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Death Is My Gift
Summary: When Danny becomes the personification of Death, his new powers are the least of his problems. Summoned as the fourth horseman of the apocalypse, Danny tries to sabotage it from the inside while also contending with the other three horsemen, the one who summoned him, and the knowledge that if he fails, he may have to help bring about the end of the world.
AO3: Link
Chapter 1: Still Dead - Thanks for Checking
“What the hell is that on your phone?” Sam asked, her tone dripping with derision.
Danny looked up from his screen and cocked his eyebrow. “What?” How could she see what was on his screen when she was on the other side of the table? Not that he had anything embarrassing on there, but look it wasn’t his fault that he messed up his Insta algorithm because he watched one video about large superheated copper balls melting through a telescope lens and now he couldn’t stop watching more of them. But still, how could she see it?
She gestured toward the back of his phone. “That sticker - what the hell is it?”
Understanding dawned on the usually clueless boy and his face brightened. “Oh, it’s my new sticker! Isn’t it great?” he preened as he moved his hand to the side so they could see the sticker in its full glory. He had been waiting for them to notice it, and somehow it took all the way until lunch for them to comment on it.
Tucker craned his neck around to see the purple coffin-shaped sticker plastered onto the back of Danny’s phone case. In white letters it read: “Still Dead. Thanks for checking.” Tucker snorted before he devolved into cackles. “Dude, that’s great!”
Danny grinned even wider. “Right? I thought it was too funny.”
“No, it’s stupid,” Sam argued, and her harsh attitude completely ruined the mood. “Danny, the less people associate you with death, the better.”
“Oh come on Sam, if they haven’t figured out that Danny Phantom and Danny Fenton are the same person by now when they have the exact same hairstyle, then a sticker is not going to phase anyone,” Tucker argued, ever in defense of his friend.
“Exactly!” Danny seconded.
“Or it’s exactly the last piece that helps people make that connection because there’s already so little separating you!” Sam exclaimed, though she did try to keep her voice down so no one else would overhear.
“Or maybe they’ll just think I’m a moody Gen Z kid that says this kind of dramatic stuff all the time. Which is why you should have let me keep that shirt.” He still thought that “Dead Inside” shirt was ironic and iconic, but Sam conveniently spilled black ink from her fancy new quill set on it and refused to give it back for this very same reason.
“Yeah, he could just make it his brand,” Tucker agreed. The two of them always seemed to be on the same page.
Sam reached out like she was about to rip the sticker off his phone, but decided against it and shook her head. “Fine. You want to keep the sticker on your phone? Fine, but don’t cry to me when people start putting the pieces together,” she huffed.
“Well since that’s not gonna happen, you’re gonna be waiting a long time,” Danny grinned. He struck an overly exaggerated victory pose with his neck cocked slightly to the side while he tilted his chin up to the sky.
Sam jerked back as the color drained from her face. “Danny what the—“ she cried out, so loudly and so suddenly that it caught the attention of other people in the lunchroom.
Danny immediately looked behind him, assuming that whatever caused Sam’s sudden reaction had to be behind him. His need to protect his friends from whatever threat caused such a startled response rose up and hammered in his throat as his mind spun with the possible horrors he would see behind him.
But he saw…nothing. Well, not nothing. He saw other students eating their lunches at other tables throughout the room. Students drifted in and out of the cafeteria as they finished their lunches. No ghost. No threat. Nothing that should cause Sam to turn as white as she did.
He turned back to face Sam, concern etched deep into his brow as he studied her face. “Sam? What’s wrong?” he asked in quiet urgency. If she truly saw some danger that he couldn’t, then he needed to know.
Sam studied Danny for a long moment, far too long for Danny’s liking. She wasn’t looking past him, she was looking at…him. “...Nothing. Nothing. It’s nothing. I think I’m just seeing things. I thought I saw…nevermind. It’s nothing,” she assured them.
Danny raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Because something freaked you out.”
She shook her head and plastered a forced smile on her face. “Yeah, I’m sure. Too little sleep and too much caffeine has just got me jumpy. I’m fine, really. Besides, we need to act like we’re having a normal conversation: too many people are watching.”
“Well yeah, you practically jumped out of your seat,” Danny pointed out.
She narrowed her eyes and gave him a half smile before she reached across the table and grabbed his abandoned phone. “It did let me get your phone though.”
“Wait hey!” Danny protested as he reached across the table to recover his phone from her clutches, but she deftly moved around his grasping hands.
“Now let’s see about that sticker,” she teased. Danny immediately doubled his efforts to retrieve his phone. Not being able to rely on ghost powers made it a little more difficult than it should have been to win it back (was he maybe relying on those too much? That felt like too much of a Jazz question for him to think about it too long), but he did save the phone and his ironic sticker. He was so preoccupied saving his sticker that he didn’t notice that Tucker had gone quiet and regarded Sam with a very significant and curious stare.
Lunch wrapped up shortly after the scuffle over the phone, and the three of them rushed off to their lockers and then off to class. Just outside the door to the classroom, Tucker held a hand out to stop Sam and waited for Danny to get a few feet inside before he spoke up in a whisper.
“Did you see the skull?”
Sam blinked and her face grew pale again, just like it had in the lunchroom. “The what?” she asked with a slightly shaky voice.
“The skull? Over Danny’s face?”
“What? Yes! Yes I thought I was going insane!” she exclaimed, though still in a whisper to not catch any more attention. The briefest moment of relief washed over her, but it immediately washed away into even more worry.
“No, I saw it this morning,” Tucker admitted. “Thought it was just some trick of the light or something. It was there one moment and then–”
“--Gone the next,” Sam finished. “And when I saw it I just felt…off. Like this moment of dread. Like I was–”
“--Looking at something I shouldn’t have seen,” Tucker validated as he nodded his head. “Yeah, same here. It was a weird feeling to have looking at my best friend.”
“What does it mean?”
“No idea,” Tucker sighed as he looked towards Danny pouring over his textbook in the hope that he’d be able to at least pretend that he did the reading before class. “But knowing Danny, it’s probably nothing good.”
Danny noticed odd glances from his friends a few more times that day. He worried maybe he had something on his face, but then again Sam would have said something. Tucker would have stayed quiet to have a good laugh about it later, but he’d have clued him into the joke by now. Maybe he was doing something ghostly without knowing it? But if that was the case they would have definitely let him know. In the end, he chalked it up to his friends being weird and went about his strangely quiet day.
There weren’t any ghost attacks. He couldn’t remember the last time he went through a school day without being interrupted by ghosts. It felt…nice, but unnerving at the same time, like he missed something. Like he was supposed to clue into something happening in the Ghost Zone. But in the end he decided not to worry about that either, especially once school ended and he could just hang out with his best friends ghost free.
By the time they hit up the game store (Tucker was still trying to get them into tabletop games) and the record store (Sam wanted to browse the LPs), Danny had forgotten all about his previous warnings…until he hit the Boba shop. Second up to bat, he placed his order with the barista, a smiling young woman who wore fun earrings that looked like watermelon slices. He paid for his drink and left a decent tip, but when he looked back up from the pin pad, her haunted expression caught him by surprise.
No longer kind and smiling, her unfocused gaze stared beyond him with eyes opened so wide her eyelids disappeared. Her pale, gaunt face looked hollow and lifeless. Her mouth fell open unnaturally.
“Fifty-seven years, one hundred and thirteen days, seven hours.”
Her flat, emotionless voice echoed within the sudden silence of the rest of the room. Chills shot along his body as the hair on his arms stood on end. His gut twisted uncomfortably as the presence of something…wrong and haunting fell over him. The silence of the world pressed in around him and left him only with that eerie voice thrumming though the void.
“What?” he finally stammered out.
