phenon gone rogue
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roguephenon · 2 hours ago
“It’s so Miss Frizzle”
Okay, so, you’re gonna laugh when I tell you what her husband does/drives at his day job 👀
And we close out another Black History Month with the current Supervisor of the KND Adult Branch herself!!
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Things sure get crazy when empowering kids but also subtly making sure they don’t blow themselves up. But that’s why her office has two candy bowels: one for visitors, and the secret stash just for herself in a pinch.
(my adult design for Abby done once again by @pichichustudios they’re amazing 💖)
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roguephenon · 8 hours ago
On an unrelated note, I was doing a rewatch the other day and I couldn’t help but be genuinely curious as to what Kani’s job seems to be?? I always assumed that it could be in the food industry but cooking could be a hobby for him. He seems to at least be at home more than Genki so it probably isn’t that demanding. It’s either a more regular office job or translator or something niche like idk writing or editing those kinda depressing Japanese contemporary novels?
I’m not going to lie, I’ve racked my brain over this and still to this day can’t get a vibe on what his job would be. Maybe he just doesn’t have one.
At the same time, that doesn’t completely sit right for me either.
In the end I chalk it up to one of those bits that doesn’t need an answer? There’s a lot surrounding him already lol. He genuinely could be a house husband which could tie in to a lot of neurosis he displays. And that is putting it lightly.
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roguephenon · 8 hours ago
Round 2 -- FIGHT 🗣️
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Bonus Silly Fun OC Time
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Please I ADORE Mr. Warburton's villains
So peak 😭😭
Just a WIP for now~
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roguephenon · 13 hours ago
And we close out another Black History Month with the current Supervisor of the KND Adult Branch herself!!
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Things sure get crazy when empowering kids but also subtly making sure they don’t blow themselves up. But that’s why her office has two candy bowls: one for visitors, and the secret stash just for herself in a pinch.
(my adult design for Abby done once again by @pichichustudios they’re amazing 💖)
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roguephenon · 13 hours ago
Finally here with the start of my Kuki and DCFDTL analysis
Pt. 1: On the portrayal of the characters 
In this essay, I talk about how Kuki and the delightful children in your fic play a huge role in exploring the theme of what it means to grow up in the “right way”. This is done in tandem with Nigel’s own journey of the hard choices you need to make in doing so. Before I begin, I will take this moment to gush about the characters separately. And can I just say that I absolutely love the way you write Kuki because you’re one of the few people that actually Get It. She’s always been a fave of mine because she was like my first instance of Asian rep in children’s media. Out of all the sector v kids, she was the only one who I felt embraced the being a kid aspect more. Maybe it came across as not taking things as serious especially when you compare her with characters like Nigel whose taking it so serious he’s like a mini James Bond. But honestly she’s simply a gal with a lot of whimsy still in her and is sometimes cheeky abt it. I know I’m probably reading too much into it (which is funny cuz that’s literally what I’ve been doing in your ask box now that I think abt it oops) but I always had this lil hc that she’s aware, at some level, of her position as the youngest and the fact that there’s a looming deadline on staying a kid with her friends. She would be the only member of sector v left as everyone would’ve moved on without her (good lord she might even go thru the decom process alone too). & I rlly related to that as a kid who knew that she’d have to sit thru extra tutorial sessions & extracurriculars the moment I hit a certain age. So she probs deals with that by living each day like a surprise party is coming. 
In your fic, I liked that she was the first person Nigel sees again since OP Interviews. It immediately gives the readers the impression of “Oh something definitely changed.” Was that intentional? It carries the same feeling of going back to a childhood haunt and it not feeling the same which what a way to plant the seeds of the themes and all. And her being the Soopreme leader is so (chef’s kiss). If there’s one thing abt me that I’m sure of is that I would always support a char that everyone underestimates ☝️. I always hated the fact that she has always been described as the “flirt” in most supplemental material like WHERE?? Like sure she mostly just gets carried away cuz she’d rather have fun elsewhere that’s my undiagnosed inattentive adhd rep right there. But as I was reading this fic, I could see that you have given her character justice since chap 2. It really came full circle when you had Genki reveal why Kuki got her name. You took something that, in meta and in Canon, had been used as a comedic gag/diss against her (her airheadedness) and you reframed it into something meaningful that captures her character succinctly—a breath of fresh air. I gasped out loud reading it at like 1 am in my timezone. You absolutely got it. I know that you technically did the same with the other characters (and yes there’s much I can also gushbabout that) but this instance in particular rlly got to me as someone who was a fan of this character since I was like 10 myself. 
