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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 7

Later, at the lab, Cheery is making a machine. Barry comes in.
Barry: Cheery, what are you doing?
Cheery: I’m making a life doner.
Barry: Why?
Cheery then look at a picture of her deceased best friend Alex, who passed away four months ago.
Cheery: I hope it could bring Alex back to life…
Barry sighs
Barry: Cheery, look I know you want to bring Alice back to life. But this is crazy.
Cheery: But it’s the only way.
Barry: Cheery please. Resurrecting the dead is unnatural. Human Terry is walking around until he bumps into Nova I don’t think you should do this…
Human Terry: Oh, sorry ma’am.
Nova: It’s alright. I’m Nova by the way.
Human Terry: Oh nice to meet you. I’m Terry Opposites. I just moved her with my family.
Nova: Well, it’s nice to have new faces.
Human Terry: Yeah definitely. Anyways, I’ll be going now. I think I heard Cheery might need help.
Nova: Okay. Bye.
Nova leaves. Then, Human Terry peaks to figure out what Cheery is doing and hears her talking to Barry.
Barry: I think what you’re doing is wrong. This is crazy.
Cheery: You don’t understand! I-
Barry suddenly charges up his sparks as Human Terry gasp.
Barry charges up his sparks and it creates an explosion as the lab. Human Terry gasp and holds Cheery close as Barry collapse on the floor and the screen goes black. The scene, then cuts to a prep rally at school where Yumyulack is staring lovingly at Mark.
Human Jesse: Uh, what are you doing?
Yumyulack: N-n-nothing!
Human Jesse: Oh really? Cuz I think you were staring at Mark Melner.
Yumyulack smiles and blushes as he gives in.
Yumyulack: Okay. I guess dating him doesn’t sound all that bad.
Aidan: What was that, dork?!
Yumyulack gasp.
Yumyulack: N-nothing! Nothing!
Aidan: Don’t be dumb! It’s obvious you wanna date Mark!
Yumyulack: Uh no pfft. pep rally starts Oh uh, you guys better head to your presentations.
Jayden: Oh sure… carries something behind his back You’re gonna enjoy it…
Yumyulack: What is it?
The Headphone guys leave and gets on the stage. Then, Stacy K comes up and taps the microphone.
Human Jesse: What’s going on?
Stacy K: Thank you for coming. We had just put together a little skit with the Heapdhone guys. Once upon a time, there was a cool headphone kid with platinum blond hair. He had three cool friends and his parents own this amazing diner in all the land.
Mark gasps as he realizes who they’re talking about. The two Solar siblings grew confused while Stacy G scoff at her former ex friends.
Stacy K: But he was unhappy.
Crowd: Aaaw…
Human Jesse: That poor kid.
Stacy K: If only if he hadn’t met a blue monster who came from another planet far far away. One day after the slimy beast came along with two adults, an annoying sister and a little blob on this planet, he meets the kid and ends up bringing the whole school to the ground
Yumyulack then realizes what the skit is.
Stacy K: It turns out the monster not only is a teenager, but also has written about and is head over heels over the Heapdhone kid. the Heapdhone guys came and brings out a familiar journal
Yumyulack gasps.
Yumyulack: HEY! THAT’S MINE!
Braiden: reads Day 1 Dear log, today I am on a planet filled with annoyance people called humans. Now I have to go to the school, I mean who would want to that right, but Korvo said it’s for studies and stuff. I mean what kind of bounty Hunter Replicant would want to do that?
Human Jesse: gasps Is that…
Jayden: reads Day 41 Dear Log, I want to talk to Mark. But, I am scared. Scared that he will reject me.
Yumyulack is distraught as the kids starts laughing.
Yumyulack: I can’t believe they’re reading my journal.
Mark Melner: Aidan, what are you doing?!
Stacy K: But it turns out the blue monster is really someone who goes to school here, but a geek. A loser. An alien.
Yumyulack snaps. But then, he grows distraught and freezes in sadness as the kids continue laughing.
Stacy K: And who is may you ask is this imposter? Give it up for local teenage alien, Yumyulack Solar-Opposites!
Human Jesse and Mark gasp. Tears fall from Yumyulack’s eyes as Mark grow shock by this. The kids starts changing Yumyulack’s name as Yumyulack starts weeping. Human Jesse and Monica comes up to Yumyulack
Crowd: chanting Yumyulack! Yumyulack! Yumyulack!
Yumyulack: tearfully Girls… let’s get out of here…
Stacy G sighs. As the group leaves, Mark looks at Aidan angrily. Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez grow concern about the kids and follows them. The scene cuts to Stacy G following Yumyulack and the girls in the locker room as the three teachers follow her.
Human Jesse: It gonna be okay, Yumyulack. They’re just jealous.
Stacy G: Guys? the three kids turn and see her You doing okay?
Yumyulack: tearfully NO! voice breaking NOTHING IS OKAY!
Stacy G comforts Yumyulack.
Stacy G: I’m sorry the Stacies and Headphone guys did that to you. Trust me, I know you feel. They did the same to me.
Yumyulack: How do I expect Mark to love me now? He’ll never-
Stacy G: Because, the Stacies did the same thing to me.
The girls and Yumyulack grow shock by this.
Human Jesse: Stacy G… what are you talking about?
Stacy G sighs.
Stacy G: Last year, when I was still one of the Stacies, the Stacies pull mean trick on me by showing my journal to Annie, who I had a crush on. flashback plays as Stacy K and Stacy F shows Annie the diary as she grow disgusted by what Stacy G wrote It was so humiliating. Annie hated me because she found out I had feelings for her. scene cuts to a swimming pool where Stacy G walks out happily but then Annie grabs her Annie was so furious, that she pull a part of my swimsuit apart and pushes me down the pool! Stacy G screams as she falls into the water. The scene cuts to Stacy G at the bathroom as she breaks down in tears. Then, Louise came and console her daughter
Louise: Shh… it’s okay sweetie… mommy’s here. Come on let’s take you home okay?
Stacy G: Okay…
The flashback ends as Stacy G takes a deep breath and sighs. Human Jesse is shock and startled by this tragic reveal.
Human Jesse: I’m so sorry you had to go through all that
Stacy G: It’s okay. They were never really my friends. All I wanted to do after my other mom Maude passed away when I was 10, is to make new friends. And that led me to developing a toxic friendship.
Miss Frankie gasps.
Yumyulack: sighs Let’s just go home girls…
But then, Yumyulack’s pants rip and it is revealed that his legs have turn into human legs. Human Jesse gasps.
Principal Cooke: What the? Yumyulack! How long you have you have those human legs?!
Yumyulack: Aw man! Just a few days! I didn’t say anything about it because I’m scared you guys will cut them off!
Human Jesse: We’re not gonna cut them off. We just to tell Korvo and-
Yumyulack screams as he glows brighter as everyone shield their eyes. Then, as they open them, Yumyulack has become a human. Human Jesse gasps. Miss Frankie faints.
Principal Cooke: Fuck! I knew your dads have given you too many lunchables and X-Box live!
Human Yumyulack: Holy shit! I’m human! And I have…
Human Yumyulack looks down in his pants and counts something.
Human Yumyulack: gasp Several Pubes.
Principal Cooke: Jesse, what is going on?
Human Jesse: Uh… how did you know it was us?
Miss Frankie: You voice sounded familiar.
Human Jesse and Human Yumyulack look at each other nervously. Then, Human Yumyulack hears the kids chatting about him behind his back as he develops tears in his eyes.
Human Yumyulack: Mind if I call Korvo to come and pick us up?
Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez look at each other knowing how much overwhelming stress Yumyulack is facing right now.
Ms. Perez: You may.
The song “Hero” from Sterling Knight plays in the background as Human Yumyulack goes up to the cellphone and starts crying as Korvo picks up the phone and receives Human Yumyulack’s call.
Korvo: Hello?
Human Yumyulack: crying Korvo… can you please come pick me and Jesse up?
Korvo: Yumyulack, what happened?
Human Yumyulack: weeps Just please come pick us up! cries Today was humiliating enough for me already…
Korvo: But I can’t help you unless you-
Korvo then realizes what has happen and decided to come pick up the kids. The scene then cuts to Human Yumyulack falling on his knees and breaking down into tears. Human Jesse sighs. Human Jesse comforts her brother as Human Yumyulack continues crying. A sad times montage occurs as Korvo picks up the kids and comforts his son after Human Yumyulack runs up to Korvo and cries in his chest.
Korvo: Oh Yumyulack…
Human Yumyulack: cries
Human Jesse: What are we gonna do?
Korvo: Let me take you kids home…
Back with Terry. He yawns but then notices a chain on his foot as he panics.
Terry: Oh shit!
Terry tries to yank the chain off.
Terry: Come on Terry! You can do it!
But Terry can’t get the chain off.
Terry: grunting Keep trying!
Suddenly, he starts to feel unlikely strength as he cries out in determination and breaks the chain off. Terry pants.
Terry: How did I do that? sees Cheery unconscious and wearing a prisoner clothe Oh my God…
Terry runs towards Cheery.
Terry: Hey… it’s okay… picks up Cheery I’m gonna get you out of here. smirks as he looks at the prison bars And I know how. puts Cheery down softly
Terry bend the bars as it makes a hole. Terry laughs in joy and picks up Cheery as he sneaks away. The scene then cuts to Darcy coming home while Jamie was making a sandwich.
Jamie: Hey honey. You home early.
Darcy: I know. My boss let me go home early.
Jamie and Darcy kiss, but then Darcy sees a video which is footage from the laboratory as she gasp.
Darcy: Barry?!
Then as he watches closely, she looks closely and gasp at the explosion as it shocks Human Terry and Cheery that send them to another dimension. Barry is left unconscious. But then a black spark came and it revealed to be a mask stranger with a familiar face.
Darcy: What the hell?
Darcy gasps. The hooded figure takes of his hood and mouth mask and it revealed to be a different version of Terry, but looks more gothic as he scoffs and lightly kicks an unconscious Barry as he looks around and sneaks out.
Darcy: There are…two Terrys?!
Jamie comes up to here and grows confused.
Jamie: What’s going…
Darcy rewinds the video and gasp and recognizes Human Terry as Terry.
Jamie: TERRY?!
Darcy: Oh my God! Oh My God! Oh My God! We have to go help him!
Jamie: But how?! We don’t know where they are!
Kevin and his family, who were just walking by, come in.
Kevin: Hey, what’s going on?!
Darcy: Terry has been kidnapped by an evil Terry clone!
Kevin and his family gasp. Then, the scene cuts to raining at night, Korvo is walking with an umbrella while trying to call Terry.
Korvo: Come on, Terry! Pick up!
Korvo groans as it keeps going into voicemail. Then, he notice the road block.
Korvo: God damn it! Hello?! Can you someone unblock these cars?! How?! How has it come to this?
Suddenly Korvo feels something on his nose
Korvo: A nose?! What the fuck?!
Korvo suddenly grows ears.
Korvo: Ears? Shit! Fuck! glows brighter WHAT THE FUCK’S HAPPENING?!
The glow disappears as Korvo groans and holds his head.
Korvo: offscreen Oh… fuck… what was that all about?
Korvo the looks down at his hand.
Korvo: offscreen Wh-what?
Korvo looks in a mirro that reveals he’s human. He grows smitten.
Human Korvo: Whoa. whistles on smitten Hey. This isn’t bad.
Human Korvo feels his hair.
Human Korvo: Hmm? Looks like I might like being human.
Human Korvo realizes he has muscles.
Human Korvo: Well, looks at these abs. Might as cover them up. Don’t wanna be too attractive. then notices his ruined clothes But first…
The scene then cuts to Parker looking on her labtop, until Principal Cooke, Miss Frankie, Ms. Perez, Kevin, Jamie and Darcy, Randall and Janice came in.
Parker: What’s up, guys?
Principal Cooke: Show us the footage!
Parker: Uh, okay?
The humans then sees the footage and gasp. Then, they came up with a plan.
Principal Cooke: Okay. I have an idea! We’re gonna go find Quasarblast!
The Others: Right!
But then Miss Frankie looks at a picture of Korvo, then she looks back at the newspaper article of Korvo as she gasp.
Kevin: Frankie? What’s wrong?!
Miss Frankie: Guys…Korvo is Quasarblast!
The humans gasp, but Jamie, Kevin, Ms. Perez, Darcy, Randall and Janice gets excited.
Randall: That’s awesome!
Principal Cooke: Wait, what? But he didn’t tell us.
Parker: Hmm…suspicious.
Kevin: To protect and identities are kept hidden! Duh!
Darcy: We gotta find him and tell him what’s going on!
Parker: Oh good! I’ll track him down!
The scene then cuts to a night club.
Kevin’s Wife: That’s where you friend is Kev?
Kevin: I think so.
Human Korvo: offscreen Well well well.
Humans: Huh?
Miss Frankie: Oh my God…
Human Korvo: My human neighbors and mortal enemies. What a surprise.
Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie: KORVO?!
Janice faints.
Ms. Perez: You turn into the most gorgeous human we have ever seen.
Human Korvo: Not bad right? Bet you didn’t expect this, huh?
Darcy: Oh my God. You look hot.
Jamie: Darcy!
Darcy: Relax. You’re hot too honey.
Human Korvo: Thanks. I bet you’re to say I told you so because being a human is awesome.
Randall: No we thought you would tell us so.
Human Korvo: I cannot. It was you who told me so.
Miss Frankie: Korvo, look! We know you’re Quasarblast!
Human Korvo: Wait, what?!
Ms. Perez: Terry has also been kidnapped by an evil version of himself!
Principal Cooke: Yes! Your husband needs you!
Human Korvo gasps.
Human Korvo: Oh my God! Terry is in a different dimension?!
Principal Cooke: Exactly! We need you, Quasarblast!
Miss Frankie: Will you help us or not?!
Human Korvo looks at his reflection, then he grows courageous and nods as he smashes it to the ground.
Human Korvo: Let’s go.
“Get it Faster” from Jimmy Eat World plays in the background:
The gang drives in a car. Unknown to them, two villains are standing on top of the building watching down at them. The scene then cuts to the lab where Quasarblast heading in the lab as he gets ready to be transported.
Parker: Ready Quasarblast?
Korvo/Quasarblast: Don’t worrry, Terry. I’m coming for you, darling.
Parker then press the machine and Quasarblast is transported to a difference dimension. Quasarblast screams but then starts laughing.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: mighty solars the movie#solar opposites: mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#human korvo#korvo/quasarblast#cheery smithers#human terry#tervo#Spotify#terry solar opposites#british korvo#yumyulack#human yumyulack#human jesse#stacy g#louise solar opposites#monica miller#monica solar opposites#principal cooke#miss frankie solar opposites#ms. perez solar opposites#kevin solar opposites#darcy solar opposites#jamie solar opposites#janice solar opposites#randall solar opposites#kevin’s kids solar opposites#kevin’s wife solar opposites
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 9
A few seconds later, Mark was taking out the trash, until he sees the Mighty Solars walking.
Mark Melner: Woah.
Korvo/Quasarblast: We better transform back. Phoebe might be looking for us.
Terry/Mighton: Right!
Mark hides behind the walls as he sees the family transforming and gasp in shock.
Mark Melner: Yumyulack?!
Yumyulack notices Mark and gasps.
Korvo: Oh shit!
The Solars run as Mark sighs
Meanwhile with Phoebe, she looks around the place for the kids.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Jesse?! Yumyulack?! Pupa?! Where are you?! suddenly hears screaming
The Solars run through the door. Phoebe then runs up and sees Nova being held captive by Evil Terry.
Phoebe gasps.
Phoebe MacCarthy: What the fuck?! Another Terry?!
Evil Terry looks at Phoebe and growls before disappearing.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Be right back fam! I got some ass to kick!
Phoebe runs off to save Nova as she charges off but then notices a glowing teal lasso as she gasp. She picks it up and grows amazed.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Amazing.
The lasso grows brighter as Phoebe gasp then she twirls the lasso and flies to the destination while whooping. Meanwhile, Naomi is in a chamber, with Caitlin, Kano, Barry and Dr. Weatherstone waiting for the right moment. Then, next to her is another chamber with a wrapped corpse wrapped in a familiar pink clothe with white polka dots on it
Kano: Okay, has it been proceeded
Barry: Yes. We’re ready. You sure this is Cheery? Will she come back?
Kano: I’m positive.
Naomi looks at the corpse and notices something suspicious about it.
Naomi: Kano, are you sure this person wrapped in some kind of picnic clothe is Cheery?
Kano: Of course.
Kano smirks evilly as Barry and Caitlin starts the machine. AISHA then appears in the lab to find Korvo and warn him. But then she gasp upon seeing Naomi.
AISHA: What the hell?
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay. Initiate sequence! Now!
Dr. Weatherstone pulls the switch but the machine starts to go haywire as sparks appear through the background and spreads around the area. The scientists duck and starts freaking out while AISHA gasp upon seeing the corpse glowing and coming alive.
AISHA: Holy shit!
Barry: Damn it, what’s going?
Dr. Weatherstone: It appears the machinery must’ve taken some kind of charge that is mocking with undead connecting some kind biological pulse!
The corpse then unwraps herself as she comes back from the dead and is turned into some kind of spirit with her eyes glowing. AISHA then gasp upon seeing Naomi inside.
AISHA: Hold on!
The corpse then takes off the clothes as she grins evilly and flies away as her blast shatters the machine and hits AISHA, who manages to get Naomi out of here but screams in pain. The sprite then flies up to the building and becomes a living person, who turns out to be none other than… Sister Sisto!
Sister Sisto: chuckles Hello world, did you miss me?
Then, she then realizes she is on another planet as she prepares to shout again.
Sister Sisto: I said… voice gets distorted HELLO WORLD! DID YOU MISS ME?!
AISHA gasps. Then, AISHA starts distorting as she screams in pain while carrying Naomi. The scene then cuts to a pier, where a Wallian named Clair sees Evil Terry carrying a bound and gagged Nova. She gasp and races to Montez and Cherie, who is looking at Pezlie cooing.
Montez: Yes Claire?
Claire: Sir… we found Nova. And she appears to be captured by some crook.
Montez gasps.
Montez: Nova?
Cherie: She’s here? We have to save her! Some of us could be in danger.
Pezlie: cooing
Montez: Right! Wallians, defense position!
The Wallians get in a defense position, but then black slime slithers and grabs them by the feet as they gasp, The black smiles cackles like a maniac. The black slime then reforms into Evil Terry as he place the Wallians in his grasp. Phoebe cames by and hears them and follows Evil Terry as she gasp. Evil Terry then ties up the Wallians as they held by a pole near the lake docks.
Evil Terry/Slither: Poor Pathetic Wallians tied up like fish! *holds Cherie by the face* The hero? Hello Cherie
Cherie growls. Then she headbutts Evil Terry. He laughs and brushed off as he prepares to interrogate the Wallians. Phoebe hides behind the crates.
Evil Terry: Now, tell me. Where is Terry?
Montez: What? We don’t know. Who is Terry?
Evil Terry growls.
Evil Terry: grabs Montez by the face Well guess what you fucking knight? One of you does!
Cherie: We don't know what you're talking about? Who even are you? Mr. Psychopathic Cunt?
Evil Terry chuckles darkly as Phoebe looks closely..
Evil Terry: Now… who could it be? Eeeny keenly miny… chooses Nova You!
Nova: Uh...I...I don't know anyone named Terry! I swear!
Evil Terry grabs Nova by the shirt.
Evil Terry: If you wanna keep your life, I suggest you start singing like a canary!
Nova: What?
Evil Terry: Where is Terry?! Speak or die!
Nova: I…I…
Evil Terry growls. Evil Terry slithers into slime and starts strangling Montez.
Cherie: Montez!
Phoebe gasp in shock as she witness what is happening.
Evil Terry: He dies… in 3… 2!
Phoebe MacCarthy: No...
Evil Terry lets go of Montez as he breathes for air. Evil Terry approaches her.
Evil Terry: You do?! Where is he?!
Nova starts sobbing.
Nova: tearfully He lives at the neighborhood. Brewerfield Drive…
Evil Terry smirks evilly.
Evil Terry: Thanks for the info, doll.
Nova breathe in and out in tears.
Evil Terry: Terry would be so disappointed if I don’t kill you… well at least one of you!
Cherie looks at Nova with concern.
Nova: What?! What are you talking about?
Cherie: Yeah! We won't let you kill us!
Evil Terry then grins as his eyes glow red and he starts turning black while he grows bigger and muscular as his clothes rip apart in shreds. He roars once finishes becoming some type of monster. He then throws a knife at the rope where it holding Nova and it slices the top of the ropes as Nova falls in the water screaming. Phoebe gasp in horror as she sees Nova falling as “Unstoppable” from Sia plays in the background:
Cherie: NOVA!
The Wallians starts crying out in shock and horror. As Phoebe looks at the Wallians, her eyes starts glowing as forehead band appears on her face and she charges in.
As Phoebe leaps, a super suit appears all over her body like shimmering magic and a superhero mask appears on her eyes as she dives in to save Nova. Phoebe summons a lasso as it grabs Nova and pulls her up the surface for safety. The two woman reached the surface as they breath for air and Phoebe helps Nova up.
Phoebe MacCarthy/???: Are you okay?
Nova: Yeah.
Then, they heard Monster Evil Terry laughing as he leaves. Phoebe growls.
Monster Evil Terry: You’re not ready to kill me! laughs You’re not worthy!
Monster Evil Terry then throws a knife as it slashed through each of the ropes and frees the Wallians as they fell safely on the board. Monster Evil Terry gasps. Monster Evil Terry then growls and escapes up on the board. The Wallians help each other up while Nova coughs water as Phoebe holds her close. Cherie runs up to Nova.
Cherie: Nova. Hey it’s okay. Let’s get you to the hospital…
Montez: Come on…
Cherie turns to Phoebe and silently thanks her. The scene then cuts to Naomi waking up at a hospital room with Cheery here and gasp upon seeing AISHA distorting as she starts fading. Naomi gasp in distraught as she rushes to AISHA’s side.
Naomi: Oh no, are you hurt?!
AISHA: Yes! Call Korvo now!
AISHA groans as Naomi starts crying in remorse.
Naomi: tearfully Oh no.. this is all my fault… I am so sorry…
AISHA: Don’t be sorry.
Cue “Love Power Reprise”:
Naomi: This is awful. I don’t what to do. I’m not the true Cheery.
Naomi: How do I save you? What do I do?
AISHA starts singing
AISHA: I think you are a true woman.
Because you are real, Naomi
And I'll tell you
How I absolutely know It's how
I'd make a world for you
That never breaks your heart
Where you can grow and thrive
And your every wish can flower
You will always be loved, Naomi
I'm so proud of how I know you'll carry on
I've known a lot of love in your life
But never anything as strong
Love power
With that love has power
And you'll have it there inside you
When I'm gone
Naomi then gains courage and sees AISHA’a booting system and places the plug to help her while Parker comes in.
Parker: Hey what are you doing?! What’s going on?!
Naomi: I…I…
Parker: Oh no! AISHA! Hang on! I got you covered!
Parker helps upload the software. Then, the humans hear something then Kevin revived a text about AISHA from Naomi.
Kevin: Oh no! Some woman name AISHA is is in trouble!
Kevin’s Wife: We gotta help her!
A few seconds later, the humans race in there but then…
Kevin: No! crying hysterically We’re too late! Aisha is dead! She’s-
Kevin’s Wife: Kevin! Wrong room!
Kevin: Oh.
The humans raced in the room and gasp upon seeing something glowing so bright and digital. It is AISHA, but now a digital AI Shlorpian.
Humans: Whoa…
AISHA looks down at her hands and gasps.
AISHA: Wow! I’m a Shlorpian! This is cool! gasp in joy I have eyes! And legs and a mouth! And a mouth! And arms and hands!
AISHA squeals with excitement.
Humans: dumbfounded and shock HUH?!
Miss Frankie: Wait a minute, that’s AISHA?!
AISHA turns around and gasps
AISHA: Oh. It’s just you guys. The humans my family hangs out with and sometimes butt heads with.
Principal Cooke: Wait? What?! How do you know us?! Which family?!
AISHA: You know. The Solar Opposites?!
Humans: Oooooooh! pause for a minute What?!
Miss Frankie: Wait? Are you like their assistant or something?
AISHA blushes.
AISHA: Yeah… Y’know these guys may be a bunch of dumbass motherfuckers, but they’re my wonderful dumbass motherfuckers.
Naomi: Aaaw.
Randall bursts into tears.
Randall: tearfully Why does the love of family always bring me to tears?
Principal Cooke pats Randall on the back. Cheery then wakes up as she moans.
Humans: gasp Cheery Smithers!
Darcy: You’re alive!
Cheery: Uh, yeah. Why are you…
She then sees Naomi as a romantic background appears as the song, “Only Hope” from Mandy Moore plays in the background:
Naomi: Hey. I’m Naomi.
Cheery stares lovingly at Naomi, as she got up.
Cheery: Whoa. Unbelievable. You… must be my other half…
Naomi: I am. I was created when you got sent to the other dimension.
Cheery gasps.
Cheery: Oh my gosh… this is astounding. But… where are the Solars?
Miss Frankie: They’re heading to a diner. For the first time in human forms.
AISHA: Oh thank God! Gotta fly guys!