“Do you want a receipt?” she repeated in her normal voice. Suddenly the whole world came back around him. The noise and the commotion of the busy Boba shop almost felt overwhelming after the sheer absolute silence.
“Oh uh…no,” he answered lamely.
“He’s good,” Sam spoke up quickly from behind. She pushed him to the side and took over the situation, but concern etched deep lines into her forehead. “But I’ll have a…”
What Sam ordered was lost on him as Tucker pulled him over to the drink pick-up counter. “Dude, what happened?” he asked in an urgent whisper. “You just froze.”
“I don’t…I don’t know. I heard something totally different…” The eerie tone of her voice, the chill that shot like livewire up his spine (like the accident, but he really didn’t want to think about that), it all stuck with him and wouldn’t leave him. His memory was absolute trash at the best of times, but he could still remember every number she quoted to him like it had been etched into his very core.
“What did you hear?” Tucker asked as Sam joined them. Those concerned lines across her brow still made him feel like something more was going on here, because Sam usually only worried when there was actually something to worry about.
“Just…some numbers, like years and months,” he shrugged, trying to pass it off as normal, even if it couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Like a countdown?” Sam pressed.
Danny’s eyes grew wide. Exactly like a countdown. Down to the hour.
He didn’t need to say anything for Sam to know she was on to something. “So what was she counting down to?”
“You think I know?” Danny rebuffed as he pointed at himself. “But you guys heard it right? How…creepy she sounded? How hollow?”
“No, we didn’t man,” Tucker responded, strangely serious. “We heard her ask if you wanted a receipt and then you just froze.”
He looked between both of his friends, hoping for some kind of alternate answer or for someone to say they were pulling his leg, but they weren’t. “So you…you didn’t hear it?” he implored, desperate for someone to agree with him.
“No Danny, we didn’t,” Sam confirmed. “But Danny, we need to–”
“Pomegranate boba,” another barista announced. Danny automatically turned towards her, only to see the same lifeless stare directed his way.
“Twenty years, two hundred and twelve days, two hours.”
He shook his head and closed his eyes as the pressure of the void threatened to swallow him again, but then like before, everything opened up and the noise of the world rushed back to him.
“Danny?” Sam fretted as she stepped closer to him.
He opened his eyes and looked out on the brightly lit boba shop. “Sorry I…it happened again,” he admitted.
Tucker and Sam exchanged significant glances behind Danny’s back before making an executive decision. Tucker grabbed their drink orders while Sam gently placed a hand on Danny’s back. “I think we should get out of here,” Sam suggested.
Danny could see the sense in that. The last thing they needed was to make a scene, and he could feel the eyes of both the people behind the counter and the ones standing in line. Best to beat a hasty retreat and figure this out somewhere a little quieter.
He scooted around the line of customers, hoping he could make a quiet exit. He caught the gaze of a young boy in line, but he only saw the vacant stare on his young face.
“Eighty three years, three hundred and two days, eleven hours.”
Danny spun quickly away from the boy and placed his hands over his ears, but it didn’t help as he locked eyes with a college student at a table who happened to look up from her laptop.
“Three years, thirty days, seven hours.”
And then the gaze of a well-dressed woman striding through the door.
“Forty years, eighty-eight days, nineteen hours.”
And the older man sitting with his grandchildren at a table.
“Ten years, one hundred and fifty days, three hours.”
Macabre countdowns from various shop patrons echoed around him. Anyone who met his gaze morphed their faces into the gaunt masks and intoned their countdown in that same hollow voice.
“Stop! Stop!” Danny cried as he curled in on himself. Tucker and Sam immediately pushed him through the doors and outside of the shop full of curious onlookers, but if they thought ushering him outside of the shop would be better, they were terribly wrong as Danny confronted more people on the street. The constant chorus of lifeless laments descended upon him in a deafening whirlwind.
“Ninety-eight days, twenty hours.”
“Sixty-eight years, two days, one hour.”
“Seventeen years, two hundred and ninety days, eight hours.”
Until they finally culminated in a chilling “Thirteen seconds.”
A morbid curiosity came over him as his gaze lingered on the older man who intoned the foreboding knell, just before the man clutched at his chest and dropped to the ground. Everyone around him rushed to his side and barked out orders to call an ambulance, but Danny knew deep, deep down in his core that it wouldn’t do any good.
The man was dead.
Dead, exactly thirteen seconds later.
Realizing this area was about to get a lot more attention, Tucker and Sam pushed Danny into a nearby alley and shrouded him from view. “Danny what the hell is happening?” Sam practically yelled.
Danny dropped to the ground as he clutched at his core that ached with the pain of what he just witnessed, and the horror of what he’d come to realize. He didn’t want to admit it to himself or to the world as a whole, but he had a horrifying feeling he knew what the times meant.
They were a countdown to death.
“I don’t…I don’t know why, but people keep telling me how long…how long they have…left,” Danny squeaked out between shallow breaths. The world swam around him and he clenched his jaw to try not to be sick.
“Left to what?” Tucker asked.
“To live you idiot!” Sam chastised. “Danny, are you sure?”
“What else could it be?” he exclaimed as he gripped at the hair on the sides of his head. “Someone said thirteen seconds, and then thirteen seconds later he…he…” His breath quickened in his chest. His heart thrummed too fast against his ribs. Sweat beaded on his brow as he shivered. This…this was a panic attack. Oh god, he was having a panic attack. But could anyone really blame him? He heard a man was going to die and just…just…watched it happen and couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t do anything!
“Danny…Danny just look at me,” Sam pressed delicately as she knelt next to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm.
His eyes reached her chin before he remembered - as soon as he met someone’s gaze, even from afar, they told him how long they had. He couldn’t know that about his best friend. He couldn’t. What if it was a small number? What would he even consider to be a small number? Would any number ever be large enough?
He slapped her away in a panic and retreated into himself as he buried his head into his arms. “No!” he screamed. “No, any time I look at someone they tell me how much time they have left and I can’t…I don’t want to know that. I can’t know that!” he practically screeched.
Sam and Tucker exchanged worried but uncertain looks. They’d dealt with a lot since the accident, but this was certainly a new complication where their very presence seemed to add more stress.
“Okay Danny, okay. We don’t know if that’s what’s happening.” She paused as she felt him tense beside her. “But if you think that’s what’s happening, then we won’t look at you.”
Danny grabbed his hair tight in his hands as he shook in a huddle on the floor. How was he going to do this? Never look at anyone he ever cared about again? Make sure they never looked at him? What kind of life would that be? He couldn’t live like that, with that paranoia that some day one of them would mess up and they’d meet his gaze and then he would know how much longer he had left to spend with them. His breathing quickened again as he found himself spiraling further down into his panic, down into a depth of foreboding terror that he didn’t know if he could climb out of again.
“Okay but Danny, even if you aren’t looking at anyone, I need you to breathe okay?” Sam pleaded. “Just breathe with me. In and out slowly. In and out.”
He did as he was told because he didn’t really have it in him to argue. In and out, in and out. He took deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth like Jazz taught him. It probably didn’t help that he was still curled up in a ball and didn’t have great air circulation, but he didn’t dare uncurl.
“Okay, good,” Sam praised as she finished sending an urgent text. “Now let’s figure out what’s going on, because we will figure it out.”
“You mean figure out why I can tell when people are going to die?” Danny snapped.
“Yes,” Sam replied, voice calm despite Danny’s barbed tone.
“...I don’t know if this is the right time, but there probably isn’t a right time so I’m just gonna say it,” Tucker sighed. “Danny, we noticed something weird earlier. It would only happen for a second, but it was like your face was covered by…like a translucent skull.”
Danny looked up but immediately thought better of it and ducked his head back down again. “A what?!”
