#louise solar opposites
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 7
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Later, at the lab, Cheery is making a machine. Barry comes in.
Barry: Cheery, what are you doing?
Cheery: I’m making a life doner.
Barry: Why?
Cheery then look at a picture of her deceased best friend Alex, who passed away four months ago.
Cheery: I hope it could bring Alex back to life…
Barry sighs
Barry: Cheery, look I know you want to bring Alice back to life. But this is crazy.
Cheery: But it’s the only way.
Barry: Cheery please. Resurrecting the dead is unnatural. Human Terry is walking around until he bumps into Nova I don’t think you should do this…
Human Terry: Oh, sorry ma’am.
Nova: It’s alright. I’m Nova by the way.
Human Terry: Oh nice to meet you. I’m Terry Opposites. I just moved her with my family.
Nova: Well, it’s nice to have new faces.
Human Terry: Yeah definitely. Anyways, I’ll be going now. I think I heard Cheery might need help.
Nova: Okay. Bye.
Nova leaves. Then, Human Terry peaks to figure out what Cheery is doing and hears her talking to Barry.
Barry: I think what you’re doing is wrong. This is crazy.
Cheery: You don’t understand! I-
Barry suddenly charges up his sparks as Human Terry gasp.
Barry charges up his sparks and it creates an explosion as the lab. Human Terry gasp and holds Cheery close as Barry collapse on the floor and the screen goes black. The scene, then cuts to a prep rally at school where Yumyulack is staring lovingly at Mark.
Human Jesse: Uh, what are you doing?
Yumyulack: N-n-nothing!
Human Jesse: Oh really? Cuz I think you were staring at Mark Melner.
Yumyulack smiles and blushes as he gives in.
Yumyulack: Okay. I guess dating him doesn’t sound all that bad.
Aidan: What was that, dork?!
Yumyulack gasp.
Yumyulack: N-nothing! Nothing!
Aidan: Don’t be dumb! It’s obvious you wanna date Mark!
Yumyulack: Uh no pfft. pep rally starts Oh uh, you guys better head to your presentations.
Jayden: Oh sure… carries something behind his back You’re gonna enjoy it…
Yumyulack: What is it?
The Headphone guys leave and gets on the stage. Then, Stacy K comes up and taps the microphone.
Human Jesse: What’s going on?
Stacy K: Thank you for coming. We had just put together a little skit with the Heapdhone guys. Once upon a time, there was a cool headphone kid with platinum blond hair. He had three cool friends and his parents own this amazing diner in all the land.
Mark gasps as he realizes who they’re talking about. The two Solar siblings grew confused while Stacy G scoff at her former ex friends.
Stacy K: But he was unhappy.
Crowd: Aaaw…
Human Jesse: That poor kid.
Stacy K: If only if he hadn’t met a blue monster who came from another planet far far away. One day after the slimy beast came along with two adults, an annoying sister and a little blob on this planet, he meets the kid and ends up bringing the whole school to the ground
Yumyulack then realizes what the skit is.
Stacy K: It turns out the monster not only is a teenager, but also has written about and is head over heels over the Heapdhone kid. the Heapdhone guys came and brings out a familiar journal
Yumyulack gasps.
Yumyulack: HEY! THAT’S MINE!
Braiden: reads Day 1 Dear log, today I am on a planet filled with annoyance people called humans. Now I have to go to the school, I mean who would want to that right, but Korvo said it’s for studies and stuff. I mean what kind of bounty Hunter Replicant would want to do that?
Human Jesse: gasps Is that…
Jayden: reads Day 41 Dear Log, I want to talk to Mark. But, I am scared. Scared that he will reject me.
Yumyulack is distraught as the kids starts laughing.
Yumyulack: I can’t believe they’re reading my journal.
Mark Melner: Aidan, what are you doing?!
Stacy K: But it turns out the blue monster is really someone who goes to school here, but a geek. A loser. An alien.
Yumyulack snaps. But then, he grows distraught and freezes in sadness as the kids continue laughing.
Stacy K: And who is may you ask is this imposter? Give it up for local teenage alien, Yumyulack Solar-Opposites!
Human Jesse and Mark gasp. Tears fall from Yumyulack’s eyes as Mark grow shock by this. The kids starts changing Yumyulack’s name as Yumyulack starts weeping. Human Jesse and Monica comes up to Yumyulack
Crowd: chanting Yumyulack! Yumyulack! Yumyulack!
Yumyulack: tearfully Girls… let’s get out of here…
Stacy G sighs. As the group leaves, Mark looks at Aidan angrily. Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez grow concern about the kids and follows them. The scene cuts to Stacy G following Yumyulack and the girls in the locker room as the three teachers follow her.
Human Jesse: It gonna be okay, Yumyulack. They’re just jealous.
Stacy G: Guys? the three kids turn and see her You doing okay?
Yumyulack: tearfully NO! voice breaking NOTHING IS OKAY!
Stacy G comforts Yumyulack.
Stacy G: I’m sorry the Stacies and Headphone guys did that to you. Trust me, I know you feel. They did the same to me.
Yumyulack: How do I expect Mark to love me now? He’ll never-
Stacy G: Because, the Stacies did the same thing to me.
The girls and Yumyulack grow shock by this.
Human Jesse: Stacy G… what are you talking about?
Stacy G sighs.
Stacy G: Last year, when I was still one of the Stacies, the Stacies pull mean trick on me by showing my journal to Annie, who I had a crush on. flashback plays as Stacy K and Stacy F shows Annie the diary as she grow disgusted by what Stacy G wrote It was so humiliating. Annie hated me because she found out I had feelings for her. scene cuts to a swimming pool where Stacy G walks out happily but then Annie grabs her Annie was so furious, that she pull a part of my swimsuit apart and pushes me down the pool! Stacy G screams as she falls into the water. The scene cuts to Stacy G at the bathroom as she breaks down in tears. Then, Louise came and console her daughter
Louise: Shh… it’s okay sweetie… mommy’s here. Come on let’s take you home okay?
Stacy G: Okay…
The flashback ends as Stacy G takes a deep breath and sighs. Human Jesse is shock and startled by this tragic reveal.
Human Jesse: I’m so sorry you had to go through all that
Stacy G: It’s okay. They were never really my friends. All I wanted to do after my other mom Maude passed away when I was 10, is to make new friends. And that led me to developing a toxic friendship.
Miss Frankie gasps.
Yumyulack: sighs Let’s just go home girls…
But then, Yumyulack’s pants rip and it is revealed that his legs have turn into human legs. Human Jesse gasps.
Principal Cooke: What the? Yumyulack! How long you have you have those human legs?!
Yumyulack: Aw man! Just a few days! I didn’t say anything about it because I’m scared you guys will cut them off!
Human Jesse: We’re not gonna cut them off. We just to tell Korvo and-
Yumyulack screams as he glows brighter as everyone shield their eyes. Then, as they open them, Yumyulack has become a human. Human Jesse gasps. Miss Frankie faints.
Principal Cooke: Fuck! I knew your dads have given you too many lunchables and X-Box live!
Human Yumyulack: Holy shit! I’m human! And I have…
Human Yumyulack looks down in his pants and counts something.
Human Yumyulack: gasp Several Pubes.
Principal Cooke: Jesse, what is going on?
Human Jesse: Uh… how did you know it was us?
Miss Frankie: You voice sounded familiar.
Human Jesse and Human Yumyulack look at each other nervously. Then, Human Yumyulack hears the kids chatting about him behind his back as he develops tears in his eyes.
Human Yumyulack: Mind if I call Korvo to come and pick us up?
Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez look at each other knowing how much overwhelming stress Yumyulack is facing right now.
Ms. Perez: You may.
The song “Hero” from Sterling Knight plays in the background as Human Yumyulack goes up to the cellphone and starts crying as Korvo picks up the phone and receives Human Yumyulack’s call.
Korvo: Hello?
Human Yumyulack: crying Korvo… can you please come pick me and Jesse up?
Korvo: Yumyulack, what happened?
Human Yumyulack: weeps Just please come pick us up! cries Today was humiliating enough for me already…
Korvo: But I can’t help you unless you-
Korvo then realizes what has happen and decided to come pick up the kids. The scene then cuts to Human Yumyulack falling on his knees and breaking down into tears. Human Jesse sighs. Human Jesse comforts her brother as Human Yumyulack continues crying. A sad times montage occurs as Korvo picks up the kids and comforts his son after Human Yumyulack runs up to Korvo and cries in his chest.
Korvo: Oh Yumyulack…
Human Yumyulack: cries
Human Jesse: What are we gonna do?