AISHA flies off. Back with the Solars, they’re now in their human forms heading to the diner. Phoebe, who is back to normal sees them and runs up to them.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Guys! notices Human Korvo Korvo?
Human Korvo: Phoebe?
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh thank God. I was so worried about you kids. *hugs the family* I am so glad you kids are okay. And I’m glad you found your dads.
Human Jesse: Yeah.
Human Terry is still in shock and blushing by Korvo’s human form.
Human Yumyulack: Uh, you okay Terry?
Human Terry takes Human Korvo’s hand.
Human Terry: Oh my God honey… you look hot.
Human Korvo blushes.
Human Korvo: Really? seductively flips his hair Does this make you feel flattered?
Human Terry: Hell yeah!
The two human alien husbands kiss while moaning lovingly. Human Yumyulack notices Human Terry’s erection.
Human Yumyulack: Aw dude, your erection? Gross! I’m gonna head inside the diner! heads inside
Human Jesse: Yeah. Me too. Come on, Pupa.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Come on kids.
As the others head inside, Human Korvo puts a hand on Human Terry’s chest seductively.
Human Korvo: seductively I gotta say, you do make me feel so hot in this human flesh form of yours.
Human Terry chuckles.
Human Terry: Thank you, you beautiful glowing up hot stud. Shall we head inside?
Human Korvo: We shall.
The two husbands head inside. Mark comes out while wearing a diner apron, but then he sees an old video of the night Annie broke Stacy G’s heart posted by the Jayden, which shows the Headphone guys, the Stacies and other kids laughing at Stacy G who runs in the bathroom in tears.
Mark Melner: gasp silently then growls
A few seconds later, Mark comes up to Aiden, Braiden and Jayden at another fast food place.
Mark Melner: HEY!
Aidan: Oh hey, Mark. What’s up, bro?
Mark Melner: shows them the old video What?! The fuck?! Is this?!
The Headphone Kids gasp and try to lie.
Jayden: Pfft. Relax man, it was just a joke we made with the Stacies. Stacy G was holding them back.
Mark Melner: What?! Why would you do that?! Stacy G’s been my friend since third grade!
Aidan: Your friends? Please! We’re your friends!
Braiden: Yeah. You got us now! And we think you better think about hanging with us… or with those losers… Mark scowls as Braiden grabs Mark’s hand Let’s go.
Mark: yanks his hand away No! Never!
Jayden: What?!
Mark: You heard me!
Aiden: Excuse us?
Mark Melner: cause Braiden to let go No! I’m not going anywhere with you! Not now, not at school anymore! I had enough! I don’t like the way you guys treat people and right now, I am hurting the ones I love thanks to you guys. Might as well find another fourth Headphone motherfucker, you jackasses!
Mark then leaves. As he steps outside, he realizes what he did and squeals with excitement.
Mark Melner: Yes! Yes! It’s finally over! I’m free! I felt great?
Mark laughs but then gasps when he remembers what happened with Yumyulack. The scene cuts to Sonya watering a garden at the homeless shelter while humming “Lollipop, Lollipop Oh Lilly Lolly Pop!” She continues humming the song as she feeds a horse some sugar cubes. She then sniffs something at the diner the Solars at and looks. Back with the Solars, they’re checking what to order.
Human Terry: So, what does everyone wanna get?
Human Jesse: I’m getting a slider.
Then, Human Yumyulack hears a notification from Tik Tok and opens his phone and gasp in horror. It shows the day he was humiliated by the Headphone Guys who read his journal at the pep rally in front of everybody.
Human Terry: Oh you want that cute grilled cheese Pupa, okay? Hey Yumyulack, what do you want to order?
Human Korvo notices Human Yumyulack looking at his phone.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack… are you okay?
Human Yumyulack: in tears I… I’m not hungry…
Human Korvo: concern Why don’t you head to the restroom kiddo?
Human Yumyulack nods and leaves in tears. Then, a waitress comes while Sonya comes and notices a delicious dessert.
Sonya: Wow.
Waitress: Hi, welcome to Bob Slack’s Diner. May I take you order?
As Human Korvo prepare to take his order, Sonya got out a knife and bites into the dessert.
Human Korvo: Oh yeah, I’ll have the uh… sees Sonya suddenly coughing Sonya?
Sonya’s face suddenly swells up as she keeps coughing.
Human Korvo: Oh my God! drops his menu Sonya!
Waitress: Oh my God! Someone call 911!
Human Terry panics and grabs Sonya as he ran out of the diner to the hospital.
Human Korvo: facepalms Terry…
“Overture” from William Tell plays in the background as Human Terry ran all over the neighborhood while carrying Sonya:
Human Terry: Incoming! Incoming! Incoming!
Meanwhile with Human Yumyulack… Human Yumyulack is still in the bathroom behind a diner, crying until he heard a knock on the door.
???: Yumyulack?
Human Yumyulack sniffles and wipes away his tears.
Human Yumyulack: Who-who is it?
Mark Melner: It’s me, Mark.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites grew silent but then crouch in tears.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Go away.
Mark Melner: I just wanna talk to you.
Mark Melner sighs.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: You wouldn’t want to talk to me. turns his head away in tears I’m a freak…
Mark Melner: I don’t think you’re a freak. I think you’re just misunderstood.
Human Yumyulack continues weeping as Mark begins to talk again.
Mark Melner: Look, I am so sorry for the way my friends have been treating you lately…. I’m sorry for not standing up for you and the other kids… and I am so sorry you were humiliated last night…
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Whatever. It’s obvious you don’t mean it.
Mark Melner: Of course so do! sigh Because, you are so smart, so brave, so protective of your sister… everything… but I should’ve stand up to my so called friends…
Human Yumyulack opens the stall door.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: But you hang out with them a lot…
Mark Melner: I used to.
“Far Away” from Nickelback plays in the background as Human Yumyulack grows shock by this revelation:
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: You mean you...
Mark Melner: I’m done with them! They hurt you, Stacy G, every unpopular boy at this school! They didn’t deserve to treat you like that, even Stacy G and Jesse!
Human Yumyulack smiles tearfully.
Mark Melner: Wanna get outta here.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Yeah. starts raining
Mark Melner: Shit. It's raining. Should we-
Human Yumyulack then accidentally tripped and turn back into his Shlorpian form as he lands on his arms on Mark’s shoulder and leans up to him.
Mark Melner: You okay?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: quietly I-I don’t know! I….
Mark suddenly kisses Yumyulack on the lips. The two teenage boy moan lovingly as rain pours on them while lighting struck. The two boys held onto each other as tears falls down from Yumyulack’s eyes.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I...sniffs I...
Mark Melner: Shh…
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Huh? What's wrong?
Mark Melner: Nothing's wrong. I love you, Yumyulack.
Yumyulack gets stunned in silence but smiles in tears.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I love you too!
The two boyfriends embrace in another kiss as they back away from the rain and gets underneath a roof.
Mark Melner: So...what do you wanna do now?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Shall we head for shelter?
Mark Melner: I'd like that.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Good! Hang on tight!
Mark Melner: Wait? What are you doing?!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Trust me, honey.
Mark Melner: Wow! Did you just call me-
Yumyulack turns into Vil-Gil-An-T and carries Mark as Mark starts whooping in shock after Vil-Gil-An-T flies up.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Having fun?
Mark Melner: Wow! You’re really good at flying!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: I know! I just learned!
Later, at the hospital, Nova check out with Montez and Cherie waiting for her.
Cherie: smiling Hey Nova…
Nova: Hey.
Montez: We’re so glad you’re okay. Guess you finally see through Sisto’s true colors, huh?
Nova: Listen Cherie, I want to apologize. About everything. You were right about Sisto and everything about the wall and Pezlie. I am so sorry. I just wanted to bring Halk, but I should’ve realized he wanted me to keep living no matter what. And I’m sorry Sisto stole Pezlie away from you. That was wrong. You have every right to be upset with me, and I hurted you very badly over a false prophet. I don’t expect you to forgive me, because I was the worst and I deserve that kind grudge of you… but all I can say is true this… I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you.
Cherie and Montez smiles. Cherie then hugs Nova.
Cherie: Apology accepted, Nova.
Nova smiles tearfully. Then, Human Terry bust in here while carrying Sonya.
Human Terry: Incoming! Incoming!
Cherie: What the hell?!
Doctor: Hey! What’s going on?!
Human Terry: This girl is having an allergic reaction or something! Help her!
Doctor: Oh my God!
The rest of the family comes in as Human Korvo sighs. Later, the family are waiting while Nova, Montez, Cherie and Pezlie looks at them.
Nova: Hey. Are you Terry’s family?
Human Korvo: Oh yeah why you…
Suddenly, Human Korvo sees Cherie and gasp silently as flashback of Cherie as a Benihana chef appears in his mind.
Human Korvo: Cherie?
Cherie: How do you know who I am?
Human Korvo: I know! You’re that chef from Benihana! sighs as he remembers another thing And oh my God., you’re that chef Yumyulack shrunk.
Human Jesse gasp in fear. Cherie is confused but gasps in realization.
Cherie: Korvo? But… how did you… he shrunk me…
Human Korvo looks on with annoyance as flashback occurs.
Flashback Jesse: Why is she going in the wall? I thought she was a nice woman.
Flashback Yumyulack: I said I didn’t want shrimp! If I was allergic I could’ve died! Is that what you want?!
Unknown to them, Korvo and Terry heard everything.
Flashback Terry: Holy shit.
Flashback Korvo: sighs as he facepalms Oh boy…
End Flashback.
Cherie: Yeah. Sorry I gave your son shrimp. That was my bad.
Human Korvo: Don’t worry about it. He inherited it from my mother.
Cherie: Oh God! I am so sorry, I-
Human Korvo: Like I said, it’s okay.
Cherie: Yeah. You’re his father? Right?
Human Korvo: Yes. And this my husband Terry.
Human Terry: What’s up?
Nova: Nice to meet you guys. sees the doctor coming to do with a foster care agent Oh he’s here.
Doctor: Korey Opposites?
Human Korvo: Yes?
Doctor: Don’t worry. Sonya is gonna be okay.
Everyone sighs with relief.
Human Terry: Wait a minute. Why is there a foster care agent here?
Foster Care Agent: We’re taking Sonya back with us.
Human Korvo: What?! Why?! Where are her parents Somar and Lita?!
Foster Care Agent: They were deported.
Human Korvo and Human Terry froze in silence of shock. Human Korvo sighs sadly.
Human Korvo: quietly Sonya…
Then, the Human Solars and Phoebe comes into the room where Sonya is in, with the foster care agent.
Sonya: Hey everyone.
Sonya then sees the foster care agent as her face becomes a sad look.
Foster Agent: You know shouldn’t run off like that.
Sonya: I’m sorry…
Foster Care Agent: Well right now, you’re coming ba-
Human Korvo stops her.
Human Korvo: Wait right here.
Human Korvo grabs Human Terry’s hand as they head outside in private.
Human Terry: Korvo, what’s going on?
Human Korvo looks down at his wedding ring as he realizes something.
Human Terry: Korv?
Human Korvo: takes a deep breath Terry, remember when you said you love for us to have another child one day?
Human Terry: Yeah. Why do you-
Human Korvo holds Terry’s hand as he makes a decision.
Human Korvo: Let’s adopt Sonya.
AISHA appears digitally as she gains a human form to shapeshift in as she gasp and looks around her body.
AISHA: Oh my God! This is amazing!
Human AISHA then looks her human tits and grows amazed.
Human AISHA: Are these boobs?! WOAH!
Back with Human Korvo and Human Terry
Human Terry: What?! You really want to have another kid too?
Human Korvo: Yes! A billion times yes!
Human Terry starts gasping in joy as he burst into tears of joy.
Human Terry: KORVY!
The two husbands embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly as Human AISHA hid spies on them. The two husbands head back into their room while Human Korvo gets out custody papers.
Foster Care Agent: What are those Korey?
Foster Owner: Don’t bother. Korey called me, saying he would be willing to take care of Sonya. Though it was your responsibility of watching Sonya when she went out without adult supervision.
Foster Care Agent: *lying* Why yes. I was looking for her.
Foster Owner: That is clearly a lie.
Human Korvo and Human Terry starts signing the custody papers for Sonya while the Foster Owner continues walking to the Foster Care Agent.
Foster Care Owner: You are not longer part of that system. After testing Korey and Terry’s parenting and the results have been positive, they now have full custody of Sonya. And further more, if anything else has happen to Sonya, you will be held responsible.
The foster care agent gasps and growls
Foster Care Agent: But I love those little brats! gets tripped by Cherie’s foot and screams as she falls on the floor You can’t do this to me!
Cherie: I just did, bitch!
Cherie shuts the door as the foster care agent lies there in defeat. Then, Human Korvo talks to Sonya while holding her close.
Human Korvo: Hey, Sonya.
Sonya sniffles.
Human Korvo: Listen Sonya… I know I can’t replace your mother and father. But I want you to know Terry and I are gonna the best we can to take care of you. We promise, we’ll be with you your life. We’ll be there at every gymnastics. We know your favorite foods and allergies that we can protect you from. Well buy you your first prom dress and we’ll be there for your wedding even though it’s gonna be hard to take you away… it’s gonna be okay Sonya.
Sonya: Thanks, Korey.
Human Korvo: whispering Please… call me Korvo…
Sonya hugs Human Korvo as he smiles in tears. Then, Human Yumyulack and Mark came in while holding hands.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack?
He then notices Mark and Yumyulack holding hands. Then, Human Korvo smiles.
Human Korvo: You two sure had fun.
Human Jesse starts teasing.
Human Jesse: So, did you two have your first kiss?
Human Yumyulack: smiling Yeah. We did.
Mark kisses Human Yumyulack on the cheek. Then, Human Yumyulack notices Cherie. Cherie gasps when she sees Human Yumyulack.
Cherie: takes a deep breath in apologetic manner Hey Yumyulack.
Human Yumyulack: The waitress from the shrimp restaurant?
Cherie: Yes. Look. I don’t blame you for shrinking me. And I am so sorry I gave you shrimp. I had no idea you inherited from your grandmother.
Human Yumyulack: My grandmother? Korvo, what is she…
Cherie: It’s okay. Your dad told me everything. And I am very sorry I nearly got you killed. But I also want to thank you and your sister. You changed my life for the better and that led to me having a better life my baby Pezlie and Montez.
Human Jesse: sniffs Great. Now you’ve got me all emotional!
Human Yumyulack is surprised as he began to feel remorseful and looks down. Human Korvo notices this and comes up to his son.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack? Hey, it’s gonna be okay.
Human Yumyulack: I thought that you would hate me more if you find out. That you would kill me.
Human Korvo: What? Why would you think that?
Human Yumyulack: Because, I’ve been such a pain in the neck.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack…
Human Yumyulack: And I know you don’t think I’m a pain…
Human Yumyulack starts crying.
Human Korvo: Oh Yumyulack…
Human Korvo hugs Human Yumyulack, as Human Yumyulack cries into Human Korvo’s chest. Human Korvo hugs Human Yumyulack.
Human Korvo: Shh… it’s okay my little sprout… daddy’s here…
Human Korvo then soothes Human Yumyulack’s face.
Human Yumyulack: You’re not mad?
Human Korvo: Yumyulack, I mow you shrink those people because some of them were jerks but most them we’re good and it was wrong. But you made their lives better… you may be a pain. But, you’re always gonna be my kid.
Human Yumyulack sniffles as Human Korvo smiles and hold him close.
Human Yumyulack: Thanks, dad.
Human Jesse and Sonya: *touched by this moment* Aaw.
Human Terry sniffles as he smiles and wipes his tears. Then, Human AISHA came busting in.
Human AISHA: Korvo! There’s something I gotta…
Human Korvo: AISHA?!
Human AISHA then notices Sonya.
Human AISHA: Who’s this?
Human Korvo: Sonya. She’s our new daughter.
Human Jesse: And our new sister!
Human AISHA: Oh. Anyway, there’s something I need to tell you.
But then, she notices the happy faces of the family who are welcoming Sonya in open arms that caused her to change her mind, not wanting to break her family’s heart about the truth about Korvo.
Human AISHA: Nevermind…
Human AISHA sighs.
Human AISHA: Congratulations Korvo. I think Sonya is gonna be happy here. With us.
Human Korvo: Thank you.
Human AISHA starts sniffle as she wipes away her tears. The scene cuts back to Kano having a discussion with Barry, Lou, Caitlin and Dr. Weatherstone.
Kano: I think you know why we’re here.
Dr. Weatherstone: Yes. Definitely.
Kano: You know, the last thing we all want is to never stop trying to bring back Cheery. We need to honor her by honoring her plan.
Barry: Kano, we're all pretty clear on your opinion. I wanna hear everybody else's.
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay. I choose for Cheery. Kano is right. Cherry would choose for us? Right Lou?
Lou: I’m gonna have to go for Naomi to stay. Because, resurrecting the dead is unnatural.
Dr. Weatherstone: Caitlin?
Kano: That’s two to one. Let me guess: you're with me, right? That way, your super-hubby can tip the scales to Cheery.
Caitlin: Uh, no, I choose Cheery. I have my reasons, but that's how I feel.
Kano: Well, that’s three to one.
Barry: still mad at Cheery I just need more time to think about it…
Kano: Well, think about it all you want, boss man, but in eight hours, I'm doing this, with or without you, and if you try to stop me, you'll have no one but yourself to blame for the fallout!
Naomi: offscreen You can blame me!
Everyone turns to see Naomi.
Naomi: *holding a picture of the Solars* They’re like.. a family. Now they’re gonna be torn apart… and it’s all my fault! I wish I never been made… leaves
Dr. Weatherstone gasps. The scientists turn away in shame. Then, Naomi hears a familiar voice.
Cheery: offscreen Naomi?
Naomi turns to see Cheery. Then, she sees the humans behind her. Naomi runs to Cheery’s arms in tears as she cries into Cheery’s chest.
Cheery: Hey, what’s wrong?
Naomi: crying Kano was lying to me! He said that corpse was you and it brought back a crazy woman. He lied to me about everything! I was wrong about this whole world! I am so sorry… you’ve all been so nice to me and I don’t deserve you friendsh-
Ms. Perez: What?! No! Please stay! You saved AISHA’s life.
Humans: Yeah. Please stay. We just got to know you!
Abby and Owen: Aw please don’t go. Please.
Randall: *crying hysterically* I’M STILL CRYING BECAUSE YOU SAVED HER LIFE!
Naomi is surprised that no one is mad at her..
Naomi: You all want me to stay?
Cheery: Of course. You deserve to live. Please stay?
Humans: Please?
Naomi looks at Cheery and smiles.
Naomi cries into Cheery’s shoulders as she comforts her. Then, Kano, Barry, Caitlin and Dr. Weatherstone walks up to the group.
Kano: Hey! You guys are not allowed in there!
However, the humans stare angrily at Barry, Kano and Caitlin. Weatherstone then looks at them sadly.
Jamie: Barry… why did you destroy that device?
Barry: We were just talking about you.
Kevin’s Wife: Yeah we know. We heard everything.
Barry: Wait! Let me explain what’s been going on with Cheery, okay-
Darcy: Explain what?! What are you gonna explain?! That you never wanted to see Cheery’s face again?! She was heartbroken!
Miss Frankie: What were you thinking? There is another crazy evil version of Terry running around the place thanks to you! You nearly got our friends killed!
Barry: I tried to tell you guys! But, Cheery was about to make a bullshit mistake of raising the undead! And I had no choice but to get rid of it-
Principal Cooke: No! No! You do not get to fucking do that! You cannot use Naomi as an excuse for nearly killing Cheery is not how a team is supposed to work! This whole time, we supported her! She was try to recover for her grief! So now you don’t want her and Terry around anymore?! You could’ve rescpted it enough to tell it to our fucking faces! I HAD IT! I’M DONE!
Principal Cooke leaves in a huff, alongside Miss Frankie.
Miss Frankie: Yeah! Me too! leaves
As the humans, along with Cheery and Naomi leave, Weatherstone decided to join them. But, Barry stops her.
Barry: Wait Weatherstone! Wait! You can’t join them! Just try to talk them…
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay please don’t that Barry! I don’t need you to take care of me! I’m not that scared little girl I used to be anymore! Those guys are right, this isn’t right! Whatever is you want to do, do you… do you think this it?
Barry froze in shock. Dr. Weatherstone then leaves as she takes her purse and dries her tears away. Then, she walks up to the gang and they grow shock.
Janice: Weatherstone?
Dr. Weatherstone: Room for more on the bus? Solars?
The others then nod in agreement. Then, Miss Frankie, Cheery, Ms. Perez, Darcy and Janice squeals in joy as they embrace Weatherstone in open arms.
Miss Frankie: Welcome to the sisterhood!
Naomi smiles at this moment.
Barry sighs sadly as he watches Naomi leaves. Later, “Never Gonna Be Alone” from Nickelback plays as the Solars take Sonya home in their car:
Human Korvo: So you ready to see your new home?
Sonya nods. The Solars head to their home. The Solars turn back into their normal Shlorpian selves as Sonya becomes surprised..
Sonya: Woah. Awesome!
Jesse: I know right? Thanks! Come on Sonya, we’re gonna show you to our room!
Sonya: Okay!
The children laugh as Korvo smiles at his now four kids as Terry kiss him on the cheek.
Cue good time montage
Sonya is setting up her bed, while Yumyulack talks to her about his book and Jesse is jumping on her bed in joy. The scene cuts to Korvo and Terry having sex. After the two cum, Terry and Korvo smile lovingly at each other.
Then, it cuts to Naomi moving into a nice homeless shelter as she smiles and waves at Cheery, who waves back at her.
Then, it cuts to Sonya going to school with Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse. Mark meets up with Human Yumyulack and the two share a passionate kiss. Stacy G and Monica smiles as they meet with Human Jesse and Sonya as Stacy G and Monica smiles and welcomes her in open arms. Sonya smiles and hugs Stacy G
Then it fades to Cheery tending her garden with Naomi. She sadly then remembers as a flashback appears. The flashback shows Cheery at Alex’s funeral as she cries over her casket. She then places a flower as she tearfully walks away. The flashback ends as Cheery takes a look at Alex’s ghost and spirit as she smiles. Cheery has finally accepted Alex’s death as she waves at her ghost as Alex’s ghost waves back.
Cheery: Goodbye, my love.
As Alex’s ghost fades away in piece, Cheery smiles and heads over to Naomi, as the two young women starts holding hands. The scene then cuts to a picnic where the Humans Solars, now with Sonya included playing football.
Human Yumyulack: Hike!
Human Yumyulack throws the ball as Sonya catches it. The family keeps playing as Cherie, Montez, Nova, Pezlie, Human AISHA, Cheery, her moms, Naomi and Monica and her parents smiles. Human Pupa catches the football as the family cheer and they dogpile on Human Korvo as they laugh. The scene then cuts to nightime as Terry and Korvo tuck their kids to bed.
Terry: Night, kids. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Yumyulack: Okay… *yawns as Korvo kiss him on the forehead and he falls asleep*
The husbands leave the room and smiles seductively.
Terry: So, wanna have some fun, sugar?
Korvo: Oh-ho. Fuck yeah I do!
The scene then cuts to Terry and Korvo naked while Korvo is asleep. Terry smiles and kisses Korvo on the forehead. Terry then smiles and looks at himself in the mirror while looking at a family picture. Terry wipes away a tear from his eye as the song in the background ends.
Terry: sighs and smiles I’m so glad I have my husband, four kids, nanny and friends with me. That is who I am.
Terry then feels Korvo’s hand on Terry’s cheek. Terry smiles and sees Korvo sleeping on him. Terry smiles and heads back to sleep as he holds Korvo close snuggles with him while kissing him on the forehead. Korvo lets out a little giggle.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: mighty solars the movie#solar opposites: mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#yumyulack/vil gil an t#evil terry#mundane evil terry#human korvo#human yumyulack#tervo#human terry#human jesse#human pupa#phoebe/starburst#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#sonya solar opposites#Spotify#montez the wall#cherie the wall#nova the wall#pezlie the wall#cheery smithers#never gonna be alone#naomi solar opposites
9 notes
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Solar Opposites: The Wrath of Ophelia Sneak Peek

