
“How could it not be what I’m thinking, Jey? You out here hugged up with her, dancing and shit like you single,” Kayla said her eyes betraying her cool exterior. I had hurt her beyond belief.
“You need to leave Danielle,” I said as she rolled her eyes. “No, I’m staying right here,” she said as Kayla stepped between us ignoring Danielle.
“Babe, I can explain,” I said as Kayla slapped me. Ok, I more than deserved that.
“Oh, you bet yo’ ass you gon’ explain and it better be good,” Kayla said as I looked over and Sefa and the girls for some help. But by the looks on their faces I knew I was going to have to get myself out of this one.
“Uce, can ya’ll leave us alone?” I asked my brother as the girls looked hesitant to leave.
“We ain’t leaving Kayla,” Robin said as Kayla shook her head. “I’m ok ya’ll, I’ll catch up wit you,” Kayla whispered as I saw Danielle smirking.
“You better wipe that smirk off your face bitch,” Trin said as Kayla turned back towards Danielle.
“What are you looking at me for, take it up with your man. I can’t help he wants me," she boasts as Kayla laughed.
Kayla’s POV
This bitch really thinks this is a game, I’ll throw him and her ass overboard keep trying me.
“Look, I ain’t talking to you, I’m dealing with my man so you can take your irrelevant ass on,” I said as she got bold and started talking louder.
“I’m grown bitch! You can’t tell me what to do!” She said as I tried to keep my anger under control but failed.
“Bitch, I’m grown too! You got the right one today, keep fuckin around you gon’ be sleeping with the fishes! Now take yo’ ass on somewhere!” I yelled as Jey wrapped his arms around my waist.
 “Aye, baby, let’s go over here and talk, she ain’t even worth it,” Jey said trying to pull me away as I snatched away from him.
 “Let me go! If she ain’t worth it, why was you hugged up with her!” I yelled slapping Jey again as he staggered from the force.
“Ok, I deserve all of that and probably some more," he said as fought to get my emotions in check. I can’t believe he did this.  
“Can we please just leave and talk,” Jey pleaded rubbing his face looking sad and defeated and that in turn made me want to slap his ass again because he caused this.
“Danielle, you’ve done enough, let’s go,” Sefa said as I felt even more insulted catching on to the name he just said.
Danielle, I know this ain’t the dumb bitch that had his ass crossed up before I met him.
“Danielle, as in your ex- Danielle …Daneille that stole thirty grand from you?” I asked, as Jey nodded, looking like he wanted the world to open up and swallow him whole.
“Baby, let’s go talk, I can tell you what happened. You know I love you, it isn't what you think,” Jey said as I looked at him in disbelief.
“You so motherfuckin’ stupid!” I yelled truly frustrated as Jey ran his hands over his face.
“Jey what you begging that bitch for? “You know you still love me,” Danielle said as Trin and Cameron started towards her.
“Nah, I got it ya’ll,” I said finally turning around, giving her what she wanted, which was my undivided attention.
“This is my last warning or your ass gon’ come up missing. I suggest you get the fuck outta here,” I said pointing at her as she rolled her eyes.
“You better stop pointing that finger, or I’ll bite that motherfucka off!” Danielle screamed as I walked right up in her face, pointing my finger once again and mushing her head back in the process.
“Do it bitch!” I hissed as she gasped in shock, mumbling under her breath before making a dramatic exit as Jey pulled me against his chest to stop me from going after her.
“That’s what I thought bitch, you ain’t bout that life. Find you somebody else to play wit,” I said as Trin and Robin looked at me in disbelief.
“Let’s go now damn it!” Jey hissed dragging me off further down the deck away from everyone.
“We’ll make sure she doesn’t come back,” Sefa said as Jey sighed. “Thanks, we’ll be inside in a minute,” Jey said as I moved away from him.
“We will be right here,” Trin said as Robin was talking on her phone to Joe, I’m sure.
Jey’s POV
“Kay, I know it looks bad, but I didn’t kiss her.”  I could feel Kayla shutting down and I felt helpless. I should have just stayed in the bar or took my ass back to the room and none of this shit would have happened.
“Jey, she should have never been in your arms to begin with you put yourself in that position,” Kayla said avoiding eye contact with me.
“I know that now, and I’m sorry,” I whispered truly feeling like a fool. “Jey, is our relationship real?” Kayla asked as I felt like she slapped me in the face again.
“What the hell does that mean? You know our relationship is real, I love you Kay,” I said without hesitation.
“It can’t be, because if it was you wouldn’t have been out her Boo’d up with your ex,” she whispered her voice breaking as I felt my heart stop.
“Baby, it’s not like that, I promise.”
My own heart breaking seeing the tears flowing down her beautiful face. She had to listen to me, I can’t lose her.
“I’m done talking about it, I’m just going to follow your lead,” Kayla said as I felt the bile rising in my throat. “What are you talking bout Kay? “I asked afraid of her answer.
“Maybe I should go find me somebody to grind up on and almost kiss them,” she said as I growled.
 “Kayla, let’s go to our room and work this shit out,” I pleaded as she wiped her tears and smoothed down her leather pants.
“Good night don’t wait up, I’m going to have me some fun now since you’ve already had yours,” she whispered before walking away.
 She wouldn’t…Would she?
“Let’s talk Kayla! I shouted at her retreating form as Trin and Robin looked at me with disappointment in their eyes. “Kay come back!” I yelled as she continued to ignore me.
“You’ve done enough for one night. Go to your room and sleep it off Jey,” Trin said as I sighed.
“I gotta talk to her and tell her it wasn’t what she thought,” I said as Robin came over and gave me a hug.
“Give her some time, she’s hurt, Jey.”
 I knew I had made a mistake, but I prayed she was on her way back to our suite and not heading to do something she could never take back.
“I’mma go wait for her in the room,” I said as Trin rolled her eyes. “I could beat yo’ ass right now,” she muttered as I nodded my head in agreement too ashamed to speak.
I made the long journey to our suite with hope in my heart that Kayla would be there so we could talk. Opening the door, I was met with silence as I looked around the room.
Going out onto the balcony I sat down staring into the pitch-black darkness as my Montez’s words echoed in my head from earlier.
“You went through that toxic shit for so long you feel underserving of love and normalcy, but you are deserving. Let Kayla love you, just be happy man.”
 “Yea, way to go idiot,” I whispered alone in my own personal hell as I tried not to imagine Kayla with someone else.
The next morning
Kayla’s POV
I got up and left before Joe and Robin woke up. I needed to shower and get ready before we dock in the Bahamas. It’s still my birthday weekend and I planned to enjoy it.
I hope Jey is still asleep, I don’t feel like talking this morning. Opening the door quietly and going inside I was met with a worried remorseful stare from Jey as he sat on the edge of the bed facing the door.
“Where you been all night?” he asked as I ignored him going over to the closet to get my outfit out.
“Damn it Kay, where have you been?” he asked as I continued to ignore him.
 “Can we at least talk after your shower?” Jey asked as I sighed.
“Look, I crashed with Joe and Robin because I’m not built like you. I can’t forget I’m in an actual relationship and do something I know would hurt you no matter how pissed I am,” I said as Jey sighed in relief.
“Thank god,” he whispered as I rolled my eyes. “Look, I need to shower and get changed can you go?” I asked, not wanting to see his face at the moment. 
“What you mean go? We need to talk Kayla.”
“I don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of you so could you please leave,” I said as I felt the shock rolling off of Jey in waves, but I was hurting too.
“You don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of me? Your man of three years, really Kayla?” he asked in disbelief as I felt my chest tighten.
“Are you my man, Jey? Because you seemed to have forgot that you were last night when you were cozied up with your ex,” I said not backing down.  I know he didn’t kiss her; I know I may be overreacting but needed some space to process this shit. Jey sighed in defeat grabbing his shoes and heading towards the door. 
“I’ll leave, but this ain’t over Kayla. You gon’ have to talk to me sometime because I ain’t givin’ up. I love you, and I ain’t about to lose you now,” he whispered before walking out the door as I broke down in tears.
Some fucking birthday..........
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 months
Fear turns into confession (4/4)
Info: Jay can't knock the feelings he has for y/n
requested by @maybankangel-blog
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Jay’s left leg bounced repeatedly as Erin drove down the road, following behind Adam and Kim. Erin had tried to make conversation with him but all he could think about was y/n and how she was. Hearing what the Montez brothers had planned for her made Jay sick. Voight had Mouse call the guys to see if they could find catch a meeting with them, acting as if they were interested in a girl, and Kevin was going to head in undercover. Jay had wanted to do it but Voight convinced him not to, saying they would probably remember him from his first attempt at catching them.
“Jay stop worrying, I’m, sure y/n is fine.” Erin spoke out to the quiet surroundings.
“She can’t blow her cover, and y/ won’t. So she will allow them to whatever they want to do, while she remains weak.” Jay stated, throwing his hand out in exasperation.
“Let me rephrase, you shouldn’t be worrying this much over her. You didn’t worry this much about Mouse when he was taken hostage.” Erin stated, glancing at Jay to see his reaction.
“Y/n’s different, she..” Jay took a deep breath to stop himself, “me and her have a history okay. I care about her, a lot more than..”
“Than me.” Erin interrupted him, causing Jay to turn to her quickly.
“More than Mouse.” Jay clarified, “Is this why you’re so cold towards y/n. Because you think I care about her more than you?” Jay asked, and Erin remained quiet for a moment.
“We’re here.” Erin announced as they turned the corner to a small café, where Kevin was sitting with two men.
“So why’d you contact us, how’d you find out about us.” Dareen asked the man sat in front of him and his brother.
“Well I mentioned to one of my buddies about my parents nagging me about finding a girl and settling down, you know how parents are wanting some grandkids and such. Told them I’d do anything to have a girl to shut them up. And a guy, Declan was his name I think, overheard and mentioned that he may be able to help. Sent me to you guys. Said it would cost a dime but you guys make it worth it.”
Kyle looked at Dareen before leaning in.
“What kind of girl you into?”
“y/c/h hair, y/c/e eyes, broad and sim, not too energetic, need a girl who can be kept tame, knows who’s in charge.” Kevin stated, describing y/n to them.
“Yeah we got a girl like that, when you want her?”
“Can I see her first?”
“No, no, we don’t do that. You take your chances, decide now or get lost.” Kyle stated, and Dareen lifted his jumper to reveal a gun.
“No no, that’s cool, that’s cool.” Kevin stated, eyeing the gun.
“Great, meet us at the random road in an hour, we’ll meet you there with the girl.” Kyle smirked.
“You bring the money, we bring you the girl.” Dareen announced.
“How much you want?” Kevin asked, eyebrow rising a bit.
“We’ll send you the dets.” Kyle spoke as he got up, walking back to his car.
“We’re moving.” Jay spoke into the radio.
“You know the drill.” Hank stated.
y/n sighed as the tiredness began to hit her. She had no idea what time it was, but going by the small window in the top corner of the wall, it was starting to turn to night. She had tried discretely talking to Intelligence through the small mike, but all she got back was static, meaning the connection was lost on their end. She was used to not having interactions with her teams, but the uneasy feeling never went away.
Kyle had come in a while ago, stating that one girl might get lucky. But y/n had no clue what that meant. All she knew was that someone would be taken away today, and it entailed a cost. The boys weren’t enterally mean, they had fed them some food before they left, but they were yet to hear the sound of a car returning.