Korvo: Let me take you kids home…
Back with Terry. He yawns but then notices a chain on his foot as he panics.
Terry: Oh shit!
Terry tries to yank the chain off.
Terry: Come on Terry! You can do it!
But Terry can’t get the chain off.
Terry: grunting Keep trying!
Suddenly, he starts to feel unlikely strength as he cries out in determination and breaks the chain off. Terry pants.
Terry: How did I do that? sees Cheery unconscious and wearing a prisoner clothe Oh my God…
Terry runs towards Cheery.
Terry: Hey… it’s okay… picks up Cheery I’m gonna get you out of here. smirks as he looks at the prison bars And I know how. puts Cheery down softly
Terry bend the bars as it makes a hole. Terry laughs in joy and picks up Cheery as he sneaks away. The scene then cuts to Darcy coming home while Jamie was making a sandwich.
Jamie: Hey honey. You home early.
Darcy: I know. My boss let me go home early.
Jamie and Darcy kiss, but then Darcy sees a video which is footage from the laboratory as she gasp.
Darcy: Barry?!
Then as he watches closely, she looks closely and gasp at the explosion as it shocks Human Terry and Cheery that send them to another dimension. Barry is left unconscious. But then a black spark came and it revealed to be a mask stranger with a familiar face.
Darcy: What the hell?
Darcy gasps. The hooded figure takes of his hood and mouth mask and it revealed to be a different version of Terry, but looks more gothic as he scoffs and lightly kicks an unconscious Barry as he looks around and sneaks out.
Darcy: There are…two Terrys?!
Jamie comes up to here and grows confused.
Jamie: What’s going…
Darcy rewinds the video and gasp and recognizes Human Terry as Terry.
Jamie: TERRY?!
Darcy: Oh my God! Oh My God! Oh My God! We have to go help him!
Jamie: But how?! We don’t know where they are!
Kevin and his family, who were just walking by, come in.
Kevin: Hey, what’s going on?!
Darcy: Terry has been kidnapped by an evil Terry clone!
Kevin and his family gasp. Then, the scene cuts to raining at night, Korvo is walking with an umbrella while trying to call Terry.
Korvo: Come on, Terry! Pick up!
Korvo groans as it keeps going into voicemail. Then, he notice the road block.
Korvo: God damn it! Hello?! Can you someone unblock these cars?! How?! How has it come to this?
Suddenly Korvo feels something on his nose
Korvo: A nose?! What the fuck?!
Korvo suddenly grows ears.
Korvo: Ears? Shit! Fuck! glows brighter WHAT THE FUCK’S HAPPENING?!
The glow disappears as Korvo groans and holds his head.
Korvo: offscreen Oh… fuck… what was that all about?
Korvo the looks down at his hand.
Korvo: offscreen Wh-what?
Korvo looks in a mirro that reveals he’s human. He grows smitten.
Human Korvo: Whoa. whistles on smitten Hey. This isn’t bad.
Human Korvo feels his hair.
Human Korvo: Hmm? Looks like I might like being human.
Human Korvo realizes he has muscles.
Human Korvo: Well, looks at these abs. Might as cover them up. Don’t wanna be too attractive. then notices his ruined clothes But first…
The scene then cuts to Parker looking on her labtop, until Principal Cooke, Miss Frankie, Ms. Perez, Kevin, Jamie and Darcy, Randall and Janice came in.
Parker: What’s up, guys?
Principal Cooke: Show us the footage!
Parker: Uh, okay?
The humans then sees the footage and gasp. Then, they came up with a plan.
Principal Cooke: Okay. I have an idea! We’re gonna go find Quasarblast!
The Others: Right!
But then Miss Frankie looks at a picture of Korvo, then she looks back at the newspaper article of Korvo as she gasp.
Kevin: Frankie? What’s wrong?!
Miss Frankie: Guys…Korvo is Quasarblast!
The humans gasp, but Jamie, Kevin, Ms. Perez, Darcy, Randall and Janice gets excited.
Randall: That’s awesome!
Principal Cooke: Wait, what? But he didn’t tell us.
Parker: Hmm…suspicious.
Kevin: To protect and identities are kept hidden! Duh!
Darcy: We gotta find him and tell him what’s going on!
Parker: Oh good! I’ll track him down!
The scene then cuts to a night club.
Kevin’s Wife: That’s where you friend is Kev?
Kevin: I think so.
Human Korvo: offscreen Well well well.
Humans: Huh?
Miss Frankie: Oh my God…
Human Korvo: My human neighbors and mortal enemies. What a surprise.
Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie: KORVO?!
Janice faints.
Ms. Perez: You turn into the most gorgeous human we have ever seen.
Human Korvo: Not bad right? Bet you didn’t expect this, huh?
Darcy: Oh my God. You look hot.
Jamie: Darcy!
Darcy: Relax. You’re hot too honey.
Human Korvo: Thanks. I bet you’re to say I told you so because being a human is awesome.
Randall: No we thought you would tell us so.
Human Korvo: I cannot. It was you who told me so.
Miss Frankie: Korvo, look! We know you’re Quasarblast!
Human Korvo: Wait, what?!
Ms. Perez: Terry has also been kidnapped by an evil version of himself!
Principal Cooke: Yes! Your husband needs you!
Human Korvo gasps.
Human Korvo: Oh my God! Terry is in a different dimension?!
Principal Cooke: Exactly! We need you, Quasarblast!
Miss Frankie: Will you help us or not?!
Human Korvo looks at his reflection, then he grows courageous and nods as he smashes it to the ground.
Human Korvo: Let’s go.
“Get it Faster” from Jimmy Eat World plays in the background:
The gang drives in a car. Unknown to them, two villains are standing on top of the building watching down at them. The scene then cuts to the lab where Quasarblast heading in the lab as he gets ready to be transported.
Parker: Ready Quasarblast?
Korvo/Quasarblast: Don’t worrry, Terry. I’m coming for you, darling.
Parker then press the machine and Quasarblast is transported to a difference dimension. Quasarblast screams but then starts laughing.
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disneytva · 2 months ago
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The Walt Disney Company Leads Television Nominations On The Annie Awards 2025
Nominations for the 52nd Annie Awards, celebrating outstanding achievements in regards to the art of animation, have been announced, with The Walt Disney Company leading the television nominations across Disney Television Animation, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel Animation, Lucasfilm Animation and 20th Television Animation with Riot Games Arcane as second place.
-Ariel – “Crystal Cavern Caper”
-Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur – “The Molecular Level”
-Primos – “Summer of Tater Luna”
-Bob’s Burgers – “They Slug Horses, Don’t They?”
-Solar Opposites – “The What If?! Device”
-The Great North – “Aunt Misbehavin’ Adventure”
-Dream Productions – “A Night to Remember”
-Iwájú – “Tola”
-LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy – Part Three
-Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Moon Girl’s Lab – “Moon Girl Saves the Moon”
-Dream Productions - Episode: A Night to Remember
-Dream Productions - Episodes: The Dream Team, Out of Body, Romance!
-Dream Productions – “A Night to Remember”
-Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur – “The Molecular Level”
-X-Men ’97 – “Mutant Liberation Begins”
-Big City Greens The Movie: Spacecation
-Bob’s Burgers – “They Slug Horses, Don’t They?”
-Big City Greens The Movie: Spacecation
-Dream Productions – “The Dream Team”
-Bob’s Burgers – John Roberts (Character: Linda Belcher)
-Bob’s Burgers – Kristen Schaal (Character: Louise Belcher)
-Dream Productions - Paula Pell (Character: Paula)
-The Simpsons – “Bart’s Birthday” – Jessica Conrad
-Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur – “The Molecular Level”
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talonabraxas · 11 months ago
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The Rose in Alchemy
The cross stands wound densely round with roses. Who has put roses on the cross?... And from the middle springs a holy life Of threefold rays from a single point. — Goethe, Die Geheimnisse (1784-1786)
In alchemy, the white and the red rose are well-known symbols for the lunar and the solar tincture, from which the "precious rose-coloured blood" of Christ-Lapis flows. And the Shehina, the brilliance of celestial wisdom on earth, is understood in the image of the rose, and "the collection of honey" stands for the common inheritance of theosophical knowledge. “Thus the whole parable of the Song of Solomon finally refers to the object of our rose-cross: 'I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the field'”. As regards "the correct procedure for attaining the rose-red blood of the cross that is poured (as quintessence) in the centre of the cross", Fludd used the image of wisdom: the work of the architect as a labourer of God on the building of the temple. — R. Fludd, Summum Bonum, Frankfurt, 1629
Symbolism of the Rose
A highly complex symbol; it is ambivalent as both heavenly perfection and earthly passion; the flower is both Time and Eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. In the Occident, the rose and lily occupy the position of the lotus in the Orient. In the symbolism of the heart, the rose occupies the central point of the cross, the point of unity. The red and white rose together represent the union of fire and water, the union of opposite. In Alchemy, the rose is wisdom and the rosarium the Work; it is also the rebirth of the spiritual after the death of the temporal. In Hebrew Qabalism, the center of the rose is the sun and the petals the infinite, but harmonious, diversities of Nature. The rose emanates from the Tree of Life. In Hinduism, the lotus parallels the symbolism of the Mystic Rose as a spiritual center, especially in the chakras. For Rosicrucians, the Rose-cross is the Mystic Rose as wheel and cross; the rose is the divine light of the universe and the cross the temporal world of pain and sacrifice. The rose grows on the Tree of Life which implies regeneration and resurrection. The rose in the center of the cross is the quaternary of the elements and the point of unity.