Terry is on the floor as he gets up and growls at Ophelia.
Terry: I will not let you hurt my family!
Ophelia: Grr… I knew you were always cursed, ever since the day you were born!
Terry: How do you even know me?!
Ophelia: I was the one who attack your parents! I was supposed to have you. Because, I heard that a cursed sproutling who is soon to be the future victim of my planet’s energy is born! But those nasty fucking Shlorpians stop me! Then I vow vengeance to get you one day!
Terry gasps as he remembers.The flashback flashes images of Ophelia trying to take baby Terry, only for the guards to stop her. The flashback flashes ended as Terry gasp and backs away in tears.
Terry: So.. you are a monster! *wipes away his tears while holding a crossbow* This.. is going to end… NOW!
Ophelia kicks Terry in the face
Terry: *groans as he gets up and then gets grabbed by Ophelia* I’m warning you… RELEASE CHEERY!
Then, the kids barge in here.
Yumyulack: DAD!
Jesse and Sonya: DADDY!
Pupa: PAPA!
Terry: *gasps* Kids?! Where’s Korvo?!
Yumyulack: *gasp in joy* You’re alive!
Suddenly, the kids get kicked down in the floor by the guards as they scream. The kids got up as they groan and then gasp in horror as the guards surrounded them.
Terry: No!
Terry growls at Ophelia.
Suddenly a roar is heard
Jesse and Sonya: *gasp*
Yumyulack: *smiling in joy* Korvo!
Terry: Korvy!
Pupa: Papa?
Korvo, who is a monster, flies towards them
Monster Korvo: ROAR!
Terry blushes
Ophelia: The fuck?
Monster Korvo: Let him go!
Ophelia: *growls* I don’t take orders from anyone anymore!
Monster Korvo roars and punches Ophelia to the wall as he throws the guards to the wall. The kids cheer for their dad. Then, Monster Korvo breathes in and out as Terry gasp. Then, Terry runs up and soothes Monster Korvo’s face.
Terry: Korvy? Is that you in there?
Monster Korvo: *snarling as tears burst form his eyes*
Terry: Ssh…ssh…it’s okay. I’m safe now.
Monster Korvo breathes in and out but then calms down as he recognizes Terry, then he starts whimpering.
Monster Korvo: Terry?
Cue orchestral instrumental version of “Beautiful” from Zac Nelson.
Terry: Yeah. It’s me my beautiful shimmering stud.
Monster Korvo: *smiles with tears of joy* TERRY!
Monster Korvo picks up Terry as he flies up and twirls around. The two alien husbands embrace in a big damn kiss as they moan lovingly as Monster Korvo slowly lands on his feet.
Terry: What happened to you?
Monster Korvo: *sighs* I’m actually half Super Shlorpian. It’s been running in my family for years.
Terry: I think I read about that once…
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yo-you did?
Terry nods
Terry: Yeah. In a monster book.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You really read it?
Terry: Every day.
Super Shlorpian Korvo then starts crying as he embrace Terry.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you before…
Terry: Hey, it’s okay.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *sniffles* Really? Thank you Terry.
Terry: Anytime boo… mmm… tell you what, your form looks very buff. Especially when your hips are wider:
Super Shlorpian Korvo blushes and holds his hips
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Thanks honey. We missed you so much.
The kids gasp in joy as they run up to hug Terry.
Pupa: PAPA!
Terry: Come here, ya little rascals!
Yumyulack: DAD!
Jesse and Sonya: DADDY!
The kids embrace Terry while Jesse is crying.
Jesse: *tearfully* Oh daddy… I missed you so much!
Terry: I know you did, sweetie. I know you did.
Terry then notices Korvo’s wings are glowing
Terry: Wow! You wings are glowing prettier than ever!
Super Shlorpian Korvo giggles
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *flaps his wings a bit* Thanks.
Super Shlorpian Korvo then realizes something as he gasp in horror. Terry puts a hand on Super Shlorpian Korvo’s cheek.
Terry: What’s wrong baby?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh shit! Our friends! They’ve been captured! We gotta go free them before they have their energies sucked out!
Terry gasps
Terry: Oh no! Cheery!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Cheery?
Jesse: *gasp* That must be the Smithers’ missing daughter!
Yumyulack: We gotta go!
Terry: Right! Come on Solars, let’s go kick some ass and save some lives!
Super Shlorpian Korvo picks up Terry
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Hold on tight my love!
Terry: What?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Trust me… this will be fun! Kids, get on me quick!
Sonya: Okay!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Woo-hoo! Yay!
Pupa: Korvo!
The kids hop on Super Shlorpian Korvo as they laugh. Super Shlorpian Korvo then picks up Terry.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Hold on tight! We’re going up!
Terry: *screaming voice* UP?
Super Shlorpian Korvo spreads his wings and flies up as Terry screams
Terry: Whoa! *then grows excited* Woo-hoo-hoo! Yee-hoo! This is fucking awesome!
Jesse: Yay!
Sonya: *laughing while screaming*
Pupa: Flying!
Terry: Whoa honey! This is so awesome!
Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Thank you baby! I love you so much!
Terry: *laughs* I love you too!
The two husbands kiss.
Terry: Hang on Cheery! Hang on guys! We’re coming for you!
Kids: YAY!
Yumyulack: Fuck yeah!
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: the wrath of ophelia#super shlorpian korvo#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#british korvo#ophelia#dan stevens#thomas middleditch#kelly marie tran#cheery smithers#olivia holt#yumyulack solar opposites#sonya solar opposites#jesse solar opposites#mary mack#sagan mcmahan#sean giambrone#the pupa
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Solar Opposites Voice Cast #4: The OCs (My Version)
Phoebe MacCarthy (Sarah Chalke)

Monica Miller (Josie Totah)

Parker (Abby Jacobson)

Janiz (Peyton List)

Cheery Smithers (Olivia Holt)

Naomi (Kelli Berlungd)

EVA (Anna Kendrick)

MAX (Simon Helberg)

Janiz, EVA and MAX belongs to @avaveevo
Phoebe MacCarthy and Monica Miller belongs to @themagicwolf6677
Parker belongs to @prospitdaydreamer
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#mighty solars#solar opposites: unleashed#the new solar opposites#janiz solar opposites#MAX solar opposites#EVA solar opposites#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#monica miller#monica solar opposites#parker#parker solar opposites#sarah chalke#josie totah#peyton list#cheery smithers#cheery solar opposites#naomi solar opposites#naomi#olivia holt#kelli berglund#simon helberg#anna kendrick
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode #4: “The New Not-So-Normal”