“What happens to the girl taken?” Y/n asked the only girl who seemed to talk.
“No clue. We just see them taken and they don’t return. A new girl takes their place.”
“Oh.” Y/n nodded, looking back at the window as a car was heard pulling in on gravel.
The girls crowded together and tried to cover their eyes from the light as it strayed from the opening door. Each girl flinched as the light harshly came through the door and y/n couldn't help but stay to the back of the crowd. She squinted her eyes as two figures came into view, refusing to look away as they walked towards her. Kyle had a smirk on his face as he walked towards her.
“It’s your lucky day new girl.” Kyle smirked at y/n, grabbing her arm.
“Hey what?” Y/n shouted, surprised at the pain she felt.
“Don’t fight, just come with us nice and calm than no one needs to get hurt.”
“No stop, leave me alone.” Y/n cried out, pulling back from him as they went up the stairs.
“Shut it girl or else.” Dareen shouted out at y/n as he took y/n from Kyle as he locked the door again.
Dareen narrowed his eyes at her and pushed her down onto the ground. Y/n gasped at the ain she felt on her shoulder upon the impact. She was still recovering from injuries so banging it against the wooden floor wasn’t ideal. She narrowed her eyes at the two men before Kyle crouched down to her. Watching his movement, she never seen the fist that came to her stomach on the opposite side.
“Now, that’s just a warning. We don’t want to hurt you too much.” Kyle warned her before grabbing her wrist and forcing her up.
Y/n nodded at the two men and decided to walk with them, trying to avoid eye contact of the two as they walked out the front door. Y/n blinked at the change of light as the sun set in front of them. Kyle threw her towards their car, opening the door before pushing her into it. She frowned in confusion as the car started and they drove down the driveway before coming to a stop. Y/n looked around before she was harshly tugged out of her seat.
Y/n looked around her before seeing a car pulling up behind them. She smirked to herself asshe seen Kevin jump out of the car.
Jay sighed in frustration as Erin parked far into the woods, out of sight as Kevin drove past them towards the meeting point. All he wanted was to open the door and run towards where y/n was and hold her in his arms. Erin sighed and rolled her eyes beside him, waiting to hear the word.
“Hey man, you got the girl.” Kevin spoke as he greeted Kyle.
“You got the money.” Kyle shouted back at him.
“Got it right here.” Rattling was heard as Kevin took out the envelope.
“Bring her out.”
Jay gripped the car door as he prepared to jump out and run towards the scene. Erin eyes him and glared slightly before preparing her gun. It wasn’t long before Kevin spoke the line and they rushed out of the car. Jay couldn’t help the thumping of his heart as they moved behind trees, and he glanced around to see y/n being gripped by one of the lads. Jay glared at the man, wanting nothing more than to throw his arms off her.
Time moved fast, and before y/n knew it she was pulled towards Dareen, and a gun was placed towards her head. Words were shouted as Intellagence surrounded Kyle and Dareen, and y/n’s eyes met Jay’s who nodded at her.
“Back off or she gets it.” Kyle shouted out.
“Let her go.” Hank shouted, aiming the gun at them.
“How about no.” Kyle fake thought before aiming and shooting his gun towards y/n leg.
Y/n cried out as the bullet embedded itself into her thigh. She began to fall as another bullet hit her arm, and she hissed as a foot was felt against her stomach, digging into her abdomen. Gunshots were heard before shouting followed, and y/n looked to the side to see Kyle and Dareen on the ground, Adam and Kevin on top of the mas they were handcuffed. She looked in front of her again as a hand was felt on her shoulder.
“Y/n, stay with me.” Jay shouted at her, placing pressure on her arm.
“My leg.” Y/n slurred lightly as her vision blurred.
“I need an ambo.” Jay called out behind him before looking back at y/n “hey, stay with me okay. Your going to be okay.” Jay pleaded with her.
“It’s ok.” Y/n slurred before her eyes shut on her.
Jay spent the next few days at y/n’s side as she lay in her hospital bed, asleep. Will had told him that she was okay, but the bullet in her thigh had hit a vital artery, which caused blood loss. Jay hadn’t slept since the case, and had only been home once, which lead to an argument between Jay and Erin.
“Jay she’s not your girlfriend, stop worrying so much. She’ll be awake soon, you don’t need to stay with her 24 hrs.” Erin shouted at Jay as he packed an over bag.
“Erin I’m not leaving her side till I know she’s okay.” Jay responded, not stopping his movement.
“You didn’t react like this when I got hurt.”
“That’s because you needed stitches, she’s unconscious Erin, different scenario.” Jay shouted at her.
“You care about her more than me.”
“Erin you have been nothing but harsh to y/n from the moment you met her. You need to understand that y/n is someone I care about deeply, we’ve been through literal hell together.” Jay explained, sighing in slight frustration.
“Than maybe you should be with her.” Erin stated.
“Maybe I should.” Jay shouted quicker than he had to think of what he said.
“What?” Erin asked, voice quietening down.
“I think that maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore.” Jay spoke, calming down first.
“Your breaking up with me?” Erin asked, shocked.
“I’ll get Mouse to collect my stuff.” Jay spoke, sighing as he zipped up his bag and left the apartment.
Jay’s thoughts were disrupted as y/n moved slightly. Jay watched closely as her eyes began to flutter, and he leaned closer to her as she looked around. Her eyes stopped as they met Jays.
“Hey you.” Jay smiled, moving to sit beside her on the bed.
Y/n smiled in response.
Wh.." Y/n stopped talking, the dryness in her throat preventing her from saying much.
"Here." Jay offered her some water, bringing it to her lips and bringing her head up so she wouldn't choke.
"How long have I been out for?" Y/n asked once her throat wasn't scratching at her.
"A week. The bullet hit an archery but, Will managed to stop the bleeding and remove the bullet." Jay explained.
"The girls.."
"All found safe, reunited with their families. Kevin and Adam arrested the guys shortly after they shot you." jay explained, taking y/n's hand in his.
"I'm glad." Y/n smiled softly, leaning back into her pillow.
"I'm glad your okay. I don't know what I would of done if things had went south." Jay confessed, placing a hand on her cheek.
"I always knew you would find me, you always do." Y/n smiled.
Jay chuckled lightly before leaning forward, kissing y/n's head before moving to call a doctor.
A few weeks later y/n had since been discharged and was currently on medical advice not to do anything too strenuous. She spent most of her time at Intelligence, sitting with Mouse as he worked the computer.  Kyle and Dareen had been arrested and the girls had been found, each safe and returned to their families.
Jay sat at his desk staring at y/n as she laughed at something Kevin said, his head in his hand. Thinking to himself, he got up and decided to walk over the them. Not thinking much he grabbed y/n before her good arm and turning her to him. Jay ignored the stares that turned to them as she smiled at him.
“Hey Jay, you ok?” Y/n asked, concerned by his sudden movements.
“Y/n I have never been so afraid of loosing you. Which is why I ask,” Jay stopped as he moved down to one knee.
“Jay..” Y/n strarted, not sure what to say.
“What the “ Erin started, not sure how to react.
“Jay I can’t marry you.” Y/n stated, and Jay stood up with a frown, “But I would accept to being your girlfriend.” She stated boldly.
“Really?”  Jay asked, a smile starting to form.
“Really.” Y/n nodded, and Jay smirked in response.
Erin crossed her arms at the interaction between the two while Adam and Kevin whistled. Mouse just smiled at his two friends, knowing nothing could have been better than them too together.
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bucketbender · 1 month
So, I’ve seen some criticism of the 5th season of Solar opposites. I would like to propose counter arguments in a disciplined and respectful manner. Don’t yell at me.
Spoilers ahead, of course :
"The dynamic is too different, it looks like a fanfic"
Okay. So, this one first. I see where you’re coming from. There’s cute nicknames all the time, they’re always banging, Tervo is a bit too "always there" in the episodes. I get it, it changes a lot.
But it didn’t just completely change because they got married. It completely changed because the Valentines episode broke everything they thought they knew about each other. At first, Terry and Korvo were friends. Then they became such good friends that they would kiss sometimes on the lips. They tongue kiss in season 4 (not before I think), because that’s how much they feel a connection with the other. But they still think that their species doesn’t have love. It’s just really strong teammate affinity, right ? Yeah. It has to be. What else ?
(Not to mention that they’re both morons AND cartoon characters. Give them a break, they’re as sharp as a declawed kittens.)
And when the Valentines episode happens, they finally learn that they can feel love. And that they love each other. Their stupid minds were blown to ash. If they’re in love, they can do everything they wouldn’t dare to do before, everything that seemed kind of taboo. They can get married, kiss tongue anywhere, give each other romantic nicknames, say they love each other as much as they want.
That’s why I think this season was so… intense with Tervo. The next season will probably calm down and focus more on the family, while still keeping the love and cute nicknames between the two.
"Cherry becomes evil out of nowhere"
It might seem weird, but when it happened in front of my screen, I wasn’t really shocked. I just thought "oh… well, there it is."
As Cherry said herself : she never once tried to take the power. All she ever did was trying to help people, survive and protect her daughter. The wall took literally everything from her and spit her out. The only good thing about it is her child (and Montez).
She did nothing but play the hero over and over and was just really happy when she was away from it all with Pezlie. But that’s not the wall/backyard works. It will always be there, this society full of tiny people led by tiny dictators. And it will always be a menace for her and her child.
So if she can’t run, can’t hide, can’t keep playing hero, what else can she do ? Lead. "What you need is a queen". And you know ? In a way, she’s right. This society needs something or someone that will bring order to it. Real order. Everyone will live in the same place, food will be rationed (for the sick people, for winter, etc), and there will be laws. It’s what this place needs so that there will be no more freaking wars and conspiracies to fight or run from.
And yes, she does look pretty evil when she says that, especially when she orders them to bow. Because she snapped, she’s done. She got thrown into a lego hole, betrayed, stabbed, heartbroken, abandoned, left for dead by this society, and the only thing that matters to her from now one is to protect her kid and makes sure she grows up alright.
Then again… the god status she unlocked when the grass grew back just when she took over might make her actually join the dark side. We’ll see.
"Glenn’s story is so uninteresting and I freaking hate Tomblr"
For this one… I can’t really blame you. I was pretty disappointed that Zy and Glenn didn’t reunite. But I have to admit that I kind of liked Tomblr.
Just like every other planet, his home was ruled and ruined by Silvercops. They abused him and his family his whole life. Yet, he still joined them to change them from the inside, make it better, make it good. He believed in this dream so much he joined the ones who ruined his life to help people.
Even though everyone around him probably said "they’re way too dangerous" or "why join them, because you actually like them ?" or "you won’t even make it through the first training". No one believed in him, everyone bullied him but he persevered. So I get why he didn’t want to listen to Glenn when he told him to give up.
Even though we saw him blow up, I just hope he’s not actually dead yet, because that would be disappointing.
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dangerpronebuddie · 28 days
Hehe, I will always ask for this one 🔪
But also 🤕 pleaseeeee
I'm getting closer and closer to finishing severed artery!