“A skull. We didn’t know what it meant at the time–”
“We still don’t know what it means,” Sam added.
“--but it has to be related,” Tucker finished.
“This has to be more than a new ghost power,” Sam brainstormed. “This feels like something more significant.”
“More significant? What the hell does that mean?” Danny rebuked. He knew they were just trying to help, but honestly without an answer it was just making him feel more anxious and overwhelmed. He didn’t know if he could handle something more significant than being a half-dead, ghost-fighting freak.
“We don’t know,” Sam said, controlled and patient. “But we’ll figure this out Danny, we promise, just like we’ve figured out everything else.”
Everything else. Because there was always something. There was always some other side effect of the accident that all of them had to keep dealing with. Ghost powers, ghost fighting, his parents, new powers, a secret identity, ice powers, and now this. When was he done? When would he finally stop having more and more piled on top of his already overflowing mind? How much was a teenager expected to shoulder before he finally just buckled under the crushing weight of it all?
Apparently it would be one more thing.
He gasped as the cold breath escaped from his throat. He deflated a bit into his self hug. He knew the quiet afternoon was too good to be true. He knew it.
“Danny, you don’t have to go,” Sam mentioned, almost pleading.
“You know I have to,” he sighed with hollow defeat.
“No, you don’t. Let your parents get it, or Valerie. It doesn’t have to be you right now,” she begged.
“They never handle it well,” Danny argued as he stood but kept his gaze on the floor.
Sam shook her head, prepared to put her foot down. “But Danny, you literally just stopped having a panic attack, do you think now is the right time to do this? Maybe you just need to think about yourself for a bit!”
“When do I ever get to think about myself?” he barbed as he transformed. “Besides, a ghost can’t tell me how long they have to live, right? Sounds like I’m safer with one of them.”
Before they could argue with him he shot off into the sky, leaving a cloud of dread behind him. Tucker and Sam exchanged meaningful glances.
“Follow him?” Tucker checked.
“Absolutely follow him.”
As yet another ectoblast grazed Danny’s side, he realized Tucker and Sam had maybe been right about letting someone else handle this. His head was not in the game. He couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that swirled around him and it made the fight against the ghostly crow that much harder to focus on. His newfound popularity also proved to be a complication as it led to more onlookers watching the fight. He couldn’t help but meet the eyes of people in the crowd, and every time he listened to their own voices toll their own death knell, he found himself wide open to a hit from the annoying ghost that honestly wouldn’t have been that much of a challenge otherwise.
"Three hundred and twenty-one days, thirteen hours.”
He squeezed his eyes tight as he tried not to internalize how little time the concerned woman who looked his way had left, but closing his eyes during a fight was never a good idea.
“Danny!” he heard Sam yell, her voice distant but urgent.
He opened his eyes and saw the crow barreling in to charge with glowing talons ready to claw out his eyes. He immediately acted on instinct and threw out his hands to maybe summon a shield or take the talons to his arms or something.
He felt something cold and heavy fall into his hands, and he swung it without even looking at it too closely. A thin line of green slashed across the ghost and then it vanished. His overzealous slash continued through the brick of a nearby building that weathered and aged as decay seeped out from the fine line in the brick. When the arc of his swing stopped, he finally looked at what he held in his hands.
A scythe. Long and slender, the curved blade made a full crescent as it tapered into a neat, sharp point. The edge of the blade glowed with a faint green light, but it almost hurt to register: like its presence cut through the very existence of what his mind could accept as real. It looked so simple in his arms, and yet it felt dangerous. Deadly.
He stared dumbfounded at the blade in his hands. It felt heavy in his arms, but not because of its actual weight. It actually felt too easy and natural to swing. His fingers gripped around the shaft like he was meant to hold it. It felt so right and natural in his arms, and that scared him even more.
He immediately dropped it, but instead of hearing it clatter to the ground, it vanished into shadows as the absolute black swallowed it.
With panic etched all over his face, he looked desperately towards Sam’s voice, but only after he remembered that he didn’t dare look towards his friends. He dropped his gaze, but they understood his intent and rushed over to him.
“Danny, Danny are you okay?” Sam asked as she grabbed her friend’s arm.
“No…no I don’t think so,” he admitted. As hard as it felt to admit, he wasn’t well. He had no idea what the hell was happening, but he just knew none of this could be good. A sense of dread lingered around him that he couldn’t shake. A whisper of an answer tickled at the edges of his mind, but it was so cloaked in fear and terror that he didn’t dare even acknowledge its presence.
Sam nodded morosely and squeezed his arm. “That’s okay. We’ve got this Danny. C’mon, let’s get to my house. I think I know what’s going on.”
Danny sat in his favorite chair in the Manson library. Most of the room felt like something out of a middle-aged woman’s Pinterest page: a million shades of beige accented by a few plants or vines. Some books even had their spines facing the wall because their binding was too colorful. Sam managed to carve out a corner for herself. She separated this corner out with deep red curtains and inside its sanctuary she kept all her books (spines proudly out, thank you very much) on black shelves. Gothic sconces of wrought iron glowed with just enough mood lighting to read by and plush wine red chairs provided the perfect getaway to crawl into with a book.
One of those chairs sucked him up inside its cushions and he let the weight of the fabric surround him. Sitting here with the dark mood lighting while Sam read aloud some new book or poem always felt like a comfortable space. Maybe Sam hoped the familiarity would bring some comfort to him right now, but even its power couldn’t counteract the horrible twisting in the pit of his stomach.
His friends swore they wouldn’t look at his face and would focus on his chest instead, but he still didn’t feel comfortable looking anywhere but at his wringing hands in his lap, just in case. He’d heard about too much death already today: too many times that seemed far too short for the nice faces that seemed burned into his mind. He had no idea who these people were and probably would never see them again, but he would forever remember their faces and would never be free of the knowledge of their death.
Would it be quick? Slow? Painful? Could he stop it? Could he save them? If he remembered their faces could he hunt them down and try to save them? Maybe not the ones in decades, but the ones who would be dying in the next few months? Could he help them so they didn’t end up like the old man on the street who died before his eyes while he was powerless to stop it?
The thump of a large book on a table shook him out of his thoughts as Sam stood near the small round table. “You’re not gonna like this, but I think I found the answer.”
That certainly caught his attention and he looked towards the book. Whether he’d like the answer or not, he needed to know. The heavy old tome looked like every Victorian book that Sam loved to collect, with a dark binding, embossed edges, and thick block lettering for the title.
The Tome of Record for the Myths and Legends of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
No, that couldn’t be the right book. That was not the answer.
He shook his head and backed up in his chair as far away from the book as he could physically get. “No. That’s not the right book.”
Sam approached both Danny and the book gently, like any sudden movement would spook him. “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I know I’m right about this.”
Tucker leaned in from his chair and his eyes grew wide. “Wait, apocalypse? Sam you’re serious?”
“No, she’s not serious because she’s wrong!” Danny insisted.
Sam slowly opened the book and turned to a page marked with a dark black ribbon. “Just look at it Danny. It explains a lot.”
Against his better judgment he peeked at the new chapter: “The Fourth Horseman: Death.” He didn’t let himself read any more, but the haunting image of a black-cloaked figure atop a skeletal horse with a skull for a face and a very familiar looking scythe froze him in his seat.
The death knells. The skull. The scythe.
No, just because it made sense, that didn’t mean anything. Lots of things in this world made sense without actually being right, and this was just another one of those things. It didn’t mean that he– He couldn’t possibly be–
Tucker trailed a finger along the text of the book as he read, his mouth and eyes falling agape. “Wait Sam are you…are you trying to say that Danny is…Death? Like the Death?”
He felt an irrational anger towards Tucker for putting into physical words what his mind refused to acknowledge. Because it was crazy…right? Some crazy, wacky theory. This couldn’t be reality, it just…it couldn’t be.
