#montage of my life kinda jam
etherealsausage · 3 months
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
MLB ideas/hopes/predictions/prompts
Bunnix using her umbrella to fly like Mary Poppins
Ladybug coming up with an overly convoluted Rube Goldberg machine type plan with her lucky charm, but not having some of the components, so she just sends Pegasus to the store in the middle of a battle
Characters who are close slowly finding out about each other’s superhero identities in funny ways
Pigella picking up something massive and like 10x heavier than her and chucking it
I really want one of these heroes’ tools to be a comically large anime-style weapon, but alas I don’t think they’d do it
Season finale boss fight featuring all the new heroes, which is totally gonna happen at some point, but it would look really busy on screen to have them all running around at once, so I’d split them into smaller teams based on their skills to carry out specific parts of Ladybug’s Epic 36-Step Plan™️. It would make for a satisfying “oh yeah, it’s all coming together” montage and also give us some unique character interactions.
Ladybug picking unique combo teams of new heroes based on their skills to fight specific strong villains
Alya starting a school paper and getting the whole team in on it. I love the episodes where the class does one big project together, they’re so cute.
Someone/a group getting akumatized on purpose to disobey Hawkmoth and take advantage of their akuma’s power for a noble goal
Episode from the POV of a boring background character detailing how the life of the average Parisian is affected by LB and CN. Unreliable scheduling, monster traffic jams, the sheer embarrassment of getting got by an akuma...
I want an animal to get akumatized. Someone’s dog who feels lonely when their favorite human gets a new, demanding job and turns into a terrifying Cerberus beast or something.
Mayor Bourgeois allocates some taxpayer dollars into a LB bank account to support her, and she has to make the very important decision on whether to save it for a real emergency or buy 17 hamburgers.
Okay part of me doesn’t want to make kwami/future hero predictions in case I accidentally come up with something way cooler than what will really happen and then be disappointed, but the other part of me is like hee hoo predikshun. So don’t expect these to actually happen lol.
I won’t talk about Multimouse because we kinda know everything about her, but she looks cute and it’s nice to see two heroes who aren’t super skinny.
The silhouette of Minotaurox in the intro doesn’t offer a lot of insight other than his epic horns. I have no idea what his tool might be. His costume looks to be pretty simple/practical, though, which is in line with Ivan’s character. I heard a theory that his power will be increasing in size, and it makes sense looking at Stoneheart and the pattern of flipping the characters’ flaws on their head, but that sounds kind of boring to me, especially compared to all the other creative abilities.
Tigresse’s silhouette makes me think her design will be awesome. Her tail looks like it might be her tool. It kind of resembles Amethyst’s whip from SU so maybe she can use it to grab things like Ladybug does with her yo-yo. I heard a theory that her power will be invisibility which I support because it takes the flaw that turned Juleka into Reflekta (wanting to be invisible out of insecurity) and makes it powerful like the stealth of a tiger.
From the silhouette, Caprikid looks a bit like a beginner’s Trollhunters cosplay, but I’m sure he’ll be cool. I’ve seen people argue whether he’s Nate or Marc and I’m positive he’s Marc (making Nate CC) so if anyone asks for an explanation I’ll make the comprehensive post on why. He’s holding his tool, and I’ve seen debate over which direction it’s in. If he’s holding it pointed up it looks like a giant calligraphy brush, but I think he’s holding it pointed down and the “brush” is just a decoration on the end. I’ve heard a theory that it’s a shepherd’s cane which is my favorite one. Personal idea here: I’d make his power telekinesis. Pretty basic, but I can imagine it being very useful for the type of scenarios we see in the show without it being OP. I like the idea of using a cane to “shepherd” something through the air. This could reflect Reverser’s desire for control, but flip it to be more collected and useful.
I fully support Coq Courage’s ninja pants, they are simply Correct. It’d be cool if his tool was a bow and arrow, and that seems like a pretty popular theory. The shape to the left of his torso looks like it might be a quiver but it’s probably just his other arm. Thumb rings are used in archery, but what little we’ve seen of the miraculous (disguised on Marinette and Chloe) shows a different type of ring. Still tho. Also get ready for my crazy never-gonna-happen idea: the bow can turn into a hang glider. Roosters can fly, but not super well/freely, which could translate to gliding. It’d add some versatility to the way the heroes move around since a lot of the temporary ones can only run, and it would let him reach places LB might not be able to. I’ve heard a theory that his power will be supersonic voice which could contrast how Nathaniel is bad at communicating and quiet until he gets mad and blows up.
Orikko might be the kwami of illumination. Roosters are associated with the sun and Evillustrator’s power was sourced from light. At first I thought his transformation words might be “sunrise” and “sunset” but someone said the activation code could be “rise and shine” which sounds awesome.
Traquemoiselle, believe it or not, is actually in the intro, she’s just hidden at the very top and only a snippet of the head is showing. All we know is that she has round dog ears. Barrk is surprisingly one of the more fleshed-out kwamis as of now, having a few solid lines of characterization in Furious Fu. Kwamis are usually yin-yang to their holder, so Barrk fits Sabrina perfectly, being loyal yet independent while Sabrina is loyal and an absolute doormat. No clue about her tool. Her power is kinda in the name: tracking. Maybe she can track down some one specific thing of her choice, but maybe she can sniff out akumas. As seen in Dark Owl and Gang of Secrets, Hawkmoth can be creative with akuma placement, so she can probably save the team from some close calls.
I have no theories for the transformation words of the other kwamis. Ziggy or Stompp could include “horns” or “charge” and Roaar “stripes” but I can’t think of any phrase including those words that isn’t too similar to an existing one. There are some phrases based on powers, though, not the animal. Or maybe they’ll just give up and give us another iteration of “Sass, scales slither”.
I think the theme for one of these remaining new heroes might be “assertion”. A lot of them struggle with that as their civilian selves, and the animals that are left can all be associated with independence/dominance, not that the animal traits always play into what the heroes are.
Ok last one, long one: in season 3, Luka’s main traits were “cool and nice” which doesn’t make for an interesting, complex major character, and at first he seemed like the perfect love interest, but from an outside perspective the extent of his kindness is kind of disturbing. I’m hoping they can flip this around and turn it into a character flaw where he has practically no boundaries, and it turns into a problem. Maybe he could agree to run random errands for the background characters for nothing in return, and at first it’s just him being nice, but later people start seeing his help as an obligation. They get peeved when he’s unavailable one day and get akumatized into a “boss rush” of classic akumas, effectively trapping and forcing him to help them. Then Tigresse Pourpe comes and helps save the day, expanding on Juleka and Luka’s relationship. The resolution can teach kids that putting yourself first isn’t necessarily selfish, and that sitting back and letting people take advantage of your kindness isn’t heroic.
There’s probably some stuff I forgot which I can put in a different post later, but lmk if you want a separate post about any of these things in more detail! This was just me rambling out all my new hyperfixation thoughts. Also if anyone uses any of the hypotheticals/scenarios as a prompt I’d love to see it.
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sugargliderowl · 4 years
Thoughts About Remus' Playlist
So as usual, this is my first reaction/rant/analysis about the playlist! This time, it’s Remus’ Playlist. I think it’s going to be cursed. But a... good cursed, if that’s a thing. As usual, feel free to add on to this! It’s good to share thoughts and talk about meanings, even making predictions about the future! 
General Overview Before Listening: I love Yugen_sama ‘s artwork; her style makes me happy! Also, Remus doing that? TOTALLY HIM. Just looking at the choice of songs does mirror Roman’s playlist in a way with their own anthems, Tenacious D, maybe an etc. We’ll have to see on that. His explanation with all the emojis is definitely him, and I think that’s all I can say. Just look at it.
Reminder: Before we go on, a little reminder for your safety. The songs can be quite... a handful. If you know about Remus’ personality and interests but still wanna read the overall analysis, go to the TL:DR at the way bottom without reading the specific song analysis. If you remember the TW from the video, that really applies here. Stay safe. 
Song Analysis:
This Devil’s Workday: Genius told me that this is about a criminal going mad. Yeah. The blazing trumpets and the really radio-like voice in the song is kinda creepy, but that goes with Remus as intrusive thoughts! He’s very obtrusive, and he’s everywhere without any filter. It’s a good intro to his character. The poor sack of puppies in this song goes back to his theme’s lyric, “your pet dog stuffed into a sausage” Also, the repetition of “All the people that you know / Floating on the river are logs” is like what he does to Thomas (repetitively reminding him about the bad things). The  “Oh I am my own da[ng] God” goes along with all the biblical references he makes in his theme (and just the dark sides in general). All in all, this song/introduction just is him screeching, “HI, I’M YOUR INTRUSIVE THOUGHT WITHOUT THE UGH.” 
Forbidden Fruit (the Duke’s Theme): If you are a Fander, you definitely are singing/screaming this on top of your lungs as you listen to this. I did that, and I love that. This song itself has a lot of good analysis online, so check them out! It was the intro song of the Duke with all his motives, thoughts, and everything beyond that, so it’s definitely on here. Also, it mirrors A Gay Disney Prince from Roman’s playlist by both being their own “I want” songs as well as their character role songs. The Creativitwins strike here once.
Double Team: Tenacious D! The Creativitwins strike here again! Wonderboy was on Roman’s playlist, which is also a Tenacious D song, so you can definitely say there are some mirroring going on here (also! YES the artist choice seems like a definite factor in choosing these songs). So this song is about having sex. Okay. And having a threesome. Okay, Remus. This song, even though it’s from the same artist as Roman, has a really different theme. If the Tenacious D selection is about the twins, would this mean that Roman wants them to be a really good team who, even though are opposites, can get along, while Remus wants them both to lose the filter and have fun? Overall, it could mean that the twins both want to get along, just in different ways which contradict one another. I’m not going into the lyric details because oof.
Man: I just noticed that Yeah Yeah Yeahs was on Patton’s and Virgil’s playlists. On Remus? I didn’t really expect that, but that’s a pleasant surprise. This song is really interesting because it’s not like the other two. This song, for me, is about someone who is obsessed with a man who would make her do anything, and she’s just hooking up with him or something. Also, the whole, “You're all gonna burn in hell / I said we're all gonna burn in hell” goes back to the biblical references that the Dark Sides make as well as the lyric of “Cause your head's not in the gutter, pal / It's in Hell.” Who is the man? Thomas, probably. This probably directs back to Remus convincing Thomas to drop the filter.
Freeee: “When man becomes possessor of the knowledge of himself, he becomes the master of his environment“ in the beginning of the song is Remus telling Thomas to learn about himself by possibly accepting Remus. The lyrics “One day they hate you / Next day they love you / I'm still yellin' "F[*]ck 'em" / I could never trust—” show how Remus doesn’t trust the society like Janus, and that’s just one of the main core of the dark sides. They don’t trust people that much. This does include Virgil since he is anxiety, so he can’t trust everything immediately. They all have different ways of showing the distrust. For Remus, it’s the layback, “frick it” attitude. “I don’t feel pain anymore” and “nothin’ hurts me anymore” seems to be a potential for Remus angst of being rejected from all the sides and being the “Evil Twin”. Does he care or not care? No one knows yet.
In The Room Where You Sleep: Sleep from the shorts and Virgil will both react really strongly to this song. Why? “There's something in the shadows / In the corner of your room / A dark heart is beating / And waiting for you” (Telltale Heart reference-). Yeah. Remus listening to this would go back to that end card of Remus being creepy (and eating deodorant). Also, it possibly demonstrates Virgil and Remus’ relationship; Remus scared Virgil because of his thoughts and conjectures. The repetition of “You better run / You better hide” would also contribute to this thought, definitely. But then again, that melancholy keyboard... Why that montage at the end?