In the Grail legend, the invocations addressed to the divine heart of Jesus contain the feminine element. It is extolled as "the temple in which dwells the life of the world," as a rose, a cup, a treasure, a spring, as the furnace of divine love "ever glowing in the fire of the Holy Ghost", as a censer and as a bridal chamber. Jesus receives the souls of the dying into his heart which "burns glowingly", "as red gold burns and melts in the fire", and the soul dissolves therein, "as water mixes with wine". All of these symbols are feminine and are therefore very closely connected with the motifs of the Grail legend and of alchemical symbolism. --Emma Jung & Marie-Louise von Franz, The Grail Legend (1986)
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santoschristos · 11 months ago
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The Rose in Alchemy
The cross stands wound densely round with roses.
Who has put roses on the cross?…
And from the middle springs a holy life
Of threefold rays from a single point.
--Goethe, Die Geheimnisse (1784-1786)
In alchemy, the white and the red rose are well-known symbols for the lunar and the solar tincture, from which the “precious rose-coloured blood” of Christ-Lapis flows. And the Shehina, the brilliance of celestial wisdom on earth, is understood in the image of the rose, and “the collection of honey” stands for the common inheritance of theosophical knowledge. “Thus the whole parable of the Song of Solomon finally refers to the object of our rose-cross: ‘I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the field'”. As regards “the correct procedure for attaining the rose-red blood of the cross that is poured (as quintessence) in the centre of the cross”, Fludd used the image of wisdom: the work of the architect as a labourer of God on the building of the temple. --R. Fludd, Summum Bonum, Frankfurt, 1629
Symbolism of the Rose
A highly complex symbol; it is ambivalent as both heavenly perfection and earthly passion; the flower is both Time and Eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. In the Occident, the rose and lily occupy the position of the lotus in the Orient. In the symbolism of the heart, the rose occupies the central point of the cross, the point of unity. The red and white rose together represent the union of fire and water, the union of opposite. In Alchemy, the rose is wisdom and the rosarium the Work; it is also the rebirth of the spiritual after the death of the temporal. In Hebrew Qabalism, the center of the rose is the sun and the petals the infinite, but harmonious, diversities of Nature. The rose emanates from the Tree of Life. In Hinduism, the lotus parallels the symbolism of the Mystic Rose as a spiritual center, especially in the chakras. For Rosicrucians, the Rose-cross is the Mystic Rose as wheel and cross; the rose is the divine light of the universe and the cross the temporal world of pain and sacrifice. The rose grows on the Tree of Life which implies regeneration and resurrection. The rose in the center of the cross is the quaternary of the elements and the point of unity.
In the Grail legend, the invocations addressed to the divine heart of Jesus contain the feminine element. It is extolled as “the temple in which dwells the life of the world,” as a rose, a cup, a treasure, a spring, as the furnace of divine love “ever glowing in the fire of the Holy Ghost”, as a censer and as a bridal chamber. Jesus receives the souls of the dying into his heart which “burns glowingly”, “as red gold burns and melts in the fire”, and the soul dissolves therein, “as water mixes with wine”. All of these symbols are feminine and are therefore very closely connected with the motifs of the Grail legend and of alchemical symbolism. --Emma Jung & Marie-Louise von Franz, The Grail Legend (1986), p. 100
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months ago
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* * * *
“If we can stay with the tension of opposites long enough —sustain it, be true to it—we can sometimes become vessels within which the divine opposites come together and give birth to a new reality.”
~ Marie-Louise von Franz
[thanks Ian Sanders]
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avaveevo · 1 year ago
Movie Idea
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American Dad
Family Guy
The Simpsons
Solar Opposites
Bob’s Burgers
Other Characters
Peyton List as Zoey: A teenage girl who helps the cartoons
Phill Lewis as Mr. Grayson: Zoey’s cowardly teacher who helps her on her adventure
Ariana Grande as DJ GLITCH: The main antagonist, an evil queen who wants to take over the TV shows’ universes
When DJ GLITCH threatens to take over the cartoon universes, Zoey and her teacher must work with a group of cartoon characters to save Earth
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chiveburger · 4 years ago
I love jesse from solar opposites... I think she’s so cute, like as cute as a sexless alien disguised as a little girl can be. so far, I actually really like all the characters in this show. the subplot is interesting too. I know it’s not the same voice actress, but she reminds me so much of louise from bob’s burgers but a much more princessy and sweet version of her. 
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musashden · 4 years ago
So, I’ve noticed something while watching Solar Opposites
I love it. Solar opposites is right up there with Final Space. As far as adult cartoons go they are top tier. And yes, I know and watch Rick and Morty - yes, I know it’s by the same guy blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up about Rick and Morty. Geez. 
Anyway. After watching Solar Opposite and then catching a few episodes of Bob’s Burgers I’m now noticing that Louise is an asshole. I hadn’t noticed it before - has she always been this way? 
She is. Louise Belcher is an asshole, just like Lenore from Castlevania. No redeeming qualities. But I digress, Lenore is an adult.
When comparing precocious-little-girl characters Louise is an asshole compared to Jesse. Hell Louise borders on downright evil, mostly directed at her own damn family when they make the slightest mistake or tell her ‘no’. Her parents are legit scared of her... that’s not funny. Its sad and annoying that nobody ‘wins’ unless Louise gets her way. 
Maybe Louise’s character has just grown tired after so many seasons of no development. Every ‘family’ sitcom needs that bitch character that ‘keeps it real’ but Louise is down right tyrannical. Even Maureen from F is for Family develops out of that ‘sweet psycho’ bullshit after the first season.
TL;DR - I’m over Bob’s Burgers, what ever used to make it charming is gone now and the voice acting has gotten to the point where it’s grating to listen to, like Rick’s dumb burps or Sterling Archer’s obnoxious yelling.
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iotaarcane · 6 years ago
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Door doesn’t open it glides on rails like the entrance impales tracks leave scabs
They pick at them like a flurry of energy inertly imperil and in peril while sterile the enemy isn’t at his post busy blow torching dabs
Laughing gas to a mass of brain cells that might as well been in cell or for sale to sell for the fact of not being usable like loud theater patrons at musical
Stomping footsteps upsets the stairwell, Hercule as security
picks you up and while airborne you get the farewell.
A good bye of sorts a great try physically the body with a little help contorts but spiritually its dormant in hibernation protected in a fort.  The outside winds set him to the maximum miles per hour bumping over the welts.   Swelling is mainstream never go underground.  A golf club waving at lightning
A day filled with bad decisions.   A perfect life a nocturnal health freak who is slowing dying because of the hours he choose to sleep.  North of the sauna lives out of water a piranha gills with chankla….  Flip flop the hip hop to this mantra….   They got Bin Laden but the tomatoes slices cut au gratin and their insides just by general principal all rotten every good deed all but forgotten.
They attempted because it looked great on camera to have caughten Sadam but the madam of the ministry secretly had  many a body double dangling feet from noose corpse of course wasn’t who they thought they had bad DNA tests fail when not given. You’ll just straight believe without any thought or thinking in a closed space trying to identify who is stinking. This planet in that galaxy is sinking below where it once orbited and your whole existence is defined of what you afforded how toxins are absorbed y’all point the finger iota morbid.