At the Solar Opposites’ house, Korvo is busy putting up the new frame of the family now with Janiz on it as he smiles and turn into his human form while putting on his ID
Human Korvo: sighs
Janiz: What’s wrong?
He the notice his eyes flashing aquamarine but in a control manner as he smiles.
Human Korvo: I guess this the new normal.
Terry: I agree. Have a good day at work.
Human Korvo: Okay darling. See you later. kisses Terry on the cheek as Terry blushes
Terry giggles. As Human Korvo leaves, the kids prepare to head to school when Pupa notices a newspaper ad.
Pupa: gasp and sees Super Shlorpian Korvo on the news Ooooh.
Later at work, Human Korvo began to overhear a conversation between Mark Baine and the rest of the coworkers while Naomi arrives. Human Korvo looks at Naomi
Human Korvo: Hey, um, you better get check what’s going on
Naomi: Huh? Why?
Human Korvo: Because, they’re talking about you and Cheery
Naomi: Huh?
Mark Baine: The last thing Cheery said to me, is she never stop trying. We need to honor her by honoring her plan.
Barry: Mark, we’re clear on this. I want to hear the others’ opinions on this.
Jean: I choose for the girls to merge back. It’s probably what Cheery would’ve wanted. Right, Doc?
Doc. Green: I’m sorry but it seems like resurrecting looks unnatural. If I had to choose, I say Naomi should stay.
Mark Baine: Well, that’s two to one. looks at Caitlin And I guess. I trust you right. You don’t want your hubby to tip the scales to Cheery?
Caitlin: Uh…
Then, she makes a decision
Caitlin: Uh no. I choose the girls to merge back. I have my own reasons but that’s how I feel.
Mark Baine: Well, that’s three to one. looks at Barry
Barry: still mad at Cheery I just need more time… to think about it…
Mark Baine: Very well.
But then, Baine gets mad
Mark Baine: Think about it all you want boss man! Because, in three hours, I’m doing this with or without you! And you try to stop, you’ll have no one but yourself to blame yourself for the fallout!
Naomi: offscreen You can all blame me!
Everyone turns and see Naomi, who walks toward a photo frame on Korvo’s desk, and sees the picture of the Human Solars on the day they adopted Sonya.
Naomi: They’re like a family…. now you guys are gonna tear them apart and it’s all my fault? I wish I never been born…
As Naomi walks away…
Cheery: offscreen Naomi?
Naomi: Cheery?
Cheery smiles. Then, Naomi runs onto Cheery’s arms and starts sobbing while Human Korvo arrives.
Naomi: sniffling They-they want to merge us back together. And I don’t want to.. you guys have been so nice to me and… I want to know more about you…
Cheery: Me too.
Then, Cheery looks at the rest of her coworkers angirly while still comforting Naomi, so does Human Korvo as he walks towards them.
Human Korvo: Is true?! Is it true?!
Barry: Korey, we really think it’s best if-
Human Korvo slaps Mark Baine in the face, which made Barry, Caitlin, Doc. Green and Joan gasp in shock.
Cheery and Naomi: Whoa!
Human Korvo: How could you do this?!
Mark Baine: chuckles I’m sorry but you see Cheery was trying to-
Human Korvo: Was trying to save our friend’s life! I can’t believe you would want to re-emerge her and Naomi! Naomi saved our ship and AISHA! You should all be thankful!
Mark Baine: Are you telling me to-
Human Korvo finally having enough, shoves Baine down the floor and with a crowbar and with a big swing, destroys the machine that was supposed re-emerge Naomi and Cheery back to normal as sparks flies down and the machine is now destroyed as he breathes in and and out.
Cheery: Woah.
Barry: shock Korey…
Doc. Green: Uh…
Joan: Yeesh. He does have a point… Naomi looks nice.
Joan walks over to Naomi.
Joan: Don’t worry Naomi. I changed my mind. You can stay.
Mark Baine: What have you done?! Are you-
Human Korvo: Shut the fuck up!
Barry: Korey, just calm down and-
Human Korvo: I have had enough! If you dare put any harm on Cheery and Naomi ever again, I’ll report you to the authorities! Stay away from them or else! leaves Come on ladies, we’re leaving…
Mark Baine: Korey, I order you to come back here!
Human Korvo: No… it’s over… Naomi is staying…
Mark Baine growls. As Cheery, Naomi and Human Korvo walks away, the rest of the coworkers starts to feel ashamed. The scene cuts back to Korvo putting news photos of him and his family hanging out with their friends, now include Naomi as he smiles.
Terry: Hey. Heard what happened.
Phoebe MacCarthy; You okay?
Korvo: sighs No. I can’t believe they would do this. Why would they do this? sigh At least the machine is destroyed and Naomi is safe.
Phoebe: I’m glad too.
Terry: I just hope that he doesn’t go anywhere near us.
Korvo: I’m sure he won’t.
Then, ASIAH appears frantically.
AISHA: Korvo! Someone broke in the laboratory and stole chemicals!
Korvo: What?!
Later, Barry, Caitlin, Doc. Green and Joan meets up with Mark Baine.
Barry: Mark, what is going on?
Mark Baine: Ask Korey. It clear he did it.
The others began to feel disturbed by this once Human Korvo arrived.
Human Korvo: What’s going on?!
Mark Baine: Korey, I want you to know that I took your DNA experiments and chemicals. With that, I’m gonna make the world a better place.
Human Korvo began to feel enraged by this. Human Terry then arrives with the rest of the adults.
Miss Frankie: Korey, what’s going on?
Human Terry: What is happening? sees the stolen chemicals Mark, you took them?
Mark Baine: Yes I did. I made a new project that you might enjoy. Look.
Mark got out a knocked out soldier as he head towards the man with a needle as the gang began to feel terrified.
Cherie: Mark?! What are you doing?!
But it’s too late. Mark injected a crocodile DNA into the soldier as he screams in pain and starts to grow a crocodile tail and skins as the adults stay back
Phoebe MacCarthy: Bring it on you bitch!
Montez: Holy shit! He’s transforming!
Principal Cooke: Quick guys! Run for it!
As the gang ran out, the soldiers has become a were-crocodile and roars as he heads off into the woods.
Barry: Mark! What have you done?!
Mark Baine: I did what I have to do.
Montez grabs Mark and gets furious with him,
Montez: You’ll pay for that you son of a bitch!
Montez punches Mark to the wall that made him unconscious,
Nova: Does that mean you guys are gonna have to evacuate?
Human Terry: Yeah. I think so…
Cherie: Follow me!
The gang follows Cherie as they run off for safety. after the adults arrived at the Solars’ home, Human Korvo, Phoebe and the kids pack some supplies while Human Terry watches.
Human Jesse: Do we have to leave Korvo?
Human Korvo: Yes. It isn’t safe here.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Yes. I agree is monster out there. You guys are not safe here.
Human Janiz: So we have to leave.
Human Yumyulack: Terry, I’m scared.
Human Terry: It’s gonna be okay buddy. I’m gonna get some snacks! You guys go one without me, okay?
Human Korvo: Are you sure?
Human Terry: I’ll be fine honey… just get to kids to safety… kiss Human Korvo on the cheek
Human Korvo cries a little.
Human Korvo: Be careful…
Human Terry: soothes Human Korvo’s face I’ll be okay… I promise…
The Solars leave. Before that, Human Korvo tearfully kiss Human Terry on the lips as they moan. Human Korvo then leaves with the kids as Human Terry takes a deep breath and heads to the bus stop while putting on his orange hoodie.
Human Terry: Make your family proud…
Later, at the gas stop store, Human Terry heads in the store.
Human Terry: walks to a clerk Hi excuse me. Can you please show me the way to the snacks?
Clerk: Oh right here on Isle 3.
Human Terry: Thanks
As Human Terry walks to the isle isle and picks out some snacks. He then sees a mask that means plague which causes a flashback of woman Shlorpian who looks like him and Jesse as he breaths in and out and drops the basket.
Human Terry: Fuck! Not now!
Human Terry then starts to see two other traumatic flashbacks flashing through his mind, like other Shlorpians making fun him and a purple Shlorpian screaming.
Purple Shlorpian: Freak!
Human Terry: No! breathing in and out No…
Human Terry starts to lose control of his sanity. Then, his eyes suddenly starts glowing orange and he punches a wall. Then, Human Terry regains his sanity as he gasp and but grows confused by the wall hole
Human Terry: Wuh? How did that hole get here?
Human Terry tells himself to focus.
Human Terry: No! Focus Terry! You need to get snack for your family before-
Suddenly, he hears the were-crocodile roaring and sees a hole as he gasp. As Human Terry backs away, he gasp and sees the were-crocodile as he screams in horror.
Human Terry: Holy shit! Gotta hide!
Human Terry hides in the soda section as he starts breathing in and out and tries to call Korvo, only for the beast to find as he screams. Back with Human Korvo, he hears Human Terry screaming as he gasp and stops the bus.
Sonya: Korvo! What’s wrong?!
Human Korvo: Terry is in danger! We gotta head back now!
Human Korvo then turns the bus around and drives to the gas station store. Back with Human Terry, he tries to back away from the were-crocodile.
Human Terry: Okay. Easy there buddy, I-
The were-crocodile then grabs Human Terry’s left leg as he starts to scream. Just as Human Terry holds on to the pole to not let go, something in him causes him to snap.
Human Terry: Gggggrrrrrrrrr! You…. BITCH!
Human Terry growls as he pummels on the were-crocodile and starts to wrestle with it
Human Terry then punches the crocodile two times as he growls. He then screams in fury and throws the were-crocodile to the wall as it gots knocked out unconscious. Human Terry breathes heavily.
Human Korvo: offscreen TERRY!
Human Korvo runs up to Human Terry but gasps when he sees something is wrong with him
Human Korvo: Honey, what happened? Are you hurt? touches Human Terry’s face
Human Terry: I’M FINE!
Human Korvo screams a little but then realizes something is wrong once he notice the glowing orange eyes in Human Terry as he slowly approached him.
Human Korvo: Terry?
Human Terry: I SAID I AM FINE!
Human Korvo: No you’re not. Let me-
Human Terry then lunges at Human Korvo, but luckily Human Korvo catches him in a calming embrace as he gives Human Terry a cool down hug. Human Terry stops growling and starts sobbing a little
Human Korvo: Shh… it’s okay honey… you’re okay…
Human Terry: crying Korvy, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I-
Human Korvo kisses Human Terry on the cheek as he continues to comfort him.
Human Jesse: Terry! Are you okay?
Sonya: Terry!
Human Yumyulack: Whoa! Holy shit! What the fuck happened?!
Human Terry: Long story. sniffs
Phoebe MacCarthy: Come on, let’s get you outta here.
Meanwhile, back at camp, Barry was talking with Doc. Green, Joan and Caitlin.
Caitlin: Barry, why would you do that?
Barry: I can explain-
Joan: Why did you destroy Korey’s lab with your powers?
Doc. Green: That explosion put in him in a coma and nearly killed Cheery. She was trying to help.
Barry: It was the only way.
The four scientists then started arguing once the human Solars and their friends arrived and then sees the argument.
Human Jesse: Uh, what’s up with them?
Human Pupa and Sonya shrugs.
Human Korvo: What’s going on?!
Human Janiz: I don’t know.
Cheery: Aw man, I hope they’re not getting into a debate about me and Naomi.
The scientists keep arguing as Human Korvo tries to diffuse the tension.
Human Korvo: Okay, let me try to-
Suddenly, Human Terry stops him and sees something on the computer. He check the date and finds out it was the same date Korvo fell in a coma. He starts to play the video and sees what happened on that night as he gasp in shock then his face turns into anger.
Human Terry: YOU BASTARD!
Human Terry then punches Barry in the face as his family and friends gasp and back away, which ends up breaking up the arguing.
Human Terry: Barry? You destroyed the lab?! How could you?! You nearly got my husband and our friend killed! H-he trusted you!
Human Korvo: Terry, calm down-
Human Terry: Barry did this! He’s the one who destroyed the lab and AISHA and put you in a coma!
Human Korvo looks down. Then clenches his fist as he takes a deep and firmly goes up to Barry
Human Korvo: How could you? I trusted you
Barry: Korey, I didn’t-
Human Terry: What were you thinking? You put the man I love and our friend in serious danger!
Barry snaps.
Human Terry: ENOUGH!
Human Terry finally snaps and throws Barry to the wall as everyone gasp.
Human Yumyulack: Um Terry, take it easy-
Human Terry: Ugh! I had it with you people and your stupid conflicts?! When are you gonna- the screen suddenly went orange for a second as he suddenly found himself back on Shlorp What? The scene glitched as he saw a shadow of a monster with glowing orange hanging from the ceiling, another horned monster dead on the floor and baby Jesse crying in her crib. Clearly having a panic attack right now, Human Terry curled up on the floor with his hands over his ears, trying to block out this hallucination, but it wasn't off... And he was suddenly knocked back into reality screaming NNNNNOOOOO! breathing in and out frantically No…
Everyone seemed startled by this as they back away. Human Korvo gasp and comes up to his husband in concern.
Human Jesse: T-Terry? You okay?
Human Terry was shaking and practically sobbing at this point, unable to even form coherent sentences. Human Korvo then put his arms around Human Terry.
Human Korvo: Oh Terry, is everything alright?! What’s wrong?!
Human Terry: tearfully Wh-what the fuck was that?
Human Korvo: Oh dear. Let’s go home, AISHA might have the answers to this. Come along kids.
Joan: Wait, what about-
Phoebe MacCarthy: We’re not helping you!
Some of the group gasp.
Barry: B-but what about it-
Human Jesse: No forget it! If you guys are just gonna keep fucking throwing each other off the bus, then we’re not helping you. Come on guys. Let’s go home.
Caitlin: Wait! Come back! reaching out her hand
But it was too late. The Human Solars left as the group looks down sadly. Then it shows The rest of the gang, who have watched the whole argument, look sadly as they watch their friends leave.
Miss Frankie: Is Terry going to be okay?
Ms. Perez: Hopefully...
Randall: I sure hope so.
Then, when the Human Solars got home, Aisha is shocked to see Human Terry so vulnerable.
Aisha: Damn, what happened to you Terry?
Human Terry: shaking I-I don’t know. One minute, I fucking snapped because of this whole tension going on around about the epidemic. The next thing I know is that my eyes flash back to Shlorp 13 years ago.
Human Korvo, Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse: What?!
Sonya: Your home planet?!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Aisha! Maybe you can scan Terry! That could help why he acted like that back there.
Aisha: Got it Phoebes!
Aisha starts scanning all over Human Terry’s body until she gasp in horror and looks down.
Human Terry: What?! What is it?!
Aisha: sighs Terry, there is something you should know. It’s time I tell ya the truth about your family’s history…
Human Terry: M-my birth family?
A flashback occurs which shows Shlorp years ago and it shows Terry’s mother Jessica slowly dying from a plague as the doctor packs up his stuff..
Aisha: For the past years, your family was gifted with an amazing beast that is part of their life sources… the Mundane! These beasts are sadly beasts that came out from suicidal thoughts and depression, but luckily, the Wearspreadas were a let to master their beast by realizing how strong and brave they are and the love of the people who care about them, including their friends and family. Your mother was one of them, but tragically the plague took her slowly…
Doctor: closing his suitcase; to Teraformus You must leave! Now!
As the doctor leaves, a baby crying was heard. Teraformus looks at his dying wife one more time as she looks at him smiling.
Jessica: Quickly, before it takes him too.
Teraformus tearfully nods. Then, before she dies, Jessica kiss a pacifier slowly. Then it shows baby Terry crying as Teraformus picks him up and puts him in a basket as he took him to an orphanage. Teraformus looks at baby Terry one more time as he leaves. The head orphan leader picks up baby Terry and takes him inside. The scene cuts back to the present as Human Terry gasp.
Human Terry: Wh-what? I’m a half monster?
Aisha: I’m sorry Terry. It’s true. After your father created me, he told me not to tell you until you are older. Because, the first time a Wearspreada transforms into Mundane, they don’t have any control, which makes the, go berserk and out of control. Even might hurt other people. Also, they’ll lose their sanity if they don’t have any control… even forgetting about the ones they love…
Overwhelmed and distraught, Terry turns back to his normal Shlorpian self as he falls on his knees and breaks down in tears. Korvo, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa turns back into their normal alien selves. Then, they, Sonya and Phoebe hugs Terry as he kept crying.
Korvo: Shh. Oh Terry, there there. It’s gonna be okay. Even you transform into your Mundane for the first time, we’ll still be with you no matter what.
Jesse: Yeah. You’ll still be our dad!
Yumyulack: It’ll be okay man.
Sonya: Yeah, even if you turn into a monster like Mr. Korvo, you’ll always be the Terry we know and love.
Pupa: Terry…
Phoebe MacCarthy: And if they dare get on your bad side, I’ll be sure to kick their fucking assess!
Terry kept crying as his family pull him close.
Terry: tearfully O-okay. I’ll try to-to control it! I-I don’t wanna lose my family. I’m so s-s-sorry…
The rest of the family continues to comfort Terry as he breaks down in tears more, now completely afraid of the other side of himself.
A week later…
Mark Baine was searching for something until, he saw a tiny grave. He digs it and grows interested in this. Back with the family, they are back on the bus while “One Night in Bangkok” was playing on the radio:
Human Korvo: takes a deep breath Okay, no sign of the creature so-
Human Jesse: This song is good!
Suddenly, something causes Human Korvo to stop the bus as he cries out in fear and breathes in and out. He gets out and checks to see what got him startled, until he saw claws marks on the front of the bus as he began to growl
Human Korvo: Oh come on!
Suddenly, Martian appears as the kids screams and he laughs evilly.
Human Korvo: Oh shit! You again!
Human Jesse: Aaaah! It’s the Martian from two weeks ago!
Human Yumyulack: Oh god!
The scared Shlorpians and Pupa turns back into their normal selves, which shock the Martian
Martian: What?! You five are aliens?!
Terry: Hey prick! We’re not scared of you!
Pupa: Yeah.
Sonya: hiding behind Janiz Uh, I am.
Korvo growls.
Yumyulack: Huh?
Jesse: Korvo, are you okay?
Then Korvo’s eyes starts glowing as he grins in a control manner.
Korvo: takes his robe off Kids, stand back! Papa wolf wants a piece of this action! gives robe to Yumyulack
Yumyulack: Korvo, what the heck are you even talking about-
Then, Korvo’s eyes starts glowing aquamarine as his skin becomes black, he grows bigger and muscular as his clothes rip apart.
Korvo: clothes starts ripping as he grows bigger and stronger; voice deepens Ooooohh yyyyyyeeeeeesss! I feel gooooooooodddd!
Then, his wings pop out, his horns pop out and his teeth becomes monstrous. Super Shlorpian Korvo roars as his kids grow shock by this moment. Terry even blushes at his husband as he sighs lovingly.
Sonya: K-Korvo?
Yumyulack: What the fuck?! My adult is a giant monster?!
Jesse: Whoa! Korvo, you’re so buff!
Pupa: gasp
Phoebe MacCarthy: Go kick his ass, Korv! The kids, Terry and I will take care of what’s happening out there!
Super Shlorpian Korvo nods at Phoebe with a smirk as he gets ready to fight Martian.
Martian: Okay, freak! Let’s fucking go!
Martian and Super Shlorpian Korvo then started with Martian punching Super Shlorpian Korvo in the face as he screams in pain. He then flies up and uses his ice breath to slow Martian down, which made him slip.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Don’t test me, ya cunt!
Martian: Why you…
Martian grab a branch and throws it at Super Shlorpian Korvo, who dodges it. The kids are shock and surprised by this.
Sonya: Wow! I had no idea you Shlorpians could do that!
Jesse: Neither did we! Janiz, how did Korvo do that!!
Janiz sighs.
Janiz: eyes starts glowing icy pink Kids.. it’s time we tell you…
Yumyulack: Wait. Did your eyes just…
Then, Janiz’s skin starts turning black as she grows bigger and muscular and her clothes rip apart as she stretches them out. Then, her horns and wings appear but are also icy pink as she roars. The kids gasp in shock.
Yumyulack: What the fuck?!
Sonya: You can do that too?
Super Shlorpian Janiz then gets boobs.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: breathing in and out It’s because, it’s been running in mine and Korvo’s family for generations
Jesse and Sonya: WHAT?!
Yumyulack faints.
Pupa: Whuh?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: I’m so sorry you had to find out this way…
Yumyulack: Wait. You always had in the family?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: It’s true. It’s always been inside of me and Korvo ever since our 13th birth-a-day. Every generation, a young Replicant is gifted with a new life source that is actually a blessing. But if not tamed, you can lose your sanity and forget the ones you love.
Jesse: Wait, is that why Korvo has thin skin?
Super Shlorpian Janiz nods.
Yumyulack: But why you didn’t you tell us?
Jesse: Yeah?
Super Shlorpian Janiz tears up.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Because, Yumyulack, you inherited too!
Yumyulack gasps.
Jesse and Sonya: Say what?!
Pupa: Yumyulack…
Yumyulack: I… I’m half super Shlorpian, too?
Yumyulack breathes in and out.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: hugs Yumyulack and soothes him It’s okay! It’s okay! Luckily you didn’t transformed yet. But, you have to be careful. Any breaking point can cause you to finally have the side effects! You can even accidentally hurt someone!
Yumyulack: Okay.
Suddenly, the Martian kidnaps Pupa as he starts screaming.
Jesse: PUPA!
Yumyulack and Sonya: NO!
Super Shlorpian Janiz growls.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Oh my God! Let go of my nephew/niece you bastard!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: gasp Janiz?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Korvo! Martian has the Pupa!
Super Shlorpian Korvo gasp and growls as he flies towards Martian, while going papa wolf.
Pupa: crying Korvo! Help me! wailing as tears fall down
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Let! Him! GO!
Martian: Make me! Or better yet… whistles
Huge foot stomps as heard and as Super Shlorpian Korvo looks up, he gasp and sees that the Were-Crocodile has become a Mega one.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: to Terry Ahem.
Terry: What?
Then, suddenly cyan marks appear around Super Shlorpian Korvo as he starts grow even more bigger and muscular.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: FUCK YES!
As Super Shlorpian Korvo moans in pleasure, a cyan mark appears behind as his back as he roars and fully becomes a Mega Super Shlorpian!
Terry: smitten whistle
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo chuckled seductively.
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: What do you think Terry? Do you like so horny to you right now?
Terry: Oh fuck yes! Baby, you look so buff!
The mega were-crocodile roars but then, Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo starts to wrestle with him as he roars. He then punches the beast in the face as he growls.
Jesse: Damn! You guys can grow mega too! This is awesome! It’s like the Japanese KaIju monster movies!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: to the were-crocodile You think you can kill me?!
Sonya: Yeesh and those Rampage video games too! Where also, these people become giant monsters!
Yumyulack: I agree! Right now, it’s like King Kong vs. Godzilla all over again!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo then freezes the Mega Were-Crocodile’s nose as it snarls and bites his arm. Despite the pain, the wound manage to heal by the Mega Super Shlorpian’s power as Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo growls and throws the were-crocodile down by the nose.
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: Go Korvo! Yay! That’s our dad!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: You want more?!
Terry then hears Pupa’s crying getting louder as he gasp and starts to growl as his eyes starts glowing orange again.
Martian: chuckles upon seeing Terry Well, and what are you going to do? Try to kill me?! chuckles I like to see you try, you stupid bitch!
Jesse: Terry, calm down.
Terry then roars and grabs the Pupa away from the Martian, while lifting the Martian with some kind of monstrous strength and throws him to a tree.
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: Whoa.
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo blushes and bites his lip.
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: Damn I feel so turned by this form right now. It’s making me feel horny! hears the mega were-crocodile approaching as he growls And speaking of which…
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo then pummels the were-crocodile and puts the antidote into him as he screams in pain. As Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo looks on, the were-crocodile turns back into the soldier as he groans.
Martian: NOOO! You fool!
The kids cheer while Terry’s eyes turn back to normal and regains his sanity while he comforts the crying scared Pupa.
Terry: It’s okay, Pupa. Ssh.
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo then shrinks back to his normal size while the Martian escapes as the family looks on.
Martian: This ain’t over Opposites! I’ll be back for vengeance!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Damn. That is one angry Martian.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Mmm-hmm.
Super Shlorpian Korvo groans as he holds his head.
Yumyulack: You okay?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah… kids… there is so much… I have to tell you
Super Shlorpian Korvo then turns back into normal with his clothes surprisingly on as Terry catches him.
Terry: Korvy…
Korvo then wakes up and sees the weeping Pupa reaching out for him as Korvo embraces and soothes him.
Korvo: Oh Pupa. Shh. It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be okay. Shh.
Pupa: Papa…
Sonya: You were amazing!
Jesse: I know and- gasp Oh my gosh! Pupa called you Papa!
Pupa: weeping; voice breaking while reaching out to Korvo Papa! Papa!
Super Shlorpian Janiz turns back into her normal Shlorpian as she runs to her family in joy upon hearing what the Pupa called her brother.
Janiz: Oh my gosh. Pupa, we’re so proud of you.
Terry: Yay! We’re so proud of you!
Korvo: I know I am…
Korvo continues to sooth the Pupa as he smiles and the family decided to head to the hotel. Later that evening, the family are now relaxing while the kids are playing around.
Yumyulack: Man those water slides were amazing!
Jesse: I know right!
Pupa: getting dried by Phoebe Splashy splashy!
Sonya: So glad I washed the chlorine off of me when I took a shower
Terry: So, Korv. Now that the kids know you’re a sexy brave monster, what does this mean for us?
Korvo: I don’t know. But whatever happens next, I know this family can pull through it.
Terry: I know we will. kiss Korvo on the lips
Terry smiles.
Terry: Wanna make out?
Korvo: Excellent choice my darling…
The two husbands make out as they moan.
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: Eeew! Gross! Korvo! Terry! Eeew! You guys are disgusting! Come on boo
Later that night, while the rest of the family were sleeping, Terry looks out at the window as he sighs. He then notice something. He finds an old dusty note in his hoodie.
Terry: Huh?
Terry blows the dust off the note and it says…
“My beloved Terald, I know these are my last words but, I want you to know… you have an amazing future ahead of you. That I’ll someday hope you’ll find out one day. I may not be here anymore. But, I know you’re gonna do amazing things one day and maybe have a sproutling of your own too. But… you have something inside of you… that may happen when you turn 13. Your time will come my love. I love you - Your adult Jessica”
Terry cries.
Terry: cries a little Mom…
Korvo: Terry?
Terry: sniffles Yeah?
Korvo: You feeling okay?
Terry: sniffles No…
Korvo: What’s that note?
Terry: From my late adult… before she died from the plague…
Korvo gasps sadly.
Korvo: Oh Terry… I’m so sorry you grew up with parents… but it’s okay. You have me and the kids now…
Terry: Yes. Yes I do. Come here, babe.
The two husbands then kiss while cuddling as the screen fades to black
The end
Special thanks to @themagicwolf6677, @avaveevo, @king-of-squishmallows and others for ideas and support.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: unleashed#tervo#super shlorpian korvo#super shlorpian janiz#korvo#terry solar opposites#yumyulack#british korvo#jesse solar opposites#miss frankie#cherie solar opposites#montez the wall#cheery smithers#cheery solar opposites#naomi solar opposites#human korvo#human terry#human yumyulack#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#Spotify#human jesse#human pupa#aisha#sonya solar opposites
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Solar Opposites: The Misadventures of The Solars Episode #3: Foxfight