Buck looks at Bobby, hoping his thankfulness is written on his face.  “I’ll get an officer down here,” Athena says, taking her phone from her pocket. She bends and presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead before walking out, squeezing Buck’s forearm as she goes.  “And we’ve got a shift,” Bobby says as he stands. “You gonna be okay?” “Yeah,” Buck says. “I’ll… I’ll call if anything changes.” Bobby pulls him into a hug. Buck fights the tears in his eyes. It’s the first real comfort he’s felt since… Someone clears their throat and Bobby steps back. Buck looks to the doorway to see Helena and Ramon entering the room.  “We’ll be back later,” Bobby says before he leaves. 
And a little something from Danger Prone Diaz
Buck jolts awake with another snort and squints at Eddie. “Wh’s up?” “I saw him,” Eddie whispers. “He just left Mr. Montez’s house.” Buck sits up and takes the phone, blinking hard. His eyes light up as he watches the video. “Let's go!” Buck, the maniac, doesn't even bother trying to find shoes. They run out into the yard just as the guy hops the low rock wall separating Mr. Montez and Ms. Lester’s house.  "If we follow him, we can get his license plate or at least what car he drives," Buck says.
Make me write!
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alshaverpressbox · 10 months
the minnesota wild as High School Musical characters
did I take this too seriously? yes. have I spent the last week thinking about this? also yes. anyway, the context: we were assigned the wildcats by a swede. @babygirlspurgeon kept tagging things with HSM lyrics. @wildaboutmnhockey created the masterpiece video of the mn wild set to getcha head in the game. so now here I am!!! this has been meticulously constructed with the help of my friend who doesn't know anything about the wild beyond what I tell her (shoutout to zoe for being balls to the wall no matter what I throw at her! who else will discuss the misc. cunt levels of the wild players with me). anyway to make this easier on ourselves we constructed a reality wherein High School Musical is being recreated on ice & instead of basketball in the plot it's hockey, so this is NOT about who's most like a character etc (though that ended up being a large part of it anyway whoops), but who could embody them best in a production of it. since the cast for HSM is not...particularly large, I was really getting down into the weeds with minor parts to fit (almost) the whole roster in here, so most everyone has their moment!!! anyway. and lastly. I am just saying that mounting this show during intermissions could maybe fix the nightmare this season has been & bring the team together. because they are. after all. all in this together.
tldr: this is basically a fancast of HSM using only the minnesota wild. I am not explaining myself any further
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Troy Bolton // Matt Boldy
look. we really had to waffle between many options for Troy and this is where we ended up. my thoughts on matt boldy have been semi-well documented at this point, so mr. white bread bimbo feels like an organic option for this role. I feel like he can really serve us some mid-range semi-insensitive high school jock realness + angst without trying too hard. plus: I feel like he'll play off Shawzy as Gabriella really well.
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Gabriella Montez // Mason Shaw
for as fucking annoying as Gabriella is at points, there's an earnest authenticity there that shawzy so easily embodies. his "let's play hockey" moment from playoffs 2023........he has the emotional RANGE and will murder When There Was Me and You in cold blood. plus, much like gabriella does for troy in HSM, mason will be able to coax that emotional performance from boldy as troy with his whole do-it-for-shawzy energy. what else can be said!!! the boys love him!! so don't worry, shawzy!! you soon will be soaring. flying. and breaking free.
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Sharpay Evans // Marcus Foligno
marcus foligno the man that you are. he can and WILL serve the cunt necessary to be Sharpay. he will commit body and soul to bringing this role to life, though we may have to adjust the line "evaporate, tall person" to be more appropriate. anyway. I would give SO much in this life to see moose perform Bop to the Top. who will fund this with me.
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Ryan Evans // Mats Zuccarello
known funky little man mats zuccarello does SO WELL as Ryan in my mind. his dancing has been well documented so you KNOW he's gonna absolutely kill the game with those jazz squares (it's a crowd favorite! everybody loves a good jazz square), plus his affable, everyman, team-first energy is exactly what the role of ryan demands. also: the idea of him as ryan and foligno as sharpay....chef's kiss.
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Chad Danforth // Ryan Hartman
hartzy...hype man for the boys...put him a series of shirts with chirpy slogans on them for my enjoyment please!!! then make him walk around with sports props for the entire production. anyway, hartzy gives me the requisite jock bro energy necessary to pull off chad's role, as well as the bitchiness needed to essentially sabotage something that is making his best buddy troy happy. plus. I'm just SAYING. given chad and ryan's dynamic in HSM2. I am eyeing him and zuccy with anticipation.
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Taylor McKessie // Joel Eriksson Ek
he's going the distance. he's going for speed. he's being cast as the tenacious captain of the scholastic decathlon team. mr. september is nothing but committed to his craft and this seriousness and dedication is EXACTLY what we need for taylor. that being said, our boy jeek is up for some shenanigans given the right situation, so will he manufacture a situation to rudely disrupt the decathlon & basketball finals? but of course!!
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Kelsi Nielsen // Connor Dewar
who ELSE is going to bring enough weird girl energy to the table?? I feel like dewey 2 would take this SO seriously and the role of kelsi, while at times beyond fucking annoying, demands nothing but sincerity and dedication. he wouldn't be able to NOT take this seriously. this man has also stated that he would be a writer if not for hockey, so we can really get some method acting up in this bitch. essentially: put a bowler hat on that beast and watch him go.
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Ms. Darbus // Marc-Andre Fleury
this role had to be rotated in my mind a lot before settling on a casting choice. I mean, goalies are weird, and I feel like flower would bring jussssst enough bizarro energy that would perfectly drive a middle-aged thespian who, for some reason, allowed a high school student to write and mount a musical that seems to make little to no sense. maybe it's all part of a large prank. who knows.
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Coach Bolton // Jake Middleton
I can't pretend this is anything other than typecasting, I'm so sorry. I can't look at middsy without being reminded of the dad from Inside Out, plus "the mustache is saying pushing 50" according to my friend. I can also perfectly envision middsy yelling WHAT ARE THOSE TWO DOING IN A TREE with great dedication, so. assigned dilf at HSM casting
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Lucille Bolton // Jared Spurgeon
does spurge deserve a larger role? maybe. possibly. probably. but look: once we cast middsy as troy's dad, spurgeon was quick to follow as troy's mom. who are we to fight the natural sexual chemistry of these two? anyway. assigned milf at HSM casting
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Jason Cross // Brandon Duhaime
typecast as dumb jock from a team of jocks. what does that say about you, mr. duhaime??? anyway, dewey 1 is really going to deliver on the clueless but loyal bro vibes here. as a bonus. a very IMPORTANT bonus. I have to note that at the end of All in this Together jason is the one to remove kelsi's bowler hat and help her shoot a basket in a VERY flirtatious manner. and I AM all about putting the deweys in that situation, so help me god.
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Zeke Baylor // Frédérick Gaudreau
he IS a sweetheart!!!!! a sweetheart!!!!! someday you WILL make the perfect crème brûlée, freddy!!! & your boys will love you for it!!!!
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Martha Cox // Brock Faber
the glasses are giving nerd. and then THIS is giving pop and lock and jam and break.
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Skater Who Plays the Cello // Jon Merrill
do I need to explain this one????? c'mon. he's so believable as a skater kid and ALSO as someone who plays the cello. the duality of man is contained in jonny "vibes" merrill.
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 9
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A few seconds later, Mark was taking out the trash, until he sees the Mighty Solars walking.
Mark Melner: Woah.
Korvo/Quasarblast: We better transform back. Phoebe might be looking for us.
Terry/Mighton: Right!
Mark hides behind the walls as he sees the family transforming and gasp in shock.
Mark Melner: Yumyulack?!
Yumyulack notices Mark and gasps.
Korvo: Oh shit!
The Solars run as Mark sighs
Meanwhile with Phoebe, she looks around the place for the kids.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Jesse?! Yumyulack?! Pupa?! Where are you?! suddenly hears screaming
The Solars run through the door. Phoebe then runs up and sees Nova being held captive by Evil Terry.
Phoebe gasps.
Phoebe MacCarthy: What the fuck?! Another Terry?!
Evil Terry looks at Phoebe and growls before disappearing.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Be right back fam! I got some ass to kick!
Phoebe runs off to save Nova as she charges off but then notices a glowing teal lasso as she gasp. She picks it up and grows amazed.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Amazing.
The lasso grows brighter as Phoebe gasp then she twirls the lasso and flies to the destination while whooping. Meanwhile, Naomi is in a chamber, with Caitlin, Kano, Barry and Dr. Weatherstone waiting for the right moment. Then, next to her is another chamber with a wrapped corpse wrapped in a familiar pink clothe with white polka dots on it
Kano: Okay, has it been proceeded
Barry: Yes. We’re ready. You sure this is Cheery? Will she come back?
Kano: I’m positive.
Naomi looks at the corpse and notices something suspicious about it.
Naomi: Kano, are you sure this person wrapped in some kind of picnic clothe is Cheery?
Kano: Of course.
Kano smirks evilly as Barry and Caitlin starts the machine. AISHA then appears in the lab to find Korvo and warn him. But then she gasp upon seeing Naomi.
AISHA: What the hell?
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay. Initiate sequence! Now!
Dr. Weatherstone pulls the switch but the machine starts to go haywire as sparks appear through the background and spreads around the area. The scientists duck and starts freaking out while AISHA gasp upon seeing the corpse glowing and coming alive.
AISHA: Holy shit!
Barry: Damn it, what’s going?
Dr. Weatherstone: It appears the machinery must’ve taken some kind of charge that is mocking with undead connecting some kind biological pulse!
The corpse then unwraps herself as she comes back from the dead and is turned into some kind of spirit with her eyes glowing. AISHA then gasp upon seeing Naomi inside.
AISHA: Hold on!
The corpse then takes off the clothes as she grins evilly and flies away as her blast shatters the machine and hits AISHA, who manages to get Naomi out of here but screams in pain. The sprite then flies up to the building and becomes a living person, who turns out to be none other than… Sister Sisto!
Sister Sisto: chuckles Hello world, did you miss me?
Then, she then realizes she is on another planet as she prepares to shout again.
Sister Sisto: I said… voice gets distorted HELLO WORLD! DID YOU MISS ME?!
AISHA gasps. Then, AISHA starts distorting as she screams in pain while carrying Naomi. The scene then cuts to a pier, where a Wallian named Clair sees Evil Terry carrying a bound and gagged Nova. She gasp and races to Montez and Cherie, who is looking at Pezlie cooing.
Montez: Yes Claire?
Claire: Sir… we found Nova. And she appears to be captured by some crook.
Montez gasps.
Montez: Nova?
Cherie: She’s here? We have to save her! Some of us could be in danger.
Pezlie: cooing
Montez: Right! Wallians, defense position!
The Wallians get in a defense position, but then black slime slithers and grabs them by the feet as they gasp, The black smiles cackles like a maniac. The black slime then reforms into Evil Terry as he place the Wallians in his grasp. Phoebe cames by and hears them and follows Evil Terry as she gasp. Evil Terry then ties up the Wallians as they held by a pole near the lake docks.
Evil Terry/Slither: Poor Pathetic Wallians tied up like fish! *holds Cherie by the face* The hero? Hello Cherie
Cherie growls. Then she headbutts Evil Terry. He laughs and brushed off as he prepares to interrogate the Wallians. Phoebe hides behind the crates.