As blood dripping on everything like a loop of hemoglobin training goblins to run tasks on apps.  Hairless ape with only a little fur missing - hand and the wrist  slice is still fresh magenta pink placenta veiny underwent chef prep,  impractical to prevent a story to end like this begin as it went, we muster the emotion to climb street curb like step, tentacle suction cup girlfriend tales like cotton swab on bunny ear manifesto.  One piece bikini transacting - posts no bill.  Open register the creditor turned into a collector, an editorial of breadwinner meanwhile back in the western hemisphere sky is too clear - cuts retina sundries colander fluid filter an array of enemies attacked the command post.  The mid morning foray angrily adjusted.  You could totally notice the moment the ward went kaleidoscope twist 33 degree.  As the crow fly viewpoint saw the west wing extend and to what seems like an elbow bend but they aint drinking consuming much of nothing except orders from the chief who dictates the whereabouts and you gotta be down cannot have doubts they don’t come in shouts - illest hand signals in the game it’s an artistic beauty to see the tic for tac counterattack he who gets the most vagina must be the Mack.  Diesel easel drawer no undies they were left in dresser drawer and if it don’t work out oh no the lawyer is not pro bono yet the retainer fixed the teeth apprehended the beef no more issues.
Him whose piss poor planning continues will be facing the sultry seductress Miss Hughes 4 feet 6 shoes opposite of the elephant of Hindus infamous for the pop ins on miscues So real was breakfast cereal mammal sauce from cashews.   Nipple hula hoop sports car aficionado drop top in the coupe where they kept the chickens.   Jumpy trampoline mouth fortune reader foreseen vulgar obscene potty lips unclean that contingency of the attorney of where wonder land on a poca dot which marks the spot.  Accuracy solar hot, lift off broke apart space shuttle heat pads over hot not matter if they were chosen or not.  Nudity not as bad as could be frontal, wide opening little exit funnel so many come backs you can’t shoot down every rebuttal.  We double as secret agents where birds are fowl and flagrant evil as the vortex in control of this spaceship.  I got it plannded see use that ladder granted to climb into the zoo – carefully pinpoint were from the top we landed snag a handful thus huck right between their eyes candid close to the nose as possible rancid so they go crazy - ape shit
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++NOTHING and LIKE it
You’ll get nothing and like it. No matter how much you despite it.
Like you wanted that new whip but you were too good for the bus so you bike it. 
Like it ever mattered – your best bud did the same inebriated on the way home dump truck made him splattered we identified the body basically because only thing left the t-shirt he wore that night tattered.   I want a hamburger – with a vegan patty in the current state of Armageddon it doesn’t look good brethren Xnational that’s why I rock the same hairdo as a Tibetan.  No a cheese burger yall overreacting on this meat is murder so is a relentless ethic of work especially when exhausted and it hurt. We’ve been threatened by a heavy weapon.  I was reading about Reagan and outline seems Pagan that’s as good for you as dippin Copenhagen spittin telling the surgeon do not beckon the question I love when my gummies are redden.  Cancer of the embouchure is more than a Horoscope sign I concur.   I want a hot dog.  Smothered in mustard covered in meat trimmings ground up chemicals as the fixings.  Bought my rhymes with a great bargain from Groupon.  Even added a discount photoshopped counterfeit coupon. Creating to the beat the loops on.  I don’t know is a Bentley a Rolls Royce because in the back seat the window lowered and I was offered grey poupon do you happen to have another choice.  Already had condiments on my weenie.  Get off my computer don’t you dare peep my documents.  My sentiments exactly the conference in regards to arguments approximates Many inter-nationalities at least 3 continents. Ancestor occupants with these words I’m a biochemist marketing guerrillas in the midst of this mist.  We the tapestry of ornaments via the internets correspondents it’s like I’m studied on my own no paperwork to show my doctorate of rocking it.  I want a milkshake mixed extra thick so it actually improves my life.  Massacre in the streets.  Soul gets fasten to the beats.  Emotion in a drum pattern.  Puts the spirit at ease changes lives makes memories.  We reminisce lacking candor look back in retrospect kinesis situational intensity convince myths as the centripetal force drifts making you cause conflicts with the dame you caressed whose early departure has you dismissed flailing arms is a fit temper tantrum get nothing and like it anthem in this for the marathon and beyond whereupon such a large portion of our population is related to Genghis Khan.  What was going on?  Mating a savage motivation bondage of ancestral astral projections.  In a succession of going with aggression. Talking too much now I’m a witness to this confession.  I didn’t want to know that nor should you want to share it - in your heart bear with it. I need to check up on what era that was. I want potato chips crisper than a whisper in a dark room embracing solitude twiddling a whisker brisker than podcast radio transistor, he was very bad only did one movie but he was a fister, turned that lifestyle around and became a wonderful listener, except after he kissed her, she fiddled his zipper, polished half handle of liquor, hand cuffs cutoff circulation like a prisoner, as she moved towards his waistline she announced OK noodle, his phone screen lit up he couldn’t get up - his unit wouldn’t get up, Here is the kicker, she addressed yours is so much pinker, than red shade of a swisher, Oh yes it is sir right when she was about to go to town cell phone screen with the rear camera face down accessed a video Oh yes Mister Fisher.  Vid featuring a debutante with oily wrist smash grab a sphincter.   Homegirl peeped it out the corner of her eye.  Jeez Louise Guy, you think she liked it, those are screams of terror why did you video tape and mic it?  Payback is real He said no no stop she said you will get nothing and like it.
Bloop Didn't Match Bleep
Flat line monitor they filed with the manufacturer to get truth because bloop didn’t match bleep
Was she dead or deep asleep it takes a large leap of courage to surpass milestones when laid out flat on  back thick as a board bright as feather totally do laps passing my stone counting per mile our style lashes out flashes of the bang - boom go sky.  They hope when it’s over something changes dramatically like a star fall macho man bar brawl telekinetic script to anyone one whom you bonded importance of existence is something you cannot deny.  
Fly by the seat of pants, advance like cash flow, difficult to rap slow, I wanna run it like you need it get roller pinned and kneaded, Hebrew jui-jitsu submission look at what his knee did.  Star of David on his playlist we turning off tech on Satur no matter bribery or how you flatter your condolences belated along with ski masks raided should of seen them coming the porch was shaded driveway isolated doctrine confirmed over something we traded urine peptide beaker foggy but perplex this –  His best amigo did too much acid like amino so when he was at cathouse heard a whore moan he could only cognate behavior to influence mood balanced hormone as the counterpoint feline payment never transacted fee to wait in line.   What skill or excellences are you pursuing how can you portray without any cueing.  Hit your marks.  Spit in pitch black fire mouth out sparks.  
It’s your energy that relay tend to take opposition and sway.  Assists their dishin’ drug addicts spinning to get spun on a mission in addition to addiction they act like they don’t lie this is no audition you’re grown why you want permission to ruin your life You see in LA a Bruin cub a forty niner in Long Beach data gets scrubbed unit information placed out of reach.   Look what the cat drug in, breeze blew in you could have been somebody a shoo in.  Migrated to Peru in a mobile pyramid amongst doubters, its like the shouters are first with inside out lower lip pouters claim to be ballers all they are is browsers knickerbockers shirtless with trousers waving a give me a freebie voucher so I roll with moon howlers now does this overwhelm like towers stimulates give us powers of the third kind and our encounters.  
Gun Laws
-  No fun wit dem laws especially when encountering rough edges grainy surface with gun laws
-  The cause is mass hysteria because amendments put both sides into a predicament
-  Wing of the Eagle into action Xnational Activist after a sour apple up spring the people Active Fist raised above the forehead concurrently nobody wants more dead.
-  Not even the gunman but what about that run in my states Capitol Sacramento
-  Odd… Cell phone is not a weapon 20 trigger pulls the Police can act like a beast, On tempo protest Florida mad man rampaged blood everywhere escorted in handcuffs away facial expression wonder struck departed campus quad
-  Dem our rights in dat bill but that bill was proclaimed before our land fell ill Overdose of fluoride oxygen intoxicants horrible supplements processed food and diabetes from too much sugar in condiments
-  Now to fix your country don’t be chicken like poultry spend love to arrange a redeeming elixir
- This is precise calculation when you are overcrowded too many people in population the hypertension trying to keep up with what you commercially demonstrating sort of like an exchange of demon trading evil for evil soul grasp tool sickle--- Concise to arbitration overcrowded too many people in population the hypertension trying to keep up with what you commercially demonstrating sort of like is regal viper fang retention seek help contemplating like gleaming shovel off moonshine fickle.  