No Reason Boner: The song is very catchy and funny. But ASDKLFAJSD. This is definitely Remus’ type of song. That means that the sexual information is given control to Remus, and he probably uses the information for his jokes and intrusive thoughts. This song is what Remus' personality is: goofy yet NSFW. This intrusive thought without the ugh is probably lovable in this fandom because of that. Also, I don’t know why, but he can have that naivete even though he’s the one in charge of stuff like that. A nice juxtaposition right there.
I Told You I Was Freaky: This playlist is a RIDE. VERY MUCH A RIDE. Just all the sexual references in this song are just 1000% Remus. The song itself is quite whispery, and I guess that goes with Remus because he whispers the dirty stuff into Thomas’ ears. Well, whisper is very much an understatement. But I have to admit, if you listen to the lyrics, there are some very creative ways that people don’t think of. It’s usually a bed, a car, or in a club or party, but the lyrics are more than that. Then, we can assume how capable and skilled Remus is as the Dark Creativity; he’s as good as Roman, just in a different category. 
Queef: If you don’t know what a queef is, I didn’t too. I just looked it up while I was typing this. Wait, isn’t Awkwafina in like a movie? This, like that last song, is basically him going off on his creativity and wordplay. In future episodes, I would love to see how Remus can go off with his wordplay because if Roman’s good at all the nicknames, and if Remus is basically him but darker, that means he’s good. Like really good. This song is also very, very catchy, and I kinda jammed through it because of the beat.
Manners: According to genius, this song is a "sexually-charged bad b[*]tch anthem on which Ashnikko displays her “IDGAF”-attitude.” Basically, the vine, “I’M A BAD B*TCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME” would equate to Remus as well as the meme, “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go APESH*T-.” This might connect with his facade in a way because he seems to be naive and goofy at times (although NSFW), but when he drops it, he drops it fast, and he drops it hard. For example, his facade drops when he threatened Logan in DWIT, and his facade can be picked back up quickly, too. This song also has the element of “Frick this world” attitude, which Remus showed in the previous songs, and I stan him. As the fandom did an edit once, he would definitely wear acrylic nails if he wants to. A thing that I did notice though is the lyric “Fight or flight, I’m fighting for my life.” HI VIRGIL!
Ben Bernanke: I don’t know who Spencer is, but a big OOF for him. This song’s structure is really unique because I have no clue where it’s going, and it’s going with Remus’ personality of just randomness and intrusivity (is that a word?). ALSO, the continuing snakes in these songs. So is Spencer Janus in our context? If so, Remus is quite mad at Janus. I do see why though, after that last video implying that he’s the Evil Twin. “Do you think you can mock me, Spencer? / Do you think you can capture my essence / And throw it back at me with / Humor and rhetorical devices?” Gosh, Janus and Remus could have beef with one another. Also, that “Avada Kedavra” and “I’m... a furious magician” could definitely foreshadow something in the future. Additionally, “You're the architect of my dreams, Spencer / You plan them, and build them on blue paper / And hand them to me / And then I dream them, Spencer.” 
Worldwide Torture: “I never come second place / Always been a big disgrace Smell the fear, I know you see / High achiever (Yeah, that's me!)” Welcome to Remus’ angst that we do not know much about yet. It’s great. It’s just like Roman, but in a more “I’m a disappointment” way! However, what’s quite different is that Remus is pissed. Beyond pissed about it, so he acts up unlike Roman who tries to mask it. Because he knows that he’s not regarded nicely with any of the sides, he wants to molest them and destroy the world, shown by the lyrics “A pure violation of God's great creation / It’s an infestation, it’s world domination.” I think this issue might pop up more frequently as more episodes come out, but for now, this is my assumption. Out of context, “The highest score” goes with that last episode, since Remus was present as the 80085. 
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na): I DIDN’T EXPECT THIS TO BE HERE, BUT I LOVE IT. THANK YOU. WOOOOOO YASSSS. This is actually one of the “pump me up” songs. First, “Eight legs to the wall, hit the gas, kill them all” is, obviously, a spider in the song, but in our context, we can also call it an octopus because Remus’ animal is an octopus, which has 8 tentacles (6 legs and 2 arms). Second, Remus is PISSED. He definitely has a punk aesthetic, shown by all the songs about flipping the world. The lyrics “I’d rather to to Hell / Than be in purgatory” definitely shows his determination of doing so since he’s saying that he won’t sit back. Somehow, for me it’s a growth from the beginning of “I don’t care” to “I actually care, and I’m fighting for that sh*t”. Pissed off Remus is scary Remus.
Trash People: Trash rat boiiiii. But this song is more than that. It’s showing that trash people aren’t really... trash people. “ Art is love and love is sloppy / Nothing is all pure / Nothing is all dirty” really shows the whole duality aspect in the entire series. Everything is gray. And that’s what Roman and Remus need to work on since they were divided by the black and white mentality. If Remus is okay with the gray morality, then who would be the one that he’s directing this song to? Roman. “Wearing a smile and a heart on my sleeve” though. I don’t get this lyric, but then again, tell me what you guys think! Does this mean that Remus is actually trying to be like this, or is he mocking Roman... The “no time to start over” also sounds really ominous.
Tranz: Gorillaz! Same album as Roma-OKAY THIS IS GETTING REAL. The last one with this artist had the lyrics, “I’m the lonely twin, the left hand... I don’t want this isolation.” People were screaming about this because, of course, this refers to Remus, but who knew that this was going to pop up again! That’s why I loved the artist connections during these analysis. Anyways, this goes back to the twin duality, but more of an angry tune. Take a look at this: “Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? / Do you turn into your effigy? / Do you dance like this forever?” Remember Roman’s whole monologue about Remus as someone he sees in the mirror with all the things he doesn’t want to be? This song is Remus asking Roman about that statement. Keep in mind that effigy is a sculpture that is usually used to mock or burn and is used as a negative connotation (thank you my English teacher). Remus doesn’t like that comparison at all, and I’m more concerned for him now than I was ever before after Janus saying that too. 
Death as a Fetish: Wow, this is sad. “And I will never be good enough, quietly / And you will never be good enough, just like me.” If the twins have the time to reconcile, this is probably the first thing they need to help out on each other. Remus knows more about his twin than we all thought, and he knows that both of them have problems about that. On the other hand, this song, when I looked at some of the annotations on genius, has a sad connotation. Life is so short, and it ends, and you know for sure that death is there at all times with that repetition of “death as a fetish” after everything we find positive. For Remus, I guess he knows about this. He’s a deeper character than we credit him as.
Don’t Stop Me Now: TONIIIIGHT IM GONNA HAVE MYSEEEELF A GOOD TIIME- okay. This song is something I scream my lyrics to. I also didn’t expect this, but in a calmer manner (because I wasn’t calm when this was on), yes please. Basically, DON’T STOP ME NOWWW! I don’t know how to explain this in a deeper way. Yeah. I LOVE THIS SONG THOUGH!
Things I Don’t Remember: “Things I don't remember / How the hell'd we get here? / How the hell did we get here?” This can be interpreted in a lot of ways. It could either be how all the sides came to be, how Roman and Remus came to be by both having the role of creativity, or just where Thomas is mentally since they are all Thomas. I think that’s depending on how you want to go about it. The last point is the strongest for me because of this one phrase of  “There were endless conversations / No one's mouths were really moving” maybe referring to the sides’ conversations around Thomas’ dilemmas. They sometimes only make it worse until someone has to kick in to change the viewpoint around, and that’s the reason why it feels like nobody’s mouths were really moving. Also, dressed up alligators? Okay, Remus.
F*ck It!: (Censored by yours truly with her notecard of “note your language”) The album name of taxidermy... fitting. Back to the song. “Why abstain? Why jump in line?” and “They say don't take the risk you're sure to fail... But what's the worst that could happen, end up in a coffin? / Isn't that where we're all headed anyway?” really highlights Remus’ spontaneity, which is a big factor in intrusive thoughts. This is back to the “frick this”, but more a “frick it I’m doing that sh*t, and I don’t care about the consequences” (going back to Na Na Na on that). Also, “'Cause it's easier to lie to yourself than to face reality” reminded me of Janus, but does this also apply to Remus in a way? Or does this apply to all the sides who are lying to themselves, especially Roman? Anyways, Remus’ spontaneity is something to kinda look up to at times. Not... not all the time. 
fReAkY 4 Life: Dorian Electra... the one behind Flamboyant from ROMAN’S PLAYLIST! The Creativitwins music solidarity number I-forgot-to-count. To the lyrics! “They just don't understand me / I'm not like them, I'm freaky” does go to all the other sides and Thomas because Remus really stands out from all the other sides. Silly yet NSFW, weird, and very new. Also, he seems to want some attention from all the sides with “ I like to be in the spotlight / Step on the scene ’cause it feels right / I freakin' scream, baby, all night / I do it, I do it, do it all the time,” but is it a distraction or legitimate attention? I love how this song is the finale because this song is the fireworks that says Remus. All the lyrics really match him, and especially with the “I hear what they call me / I hear what they say / I'm not very cool, yeah / But I'll never change,” it cements how Remus thinks. 
Remus is a character deeper than we already know him as. There are a lot of him that hasn’t been introduced to us since he’s pretty new. He has been on for about 2-3 episodes (only 1 with his full participation), and he never really interacted with Roman nor Janus, both who has a history with our little gremlin. Yes, Remus is the Duke of Dark Creativity and intrusive thoughts; there are so many references that are R-rated in this playlist, but in the end, he is another side. He more than the trash boi who gleefully talks about sensitive topics. 
He still has a connection with Roman with all the overlaps in their insecurities and artists, and he’s probably the one who’s more knowledgeable about their relationship as a twin. He could even want to reconcile with his twin, but in a way that Roman would not approve. That doesn’t mean that Remus is kinda mad at Roman. A fun house mirror.
Next, He doesn’t want to change himself in the sake of others although he knows that the others hate him for being him, and he’s actively going against it, not caring about the consequences. That’s what drives him to be really good at his job. He’s as good as Roman on doing his job. Along with that, he wants Thomas to embrace him as one of the sides and come over to the dark side of creativity. It’s one of Remus’ biggest dreams: acceptance. I want to see how this plays out with him and especially him.
Finally, he’s pissed. Very pissed. After all the berating at his back from all the other sides, including Janus, he’s PISSED. He’s ready to throw hands and wreck the world. I’m starting to be worried for how his character would develop. If he goes apesh*t, I’m getting popcorn and coke. Maybe drink every time we see him go feral. Eat a popcorn every time someone is disgusted by Remus. 
Overall, I love him more than I ever did because of this playlist since music is the window to the soul. It’s like knowing a person and learning about them. Also, by doing this, it really develops the character and lets the people look inside the character’s deepest thoughts and desires. I don’t know if there will be any additions to these, but if not, I really want to thank the entire group who made this happen! I found some songs that I really love now, and it’s such a good way for the fanders to have fun! (also, the content inspired from this is going to be very interesting)(the ANGST) 
Thanks for reading if you came til here, and feel free to add on to this! I would love to see how you guys think about this playlist!
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littlelittlebear · 4 years
Two Drifters | 3/3 Jeronica Secret Santa
@fangstomysweetpea oh my god.... its finally time!!! 
The moment i’ve been aching for is finally here and i am HYPE
Happy Christmas my dear Tumblr-friend, I hope you enjoy this jeronica playlist/au/riverdale rewrite.
A couple things first, the descriptions on each song are just an outline as to whats happening in that moment/what the song calls for. Also, this is like a story, so its not really something you can play on shuffle lol. I’m confident you didn’t really need these “instructions” lmao, just want you to have a bomb-ass jeronica experience XDD
Also, you don’t have to “follow” the descriptions when you think them out, you can completely take the reigns too if you’d like!