The episode starts with the Shlorpians arriving in the Solars’ house.
Shlorpian Randall: Korvo? Terry?! What’s the exciting news you wanted to tell?
Korvo, Terry, Shlorpian Phoebe, Janiz and the kids come in with Korvo holding Lili.
Korvo: Everyone, meet our new baby daughter, Lili.
Shlorpian Janice: H'no, she's so cute, y'know!
Lili: *babbles*
Shlorpian Frankie: Woah. How did that happen?
Korvo: Well to be honest, it is complicated but here she is. Our little Shlorpian bundle of joy.
Shlorpians: Aw. She’s precious. So fucking cute. D’aw, she looks just like her father. Ain’t she a real cutie? So adorable. Hey little sweetie! Coochie choochie coo! Hi baby.
Terry laughs
Terry: Yep. She is such a sweet cutie. *tickles Lili on the belly that made her giggle*
Shlorpian Cooke starts sobbing hysterically
Shlorpian Frankie: *smiles in amusement and laughs* Honey, get it together.
Lili: *cooing*
Korvo: *laughs* They like you, Lili.
Lili: *babbles*
The Pupa then smiles at his baby sister and falls in love with her.
Pupa: Sissy!
Lili: *giggles and touches Pupa’s face as he smiles*
Shlorpian Randall: Who gave birth?
Korvo: I did.
The Shlorpians look at Korvo with shocked silence
Shlorpian Cooke: Yeah. It’s true. He told me about it and that there hasn’t been any records about this.
Korvo sighs and sheds a few tears
Korvo: *tearfully* It’s true I didn’t know either. Usually a sproutling is born thanks to a finger clipping. But this time, Lili’s birth is different because it came from my uterus.
Shlorpian Ms. Perez: TMI, buddy.
Shlorpian Louise: I guess that’s a new reaction on being on Earth too long or something.
Korvo: I don't know yet but-
Suddenly, a glass bottle was thrown into the window as glass shatter and the family screamed as they ducked for safety.
Jesse: What was that?!
Shlorpian Phoebe: *recognizing the whooping* Oh God! No!
Shlorpian Phoebe steps outside and gasp upon seeing her relatives living near the hillbilly swamp trailer park while whooping. The Solars, who turn into their human forms along with Lili, and their Shlorpian friends peak outside and gasp upon seeing Phoebe’s now Shlorpian relatives.
Human Korvo: Phoebe! Are those your relatives?!
Shlorpian Phoebe sighs and facepalms.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Yes. Yes they are.
A few minutes later, an annoyed Shlorpian Phoebe, the human Solars and the Shlorpians head over to Phoebe’s relatives.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Hello Uncle Randy.
Shlorpian Uncle Randy: Well, howdy do! Phoebe’s back y’all!
Shlorpian Phoebe groans
Shlorpian MacCarthy Relatives: Yee-haw! Ya-hoo! Get along y’all! Whoo! *laughs and hollers like a western person in joy*
Human Terry: Wow.
Shlorpian Uncle Randy: Of course you remember Randy Jr., Cousin Joe and John, Cletus, Big Bubba, Jenny and the rest.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Unfortunately, yes.
Shlorpian Randy Jr.: Howdy cous and *sees the Human Solars and the Shlorpians* Hey! Look, humans just like we once were and aliens like us!
Human Yumyulack: Don't. Come. Near. Me.
Human Korvo: *laughs nervously; whispers* Yumyulack, whatever you and your siblings and the rest of the gang do, do not do anything to upset them. Or worse.
Human Yumyulack: But he smells bad!
Human Jesse: *covers Human Yumyulack’s mouth and laughs nervously* He meant it in a good way. *laughs nervously and then the Shlorpian McCarthy laughs with her*
Shlorpian Jenny: Ain’t those children darling?
Shlorpian Uncle Randy: *laughs* Y'know, I like y'all! What are your names?
Human Jesse: None of your business!
Human Korvo: Huh? *whispers to Jesse* what’s wrong honey? Why don’t you want them to tell them our names?
Human Jesse: It's obvious Phoebe hates them!
Shlorpian Phoebe: *sighs* Look guys, can you please be more careful? Your bottle nearly hurt my family and their friends. Plus, they have a baby now. You guys have got to be careful.
Phoebe's relatives laugh
Shlorpian Big Bubba: Relax Phoebs. These guys must be hard as metal. Especially *pointing to human Lili* that little runt over there.
Human Lili whimpers
Human Korvo: Uh, excuse me? Are you talking about our baby?
Shlorpian Jenny: Yeah, we are! She's cute! Hopefully, she'll grow up to be just like me!
Human Korvo: Oh hell no she will not!
Human Lili: *cries*
Human Terry: Aw dude, now look what you guys did! You made our baby cry!
Shlorpian Bubba guffaws
Shlorpian Bubba: Relax, it’s just family fucked up genes. *to Replicant Sonya* How about some Moonshine, you robin’s egg blue little runt?
Replicant Sonya: PISS OFF!
Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse: *gasp and covers Replicant Sonya’s mouth* Uh heh heh! She was just kidding! Yeah kidding! *laughs nervously* Please don’t hurt us.
Human Korvo sighs in frustration
Human Korvo: Listen pal, I know you’re my nanny’s family but I don’t like the way you are talking to my kids and baby like that! Now apologize immediately!
Shlropian Uncle Randy: Alright, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you must’ve *points to Human Terry* married a weak wimpy asshole over here.
Human Terry: WHAT?! *growls as his eyes turn orange*
Shlorpian MacCarthy Relatives: *laughs mockingly at Human Terry*
Shlropian Phoebe: *outraged* Guys! That’s my family!
Shlorpian Phoebe's relatives gasp
Shlorpian Randy Jr.: This family is the ones you look after as a nanny? *laughs with the rest of the relatives* Then you must be sorry for having that orange t-shirt loser and his family for making your life miserable.
Shlorpian Phoebe: *enraged* Randy Jr!
Human Korvo: That does it! *puts his hair into a ponytail*
Shlorpian Phoebe: Korv, what are you doing?
Human Korvo goes up the family in tranquil fury.
Human Korvo: That does it! You owe my family and our friends and apology right now!
Shlorpian Bubba: Or what?
Shlorpian Randy Jr.: *referring to Human Terry* You’re gonna let that weak-looking llimpy redheaded wimp over there fight us?
Human Terry: *growls* Shut...shut...
Shlorpian Janice: H’no is Terry okay, y’know?
Human Terry suddenly roars in fury as monstrous fangs suddenly appears in his mouth and his eyes glow orange as he attacks Randy Jr.
Shlorpians: Oh my God! Terry! Terry, what the fuck are you doing?! Have you lost your mind?! Stop it! You’re hurting him!
Shlropian Randy Jr. :*screams* GET THIS FUCKING ANIMAL OFF OF ME!
Human Korvo pulls Human Terry off of Randy Jr. and goes to talk with him in private
Human Korvo: Oh my God. *to the Shlorpian MacCarthy relatives* I’m so sorry, let me talk to my hubby in private.
Human Korvo takes Human Terry inside the house
Human Korvo: Terry, what was that all about?
Human Korvo: *concern* Wh-what?
Human Terry storms upstairs as Human Korvo sighs and turns into his Shlorpian form
Korvo: Something is really wrong… *goes upstairs*
Korvo enters the bedroom and gasps to see that everything is a mess and Human Terry is curled up in the corner, mumbling some angry stuff
Korvo: T-Terry?
Human Terry: *growls*
Korvo: You okay, Terry?
Human Terry starts sobbing quietly
Korvo: Terry!
Korvo runs up to his husband and kisses him on the forehead as Terry turns back into a Shlorpian
Terry: *voice breaking* Go away… today was humiliating already…
Korvo: Oh honey...
Terry: *breaks down in tears*
“My Immortal” plays in the background as Korvo consoles Terry.
Korvo: Shhh… shhh… it’s gonna be alright my love.
Terry giggles because Korvo feels warm
Terry: You are very warm honey…
Korvo giggles
Korvo: Thanks. I’m so sorry Phoebe’s relatives made you feel humiliated.
Terry: It's okay. I'm sorry I went crazy...
Korvo: It’s okay Terry. I know you were trying to defend Phoebe, the kids and our friends.
Terry sighs and snuggles with his hubby
Terry: Korvy…. am I strong? And brave? And not weak?
Korvo nods
Korvo: Of course. Don’t listen to them, Terry. You are strong and brave on the inside. That’s what matters, not on the outside. *pulls Terry closer* It’s gonna be okay…. I promise…
Korvo's wings suddenly appear
Terry: *gasp and blushes* Oh my honey…. Your wings.
Korvo is confused but notices his bat wings and giggles. Janiz comes in while uploading something and then gasp upon seeing Korvo with his bat wings.
Janiz: K-Korvo? You have...
Korvo: Yes. I have control now.
Janiz smiles tearfully
Janiz: *hugs her brother* I am so proud of you…
Terry is confused
Terry: Wait. How are you proud of him? Unless…. *realizes something* You’re a Super Shlorpian too, aren’t you Janiz?
Janiz nods as her skin turns black. Then, Janiz’s eyes glow icy pink as she grows bigger and muscular and rips apart her clothes. Then, her wings, that are also colored icy pink appears on her back while her horns appear on her head. Janiz’s teeth becomes monstrous and she grows boobs. Now a Super Shlorpian, Janiz roars.
Terry: Wow...
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Thanks. It’s been running in our family for generations, ever Koran made that blessing when trying to protect his family from bandits and other threats to the village.
Terry: Koran?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: *shows him an ancient artwork* Our ancestor. The first one to become a Super Shlorpian. He became the Super Shlorpian during war time because he needed a way to protect his family and friends. So, he made that blessing. The bloodline has passed onto his Replicants at the age of 13, which is their coming of age, then it passed onto theirs as the years go by… soon will Yumyulack.
Terry gasps
Terry: No way… Yumyulack will soon become a Super Shlorpian?
Korvo sighs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yes. It’s about to be Yumyulack’s time soon since he is now already 13-years old. But, I’m afraid we can’t tell him when the time is right.
Terry hugs Korvo who flaps his wings
Terry: Don’t worry honey. We’ll wait to tell the others until it’s the right time.
Korvo smiles. Meanwhile with the others, they watch the Shlorpian MacCarthy relatives doing crazy stuff as they sigh in dismay, except for Shlorpian Randall who is intrigued.
Shlorpian Randall: Wow, those guys are cool!
Shlorpian Phoebe: I am so sorry about my family guys. Ugh, they had no right to treat you guys like shit. Especially you kids.
Human Jesse: Don't worry.
Human Yumyulack: *holding human Lili* It’s okay. Unlike them, you have a big heart, Phoebe. You’re the best nanny we ever had.
Shlorpian Phoebe smiles tearfully
Shlorpian Phoebe: D’aw come here kids. *sighs as she looks at her family* Hopefully, they’ll blow off some steam eventually. Come on guys, let’s go home. *the kids, Shlorpian Phoebe and the Shlorpians, except for Randall walks away* Hey Randall, you coming?
Shlorpian Randall: Huh? Uh yeah, be with you guys in an hour!
After the others left, Shlorpian Randall walks up the Shlorpian MacCarthy relatives and clears his throat.
Shlorpian Randall: Uh excuse me?
Shlorpian Cletus: Hey look guys! It’s one of the Shlorpians y’all. What ya want?
Shlorpian Randall: Hey uh *clears his throat* Ahem. You guys do amazing awesome extreme stuff for a bunch of rednecks. Can I please join you?
The Shlorpian MacCarthy relatives gasped. Then, they get into a group huddle secretly and laughs. They decided to play a prank on Randall. They turn around and looks at Shlorpian Randall.
Shlorpian Joe: Okay, here is what you gotta do. Head into the woods, find a… *looks down at the creature book with a page about the Mundane* Mundane while drinking moonshine and then you’re one of us.
Shlorpian Randall grins in joy.
Shlorpian Randall: Fuck yeah! I will do it! When do we start?!
The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Randall wearing redneck clothes while drinking Moonshine as the Shlorpian MacCarthy relatives snickers quietly.
Shlorpian Uncle Randy: Alright, these woods aren’t that safe. Be careful for wilderness bullshit out there and good luck!
Shlorpian Randall: Fuck yeah! Let’s do this! *heads into the woods after drinking Moonshine* Wish me luck you wonderful fuckers!
The Shlorpian MacCarthy relatives snickers.
Shlorpian Joe: God! This is gonna get so many likes!
Shlorpian Randy Jr.: How is he that dumb?
Two hours later, Shlorpian Randall, who is now covered with sticks, pin needles, mud and sap pants while having a bandage clothe around his arm.
Shlorpian Randall: Okay… I’m lost in the woods… it’s getting dark oh God so fucking hungry. *sees a bunch of berries* Oooh, these berries don’t look poison.
Shlorpian Randall eats the berries but then starts to hallucinate as a weird background appears as he grows amazed.
Shlorpian Randall: Oooooh….. pretty colors.
Shlorpian Randall keeps hallucinating as the background starts doing crazy things, but then suddenly, Shlorpian Randall finds himself near the lake as he screams and falls into the water as the stream starts to carry him.
Shlorpian Randall: Aaah! *gluts and leaps up for air* Oh fuck oh fuck! *glugs and leaps up for air* This is not fucking happening! *suddenly gasp and sees the waterfall* AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Shlorpian Randall falls down the waterfall as he screams in horror. Then Shlorpian Randall made it the surface and heads onto land as he sighs in relief. Back with the others, Korvo starts to wonder where Randall is.
Korvo: Where the fuck is Randall?! He’s supposed to be home by now. It’s already getting late!
Terry: I know. I'm really worried.
Shlorpian Phoebe then realizes something as she looks at her relatives and sighs in dismay.
Shlorpian Phoebe: I know where. Come on boys.
After Korvo and Terry turn into their human forms while Janiz carries baby Lili, the four adults head over the Shlorpian MacCarthy family.
Shlorpian Phoebe: *sighs* Uncle Randy, what did you do this time? Where is Randall?!
Shlorpian Randy: We just told him somethin' 'bout a Mundane being in the woods. *laughs* And boy, did the sucker fall for it!
Human Korvo, Human Terry, Shlorpian Phoebe and Janiz: *gasp* WHAT?!
Shlorpian Phoebe: Uncle Randy, have you all lost your mind?!
Shlorpian Randy snorts
Shlorpian Randy: Yeah. That dumbass has been out in the woods for awhile now. Hope we see the look on his face when he comes back. He’s been gone for like two hours.
Shlorpian Phoebe growls
Human Korvo: What?! Are you nuts?! He must’ve gotten lost! What you rednecks done?! He’s gonna go crazy! *calling out for Randall* RANDALL!
Shlorpian Phoebe: RANDALL!
Terminator: *appearing from the trees; played for laughs* Randall… Randall… I think he’s gone….
Human Korvo, Human Terry, Janiz and Shlorpian Phoebe looks on in worry. Three weeks later, the family and Shlorpians are in the helicopter.
Earth-4 Ranger: I'm afraid he might not have survived, Mr. Opposites. We've been searching these woods for weeks.
Human Korvo: We've got to keep looking. Randall’s got to be out there somewhere.
The helicopter then lands at the ranger center. The scene then cuts to the ranger station where the Human Solars and the Shlorpians are waiting, until the ranger came in.
Ranger: Good news! We found something in the woods. *hands them Randall’s redneck bandana with Shlorpian blood on it*
Shlorpian Phoebe gasps
Shlorpian Phoebe: Oh my God! That must be what Randall was wearing before he got lost in the woods. We’re so fucking close! Come on guys, to the woods!
Later, the Human Solars and the Shlorpians spread out to find Shlorpian Randall
Shlorpian Phoebe: Okay guys! Fan out and find Randall!
All: Randall! Here Randall! Randall, where are you?! H’no Randall where are you Y’know? Here Randall Randall Randall!
Suddenly, Shlorpian Cheery hears something.
Shlorpian Cheery: Guys! I think hear something!
All: Oh god! Really? What is it?! Randall?! That you Randy?
The gang peeks through the bushes, and sees a now feral Shlorpian Randall.
All: Randall!
Shlorpian Phoebe: Oh Randall, thank God! You’re alive!
Suddenly, Randall starts muttering like an animal in fear as the others grow terrified over what has become of their friend.
Human Terry: Oh my God. Randall has become a motherfucking feral beast!
Shlorpian Janice: *gasp* H’no what do we do now Y’know?!
The scene cuts back to the Solars and their friends arriving home with Shlorpian Janice carrying Shlorpian Randall on his leash.
Shlorpian Janice: Okay Randall, here it is. This is your home. This is the couch where you sit. (Shlorpian Randall starts sniffing around the TV) Oh, yes, that's the television. Kids, I think he recognizes the TV. We're all thinking it, and he just does it.
But then Shlorpian Randall goes feral and starts throwing things while screaming in rage as the gang looks on in dismay. Korvo sighs in dismay.
Korvo: Poor Randall…
Terry: Aw man this is gonna be harder than I thought. Okay guys, team huddle. *the gang does a huddle* Okay, each of us will help Randall. We must do whatever it takes to get our friend back! Now let’s do this!
The scene then cuts to the living room where Shlorpian Janice puts in the dvd.
Randall: *on the dvd* Hello, feral Randall. If you're listening to this, you've probably become feral, and you're probably thinking of a nice juicy rabbit right now. (muttering) But this isn't who you really are, Randall. We got to get you back on track. Isn't that right, buddy? Okay, good. So, feral Randall, why don't you put in tape number two and let's get started. Don't listen to that Randall! That Randall is a liar! Run! Be free! They will enslave you! (grunting gibberish)
Human Terry: Oh for God’s sake! Who encouraged Randall to make those tapes?!
Shlorpian Kevin looks away nervously. The scene the cuts to Shlorpian Jamie about to turn on a record with Shlorpian Randall staring at it.
Shlorpian Jamie: All right, now, I've been trying to figure out something we can do together, and I think I've found it. We're gonna sing a song. Now, I'll start, and when I point to you, you'll sing your part. Ready?
Shlorpian Jamie then plays “Carry on Wayward Son”. Shlorpian Randall seems like he is gonna sing, but then he screams in rage and smashes the record with a huge wooden stick.
Shlorpian Jamie: Yeesh. I thought he liked that song…
Later that night, while the family were sleeping. Korvo hears a loud noise. He then heads outside and turns on his flashlight only for him to scream in horror upon seeing Shlorpian Randall eating garbage like a raccoon.
Korvo then notices his old pink nightgown
Korvo: Okay, who throw out my old nightgown?
Shlorpian Cooke: My God, you like 34 or something! Accept it!
Korvo sighs. The next morning, Shlorpian Kevin and his family, Shlorpian Cheery, Shlorpian Naomi and Shlorpian Alice came by.
Shlorpian Cheery: Hey guys. Is Randall getting any better?
Terry: *snapping* WHAT DO YOU THINK?!
Shlorpian Cheery: *taken back* Sorry.
Korvo puts a hand on Terry’s shoulder.
Korvo: Terry…
Terry sighs
Terry: I’m sorry. I’m just a little frustrated. This is all Phoebe’s relatives’ fault. I don’t even know why they would sent Randall out in the woods for a fucking Mundane.
Janiz gasps at the mention of the Mundane
Janiz: Did you just said Mundane?
Terry: Yeah? Why?
Janiz: Terry, *gets out her book and shows the gang the page* Terry, that beast is one of the most overwhelming and dangerous creature of all time. The first one to become who the one who is ridiculed all the time because an acient. Koran saved him after he tried to end his life but what he didn’t know that it caused monstrous side effects.
Terry gasps
Terry: Oh my God… that poor Shlorpian… he deserved better…
Korvo weeps
Terry: Oh Korvy. Why are you crying?
Korvo: That poor Shlorpian. He’s been through so much.
Terry: Yeah. I know…
Janiz: I agree…
Terry looks at the page and puts a hand on it as he slides on the picture of the Mundane in a empathy tone and sighs.
Shlorpian Frankie: What about Randall?
Korvo: *sighs* I’m sorry guys… we’ve done everything we could.
Terry: We're gonna have to return him to the wild.
Shlorpian Janice gasp in distraught, but then suddenly gets an idea as she looks at the woods and looks at Shlorpian Randall as she gets an idea smile. The scene cuts to the woods where Shlorpian Janice holds Shlorpian Randall and prepare to take off the leash while showing an encouraging smile.
Shlorpian Janice: H’no Randall, we all love you very much. *smiles* but we all think this is where you finally belong. And where you’ll be happy. Y’know. H’no So, *takes off the color off of Shlorpian Randall* you’re free my love. Whatever adventures you lie ahead of you, know that your friends and family will always be with you in your heart. Now go. Go on. Be free Y’know.
Just then, Shlorpian Janice gives Shlorpian Randall a kiss on the forehead. Then, when Randall starts to walk, he turns around and looks at Shlorpian Janice as he suddenly struggles to talk.
Shlorpian Randall: J-Jan…
Shlorpian Janice: *gasp in joy*
Shlorpian Randall: J-Janice.
Shlorpian Janice: H'no, Randall, y'know?
Shlorpian Randall: *finally regaining his sanity* Janice!
Shlorpian Janice: HONEY!
Shlorpian Janice in tears of joy embraces her boyfriend in a kiss while the others get overjoyed by this moment.
All: Randall! *put their arms all around Randall*
Human Korvo: It’s good to have you back Randall!
Shlorpian Randall: Good to be back!
Later at home, the gang are at Phoebe’s relatives place where Uncle Randy decided to apologize as sighs in dismay.
Shlorpian Uncle Randy: I’m really really sorry about the whole mess. We were wrong to prank friend into going after a monster and turn him into an animal. So I was thinking we could call it, squaresies?
Shlorpian Phoebe: *sighs* Alright. Come on guys, let’s head home.
Human Terry gives Phoebe's family the "I'm watching you" gesture. The gang walks back home as the Shlorpian MacCarthy family looks on. Later that evening, Terry is looking at the Mundane book sadly while Korvo comes in.
Korvo: Terry?
Terry: Hey dear.
Korvo: What's wrong?
Terry: *sighs* Why do I feel empathy for the Mundane?
Korvo: It's kind of a weird feeling, huh? Wanna do some stargazing?
Terry: Oh sure.
The alien husbands lay down on the roof
Korvo: The stars sure are beautiful tonight.
Terry: They'll never be as beautiful as you, Korvy.
Korvo: *blushes* Thank you, darling.
The two alien husbands kiss while moaning lovingly
Terry: *moans lovingly but then starts to feel tired*
Korvo: You tired?
Terry: Mmm-hmm.
Korvo: *chuckles* Come on my love… let’s head to bed… *picks up Terry as they head into their bedroom*
The scene cuts to Yumyulack and Jesse asleep. Korvo and Terry are suddenly heard moaning.
Yumyulack: Oh God! *heads back to sleep while covering his ears*
Jesse: Ugh! Not again! *covers her ears with pillows.
Replicant Sonya: *moans as she covers her ears with her pillows*
Terry: *offscreen* Oh fuck yes, Korvy! More! Oooh!
The scene then cuts to Terry getting close to cumming
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh yes! *moans lovingly* Don’t stop now! I feel it getting close! *moans*
Terry: Fuck fuck fuck!
The two husbands moan in ecstasy as they cummed and snuggle close as they kiss on the lips. Super Shlorpian Korvo giggles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Nighty night my love… *falls asleep as Terry smiles and kisses him on the forehead*
Terry: Good night…
The two husband sleep as Super Shlorpian Korvo turns back to normal
Korvo: *snoring peacefully*
Terry smiles
Terry: I love you… *heads back to sleep but then starts whimpering in his sleep*
Terry then starts to have the same orange vision again as he began weeping softly in his sleep as his husband holds him in his sleep. Terry calms down.
Terry: *in his thoughts* What is happening to me?
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: the misadventures of the solars#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#british korvo#yumyulack#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#cheery smithers#sonya solar opposites#super shlorpian korvo#super shlorpian janiz#mundane terry#randall solar opposites#principal cooke solar opposites#miss frankie solar opposites#naomi solar opposites#alice solar opposites#louise solar opposites#lili solar opposites#evanescence
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Mighty Solars in Taken Away From Me Ch. 6