Evil Terry: Now, tell me. Where is Terry?
Montez: What? We don’t know. Who is Terry?
Evil Terry growls.
Evil Terry: grabs Montez by the face Well guess what you fucking knight? One of you does!
Cherie: We don't know what you're talking about? Who even are you? Mr. Psychopathic Cunt?
Evil Terry chuckles darkly as Phoebe looks closely..
Evil Terry: Now… who could it be? Eeeny keenly miny… chooses Nova You!
Nova: Uh...I...I don't know anyone named Terry! I swear!
Evil Terry grabs Nova by the shirt.
Evil Terry: If you wanna keep your life, I suggest you start singing like a canary!
Nova: What?
Evil Terry: Where is Terry?! Speak or die!
Nova: I…I…
Evil Terry growls. Evil Terry slithers into slime and starts strangling Montez.
Cherie: Montez!
Phoebe gasp in shock as she witness what is happening.
Evil Terry: He dies… in 3… 2!
Phoebe MacCarthy: No...
Evil Terry lets go of Montez as he breathes for air. Evil Terry approaches her.
Evil Terry: You do?! Where is he?!
Nova starts sobbing.
Nova: tearfully He lives at the neighborhood. Brewerfield Drive…
Evil Terry smirks evilly.
Evil Terry: Thanks for the info, doll.
Nova breathe in and out in tears.
Evil Terry: Terry would be so disappointed if I don’t kill you… well at least one of you!
Cherie looks at Nova with concern.
Nova: What?! What are you talking about?
Cherie: Yeah! We won't let you kill us!
Evil Terry then grins as his eyes glow red and he starts turning black while he grows bigger and muscular as his clothes rip apart in shreds. He roars once finishes becoming some type of monster. He then throws a knife at the rope where it holding Nova and it slices the top of the ropes as Nova falls in the water screaming. Phoebe gasp in horror as she sees Nova falling as “Unstoppable” from Sia plays in the background:
Cherie: NOVA!
The Wallians starts crying out in shock and horror. As Phoebe looks at the Wallians, her eyes starts glowing as forehead band appears on her face and she charges in.
As Phoebe leaps, a super suit appears all over her body like shimmering magic and a superhero mask appears on her eyes as she dives in to save Nova. Phoebe summons a lasso as it grabs Nova and pulls her up the surface for safety. The two woman reached the surface as they breath for air and Phoebe helps Nova up.
Phoebe MacCarthy/???: Are you okay?
Nova: Yeah.
Then, they heard Monster Evil Terry laughing as he leaves. Phoebe growls.
Monster Evil Terry: You’re not ready to kill me! laughs You’re not worthy!
Monster Evil Terry then throws a knife as it slashed through each of the ropes and frees the Wallians as they fell safely on the board. Monster Evil Terry gasps. Monster Evil Terry then growls and escapes up on the board. The Wallians help each other up while Nova coughs water as Phoebe holds her close. Cherie runs up to Nova.
Cherie: Nova. Hey it’s okay. Let’s get you to the hospital…
Montez: Come on…
Cherie turns to Phoebe and silently thanks her. The scene then cuts to Naomi waking up at a hospital room with Cheery here and gasp upon seeing AISHA distorting as she starts fading. Naomi gasp in distraught as she rushes to AISHA’s side.
Naomi: Oh no, are you hurt?!
AISHA: Yes! Call Korvo now!
AISHA groans as Naomi starts crying in remorse.
Naomi: tearfully Oh no.. this is all my fault… I am so sorry…
AISHA: Don’t be sorry.
Cue “Love Power Reprise”:
Naomi: This is awful. I don’t what to do. I’m not the true Cheery.
Naomi: How do I save you? What do I do?
AISHA starts singing
AISHA: I think you are a true woman.
Because you are real, Naomi
And I'll tell you
How I absolutely know It's how
I'd make a world for you
That never breaks your heart
Where you can grow and thrive
And your every wish can flower
You will always be loved, Naomi
I'm so proud of how I know you'll carry on
I've known a lot of love in your life
But never anything as strong
Love power
With that love has power
And you'll have it there inside you
When I'm gone
Naomi then gains courage and sees AISHA’a booting system and places the plug to help her while Parker comes in.
Parker: Hey what are you doing?! What’s going on?!
Naomi: I…I…
Parker: Oh no! AISHA! Hang on! I got you covered!
Parker helps upload the software. Then, the humans hear something then Kevin revived a text about AISHA from Naomi.
Kevin: Oh no! Some woman name AISHA is is in trouble!
Kevin’s Wife: We gotta help her!
A few seconds later, the humans race in there but then…
Kevin: No! crying hysterically We’re too late! Aisha is dead! She’s-
Kevin’s Wife: Kevin! Wrong room!
Kevin: Oh.
The humans raced in the room and gasp upon seeing something glowing so bright and digital. It is AISHA, but now a digital AI Shlorpian.
Humans: Whoa…
AISHA looks down at her hands and gasps.
AISHA: Wow! I’m a Shlorpian! This is cool! gasp in joy I have eyes! And legs and a mouth! And a mouth! And arms and hands!
AISHA squeals with excitement.
Humans: dumbfounded and shock HUH?!
Miss Frankie: Wait a minute, that’s AISHA?!
AISHA turns around and gasps
AISHA: Oh. It’s just you guys. The humans my family hangs out with and sometimes butt heads with.
Principal Cooke: Wait? What?! How do you know us?! Which family?!
AISHA: You know. The Solar Opposites?!
Humans: Oooooooh! pause for a minute What?!
Miss Frankie: Wait? Are you like their assistant or something?
AISHA blushes.
AISHA: Yeah… Y’know these guys may be a bunch of dumbass motherfuckers, but they’re my wonderful dumbass motherfuckers.
Naomi: Aaaw.
Randall bursts into tears.
Randall: tearfully Why does the love of family always bring me to tears?
Principal Cooke pats Randall on the back. Cheery then wakes up as she moans.
Humans: gasp Cheery Smithers!
Darcy: You’re alive!
Cheery: Uh, yeah. Why are you…
She then sees Naomi as a romantic background appears as the song, “Only Hope” from Mandy Moore plays in the background:
Naomi: Hey. I’m Naomi.
Cheery stares lovingly at Naomi, as she got up.
Cheery: Whoa. Unbelievable. You… must be my other half…
Naomi: I am. I was created when you got sent to the other dimension.
Cheery gasps.
Cheery: Oh my gosh… this is astounding. But… where are the Solars?
Miss Frankie: They’re heading to a diner. For the first time in human forms.
AISHA: Oh thank God! Gotta fly guys!
AISHA flies off. Back with the Solars, they’re now in their human forms heading to the diner. Phoebe, who is back to normal sees them and runs up to them.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Guys! notices Human Korvo Korvo?
Human Korvo: Phoebe?
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh thank God. I was so worried about you kids. *hugs the family* I am so glad you kids are okay. And I’m glad you found your dads.
Human Jesse: Yeah.
Human Terry is still in shock and blushing by Korvo’s human form.
Human Yumyulack: Uh, you okay Terry?
Human Terry takes Human Korvo’s hand.
Human Terry: Oh my God honey… you look hot.
Human Korvo blushes.
Human Korvo: Really? seductively flips his hair Does this make you feel flattered?
Human Terry: Hell yeah!
The two human alien husbands kiss while moaning lovingly. Human Yumyulack notices Human Terry’s erection.
Human Yumyulack: Aw dude, your erection? Gross! I’m gonna head inside the diner! heads inside
Human Jesse: Yeah. Me too. Come on, Pupa.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Come on kids.
As the others head inside, Human Korvo puts a hand on Human Terry’s chest seductively.
Human Korvo: seductively I gotta say, you do make me feel so hot in this human flesh form of yours.
Human Terry chuckles.
Human Terry: Thank you, you beautiful glowing up hot stud. Shall we head inside?
Human Korvo: We shall.
The two husbands head inside. Mark comes out while wearing a diner apron, but then he sees an old video of the night Annie broke Stacy G’s heart posted by the Jayden, which shows the Headphone guys, the Stacies and other kids laughing at Stacy G who runs in the bathroom in tears.
Mark Melner: gasp silently then growls
A few seconds later, Mark comes up to Aiden, Braiden and Jayden at another fast food place.
Mark Melner: HEY!
Aidan: Oh hey, Mark. What’s up, bro?
Mark Melner: shows them the old video What?! The fuck?! Is this?!
The Headphone Kids gasp and try to lie.
Jayden: Pfft. Relax man, it was just a joke we made with the Stacies. Stacy G was holding them back.
Mark Melner: What?! Why would you do that?! Stacy G’s been my friend since third grade!
Aidan: Your friends? Please! We’re your friends!
Braiden: Yeah. You got us now! And we think you better think about hanging with us… or with those losers… Mark scowls as Braiden grabs Mark’s hand Let’s go.
Mark: yanks his hand away No! Never!
Jayden: What?!
Mark: You heard me!
Aiden: Excuse us?
Mark Melner: cause Braiden to let go No! I’m not going anywhere with you! Not now, not at school anymore! I had enough! I don’t like the way you guys treat people and right now, I am hurting the ones I love thanks to you guys. Might as well find another fourth Headphone motherfucker, you jackasses!
Mark then leaves. As he steps outside, he realizes what he did and squeals with excitement.
Mark Melner: Yes! Yes! It’s finally over! I’m free! I felt great?
Mark laughs but then gasps when he remembers what happened with Yumyulack. The scene cuts to Sonya watering a garden at the homeless shelter while humming “Lollipop, Lollipop Oh Lilly Lolly Pop!” She continues humming the song as she feeds a horse some sugar cubes. She then sniffs something at the diner the Solars at and looks. Back with the Solars, they’re checking what to order.
Human Terry: So, what does everyone wanna get?
Human Jesse: I’m getting a slider.
Then, Human Yumyulack hears a notification from Tik Tok and opens his phone and gasp in horror. It shows the day he was humiliated by the Headphone Guys who read his journal at the pep rally in front of everybody.
Human Terry: Oh you want that cute grilled cheese Pupa, okay? Hey Yumyulack, what do you want to order?
Human Korvo notices Human Yumyulack looking at his phone.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack… are you okay?
Human Yumyulack: in tears I… I’m not hungry…
Human Korvo: concern Why don’t you head to the restroom kiddo?
Human Yumyulack nods and leaves in tears. Then, a waitress comes while Sonya comes and notices a delicious dessert.
Sonya: Wow.
Waitress: Hi, welcome to Bob Slack’s Diner. May I take you order?
As Human Korvo prepare to take his order, Sonya got out a knife and bites into the dessert.
Human Korvo: Oh yeah, I’ll have the uh… sees Sonya suddenly coughing Sonya?
Sonya’s face suddenly swells up as she keeps coughing.
Human Korvo: Oh my God! drops his menu Sonya!
Waitress: Oh my God! Someone call 911!
Human Terry panics and grabs Sonya as he ran out of the diner to the hospital.
Human Korvo: facepalms Terry…
“Overture” from William Tell plays in the background as Human Terry ran all over the neighborhood while carrying Sonya:
Human Terry: Incoming! Incoming! Incoming!
Meanwhile with Human Yumyulack… Human Yumyulack is still in the bathroom behind a diner, crying until he heard a knock on the door.