So.... here ya go!!
And here are the descriptions-
Oxford Comma-
Locking eyes for the first time… wow. Just- everything is in slow motion.
Baby Doll-
Slow dancing in Pop’s after the dance. (V goes to Pop’s instead of Archie)
Can I call you tonight?-
Jughead and Veronica’s moments of glee when they finally set up a date with each other. Veronica squeals and jumps up and down, Jughead punches the air, they both fall down on the bed with blissful looks on their faces. Two cinnamon rolls.
“So, I’ll call you tonight?”
“Yes! *Too enthusiastic- calm down Veronica* Yes. Call me tonight.”
*Que music*
Just Like a Movie-
Jughead calls this their theme song one day when they’re just hanging out in the student lounge as a joke.
Veronica calls this Jughead’s theme song in response, they have a good laugh and Jughead rolls his eyes at the lyrics A LOT.
Space Girl-
Jughead calls this Veronica’s theme song- because she’s “oUt oF tHiS worLD!”.
She smacks his arm for being so cheesy.
Good Morning-
The morning after they do the “horizontal tango” with each other for the first time, they dance in Veronica’s kitchen, knowing all the words- only to be interrupted by an amused Hermione Lodge.
Their first Christmas together, spent snowed in at The Pembrooke. But honestly, they don’t mind.
Shake it out-
Jughead and Veronica cry together after her parents blackmail them/force them to break up. #parentssuck.
Your star-
Coping with the breakup, newsflash- they aren’t, or when they are... they don’t go the healthiest route. So. Much. Angst.
Veronica changes up her style a little bit, which really is just lower cut tops, just trying to forget about Jughead- does a lil sexy performance singing to this at a pep rally.
Out the door-
Jughead never leaving the depressional stage of grief.                                
+ Exchanging broken looks that just scream “I’m not over you.”
I can’t get you off my mind-
Drunkenly hooking up at a party because their tension recently had just been… w o w
Sneaking around- sexy times ;)
Why Do You Love Me-
Having a screaming match, then a very angry/hot makeup session, then very angry sex XD
The Wind-
After some hOrIzOnTaL TaNGo at Sweetwater River, they admit that they can’t keep away from each other, saying that they love each other for the first time- followed by Veronica crying tears of joy cuz she’s never done that before- and that they’re going to work everything out, together. They just hold each other after that.
“I love you, Princess.”
Veronica props herself on her elbow to face him (they were laying down before)
Jughead sees her widened eyes. “Y-you don’t have to say it back, I know its ha-“
“I love you too, Jug”
You and I-
Montage of working at Pop’s for summer, ending with a jam sesh in Jughead’s trailer- Veronica just in his shirt and Jughead just in his sweats. FP comes in, surprised to see Veronica, but welcomes her easily. FP and Veronica bond, and he embarrasses Jug with some baby photos. While Jug’s probably beet-red, he can’t help but completely oggle at Veronica- happy that they don’t have to hide from his dad anymore.
Start a Riot-
Jeronica send a little message to Hiram through security cameras (they just make out lmao), showing that he can’t keep them apart. They then proceed to trash Hiram’s jingle jangle lab. :)
Moon River-
Slow dancing after having been crowned homecoming King and Queen. And of course, because Veronica is 1/2 of this relationship- this becomes their song.
“That’s us.”
“What do you mean?” Veronica asks, confused.
“The two drifters in the song. ‘Two drifters, off to see the world.’ That’s us”
Veronica’s eyes start to gloss.
“I absolutely love that. And you.”
Being the badass power couple they are, being 100% team Serpent against the Bulldogs during the riots. Its all one long shot too- no cuts :))
A Sunday Kind of Love-
Looking at each other in slow motion (wow- I really love putting stuff in slow motion) when Veronica is officially named Serpent queen, they’re absolutely smitten with each other. Cut to them dancing in the Wyrm to the song, discussing how they’re going to make their big debut as Riverdale’s resident power couple… second to Choni of course.
“So… now that I’m your queen, I was thinking had a debut of sorts. Just to educate the public of this new order.” Veronica jabs, only kind of joking.
Jughead laughs, but it sounds more of a huff.
“Could you settle for a hand-in-hand entrance at school? Or would you be more comfortable with a red carpet event?”
Veronica and Jughead walking into school as Serpent Royalty with matching Serpent jackets- no special colours thank you very much. You can bet your ass its in slow motion.
Worlds Apart-
Veronica crying at Jughead’s bed-side after the Ghoulies fuck him up.
Boss Bitch-
Veronica gets revenge on the Ghoulies and Penny Peabody with the help of the female Serpents, the River vixens, Hermione, Betty, and Alice.
Le Symbolique-
Veronica and Jughead reunite from his state of unconsciousness, this whole sequence is in slow motion, with a lot of white lighting/glare. Jughead almost died and just that thought alone KILLED Veronica.
“Jug I was so scared-“
“Shush Ronnie, let me look at you.” His teary eyes trace over Veronica’s face with a beaming smile, before he brings his girlfriend closer and kisses the top of her forehead.
Harmony Hall- 
Some core four bliss before it gets chaotic again, with a side of Jeronica and Barchie cuddles.
Not Your Barbie Girl-
A River vixen performance, Jughead is so fricken in love with Ronnie right now cuz she’s just RADIATING empowerment.
Therefore I Am- 
Jeronica sends Hiram to jail again after a bomb ass one liner from Veronica:
“Mija, you have no idea what you’re doing.”
“Only one thing’s false in that sentence Hiram, I’m not your Mija anymore.”
*Proud Jughead smirk*
This Life-
Veronica meeting JB and Gladys, them getting along great- just a wholesome Lodge/Jones get-together.
Don’t Call Me Angel-
Veronica changes her name to Luna, fully emancipating herself from Hiram, and this gets Jughead really turned on XD
Sway With Me-
La Bonne Nuit’s first successful night, Josie, Veronica, Toni, and Cheryl perform. Veronica somehow convinces Jughead to dance with her in public. Think Moulin Rouge’s Diamond Dogs type editing.
My Oh My- 
Getting screwed over my Hiram, Veronica is in a TON of debt and needs some “stress relief” with Jughead. He obliges. Happily.
Veronica and Cheryl start their rum business, Jughead helps and oml he’s so proud of her. Btw, Cheronica are HUGE badasses right now.
Bury a friend-
Surviving Eversgreen Forest and Penelope Blossom…
The core four are free from the forest, successfully escaping Penelope Blossom. Jughead and Veronica share a tearful but happy kiss, laying down on the back of a truck.
Don’t Take The Money-
The core four hang out at pops and promise to have fun this senior year, Jughead steals Veronica’s cherry from her milkshake, but being so vulnerable to Midget’s (He calls her Midget. Yup.) puppy dog eyes, he makes it up to her by sharing his fries. 
“And for a brief, shining moment, we were kids again.” all that good shiz
The Four Seasons: “Winter”-
Jeronica hangs with the Stonewall psychos.
(Online Love)-
Veronica and Jughead FaceTime and Veronica has this vibe like she’s the montage of the hero’s dead girlfriend in a movie. Like her hair is all splayed out on her pillow and she’s all smiley-
“You look like an angel right now- with your hair like a halo and how much you’re smiling.”
Veronica laughs
“Well it’s your fault I’m smiling you idiot.” Her voice softens towards the end of the sentence.
“I love you too, Ron.”
El Tejano-
Party at Stonewall, Jeronica are absolutely WASTED. Fun fact- Jughead get’s really into PDA when he’s drunk
Burned Out- 
Oh shit… I guess Jughead is dead now. (dw, Betty’s still the one who “kills him”)
Claire de Lune-
Just kidding, he’s alive, and he and Veronica have a really cute moment in the bunker. Veronica starts reading his novel, per his request, and he just starts playing this on the record player and she smiles but her eyes are still on the book. He just kind of watches her, and when she starts beaming at the book he can’t help but kiss her right there. Then they just cuddle and little bit, Veronica on Jug’s lap, reading the book some more.
Girls Like GIrls-
Veronica has to prove Jughead is dead, so she and Betty kinda sorta… make out. Like, a lot. Betty is dating Archie at this point, and he’s the one who gets “mad”. But basically Betty and Veronica end up making out again cuz they spot Donna watching them. Veronica is a bi con, and Betty might be too but everyones in denial so *shrugs*.
Dream Lover-
(Time skip, because I’m lazy) Jughead’s alive again, sadly, his spot at NYU was taken by well, Veronica. Luckily, after pulling some strings, she surprises Jug with a full-ride acceptance letter from NYU starting second semester.
Magic Moments-
Yay! Prom! Barchie gets crowned king and queen (Beronica was kind of forgotten about, but thats fine, because we’re here for Jeronica first). While Betty and Archie are totally lost in each other, Jughead and Veronica are just kind of joking around on the side. While it’s Barchie’s moment, Jeronica is still looking pretty damn cute rn. Also, this becomes Barchie’s song!!
Oxford comma-
The song comes through the speaker at prom, Jughead invites Veronica to dance. As they sway, they gaze at one another like they’re seeing one another for the first time, to the song that started it all. 
And thats it! Thats Jeronica’s story from season one to season four, I hope you have a very merry Christmas and I hope you liked your presents! Also, if anyone feels like adding on to the dialogue or using any of the points in a fic or even making a whole ass fanfiction- please do!! I didn’t do this justice with my mediocre quotes so it would actually be preferred XD.
And again, happy Christmas :))
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So... I was kinda disappointed with Buck Begins... NOT ENTIRELY. Just...
Major spoilers ahead. You should definitely watch the episode before reading my complaints... because I have a lot of them, and you shouldn't have the negative thoughts going into it...
But I'm gonna start with the good stuff.
The Buckley Siblings are everything to me. I love their relationship, and watching Buck grow up with Maddie protecting him? *chef's kiss* Perfection.
Buck being a daredevil because it was the only time that he got positive attention from his parents as a child? Absolutely heartbreaking and I hate his parents for *so much* for that.
Maddie doing whatever she could to help her baby brother, even when she was terrified and probably knew how bad it was going to get? I love her with my whole heart.
And I absolutely love the way they highlighted their relationship and how important Maddie is to Buck.
The moment when the team comes in to help Buck and save him and the other person? Cinematic excellence, I applaud them for that scene. His team loves him and will always have his back, and he *knows* that now.
And now for my grievances and where I think they missed the target...
It focused on Maddie too much for a "Buck Begins" episode. I get that she's a huge part of his life and that she would be in the childhood flashbacks, but even once Buck was out on his own, all we got to see were the postcards (with handwriting that did not look At All like Buck's handwriting, might I add) and the one scene of Buck bartending in Peru where he decided to move to LA and become a firefighter.
We already basically got a Maddie Begins episode, when Doug came back and kidnapped her. I didn't need another one. (I love Maddie and I loved the flashbacks, but... it just should have focused more on Buck. It was his episode, after all.)
We should have gotten to actually *see* what Buck did with his life before he made it to LA. They could have shown Maddie receiving a postcard, then done a montage with a shot of Buck writing one of the postcards. That montage focused more on Maddie than it did on Buck, which kind of frustrated me.
And then in present day? They made such a big deal about the family secret, and it just fizzled out. Like it didn't matter anymore. And I honestly don't see them doing much more with it, unless (God forbid) in a later season the Madney baby gets leukemia or something and Buck is a perfect match to save his niece. (Actually I could see them doing that and I would definitely cry. That would maybe give them a pass with this plot thread.)
Then with the factory fire? Idk, it didn't feel intense enough for me. NOT that I wanted Buck to horribly suffer more, but... Eddie being buried alive in his episode was So Much More Intense. Chimney's episode happened while he was literally bleeding nearly to death. I was hoping for more.
