#numbuh alpha
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jikothemartian-z · 2 years ago
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roguephenon · 29 days ago
What’s Rachel’s job on earth post epilogue?
A professional mermaid!
Have you ever had your face painted underwater with glittery scales to match? No? Treat yourself or your little one to her one of a kind experience! Book her for an event or pool party! Kids love her!
[Log 77-Alpha-2: Galactic Command greatly appreciates Operative 362’s continued monitoring of possible multiverse fractures even with her semi-retirement from active duty. We don’t know why portals to alternate worlds like to pop up in pools, aquariums, and slip’n’slide water parks, but once we find a correlation, we can—HEY! YOU! HOW ARE YOU ON THIS FREQUENCY!? GET OFF OR I’M GONNA TATTLE ON YOU TO THE ABSOLUTE SOOPREME LEADER!!]
And when she’s not doing that, she’s working at a small law firm alongside Numbuh $1.50 an Hour and Numbuh 65.3. Gotta protect kids from corrupt adult laws and their systems. Sure, she’s not technically supposed to work for the Adult Branch, but just consider her a…special legal consultant. She has a degree!
(And thank goodness Herbie fudges paperwork for friends. Abby doesn’t mind as long as kids are safe)
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numbuh900 · 4 months ago
So I've been talking with the guys in the KND server about gknd headcannons and one guy headcannons that the surpream leader of the GKND is mind controlling their opretatives into having these extremist views.
Some say that it's kinda a cop-out way of writing, and I've thought about it, and they kinda make a fair point. It made me wanna change my approach on the GKND a little bit. The idea of the supreme leader of the gknd taking advantage of Nigel's and the other alien opretatives paranoia more interesting.
And it dose make sense, Nigel's freinds((especially Numbuh 5)) keep Nigel grounded to reality, and being away from them in space for so long, having his paranoia being encouraged and making him a shell of his former self is more intriguing.
What do you guys think? It's making me wanna change my take on the GKND a bit, stuff like Numbuh 1000-Stars being the previous leader who was actually good and Numbuh Eclipse leading rebellion operatives against Alpha-Thousand are still valid.
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midnight333-studios · 5 years ago
I kept thinking about Numbuh Alpha mind controlling Nigel through the glasses and singing Moana's 'Shiny' while fighting the KND.
I have watched Moana, but there are times I never pay attention to the songs (the only songs I have memorized are “How Far I’ll Go” of course and “You’re Welcome” because at my old school, they used to play that song in the morning. Every. Single. Day...) a lot so I had to go back and relisten to it, and I really do imagine a scene like that! I’d love to see it animated.
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gaius919 · 4 years ago
Fanfic: GKND: Operation ALPHA Ch 7, Codename: Kids Next Door | FanFiction
There's a new Sector W in the kids next door are Tommy Gilligan, Sonia, Lee and Patrick Paddy Fulbright
Numbuh T - 2x4 Technology Officer Leader
Numbuh 83 - Operative
Numbuh 84 - Operative
Numbuh 85 - 2x4 Technology Officer
Tommy Gilligan didn't retired yet but in the Galactic Kids Next Door Supreme Numbuh 5 recommissioned Numbuh T back as the new leader as 2x4 Technology Officer Leader for Sector W
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kicacris · 5 years ago
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Local Villain Lesbian arrives to antagonize Galactic Hero
My villain 10 and kicas Alpha Hero 10
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kndrules · 4 years ago
Please tell us your KND fanfic recommendations!