???: Yumyulack?
Human Yumyulack sniffles and wipes away his tears.
Human Yumyulack: Who-who is it?
Mark Melner: It’s me, Mark.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites grew silent but then crouch in tears.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Go away.
Mark Melner: I just wanna talk to you.
Mark Melner sighs.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: You wouldn’t want to talk to me. turns his head away in tears I’m a freak…
Mark Melner: I don’t think you’re a freak. I think you’re just misunderstood.
Human Yumyulack continues weeping as Mark begins to talk again.
Mark Melner: Look, I am so sorry for the way my friends have been treating you lately…. I’m sorry for not standing up for you and the other kids… and I am so sorry you were humiliated last night…
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Whatever. It’s obvious you don’t mean it.
Mark Melner: Of course so do! sigh Because, you are so smart, so brave, so protective of your sister… everything… but I should’ve stand up to my so called friends…
Human Yumyulack opens the stall door.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: But you hang out with them a lot…
Mark Melner: I used to.
“Far Away” from Nickelback plays in the background as Human Yumyulack grows shock by this revelation:
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: You mean you...
Mark Melner: I’m done with them! They hurt you, Stacy G, every unpopular boy at this school! They didn’t deserve to treat you like that, even Stacy G and Jesse!
Human Yumyulack smiles tearfully.
Mark Melner: Wanna get outta here.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Yeah. starts raining
Mark Melner: Shit. It's raining. Should we-
Human Yumyulack then accidentally tripped and turn back into his Shlorpian form as he lands on his arms on Mark’s shoulder and leans up to him.
Mark Melner: You okay?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: quietly I-I don’t know! I….
Mark suddenly kisses Yumyulack on the lips. The two teenage boy moan lovingly as rain pours on them while lighting struck. The two boys held onto each other as tears falls down from Yumyulack’s eyes.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I...sniffs I...
Mark Melner: Shh…
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Huh? What's wrong?
Mark Melner: Nothing's wrong. I love you, Yumyulack.
Yumyulack gets stunned in silence but smiles in tears.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I love you too!
The two boyfriends embrace in another kiss as they back away from the rain and gets underneath a roof.
Mark Melner: So...what do you wanna do now?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Shall we head for shelter?
Mark Melner: I'd like that.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Good! Hang on tight!
Mark Melner: Wait? What are you doing?!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Trust me, honey.
Mark Melner: Wow! Did you just call me-
Yumyulack turns into Vil-Gil-An-T and carries Mark as Mark starts whooping in shock after Vil-Gil-An-T flies up.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Having fun?
Mark Melner: Wow! You’re really good at flying!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: I know! I just learned!
Later, at the hospital, Nova check out with Montez and Cherie waiting for her.
Cherie: smiling Hey Nova…
Nova: Hey.
Montez: We’re so glad you’re okay. Guess you finally see through Sisto’s true colors, huh?
Nova: Listen Cherie, I want to apologize. About everything. You were right about Sisto and everything about the wall and Pezlie. I am so sorry. I just wanted to bring Halk, but I should’ve realized he wanted me to keep living no matter what. And I’m sorry Sisto stole Pezlie away from you. That was wrong. You have every right to be upset with me, and I hurted you very badly over a false prophet. I don’t expect you to forgive me, because I was the worst and I deserve that kind grudge of you… but all I can say is true this… I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you.
Cherie and Montez smiles. Cherie then hugs Nova.
Cherie: Apology accepted, Nova.
Nova smiles tearfully. Then, Human Terry bust in here while carrying Sonya.
Human Terry: Incoming! Incoming!
Cherie: What the hell?!
Doctor: Hey! What’s going on?!
Human Terry: This girl is having an allergic reaction or something! Help her!
Doctor: Oh my God!
The rest of the family comes in as Human Korvo sighs. Later, the family are waiting while Nova, Montez, Cherie and Pezlie looks at them.
Nova: Hey. Are you Terry’s family?
Human Korvo: Oh yeah why you…
Suddenly, Human Korvo sees Cherie and gasp silently as flashback of Cherie as a Benihana chef appears in his mind.
Human Korvo: Cherie?
Cherie: How do you know who I am?
Human Korvo: I know! You’re that chef from Benihana! sighs as he remembers another thing And oh my God., you’re that chef Yumyulack shrunk.
Human Jesse gasp in fear. Cherie is confused but gasps in realization.
Cherie: Korvo? But… how did you… he shrunk me…
Human Korvo looks on with annoyance as flashback occurs.
Flashback Jesse: Why is she going in the wall? I thought she was a nice woman.
Flashback Yumyulack: I said I didn’t want shrimp! If I was allergic I could’ve died! Is that what you want?!
Unknown to them, Korvo and Terry heard everything.
Flashback Terry: Holy shit.
Flashback Korvo: sighs as he facepalms Oh boy…
End Flashback.
Cherie: Yeah. Sorry I gave your son shrimp. That was my bad.
Human Korvo: Don’t worry about it. He inherited it from my mother.
Cherie: Oh God! I am so sorry, I-
Human Korvo: Like I said, it’s okay.
Cherie: Yeah. You’re his father? Right?
Human Korvo: Yes. And this my husband Terry.
Human Terry: What’s up?
Nova: Nice to meet you guys. sees the doctor coming to do with a foster care agent Oh he’s here.
Doctor: Korey Opposites?
Human Korvo: Yes?
Doctor: Don’t worry. Sonya is gonna be okay.
Everyone sighs with relief.
Human Terry: Wait a minute. Why is there a foster care agent here?
Foster Care Agent: We’re taking Sonya back with us.
Human Korvo: What?! Why?! Where are her parents Somar and Lita?!
Foster Care Agent: They were aborted.
Human Korvo and Human Terry froze in silence of shock. Human Korvo sighs sadly.
Human Korvo: quietly Sonya…
Then, the Human Solars and Phoebe comes into the room where Sonya is in, with the foster care agent.
Sonya: Hey everyone.
Sonya then sees the foster care agent as her face becomes a sad look.
Foster Agent: You know shouldn’t run off like that.
Sonya: I’m sorry…
Foster Care Agent: Well right now, you’re coming ba-
Human Korvo stops her.
Human Korvo: Wait right here.
Human Korvo grabs Human Terry’s hand as they head outside in private.
Human Terry: Korvo, what’s going on?
Human Korvo looks down at his wedding ring as he realizes something.
Human Terry: Korv?
Human Korvo: takes a deep breath Terry, remember when you said you love for us to have another child one day?
Human Terry: Yeah. Why do you-
Human Korvo holds Terry’s hand as he makes a decision.
Human Korvo: Let’s adopt Sonya.
AISHA appears digitally as she gains a human form to shapeshift in as she gasp and looks around her body.
AISHA: Oh my God! This is amazing!
Human AISHA then looks her human tits and grows amazed.
Human AISHA: Are these boobs?! WOAH!
Back with Human Korvo and Human Terry
Human Terry: What?! You really want to have another kid too?
Human Korvo: Yes! A billion times yes!
Human Terry starts gasping in joy as he burst into tears of joy.
Human Terry: KORVY!
The two husbands embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly as Human AISHA hid spies on them. The two husbands head back into their room while Human Korvo gets out custody papers.
Foster Care Agent: What are those Korey?
Foster Owner: Don’t bother. Korey called me, saying he would be willing to take care of Sonya. Though it was your responsibility of watching Sonya when she went out without adult supervision.
Foster Care Agent: *lying* Why yes. I was looking for her.
Foster Owner: That is clearly a lie.
Human Korvo and Human Terry starts signing the custody papers for Sonya while the Foster Owner continues walking to the Foster Care Agent.
Foster Care Owner: You are not longer part of that system. After testing Korey and Terry’s parenting and the results have been positive, they now have full custody of Sonya. And further more, if anything else has happen to Sonya, you will be held responsible.
The foster care agent gasps and growls
Foster Care Agent: But I love those little brats! gets tripped by Cherie’s foot and screams as she falls on the floor You can’t do this to me!
Cherie: I just did, bitch!
Cherie shuts the door as the foster care agent lies there in defeat. Then, Human Korvo talks to Sonya while holding her close.
Human Korvo: Hey, Sonya.
Sonya sniffles.
Human Korvo: Listen Sonya… I know I can’t replace your mother and father. But I want you to know Terry and I are gonna the best we can to take care of you. We promise, we’ll be with you your life. We’ll be there at every gymnastics. We know your favorite foods and allergies that we can protect you from. Well buy you your first prom dress and we’ll be there for your wedding even though it’s gonna be hard to take you away… it’s gonna be okay Sonya.
Sonya: Thanks, Korey.
Human Korvo: whispering Please… call me Korvo…
Sonya hugs Human Korvo as he smiles in tears. Then, Human Yumyulack and Mark came in while holding hands.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack?
He then notices Mark and Yumyulack holding hands. Then, Human Korvo smiles.
Human Korvo: You two sure had fun.
Human Jesse starts teasing.
Human Jesse: So, did you two have your first kiss?
Human Yumyulack: smiling Yeah. We did.
Mark kisses Human Yumyulack on the cheek. Then, Human Yumyulack notices Cherie. Cherie gasps when she sees Human Yumyulack.
Cherie: takes a deep breath in apologetic manner Hey Yumyulack.
Human Yumyulack: The waitress from the shrimp restaurant?
Cherie: Yes. Look. I don’t blame you for shrinking me. And I am so sorry I gave you shrimp. I had no idea you inherited from your grandmother.
Human Yumyulack: My grandmother? Korvo, what is she…
Cherie: It’s okay. Your dad told me everything. And I am very sorry I nearly got you killed. But I also want to thank you and your sister. You changed my life for the better and that led to me having a better life my baby Pezlie and Montez.
Human Jesse: sniffs Great. Now you’ve got me all emotional!
Human Yumyulack is surprised as he began to feel remorseful and looks down. Human Korvo notices this and comes up to his son.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack? Hey, it’s gonna be okay.
Human Yumyulack: I thought that you would hate me more if you find out. That you would kill me.
Human Korvo: What? Why would you think that?
Human Yumyulack: Because, I’ve been such a pain in the neck.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack…
Human Yumyulack: And I know you don’t think I’m a pain…
Human Yumyulack starts crying.
Human Korvo: Oh Yumyulack…
Human Korvo hugs Human Yumyulack, as Human Yumyulack cries into Human Korvo’s chest. Human Korvo hugs Human Yumyulack.
Human Korvo: Shh… it’s okay my little sprout… daddy’s here…
Human Korvo then soothes Human Yumyulack’s face.
Human Yumyulack: You’re not mad?
Human Korvo: Yumyulack, I mow you shrink those people because some of them were jerks but most them we’re good and it was wrong. But you made their lives better… you may be a pain. But, you’re always gonna be my kid.
Human Yumyulack sniffles as Human Korvo smiles and hold him close.
Human Yumyulack: Thanks, dad.
Human Jesse and Sonya: touched by this moment Aaw.
Human Terry sniffles as he smiles and wipes his tears. Then, Human AISHA came busting in.
Human AISHA: Korvo! There’s something I gotta…
Human Korvo: AISHA?!
Human AISHA then notices Sonya.
Human AISHA: Who’s this?
Human Korvo: Sonya. She’s our new daughter.
Human Jesse: And our new sister!
