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katasstrophic-arts · 2 years ago
In Bloom pt. 2
Sebastian x F!Farmer
pt. 1
Content - angst comfort, fluff, pregnancy, unnamed farmer, no y/n, Mild sexual topics
1.8k words
Later, after the sun has set you and Sebastian head to leave the Flower Dance. The both of you are promptly swarmed by people giving you their last congratulations of the day and asking some final questions. You’re happy to talk to everyone and answer with a smile but then questions begin to get more long term and topics you haven’t discussed with Sebastian yet. “Do you plan to use disposable or cloth diapers?”, “How do you plan to handle late night baby shifts?”, “Will you start a scrapbook?”, “How comfortable will you be with the baby around the farm animals and pets?”, “Do you want to have more children?”
Sebastian leaves most of the questions to you and nods along to your vague answers. But now he can tell exhaustion is starting to set in for you. He shoos away any more questions and ushers you back to the farm.
When you enter the house you take a vibrant purple and white flower out of the crown on your head and press it in a book in your living room. You make a mental note when you see Sebastian pass you carrying his laptop when you go to enter the bedroom. Finally in your sanctuary you shuck off the stuffy shoes and dress from the event. You perform your nightly routine and put on some comfy shorts and one of Sebastian’s shirts. As you’re about to climb into bed you realize Sebastian hasn’t come back into your shared bedroom. It’s only around 10 o’clock and Sebastian has been known to stay up late into the night, but town festivals usually prompt him to go to bed immediately afterwards. 
You walk back into the living room to find your husband sitting on the couch. He has already removed his suit jacket but is still in his dress shirt and slacks, hunched over his laptop on the coffee table. 
“Hun, what are you doing?” You ask.
“Oh, uhh. I’m just looking up some stuff.” He sheepishly replies to you. You look over his shoulder and see a page open for ‘Tips for Expecting Fathers’. “I wanted to find out what more I can do for you. I just feel so useless right now.”
Sebastian hasn’t been a helicopter spouse through your pregnancy so far. He trusts that you know your limits and will listen to Harvey’s orders. The only thing Sebastian has been insistent on has been not going into the mines and splitting the farm work. You still care for the animals, he helps you plant and water the crops, and you point out what is ready to harvest so he can collect them and put them in the shipping bin that Alex comes to collect each night.
Sitting down next to him you stroke his hair as he continues, “I mean, I’m paying attention at all the appointments with Harvey but it’s all advice for you. You’re growing a whole damn human and all I can do is bring you things and make sure you’re comfortable.”
Leaning into him you wrap your arms around his shoulders from the side, “Come to bed, love. Let’s talk tonight but we can do this later." You gesture to his laptop screen. He continues scrolling to a tip that recommends ‘General childbirth classes should be taken late second trimester to early third trimester’. “See, we have at least a month before we have to think about taking classes.”
Closing his laptop, he helps you stand and walks to the bedroom with you. You settle in bed as you watch him shed his formal attire. A heat begins to pool in you as more of his creamy, pale skin is revealed but you push it down, knowing that you need to have a serious conversation. After his nightly routine he hangs up the vibrant blue suit and flumps into his side of the bed in his boxers and an undershirt. 
“How are you feeling now?” You prompt.
He exhales, running a hand through his hair, “I don’t know. I guess a lot of it hadn’t really settled in yet. Everyone asking all those questions today made me realize how little I know.”
“Our decisions on how to raise them can be made later. And our opinions could change so we don’t have to lock anything down yet.” You try to reassure him.
“And like you said before this happened earlier than we planned. If this had gone to plan around now would be when we’d just be finding out you’re pregnant. I know that I love you and I want this baby, but becoming a father is… it’s just something new.” He takes a deep breath. “Now that everyone in town knows it’s really starting to hit me, and I have no idea what I’m doing.” He tenses and throws his arms up before reaching up to rub his face, stressed. “When Maru was born I was five but Demetrius didn’t let me do anything and it stayed that way. And I wasn’t really involved with Vincent until he was about 3, and that was just babysitting duty with Sam at the beach or the park. So right now I’m just trying my best to be supportive of you because I know this is taking a lot out of you.”
“And I really appreciate all you’re doing. Giving me massages and working in the fields while you still have your own projects.” You say, attempting to reassure him.