I dont have that many- growing up, i read a lot of fanfic but most of it was forgettable, and i stopped reading fic for many years, but i do have some
Classics that everyone has already read: Wild Birds (3/4) and 29 Tries (3/4)
I haven’t read them in a long time, but Numbuh Phenon is a legendary fic writer, and also just a stellar person ^.^
 Here’s an old DCFDTL one-shot by another old friend 
I will admit w a lot of shame that I haven’t read KicaChris’ Operation ALPHA yet, but she’s really cool and all the art shes made for it looks incredible 
New stuff I’ve read this year that I enjoyed:
That aforementioned fan fic that’s got some implications of 4/86 that actually slaps
Fic about Wally getting accepted to Harvard that I LOOOOOOOVEEEE
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moriuhoh · 6 years ago
sitting on my ass at 1am processing the fact Joseph's English dub VA in Battle Tendency also voiced:
-Numbuh 1 from Codename Kids Next Door
-Eugene from Hey Arnold
-Sai from fucking Naruto Shippuden
-APPARENTLY, Humphrey from every Alpha & Omega movie except the first one
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handmedownhat · 6 years ago
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Things to remember from this episode:
The flashback portion of this episode takes place 3 years in the past, with the previous version of Sector V(alpha) lead by Numbuh 11(Cree) made up of Numbuh 9(Maurice), the twins Numbuhs 8(A&B), and Numbuh 5. It also shows younger versions of Numbuhs 86, 362, 60, 274, and the at the time acting Soopreme Numbuh 100(Steve). Numbuhs 86, 362, and 274 are probably already moonbase personnel, but if they aren’t it would make sense for them to be Sector W because 86 and 362′s younger siblings are in it in present day. Also Fanny’s a medic.
Chickenpox eggs can be blocked by a common pillow.
They talk about chicken pox like it’s a death sentence. Since we never see the twins again did they catch it so bad they had to leave the KND?
Also the Lincoln sisters are good and supportive and I love them both very much.
This was Numbuh 5′s second mission.
In the present, it’s Maurice’s 13th birthday. He still hasn’t found the source of chicken pox. Apparently he just abandoned his team and devoted himself to this mission completely.
The teen’s chicken pox source is on an unmarked island in the ocean.
Everyone respects Maurice including 86.
Both lincoln sisters are canonically into maurice.
The UNDERPOUND 2x4 vehicle takes at least 3 operators.
Chicken pox island does indeed have a longdistance air to ground cannon for launching chicken pox missiles. Cree built the chicken pox cannon herself.
Abby’s birthday is a week after MAurice’s and she is now 11.
Also Cree’s greatest weakness is wanting to be on the same team as Abby again.  The second Abby appears to give in Cree completely loses concentration in happiness. Maurice is a TND operative and hints that there are others and that Abby is slated to join them post decommissioning.
All these teens either didn’t get chicken pox as kids or in universe it’s the kind of thing you can catch again and again like the flu.
Cree is blamed for the failure of this mission.
Stacy a local lead cheerleader is also a Teen ninja/teen villain in some capacity.
According to Abby, Maurice is the best there is.Take that Chad.
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roguephenon · 15 days ago
Do you happen to have Nigel or even Rachel headcanons for what they’re up to with the GKND? Is Nigel updated with earth stuff in the epilogue?
of course I do :3 enjoy them under the cut!
The last thing Numbuh Eleventy Billion did before passing the baton was making Nigel a COMET Agent.
Cosmic. Operative. Mitigates. Extragalactic. Trouble.
Highly respected and demanding job.
Nigel’s new duties often take him outside the Milky Way doing all kinds of stuff like re-establishing relations with neighboring galactic commands, doing high risk operatives for Universal Command, fighting the [REDACTED], the works!
He’s also gotta feed and hang out with Eleventy Billion’s axolotl friend that lives between time and space (they get lonely)
As for Rachel, after her two year probationary period, she decided to take a role as a liaison between Earth Global Command and Milky Way Galactic Command. No more needless cloak and dagger, they’re all kids with the same goal: kicking evil tyrannical adult butt.
Plus they can fudge the books and make it count as an internship credit toward her degree. Never underestimate the clerical wizardly Numbuh 65.3 can pull off for friends.
No need to update Nigel on Earth stuff in the epilogue—he’s already up to speed! (On the big stuff anyway). The new Absolute Soopreme Leader was able to ease restrictions on interstellar communications a few years into her job, and even got it where galactic operatives can have PTO (Play-Time-Off) and go home for a little while! Nigel’s case was different considering his new rank, but even he found time to pop in for a weekend for important things.
When Marsbase Alpha opened up, he stepped down from COMET rank and was the Marsbase Drill Instructor Soopreme until he retired!
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numbuh900 · 1 year ago
I drew these three big important GKND oc's a while ago but I had to come up with their bio's.
These three operatives are members of a race of aliens made from celestial energy that have very powerful abilities. They all have no idea about their origins as they were abandoned at an intergalactic orphanage.
They live for a pretty long time, and they age slower than humans. The three opretatives have been around for many, many years, but are still biologically young.