Back in the woods, Terry was stretching his back after waking up. He then turns to see the spot where Cheery was sleeping at, only to find her gone. Terry gasp and rushes over there.
Terry: Oh no. lifts up the blanket that Cheery had Cheery?! Cheery?! Cheery, where are you?! CHEERY!
Suddenly, Terry sees the Emeralnites’ symbol on the ground and sees footprints of the guards. Looking where it leads to, Terry develops a determined look on his face and suits up. Two hours later, Terry made it to the lair, where he hears talking behind the walls. Terry peak with his hearing as he began to overhear Ophelia and the guards talking while Cheery is still asleep.
Ophelia: You idiot! You were supposed to get Mighton with her!
Zalthor: My empress, I conquer that this Mighton is very dangerous. If we lead him back here, he’ll keep on beating up more Emeralnites!
Guard #3: We found this at the market. shows a broken soup bowl with a little splotch of plum colored blood on it
Ophelia: He did this?
Guard #1: Yes my empress. Mighton was at the market stealing soup when he refused to pay for it.
Guard #2: He attack the vendor m’lady. He is proven to be too dangerous and must be put to sleep immediately!
Ophelia: Good. Just as I wanted. But first, we must find Mighton, looking back at Cheery before this little brat escapes again.
Cheery: wakes up as she gasp and looks around Terry? Where are you? looks up and gasp after seeing Ophelia and the guards
Ophelia: Oh good, you’re awake. Think you would never wake up.
Cheery: shuddering Where’s Terry? What the fuck have you done to him? gets grabbed by Zolthar
Ophelia: Don’t worry about your pathetic rescuer. He is not going anywhere, once we find him! laughs evilly
Zolthar: That’s right, your superhero is about to fucking deadmeat once we find him and drain his energy along with the other prisoners?
Cheery: What?! You’re gonna drain our life sources?! Why would you do this?!
Ophelia: Isn’t it obvious?! When I was young, our planet wasn’t so popular, so we found another alien race and uses their energy to make us more recognizable and powerful! But then, a few years later, alien population has started to wipe out and all was left of it was that pathetic, worthless, piece of shit planet Shlorp. After it exploded, those 100 adults and their replicants escaped and scattered across the globe. While they do, four Shlorpians and their Pupa crash landed on Earth and I knew it was the right picking. Earth had so many life forms, until they all relocated on Earth-4 and started their new lives there. It was so fucking frustrating smashes a mirror in rage so I tracked them down and I knew it was only a matter of time before I started kidnapping goddamn humans one by one, until those motherfucking Mighty Solars arrived and fucking ruined everything. I only captured 80 people and when Quasarblast came, they were hard to kidnap since we know how powerful his powers are. Even his family. Ugh. But then, I decided to take away the most important person that he loves the most….. HIS FUCKING DUMBASS HUSBAND, MIGHTON!
Terry/Mighton: gasp silently
Cheery: Oh my God. What?! Qausarblast is Mighton’s husband But, how did you figure out their identities?
Ophelia: Simple. I’ve been watching them the whole time, bitch. I know everything about them, their flaws, their weaknesses. Everything that I needed to know.
Cheery: suddenly began to reach her breaking point for the first time as she growls You…. you bastard! grabs Ophelia Everyone that you held prisoner is gonna fucking die because of you!
Ophelia: That’s right, I’m gonna wipe out all the humans, and those five pathetic aliens too!
Cheery: punches Ophelia in the face I’m not afraid of you anymore, you fucking monster! I’m gonna go find Mighton, and then he’ll stop you once and for-
Suddenly, Cheery gets thrown by the wall by Zolthar as she gets knocked out unconscious as Terry gasp and growls. Terry smashes the walls with his super strength and bust the walls open.
Terry/Mighton: Leave that girl alone you motherfucker!
Ophelia: Ah good, right on time. Guards!
Suddenly, one of the guards throw handcuffs at Mighton’s hands as he gasp. Zolthar then taser Mighton by the neck as he growls. Terry gets up and manage to swoop Cheery in his arms as she moans. Ophelia and the guards laugh evilly. Terry starts panting as he began to grow tried and collapse. Ophelia smirks and snaps her fingers for the signal.
Ophelia: Get Mighton and this pathetic fucking whore into the dungeon cell and make prepare for the ceremony. Our time has come.
Back with the Mighty Solars, the heroes made it to the lair but then saw the prison cells where the missing humans are in.
Sherbert: Oh my God! Guys, those the people that disappeared!
Korvo/Qausarblast: Quick everyone, untie them! Stat!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T and Jesse/Fung-irl: On it!
The Mighty Solars and their human friends help free the captured humans. The humans were grateful that the Mighty Solars and their allies save them.
Prisoner Lady: Thank you so much. You heroic aliens saved us!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Well, we can’t take all the credit, we had some help. pointed to the human allies
Jesse/Fung-irl: Now let’s get out of here and find Mighton before-
Suddenly, a holographic video message shows up on top of the town screen board and in the prison cell with Ophelia on it.
Ophelia: Hello, Mighty Solars! I am Ophelia, the dark empress of the galaxies! I’ve been hoping, waiting and looking for you Shlorpians all my life. But now, I finally did!
Korvo/Quasarblast: Cut the shit out! Where’s Mighton?
Ophelia: I’m sorry Qausarblast, but I’m afraid you can’t see him just yet! Wouldn’t tell anyone about the new evil plan I was hoping for.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: What?
Ophelia: Now that I have some of the humans and Mighton, I can finally finished what I planned a long time ago. I will not only rule over this world but all of the galaxy! evil laughs
Jesse/Fung-irl: What?! No! You’ll never get away with this!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Fung-irl is right! We’ll stop you!
Ophelia: Stop me? I can say a demonstration is in order! shows a machine Behold
Ophelia presses the button and it shows a giant machine that destroyed a nearby planet. Everyone are terrified by this outcome and realizes what must be done!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Guys! We have to stop him! He’s crazy!
Korvo/Qausarblast: whispering I-I don’t believe this! We were so focused on saving Terry, we couldn’t see what was right in front of us.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Guys! What do we do now? Wait, where’s Mighton? What have you done to him?
Ophelia: Oh don’t worry about him, I’m about to take care of him, permanently.
Korvo/Qausarblast: gasp
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T, Jesse/Fung-irl and Pupa/The Mighty Pupa: No!
Ophelia: Hope you see him die soon……..
Ophelia laughs evilly but inside Korvo���s head, all he can do is shed tears of despair as he looks back at the happy memories of him and his beloved Terry. Suddenly, Korvo’s eyes glow green as something starts to happen to him. Everyone grows shock and surprised as they watched Korvo undergo a new upgrade. Ophelia, before she can go find Terry as Cheery struggles to break free, looks back at the mentor and gasp in shock
Ophelia: No, it can be.
A green aura surrounds Korvo as he began to have some kind of power up just like when Anne develops her calamity form from the Amphibia episode True Colors.
Ophelia: He’s still connected to his crystal! But that’s impossible!
Principal Cooke: What’s going on?
Jesse/Fung-irl: I don’t know! Maybe it’s a Shlorpian thing!
Korvo’s body then turns all black with aquamarine eyes and aquamarine glowing inside of his mouth. He develops bat-like wings on his back, he develops horns and his teeth became monsterous fangs as he gets up with a revived sense of bravery inside of him.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: That is not a Shlorpian things!
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Qausarblast: Give him back! Give…. him…… BBBBBBAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKK!
Korvo powers up, grabbed the Replicants and Pupa and flies up to stop Ophelia and rescue Terry and the other captured humans.
Jesse/Fung-irl: calling down Don’t worry about us! Meet us at the top!
Principal Cooke: calling up On it!
The humans and the prisoners follows the newfound super Shlorpian and his family as Ophelia growls in fury and smashes the intercom.
Ophelia: That’s it! I’m getting rid of those Mighty Solars once and for all!
#solar opposites#solar opposites: mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#mighty solars#terry solar opposites#solar opposites au#terry/mighton#cheery mighty solars#cheery smithers#solar opposites oc#korvo#yumyulack#jesse solar opposites#solar opposites pupa#tervo#british korvo#rescue mission#captured again#confrontion#darkest hour#principal cooke#korvo/quasarblast#yumyulack/vil gil an t#jesse/fung irl#pupa/the mighty pupa#sherbert#villain oc#sherbet Solar opposites#miss frankie solar opposites#taken away from me
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Mighty Solars in Taken Away From Me Ch. 7