-  Everything even your status is the status materialism is the apparatus zero the sum on the abacus but yet the ability to function not be bullied or tempted to destroy yourself or others can be uncontrollable
-  Mental health doesn’t have a look so why they judge based on the cover texture ink print of book
-  No civilian needs an automatic machine gun.  Home protection can be accomplished with 20 gauge is plenty.  
- There are more guns in the US than people.  So agree with March for our lives.  I disagree with anything I’m not feeling and if we all could be a Democracy and meet in the middle we all should be fine with the compromise.
- First person liver body organ problem corking, ostrich keeping dome piece dipped into land chunks hoping not to get things out of proportion
-  News was sidetracked Porn Star had protection less sex with President along with a dry cleaner hanger abortion clinic minute men attacking those who look immigrated
- It’s a circle of blood you been initiated.  We do not exist in a dystopia but these large organizations can paint whatever portrait they want to fit into an agenda
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++You Can Be Anything
You are where you at in fact you could go where you want to be and you can be anything
So easy to feel like nothing complain and become doubtful with a mouthful of evil they walk in a horrible path of negativity and self-destruction same time place continuum hurting others while they just trying to get through the same as you do.  What is this reasoning?  Who created the outline?  Why if I don’t play ball can’t I get a pass down on the baseline? Appeasing you either got to be a mover and shaker or to the sideline your thrown and labeled a space waster.  Money identifies so much.  Status class how your friends and family eat continuous and fast.  Totally empty posthumous till those on top of the power structure find those beneath humorous.  Better teeth greater smile success is subjective.  I took the elective to be me why don’t you be you. Underneath all the bogus ideas and understandings  I breathe near the 14th of the month only to inhale and not exhale for another 30.  If you do business justified you can really be wealthy if you lied play dirty. Landing around the 5th I derail in a matter of moments look sick and pale living again for less than allowed.  Now the natural lines in my face is  scowled. I want to be an xnational not into whats in or rational I’ve never admired reality TV or what is force fed to me. The world is very fluid with whats not allowed how you make your bread and weather you get a box or become dust when dead.  They never said it would be like this but they never stated it wouldn’t or couldn’t I’m tired of the chosen getting a vote I never balloted giving me basically 2 options on major decisions unanimously untalented more than perfected for the future while living slithering past the masses until something so major happens to a loved one a ugly ungloved one frozen in the headline archived content someplace indefinite it is about time.  Dig through scorched Earth.   Charred ground far fewer giblets in the stew to see self in mirror the spoon is wooden and sipping left a splinter too difficult to survive this nuclear winter.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++To Get Bye
Chatted with an annoying carcass inverted in Caracas on an apparatus and we agreed about this
You’re all I need to get buy
-  The voice don’t know but like a bass line I record in mono Remember before I kissed a girl I got mononucleosis and this in general gave me a neurosis if I haven’t kissed how the heck did I get mono
-  Punctuality arriving pronto seconds click nimble with the fingertips pulling a combo characterized in metabolic state ketosis
-  Fasting near or around roses favorite floral Lotus.  To get by stay fly no aeronautics my aerobics consists of verbal trampoline pounce the guardrail carine upon the jet strip Don’t Trip.
-  Landing gear engaged to get by clearance from the air traffic controller, just this style is me high roller tip toeing soldier avoiding ebola maintain employment meeting or exceeding quota.
-  To get buy you need straight cash homie loads and loaves of bread cheddar or whatever Hamilton greenbacks, paper guap of franklin will do
-  To get by Your Blessing will be thee necessity sky beautiful.   Open heart to keep it plain and simple more than the crease unfolding the ripple
-  To get by clean water fresh air healthy food the ability to create mobility infinitely friends family meditation agility stretching.
-  Concept of these scriptures stacks all the to the back of literature willingness be the finesse all this and that’s success
-  To get by why try easier to complain make it artificial cause others through the tidal waves stress and strain
- Sitting on your knees sneaker heels tap the back of your button ups Long Barrel at temple.  Imagine the thoughts before you’re executed.   That process of it’s over.  Can you fanaggle?   Use communication for survival last chance come at them sideways like a tooth that snaggle
-  This snag will either end your current existence begin into a newish dimension an entrance how did these doors swing open? Never let them see you moping. Laugh in the face danger many elements to this for coping.
-   Change is a guarantee and you can’t get much of anything so constant.  Who can adapt the fastest?   Chip up as soon as society is cashless.  Global position the system while mapless.  I’m going to flow more rap less.
-  Concubine colorful sword edge dull, The Ktown market I copped it at in the China shop bull.     Tea party porcelain porcupine alarm module.
-  iota needs some soda caramel color cola so the bubbles can fix my upset tummy stay scummy my friend is a sin and not funny Lowest on totem pole that explains the mischievous grin
-  Never find work attitude be the jerk stay going bizerk at the store with the clerk make it impossible for them to accomplish the mish undertone a smirk relentless and abscessed until they fail find out it all evolved from silly little games your repercussions wrong answer given to test
-   Well rounded knew how art felt, Chemicals were spilt and the fumes of the 2nd story would melt.  Heartfelt never dealt a hand like that patience is all precious up til you are the doctors patients and he truly evil terrorize a boll weevil wore wild long tail lab coat crazy colors of crayon except no cotton all rayon and he would lay on the guilt deprive of medication till the truly ugly wanted to be killed subconsciously the whispers You’re all I need to get by…..
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jmenvs3000w22 · 3 years ago
My evolving relationship with the natural world
Nature for me has always brought comfort and calm to my life. I grew up in Ottawa, where nature started off a little more “urban” than it is now, but my relationship with nature has always been deeply rooted in awe and gratitude, with the curiosity to constantly learn more. When I was 4, my parents got a cottage on the Big Rideau Lake, and this is where I spent all my summers and weekends. This to me was my safe haven, with plenty of trails, woods, swimming and canoeing. I loved being immersed in it all, but growing up in downtown Ottawa my relationship with nature was on a weekend basis. That, and in my imagination when from a young age I knew that I wanted to be a Marine Biologist (which is my current program!), diving into the ocean to discover the unknown. Being in an urban setting, I longed for the deep nature. The real, backcountry mountains, oceans and rainforests; not the “nature” of NCC regulated parks and the trees cut out of little pavement squares on the sidewalk. 
So comes along high school, and I decide that I wanted to do the Outdoor Education Program. This was an AMAZING experience for me as I was introduced finally into the world of dried dinners, camping, and bear barrels to get into the wilderness. I loved every trip we were taken on, from Algonquin Park canoe trips to hikes in Frontenac Provincial Park. 
And then an opportunity came along through this school program to do an exchange with Brentwood College, a school on Vancouver Island, BC. We were going to meet with the students and do a sea kayaking trip around Salt Spring Island in the fall; in the spring, Brentwood kids were to come to Ontario and do a canoe trip in Algonquin. The sea kayaking trip was a huge shift in perspective and eye opening experience to see the beauty that was out there, and we were lucky enough to see some whales while in the water. This experience sparked my interest in the west coast, and I knew that I would be back. Through my friends in this program and to the instructors that took me there, this really gave me a sense of place in the world, and that was ultimately in the west.
Entering university, I knew my places for “deep” nature that I loved would be in the summer. But as I did my courses, I was beginning to realize that it wasn’t just about physically being in these beautiful places, it was about learning and finding ways to protect them. And not only these beautiful places where I personally liked to be, but every place, if you look, carries beauty and nature, down to the plants peaking out of the sidewalk. And so I began taking my electives in sustainability, only gaining more respect for the natural world. An evolution was happening from simply being in awe of nature, to a role of conservation and protection of it. This transpired into me making more sustainable lifestyle choices: reusable bags and mugs, jars to fill up dried good in bulk, buying clothes/anything second hand or from sustainable companies and recycled materials, etc.
In the first summer out of university, I went tree planting in Northern BC. In all truth, my ideals of nature were not met doing this job as I thought it would be. Though you are “planting trees’, these trees are covered in pesticides and and you are essentially planting a monoculture that eventually will be logged. So no beautiful, old growth forests, and no biodiversity. My sustainable lifestyle choices were not upheld either in this environment, a lot of goods transported to a camp are packaged and plastic is plenty. It was certainly not about sitting in a field admiring the wildflowers; quite the opposite, it was busting your butt to make money.
And so my second summer, I changed gears to work at the Lake Agnes Teahouse at 7005ft above Lake Louise, AB. We live up in cabins for our shift when we work, no electricity other than a couple solar panels, no running water (we pull from the glacial melted lake in the running waterfall), and this truly was the best summer ever, so much that I did it again this past summer. Not only do you live on a mountain, your days off are spent climbing, mountain biking, hiking & trail running, and backcountry camping. 