“I’ve been cutting back on the projects actually. My clients probably think I’m just going through another depressive episode.” He sits up in bed, his hands flying to his head as his eyes glaze in panic. “And I just read that fathers can also get postpartum depression! Oh Yoba! What if I…”
“Hey, hey! You won’t.” You reassure him, slowly sitting up next to him and carding your fingers into his hair, a trick that usually calms him down. “And if it does happen we’ll figure it out together. We’re doing this together. Always remember that.” 
You mentally kick yourself for not seeing all these troubles have been building in his mind. Sebastian has always found your emotions easy to read but he still keeps his cards close to his chest. It usually comes out in evening conversations like this one but this spring has been very busy and you’ve been so tired by the end of the day that you haven’t been able to have them lately. Your stomach is doing flops, regretful to see your husband in such a state but… Hang on… You quickly grab his hand and place it on your stomach. 
There it is, the light fluttering you’ve been feeling lately. Sebastian finally looks at you, his eyes grow wide and his face changes from panic to shock to awe. “Thats…”
“Our baby.” You say resolutely. The movements continue and you smile lovingly at your husband, whose gaze is now firmly locked on your belly. “They’ve never moved this much. They must like your voice.”
Sebastian continues stroking your belly as the fluttering comes to an end. “Hey there. Nice to finally meet you. I’m your Papa.”
“Thought I’d try it out.” He leans in and gives you a tender kiss. Laying you both back down facing each other he continues to roam your body with his hands. “Yoba, I love you. Both of you. So, so much.”
“And we love you too.” You share a warm smile with him. Placing your hand on his over your bump.
“I know I’ve heard their heartbeat at the clinic and seen you growing but this is…” Sebastian closes his eyes and soaks in this moment of adoration. “I swear I’m gonna put in more effort. The farm work felt inevitable just from living here and of course I want my wife to be comfortable so I don’t mind giving you massages.” He locks eyes with you unshaking. “But I’m gonna put in the real work. I’ll pound on Pierre’s door at any hour until he lets me in to get whatever you’re craving. I’ll help my mom build the nursery. I’ll cook you meals according to Harvey’s dietary plans and finally remember to leave out the coffee.” Tears start spilling over your eyes through his proclamations. “And I’ll hold you close through all your mood swings.”
He does just that and wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you tight against his body. One of your hands moves around his waist while the other goes to your face to try and stifle your tears. Yet all of the emotions from today start to settle in and you are fully sobbing now. Sebastian places a kiss on top of your head that’s now resting against his chest before speaking in a hushed tone into your hair. “What’s on your mind, love. Talk to me.”
Through your sniffles you manage to say “Everyone is just so supportive and nice.”
“What did you expect? You’ve been the same to all of them since the day you moved here.”
Finally getting your tears under control. “It’s just… I’m so happy I moved here. That I met you and everyone in the valley.”
“I don’t know how I ever got you to fall for a schmuck like me.” Sebastian quips.
“Because under that edgy loner persona you really are a thoughtful, caring person.” You pull back to look into his eyes. “You learned to play the keyboard when Sam wanted to start the band. When you used to smoke by the lake you would bring an ashtray so the ashes wouldn’t get in the water. You rescued an injured frog and built a whole terrarium for them so you could nurse them back to health.” Sebastian looks away sheepishly through your praise of him, a light blush covers his nose and cheeks. “And you’ve done your best to quit smoking since we got married because you wanted to live a long life with me.” Your hand moves to your stomach again. “With us.”
Sebastian’s blush deepens “The valley used to feel so drab and meaningless, but you brought light here for me again. I often felt unappreciated at home… but I really feel like I belong here with you.”
The fluttering begins in your belly again, you both look down to where your bodies are pressed against one another. Sebastian somehow manages to pull you tighter against him
He continues. “To be honest, I never thought I'd end up in this situation… Married and a kid on the way. Now that I'm here, I like it… With you I'm excited about the future again. Thank you for giving me a family of my own and making me feel welcome in the valley.”
The two of you stay like that for a while, holding each other close and trading compliments. Both of you hoping to feel the movement in your belly again. Eventually you resign that it won’t be happening again tonight and let yourself fall into sleep. 
You dream of the Flower Dance. However this time you’re not dancing with your husband but with a small unknown child with dark hair and your smile.
AN: I am so so sorry this took so long to get out. I swear this was 80% written when I posted pt. 1 but life gets in the way. 
I did an unnecessary amount of research on pregnancy while writing this. My housemate would be so concerned if she saw my search history…
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katasstrophic-arts · 2 years ago
In Bloom pt. 1
Sebastian x F!Farmer
Content - Pure Fluff, pregnancy announcement, unnamed farmer, no y/n, Mild sexual discussions
1.7k words
“Ready to go?” Sebastian asks as he leans into the bathroom where you were preparing yourself. 