And maybe it has something to do with the lack of reaction from the entire team when the building exploded. Not only did we not see Eddie panic, even briefly, about Buck being trapped, we didn't see Bobby or Chimney of Hen panic either! Bobby sees Buck as a son, this is basically canon now. And Chimney and Hen see him as their little brother.
The exploding ladder truck and the tsunami both felt way more intense for Buck than the factory fire in this episode.
And then to top it off, NOBODY GAVE BUCK A HUG AFTER THR FACTORY FIRE! And Eddie and Chimney weren't even there by the ambulance! Like, what the fuck? Yes, Bobby, Athena, and Hen told him what he needed to hear, but they all should have been there! Supporting him! Where were they???
Also, they missed the perfect opportunity to casually make Buck canonically bisexual. Instead of meeting a girl who taught him how to surf, he could have met a guy. Then things didn't work out, just like they didn't with the girl.
UGH, these writers! They're either *really* amazing or *really* miss the important stuff... there was so much potential, and they just wasted it!
Anyway, enough of my ranting. I did enjoy the episode, but it was definitely not the best Begins episode in my opinion.
What are your thoughts? I clearly have too many.
-Quarantine Anon
So I just finished watching. Spoilers beneath the cut
So here’s what I knew going into this- everyone was going wild with theories and ideas and great fics of what was going to play out. Which is great. But I do think it got hyped up because of that.
The flashbacks to the Buckley childhood hurt so much. Margaret seemed to take it out on Evan so much because in her eyes- he failed her by not saving Daniel. BEGONE, Margaret! You can’t put that on your child if your own plan was to use the child to save a sibling and then deem him not deserving of love because of nature and genetics. But Maddie and Buck? I love a pair of siblings while being in agony over the hells they’ve walked through.
The use of ‘So Far’ and the team helping him? Poetic cinema. I felt so many emotions and had a bit of a cry.
I actually liked the postcards. I think if they had gone to film all of what he did, it would have gotten jammed packed. The bartender was stated in canon, so that felt worthy of a flashback (and oh wow, that was not the revelation I needed that I try to know cool things to impress cute people. Buck is not straight, I don’t care what anyone says). Plus, with Covid-19, I bet there would be some filming issues. Also, it felt the ups and downs in Buck’s postcards paralleled Maddie’s injuries from Doug. They were both lost thinking they were living, except they weren’t. It was all about survival. And the worst part is that sometimes, you will lull yourself into a sense that survival=living when that’s not the case. That’s what happened to the Buckleys I think.
We don’t know what’s to come, but the family secret might come up again in therapy. Which they better freaking continue and not drop like the Flash did.
On the factory fire- I think we hyped it up more than we expected. Eddie Begins and Chimney Begins were really serious episodes with their lives on the line. And I think about Buck talking about giving up after he gets out. He wasn’t going into this fire with a clear head. I think he saw himself as the replacement baby still who couldn’t ever live up, who couldn’t do things right. He wouldn’t leave despite ordered because that was showing Saleh he didn’t matter. To Buck, he did. He gets being left behind and in those situations, you’d rather someone else be happier and fine while you take the impact. Like the world would keep turning and everyone would be fine (eventually) after you left it.
The ladder truck and tsunami were physical pain. The factory fire was emotional pain. (which reminds me, I need to make a post about the element symbolism in Begins episodes)
If we didn’t see a hug in the episode, then we write the fic for it. Missing scenes can be created ;) Not to mention they’ve all still got work to get done on the scene. After events like that, I think everyone needed time to process it.
I get bisexual vibes off Buck big time in this episode. And I think there is repression and closeting that comes into play here. Your parents are constantly disappointed in you, so why disappoint them further? Bury it down deep and deeper who you really are. It was the attention-seeking that would work out for him. Also, bisexuality is more than one. You identify as bi and your partner uses she/her? Bi. Partner uses he/his? BI. Partner uses them/they? Still bi. (Also, how much do we know about the postcards he wrote. Maybe he didn’t give her the full story. There’s only so much room in a postcard and she was the one person in the world who still believed in him. Was he afraid to disappoint her?)
Overall, I did enjoy the episode. Eddie Begins always holds a special place in my heart as the first ever episode of 911 I saw enough of to get me interested in the show. The thing is that I can’t pit the Begins episodes against each other. They all show a journey in some way. 
Hopefully this was coherant enough and I’m sorry for my little bisexual rant.
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girlpornparadise · 4 years
Roll call: Men in Uniform
It has recently come to my attention that I have a history of crushing on men in uniform. I mean, really, who doesn't love a man in uniform. So here's a fairly chronological list of my hotties of choice.
1. Lt. James Brody - seaQuest DSV/2032 (played by Edward Kerr)
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Ok, this was like my first ever big crush. I was very young, and everyone assumed I was watching seaQuest for Jonathan Brandis, the more age appropriate 16 year old cutie, and Darwin the talking dolphin (ok, I loved Darwin). But Naw, I was all like, who's that guy who is damn near 30 and thus well over twice my age. He was cocky, sarcastic and had that perfect 90s hair and sharp jaw. He walked around in that blue jumpsuit uniform handling weapons and kicking ass. This it seems, is where this all started. Having looked him up now, he's totally a silver fox. So good on me for kicking off puberty with good tastes.
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Honourable mention goes to Chief Miguel Ortiz (Marco Sanchez), who was also way too old for me and filled out that uniform in excellent fashion.
2. Captain Li Shang - Mulan  (voiced by B.D. Wong)
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This one is less about the uniform and more about the… lack of uniform during the training montage. I was still kinda young when this came out which aligns with the fact he's animated. Still, I knew i wanted him to make a (wo)man out of me even if I didn't fully understand what that entailed. I also just wanted to BE Mulan in general. And this man who can kick ass and command an army (but is also totally soft) was my man of choice.
3. Lt. Tom Paris - Star Trek Voyager (played by Robert Duncan McNeill)
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Here's another pretty boy lieutenant who is a little too charming and funny for my own good. Even the actor admits the character started off as a bit of a cringy misogynist, but when my girl B'Elanna stole his heart he got whipped into shape and those 2 are my otp. Less fighty than the other entries on this list, and more pyjama style uniform clad, I'm still a total softie for this guy.
4. Medic Eugene "Doc" Roe - Band of Brothers (played by Shane Taylor)
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Not as high up in the ranks, but still a take charge kind of guy (he really tells off some officers for not acting like adults at one point). He's just so. He's so. Look, the context of this one is a factual war drama, so it's not about the shoot 'em up fiction I otherwise go for. Eugene as portrayed in the mini series is complex and sensitive and his episode (Bastogne) broke my heart into a million pieces. It sent me into a year long obsession with this series and I still take comfort in it when things are really bad. 
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Honourable mention goes to almost literally every other notable character in the show. I'm not even kidding, ya know when your crushing spreads through a fandom like wildfire? There's a cast of literally hundreds and I fell in love with like half. But Major Richard Winters (Damian Lewis) and Captain Lewis Nixon (Ron Livingston) deserve special mention 'cuz they are yummy and I named my mice after them.
5. Colonel Horacio Carrillo - Narcos (played by Maurice Compte)
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The man of the hour (according to tumblr I've been screaming about this man since March 2019). If you're reading this, you know Horacio. The walking dichotomy of moral righteousness and merciless killer. He's hard for his job and soft for his wife (that's canon people!) in a way that is so easy to spin a fantasy about. I want to be his wife who clearly can't do laundry properly 'cuz her husband's uniform keeps shrinking. I want to cook him dinner, sit on his lap, and brush lightly at his neck. I want the way he handles firearms with intention and skill to be how he handles me in the bedroom. I want… I just want. 
Here are a few honourable mentions to round out the pretty:
Billy Russo - The Punisher (played by Ben Barnes)
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Captain Steve Rogers - Captain America (played by Chris Evans)
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Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce - M*A*S*H (played by Alan Alda)
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I don't think I could handle a military man in real life. Just not my jam. But give me a fictional man in uniform and I'll think of the fastest way to take him out of one.
So, who would you add to the list? Who are your favourites? I wanna know!
Tagging people 'cuz y'all don't play otherwise: @nicke0115​ @1zashreena1​ @heresathreebee​ @allthingsnarcos​ @xxidontwikeitxx​ @lettherebrelight​ @xxsteph-enrixx​ @fleurfatale89​ @kid-from-new-zealand​ @chensingmachinee​ @criminal-cookies​ @allalngthewtchtower​ @ntlmundy​ @paniclana​ @ anyone else who wants to play
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shuuenka · 3 years
I wasn’t going to say anything, but I guess I will. Jumbled “Thruth” thoughts. 
What bothers me about the “Truth” and Lukanette break up isn’t the fact that they broke up. It was coming either way; and not even the way it went down. I’m much more happier with storyline of Marinette can’t keep up with her love life because she’s superhero, than any sorf of jelousy over Adrien they could’ve pulled off. It’s fine break up. What bothers me it’s that ml writers just wanted Lukanette plot to be over with fast as possible. First of all, S3 ends with implication that Marinette might start moving from her crush on Adrien. And that’s fine finale. But Lukanette ship gets “canonized” over tweets in production hiatus. Provocative tweets that are in bad taste imo. I won’t say that they should respect their audience, but how can they, when they don’t even respect their protagonist lmao.
Thomas, we here on our Lukanette Luxury Cruise we know Lukanette aren’t the endgame for the show. We just enjoy the ride and have our margaritas cool. The show is pretty adamant that love square is the endgama, pushing on themes of destiny, soulmates, yin-yang ... we really get it! (i have a beef with soulmate concept but that’s other discussion). We really do know what’s the show OTP.
I hate how they never shown us Luka and Marientte agreeing to start dating and go on few dates. No, we got tweet word of god canon, and montage in the episode. Couldn’t they bother to show us few episodes of them actually being together and getting interrupted with that subplot about Luka’s dad being something else altogether? Nope. All jammed into small 20 minute episode, to get things over with. Kinda disrespectful towards characters but when they were respectful. lol. 
dunno. dissapointed not surprised.  I’ll be back onto my ao3 bullshit, because what else. People wrote already much more poignant things than I did. so. 
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
The Black Suits song ranking
Happy (late) Black Suits Day (eighteenth of September) y'all! Not that anyone asked but I have decided on my personal Black Suits song ranking. As always, I am very correct with my Joe Iconis music takes and will accept no criticism. Also I'm talking about 2013 here. Love yourself (and the work) and listen to 2013 instead of 2012 for better audio quality and a tighter book.
Spirit Song - I don't think anyone is surprised this is my top ranked song lol. "A melody only exists when someone hears, and the number one thing that I've learned through all my years. The fans and the family make the music strong, and the cheering is just as important as the song!" As Will describes it, it's a love letter to audiences (hey, that's me!) and when I listen to this song I'm always reminded of how much Joe believes in the message of this song, that the audience is part of the show.
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang - [Joe Iconis voice] the language of the show. A lot of this list was influenced by not only how much I liked the song but by how well the songs functioned as extensions/expansions of the scene and the believability of that character singing the song. To me Bangx5 is one of the ultimate examples of this. The lyrics "there's a heavy metal hole where a soul used to be" like that's SO teenage angst and overdramatic just like Chris is supposed to be in this moment. I remember when I first heard the song I was like "is that it? Simple repeated [I am ___] lyrics for your act 1 finale? Seems a bit underwhelming even if it musically goes hard" but then after like another listen through of the show or so I realized that was the intention. When you're seventeen or so and you feel like your world is crashing down around you, sometimes the only way you can articulate it is "I am white boy rage, I am in a cage, I am bang bang bang bang bang bang bang." You are bang, you are loud crashing noises, your emotions are too loud and intense to be described with your limited vocabulary but you try anyways and fail. I love the contrast of the lyrics "I am chew my pens" and "I am hurt my friends" right next to each other. And the harmony at the end? Chefs fucking kiss.