Because of the pandemic, I also took a gap year and moved to Nelson, BC which is quite south and west of the Rockies. Nestled in a beautiful valley between mountains, I spent my winter working at Whitewater Ski Resort as a lifty. And when I wasn’t doing that, I was ski touring (or backcountry skiing) with my boyfriend. Accessing backcountry mountains on foot, and therefore a method that isn’t producing emissions was incredible to me. From Nelson and in between the Teahouse, I took multiple trips to the Island, including Victoria, Ucluelet and Tofino where I surfed for the first time. And through my evolving relationship with nature, I found my purpose is to move sustainably and explore this beautiful world around us. 
And that is essentially where I am at now! I am back from my nature oriented  gap year into school where I am mostly into environmental conservation courses. This summer, I think the next step for me is working at a Backcountry Lodge! 
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vlouisaugustus · 3 years ago
Apply personally, or by letter addressed to Allen’s Fresh, Charles County.
Apply personally, or by letter addressed to Allen’s Fresh, Charles County.. With a laugh that slips out often, Rai says the punishing race was very tough, but "similar to my village [and what] I did everyday: carrying water, and going to the jungle, cutting grass.".
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This is the justice that Dorne has hungered for. I hopeful that I connect with people. The teams conclude their season series Dec. A monthly networking forum for businesses and community. Then they are free to choose different materials and colors for different parts of their shoes. This will make them seem less fearsome, might be. With high heels, corns develop up under the balls of the foot where the weight of your body presses down, and they feel like small rocks underfoot when you walk. It took Ohio State and Miami moustiquaire retros kabátok lit 1 personne ikea to lose their bowl games for OU to be voted No. Dressy casual has always been our most common attire because it allows us to worship and be comfortable and keep the focus on the presence of God.". This is the part of true, generous, Christian love.”.. He did not like his lordship’s llantas 4x4 online smile, the way his eyes were shining, the spittle glistening at the corner of his mouth. Without stopping he took something out of his pocket and pendientes bulgari precio gave it to her. WATSON ON BEING COMPARED TO CAM NEWTON: "The comparison is cool, but I understand that I've got to go earn it and create my own brand. In 1624, a fatality occurred at Horsted Keynes in East Sussex when a fielder called Jasper Vinall was struck on the head by the batsman, Edward Tye, who was trying to hit the ball a second time to avoid being caught. Vote requested that Niagara Region support a consolidated transit model and become formally involved in providing public transit through a triple majority process.. Nero was said to have burned followers of Jesus alive to illuminate his garden.. The group starts with Nancy Drew in Secret of the Old Clock and moves through Maude Silver in Patricia Wentworth Clock Strikes Twelve, to Marcia Mullen of the Iron Shoes, and finally to a typical late 20th century example, Nevada Barr Superior Death. He took a jump that he had been dreaming about and overshot it by just two feet. 29 Sept. The film stars Amy Adams as linguist Louise Banks, Jeremy Renner as scientist Ian Donnelly and Forest Whitaker as Colonel Weber. This often includes items such as customized cases, specialized cooling systems, insane overclocks, hand tweaked BIOS parameters, owner binders with benchmark performance, and generally just a sense of uniqueness from all of the other boxes out there. Since you have never worked here before, may we start with a friendly word:No. Killing the sales of the book. Elmer's held a four week long fundraiser, inviting diners to donate to Old Mill Center and matching their donations. Keep your elbows bent at 90 degrees or slightly more, and lightly swing your arms forward and back (not across the body) in time with the opposite leg.. My husband and I wrangled our way into The Birdcage where there were comfortable seats, wait staff, loos and much better booze and cheese laden buffets laid on. Technically the Radeon HD 5750 is capable of all the Eyefinity resolutions the rest of the video cards are. Don’t rest on your laurels. Check your toiletries and medicine cabinets, taking note if there anything you out of, or anything that is outdated and needs replacing.. "It's been a long road," said Wendy Emanuel Apple, a parent who.. Jenkins, Carl Houseman, Geo. Good heavens! and that’s not the worst. Between Meereen and Volantis lay five hundred leagues of deserts, mountains, swamps, and ruins, plus Mantarys with its sinister repute. The words of Mirri Maz Duur rang in her head. If long term PM2.5 exposure indeed increases the risk for dementia, this would imply that public health organizations are underestimating the already large disease burden and health care costs associated with air pollution. Wisps of dark smoke rose from his fingers as he pointed at the maester. When she had her raving turns she always talked about her children. Readers have sent in pictures papuci de casa din pasla and shared eye witness accounts from the scene.Nicola Williams wrote on our Facebook page: "It's huge. Two of those were so close to dead there was no hope for them, another five too weak to walk. Thinking we going to have a renaissance at the box office in a week or two and things could turn around, he added, noting big upcoming films like Reacher: Never Go Back, Strange, and Beasts and Where to Find Them. The same age as Daenerys Targaryen, or near enough. Today, their studio specializes in restaurant, retail and commercial design across the GTA, including projects located in Toronto's Union Station, Brookfield Place, First Canadian Place and The Exchange Tower. At last he began timidly trying to comfort her, besought her not to be angry, blamed himself; it was evident that he was very anxious to defend his father, and that this was very much on his mind. This is not a final notification, nor will you use a matched papuci de casa din pasla notification (refer to Sections 3.3 and 3.4 for details on final and matched notifications). Like when they finished their pitch about solar panels say something like how much per room for cleaning berber carpets? or now how many planets do I get with this solar system? The important thing is to take their time.
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 3
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Two weeks later, at a wedding dress store, Terry was looking around for the perfect wedding dress. Terry then sees a lovely pink dress with a viel and gasp in joy.
Terry: This one is perfect!
Terry picks out the dress and takes it to the cashier.
Terry: I’ll take this dress.
Cashier: The color's very popular. You getting married.
Terry: Hell yeah. This wedding is going to be…
Suddenly, Terry’s eye vision starts getting blurry.
Terry: Wh-what?
Cashier: Sir? Are you okay?
As the cashier hands Terry his wedding dress, Terry starts coughing and wheezing as he began to walk weakly.
Terry: What the fuck is…
Terry then starts coughing out blood as he collapse on the floor and nose trickles from his non existent nose. People gasp and backs away in horror to give Terry some room. As Terry’s vision goes black, he wakes up and sees a monstrous black spirit looking down at him and purring as he nuzzles in Terry softly.
Terry: Huh?
Spirit: It's okay, Terald. I'm here.
Terry gasp and sits up as he looks at the spirit in wonder.
Terry: Oh hi.
The spirit takes Terry's hand.
Terry: Huh? What is happening?
Terry suddenly starts floating.
Terry: Whoa. What are you?
Spirit: I haven't any time to explain now. So you must figure it out on your own.
Terry: I have to? What do you mean?
The spirit disappears. Terry looks up and touches a light as he wakes up and finds himself with Korvo, in an orange wedding dress smiling at him as he rubs his head softly.
Korvo: There’s my Terry…
Terry: What the fuck happened?
Korvo: Oh you poor thing. One of our neighbors called us and said you collapsed at the store. Must’ve been wedding stress, huh?
Terry blushes while smiling.
Terry: Yeah.
Korvo: Oh Terry!
Korvo hugs Terry as he blushes.
Terry: Yeah to be honest, I am really nervous.
Korvo: I am too. But we'll get through this. Together.
Terry smiles in tears.
Terry: Oh Korvy!
The two kiss and moan. Terry then puts on his dress and veil as he looks at the mirror and smiles.
Korvo: You never looked more beautiful
Terry laughs and does a twirl.
Terry: I feel like a princess right now.
Korvo laughs as he put his arms around Terry’s shoulders and looks lovingly at him.
Korvo: You ready for this?
Terry nods.
Korvo: Let’s do this.
The scene then cuts to Stacy G frosting a bunch of goodies while singing “How Does a Moment Last Forever”.
How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold on to
Never easy but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow a time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts
And always will
Minutes turn to hours
Days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
Jesse blushes and smiles. Stacy G watches Jesse and starts to feel something in herself as a heartbeat sound effect is heard. A romantic music is heard in the background as Stacy G feels love at first sight upon seeing Jesse.
Louise: offscreen Stacy!
Stacy G gasp and accidentally spills a little icing.
Stacy G: Yes mom?
Louise: You need to see this!
Stacy G: See what?
Louise: Come with me.
Stacy G follows her mother as she puts down the icing tube.
Stacy G: What is it?