Human AISHA: Oh. Anyway, there’s something I need to tell you.
But then, she notices the happy faces of the family who are welcoming Sonya in open arms that caused her to change her mind, not wanting to break her family’s heart about the truth about Korvo.
Human AISHA: Nevermind…
Human AISHA sighs.
Human AISHA: Congratulations Korvo. I think Sonya is gonna be happy here. With us.
Human Korvo: Thank you.
Human AISHA starts sniffle as she wipes away her tears. The scene cuts back to Kano having a discussion with Barry, Lou, Caitlin and Dr. Weatherstone.
Kano: I think you know why we’re here.
Dr. Weatherstone: Yes. Definitely.
Kano: You know, the last thing we all want is to never stop trying to bring back Cheery. We need to honor her by honoring her plan.
Barry: Kano, we're all pretty clear on your opinion. I wanna hear everybody else's.
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay. I choose for Cheery. Kano is right. Cherry would choose for us? Right Lou?
Lou: I’m gonna have to go for Naomi to stay. Because, resurrecting the dead is unnatural.
Dr. Weatherstone: Caitlin?
Kano: That’s two to one. Let me guess: you're with me, right? That way, your super-hubby can tip the scales to Cheery.
Caitlin: Uh, no, I choose Cheery. I have my reasons, but that's how I feel.
Kano: Well, that’s three to one.
Barry: still mad at Cheery I just need more time to think about it…
Kano: Well, think about it all you want, boss man, but in eight hours, I'm doing this, with or without you, and if you try to stop me, you'll have no one but yourself to blame for the fallout!
Naomi: offscreen You can blame me!
Everyone turns to see Naomi.
Naomi: holding a picture of the Solars They’re like.. a family. Now they’re gonna be torn apart… and it’s all my fault! I wish I never been made… leaves
Dr. Weatherstone gasps. The scientists turn away in shame. Then, Naomi hears a familiar voice.
Cheery: offscreen Naomi?
Naomi turns to see Cheery. Then, she sees the humans behind her. Naomi runs to Cheery’s arms in tears as she cries into Cheery’s chest.
Cheery: Hey, what’s wrong?
Naomi: crying Kano was lying to me! He said that corpse was you and it brought back a crazy woman. He lied to me about everything! I was wrong about this whole world! I am so sorry… you’ve all been so nice to me and I don’t deserve you friendsh-
Ms. Perez: What?! No! Please stay! You saved AISHA’s life.
Humans: Yeah. Please stay. We just got to know you!
Kevin’s Kids: Aw please don’t go. Please.
Randall: crying hysterically I’M STILL CRYING BECAUSE YOU SAVED HER LIFE!
Naomi is surprised that no one is mad at her..
Naomi: You all want me to stay?
Cheery: Of course. You deserve to live. Please stay?
Humans: Please?
Naomi looks at Cheery and smiles.
Naomi cries into Cheery’s shoulders as she comforts her. Then, Kano, Barry, Caitlin and Dr. Weatherstone walks up to the group.
Kano: Hey! You guys are not allowed in there!
However, the humans stare angrily at Barry, Kano and Caitlin. Weatherstone then looks at them sadly.
Jamie: Barry… why did you destroy that device?
Barry: We were just talking about you.
Kevin’s Wife: Yeah we know. We heard everything.
Barry: Wait! Let me explain what’s been going on with Cheery, okay-
Darcy: Explain what?! What are you gonna explain?! That you never wanted to see Cheery’s face again?! She was heartbroken!
Miss Frankie: What were you thinking? There is another crazy evil version of Terry running around the place thanks to you! You nearly got our friends killed!
Barry: I tried to tell you guys! But, Cheery was about to make a bullshit mistake of raising the undead! And I had no choice but to get rid of it-
Principal Cooke: No! No! You do not get to fucking do that! You cannot use Naomi as an excuse for nearly killing Cheery is not how a team is supposed to work! This whole time, we supported her! She was try to recover for her grief! So now you don’t want her and Terry around anymore?! You could’ve rescpted it enough to tell it to our fucking faces! I HAD IT! I’M DONE!
Principal Cooke leaves in a huff, alongside Miss Frankie.
Miss Frankie: Yeah! Me too! leaves
As the humans, along with Cheery and Naomi leave, Weatherstone decided to join them. But, Barry stops her.
Barry: Wait Weatherstone! Wait! You can’t join them! Just try to talk them…
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay please don’t that Barry! I don’t need you to take care of me! I’m not that scared little girl I used to be anymore! Those guys are right, this isn’t right! Whatever is you want to do, do you… do you think this it?
Barry froze in shock. Dr. Weatherstone then leaves as she takes her purse and dries her tears away. Then, she walks up to the gang and they grow shock.
Janice: Weatherstone?
Dr. Weatherstone: Room for more on the bus? Solars?
The others then nod in agreement. Then, Miss Frankie, Cheery, Ms. Perez, Darcy and Janice squeals in joy as they embrace Weatherstone in open arms.
Miss Frankie: Welcome to the sisterhood!
Naomi smiles at this moment.
Barry sighs sadly as he watches Naomi leaves. Later, “Never Gonna Be Alone” from Nickelback plays as the Solars take Sonya home in their car:
Human Korvo: So you ready to see your new home?
Sonya nods. The Solars head to their home. The Solars turn back into their normal Shlorpian selves as Sonya becomes surprised..
Sonya: Woah. Awesome!
Jesse: I know right? Thanks! Come on Sonya, we’re gonna show you to our room!
Sonya: Okay!
The children laugh as Korvo smiles at his now four kids as Terry kiss him on the cheek.
Cue good time montage
Sonya is setting up her bed, while Yumyulack talks to her about his book and Jesse is jumping on her bed in joy. The scene cuts to Korvo and Terry having sex. After the two cum, Terry and Korvo smile lovingly at each other.
Then, it cuts to Naomi moving into a nice homeless shelter as she smiles and waves at Cheery, who waves back at her.
Then, it cuts to Sonya going to school with Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse. Mark meets up with Human Yumyulack and the two share a passionate kiss. Stacy G and Monica smiles as they meet with Human Jesse and Sonya as Stacy G and Monica smiles and welcomes her in open arms. Sonya smiles and hugs Stacy G
Then it fades to Cheery tending her garden with Naomi. She sadly then remembers as a flashback appears. The flashback shows Cheery at Alex’s funeral as she cries over her casket. She then places a flower as she tearfully walks away. The flashback ends as Cheery takes a look at Alex’s ghost and spirit as she smiles. Cheery has finally accepted Alex’s death as she waves at her ghost as Alex’s ghost waves back.
Cheery: Goodbye, my love.
As Alex’s ghost fades away in piece, Cheery smiles and heads over to Naomi, as the two young women starts holding hands. The scene then cuts to a picnic where the Humans Solars, now with Sonya included playing football.
Human Yumyulack: Hike!
Human Yumyulack throws the ball as Sonya catches it. The family keeps playing as Cherie, Montez, Nova, Pezlie, Human AISHA, Cheery, her moms, Naomi and Monica and her parents smiles. Human Pupa catches the football as the family cheer and they dogpile on Human Korvo as they laugh. The scene then cuts to nightime as Terry and Korvo tuck their kids to bed.
Terry: Night, kids. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Yumyulack: Okay… yawns as Korvo kiss him on the forehead and he falls asleep
The husbands leave the room and smiles seductively.
Terry: So, wanna have some fun, sugar?
Korvo: Oh-ho. Fuck yeah I do!
The scene then cuts to Terry and Korvo naked while Korvo is asleep. Terry smiles and kisses Korvo on the forehead. Terry then smiles and looks at himself in the mirror while looking at a family picture. Terry wipes away a tear from his eye as the song in the background ends.
Terry: sighs and smiles I’m so glad I have my husband, four kids, nanny and friends with me. That is who I am.
Terry then feels Korvo’s hand on Terry’s cheek. Terry smiles and sees Korvo sleeping on him. Terry smiles and heads back to sleep as he holds Korvo close snuggles with him while kissing him on the forehead. Korvo lets out a little giggle.
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comtessezouboff · 1 year
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King Ludwig Ist's Gallery of Beauties.
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
The Gallery of Beauties (Schönheitengalerie) is a collection of 38 small portraits of the most beautiful women from the nobility and middle classes of Munich, Germany painted between 1827 and 1850 (mostly by Karl Joseph Stieler, appointed court painter in 1820) and gathered by Ludwig I of Bavaria in the south pavilion of Nymphenburg Palace in Munich. Two additional ones were created by Friedrick Drück and one portrait was stolen in the XXth century and remains missing.
The set includes all the 38 portraits, with the original frame swatches, fully recolorable. The portraits are of:
Friederike von Gumppenberg (later Baroness von Gumppenberg).
Amalia von Schintling.
Amalie Maximilianovna von Krüdener (née von Lerchenfeld) Baroness von Krüdener.
Anna Hillmayer.
Anna von Greiner (née Bartelmann)
Antonietta Cornelia Vetterlein.
Archduchess Auguste Ferdinande of Austria, Princess of Bavaria.
Auguste Strobl (first version).
Auguste Strobl (second version).
Baroness Mathilde von Jordan.
Carlotta von Boos zu Waldeck (née von Breidbach-Bürresheim) Baroness von Breidbach-Bürresheim.
Caroline Maximiliana Maria von Holnstein (née von Spiering) Countess von Holnstein aus Bayern
Elise List (later Elise Pacher von Theinburg
Eliza Rosanna James (née Gilbert), Known ss Lola Montez.
Helene Kreszenz Sedlmayr.
Irene Pallavicini, Marchioness Pallavicini and Countess von Arco un Steppberg.
Isabella, Countess von Traufkirchen-Engelberg.
Jane Elizabeth Digby, Later Baroness von Venningen.
Josepha Conti (née Reh).
Karolina Lizius.
Katharina Rosa Botsaris in a Traditional Greek Costume.
Lady Theresa Spence (née Renard) as Sapho of Lesbos.
Maria Dietsch (In prayer, first version).
Maria Dietsch (second version).
Marianna Florenzi (née Bacinetti) Marchioness Florenzi.
Marie Friederike Franziska Hedwig of Prussia, Crown Princess of Bavaria.
Maximiliane Borzaga.
Nanette von Kaulla.
Princess Alexandra Amalie of Bavaria.
Caroline von Oettingen-Wallerstein (later Countess von Waldbott-Bassenheim.
Regina Daxenberger.
Rosalie Julie von Bonar (née von Wüllerstorf-Urbair) Baroness von Bonar.
Sophie Friederike Dorothea Wilhemine, Archduchess of Austria (née Princess of Bavaria).
The Actress Charlotte von Hagn-Schwab as Thekla in Schiller's "Wallenstein".
The Actress Friederica Katharina "Willhemine" Sulzer.
The Dancer Antonia Wallinger as Hebe.