Powers: flying, cosmic energy manipulation,extreme durability, telekinesis, super strength, star creation, shape shifting.
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Numbuh 1000-Stars and her sister Numbuh Eclipse
Numbuh 1000-Stars AKA (Sonny)
Age:(13 in Celestialoid years)
She was once the former Supreme Leader and founder of the Galactic Kids Next Door, Sonny was a fair, fun, and kind leader who would always try peaceful solutions before fighting.
She would use her powers to gift children of many planets in the universe with the knowledge on how to rise up against evil adult's and even wrote the book of KND to begin with then hid it in the planet Earth thousands of years ago, so that the children of that planet could fight for kids rights.
On the day she turned into a teenager, she let Numbuh Alpha-Thousand be in charge because they've been best friends for a long time, and they trusted each other. unfortunately, Sonny had no idea about her freinds extremist views and had no idea that Alpha-Thousand had more extreme ways of handling adult tyranny.
Numbuh Eclipse** AKA (Lucy)
Age:(8 in Celestialoid years)
The sister of Numbuh 1000-Stars and leader of the secret rebellion against the current leader of the GKND, ever since her sister's decommissioning she's been going all around the galaxy for the parts to make a recommissioning device so she can revive 1000-Stars memories and tell her about what Numbuh Alpha-Thousand has been doing behind her back.
Lucy is a wild, free spirite who is very emotional. She has a hard time controlling her celestial powers and is fascinated with all life through the universe. seeing Numbuh Alpha-Thousand use the gknd to wipe out life breaks her heart to no end, so she decides to help the Earth Kids Next Door put an end to Alpha-Thousand's tyranny once and for all.
And now for who I believe Is the true big bad guy in Galactic Kids Next Door.....
Numbuh Alpha-Thousand (Aurora)
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Age:(12 in Celestialoid years)
Numbuh Alpha-Thousand is current soopreem leader of the GKND. After Numbuh 1000-Stars left, Alpla-Thousand would take their place but she had more nefarious views as she belived the organization wasn't efficient enough in stopping adult tyranny so she took things to the extreme level by wanting to wipe off adults off the face of the universe.
She's been using alien technology along with manipulation tactics to brainwash Nigel and the other GKND operatives into believing in her extremist views, and anyone who stands up to her will be severely punished. She's cruel, vindictive, bratty, and a true dictator.........but she wasn't always this way.
Way back in the good old days, Aurora and Sonny were best friends growing up in the orphanage, planning missions, fighting intergalactic villains together. She was a rough and tumble gal with a big heart..........until one dark day they've faced the universe's biggest and most horrible hating supervillain who had Aurora captured, had something that would neutralize her powers and had endlessly tortured her for so long until the Galactic Kids Next Door came to rescue her.
That horrible day had scarred that girl so badly that it sparked her desire to get rid of all adults in the universe no matter what, she waited until after 1000-Stars got too old to stay in the GKND in order to start her plans as she knew her best friend would never resort to her extremist views.
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kicacris · 2 years ago
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Mark your calendars operatives!
"GKND: Operation ALPHA" is officially returning next December 25th!
Happy holidays everyone! :D
Follow “GKND Operation A.L.P.H.A.”
AO3 | Fanfiction.net |  Spotify Playlist | Twitter | IG | Tumblr | KicaCris’s Kofi
Story & Art by Cris Carvalho (@KicaCris) “KND Codename: Kids-Next-Door” original series and characters belong to Cartoon Network and Mr. Warburton
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midnight333-studios · 5 years ago
When Chubbs was held hostage by Numbuh Alpha, Nigel begged her not to kill him and say that 'he was the only one he ever loved in his life' all while his friends, Leon and brother were right behind him.
Wally: Weeehehelll, fuck. You. Too.
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spiderlassie · 10 years ago
Who do you think would be Hoskins?
Hm… Maybe Alpha? I don’t know.
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kicacris · 3 years ago
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"How well do you know your other family side, Numbuh 1?"
Art and story by Cris Carvalho, 2022
Reblog! Don´t repost
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kicacris · 3 years ago
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Working on a much simpler cartoon look for Alpha and Omega because their original concepts seemed still too complex for an average 2D animated look xD gonna make the eyes bigger for the nebula twins
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