They then sees Terry and Korvo while wearing their wedding dresses and heading to the wedding hall with Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Phoebe while their neighbors cheer for them. Pastor Philip is waiting for the family as they arrive.
Stacy G: Wow. You two look amazing.
Korvo and Terry then walk towards Pastor Philip as they hold each other’s hands while Jesse drops flower petals on the floor and then turns as everyone takes a seat. Pastor Philip gets out his bible.
Pastor Philip: Dearly beloved. We've all gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Terald and Korvotron.
The neighbors grow excited as Darcy wipes away her tears while her mascara is running.
Pastor Philip: Terald Wearspreada do you promise to take care of Korvo, to honor him in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?
Terry: I do
Pastor Philip: And Korvotron, do you promise to love Terry for all time sakes, to keep him safe in sickness and in health? For as long as you both shall live?
Korvo smiles with tears in his eyes.
Korvo: I do.
Jesse sniffs. “Unconditionally” from Katy Perry plays in the background as Korvo and Terry prepares to say their vows:
Korvo: Terry, I don’t care whatever comes our way. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I never want to give that up. I promise no matter what happens, I won’t let anyone hurt you, because you’re my Terry and always will be.
Terry: And Korvo, I promise to love you for all eternity. No matter what happens, I won’t let anyone harm you and get in the way of our new happiness. Because, you’re my Korvy and I love more than anything.
Yumyulack gags.
Pastor Philip: I now pronounce you two husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom.
Korvo and Terry helps pull up their veils and embrace in a kiss as everyone cheer for them. Tears fall down the husbands tears as they moan lovingly.
Terry: Come here you!
Korvo and Terry kiss again as the sunsets. Jesse is crying with tears of joy, Phoebe claps for her friends Yumyulack gags while the Pupa eats the flower petals. Two hours later, Terry and Korvo are looking at the sky as Terry has a surpise for Korvo.
Terry: Hey, Korv. I’ve got a surprise for you.
Korvo: What is it?
Terry shows Korvo some ticket bookings for a beach resort Korvo loves. Korvo gasps.
Korvo: Oh my gosh. A week at Earth-4’s Silverstone Beach Resort? How did you book it?
Terry: It’s a long story. But-
Korvo kiss Terry again.
Korvo: Oh Terry! I’m so happy we’re together. Whatever you want me to change, I will!
Terry takes Korvo’s hands and smiles at him.
Terry: There is nothing to change. You’re perfect just the way you are. Oh by the way, your sister sent you something.
Korvo gasp and looks at a box.
Korvo: This is from Janiz? What did she give to us?
Terry: See for yourself.
Korvo opens a box with a note inside and a glowing aquamarine crystal fragment.
Korvo: Whoa.
Korvo then reads the note and it says…
“Hey Lil Bro. Heard about your wedding day! I am happy for you! There is artifact I went you take for safety reasons. It’s a Crystal I found last night! It might be very special for you. I hope one day we can meet again one day. I am so proud of you! You have a family now! A big one! Tell Terry thank you for taking care of my brother. Tell the kids I hope to see them one day and tell your nanny Phoebe thank you for taking care of the family too. I love you Korvo. You are so brave. - With Love, Janiz.”
Korvo smiles in tears as he looks at the fragment and puts in a safe container.
Terry: What did it say?
Korvo: It said thanks for taking care of me.
Terry is stunned in surprise.
Terry: Wow. She knows me so well.
Korvo: I know. I write to her all the time.
Terry: Well, I’m glad you mention about the rest of us too.
Korvo smiles.
Korvo: Of course I always do. So when do we leave for our trip?
Terry: Tomorrow morning.
Korvo laughs and kisses Terry on the cheek.
Korvo: I’ll go tell the kids to pack their bags. Terry smiles They will be so surprise.
Terry: I’m sure they will.
The next morning, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa scream in joy as they pack their bags.
Jesse: I am so freaking out right now!
Pupa: Beach!
Yumyulack: I know right! I bet they have training course!
Jesse: I highly doubt that.
Yumyulack: Relax, it’s gonna be breeze. Some resorts have a fun course for families. Plus, they have a spa! You like spas and manicures!
Jesse: Hell yeah Yummybear! This is gonna be great!
Phoebe: You kids almost done?
Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa: Yep! chanting Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!
Korvo: Alright alright. Settle down. We’re leaving in five minutes.
Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa: Yay!
Terry smirks seductively.
Terry: You ready for sexy kinky vacation for honeymoon honey?
Korvo: Fuck yeah I am.
The two husbands kiss. Then, cues the family driving to the resort while “Holiday” from Madonna plays in the background:
Jesse is lip-syncing to the song.
Yumyulack: Man, Jesse really love road travel songs. This one truly fits our trip to the beach resort.
Terry: Hell yeah, my sweet little dancing lip-syncing princess.
Jesse giggles.
Jesse: Thanks Terry.
Pupa: Are we there yet?
The family laughs.
Phoebe: Yes we are.
Yumyulack: LET’S GOOOOOOO!
The family drives to the resort as the suitors carried their luggage. The family check in into their room and Korvo and Terry smile at the view.
Korvo: This is so beautiful.
Terry: I know. Look at the ocean.
The ocean starts shimmering as Korvo smiles.. Terry notices that Korvo’s eyes are sparkling because of the water.
Terry: I love when your eyes do that when you’re near the water. It makes them shine.
Korvo blushes.
Korvo: Oh stop it you.
Terry: seductively You know that’s true you beautiful shimmering stud.
Korvo giggles and unbuttons his shirt.
Korvo: You ready for some fun my darling?
Terry blushes and stammers.
Terry: Oh baby! Fuck me now! takes off his clothes as he leaps and embraces Korvo on his arms as they kiss and falls down on the bed
Korvo starts to dominate Terry as they moan lovingly.
Korvo: Mmm, yes! So tight!
Terry: Shit! I’m gonna cum!
Korvo: Oh yes! Oooh! Do it was we cum away! OOOOOH FUUUUUUCCCK! moans as he cums
The two husbands cum as thens moan lovingly. However, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa are disgusted by their dads having sex.
Terry: cums on Korvo’s chest YEEESSSSSS!
Pupa: Eeew! Yucky!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Aw eeew! Sex again? You guys are disgusting! Come on boo! Gross!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Alright kids, out now. Give your dads some alone time.
The kids and Phoebe leave as Korvo and Terry catch their breath.
Korvo: Oh baby, I never had this kind of sex before in my life and it’s amazing!
Terry: I know!
Korvo and Terry kiss with tongue as they moan.
Terry: Oh baby. moans
Korvo: Mmm…
The two husbands then fall asleep as they smile.
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disneytva · 2 years ago
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Disney Gives G’day With New Year’s Premiere Date For “Koala Man” Slated For January 9
Good people of Dapto, there's a new superhero in town. Koala Man ready to kickoff Disney’s 100 Years Of Wonder.
Koala Man will officially be bringing marsupial justice to Disney’s streaming platforms on January 9 on Hulu & Disney+ International with Star+ dropping the show on later date.
New images from the show have also dropped. Koala Man hails form Australian creator/animator Michael Cusack (YOLO: Crystal Fantasy, Smiling Friends).
Koala Man follows middle-aged dad Kevin and his titular not-so-secret identity, whose only superpower is a burning passion for following rules and snuffing out petty crime in the town of Dapto. Though it may seem like any other Australian suburb, forces of evil both cosmic and man-made lie in wait to pounce on unsuspecting Daptonians. On a quest to clean up his hometown, and often roping his frustrated family into his adventures, Koala Man stands at the ready. He’ll do whatever it takes to defeat villainous masterminds, supernatural horrors, or worse: jerks who don’t take their rubbish bins down on the proper days.
The series features the voices of Michael Cusack as Kevin/Koala Man; Hugh Jackman as Big Greg, head of the town council and the most popular guy in Dapto; Sarah Snook as Kevin’s forbearing wife, Vicky, a cafeteria lady; Jemaine Clement as Bazwell, a nerdy and ineffectual dandy who mentors Kevin’s son, Liam (also voiced by Cusack) and Demi Lardner as Kevin’s popularity-hungry daughter, Alison; with Rachel House as Vicky’s coworker Janine and local bowling club owner Louise, Jarrad Wright as Kevin’s neighbor/BFF/super hero sidekick, Spider, and guest roles by Miranda Otto and Hugo Weaving.
Koala Man is executive produced by “Solar Opposites” and “The Paloni Show” co-creator Justin Roiland and Walt Disney Pictures & Point Grey Pictures “Figment” writers Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit.