In a fic with a premise like this that has the stakes raised significantly higher, it would’ve been easy and expected to have the cheerful character turn jaded and serious. And there are instances of this being true like Kuki essentially having to step up and rlly mature into a role with significant generational emotional baggage to it. A literal cursed atlas burden even. But what I like about your portrayal is that you have Kuki herself realise that yes, she was thrusted into a role that’s absolutely bananas but she can still make a banana split with it, y’know? She can be capable and more responsible but still have the capacity in her heart to hold on to that child-like wonder. She can put the needs of kids above her own and still find a way to put her loved ones first, rules be damned. Sometimes you can have your cake AND eat it too (pun definitely intended). I liked how you framed her as the last supreme leader cuz I always saw it as her being the first supreme leader to break free of the tragic cycle that comes from the role.  
Which brings me to my next topic…The Doomed by the Narrative Children from Down the Lane. Coming soon in an ask box near you!
🥹🥹🥹 I’m so flattered to receive such an essay, this has been bringing joy you have no idea.
I’m also so happy to hear you enjoyed my portrayal of Kuki and it resonated with you. She’s always been a fave of mine too, even when I was a kid watching the show! She holds an even deeper meaning to me now, which is why one main thing I needed to do when coming back to finish this was to give her story (and by extension her family) a resolution that did them justice.
And if you’re reading too much into things with that HC then I suppose I am as well because I have a similar one!!! It’s definitely something I keep myself aware of when writing her character. Especially here for this big finale.
I started this fic almost 15 years ago so it’s hard to say what my exact goals were, but I like to think it was intentional to give younger-kid me grace! Despite obvious changes over time, from draft 1 Kuki was ALWAYS meant to be the first one Nigel meets upon returning to Earth and she was always meant to be the Supreme Leader. “Somewhere Only We Know” was a song that inspired a lot of the initial creation of this fic and I definitely think I wanted to weave some of that bittersweet feeling into the narrative, even all the way back then.
It’s also why sector V never fully returns to their treehouse until the very end but that’s a whole other thing haha.
I feel similar feelings on the whole “Flirt” aspect too, don’t worry. I both understand it and not understand it at the same time, but did my best to tackle it anyway!
It would’ve been easy to make her jaded. It would’ve easy, expected, and I think at one point maybe I almost did it. But things that are really worthwhile don’t come easy and I’m glad I remembered that in the end. I try and sum it up the best I can with her last heart to heart moment with Nigel.
Everyone, and Kuki herself even, thinks her whimsy and happiness is a mask. I just wanted to propose that’s just a silly, limiting story she’s been conditioned into believing from both in-canon and fandom meta perspective.
I HAVE to get into characters heads to convey their story. That’s something a mentor pointed out to me once and told me to embrace. So, this is going to sound silly, but I let Kuki write what she believed is the true ending to her story, and that speech to Nigel is what she chose. At least, my interpretation of her. Everyone has a different perspective!
Sorry if that sounded so sappy 😅
But again, thank you so so much for this. I gladly look forward to future essays, they’re amazing 🥹
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roguephenon · 13 hours ago
Do you happen to have Nigel or even Rachel headcanons for what they’re up to with the GKND? Is Nigel updated with earth stuff in the epilogue?
of course I do :3 enjoy them under the cut!
The last thing Numbuh Eleventy Billion did before passing the baton was making Nigel a COMET Agent.
Cosmic. Operative. Mitigates. Extragalactic. Trouble.
Highly respected and demanding job.
Nigel’s new duties often take him outside the Milky Way doing all kinds of stuff like re-establishing relations with neighboring galactic commands, doing high risk operatives for Universal Command, fighting the [REDACTED], the works!