Sam nodded solemnly. “I am. I don’t know why, but Danny has somehow become the personification of Death.”
For some reason the finality in Sam’s voice forced him to really hear it. As much as he wanted to deny it, the nagging whisper always there on the periphery of his mind had been trying to tell him the whole time. He knew it from the first countdown, but refused to see it. He knew what the symbolism of the scythe meant, but he refused to connect it. And he knew that all of these pieces only added up to one possible explanation. Just like Sam, he’d already reached the same conclusion, but he just refused to see it. He couldn’t avoid it anymore.
He was Death.
He needed to get away from the book, the picture, the proof. He didn’t want to see it anymore. He fell through the chair, momentarily grateful to have some kind of physical barrier between him and the book, but the piercing, empty eyes of the skull on the page followed him even through the chair. He scrambled back along the floor until he hit the bookcase behind him.
“No no no I don’t want this! I don’t want this!” he screamed in ever increasing levels of panic. He looked at his shaking hands, almost expecting to see bony hands stretching out instead of his normal skin. He grabbed at his face, his arms, anything to make sure that he hadn’t turned into some skeleton. “I can’t–I don’t want to be Death!”
Sam and Tucker rushed over to his side and pulled his trembling body into a hug. They tried to bestow him with whatever comfort they could, but they knew it wouldn’t be enough. Just like they did when Danny first emerged from the portal, they were at a loss for what they could do and they just tried to be a physical support for him.
Danny grabbed onto his friends desperately as he shook in their arms. He didn’t know how much he needed their reassuring strength and strong hug until he found himself in their arms. Maybe he relied on them too much for emotional stability, but something about their presence served as a grounding force for him and he needed that now more than ever.
“We’ll figure it out Danny,” Sam tried to assure him. “We always do.”
They did always figure it out. The accident, the ghost powers, the ghost fighting, the secret identity, Pariah Dark, Vlad, his horrifying potential future - they’d found a way to make it through everything that his strange life had thrown at him. It stood to reason they could make it through this too, but for some reason this seemed so much more imposing than all those other obstacles.
The personification of death. What did that even mean? Did he have to reap souls? Was he actually the one responsible for killing people? Was he now to blame for everyone’s deaths? Did he have to help people cross over or find peace or meaning in their lives? Could he still live his normal human life? He’d already been neglecting it so much because of ghost fighting, but would this completely eclipse everything else? It felt like such a huge burden to throw onto his already overburdened shoulders, and he didn’t know if he had the strength to keep it all up.
But even more than a burden, being Death pushed him even closer to the dark stench of death that always seemed to swirl around him. He already straddled a very fine line between life and death, and while he didn’t always know where he found himself on either side of it, he cherished the balance. He liked being reminded that he was still alive. He died, and he was a ghost, but he was so much more than that too. His heart beat, he kept growing - he still had a life. He needed those reminders to stay sane. But being Death…it pushed him so much further towards that darker side. It disrupted that balance that he held onto so desperately. Those reminders of life seemed so much further away, like they could be snatched away from him at any moment, and he didn’t want to think where that constant focus on death and loss would take him.
He couldn’t keep dwelling on this. He was a boy of action, and he never did well just thinking through things. Maybe that helped Jazz, but he needed to do something. Figure this out, get rid of it, something. So he pulled away from the hug slightly, enough of a signal for his friends to release the warm group hug. He missed that comfort immediately, but he couldn’t stay huddled up against the bookshelf forever.
“How did this happen?” he croaked. Trying to find a reason meant that he had to accept it as the truth, and that hurt, but he’d already accepted it. Now he just had to get rid of it.
“I don’t know,” Sam admitted. “But Danny, we have a much more pressing issue than how.”
“More pressing than this?” Danny questioned, almost hurt that his internal turmoil and need to solve this wasn’t considered a pressing issue.
“Yeah, because it gets worse.”
Panic clenched around his heart again. How could it possibly get worse? This already seemed like a destitute situation with no possible solution on the horizon.
“Worse than Danny having death powers?” Tucker inquired. Well at least Tucker was on the same wavelength.
She nodded morosely. She took a deep breath, but as she slowly breathed out she straightened up, her brow resolute. “The summoning of the fourth horseman…it’s the final sign. The apocalypse is coming, and Danny’s going to be forced to make it happen.”
I hope you all enjoyed this! It's a little late of a submission for Ectober's Day 17 Gothic Horror prompt, but apparently world-building a multi-chapter longfic took a lot longer than I expected. But I'm excited to share some of my lore behind this ghostly version of the four horsemen over the next two chapters!
#danny phantom#danny phantom fanfiction#danny fenton#sam manson#tucker foley#ghost zone lore#ghost zone culture#ghost zone politics#four horsemen of the apocalypse#danny fenton is death#apocalypse#trying to stop the apocalypse#angst#angst with happy ending#multi chapter#longfic#cw panic attack#ectoberhaunt24#ectober 2024#new powers
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Chapter preview BEACH TIME CHAOS
“Where am I?”
the girl's eyes blinking as the suns rays awake her, her body resting on the white sandy ground, of that a beach.
She witnesses her surroundings finding herself in a lavender sundress, the girl was none other then luz: her brown long hair flowing in the wind. The clear blue sky having opal like faucets, with a midnight sky faraway with shades of many dark colors like a aurora borealis, beams of light shun down on the ethereal landscape,stretching for miles. Eyeing the view, As the Sand covered her feet, as she hears the waves amongst the field of golden wheatgrass lies a sandy beach shore with shiny abalone coins as decor, like beautiful rainbow colored petals covering the sand, shimmering turquoise water, she sees a figure ahead.”
“Luz?” Luz, here’s an echo with her name being called,
“Hey!” she shouts running “hello? I’m here?“
with little energy, like a shipwrecker being called out by a siren, luz feels her face & chest red as a rose, gathering her feet in the buried sand, almost tripping on a seadollar, keeping her balance
she didn’t know why her heart pounded, perhaps to embrace amity that was unrequited, making up for all the unkempt promises she made,never feel the soothing unrequited words or
A love that has been lost standing the test of time perhaps her father.
"As she reaches the beach water."
Finally seeing the figure,in awe, her eyes glittering, like a gemstone held in the sun, as she never seen such a beautiful being.
“Luz! I’m so glad your here, it’s been so long”
The tall figure turns around reaching his hand out, hers in return, she jumps in his arms grabbing her both spinning in the glistening seawater splashes around.
How I wanted to say these words I love.
As he pleads, “you have to help me.”
He tries to speak out the rest, until interrupted by
A high frequency sound of that of a child scream cutting him off,
but she can only see his lips pronounce the words not hearing them, with tears down her face. Feeling mixed emotions, possibly losing everything that she loves, perhaps maybe missing her deceased father whom she loved so much, with the wind blowing, a huge light enveloping the land like a lighthouse shining the sea, the environment brightens around the two, with the seawater glows washing over them, where they stand blinded light consuming the two.
“Gasp” luz yelps waking up from the dream with king alerted by her while sleeping. Beside her now seeing where she is at the beach resort on fire island, with the tourists and citizen enjoying there time along her friends.
Resting on her towel as a pillow, seeing the beach crowd enjoying the waters, splashing and causing commotion, boats drifting with citizens riding on them, with families strolling,
smelling the beach air, filling the area, crowds walking & running, with everyone barbecuing, playing around with besting others at swimming competitions, making sand castles, & with beach volleyball matches all around.
straightening her long hair after catching sand in it, putting in as purple indigo starry scrunchy, matching her thin layered jacket, purple space bathing one piece with yellow sandal boots.
she comforts king in his deep needed rest, after working on his detailed sandcastle he build for her,
Luz being proud of king's skills, With details of the sand castle structures, towers and eda & the claw throne family, at the front of the door.