Amphibian - This song is so goddamn fun. Like honestly. That’s it. Nato is chilling by himself and makes up a song about himself and his frog and it’s the best goddamn time in the show. You really get the feeling like these characters are actually friends. I love the “idiot” Nato vs “smart” Brandon. The “who cares about Beethoven. It’s a movie about a dog” joke never fails to make me laugh. When Brandon is expecting a regular bridge to the song and Nato whips out the falsetto and he goes “oh my God” like. Peak comedy here. And also Will Roland doing That? I’m in awe. Like this is what The Black Suits (the band) is, friends hanging out and having fun with music, that makes the next scene when the band formally break up so sad.
It's All Good - “So we’re cool and whatever?” It’s such a teenage boy thing to say. Like you want to acknowledge that you guys have been through something but at the same time you want to undercut it so you don’t run the risk of seeming too openly emotional. I’m also only very slightly bitter about that review that was like “oh wait so the only stakes of this show is the battle of the bands?” Like hello? Did you not see the show or listen to a single second of the finale? It’s about the way these characters communicate in their kinda inadequate ways and how they use music to express themselves. In a way it’s classic, cliche musical theater 101, with the characters unable to say what they feel with plain English so they resort to music, but of course with a Joe Iconis twist. The stakes aren’t the fucking battle of the band, it’s the friendship between the boys. It’s literally so obvious I want to scream. Anyways this song is fantastic way to end the show.
Car Ride To Long Beach - That's right. Car Ride To Long Beach is 5th place. I'm only very slightly bitter about the review that was like "is fried chicken REALLY the deciding factor in going on a drug run?" And by slightly bitter I mean this person goes on the list of people I want to beat up for being so fucking wrong about a Joe show. No, you fucking fool, that's not actually the deciding factor. She's at least on the fence, if not already secretly decided yes, about it from the moment he asks. It's about the company, it's about the road trip, it's about breaking the rules after having been "good" for so long. I am so adamant that this song is about desire and thrill and guilt and wanting to be seen for who you are and not just John saying obscene things. Like take the dialogue exchange right before she finally vocally says yes. "What do I look like right now?" "Uh. You look like... Lisa?" "... Alright let's go." Like tell me that does not drive you fucking crazy after Lisa's constant questions about others perception of her and trying to figure out who she is herself. Car Ride To Long Beach is good you guys are just mean.
Social Worker - Another example of an incredibly fitting character song. The refusal and reluctance of a teenage boy to admit that he actually needs or gets mental health help. I love the music-ification of a panic attack as loud drums and electric guitar. "I don't really go to the social worker," he says, as he goes to the social worker. It’s truly hilariously, heartbreakingly fitting for his character.
The Answer - When that Things To Ruin reviewer said Joe is a master of putting commonly shared moments to music no one else has done before, they were right. Who HASN’T taken a test and failed it so utterly they started questioning their entire life and worried for their future before? I love the repeated lyric questions like John is sitting there reading the question over and over trying to figure out what the answer is. I love the synthy keyboard. Fantastic choice @ Charlie Rosen.
Band-Aids and Cigarettes - Oh this song is so good I feel guilty about putting it at 8. It’s like honestly heartbreaking, not being able to give what the other person needs and being aware of it. And the unconventionality of it being sung by the mentor character instead of a love interest or something.
The Feeling (Part 1 and 2) - Yeah I’m combining them into one song and also assuming the entire beach/Chris & Mrs. Werring conversation is part of the song, too, with the interlude of the “I just want something good to happens.” This song is a jam, plain and simple. I love the absolutely terrible advice that Mrs. Werring gives Chris. “You got to push all your worries inside of yourself, and then they’ll mix creating a combustible boom.” Awful! But Annie Golden sings it so well. And it makes Band-Aids and Cigarettes later that much more sad. In part 2, I love how interconnected the two conversations are. “Just breathe them in -> I love the beach.” The synchronous “I don’t even remember why I liked him/her in the first place.” The score here having the Spirit Song melody. Also now feels like a good time to bring up my Lisa Bred is nonbinary headcanon (though it’s practically textual canon) with “I’m not a girl, I’m a song.” Like that right there, she literally states she’s not a girl, and that’s just the most obvious part. Twice before now, she’s asked people about how they perceive her (“what do I look like right now?” “my girlfriend?” / “Lisa”) and her arc in this show up to this point is discovering more about herself and trying new things. She’s aware of societal gender norms (“isn’t that what boyfriend girlfriends are supposed to do?”) and how she doesn’t really fit in with them. She’s experimenting with expressing herself (dyeing her hair blue, photography). Like it’s all right there. I don’t know if Joe was intentionally writing a nonbinary character figuring herself out but that’s what I get when I read the text straight. In Lisa’s mind, John is one of the gateways to trying new things (“you give me this feeling”) and then that blends right into the rest of The Feeling and it’s so fucking GOOD. I love this song.
Blue Hair - The OG Joe Iconis viral song! I love the music song of this song so much, specifically the guitar/piano riff. I love the multiple sources of motivation of doing it, from actually wanting to try something different, to getting a reaction from Chris and John, even if she denies that last part. And then again at the end of the song with her self-awareness. She’s doing something to stand out/express herself! I love it.
Nato's Song - A six minute clusterfuck of a song and it’s beautiful. Sticking to the actual Nato stuff right now, I think it’s a pretty clever way of passing time and seeing how it’s affecting him and everyone else in the show. With the interspersed content of other characters, it really is the musical equivalent of a film montage. I love seeing Chris’ further breakdown in the form of voicemails to his dad. The music of Blue Hair, Old Records, and Rather Be coming back is fucking great. Everyone is just struggling in this song and it’s great.
Rock 'N Roll Band (Reprise) - I love this re-introduction song so much and the differences between it and the original. I love the chaoticness of the solos all going at the same time. I love the cut Geek Rock Garage King still making in into the show as Brandon’s bridge and how out of place it is with the rest of the song musically but yet it’s still in it. I love the a capella break with Mrs. Werring cheering them on.
Old Records - The fact that John plays the guitar as Chris sings it for someone to hear is so good. When he gets affirmation that John likes the song, he continues. And it’s only after being called out about his writing revealing things about him that Chris feels bad about the song again and claims that they were just dummy lyrics. Once John leaves the backing music comes back on like glockenspiel or something and I love the lightness of it combined with the electric guitar that comes in after.
Black Suit On - I know we’re at like 3/4ths through but I honestly love this song. I love all the songs so much. This ranking honestly barely matters because I love all the songs in this show. I love the (unrealistic) idea of finally being able to be your best self, of all your problems going away, if only something symbolic but ultimately inconsequential thing were to happen. It’s about the (shared) vision for a different future than the one you’re currently living! (By the way I am so haunted by Jen Tepper saying this song was actually about LIHN. Like does anyone know what that means? Do I fundamentally misunderstand this song or LIHN? I don’t get the connection.)
Lisa - Once again, the relatability. Who hasn’t felt like they were good enough for another person? I love the specificity of the AOL verse. It’s so late 2000s. And the rest of the lyrics are so angsty and overdramatic as John is. Specifically in the context of the show this song really hurts after Lisa tells him she can’t fix whatever issues are wrong with him.
Rock 'N Roll Band - I love how the entire song is so what teenagers going through school, waiting for life to change, and seeking refuge in the only place where they feel like they are important and can be themselves. I love all their intros. I love Brandon going way too hard on the drums. “I’m gonna scream and shout, knock you out. I’m gonna conquer the world, get the girl. I’m gonna get some respect, finally connect. When I take a stand, with my rock ‘n roll band.” The extreme vividness of the type of stuck they feel here is so good and it’s a good summary of the show.
Pop Tarts - I love that this song is still called Pop Tarts despite all references to it having been removed except for one dialogue. I love the section of Chris’ vision for the band. The pre-reprise of the beginning of It’s All Good with “we’re cool and whatever?” and all of them joining in and getting on the same page. We love some boys just absolutely barely capable of communicating with each other with words.
Song In My Head/Only Person In The World - The absolute irony and poetry of John singing “I’m the only person in the world” and Chris singing about how everyone is gone when this is a duet. It’s literally so fucking good. When they both sing “I’m the only person in the world” at the same time? Are you kidding me? And this song is ranked 18th? Truly every song in this show is top tier.
Rather Be - This song is rather on the nose in its message, everyone would rather be at band rehearsal. It’s a solid song that helps us get into each of their characters more (“rather be where my buddies / now the same bands / and tolerate my drum fills” / “where my brothas like that I’m weird / and ask to see my squid impression” / “because we’ve only got a little while to get fantastic and get some style / if we do it soon then I won’t have to go to college” / “christ I’d rather be anywhere / but sitting trapped here taking this asshole test”). I love it when characters in shows all have different reasons for singing the same lines.
McFly Is Looking For A Drummer - Rip to this song, being ranked last. It’s not that I don’t like it because I actually do. Again, I just love all the songs in this show. He’s trying to communicate in his own way, which happens to be in music references, but that’s not how other people around him understand, and so he sees this opportunity to be with people who are more like him, but then he he gets scared that he wouldn’t fit in the way he hopes he would, which would be even worse than where he’s currently at where he knows that they don’t quite get him but are his friends anyways. I love that one moment where he drops out singing. It’s very reminiscent of in Michael In The Bathroom when you expect him to sing the title words but he doesn’t, so your brain fills it in for you. It functions a bit differently than that moment does in BMC though. I think in this song it’s the comparison of how he’s currently treated with the possibility of what McFly represents, that he could have the exact opposite experience there, that he’s imagining all the possibilities in that moment. Lol, ranked 20 and I still have so many things to say about this song.
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wildbootsappeared · 4 years
29, 40, 50 for the ask meme?
Negrek: pillar of the pokefic community. <3
29. What writing related accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I think the biggest and best one is learning how to get unstuck! I’ve been an Imagination Kid since forever--I grew up literally ten miles from the nearest neighbors and thirty from the nearest town, so I had to figure out some way to entertain myself--but my ideas were always very stop and start when I was younger. The summer after my freshman year of college, I came home and tried to jam my way through an original novel idea ... and got stuck and couldn’t figure out why. Now I kinda know. Nine out of ten times, the problem is that there’s a big unknown that I need to resolve for the story to unfold in a satisfying way, or something that doesn’t line up logically. I’ve learned how to ask myself better questions and how to organize my thoughts so I can plan ahead and untangle the threads.
Of course, there’s still a lot of hemming and hawing and angsting involved. If Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird is anything to go by, that’s just part of the writing process, whether it’s pokemon fanfic (hiiii) or literary fiction.
40. What is the most random fact you’ve ever learned while doing research for a story?
Oh my god, so many. I feel like there’s some weird thing every time. 
Some highlights: when matches were invented (1826), how long it takes a skeleton to decompose (at least 20 years, often longer), whether there’s a patron saint of cats (it’s Gertrude), and the length of the biggest freighter in the world (458m).
50. What’s your favorite thing about your WIP?
Hahahahaha, thing. Singular. 
You know, I never did specify whether this should mean the entire fic or the current chapter, so I guess I’ll just talk about both!
This chapter: This will be the first time we actually get to see Maxie/Montag in person! So far he’s just been a voice on the phone or a memory. I’m nervous but excited to bring him to life; I’ve had ideas about his mannerisms for a long time, so it’s overdue. I’m also enjoying how, despite being separated by many miles and a body of water, he and Archie will be indirectly in conversation with each other, the two sides of one coin on a controversial issue. Mark and Natalie are each going to be convinced by their team leaders’ respective stances, but I hope it’ll be clear that it’s not quite for the same reasons the bosses have.