“Just about, yes.” you say as you straighten out your dress over your stomach. Recently your bump has gone from ‘a little weight gain’ to ‘probably pregnant’. So you and your husband have decided to make an official announcement. Your immediate families already know. Maru was overjoyed to find out she would be an aunt at the clinic. A few days later you arranged a family dinner to break the news to the rest of Sebastian’s family. Robin was absolutely buzzing about planning the nursery layout, but has begrudgingly agreed to wait for you to make your announcement.
Today at the Flower Dance, everyone in town should know of your pregnancy by the end of the day. Your dress features a high waistline that leaves little to the imagination on your condition. At four months, you’re not huge but have rounded into pregnancy.
Sebastian wraps his arms around you from behind, his hands resting on your lower stomach. He leans down to press a kiss on your shoulder before resting his chin there “Ready to be the talk of the town?” he asks with a faint blush.
“I’m already the talk of the town.” you say turning to wind your arms around his neck. “This will just be more fuel for the fire”
“Great, just what I want. More people talking to me, asking me questions.” Sebastian throws his head back dramatically.
“I’m sure Abby and Sam screaming will be more than enough of an announcement.” You pull his head down and kiss his cheek.
Hand in hand you make your way to the clearing in Cindersap Forest. As you approach Sebastian takes a deep breath and offers you his elbow. “Ready?”
“Ready!” you state proudly looping your arms together.
Walking into the clearing you see that everyone is already engaged in conversations with their friends and family. Aside from Pierre who stands behind his booth as usual.
“Hiya Farmer, Sebastian!” He waves in greeting. Noticing your appearance “Hold on. You’re…”
You gently shush him and continue towards the back corner of the field along the river where Sam and Abigail agreed to meet you.
“Hey guys!” Abigail shouts as she notices the two of you and waves you over. Her gaze drifts down as her eyes widen and jaw drops. “Wait. Is that…”
Your hand drifts up to your bump, smiling.
“Yeah” Sebastian says, breaking the tension.
Abigail shrieks and runs into your arms. Sam bounds over and pulls Sebastian into a big hug, lifting him off his feet. Sebastian huffs as the air is squeezed out of him.
“Hey don’t break him. I need his help.” you scold.
“How the hell did you hide this from us?” Sam barks loudly. Setting Sebastian down and moving over to place his hands on your belly.
“Shapewear and loose clothes do miracles.” 
You glance around the clearing to see that all eyes have drifted to this corner. Robin’s face has lit up and is practically jumping for joy as she begins energetically talking to Jodi and Caroline. You shoot an ‘I told you so’ look at your husband.
“You guys are really having a baby?! This is so exciting! Congratulations guys!” Sam squeals.
“Thank you.” you both say.
After continuing to talk to your friends for a few more minutes you squeeze Sebastian’s hand and say “Well, I’m gonna make the rounds.”
Surprisingly, he pulls you into a deep kiss. He has never been one for PDA, but today elation has allowed him to overcome his discomforts. Your eyebrows are raised when you part and he smiles tenderly at you, whispering “Good luck. Try not to get swarmed.”
You reply with a peck to his lips. Leaving Sebastian with a snickering Abigail and loose jawed Sam. You walk back along the river approaching Elliot and Leah.
“My, my! I believe congratulations are in order!” Elliot booms, animatedly throwing his arms in the air. He takes a step towards you, extending a hand towards your bump. “May I?”
“Yes, and thank you.” He gently places his palm on your bump and sighs “There hasn’t been much movement yet, sorry.” As if on cue a light fluttering is felt through your lower abdomen. Both his and your eyebrows shoot up. “Well, congratulations. You’re the first person to feel them move.”
“Sebastian hasn’t felt it yet?” He glances over at your husband.
You sigh “No, it only started recently. So far it’s so infrequent and quick right now that he hasn’t been close enough when it does happen. One time he almost knocked over the TV stand when I called him over.”
“Aww, who would’ve thought he’d be such a softie.” Leah coos.
You look back at your husband, making eye contact with him. The two of you share a warm smile as he continues to talk with his friends. 
“I’ve never seen Sebastian smile this much at the Flower Dance.” Leah comments. “Congratulations, really. I’m so happy for both of you.” She clasps both your hands in hers.