The Honourable Emily Mikbanke-Huskisson (née Mansfield)
The Honourable Jane Plumer-Callander (née Erskine)
Found under decor > paintings for 540§
Retextured from the "Portrait of Balsasarre Castiglione" found here
CC shown here:
Wall paneling, mirror, girandole and floor by @thejim07
Fireplace by @hydrangeachainsaw
Chairs, stools, flower vases, bust, table, fireplace screen and candelabra by @joojconverts
Torchere by @martassimsbookcc
(Btw excuse my sims' reflection having tea)
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(Sims3Pack | Package)
(Useful tags below)
@joojconverts @ts3history @ts3historicalccfinds @deniisu-sims @katsujiiccfinds
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bold-writing · 1 year
The One With Whiskey Eyes || 21 || Weathered but Not Broken
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Words: 3400 +
Warnings: None
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Iris cradled a coffee between her palms as she sat next to Felicia in the waiting area of the police station. The card that Montez had given to Barry the night before was tucked in her pocket, the officer himself momentarily busy. She had expected the wait, but her nerves were still rattled as she looked around at the other people waiting and the posters that lined the walls.
"Are you okay? You're white as snow," Felicia asked in concern, reaching out to gently stroke Iris's cheek. She had gotten some looks on their way to the station, but both women had studiously ignored them as they walked hand-in-hand along the sidewalk. Stopping briefly for coffee, Felicia had gotten a bewildered look from the barista when she gave her two female names to put on the cups.
Dressed in a dark winter pea-coat and dark skinny jeans that were tucked into ankle boots, she didn't look overly feminine to the average person that walked by. Her mannerisms and her voice, however, were distinctly that of a female. Iris had noticed how she'd shied away at times, tucking her head downward awkwardly to make herself less visible. That is when she'd grabbed her hand and had proudly walked down the street with her larger palm cradled in her hand—bare of gloves.
Iris didn't get the chance to respond before a familiar voice called from the front desk. "Miss. Mayfair?"
Iris turned from her soulmate to catch the eyes of Montez, who looked momentarily surprised at her pin-straight hair and eyes surrounded in red-gold colour. Felicia placed a comforting hand on her leg before Iris stood up, her coffee pressed to her chest as she walked over to meet with the officer from the previous night.
"You're looking much better, Miss. Mayfair. It's good to see," he offered kindly, smiling as he spoke.
"Thank you," Iris mumbled back shyly before her eyes fell on the folder that held her statement. He didn't wait a moment more before he opened the folder and placed her written confession on the table. Her writing was messier than usual, a testament to her shock as she attempted to write. "So I just need to sign at the bottom?" she asked quietly as she placed her coffee just to the side, freeing her hands.
"If you want, you can read it over and make changes. If you sign it, that means that this is final," he answered calmly while sliding the paper closer to her. Iris shook her head, knowing that she was careful enough to repeat each detail the night before as carefully as her muddled brain could. Montez placed a pen on the sheet for her to use, before he patiently waited as Iris picked it up with a much steadier hand and scrawled her loopy signature on the bottom.
"Is that all?"
"Yes, Ma'am, you're free to go. We may contact you in the near future if we have any more questions. I have your cell number, is it alright to use if I need to speak with you?"
"Yes, I always have it with me," she answered easily, reclaiming her coffee as he recollected the sheets. "Have a good day, Officer Montez," she added on with a small smile, happy to be leaving the station. He smiled back before his eyes shifted to look over her shoulder; Felicia had stood up and was waiting for Iris.
She watched his eyes flick down to her hand, where he had caught the flash of her mark on the back of her hand, before he smiled again and nodded to her. Nodding back, Iris turned and headed over to Felicia with a hand outstretched already. Taking her soulmate's hand, the two women slipped from the station without waiting another moment and turned in the direction of Iris's apartment.
"Anything you want to do while we both have the day off?" Felicia finally asked once they were on their way, glancing down at Iris as they dodged people on the sidewalk.
"Honestly? Not a clue," Iris admitted with a slight laugh in her voice. "But considering how cold it is out here, preferably something that's inside?" Felicia laughed as she nodded in agreement, glad that she had pulled on a warm, dark blue hat before they had left—Iris had complimented the colour as soon as she spotted it, saying that it would bring out her soulmates eyes beautifully.
Pretty soon, the two women had crowded themselves into Iris's small apartment with her little heater cranked up to warm the space. Felicia gushed about how small and cute it was, reading the spines of Iris's book collection, then her tea tins, and finally ended at her miniscule wardrobe. She tutted over the oversized, covering clothing but didn't actually say anything against her choice in style. Iris was almost certain that all of her soulmates, even the ones she had yet to meet, were most likely aware of the scars on her body and why she preferred to remain covered.
"You need to buy some colour!" Felicia commented finally, noticing that mostly everything Iris owned was either black or dark grey. "It's so…blah! And you're already my little Snow White, no need to make you look even paler."
Iris huffed a laugh from where she was sitting on her bed, legs crossed comfortably as she watched Felicia card through her small amount of clothes. "Snow White? That's a new one."
Felicia spun with a grin, one of Iris's oversized sweaters in hand. "Oh, my dear Snow, you're basically a walking Disney character. And you can sing! That's even better!""
Iris snorted a laugh, quickly covering her mouth when the sound registered. "If you start calling me Snow, I'm gunna call you Cinnamon." Remembering her first words to Felicia made her smile; it was something sweet and memorable. She felt that she needed to make up for some of the less than kind or sweet remarks that had been left on her soulmate's body thus far.
Felicia gasped comically as she took in the nickname. "Cinnamon? I love it!"
She bounced up on the bed then, nearly tipping Iris over from the exuberance of the action, but both women simply laughed at the action as Iris quickly caught herself with outstretched palms. "Does my closet pass your approval?" she asked after a moment, nodding her head toward the corner of dark clothing hung up meticulously on cheap hangers.
Felicia made a face while glancing between her soulmate and the closet. "We definitely gotta go shopping once it warms up; you need some colour in your life. But, for now, it'll have to do." Iris laughed again, rocking her body to the side to give Felicia a slight shove.
As silence fell between them, Felicia glanced at Iris as a question sat on the tip of her tongue. Iris had mentioned the light earlier that morning, so she was picking up on things they said when talking about the other alters in Kevin's body, but she wondered just how much Iris understood. She was a smart woman, so Felicia was almost certain she'd done her own research on the subject, but to ask one of them would provide her with the best answer to anything she didn't understand.
"So, Iris," she finally started, deciding that she would at least give her little soulmate the chance to ask. "I understand that the…situation with me and the others—Barry and BT, all that—can be kinda confusing, so I was wondering if there was anything you wanted to ask?" Iris's soft gaze turned to her, eyes widened with surprise. "I know there's some stuff out there that explains D.I.D, but I'd be happy to give you a first-person explanation if you want it."
"Really?" Iris asked after a small pause. "You wouldn't be…offended?"
"Because you don't know everything?" Felicia asked, appalled. "No! Iris, none of us expect you to have full knowledge about us. Even when compared to other people that have multiple personalities, we're a whole other story. No one else in the world has ever had so many alters in one body—at least not that has been recorded. And you're proof that we're all real. Every mark on your body proves that we're not just a…glitch in the brain."
Iris reached out and caught Felicia's hand, the action so fast it was as though she was flinching. "I never thought that," she was quick to assure. "I know you're all as real as me or another other living person. I never doubted that, and it makes me sick to think that other people don't believe you are." Shuffling around so she was facing Felicia, Iris lifted her free hand to stroke her cheek. "Our bond is nothing like another out there, and I love that."
Felicia smiled back, pleased to hear how Iris had fully accepted her bond with them, as strange as it may be.
Iris looked down at Felicia's hand, cradling it between her palms in her lap. "I'm learning, bit by bit, each time I meet a new soulmate. I tried to research D.I.D, but even Dr. Fletcher's research was…biased? It was scientific, not reality. I felt like it was dehumanizing the people that I had met, so I stopped trying to read about it and decided that I would…go with the flow?" she explained carefully, not quite sure how to phrase it.
"Is there anything you want to ask me?" Felicia offered again, calmly waiting for Iris as she closed her eyes in concentration. It looked like she was trying to decide on which question to ask. "Ask me anything, Iris," Felicia continued, turning her hand over to hold one of Iris's smaller ones. "Anything and everything, if that's what you want."
Opening her eyes to meet Felicia's soft blue gaze, she took a steadying breath before nodding along. "One thing I wondered about was if you are all aware of what happens with whoever is in the light? You mentioned earlier that Barry being in the light made it possible for everyone to feel my fear…"
"We don't see or hear what the other alter experiences when they're in the light," Felicia assured. "I could talk to the others right now; I could tease Barry-"
"Don't you dare!" Iris laughed, seeing the teasing grin that had lit Felicia's expression before she continued.
"I can talk to the others, but they don't experience what I see or hear or whatever. I can show them if I really wanted, but we don't do that very often. Since only some of us have met you, when those people are in the light the sensations from the soulmark are…amplified."
Iris nodded along as she listened to her explanation, her fingers tracing Felicia's hand mindlessly. "Can more than one of you be in the light at the same time?"
This time, Felicia hesitated. "Not exactly at the same time, but there's been times when some of the others have switched who uses the light at a speed that it makes it seem like they're sharing it. Like, they can have conversations aloud with each other. We don't usually do that, though, since we can converse without doing it."
Iris noticed that she had offered the explanation without any names, so she took Felicia's hesitation as being trying to avoid revealing names of soulmates that Iris hadn't met yet. The others didn't seem to care about slipping names into conversation, but that didn't mean everyone else was the same. Felicia probably didn't want to confuse Iris by bringing up people she hadn't met yet.
"Do you guys have a fixed…schedule?" Iris hesitated a bit more this time, worried that the question would come across rude.
Felicia, however, answered it easily and without a care. "Not really. For work there is, but that's just because not everyone can actually do maintenance. I'd probably get us fired, so…"
Iris laughed at Felicia's attempt to cheer her up, feeling the worry she carried steadily ease. Once she'd calmed down, she glanced over toward the kitchen. "So, what do you want for lunch? I can make us some soup, and a fresh coffee?"
"That sounds fantastic," Felicia agreed, glancing over toward the window where Iris's heater was humming away, warming them up. It had begun to snow again shortly after they'd reached her building, the two breathing a sigh of relief to have escaped the sudden return of the storm. Iris shuffled off the bed and slipped into her small kitchenette, pulling out a large pot and some cutting boards. Felicia slid to the edge of the bed as she carefully watched Iris's trained motions.
Living on her own, she'd developed a routine when it came to preparing her meals and was glad that Felicia stayed back and out of her way.
She started the coffee first, before she began the prep work for the soup as the coffee brewed loudly in the corner. Their conversation turned to lighter topics as Iris hustled from side to side of her tiny kitchen to the other, Felicia's eyes followed her avidly as she asked about her soulmates reading habits, preferred music or movies.
At one point, Iris admitted that she'd once cut her hair short in a pixie cut years back—Felicia had eyed her meticulously straightened hair and pursed her lips. The brunette had laughed at her soulmate's expression before she shook her head. "Don't worry, I know it looked terrible on me. I plan on keeping it long from now on."
Felicia sipped her coffee as Iris finished putting everything in the pot and left the soup to cook as she moved over to sit on the edge of her bed, next to Felicia, as she took her own hot coffee back in hand. "So, have you gone to school? Any of you?" Iris asked once she'd gotten comfortable.
Felicia shrugged. "Kinda. I mean, we've taken some courses that would give us some advantages, but we don't have a diploma or a degree. We all have such different hobbies and likes, it would cost a fortune for us to all take something that we wanted. So, we took courses that would give us a leg up for a job. Like a business and management course. You?"