“oh you lil rascal, looks like you put your all into this one, such a talented scamper, you deserves a rest, you’ve grown so much”
Petting his fur.
While he nuzzles happily-Along the crew”s palismans.
“luz! are you ok?” Amity rushed to Luz as if she was hurt.
She goes to lean in to check if she’s ok , with amity sporting a pink capri halter top along tiny swim trunks with a colorful fannypak from cerulean gymline fashion from the shopping.
“no I’m fine just had a dream”, luz says, waiting on her every word reaching to get a cola from the cooler just to clear her throat, amity listens all ears,
“Was it a dream you had, from the looks probably wasn’t a nightmare,”amity could’ve guessed how Luz was thinking due to her past of concealing secrets from others, Luz was the person to hide her true feelings at times even with positive outlook just to conceal her issues.
Luz begins,
“it was quite alarming, there was this beautiful beach, with a space like sky, a field of wheatgrass, that goes into the sandy shore, sunny weather with lights coming down but the sky was decorated like a gemstone, was it? Putting her finger to her cheek “Yeah opal!,”
she guessed, “all of a sudden I saw this person who felt like an angel, as if he was like my father or another, then this baby noise,
She continues,
“yes and there was this light that swept over us, a figure who shined like a star, never had such a moment which it’s like a sound could be frightening yet so soothing; like I was in a moms belly or heaven itself,”
Luz finishes,
“wow that must’ve been quite something.” amity replies
“Never thought you had such a vivid dream, and that environment; you spoke sounds very beautiful, like something from a fairytale, putting her arm around her waist, “but you know what?” Luz “reply’s what” it really doesn’t beat the real thing without me living in it.”
amity consoles her wary head while luz blushes, with rubbing her cheek,
Both giggling,
Amity brings out some lunchables with a few crackers and dip, from her fannypak, as they eat them away, both finishing.
“now come on let’s enjoy this vacation courtesy of my lover, before Lilith and the others get off from her outings.”
Reassuring Luz pulling her arm, as they get up making their way to join the others in the beachwater.
“now come on; we still have so much of this fun day to spend,
“There’s an hour playing Marco Polo, & various beach games we can play even do some after-shopping” MEANWHILE the others play volley ball with hooty getting the upper hand,
With that hooty scoops Gus , willow & hunter lifting them like a rodeo bull tossing them in the water, while they scream and giggle.
KERSPLASH! That’s amazing wow they said in unison
hunter shouts seeing the girls, with Gus swimming to willow,
“Hey you love birds! Are y’all done connoddling the waters really fun and sparkling”
Gus shouts from splashing in the water,
with hunter pelting a beachball at his head.
Ow! Knocking him into the water.
Score one for the gold booster, hunter shouts
Willow glares happily standing on top of hooty for a combo, spiking a ball at hunter, with him dodging with tilted head,
HA! is that all you got, before he can speak hooty shoots out another beach ball knocking him upside the head, with Gus and willow chuckling , “wow who knew he gotten so strong,” with her diving off, making a big splash, dousing both Gus &hunter. With the huge splash dousing the boys willow comes in for air saying, “Gotcha!” With all them laughing having a great time.
“Well duty calls; shall we go out there, Mademoiselle?”
Luz consoles amity, pulling her hand to the beach shore, walking slowly while chatting
With luzs friends comply her to join,
Them wearing swim outfits with hunter in a netted cream top-yellow trunks with red lining, Gus a blue thin fabric jacket & graffiti lime denim color trunks, willow sporting buns with a green leaf hem, pink frilly knee length overalls, from there stores.
As the group admires the beauty of earth, having fun in the sun on there fire island vacation,
Looking on her friends, luz showing her appreciation of life & relationship that had its rocky obstacles,Luz eases in, living in the moment finally in bliss,
hours pasts, managing there belongings to grab a bite to eat, making there way to the food stand,
they finally get there meals differing from sandwiches; salads, drinks, chips, to quench there appetites,
Sitting around the table, luz feeding amity the sandwich from earlier, hunter and Gus biting into there burgers, with willow vegging on a veggie wrap & chips.
Hooty & king playing with their food of a cooked paella ravaging it with growling noises.
“This is delicious, a quick workout meal to finish all that fun we had, glad Edric, Gavin, & bria know how to cook up fine cuisine.”
Hunter said,
Yeah hope there doing good at the museum outing with Lilith, nuzzling to hunter, maybe with should check on them to see there ok.
While conversations rise through there time having a vacay away from the boiling isles, all was right in there lives with no distractions, school work & evil to defeat.
A one minute dark clouds started forming in the sky, blocking the sun, with a light drizzle. With the crowd of beachgoers rushing for cover not to get soaked.
hooty feels a trickle on his beak, Rain suddenly falls, as the clouds huddle the sun darkening the land,
“Wait wait wait,” hooty stutters
“OMG OMG OMG AAAH I’m melting melting”
Hysterically stretching his body as a umbrella to cover the gang
Luz calms hooty, “it won’t hurt you silly worm, remember it’s just rain so no boiling us alive, sigh forgot you never been on earth,”
With Luz soothing him
HE uncoils himself with the crew, telling him to stop when the rain comes down harder.
With everyone in shock, running from cover, while others frolick
However with Gus observes the sky above notices a drop and it was marble white
“Hmmm luz are you sure rains supposed to look white and not blue and the skies not droopy,” luz looks over Gus.
“weird um no Usually it’s blue like the water.”
With the crew looking up, The sky emits a oil slick design moving fluidly like a lava lamp, a spectacular site to see of the colors swirling as a shock to the beachgoers stunned by the hypnotic layers, luz’s friends, stand in awe the rain splats the ground,, as the puddles start to blanket the sand.
“Ok it’s it’s silver rain, luz amazed
“Hey guys look, Willow shout seeing one of the puddles grown in size”
As they witness firsthand, abnormal to them, with the tourists looking with awe and skepticism.
The puddles along several enlarge from a liquid metal mass to well built toned metallic silver humanoid shapes; smooth bronze cracks on the marble mask no mouths with horizontal slit eye sockets; marble white accented with blue & green malachite colored detailed bronze armor; malachite pieces on the shoulders & kneecaps with steel toe like Spartans warriors.
with there numbers forming slowly, they soon amass in 50, with the tourists walking back.
“Ok I never seen this type of earthly act, you sure its part of the attraction?” king worries,
the beings steadily proceed with intent standing like robots, with one of them turning there limbs shaping like fluidly into a sickle preparing to attack.
“Yeah I don’t think these aren’t tourist?” hunter senses yeah they don’t seem from this planet nor BO, “never have I seen anything like them at home,” willow replies
“Yeah these don’t look like the welcoming committee,” Gus says
,keeping there guard, to stay cautious
With hunter’s arm in front of luz and willow guarding them,
Hooty coiling around the others, king beside amity
The beings proceed, making a bellowing gurgling sound moving swiftly like fluid water, launching themselves,
They ransack the environment, molding clawed & sharpe weapons tearing through & destroying attractions, the visitors scream , terrorizing everything insight, scaring the crowd as they run frantically, the group rushes them to safety from the threat at hand,
In the moment,with luz shouts, with quickness knowing what’s to come.
“Everyone let’s go, we gotta save the people Willow.”
“Got it!” She Responds
taking action first, the crew ready there staffs, as the beings leap forward, with hooty lunging 5 sending them soaring back.
Luz and her friends, leap into action, with willow taking caution barricading the stand with thick vines.
Amity shoots a ball of fire with ghost in staff form at one burning one solider, king shouting a sound wave throwing back the rest, as more come through while terrorizing the crowd.