You continue your parade to the rest of the villagers. Robin, Jodi, and Caroline say to come to them if you have any questions, concerns, or just need to vent. Emily says your baby has a calm but warm energy to them. Shane recommends a parenting book he recently picked up, it’s for older children but he says you’ll need it sooner than you think. Gus offers to arrange a meal prep for you when you’re closer to delivery. Penny offers to babysit if we ever need a day to ourselves. And Evelyn is thrilled to see the community growing. All in all, it was a lot of “I’m about four months along”, “We’re waiting a bit to find out the sex”, “They’re due early to mid fall”, “We’ve split most of the farm work so I’m not overworking myself”, “Yes, we’re very excited”. After all of the well wishes and tummy touches your social battery is pretty drained.
You meander your way back to your husband and slump into his side “I am here to share the congratulations of the entire town with you and ask you to dance.”
He chuckles, “Well, how could I say no to that request?” wrapping an arm around your shoulders he pulls you closer to his side then guides you to the buffet to sit down for a bit.
A short while later Lewis announces the dance is starting. The pairs make their way to the center of the field and suddenly you begin to feel self-conscious. You smooth the dress over your stomach and take a deep breath, knowing all eyes are on you today. Sebastian holds you close and whispers “Hey, did I mention you look great today.” You look up into his eyes, “Like drop-dead gorgeous, I’d say.”
You puff out a soft laugh and feel nothing but the love radiating from this man. Your husband. The father of your child. He can read you like a book and clear your anxiety away in just a handful of words. At this point you don’t care if you mess up the dance, all you care about is being in the arms of the man you love. 
“And you look like a blueberry in that jumpsuit.” You poke back at him. He groans and throws his head back. “I just mean you look sweet.” You rearrange his hair and rest your hand on his cheek. Covering your hand with his he plants a soft kiss in your palm.
The music starts and you begin waltzing around the clearing.
“So Sam is betting that it’s a boy, and Abigail bets on a girl.” Sebastian comments.
“Oh Yoba, they’ll never change. They bet on when we’d get together, who would propose, and I’m sure they bet on when I’d get pregnant.” You chuckle. “Who won by the way?”
“Sam did, he thought we’d be at it like rabbits but Abigail thought you’d want to have the baby in winter.”
“Let’s not tell her that was the original plan. Unfortunately someone got too excited.”
“Hey!” Sebastian feigned offense.
“I mean the baby was excited to get here.” You twirl away smiling.
Another jump is felt in your belly and when you come back together a glum look is on your face. Sebastian picks up on your dispirited appearance and stiffens in his movements.  “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” he worries.
“No, no. I’m fine.” you reassure him. “But I hate to tell you that… Elliot felt the baby move”
He breathes out in frustration, “Dammit.” His grip tightens on your waist. “That’s it, I’m not leaving your side until I feel them move.”
“Wait for the dance to be over first, dork.” You say twirling away one last time.
The dance concludes and the crowd applauds, you look over to see Robin with a camera recording the whole time. Glancing at Sebastian who shrugs in a ‘what did you expect’ way. You realize he kept you in conversation through the dance to keep your mind off the crowd, probably for himself too. He leads you back to the buffet to take a seat. Your feet are starting to kill you by now. Some pickles sound good right about now as well. Sebastian starts idly rubbing circles on your back knowing you’ve had soreness lately.
Mayor Lewis steps forward to the center of the field and announces Haley has won the title of Flower Queen yet again. She takes the flower crown from him but instead of placing it on her head she begins walking away. 
“I think we all know who deserves it this year.” making a straight path to you “On behalf of the entire town, congratulations!” She smiles, placing the flower crown on your head. The crowd erupts in cheers and your eyes begin to well with tears as you pull her into a tight hug. You’ve gotten along well enough with Haley but she has never done anything so outright kind for you. “I don’t know how you got through today in those shoes.” She whispers in your ear.
“Oh, they’re coming off as soon as possible now.” You laugh, wiping away some tears.
Pt. 2
AN: Oh Yoba I needed to stop looking at this and just post it. This is my first fic I’ve had the guts to post anywhere so constructive criticism is appreciated. Praise is appreciated as well.
I was looking up dresses for my cousin’s wedding and found some maternity dresses that inspired me to write this…
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katasstrophic-arts · 2 years ago
Imma just
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My joy
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katasstrophic-arts · 2 years ago
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Not me who has been teasing other Stardew works posting this shit instead
refs below:
I saw these and immediately knew what had to be done
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