He’s also gotta feed and hang out with Eleventy Billion’s axolotl friend that lives between time and space (they get lonely)
As for Rachel, after her two year probationary period, she decided to take a role as a liaison between Earth Global Command and Milky Way Galactic Command. No more needless cloak and dagger, they’re all kids with the same goal: kicking evil tyrannical adult butt.
Plus they can fudge the books and make it count as an internship credit toward her degree. Never underestimate the clerical wizardly Numbuh 65.3 can pull off for friends.
No need to update Nigel on Earth stuff in the epilogue—he’s already up to speed! (On the big stuff anyway). The new Absolute Soopreme Leader was able to ease restrictions on interstellar communications a few years into her job, and even got it where galactic operatives can have PTO (Play-Time-Off) and go home for a little while! Nigel’s case was different considering his new rank, but even he found time to pop in for a weekend for important things.
When Marsbase Alpha opened up, he stepped down from COMET rank and was the Marsbase Drill Instructor Soopreme until he retired!
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roguephenon · 2 days ago
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I’m a star! A star!
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roguephenon · 3 days ago
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A joke 13 years too late.
If this has been done already, I am not sorry.
If you don't get it... oh my GLOB you're YOUNG! /silly
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roguephenon · 3 days ago
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(thank you so much to @kommandonuovidiavoli for the gift art 🥹)
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roguephenon · 4 days ago
Ohh that’s an interesting headcanon! And yes, I agree, Rachel and Abby definitely would’ve been galactic operative material cuz of their respective skill sets. What qualities do you think Infinity saw in the other members of sector V that made him consider including them for assessment? Did the others (Rachel included) get those “evaluation” dreams like in Operation Whitehouse?
Hoagie’s knack for imaginative innovation, Wally’s audacious tenacity in the face of unpossible odds, Kuki’s kindness and willingness to find another way, and Abby’s staunch drive to protect any kid, no matter who they are. 
Nah, they didn’t. That was because Infinity and 74.239 just-so happened to be on the Moonbase the same time Nigel got rolled in after being knocked out by a Potty Bomb.
Seeing Nigel reminded Infinity he’s been procrastinating on the whole test Numbuh 1’s loyalty thing and went, “Oh, right. Uh, we got about, what…ten minutes? Go get the Happy Headband and make something up.”
Improv is Infinity’s middle name.
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roguephenon · 4 days ago
How's Vin Moosk after the events of Cold Reception? Does he make his own team of tie hunters one day?
Also, glad you added him in the story. He's such an underrated character!
While assembling a sooper awesome team would be epic, Moosk has retired from tie hunting. He has new mission now, protecting the [REDACTED] until he breathes his very last!
Is full-time duty! Life vow! He promised little Comrade 3!!!
(…okay, maybe he still tie hunts a little bit. But only on weekends. Honest!)
He tried the online dating, but turns out it was a sting from Accounting and Son to trick him back into working. With a non-compete clause!!
No one catfishes Vin Moosk! Fool him once, shame on you. Try it twice? DOUBLE SHAME!WITH A HARTY EVIL-BUTTKICKING!!!
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roguephenon · 4 days ago
I know that the GKND earth operative was always going to be Nigel but aside from Chad, do you think anyone else came close? What about within sector V? On the opposite end of the spectrum, who was the first member of sector v to be eliminated from consideration at all? Obvious answer to me would obviously be Wally but mostly cuz I feel like his earthly attachments would rlly outweigh having to follow alien rules lmao.
In my heart of hearts, I like to think Rachel and Abby were candidates in the show. But I definitely feel that IT would’ve been the deciding factor for Rachel getting skipped over. Even tho she reclaimed her title in the end, I don’t think “quitting being Supreme Leader after you willingly became Supreme Leader” would look good on the Galactic Operative resume.
In my headcanon, Infinity considered all of sector V for various reasons. At first he was focused on Nigel, but something made him decide to test waters and assess the rest.
Each one of them was seriously considered and not dismissed right away, but Earthly attachments played a factor.
As for who would be eliminated first? I’ll actually have to think about that lol. Especially considering how I write Infinity in my headcanons
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roguephenon · 4 days ago
spoilers past this point again!!!!!