Super speeding his way, hunter navigates the crowd to safety while looking onward with the others.
As the others ready in battle positions, luz grabs her bat along string bean flying towards the enemy bashing one in the waist with white fluids coming out, of the troop, splatting the ground, making more of them form
“ ugh it’s good to be back up but why they had to ruin my vacay,” she grunts, hey everyone I want everyone try to take out many as possible these won’t let up and reshape themselves,
The solider multiply from the injury.
now I’m seeing double. Luz checks on amity, just her whipping her staff knocking many drones left & right,
“amity are you ok,” how’d willow & the guys.”
“you have to remember you don’t have your magic,but don’t worry where doing good” amity replies
Luz felt lil conscious with not having her powers, thinking of times kicking butt in her time in her titan form however didn’t stop her,
“Yeah, these things mean business”
Iike hunter said fighting one off, with his super speed; kicking them in the face, punching there gut, then finishing throwing one off with a karate grab pounded into the ground.
King roars with his sonic scream knocking 5 out before they attack the beach goers, along willow making cactus cuffs pummeling one drone while hurling one into the shore, Gus cloning himself with a barrage of attacks like a ninja in his book he read, kicking punching left and right while dodging multiple drones making funny faces.
Amity Fighting off the soldiers unleashing abomination goo in a bottle slicing and dicing waving the goo, in hand motion. However two launches at her almost tackling her to the ground, surrounding her, while she envelops herself in the abomagoo expanding repelling the monsters.
Hunter fights using his staff shooting off in light speed landing multiple punches on one back , twirling his staff
In martial art motion. “Damn there’s no end in sight, how do they keep recovering, “ willow we need your green thumb” he yells.
“IM ON IT” she hears Willow using her vines Swinging & knocking out the soldiers far, leaping ahead of them,low kicking sweeping one off its feet.
That’s- that now time to check on the boo. Willow rushes to check hunter,
Tired of the fighting & consoling the tourists, hunter thinks of a plan to have everyone destroy these things once making a plan with luz to safely get rid of these things while he’s consoled by willow
“Hey willow,” he grunts, we need to get everyone outta here, think you can make a another barricade around the crowd afraid this is gonna get messy, gotta bad feelin,?”
“Yeah sure, you sure you be ok” yeah this storms gonna go crazy”
Both smooch each in the rain. While taking action.
Willow conjures up a flowery sign to the safe area near the beach house,
navigating the panicking crowd & pointing them safely, hunter shouts, as he sees the soldiers moving in on them
To his eyes, seeing a little girl trip, one solider prepares to attack her, with its axe hand, acting quick, uppercutting one using his super speed & tackling another leaping from the side.
Ugh these things don’t know when to quick. Hope I’ll check on luz & the others, he sees hooty wailing his body like rope smacking the soldiers
He leaps on him, running fast
he rushes to check on hooty luz & amity. Hey girls everything’s good on yo end? Yes luz said together,
boy I love a good brawl Willow gives a smile, smacking the ground with her hands, a green energy lights up rising a barricade of vines to shield the soldiers rushing toward her
leaping attacks above with there makeshift sword arms, she pushes them back, with Gus, attacking heads with a icicle spear throwing it
Piercing the enemy, making a hole in the chest,
yes BULLSEYE I got one, the monster recovers from the attack regenerating it’s wound,
“whoa now that’s some major plastic surgery,”
Hey willow think it’s time for that special attack we worked on
Gus excitedly says to willow? oh yeah, “The Flowery desperado.”
Gus cuts her off outta excitement
“You mean it YES that one, gus fulfilled with excitement, hmm hmm”
that attack ok why not” both exchanging words, with both charging up there energy, circling with lime green and blue energy, as there eyes glow
Suddenly she feels a surge of energy like no other like a sharp pleasure through her body.
As she conjures 4 seeds from her bag, hmmm this will do
Throwing them at 12 soldiers, while growing them in size one knocking the enemy
with Gus producing a illusion multiplying the seeds, in thousands
, she activates them growing huge, exploding them, with colorful powder & petals, blinding & distracting the army.
The crowd watches in amazed of chaos outta curiosity.
Gus leaps in the air, swift like a ninja cutting the army to bits dashing throughout in a blue light, flash step fashion on the other side,
wait for it Gus pauses a bit, “Now willow” he shouts.
with willow finishing it off manipulating the petals durability swirling them like wind, sharp enough to cut steel, a storm of colored flowers rain upon them,
Piercing and crushing the enemy in a whirlwind of petals.
Now recover from that as she smirks, willow announces, amazed at the duo work
Wahooo way to go that was sick. Gus high fiving willow
Now that’s what I call a spring rave, both high fiving.
Yeah that was truly amazing I never felt so alive, what was that feeling perhaps a new power, willow remembers the lecture from luz meeting with Valerie, maybe there’s more to earth, she remembers from professor bumps lesson & Valerie words at the earthly park,
“They say back in ancient times when witches discover a potent magic essence we ascend to our higher form of evolution, when in a spiritual environment.”
Words come to mind about the lecture of the old shaman woman Valerie,
The power you harness on different planes, be it earth or in between will have drastic changes in one’s energy.
Even different & special perhaps altering your magic at a high plane form, once adapting to its laws & conditions.
You’ll soon discover your true magical being.
Hey! yo are you ok? I know your awestruck, but we have people to rescue” Gus snaps out her trance.
We might wanna check on the others.
Um guys hey I don’t mean to break your fun amazing routine and all but needing help her hunter shouts”
While he fights off the army with fists and spells of fire he asks
hooty who’s constricting them throwing them in king’s way screaming shockwaves knocking them back, pulverizing them
With the threat adverted after luz smashes a couple of foot soilders they soon retreat to the sea, yeah we did it team they all gather, rooting each other on. Can’t believe you missed all that, Gus tells luz and the others
Well I heard that colorful air I see quite a aroma. Of rose water & mint
She sniffs.
King gives a big whiff yep smells like grom spirit good times good times.
They all root and cheer on from the beautiful mess Gus willow make however, the celebration it was short lived,
when hooty looks on,
hey luz I hope we have any Flying Dutchmen’s but are those humans on that contraption.
Hooty points luz in the direction on the sea looking onward the boat,
She looks in shock as she makes a rescue plan,
Hey willow & amity, think you can cover me while I help out the locals”
As the two agree they form a bridge of goop & strong roots, onward to rescue the shipwreck family.
As the soldiers sockets light up, attempting to foil the group plan they quickly dive into sea,
hunter tries to-stop them, grabbing one however slipping through its arms
With hooty body slamming them in a puddle but slipping through the ground, With the crew all worn out with no breath to catch.
Luz makes her way to the makeshift trail, to the rescue, before the waves destroy the ship.
Come on, your safe let’s go,
amity leading the mother and 1 kid, to hunter, while willow gets one kid on her broom.
Here you go come on your safe where almost to shore, she speaks
Ok is that everyone where’s luz? hunter questions, & worries
with amity, willow looking back at luz still flying in the rain as the wind blows harshly , she reaches the last victim.
Until a rumble can be heard through the ground & sea, vibrations felt throughout,
As luz is filled with fear of saving this man, as if it was her father, she didn’t wanna mess up of being powerless & her dad being deceased, and family being without one, she stumbles but gets the man on the pathway
Suddenly she notices a shadow rising in the water. Quickly grabbing the dad, a huge splash was made, the fused serpent of the footies raised with the body colored silver, white marble with bronze cracks. With 4 dark green eyes with horizontal slit sockets, destroying the boat & bridge by the girls,
SCREECH! It lets out a roar enough to shatter a glass tower
whoa this thing is huge, she looks wide eyed
It’s….enormous shocked by its enormous body
Making the ground tremble, with the crowd frighten even shaking the palisman, terrifying the beach goers, with its rumbling growl,
while the rest of the group put there heads together on how to defeat such an enormous enemy
“Oh my titans, it’s so huge what can we do?”