Iris shook her head immediately. "I love to learn, but everything I pick up is self-taught—except for some music lessons I paid for to get my footing. I love reading and I usually pick up whatever I want to know from that. Books are my favourite, but I'll get the odd ebook or online resource if I need to. I was so shocked when my bosses hired me on as a manager. I mean, I'd been there for a while but I'm sure they had more educated people they could've hired."
Felicia smiled in assurance as she bumped her soulmate's leg with her own. "Sometimes experience is better; I mean I'd rather have someone that had already been working for a while than someone straight out of school with no actual experience. It's unfortunate, but true."
Nodding in agreement, Iris tucked the soft strands of her straightened hair back behind her ear. It was so much silkier and easily fell in her face once it was straightened.
"Want me to braid that back?" Felicia offered once she'd spotted Iris do the same thing for a third time. She'd been trying to keep it out of her face desperately while she'd been cooking, but that had been a necessary thing; now, it seemed like it was beginning to bother her. After all, it wasn't something she usually had to deal with.
Iris flushed at being caught. "Oh, no, that's okay! It's just my curls usually stay where I put them-"
Felicia scoffed before she took both of their cups and placed them aside. "Relax, honey, I won't take it personally. Besides, I need some practice with braiding! Turn around, and scoot over here."
Knowing it was futile to argue, Iris turned her back to Felicia and pushed all of her hair over her shoulders. It worked out well, since Felicia was a bit taller than her while they were sitting and enabled her to see the top of Iris's head.
Beginning to section the beginning of the French Braid, Iris found herself once more leaning back into the gentle touches against her scalp. It was blissful and relaxing, causing her skin to prickle with sensitivity. She'd never thought that something as simple as someone stroking their fingers through her hair and along her scalp, a barely-there caress, would cause such a powerful and immediate reaction. Felicia hummed at the soft strands of Iris's hair, never touched with heat or chemicals to make it brittle or unhealthy.
"I love your hair," she sighed wistfully, wishing that she had hair like her soulmates. "You know I'm going to enjoy long hair vicariously through you, hm? If I'm in the light that day, you've gotta let me do your hair."
Iris just hummed in agreement as she leaned her hair back against Felicia's dextrous fingers, getting a giggle in response before she returned her concentration to making the braid even and straight.
The small apartment was beginning to smell strongly of vegetables and broth, a mouth-watering smell that made Felicia realize it had been a while since she'd—they'd—eaten something home-cooked. Patricia would sometimes make nice, fresh meals, but she wasn't in the light often enough for all of them to get the chance to eat the wonderful food.
"I haven't even tried that soup yet and my mouth is already watering," she admitted after a couple quiet minutes of silence, Iris continuing so sigh contentedly as Felicia took longer than necessary to do her hair. She was passed the base of Iris's skull now, meaning that the remainder of the braid didn't give her the excuse to stroke Iris's scalp or run her fingers through the soft strands near the roots.
"We also haven't eaten yet," Iris tried to explain, sounding sleepy.
"That's not why," Felicia argued. "It smells fantastic! I could have just stuffed myself with chocolate and whatever else and I promise you, I'd still be drooling over that smell. And debating whether a bowl would make me pop or not and if it's worth it."
"I need to stir it," Iris mumbled tiredly, her eyes closed as she basked in the sensation of her hair being played with for a second time that day. She had many years depraved of physical contact to catch up on.
Felicia tied off Iris's hair and gently guided her soulmate to lie down. "I'll keep an eye on the soup. Why don't you take a nap?"
Whiskey eyes opened to look up at her, a protest already on her lips, but Felicia gave her a look and lifted a finger to her lips in a gesture of silence. "Uh-uh, rest. Even if you slept well last night, you've got some catching up to do. Sleep!"
Fighting a smile as she nodded in defeat, Iris rolled onto her side, tucking her legs up from where they'd been hanging off the bed. Felicia snatched the throw that was folded up and placed along the middle of the bed, shaking it out, before she draped it over Iris's already-dozing form. The brunette's eyelids barely fluttered at the sensation of the blanket covering her, her relaxed state aiding her in falling asleep that much faster.
Felicia crouched next to the bed's edge as she watched her soulmate's peaceful expression, a blissful smile on her face as she thought over the past several hours since she'd woken with her soulmate in her arms, cradled against her chest. Barry was one lucky bastard to have Iris's love, but Felicia couldn't bring herself to be jealous when she knew that—in their unique way—she was Iris's as well.
The small woman's heart was almost too big, especially for someone who'd been put through so much in her younger years.
Brushing her bangs aside, Felicia leaned in a pressed a ghost of a kiss against Iris's pale forehead before she stood up and went to manage the steaming soup.
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marz-likes-palaces · 18 days
tagging system post
blog navigation tags
#marz reblogs
#marz notes - #marz rants - #marz rants (a lot) - my talk tags from the smallest and most normal (notes) to the most balls to the walls, most unhinged, longest, weirdest, all of it: rants (a lot)
#marz liveblogs
#marz being creative - my own art. mostly writing, but there are a few (one? two?) images, there is my first try at a browser extension, there is some shit there
#marz aces it - my lgbtq+ tag. where lgbtq+ things go. yeah
#marz images - i cant remember but probably what it says on the tin
#music posting and #language tag - i usually forget to add them, but theyre so cool. look at my babies
#polls - tumblr polls
#survey - originally was for my own survey (look at it!!!) but will also be used for reblogging surveys in general
art tags
#marz gallery - paintings/sketches/drawings
#marz library - mostly fics, but i think there might be some analysis posts in there
#marz concert hall - music
#marz movie theatre [sic] - videos, mostly animations
#marz newsreel - mostly stream/show clips, but also gifs would go there, meme videos,... stuff
#marz lapidarium - statues/3d models
fandom tags
#jrwi - just roll with it (absurdly powerful roleplay podcast)
#jrwi bitb, #jrwi mythborne, #jrwi riptide, #jrwi the suckening, #jrwi wonderlust, #marzs jeerwee (i dont want it to show up in the main tags)
#tma - the magnus archives
#hcs4 - philza's season 4 hardcore world
#opq - ordem paranormal quarantena
#genloss - generation loss
#dsmp, #osmp
#hatchetverse - anything regarding the musicals tgwdlm, black friday, npmd and just the general extended universe (eg. nightmare time, workin' boys, yknow the shtick)
#original art - actually, not necessarily only original art per se, but also art from fandoms i never ever post about. like btvs
#palestine gofundmes - tag for sharing. there wont be much, sorry
would also strongly recommend these tags: #philza, #gabriel montez or #the eggs (about qsmp eggs)
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rhodesrider · 2 years
Okay let’s get straight to it , Bloodline being plain out obsessed with reader like there possessive over reader and reader doesn’t know because reader never talks to them . ? 🎀
I got chu fam! 😍😍😍
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Bloodline x Oblivious!Black! Fem Reader
SFW! 18+
Warnings: Cussing, Some Fluff, Possessive behavior
Word Count: 869
“Y’all got me in a box here…” Y/N said with a blank stare to Bianca and Alexis on a FaceTime call as she sat backstage during a live tv show on Smackdown. “Girl, you can’t be this clueless.” Bianca said as she walked night shopping with her husband Montez. “I’m not trying to! I legit never notice.” She defended. “Y/N. They would ask you to be apart of the Bloodline if it was part of the story, that’s how bad they are for you.” Alexis said as she was in bed, she was on her break since she just got married. They were talking about Roman, The Twins and Solo, all into Y/N. Just doing the most for her, but she never really noticed it.
“Guys imma need some examples because I’m not following-“ Y/N was interrupted by Solo, he waved at her staying quiet and getting her some chips and a water. “Thanks Solo!” And he walked away smiling. “He was right there?!” They asked in unison. “Yea he got me some stuff. I texted him before they got on stage for a promo.” Y/N said. Bianca sighed and Alexia just shook her head. “That was an example. Roman doesn’t let them do shit but focus on the Promo and character. But he just lets solo go and get you snacks?” Alexia stated. Y/N shrugged and opened the bag smiling and eating a ruffle.
“Ok well what about the other day? They stayed with you in medical because you ALMOST, not DID, ALMOST sprained your ankle?” Alexia reminded Y/N. She does remember that, Roman being the most worried and Jey pacing. And Jimmy and solo playing apple games with her to pass the time before her results came in. “I mean they were just worried, being sweethearts.” She shrugged that off too.
“When you got drafted to Smackdown, the welcome basket?” Y/N remembers the Giant Beautiful Basket filled with treats and small trinkets, and a new Apple Watch. “So you aren’t late to rehearsals!” A note signed by all the Bloodline. “Guys again that’s just them being nice.” Y/N looked up seeing Jey. “Oh hey Jey! Solo just came by-“ “Yea yea I know, I wanted to give you this.” He blushed a bit trying to be cool giving her some wristbands. “Ah! Thank you! It’s gonna match my gear tonight!” She giggled happy getting up hugging him, with the phone in her hand still Jey peeped it and looked. “Who you talkin to?” He asked, his voice low and sounding strict. “Oh I’m just talking to Bianca and Alexia!” Y/N smiled not really seeing the flag here. Jey’s face relaxed and smiled nodding and started to walk back to the locker room. “See ya babygirl!” Y/N waved bye and sat back down, the girls shocked.
“Gurl I love you but you are that dumb.” Bianca stated and Montez bumped her. “Hey!” She hissed. Y/N was confused. “I’m telling y’all, guys are always nice to me.” Alexia can agree with that and remembered another one. But before she could say it, Bianca hit her with another time. “Ok, What about Jimmy? And his times wanting to be on ring side when you first came to smackdown?” Y/N remembered Jimmy asked a bunch just so he could watch her up close. “Jimmy just wanted to watch-“ “Yea he can watch on the Tv in the back like everyone else.” Alexia said laughing. “Hey Y/N!”
On Que, Jimmy walked up and kissed Y/N’s forehead. “I forgot your good luck kiss girl! You’re on after like two more matches.” He reminded her. She nodded and waved him bye as he jogged back to the locker room. “Now you know damn well-“ Alexia stopped Bianca. “Y/N you still don’t think they are just liking you too much?” Alexia asked. She just shrugged it off. “Ok…well remember when you said Seth wanted to talk to you and get your number? But after that, the next day he was avoiding you?” Y/N nodded. Alexia sent her a video.
It was Roman backstage having Seth against the wall. He looked pissed and Seth was honest a bit scared, never seeing this side of him before.
“You talk to what’s ours again, and I’ll make sure you break a leg for sure.” He referred back to Seth telling Y/N to break a leg for luck during her match. Seth sighed nodding and was thrown to the side, Jey and Jimmy smirking watching the whole thing and Solo grabbing Roman’s belts for him. The video stopped, but not because of it being short, Roman stopped it. Y/N looked up at a smiling tribal chief. “You’re on after this match Y/N, you wanna chill in the Lounge with me till then?” Y/N blushed some and nodded. Alexia and Bianca rolled their eyes and hung up. Texting her smiling.
“Have fun with them!” Alexia messaged laughing.
“They gonna break you Chile.” Bianca said with laughing tear emojis.
Y/N thought to herself, ok, maybe the possessive is a bit much. But the attention. That she can deal with~
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