Michael Cowap also serves as executive producer. The series is produced by 20th Television Animation for Disney Television Studios.
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talonabraxas · 11 months ago
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The Rose in Alchemy
The cross stands wound densely round with roses.
Who has put roses on the cross?... And from the middle springs a holy life Of threefold rays from a single point. — Goethe, Die Geheimnisse (1784-1786)
In alchemy, the white and the red rose are well-known symbols for the lunar and the solar tincture, from which the "precious rose-coloured blood" of Christ-Lapis flows. And the Shehina, the brilliance of celestial wisdom on earth, is understood in the image of the rose, and "the collection of honey" stands for the common inheritance of theosophical knowledge. “Thus the whole parable of the Song of Solomon finally refers to the object of our rose-cross: 'I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the field'”. As regards "the correct procedure for attaining the rose-red blood of the cross that is poured (as quintessence) in the centre of the cross", Fludd used the image of wisdom: the work of the architect as a labourer of God on the building of the temple. — R. Fludd, Summum Bonum, Frankfurt, 1629
Symbolism of the Rose
A highly complex symbol; it is ambivalent as both heavenly perfection and earthly passion; the flower is both Time and Eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. In the Occident, the rose and lily occupy the position of the lotus in the Orient. In the symbolism of the heart, the rose occupies the central point of the cross, the point of unity. The red and white rose together represent the union of fire and water, the union of opposite. In Alchemy, the rose is wisdom and the rosarium the Work; it is also the rebirth of the spiritual after the death of the temporal. In Hebrew Qabalism, the center of the rose is the sun and the petals the infinite, but harmonious, diversities of Nature. The rose emanates from the Tree of Life. In Hinduism, the lotus parallels the symbolism of the Mystic Rose as a spiritual center, especially in the chakras. For Rosicrucians, the Rose-cross is the Mystic Rose as wheel and cross; the rose is the divine light of the universe and the cross the temporal world of pain and sacrifice. The rose grows on the Tree of Life which implies regeneration and resurrection. The rose in the center of the cross is the quaternary of the elements and the point of unity.
In the Grail legend, the invocations addressed to the divine heart of Jesus contain the feminine element. It is extolled as "the temple in which dwells the life of the world," as a rose, a cup, a treasure, a spring, as the furnace of divine love "ever glowing in the fire of the Holy Ghost", as a censer and as a bridal chamber. Jesus receives the souls of the dying into his heart which "burns glowingly", "as red gold burns and melts in the fire", and the soul dissolves therein, "as water mixes with wine". All of these symbols are feminine and are therefore very closely connected with the motifs of the Grail legend and of alchemical symbolism. --Emma Jung & Marie-Louise von Franz, The Grail Legend (1986), p. 100
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avaveevo · 9 months ago
Ultra Opposites Characters (Updated Version)
Terry/Solar Flare: Fire Powers Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Ice Powers and Super Shlorpian Transformation Yumyulack/Psylock: Psychic and Mind Reading Powers Jesse/Electra: Electricity Powers The Pupa Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: Super Strength and Flight Phoebe/Katana: Martial Arts and Weapon Summoning Janiz/Lady Super Shlorpian, Korvo's older sister: Martial Arts and Super Shlorpian Transformation Kimber/Skarlet: Blood Manipulation AISHA EVA, AISHA's Cousin MAX, a prototype AI Parker/Spider-Girl: Spiderman Powers Daryl/Dark Matter, Yumyulack's boyfriend: Psychic Powers Stacy G/Mightette, Jesse’s girlfriend: Super Strength Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Flight and Laser Eyes Ms. Frankie/Shadow Lady: Martial Arts and Weapon Summoning Nova/Lady Roseus: Gift Kevin/The Flamethrower: Fire Breath Randall/Ultra Man: Super Strength and Flight Jaime/Firey: Fire Powers Darcy/Miss Darcina: Muscle Growth Ms. Perez/Shout Out: Sonic Scream Sherbet/Violet: Color Changing Powers Cherie/Agent Red: Martial Arts and Fire Powers Montez/The Master: Psychic Powers Pezlie/La Oscuridad: Shadow Powers Mia/Shine Light: Green Lantern Powers Janice/Master Smasher: Super Strength Monica/Acid Girl: Acid Powers Trevor/Tip-Shot: Laser Fingers Louise/Frostbyte: Ice Vision Dr. Weatherstone/Hurricane: Wind Manipulation
Ophelia: A space empress and The Ultra Opposites’ arch-nemesis Sister Sisto/Echo: A false prophet revived by Ophelia Nicholas Ronalds/Night Runner: A boy that Jesse used to be in love with until she learned that he was a mutant and dumped him Kitty: A spoiled brat who became a criminal after her parents cut off her allowance Captain Rusty: A robot pirate Stacey and Casey/The Phenomenal Twins: Former circus performers turned livestreamers Iron Knuckle: A former Russian wrestler who became a cyborg after he got into a giant accident during one of his matches Dr. Brain: Korvo and Janiz’s father Robo Korvo: An evil robot version of Korvo built by Ophelia Miss Songstress: A singer who wants Korvo’s musical talent to rule Earth Basilisk: A mutant fish with laser eyes
Janiz, EVA, and MAX are owned by me
Phoebe and Monica are owned by @themagicwolf6677
Parker is owned by @prospitdaydreamer
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sciencespies · 5 years ago
Arctic sea ice could be gone by 2035, according to Earth's climate history
Arctic sea ice could be gone by 2035, according to Earth's climate history
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The Arctic’s rapidly melting sea ice continues to outrun even our most dire predictions for the future, and that’s not out of line with the past.
A new and improved model, based on the last warm period in Earth’s history, now suggests shallow pools of rain and melt water could bring about the end of summer sea ice considerably sooner than we thought.
If what’s happening to the Arctic right now is anything like the last interglacial period, scientists say there’s a chance it could be virtually free of sea ice in only 15 years.
“The prospect of loss of sea ice by 2035 should really be focussing all our minds on achieving a low-carbon world as soon as humanly feasible,” says Louise Sime, a palaeoclimate modeller at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
Past projections from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show summer sea ice persisting over a million square kilometres until at least 2050 or even beyond 2100, but recently, that timeline has begun to look far too optimistic.
Just this year, an analysis of numerous climate models found that even in the best case scenario, Arctic sea ice would slip below this mark, making the region virtually “ice-free” before the mid-point of the century.
Of course, this doesn’t end the debate; there are still so many subtle factors to consider. But Sime says we can gain a better understanding of the future by looking back at Earth’s last warm period, which began roughly 130,000 years ago and was much warmer than today.
While previous models of this time do not show ice-free summers in the Arctic, Sime and her colleagues found the opposite using improved model physics and incorporating subtle feedback systems in the climate.
Their model suggests the Arctic was very likely to have been ice-free during the summers of the last interglacial period, and this was enhanced by the presence of melt ponds – even more so than clouds or ocean currents, which have historically been given more weight in the warming Arctic. 
Melt ponds occur in the Arctic’s late spring and summer, when rain and melting ice and snow gather into shallow pools of blue. Slightly darker than the ice surrounding them, these scattered bodies of water reduce surface reflectance and absorb significantly more solar radiation than the frozen ground.
Some studies have shown melt ponds actually enhance surrounding ice melt and increase the potential of phytoplankton blooms in the ocean underneath. It can also make sea ice unsteadier and lead to fractures, revealing the ocean underneath and contributing to further heat absorption. 
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(NASA Earth Observatory)
If what happened to melt ponds back then happens in the future, the authors predict summer sea ice might disappear from the Arctic in the next few decades – anywhere between 2035 and 2086.
And it’s probably on the sooner side.
Half the models they looked at predicted sea-ice-free conditions between 2030 and 2040, and even in the worst case scenario, where we do nothing to curb emissions and populations and economies continue to grow unfettered, the authors found the latest disappearance of sea ice would come in 2066.
This study, of course, is not a direct measurement of today’s sea ice melt, nor does it examine winter temperatures or seasonal changes in sea ice. It’s a prediction, based on what happened in the hottest days of years past and what will happen in the future using our current understanding of the atmosphere, land, ocean and ice.
It’s an imperfect estimate, but the findings do support more recent models that imply sea ice is on its way out far sooner than we had hoped for, in large part because of overlooked feedback systems such as melt ponds.
“The ability of the [new] model to realistically simulate the very warm LIG Arctic climate provides independent support for predictions of ice-free conditions by summer 2035,” the authors conclude. 
“This should be of huge concern to Arctic communities and climate scientists.”
The study was published in Nature Climate Change.
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