It was a Serpent that stretched the lengths of a cruise ship with the colors of sapphire eyes, white pearlescent body with green malachite veins,
"Uhhh Guys, I think we have a big problem,"
Thanks for reading my moviefic preview,
#luz noceda#toh fanart#toh fanfiction#moringmark#toh fanfic#fanfiction#ao3 author#ao3 writer#ao3 fanfic#wattpad#wattpad writer#new writers on tumblr#new author#readers#slow burn#new villains#wattpad story#youtube#subscribe#fan writer#my canon#toh movie#toh novel#toh movie that references a lot of canon and fanon moringmark#movie#hooty#new powers
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse), Marvel (Comics)
Relationships: Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe/Wren Worthington, Wanda Maximoff/Kurt Wagner, Bobby Drake/Piotr Rasputin, James “Logan” Howlett/Mariko Yoshida
Characters: Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Henry McCoy, Kurt Wagner, Wren Worthington, Piotr Rasputin, Bobby Drake, James “Logan” Howlett, Charles Xavier, Kitty Pryde, Duncan Matthews, Taryn Fujioka, Raven Darkholme, Cain Marko, Moira MacTaggert, Lockheed
Additional Tags: Team Dynamics, Team as Family, LGBTQ Characters, new powers, Teens being teens, Action/Adventure, Mutants, Humor
Summary: In this all new take on Marvel's merry band of mutants, the X-Men are reimagined as a band of young adults and teenagers who are about to enter the next step of their evolution.
A/N: I've been working on this ever since February. And since today marked the premiere of the season finale of X-Men '97, I figured a lot of people are gonna be carving some more X-Men related content. And so I figured that I might as well help provide them that. Also, please refrain from making any jokes related to a long-running franchise about adolescent, martial arts training, mutated reptiles. Just from reading the title of this fanfic, I know it reminds most of you of a particular show related to that franchise.
#x men#xmen#charles xavier#scott summers#jean grey#henry mccoy#ororo munroe#wren worthington#kurt wagner#piotr rasputin#bobby drake#kitty pryde#james logan howlett#lockheed#x men fanfiction#ao3#ao3 link#action/adventure#humor#new powers#team dynamics
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Dipper, mabel and amity got new power and new transformation from karu and kalamity gravity falls x amphibia x the owl house crossover medley @nerdycartoongal @shironezuninja @dumb-ass-biatch @bitter-yet-civilized @hkthatgffan @hoshinootaku98 @magical-girl-techno-genius @magnetar334 @sakulovejulius12 @cartoonfan21 @ilovetvtoons @imaginashon @daydream358 @illustrated-ink @untitled14360 @wispsshadow @kuskicanlove @fatrnai @serentiydraw5678 @pinkdiamondstar @violetrose-art @jackyjackdraws @jademz1711 @jacky-rubou @broadwaygirl918 @ciphercovenauofficial @buy-some-motherfuckin-apples-iii
#gravity falls#fanart#the owl house#disney#dipper pines#mabel pines#amity blight#new powers#crossovers#my art
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Here's the new form for rampage!
Here's what he got in his form:
And here's his height now
And i'll tell you what powers he got from his new element, he still got fire element but he now got poison and corruption:
For poison element: gas spray, venom injection, venomous spikes, poison gas, injecting poison liquid, (but it won't kill the victim, just stunned for a few seconds or so), and tentacle venom
For corruption element: can turn any victim corrupted, corrupted bites, Shapeshift, dark magic, can wake up the dark side, mind control, shadow magic, sizeshift, and night vision
I hope you like his new form! ^^
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#oggy & the cockroaches#jikothemartian-z#jikothemartian z#jiko x toiletnator x knightbrace x holly jolly#toiletnator#knightbrace#holly jolly#naruto#the garfield show#nermal#numbuh alpha#new powers#scene 2000s#scene
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OC talk~
Female whumpee/caretaker time! She's one of my few characters who suffers more from situational whump rather than one or several whumpers inflicting situations on her. Most of them are related to her job as a scientist, such as the lab explosion that gave her her powers~
More about she under the cut
Jo is a brilliant woman whose mind can run so fast even she can't catch up! She has ADHD but that doesn't stop her from chasing her dreams. Together with her father she runs a large pharmaceutical company where she focuses her research on curing diseases. In her story's universe they're known for successfully creating treatments for various ailments as well as preventing them.
She also runs a couple of personal projects meant to improve the lives of her fellow supers, such as pills to boost their energy in a pinch, as well as certain gear to keep them safe (e.g. bulletproof, heat- and cold resistant clothing, etc.)
She's one of the first people introduced who seems to have gained her abilities through artificial means. Testing various methods on herself (against recommendation) she discovers she had been successful when she survives a lab explosion by teleporting through the blast somehow.
After getting the hang of her newfound abilities, she impulsively takes the step to become a superhero, using her ability to teleport to be at the scene of a crime fast, or her big beautiful brain to solve issues with the power of science!
She gets hurt trying to do good sometimes, but she more often than not still accidentally leaves the gas open without igniting the burner, or spills a chemical that absolutely shouldn't be handled with butterfingers!
Read all about her mishaps in her story~
#oc's#whumpee#ladywhump#no whumper#science whump#lab accidents#superheroes#superpowers#new powers#artificial powers#teleporting ability#teleportation#mirage#jo
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Dog Meshi.
#dungeon meshi#falin touden#marcille donato#laios touden#The foreshadowing of the laios's barking is so funny. It isn't even just Marcille's flashback. It's everywhere.#It's the love of dogs. How he intimidates the basilisk. General fascination with creatures and their behaviours.#This is a man who is would not be a furry per say but would own a fursuit for the fascination of the craft.#Laios is the guy in the forums rating people's hybrid fursonas for nothing but the love of creatures.#Dog Laios would use his powers to go into dog-free restaurants.#That human impression is so good. One might say 'Woah who's that confident hairy guy? Alright boss; in you go.'#He would be the no.1 customer of a New York Deli that has no legal business license but makes the best sandwiches in the city.#“Would Senshi run it?” I think he would also be a dog in this theoretical AU. Which...makes the scene even funnier actually.#A comic in which everyone is dogs was never something I thought I'd make but here we are!#Marcille is a borzoi (elf of dogs). Tolden siblings are golden lab-retrievers.#Senshi is a scottish terrier. Chilchuck is harder; I need to think on that one. Another terrier perhaps.#Happy Thistle Thursday once again. I hope this comic makes someone laugh half as much as I did while drawing it.
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A company making wooden wind turbine blades has successfully tested a 50-meter-long prototype that’s set to debut soon in the Indian and European markets.
Last year, the German firm Voodin successfully demonstrated that their laminated-veneer timber blades could be fabricated, adapted, and installed at a lower cost than existing blades, while maintaining performance.
Now, Voodin has announced a partnership with the Indian wind company Senvion to supply its 4.2-megawatt turbines with these wooden blades for another trial run.
Wind power has accumulated more than a few demerit points for several shortfalls in the overall industry of this fossil-fuel alternative.
Some of these, such as the impact on bird life, are justified, but none more so than the fact that the turbine blades are impossible or nearly impossible to recycle, and that they need to be changed every 25 years.
Wind turbine blades are made from a mixture of glass and carbon fiber heated together with sticky epoxy resin, and these materials can’t be separated once combined, which means they go into landfills or are incinerated when they become too battered to safely operate.
GNN has reported that folks will occasionally find second-life value in these giant panels, for example in Denmark where they are turned into bike shelters. In another instance, they’re being used as pedestrian bridges.