To add to my previous ask: I imagine Kuki’s screamo music to be like Ado’s in a way particularly with songs like “Useewa” or “Tot Musica” cuz they also urge rebellion. I also recommend the English dub cover by Amalee! Since I also watched anime in the 2010’s like you, songs by K-On’s Death Devil & akiakane’s screamo vocaloid song covers also suit her vibe ^^
And thank you for your equally lovely replies!! I used to be a shy lurker back when I was getting into fandoms when I was younger so I kinda make up for it now by immediately letting a creator know I like their work. 14 year old me would’ve been at that review box every chap like I’m making a book report if I were allowed to make my own fanfic dot net acc back then (or at least if I knew how haha).
Kuki’s songs definitely urge rebellion, which is the point! She a villain but a fake one so we subtly empower kids and teens thru music.
Her debut was “Backlight”.
Your questions have been great! I totally get the shy lurker phase. I love engaging questions and analysis so always feel free to send them! I think that goes for any creator tho. We love it when people engage with stuff we create :3
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roguephenon · 4 days ago
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Genderbend Kick and Gunther!
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roguephenon · 5 days ago
Spoilers past this point!!!!!!!!!
Now that’s out of the way, I just want to say wow what a journey that has been. Truly. I was gonna go over the previous chapters to make a more through analysis but I just couldn’t help myself and devoured almost everything! 😭Before I unpack the rest, I’m just gonna zero in on the TND roles everyone got. Like yesss Abby making waves for teen-kid relations. Wally as a body guard/medic (btw good job planting the seed of his future career there. Ngl I was surprised abt it when it was revealed in OP interviews but once I got over the surprise, it just makes sense for me and is truly a marker of his char development that he went from being so game to throw hands to directing that energy towards healing others). Hoagie still being able to build what he wants (tho it’s bittersweet that he wouldn’t be able to do it for long with his mom. I hope they had the chance to build the coolest stuff. Is Tommy in the know about that? Or?). 
And ahhh Kuki’s TND role took me by surprise the most tbh but I am much more excited for it. I know that the preppy cheerleader Kuki hc has been around forever but her having to adopt a goth villain persona is so interesting actually. I liked that you framed it as not necessarily being another case of pretending/suppressing herself like she used to but rather a new way to channel her energy/ another aspect of herself to explore? If I’m not mistaken. I can totally see her theatre side being kinda into it. I also find it interesting that she and Wally kinda reversed roles kinda since she’s the double agent this time. Do you think he gives her pointers on fake terrorising kids? Do they workshop plans? Does he attend the goth screamo concerts? I know Hoagie would probably help with the show-y/technical theatrics of it all. Overall, a very refreshing direction
I’m glad you enjoyed the journey! And never worry about sending in analysis. It encourage it and look forward to it :3
Coming up with their future roles was fun, and I had the exact same thoughts on Wally. The whole “fighter to healer” sort of arc fits him imo. And Hoagie and Betty got to make a few cool things together. And of course Tommy is in the know! How else is supposed to be an outside check and balance to the KND if he’s not in on their latest tech developments?
I love preppy cheerleader HCs for Kuki, but I also love exploring different avenues and taking the path less trodden. All their roles were set in stone once the ending was established, but Kuki’s more so. It’s definitely just another way for her to express herself to get in touch with her true self and also set the pace for healing familial relations thru music (even if it’s done off screen).
Wally definitely tries to give pointers and helps when he can, and never misses a show! Hoagie is always on call for tech support, but Kuki eventually finds her own rhythm and flow to things. 
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roguephenon · 5 days ago
If sector v were benders in the atla verse, what type of benders would they be? Also, hope you have a good rest of your day!
Going by my pure instinct and no further thoughts behind the reasoning:
Hoagie and Kuki: Air.
Nigel and Abby: Water.
Wally: Earth.
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roguephenon · 5 days ago
So, bit of a weird question. But, since I follow the fic in ffnet, and I have the ffnet app on my phone I regularly receive notifications of chapter updates and stuff, and I've grown curious about what are those about
I imagine it's mostly some orthographical my
Hmmm, no idea! Tho in my experience, the app’s always been buggy. I get double notified of things every time.
It probably is just me noticing a small error and getting the urge to correct it. But I haven’t done that in almost a month.
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