Continental Divides overall: Ahhhh so many things! I’m really proud of it and I’m having a blast with it. But there are probably two big things.
1. I get to start conversations about policing, protesting, and environmental issues with both friends and strangers! I’m writing this story because those are topics that are always burning me up (heh heh), and I’ve got a lot to say. It’s so awesome when the conversation moves beyond the fiction and becomes a way to process together what’s happening and what we can do.
2. The story has so much delicious momentum. The characters are all very motivated and mostly wrong-headed, so they’re always doing big things, getting in each other’s way, and creating lots of dramatic tension because we know they’re in trouble way before they do. I keep feeling like I’m pulling apart two Hot Wheels to smash them back together again, and it’s such great playtime.
Thanks so much for the questions! :D
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Sure, my favourite style is shounen anime but contrary to what it may look like by my account, I don't have a full out favourite anime. However, I do have favorite episodes, openings and ending so I wanna talk about them really fast! in order of what ones I most remember before rewatching them while writing this.
Stop!! Hibari-kun!!: Probably 6th episode, "Aah! Romeo and Juliet" and this anime only has one Opening and ending so I obviously have to say those
The opening and ending for these get stuck in my head a lot and the line 'Just think of it as God's prank' is fucking iconic. I do the little dance sometimes when I'm alone cos it's just funny to do. The ending has pictures explaining who's in love with who and that's perfect cos sometimes I get lost but both are just amazingly good jams. Oh yeah, and the fact Hibari sings her owns theme songs in the anime sometimes is fucking wonderful!!
I watched this 2 days ago and I'm only on Episode 13 but it was so cute and dramatic that it'll probably stay that way forever. I also find the zombie gag very funny, Suzume was perfect and i also heavily appreciate Tsugumi apologising for hitting Hibari-kun in anger cos it's not something I expect from a 80s anime. Guess it shouldn't really be supirse given the main girl is trans and that's the show lol but still it was nice. It can 100% be watched obits own without much context too. All you need to know is it's a Yakuza family and the boy isn't related to them tbh.
Boku No Hero Academia: Opening 'Polaris', episode 64 "The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A" and ending 'Shout Baby'
Opening 'Polaris' because it's got all the best people in it plus is just a good song.
This episode is just a recap and I get that it's filler and you can skip it but why would you when it's such a grate episode!? It's domestic and a good was to open up the world
Ending 'Shout Baby' because Oboro. I love those photos a lot and I'm obsessed with when animes show photo montages and that also happens in EP 64.
For One Piece my Pre!Openings is 'Brand new world' and my Post! Opening is 'We go!', episode 384, "Brook's Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path of Becoming a True Comrade?" and ending 'Eternal pose'.
Opening Brand new word is just sooooo cute and the water looks amazing. It's also got almost ever character I can name without stopping in. it's just missing Brook cos it's in the Enies Lobby arc and 'We go' because it has the spinny Gol, Shanks Luffy bit but it's also just very enjoyable for me cos it makes me bounce and stim. I like the fast visuals too n how the sunny zooms off on beat. Plus, it has 3 character cards each for each character 🥰
This is characters arcs flow is interpreted by Foxy filler you can skip but shouldn't cos it's fun. Brook is trying his god damm best in this one, okay? It's just very domestic and is a a nice look into what daily life is like for the crew. No government, no other pirates in the way just the freedom that they asked and worked hard for. It also shows Brooks understandable anxiety at being on a new craw for the first time in, what 50 years? To top it all off, it opens with Brook being grateful for his life while playing a higher key binks sake, a lot of Laboon talk then ends with calm violin playing as the world stops around them is so beautiful. Also the opening has the Gol.d Rodger speach! What's also very funny to me is out of 1000 episodes to chose from my 2nd & 3rd favorite? 380 & 381 🥺. 380 is just party time bb!! But 381 had my favourite scene in n that Brook and Zoro at the graves with Zoro smiling and giving a little laugh. It also has the Ace foreshadowing with the card so that always catches me off guard when I'm just here to have a good time. I waited litrally years to see One Piece and I waited so long to see Brook and I think it's the reason all my favourite episodes are 100% Brook center 🖤🤍
Ending 'Eternal pose' cos you get to see them get closer over time and all the outfit changes but I also really like 'Memories' and 'Tsuki to taiyou' cos it's nostalgic . The endings where so cute, I miss them a lot and the fact a lot of them are Robin themed is also aborable.
Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood Opening 'Golden Time Lover', Episode 44 "Revving at Full Throttle" and ending 'Shunkan Sentimental'
Opening 'Golden Time Lover'. It's a good song but visually I like the flowers n the end of it when he doesn't hit them cos it's life 🥺 It's also the opening for the episodes my siblings sat n watched with us they are their dvds after all.
This ones my favourite tho I only remembered half without rewatching it. It's the episode with Al and 'Mr Ho' getting to talk and bond but when I rewatch it I remember that it's also the episode with Edward choking a guy by smashing his arm into a wall and this
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Also ✨Greed's emotions✨
Ending 'Shunkan Sentimental' because who didn't love that one!? It's so good I get confused it's not an opening!! I love when it sneaks in on the episodes words too that so fuckin cool! It's super fact and zoomy in parts too. I love the character cards too and it's got the obligatory characters jumping in the sky bit as well as looping quite nicely
I love them all dearly but I do have a lot of problems with One Piece, BNHA and Stop!! Hibari-kun! so I feel kinda gross putting one of them at the top and I don't feel like I really lost myself in FMA:B the way I wanted too so that's also feels wrong. So, I just stay with this system cos it's easier for me 💚
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 10 Christmas Episodes
Everyone has a favorite Christmas Episode. That time of year from your favorite shows where the characters celebrate the holidays along with you, usually accompanied by big changes in their lives, gaudy decorations, and creative traditions. I’ve included my top 10 here, along with some honorable mentions. I’ve excluded Christmases I liked from book/film/comic book series, thought I think in 2 years time there will be a grand new edition to the list (aka My Hero Academia). Hope you all like them and have a Merry Christmas! 
#10. Futurama “Xmas Story” Airdate: 12/19/1999
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I don’t broadcast it much, but I love classic Futurama. This little gem of a Christmas episode - sorry, X-mas episode - is a common staple of “Best Christmas Episode” lists, and for good reason. It’s one of those “dark” Christmas stories, featuring a murderous Santa Claus robot, Fry dealing with being 1000 years in the future where his old traditions have died, and some good bonding moments among the cast of Planet Express. I particularly like the “gift of the Magi” joke with Amy and Hermes, and the Harold Lloyd reference with Fry on the clock tower.  
#9. X-Men Evolution “On Angel’s Wings” Airdate: 12/15/2001
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X-Men Evolution is a nostalgic favorite of mine - my introduction to the X-men in high school, the first show I ever read fanfiction for, etc. It’s Christmas episode has a very warm feeling to it, a rare dip into sentimentality for the show. It deals with Scott and Rogue going to recruit Angel for the X-Men while the others are home for the holidays, and clashing with Magneto in their attempts to do so. I’m always down for an episode focused on Rogue, and her bond with Scott over being the X-Men without families to go home to is great. The little montage that ends the episode always puts a smile on my face.
#8. The Simpsons “Holidays of Future Passed”  Airdate: 12/11/2011
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I heard this one was thought of as a potential series finale for The Simpsons, as a bit of closure for their premiere (another christmas Episode, “Simpsons Roasting on an Open fire”, which I like but find a little too ‘early Simpsons’ to make the list.). Honestly, I wish it had been. Modern Simpsons is generally such a mess, it would’ve been nice to see it get such a dignified end in Season 23. This one is a great little trip to the future of the family, and it really feels like a nice vision of what could become of them somewhere down the line. I like that this one gives Homer a chance to be a good grandad, and a bonding moment between Lisa and Bart. I hope this is where they really do end up.
#7. Frasier “Frasier Grinch” Airdate: 12/19/1995
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Frasier is the only show that ended up landing 2 Christmas episodes in my Top 10. And I felt I still had to cut a few of them that could’ve made the list easily. This series really had a knack for the Christmas episode. My 2nd favorite, obviously, is this little offering from Season 3, which deals with Frasier trying to get Freddy gifts in time for the holiday when the ones he ordered got misdirected. It ends up touching on an aspect of the holidays I wish would get covered a little more often: when you buy others Christmas gifts, are you getting them what they actually want, or just what you think they should want? Overbearing Frasier has made this blunder, and the episode helps him learn that lesson. Though as usual Niles steals the show. Niles in a toy store trying out a doofy hat is more than worth the #7 spot.
#6. Friends “The One with the Christmas in Tulsa” Airdate: 12/12/2002
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Friends has a lot of Christmastime episodes, but most of them are just kinda coincidentally set around the holidays. Only a few stand out as actual “Christmas Episodes”. While I enjoy “Holiday Armadillo”’s comedy and “Creepy Holiday card”’s sentimentality, my standout favorite is this one, the last Christmas episode they did, perhaps because Chandler and Monica are my favorites on the show and their romance is the OTP. This one deals with Chandler away from home, working on Christmas at a job he hates and being separated from Monica. Through some clips and a bit of soul searching, he decides to finally quit the job he hates and pursue something he wants to do. It’s a great example of how to do a clip show/Christmas episode well, move characters forward, and remind us of why we love these two together.
#5. Buffy “Amends” Airdate: 12/15/1998
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This one would probably be higher if there wasn’t so much Bangel melodrama in the last 10 minutes (sorry fans, I really hate Bangel). But the rest of it is more than good enough to put Buffy’s sole Christmas episode at #5 for me. What I love the most about this one is, well, the ‘amends’ of the title. Xander starts making up for 3 seasons of douchebaggery by being a good friend. Willow makes up with Oz. Buffy makes up with Faith. That latter one puts the biggest smile on my face of the bunch; it’s bittersweet, given what happens, but when Faith shows up on Buffy’s doorstep with presents for her and Joyce, my small Grinch heart grows three sizes each time. Definitely a must-watch.
#4. Parks and Recreation “Christmas Scandal” Airdate: 12/10/2009
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Parks and Rec has 3 Christmas episodes and they’re all pretty good. I debated between this one and “Ron and Diane”, but since that one is more about Ron’s award ceremony, I decided to go with Season 2′s. This one is a very “Parks and Rec” kinda Christmas, dealing with Leslie getting involved in a dumb sex scandal, the Parks department putting on a “Winter wonderland” on Lot 48, some dating drama about Ann and Leslie and their boyfriends (At this point, since Ben and Chris weren’t around yet, Mark and Dave), and a very cute hug between a pre-marriage April and Andy. The biggest win in this one is the sheer Christmas atmosphere. It practically glows off the screen.
#3. How I Met Your Mother “False Positive” Airdate: 12/13/2010
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HIMYM is another one with a lot of candidates, but “False Positive” really stands out to me as something special. It’s essentially an “It’s a wonderful life”-style story (as they’re going to see the movie) where Lily’s false positive pregnancy test inspires the friend group to each choose the more responsible path in life of their two choices, only to chicken out when the false part of the title is revealed. The way the episode ends is absolutely spectacular, a standout moment to me among the series’ many strong character moments, and leads to strong development for all around going forward. Definitely a highlight of HIMYM’s 6th season, and an episode full of  Christmas imagery, soul-searching, and classic plotlines.