But there are way more wind turbine blades being made every year than pedestrian bridges and bike shelters, making the overall environmental impact of wind power not all green.
“At the end of their lifecycle, most blades are buried in the ground or incinerated. This means that—at this pace—we will end up with 50 million tonnes of blade material waste by 2050,” Voodin Blade Technology’s CEO. Mr. Siekmann said recently. “With our solution, we want to help green energy truly become as green as possible.”
The last 15 years have seen rapid growth in another industry called mass timber. This state-of-the-art manufacturing technique sees panels of lumber heat-pressed, cross-laminated, and glued into a finished product that’s being used to make skyscrapers, airports, and more.
At the end of the day though, mass timber products are still wood, and can be recycled in a variety of ways.
“The blades are not only an innovative technological advancement but a significant leap toward sustainable wind production,” said Siekmann, adding that this isn’t a case of pay more to waste less; the blades cost around 20% less than carbon fiber.
Additionally, the added flexibility of wooden blades should allow for taller towers and longer blades, potentially boosting the output of turbine by accessing higher wind speeds.
Now partnered with Voodin, Senvion will begin feasibility analysis in the next few months, before official testing begins around 2027.
#good news#wind turbines#wind power#environmentalism#science#environment#fossil fuel alternatives#mass timber#recycling
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Drawing these bitches on my phone in the middle of class
#i feel like ive unlocked new powers by drawing stupid shit on my phone#shadow the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#sonadow#my art#fetti art
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SPECIAL CHAPTER RELEASE ANNOUCEMENT TOMMOROW AT 12 noon part of my birthday fanfic (also special video coming part of my 100 subs special) night
Beach TIme Chaos More ON My Page

#toh comic#toh fanart#toh oc#toh fanfic#the Owl house fanfiction#the owl house movie that’ll be canon with references to moringmark#Amphibia#sasha waybright#marcy wu#Sasha waybright#Plantars#luz noceda#making art soon#new villains#new powers#moviefic#toh kat#toh amelia#toh au#fanfiction#ao3#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer#ao3 author#fanfic#trust this moviefic im working on will be good trust believe that
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Alice Te Punga Somerville, Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised - Kupu rere kē
[ID: A poem titled: Kupu rere kē. [in italics] My friend was advised to italicise all the foreign words in her poems. This advice came from a well-meaning woman with NZ poetry on her business card and an English accent in her mouth. I have been thinking about this advice. The convention of italicising words from other languages clarifies that some words are imported: it ensures readers can tell the difference between a foreign language and the language of home. I have been thinking about this advice. Marking the foreign words is also a kindness: every potential reader is reassured that although you're expected to understand the rest of the text, it's fine to consult a dictionary or native speaker for help with the italics. I have been thinking about this advice. Because I am a contrary person, at first I was outraged — but after a while I could see she had a point: when the foreign words are camouflaged in plain type you can forget how they came to be there, out of place, in the first place. I have been thinking about this advice and I have decided to follow it. Now all of my readers will be able to remember which words truly belong in -[end italics]- Aotearoa -[italics]- and which do not.
Next image is the futurama meme: to shreds you say...]
(Image ID by @bisexualshakespeare)
#powerful right off the bat#Alice Te Punga Somerville#Always Italicise#Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised#new zealand poem#Always Italicise How to Write While Colonised#Kupu rere kē#aotearoa#quote#quotes#poem#poetry#Māori poetry#Māori#colonization#colonisation#Decolonisation#Te reo māori#Decolonization#new zealand#new zealand poetry
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Sleepy King
The Justice League Dark caught wind of a cult trying to summon the Ghost King. A being with power so terrible and great, that all of the chaotic Infinite Realms feared him. A true tyrant. Long ago it took the effort of ghosts equal to gods to seal him away into a permeant slumber.
And now this cult wishes to wake him and bring him to the living realm. It was a race against the clock to find the ritual site and all members were called on board, magic or not. Even Constantine looked stressed.
They did find the site.
But it was too late, the ritual was completed. The entire inner circle of runes glowed before being swallowed in a column of green light. The air filled with static and a ringing that made Supergirl crumble to the ground.
The light dissipated, but there was no great figure or being of pure evil. Instead there was a boy, a teenager. He laid on the ground curled up in his sleep. He was a ghost no doubt, dressed in regal clothing.
Despite this when he stirred, everyone froze. It seemed the cold hard ground woke him up. He got up slowly and yawned, revealing his sharp fangs. Once sat up he opened his bleary eyes to look around. He looked confused and tired, really tired.
"Where am I?" He mumbled. "I was trying to get some sleep." Constantine internally screaming, latches onto that last sentence. He glances over to Batman. He caught that last part too. Batman approaches calmly and crouches down in front of the boy king. Hardening his resolve, Batman takes on a gentle tone.
"Hey kiddo, sorry we woke you. Lets get you back to bed yeah?" The boy nodded in agreement. He pulled himself to his feet before looking around in a circle. "Where did my blanket go?" He asked rather sadly. Batman is quick to shed his own cape and drape it over him. "You can borrow my cape until we get you a new one." He nodded again, pulling the black fabric around himself.
John quickly summoned a portal door, while Batman led the King through it. John threw looks around at everyone. Everyone could tell he was mouthing the words. 'Find me a fucking blanket now'
Running on the logic of getting the king away from Earth, away from graves and the undead, that could give him power. The portal led to the Watch Tower.
Batman took advantage of the King's bleary state to send a base wide alert for all noncritical members to evacuate immediately. With a priority that death adjacent members leave first. "The stars are pretty." Bruce looked at the boy staring out the window in wonder. He almost looked like a normal kid, almost.
"Yeah they are, it's pretty late so we should get you back to bed." He nodded, going along with Batman's gentle coaxing.
He takes the boy to an unused bedroom. Making sure the room isn't dusty and that lights are dimmed. He glances back to see about a dozen different leaguers all holding blankets, one thought to bring extra pillows. The bed was pretty barren with only a single pillow and a thin bedsheet. So Bruce took a thick duvet, one of the fluffier blankets and a second pillow from his team before shooing them away.
The boy ended up keeping his cape, mumbling how it was warm. He tucked the boy in, before quietly exiting the room and turning off the light. He was pretty sure the King fell back to sleep before he even reached the light switch.
After the door shut, he made direct eye contact with John. "Constantine." They needed to figure out what the hell was going on.
#dcxdp#dpxdc#dp x dc#dc x dp#sleep deprived danny#All the heroes with super speed were circling the world to find the site and Supergirl found it first.#Danny assumed Pariah's title so when Pariah gets summon he ends up answering#He gets a new outfit for it too#Danny doesn't know either of those things though#He's too tired to question anything though#JLD has no idea what's happening and John is scrambling to find out#There are a bunch of theories being around#Batman is battling his urge to adopt#That's an immortal and all powerful undead ruler Bruce!
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Pickpocket for Hire
Dpxdc Prompt #61
It started off as a joke.
No really, it was something that Jason felt the Bats would laugh about, while also helping out some street kids along the way.
He put out a job for the kids of Crime Alley, anyone who could pickpocket the entire Wayne family would get all necessities paid for them by Red Hood until they turned 18.
Most kids that saw the challenge would think it was a joke.
Most kids that believed it was real would think it wasn't even worth trying.
Most kids that tried would be caught immediately, and subsequently get a meal paid for by their Wayne of choice and suddenly have some doors opened for them, because Jason knew his family and knew they had a soft spot for kids.
Except the one thing he didn't account for was Danny Fenton, who most certainly was not most kids.
#danny uses ghosty powers and his general wet cat looking-ness to pickpocket all the bats#jason did not expect any kid to actually succeed#but hey new brother alert#jason todd#danny fenton#dpxdc#dp x dc prompt#queenie-prompts
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