Back in the dungeon cell, Terry, who has powered down earlier, started to sulk as he looks down at Cheery, who is still unconscious. She hasn’t even woken up yet. Suddenly, a door opening was heard as Terry looks up and sees Zolthar approaching him. Terry then looks down, believing he has lost all hope of reuniting with his husband, their kids and their nanny. Zolthar begin to scoff as he looks unsympathetic over Terry’s state right now.
Zolthar: So, you have given up Mighton?
Terry: Why the fuck would you say that?
Zolthar: Well, here you are right now. Ready to have you goddamn energy absorbed by our empress. chuckles I believe you never had a choice, just like I didn’t.
Terry: began to learn something What did you say?
Zolthar: Ya heard. I never had a choice, not since the day….I lost….. my wife….
Terry: What?! You lost your wife? What happened?
Zolthar: Ophelia happened?
A flashback appears as it shows Zolthar with his wife at a peaceful cottage on Emeralddon. He smiles after his wife as she smiles back at him.
Zolthar: voiceover I had a wonderful life with my wife. She was so kind and graceful. We had a lovely home, a wonderful village and a wonderful view. I had everything I wanted, until one day….
The flashback switches to the next scene where Zolthar hears screaming. He ran back to the cottage and sees his wife at Ophelia’s mercy.
Zolthar: voiceover The Empress came and she has my wife in her custody. She told me if I haven’t became her guard, she’ll take my wife’s life with it.
Ophelia: It’s your choice. Become my guard or your wife fucking gets it.
The scene switches over to Zolthar becoming the head guard as the Emeralnites bow down to him. But then, Zolthar returned home, only to see his wife on the floor as he gasp.
Zolthar: voiceover But when I got home, I was too late. Zolthar runs to who his wife who has been stabbed with her eyes clothes as she dies in his arms I lost the woman I love, to a murderous tyrant.
Zolthar cries as he cradles his dying wife in his arms. The flashback ends as Zolthar looks down bitterly, clearly which proves as a sign that he hasn’t gotten over the death of his wife. Terry just stood there, shock and terrified, how could Zolthar do this? How could Zolthar do this? How could he do this?! Out of the grief of losing his wife?
Zolthar: After losing my wife, I been spending years capturing other races of aliens for our energy. To please my empress. As a leading guard, you must do what is right. Even if it means taking lives from other alien.
Terry: Wh-what?! So that’s why you serve that fucking psycho? Because you lost your wife, to a murder? Why the fuck would you do this? Ophelia murdered your wife! This woman is a fucking monster! You can’t serve that person. She is gonna kill innocent humans, your planet is full of murdering bullshit!
Zolthar: punches Terry as he screams Shut the fuck up! I am doing what is right! So I won’t suffer the same fate as my wife!
Terry: growling as he started to transform You sick bastard! How could you? That empress you served is responsible for losing the woman you loved! She is a murdering psychopath! You are killing innocent people, they don’t deserved this! Think about it! This isn’t what your wife wanted! She would wanted you to have a better life!
Zolthar: I am doing what is best for me! I am doing what is best for my empress! I am doing what is best for my planet, you piece of-
Terry/Mighton: finishes transforming into his Mighty Solar form No! It isn’t! You make me fucking sick! Instead of recovering from that loss, you made it worst! You became an out of control monster! Just like your empress! You are killing other alien races for you godawful energy that is corrupting you! You are supposed to fucking stand up that goddamn evil empress! You bastard! I can’t believe you would do something like this! You and your race are nothing but a bunch of out of control fucking murderers! But, I’ll have you know that I have manage that same thing, because I have found my real lifemate, who would later become my doting husband, Korvo! I have already recover from that same grief after losing my previous lifemate Terri with an I, because I have an awesome husband, three awesome kids and an awesome nanny that I believe is heading up there right now, ready to kick your ass! Because, you and your godawful race deserves it! After all the goddamn awful things you have done! You are supposed to be the good guys!
Zolthar: growls as he shoves Terry who is still holding Cheery to the wall Well was that brat you rescued worth it?!
Terry/Mighton: This isn’t about her. It’s about all of us. Please, don’t kill these innocent humans Zolthar. Find another way.
Zolthar thinks about it, but instead of showing remorse, still being stubborn and thick headed, he shock Terry with am electric hammer as Terry screams in pain. Zolthar grabs the determined Mighty Solar by the head as he growls.
Zolthar: There’s nothing about us anymore, Mighton.
Zolthar throws Terry who is still holding Cheery to the ground. The dungeon doors open as Terry sees Ophelia waiting for him on top of a crater as black lighting appears in the dark sky.
Zolthar: picks up Terry violently Now get up, you fucking piece of shit! It’s time!
But, instead of looking at Zolthar, Terry looks up at Ophelia. He has finally had enough of her and her murdering psychotic races harming innocent lives. He even has enough of Zolthar blindly following the empress’ orders as he growls. This Mighty Solar has finally regain courage and hope, because now he knows what he must do. He must fight for not just Cheery, but also for Earth-4! His family! His friends! Everyone! Terry looks at Cheery before courageously heading up there to the Empress.
Back on Earth-4, Monica is slowly recovering as she wakes up and smile at the sunrise. She puts on her clothes, gets ready and heads downstairs for breakfast.
Mr. Miller: Morning sweetheart, how are you feeling?
Ms. Miller: Feeling better now, honey?
Monica: gets out a bowl of cereal and pours milk in it I don’t know mom and dad, I- suddenly sees another Emeralnites guard on the floor and screams Stay away!
Emeralnites Guard: What the fuck? Oh, gets out his gun and points it at the Millers prepare to die motherfuckers!
Suddenly, Phoebe, who transformed into Starburst, appeared, having heard the commotion from the Solar Opposites’ house. She gets out her lasso and uses it to wrap the guard and swing him to the wall.
Phoebe/Starburst: That’s what you get motherfucker! Leave those humans alone, but first. grabs the guard by the throat Where’s Mighton? What happened to the other missing humans? I swear to God, if you hurt them, along with Mighton, so help me-
The guard suddenly shoots the house light as it started to spark out fire. Ms. Miller scream as it prepares to strike towards her.
Monica: Mom! Watch out!
Suddenly, something incredibly unbelievable has happened! Monica ran faster then the speed of sound, in a trail of orchid lighting blazing through the scene! Monica has suddenly became incredibly super fast! In a fast motion, Monica grabs her mother and then her father to safety outside, as they grow and surprised by their daughter’s new ability. Their daughter is a like speedster now! Monica then sees the guard trying to let go of Starburst’s rope, then seizes the opportunity to use her new powers by running up the guard in fast motion as time slows down. Phoebe watches in amazement as she grows surprised by Monica’s discovered super power, super speed! Monica then stops and shoves the guard to the wall.
Monica: That’s for almost killing my mom, you fucking bitch!
Monica then knocks the guard unconscious as she started to look at the lighting around her that has spread across her body.
Monica: Wow, this is really cool feeling. What’s happening to me?
Phoebe/Staburst: Monica, that is so amazing! The blast must’ve have giving the powers of running fast without slowing down! You have super speed!
Then suddenly…
Janice: offscreen Aaah! Help!
Monica: Ooh. Be right back!
Monica uses her super speed and with her powers, rams a robber with a single punch as time slows down. The robber grows unconscious as the purse he stole from Janice suddenly returns in her arms. Monica ran back to her house as the news plays.
News Reporter: on tv We interrupt this program to bring you some breaking news! A newfound phenomenon spread across the globe as early reports have shown a somewhat mysterious running woman with the power of super speed. pictures of Monica blurred in the trail are shown We don’t know who this brave young woman is, but whoever she is, is she really a Mighty Solar?! And what will she do next?!
Monica: Aw man. This is all happening to fast! I better keep this a secret from everyone. Including my classmates. You think Jesse won’t mind if I tell her about this once we get up there?
Phoebe/Starburst: Hey, your best friend is a super hero. She is really gonna love this!
Mr. Miller: running up to his daughter with his wife as he gives her a big hug I am so proud of you sweetie!
Ms. Miller: Oh my baby is a superhero! Come here! showers Monica with motherly kisses
Monica: blushing as she smiles and laughs Mom! Dad! Cut it out!
Ms. Miller: Oh sorry, sweetie. We’re just so happy for you. But, don’t worry, we are not going to tell anyone. Including your awful aunt and cousins. They are so not going to mock you even more, even when you’re now a superhero.
Monica: Thanks, but I don’t if I’m born for this!
Phoebe/Staburst: puts her hand on Monica’s right shoulder Of course you are, because you are Jesse’s best friend and you’ve been so kind to everyone, even some people were being fucking transphobic. You are a very brave teenage girl, and right now, I think your powers can help us save Mighton and the rest of the captured humans.
Monica: smiles and develops a confident look on her face Yeah, let’s do this!
Ms. Miller: But honey, this looks dangerous.
Mr. Miller: Are you sure you can handle that kind of pressure?
Monica: looks back at her parents I have to. Even if it means risking to have a double life. My best friend’s father is in trouble and right now, Jesse and her family needs me now than ever. I have to go up there help the Mighty Solars rescue Mighton and stop that crazy empress. We have to make sure this never happens again. I know the risks, but I need you guys to count on me, please. Trust me.
Mr. and Ms. Miller look at each other then smiles and gives her a nod, showing a sign that they fully trust her. Monica hugs her parents.
Monica: Don’t worry you guys. I’ll be back soon. I love you two so much. Come on Starburst, we got a fucking ass to kick!
Phoebe and Monica walk out of the door as Monica looks at her parents one more time while smiling at them. Mr. and Ms. Miller smiles back at her. They feel like as if their daughter has grown up into a brave young lady. Monica then thought about something before they are ready to go up on planet Emeralddon.
Monica: Ooh but first…
Monica, with her super speed, runs up and grabs the unconscious guard in her hands and runs up to Phoebe, before nodding at each other.
Monica: Okay Staburst, hold on tight! starting running in fast motion with her super speed
Phoebe/Staburst: Woo-hoo!
Monica quickly ran faster than ever with her powers as the town grows startled by the super speed, wondering what is causing all this.
Jaimie: Wow.
Darcy: What was that wind?!
Monica and Phoebe then made it to the Solar Opposites as they head inside the ship and prepares to send themselves up there.
Monica: Aisha! Quick! Send us to Emeralddon! We’re ready!
Aisha: scans Monica Damn Monica, you got super speed! That’s fucking awesome! You’re one of us now?
Monica: smiles as she looks back at Phoebe I think so.
Phoebe/Starburst: Send us the coordinates to Emeralddon. to Monica Come on, we got a Shlorpian to save!
Aisha: watches as Phoebe and Monica heads up the teleportation device Good luck ya brave bitches!
Phoebe/Starburst: in her thoughts Hold on, Terry!
Phoebe and Monica transport themselves to Emeralddon as they are ready to help the Mighty Solars save the day! This is clearly gonna be Monica’s big moment!
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars in Taken Away from Me is releasing tomorrow! The first chapter will be released first thing in the morning after I get up and get ready! I hope you’re excited to see our favorite Solar Opposites Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Phoebe and their friend Monica as they kick ass and stop an evil empress Ophelia while saving Earth-4 and prisoners Ophelia captured at the same time! Hope y’all Solar Opposites fans very excited for this!
Peace out! ✌️
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New Members of The Mighty Solars Pt. 2
Now here is the last five members:

Yes I ship Yumyulack and Mark too! Mark became a Mighty Solar after he was possessed by a young villain, but he managed to escape thanks to Yumyulack. He now has the powers of shooting lasers from his hands.
Suit Color: Electric Green
Super Powers: Shooting lasers from hands
Theme Song: “Sunflower” from Post Malone:
Abby and Owen/Ultraviolet and Bubbley Blue
During the capture, Kevin’s kids Abby and Owen were playing around in the lab while escaping only to accidentally gain super powers when a ray hit them. Now, they’re junior members. Kevin’s daughter has powers of the rainbow and Kevin’s son has bubble powers
Here is gonna look Abby’s suit and mask:

Suit Color: Magenta
Super Power: Rainbow powers
Theme Song: “Rainbow” from Sia:
And here is what Owen’s suit and mask is gonna look like:

Suit Color: Neon Blue
Super Powers: Bubble Powers
Theme Song: “Just a Kid” from Simple Plan:

Since he redeemed himself in the Halloween special, Randall accidentally gained Voo Doo powers after he accidentally insulted a villain, which caused him to do black magic.
Suit Color: Black and White
Super Power: Voo Doo Powers
Theme Song: “Nightmare” from Avenged Sevenfold:
And now here is the last one left:
Cheery Smithers/Bloody Sympathy

You remember her, the victim in my upcoming Mighty Solars fanfic, “Taken Away from Me”? She’s a Mighty Solar now, when she helped stop a revenge plot by a scorned teenage girl who lost her mother to a former deputy turned mugger. She got the powers of blood bending but unlike that, she uses her powers for good and helps stop bad guys only. By the way the mask I put up there, it won’t have horns for Cheery’s version of it!
Suit Color: Bloody Violet
Super Power: Blood bending (the good kind)
Theme Song: “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” from Olivia Holt:
I hope you love these new members, especially the ones from both Pt. 1&2. Anyways, I have a special announcement tomorrow. Hope you guys excited!
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#yumyulack mark#yumyulack x mark#mark solar opposites#kid super heroes#bloodbending#cheery smithers#cheery mighty solars#super hero#superheroes#super suits#solar opposites: mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#mighty solars#Spotify#olivia holt#sia#post malone#simple plan#avenged sevenfold
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Solar Opposites: The Wrath of Ophelia Trailer

The trailer starts with a view of Planet Shlorp. Then, it views Opehlia snarling as she tries to seize Baby Terry, who is crying. But then, a Shlorpian guard grabs her away and slashed her as she vows vengeance.
The guards shoots as she runs off and blocks the door.
Ophelia: *echoed voiceover* One day, that sproutling will be mine!
We then cut to Earth
Hulu Originals Presents
Human Terry was taking out the trash until, hears a tranquilizer gun loaded.
Human Terry: What the?
A Emeralddon guard shoots him with a dart as he falls down. Then, it cuts to the 20th Century Fox logo. Korvo is looking for Terry.
Korvo: *calling out* TERRY! TERRY! WHERE ARE YOU?!
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Human Pupa and Sonya: TERRY! WHERE ARE YOU?! TERRY, WHERE ARE YOU?!
Human Korvo notices a note
Human Korvo: What the fuck?!
The scene cuts to a church.
Ms. Smithers: You see, my daughter got heartbroken because her best friend she loved died and then she taken away by green monsters!
The scene cuts to Terry looking horrified
Terry: Oh fuck fuck fuck! What’s happening?!
The scene then cuts to a video recording of Cherry getting taken by the Emeraldnites. And then Terry seeing her unconscious. The screen cuts to black as a heartbeat is heard. Suddenly, a spear came across Terry’s left arm as it makes a cut that slices a sleeve sort as Terry grabs Cheery.
Cherry Smithers: *screams* Who are you?! What the fuck am I doing here?!
Terry: It’s okay. You can trust me.
Cheery: What?
Terry: Look, let’s just start over before running for our lives again. *hold out his hand* Hi, I’m Terry.
Cheery: I’m Cheery.
Another spear came by as Terry and Cheery screamed and runs off. The scene then cuts to Korvo and his family worrying to Terry.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Where are you Terry?
AISHA: Oh shit! Terry is on Emeralddon!
Korvo: What?!
The scene cuts to Terry wearing a hood while a voiceover by AISHA is heard.
AISHA: I think Ophelia wants his lifesource!
Korvo gasps. Then it cuts to Korvo, who is black and his eyes glowing as he tears apart his bottle filled with pills as he screams in fury. Then it cuts to the humans panicking. It shows Frankie fighting back until an Emeraldon knight kicks her. “Enough” from Disturbed plays in the background as it shows “From the Creators of Rick & Morty” and “High on Life”.
It then cuts to the view of ship and then shows Korvo.
Korvo: AISHA, send us the coordinates to Emeralddon! We have to save Terry!
It then shows Korvo with black skin and glowing eyes.
Korvo: *tearfully* I CAN’T LOSE MY SWEETIE GUYS!
Scene cuts to Frankie, Cooke, Randall, Darcy and Jamie and Kevin and his family.
AISHA: Uh, Korvo? What’s happening to you?
Randall: Don’t worry, we’ll go with you!
Darcy, Jamie and Kevin: Yeah! Totally! He’s right man, we should-
Then, Janice enters the room, much to everyone’s confusion.
Janice: Can I come?
Korvo: Janice?
Randall: *blushing lovingly* Uuuuh…
We then cut to Korvo with a black bigger muscular body, glowing eyes, horns, and wings landing
Korvo: *to Ophelia* Let him go!
Ophelia: The fuck!
Then it shows Terry running off while wearing a hooded robe as he and Cheery panicked. Then, it shows Terry accidentally knocking out a food vendor.
Terry: Sorry!
Cheery groans in annoyance as she facepalms. Then it cuts to Terry putting a blanket on Cheery who smiles while a voiceover form Terry is heard.
Terry: *voiceover* Among the Shlorpians, I always feel like I’m pushing people away.
It shows a flashback of Terry nurturing baby Jesse while feeding her nutrients from her baby bottle. It then shows Korvo and Terry making out.
Cheery Smithers: *voiceover* That is not true Mr. Opposites. You take great care of people. You have a family who loves you and they might looking for you. That what makes you extraordinary.
Terry smiles weakly. Then, it cuts Terry fighting with Ophelia while defending an unconscious Cheery in his arms. Then; it shows clips of Terry screaming at nighttime in his bed, the family playing football during the 4th of July, the humans screaming while the spaceship is launch. Then, it shows Cooke freaking out while his face turns green.
Principal Cooke: Holy fuck! I can’t handle space! *gags* Yeah, I’m gonna barf!
Korvo: Oh please don’t.
Principal Cooke barfs
Korvo: Uh…
Cue the title
“Solar Opposites: The Wrath of Ophelia”
Then it cuts to Korvo snarling.
Jamie: Is he okay man?
Kevin: I don’t know.
Korvo: Give him back. Give…him…
Korvo suddenly grows bigger and muscular while his skin turns black.
Korvo: BACK! *roars*
Sonya: Whoa.
The trailer ends with the logo, a Hulu Original.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: the wrath of ophelia#tervo#korvo#british korvo#yumyulack#terry solar opposites#jesse solar opposites#sonya solar opposites#pupa solar opposites#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#cheery smithers#super shlorpian korvo
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode List (Part 1)

Darkness and Light Pt. 1: During Terry and Korvo’s 10th wedding anniversary, a monstrous epidemic begins when a nuclear experiment goes haywire, causing monstrous consequences that lasted for 3 months!
Darkness and Light Pt. 2: Tensions rises between the military and SWAT team over how they can handle the epidemic, which led to a distracted experiment failed, a tragic mistake and a newfound beast released.
Darkness and Light Pt. 3: After Korvo awakening from his coma from the lab destruction, he wakes suddenly to see the lab fixed, AISHA now a holographic home assistant Shlorpian that can change into human and a mysterious woman named Naomi that looks exactly like his friend Cheery. But when all hell breaks loose, this ended up leading to a shocking truth about Korvo and his side of the family, especially when a familiar face from his past returns.
The New Not-So-Normal: While Terry reunites with his good friend Cheery, he finds his life unraveling once the growing dissension escalate into a big fight when they vote either to get rid of Cheery or Naomi. But then, the fight goes too far when it causes an emotional turmoil on Terry which led to him discovering a huge tragic secret about his family.
Rescue Me!: The gang tries to rescue Principal Cooke from a secret base that wants to experiment on his Werehog form. Meanwhile, Terry receives a huge amount of suicidal depression, that causes him to reach his breaking point with a quarreling Ruby and Jaun.
Control: While Terry tries to recover from what happened last night, a Windigo woman appears and starts to attack Earth-4!
No Fear: While trying to control his Mundane form, Terry must team with up with Korvo and try to rescue Phoebe when she gets kidnapped by Martian.
Daddy, I’m In Love With a Zombie: Yumyulack grows distraught when a an accidental virus turns his beloved boyfriend Mark into a hulking Mutant Zombie.
Growing Pains: Yumyulack starts to grow stressed with a huge amount of turmoil, that causes him to release his own beast for the first time. But, now he is out of control.
Life at The Party Pt. 1: Sonya finds herself unwillingly caught in a feud between Popular and Unpopular when a teenage girl steal an experimental cream that is causing her and her popular rival to turn into mermaids.
Life at The Party Pt. 2: When the two girls’ feud goes too far and turns Sonya into an out of control Were-Kraken, it looks everyone’s day at the beach is not gonna end well.
Love at First Bite: Cheery begins to fall for Naomi after she and Terry rescues her from being merged with her, which led to a huge impact on Cheery.
Out of Control Pt. 1: While trying to help Naomi, some of the people, except for her family and friends, refuse to listen to Jesse’s reasons while a huge monster starts to attack.
Out of Control Pt. 2: When Jesse reaches her breaking point and turns into a Mundane, the Solars tries to find her before she gets hurt.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: unleashed#mundane terry#super shlorpian korvo#mundane jesse#super shlorpian yumyulack#were-kraken sonya#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#yumyulack#jesse solar opposites#british korvo#cheery smithers#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#episode list#mutant zombie#mutant zombie mark#markyulack#mark melner#yumyulack x mark
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Sad Scene
“You were the one who destroyed the lab? How could you?! You almost got my husband killed! He trusted you!”
Terry, after he finds out Barry destroyed the lab when he refuse to let Cheery find a way to cure herself and other victims of the epidemic, which ended up putting Korvo in a four-hour coma thanks to the explosion Barry made, out of his impulsiveness and control freak personality.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#terry solar opposites#tervo#terry opposites#solar opposites terry#terry#thomas middleditch#solar opposites: unleashed#cheery smithers
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Misadventures of The Solars Scene: “Mundane Terry Revealed to Korvo”