#2. Frasier “The Fight Before Christmas” Airdate: 12/16/1999
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My favorite Frasier Christmas episode feels like it combines a little bit of everything that makes the other ones good: a KACL office Christmas party with a whacky theme (we finally see it instead of having it going on in the background!), Frasier being pompous about Christmas celebrations and ending up karmically punished for it, a comedic scenario which crafts a comedy of errors, Martin’s decorating. In many ways though, the highlight of this one is how deftly it handles the romance reveal from the previous episode between Niles and Daphne. in the midst of all the crappy Christmas rom coms, it’s easy to forget how strong a good Christmas set romance can be, and the moment of tension as Daphne tries to reject Niles but just can’t quite do it is a standout for me. Definitely my favorite of Frasier’s 8 xmas episodes.
Hon. Mentions: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, Batman Christmas with the Joker and Holiday Knights, Frasier Perspectives on Christmas, Parks and Rec Ron and Diane, HIMYM How Lily Stole Christmas.
#1. Smallville “Lexmas” Airdate: 12/8/2005
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This one isn’t just a Christmas episode. It’s pretty much the Ultimate Christmas episode. Where to begin? A fancy Christmas party jam-packed with colorful decor. Superman - Clark - delivering presents as Santa for the Daily Planet. Clark talking/saving a depressed mall Santa (or is he real?) from committing suicide with an emotional heart to heart. Sweet family Christmas  celebrations (right before tragedy strike in the next episode). But of course, the real highlight of this one is Lex’s Alternate Reality fantasy. After getting shot, the titular Luthor has a vision of what his life could be like if he did the right thing, essentially an “It’s a Wonderful Life” style alternate reality. However, that reality ends in tragedy, and the tragic twist of the episode is that instead of leading the Grinch’s heart to grow, the Christmas dream only serves to help solidify Luthor’s fall to the dark side. It is certainly juxtaposed with enough holiday magic and hope to offset that depressing ending, but I will admit to liking a bit of subversion in my stories now and then. Everything Christmas episodes could have is jam-packed into this episode. 
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dorkyungsoowrites · 5 years
It's that time.
Time for my thoughts on the new albulm no one cares about. It's mostly for my own posterity. Okay so after first listen:
Obsession: The instant that voice came on I was hype cause I knew the bass would come in ROuGh. Then it started with Baekhyun rapping??? I was fucking jamming already. This is that dirty good good. I actually paused it just before the first chorus and just quietly, "fuck me." They needed those rapping bits to cover up the background "I want you" voice otherwise that would get old quick. I mean it is reminiscent of "Monster" but that's the point. Need to look up lyrics so I know why they're telling me to shut up.
Trouble: Even if it's midi, love it when people mix strings with otherwise electronic music. Sounds more epic. Are they trying to be reggae in the bridge? What? Also damn Jongdae's song tea. And Jongin singing "you're my goddess" I miss Kyungsoo.
Jekyll: This reminds me of a song I can't remem- *chorus comes on* NCT! IT SOUNDS LIKE AN NCT SONG. Like "Black On Black" mixed with "Boss" kind of? Just me I'm not big into talk-singing so I think they could've done better. The bridge is valid though. Jongdae's really carrying the vocals without Kyungsoo even though Baekhyun and Junmyeon are right there?? SM what the fuck is this?
Groove: Baekhyun saying, "I just wanna make you groove babe" gave me +5 charisma. A good soundtrack of my life as I'm walking song. And that flute? BITCH YES GIVE MUSICIANS JOBS fuck if that had come in earlier 5x better.
Ya Ya Ya: Seriously thought I was listening to the opening theme of some early 2000's tv show ala "The Proud Family" or maybe cause I just watched it that one song in "Sister Act" during the outreach montage. Then Jongin came in. Also Baekhyun did not need that severe autotune in the bridge gross. Basically this song confuses me and yet I wanna jam? I feel like I should be in a habit cleaning graffiti and dancing with the youth.
Baby You Are: And we're back to copy paste this album is so inconsistent I don't know how to feel. It's this album's filler. Who is she? I don't know her.
Non Stop: Sounded eerily reminiscent of "California Girls" by Katy Perry. It may grow on me, but initially is eh just for that sound-a-like. Same reason why I can't listen to "Tornado Spiral" cause it's so similar to a "High School Musical 2" song (it's "Fabulous"). Jongdae tries to save it in the bridge. Why isn't the bridge just the whole song? It has the talk-singing thing too. I think this is my least favorite oops.
Day After Day: It's so obvious where Kyungsoo was meant to be written in, but then it's not his voice and I feel oddly disappointed. I still enjoy it, but the potential isn't fulfilled I think. That little hesitation in the beat right at the end is everything.
Butterfly Effect: Why do I feel like I've heard this song a thousand times? Oh right, it's cause it's a copy and paste of every other pop song in this key. There's nothing new here. Unless the lyrics change my mind then eh. Boring. My ears are tired.
I went back to their last album for a few minutes and FUCK ME Kyungsoo's voice not being here really makes a huge difference. My ears missed his lower timbre. I can't explain how relieved and happy I was to hear him and Minseok's voice. They really do balance out everything and I enjoy this album but it's clearly low ranking comparitively just for that reason. Exo isn't right without everyone there. This turned kinda sobby I'm gonna go back to dancing poorly while baking.
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uisceb · 5 years
On the one hand, Alex getting her memories back, THAT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SCENE. All the tears. Even the weird "grass" line worked just because it highlighted how at a loss Alex was. And you KNOW I'm a sucker for a super emo flashbacky montage of the Danvers sisters, and Chyler acting her heart and soul out, that shit is my JAM. It is my JAM, it is my BREAD and BUTTER, it is my FAVORITE THING. Give me all the dramatic Danvers sisters moments, I live and breathe for them.
BUT, on the other hand, I'm...? I was really hoping this whole memory thing would be more pivotal to the overall storyline of S4. Like, regardless of who your favorite characters are, the Danvers sisters have always been THE indisputable core relationship of the entire show (anyone who didn't watch season 1, any disagreements you have aren't valid on this front, sorry, go away). So why go after that core part of the show if the whole journey to reclaiming it and making it stronger again is going to fix itself up in a 2 minute long scene that doesn't really have any lasting overall effect?
And on that note - WE SHOULD HAVE SEEN ALEX STRUGGLE FOR THE PAST SEVERAL EPISODES. All we got was throwaway lines about how she "doesn't quite feel right" but we never ever got to see her truly struggle or experience these inconsistencies in her memory, or how they would affect everything from her personality, to the choices she's made, to the relationships she's had...as an example, when she was talking to Kelly about how her mom always made her feel so loved, that's not true! She and Eliza have an amazing relationship now, and they probably had a great relationship when Alex was little, but as soon as Kara joined them when she was 14, Alex had an INCREDIBLY contentious and damaging relationship with her mother that took years to mend and grow from.
So having said that, when J'onn wiped Alex's memory of Kara-as-an-alien, did that complicated relationship she had with her mom vanish? Because that played a HUGE role in Alex's insecurities and her temper and her obsessions with needing to be perfect no matter what, which led her toward all her self-destructive behavior, most notably her drinking, which led to her fucking up what was going to be a medical career. And that's just one example of something that might have been altered, forget about the rest! There are just so many nuances that could have been explored with this whole idea of omitting Kara's secret from her memory, that would've strengthened and added depth to her character, but instead, the whole thing ended up being pretty pointless in the long run.
Like, yes, okay, her getting her memories back technically saved Kara's life this episode and that's obviously super important, but that was a very brief plot thing that started and ended within 5 minutes. Alex and Kara's bond is not a plot thing, it's the very core of the show, and the recovery of that bond should have been so much more central to this season.
Just the whole storyline of having Alex's knowledge of Kara as Supergirl/an alien wiped was SUCH A GOOD IDEA in theory that could have brought the focus back to them once Alex got her memories back and actually breathe life back into her character...but it kinda fell flat for me in the end. Alex was reduced to a plot device yet again, instead of being given any actual exploration. She's literally the second main character after Kara, but she hasn't been treated like a real character at all since the end of season 2. Every single other character in the show right now, aside from maybe James, has had more development and exploration than she has in the longest time, and this storyline was SO PROMISING, it really looked like it was going to redeem that. But as it happened, the whole thing seemed rushed and pointless and I can't help but think that they're just going to shunt Alex back over into the corner now.
I just...ugh, it was a great scene, but I'm a little disappointed in the fact that it was reduced to a bandaid solution rather than something that would add some real depth to both Alex and Kara.
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Living with the Original Drake™ might include (Part 2)
A/N: Ok, so we're getting pretty hot in here. And I just feel like Samuel would be a kind of hipster/indie person if he had the chance. That's all. Here we go then:
Ok so, how we have established, living with this hooman being is so hard, man. It's the kind of thing you need to get through to be a true adult.
It an energy drowning experience to stand him sometimes, ok?
The worst part of living with him would be him watching movies. 
Especially the historic ones like documentaries and so on. He just gets so pissed every time they have something wrong and then he had always that need to explain to you what actually happened.
You actually have a big collection of videos/snapchat photos when he's just mad and yelling at the TV because of how lies they present there. You're planning to do him an epic collage/montage for his birthday. 
But he quite enjoyed the Pirates of Carribean saga. Seriously - he even managed to catch up some new phrases from them, using them in normal conversation. 
His favorite one is from the captain Jack himself, responding to Beckett about that he's mad: 
Thank goodness for that, 'cause if I wasn't this would probably never work...  And that was without even a single drop of rum.  
Like when he went on to trying new shady things. Like when he smuggled some shady things from one of his jobs and sold them for a serious load of money, when he smoked weed and redistributed it or when he went every Wednesday to play poker for money in a local shady pub.
But he always won money there and brought to you as a payment for food and rent. So you didn't ask much about it and he didn't talk about it too. It was a symbiosis.
Or like the in the times when he got his new PC, oh boy, you didn't see that coming.
When he discovered YouTube and memes, you thought you hit the top - but yet the worst was only comings. Like you had a marathon of cat videos, he needed to explain EVERYTHING and don't remind me of that that he decided to have a Facebook.
"Ok, so that lady wrote from yesterday me very specific and interesting message."
"Samuel, I don't need actually to know everything, thank you."
"She wants some dic pics? It's like that I just take a photo of my..."
"Jesus Fucking Christ. I'm going to my room and I'll not get out until tomorrow's morning. Don't you dare to come to me with any more questions."
So that's how Samuel got some really... Interesting night meeting. Yeah, they were talking about history, his life and...
No, you actually heard about fifteen ladies screaming his name in the middle of the night. Where are the times he played guitar until three a.m.???
So that's basically how your little alcoholic era started. Like you weren't constantly drunk (one of you had to have stable work, right?), but you managed to get at your friend's/co-worker's/everywhere when he told he's got a lady coming over. For some time it was cool, you were somehow pretty sober when you came home, but one day your friend carried you home completely shitfaced. Like you could barely walk and your words sounded more like a lunatics' mumbling.
The lady who visited him that night actually left hours before you came come. 
Well... Came wasn't a word to summarize it at all. Let's say you were really glad you showed your friend the apartment to ring on.
So he took you to bed, paid the cab for you and then dressed you into a nice, clean loose t-shirt which was probably his. He was nice and gentle with you, not even thinking about using the advantage against you. But you got the Devil himself on your shoulder that night.
"Sounds like you're great in bed, Sammy."
"Well, I can't judge that, you know? I can see only my point of view."
"Why don't you fuck me like one of your French girls?" (Yeah, you always used Titanic references when you were shitfaced.)
"Because I'm ruining your life enough for now. We don't don't need ruining that pretty little pussy too, don't we? Now get some rest."
Jesus Fucking Christ, you were mesmerized by his answer, but you were too fucked up to trying to find the meaning of his words.
And it was out. You said out loud that you want to bang him. Like hey, you were a woman of needs and he was a fucking dude in his forties. What's the deal? And you were roommates. (clearly referencing to that "They were roommates" vine).