Terry starts throwing stuff in anger as he smashes a mirror and looks at his reflection.
Terry: Why?! Why does it have to be like this?!
Terry growls while pacing back n forth as he deals with his human friends becoming Shlorpians.
Terry: How did I not know this would happen?! Why didn’t I listen to Korvo?!
Terry growls as he sits down on his band and looks at his family photo. Terry touches the family photo as a tear runs down his eye Then, he screams in fury and throws it to the ground. Korvo comes in while holding Lili and gasps.
Korvo: T-Terry?
Terry: GO AWAY!
Korvo screams as he backs away a bit while Lili whimpers.
Korvo: Darling, what has gotten into you?
Terry: Everything! Everything that has happened for the past week! Why won’t anyone just leave me alone?!
Terry suddenly starts getting a headache.
Korvo: Terry, why are you acting like this?
Terry: Maybe it’s because our friends are Shlorpians! DID YOU FORGET THAT?!
Korvo: What? No of course not! I-
Terry suddenly screams in pain
Korvo: gasp Terry?!
Terry kneels down in pain as his skin turns black.
Korvo gasps as Terry starts to grow bigger. Then, Terry becomes muscular as his clothes rip apart into pieces. Terry suddenly starts moaning in pleasure.
Korvo: screams in horror Terry! What is happening to you?!
Terry gets monstrous fangs and his eyes turn orange as he roars.
Korvo: Terry? Are you okay?
Lili: *whimpering in fear*
Mundane Terry roars as he punches a wall and made a hole as the replicants scream.
Mundane Terry: Oh, I’m better than okay! I feel powerful, horny even!
Korvo yelps as he backs away while holding Lili close. He then realizes Terry is not here right now.
Korvo: What happened to you?
Mundane Terry chuckles seductively.
Shlorpian Sonya: to Mundane Terry D-daddy?
Jesse: Oh no! Not again!
Yumyulack: Oh fuck! Here we go again!
Mundane Terry: What’s the matter, Korv? You jealous?
Pupa: to Mundane Terry Papa?
Lili: *wailing*
Korvo: What?! No! No! This isn’t you Terry! I know you’re in there! Snap out of it!
Mundane Terry laughs.
Mundane Terry: Oh yes this is! This is who I am now! Jesse gasp as she breaks down crying And this pathetic lazy piece of shit of a weakling I once was is gone.
Jesse: sobbing I want my daddy back!
Mundane Terry: Now if you guys will excuse me, I have a few things to take care of.
The Shlorpian gang came and gasp. Mundane Terry jumps through the ceiling.
Lili: *crying*
Shlorpian Randall: Oh fuck! Not again!
Shlorpian Nova: Terry! No!
Shlorpian Cheery: Oh God! Not again!
Janiz: We gotta stop him before he hurts himself!
Korvo then gasped and sees Jesse crying because she wants her daddy back as he runs up and comforts Jesse.
Jesse: crying hysterically Daddy…. No….
Lili: *whimpers*
Korvo: Jesse, I am so sorry.
Jesse: crying I want my daddy back…. cries into Korvo’s chest as he soothes her
Korvo: It’s okay. We’ll get your father back. eyes glow aquamarine I promise.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: the misadventures of the solars#mundane terry#super shlorpian korvo#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#yumyulack#janiz solar opposites#sonya solar opposites#miss frankie solar opposites#the pupa#cheery smithers#randall solar opposites#nova the wall
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Mighty Solars Movie Sad Scene: “I’m done!”
In this emotional sad scene, after the others convince Naomi to stay, Kano, Barry, Caitlin and Dr. Weatherstone catches them. However, the humans calls out Barry for getting Cheery trapped in another dimension along with Terry and declares they’re done and keeping Naomi here. As they leave, Dr. Weatherstone decided to join them after overhearing their heartwarming talk with Naomi. The humans grow amazed and welcomes Weatherstone into their group.
Naomi cries into Cheery’s shoulders as she comforts her. Then, Kano, Barry, Caitlin and Dr. Weatherstone walks up to the group.
Kano: Hey! You guys are not allowed in there!
However, the humans stare angrily at Barry, Kano and Caitlin. Weatherstone then looks at them sadly.
Jamie: Barry… why did you destroy that device?
Barry: We were just talking about you.
Kevin’s Wife: Yeah we know. We heard everything.
Barry: Wait! Let me explain what’s been going on with Cheery, okay-
Darcy: Explain what?! What are you gonna explain?! That you never wanted to see Cheery’s face again?! She was heartbroken!
Miss Frankie: What were you thinking? There is another crazy evil version of Terry running around the place thanks to you! You nearly got our friends killed!
Barry: I tried to tell you guys! But, Cheery was about to make a bullshit mistake of raising the undead! And I had no choice but to get rid of it-
Principal Cooke: No! No! You do not get to fucking do that! You cannot use Naomi as an excuse for nearly killing Cheery is not how a team is supposed to work! This whole time, we supported her! She was try to recover for her grief! So now you don’t want her and Terry around anymore?! You could’ve rescpted it enough to tell it to our fucking faces! I HAD IT! I’M DONE!
Principal Cooke leaves in a huff, alongside Miss Frankie.
Miss Frankie: Yeah! Me too! leaves
As the humans, along with Cheery and Naomi leave, Weatherstone decided to join them. But, Barry stops her.
Barry: Wait Weatherstone! Wait! You can’t join them! Just try to talk them…
Dr. Weatherstone: Okay please don’t that Barry! I don’t need you to take care of me! I’m not that scared little girl I used to be anymore! Those guys are right, this isn’t right! Whatever is you want to do, do you… do you think this it?
Barry froze in shock. Dr. Weatherstone then leaves as she takes her purse and dries her tears away. Then, she walks up to the gang and they grow shock.
Janice: Weatherstone?
Dr. Weatherstone: Room for more on the bus? Solars?
The others then nod in agreement. Then, Miss Frankie, Cheery, Ms. Perez, Darcy and Janice squeals in joy as they embrace Weatherstone in open arms.
Miss Frankie: Welcome to the sisterhood!
Naomi smiles at this moment.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: mighty solars the movie#solar opposites: mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#cheery smithers#naomi solar opposites#darcy solar opposites#jamie solar opposites#principal cooke solar opposites#miss frankie solar opposites#kevin solar opposites#kevin’s wife solar opposites#ms. perez solar opposites#tim robinson#kelli berglund#olivia holt#jenny slate#charlie day#randall solar opposites#ken marino#china anne mcclain#demi lovato#harry styles#dr. weatherstone#dr. weatherstone solar opposites#kevin’s kids solar opposites#kelly marie tran
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #39: “Danger in Blood” Ch. 4
Back at the hospital, Phoebe takes Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse and Human Pupa to the hospital to meet up with their dads.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Korvo! Terry!
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: We heard about what happened! Is Sonya okay?!
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Yes and kids! We have some wonderful news to tell-
Suddenly, human AISHA shows up.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: AISHA! What’s wrong?!
Human AISHA: We have to get home! Stat!
Later back at the Solar Opposites’ home
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: looking up at the destination screen Holy shit! What happened to our friends?l
Human AISHA: Quorra happened.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: What? She did this?…..
Human Terry looks down worried. AISHA then turns back into her Shlorpian form.
Phoebe MacCarthy: AISHA! Quick! Transport them here!
AISHA: On it!
Aisha then transported the Solars’ human friends to their house. The Solar Opposites, AISHA and Monica rushes towards their friends and frenemies in concern as they recovers from their fight with Qourra as the portal closes.
Human Terry: Holy shit! What the fuck just happened...?
Human Korvo: I don't know...
Human Jessie: Guys! What the fuck happen to you?! It looks like you guys fucked up for reals?
Human Pupa: Pezlie!
Pezlie: giggling
Nova: trembling in terror I-I-I was afraid th-this would h-happen... Q-Q-Qourra... h-have f-f-f-finally s-s-snapped.....
The Solar Opposites, AISHA and Monica gasp in horror as the Solars transformed back into their normal alien selves.
Yumyulack and Jesse: WHAT?!?
Pupa: gasp as he hugs his siblings
Korvo: We’re so sorry.
Phoebe MacCarthy: That lying traitorous son of a bitch!
Miss Frankie: What do we do now?! She’s too powerful!
Terry: What do you mean?
Montez: Qourra wanted to kill the man who murdered her mother four years ago.
Principal Cooke: We tried to reason with her and Kano but instead…
Kevin: She bloodbend us!
The Solar Opposites gasp in horror by this horrifying revelation.
AISHA: That stubborn teenage son of a bitch! to the Solar Opposites and Monica You Mighty heroes gotta go stop her!
Yumyulack: But she’s too powerful!
Korvo: Not for us! Us Shlorpians can’t be bloodbend because of our own DNA.
Terry: That’s right! We’re easily immune to it!
Jesse: But how do we find her?!
AISHA: I’m on it!
AISHA tracked down Qourra’s location on the airship she has stolen and it reveals her location. At a garden farm.
Korvo: Mighty Solars, time to suit up!
The Solar Opposites and Monica transforms into the Mighty Solars as the humans look on in shock and amazement by their transformation.
Montez: Damn, I had no idea their transformation would look so cool!
Korvo/Qausarblast: But first, we need to build some type of armory for you guys. Something to protect you from the blood bending. But first, we better contact Parker!
Qausarblast gets out his phone and contacts Parker quickly. Parker picks up the phone.
Parker: Korvo! What is it?!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: No time to explain!
Parker gasp and sees Human Korvo as she hangs up the phone. Later, Parker and Human Korvo head inside the restroom to change as Korvo transformed back into his Shlorpian form and then turns into Quasarblast. Parker then turns into Venus Tip.
Parker/Venus Tip: What is going on?
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Long story! But we must stop Kano and Qourra. suddenly sees a ruined small familiar crest as he picks it up and gasp Oh… my… God…
Parker/Venus Tip: What is it?
Quasarblast shows the family the badge and they gasp.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Oh my God… it can’t be…
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Impossible. He vanquish last year!
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Honey?
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Meet me up there guys!
Mighton is concerned. The scene changes to a shot of the ground where Zander rakes the soil with a trough. Cuts to a side-view shot of a familiar mansion where Zander is tending to his garden. The sky is dark and gray with storm clouds. Brandy walks up to the open door of the house behind him.
Brandy: My, what a lovely garden. Thank you so much Zander.
Zander: No problem.
Brandy: Oh by the way I have a task for you.
Zander: Oh, what is it?
Brandy: The tomato planting is running low. Can you please head down to the marker and get me more seeds.
Zander: Got it. Be right back ma’am. leaves
As soon as Zander leaves, Brandy heads back inside her mansion. Brandy then sits down and sighs. Suddenly, she hears a crash and screams a little upon seeing Kano and Qourra.
Brandy: Hey! You’re not allowed to be here! SECURITY!
Qourra uses her blood bending powers and throws Brandy to the floor as she gasp.
Brandy: What the fuck is happening?!
Qourra: Zander?! WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!
Brandy gets out her own cane and gets into a defense mode.
Kano: Stand aside! He is the man who killed this girl’s mother. Mrs. Brandy... Qourra has given up on everything. Her dreams, her ambitions, her fears. But she never gave up on finding the man who kill her mom. He only have a few hours left now... but nothing will stop us from seizing Zander’s. Qourra shall have her revenge.
Brandy: I can't let you do that... if you kill that man, that will make feel empty inside. Plus, I don’t think your mother would never have wanted this!
Qourra growls and finally snaps.
Qourra: Do you think I'd be monstrous enough to finally get revenge in the man who took my mom’s life away? This is bullshit! The last four years have been hell for me and you really think that I'm a monster?
Then, Kano walks towards Brandy. She backs off, terrified. He smiles at her compassionately, but suddenly... Kano poisons Brandy as she gasp and falls down in pain. Kano laughs.
Brandy: starts coughing out blood as her skin turns pale What… have you… done…
Quasarblast flies and sees what is happening and gasp. Qausarblast then comes up with a solution as he turns back as Korvo and then into his human form offscreen. Just before Qourra could bloodbend Brandy….
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: QOURRA! KANO! ENOUGH!
Human Korvo heads inside the mansion as he shuts the door right and furiously in disgust walks towards Kano and Qourra.
Kano: You?!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: That’s enough Qourra. You’re a kid and a water bender, not a murderer!
Qourra: But my mother would’ve wanted this!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: This isn’t the answer! Revenge is wrong! Kano is just using you!
Kano: Silence! Qourra! Follow Zander! I’ll deal with this smartass prick!
Qourra nods and runs off. Human Korvo removes his hair tie and let his hair down. Human Korvo then gets into a fighting stance as Kano laughs evilly.
Kano: Well, I see you still got the moves… Quasarblast!
Human Korvo gasp in shock.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: How do you-
Kano: Oh please. You think I would never forget my old nemesis, who destroy me on the first day you become that stupid fucking hero and disintegrate me?!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Wait. DARKNESS?!
Kano then grabs the badge out of Human Korvo’s suit jacket as he gasp and then Kano transforms into the monster dangerous foe on Earth… Darkness!
Darkness: That’s right! Longtime no see Quasarblast!
Human Korvo growls as his eyes glow.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: It’s impossible! I fucking killed you!
Darkness: Sorry but you didn’t! When you became Quasarblast and disintegrate me into ash, I actually become a human and decided to one day get back to you for ruining my chances on conquering Earth. But, then your family and those two girls came along and that’s when I knew I need a better plan!
Human Korvo then gasp as he realizes something.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: That’s why you’ve been butting heads and snooping on Qourra, to keep a closer on me and my family!
Darkness: That’s right! And now you will die!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: What?! What are you talking about?! What were you really doing with Qourra?!
Darkness: I knew that pathetic fucking brat would still stomach vengeance over losing her stupid mother, so I decided to trick her into finding her mom so I can groom her into a villain like me!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: And now you’re turning her into a vengeance-thirsty bloodbending monster! She’s just 14-years old! She’s gonna ruin her life if she kills that guy!
Darkness: I was supposed to be a great ruler! Until, you came along and now your family are superheroes too along with those two young women! Besides, it’s too late! Qourra is going after the man! And there is nothing you can do to stop me!
Human Korvo turns into his Shlorpian form and then into Quasarblast
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I won’t let do this! This isn’t about Qourra anymore! This is about vengeance! Please! Think about what you are doing that poor girl’s mind! She’s gonna ruin her life! Find another way!
But then, Darkness shoots a tranquilizer dart at Quasarblast who falls down unconscious as he moans.
Darkness: You’re mine now.
Darkness picks up an unconscious Quasarblast as Brandy gasp but keeps coughing and wheezing blood. Meanwhile, the other Mighty Solars arrived with their friends and AISHA, as the humans look surprised to see her for the first time.
Kevin: So, you’re the family’s AI?
AISHA: Pretty much.
Nova: They said you used to be an orb? What happened?
AISHA: Oh Venus Tip happened. She gave me an upgrade after my chip was shattered by Pinball Brat!
Jamie: Oh. Really? What a bitch!
Parker/Venus Tip: Guilty as charged.
Darcy: Well, at least Pinball Brat has been sent to juvie. But, are you sure this is the way AISHA?
AISHA: Yep. Unfortunately, we have no other option.
Janice then sees the heroes and gasp. Then, she went to tell Louise, who is having homemade tomato soup with Stacy G. The mother and daughter gasp as they rush outside but then notices a storm coming.
Louise: What the hell?!
Stacy G: Holy shit! We better find our friends! sees them There they are!
The three women rush over to the Mighty Solars and the rest of their friends as they meet up.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Stacy G!
Stacy G: Jesse! hugs her while blushing
Monica Miller/Lightspeed: What are you doing here?!
Louise: Well…
Then, suddenly, a twig was heard that snapped.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Hello? Anyone there?
Mighton looks around. Suddenly, a woman approached them slowly in a red-Violet ran coat, then she removes her hood and reveals for it to be none other than the Mighty Solars’ old friend… Cheery Smithers.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Cheery?!
Cheery Smithers: Miss me? holding out for a hug
Mighton smiles tearfully. Then, he embraces Cheery as Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl, Mighty Pupa, Starburst and Lightspeed joins in on the hug as the others grow surprised. So did Venus Tip.
Miss Frankie: Cheery form the Emeralddon event?!
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: You have no idea how good it is to see you!
Cheery Smithers: Me too! then notices Jamie, Darcy, Kevin and his family, Stacy G, Louise, Trevor, Janice, Cherie, Pezlie Mia Montez and Nova Oh and are these the rest of your friends besides Frankie, Cooke, Perez, Randall and Sherbet?
Kevin’s Wife: It’s so nice to meet you.
Kevin’s Daughter: Hi Mrs. Cheery!
Cheery Smithers: It’s nice to meet you too.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Cheery, what’s going on?
Cheery Smithers: Okay, I want to tell you guys something and you are not gonna like it! I think Kano is a super villain!
Vil-Gil-An-T is confused.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: What do you mean?
Cheery sighs.
Cheery Smithers: Last night, I saw Kano making a dark flame that has amounts of bursting energy that is dangerous. It looks like the one the first villain Quasarblast fought, Darkness had.
Mighton gasps.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Oh no! That can only mean one thing… Kano is Darkness and that means Darkness is alive! Oh my God!
Mighton starts to have a panic attack. But then calms down after Fung-Irl gives him a daughterly cooldown hug.
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-Irl: Feeling better now Terry? Because I think we need to go help Quasarblast!
Mighton takes a deep breath, and looks determined.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Right! Come on guys! Oh and Fung-irl! Vil-Gil-An-T! Mighty Pupa! Pick up Sonya! We need her!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Okay! Come on boys!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T and Pupa Solar-Opposites/Mighty Pupa: Right!
As the kids run off, the other head into the mansion.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Let’s do this baby!
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: mighty solars#the mighty solars#solar opposites mighty solars#terry/mighton#korvo/quasarblast#human korvo#cheery smithers#yumyulack/vil gil an t#jesse/fung irl#pupa/the mighty pupa#phoebe/starburst#monica/lightspeed#parker/venus tip#principal cooke#phoebe maccarthy#phoebe solar opposites#monica miller#human terry#human yumyulack#human jesse#human pupa#Human aisha#aisha solar opposites#brandy solar opposites#monica solar opposites#alice solar opposites#solar opposites nova#louise solar opposites
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