Who wouldn't think about it? It just felt natural to think of it as a thing to come.
Yet, you were living together for a fucking year and he didn't even touch in some... Not jokingly-flirty way, if we're on the same page and you get me.
But don't worry, you've completely forgotten about that before sleep encounter in the morning.
He even held your hair, when you managed to finally vomit the shit out of your body.
But Samuel, like a little shit he is, really enjoyed his time referring to the event you didn't even know what happened.
Whenever he was feeling like it, he could tease the rationality out of your body. (One day you took some pretty heavy book and slapped him over the back of his head, making him laugh more.)
Like you guys were just people - he walked in a towel in front of you completely normally and frequently putting his chest on a full display, you didn't use to do this so often as he did. It was no big deal. But did he saw something he wasn't supposed to see? Like your little sanctuary as he completely clearly referenced?
Samuel didn't even notice that you could be a woman in any way. Or at least you thought so.
One time he came completely naked to the living room. Like NUDE. He was a total nude dude. You saw everything he got; she bullet scars on his left hip, that really nicely built body and that weenie between his legs. Well you could say that he's DEFINITELY attractive. But you were still only roommates.
By that time you just were convinced he's clearly sure you got somehow sure that you have a weenie between your legs too because you were his buddy for everything.
Getting drunk? Check. Time to time getting totally stoned or smoking with him one or two cigarettes? Check. Watching movies with him? Check. Having time to time movie marathons? Check. Laughing your ass off because of his cheesy jokes? Check. 
The worst phases he ever had was his music ones.
Like when he discovered indie rock. Man, you were listening to Arctic Monkeys for a month straight. There's nothing bad with them, they kinda get you into that badass rock mood with their songs and so on... But their effect on Samuel was huge.
Or The Neighbourhood, oh shit don't remind me of that.
They practically became the soundtrack of your life. 
He even brought a new leather jacket to show himself. He felt like kinda badass and dangerous, like those boys who you kinda fell for, because they're sexy, edgy and mysterious and stuff, but man... It just felt so strange for Sam.
Then he kinda went through a Lana del Rey phase. Smarty and You can be the boss were your daily jams. That man just fell so hard for the independent genre. It just felt like awakening to him. He was a free-spirited, independent man, so unpredictable and stuff, so it just felt natural when he listened to this... Yet it felt strange in a way.
Samuel even tried to send you subtle messages in a form of she sang in You can be the boss, but you just didn't catch it. 
And man, don't you get me started on how he discovered little concerts of those street artists.
"Well, I was in the city today, Y/N."
"Sounds like it was an adventure, Sam. What have you discovered?"
"I got some free tickets from some really nice young lady to some... Student action in a pub at the downtown. I still don't look like I belong to the rusty iron."
"Oh, you can invite some of your friends on foreplay heat up concerts." (That sly perfectly knew you are directly referencing to his Facebook friends.)
"If you want to call it foreplay heat up..."
And that little shit just left one of the tickets next to your notebook. He had a clear smirk on his face, slowly walking to his room with a cigarette in his hand.
"Then I'll expect some pretty hot night."
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1nkweaver · 6 years
Playlist Breakdown: Pick
Obviously gotta keep backstory stuff vague but I’ve rearranged the playlist into chronological themes and it’s time to BREAK IT DOWN
The Unkillable Pickle 
 Obviously the name of the playlist, it’s his full title, you will address him as such.
(here is the playlist to listen along) 
And now for the breakdown:
Short Change Hero- The Heavy
I always try to kick off my playlists with “who IS this person if you broke them down into one song” but that is not what this song is. This is a song to prepare the listener for Pick’s story, and the slow intro of it really brings that in. In chronology this is actually Pick just before meeting the party, recounting the events that got him to this place (we’ll get back to that later) the crunch of shoefalls and distant thunder are also big thematic queues into the rest of the playlist.
First and foremost, from Pick’s perspective, this is not the story of a hero, and he wants you to know that up front.
The Sound of Silence- Disturbed
What a great cover. Pick doesn’t remember his childhood super well, so his first memories are of the silence, and the darkness, and the things he saw in that time. He found faith and lost it all at once, and it seemed like an eternity in that place, just struggling to pick out anything of worth in there. This song kicks off 
ACT 1 of Pick’s story, which I can’t say the title of because it’s spoilery.
A Skeleton of Something More- Sleeping At Last
People praying for a better day to come, waiting for that night, that night when everything is going to change. Get out of this place, go on to something else. The shred of hope that is wilting, a skeleton of something more.
Whatever It Takes- Imagine Dragons
Pick is not one to give up that easily, he will always say his stubborn tenacity is his best quality and it hasn’t let him down yet. Beat him, break him, want him to die so, so badly. But he’s not going to stop, he’s gunna end this, and he’ll outlast and do whatever he needs to to accomplish that.
Best of You- Foo Fighters
Pick’s refusal to give in was cute at first but now it’s getting annoying. They double down on him and he doubles down right back, we’re fighting now, and Pick will be fighting for a long, long time after this. Thank goodness he’s good at it.
Pressure- Muse
Pick learns that bloody, beaten, surrounded in the corner is where he is at his strongest. He lives under pressure, and it almost makes him laugh. If things were going too easy it wouldn’t be fun, so bring it on.
The Pretender- Foo Fighters
Pick is looking up from the pits at him, and there’s practically electricity burning between those stares. Pick has finalized his plans of revenge against him.
Believer- Imagine Dragons
Enter fucking Anders. The man that’s going to change everything for the better. That night that they’ve been waiting for has a date now, and it’s fast approaching. Pick was stewing in his anger and knew nothing else but the fight, but now, Anders has made him a believer. 
Uprising- Muse
That night has come, and it’s time to put all the chips down on a plan. It works, mostly. This marks the end of ACT 1, with a thrilling tale that can only really be translated as “fuck you!”
Starlight- Muse
Muse takes us out of ACT 1 and continues with us right on into ACT 2, and this one I can definitely share the name of: Act 2: Anders. This series of songs talks about their relationship. But first we have to put a lot of distance between us and Act 1 to start this story off proper, and that’s just what this song does, it takes us far far away by the light of the stars.
 We tie in some of the previous songs talking about lights in the darkness, and waiting for “that night”. We have finally gone out of the darkness and into the light of day.
My Best Friend- Weezer
Honestly, pretty self explanatory, Anders is everything.
Make a Little Money- Royal Deluxe
Now that we’re out and traveling around, we gotta work! Ander’s shows Pick the ropes of life and they do pretty good as a team, enjoying coin and each others company and going where the wind (and work) takes them.
I’ll Keep You Safe- Sagun
This song in its chill repetitiveness acts as a sort of time skip transitional phase in Act 2, where the development of Anders and Picks relationship kind of stabilizes and goes on for a while without much change. However, the end of the transition makes a play on that title “I’ll keep you safe” it went from a promise made in the beginning to a promise upheld in the end, but now things are different.
Very different.
Alive- Pearl Jam
Pick really shouldn’t be, and yet I guess he is, so now his title is actually really really true, this little goblin is damn near unkillable. The gift of life is a damn hard gift to give sometimes.
But where the fuck is Anders.
Lonely- Idealism
This instrumental is the only one present in Pick’s playlist, to really sink in that truly for the first time in his life EVER, he is alone, and sometimes you just have to sit and deal with that for a while.
Wish You Were Here- Lee Fields & The Expressions
Not that hard to admit really, Pick wants to know where the hell Anders is, and what the hell this letter he left means, he’s very confused and just wants his friend back.
Zombie- The Cranberries
Partially foreshadowing, but mostly just bad memories creeping back in. Without Anders bad dreams are coming back and Pick is not doing well, and he really just wants the pain to go away.
Blood In The Cut- K.Flay
Yeah, Pick is really really not okay, and he’s coping with it in some unhealthy ways that will lead to his particular quirks he has developed later on in life. It’s been so long and he’s fought so much that he doesn’t really know what pain feels like anymore, at least not physical. He tries to get the pain out, so that he can just feel that instead of the emotional pain inside. But when the blood runs, he learns something new about himself.
Stronger- Kanye West
Well holy fucking shit guess we’re a fucking bloodhunter huh- Anders letter makes a bit more sense now, but most importantly Pick has found a way to weaponize his pain, and he’s got a hell of a lot of it to use. He’s ready to take things on.
Radioactive- Imagine Dragons
Pick is starting to experiment with his powers, he’s learning with what Anders left him to pick up the pieces and become the adventurer he’s going to need to be, basically this is his training montage.
Blood On My Name- The Brothers Bright
Training is complete and we’ve basically made our way to level 3 babey!!! Pick has learned as much as he can and now he’s got his two goals in mind- find him, and find HIM. But first he needs to find Baldur’s Gate and make some friends.
End of Act 2
Walk- Foo Fighters
We’ve come full circle to the very first song in short change hero. The footsteps in that song becomes Walk here by the Foo Fighters, where Pick has put all of his past experiences behind him and is ready to start over here at the start of the third and final act so far.
Act 3 Ironically or not is also called Walk
Starting over is hard but Pick has had the time to figure out his feelings and find himself a little, and we end right as he crests the hill that gives him the first view of Baldur’s Gate. He fastens his gloves and gets moving again.
If You Only Knew- Shinedown  & The Crow & The Butterfly- Shinedown
Shinedown comes in with a pair of songs as Pick makes his way to the city to remind him of the person that got him where he needs to go. He thinks about Anders, off in some faraway place, and hopes that he’s proud of Pick for what he’s been able to accomplish on his own. But he also knows that he’s gotten as far as he can on his own and needs some help.
Thunderstruck- AC/DC
Pick explodes onto the scene into a group of people that he has no idea WHAT to think about, but you know what? They’re kinda weird and definitely ready to make waves like him, so he’s happy, and he thinks he’s found the group that he needs. 
Theres some tension with a few people, and that electricity is back, but Pick’s ready this time.
Also, bringing back the thunderstorms all the way from short change hero again! Boom!! How’s that for some musical foreshadowing bitches? 
It only helps that Pick’s blood rites are electricity, doesn’t it?
Bonus tracks
Pick’s story has pretty much ended here with Thunderstruck, as he now has to learn more about this party and figure out what he wants to do, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some bonus songs for you all!
State of Mine- Stoj Snak
A hope for the future, that these people pick has found can be not only what he thinks he needs to accomplish his goal, but what he really needs and doesn’t even know he needs yet- a real family.
Power- Kanye West
Pick is starting to see the bigger world for what it was, and the one man on Pick’s list is starting to become multiple. Theres something definitely wrong with the world and Pick’s particular viewpoint lets him see it, and he doesn’t like it.
Maker of My Sorrow- Eliza Rickman
Pick’s main goal is to the party for now, and then for Anders, that’s what he feel the overall importance is, but he hasn’t forgotten the promise he made all the way back in The Pretender: someone is going to get super murdered and Pick ain’t dying until that happens.
So that’s the breakdown of The Unkillable Pickle! I hope you like the music and I’ll try to update this post as the story advances :VVV thanks for listening
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jackorino · 6 years
God’s Own Country made me so emo
Like in the best way tho I’ve never been so happy to cry
I can’t say enough good things about this movie, I’m an absolute sucker for character movies where you see the story through character acting and not just dialogue, The Days at the end with the montage of farmers was the perfect background for credits and leaves you with the most perfect feeling in your heart,
Emotionally repressed English farmer learning to express emotions = A+
Soft yet takes-no-shit Romanian farmer who teaches him to express emotions = A+++
A queer story where the angst isn’t about homophobia but about xenophobia, self-repression, finding connection, finding peace with your life, that has a HAPPY ENDING
Editing, lighting, symbolism, less-is-more filmmaking, this is my kinda JAM
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